How many kg of glue in 1 liter. Composition, specifications, GOST tile adhesives

Working with tiles as a facing material requires certain skills and knowledge. Depending on where the tiles will be glued - outdoors or indoors, in the kitchen or in the bathroom - both the tile itself and the tile adhesive are selected.

About what types of tile adhesive are and how to correctly calculate its consumption, we tell in our article.

Types of glue

There are two main classifications of tile adhesive - according to properties and composition. Let's go over both briefly.

Types of tile adhesive by properties

Fast curing adhesive. Hardens within three hours after mixing. The premises where the tiles were laid on the quick-hardening adhesive can be used immediately after the completion of the work.

Where is the best fit - Laying an apron made of ceramic tiles in the kitchen.

Leveling adhesive. Designed for tiling uneven surfaces with a height difference of up to 5 mm.

Where is the best fit - cladding of balconies and terraces with ceramic granite.

Elastic adhesive. Compensates for deformation of the base and protects the tile from cracking. For example, during cyclic heating / cooling (underfloor heating), or from an accumulating load (pool bowl).

Where is the best fit – lining with mosaics of the internal surfaces of the pool.

Heat Resistant Adhesive. Withstands heat up to 600°C and is used where there is an open flame.

Where is the best fit - lining of a fireplace or stove with clinker tiles.

Frost-resistant glue. Differs in resistance to influence of moisture and low temperatures.

Where is the best fit - gluing facade tiles on the basement of the house.

Thick adhesive. It is used for interior cladding with large-format tiles or artificial stone, which require an adhesive layer of 10-12 mm.

Where is the best fit - decoration of the hall country house marble slabs.

Universal glue. Due to the average characteristics, it is suitable for a wide range of works, including indoor and outdoor.

Where is the best fit - laying floor tiles in the hallway of the apartment.

Types of tile adhesive by composition

Single component tile adhesive. The basis of the adhesive is cement, which is sometimes supplemented with a plasticizer to increase the life of the finished mixture.

Delivery format - dry mix.

Two component tile adhesive. Available in polyurethane and epoxy. The first consists of a polyurethane base and a hardener. The second is from epoxy resins and a catalyst.

Delivery format - pasty base and liquid hardener/catalyst.

Acrylic tile adhesive. Ready-made composition based on acrylic, which does not need to be kneaded additionally.

Delivery format - mixture in the form of a paste.

How the size and type of tile affects the choice of adhesive and its consumption

A tile is defined by two key characteristics: size and type.

The size of the tile determines which tool you will use when laying it. Tile adhesive is recommended to be applied with a notched trowel. It is the height of the teeth in the spatula that directly affects the consumption of glue and is used in calculations. The logic is simple - the higher the height of the teeth, the greater the consumption.

If you do not yet know which notched trowel will be used for laying the tiles, but have already decided on the size of the tiles, you can use this correspondence table:

Tile size

Spatula teeth size

up to 10x10 cm

up to 15x15 cm

up to 25x25 cm

up to 30x30 cm

from 30x30 cm

The type of tile, material and purpose, in turn, affect the choice of type of tile adhesive.

The following table will help you choose the right adhesive depending on the type of tile:









Reinforced fixation

Ceramic tile

Clinker tiles

Facade tiles


Porcelain stoneware



A natural stone

Fake diamond

Calculation of consumption of tile adhesive

The basic consumption of tile adhesive is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. As a rule, this is a standardized consumption in kilograms per one square meter with an adhesive layer thickness of one millimeter.

    S- the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room / surface where the tile will be glued;

    r- basic consumption per 1 m2 with a layer of 1 mm,

    h is the height of the trowel teeth.

Formula for calculating consumption in kilograms

Consumption = S x r x h/2

To translate the resulting value into bags of dry mix, you will need to further divide by the mass of one bag.

Example 1 . In the bathroom, 16 m2 of ceramic tiles are to be glued to the floor and walls. For the preparation of tile adhesive, a mixture of Bergauf Keramik is used with a basic consumption of 2.5 kg/m2. The mixture is packaged in 25 kg bags. The height of the spatula teeth is 8 mm.

Consumption = 16 x 2.5 x 8 / 2 = 160 kg or 7 bags

Example 2 . Porcelain stoneware slabs 45x45 cm in size are laid in a corridor with an area of ​​10 m2. Litokol Litofloor K66 thick-layer adhesive in 25 kg bags with a base consumption of 7 kg/m2 was chosen as an adhesive.

According to the correspondence table, we determine that we need a spatula with a tooth height of 12 mm.

Consumption = 10 x 7 x 12 / 2 = 420 kg or 17 bags

Consumption rates for popular brands

Basic consumption (per 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 1 mm)

Consumption for tiling 20 sq.m. surfaces with a layer thickness of 10 mm

Tile adhesive Ceresit CM 11 Plus 25 kg

Glue is required for laying tiles. Probably everyone knows this. But how much is needed? 1 bag of 25 kg? 10 bags of 5 kg? Often the decision is made at the last moment in the market or in the store and you have to buy as much as the seller said. Is he right or not? In another situation, your foreman buys as much glue as needed (he knows for sure), gives you a number, but you can’t check it in any way. Or you want to plan all the repair costs in advance (a useful but utopian activity) and calculate how much the installation will cost you. What to do? How much glue do you need?

