Apron for the kitchen which is better to choose. What is better to make an apron in the kitchen: we choose according to the criteria and expert advice which apron is better to make

In a house or apartment, good owners practically do not have “secondary” rooms, that is, those that you can not pay much attention to finishing. For example, the kitchen, although it does not belong to the residential area, they still try to arrange it so that it is pleasant to be in it. And besides, in our tradition, the kitchen often becomes a "home club" or a place for receiving the closest friends and girlfriends. So the decoration of this room is always given special attention.

One of the most “problematic” places of kitchen decoration is the wall along the work surface. kitchen table, above the stove and sink. Most often, it is made out by the so-called apron, which can be made from a variety of materials. When determining the parameters of this zone and choosing a material, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. Therefore, when planning a holding, many owners of houses and apartments often wonder what it is better to make an apron from in the kitchen so that it fits well into the interior and is practical to use. Let's try to understand this problem.

Criteria for choosing material for a kitchen apron

It is no secret that various negative influences are exerted on the finishing of the lower part of the wall along the work surface, sinks and stoves. These include high temperatures from the hob, steam, splashes of water, fat, juices from vegetables and fruits. Mechanical effects are not excluded. And this suggests that the material for arranging the apron must meet a number of requirements.

Such requirements include the following:

  • High temperature resistance, since the apron also runs along the hob or stove where food is cooked. Therefore, the heat comes not only from the stove itself, but also from the heated dishes.
  • Moisture resistance of the material. Steam from cooking, high humidity and direct splashes of water in the area along the kitchen sink - these factors should not be terrible for the finish covering the wall.
  • Ease of cleaning surface of the finishing material. As you know, the working area in the kitchen gets dirty very quickly, so you have to wash it quite often. So that the cleaning process does not take much time and does not require much effort, it is necessary to choose a lining that will not absorb any substances, from fat to natural dyes of vegetables and fruits. In addition, it is easier to remove dirt and grease from a smooth surface of the cladding than from one with a relief pattern, so this should also be considered in advance.
  • Hygienic cladding. This criterion can include both the environmental qualities of the material, as well as the ease of cleaning mentioned above and the absence of the possibility of accumulation of greasy and dirty deposits. The trouble is that these layers become a favorable environment for the reproduction of various microflora, including pathogenic bacteria that are dangerous to human health.
  • Decorative finish- this is also an important criterion for evaluating the material for the apron, as it sets the design solution for the entire room. The first thing you pay attention to when entering the kitchen is the apron, as it takes pretty big the area of ​​the wall located approximately at eye level. It is very important to think over the optimal color of the finish - it should not strain your eyesight, and the pattern on it, which will be pleasant first of all to the hostess who spends more time in the kitchen than all other family members.

Varieties of materials for a kitchen apron

Not so long ago, there was simply a special variety of materials for decorating the wall of the kitchen working area. As a rule, paint, wallpaper or, at best, one-color ceramic tiles, which were in great short supply, were chosen for this purpose. Today, the range of finishing materials is so diverse that, having come to a specialized store, you can get confused, choosing the best option. Therefore, it is worth considering different types of finishes and analyze their advantages and disadvantages.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles have long been a traditional option for decorating a kitchen backsplash. It has not lost its popularity even today, especially since the assortment of tiles in specialized stores is constantly growing. The demand for this material is due to its characteristics, which fully meet the criteria for choosing a cladding for a kitchen wall.

Practicality ceramic cladding undeniable, as it has numerous advantages, which include the following:

  • moisture resistance . Ceramics has a low porosity, so its structure practically does not absorb moisture - this explains the inertness of the material to the effects of water and steam. If moisture does not linger inside the material, then there is no favorable environment for the reproduction of various bacteria that are harmful to the human body.
  • Ease of cleaning . On the glossy surface of this finish, dirt does not linger, the material does not absorb odors, grease, natural coloring substances contained in fruits and vegetables. Therefore, drops of various substances that have fallen on the surface can be wiped off quite easily with using an ordinary damp kitchen sponges. Last resort, household chemicals can be used to clean the surface. The only substance that can damage the surface of ceramic tiles is hydrofluoric acid.
  • Weight of ceramic tiles . The manufacturer calculates the weight of the wall tile so that it can easily rest on a vertical surface on a special tile adhesive. Therefore, the process of laying the material is not particularly complicated, and even women's hands can do it.
  • Duration of operation . Ceramic tiles can be scratched or chipped only with considerable effort. This material will be destroyed only with a sharp mechanical impact, for example, from a strong accented blow with a metal object.
  • Inert to high temperatures . Ceramic tiles do not melt or burn when exposed to high temperatures, which is especially important for placing them along the hob.
  • Environmental friendliness . The material, even when heated, does not emit fumes hazardous to humans and the environment.
  • Variety in color, pattern and linear dimensions . Today on sale you can find tiles that have different sizes. Moreover, if you remove the exact parameters from the wall surface, then you can choose the cladding in such a way that the amount of waste is minimal. In addition to sizes, you can easily choose the desired color, as well as the pattern and texture on the surface. As you know, a tile can be absolutely smooth or have a certain relief, but everyday care is much more difficult with a relief.
  • Variety of style solutions . Modern ceramic tiles are made for laying them in rooms decorated in various styles. So pick her up according to this criterion it won't be hard either.

The material itself has few drawbacks, of course, if it is manufactured in compliance with all technological requirements. But improperly sealed seams between the tiles of the apron can cause moisture to penetrate under the cladding, which can lead to its delamination from the vertical surface. In addition, poorly executed will become a "shelter" for numerous bacteria, mold and fungi.

Therefore, when finishing, it is necessary to take seriously not only laying tiles on the wall, but also seal all the seams between it with the highest quality.

Now, having dealt with the advantages of the material, it is worth considering some of the nuances. This is best done on the example of ready-made aprons, arranged in different styles and from tiles of different sizes and colors.

Prices for ceramic tiles

ceramic tile

  • An apron decorated with one-color ceramic tiles is a fairly popular option, as it gives the surface neatness, does not require pattern adjustment and is suitable for any style of kitchen. Therefore, if you want to change the wallpaper or kitchen furniture, the lining of the apron can be left intact if it suits the color scheme for the new design. Colors such as white, beige and black usually go well with any color of furniture and finishes in the rest of the walls in the kitchen.

The disadvantage of a single-color apron is its soiledness, that is, even very slight pollution immediately appears on it. It will have to be wiped down every day after cooking is completed, as every drop will be visible on such a surface.

If a tile of the same color is chosen, then it is better if its surface is smooth, otherwise, over time, it will accumulate in the recesses of the relief pattern difficult to wash out mud mixed with grease.

  • Using several colors of tiles in the design of an apron is an equally popular option. However, in this case, the task is complicated by the fact that the shades of the composition must be in harmony with each other. On a light-colored tile, as well as on a one-color apron, all the drops that have fallen on the finish during cooking or washing dishes will be visible. If you do not immediately clean the surface of the apron, then the drops will darken and dry, and subsequently the lining will look sloppy, and it will be more difficult to clean it.

  • A tile that has a pattern traditional for stove tiles is perfect for those housewives who prefer to clean the apron once or twice a week, since small dirt on such a finish will be almost invisible. However, this type of tile can have a smooth surface or an embossed version. A smoother surface will stay cleaner longer and easier to clean.

Tiles decorated in this way will bring a special comfortable atmosphere to the kitchen, but visually make the space smaller. Therefore, you will have to choose between a feeling of comfort and an optical "expansion" of space.

  • Mosaic tiles have become an increasingly popular finish for kitchen backsplashes as well as bathrooms in recent years. This type of tile can be one-color, two-color or multi-color, and the cubes different color usually located on the canvas area almost randomly.

The popularity of this finish lies not only in its neat appearance, but also in the relative ease of installation. The fact is that, unlike the traditional one, mosaic panels have a certain flexibility, since small fragments are fixed on a fiberglass mesh or fiberglass. Therefore, you perform gluing the material quickly enough, and can be carried out not only on flat, but also on curved surfaces, as well as on uneven walls, somewhat hiding their flaws.

The advantage of this version of the tile can also be called the fact that it does not have to be cut, resorting to some special tools. It is enough to have ordinary scissors on hand, since it is easy to cut off a fragment of the required size from the main canvas with them, because you will have to cut not the tile itself, but the base on which it is fixed.

After the mosaic tiles are glued to the wall, it is necessary to wait for the glue to dry. After that, the seams between the mosaic elements are filled grout selected color.

The mosaic version can be used to decorate the entire space of the apron or in combination with ordinary tiles, as a frame for a composition or interspersed with fragments different size and forms.

The obvious disadvantages of this type of finish include a large number of seams, the sealing material of which gets dirty rather quickly and is difficult to clean. When laying tiles of large sizes, this drawback is minimized.

Mosaic tiles prices

mosaic tiles

  • Finishing the apron with ceramic tiles with the installation of a thematic panel between them, one or more, always looks elegant. The main thing is that the composition should fit well into the overall design of the kitchen in terms of color, pattern and relief.

In specialized stores, you can find various options for such panels and tiles that come with them in the complex. Laying the cladding purchased in the kit is much easier, as the manufacturer provides all the sizes of the necessary parts, so you do not have to cut the whole tile, adjusting it to frame the artistic insert. It is important to choose an option that will be in harmony with the chosen style for, only in this case, such a finish will look harmonious.

The panel and tiles for it can have both a smooth and embossed surface. When choosing a relief, you must be prepared for daily cleaning of grease and dirt.

If you are thinking of just such an option for designing an apron, then you need to inquire in advance about the prices for such artistic inserts. Very often they are even more expensive than the rest of the wall cladding.

The variety of options for ceramic tiles that can be found on sale does not allow us to cover all the options with a description. Therefore, the design decision is usually chosen by the hostess of the house. Well, the ease of use and cleaning, as well as all the "pros" and "cons" of this popular material, were indicated above.

Natural and artificial stone

Some homeowners, when planning the design of the kitchen, prefer natural or artificial stone to ordinary ceramic tiles. This category of materials includes porcelain stoneware slabs, polished blocks made of natural rocks, gypsum or concrete tiles that imitate the texture and color scheme of natural stone. It should be noted that some of the options used to equip the apron perform their functions perfectly, but some materials are not recommended.

For example, porcelain stoneware, large pebbles polished in natural conditions, as well as clinker tiles, have a number of positive qualities, fully complying with the requirements for materials for arranging an apron:

  • Resistance to high temperatures, as well as to their differences.
  • Moisture resistance - indicator moisture absorption is porcelain stoneware, 0.05%, clinker tiles 0.2÷0.3%. That's why a natural stone, as well as fired and glazed clay, is not afraid of either steam or water.
  • The hygiene of the material, since it is easily cleaned, it does not create favorable conditions for the development of colonies of pathogenic bacteria.
  • The durability of the stone finish - it will serve smoothly until the hostess gets bored.
  • Aesthetic appearance allows you to use these materials in various style solutions.
  • Ecological purity of natural materials.

