What is the difference between polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam? Detailed data analysis: polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam - which is better How to distinguish polystyrene foam from polystyrene foam.

It is believed that polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam are exactly the same material. On certain sites on the Internet, there is information that this is generally all the same. Perhaps this is due to the fact that these materials have a lot in common, and the first thing is their “parent”, polystyrene. Yes, and the main area of ​​\u200b\u200buse is the same - thermal insulation and sound insulation of surfaces of a different nature. But if you think about it carefully, then there is a difference, and quite noticeable.

The difference between polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene

First of all, there is a big difference in the production technology of these materials. Styrofoam is made by dry steam finishing of granules of the initial material, polystyrene. As a result of the thermal increase, they simply "cling" to each other. And this helps the emergence of certain empty seats- micropores. Expanded polystyrene is made in a way that is famous for the term "extrusion". If the manufacturing process is designated in general, then the polystyrene granules are melted. Therefore, bonds appear at the molecular level, a single structure appears.
Second, there are differences in physical properties and technical specifications. This difference reasonably follows from the properties of the production technology of these materials. It can be confidently stated that expanded polystyrene in many respects exceeds its own "little brother" - polystyrene. Let's try to figure out what.

Pros of Styrofoam

  • Fortress. As already mentioned, polystyrene foam is a unit mass of a substance, while polystyrene is simply a "coupling" of some particles. Styrofoam may break when specific environmental requirements change, but Styrofoam never. Also, when bent, the foam plastic breaks quite easily, and therefore it can only be used where the surface is not subjected to mechanical influences. Judging by the properties, polystyrene foam is 5 to 6 times stronger in bending;
  • Permeability. Due to the fact that there are many empty spaces in the foam, in certain situations they can very easily fill up, for example, with moisture. If we take such a characteristic as moisture absorption, then its indicator for expanded polystyrene is an order of magnitude less than for polystyrene. The same applies to sound transmission;
  • Density. This indicator for expanded polystyrene is 3-5 times higher. Therefore, it is somewhat heavier. But here it is necessary to take into account that, as a rule, we are talking about small masses of matter. True, both the one and the other material are quite light in weight, but polystyrene foam is able to hold a certain load.

The following conclusion can be drawn - expanded polystyrene (for example, the Penoplex brand) is better for use as an insulating material and insulation material, but where an accessible material is required that does not experience high loads, it is advantageous to use foam.

Do you want to understand the difference between foam plastic and foam plastic? Although these materials are similar in composition, they still have significant differences. After reading this article, you will learn about the manufacturing technology of both materials, their properties, advantages and disadvantages, as well as what their differences are.

The problem of choosing a heat-insulating material arises when it is the turn to insulate the walls. The insulated balcony, walls, even the ceiling and roof are the frontier that protects us from the effects of cold in the winter, and from the destructive heat in the summer. The effectiveness of thermal insulation depends on the materials used in construction. So that you don't have to long time“defrost” your cottage, and the heat in the house remained as long as possible, we advise you to insulate surfaces using foam or foam. Both materials are of synthetic origin, safe for human health, and can be used in the construction of industrial and residential buildings.

Polyfoam: features

This is a traditional material for thermal insulation work, which is produced by foaming polystyrene. This technology provides 98% of air in its composition. Both polystyrene and the resulting foam have:

  • good moisture resistance;
  • durable;
  • wear-resistant;
  • not subject to decay;
  • they are not affected by sudden changes in temperature, exposure to alkalis and acids;
  • do not change their properties high temperature.

Characteristics of penoplex

This is a modern and no less popular insulation material. Penoplex has a low thermal conductivity, so you will need a small layer to carry out insulation work. It is also produced from polystyrene using the extrusion (melting) method, which provides a single molecular structure. Therefore, penoplex is more elastic and wear-resistant than its foamed counterpart. Such a heater:

  • not of interest to rodents, insects;
  • not subject to rotting, fungus and mold do not take it;
  • does not burn well and self-extinguishes;
  • weighs little;
  • maintains temperature range from-50 to +75 degrees.

