Which profile to choose for windows. Useful tips: which windows are better to put in an apartment - reviews and rating

I am glad to welcome my readers!

During my work, I installed many windows, but most often the quality was not very good.

The fact is that the main thing in a plastic window is the profile, but at first glance, all windows look the same. That is why, I often encountered the fact that customers choose a low-quality profile.

What is the main thing in plastic windows? The basis of plastic windows is a profile. A good profile is a guarantee of high-quality and reliable plastic windows.

How to choose a quality profile and what to look for when choosing? I want to help you find the answer to this question in this article.

We go outside or take a newspaper and what we see are the windows of KBE, REHAU, VEKA, SALAMAHDER, LG, PROPLEX, BRUSBOX and the like. What is behind all these names? - These are the names of window profile manufacturers and nothing else, and your windows will be made by completely different companies, and we know perfectly well what our manufacturers can make from the best raw materials.

And yet a little about the profile manufacturers. When ordering windows, you will hear from the manager that windows (for example, KBE, VEKA, REHAU, SALAMANDER) are German windows made in Germany - naturally the best and highest quality. What is true in these words and what is not? Of all those listed, only SALAMANDER is 100% produced abroad (therefore, it has a corresponding price), the rest have long been produced in Russia.

And about the production of the window profile. Most profile manufacturers have built their factories in Russia. I was at the KBE and VEKA factories - excellent factories, imported equipment, foreign specialists, imported raw materials, so there is not much difference from where the profile comes from (I think the situation is similar at other factories of European manufacturers).

True, as always, there is a "BUT". This is a "BUT" profile system produced specifically for Russia, i.e. it is not used abroad - it is only for us at "our request". The advantage of this system is cheap, the disadvantage is to reduce the cost, the profile walls make thinner, respectively, the thermal resistance is less, the strength is less.

For the south, this is quite acceptable, in the middle lane - it is doubtful, in the north they can freeze. Usually this profile system is called an object profile and is used for glazing large objects - multi-storey residential buildings, industrial enterprises, etc. There are also Russian and Turkish systems, but since we are going to glaze our house, we will not consider these systems in detail.

Which profile I personally prefer, I can write further.

Which profile do you think is better? What is better Rehau or Brusbox? Veka or Proplex? KBE or LG? etc.

The most difficult and annoying question, to which it is almost impossible to give a reasoned answer, I can only express my personal opinion. I emphasize once again - this is my personal opinion, and not advertising, and the conversation will only focus on the profile systems with which I worked.

A few words about SALAMANDER (goes to non-competition) – good profile. The main advantage is made in Germany, the main disadvantage is that it is expensive. It would have been produced in Russia - it was among the middle peasants.

Now, in order about the profile systems produced in Russia:

Better than others in:

  • number of customer reviews
  • the number of defects in the supply of plastic profiles,
  • sealant,
  • holding seminars, trainings and training courses for window manufacturers.
  • Variety of profile systems.

Another advantage is that it sells the profile only to well-equipped enterprises for the production of plastic windows, which it regularly checks and issues its certificate to these plants. Therefore, if you have chosen a factory working with this profile, then the likelihood of getting into an unpleasant situation is less.

I give second place. This company sells its profile only to well-equipped plastic window manufacturing plants, which it regularly checks and issues its certificate to these plants. Therefore, if you have chosen a factory working with this profile, then the likelihood of getting into an unpleasant situation is less.

Deserved 3rd place.


  • There are disruptions in the supply of the profile, the rejection of the profile is more often than - for REHAU and VEKA
  • Sells a profile to any factories of plastic windows.



They share the last place by the number of positive reviews of people who installed windows, but they are very well suited for glazing balconies and loggias, as well as domestic premises. Advantage - low price.

P.S. I have not worked with other profile systems, so I can’t say anything about them.

source: http://infokna.narod.ru/

What profile of a plastic window is better to choose? Selection tips and manufacturer rating

The profile is the main element of any window; the durability and reliability of the entire structure depends on it. At first glance, the profile for PVC windows from different manufacturers looks almost the same.

The difference in quality becomes apparent after several months (or even years!) of use, when cheap windows begin to warp and cracks form in them. How to choose a good plastic profile for windows? How are products of different brands different from each other? And does it make sense to save on glazing by choosing an economy class profile?

Profile for PVC windows: characteristics and types

The profile is the basis of the entire structure, from which window sashes and frames are made. They determine not only appearance windows, but also its strength. Common materials for window profiles are wood (cedar and larch) and aluminum.

But most often the profile for windows is made of PVC, or polyvinyl chloride. Such a profile is reinforced with metal inserts and has air cavities inside, which increase the thermal insulation of the structure.

According to the European standard EN 12608 SR "Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) for the manufacture of windows and doors" and similar Russian GOST 30673-99 "Polyvinyl chloride profiles for window and door blocks. Specifications” profiles are classified according to a number of characteristics. In particular, in terms of the thickness of the outer and inner walls, the following are distinguished:

  1. Class A profiles - have outer walls with a thickness of 2.8 mm and inner walls with a thickness of 2.5 mm; they provide the better thermal insulation and are considered the best choice.
  2. Class B profiles - have outer walls with a thickness of 2.5 mm, internal - from 2.0 mm; such windows are not only “colder”, but also 15% less resistant to deformation.
  3. Class C profiles - all others that do not fit the standards A and B, they are not subject to strict requirements.


There is a so-called "objective" profile, which is designed for installation in non-residential industrial premises. It cannot be used in houses and apartments - because of the thin walls, it does not hold heat and is unstable to deformation.

At first glance, such a profile is no different from the usual one - except for protective film you can see the marking object. Often, unscrupulous companies offering very low prices for their goods sell windows from just such a profile.

Choosing the best profile for plastic windows

It is not easy to determine "by eye" which profile of plastic windows is better, but there are some features that can say a lot about its quality.

Profile uniformity

The plastic must be homogeneous and absolutely smooth. The grainy surface suggests that the windows were most likely made in artisanal conditions and are fake. The coating must also be uniform, free of streaks and gradients.

By the way. In order not to buy a fake at the price of branded windows, pay attention to the factory markings on the inside of the window box. It should be stamped with the name of the manufacturer and a number of numbers: shift number, devices for the production of PVC profiles and date of manufacture.

Profile width

Most often, companies offer a plastic profile for windows with a width of 58 mm - this is a classic option, preferred for residential premises. There is also a profile with a width of 70 mm, this is often installed in high-rise buildings or where the climate is especially harsh. The 90 mm wide profile belongs to the premium class, it is characterized by excellent heat and sound insulation characteristics. However, not all companies work with such products.

Profile thickness

The thickness of the profile should be the same, from 2.5 mm to 3 mm. However, thin walls are not suitable for heavy window blocks - in this case, the welding seam is less durable, which means that the reliability of the entire structure suffers.

Number of air chambers

The number of cameras also depends on the width of the profile. A 58 mm profile can have a maximum of three chambers - which, however, is quite enough for the windows to retain heat. 70mm - three, four and even five cameras. The last of those mentioned (70 mm) are most in demand for glazing apartments and houses.

The norm for a 90 mm profile is six chambers. The more cameras, the warmer and quieter it will be in the house. However, in fairness it should be said that the difference between, for example, a three- and four-chamber package is not so significant.

Number of double-glazed windows

The number of air chambers in a PVC profile should not be confused with the number of double-glazed windows. A double-glazed window is several sheets of glass interconnected along the contour using a special frame and sealants. Airtight chambers with air or other gas inside are formed between the panes.

A single-chamber double-glazed window is the lightest, it consists of two glasses and one air chamber between them. Such double-glazed windows are very light, suitable for glazing large openings, so they are often installed on balconies, loggias and terraces. However, they are not suitable for windows due to insufficient thermal insulation.

For a house, cottage, office or apartment, it is better to choose a double-glazed window consisting of three sheets of glass and two air chambers. Three-pane double-glazed windows made of four sheets of glass are not common, they are heavy and let in less light than other types of double-glazed windows.

