Are lion and pisces compatible? Leo - Pisces: compatibility in love relationships

It is rare to find such incompatible couples in the Zodiac. Any mutual understanding is difficult for these people, and it is generally difficult to talk about long close relationships. It is noteworthy that this is a more difficult union for Leo than for Pisces: representatives of the second sign perfectly adapt to the needs of the first and even manage to manipulate it. But Leo very rarely has the strength and patience to maintain this relationship for a long time.

Leo and Pisces - compatibility in love and marriage

Compatibility Leo Man - Pisces Woman

The woman in this pair is gentle and shy, and the man is brave, strong and elegant - novels are written about such heroes, others stare at them, but from the outside, few people understand how difficult it is for such partners to get along together. Getting acquainted, they often do not even suspect that a real life test lies ahead of them, which will be very difficult for them to pass.

The Leo man is impressed by the spiritual vulnerability of this woman, her trepidation, mystery, she awakens in him the desire to take her under her wing and protect her from all misfortunes. In turn, the beloved Pisces at first comes to sincere delight from his courage, pressure and beautiful courtship. The rapprochement of partners gives them a whole range of pleasant emotions, it will be full of romance and sensuality, but all this, alas, will not last long, since the first mutual disappointments are already looming on the horizon.

Pisces ladies need constant support, they need to feel loved, but the egocentric Leo is focused mainly on his own person, and very soon there is practically nothing left of his behavior at the time of winning the lady's heart. Pisces will also have to worry about the constant absence of Leo and his overt flirting with other women. Attempts to influence him with the help of tantrums and streams of tears, as well as appeals to conscience, often turn into the departure of the husband. At the same time, Pisces women can successfully control the behavior of their Leo spouse if they think of doing it differently, gradually, since people of this sign manage to manipulate others quite well.

But Leo himself in such an alliance will have even worse. Not only can the spouse put pressure on him in such a way that he will not immediately understand it, she remains incomprehensible to him, which constantly keeps the man in a state of discomfort. He can become entangled in her networks, while feeling confused and agitated. This state of mind has a very detrimental effect on the representatives of this sign.

How all this can end depends on whether the Leo man and the Pisces woman are able to mutually understand their partner and trust him. Tantrums and psychological pressure of Pisces quickly turn a husband into a loser, an aggressive type, plunge him into an abyss of harmful passions. Relationships in which both managed to invest a lot of effort can be destroyed at any stage. A Pisces woman should understand that her husband is worthy of turning a blind eye to some of his flaws - his virtues often outweigh. Leo, on the other hand, the horoscope advises by his behavior not to cause jealousy, anxiety in a vulnerable woman and to appreciate the homeliness that his husband creates with his caring hands.

Compatibility Pisces man - Leo woman

Such couples are found quite often, which is only surprising, since the relationship in a pair of male Pisces - female Leo is far from a celebration of life, but a harsh upbringing of the character of both.

The Lioness has to work more on herself, worry more and even change her character in such a pair, but her sacrifice may not be appreciated in the end. She may suffer from unrequited feelings even when outwardly everything will be fine in their union. The couple lives in a different rhythm: at the initial stage of the relationship, they are very attractive to each other, but then the happy time of mutual passion is replaced by periods of quarrels and alienation.

Pisces men have a complex inner world, and it is not easy for a Leo woman, who is more open and straightforward, to comprehend it. Such a man often puts on a mask of indifference, detachment, but in fact he watches his wife's behavior with pleasure and interest. Even the inner strength of the Leo woman will not save her from being manipulated by Pisces.

The husband usually deals with domestic issues, he will gladly give the more penetrating wife the right to provide for the family financially, but at the same time he himself will unobtrusively manage her actions.

If the Leo woman and the Pisces man unconditionally agree to such a distribution of roles, this will greatly facilitate their life together. And yet in such families there is often a clash of ambitions. In striving for power, both spend a huge amount of nerves and strength that could be spent on something more worthy. In any case, the Lioness, who is forced to sacrifice her career and her personal growth as a result, could achieve much more without such a partner. But Pisces is often satisfied with this alignment, this man feels at ease. The secret of the success of their relationship is not only a specific distribution of responsibilities, but also the ability to remain themselves, as well as mutual respect.