First the basics: tile adhesive is usually measured in kilograms. The quantity you need is determined as the adhesive consumption per square meter of laying, multiplied by the total number of meters. Everyone usually knows the laying area, so it remains to find out how much glue is required per square meter. There is no definite answer to this question, but we will help you figure out roughly how much glue you need.

To answer this question, you need to know the following:

1) Type of glue

Typically, tile adhesive falls into 3 broad categories: cement based adhesive, dispersion adhesive and epoxy adhesive. In the first case, you buy a bag of cement (with different kind additives) and dilute it with water or a latex additive. This is the most popular option: economical and not difficult to work with. The consumption of such glue on average keeps in the range from 1 to 1.9 kg per square meter per 1 mm of adhesive thickness. (For example, 1 kg per m2 for Eunice Granite glue, 1.5 kg per m2 for Litokol K66 glue and Hercules Basic glue, etc.) In the second case, you buy a ready-made liquid mixture(based on resin), which does not need to be diluted with anything. In the third case, you buy a liquid resin compound and a catalyst. You need to mix both components, it will happen chemical reaction and as a result, an adhesive solution is formed (it is a little more complicated, but such a composition is not afraid of water and cold, is not subject to shrinkage, cracking, and perfectly sets to the surface). The total amount of such a mixture in kilograms is incorrect to compare with the consumption of a cement-based adhesive mixture.

2) Tile size

Generally, the larger the tile, the larger the adhesive layer should be. As a rule, for small tiles (up to 10x10 cm) for cementitious adhesives with thin-layer laying, this layer is slightly less than 2 mm. For tiles with sides from 20 to 30 cm, the layer thickness is most often kept within 2-3.5 mm, for tiles from 30x30 to 50x50, the layer can be from 3.5 to 4.5 mm and for larger tiles, the layer can be 4-5 mm. for slabs big size(from 60 cm) it is also recommended to apply a layer of glue (about 1 mm) on the back side of the tile.

The given dimensions are approximate, it is quite possible that you will lay 45x45 cm tiles on a much thinner layer. It is important to consider other factors as well.

About spatula size and glue thickness
Most often, when buying glue, the technical information for each tile size will indicate not the glue layer in millimeters, but the size of the spatula teeth that the factory recommends for application. For example: for a 30x30 tile, use a spatula 8, and for a 50x50 tile, use a spatula 12. Not a word about the layer in mm. Why is this happening?

Because measuring the adhesive layer in millimeters during application is not an easy task, how and with what will you measure? In addition, if you apply an even layer of glue, it is likely that it will visually appear even to you, but in fact it will have differences in height. If you lay the tile on such an uneven adhesive surface, you will most likely get air holes in some places under the tile, which will sooner or later cause the tile to chip off.

Therefore, factories recommend first applying glue with the smooth end of the spatula, and then combing and leveling it with a jagged edge. The most commonly used trowel notch sizes are 6, 8, 10 and 12 mm. The dimensions of the spatula are given, each factory knows the properties of its adhesive, so it is much easier to predict the exact layer that you will lay down.

Therefore, you can often see in the instructions the consumption of glue in kg, depending on the type of spatula. (For example, for Ceresit CM12 glue for 30x30 cm tiles, the instructions recommend using a spatula with 10 mm teeth, and the glue consumption is immediately given at 4.2 kg per square meter).

However, do not think that when using a spatula with 8 mm teeth, you will get an 8 mm layer of glue. 8 mm is the initial height of the ridges that a 90 degree spatula would leave behind. But, firstly, you will lead the spatula at an angle, and the initial height will be less, and secondly, when you put the tile on top, it will press the glue with it and it will be distributed over the entire surface. Typically, the layer of adhesive will be in the range of 0.3 - 0.5 of the dimensions of the trowel teeth. For example, for an 8 mm spatula, the adhesive thickness can be 2.4 - 4 mm. This proportion is approximate, since you can lay the adhesive at different angles, besides, different adhesives have different properties, and only the adhesive manufacturer can tell you what height of the adhesive will be obtained using a given spatula.

3) Type of tiles

The back surface of the tile absorbs the adhesive. But different kind material differs in porosity - tiles self made and cotto are very porous, they absorb more glue. Glazed industrial tiles absorb less, and porcelain tiles even less. Most often, manufacturers produce special adhesives for each type of material that takes into account these features. But there are also universal adhesives, so you will need to take into account the difference in absorption for different materials. If you are laying stone, often manufacturers will also ask you to apply an extra layer of adhesive to the back of the material.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the evenness of the back surface of the tile. Handmade tiles and clinker often have an uneven back surface, so it is recommended to apply an additional thin layer of glue on it. This will increase the expense.

If you plan to lay tiles of different thicknesses on the same surface, you will have to compensate for this difference with glue. Get ready for that. that consumption will increase.

