Repair of a slate roof: do it yourself. Repair in a slate roof: cost, tariffs, reasons, materials

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Do-it-yourself slate roof repair - 5 affordable and relatively inexpensive ways

The slate roof of your private house is leaking, but there is no money for its complete replacement yet? Do not worry, such a problem can be solved with a local repair. In the piggy bank of folk wisdom, there are many ways to quickly and relatively cheaply repair asbestos-cement slate. It is unrealistic to list all these methods, so I took the 5 most accessible ones and then I will tell you step by step how this is done.

Common Defects

A quarter of a century ago, a person had only 2 materials that could reliably cover the roof - this is asbestos-cement slate and metal seam roofing. An iron roof is a good and durable thing, but the price of such an overlap is at least 2 times higher than that of slate, so people massively mounted slate.

The service life of an asbestos-cement sheet is about 15 years on gentle slopes and up to 25 years on steep ones. But after 10 years, a fallen branch or sudden frosts after prolonged rains can damage the roof and then repairs are needed.

Illustrations Types of defects
small cracks.

Such cracks can be called the first signs of serious problems. Eliminating them is easier than repairing the roof later.

They usually appear after frost. Slate is able to absorb moisture and if frost hits after rain, moisture simply breaks the sheet.

Noticeable cracks and chips.

As for the cracks, there are 2 options here, either a small crack has grown, or someone has not carefully walked along the roof.

Chips along the edge are usually caused by winter icicles.

Cracks and chips can also be the result of a fallen branch or an excessively snowy winter.

Explicit breaks.

A break can only occur as a result of mechanical damage, and the older the slate, the less effort needs to be applied to break it.


Strange as it may sound, the overgrown roof also needs to be repaired. If you do not respond in time, then your roof will quickly turn into dust and then a complete replacement of the roofing will be required.

Five Ways to Repair

The repair technology may be different, but asbestos-cement slate is a specific material and you need to take care of protection before starting work. Most affordable way- this is to wear a gauze bandage and glasses, but it is better to use a respirator.

Defects are easiest to look for during the day after rain, and from the inside of the attic. If no cracks are visible through the light, then arm yourself with a flashlight and inspect the entry points of the fasteners, in other words, slate nails.

By the way, you don’t need to walk on the old slate without special need, but for repairs they fit on the roof wooden stairs or ladders. They are needed to distribute the load over the area.

Method number 1: cement mortar and related mixtures

Repair with cement mortar good, first of all, in that the solution is close in composition to asbestos cement, respectively, a strong hitch is obtained. The easiest way is to mix M-500 cement and sifted sand in a 1: 2 ratio. But a more reliable option would be glue for laying tiles.

  • To seal cracks, you first need to carefully clean the crack itself and the space around it with a metal brush;
  • The dust is removed with a damp cloth, after which this place is abundantly wetted with water, in this case it makes no sense to use solvents;
  • Then carefully cover the crack with a spatula;
  • To make the surface even and as smooth as possible, put on a rubber glove and, moistening with water, smooth the repair site with your hand;
  • The technology for repairing a small breach is the same, only under the bottom of the sheet it will be necessary to screw a patch of roofing sheet, after bending it in the shape of a wave. The metal can be screwed with small self-tapping screws around the perimeter, the main thing here is that they do not look out much on the surface.

Method #2: Using Butyl Rubber Tape

Butyl rubber tape is glued very simply, in addition, this tape can then be painted, but at a cost such a repair will cost a little more than the previous version:

  • The preparation is the same everywhere - we clean the place of the defect with a metal brush and remove the dust with a damp cloth;
  • The tape is polymeric and, in order for it to take well, the surface must be degreased with any solvent;
  • Then shoot protective film and glue the tape on top of the crack.

Method number 3: TechnoNIKOL bituminous coating

The TechnoNIKOL corporation produces an excellent rolled roofing material of the same name. In general, it is used for arranging soft roof on the flat roofs, but they can also close a crack or a hole in the slate:

  • You need to clean and degrease the defect in the same way;
  • Then cut off the desired piece from the roll;
  • The market sells small cylinders with gas burner, you need to heat the back of the membrane and press the patch against the crack. Below in the video in this article there is a visual instruction.

Method number 4: large patches

It happens that the gap on the roof is already very large and cannot be sealed with any tapes. Here you can do two things, either you need to replace the sheets, or you can glue a patch on top.