Pisces and Leo - sexual compatibility

The beginning of a romance for these partners can be very intriguing and promising, for which they must thank the power that invariably attracts opposites. But as soon as the relationship becomes closer, disappointment is inevitable. For Pisces, sex is, first of all, an emotional unity, they expect from him an almost mystical fusion of not only bodies, but also souls. Lions, on the other hand, need a completely tangible manifestation of reciprocity in bed, and Pisces can impress them as frigid people, the lion's passion will not be satisfied. In addition, Leo will certainly be annoyed by the excessive, feigned artistry of a partner. The discrepancies are further aggravated by the fact that both representatives of these zodiac signs want to receive more than they are ready to give themselves.

Horoscope of compatibility of Pisces and Leo in work and business

If Pisces and Leo are paired for joint work, then it will take a lot of time just for them to learn to understand each other a little bit. Most often, these people look at such colleagues as through thin air. Their business qualities overlap little. However, Leo will be able to perfectly relax and restore the spent forces in a comfortable environment that they can create even in the Pisces work team. If both choose the path of voluntary partnership, then it is preferable, oddly enough, that Pisces be the main ones in such a tandem. by the most the best option their cooperation is work in the field of creativity, art, in which case they can come to success.

Pair of Pisces - Leo: compatibility in friendship

These people have very few points of intersection of interests and characters; Lviv and Pisces can be united, perhaps, only by joint creativity. In this case, a friendship can develop between them, more like cooperation. Pisces draw optimism and cheerfulness in Leo's society and allow him to touch richest world his imagination, than inspire him to new achievements. In other cases, Leo will find the company of Pisces too boring, and they will feel uncomfortable in the company of this noisy and not always delicate person. Rather, they will become friends due to forced circumstances, for example, if their spouses are in close contact.

See the compatibility of Leo with other signs of the zodiac:

See compatibility of Aquarius with other zodiac signs.

A horoscope reveals to a person a deep knowledge of character and psychological characteristics. Belonging to a zodiac sign attributes features that are expressed more clearly than others. Astrology determines fate, but all decisions are made by a person, this applies to both personal and business spheres. Therefore, the compatibility of Leo and Pisces cannot be considered as a union in one form of expression, because relationships can relate to all sorts of areas.

Different facets of the combination of signs

When these representatives meet life path with each other, they cannot separate. The feeling of magnetism literally attracts them. A calm and quiet Pisces likes to see a person with a bright and impulsive character, who is not afraid to express an opinion and chooses his own position in life.

Leo is attracted to calmness and inner harmony a representative of Water, who is ready to simply move away from the hustle and bustle of life to look at the surface of the river and admire the reflection. Pisces have cunning and wisdom, so they know how to tell others what they want to hear, even if they have to lie.

The lion longs to be praised and worshiped for power and royalty. Therefore, in a representative of another sign, he is looking for a grateful viewer, in return giving patronage and protection.

But, as you know, in addition to opposites, there must be points of contact, otherwise how can Fire and Water agree.

In the compatibility of Leo and Pisces, this is the achievement of a goal and the competent distribution of time. Both one and the other sign has stability and assertiveness. And if Leo openly goes to the goal, proudly waving his tail and incurring troubles and ups and downs, then Pisces slowly but surely swims along the intended course, without telling anyone about desires.

The result will be for both one and the second sign, but the tactics of the representatives of Water can help the impulsive and ambitious Leo.

The union of the elements in any field will be instructive and difficult. Although Pisces is ready to put up with Leo's leadership and emulate him, they also want to play first fiddle in relationships, be it business or personal. Leo such behavior hurts to the core. When the distribution of roles and performance begins, quarrels and scandals can develop.

Union Benefits

In the horoscope, this is a strange combination, it is believed that Water will extinguish Fire and suppress it. But in practice normal relations are possible. If the partners take into account each other's character traits, then a good result can be obtained.