Such windows are in demand only in the North, where the temperature in winter can drop to -40 o C and lower. With more high temperatures ah, there is almost no difference between two- and three-chamber double-glazed windows.

Useful advice!

When choosing a plastic profile for windows, pay attention to the frame seals. There should be two of them, otherwise condensation will settle under the frame, and this spoils the insulation and creates a favorable environment for bacteria and mold.

Window profile rating: comparison of products from key manufacturers

  • rehau
    One of the most famous companies that has been producing reliable windows for more than half a century and is considered the main innovator in this area - Rehau engineers are constantly improving the design and configuration of the profile - so the company pays great attention to environmental friendliness and energy-saving technologies. The company produces a profile with a width of 60-70 mm. Rehau products belong to the middle class.
  • VEKA
    Another German "giant", whose products are valued all over the world. VEKA produces white and colored profiles that do not fade or turn yellow when exposed to direct sunlight. The seal is made of natural rubber, which does not freeze even under the influence of very low temperatures - a valuable quality for the Russian climate. The line includes models with a width of 58 to 90 mm. In terms of price, VEKA windows are comparable to Rehau.
  • Trocal
    This is a company with a long history, one of the pioneers in the production of plastic windows. The first model was released in 1954. For decorative finishes the company offers the widest range of options - from lamination to acrylic coating. The profile is produced using the environmentally friendly Greenline technology and provides perfect thermal insulation. Profile width - 70 mm.
  • Salamander
    This German company is not as well known as KBE or VEKA, but Salamander products are in no way inferior to them in quality. The profile is produced exclusively in Germany, which means that by purchasing such windows, you can count on truly European quality - at the same European price. The company produces bags with a width of 60 to 76 mm.
  • KBE
    One of the most popular German brands that produces environmentally friendly windows recommended for installation in children's institutions and hospitals. KBE windows are of high quality and durability (they can serve up to 50 years!), and the line includes both luxury models and economy options. Profile width - from 58 to 70 mm.
  • Proplex
    Proplex is a Russian company that, despite its youth, has already managed to establish a wide production and significantly modernize window systems. The profile is developed with the participation of Austrian specialists and taking into account Russian conditions. With very good product quality, the company still manages to maintain affordable prices. Proplex offers models in widths from 58mm to 127mm.

This is only a small part of the manufacturers of plastic windows, in fact there are dozens, if not hundreds. What kind plastic windows better? When choosing glazing, you should give preference to well-known brands, but be sure to check all the documentation - famous brands are often faked. Branded windows at too low a price are a sign that they may be trying to deceive you.

Editorial opinion

Even the best windows will not last long if mistakes were made during their installation. Better simple economy class windows installed by professionals than expensive German windows installed by amateurs.

source: http://www.kp.ru/

Which profile of plastic windows is better

What is a quality profile?

The key to the quality and durability of a metal-plastic window is a high-quality profile. Even if at first glance the entire profile for plastic windows is the same, in reality this is far from being the case. What profile for plastic windows is better, and how to choose the right window, experts from VEKA Rus advise you.


The entire profile from which the windows are made is certified. The most significant is the RAL Certificate, which certifies not only the type of product, but also the place of its production. In other words, a profile of the same brand, but manufactured at different factories, will not always have this certificate.

The ISO 9001:2000 quality management system certificate is issued to industries that have a well-organized management system in compliance with all technological, economic and organizational requirements typical for the production of developed countries. Both Russian VEKA plants have this certificate.

If the profile is wider, is it more reliable and warmer?

Profile width is one of its main characteristics. Many window manufacturers promise a couple of extra millimeters to the profile width in their advertising campaigns, but are they really useful?

The following offers are most often found on the market:

  1. classic profile 58 mm;
  2. profile 70 mm with increased installation width;
  3. profile VEKA ALPHALINE 90 mm.

The width of 58 mm is due to the "classics of the genre" - wooden frames, which were replaced by plastic windows. Today, the EUROLINE 58 mm profile allows the production of modern warm windows that meet the requirements of most customers in different climatic zones. Properly manufactured and installed, this is the best window profile for any room.

A profile with a width of 70 mm is a proposal that appeared in the 80s of the last century. Having higher heat-saving soundproofing characteristics, this profile is especially fond of Russian consumers. In the product group of VEKA profiles, SOFTLINE, SWINGLINE and PROLINE have a width of 70 mm.

The 90 mm wide profile is a premium product that appeared about 5 years ago. The VEKA ALPHALINE profile allows the use of double-glazed windows up to 50 mm thick and is currently the unsurpassed leader among window profiles with enhanced energy-saving characteristics.


The choice of profile width largely depends on the installation location (window in the office, tambour door, Entrance door to the store, windows to country house) and climate.

Now another novelty has appeared on the market - the SOFTLINE 82 profile. The innovative multi-chamber system, elegant style and the choice of more than 40 modifications guarantee the satisfaction of the most demanding customer. The SOFTLINE 82 system provides the best insulating performance, is fully compatible with 70 mm profiles and can be installed in any home.

Number of cameras

The second characteristic of the window is the number of cameras in the profile. There are three in the standard. The first one is for condensate drainage, the second one is for placing a reinforcing metal insert, and the third one is for fixing parts of the fittings and creating an additional air gap for better window tightness. The number of chambers depends on the width of the profile. So, a 58 mm profile can have a maximum of three cameras, but a 70 mm profile - preferably four. For a profile of 90 mm, the norm is 6 cameras.

Three and six chamber profile systems

Increasing the number of cameras with the same profile width does not significantly change the characteristics of the window. To improve the heat-saving characteristics, a wider profile is needed, and not more partitions in it.

Full package

One more important point- double glazing. The number of glasses in the window affects its characteristics and cost. The most common are double glazing, but you can also order windows with single glazing or triple glazing.

"Triple" windows are warmer. However, they weigh more and require quality installation and stable construction. Single glazing is the coldest. It can be used for glazing unheated balconies, as well as summer houses. Double glazing is optimal for technical specifications, and allows you to maintain indoor comfort all year round.

Profile class

There are two classes of metal plastic profiles. The first, class A, with a thickened outer wall, is certified by the RAL system as the optimal profile for windows, doors and frame glazing.

Useful advice!

The second, class B, is a lightweight profile with a thinner outer wall, the so-called "object" profile. It has a slightly lower cost, but does not guarantee the preservation of the characteristics of the window throughout its operation.

Windows from the "object" profile, as an economical option, can be offered by absolutely all manufacturers, but you must remember that such a window may have weaker corner joints, poorer dimensional stability, lower energy-saving characteristics, the risk of premature wear of fittings, shorter service life.


Summing up the reasoning on the topic of choosing a profile for a metal-plastic window, we emphasize:

  • The presence of certificates confirms the quality.
  • According to the mounting width, all profiles are divided into two main classes: 58, 64 mm and 70 -76 mm. Within the class, the thermal characteristics are the same. A profile with a width of 68 mm and a profile with a width of 72 mm do not differ from each other.
  • The number of cameras affects the window quality only if the profile belongs to different width classes.
  • The most common is double glazing.
  • Class A profile is the leader in reliability and quality.

When choosing windows, be able to hear the necessary information and filter out ads. The quality of your windows depends on your choice. Take the time to make the right choice!

Plastic windows are the most popular choice. They are durable, sound insulating well, easy to care for, and their thermal insulation properties are especially important in continental climates, with hot summers and harsh winters.

What plastic windows are better to choose for an apartment? This question will help answer rating of plastic windows by quality, compiled in 2018 based on user reviews from the sites Irecommend and Otzovik.

Also, when compiling the window hit parade, such criteria as the longevity of the company, the popularity of the products, the quality of service and, of course, the price were taken into account.

The cost of a double-leaf window is from 7,500 rubles.

Opens the rating of the best plastic windows "Panorama" - one of the oldest manufacturers of plastic windows on the Russian market, which has been afloat for more than 20 years. Over the years, the St. Petersburg company has glazed more than one and a half million square meters. So far, only one thing upsets users - that the company's service is so unobtrusive that it is difficult to get information about possible options.