The few but important "cons" include the high price of these finishing materials, low maintainability, as well as the rather complicated installation of stone cladding.

But marble slabs - on the contrary, are not recommended to be used for decorating a kitchen apron, despite their external attractiveness. The external impression is deceptive, and marble is a very porous material, so it will absorb moisture, kitchen dirt, and odors. Under the influence of a complex of negative influences, the facing stone begins to collapse, and its appearance loses its presentability.

Prices for porcelain stoneware slabs

porcelain stoneware

  • Porcelain stoneware is an artificially created material from natural ingredients with the use of some additives, due to which its strength is many times higher than this parameter of natural granite. Porcelain stoneware is rarely used for facing an apron, since the price for it is quite high. In addition, the plates made from it have a very solid mass, which greatly complicates their laying on vertical surfaces. Therefore, most often when choosing this particular material for finishing, in the absence of experience, they do not carry out independent cladding - they trust its masonry to experienced craftsmen.

  • It looks very interesting on the wall such material as large pebbles that do not have sharp corners. If such a cladding is used, then the owners have the opportunity to hide the unevenness of the wall surface, since the stones are embedded in a concrete mortar or cement-based adhesive. Technology arranging an apron made of a round stone of this size- quite simple, and it is quite possible to do it yourself.

The process includes several steps:

- Cleaning the wall from the old cladding.

- Application of notches on the cleaned surface - so that the solution has increased adhesion to the surface.

- Processing, which will create good adhesion for materials, and protect the wall from fungal infection.

- Application, on the wall of the solution. It is best to use a ready-made adhesive used for laying tiles. The layer thickness should be about 10 mm.

- In a solution applied to small plot walls, stones are pressed in, so that only one side of the laid fragment remains on the surface.

— The stones are stacked tightly to each other.

- When the mortar begins to set, its excess must be removed from the visible side of the stones with a damp sponge. The seams between them can be smoothed out with a rubber glove soaked in water.

- After the glue has completely hardened, the stone apron must be primed again.

- Then the apron is covered with a heat-resistant transparent or black varnish, which is used for painting metal furnaces.

- Varnish applied to pebbles will make its color more juicy, and will also significantly reduce the time it takes to clean it from trapped grease and kitchen fumes.

It should be noted that natural stone may have different color shades but they all fit perfectly together. Due to such harmony, the apron will look aesthetically pleasing and original.

If desired, tiles imitating natural stone can also be used for lining the apron. This material is most often made of gypsum, which perfectly absorbs moisture. Therefore, when using such material and striving to keep it in original form for the longest possible time, it is recommended to impregnate the tile with a primer, and then varnish it. In addition, it is best to protect the masonry from the hob with heat-resistant glass, which will be much easier to clean from greasy drops and fumes than artificial stone.

Glass kitchen aprons

A high-quality kitchen apron is often made of heat- and shock-resistant glass, which has large enough thickness. In recent years, glass has become increasingly popular for decorating the entire kitchen interior and splashback in particular. And this can be easily explained by the fact that this type of finish combines all the qualities that are necessary for the specifics of the kitchen.

The advantages of glass cladding include its following qualities:

  • Absolute moisture resistance of the material.
  • Ecological purity.
  • Heat resistance.
  • Inertness to temperature changes.
  • Elegant and effective appearance.
  • Variety of patterns and colors.
  • Hygienic material - it absolutely does not absorb odors, grease and dirt.
  • The ability to use the material in any from existing kitchen interior design styles.
  • The durability of the material, ate to protect it from a concentrated shock load.

The disadvantages of this material include its high cost and rather large weight, which greatly complicates the installation of the glass panel. In order for the work to be done correctly, and the apron was not damaged during its installation, it is recommended to entrust this process to specialists.

In addition, panels are most often made to order. At the same time, the master should be provided with the most accurate parameters of the product, as well as information about what material the wall of the house is built from - this is necessary to determine the type and attachment points of the apron. In the absence of correct data, during installation work installing a glass panel can be quite difficult.

Due to the fact that the aprons offered for sale are made of ordinary and tempered glass, this factor must be taken into account when choosing it. Products made from ordinary thick glass are less reliable, since the material can burst when heated to high temperatures. Tempered glass is designed specifically for high heat.

To ensure the complete safety of the working area, a glass apron is most often made from a single piece of glass, which also requires some skill during installation work.

Prices for kitchen aprons

kitchen apron

There are several different types glass aprons according to the design solution:

  • Clear glass . This version of the backsplash is protective and is used to cover the decorative wall trim along the worktop. Thus, the wall cladding will be clearly visible, but protected from contamination. Glass, which has the necessary hardening, is easy enough to clean from any contaminants, except for burnt sugar. Using this version of the glass apron, the wall can be decorated with any material, even paper wallpaper you like.

The advantage of a transparent glass panel is that the cladding located behind the screen can be changed during the next cosmetic repairs, changing the style of the kitchen interior. To do this, the apron is temporarily dismantled, removing the fasteners, cleaning the wall of the old coating, then revetting the surface with new material. After that, the glass apron returns to its place. And again - the temporary dismantling and return of the panel to its place is best left to professionals.

If there is no desire or opportunity to install a transparent glass apron along the entire countertop, then you can fix it only near the hob, since most of the grease stains and fumes fall on the vertical surface of the wall during the heat treatment process. You can do the same in the area with a kitchen sink.

  • Apron made of frosted glass , which is often called satin, can also be used in combination with wall cladding. But the base finish in this approach should have a bright color so that the outlines of its patterns appear through the glass surface. The outlines will not be clearly visible, and thus the effect of soft blurring of the lines of objects depicted on the cladding will be created.

Such a kitchen apron looks quite original and aesthetically pleasing, therefore it is able to decorate any kitchen design option.

If the space between the glass and the wall allows, then small elements with a bright color can be placed in it, for example, artificial flowers or branches with a bright color. green or yellow leaves. In this case, discreet lighting will also be useful, which is able to highlight the contours of decorative objects.

It is best to turn the frosted side of the glass towards the wall, as it is very difficult to remove dirty stains and drops of any origin from it.

The cost of frosted glass is approximately twice the price of its transparent version.

  • Glass apron having one color. The color design may vary, be bright or "muted", pastel - these characteristics are selected depending on the desire of the customer and the intended design solution in the design of the kitchen. A single-color version of the apron, especially if it has a light color, will visually expand the space of the room, as part of its area and interior items will be reflected in its surface.

Decorating with color can be done using a film glued on the back of the glass or by coloring it. Moreover, the coloring is carried out using a special technology, which consists in applying special enamel to the glass, after which the panels are exposed to high temperatures, that is, the hardening process takes place. After this treatment, the glass becomes stronger and more durable. Colored tempered glass is otherwise called stemalite.

The disadvantage of this material is that all dirty and greasy drops will be clearly visible on it. Therefore, if you plan to maintain in the kitchen perfect cleanliness, then the glass one-color apron will have to be washed almost daily.

  • Illuminated glass aprons - this spectacular design kitchen space. To illuminate a film with a selected pattern or photo collage pasted on the back surface of the glass, LED devices are used that are specially designed for this purpose. They are embedded in profiles located at the top and bottom of the panel. Highlighting creates the effect of expanded space and becomes decorative element that draws the eye. At the same time, all other surfaces with kitchen accessories located on them remain in the background and are secondary.
  • In addition, it often creates particularly comfortable conditions for cooking by illuminating the countertop.

Naturally, this option, due to the installation of electrical appliances, will have a higher cost.

  • Glass aprons decorated with photo printing Yu. This option is one of the most popular, as it has a special aesthetics. And besides, many photos and drawings used to decorate the panels can visually expand the small space of the kitchen. The technology for designing transparent panels consists in gluing a film onto the glass from the back, that is, the side of the film facing the wall, on which the selected image is applied using special equipment.

The advantages of this option include the variety of choices of drawings and photographs, as well as the possibility of highlighting such panels, which will make them even more decorative.

The disadvantage of panels with photo printing is that if they are accidentally damaged, you will have to change the entire composition completely. While when choosing a one-color option in a similar situation, the damaged part of the glass can often be cut out and replaced with a separate fragment of the same color.

  • Mirror glass apron can be arranged from large panels, mirror mosaic tiles, as well as medium-sized tiles with various shapes. The originality of this design is undeniable, but the mirror surface will have to be cleaned almost daily, just like transparent glass. Any pollution on it also gives a reflection, which exacerbates the effect of sloppiness.

In addition, a reflective surface can be called an “extreme” option, since not every person’s psyche is able to withstand a constantly moving image, which will be necessarily noticeable with peripheral vision.

However, due to the reflection in the mirror of the entire room, even a cramped kitchen will visually appear much larger than it really is.

Aprons made of plastic panels

IN Lately in hardware stores, special plastic panels appeared, designed to create a kitchen apron. They are usually made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

Prices for plastic panels

plastic panels

On the market you can find panels that have one color, with a pattern or photograph printed on them, as well as imitating mosaic tiles. In their original form, the panels look quite attractive, and due to their low price, they attract increased attention from consumers. But it should be noted that this is often a misleading impression, since this material has many disadvantages when applied to kitchen conditions. However, it is quite suitable for those homeowners who are limited in funds or who often like to change the design of the premises of an apartment or house.

Plastic panels are produced in several forms. Firstly, it can be the special sheets mentioned above specifically for arranging an apron. Secondly, PVC lining can also act in this capacity, which many homeowners also use to decorate the wall of the working area. Whichever version of PVC products is chosen, it must be said that it will show itself over time, most likely not from the best side, simply because of its physical-operational characteristics.

To understand why experts do not advise choosing plastic for installation in the kitchen, and especially in the area of ​​​​the desktop, stove and sink, it makes sense to take a closer look at their "pluses" and "minuses".

So, in favor PVC panels can be given the following arguments:

  • The material has the most affordable price of all named materials.
  • Plastic panels designed to decorate the apron can be solid, that is, not have seams.
  • Installation of PVC cladding is extremely simple, and any novice builder or the homeowner himself can handle it. There is nowhere easier - the cladding is most often glued to the wall on "liquid nails".
  • Plastic is easily cut with a regular clerical knife with replaceable blades. It will not be difficult in it, according to pre-made markings, to cut holes for an outlet or for removing cables and pipes.
  • A damaged panel can be easily replaced with a new one. To do this, when purchasing material, it makes sense to buy one extra product, since later you may not find the finish of the desired color and pattern. Moreover, the price allows you to have more than one spare panel - it would only be where to store them ...
  • All material is quite insignificant.
  • Plastic panels perfectly hide all the bumps and flaws in the wall. You can even hide an electric cable behind them, fixing it in the shtrab with the same “liquid nails”.
  • The pattern and color of the panels are quite stable, so they can be wet cleaned with soft sponges or cloth.
  • PVC is not afraid of moisture.
  • Variety of shapes and design solutions allow you to choose the appropriate option for a particular style.
  • PVC panels go well with transparent glass, which can be used for protection by installing in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hob, as well as the sink, so that splashes do not leave marks on the surface of the finish.