Penoplex is used mainly for warming loggias and balconies, country houses and apartment walls. Excellent ductility and a small coefficient of compression allow the material to be used as a universal heat insulator. Often it is he who acts as the best option for warming not only flat surfaces, but also pipes. Ease of installation allows you to carry out finishing work without special training.

A significant advantage of foam plastic over foam plastic is that rodents often start up in the latter, and this leads to partial or complete damage to the material.

Material Properties: What's the Difference

In order to choose the material that is most suitable for the price and technical characteristics, let's try to figure out what is the difference between foam plastic (PT of one of the most popular brands PSB-S 25) and foam plastic (PS) plates.

  • PT has a loose and heterogeneous structure, the edges are rough, which can crumble when pressed. Its analogue has a dense and monolithic structure, is not inclined to crumble and collapse when pressed.
  • Thermal conductivity at an average air humidity: for PT - 0.045 W / (m × ° C) and for PS - 0.031 W / (m × ° C) (its heat-insulating properties are higher).
  • The thickness of the insulation layer in the wall with the same degree of resistance to heat transfer: for PT -140 mm (minimum), for PS - 100 mm (average, you can spend less).
  • Water absorption rate for 24 hours: PT - 2.13%, its opponent - 0.4% (absorbs moisture 5 times slower).
  • Compressive strength: PT - 7 t/m2, PS - 20 t/m2 (almost 3 times stronger).
  • Fire safety: PT refers to combustible materials that emit during combustion harmful substances, PS at the same time decays independently.
  • PT, due to its characteristics, has a high vapor permeability compared to PS, which allows the material to “breathe”, but does not have the best effect on its thermal insulation properties.
  • Service life: PT will last 10-15 years with right conditions operation, PS will live up to 50 years.

Do not forget that the price of foam plastic is significantly higher than that of foam plastic. Therefore, if you want to save money, then it is better to choose the second option.

Differences in styling technology

The main thing to pay attention to during installation is the elasticity and tendency of the material to crumble. Be careful with Styrofoam as it breaks easily and can crumble. It is used only if any significant mechanical damage and certain loads are excluded. Otherwise, choose a more flexible and stable foam.

There is an opinion that more airy foam plastic is best for insulating external walls, and thinner foam plastic is best for balconies and loggias. If you started the interior decoration of the room, then both one and the other material should be discarded. main reason- possible displacement of the dew point, which threatens the inefficiency of the design.

There is no significant difference between the materials during their installation on the roof, ceiling and floor. However, penoplex, due to its more durable structure, will allow you to refuse to install floor coverings when working in the attic. Its versatility allows installation with thermal insulation of foundations, plinths and pipes.

In modern professional construction almost abandoned the use of both foam and foam. The first is short-lived, the second is too expensive. In most cases, mineral wool is used for insulation.


You should always make an informed choice and know what you are agreeing to. By choosing polystyrene as the most economical and cheap option, remember that you will need 1.5-2 times more material than foam. You will be able to significantly save only with large-scale construction work. In this case, you also run the risk of not getting the thermal insulation properties that you expected. After all, the slightest error in laying the foam can lead to dampness, and such a heater does not retain heat well and can become covered with fungus and mold.

Styrofoam is less durable and susceptible to the harmful effects of the environment, so in a dozen years you will have a new, no less expensive repair. So it is unlikely that it will be possible to get at least some significant benefit from the use of foam. Turn to a more durable and economical material in the future - foam plastic.

There are exceptions, so each individual case should be weighed: is the use of more expensive foam plastic justified, or can you get by with budget foam plastic.

Video: Styrofoam and foam plastic - check for flammability

How to make external ceiling insulation in a wooden house?

What is the difference between polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam - many people ask. I want to answer this question in the most accessible and detailed way, so that you understand the features and differences of these materials once and for all.

What is foam

As the name suggests, styrofoam is plastic foam. There are many plastics, so polystyrene can be understood as polyurethane foam, polyvinyl chloride foam, korbamido-formaldehyde, polystyrene foam, etc.