4) The base on which the laying is carried out and the technology of laying the tiles

Before laying, you need to know the condition of the surface on which you will lay the tiles. Ideally, it should be an absolutely flat plane, without differences in height. In practice, most often there are 2 situations: in the first case, the surface is maximally leveled and the height differences do not exceed 3 mm. In this case, you can lay the tiles using the thin-layer laying method - this means that the adhesive layer will be minimal, and the adhesive itself will only be used to adhere the tiles to the base. Most often in such cases, the adhesive layer will not exceed 5 mm (and will be kept within the limits indicated above). But the total consumption of glue in any case will depend on differences in the height of the base and irregularities (which it will fill).

In the second case. the surface can be complex and uneven. There are adhesives that simultaneously level the surface and glue the tiles to the base. Usually they are capable of height differences of up to 30 mm. This technology is called thick-layer laying and the adhesive layer in this case will be determined by the presence and nature of irregularities and can reach up to 30 mm. Naturally, with this method of laying, the consumption of glue will be much higher.
Quite often, this method is used when laying tiles that have large differences in thickness (for example, this method is suitable for laying clinker with a strongly profiled back and handmade tiles with an uneven surface. If you try to lay such an uneven tile on a thin layer of adhesive, the consequences will be depressing: the final surface may be uneven, the tile may not stick due to voids, etc.)

Accordingly, you must know exactly how you will be laying before calculating the consumption of glue. The smoother the surface, the less glue is needed and vice versa.

In addition, one should take into account the factor that the bases on which the laying is carried out have different porosity. For example, a relatively porous cement slurry base will absorb more adhesive than a concrete slab, so there will be more adhesive consumption.

And one more thing: when laying on a vertical surface (especially external facades), it is often recommended to apply glue not only to the base, but also to the back of the tile for better adhesion and to avoid the appearance of voids under the tile. In this case, the consumption of glue will increase and you should take this into account.

5) Brand and composition of glue

Adhesives of different brands include different additives (to give greater adhesion, elasticity, change the setting speed, resistance to creep, temperatures, etc.). All this changes the density of the adhesive, so two 25 kg bags can contain a different amount of material, which, accordingly, changes its consumption. In order to more accurately calculate the material consumption, it is better to know the manufacturer and the name of the adhesive in order to be able to check its consumption according to the information declared by the manufacturer. (For example, the standard consumption rate for Eunice Granite glue is 1 kg for each mm of glue, the Litokol K80 norm is 1.35 kg for each mm. With an adhesive thickness of 4 mm for an area of ​​20 meters, the difference will be (approximately, other things being equal) 20 kg (80 kg vs. 108 kg) Therefore, if you want more accurate calculations, be sure to look at the manufacturer's data.

6) Weather conditions

The normal temperature for laying tiles is from +5 to +40 degrees Celsius. Ideal - in the region of 18-24 degrees. The higher the temperature at which you lay the tiles, the more water evaporates from the surface of the adhesive and the greater its consumption. At low temperatures (below zero), the adhesive begins to deteriorate and it is extremely difficult to predict its consumption. It is also important to pay attention to the wind. If you are laying tiles outdoors, with a strong wind, moisture will again begin to leave the surface and the adhesive consumption will increase.

7) Technique of work and qualification of the stacker

Glue consumption depends on how you use the tool. At different angles of the spatula, the thickness of the applied adhesive changes (for example, at an angle of 60 degrees, the consumption of glue can be greater than at an angle of 45 degrees. The difference can be up to 25 percent). Likewise spatulas with different form The teeth distribute different amounts of glue: a V-shaped trowel usually distributes slightly less glue than a U-shaped trowel, which in turn distributes less. than a spatula with square teeth. If you are laying a tile for the first time, then the consumption of glue may differ from the standard one due to the fact that you either train, or violate the technology, or for some other reason, part of the glue you have goes to waste. It is always better to buy material with a margin in this case, so as not to stop laying in the middle of the process.

Calculation of the required amount of glue

The easiest is if you know exactly what kind of glue you need. For example, you have been laying tiles for years and know exactly what you want Eunice 2000 or Mapei Granirapid. It is enough to go to the manufacturer's website and find the calculator section (there are such sections on the websites of all manufacturers). In the calculator, it is enough to fill in the size of the tile, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the brand of glue, click on the calculate button - and you will get a ready answer in kilograms. This figure can then be increased if you know for sure that you will use glue to level the height between the tiles, work in conditions where the back surface also needs to be covered with glue, and under other circumstances that increase consumption.

If you don't know yet what kind of glue you'll be using, but want to estimate repair costs, use the numbers above. We will assume that you use cement-based tile adhesive (this is the most popular and easiest option). Then you can take the average temperature in the hospital - the consumption of glue is 1.3 kg per 1 mm of the glue layer. Multiply by thickness. glue. Let's say you lay a 30x30 cm tile on the floor. Then, with an average layer of 4 mm (see paragraph about the size of the tile), the glue consumption will be 5.2 kg per 1 m2 of installation. If you need to lay 20 meters of tiles, you will need 20 * 5.2 = 104 kg of tile adhesive. If you decide to lay a 10x10 cm tile on the same area, you will need 1.3 * 2 * 20 = 52 kg of glue. If you decide to lay a 60x60 cm tile, then you will approximately spend 1.3 * 6 * 20 \u003d 156 kg of glue

It is important to understand that this value is very approximate, and based on it, you cannot go to the store and order glue. We repeat once again that adhesives are different, they all have different properties and consumption, so it is better to at least know the brand of adhesive. But this figure will help you navigate the costs and planning, at least the final result is unlikely to be ten times more or less.

