In a seven-day break, you need to protect yourself or not. Can you get pregnant while taking birth control pills? Can I delay my period if I haven't taken birth control pills before?

Hormonal contraceptives are a unique discovery of the twentieth century, which made a breakthrough in modern methods protection.

The question of whether it is possible for a girl or woman to become pregnant while taking birth control pills today is purely rhetorical.

The principle of action of contraceptives is quite simple. A certain combination of hormones blocks the ovulation process. As a result, the maturation of the egg and its release from the ovary becomes impossible.

Accordingly, male gametes are inactive, since they simply have nothing to fertilize.

Under the influence of progestogenic components, the viscosity of cervical mucus increases, which significantly reduces the activity of spermatozoa.

At the same time, there is a decrease in the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes and uterus, while the endometrial layer becomes thinner.

Even if the most nimble spermatozoon manages to contrive and fertilize the egg (which is extremely doubtful), it still will not be able to gain a foothold on the walls of the uterus. Therefore, the chances of getting pregnant are zero.

To a counter question, is it possible to get pregnant by taking birth control pills, any experienced doctor will answer - it's impossible.

Safe contraception

It is worth paying attention to the efficiency oral contraceptives(OK) directly depends on the correct and systematic use of the drug, selected by a specialist.

What are oral contraceptives

Today, pharmaceutical manufacturers offer a wide range of contraceptives with different properties.
Some oral contraceptives are successfully used to treat gynecological diseases. This is due to the auxiliary effects that the medicinal properties of the tablets have.

Regarding the type of hormones in the composition of the funds, there are two main contraceptive groups:

  • combined oral contraceptives (COCs) - consist of two types: progestins (progesterone) and estrogens;
  • progestin (gestagenic, gestagenic, mini-pill) preparations - consist of progestogen hormones.

The belonging of one or another type is necessarily indicated in the instructions for use attached to the tablets.

COCs (combined drugs) are recognized as the most popular. However, each type has certain indications and contraindications. Therefore, the same girl can use both types, but in different situations or periods.

COCs have differences:

  • single-phase - the amount of hormones is equal;
  • biphasic - have two subtypes, each with a different combination of hormones;
  • three-phase - have three subtypes, with a different combination of hormones.

Any combined oral contraceptive without fail contains one hormone from the type of gestagens and one from the type of estrogen.

The exception is contraceptive "mini-pill", consisting of only one type of progestin.

How to choose and apply them correctly?

Many women approach the choice of oral contraceptives not only incorrectly, but also completely irresponsibly.

In most cases, women are based on the experience of their girlfriends, acquaintances or available information from the Internet.

It is important to understand clearly! A tool that is ideal for one woman may be completely excluded for another. Therefore, the choice of a contraceptive drug must certainly be agreed with a gynecologist.

By themselves, estrogen-containing contraceptives, correctly selected by a gynecologist for a particular woman, are one of the most effective ways to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

To correctly select the appropriate pills, the doctor may prescribe a number of the following tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • smear from the vagina;
  • complete gynecological examination;
  • examination of the mammary glands for the presence of pathology;
  • do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • examination of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys for signs of possible diseases;
  • The main analysis is a hormone test.

After reviewing the results, the doctor will confidently be able to choose the drug that suits the state of health, as well as the individual characteristics of your body.

This procedure for selecting a contraceptive is recommended so that there are no unforeseen serious consequences from taking a contraceptive.
Particular attention is paid to the choice of tablets for pregnant women due to the possible negative effects of some tablets on the fetus.
To exclude the influence of hormones on the child, the doctor will select the most gentle option for protection.

Similarly, they approach the choice of a contraceptive for women during menopause. With the right choice of contraceptive, it will be possible not only to avoid pregnancy, but also to remove or weaken the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Contraceptive preparations have a tablet form of release in packs of 21 or 28 pieces. Regarding the number of tablets, a regimen is planned.

If there are 21 tablets in the package, then the remedy is taken exactly 21 days. This should be followed by an interval of seven days, which usually coincides with menstruation. On day 8, start taking the next pack of the product used.

Purely progestin oral contraceptives (mini-pill) can become an exit for women who smoke 35+

If there are 28 tablets in the package, then the drug is taken without interruption, drink 1 pc daily.
To achieve maximum effectiveness of the contraceptive, it is recommended to take the pills at the same time of day.