If you have a whole new sheet, then of course it is better to insert it. In this case, through the gasket, as in the photo below, using a nail puller, you need to pull out the slate nails from the old sheet, then lay a new one there and nail it.

As a patch, you can use a piece of a similar sheet, ondulin (polymer-based slate) or corrugated board with a similar wave. For gluing, either hot bitumen or bitumen-based glue is used. You need to clean and degrease the surface, then apply bitumen and stick a patch on it.

Method number 5: cleaning and prevention

In this case, we are talking about cleaning the roof from moss. On the net, I met recommendations to clean the roof from moss with a metal brush. But apparently these "specialists" have little idea of ​​the strength of the old slate.

While you are brushing the roof, the slate under you will crack and become completely unusable, and it will be pointless to repair, cheaper and easier to completely replace. From experience, the only safe way to clean is with a Karcher mini-wash or by calling a team with similar equipment.

But that's not all, if the roof is not protected, then in a year the moss will appear again. So, on sale now there are special paints for slate that will reliably protect your roof from unwanted vegetation.


I have chosen for you the most simple and affordable options for repairing and protecting slate, of course, there are others. good ways, but they are more expensive and more difficult to implement. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to help.

November 18, 2017

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Repair of a slate roof sooner or later becomes relevant for every homeowner who has chosen this type. roofing material. With all the strength of asbestos-cement sheets, they are not eternal, and one fine day comes when the first leak is detected. And here it is better not to hesitate, especially if there is a long autumn and winter ahead with heavy rainfall. Well, if the roof looks like a sieve, every minute counts.

With a high initial resistance of the material, the slate is quite fragile, and the first problems may arise already at the stage of installation of new sheets or appear within a fairly short period of time.

In general, the trouble-free operation of a slate roof is 12-15 years, sometimes this period reaches 20-25 years - for example, in areas with a temperate climate that are not subject to heavy and prolonged precipitation.

A properly installed slate roof will last 20-25 years without repair.

There are a number of other important factors:

  • the quality of laying sheets;
  • roof waterproofing;
  • roof type;
  • slope angle;
  • regular snow removal winter period;
  • storm drains;
  • waterproofing of chimneys, ventilation wells, ridges and other elements.

The retention of water and snow on the roof reduces the life of the roof without repairs

The most common damage that needs to be repaired is:

  • cracks;
  • chipped;
  • cracking;
  • The occurrence of defects due to wear.

It's important to know!
The northern part of the roof is especially at risk of rapid wear and damage. It is here that growths of moss and lichen form first of all, which lead to the appearance of problem areas and leaks.

Also, the roof can be damaged when walking on the roof, especially if you step on the protruding part of the slate sheet. When moving along the roof, it is better to use a board with stuffed transverse bars. You can fix the fixture on the roof ridge.

It should be noted that a sharp temperature drop leads to cracking of asbestos-cement material, since slate is prone to moisture absorption. And, for example, during a sharp cold snap after heavy rainfall, the seeped water freezes and gradually breaks the sheets from the inside, which leads to leakage.

Another problem characteristic of old roofs is the mobility of slate sheets. Over time, nails, especially if not very long or driven in according to the rules, become loose, begin to “play”, which leads to displacement of the roof elements. It becomes less rigid, for example, in winter, under the weight of snow, deflections are possible, which again increases the risk of new cracks.

A crack in the slate roof may appear at the stage of initial installation if the technologies are not followed

What to do if the roof is leaking

If a leak is detected, the first thing to do is to inspect the roof and find the problem area.

It's important to know!
A competent approach to the repair of a slate roof will extend the life of the material up to 10 years.

A few decades ago, the following method was extremely common: the damaged area was cleaned of layers of dirt, moss, dust, etc. This was followed by a primer with drying oil. The crack itself was covered with strips of cloth impregnated with oil paint, and then the area was painted over for reliability. To create an attractive appearance of the repaired roof, the entire surface was often painted, which was a rather laborious and inefficient method - after 3-4 years the roof again became unusable.

Today, another method is popular - a mixture of cement and PVA glue with the addition of fluffed or crushed sheet asbestos. The proportions proposed by most masters are as follows: 2 parts of cement account for 3 parts of asbestos-adhesive mixture. Moreover, PVA glue must first be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. The final mass has the consistency of homemade sour cream. The used brand of cement is not lower than M-400.