Strengths of communication include:

  • The ability of Pisces to feel protected from problems and conflicts. It is important for her to feel calm and be in control, if the representative of the sign loses a sense of reality and starts to get angry, then this ends with choleric tantrums.
  • Both partners can discover new facets of character and learn from each other how to behave in unpredictable conditions. This is useful for Leo with his quick temper and hot temperament. The fish will serve as an emotional brake, it depends on it how much to control the feelings of a partner.
  • Leo loves to protect others and show superiority, a higher self. Not all signs may like it. But it is Pisces who are looking for a patron who is ready to admire and rejoice. A chance meeting of these signs can change a lot in fate.
  • If the representatives of the horoscope have a common goal, then they will achieve it. Leo likes to grab onto a hundred things, but none can be completed, Pisces is diligent, so he can concentrate his partner on a specific task. This is important in business.

Tandem Disadvantages

In addition to positive feelings, there will be many shortcomings in terms of friendship and the possibility of personal growth in the union. Of course, this does not mean that the paths should part, but if Leo and Pisces do not pay attention to each other's warning signals, then things may end badly.

TO weaknesses relationships in different areas can be attributed:

  • Selfishness and self-confidence of representatives of the elements of Water. It concerns the expression of one's own thoughts and point of view. If Pisces thinks they are right, no one can object. She perceives even comments and recommendations as a personal insult, but at the same time she does not hesitate to offend others, telling them the bitter truth.
  • Fish trick. Smiling in the face of a partner, they will easily pull a knife out of their pocket and stick it in the back if this gives them full advantage and power. Leo may not notice such commercialism, but having forgiven once, he will leave the second time, leaving the representative of the element of Water alone with him.
  • If in an alliance both signs begin to show their strengths of character and point out shortcomings to each other, then nothing good will come of it. Constant quarrels and scandals can kill not only business relationship but also romantic, and destroy the marriage.
  • Leo wants space and does not understand that Pisces treats him like a loved one. When he leaves to think, then the representative of Water has a desire to run after Leo and start making excuses for his actions. The representative of the element of Fire is perplexed by this and feels that he offended his partner, but does not understand what the problem is. This is discomfort for both, you need to adapt to each other and appreciate the individuality of the partner.

Pisces man and Leo woman

The representative of the element of Fire knows how to surprise others with shocking and showy. It will not be difficult for her to conquer any man with one glance. Artistic and gentle, impulsive, knows how to play different roles, which makes a great partner. When a man meets a Lioness, he thinks that he is starting to conquer the lady, although she just let her play.

Most often, representatives of this sign choose such a bright and charismatic partner for themselves to complement them. But in adulthood, other values ​​​​manifest and a woman wants to start a family with a reliable companion. Calm and balanced Pisces just fit this description.

The representative of Water knows how to earn money and does it so easily and smoothly, as if he is standing under the horn of prosperity. Perhaps finances attract the beautiful Lioness to a nondescript partner. Although the lady does not know how to prevaricate when it comes to feelings and true love.

The compatibility of Leo and Pisces in a relationship has every chance of success, but this is provided that the girl and the guy are on an equal footing and the feelings are mutual.

In love, the jealousy of Pisces is sharply manifested, the desire to protect the partner from friends and acquaintances is so strong that they become obsessed with this idea. And the Lioness needs space and a sense of freedom, otherwise she gets lost and depressed. The compatibility of Leo-man and Pisces-woman in the same way requires the presence of their own space, otherwise the couple will come to a standstill.

In bed, the union is perfect, the man of the element of Water loves games and is the initiator himself, and the lady is not opposed to once again showing her sexuality and experience. Therefore, the intimate life of the couple will be on top.

Regarding marriage, there are also no problems, both the representative of the stronger sex and the beloved actively participate in the upbringing and development of the child. The mother will be the key for the baby, she does not just give him love and affection, but tries to convey the wisdom and knowledge that her parents awarded her.

Both Lions and Pisces honor the traditions and sanctity of the family hearth. Therefore, the couple will be faithful and happy in their life together.