If you use contraception in the first month, it is best to start taking birth control pills at the very beginning of the MC. That is, the first pill to drink on the first day of your cycle.

The effectiveness of this method of application is due to the fact that in this case additional protection with other contraceptives (condoms, etc.) is not required.

If you start taking a contraceptive a week after the onset of menstruation, this may lead to a loss of effectiveness of the remedy.

Moreover, for about a month, the risk of becoming pregnant will remain after birth control pills taken without observing this rule. There are many cases of pregnant women for this reason.

Accordingly, quite often one can hear discontent about the insufficient effect of contraceptives.

For example, a woman drank Regulon birth control pills and is outraged by the fact that the conception took place.

However, when clarifying the circumstances, it turned out that taking these oral contraceptives is not the cause of pregnancy.

These tablets should be taken every day at the same time.

The factor of unplanned fertilization was an elementary non-compliance with the instructions for use.

Table of the best drugs

Name of the drugPeculiarities
NovinetBefore starting and every 6 months of using Novinet, a general medical and gynecological examination is recommended, a low pregnancy rate
BelaraUse during pregnancy and during breastfeeding contraindicated
RegulonIt has a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism, normalizes the menstrual cycle, has a beneficial effect on the skin (especially in the presence of acne vulgaris).
YarinaMC is regulated, painful bleeding is less common, their intensity and duration decrease, the risk of iron deficiency anemia, endometrial and ovarian cancer decreases.
Jess®Indications: contraception, treatment of moderate acne (acne vulgaris), treatment of severe acne premenstrual syndrome(PMS)

Can you get pregnant while taking birth control pills?

As practice shows and medical statistics confirms, oral contraceptives are more effective method prevention of unwanted pregnancy, guaranteeing a 100% result.

Therefore, the question of what chance women have of getting pregnant while taking contraceptive contraceptives may seem somewhat provocative.

And yet, according to experts, recorded from 0.3 to 0.8% of cases unplanned pregnancy. Therefore, it is worth talking about the reasons for the onset of conception in more detail.

A reliable alternative to contraceptives containing estrogen

Reasons for the chance of fertilization with birth control

Some factors really contribute to the decrease in the effectiveness of drugs. If you take the necessary measures, then you are guaranteed to be able to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Reasons for the increased risk:

  • before starting the first course to prevent conception - be sure to start taking birth control pills in combination with additional protection;
  • if for the first 7-14 days you take only contraceptives, having unprotected sex without a condom, then there is a real risk of becoming pregnant (the condition is relevant only for the first cycle);
  • at the next admission, they missed the birth control pill - if a woman missed one pill for an interval of more than 12 hours, then the protection effect is reduced, and the risk of conception is doubled;
  • illiterate selection of a contraceptive - for example, if a girl drinks hormonal pills with a minimum set of hormones intended for use during lactation, the likelihood of becoming pregnant while taking contraceptives is very high;
  • indigestion - if, after drinking the drug, you experience vomiting or diarrhea within 3 hours, then the effect of birth control pills is reduced;
  • combination of oral contraceptives with certain other drugs or agents traditional medicine reduces the effect of contraception;
  • for drinking alcohol in combination with birth control pills, it is important to remember that alcohol neutralizes the action of hormones, but increases the chances of unwanted conception.

Many are interested in whether it is possible for a woman to become pregnant with a pass or between taking birth control pills.
If two (or more) tablets are missed, then it is necessary to double the dose (2 tablets per day) to get into the usual schedule. In this case, it is recommended to use additional protection during the week.
If during this break menstruation comes, then you need to take a seven-day break and start the next package.

The situation is similar if there is a gap of 36 hours or more between taking pills.

No Side Effects

Not taken at the same time

To increase the effectiveness of contraceptive drugs, doctors recommend developing an appropriate habit of taking pills in the body.

When using COCs (combined drugs), small deviations in time are not critical, but undesirable.

If you are taking progesterone-only medications, it is recommended that you drink them at the same time every day. The effect of the drug stops after 26 hours.

Choose the most suitable time for yourself, for example, take at night. You can use an alarm clock to make sure you don't forget.