But it so happened that with the word "foam plastic" we represent a white cellular structure, which is often used not only in construction, but also in packaging, medical containers, and other industries. This substance is polystyrene foam.

Styrofoam refers to any foamed plastic. This is not the name of any particular material, but a general collective definition. Expanded polystyrene is private view foam. But among builders, these materials are often considered two different substances.

Polyfoam (polystyrene without pressing)

As we remember, polystyrene foam and polystyrene are essentially the same thing, but let's not forget about the power of habit and tradition. Bespressovy expanded polystyrene is the same foam that is white and with pimples.

The raw material for obtaining BSP is the same as for any other polystyrene foam - polystyrene. Due to such a different approach to the production of EPS, the result is quite a different product. These differences are clearly visible thanks to the well-known performance characteristics these materials.

BSP is produced by adding granules with pentane or other low-boiling liquid to styrene, then the mixture is heated, the granules increase and the foam fills the mold. Then the granules are sintered in a special autoclave until the styrene polymerizes.

As a result, a white material is obtained, consisting of small bubbles glued together. 98% of the volume of the heat insulator is air.

This is a rather fragile material that crumbles and breaks.

  • Thermal conductivity: 0.335 – 0.41 W/m*K dry (+5 – +25);
  • Density: 11 – 35 kg/m³;
  • Vapor permeability: 0.012 mg/m*h*Pa;
  • Compressive strength: 0.05 – 0.16 MPa;
  • Bending strength: 0.07 – 0.25 MPa;
  • Maximum board humidity: 1%;
  • Water absorption for 24 days - 1%;
  • Flammability class: G1;
  • Self burning time: up to 3 seconds;
  • Lifetime- 20 - 50 years.

As you can see, we have a rather brittle and fragile material in compression, which has a very low coefficient of thermal conductivity. If we talk about the combustibility of foam, we must remember that according to GOST 15588-2014, material with a combustibility class G1 is allowed for construction work, that is, it burns worse than wood.

For use in ventilated facades, any foam is undesirable. It is better to opt for mineral wool.

Low compressive strength makes even dense foam not the best choice for facades. It does not hold impact well, and as a result of unforeseen damage, it will be necessary to change the finish of the outer wall.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Let me remind you once again: is polystyrene foam plastic or not? Yes, this is foam, but its specific type. Among builders, expanded polystyrene is considered to be extruded polystyrene foam. It is also often called extrusion (EPS, XPS).

The whole difference lies in the way the material is produced.. It is made by extrusion: polystyrene granules are mixed with a foaming agent under pressure and at high temperature and squeezed out through an extruder, which gives the mass the desired shape. In addition, the material is obtained from

Cutting finished products into plates.

Let's look at the technical characteristics of EPPS:

  • Thermal conductivity: 0.028 – 0.039 W/m*K;
  • Density: 26 – 45 kg/m³;
  • Vapor permeability: 0.18 – 0.02 mg/m*h*Pa;
  • Compressive strength at deformation by 10%: 0.25 – 0.47 N/mm²:
  • Bending strength: 0.4 – 0.96 N/mm²:
  • Water absorption in 24 hours, in % by volume: 0.2;
  • Flammability group: G1;
  • Ability to self-sustain combustion: no more than 2 seconds;
  • Durability: up to 50 years.

Production technologies can change many parameters. We see that the extrusion method produces a more perfect insulation, while using completely identical raw materials. Now it is much easier to answer which is better, PSB or EPPS?

Extrusion PPS also has its drawbacks. Its price is noticeably higher than that of polystyrene, it weighs more and has a lower vapor permeability. And this negatively affects the microclimate in the room (or requires good ventilation).

We determine the winner

I talked about the most relevant properties and characteristics of two types of insulation: BSP and EPS. Now you need to decide what to choose - foam or modern XPS?

The consumer is primarily interested in what is warmer, and extruded polystyrene foam wins here. On the other hand, cost is an important parameter, and in this category, the undisputed winner is foam.