To the moments in which PVC panels lose most finishing materials include:

  • A very short period of operation, which in the best case is no more than five years. Although some manufacturers report ten years to customers, it must be borne in mind that the appearance of the material after the first few years of operation in the kitchen becomes very unpresentable and differs significantly from new panels.
  • The material significantly loses to "competitors" even in its original state. It should be noted that in the photo in the brochures, the panels look much better than in life. “As far as they look and cost, they are so durable” - honest sellers of this product often say so.
  • Any PVC panels are not recommended to be installed near the hob without heat-resistant glass protection. Everything is very simple - when heated above a temperature of 70 ÷ 80 degrees (and this is quite a bit), they simply deform.
  • Plastic is not a strong enough material, and it can be mechanically damaged simply by careless movement.
  • Paint and pattern can be easily removed if the panels are cleaned with hard brushes or detergents containing abrasive additives.
  • Due to the fact that the panels do not adhere tightly to the wall surface, very favorable conditions are created in this gap for the formation of mold colonies, especially in the washing area.
  • If separate panels are used for finishing, and not a solid sheet, then when exposed to moisture, their edges may simply begin to peel off the wall.
  • When heated (and in the kitchen this is inevitable), the material can emit fumes that are not useful for humans and the environment into the surrounding air.
  • Plastic absorbs both odors and greasy fumes. Over time, an indelible yellowness may appear on it.

Knowing all the “pro” and “contra” arguments regarding PVC panels in terms of their use on a kitchen backsplash, you can easily draw conclusions for yourself whether you personally need such a finish.

Steel kitchen aprons

The arrangement of a kitchen apron with steel embossed sheets can be found infrequently. The cost of such a finish is quite high, and, frankly, not all housewives like it. However, it should be noted right away that such an apron goes well with the hob and other stainless steel kitchen accessories.

Many people think that steel surfaces are only suitable for modern styles minimalism, techno or high-tech. This is not entirely true, and the illustration below can serve as proof of this. Steel panels for aprons can have various embossed patterns that can be selected in accordance with the chosen design style of the kitchen.

If desired, steel surfaces can be inscribed in different styles by associating them with some furniture and decorative accessories for decorating the room. In addition, this material has excellent performance characteristics that fully meet the requirements for finishing in a kitchen.

  • The material is not afraid of high temperatures, does not deform and does not burn out.
  • Steel does not absorb any substances that can get on the apron during cooking, does not accumulate odors.
  • The panels are easy to clean with water using household chemicals or without it.
  • The material is inert to moisture. Getting on the apron, the drops just flow down.
  • Steel sheets have high strength, so it is quite difficult to damage the cladding by negligence.
  • On the surface of steel panels with regular care, a favorable environment for pathogenic bacteria or mold will never be created.
  • Perhaps, according to many, the steel surface cannot be called aesthetic enough, but its appearance cannot be reproached for carelessness.

disadvantages steel panels can be called the following factors:

  • Apron, this material must not be cleaned metal kitchentough washcloths, as you can scratch the surface. It is also not recommended to use detergents containing abrasive components to clean polished stainless steel.
  • High price for steel panels.

MDF panels as a kitchen apron

MDF panels are widely used in the design of kitchen interiors. But you should better understand how they are suitable for arranging a kitchen apron.

This type of material mimics natural wood and looks quite presentable on the wall, especially in those cases when they are in harmony with other surfaces and accessories of the room. The panels are suitable for almost any style - it is only important to choose the right color shade.

Like all materials, MDF has its positive and negative sides, which you must know when deciding to decorate an apron in the kitchen with these panels.

Prices for MDF panels

mdf panels

So to virtues This material has the following properties:

  • Material strength. It is very difficult to violate the integrity of the panel by accident, as they are not afraid of mechanical stress.
  • If the panels are carefully cleaned every day, then caring for them will not become burdensome.
  • The surface of the material has a good resistance to moisture.
  • Easy to install panels on the wall.
  • With proper use of MDF and in the absence of any emergency circumstances, the finish will last for many years.

The disadvantages of this cladding include the following points:

  • MDF panels cannot be called a completely environmentally friendly material, since most manufacturers use formaldehyde resins in its manufacture, which emit fumes throughout the entire period of operation of the finish. Such secretions are especially active when the material is heated, and it is almost impossible to avoid this in the kitchen.
  • MDF boards have a fairly high degree of flammability, so they require additional protection from the high temperatures that inevitably occur near the hob.
  • MDF is made from compressed cellulose fibres. Therefore, if moisture gets on the end of the panels that is not protected by a special film, the material may begin to warp and delaminate. In addition, in the humid environment of wood, a favorable environment for the appearance of mold or fungus is quite capable of creating. This often leads to the appearance of whole affected foci, which begin to spread to other areas of decoration.
  • MDF is not recommended to be cleaned with a hard metal brush, as stripes are bound to remain on the surface of the material.
  • Acrylic-coated panels are more resistant to external influences, however, and they quickly lose their original appearance.

Find out with step by step guide, from our new article on our portal.

Summing up the characteristics of this cladding, we can conclude that it is not the best way for arranging an apron. However, if there is a desire and financial opportunity to change the finish to a more reliable one at any time, then you can try to veneer mdf wall along the work area.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the apron is equipped not only from finished panels, tiles or stone. Some craftsmen prefer to get creative with this process and use improvised materials. For example, bottle caps made from natural material or ordinary plastic of different colors, which are embedded on the wall into the solution. In general, if you want to save money, fantasy often turns on, and if there are no problems with finances, then the material for the apron can be easily picked up at a hardware store. At the same time, it is important to take into account all the recommendations, take into account the characteristics of the finish, which must meet the criteria presented above.

At the end of the publication, we suggest watching an interesting video review with examples of kitchen aprons from various materials. Perhaps this will help right choice

Video: Kitchen apron - a key area for finishing the room

Finishing in the kitchen should not only please the eye, but also be practical. When choosing a material for an apron, you need to pay attention to its size, quality, aesthetic beauty and cost. The distance above the work surface, that is, the countertop and hanging headset cabinets, should be optimal to protect the wall from hot steam, oil splashes, grease and other contaminants. As a rule, finishing is carried out along the entire wall, but quite often it is limited to individual inserts, for example, in the sink area, stoves.


When choosing an apron model, consider its size. The height of this element is on average from 45 to 60 cm. When choosing certain sizes, it is necessary to build on your own height and type of plate. The fact is that the owners of gas stoves must observe the distance between the hood and the hob from 75-80 cm.

When you install the apron in the kitchen, leave a couple of centimeters under the top and bottom sets, the countertop. The visible joint should be hidden with a plinth or treated with silicone, sealant. This is done so that water does not flow through floor cabinet, and its wooden walls did not swell, did not deform, did not provoke the formation of mold, fungus.

Each material has its own characteristics, specifications. So, experts do not recommend the use of unglazed ceramic tiles, because it has a porous structure. If you do not want to deal with the accumulation of grease, moisture, which are difficult to remove from the surface, pay attention to chipboard, glass, Italian tiles, MDF and plastic, artificial stone. All other materials will become an excellent barrier against bacteria and their reproduction. With proper care, the kitchen apron will last long time.

To facilitate regular maintenance, try to choose the right flat and smooth design without seams or joints.


Varieties and colors

Often a kitchen apron acts as an excellent design accent in the interior. You can not spend fabulous money on boring facades of a kitchen set, super-washable wallpapers, expensive floors with insulation. It is enough to decorate the apron with high-quality materials in an interesting color scheme. It will certainly attract the eyes of curious guests, it's great to decorate the overall atmosphere of the kitchen. There are a huge number of materials on the market from which you can create a truly artistic masterpiece.

If you do not have enough money to buy elite European materials, you can use their cheaper counterparts. Such a finish made of MDF, chipboard, plastic perfectly imitates wood species, natural stone, creates amazing stained-glass windows, the effect of broken colored glass, etc. When designing an apron, it is important to understand what role it will play in the interior of the kitchen. Sometimes it is a wonderful backdrop for a kitchen set or vice versa. In this zone, you can place a three-dimensional 3D photo print, visually expanding the workspace, giving the kitchen interior a plot.

It can be a seashore, a fascinating skyline, floral still lifes, fantasy scenes, animalistics or any national pattern (Scandinavian, Oriental, Provencal, Azulejo, etc.). White is still considered a universal color for an apron. Plastic panels, glass will look great with a set of any color. So that they do not have a “hospital” boring look, designers advise diluting the snow-white tonality with a color insert from mosaics, ceramic decor, and photo printing. The neutral range also includes a shade of ivory, beige, ivory, milky, cream.

If you stop at a colored apron, be sure to “support” its palette with other interior details. It is best if it goes tone on tone or pattern on pattern with kitchen textile elements: curtains, decorative pillows, as well as wallpaper. The color of marsala, burgundy, lime, emerald, ultramarine will look incredibly stylish in the kitchen.

If lilac becomes the key color palette for the bedroom, then in the kitchen - rich purple. Strive to use as many natural colors as possible. By the way, there will be all shades of brown, yellow, gray in contrast with black, white, cream, sand, pastel, etc.

Popular finishing materials

One of the most popular materials is ceramic tiles or small format porcelain tiles. They are affordable in price and quality, but more expensive than the option of chipboard, MDF. An order of magnitude higher are aprons made of sustainable glass, artificial stone. The latter are mainly used in country cottages, apartments to maintain the prestige of their property.


Try to choose tiles with a glossy finish for ease of maintenance. Its shiny surface will reflect light, which will visually expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen. If you are not favored by small square meters, you can use volumetric decors, select relief tile samples, for example, with a 3d effect. For any interior, beige-brown will be a win-win, regardless of what style surrounds you (classic, kitsch, vintage or art nouveau).

A feature of the tile is that it easily imitates other materials: stone, wood, glass. A popular decoration will be a watercolor drawing or patterns with stains. With them, small dirt, stains are practically not visible. When laying tiles, pay attention to problem areas, seams. Light grout will lose its original color over time. It is important at the stage of the beginning of finishing work to use only high-quality materials with dirt-repellent, moisture-resistant components, for example, like epoxy grout.

You can also choose rectified tiles, in which the distance between the seams does not exceed 2 mm. In this case, the darkened areas during operation will practically not be noticeable. Experts advise choosing tiles with a special coating that perfectly resists aggressive environments. With such a material, it will not be scary to use any chemicals, even with abrasive particles in the composition.

There are a huge number of options for laying Italian tiles. You can choose a checkerboard, traditional or offset. You can arrange it diagonally on the Soviet motif or using the kaleidoscope method (in discordance in colors). If you choose ceramic tiles 10 x 10 cm, then you can do without additional trimming when laying. It looks great in small kitchens.