There was vomiting, diarrhea and you didn't take another pill

  • if you vomit within three hours after the last intake of a contraceptive, then you should take the pill under the same number from another package as soon as possible or the next one when taking a single-phase agent;
  • if vomiting occurred later than 3-4 hours, then there is no need to re-take, since the active substances have already provided protection against conception;

Similar actions should be taken for diarrhea. But if diarrhea does not stop for a long time, then it is recommended to stop taking the drug for 7 days.

Combined with other drugs

When combining oral contraceptives with other drugs, the effectiveness of protection is significantly reduced.
This is especially true for simultaneous use with barbiturates, antibiotics, antifungal or anticonvulsants.

There is nothing difficult in their reception.

If it is necessary to combine contraceptives and used drugs, it is recommended to use means additional protection(for example, a condom).

It does not matter which drug you use Belara, Yarina or Novinet, but you will need the approval and recommendations of a gynecologist.

How to stop taking hormone pills

Refusal of the drug can be due to various reasons:

  • when planning a child;
  • when changing contraceptives;
  • when feeling worse:
  • before the operation.

If surgery is planned, then a monthly break will be required to prevent thrombosis.
In order to avoid pain or side effects after stopping the contraceptive, the following recommendations must be strictly observed:

  • refusal of OK is unacceptable without consulting a doctor;
  • you need to finish your entire cycle of the drug, you can not quit without completing the course of administration;
  • abrupt refusal is not allowed, a smooth termination is recommended according to the scheme established by the gynecologist.

Pregnancy planning

If the partners are thinking about replenishing the family, then this moment is not only the most important decision in their life, but also requiring a competent approach and great responsibility.

Many people think that it is enough to do a simple action - to refuse contraceptive contraceptives. After all, if you do not protect yourself, then a woman will be able to immediately become pregnant.

Require a systematic approach

It is possible that it will. But if you want fertilization to occur for sure, then you need to consider some important factors:

  • woman's age;
  • the duration of taking the drugs;
  • health status;
  • the presence of pathologies or chronic diseases.

When planning a child, it is recommended that you definitely come for a consultation with your attending gynecologist and fully rely on his professionalism.
The doctor will prescribe an examination, most likely not only for the woman, but also for her partner.

In some cases, pregnancy can only occur with the help of aids. Artificial stimulation of the ovulation process is often used.

Remember, the phrase “it’s impossible not to get pregnant without protection” is irrelevant for many.

Conception after the completion of the drug

What is the probability of getting pregnant quickly after taking birth control pills directly depends on the duration of the use of these drugs.

If we drink hormonal drugs for a long time, then gradually our body weans itself from independent activity. That is, it stops producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

There is a simple formula that doctors usually use - the fertilization rate is 3 restoring months for 1 year of contraceptive use.

In the case when you are protected for less than 6 months, it is possible that sometimes there will be a backlash. The female cell may behave as if it were starved. In medicine, this phenomenon is interpreted as "conception on cancellation" or "rebound effect".

This means that there is a high probability of getting pregnant at the first act, even the next day after stopping the contraceptives.

We need a responsible approach to accepting OK

There is even a practice in which infertility is treated by creating an artificial rebound effect.

There are cases when, even after five years of using drugs, women were able to become pregnant after the first unprotected act in just two weeks.

A lot also depends on age. Medical practice shows that after 22-23 a girl can get pregnant faster without protection.

With prolonged use of contraceptives at this age, it may take no more than a year to restore the ovulatory cycle.

But for women over 30, it takes twice as long to get pregnant without fuses.
Such uncertainty in time parameters is due to the fact that contraceptives can cause problems with the intestines or exacerbate gynecological pathologies.

What is the chance of getting pregnant without contraceptives?

It is an undeniable fact that the largest percentage of unwanted pregnancies occur due to unprotected intercourse.
At the same time, the following trend is noted. If partners constantly use unprotected sexual contact, then fertilization occurs:

  • 40% - within three months after the start of sexual intimacy;
  • 65% - a maximum of six months;
  • 90% - after 1.5-2 years.

The length of the time period depends on many factors.

MC has failed

Many believe that practicing intercourse on the days of ovulation with a condom is enough to prevent conception.

However, statistics show that under certain circumstances, you can get pregnant on any day, even during menstruation.