The cost is from 14,000 rubles.

SOK, or Samara Window Constructions, was founded in 1999. The company does not have its own production, and the profiles are manufactured under the patronage of the German concern Profine. In the rating for the quality of profiles for plastic windows, manufactured Profine KBE profile is considered one of the best, they have many accolades for durability and strength. Cons: windows may turn yellow, possibly due to a violation of technology at the Russian manufacturing plant.

Prices - from 9,500 rubles.

Belgian concern The Deceuninck Group is one of the top three PVC window manufacturers worldwide. The Russian branch of the company has established itself by creating a new profile system "Favorite Space", which received the "Innovation Time" award for high energy efficiency. It is important that the company's windows are ISO certified. Cons: The company's cheap options are generally worse than similar budget offerings on the market.

Prices - from 8,703 rubles.

Proplex windows are manufactured in the Moscow region using Austrian equipment, and raw materials and components from leading suppliers in the United States and European countries are used in production. Although Proplex windows are more likely to be positioned as a budget product, they are of sufficient quality even for Siberian frosts. PVC is of good quality - it does not crack or turn yellow over time. Complaints from users are mainly accessories - its quality leaves much to be desired.

The cost is from 9,000 rubles.

Russian full cycle window company. This means that they make windows exclusively by themselves, starting from the development of the window and ending with its installation. The advantages of the company are an extensive network of dealer companies with representative offices in more than 80 cities of Russia. Unfortunately, one of the disadvantages is that the quality of both the windows themselves and their installation is very dependent on the dealer company. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the head office of the company does not accept complaints about unscrupulous dealers - find out, they say, for yourself.

Turnkey cost - from 9,000 rubles.

The company owns one of the largest factories in Russia for the production of PVC profiles, built under the supervision of Austrian specialists in 2001. Since then, the company has developed many types of profiles, ranging from standard triple to exotic five-chamber. At the moment, seven types of profiles have been created for any needs of the client. Of the benefits - they easily bend under windows of any shape. Of the minuses - in some cases they may turn yellow, and the fittings are not the best.

The average cost is 21,900 rubles.

The company has its own production from German components of the highest quality, which allows us to deliver the required orders in a timely manner, up to such unusual ones as meteorite protection windows(Undoubtedly, the residents of Chelyabinsk should appreciate them). More traditional systems are distinguished by thoughtful design, endurance and durability. Salamander has one of best windows PVC is on the market in terms of quality, but there is also a drawback - the price.


Price, on average - 8,700 rubles.

The third place in the ranking of plastic window manufacturers is occupied by KBE company - its windows have long become one of the most the most popular solutions for glazing an apartment. The profile is highly appreciated by both users and specialists - it is not for nothing that the company's specialists participated in the development of GOSTs for windows in 1997-1999, making KBE windows practically a standard. Users are generally satisfied, believing that KBE is one of the best plastic windows and represents the best price / quality ratio. But, of course, a lot depends on the supplier and installer.


Can be ordered for 6,660 rubles.

German company REHAU has been developing and manufacturing PVC window systems since 1969. Over the years of the company's existence, many profiles have been developed, ranging from the classic three-chamber to the innovative six-chamber. Unfortunately, a lot depends on the vendor and installer. Well, I don’t really want to overpay for an advertised brand either.


Installation cost, on average - 11,500 rubles.

VEKA is considered the best profile for plastic windows on the Russian market.
is another German company that has been on the market for over 45 years. VEKA is one of the largest brands in the world, with representation not only in European countries, but also in Latin America, Southeast Asia and China. In 1999, the first VEKA plant in Russia was built. The company produces only top quality A profiles according to European standards, which one to choose is up to you. Pleasant appearance, variety of profiles, endurance and temperature stability are the qualities that attracted the attention of buyers. But, again, a lot depends on the installer company and the quality of the fittings.

What is a quality profile?

The key to the quality and durability of a metal-plastic window is a high-quality PVC profile. Even if at first glance they are all the same, in reality this is far from the case ..

The entire profile from which the windows are made is certified.

The ISO 9001:2000 quality management system certificate is issued to industries that have a well-organized management system in compliance with all technological, economic and organizational requirements typical for the production of developed countries. Both Russian VEKA plants have this certificate.

Wider, stronger, warmer

Profile width is one of its main characteristics. Many window manufacturers promise a couple of extra millimeters to the profile width in their advertising campaigns, but are they really useful?

The following offers are most often found on the market:

  • classic profile 58 mm;
  • profile 70 mm with increased installation width;
  • profile VEKA SOFTLINE 82

The width of 58 mm is due to the "classics of the genre" - wooden frames, which were replaced by plastic windows. The EUROLINE 58 mm profile allows the production of modern warm windows that meet the requirements of most customers in different climatic zones. Properly manufactured and installed, this is the best window profile for any room.

A profile with a width of 70 mm is a proposal that appeared in the 80s of the last century. Having higher heat-saving soundproofing characteristics, this profile is especially fond of Russian consumers. In the product group of VEKA profiles, SOFTLINE, SWINGLINE and PROLINE have a width of 70 mm.

Now another novelty has appeared on the market - the SOFTLINE 82 profile. Innovative multi-chamber system, elegant style and a choice of more than 40 modifications guarantee the satisfaction of the most demanding customer. The SOFTLINE 82 system provides the best insulating performance, is fully compatible with 70 mm profiles and can be installed in any home.

The choice of profile width for a window largely depends on the installation location (window in the office, tambour door, front door to the store, windows in a country house) and climate.

Watch the video "Important parameters of plastic windows"

Chamber… Ensemble

The second characteristic of the window is the number of cameras in the profile. There are three in the standard. The first one is for condensate drainage, the second one is for placing a reinforcing metal insert, and the third one is for fixing parts of the fittings and creating an additional air gap for better window tightness. The number of chambers depends on the width of the profile. So, a 58 mm profile can have a maximum of three cameras, but a 70 mm profile - preferably four. For a 90 mm profile, six chambers are the norm.

Increasing the number of cameras with the same profile width does not significantly change the characteristics of the window. To improve the heat-saving characteristics, a wider profile is needed, and not more partitions in it.

Full package

Another important point is the double-glazed window. The number of glasses in a window affects its characteristics and cost. The most common are double glazing, but you can order windows with single glazing or triple glazing.

Three-chamber windows are warmer, but they weigh more and require high-quality installation and stable construction. Single glazing is the coldest. It can be used for glazing unheated balconies, as well as summer houses. Double glazing is optimal in terms of technical characteristics, and allows you to maintain comfort indoors all year round.

real class

There are two classes of metal-plastic profiles. First, class A with a thickened outer wall as the best profile for windows, doors and frame glazing.

The second, class B, is a lightweight profile with a thinner outer wall, the so-called "object" profile. It has a slightly lower cost, but does not guarantee the preservation of the characteristics of the window throughout its operation. Windows from the "object" profile, as an economical option, can be offered by absolutely all manufacturers, but you should remember that such a window may have weaker corner joints, poorer dimensional stability, lower energy-saving characteristics, risk of premature wear of fittings, shorter service life.

Important Conclusion

Summing up the reasoning on the topic of choosing a profile for a metal-plastic window, we emphasize:

  • The presence of certificates confirms the quality.
  • According to the mounting width, all profiles are divided into two main classes: 58, 64 mm and 70-76 mm. Within the class, the thermal characteristics are the same. A profile with a width of 68 mm and a profile with a width of 72 mm do not differ from each other.

    The number of cameras affects the window quality only if the profile belongs to different width classes.

    The most common is double glazing.

    Class A profile is the leader in reliability and quality.

When choosing a profile for plastic windows, be able to hear the necessary information and filter out advertising. The quality of your windows depends on your choice. Take the time to make the right choice!