It will be possible to reduce the time of finishing work with ceramic tiles if you purchase samples of medium size, from 30 x 30 cm and above. They can imitate small tiles, have slots, recesses, but they will fit several times faster.

photo tiles

An apron made with the participation of photo tiles looks unusually fashionable. It will become a unique decoration for the kitchen, will bring individuality, luxury to any interior. You can depict absolutely any print, pattern or drawing above the hob, even your family photo. This decoration will certainly inspire you to cook delicious, mouth-watering dishes for your beloved household.


If you are a fighter for quality, strength and longevity, look at tempered glass models. It can be decorated at any time with a pattern, for example, from acrylic. The advantage of such a finish will be resistance to pollution, practicality in use, long service life.

The product perfectly "gets along" with the hob, tolerates any temperature fluctuations, and does not allow moisture to pass through. You can decorate glass with drawings of large flowers, images of birds, animals, vintage items, fruits or vegetables, sweets.

The shine of the glass will give the kitchen neatness in any light. It is believed that glass, as well as laminate models, is the most noble type of finish, it always looks concise, expensive, and prestigious. When mounting, it is better to use fasteners. You will not scratch the headsets, facades, so repair and finishing work can be carried out at any stage of construction. Just as popular will be a mirror apron that corrects all the flaws in the geometry of your kitchen.


The exquisite design of the kitchen apron with the help of mosaics is trendy, consists of contrasting shades, non-trivial colors. Mosaic will give a special charm to the kitchen, tenderness and elegance. When installing this design, glue is used, grout, which takes most of the time to “eliminate” the seams. It is also necessary to observe the sequence when laying the mosaic.


For lack of sufficient funds, instead of an apron made of natural stone, an Italian fresco, you can resort to hypoallergenic plastic of the economy class category. There are several options for such a kitchen finish:

    from plastic based on MDF, chipboard or fiberboard;

    the use of decorative hot-pressed plastic;

    creating stunning visualization "under the tree", stone and other materials;

    using plastic made from polycarbonate.

All models are easy to mount, take care of them, extending their service life every year. You can also consider a budget option made of chipboard and plastic. This design is easy to do with your own hands, replace if necessary. Quite often the material is colorless, transparent. Under it, it will be possible to glue stylish wallpapers, create photo printing.

This model shows excellent resistance to moisture, high temperatures. Would you like to receive an apron affordable price without seams and joints - take into account the chipboard system!

artificial stone

One of the most aesthetically pleasing ideas would be the use of artificial stone. In this case, it is better that the countertop is made of the same material. Despite its high cost, the finish is very popular among wealthy owners of cottages, penthouses, townhouses.

Required for installation quality work experienced craftsmen who will create the perfect picture of the interior. Careful handling of this surface guarantees a long service life. The product perfectly tolerates frequent cleaning, including wet.

Design styles

For a loft-style design, a boar tile or a brick model is suitable. It has a rectangular shape and beveled chamfers on the edges, which is why it resembles a brick. This finish will look great in a classic and modern interior. It is possible to choose both a standard version in the size of 10 x 20 cm, and a large format up to 15 x 45 cm.

As a rule, "boar" is produced in solid color, with a smooth glossy surface. The coloring is mostly neutral, calm. It is customary to dilute collections of kitchen apron with interesting photo printing, drawings with fruits, berries, sweets and other ideas on a culinary theme.


For styles of kitsch, eclecticism, mosaic products are suitable. They give in wooden house atmosphere of well-being, comfort, joy. For luxurious baroque, avant-garde, Romanesque, Mediterranean styles, wall panels are suitable, for which it is important to provide space and symmetry. For the Victorian style, pastoral still lifes, a landscape of famous cities ( Ancient Greece, Venice, Florence, etc.). Tiles that imitate facings can be complemented by textured patterns, spectacular coatings, and stylized antique ornaments.

The apron protects the walls near the sink, stove and work surface in the kitchen from splashes of grease, water, dust and other negative influences. A number of requirements are put forward for the working wall, incl. high strength and practicality, ease of care, the ability to withstand moisture and high temperatures. In addition, the apron should have good external data, as it occupies a significant part of the kitchen. What materials can be used to finish the work wall in the kitchen, what are their main advantages, and what else should be considered when choosing a finishing material?

To all the requirements for the material of the kitchen apron described above, it is worth adding that it must have the smoothest possible surface and be low-porous. Due to this, the ability of the material to absorb moisture decreases, and ease of maintenance, on the contrary, increases.

Today, the following materials are used to organize an apron:

  • ceramic tile;
  • mosaic;
  • glass;
  • PVC panels;
  • natural and decorative stone;
  • MDF panels;
  • metal;
  • plaster, paint and other materials.

Each of these materials has its own advantages, disadvantages and features, and then we will dwell on the characteristics of each of them.

No. 2. Ceramic tiles: timeless classics

Most of us still choose ceramic tiles to finish our backsplash, and for good reason. This is one of the best and practical options, and it has a lot of advantages:

  • high strength;
  • heat resistance;
  • ease of care;
  • a huge assortment: you can choose a tile of any size, color and with any pattern;
  • relatively simple installation, which, with a certain skill, can even be done independently.

With the help of tiles, you can create a variety of effects, for example, highlight some area using a material of a certain color: decorative tiles you can select a zone near the stove or sink, and lay out the rest with simpler tiles. It is worth noting that dirt can accumulate in embossed ceramic tiles and in tile joints, so it is better to choose the most smooth material, and make the joints thin or varnish them. When combining tiles above the work area and other types of finishes in the rest of the kitchen, it is better not to stop at one color. It is better to separate the working area with color from the dining area in the kitchen, thus performing spectacular zoning.

No. 3. Mosaic: room for imagination

With the help of mosaics, you can create the most inconceivable patterns and even whole pictures. A kitchen apron can become a real work of art, and the performance of the mosaic is very good. Among the main advantages it is worth noting:

  • moisture resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • ease of care and hygiene;
  • strength;
  • wear resistance and durability;
  • unique look.

This is all General characteristics mosaics, because it can be of different types and made of different materials:

  • ceramic mosaic repeats all the characteristics of ceramic tiles, only from tiles 2 * 2 cm in size you can lay out any patterns you like;
  • glass mosaic perfectly shows itself in operation, as it is completely inert to moisture and fire. In addition, this material may slightly change color depending on the lighting conditions, which makes it even more unique;
  • stone mosaic is quite rare due to the high price, and its maintenance is difficult;
  • metal mosaic is quite durable and practical, but you can’t hope for a variety of shades and colors.

Of the minuses of the mosaic, one can note the complexity of the installation process and, in some cases, the cost. You need a perfectly flat surface, and the grouting of the joints should be treated very carefully so that dirt does not accumulate in them. Otherwise, it is an excellent material for finishing an apron in the kitchen.

No. 4. Glass: unusual and spectacular

Glass has been used to finish kitchen aprons not so long ago, but in vain. This is an excellent material that meets all the requirements put forward for this area. Glass panels with a pattern printed on them are also called skinali. They are made of thick tempered glass and decorated in various ways: sandblasted, placed inside a 3D polycarbonate material or using UV printing. Sandblasting involves the impact on the glass surface of small abrasive particles under high pressure, as a result of which a three-dimensional relief pattern can be obtained, and for an even more effective result, some areas can be painted with colored enamels. With the help of UV printing, you can also get realistic beautiful images, and apply any ornaments and colors to glass.

The main advantages of this finishing method:

  • high strength, because tempered glass is used, which is difficult to break, and even with a strong blow it is not able to injure anyone, because it shatters into fragments with blunt edges;
  • practicality and ease of care, resistance to aggressive detergents, while the appearance of the surface remains unchanged for many years;
  • absolute seamlessness of the coating, which ensures excellent hygiene, because dirt will not accumulate in the seams and microorganisms will not develop;
  • a unique appearance, because you can apply absolutely any image: even fruits, even a picture, even your own photo.

As you can see, glass panels, or skinals, are distinguished by high performance and external characteristics, but are not yet used so often due to the high cost of the material and the organization of the apron in this way. Although the glass apron is easy to wash, it will have to be done regularly, because all splashes and stains are clearly visible on its surface. It will be very difficult to change the image if desired, and you will have to completely think over the interior in advance, because if it later turns out that you need to organize the railing in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe working area, then this will not work. But the glass apron can be very effectively illuminated, and it will acquire a 3D effect.

No. 5. PVC panels: cheap and practical

Using plastic panels to finish the kitchen apron is one of the most budgetary ways to organize the space of the work area. In addition to the price, this material has a lot of other advantages:

  • ease of installation, because almost everyone can handle it;
  • ease of care, the panels are very easy to clean and withstand even aggressive chemical substances;
  • moisture resistance;
  • durability, and plastic does not lose its original appearance over time;
  • the ability to withstand temperatures up to 1150C, but before buying it is important to inquire about the fire resistance of the material;
  • the seams between the panels can be decorated with special corners, which can even be matched to the railing or kitchen furniture.

Plastic panels do not shine with a variety of colors: you can choose the right material for the interior of the kitchen, but it will be far from unique, and it is quite possible that you will find exactly the same in the neighboring kitchen. But it's not so scary. Worse, plastic panels scratch easily, so you need to be careful when handling them.

No. 6. PVC film - a temporary solution

If you need to make a quick and inexpensive temporary repair, then it makes sense to look at the PVC film. For a while, just before you do a normal repair, it can last just fine. Its main advantage is low cost. In addition, the range of colors of such films is simply huge: natural materials, landscapes, ornaments, etc. You can cope with sticking such material on your own, the film is resistant to mechanical damage, but this is where its advantages end.

This material is able to gradually fade under the influence of sunlight, it is afraid of high temperatures, and if damaged, it cannot be restored. It can be used as a temporary kitchen finish, but it is not suitable for permanent use.

No. 7. MDF panels: a budget and practical option

You can make a kitchen apron from MDF panels: it will be inexpensive, but it will be much more practical than finishing with PVC film or boards. The main advantages of this method of finishing the working wall:

  • moisture resistance and strength;
  • quick production, because, as a rule, such an apron is created together with a kitchen set;
  • ease of installation. The walls do not need careful preliminary preparation, and the panels can be fixed either to the frame or using liquid nails. If you need to replace the apron, this can be done very simply - you don’t even need to remove furniture;
  • seamless coverage, and this is important in the conditions of the kitchen work area;
  • beautiful appearance: such panels can imitate ceramic tiles, stone, wood, brick, and recently a bright pattern has been applied to the material so that the apron becomes a real highlight of the kitchen.

But the material, unfortunately, has disadvantages:

  • Not all detergents can be used to clean the surface. Too active substances can adversely affect the material, spoiling its appearance and performance;
  • combustibility, so it is better to use MDF panels only in those kitchens where an electric or induction stove is installed.