What to do in case of unwanted fertilization

Everyone knows what toxicosis is and how hard most women tolerate it. Many are afraid that poor health can affect professional activity and disrupt all plans.

What to do if pregnancy occurs under such circumstances, and even during the period of taking birth control pills.

The very fact of using OK should not be decisive in the matter of leaving a child or having an abortion. Any gynecologist will confirm that contraceptives are not an obstacle or contraindication for pregnancy.

The consequences of OK for the body of mother and child

Unexpected pregnancy while using oral contraceptives causes women a lot of reasons for concern.
A woman is overcome by a constant feeling of anxiety:

  • how the drugs used will affect the course of pregnancy;
  • what impact contraceptives can have on the development of a child, suddenly the baby is born with pathology, physical or mental disabilities.

Exciting moment

The composition of the preparations is selected in such a way that the hormones contained in it are not capable of harming the health of the mother and child. Pregnancy in these circumstances is observed in the same way as usual.

  1. Limit the number of cigarettes or completely eliminate the habit of smoking.
  2. Strictly follow the instructions for use of the drug.
  3. If you have complaints about taking OK, you should consult a doctor.
  4. In case of sudden, localized, severe cephalalgia, migraine attacks, chest pain, acute impairment of visual function, an increase in blood pressure to critical values, the use of the drug should be stopped immediately.
  5. The adaptation period is 3 cycles, if menstruation is irregular, a state of discomfort is felt, then it is necessary to contact a gynecologist to change the drug with a higher level of estrogen.
  6. In the first cycles of taking OK, scanty intermenstrual spotting is allowed, you can drink 1 table. (additional) from the next package, when taking COCs - drink 1 tablet, indicated on the same day.
  7. If bleeding continues for more than late dates(after 3 cycles), then visit a gynecologist, it is necessary to establish the cause of the occurrence.
  8. With pain (or tension) in the mammary glands, it is recommended to combine OK with vitamin E.
  9. In case of galactorrhea (discharge from the mammary glands), get a referral for an examination or change the method of contraception.
  10. In the absence of menstruation, continue taking OCs as usual and visit a doctor for conception or “post-pill amenorrhea”.

The norm of the size of the uterus according to ultrasound

  • Attention!

    The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The editors of the site do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your doctor! Remember that only a complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help to completely get rid of the disease!

    Resorting to contraceptive method, a woman wants to be sure of the effectiveness of this remedy. Statistics show that pregnancy against the background of use contraceptives possible. Familiarization with the reasons will help protect against unforeseen situations.

      How do birth control pills work?

      Oral contraceptives(OK) are drugs that have a contraceptive effect. Their action is based on the content of hormones that block ovulation. The effect persists for the period of taking the tablets. in the current cycle.

      OK are taken daily, at the same time, starting from the first day of the cycle. Attached to the tablets detailed instructions by application. Each pill is numbered. The number must match afternoon cycle, which is being received.

      Contraceptive pills are taken for 21 days. Then a 7-day break is made. During this interval comes menstrual bleeding. The opening of the next package is carried out exactly 7 days after the end of the previous one.

      A certain concentration of hormones provides oppression of reproductive function. The follicles do not grow to the required size. The meeting of the sperm with the egg becomes impossible. Even if ovulation occurs, the growth of the corpus luteum will be blocked. Implantation will not take place due to insufficient thickness of the endometrium.

      There are many drugs that have a contraceptive effect. They are selected individually, starting from the level of hormones of a woman. In adulthood, drugs with a high content of hormones are prescribed. For young nulliparous girls provided low-dose OK.

      The duration of taking pills depends on the purpose of their use. For contraceptive purposes, you can drink pills for an unlimited amount of time.

      Oral contraceptives are also prescribed for infertility. In this case, treatment is carried out from 3 to 6 months. Conception occurs against the background drug withdrawal.

      In some cases, birth control is used to normalize the cycle and treat certain diseases. With the help of contraceptive pills, you can achieve the following actions:

      • improvement of the skin condition;
      • cycle regulation;
      • contraceptive effect;
      • rebound - effect(conception after drug withdrawal);
      • treatment of ovarian cysts;
      • for recovery in the postoperative period.