Varieties of profiles for PVC windows

Profile wall thickness

Profile width

Number of cameras in a profile

The most popular profiles in Russia



Double-glazed windows


Profile - the basis of the window from any manufacturer. The quality of the profile determines the service life and reliability of the entire window unit. If there is no relevant experience, then you can decide that all profiles are the same. The difference may appear after installation and many years of operation. If there are gaps in the window, there are constant drafts in the room, then the window can hardly be called of high quality.

Rating of the best manufacturers of plastic windows in Moscow and Moscow Region

On this page, we will try to describe all the advantages of a metal-plastic profile from leading manufacturers, as well as suggest the best criteria for choosing plastic windows. This information will tell you which plastic windows are better to choose for a house, apartment, office or warehouse.

On the Russian market there are window structures of firms made of different countries. The leading place is occupied by window profiles from Germany, Slovakia, Korea and Belgium. Among them there are popular, "promoted" brands, as well as very young companies that have already firmly taken pride of place on the pedestal of PVC products.

The profiles of the German company VEKA are in the greatest demand in the market of metal-plastic products. This company produces several types of profile window systems, which plastic windows are suitable for living quarters? PVC profile system VEKA Softline AD – best option. The frame and sash design is five-chamber and has a double sealing system.

The VEKA Topline Plus profile is supplemented with special inserts made of the effective heat insulator Neopor. This material is a type of polystyrene with the addition of silver. It has antimicrobial and antifungal effects, and also helps to increase thermal protection.

The mounting depth of such a profile is slightly increased and is 10 cm, which must be taken into account when measuring the window opening.

It should also be noted the novelty of the company VEKA, which was released in 2008 - PVC profile system - Softline XXL. The thickness of the outer wall of the profile is 4 mm, which increases the quality characteristics of the entire structure in general and the weld in particular. At the same time, VEKA is gradually losing its positions, as new companies appear that offer more “fresh” and original solutions, as well as sell goods at real prices without markups for a brand name.

Another world famous company is REHAU. It presents a wide range of goods from economy to elite class. Profiles of this brand are distinguished by excellent sound insulation and good thermal conductivity. The most popular REHAU systems are: Basic-Design, Brilliant-Design and Sib-Design. It is difficult to say which plastic windows of these types are better. The first two are almost identical and differ only in the number of cameras in the profile.

Basic-Design has a three-chamber structure of the frame and sash, while Brilliant-Design has a five-chamber structure. The latest model is different in that the design allows you to install a double-glazed window with three glasses. In addition, REHAU offer various systems additional and stand profiles, which increase the stability and durability of window structures throughout the entire period of operation.

KBE is one of the world's largest concerns with an official subdivision in the Russian city of Voskresensk. Today the company offers two main types of profile systems - Etalon and Expert. The standard is the most accessible of all KBE profiles. It has a three-chamber frame and sash structure, a reinforced insert and climatic valves. The Expert system has been developed taking into account the increasing requirements for thermal insulation.

The coefficient of reduced heat transfer resistance in the profile without reinforcement is increased to - 0.81 m2 °C/W.

It is difficult to say which plastic windows are better - Standard or Expert. It all depends on the room in which they will be installed and what is the purpose of their operation. The first option is suitable for buildings and structures located in a temperate climate. In severe frosts in winter, such windows can freeze in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hinges.

The Russian-Austrian company MONTBLANC produces metal-plastic structures using the most advanced technologies. The product line consists of six types of profiles with three-. five- and six-chamber structure. For a more convenient and rational installation, MONTBLANC also offers a wide range of auxiliary, additional profiles, fittings and other functional elements (window sills, ebbs).

The PROPLEX company is based on the territory of Russia in the city of Podolsk. It produces metal-plastic entrance, window and balcony structures from German materials using Austrian innovative technologies. PROPLEX plastic profiles are specially adapted to Russian operating conditions. Another advantage of this company is the availability of accessories and components in stock. At any time, you can buy an additional profile or fasteners for installation, without waiting for their delivery from abroad.

The most popular Proplex systems are: Proplex-Lux, Proplex-Premium and Proplex-Optima. A unique feature of the Lux profile is the four-chamber frame and three-chamber sash, with the possibility of combining the sash with a three-chamber frame. Official representatives of the company will tell you more about which plastic windows to choose from the above options.

Connoisseurs of creative design solutions We recommend paying attention to ALUPLAST profile systems. This company offers more than 40 unusual decor variations that allow you to create interesting and unique interiors. In addition, Aluplast products have a RAL certificate, which assigns the status of a high level of consumer properties of the product. All ALUPLAST window systems have a 13 mm European fitting groove and a triple sealing system to provide increased burglary resistance.


SALAMANDER PVC systems are the perfect combination of aesthetics and functionality. The traditional design for the profile of this company is a rounded contour. The company offers three main types of profile systems: 2DDesign, 3D Design, StreamlineWho has not yet chosen which ones to install better windows plastic, we recommend paying attention to the third model. Here, on the inside of the frame, there are additional fixing lugs that ensure the reliability of fastening fittings and locking mechanisms.

Thanks to the presence of a collector, a shutter and a double-sloped surface in the rebate, rainwater and condensate are quickly removed even during a shower, and water does not seep under the glazing bead even when the sash is tilted.

The Korean company LG CHEM has become a novelty in the market of metal-plastic structures. Many are accustomed to seeing only electronic equipment and all kinds of devices from this brand, but in fact, there are already 12 representative offices around the world that produce window profiles. The L-600 and L-700 PVC systems are characterized by a high coefficient of heat transfer resistance of 0.91 m2, thanks to which the room maintains a normal air temperature even with passive heating.

In this large section of the article, we reviewed the main characteristics and distinctive features profile systems of the most popular manufacturing companies around the world. As practice shows, the best plastic windows are produced German firms. They constantly improve the technological process, invent new functional elements and strictly monitor the quality of raw materials and source materials.

Among the domestic manufacturers of plastic windows, namely those who independently extrude the profile, one can single out the Lipetsk company Schtern. You can read more about this company and its products in our article “Plastic windows in Castorama”, because. they are one of the OK Schtern dealers.

What plastic windows are the best? Advantages, disadvantages, reviews of popular PVC profiles

We are aware that by rating windows, we are invading the territory of professionals who are very skeptical about the ratings of this product. But "Expert Price" wouldn't be himself if he didn't try to rank everyone.

To understand the subtle nuances of the assessment, we had to study a considerable amount of informational texts, a huge number of all kinds of amateur and professional reviews, and conduct a small amount of our own research.

The product, about which so many copies have been broken, is in fact the most ordinary plastic stick, but, however, with a complex surface and internal structure. To give strength inside the profile there is a metal insert made of galvanized steel, and internal plastic partitions create air chambers that provide heat retention. Everything.

What is there to argue about? Steel, it will remain steel, no matter what they do with it, and the plastic used by all companies is the same - polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It follows that the window profile of any production must be of the same quality. Is it so? And how to choose the best of the same by definition?

The average price in the Russian Federation of a window with a size of 1470x1420 from a profile 70 mm thick: 9500 rubles

The profile is produced near Moscow by VEKA Rus. This is the first such enterprise in Russia. In addition, there are branches in Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk. The head office of VEKA AG is located in Sendenhorst, Germany. The company produces six types of profiles:

  • EUROLINE - three chambers, width 58 mm
  • PROLINE - four chambers, width 70 mm
  • SOFTLINE - five chambers, width 70 mm
  • SWIGLINE - five chambers, width 82 mm
  • SOFTLINE 82 - six to seven chambers, width 70 mm
  • ALPHLINE - six chambers, width 90 mm

The products are certified according to ISO 9001: 2008. The profile of the company "VEKA" has been awarded the German RAL quality mark, which means that the control procedure for the raw materials used and the finished product complies with the control standards.

  • Stable quality
  • Large product line

Typical reviews about VEKA windows: “The profile itself is good, it showed itself perfectly in winter, pah-pah, but in truth it’s expensive. I still tend to believe that this is an overpayment for the brand. »«. the company is quite well-known, it seems to me that in our city most of the advertisements of this particular company. And banners hang along the roads, and they write in the press on the main pages, and they show videos on TV.