No. 8. Natural and artificial stone

Natural stone for organizing an apron is used extremely rarely, but if it is used, it is often granite. Although the material is moisture resistant, withstands high temperatures, it is heavy and expensive, and requires special care. Often a stone apron is created in continuation to a stone countertop.

An alternative to natural stone is an artificial analogue, which is inferior only in terms of strength, but wins in all other characteristics. Artificial stone can imitate any kind of natural, it looks great in the interior. In addition, it is moisture resistant, withstands high temperatures, stains of grease and various products will not leave a trace on it, and in terms of maintenance, it is quite simple. At the same time, its price and weight are much lower than that of natural stone, so the working wall can be safely finished in this way.

No. 9. Mirror: original but troublesome

Mirrored apron will be a real highlight of any kitchen. He is able to visually significantly enlarge the room, so this is a good option for the smallest kitchens. The mirror is not afraid of moisture, and high temperatures, drops of fat, detergents are not able to harm it. This is very original way finishes that will transform the kitchen.

There are probably more cons to a mirror apron than pluses, although the issue must be considered individually in each case. The ability to reflect and double the area of ​​​​a room can play a cruel joke: the amount dirty dishes will also be doubled. In the kitchen, there is often high humidity, so the mirror can fog up, and its appearance deteriorates. But the mirror will look much worse when splashed with water and grease. Of course, it is not difficult to wipe it and put it in order, but such a procedure with active cooking will have to be carried out constantly.

No. 10. Metal: ideal for high-tech style

A metal apron will fit only into the interior in a modern style. Such a solution has a lot of advantages: durability, resistance to fire and water, chemicals. At the same time, you will have to put up with the fact that all splashes, streaks, and spots are clearly visible on the metal. They will need to be wiped down regularly to keep the finish looking its best, but it's not that difficult, especially since you can get rid of dirt pretty quickly.

The main disadvantage of this finish is its cold appearance, and there are very few possible colors. It is important to think over the interior of the kitchen very well so that such an apron looks really organic and stylish. Moreover, this material reflects light very well, so you need to think over the lighting system so as not to get a room with an abundance of glare and sunbeams.

No. 11. How to organize a kitchen apron in an original way?

A kitchen apron can be finished with paint or plaster, of course, with maximum water resistance, but if you cook something more or less often, then this option is not suitable, especially when it comes to light colors of the finish.

In addition to all the methods described above to organize a working wall, there are also a lot of unusual, creative options that will emphasize your individuality and make the kitchen unique. Here are just a few of them:

Everyone, if he thinks a little, will be able to offer his own original version of finishing the kitchen apron, but the main thing is to make this area not only pretty, but also practical.

In conclusion

The kitchen apron is regularly exposed to negative influences: splashes of water, drops of fat and various products, heat, frequent washing. All this makes us look for the most practical and resistant to all this material. Everyone wants the kitchen to be also pretty, stylish and harmonious, so one more requirement is put forward for the finishing material - a pleasant appearance. In addition to ceramic tiles, there are many other ways to decorate the working wall of the kitchen: when choosing one or another option, it is important to correlate all the pros and cons, think about how the material fits into the conditions of the kitchen, and only then make a decision.


Apron for the kitchen - 130 photos and material comparison

An apron is a part of the wall between the upper and lower cabinets of the kitchen set. Its task is to protect the wall from moisture, hot steam, grease, splashes and any pollution. A beautiful work area will stretch even an ordinary interior, and an awkward design will spoil the impression of expensive facades. To make your choice easier, we've compared the most practical and eye-catching finishes according to six important criteria. Designer's tips on what to make an apron for the kitchen from, a comparison of popular materials and real photos of beautiful aprons - in this article.

Quick navigation:

Optimal dimensions

Usually the height of the apron in the kitchen varies from 45 to 60 centimeters. How high it should be in your case depends on the height of the household, the type of stove and the type of headset.

  • It is more convenient for a low hostess to hang the upper modules lower, and make the space between the cabinets small - 40-55 cm.

Small corner kitchen with ceramic backsplash 60 cm high
An example of a low apron - only 40 cm between two tiers of cabinets
  • In a kitchen with a gas stove, the distance between the hob and the hood should be at least 75-80 cm. Provide this ledge in the design.
  • Most often, the finishing material closes the entire wall along the countertop. If you wish, you can limit yourself to small protective inserts only in the sink and hob area.
  • In the absence of wall cabinets, it is worth decorating the wall up to the ceiling, as in the photo below.

Built-in white kitchen without upper cabinets with black and white skinali to the ceiling

The edges of the apron should go a couple of centimeters under the lower / upper cabinets. It is advisable to protect the joint between the wall and the countertop with a plinth and treat it with silicone sealant. Without it, water will flow behind the floor pedestals. The back wall of fiberboard will swell and deform over time, and fungus will freely grow on the walls.

We select the color and design of the apron trim

  • Decide in advance what role you assign to the design of the part of the wall behind the stove and sink: an inconspicuous background for a beautiful set or the main accent in the kitchen interior? See how the look of a white glossy kitchen is changing along with the design of the apron:

  • Regardless of the material chosen, the most versatile color of the apron is white: plain or with mosaic inserts, bright tiles, ceramic decors with photo printing. It is combined with a headset of any color. Other neutral tones are also popular: milky, creamy, beige, light gray, champagne and ivory.
  • A dark finish is impractical: drops of water and splashes of grease on it will be especially noticeable.

If the budget for repairs is limited, you can purchase an inexpensive set with simple facades, neutral wallpaper and flooring. But part of the wall above the countertop is decorated with a more expensive material and turned into an interior decoration.

Stylish accent in the interior of the kitchen-living room

Russian, Belarusian, Italian, German, Czech and Scandinavian factories: a description of the range and photos of popular models ... Watch

Pros and cons of popular finishing materials

Tile apron

Kitchen apron made of ceramic tiles 10x10 cm with patchwork pattern

The best option in terms of price, quality, durability and convenience. In the decoration of the apron, glazed wall tiles are more often used, less often thin and light porcelain stoneware. The most popular formats are 10x10, 15x15, 20x30 and 20x40 cm, as well as a different-sized "boar".

Ceramics have many designs for different tastes and every budget. The surface of the tile can imitate the texture of stone, wood, metal, concrete. When choosing a tile for finishing a work wall in the kitchen, take a closer look at its texture: rough and embossed ones are difficult to keep clean, so you should give preference to smooth ones.

Photo of aprons for the kitchen from tiles in real interiors Apartments and houses, see the selection below:

Combined mosaic and tile apron

Contrasting grout serves as a decor

A universal design option for a kitchen apron of any style - a boar format tile

In addition to background tiles of different colors, manufacturers include ceramic panels and borders in their collections.
Decorative frieze on a tiled apron

Price. Finishing the apron with tiles will cost more than plastic, but much cheaper than glass and acrylic stone. In addition to the cost of the material, do not forget to include the cost of leveling compound, tile adhesive, grout, sealant and craftsmen in the calculation.

Mounting. Laying should be entrusted to a professional. The working area in the kitchen is always in the spotlight, and laying tiles without experience is not easy. Important point: ceramics is for a long time. If you don’t like the design of the tile, changing the apron will not be easy.

Training. Requires extensive surface preparation. Curved wall will have to be leveled.

Durability. In the kitchen, an apron decorated with ceramic tiles will easily serve you for 15 years or more.

Moisture resistance. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Care. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

You can use detergents, including those with light abrasives. Tile joints require special care. Ordinary light grout darkens over time and looks untidy. To avoid this, use an epoxy that does not change color.

  • Which tile is suitable for an apron and how to choose it correctly.
  • Pig tile in the kitchen - selection guide and real photos

From photo tiles

An example of decorating a working wall in a kitchen with photo-printed tiles

You can limit yourself to factory decors (available in the collections of most major manufacturers of kitchen ceramics) or make a photo panel to order. Most of the pros and cons of this type of finish are the same as those of the usual tiles. But note a few significant drawbacks:

  • the price of photo tiles is much higher than conventional collections
  • inexpensive sublimation photo-printed tiles fade and fade in the sun over time, and the decal costs twice as much
  • does not like aggressive household chemicals, especially those with abrasive elements
  • factory-made photo decors are more durable and stronger than custom-made ones

glass apron

Apron for kitchen made of glass with photo printing in black and white

A beautiful and practical finish, which in many respects is not inferior to ceramics. In the care of a glass apron is easier than it is commonly thought, and heat and moisture do not spoil its appearance. To finish the working area in the kitchen, durable tempered glass with a thickness of 6 and 8 mm is used with different design: transparent, dyed, tinted, frosted and decorated with photo printing.

Photo printing on a glass surface is applied in different ways. Read more about them in this article.

Images of flowers and fruits on the skinali - the most popular plots in the design of kitchens
Working wall made of plain glass, painted with enamel

Price. Such a finish can hardly be called a budget one: glass panels with photo printing are noticeably more expensive than tiles and mosaics, not to mention plastic. In addition to the cost of manufacturing skinali, you will have to pay extra for fitting and trying on a picture (you can choose an image from the catalog), photo tests, installation, cutting holes for sockets and other services that are not obvious to an inexperienced buyer. Most inexpensive option- a screen made of transparent glass, the wall behind which can be painted or pasted over beautiful wallpaper.

Mounting. The main advantage of a glass backsplash compared to other types of wall decoration in the kitchen is the speed of installation and the absence of "dirty" work. The process of mounting the finished panel takes a couple of hours, but requires experience, accuracy and skill. In case of damage, it will not be possible to get rid of the replacement of a small fragment: the coating will have to be changed entirely.

Training. When using special fasteners (and this is the most popular way to install skinali), there is no need to level the wall. Glass lags behind the surface by a few millimeters, so it will hide bumps and old materials, including tiles. To put the panels on the glue, the base must be perfectly clean, dry and even, otherwise they will not stick well.

Durability. Contrary to the fears of many, skinali are able to decorate your kitchen for a long time without losing their attractive appearance. appearance. Some companies give a 5 year warranty. Of course, we are talking about high-quality tempered glass kitchen aprons with UV printing with good inks, and not cheap imitations of plexiglass with a pattern on the film.

Moisture resistance. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Care. ★ ★ ★ ★

Fingerprints, water and grease marks are more noticeable on glass than on ceramics. But a smooth panel without seams is much easier to clean than walls with a ceramic finish, where you have to clean out numerous seams. It is enough to regularly wipe it with a damp sponge and soapy water and from time to time use a glass care product.

plastic apron

Kitchen apron made of MDF with wood-like plastic to match the countertop and baseboard

A good choice for economy class headsets and temporary repairs, especially if you are going to do it yourself. A decent assortment of plastic wall panels that are used as an apron in the kitchen can be found in any building hypermarket like Leroy Merlin, OBI, Castorama, etc.