After preparation, the mixture is applied to the areas to be repaired, rubbed thoroughly. For the best effect, experts recommend applying at least two layers. The advantage of this method is that traces of repair are almost invisible, and with proper preparation of the composition, repair will extend the life of the roof by 6-8 years.

When carrying out repair work, special attention is paid to the waterproofing of the protruding parts of the roof, in particular, chimneys

One of the disadvantages is the rapid hardening of the mixture, which is desirable to use completely within 1.5-2 hours, and if not enough, then prepare the next portion.

The work is best done in sunny, but dry weather - slower drying of the applied "patch" will ensure greater durability and efficiency of the repair.

It's important to know!
Any roofing work is associated with increased danger. They should be carried out with obligatory observance of safety regulations.

Modern technologies come to the rescue

However, there are proposals for repairing the roof, based on the use modern technologies. In particular, recommendations for the use of, for example, sealing tapes of different widths and lengths are popular - that is, they are suitable for cracks of various sizes. Such materials, as a rule, in several colors, so that you can choose the right one and hide the traces of repair as much as possible.
In addition, manufacturers offer sealing waterproofing materials for areas:

With the help of such materials, only minor damage can be repaired. An important factor is that the repaired section of the roof must be thoroughly cleaned and degreased for better adhesion of the applied patch to the surface.

Mastics and sealants are quite effective. But, as a rule, they require additional waterproofing treatment of the roof, further coverage special paint over the entire surface, which increases the complexity of the work.

It's important to know!
It is best to evaluate the quality of roof repair work while in the attic, where light penetrates through the holes in the roof and damaged areas are immediately visible.

Repair of slate with built-up material

Slate replacement - an effective solution to the problem

Repair of a slate roof in some cases can be done only by resorting to radical methods - replacing asbestos-cement sheets. Of course, this is the most expensive method, but also the most effective.

The main stages of repair:

  • Roof condition revision, determination problem areas;
  • Dismantling of slate sheets;
  • Inspection of rafters, formwork;
  • Installation of roofing material.

It's important to know!
When examining the roof from the attic and dismantling the roof, it is worth considering the threat from insects. On the inner surface of the slate and rafters, wasps often arrange their nests, which can be very aggressive, and the bites are painful and lead to a severe toxic reaction.

With significant wear of slate sheets and a large number of defects the best solution- full or partial replacement of roofing material with a new one

Based on the results of the inspection of rafters and beams, a decision is made on the need to replace structural elements. If there are signs of damage to the wooden components, they should be changed in without fail- after all, we are talking not only about eliminating leaks, but also about the safe operation of the roof.

To increase the level of tightness of the roof, it is advisable to consider the possibility of installing roofing material. This inexpensive material has excellent waterproofing properties and will make the roof more durable.

  • geometrically correct arrangement of sheets;
  • overlap of sheets in such a way that the waves of adjacent slate plates coincide;
  • the overlap of the next row should be at least 10 cm;
  • slate nails used during installation should be long - so they will go deeper into the rafters and ensure the roof is static;
  • nails are driven into the upper part of the wave with an indent from the edge to avoid chips and cracks: when using rubber-based slate, slate nails are driven into the depression, near the overlap;
  • after completion of work on the slate flooring, protection from metal, metal tiles and other materials with waterproofing properties is applied to the skates;
  • if necessary, "bypass" the protruding parts of the roof, an angle grinder with a diamond disc is used.

Roof repairs performed by professionals will significantly increase the operational life of a slate roof.

It's important to know!
When laying the slate, the prevailing wind rose in the region is taken into account, and overlaps are placed on the leeward side to prevent water from entering between the seams during heavy precipitation accompanied by heavy winds.

A refurbished slate roof will last for many years.

At first glance, it seems that repairing a slate roof is not such a difficult task. But in the absence of sufficient experience, skills in performing roofing work, you may encounter unforeseen situations. In order not to waste moral strength, to distract in vain cash, it is better to rely on experienced professionals, true masters of their craft, who will not only help good advice, but also ensure the quality of the repair work.

Slate is a durable material. The average service life is 30 years, but I know of cases when a slate roof has served well for more than half a century. Of course, there are no eternal materials, everything wears out over time.