An important parameter is the possibility of mounting the material with your own hands, without hiring craftsmen. The installation instructions for both heaters are quite simple and do not require special skills, so there is a draw here.

Let's add to our comparison the following nuances:

  1. Extruded PPS is much less afraid of moisture, which allows it to be used in wet rooms or for insulation of foundations.
  2. Sheets are much stronger, they can be used as fixed formwork.
  3. Plate geometry is much more even which makes it easier to work with the material.
  4. XPS is much easier and smoother to cut.
  5. There are almost always locks on the ends, which excludes "cold bridges".

Such a set of arguments and facts gives me the right to make a choice in the direction of EPPS. This is my personal opinion, which can be discussed in the comments to the article.


After a detailed review of polystyrene foam insulation, you no longer have the question “How does extruded PPS differ from polystyrene?”. You can easily choose the option that is right for you.

And after watching the video in this article, you can give good advice neighbors. Questions and comments are welcome in the comments.

Foam and Penoplex heaters are often compared, because they are made from the same raw material and are practically “relatives”. But the styrene granules that are needed for their production go through completely different technological processes. In the first case, they are steamed in special molds where they expand and stick together. In the second, styrene balls, after preliminary swelling and sintering, are pulled through the extruder, and then the final foaming takes place.

Differences in the technology of production and molding of plate heaters also determined the difference in their structure. PSB turned out to be more brittle: due to weak bonds between hollow granules, it begins to crumble at the slightest mechanical impact. Penoplex has a homogeneous structure, and air bubbles are evenly distributed throughout the entire plate. And the walls of the granules, after forcing through the extruder, turn into a single complex system of bridges.

From this follows the main difference between the two types of thermal insulation - mechanical strength. Penoplex plates, depending on the density, hold pressure well of 250-500 and up to 1000 kPa for bending. While for polystyrene, the corresponding characteristics do not exceed 200 for the same positions. The monolithic structure of EPPS provides it with minimal water absorption - 0.2-0.4% versus 2-3% for PSB. That is why high-quality insulation of the facade of the house from the outside, as well as the protection of other external structures, requires the use of Penoplex.

As for the performance indicators, there are no special differences in the technical descriptions. Both materials do a good job of insulating, since their main characteristics are largely determined by their low density. True, among the foams there are no plates with a coefficient R \u003d 0.03 W / m K - their thermal conductivity is in the range of 0.038-0.05. And for EPPS, such a figure is quite real with a weight of 28-33 kg / m3. That is, objectively - extruded sheets are warmer.

In the basic version, Penoplex and ordinary PSB have a different flammability group: G4 and G3, respectively. However, the fire hazard of these heaters forced manufacturers to use special fire retardants in their manufacture, thanks to which polystyrenes gained the ability to self-extinguish. However, high smoke generation, as well as a critical amount of toxins released into the air during combustion, for both types of thermal insulation remains weak side.

And if we take for comparison the cost of both types of styrenes from our review, it turns out that the foam plastic wins only in this parameter. However, the overall score is still not in his favor. And if you decide what is better to use for home insulation, without being too interested in the price of the issue, the answer will be unambiguous: Penoplex plates. True, here you will also have to spend money on a vapor barrier, since EPPS does not “breathe” at all compared to foam plastic, which can lead to condensation on the main surface. Low air permeability, according to experts, is a common problem with polymer thermal insulation, although the difference between the characteristics of Penoplex and PSB is especially noticeable: 0.007 mg / m h Pa for the first and up to 0.2 for the second.

These two materials have other common features:

  • Light weight.
  • Ease of thermal insulation in processing.
  • Low temperature resistance.
  • Fear of sunlight, as well as solvents.

In what cases is Penoplex better?

If the protected structure will experience mechanical stress (the weight of the finish on the walls or people walking on the surface), it is better to buy Penoplex. It's not that it is warmer - just its high rigidity in this case is the most in demand. But the lack of pressure, say, on the walls will force you to choose a more affordable foam.