There are two options:

  • furniture board from MDF, chipboard and fiberboard, lined with decorative HPL plastic - plain or with wood, ceramic, stone, mosaic decor. The MDF apron can also be finished with photo printed acrylic.
  • PVC wall panels. Flexible screens are attached to the wall with glue and an aluminum profile. In terms of practicality and durability, they are inferior to MDF and chipboard: they are thinner, lose color faster, they cannot be installed in kitchens with gas hob- are deformed.

imitation mosaic
PVC panel in the kitchen instead of tiles
MDF panel with photo printing

Light plastic apron in a modern minimalist kitchen

Price. The most budget option in our selection. A three-meter panel can be purchased for an average of 1.5-3 thousand rubles.

Mounting. An important advantage of a plastic apron is its easy installation, which even a beginner can handle. Unlike ceramics and glass, it is easy to make holes for sockets and rails in it right during the installation process. When the panels need to be changed, the old ones can be dismantled easily and quickly.

Training. It depends on the type, but most products do not require wall alignment: they are mounted on a wooden crate of slats on a dowel with nails or self-tapping screws.

Durability. Of all the materials in our review, plastic aprons have the shortest lifespan. Compared to other options, they will lose their “face” the fastest and are unlikely to last more than 3-5 years. But they are easy and inexpensive to replace.

Moisture resistance. ★ ★ ★

According to this indicator, aprons coated with a layer of plastic lose to competing materials. But if you take a high-quality plate (MDF is better than chipboard) and close the joints with the countertop with a plinth, you should not be afraid of problems.

Care. ★ ★ ★ ★

A smooth plastic surface is sufficient to wipe with a damp microfiber cloth or a soft sponge. Make sure that water does not flood the edges, otherwise the base of the apron may warp and swell.

From a mosaic

A mosaic apron in contrasting colors will make the kitchen design bright and dynamic. Mosaic has many types: it can be glass, ceramic, stone, metal... This is a “chameleon” material that looks different depending on the lighting and perfectly assembles the interior together.

Price. Compared to ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware, mosaic is a less profitable option for finishing an apron. Laying work will also cost more, and necessary materials: you will have to buy special glue and grout. If you want to save money - choose a tile for a mosaic. It is cheaper and greatly simplifies installation.

Mounting. Laying and grouting numerous seams is a laborious process: it requires experience, time and great accuracy.

Training. Although it is possible to trim curved surfaces (for example, a radius wall) with mosaics on a grid, leveling and carefully preparing the base is indispensable. Any unevenness in the apron area will be conspicuous and spoil the effect of a beautiful finish.

Durability. Will last for many years with no problems. According to European manufacturers, the normal service life quality material- 20-25 years old.

Moisture resistance. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Care. ★ ★ ★ ★

Made of acrylic stone

Most often, both an apron and a countertop are made of artificial stone at once.

Combination of stone and stainless steel

Figured corian wall panel
A kitchen apron made of stone is ideal for classic interior

Price. Perhaps the most expensive design option in our selection.

Mounting. Requires the work of experienced craftsmen, but there will be no dirt during installation.

Training. In order for a thin panel to fit snugly against the wall, it is important to properly prepare the base. First of all, get rid of irregularities so that there are no voids left.

Durability. With careful handling, acrylic stone will serve you for a very long time. If you often touch the surface with pots and kitchen utensils, micro-scratches will appear over time. To the credit of the material, it is easy to restore: grind cracks and build up chips. After polishing it will be like new.

Moisture resistance. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Care. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Due to the absence of micropores on the surface and the absence of seams where dirt usually collects, the wall is easy to keep clean. Simply wash the panel with clean/soapy water. Even stubborn dirt can be easily removed without special means.

You can read more about this finishing material in this article.

Photos of aprons from unusual materials

If you want a “not like everyone else” finish, take a look at the ideas below. The working wall above the kitchen worktop can be painted with moisture-resistant paint, wallpapered, finished with laminate, mirror panel, stainless steel sheet, decorative plaster, brick, stone. Not all solutions are practical in a kitchen: an apron may need additional protection in the form of transparent glass or acrylic lacquer.




What to make an apron in the kitchen

Finishing in the kitchen should not only please the eye, but also be practical. When choosing a material for an apron, you need to pay attention to its size, quality, aesthetic beauty and cost. The distance above the work surface, that is, the countertop and hanging headset cabinets, should be optimal to protect the wall from hot steam, oil splashes, grease and other contaminants. As a rule, finishing is carried out along the entire wall, but quite often it is limited to individual inserts, for example, in the sink area, stoves.

When choosing an apron model, consider its size. The height of this element is on average from 45 to 60 cm. When choosing certain sizes, it is necessary to build on your own height and type of plate. The fact is that the owners of gas stoves must observe the distance between the hood and the hob from 75-80 cm.

When you install the apron in the kitchen, leave a couple of centimeters under the top and bottom sets, the countertop. The visible joint should be hidden with a plinth or treated with silicone, sealant. This is done so that water does not flow behind the floor cabinet, and its wooden walls do not swell, deform, or provoke the formation of mold and fungus.

Each material has its own characteristics, technical characteristics. So, experts do not recommend the use of unglazed ceramic tiles, because it has a porous structure. If you do not want to deal with the accumulation of grease, moisture, which are difficult to remove from the surface, pay attention to chipboard, glass, Italian tiles, MDF and plastic, artificial stone. All other materials will become an excellent barrier against bacteria and their reproduction. With proper care, the kitchen apron will last a long time.

To facilitate regular maintenance, try to choose the right flat and smooth design without seams or joints.

Often a kitchen apron acts as an excellent design accent in the interior. You can not spend fabulous money on boring facades of a kitchen set, super-washable wallpapers, expensive floors with insulation. It is enough to decorate the apron with high-quality materials in an interesting color scheme. It will certainly attract the eyes of curious guests, it's great to decorate the overall atmosphere of the kitchen. There are a huge number of materials on the market from which you can create a truly artistic masterpiece.

If you do not have enough money to buy elite European materials, you can use their cheaper counterparts. Such a finish made of MDF, chipboard, plastic perfectly imitates wood species, natural stone, creates amazing stained-glass windows, the effect of broken colored glass, etc. When designing an apron, it is important to understand what role it will play in the interior of the kitchen. Sometimes it is a wonderful backdrop for a kitchen set or vice versa. In this zone, you can place a three-dimensional 3D photo print, visually expanding the workspace, giving the kitchen interior a plot.

It can be a seashore, a fascinating skyline, floral still lifes, fantasy scenes, animalistics or any national pattern (Scandinavian, Oriental, Provencal, Azulejo, etc.). White is still considered a universal color for an apron. Plastic panels, glass will look great with a set of any color. So that they do not have a “hospital” boring look, designers advise diluting the snow-white tonality with a color insert from mosaics, ceramic decor, and photo printing. The neutral range also includes a shade of ivory, beige, ivory, milky, cream.

If you stop at a colored apron, be sure to “support” its palette with other interior details. It is best if it goes tone on tone or pattern on pattern with kitchen textile elements: curtains, decorative pillows, and wallpaper. The color of marsala, burgundy, lime, emerald, ultramarine will look incredibly stylish in the kitchen.

If lilac becomes the key color palette for the bedroom, then in the kitchen - rich purple. Strive to use as many natural colors as possible. By the way, there will be all shades of brown, yellow, gray in contrast with black, white, cream, sand, pastel, etc.

One of the most popular materials is ceramic tiles or small format porcelain tiles. They are affordable in price and quality, but more expensive than the option of chipboard, MDF. An order of magnitude higher are aprons made of sustainable glass, artificial stone. The latter are used mainly in country cottages, apartments to maintain the prestige of their property.

Try to choose tiles with a glossy finish for ease of maintenance. Its shiny surface will reflect light, which will visually expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen. If small square meters do not favor you, you can use volumetric decors, select relief tile samples, for example, with a 3d effect. For any interior, beige-brown will be a win-win, regardless of what style surrounds you (classic, kitsch, vintage or art nouveau).

A feature of the tile is that it easily imitates other materials: stone, wood, glass. A popular decoration will be a watercolor drawing or patterns with stains. With them, small dirt, stains are practically not visible. When laying tiles, pay attention to problem areas, seams. Light grout will lose its original color over time. It is important at the stage of the beginning of finishing work to use only high-quality materials with dirt-repellent, moisture-resistant components, for example, like epoxy grout.

You can also choose rectified tiles, in which the distance between the seams does not exceed 2 mm. In this case, the darkened areas during operation will practically not be noticeable. Experts advise choosing tiles with a special coating that perfectly resists aggressive environments. With such a material, it will not be scary to use any chemicals, even with abrasive particles in the composition.

There are a huge number of options for laying Italian tiles. You can choose a checkerboard, traditional or offset. You can arrange it diagonally on the Soviet motif or using the kaleidoscope method (in discordance in colors). If you choose ceramic tiles 10 x 10 cm, then you can do without additional trimming when laying. It looks great in small kitchens.

It will be possible to reduce the time of finishing work with ceramic tiles if you purchase samples of medium size, from 30 x 30 cm and above. They can imitate small tiles, have slots, recesses, but they will fit several times faster.

An apron made with the participation of photo tiles looks unusually fashionable. It will become a unique decoration for the kitchen, will bring individuality, luxury to any interior. You can depict absolutely any print, pattern or drawing above the hob, even your family photo. This decoration will certainly inspire you to cook delicious, mouth-watering dishes for your beloved household.

If you are a fighter for quality, strength and longevity, look at tempered glass models. It can be decorated at any time with a pattern, for example, from acrylic. The advantage of such a finish will be resistance to pollution, practicality in use, long service life.

The product perfectly "gets along" with the hob, tolerates any temperature fluctuations, and does not allow moisture to pass through. You can decorate glass with drawings of large flowers, images of birds, animals, vintage items, fruits or vegetables, sweets.

The shine of the glass will give the kitchen neatness in any light. It is believed that glass, as well as laminate models, is the most noble type of finish, it always looks concise, expensive, and prestigious. When mounting, it is better to use fasteners. You will not scratch the headsets, facades, so repair and finishing work can be carried out at any stage of construction. Just as popular will be a mirror apron that corrects all the flaws in the geometry of your kitchen.

The exquisite design of the kitchen apron with the help of mosaics is trendy, consists of contrasting shades, non-trivial colors. Mosaic will give a special charm to the kitchen, tenderness and elegance. When installing this design, glue is used, grout, which takes most of the time to “eliminate” the seams. It is also necessary to observe the sequence when laying the mosaic.

For lack of sufficient funds, instead of an apron made of natural stone, an Italian fresco, you can resort to hypoallergenic plastic of the economy class category. There are several options for such a kitchen finish:

    from plastic based on MDF, chipboard or fiberboard;

    the use of decorative hot-pressed plastic;

    creating stunning visualization "under the tree", stone and other materials;

    using plastic made from polycarbonate.

All models are easy to mount, take care of them, extending their service life every year. You can also consider a budget option made of chipboard and plastic. This design is easy to do with your own hands, replace if necessary. Quite often the material is colorless, transparent. Under it, it will be possible to glue stylish wallpapers, create photo printing.