Leo man and Pisces woman

Leo loves to be the center of attention and chooses a partner to match. He is attracted to prominent girls with beautiful looks and sharp minds. It is rare when he lowers the bar and creates a couple with calm and inconspicuous girls. But Fish is not one of them. Although she has a complaisant character and she cannot express her opinion loudly, she will not be silent either.

A Water woman is smart enough to attract the attention of a regal Leo and please him, although it will cost a lot of effort. But Pisces is tenacious and will not let go of the chosen one, changing the rules in the game and removing prohibitions.

In astrological terms, the compatibility of the Pisces woman and the Leo man is extraordinary, but strong. If sympathy smoothly turns into a love relationship, then this is a plus for both partners, because they will be able to get a lot of positive emotions and the necessary support from each other.

A man does not tolerate scenes and does not like it when a lady begins to interfere in his personal space or hobbies. Even after the start of a relationship, he will not part with his girlfriends, no matter how strange it may be. The fish does not stoop to humiliation and requests, if a man wants to communicate with someone, then she will find a friend for herself and will spend her free time with him.

They say about such women that they knock out a wedge with a wedge.

A lady in a relationship will be soft and light, unobtrusive and calm. But this is because she loves herself more than her partner, and will not allow her inner idyll to be destroyed. Excessive calm over time will begin to piss off the impulsive and emotional Leo, he will want expressions of feelings and frank conversations.

The man is used to the fact that the woman herself makes contact and tries to keep him near him, using tricks and tricks. He likes such a game, this is an opportunity for Leo to feel in demand and desired. Pisces considers this a humiliation and a waste of time, and therefore does not pay attention to the requirements of a man.

In intimate terms, the compatibility of a Leo man and a Pisces woman can give a result, partners complement each other. But a strong relationship occurs when the initial stage of the relationship is already behind and the couple has formed in terms of roles and certain responsibilities. In this case, the difference in age will play positively. The older and more experienced the Leo, the more confident the beloved will feel.

Business relationships and money

In business, Lions and Pisces can work together if they understand the task well and move towards a common goal. Rarely do Water representatives require a leadership position and process control. It is easier for them to follow the orders of Leo, but in the event that he also gives all his best.

Communication will be:

  • Productive.
  • Useful for both signs.
  • Long-term, subject to the presence of common interests.

Pisces know how to save and count money. They do not have such an attachment to the material, like Capricorns or pedantic Virgos, but they will not overpay or spend more than they intended. Therefore, it would be a reasonable decision to concentrate finances under the control of Pisces, an ambitious and restless Leo can spend all the money in a matter of minutes on a thing that he just liked. For the representatives of Fire, the material does not matter. They can earn a lot of money, but also quickly spend it on various trifles. Pisces control will come in handy.

But the fiery sign can establish contacts well and attracts others with ease of communication, good manners and charisma. He understands what he wants and expresses it clearly in his thoughts. The tandem of Pisces and Lviv will give great results in the business sphere and bring considerable profit.

Leo and Pisces are representatives of different elements, and each seems to live in his own world. Leo and Pisces Sign Compatibility is based on constant work on relationships: each partner must be wise enough and show their best qualities. This couple is woven from contradictions, because Leo and Pisces have different temperaments, characters and outlooks on life. However, general happiness is still possible if Leo sets the pace for relationships, and Pisces is easy enough to maneuver, smoothing out sharp corners.

Often the differences between these partners are so dramatic that they are unable to understand each other. Pisces is one of the most emotional signs of the Zodiac, but at the same time the most cold and stingy in the manifestation of feelings. The external state of Pisces is always even, it is hardly possible to see any emotions on their face. No matter how much the representative of the Pisces sign wants to be more sensual in relation to a partner, such is his nature. Leo, according to Pisces, is overly assertive and energetic. His dynamic behavior and passionate nature stumble upon the silent misunderstanding of the inhabitant of the element of Water. His hot temperament can make Pisces take a step to the side in bewilderment.