      PECULIARITIES! Hormone therapy stimulates appetite. While taking the pills, it is recommended to control your diet. In this case, the set excess weight not terrible.

      Can you get pregnant while taking birth control pills?

      There is a small chance of conception during the use of contraceptives, subject to compliance with the rules of admission. It is 1-2%. Some factors increase the risk of pregnancy. These include:

      • the use of antibiotics;
      • skipping pills;
      • treatment with drugs containing St. John's wort;
      • vomit;
      • violation of the reception scheme;
      • diarrhea;
      • expired shelf life of tablets.

      If there are factors that reduce the effectiveness of the drug, the current cycle uses additional methods of contraception. The scheme for further taking the tablets is described in the instructions.

      How to avoid a decrease in the contraceptive effect?

      To avoid a decrease in the contraceptive effect, it is necessary to observe intervals between taking pills. Their increase leads to the release of hormones responsible for the maturation of the egg. It is recommended to set an alarm for the time when you need to take the pills. Keeping a menstrual calendar can help you keep track of your regularity. menstrual cycle.

      It is important to monitor the state of your body. Poor quality food, excess alcohol and viral infections can provoke vomiting. She leads to premature release of hormones from the body. Prevention of such situations will ensure a stable contraceptive effect.

      ON A NOTE! If you experience side effects from OK, you should contact your gynecologist to replace the drug.

      Signs of pregnancy while taking birth control

      Signs of pregnancy while taking OK are easy to confuse with side effects tablets. Taking contraceptives has the following features:

      • breast augmentation;
      • decreased libido;
      • nausea;
      • jumps in blood pressure;
      • swelling;
      • increase or decrease in appetite;
      • irritability.

      The main signs indicating the development of pregnancy are considered a delay and a positive pregnancy test. While taking contraceptives, a woman does not have any discomfort in the small pelvis. And in the process of implantation of the embryo, characteristic pains may appear.

      How is the pregnancy that occurred while taking OK?

      Experts say that a pregnancy that occurs while taking birth control is exactly the same as any other.

      Hormone concentration in the preparation is too small to have a negative impact on the development of the child. Despite this, when pregnancy is detected, the use of OK is stopped.

      In some cases, spontaneous pregnancy can be problematic due to insufficiently high endometrial thickness. The solution to the problem lies in the appointment of progesterone support. It will help you avoid miscarriage.

      Oral contraceptives are the strongest medicines. Their selection and use should be treated with extreme caution. Before starting hormonal therapy, tests are required to determine hormonal status.

    Contraceptives have greatly facilitated the life of a woman, because today she no longer has to give birth to as many children as is given by nature. Now every family has the opportunity to plan a pregnancy and have as many children as they can provide. However, incidents are also found with contraceptives, for example, pregnancy while taking birth control pills is quite possible.

    Types of contraceptives

    Non-hormonal pills

    In order to understand how pregnancy occurs when taking birth control pills, consider the mechanism of action. Contraceptives are divided into several types: hormonal and non-hormonal. Non-hormonal agents (spermicides) are applied topically, the contraceptive effect when they are used is achieved due to active chemical substances detrimental to spermatozoa. In addition, spermicides contain an active substance that forms on the vaginal mucosa protective film, while the mucus in the cervical canal becomes thicker and prevents the penetration of sperm into the uterus. The effectiveness of such drugs is low (about 70%)

    Hormonal pills

    The modern pharmaceutical industry produces two types of contraceptives. hormonal contraceptives: mini-pills and combined oral contraceptives. They differ in their composition and mechanism of action: mini-pills contain a progestogen, and a combined preparation contains estrogens and progestogens.

    Combination oral tablets suppress ovulation by affecting ovarian function. In addition, they cause regression of the uterine mucosa, thereby making the implantation of the egg impossible.

    Mini-pills act directly on the cervical mucus, they cause it to thicken and prevent the implantation of the egg, changing the properties of the endometrium.

    Pregnancy test

    Why can an unwanted pregnancy occur?

    If a woman has violated the rules for taking birth control pills at least once, then there is a risk of an unwanted pregnancy. If she misses one pill, she should take it immediately after she remembers it. It is believed that within seven days after this, the onset of pregnancy is quite possible, and therefore for a whole week after this, a woman should use barrier methods of contraception. The same rule should be considered when skipping a mini-pill tablet.