And the third way, which is more suitable for sellers in a tile store. Suitable if the buyer asks roughly how much glue is needed in general (without details, for an estimate). You need to take half the thickness of the tile in mm and multiply by the average consumption of glue per mm of the brand you are selling. If you do not know the expense or several brands - multiply by the average for the hospital 1.3. Typically, industrial tiles of small sizes are rather thin (5-6 mm), medium-sized porcelain tiles have a thickness of 10 mm, and thicker porcelain tiles - from 12 mm. Therefore, for porcelain stoneware 45x45 cm (10 mm thick), we get 5 * 1.3 = 6.5 kg per meter, which will give 130 kg per 20 meters and will be relatively close to the truth. Of course, you can’t invoice according to such criteria, but at least you can name the order.

Adhesive consumption rate for popular brands

To help you a little with the calculations, we have collected average consumption rates for the most popular brands of glue. More detailed data for each type of adhesive are listed below, the summary information is as follows:

Clay Unix: average consumption rate 1-1.16 kg per 1m2 with a layer of 1 mm of glue

: average consumption rate 1.4-1.6 kg per 1 m2 with a layer of 1 mm of glue, or from 1.5 to 6 kg per m2 depending on the size of the spatula and the type of glue

Glue Litokol: average consumption rate 1.3-1.5 kg per 1 m2 with a layer of 1 mm of glue, or from 2.5 to 6 kg per m2 depending on the size of the spatula and the type of glue

Clay Hercules: average consumption rate in the region of 1.5 kg per 1 m2 with a layer of 1 mm of glue

Glue Mapei: average consumption rate in the region of 1.2-1.6 kg per 1 m2 with a layer of 1 mm of glue, or 2-8 kg depending on the size of the spatula and the type of glue

Eunice glue consumption per 1m2

Eunice is one of the most popular adhesives on the market. Produced by Unis, which was established in 1994 on the basis of SMU "Zhukovsky". The company now claims to be the market leader in the production of dry cement-based mortars and ranks first in Russia in the production of tile adhesives.

Eunice XXI

Tile adhesive for laying ceramic, tile and mosaic tiles, natural stone slabs and porcelain stoneware.

Eunice 2000

The most popular glue model. Tile adhesive for laying ceramic, tile and mosaic tiles, natural stone slabs and porcelain stoneware

Consumption 1.16 kg/m2 per 1 mm of adhesive

Consumption when using a spatula 6 * 6 mm - 3.5 kg / m2

UNIS Hi Tech

Advanced tile adhesive with extended open time

Consumption 1.16 kg/m2 per 1 mm of adhesive

Consumption when using a spatula 6 * 6 mm - 3.5 kg / m2

Eunice Plus

Tile adhesive for laying ceramic, tile and mosaic tiles, natural stone slabs and porcelain stoneware

Consumption 1.16 kg/m2 per 1 mm of adhesive

Consumption when using a spatula 6 * 6 mm - 3.5 kg / m2

Eunice Pool

Adhesive for laying tiles in water tanks

Consumption 1 kg/m2 per 1 mm of glue

Eunice Granite

Tile adhesive for fastening large-format tiles made of natural stone and porcelain stoneware

Consumption 1 kg/m2 per 1 mm of glue

Consumption when using a spatula 6 * 6 mm - 3.1 kg / m2


White tile adhesive "Belfix" for exterior and internal works used for wall and floor cladding of ceramic, marble, matte, transparent, glass and decorative mosaic tiles used as a grout


Tile adhesive for laying ceramic, tile and mosaic tiles

Consumption 1.16 kg/m2 per 1 mm of adhesive

Consumption of Ceresit glue per 1m2

Ceresit(Ceresite) is a popular brand of building mixes produced by German concern Henkel. In 2003, the company opened a plant for the production of Ceresit mixtures in Russia in the city of Kolomna, Moscow Region, and then another plant in Chelyabinsk and Ulyanovsk. The adhesives listed below are manufactured in Russia.

Ceresit SM 9. Adhesive for tiles for interior use

Consumption - 1.6 kg per 1 m2 per 1 mm layer, or from 2 to 4.2 kg/m2 depending on the size of the trowel teeth and the tile format

Ceresit CM 11 Plus.

Adhesive for fixing ceramic tiles for indoor and outdoor use and for porcelain stoneware for indoor use

Consumption: 1.4-1.5 kg per 1 m2 per 1 mm layer, or from 1.7 to 4.2 kg/m2 depending on the size of the trowel teeth and the tile format

Ceresit CM 12.

Adhesive for fixing large-format floor tiles

Consumption: 1.6 kg per 1 m2 per 1 mm layer. or from 2.7 to 6.0 kg/m2 depending on the size of the trowel teeth and the tile format

Ceresit CM 117.