The compatibility of Leo and Pisces is such that both partners will have to suffer a lot before they even begin to understand each other a little. But it is not all that bad. Everyone will be able to extract something valuable for themselves from the relationship. Leo, for example, will get the opportunity of spiritual development in an attempt to unravel the complex secrets of the chosen one. Pisces, on the other hand, will be next to a strong partner who knows how to take care of his beloved. At the same time, Leo will discover in Pisces a bottomless ocean of tenderness and understanding, and Pisces will be able to control Leo's ardor, directing it to achieve their goals.

The exclusivity of such a union lies in the excellent combination of the external nobility of Leo and the internal spiritual nobility of Pisces. In addition, they quite successfully combine their forces to achieve common goals. Leo applies his power and energy, and Pisces provides cold, accurate calculation.

Leo and Pisces Sexual Compatibility

In the intimate relationships of these partners, as well as in other areas of life, there is a mutual misunderstanding. The extravagance of Leo shocks the shy Pisces. The compatibility of the signs Leo and Pisces in the bedroom cannot be called positive. Pisces is an introvert, which means that Leo will remain the unrecognized king in the apartments of a cold water sign. However, if Leo can pick up the key to the subtle nature of his chosen one, he will open the gentle sensual world of the representative of the Pisces sign. In this case, Leo will be fully rewarded for his efforts. The sad thing is that Leo is not attracted by the prospect of solving fish riddles.

Compatibility: Leo man - Pisces woman

The relationship of these partners arises on the basis of mutual magical attraction. Pisces respect the royal greatness of Leo and behave with him very carefully, so as not to be in disgrace and not deserve an angry roar in their address. The lions are amazed by the extraordinary femininity of the chosen one, despite her coldness.

If a Pisces woman tries to control a partner, she does it barely noticeable, because this representative of the water element is calmness itself. However, she considers it more preferable for herself to completely submit to her partner. The lion is happy with this state of affairs, but also in his heart he is afraid of his water companion. So that she does not extinguish his fire, Leo is trying to re-educate his Pisces. However, after another such attempt, he is likely to remain alone in the city.

Compatibility: Pisces man - Leo woman

The situation can be very dramatic for a representative of the Pisces sign. The compatibility of Leo and Pisces, when she is Leo, and he is Pisces, is characterized by the fact that the cat will still lead.

At the very beginning of the acquaintance, she will show such a pleasant warm disposition that a man born under the sign of Pisces will literally be attracted to her like a magnet. Using the ability to be good-naturedly noble, the Lioness will soon ascend the throne she left for hunting and continue her reign, expecting proof of the sincerity of her feelings from the new loyal subject. The Pisces man will strive with all his might to show how important a new acquaintance is for him. It is very important here not to offend the Leo woman with her unworthy gifts. Everything that this man will do for her will not necessarily require large expenses, although the Lioness loves luxury, but should be at the level of her refined taste. Having achieved the location of his beloved, the Pisces man will receive as a reward the warmth of her soul and an inexhaustible source of solar energy.

No matter how the relationship of these two initially developed, there must be a balance in them. Pisces should not forget that just as much as the Lioness yearns for the worship of her beloved man, she also seeks support from him. You can not cross the fine line where there is a separation of roles in a relationship. Let the chosen one of the Leo woman be on her hook, but he should also get a leash. In such relationships, interaction is important, when everyone and partners receive their share of warmth, tenderness and compassion.

Leo and Pisces Business Compatibility

Business Leo and Pisces Sign Compatibility good boss-subordinate ratio. In such a situation, Leo will be happy to show his desire for unlimited power, and Pisces will gladly provide an excellent result of work in the shortest possible time, using only his own energy. Leo can not worry about anything - all problems will be solved by Pisces.

Pisces and Leo are very different signs of the zodiac, so the question of whether this union is possible is not without reason. But we can say with confidence - yes, it is possible. If both partners strive to demonstrate only Such an idealized one, they have different temperaments and a different attitude to life. The secret of this discrepancy lies in belonging to different elements, so a lot of effort will have to be directed to building relationships.