Varieties of double-glazed windows

A profile is the basic or main element of the entire structure. The choice of profile predetermines both how the window will look and how much it will fully serve its owner. The most common material is PVC (polyvinyl chloride). The inside of the profile is hollow, which contributes to better thermal insulation of the window; for strength, metal inserts are made there.

To date, up to fifty companies are engaged in the production of profiles only in Russia and Europe. And each has different options. Among the most popular and high-quality ones are KBE, Gealan, Veka, Rehau, SCHUCO, etc. Manufacturers guarantee up to 40 years of flawless operation without cracks and yellow spots.

Glass is no less important parameter in the manufacture of windows than the profile or the presence of reinforcement. It is pre-polished. For the sunny side, you can provide for the presence solar control film. Many people confuse the number of cameras in a double-glazed window with cameras in a profile. For a double-glazed window, the glasses are interconnected in a special way with the help of sealants and frames. Air gaps are required. Possibility of filling inner space double-glazed windows with special gas.

In a single-chamber double-glazed window, only 2 glasses are connected. In most cases, single-chamber packages are used for cold rooms, balconies, loggias. For residential premises, single-chamber packages are not used due to low thermal insulation. These options are difficult to attribute to the best PVC windows. For an apartment or a private house, an office space, it is better to pay attention to a double-glazed window with 2 cameras and 3 glasses. Thermal insulation increases in this case immediately by 50%. The third glass provides both heat and sound insulation.

It is also not recommended to install 3-chamber options. They have a significant weight, require special strengthening of the base, give poor insolation. 3-chamber double-glazed windows are recommended only for the Far North, where operation is possible in conditions up to -400C.

On which double-glazed window to stop your attention when choosing a window - with 1, 2 or 3 cameras. First you need to study the design of each. Then the choice will not be a problem.

Up to 80% of the area of ​​a standard window is double-glazed. Glass in most cases is used with a thickness of 4 mm, most often quartz. When choosing, it is important to look at how clean the cameras are offered by the seller. Rinse the gaps between the panes after installation will not succeed with all the desire. Which plastic windows to choose so as not to observe cloudy stains between the panes?

To date, the following types of double-glazed windows are most common:

  • With power saving function. From the inside, the glass is treated with a special composition that helps to reflect heat into the room.
  • Sun protection. It is possible to install tinted glasses or apply a special film.
  • Armored. Glasses have the increased durability. Most often used for lower floors and shops.
  • Hardened. If you break such glass, then there will be no sharp fragments. Similar technology is used in the automotive industry.
  • With extra reinforcement. An additional metal mesh is mounted in the glass.
  • With self-cleaning function. A special composition is applied to the surface, which prevents the settling of dust and dirt.

Double glazing compared to traditional window glass- the design is complex. This is a block of glass, hermetically bonded to each other. The space between two sheets of glass is called the chamber. It should not be confused with those included in the profile.

The ability to retain heat and keep out noise depends on:

  • From the thickness of the double-glazed window. For a house, an apartment, a double-glazed window with a thickness of 32–44 mm is suitable.
  • From the number of cameras. Usually a double-glazed window consists of 3 glasses and 2 chambers between them. For harsh climates or homes located in areas with increased level noise is produced by three- and four-chamber packages. Single-chamber are suitable for arranging balconies, loggias, arbors.
  • From the width of each double-glazed chamber. The larger it is, the better the insulation characteristics. However, after 24 mm, an increase in thickness no longer improves the positive properties of the product.
  • From filling the chambers. An inert gas pumped between the panes reduces heat loss, protects against noise and ultraviolet radiation. Argon retains 50% more heat compared to air, krypton - 2 times more than argon.
  • from glass thickness. If you put 5 or 6 mm outer glass instead of the standard 4 mm glass in a window facing a busy street, sound insulation will increase, but only slightly. Glasses of different thickness will not resonate with each other.
  • From the type of glass. It makes sense to choose a more expensive material, but with additional useful properties. Reflecting infrared rays, low-emission glass keeps the house warm in winter and cool in summer.

Glass types

To obtain low-emissivity glass, a thin metal film is deposited onto it.

  • K-coating - a film of tin, reduces heat loss by 25% in a single-chamber double-glazed window.
  • I-coating (i) - a layer of rare earth metals, retains more than 30% of heat. It is installed only from the side of the room, the coating is turned inside the chamber, since it is unstable to mechanical damage. Often labeled E-low.

Due to such glasses, a single-chamber double-glazed window approaches the thermal insulation properties of a two-chamber one and can even exceed them.

Consider an example. Ordinary double-glazed windows for a private house cost the owner 150,000 rubles. In winter, you have to pay 8,000 rubles for heating. per month, and in the summer, due to the operation of the air conditioner, you need to pay 600 rubles more for electricity. per month. If the owner of the house had installed thermal packages, he would have paid 180,000 rubles for them.

It is practically impossible to break glass laminated with triplex. Glasses reinforced with special metal or polymer meshes have the same quality.


  • Energy-saving i-glass was invented quite by accident. Japanese scientists have been doing research into the development of protective equipment against radiation and found that some metals applied to glass reflect heat. At first, this technology was used in space development, and now it is also used in the manufacture of double-glazed windows.
  • Scientists still have not been able to explain one amazing phenomenon. After 39 years of operation of a plastic window, the outer wall of the profile becomes thinner by 0.75 mm. Not a single version explaining this fact has yet been recognized as sufficiently reliable.
  • Laminated triplex glass was also created by chance. The famous French scientist Edward Benidictus dropped a glass flask on the floor. It cracked, but did not shatter into pieces. And the reason for this was a mixture of cellulose nitrate, which solidified on the walls of a burst flask and created a layer that prevented the glass from disintegrating.

The structure of a double-glazed window can be understood by the marking, which indicates the thickness of the glass, the width of the chambers, and the type of coating. For example, the designation 4-12Ar-4-12 Ar-4I stands for:

  • double glazing;
  • glass thickness - 4 mm;
  • the distance between them is 12 mm;
  • inner glass I-type;
  • the chambers are filled with argon.

The following tables will help you choose the ratio of the parameters of double-glazed windows.

remote frame

The frame between the glasses sets the distance between them, which ranges from 6 to 24 mm. They make frames from aluminum, steel, plastic. Stainless steel or plastic spacers conduct heat to a lesser extent and prevent cold bridges from forming, therefore they are considered the best option.

The second function of the frame is moisture absorption. It has an absorbent inside that absorbs liquid, preventing windows from fogging up in winter, and there is a perforation on the surface.

To choose reliable double-glazed windows, you need:

  1. Make sure that there is a marking with the manufacturer's logo, date of issue and information about the components. Her absence is a cause for serious suspicion.
  2. Inspect glass for chips and cracks.
  3. Check the quality of the seal. There should be no traces of liquid sealant along the bar that regulates the distance between the panes. The outer layer of the product should look even and neat. Sagging, cracks indicate the unreliable quality of the package.
  4. Using a tape measure, determine the accuracy of the geometry. The difference in measurements along the diagonals (more than 3 mm) proves that the parameters of the double-glazed window do not meet the standards. The thickness of the package, which is measured with a caliper, cannot differ from the declared one by more than 1 mm.
  5. Measure the offset of the glass planes with a square. A deviation greater than 1 mm indicates non-compliance with the standards.
  6. Determine the transparency of the glasses, the presence of water and steam in the chamber.

To give the window a more sophisticated look, so-called shims are used (see photo).

They can vary in color, thickness, be located between the glasses or on top of them.

A convenient addition to the window design can be built-in blinds. It is located directly in the double-glazed window chamber, and is controlled from the outside. But such a system has a serious drawback - the impossibility of maintenance and repair.

  • Minimum parameters: double-glazed window 4-10-4-10-4. This is a generally accepted standard with good sound and heat insulation characteristics.
  • Optimal parameters: double-glazed window 4-16Ar-4-14Ar-I4. It has all the necessary additions: wide chambers of different thicknesses for better noise protection, argon filling, energy-saving glass.