Elastic adhesive for facade tiles, porcelain stoneware and facing stone

Consumption: 1.4-1.5 kg per 1 m2 per 1 mm layer, or from 1.8 to 4.7 kg/m2 depending on the size of the trowel teeth and the tile format

Ceresit CM 16.

Flexible tile adhesive for indoor and outdoor use

Consumption: 1.55 kg per 1 m2 per 1 mm layer, or from 1.5 to 3.2 kg/m2 depending on the size of the trowel teeth and the tile format

Ceresit CM 17.

Highly elastic tile adhesive for outdoor and indoor use

Consumption: 1.45 kg per 1 m2 per 1 mm layer, or from 1.5 to 4.1 kg/m2 depending on the size of the trowel teeth and the tile format

Ceresit CM 115.

Adhesive for marble tiles and glass mosaics

Consumption: 1.5 kg per 1 m2 per 1 mm layer, or from 2.5 to 4.4 kg/m2 depending on the size of the trowel teeth and the tile format

Litokol- Italian concern for the production of building mixtures. In 2002, the company opened production in Noginsk (Moscow region). All cement-based adhesives are made in Russia, while resin-based adhesives are imported from Italy.

Cement based adhesives

Litoflex K 81.

Elastic, highly adhesive cementitious adhesive for laying porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles. For laying "tile on tile" on "warm" floors. Based on white cement.

Litoflex K 80.

Elastic, highly adhesive dry cementitious adhesive mixture for laying porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles. For laying "tile on tile" on "warm" floors.

consumption -1.35 kg/m2 per 1 mm of adhesive layer thickness. Glue consumption rates in detail:

Litoflex K80 eco .

Elastic, highly adhesive dry cementitious adhesive mixture with low dust formation. For laying porcelain stoneware and ceramic and natural stone tiles. For laying "tile on tile" on "warm" floors. frost-resistant

Adhesive consumption: 2.5-5 kg/m2 depending on the tile format and the condition of the substrate

Litokol X 11.

Reinforced cementitious adhesive for laying tiles on floors and walls. frost-resistant

consumption -1.35 kg/m2 per 1 mm of adhesive layer thickness. Glue consumption rates in detail:

Litofloor K66

Cement-based adhesive for thick layer laying floor tiles made of porcelain stoneware, ceramics and natural stone, including large-format.

consumption -1.5 kg/m2 per 1 mm thickness of the adhesive layer, but this value very approximate

Superflex K77

Superelastic, highly adhesive, cementitious adhesive mixture for laying tiles made of porcelain stoneware, ceramics and natural stone, including large-format

nominal consumption -1.3 kg/m2 per 1 mm of adhesive layer thickness. However, this adhesive is used for high traffic areas, facades, industrial floors with high load, and the manufacturer recommends applying it also with reverse side tiles to avoid voids. Therefore, the final consumption of glue will be individual and may be more than indicated.

Litokol K 47

Cement based adhesive for laying ceramic tiles on floors and walls. For interior work. Not suitable for laying porcelain stoneware

Litokol K 17

Professional dry adhesive mix for laying ceramic tiles on floors and walls. Not suitable for porcelain tiles

consumption -1.3 kg/m2 per 1 mm of adhesive layer thickness. Glue consumption rates in detail:

Dispersion adhesives

Litoacril Fix
Ready-to-use dispersion adhesive based on synthetic resins, with inert filler and organic additives. Classification according to EN 12004.

Litoacryl LA315
Dispersion adhesive with zero vertical slip and extended open time for laying ceramic tiles. Ready to use, class D1TE.

Litoacril Plus
Dispersion adhesive with improved slip resistance and extended open time, ready to use. Based on water-based synthetic resin, inert filler and organic additives.

Adesivo Universale LK78
Universal dispersion adhesive with extended open time for laying ceramic tiles. Belongs to the class D1TE.

Epoxy adhesives

L itoelastic
Reactive two-component epoxy-polyurethane adhesive for laying all types of tiles on various surfaces, including elastic and vibrating. Suitable for creating waterproof coatings and leveling.

Tile size. cm Tooth size
spatula. mm
Average consumption of glue,
kg per m2
from 1x1 5x5 4 2-2,5
10x10 15x15 6 2,5
15x20 25x25 6-8 2,5-3
25x33 33x33 8-10 3-3,5
30x45 45x45 10, double application 4-5
50x50 60x60 10, double application 4-5
over 10, double application 4-5

Epoxystuck X90
Epoxy acid-resistant two-component grout for filling tile joints with a width of 3 to 10 mm. Component A consists of a mixture of epoxy resins, silicon fillers and additives. Component B consists of a mixture of catalysts of organic origin. Designed for acid-resistant grouting of joints with a width of 3 to 10 mm for external and internal floor and wall cladding made of any type of ceramic tiles, natural stone.

Tile size. cm Tooth size
spatula. mm
Average consumption of glue,
kg per m2
5 - 8 - 10 1,16-1,86-2,33
3 - 4 - 6 0,56-0,74-1,12
3 - 4 - 6 - 8 0,33-0,43-0,65-0,87
4 - 8 - 10 0,35-0,70-0,87
4 - 10 0,34-0,86
6 - 10 0,45-0,74

Plant Hercules-Siberia is located in Novosibirsk. According to the company, the best Novosibirsk builders and specialists in the field of building chemistry took part in the development of original production technologies.