Compatibility: Pisces girl, Leo man

Passionate about Leo, Pisces are able to intuitively feel where to give in, and when to show character. However, they are well aware that Leo's pride does not tolerate disobedience, so they try to solve all the necessary issues that need to be resolved and can lead to conflicts on their own. And the Lions are presented with this as a desire to free them from the hassle. And they believe. Although, let's not prevaricate, Pisces often do not lie - otherwise what kind of compatibility would it be?

Lions and Pisces are a union of two romantics, which allows you to get around many sharp corners and swim around a lot of pitfalls. However, it should be understood that the fiery Leo in the depths of his soul always fears that the water Fish will encroach on his space, extinguish his fire. With the wrong distribution of roles, this will be so, but, as a rule, Pisces have the wisdom to use this ability for good, calming the excessively raging Leo and harmonizing their compatibility.

Lions and Pisces are always interesting, because a woman, as usual, will strive to lead a man, but that was not the case. The desire to be a gray cardinal will collide with royal independence. If you prioritize correctly, then this will not become a problem: the wisdom of Pisces will really be able to direct Leo's activity in the right direction, without infringing on either his rights or his independence. But all this can acquire the features of a stupid melodrama in which a woman tries to influence a man with clapping her eyes, sweet chirping and whims. Lions do not like whims. Not with any sauce. Or submission, or nothing - such a strange love and compatibility in their understanding. Leos and Pisces, however, can learn to talk to each other, distribute zones of influence and remember that Leo is the head of the family. And nothing else. The main thing is that he believes in it, and Pisces did not give reason for doubt under any circumstances.

Leo and Pisces: Sexual Compatibility

Sex is able to balance in this pair. Of course, you should not bet on him, but he is really capable of smoothing the situation. But only at first. First, the Pisces woman attracts a partner with her external data and flirting. Passion rages, and then it turns out that “cold as a fish” are not empty words. There's nothing you can do about it - Pisces has a different temperament. However, this is also solvable. Leo simply needs romance, which Pisces can provide even in abundance. Again, if you want to listen to your partner and enter into a dialogue with him, many problems are solved almost by themselves, and if you make some more effort, they can completely disappear. Love each other!

The combination of these zodiac signs is one of the most difficult. Pisces and the lion are not inclined to conflict for no apparent reason, but they will never understand each other. Each of them has their own values, their own way of thinking, as well as habits, character traits and temperament. In view of the difference in the way of life of these people, it is unlikely that there will be a reason that can keep them together for a long time. Most often, the communication of this couple is random and short-lived.

PISCES man and LEO woman

The Leo woman is much more energetic and self-confident than her companion, born under the constellation Pisces. The lioness is open and contact, but the fish man knows how to catch up with the fog and make a false impression. put on a mask successful person he can in order to make an acquaintance, or simply out of a desire to arouse interest. In fact, in this pair, things are going better for the woman, and the man of the fish can spend almost his whole life in search of himself. The lioness should think about whether he is looking for benefits in a relationship with her.

♓ + ♌: In love

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- The fish guy dreams of a beautiful lady with good manners and an attractive appearance, so the lion girl will certainly attract his attention. She takes care of herself, treats other people with respect and does not allow herself a bad mood. The young man will sincerely express his admiration for this girl and will not stint on compliments. An attention-hungry lioness will definitely be interested in a persistent, but not impudent admirer.

This couple has no common interests and friends. If each of them recognizes the right of the other to independent leisure, there will be no quarrels about this. Neither the fish guy nor the lion girl are ready to sacrifice their usual way of life even for the sake of great feelings. If one of them manages to remake the other, both will suffer. None of them will like the new way of life, the accumulated grievances will turn into a cold war, after which the couple will break up.

♓ + ♌: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- The family of a Pisces man and a Leo woman can become strong, but it is unlikely to be friendly. If this marriage is concluded by sufficiently adult people, then it is more likely to last than the union of a young couple. The distribution of roles, which will be agreed in advance, will help strengthen relationships. A husband rarely achieves career success; an active and active wife will do it for him. If the spouse does not interfere with her in this with her desire to spend more time together, the lioness will be able to provide for the family, and this is unlikely to oppress her.