But if the old slate roof is repaired in a timely manner, then the replacement of the roof may not be required for a very long time.

Although forums often write about the inappropriateness of local repairs of slate roofs, it all depends on the degree of damage.


It makes sense to re-lay the entire coating, to change it to another when the destruction processes have affected at least 40 percent of the surface. If less, the roof can be reanimated.

How to repair a slate roof?

What defects require slate roof repair?

Reasons to repair a slate roof:

  • leaks;
  • Unpresentable appearance;
  • Microcracks that can lead to the complete destruction of the roof;
  • Moss, lichens and other vegetation.

The main problem is that slate is a fragile material.

  • It does not withstand shock loads;
  • May crack when carelessly walking on the roof;
  • Microcracks appear when tree branches fall on the roof;
  • The snow mass puts a lot of pressure on it;
  • Rain water stagnant in some areas leads to chemical destruction;
  • It is spoiled by mosses, lichens, etc.

How to change the entire slate sheet

Most often, roof restoration is the repair of cracks in the slate where there are not too many of them. Where there is a lot, it is easier to replace the entire sheet:

  1. Unscrew the fasteners of the damaged sheet.
  2. Raise the top, pull out the bottom.
  3. Put a new sheet in place of the old one and restore the fasteners.

Sometimes it is not the sheet that is replaced, but the installation of a slate patch.


To cut off the workpiece, you need to use a grinder with a diamond blade, it cuts easily and does not put too much pressure on the fragile material.

The same goes for drilling: in order to avoid the appearance of microcracks, you need to use a very hard drill.

What materials are worth repairing a slate roof

1. Bituminous sealant for slate repair. Previously, cracks were sealed with bituminous resin, heated to 150 degrees. Such work requires professionalism, for an amateur it is simply dangerous. You can cover cracks with sealant without any skills, and the sealing is reliable.

2. Sealant tape for slate repair. Bituminous self-adhesive tape. The top layer is a reinforced aluminum coating.

It is even easier to work than with mastic - just remove the protective film from the bitumen substrate and stick the tape on the damaged area (just remember to clean and degrease the surface before that).

3. Repair of slate with cement and liquid glass. Waterproofing mixtures were previously made from cement with glass. Now this method is considered obsolete, as there are many modern and more effective means for waterproofing.

4. Mortar for repairing PVA slate, cement and asbestos. Asbestos is used fluffy, cement M300 or more. Two parts cement three parts asbestos. The glue is mixed with water one to one and the dry mixture is diluted. It is necessary to work in a respirator.

5. One more thing folk remedy for the repair of slate - a mixture of drying oil with chalk. The crack is cleaned, covered, after drying, painted with oil paint.

6. Liquid nails and slate repair. Not all modifications of these sealants are suitable for our purpose. Suitable nails - for example, the Titebond brand.

7. Repair holes in slate roof with mounting foam. Foam is a universal tool for sealing anything: technical gaps, assembly seams, slots and holes.

Cut off excess after curing sharp knife and cover the surface with sealant.


I write about this method only because it exists. In fact, its effectiveness is almost zero, because the first snow that falls on the foam will simply “squeeze out” it and you will have to re-repair the roof!

8. Unwanted vegetation (lichens and mosses) can be dealt with both mechanically (using a metal brush and water) and chemically - with special compositions containing alkalis and acids.


Now released relatively safe means in the form of a spray that is sprayed onto the infected surface (when the plants dry, they are brushed off). But when working with these sprays, protective equipment is also required.

A few tips for repairing a slate roof

1. When it is not possible to climb the roof, minor repairs can be made to the slate roof from the inside, from the attic. In this case, I recommend using a bituminous sealant, and sticking a tape over the putty.

2. You can seal the hole in the slate roof from the inside with aluminum foil. It can be glued with universal glue. This is not a very good method, since the outside of the patch will get wet in the rain and snow, but as a short-term measure it will do.

3. Repair of adjoining slate roof. According to the technology of installation of slate coatings, junctions with chimneys and other structures are made using aprons made of galvanized steel. The overlap of the apron on the slate at the bottom should be at least 10 centimeters, the slate on the apron at the top - at least 15. The open cavities of the slate waves are filled with asbestos-lime mortar. Failure to comply with the technology leads to leaks at the junctions.