Memo on choosing a plastic window

In modern times, plastic window manufacturers regularly improve product quality by introducing new advanced technologies. But still, when buying, you should pay attention to some nuances:

  1. Appearance . The window is one of the primary attributes in the interior, even the highest quality window with an inappropriate design will look out of place in the interior of the room.
  2. Construction type. Windows are blind, tilt and turn. More convenient to use tilt-and-turn design.
  3. Number of leaves. The choice depends on the size of the window opening.
  4. Number of cameras. The most reliable protection against severe winter frosts is the three-chamber design of the window unit.
  5. Hardware quality. So that later the sashes do not warp, pay attention to the quality rotary mechanisms.
  6. Manufacturer. Give preference to proven, reliable brands.
  7. Window installer qualification. Even the most reliable and high-quality double-glazed windows can be damaged by improper installation. If the master treats his work negligently, in the winter months drafts can pass through the window, the sashes will warp, and moisture will appear due to insufficient tightness. To avoid this, trust the installation of windows only to trusted companies.


Leads the rating of plastic windows VEKA. The designs manufactured by this company are of high quality. Thanks to the presence of the manufacturer's own test center, the products are constantly being improved, but the prices do not change. Plastic windows have a good adaptation to any weather conditions, thanks to the use of polyvinyl chloride. They do not tend to appear yellow, even after a long period of time.


  • design made in modern style;
  • durability, thanks to the steel reinforcing element;
  • invisible seal does not spoil the appearance;
  • a large assortment;
  • excellent thermal insulation.

Disadvantages: not found.

The average cost for a PVC window 600 * 1000 is 1400 rubles.


To supply the best plastic windows, pay attention to REHAU products. The window profile is based on special materials - fiber, obtained using nanotechnology. Even with a large window, there is no need to install additional steel reinforcement.

REHAU window blocks can be selected in any color scheme and texture, which allows you to add unusual and original interior to the room.


  • high thermal insulation;
  • low level noise;
  • durability;
  • tightness of the window;
  • reliable protection against hacking;
  • big choice;
  • additional components (mosquito nets, ebbs, slopes, window sills);

Disadvantages: high cost.

The average price for a PVC window 600 * 1200 is 2250 rubles.


In addition, the disposal of old window blocks is carried out in accordance with environmental safety. In the reviews, some buyers write that the window profile of this brand can burn out in the sun and turn yellow.


  • environmentally friendly;
  • durability;
  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • flawless appearance;
  • high sound insulation;
  • withstand any temperature fluctuations.

Disadvantages: may turn yellow.


One of the best plastic windows are MONTBLANC brand products. The company receives raw materials for the production of products from world-famous manufacturers. All materials undergo the strictest quality control. The range includes a variety of profiles: for balconies and loggias, windows with interesting and complex design forms, for office space, standard ones.


  • quality and durability;
  • availability of additional equipment;
  • wide range of;
  • made in modern design;
  • design options for any openings;
  • frost resistance;
  • soundproofing;
  • retain heat well.

Approximate cost of MONTBLANC ECO 60 (3 cameras): 2600 - 2700 rubles.


The company produces very good windows, which are perfect for any Russian region. The manufacturer manufactures products from special polymeric materials, which increases frost resistance and heat retention. Most people speak positively about the products of this brand, but indicate the only drawback - the window can sag and close poorly.


  • do not turn yellow, thanks to special additives to the PVC base;
  • durability (at least 60 years);
  • resistance to any weather conditions;
  • low noise level in the room;
  • fire protection - the composition includes flame retardants that do not burn;
  • environmentally friendly.


  • are not hermetically closed;
  • some models are outdated.

The approximate cost of a double-leaf window (1450 * 1420): 7900 - 8500 rubles.


The best profile of SALAMANDER plastic windows is suitable even for the Stalinist dimensions of old houses. This brand is distinguished by impeccable German quality, products are manufactured using innovative technologies and is durable and reliable.


  • high sound insulation;
  • anti-burglary designs available
  • plastic does not yellow.


  • the appearance of condensate in the cold season;
  • high price.

Prices for window profiles are quite high, but it is better to spend money on really high-quality products once in a lifetime than to change windows every year. The service life of SALAMANDER products is about 45 years.

7. Kaleva

Kaleva started out with a relatively small start-up capital. In modern times, it is the largest company in the production of the best windows and has won awards for quality products three times.


  • a wide range of models;
  • argon filling;
  • high sound insulation;
  • robust construction;
  • the use of bleaching additives in the manufacture of windows;
  • various color schemes.

Disadvantages: high cost (one double-leaf window will cost more than 10,000 rubles)

8. Deceuninck

Deceuninck is one of the top three manufacturers of the best window profiles and supplies products to 75 countries. All products are manufactured taking into account the requirements of environmental safety.


  • great design;
  • convenient glazing beads with a latch, firmly pressing the double-glazed window;
  • good soundproofing.
  • icing in hard frost;
  • the appearance of condensate;
  • the presence of a draft from a double-glazed window.

The cost of a window with dimensions of 500 * 500 is 1400 rubles.

The Russian company SOK creates the best profile for windows among domestic manufacturers. Quality products and low cost are the main indicators inherent in this brand. The main criterion in the manufacture of window blocks is the tightness and strength of the structure.

  • tightness;
  • low prices;
  • wide range of;
  • high sound insulation.

Cons: the use of insufficiently durable materials in the manufacture.

Estimated price of a 3-chamber double-glazed window: 9000 - 10000 rubles.

10. Panorama

The company has been manufacturing window blocks since 2003 and has already established itself as one of the best brands in the Russian market.

The company's employees are qualified specialists, whose invaluable experience helps in the production of only the best quality products.

  • acceptable prices;
  • quality;
  • product warranty period - 5 years;
  • environmental friendliness.

Cons: not found.

11. Schuco

On the Mark.guru portal, we choose only the best manufacturers for the manufacture of plastic windows, and the Schuco company completes the rating. Profile details and fittings are supplied to the company by Germany.


  • modern design;
  • design reliability;
  • possibility of remote control;
  • protection against thermal losses;
  • high sound insulation.

Cons: Condensation.

The metal-plastic profile for windows, doors and balcony blocks is: one-. two-. three-. four-, five-chamber and even more complex design. The heat-saving effect depends on the number of chambers. Therefore, the fewer cameras in the profile, the cooler it will be indoors in winter.

Single-chamber frames and sashes are more suitable for storage and office space. For residential buildings, the best option is three-chamber and four-chamber. They provide a normal level of indoor temperature and are relatively inexpensive.

Windows with a large number of cameras are used extremely rarely, mainly in regions with a harsh harsh climate, for example, in the Far North. Each cavity of the chamber has its own purpose: to ensure strength, to drain condensate, to fasten fittings.

For large-sized window blocks, a heavy-duty reinforced profile is used.

Its central chamber is reinforced from the inside with a U-shaped or closed insert made of galvanized steel.

Wall thickness of plastic profile

Profiles may differ in thickness (the most important parameter for window construction for any purpose). The next most important characteristic is the number of sealing contours. You can proceed from the design when buying.

In Europe, the main document regulating the production of translucent structures is the document EN 12608 SR. In Russia, manufacturers are required to proceed from the requirements of GOST 30673-99. Both documents regulate the use of polyvinyl chloride in the manufacture of translucent structures.

1. class A. The outer wall should not be thinner than 2.8 mm. For internal walls, the indicator drops to 2.5 mm. Provides better thermal insulation;

2. class B. External walls - not thinner than 2.5 mm. Internal - not less than 2 mm. Compared to the class A profile, they are more susceptible to deformation (tests show up to 15% difference in stiffness);

3. profiles of class C. This class includes all profiles that are not included in the other two groups. No additional requirements apply.