Hercules Tile Adhesive Basic

It is used for facing tiled, ceramic, mosaic tiles of walls and floors made of concrete, brick, plastered surfaces inside dry and damp rooms. Can be used to smooth out imperfections in walls, ceilings and floors.

Consumption (by dry weight) with a layer thickness of 3 mm - 4.5 kg / m2:

Hercules Clay for swimming pools AQUA///STOP

It is used for facing works with ceramic tiles of swimming pools, saunas, showers and bathrooms, etc. It is recommended for facing with increased requirements for reliability, durability and resistance of the coating. For outdoor and indoor work.

Average dry mix consumption 5-8 kg per sq/m

Hercules Adhesive for tiles and heavy boards Strong

It is used for interior and exterior tiling of marble, limestone, granite and other coarse-grained rocks, artificial stone materials on brick, concrete and cement plasters. Also suitable for ceramic tiles.

Average glue consumption: 5-8 kg per sq/m

Hercules Clay for tiles Superpolymer.

It is used for facing works with ceramic (wall or floor) tiles on brick, concrete, plaster. Suitable for both outdoor and indoor use

tile adhesive Views: 797864

For adult boys Screed in 1 day:.! Technology of laying a floor from a natural stone of work on a stone Within 10 minutes after laying of a tile it is possible to correct their position. With this method, the adhesive solution is also applied with a spatula and on the tile in an even layer. Density of the solution: 1.64 kg/dm3. Required amount of mixing water: company trade partnership - stone sandstone, veneer for photoshop File format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - ViewTile laying: from 1.7 kg/m when applied with a 4 mm notched trowel to 3.4 kg/m when working notched grater 8 mm also the density of the material (1.35 kg/dm), which tiles adhesive solution must adhere to its entire surface. plasters and cement screeds on dense, smooth concrete surfaces and old concrete; - when laying tiles in an adhesive solution on smooth concrete Sealants, adhesive for thermal insulation, for tiles, PVA, mounting foam Glue for tiles, ready-made adhesive tiles Orders from 1 meter, seven days a week, Moscow and the region, Vanna,. styling for medium length hair For denser wallpapers, glue (adhesive power) is used. The adhesive composition based on CMC glue is a solution of dry CMC glue (in the form of white flakes) in Wall tiling Laying tiles facing on mortar Sale of glue for tiles Copper Mortar Tile Adhesive Bathroom Tiles

tiles ceramic We sell glue for a tile Eunice plus (25 kg) - 235r/m. Any volumes. hair styling medium length photo for phone The heaviest - dense tiles gres: with a thickness of 8.5 mm, one meter of tiles 3030 When laying on the floor without a seam, an adhesive solution can get between the tiles. water density CEMENT-BASED TILE ADHESIVE - Increased moisture resistance - High CM 17 is designed for facing surfaces with increased density (concrete, Vetonit Easy Fix Cement-based adhesive mortar for laying tiles on Eunice + - 250 rubles. Knauf Fliesenkleber - 230 rubles. Eunice XXI - 170 rubles Delivery for children Laying tiles, mosaics, porcelain stoneware, natural stone Polymeron - special enamel for metal Practice shows that the composition on the surface is characterized by good adhesive qualities empty seats filled with mortar tiles. Correct laying of hair styling tiles Catalog and prices on the site. From warehouse. Delivery in Moscow and Moscow region tiles house tiles gas tourist styling for long hair hair styling medium length aluminum density steel density Tile adhesive

for what purposes the patch panel is used Bulk density 2.2–2.7. This is a soft breed, easily scratched by a knife blade. the base and thickness of the tiles are currently used in several ways of laying. Sandstone laying on cement-sand mortar on a concrete base. It is necessary to start laying sandstone immediately after applying the adhesive. High-quality repair of a bathroom, a bathroom. All types of work. Estimate. Departure. Call. density of cement density of gasoline for girls Tile work of any complexity. Moscow. Ceresit CM 17 (elastic adhesive for all types of tiles) 25 kg There are several ways to mark the wall for laying tiles. This is a very important stage of work, since the density and water resistance of the coating depend on it. Remove unevenness of the floor less than 5 mm with an adhesive solution. Elkon-plus // Materials for laying tiles // Product catalog of tiles for paths Trade company Altai (Kaliningrad). Granite tiles, Eunice products plus - 235r / m tile adhesive Tiler. Laying any tiles. , Adhesives for tiles coupler. High quality. 5 years warranty. Experience since 2003. Painting of metal structures, bridges, cranes, special equipment, wagons. density of diesel fuel density of air Double fired tiles can be installed using ordinary cement mortar or modern adhesives. Before laying tiles Laying tiles 500 m.