Pisces man likes to do household chores and raise children. If the spouse appreciates the comfort created by his hands and does not push for more active activity, everyone will feel in their place.

Sexual compatibility is not the highest. For a lioness, sex is a way to relieve physical stress and have fun, and her husband craves emotional intimacy, in bed he is romantic and gentle. All the efforts of each of the spouses are aimed at their own satisfaction, so they are far from idyll. If the marriage union was created on the basis of mutual passion, it is unlikely that it has a future.

♓ + ♌: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- It is unlikely that communication between a fish guy and a lion girl has a chance to become closer than superficial. These people do not dispose each other to frank conversations, each of them, for their own reasons, does not fully trust the other. Both are sociable, but their campaigns are completely different. If a fish guy and a lion girl spend a lot of time in each other's company, this can in no way be sincere, but suggests either mutual sympathy or a search for benefits on someone else's part.

Leo man and Pisces woman

A lion man and a fish woman can find mutual language but with great difficulty. The difference in lifestyle prevents them from understanding each other, so their relationship for each of them will be complicated all the time by the search for meaning in the actions of the other. Leo man quickly makes decisions and rarely makes mistakes. Fish woman thinks for a long time, carefully weighs possible consequences of their actions, as a result of which it can wind itself up and act against logic. The business cooperation of these people is doomed to failure, so this couple should not be engaged in common affairs. In personal relationships, too, not everything is smooth, but if each of them recognizes the right of the other to individuality, then not everything is lost.

♌ + ♓: In a love relationship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- At the beginning of the relationship, the lion guy will appear in the eyes of the fish girl as the prince of her dreams. He will attract her attention with such qualities as gallantry, determination, optimism. For a guy, this girl will become an earthly analogue of a fairy-tale mirror, which shows only a good reflection. The representative of the Pisces sign knows how to sincerely express her admiration for his masculine qualities, attractive appearance, and charisma. They will not have time to announce to their friends about their relationship, as it turns out that all the girl's friends are already aware of how lucky she is. The lion guy needs the attention of the general public, but he hardly thinks about the depth of feelings of his beloved.

A fish girl in love will be jealous of her chosen one for every reason, and taking into account his sociability, she will completely lose all peace. For her, flirting on the side is unacceptable, but the Leo guy does not see anything unusual in this. A girl inclined to idealize people may be disappointed in a guy when she realizes that he will never belong to her alone. It is unlikely that the lion will hasten to his beloved with repentance and assurances of love and fidelity. If the fish girl does not give the guy the freedom he needs so much, she risks losing him.

♌ + ♓: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- Early marriages of fish and a lion most often break up, as they say, due to the fact that the spouses did not get along in character. If they are mature people and have life experience behind them, most likely, this union is beneficial for each of them.

A male lion spends a lot of time outside the home, he will be satisfied with a homebody wife, a life established by her hands, well-bred children. Pisces woman is a sociable person, but after the wedding she prioritizes her husband and family. She does not seek leadership and needs a patron, which she finds in marriage with a lion. If there are no raging passions between the spouses, for both this will become the key to the stability of the relationship.

too attached and loving friend a fish friend and a lion run the risk of making life difficult for themselves. The wife will be jealous of her husband for a wide circle of his acquaintances, most of whom she has only a vague idea of, and the husband will defend his right to outdoor activities. The confrontation between the fish and the lion can go too far and completely spoil the opinion of the spouses about each other. This will continue until the passions subside, unless, of course, by that time the spouses have divorced.

♌ + ♓: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- Sincere in this case is impossible. A Pisces girl and a Leo guy are more often connected by forced communication in a circle of mutual friends or at work. Each of them is quite secretive with the second participant in the conversation, so their conversations are secular. The difference in lifestyle makes a repulsive impression on both, they do not share each other's opinion even in small things. If they are relatives, care is possible from the part of the fish, and financial support from the lion.

Video: PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign

Video: LEO ♌ Zodiac sign