This model shows excellent resistance to moisture, high temperatures. If you want to get an apron at an affordable price without seams and joints - take into account the chipboard system!

One of the most aesthetically pleasing ideas would be the use of artificial stone. In this case, it is better that the countertop is made of the same material. Despite its high cost, the finish is very popular among wealthy owners of cottages, penthouses, townhouses.

During installation, high-quality work of experienced craftsmen is required, which will create an ideal picture of the interior. Careful handling of this surface guarantees a long service life. The product perfectly tolerates frequent cleaning, including wet.

For a loft-style design, a boar tile or a brick model is suitable. It has a rectangular shape and beveled chamfers on the edges, which is why it resembles a brick. This finish will look great in a classic and modern interior. It is possible to choose both a standard version in the size of 10 x 20 cm, and a large format up to 15 x 45 cm.

As a rule, the "boar" is produced in a solid color, with a smooth glossy surface. The coloring is mostly neutral, calm. It is customary to dilute collections of kitchen apron with interesting photo printing, drawings with fruits, berries, sweets and other ideas on a culinary theme.

For styles of kitsch, eclecticism, mosaic products are suitable. They give the wooden house an atmosphere of well-being, comfort, joy. For luxurious baroque, avant-garde, Romanesque, Mediterranean styles, wall panels are suitable, for which it is important to provide space and symmetry. Pastoral still lifes, landscapes of famous cities (Ancient Greece, Venice, Florence, etc.) are suitable for the Victorian style. Tiles that imitate facings can be complemented by textured patterns, spectacular coatings, and stylized antique ornaments.

For modern hi-tech, constructivism, avant-garde, it is better to use tempered glass with the image of a black and white city, landscapes, portraits, etc. Full-color UV printing on glass, vinyl film with a pattern, triplex technology, matting, etc. are also allowed here. styles, a metal kitchen apron is also suitable. Get a sort of fusion with a perfectly smooth surface, glossy shine.

You can use drawings with a worn effect for a vintage interior, and even a sprig of lilac, green stems, and cotton can be “settle” in tempered glass to create a Provencal style. All finishing options managed to earn positive reviews from satisfied customers.


What can you make an apron in the kitchen: a variety of materials

The ingress of water and grease, exposure to steam and mechanical damage - all this threatens the section of the wall between the countertop and wall cabinets kitchen furniture. In this area, it is customary to build an "apron" that will protect the surface from aggressive environments and make cleaning much easier. In addition, it plays an important role in the design of the room.

When choosing what you can make an apron from in the kitchen, you should consider both of its functions: protective and decorative. The range of materials on the market is diverse - the buyer can choose a coating for every taste and budget. In addition to the tiles and wall panels that have become familiar, today artificial stone, glass and metal are increasingly used for this purpose.

Classic Solutions

Proven options for more than one decade - tiles and wall panels - hold the palm among others. This is due to their familiarity, availability and good protective properties.

Ceramic tile

Tiles as a material for cladding kitchen walls need no introduction. It is practical, durable, resistant to temperature, mechanical and chemical effects. Variety of ceramic tiles modern market allows you to easily choose a coating for a room of any style and size.

The disadvantages of tiles are few, but still they are:

  • rather high cost of material and work on its laying;
  • the complexity of the process;
  • increased requirements for walls - they must be even.

And yet, when deciding what is better to make an apron in the kitchen, many people prefer ceramic tiles.

Wall panels

Arranging the kitchen wall with panels is also very popular. The cost of such an apron will be significantly lower compared to tiled. This implies one of the drawbacks - a somewhat budgetary appearance: a kitchen with such an apron can hardly be called chic. However, for most typical kitchens, wall panels can be a worthy alternative to tiles.

Important! Regardless of the material of manufacture, wall panels have a significant advantage - high speed, ease and cleanliness of installation.

Most often, panels are made from the following materials:

  • fibreboard (MDF);
  • chipboard (chipboard);
  • wood-fiber fine-dispersed board (MDF);
  • plastic.

If the question is, what is better quickly and without extra costs to build a practical kitchen apron, then you should pay attention to the MDF panels. They are little affected by aggressive environments, easy to maintain and install. The material is not afraid of moisture, heat-resistant and scratch-resistant. In addition, with the help of MDF it is very easy to ensure the unity of the headset and the backsplash, since most manufacturers offer panels that match the color of the countertop.

Fiberboard and chipboard can also be used for an apron as a more budget option compared to MDF. A special coating applied to the surface gives them quite acceptable qualities that allow these materials to be used in the kitchen. However, they lose to MDF in terms of strength, durability and resistance to damage.

The main advantages of wall decoration with plastic panels are low cost and a large selection of colors. The options for a PVC kitchen apron are varied, with their help you can recreate the texture of wood, stone or leather, as well as various patterns, including three-dimensional ones. Among the shortcomings of such an apron is not too high, although acceptable, practicality. Plastic is more susceptible to damage from impact, temperature and abrasive particles, absorbs odors and can fade over time.

Modern materials

Recently, more and more often you can find aprons made of glass, mosaics, artificial stone and even metal. These materials fit perfectly into modern design and have all the properties necessary for finishing the kitchen wall. The general minus of such aprons is very high.


Mosaic is a type of decor, consisting of many small elements of the same or different shapes. This coating looks spectacular on the apron and brings sophistication and lively notes to the interior. Mosaic can be finished as separate sections walls, and its entire surface. For a kitchen backsplash, ceramic or glass mosaics are most often used. You can read more about these types of cladding here. (mosaic tiles for the kitchen on an apron).

Fake diamond

As a material for sinks and countertops, artificial stone has become familiar. It has excellent water-repellent and antibacterial properties, is durable and unpretentious. All these qualities make artificial stone ideal for arranging a kitchen apron.

Many manufacturers of furniture, the countertops of which are made of this material, offer to purchase a similar wall covering. This apron has no seams, which greatly simplifies maintenance, is easy to install and looks very presentable. Its surface can imitate various natural stone or be performed in a single tone.

Of the minuses, the high cost can be noted. In addition, over time, scratches from rough mechanical stress may form on the surface of the apron. However, this material is very easily restored by grinding, and this process does not require dismantling.

Advice! Giving preference to an apron made of artificial stone, it is better to choose textured colors of soothing tones. On such surfaces, scuffs and scratches will practically not be noticeable.


Glass finishes are one of the latest trends in kitchen fashion. This material is environmentally friendly, resistant to moisture, high temperature and chemicals. Despite the apparent fragility, such an apron is quite reliable, since it is made of tempered glass, which is several times stronger than ordinary glass.

Exist different variants glass kitchen apron:

  • transparent - creating invisible protection for the kitchen wall;
  • colored - made of painted glass;
  • with textured pattern;
  • with a pattern on a film superimposed on the inner surface;
  • skinali - panels with photo printing applied to the wrong side;
  • mirror.

The glass apron is easy to install, lasts a long time and looks very impressive. It is easy to care for him due to the lack of seams. The only thing that causes frustration is the price of such a product is quite high.

Another option for using glass for finishing an apron is the use of glass mosaics. This topic is discussed in detail in a separate article.


The most exotic type of apron today is metal. It is made mainly of stainless steel and has the strength and durability of this material. This apron is not afraid of anything at all! Water, heat, splashes of grease, steam, exposure to cleaning products, accidental bumps - "stainless steel" adequately copes with all kitchen misfortunes.

Such an apron can be made from a single sheet of steel, which is superimposed on top of the chipboard panel. In this case, it will have another advantage - the absence of seams. The surface of the sheet can be glossy, matte, textured or ornamented. In addition, you can decorate the wall with stainless steel or ceramic tiles with a metal-like surface.

One limitation prevents the widespread use of the material - a metal apron for the kitchen is best suited to a high-tech room. In other cases, such decoration of the wall is fraught with "cooling" of the interior and introducing a touch of "industry" into it. In addition, the smooth surface of the metal requires constant wiping - stains and splashes are very noticeable on it.

So, the materials for arranging a kitchen apron are varied. Giving preference to one of them, one should proceed from many factors, including the general style of the room, its parameters, the wishes of the owners, as well as the repair budget. You can read more about how to make the right choice here.

An apron is a covering of a part of the wall between the upper and lower cabinets of a kitchen set. Its task is to protect the wall from moisture, hot steam, grease, splashes and any pollution. To make it easier for you to choose, we have compared the most practical and effective workspace finishes according to five important criteria. Professional advice on what to make an apron for the kitchen, comparison the best materials and real photos of beautiful aprons - in this article.

Correct dimensions

  • Usually kitchen apron height varies from 45 to 60 centimeters. How high it should be in your case depends on the height of the household, the type of stove and the type of headset. It is more convenient for a low hostess to hang the upper modules lower, leaving 40-55 cm between the tabletop and the lower edge of the cabinets. The edges of the finishing material should go under the lower / upper cabinets for a couple of centimeters.

  • As for the width, most often the entire wall is covered with a decorative coating along the worktop - from edge to edge of kitchen furniture. If you wish, you can limit yourself to small protective inserts only in the sink and hob area.
  • In a kitchen with a gas stove, the distance between the hob and the hood should be at least 75-80 cm. Consider this ledge in the design of the kitchen.
  • The apron of a kitchen set without upper cabinets should be brought to the very ceiling.

We select color and design

  • Decide in advance which apron is better to choose for the kitchen - a bright accent or neutral, which will only become a backdrop for a beautiful set.
  • A white backsplash (plain or with mosaic inserts, bright tiles and ceramic decors) is easy to combine with a kitchen of any color. Other neutral tones are also popular: milky, creamy, beige, light gray, champagne and ivory.
  • A dark glossy finish is impractical: drops of water and splashes of grease on it will be especially noticeable.

Photos of kitchen aprons: top 5 best materials

Ceramic tile

The best option in terms of price, quality, durability and convenience. In the decoration of the apron, glazed wall tiles are more often used, less often thin and light porcelain stoneware. The most popular formats are 10x10, 15x15, 20x30 and 20x40 cm, as well as a different-sized "boar".

In the photo: an example of a stylish 10x10 cm tile apron with a patchwork pattern (Baiker collection from Bayker)

The tile has many decors for different tastes and any budget. The surface of ceramics can imitate the texture of stone, wood, metal, concrete.

When choosing a tile for the kitchen on an apron, take a closer look at its texture: rough and embossed are difficult to keep clean, so you should give preference to glossy smooth.

Price. Making a ceramic apron will cost more than plastic, but much cheaper than glass and acrylic stone. In addition to the cost of the material, do not forget to include the cost of leveling compound, glue, grout, sealant and craftsmen in the calculation.

Mounting . Laying should be entrusted to a professional. The work area in a kitchen of any size is always the center of attention, and laying tiles flawlessly without experience is not easy. An important point: ceramics is for a long time. If the design does not like it, it will not be easy to change it.

Durability . Will easily last you 15 years or more.