    Contraceptives and infertility

    Many women believe that the constant use of oral contraceptives can lead to infertility. These arguments have no basis, since studies show that the possibility of pregnancy after taking contraceptives is close to 100%. If pregnancy does not occur immediately after discontinuation of the drug, do not despair, this can happen in a month or six months. One of the methods of infertility treatment involves taking hormonal pills in short courses and then canceling them. As soon as the contraceptives are stopped, the ovaries begin to produce twice as many hormones, this is the reason for the onset of pregnancy, and in most cases it is multiple.

    The myth about the onset of infertility after taking hormonal contraceptives still cannot be called groundless. Indeed, very often oral contraceptive pills are prescribed after a miscarriage or abortion, and at the end of the course, a woman cannot become pregnant in any way. You should not blame contraceptives for this, because, most likely, in this case, the cause of infertility was a traumatic effect on the uterine mucosa.

    What to do if there is a suspicion of pregnancy?

    As soon as a woman suspects pregnancy, she should immediately stop taking hormonal drugs. There are quite authoritative statements by experts that taking contraceptives in the first three weeks of pregnancy does not have a negative effect on the fetus.

    Hormonal contraceptives

    Mechanism of action of contraceptives

    Many women think that hormonal contraceptives are often prescribed to prevent unwanted conception. However, few people know that the same drugs are used to speed up the onset of pregnancy.

    The reason here is that active substance in oral contraceptives, should inhibit ovarian function. For a while, they stop ovulating, that is, they are in a dormant state. But after waking up, the ovaries begin to work with a vengeance.

    Most likely to become pregnant during the first three months after discontinuation of the tablets. However, many women are very worried about whether the recently taken drugs will adversely affect the health of the baby. Experts say that the previous protection will not affect the health of the mother and child in any way, this also applies to the conception that occurred while taking contraceptives.

    The reason why experts recommend that women "take a break" after taking hormonal drugs for at least 2-3 months is obvious, for conception, the ovaries need to restore their functions completely. In addition, experts recommend spending this time for the benefit of yourself and preparing as much as possible for future pregnancy: get an examination, go on vacation or just relax with your family.

    After the abolition of hormonal drugs, pregnancy can occur within a year and a half - this is considered the norm. If conception does not occur during this period, then the woman should contact the Infertility Center.

    What can not be done while taking oral contraceptives?

    It is not recommended to stop taking hormonal contraceptives in the middle of the cycle, as this can lead to hormonal imbalance in the woman's body. Such a state is fraught different kind complications and may delay a planned pregnancy indefinitely.

    You should not take hormonal birth control pills for more than five years in a row without a break. If this remains necessary, then you should consult a doctor so that he can correct the drug intake or prescribe another contraceptive. You should not make frequent breaks in taking OK, since in this case it is impossible to guarantee a 100% contraceptive effect from the drug.

    In what case can pregnancy occur when taking contraceptives?

    Ultrasound of a pregnant woman

    There are cases of pregnancy while taking oral contraceptives, but they are no more than 2-3%.

    The following factors can serve this:

    • Disorders of taking the drug;
    • The use of contraceptives along with antibiotics;
    • The use of alternative medicine (in particular, a decoction of St. John's wort);
    • Gastrointestinal disorder.

    Can I take contraceptives without a doctor's prescription?

    Today, the pharmaceutical market offers us more than 50 types of contraceptives. This diversity is fully justified by the fact that each woman is unique and has her own characteristics. Only a specialist can help her with the prescription of the drug, taking into account all the nuances of the female body, because it is very important that the pills have the maximum contraceptive effect and do not cause side effects.

    If the drug is chosen incorrectly, the effect will be incomplete - a woman can become pregnant, she may experience side effects: swelling, hair loss, uterine bleeding, incessant spotting, blood clots in the veins. That is why a qualified gynecologist must select the drug.

    When do you start taking birth control pills?

    At the very beginning, oral contraceptives are taken from the first day of menstruation, in which case the contraceptive effect immediately occurs. It is allowed to start taking OK from the 2-5th day of menstruation, in this case, in the first week after the start of taking, you should additionally use barrier means contraception. Later than 6 days of menstruation, it is not advisable to start taking funds, since the contraceptive effect in this case will be very low.