4. The same applies to the repair of a ridge on a slate roof: you need to accurately reproduce the technology for installing it.

A wooden bar is installed on the ridge;

Brackets are installed on the beam, portable bridges and a ridge bar are installed on the brackets;

The upper cut of the bar is rounded in the shape of a ridge element;

Lay the roll insulator;

Ridge elements are laid with an overlap;

Fastening is carried out in the crest of the wave of slate sheets.

slate roof repair cost

Approximate rates for repairing a slate roof: replacing one sheet will cost from one and a half thousand with the material.

Slate repair services usually include a complete restoration of the roof: hydro and thermal insulation, if necessary - repairs truss system. In each case, the cost of repair work is estimated individually.

I offer my services. Let's do everything in at its best. There is experience!

With considerable experience in roofing and working with a wide variety of roofing materials, I think I can handle any problem with a slate roof.

Call or write in the comments, I will try to answer all questions.

Despite the fact that the roofing of asbestos-cement sheets is durable after decades, external atmospheric and climatic factors have an impact on the material. Something has to be replaced, something to patch up, somewhere to block. This is where the application of knowledge in the field of construction is required, and if you know how to repair a crack in the slate on the roof, then such work will not seem difficult.

Cosmetic repair work will help extend the operational life of the roof for up to 10 years. Therefore, the topic is especially relevant. In the past, roofing was completed using oil paints and fabric strips. This technique was not famous for its special effect, and the state of the overlap improved for only a couple of years. Available today modern materials making the process of eliminating cracks and chips on the roof more efficient.

Simple house roof renovation

Roof leakage indicates damage to the integrity of the material. To get rid of this problem, you can use one of the effective ways. Any of them is easily applicable in practice and is not difficult, but here it is important to know how to close a crack in the slate on the roof. In 90% of cases, patching or sealing of the affected area of ​​the roof will be required.

Familiarize yourself with the options for action in the event of a roof leak, the easiest and fast method elimination of leaks, the method of patching slate. It is important to talk about such details in advance.

The most common technology for the restoration of asbestos-cement damaged sheets is the use of asbestos paste.

How to work with the material: application features

Using asbestos paste to seal cracks, take care of the preliminary dismantling of the damaged roof fragment and lower it to the ground.

What is required to prepare the composition

The mixture consists of two components: asbestos and cement. This pasta is easy to make at home.


  • asbestos - 3 parts;
  • cement - 1 part;
  • water - 0.5 parts;
  • dispersion polyvinyl acetate adhesive - 0.5 parts.

Water and glue can be added as needed until the paste reaches a creamy consistency.

For cooking:

  • prepare a separate container;
  • pour out the required amount of asbestos and cement (proportion 3: 1);
  • mix the ingredients thoroughly;
  • add water and dispersion adhesive;
  • Stir the paste until a smooth creamy consistency is achieved.

How to work with asbestos mixture

Knowing how to close a crack in the slate on the roof, you can get to work. Try to use cooked pasta immediately. During storage, the composition loses its properties. Therefore, prepare exactly as much grout as is needed to repair the roof of the house.

preparatory moment

Before sealing the roof, prepare the damaged area:

  • clean the slate from debris;
  • thoroughly rinse the place of the broken slate and degrease it. Gasoline is suitable for such purposes;
  • if an ordinary crack has formed on the surface, stick a fiberglass tape (sickle) along the entire length, extending it by 5 cm in each direction from the crack (vertically);
  • fill the voids of the crack with raw rubber or caulk them. The fibrous material can be further treated with a hydrophobic composition.

Application of asbestos cement paste

The composition is applied to the damaged area gradually, evenly distributing each of the layers over the surface. In this case, the total thickness of the applied paste must reach at least 2 mm. After the patch has dried, the seam must be treated with sandpaper.

When carrying out restoration, try to cover up so that the coverage area extends beyond the crack. Having repaired broken slate sheets, you can not worry that the roof will leak for the next 8-10 years.

Use of foil

Asbestos paste is not the only option for treating roof damage. If you do not know how to repair a crack in the slate on the roof, use foil instead of paste, on which a little universal glue is applied and applied to the damaged area from the wrong side. The tight fit of the patch is ensured by rounding the corners, so they bend less. The connection of the foil with the reconstructed surface is strong due to the universal adhesive composition used and reliably protects inner space attic from the penetration of water and moisture.