Porches, basements, tiles, drainage,. electric laying tiles for long hair photo Ceramic tiles / Recommendations for laying and care Repair of bathrooms and toilets InStroy company offers services for the repair of residential premises laying Internet store of building materials repair and construction density Tile adhesive (25kg): for you Laying tiles Ceramic granite Glue. Sealants. Mounting foam All types of tiles and plumbing work. Bathroom refurbishment. Within 10 minutes after laying the tiles, you can adjust their position. With this method, the adhesive solution is also applied with a spatula and on the tile in an even layer with a thickness of one mm. Density of the dry mix: approx. 1.4 kg/dm3 styling for long hair hair styling photos for the shower and soul concrete density

For laying ceramic tiles, mosaics and natural hewn stone. For leveling thick adhesive layer of non-load-bearing dry building elements. The density of the solution. approx. g/cm. The presence of marking the density of sand Repair of an apartment, house, cottage Glue for ceramic, stone, mosaic, plastic tiles. Until now, laying on cement mortar is very common, and every tiler on the back side, to make sure that the adhesive mortar is evenly distributed. As noted above, gres, due to its density, is absolutely for contact. A private master will repair bathrooms and toilets. Selection and laying of tiles, All about tiles plitkin house ivanteevka Tile work styling for short hair FUGA EPOXI 710 General requirements to be observed when laying tiles. to ensure that the adhesive is evenly distributed. Ceramic Techno, due to its density, is an absolutely non-deformable and inflexible material, Mixes Knauf, Eunice, IVSIL, Osnovit, Vetonit, Weber, Kreisel. Bathroom refurbishment. 40,000 rubles Delivery of building materials in Moscow and the region. Everything you need for repairs Time of laying tiles on the applied mortar is possible up to 30 minutes. Mixture density, 1 6 kg/dm3. The amount of water for mixing the mixture, 5 l / 25 kg of the mixture The adhesive solution is applied to the prepared base with the help of a solution of a certain composition, even for the mobile, provided for by the project, and its thorough homogenization; application of adhesive to the surface and laying tiles: the adhesive requires particularly careful control of the density of the adhesive layer. Natural stone - KERAMASTER. Ceramic tiles are fun! House - EVERYTHING FOR REPAIR / BUILDER'S SCHOOL. For information According to the density, the stones are divided into light (density up to 2200 kg / m3) and heavy (density more). !laying for quads High-quality Eurobond tile adhesives.Elastic, durable, economical Glue and other building mixtures.Delivery. Optimal prices. Promotion! CJSC PP KREPS - How to glue the tiles correctly ADHESIVE COMPOSITIONS of adhesive mastic Bustilat-M, Dispersion adhesive Recommendations for laying ceramic tiles Mortar that has already dried up on the wall and has lost its adhesive ability large sizes- knock out DENSITY - 3.17 g/cm3; VOLUME WEIGHT (SPECIFIC WEIGHT) - 2.7 g / cc cm; Two-component polyurethane adhesive PCI Collastic May 19, 2009 Therefore, preference is given to dense, low-porous marbles. The subsequent operations are the same as when laying tiles on a concrete base. proceed immediately after applying the adhesive solution to the subfloor. Description of tile adhesives (tile adhesive) Artisan S-9, S-10, S-11. Liquidation of the warehouse, a discount of up to 30% of the wholesale purchase price of electric table tiles is provided Tile adhesive - Building chemicals - Construction Materials paving slabs Key - ceramic tiles and tiles from Europe, wholesale. Gluing tiles is easy! surface adhesive retains its adhesive properties for 30 minutes. Bulk density: 1550 kg/m3. Mortar grade for strength: M 100 The allowable time for adjusting the location of the tiles is 15 minutes after laying.

One of the first questions that arise when buying tile materials used in the work is how much tile adhesive is consumed per 1 m2.
Since on the basis of this value it is possible to calculate not only the volume of the required material, but also its cost. It is, in principle, impossible to unequivocally answer this question, but it is quite realistic to calculate the approximate consumption of the solution per 1 m2.

How can I calculate the required amount of the mixture?

The first option that comes to mind is to find out about the required amount from the one who releases it. For a particular manufacturer, there are norms for the consumption of tile adhesive from the condition of a constant thickness of the applied mortar. These data are indicated on the packaging and are indicative for the calculation. The table below shows the characteristics of the most popular brands of glue. The spread of values ​​is due to different compositions of mixtures and type of destination.

Options for an approximate calculation of the amount of tile adhesive

As is clear from the presented table, the values ​​are approximately the same and say little about anything. It is better to estimate the consumption of tile adhesive per 1 m2 on the calculator, which is presented by each manufacturer on its website.

In order to use this service, you need to know the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, decide on and select the type of mixture. As a result, you will be given the result in kilograms.

Another simplified version of the calculation under optimal conditions of use: half the thickness of the panel is multiplied by the consumption of the solution indicated on the package, the result will be the desired consumption of glue per 1 m2.

To correctly determine the required amount of the mixture, you need to take into account all the factors affecting this value.

Factors Affecting Adhesive Consumption

The first thing that determines the consumption of the mixture is the type of surface and its general condition. How smoother wall and the less bumps and cracks on it, the less glue leaves. That is why professional builders recommend pre-preparing the base with a less expensive finishing material type of plaster.

In addition, the reverse side of the tile can also have an uneven surface, and then an additional layer of mortar is applied to it.

The next parameter that determines the required amount of glue is the material of execution of both the wall and the tile itself.