Also, extruded polystyrene foam is out of competition when it is necessary to simultaneously perform high-quality thermal and waterproofing of objects. That is, in the case of the basement of a house or a damp basement, the low water absorption of Penoplex will only play into the hands. V frame buildings XPS is also preferred if it is necessary to provide a sufficient level of sound insulation. The reason is that ordinary foam not only does not delay noise, but also amplifies them.

The decision in favor of Penoplex is also made in case of insulation of too cramped rooms from the inside, since its effective layer is about 25% thinner than when using foam. That is why for loggias, where every centimeter of area counts, it is better to choose extruded polystyrene foam.

“To the shortcomings of polystyrene, I would add the fundamental impossibility of working with thin sheets. Even the standard 50 mm are too flimsy, and sometimes it’s scary to mount them on a vertical. With 100 mm, it is already easier and more convenient to manage, and in the case of Penoplex, this thickness may not be needed at all if the insulation is not too serious.

Oleg Danilov, Kursk.

“I would not recommend completely fixing the EPPS outside the residential building at all, otherwise moisture will condense in the wall itself. At my dacha, I glued Penoplex thermal insulation only on the base, so that there would be no problems from soil movements and constant dampness. And the rest of the facade was simply covered with foam. For the money, it was the best option for me.”

Roman, Perm.

“At one time, the insulation of the walls from the outside did not give the desired effect, since no one performed calculations / calculations: they just threw 100 mm mineral wool, sewed it up with siding and calmed down on that. From hopelessness, I had to warm up from the inside. After reading the reviews, I settled on Penoplex in order to somehow save the usable area. The third year everything is fine - no dampness or problems with the walls. As I understand it, my EPPS now works as a vapor barrier itself.

Leonid, Moscow region.

“There are no questions: Penoplex is really more expensive than polystyrene, but do not forget that due to its low thermal conductivity, it will take less in thickness (and in cubic capacity). That is, the difference will not be so significant. And how many cans of foam do you need to pour in order to collect a layer of eternally crumbling PSB? With smooth or L-shaped EPS edges, this question does not arise at all.

Kirill Bannikov, Rostov-on-Don.

“Choosing Penoplex for facades is an option from the category of“ money has nowhere to go. It is good to use it for its intended purpose: under the screed (concrete or floating), underground or somewhere closer to the foundation. In all other cases, it is better to stop at the foam.

Mikhail, St. Petersburg.

“My father-in-law’s house has been insulated from the outside with the most ordinary foam for 7 years: nothing gets damp, moldy or falls off. They did everything together with him: aerated concrete walls, PSB-S25-f on top. Judging by the reviews, it would have turned out much worse with Penoplex - it is very dense and completely impervious to air.

Nikita, Moscow.

Penoplex and polystyrene actually differ slightly from each other, although some features of EPPS make it necessary to choose it for carrying out certain types works: insulation of structures experiencing mechanical loads in the ground or in conditions of high humidity. In all other cases, only the price decides everything - even the desired thermal conductivity can be selected by operating on the density and thickness of the sheets. So if there are no special requirements for surface insulation, it is most reasonable to stop at ordinary polystyrene, and it is better to purchase Penoplex for serious work.

Wall insulation has become very relevant for most people, in winter it is the protection of the house from the cold, and in the summer - from the heat. The quality of insulation will depend on the heat-insulating material, the more efficient it is, the better it will be able to keep the heat in the room.

Currently, there is a large selection of materials for insulating the walls of the house from the outside, more and more of them appear on the construction market every year. Experts advise to insulate the walls of the house with certain materials, such as polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam. It is difficult for ordinary consumers to understand what is the difference between these two names and which one is better, because at first glance they are very similar.

Polyfoam, its characteristics and advantages

This thermal insulation material is made from polystyrene by foaming and in finished form in it 98% air, it is a classic type of insulation. Polystyrene granules are treated with dry steam and at the moment of thermal expansion they adhere to each other, resulting in micropores in finished material. For a long time, people began to use it for thermal insulation at home, use the material to insulate walls, floors, roofs. Such protection saves not only from the cold in winter, but also serves as a kind of protection for the walls of the building.