If you want to seal up that part of the roof where the fastener passes, then close the crack with foil and drill a hole for the fasteners in another part of the sheet.

After repair, the removed slate sheet is mounted in place. Do not forget about the use of special rubber gaskets for nails to protect the corrugated board from damage during installation. After completing the reconstruction, disguise the patch to match the tone of the roofing material. At this stage, work is carried out in dry weather, and when applying paint, a brush or roller is used. It is better to apply several layers, starting to re-paint only after the first has completely dried.

Some of the methods do not involve the dismantling of damaged products in the place where the slate burst. How to close the crack, if you need to go upstairs, read on. Such work is done directly on the roof, and for this it is vital to provide insurance.

Silicone paste for roof repair

Often used to repair the roof. The tool is characterized by increased adhesion to materials made from asbestos cement.

Getting started, the damaged area is prepared: cleaned of dust and small dirt crumbs, using a cleaning brush for this metal products. To do this, use acetone or a special solvent.

Before sealing the crack, it is filled with crushed asbestos chips, which are then filled with silicone glue for slate. Such a restoration is not difficult to carry out, and the whole process takes a maximum of a day and ends at the stage of tinting the treated area under the general style of the roof. At the same time, coloring plays not only an aesthetic role, but also gives the connection additional reliability. Coloring in this case is simply necessary. The top layer allows you to fix a multi-layer patch, since asbestos-cement sheets are porous in themselves.

Repairing damage with mastic

It is important to remember that at the joints, slate sheets are processed with mastic with a special reinforcing filler of a wavy structure.

Bitumen is melted in a separate container, after grinding. Foam and impurities formed in the process are removed. The melting process takes place at temperatures above 200 ° C until the bitumen is completely dehydrated. The grout consists not only of bitumen, a filler is added to the composition, which is preheated to a temperature of 110 ° C.

Hot mastic, using a spatula or other suitable tool, is applied to the surface prepared for repair.

Sometimes a kind of rubber paint for slate is used to restore damaged sheets. The tool has increased adhesive and strength properties. This method of slate restoration is gaining popularity.

How to use mounting foam to seal cracks in slate

Applying for recovery mounting foam, slate is pre-cleaned and degreased. Foam is blown into the resulting crack, but some free space is left for the sealant, which, after the foam has hardened, is squeezed out in a dense layer over the foam. Bituminous mastic is applied over the patch that has formed, which helps to seal the crack in the slate and protect the attic from atmospheric precipitation.

Now you understand all the complexities of slate repair. How to repair holes and cracks - you know, you understand the details, but this is the main thing when carrying out restoration work with

A slate roof is the most common covering, especially for private buildings, be it a house, a barn or a garage. Slate is quite durable and relatively cheap material. The main damage to which wave slate is subject is small cracks, chips, through holes(from hail, something fell or a nail hammered in the wrong place). In general, there are many causes of damage, but about ways and methods of repairing a slate roof with your own hands and the conversation will go on.

Method 1

Quite old and widespread earlier. The slate roof to be repaired is cleaned of dirt, dust and possible vegetation, then washed and dried. Next, primed with drying oil, and then cover all cracks and through holes fabric strips impregnated with oil paint.
However, it is worth noting that such a repair prolongs the life of the roof by 2-4 years, after which such a repair will have to be repeated, after removing what was pasted on earlier. The duration of the repair is affected by how well the repaired surface was prepared, and it should also be dried well before painting.

Method 2

Currently, the simplest and most reliable way to repair a roof made of asbestos-cement slate is the most common, after which the roof does not flow for up to 10 years.
We prepare a home-made repair mixture for patching damaged slate as follows:
Mix 2 parts of cement grade M400 or higher with 3 parts of fluffed asbestos. Pour the resulting composition with a mixture of PVA glue and water (ratio 1: 1) and mix well.
The finished repair mixture in appearance should have the consistency of thick sour cream.

PVA glue, can be replaced with frost-resistant water-based paints type E-VS-17 or similar. However, the use of paint instead of glue can somewhat reduce the durability of a slate roof repair. Instead of fluffed asbestos, you can use ordinary sheet, passed through a fine grater or crumbled on emery.