For industrial, non-residential premises, the "object" version of the profile is intended. It is not recommended for apartments and private houses: the thermal insulation is poor, it is easily deformed. It can only be recognized by the presence of the object marking. In most cases, when they offer to buy an economy class profile, they mean this option of a cheap, but not very high-quality profile.

It is quite difficult for a non-specialist to determine whether the profile is of high quality and which plastic windows are the best. But there are a few points that you can and should pay attention to.

Homogeneous structure

There should be no foreign inclusions, rough surface, grains, streaks. If at least one of the above symptoms is observed, it is better to refuse the purchase. Important. If you are afraid that you will be sold a low-quality profile, look at the markings inside. If there is a stamp or brand of the manufacturer, you can be sure that the profile is of high quality. In addition, the release date, change and information about the equipment are affixed.

Certification of translucent structures

The legislative base of Russia provides for mandatory certification of the profile used for the production of windows. In the ideal case, the products are certified according to RAL requirements, which evaluate not only the product itself, but also the manufacturer. A profile may belong to the same class, but is produced by different companies and has a different quality. Accordingly, the certificate may not be awarded. And the window will be difficult to attribute to high-quality plastic windows.

How profile width affects quality

The most popular width is 58-60 mm. A similar profile is used for private and multi-storey buildings. Wooden frames had the same width, later giving way to plastic. At this point in time, a profile with a width of 58-60 mm is considered the most optimal for any climate.

For high-rise buildings, areas with increased wind load, northern latitudes, a profile width of 70 mm will be more optimal. The buyer receives the best thermal insulation.

VEKA offers 70 mm profiles in the SOFTLINE, SWINGLINE and PROLINE product lines.

The most expensive profile is considered to be 80-90 mm. It is used in special, exclusive cases. In Russia, a significant part of window manufacturers do not use this profile in their work.

Important: on the frame of a high-quality PVC window there must be at least 2 rows of sealant. This guarantees the absence of condensate, and as a result, violations in the waterproofing. The accumulation of condensate is a guarantee of mold, fungus colonies and other unpleasant consequences.

What plastic windows are better to choose for an apartment? This question will be answered by the rating of plastic windows in terms of quality, compiled in 2018 based on user reviews from the Irecommend and Otzovik websites.

Also, when compiling the window hit parade, such criteria as the longevity of the company, the popularity of the products, the quality of service and, of course, the price were taken into account.

10. Panorama

The cost of a double-leaf window - from 7,500 rubles.

Over the years, the St. Petersburg company has glazed more than one and a half million square meters.

So far, only one thing upsets users - that the company's service is so unobtrusive that it is difficult to get information about possible options.

9. SOK

Cost - from 14,000 rubles.

SOK, or Samara Window Constructions, was founded in 1999. The company does not have its own production, and the profiles are manufactured under the patronage of the German concern Profine.

Cons: windows may turn yellow, possibly due to a violation of technology at the Russian manufacturing plant.

8. Deceuninck

Prices - from 9,500 rubles.

The Belgian concern The Deceuninck Group is one of the top three manufacturers of PVC windows worldwide.

It is important that the company's windows are ISO certified. Cons: The company's cheap options are generally worse than similar budget offerings on the market.


Prices - from 8,703 rubles.

Proplex windows are manufactured in the Moscow region using Austrian equipment, and raw materials and components from leading suppliers in the United States and European countries are used in production.

Although Proplex windows are more likely to be positioned as a budget product, they are of sufficient quality even for Siberian frosts. PVC is of good quality - it does not crack or turn yellow over time.

Complaints from users are mainly accessories - its quality leaves much to be desired.

6. Kaleva

Cost - from 9,000 rubles.

Kaleva is a Russian full cycle window company. This means that they make windows exclusively by themselves, starting from the development of the window and ending with its installation.

The advantages of the company are an extensive network of dealer companies with representative offices in more than 80 cities of Russia. Unfortunately, one of the disadvantages is that the quality of both the windows themselves and their installation is very dependent on the dealer company.

Without seals, the tightness of double-glazed windows and tight closing of the window are impossible. They are made from rubber, thermoplastic, thermopolymer and silicone.

  1. Rubber compressor- the most inexpensive, but also short-lived. Cracking from heat and cold. It is easy to replace it, it is always on sale.
  2. Thermoplastic (TPE) is the most common because it is suitable for use on automatic assembly lines. It has excellent characteristics, but with frequent opening and closing of the window it wears out quickly, as it becomes brittle from temperature changes. It's inexpensive and easy to change.
  3. Thermopolymer (ethylene propylene rubber, EPDM) is a more resistant material. It is placed on expensive and moderately expensive windows. For replacement, it is advisable to call the master.
  4. Silicone is the best sealant. Does not wash, does not deform, resistant to temperature extremes, cleaning agents. But it is expensive and hard to find on sale.

Do I need to count how many cameras are in the profile

The number of chambers in a profile is determined by its thickness and ranges from 3 to 8. The most popular among window manufacturers are 3- and 5-chamber profiles.

1. condensate drain; 2. a metal insert is laid to reinforce the structure; 3. fixing hinges and fittings, ensuring thermal conductivity.

If the windows of the house or apartment face south, there is no special traffic, you can limit yourself to a 3-chamber profile. If the windows are located on the north side, facing a noisy street, it is better to choose a 5-chamber profile for the best plastic window.

A profile with a thickness of 58 mm does not imply the presence of more than 3 chambers. In a 70 mm profile there can be from 3 to 5 cameras. The difference between a 5-chamber profile and a 3-chamber profile is the presence of cold bridges in the places where external fittings are installed.

When choosing a thickness, one should also take into account the fact that a 70 mm profile involves the installation of a 44 mm thick double-glazed window, which provides better thermal insulation than a standard 32 mm double-glazed window installed in a 58 mm thick profile.

In a profile of 90 mm, 6 cameras are standard and a double-glazed window up to 50 mm. With such a profile, no cold and noise outside the apartment or private house are terrible.

Mid-sized companies with ambitions

In November, the activity of the leading players in the Russian window market usually begins to decline. Under these conditions, the role of consulting sales managers is of particular importance.

And if Eunice Group from Tolyatti confirmed its claims to leadership (2nd place with 99 points in October), then Bosphorus from Pyatigorsk made a breakthrough from fourth place, adding three points at once.

Eurowindows has significantly improved the level of its consultations in recent months and continued to move forward in the ranking, reaching 3rd place.

A place Company Region score
1 Bosphorus SOUTH 100
2 Eunice Group Volga region 100
3 EuroWindows Moscow 98
4 Karvi DV 97
6 Otvertkin DV 97
7 window factory Moscow 96
8 Labrador NW 95
9 Window technology/Lebenbau CR 95
10 Attic windows Moscow 95
11 Empire Grand NW 94
12 ECOWINDOWS Moscow 94
13 Moscow windows Moscow 92
14 PANORAMA windows NW 92
15 Kaleva (Kaleva) Moscow 90
16 RUSOCON Moscow 90
17 window gallery CR 89
18 Tyumen-Design-Service Ural 89
19 These are the windows Volga region 88
20 DomCom Moscow 88

The negative trend in November was a decrease passing score in the TOP 20. In November, the minimum score decreased by 2 points and amounted to 88 points.

The general trend of consulting in recent months is the inability of sellers to correctly select the window package in relation to the identified needs. The identified needs of the client are not reflected in the configuration of the window. During the consultation, a few managers make a brief presentation about the company itself and talk about its advantages.

positive moment consulting is that companies pay more attention to the sale of high-quality window sills and provide the client with more information about the brands of fittings and their properties. The leaders of the rating pay a lot of attention to identifying the needs of buyers, without losing sight of the problems of people with handicapped and child safety issues.

The Golden Window rating is formed monthly according to the methodology. Specialists monitor the quality of work of window companies in the field of telephone sales using a telephone survey using the "Mystery Shopper" method.

The results of monthly surveys are summarized for the year and divided by 12, thus calculating the average annual score for companies.

The best selling companies with the highest average annual scores will traditionally be awarded the Golden Windows in spring 2018 during the Fensterbau Frontale in Nuremberg.