    Oral contraceptives

    How to take hormonal pills to avoid unwanted pregnancy?

    After a woman buys an oral contraceptive prescribed by her doctor in a pharmacy, she should carefully study the instructions and pay attention to the number of tablets in the blister: 21 or 28.

    If there are 21 tablets in the package, then the drug will need to be taken for 21 days, one tablet daily at the same time. Then there is a break for 7 days, and on the 8th day, OK should be taken again according to the previous scheme.

    In the case when the package contains 28 tablets, they should also be taken for 28 days, and then, without interruption, start taking the tablets from the new blister.

    What if you don't have your period within 7 days?

    If during the seven-day break during the period of taking oral contraceptives, menstruation has not occurred, do not panic - this is not necessarily pregnancy. In this case, it is not necessary to wait for the beginning of menstruation or their end; immediately after a seven-day break, a new package should be started. This rule is valid only if the woman did not violate the rules for taking drugs: she took pills in a timely manner, did not take antibiotics and other medicines. If such violations have occurred, then the drug should be discontinued and menstruation should be expected.

    Do I need additional methods of contraception during the 7-day break (21 tablets per pack) and while taking the placebo pills (28 tablets per pack)?

    This aspect, like the previous one, is completely dependent on the scrupulous observance of the rules for taking oral contraceptives. If in the previous period there were missed pills or untimely intake, as well as other violations, then additional methods of contraception should be used during the seven-day break. If a woman missed taking several pills in the previous period, then the 7-day break can be skipped altogether. In other words, immediately after taking the first package, you should start taking the tablets from the next blister.

    There is another reason why you can skip the seven-day break: if the onset of menstruation is not desirable for a woman at the moment. Thus, she can safely delay her period for one month. To do this, you just need to start taking the tablets from the next package without interruption (21 tablets). This is absolutely not dangerous for the woman's body and will not affect the subsequent onset of pregnancy.

    It is clear that for each woman the concept of “large doses” is different and no one can unequivocally answer her how much alcohol she can drink so as not to destroy the beneficial effects of the drug. Experts unanimously declare that in order to preserve contraceptive effect you should not drink more than 400 ml of beer or 200 ml of wine. Any excess of these norms is a direct indication to use an additional contraceptive for another week after drinking alcohol.

    Hello, Anna Andreevna.

    The Midian drug you are taking belongs to the class of monophasic oral contraceptives, so it main task is to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The contraceptive effect of the use of this drug is based on the inhibition of ovulation and changes in the endometrium. Of course, no contraceptive method gives a 100% guarantee that pregnancy will not occur, but in most cases it is not the contraceptive method itself that fails, but its improper use. So the Pearl index, that is, the number of pregnancies per hundred women using a particular method of contraception, for oral contraceptives is less than one, it is only from 0.1 to 0.9.

    The contraceptive effect of the use of oral contraceptives directly depends on the correct use of these drugs. As a rule, the rules for taking drugs are prescribed in the instructions for the use of drugs, so if you took the drug according to the instructions, then pregnancy should not occur.

    The drug should be taken on a daily basis at the same time. If one or more pills were missed or taken more than twelve hours late, the contraceptive effect may be reduced and becomes possible pregnancy. Therefore, if such situations do occur, then in the next seven days after missing the pill, it is necessary to use non-hormonal methods of contraception. Condoms, or spermicides, are best suited for these purposes.

    It is also worth paying attention to the start of taking the drug, that is, the time when the first tablet of the drug should be taken. It is necessary to start taking combined oral hormonal contraceptives from the first day of a woman's natural menstrual cycle, that is, from the first day of menstruation. In this case, by the end of menstruation, approximately by the seventh day of the menstrual cycle, a stable contraceptive effect is achieved if the drug was used without violations, and in the future the use of any additional contraceptives is not required. If the drug was started later, then during the first seven days of taking the drug, it is necessary to use additional non-hormonal methods of contraception.

    A decrease in the contraceptive effect from taking hormonal oral contraceptives can be observed not only with violations in taking pills, but also when contraceptives are taken together with certain drugs, for example, with certain types of antibiotics. As a rule, such information is also placed in the instructions for use of the drug. In such cases, additional non-hormonal methods of contraception should also be used.