As with any how to repair a slate roof, the surface must first be thoroughly cleaned, washed - preferably with a hose or Karcher, if this is not possible - then just with a rag, followed by rinsing. Particularly carefully clean (using a stiff brush) areas with cracks.

After the mixture is ready (and it is better to cook it in small portions, since the period of its maximum effectiveness does not exceed two hours), you can begin to repair the slate.

We fill cracks and other damaged areas of the slate roof with the prepared repair mixture at least twice, so that the layer of this composition is at least 2 mm.
It is advisable to carry out repairs in cloudy weather - so the sealing mixture will dry longer, which means it will have time to gain more strength.

Method 3

Ready mixes. Very good result when using non-hardening bituminous mixtures. In this case, cracks do not appear when the slate expands in various temperature differences, which is the main reason for the fragility of other, "hard", repair methods. This The best way chimney insulation. The main disadvantage is the high cost and aesthetics. This mask is always black. But it can be painted on top and even though the paint will crack, but general form will still improve.

When repairing a slate roof, instructions for the use of various mastics and mixtures must be followed completely. After pre-cleaning repaired places must be degreased with White Spirit or gasoline.

To seal cracks and crevices up to 5 mm, Emfimastic PU 25 is used. This sealant is applied with a manual or pneumatic gun, it can also be done with an ordinary spatula. Slate surface defects bigger size eliminated with the use of mastic type Hyperdesmo. It must be remembered that before applying it, it is required to mix it thoroughly until it is even.
The edges of cracks or holes must first be primed with a small amount of mastic mixed with xylene in the ratio of 9 parts mastic, 1 part xylene. This will ensure good penetration of the mastic into damaged edges, providing good adhesion. Before applying the mastic itself, it is necessary to allow the primed areas to dry for at least 6 hours. For large damage, reinforcing material, such as geotextiles, is used. Applying mastic is carried out with a spatula or brush.

Currently, the industry produces quite a few different roofing sealants based on bituminous mastic both domestic and foreign. For a small repair, it is more expedient to purchase one or two tubes for a pistol - it is both more convenient and cheaper. If you need quite a lot of mastic, take bucket packages - definitely cheaper.

Method 4

Also cracks in slate can be covered with ordinary bituminous resin or putty from putty from drying oil and chalk. These methods are still used today, as one of the simplest and cheapest, but none of them is durable. The main disadvantage of this method is the loss of plasticity during temperature changes, especially at high ones. Cracks are sealed with hot bituminous pitch, and its temperature exceeds 150 degrees. It is necessary to work very carefully. It is rather inconvenient on a steep roof - there is a danger of seriously scalding. It is most often used to seal cracks in a sloping roof, such as a garage.

Method 5

Partial replacement, when individual sheets are removed and replaced with new ones or the damaged areas are covered with whole pieces of slate. This is necessary in the presence of large chips, holes and large cracks. At the same time, it is also recommended to immediately check the integrity of the remaining elements of the roof structure, since water through holes in the coating could damage the rafters, layers of insulation or insulation.

In this case, the whole slate must be brought under the higher sheet, having previously lifted it. When working with slate sheets, you must be very careful not to break the fragile surface. For these purposes, when removing nails from a sheet, a wooden block is placed under the tool (for example, a nail puller).

When replacing the entire sheet, it is necessary to remove the damaged sheet, for this it is necessary to pull out the nailed nails, then slightly lift the top sheet of slate and pull out cracked slate sheet. In its place, install a whole sheet, after cutting the bevel, as in the one being replaced.

If there is no whole sheet of slate, or the crack is not large, you can put a piece of slate of the required length and width on top of the damage, while it should cover the crack or damage with one wave on both sides, and put it under the top sheet from above, or seal the joint with sealant so that water did not get into the damaged area. To do this, in the same way, we lift the top sheet of slate and insert part of the whole slate over the damaged one. After replacing the slate sheet, we nail it in the same places with slate nails into the upper wave.

Never nail the slate into the lower wave - there will be no space when the slate is deformed during temperature changes, as a result, cracks will appear. In addition, there is a high probability of cracking even when you nail. If you still need to fix it in the lower wave, it is better to use a self-tapping screw, having previously drilled a hole in the slate of a larger diameter (by 2-3 mm). And do not completely tighten the self-tapping screw, leave somewhere 2-3 mm for the thermal expansion of the slate.