Moisture resistance. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Care . ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We have collected modern design ideas and photographs of aprons for the kitchen from tiles in real interiors in the selection below:

The original idea of ​​​​an apron on the wall in the kitchen-living room with a modern interior
Traditional kitchen design in Provence style

Options for a bright kitchen with an apron made of photo tiles


Strained glass

When choosing a picture or photo in the catalog for an apron for a glass kitchen, consider the color of the facades

A beautiful and practical material, which in many properties is not inferior to ceramics. In the care of a glass apron is easier than it is commonly thought, and heat and moisture do not spoil its appearance.

The kitchen uses durable tempered glass 6 and 8 mm thick with different designs: transparent, painted, tinted, frosted and decorated with photo printing.

Price. Such a finish can hardly be called a budget one: glass panels with photo printing (skins) are noticeably more expensive than tiles and mosaics, not to mention plastic. In addition to the cost of manufacturing an apron, glass and the necessary fasteners, you will have to pay extra for the design (the photo from the catalog will probably need to be finalized), color proofs, installation, cutting holes for sockets and other services that are not obvious to an inexperienced buyer. The most inexpensive option is a transparent protective screen, the wall behind which can be painted with paint or pasted over with beautiful wallpaper.

Mounting . The main advantage of a glass apron is the speed of installation and the absence of "dirty" work - the whole process takes a couple of hours.

Durability . Contrary to the fears of many, such an apron can decorate your kitchen for a long time without losing its attractive appearance. Some companies give a 5 year warranty. Of course, we are talking about a quality product with UV printing with good inks.

Moisture resistance. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Care . ★ ★ ★ ★

Fingerprints, water and grease marks are more noticeable on glass than on tiles. But a smooth panel without joints is much easier to clean than to clean out numerous seams. It is enough to regularly wipe it with a damp sponge and soapy water and from time to time use a glass care product.

By choosing a light glass apron for a small kitchen (as in the photo), you will visually expand a small space



The best choice for economy class headsets and temporary repairs, especially if you are going to do it yourself.

A good assortment of inexpensive plastic kitchen aprons is available in Leroy Merlin, OBI and other construction hypermarkets.

There are two finish options:

  • Furniture panel made of MDF, chipboard and fiberboard, lined with decorative HPL plastic - plain or with wood, ceramic, stone, mosaic decor.
  • PVC wall panels. Flexible screens are attached to the wall with glue and an aluminum profile. In terms of practicality and durability, they are inferior to MDF and chipboard: they are thinner, lose color faster, they cannot be installed in kitchens with a gas hob - they are deformed.

Price. The most budget option in our selection. three meters plastic panel in the same Leroy Merlin can be purchased for an average of 1.5-2.5 thousand rubles.

Mounting. An important advantage of a plastic apron when repairing a kitchen is an easy installation that even a beginner can handle. It is easy to make holes for sockets and rails in it right during the installation process.

Durability . Of all the materials in our review, this type of apron has the shortest lifespan. Compared to other options, it will lose its “face” the fastest and is unlikely to last more than 3-5 years. But it is easy and inexpensive to replace.

Moisture resistance. ★ ★ ★

According to this indicator, it seriously loses to competing materials. But if you take a high-quality MDF apron and close the joints with the countertop with a plinth, you should not be afraid of problems.

Care . ★ ★ ★ ★

It is enough to wipe the plastic apron with a damp microfiber cloth or a soft sponge. Make sure that water does not flood the edges, otherwise the base of the plate may warp and swell.

MDF kitchen apron with photo printing is best complemented with neutral facades and plain finishes

The wood-look laminate worktop and backsplash are easy to combine with a white kitchen



The contrasting finish of the mosaic apron will make the kitchen design bright and modern: the “chameleon” material looks different depending on the lighting and perfectly assembles the interior together.

Price. Compared to ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware, mosaics are a less profitable option for decorating an apron. The installation work and the necessary materials will also cost more: you will have to buy special glue and grout. If you want to save money - choose a tile for a mosaic. It is cheaper and greatly simplifies installation.

Mounting . Grouting numerous seams is a laborious process: it requires experience, time and great accuracy.

Durability . Will last for many years with no problems. The normal service life of a quality material is 20-25 years.

Moisture resistance. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Care . ★ ★ ★ ★

See the photos below for examples of real mosaic kitchen aprons (glass, ceramic, stone, metal):


Fake diamond

Most often, an apron made of artificial stone is combined with a countertop made of the same material.

Price. Perhaps the most expensive design option for the working area in our selection.

Mounting . Requires the work of experienced craftsmen, but there will be no dirt during installation.

Durability . With careful handling, acrylic stone will last you a very long time, but micro-scratches appear over time. To the credit of the material, it is easy to restore: grind cracks and build up chips. After polishing it will be like new.

Moisture resistance. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Care . ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

You can learn more about this finishing material.

Figured corian wall panel
Stone apron is more often chosen for classic kitchen 7 MORE PHOTOS CLOSE

Did you like dear finishing material, but new renovation do you plan on doing it soon? Do not deny yourself the pleasure - you will admire the beautiful apron every day! Consider different options. Moreover, a typical kitchen needs very little decoration.

Finishing the working area in the kitchen requires a number of conditions. Culinary processing is a process that has a diverse and very strong effect: here both steam and cold water, and splashes of hot fat, and dyes.

So not every material is suitable for.

Requirements for a kitchen apron

Finishing must simultaneously satisfy very high practical requirements and aesthetic. The hostess spends a lot of time in the kitchen, and if a person preparing lunch and dinner is surrounded by ugly worn-out items, the furniture is inconveniently located, and it is impossible to wash stains of grease and soot from the wall near the stove, oh delicious meals you can forget.

Ceramic tiles as a finish for the work area

This option can be safely called the most traditional and the most popular. The “fault” for this is an extremely successful combination of user qualities, exceptional diversity and quite affordable cost. The main feature of the material is its low porosity. And since there are no pores, moisture will not be absorbed and bacteria will multiply.

This option has a lot of advantages, so such a lining is being made and will be done for a long time to come.

The disadvantages include the complexity of installation. The tile is not flexible, so the surface for ceramics must be perfectly flat. Yes, and styling is best done by professionals, there are a lot of subtleties in this matter.

Mosaic - a stylish option

Quite often, for facing a small kitchen, it is suggested to choose a mosaic: a panel or ordinary masonry of small elements - 5 * 5, 7 * 7 cm. As a rule, ceramic tiles act as the basis, although glass, mirror or metal can be used. Which option is better depends, rather, on the design of the kitchen. However, ceramic mosaic retains all the excellent properties of tiles, but with some reservations.

The decorative effect of the option is undeniable: it is much easier to lay out a mosaic in the form of a complex ornament. And mosaic images will definitely not seem boring or trivial. In addition, unlike tiles, perfect alignment can not be achieved here: the elements are small and easily hide small defects.

Weak point are the seams between the tiles. Grout, unlike ceramics, does not differ in hygiene and accumulates more dirt. But when laying large tiles, this drawback is minimized, but when laying mosaics, you will have to do additional processing of the seams, at least with a sealant. Moreover, expert reviews indicate that the grout loses its moisture-resistant qualities over time, so it must be periodically removed and the seams re-sealed, which, of course, I would not want to do.

Natural and artificial stone

This name hides a lot of materials, and not all of them are suitable for the kitchen. The fundamental difference is the number of pores and the ability to absorb water. Material with minimum values ​​is allowed. Which one is better is determined by the distinguishing features.

But marble, no matter how impressive it looks, is not suitable for facing a kitchen apron: the material is porous, it absorbs dirt. Polishing reduces this effect, but in itself such a surface is short-lived.

The main disadvantage of this option is not even the cost, but low maintainability. If the panel is damaged, it will have to be replaced. The installation of stone is also not an easy task: the material is very heavy, it requires special glue, and size adjustment is almost impossible, with the exception of clinker tiles.

Steel aprons

This is an option for techno, where the material's utility is considered its best asset. The custom finishes are excellent, although the decorative ones are noticeably lower.

As the reviews indicate, it is still possible to scratch the surface, and even abrasive products destroy the glossy finish. But if you choose a matte and embossed steel tile and make an apron out of it, this feature loses its meaning.

glass aprons

For this option, you can only use impact-resistant or tempered glass, as ordinary glass is too fragile. The material is extremely popular, because it is not only decorative in itself, but also provides a lot of other design options. Glass can serve as a protective screen for any finish - from silk wallpaper to wine corks or solid wood, as in the next photo.

  • It is difficult to overestimate the possibilities of glass itself: colored, frosted, transparent, with photo printing, with a pattern, relief pattern, painting, in the form of tiles, and so on. What cannot be done with glass is to combine it with tiles.
  • Impact-resistant glass can withstand very significant loads, although it is quite possible to scratch it. Do not use abrasives for cleaning. But glass is completely insensitive to the effects of temperature or humidity. The material does not absorb dirt and is quite hygienic.
  • - an option for modern styles:, hi-tech, eco. Its effectiveness is difficult to overestimate. In the next photo -.

The disadvantage of the solution is the complexity of installation and cost. To make the work area completely safe, the apron is mounted from a single piece of glass. And with a fair weight of this material and size, its installation is very difficult. Only experts can do it. The cost is also determined by the material: the procedure for tempering glass, and even more so triplex, is an expensive process.

plastic aprons

Plastic is an extremely versatile material, so there are several options that can be included in this category.

  • - the most common option for facing the kitchen. However, in working area it does not show its best side, as evidenced by the reviews: PVC is sensitive to temperature, and near the plate it deforms rather quickly. The same thing happens with the finish near the sink, because there is too much dampness, and the plastic changes in volume under the action of water. As a result, the entire skin goes in waves and changes color.

For finishing other walls, the panels are quite suitable, since they tolerate the general temperature in the kitchen. But at the same time, another factor should be taken into account: plastic, even self-extinguishing, belongs to combustible materials, and at a heating temperature above + 80–110 degrees Celsius, it is irreversibly deformed.

According to expert reviews, such cladding is allowed in a kitchen with an electric or induction stove, where the heating is, nevertheless, less.

Finishing from MDF panels

No less questionable option than plastic cladding. MDF is a chipboard, and has almost all the disadvantages of wood. The properties of the panels somewhat depend on the nature of the top finishing layer: it is difficult to say which one is better, since they are all quite sensitive to temperature.

In the photo - MDF with acrylic coating.

MDF boards are more resistant to water and steam than wood, and retain their geometric dimensions. However, the material wears out faster. The finish is mounted much easier: the plates are light, the fasteners need the simplest.

However, the mechanical strength for the kitchen is clearly insufficient: an accidental impact is enough to hopelessly ruin the panel. You can not discount the high fire hazard: the material burns perfectly, so near the source of open fire - a gas stove, its use is prohibited.

Allowed for many materials. And if they do not suit you for some reason, you can always find an alternative or use a glass screen as protection.