    Since you did not indicate any situations that could lead to a decrease in the contraceptive effect, then unprotected intercourse while taking Midiana should not lead to pregnancy, since Midiana is still a contraceptive drug, and, I repeat, its main The goal is to prevent unwanted pregnancies.


    Age: not specified

    Chronic diseases: not specified

    Hello. I have such a question. I started taking Lindinet 20 birth control pills as prescribed by the doctor. I drank a pack (21 pcs), and now I don’t know, in a seven-day pause, at the end of five days of menstruation, do I need to protect myself with something else, or do the pills work all these seven days? And at the time when you start drinking the next package, with the first pill on the initial day, other methods of protection are not necessary? The doctor somehow didn’t think of asking a question about this and now I am tormented by doubts.

    Tags: lindinet 20, contraceptive pills, is it necessary to protect yourself during a seven-day break, is it necessary to protect yourself during a seven-day break

    Sexual intercourse during a seven-day pause Please advise whether Tri-Regol keeps the contraceptive.

    Pause in reception Logest Hello. I drink Logest, I took a break as it should be 7.

    The contraceptive effect of Lindinet 20 Everywhere there are a large number of articles on my issue. But somehow, all the same.

    The effect of Lindinet 20 Help me understand a few questions: 1. Is ovulation likely?

    Pregnancy during a break in admission ok Tell me, but the presence of menstruation in a seven-day pause.

    At the end of the joint use of antibiotics and contraceptives, at a time when it is possible not to use protection? At the end of a frozen pregnancy, the doctor prescribed me to drink 3 months, Jess. from the very beginning of menstruation. On the initial day of taking contraceptives, I still drank metronidazole for 6 days. Now 12 days of taking Jess. Question - at a time when it is possible not to protect yourself, after the end of the joint intake of an antibiotic and Jess? And what is the possibility of getting pregnant? Thanks to!

    Yarina at the end of the 7 day break Doctor! I'm in such trouble. At the end of 7 days.

    61 answers

    Remember to evaluate the doctors' answers, help us improve them by asking additional questions on the topic of this question .
    Other than that, remember to thank the doctors.

    gynecologist 2012-08-03 14:59

    Hello! When using COCs in a 7-day pause, additional methods of contraception are not required. The next pack should be started at the end of the 7 day break on the 8th day (again, additional contraception is not needed)
    P.S. Stay healthy!

    Valeria 2016-01-18 14:48

    Hello! Please help, I am 17 years old, I have one sexual partner. Started taking the drug Jess (already took 12 pills), once was late with the reception, but less than 12 hours. At the end of the end of menstruation (lasting 7 days), meager spotting began. Is it normal? The instructions say that in the period of addiction, this is possible. And the second question: at the moment I have drunk 12 pills, but at a time when it is already possible not to use protection? Thanks in advance for your reply

    Hello! Yes, this is possible in the period of addiction and perhaps no longer protected.

    Victoria 2016-01-19 18:33

    Help me please! I am taking Jess. Sexual partner one constant. Already drank half the pack. Took a pill (fourteenth in a row) at 10:00 pm, approximately. Then at about 23:00-23:30 I had a glass of wine with my martyr. Then, at about midnight, unprotected intercourse happened (but not completely. In other words, nothing more than his lubricant got into me). What is the possibility of getting pregnant? I am very afraid that alcohol can reduce the effect of Jess. Thanks in advance for your reply

    Ekaterina 2016-05-13 19:07

    Hello Elena Viktorovna! Please answer my questions. I took Siluette for 6 months, later from February 2016 I asked to change them to others, they gave me advice to Midian. I drank 3 packs, between them there were periods, but it did not begin on the 4th day, but on the 6th and before menstruation, migraines often began, now I switched back to Siluet. Please tell me how much it is necessary to protect themselves and on what day they already begin to function so as not to become pregnant?

    Ekaterina 2016-05-13 19:15

    Elena Viktorovna, I forgot to ask the question, can the stomach and the whole intestine hurt very badly from Midiana, earlier so that there were no migraines either? And is it possible to go from Midian to Siluete? What specific contraceptives do not affect weight gain, which ones I specifically did not drink - I gain a whole from everyone - only slowly (I drank Jess, Lindinet 20, Klaira, Midiana, Siluet)?