Based on data from leading manufacturers.

In Russia, you can buy plastic windows with a profile from a variety of manufacturers. And how to choose the best one? It is time to study in more detail information about manufacturers and their products. What plastic windows are the best?

1. Rehau. The company is known all over the world. It has been producing only high-quality profiles and no less reliable windows for more than 50 years. Windows from Rehau are distinguished by their exquisite design and environmental friendliness. The company offers a middle-class profile with a thickness of 60-70 mm to the market.

REHAU offers its customers the following profile options for the best PVC windows: - GENEO with a non-standard width of 86 mm and 6 chambers; - INTELIO with a width of 86 mm and 6 cameras; — BRILLANT DESIGN. The width can be 70 or 80 mm. In the first case there are 5 chambers, in the second - 6 chambers; - DELIGHT DESIGN. With a profile width of 70 mm, 5 full-fledged cameras were mounted; — SIB-DESIGN.

The advantages of REHAU are numerous: — windows are characterized by good frost resistance, provide heat and sound insulation; – the buyer can choose a profile of any width and design; - quality assurance

The disadvantages include the high cost, even against the background of brands offering similar products.

2.VEKA. The location of the group in Germany can already be considered a sign good quality. One of the few companies that produce not only white, but also colored profiles that do not change their quality characteristics during the entire service life. For the manufacture of seals, only natural rubber is used, which does not freeze in cold weather and does not dry out in summer. The company offers a profile from 58 to 90 mm. The price of a VEKA profile is comparable to that of Rehau.

VEKA was one of the first companies to enter the Russian market. Production facilities have been opened and have been operating for a long time in the Moscow region (“VEKA Rus”) and Novosibirsk. The products are sold all over the country.

The buyer can choose from 6 types of profile: — EUROLINE profile. Width - 58 mm. There are only 3 cameras; — the PROLINE profile is produced with a width of 70 mm and 4 chambers; – the SOFTLINE profile is offered on the market with a width of 70 mm and 5 chambers; - the SWIGLINE profile has a non-standard width of 82 mm and 5 chambers; - the SOFTLINE 82 profile with a standard width of 70 mm has 5-6 chambers; – ALPHLINE profile with a standard width of 90 mm has 6 chambers.

The production of windows is certified according to the international system ISO 9001: 2008 and in accordance with the German quality standard RAL. The user can be sure that he buys only the best plastic windows.

The advantages of VEKA include high quality products, the presence of a rubber seal, the ability to choose a profile of any width and operation both in the Caucasus and in Yamal. The only downside is the high price.

3 Trocal. This company offered plastic windows to the market one of the first - in 1954. The profile can be standard, at the request of the customer, lamination, acrylic coating, etc. are performed. The profile is based on Greenline technology, which does not harm the environment. The company offers to purchase a profile with a width of 70 mm. It is noted that the profile is quite rigid, not subject to deformation. But at the same time, it is not recommended for the production of heavy doors.

4 Salamander The products of this manufacturer are less known than Rehau, but are not inferior in quality to any of the German manufacturers. Production is located on the banks of the Rhine, there are no branches in other countries. The price matches the quality. The assortment of the company includes a profile with a width of 60-70 mm. The SALAMANDER company can be considered one of the best at the European level, but in Russia this product is not yet in great demand.

If you buy the best plastic window from Salamander Industrie, you can be sure that it is made in Germany. Outside the country, only one branch operates - in Brest. If the window seller offers a BRÜGMANN profile, you can safely buy. This is also a SALAMANDER, but produced outside of Germany.

On sale you can find profiles of the following types from Salamander Industrie: - Design 2D - standard version with a profile width of 60 mm and 3 or 4 chambers; — Design 3D. The profile width has been increased to 76 mm. Added and 1-per camera; — Streamlines. With a profile width of 76 mm - 5 chambers.

Products Salamander Industrie has a number of advantages: — the outer surface of the profile is of perfect quality; — thoughtful design; - European quality. The parent manufacturer controls the work of its dealers. The disadvantages include only excessively high cost for Russia.

5.KBE. In Russia, this brand is the most popular and in demand. Certificates have been awarded, allowing the use of the company's products in medical institutions and kindergartens. The manufacturer guarantees up to 50 years of flawless operation. You can choose both the super-expensive profile option and the economy class. On sale - profiles 58-70 mm.

In Russia, the bulk of products under the KBE brand are produced in Khabarovsk or Voskresensk. KBE products differ from their competitors REHAU and VEKA only in a lower price. The quality is up to the mark. The company actively practices issuing certificates of partner manufacturers to its customers, which allows increasing sales.

In Russia, you can purchase the following options for the KBE profile: - Etalon and Engin. The buyer receives standard 3 chambers and a width of 58 mm; - Standard. 1 more camera has been added to the standard Etalon package; - CBE_SELECT. Option for northern latitudes and multi-storey buildings. Profile width 70 mm, number of chambers - 5.

- KBE_Expert. A variation of the previous version with the same number of chambers and profile width; - KBE_Expert. It differs from the main modification only in the mounting width of 127 mm; - KBE_Energy. With a profile width of 70 mm - only 3 chambers; - KBE_88. Non-standard version with a profile width of 88 mm and 6 chambers.

Among the advantages of KBE products, it is necessary to highlight: - relatively low cost with excellent quality; - a large selection of different profiles designed for any latitude and operating conditions. And at a temperature of 500C, and at -500C, the windows will not lose their qualities; — good warmth and soundproofing.

The experts were able to identify a small minus attributable to KBE products: plastic at long-term operation may turn yellow. In general, the answer to the question “Which plastic windows are the highest quality?” in relation to the CBE, it will be rather positive.

6. Proplex is the most famous Russian window profile manufacturer. Russian climatic realities are fully taken into account. And the production works under the control of specialists from Austria. The buyer can choose a profile with a width in the range of 58-127 mm. Production is established at a plant in Podolsk (Moscow region).

PROPLEX is the first completely Russian manufacturer of profiles for PVC windows. Initially, the profile was purchased abroad. Later, the company switched to the production of windows entirely of its own production. The development involved engineers from Austria, specializing in thermal insulation products and systems.


PVC windows are not quite rightly called plastic. One of the profile chambers is specially reserved for laying reinforcement. From this, the structure becomes more rigid and durable. And here it is important to check in a timely manner whether the window is actually reinforced. This can be done fairly quickly with a magnet.

Mistake Blocker

Be sure to ensure that this mechanism is provided in your window. Finding out the presence of a blocker is quite simple. It is enough to open the window and try to put it in tilt mode. If, as a result, the window is held only on the lower hinge, then the manufacturer saved on the blocker. It is better to refuse the purchase. This option does not apply to the best plastic windows.


The manufacturer, who does not save on quality, chooses sandwich panels with additional insulation for slopes. This is the only way to guarantee the absence of mold, fungal colonies. Slopes made of sandwich panels retain their consumer qualities for many years without deformation and distortion. If there are joints between individual slopes, then the manufacturer or installer must ensure that they are filled with liquid plastic. The use of silicone is not allowed. A maximum of a month will have to cover up the seams again.

An important advantage of liquid plastic is that the structure is identical to the structure of the profile. Accordingly, there will be no differences in color, cracks and deformation. Silicone tends to darken. It does not create a barrier to fungus and mold. The seams will have to be sealed again and again.

PVC window installation

Most of the complaints from the owners of metal-plastic windows come from poor-quality installation. In order not to complain later that it is blowing from all the cracks, you need to make sure that the installation team uses only special window foam, but also vapor barrier and waterproofing tapes (PSUL).

A plastic window consists of many individual parts and assemblies. But it will perform its function only when every detail works properly. Accordingly, when choosing a window, it is necessary to check not only the quality of the profile, but also fittings, seals, double-glazed windows and many other components. And then the question "Which plastic window to choose?" won't be difficult for you.

It is very easy to buy plastic windows in our online store. Our consultants will answer your questions by phone. 8-800-100-48-90

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