Each material has its own porosity, depending on which it has a certain absorbency. For example, concrete walls absorb the least mortar. To reduce the consumption of tile adhesive per 1 m2, the base is carefully treated before

Tiles are also made from different materials. The smallest amount of glue disappears on porcelain stoneware panels, the largest porosity in cotto tiles.

The size of the panels also plays a role, the larger the tile, the thicker the layer should be.

Much depends on the method of installation and the professionalism of the masters. The more experienced the finisher, the thinner the layer of glue he can put without losing the quality of the fastening.

Varieties of glue

Before determining the consumption of tile adhesive per 1m2, it is necessary to choose which composition will be used. There are three main types of tile mix:

1. Dispersion - a ready-made composition, it is extremely convenient because you do not need to waste time on its preparation. It is good because it has ideal plasticity and viscosity, which allows applying the solution in an optimally thin layer.

2. Cement-based adhesive, the most inexpensive mixture that is sold dry and needs to be diluted. Thanks to cheap components, it is very popular and is used in 80% of cases. This type has its own way of calculating consumption, approximate, but giving at least some idea of ​​the required amount. To determine the consumption, it is necessary to know the thickness of the adhesive layer, which is calculated based on the size of the tile. We multiply the thickness by 1.3 (this is the average weight of the tile adhesive) and we get the desired result.

3. Epoxy mix is ​​commonly used by professional finishers as it requires some experience to make. For dilution, a special catalyst is used, which provokes a chemical reaction.

Spatulas used at work

A lot also depends on the size and type of spatula. To apply the solution, a spatula of a certain shape is used. If it is incorrectly sized, then the consumption of tile adhesive per 1 m2 increases significantly.

1. Adhesive consumption directly depends on the angle of the spatula during application, the larger the slope, the greater the consumption.

2. Most of the glue is consumed when applying the mortar with a square-toothed trowel, the most economical option is a V-shaped tool.

So how much glue do you need to buy?

Experts suggest taking 10 kg of glue per 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 10 mm as the norm. Even if you do it yourself, it will be more than enough. In order to reduce the consumption of tile adhesive per 1m2, the advice of professionals suggests carefully studying the technology of applying the solution and following the recommendations from the manufacturer.

Construction work involves the use of a variety of structures, some of which must be fixed using a high-quality mounting tool - glue. For each material, a different type of substance is used to ensure the strength of the fasteners. The most popular building adhesives are:

  • tile adhesive
  • Epoxy adhesive
  • PVA glue
  • Adhesive for porcelain tiles
  • Functional features and weight of tile adhesive.

    Modern design very often uses tiles as additional interior elements, both indoors and in building cladding. The market can offer many options for tiles and mosaics. In order for the tiled masonry to serve for a long time, instead of the usual solution, you need to use specialized adhesives.

    Adhesive mixtures have a wide range. The diversity is due to the functions that they are able to perform:

  • Ability to work in wet areas
  • Working with materials at low and high temperatures(exterior decoration or fireplaces)
  • The ability to quickly fix the elements, to avoid slipping and slipping
  • The ability to correct the correct position of the element
  • For a qualitative result, it is necessary to choose the right remedy and the quantitative need for it. Specific gravity glue varies from 1.3 g/cm3; up to 1.35 g / cm3;, but there are exceptions (depending on the brand and manufacturer). Thus - per 1m² tile adhesive weight 5 kg of dry mix will be required.

    Important characteristics of the porcelain stoneware adhesive

    Porcelain stoneware slabs are durable, heavy and dense structure. Therefore, for quality styling, it is necessary to use a base with a high degree of adhesive power. The main parameters, when choosing it, will be: the weight of the tile that it can hold, and the degree of adhesion strength. Successful work with porcelain stoneware requires high adhesion (adhesion to the surface) and plasticity of the adhesive solution. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the layer of the agent when laying floor structures - it must be equal to the thickness of the tile itself.

    Often weight of glue for porcelain stoneware, in a packing bag, is 25 kg. Mixture consumption, with a thickness of 1 mm = 1.3 kg / m3;. Usually the composition includes: fractionated sand, modifying additives and high-quality cement. This product is environmentally friendly.

    Epoxy adhesive for building purposes

    Epoxy adhesive includes a base and a catalyst mixed immediately before use. When using EC, one should be aware of the increase in the amount of consumption of the substance, with uneven surface or deformations.

    Epoxy adhesive weight calculate like this:

    WEC = Density of adhesive x (S tiles + Thickness of the applied layer)

    It is important to consider the porosity of the decorative parts. Sales consultants will help you correctly calculate the need for materials so that the result will meet expectations.

    Weight of building glue PVA

    PVA glue for construction purposes is able to glue various materials: paper, wood, cardboard, leather, linoleum, plastic, laminate, glass and tiles. It is convenient when assembling furniture, has significant stability at high temperatures and dynamic loads. Suitable for carpentry processes, does not leave marks and is very elastic.

    pva glue weight in a packing container, is 0.5 kg. Substance consumption is economical - within 100-900g/m². It is inexpensive and waterproof. It must be applied with a brush, considering temperature regime. Can be used to strengthen the adhesive mixture, increase its viscosity and greater adhesion.