Due to the main characteristics of foam, many believe that it is best suited as a heater. Among its main qualities, include the following properties.

  1. It consists of 98% air.
  2. Its thermal conductivity ranges from 0.038 to 0.050 W / m K, which is significantly lower than that of wood or brick. For example, a tree in terms of thermal conductivity exceeds polystyrene by 3 times, and a brick by 17 times.
  3. Only 2-3 cm of polystyrene can make a complete soundproofing of a building.
  4. Do not absorb moisture more than 3% of its mass and at the same time its thermal insulation properties remain unchanged.
  5. Light weight facilitates work with the material, it is easy to install, no special tools are required for cutting.
  6. It is non-toxic, odorless, does not generate dust during operation, so protective equipment is not needed during operation.
  7. Styrofoam is resistant to cement, gypsum, alkalis, water-based paints, but is afraid of acetone and benzene.
  8. In contact with an open flame, it ignites, but quickly extinguishes.
  9. The material is environmentally friendly, safe to use and dispose of, it is also widely used in the food industry and as packaging for many goods, including for children.

Styrofoam also has disadvantages, it very brittle material, which in bad weather complicates the work with it, as well as the transportation of insulation.

Despite the fact that polystyrene appeared a long time ago and now there are many new and modern materials, it has not lost its relevance. Attractive to many and its low price, which makes it possible to use foam in many types of construction work.

Expanded polystyrene (foam)

The extrusion method produces extruded polystyrene foam, the method causes the polymer to first melt, after which a viscous mass is formed. From solid state granules become viscous, resulting in a single liquid-phase substance with a solid and strong microstructure.

Extruded polystyrene foam looks like a mass of closed cells, inside of which there is a gas, it is much stronger than polystyrene foam. Expanded polystyrene cells are impermeable, they do not have micropores, like polystyrene foam, so water or gas cannot penetrate inside the cells. Expanded polystyrene cells look like a solid mass, air or water can only penetrate from the cut side of the side surfaces. In its whole state, the material cannot absorb moisture, steam, and more from the outside.

We often call expanded polystyrene penoplex, since the domestic brand of extruded polystyrene foam is produced with this name, in fact, they are the same insulating material. The polyspen brand is also common, it is used in various industries: agriculture, in the construction of runways, when laying oil and gas pipelines, a heat-insulating layer is made with it in building structures civil and industrial type.

From the moment of mass production, foam plastic has become widely used in construction as a high-strength heat-insulating material. It is always used for outdoor work, since it is not suitable for internal insulation, polystyrene foam can release styrene at high temperatures. Main Features material are:

  1. Increased compressive and flexural strength.
  2. High density foam.
  3. Doesn't crumble like styrofoam.
  4. Thermal conductivity 0.028 W/m K.
  5. It absorbs moisture no more than 3% of its mass, this indicator does not affect its thermal insulation, strength and structure.
  6. It has excellent sound insulation.
  7. Penoplex is not afraid of insects and rodents.
  8. Doesn't rot and doesn't burn well.

Styrofoam or Styrofoam, which is better

Comparing both heaters, we can say that they very similar to each other. Having carefully studied their main characteristics, we can say for sure that penoplexes have a higher degree of strength, moisture resistance and breathability. Due to its density, the insulation has the best thermal insulation qualities, but without special treatment it is more combustible than polystyrene.

Compared to foam plastic, foam loses in density, is less insulating from noise. Styrofoam retains heat better due to its friability, but this property protects against moisture worse. Styrofoam always needs to be coated with other materials so that it lasts a long time.

If we compare the price one and the other insulation, then penoplex will cost more than polystyrene foam, which means that you will have to spend more money on all construction work. When choosing foam, you need to know which brand you need to purchase, they have differences in their characteristics.

Before buying, you need to compare all the main properties of the two materials, know in advance where they will be used for insulation and make your choice correctly.

In modern construction, a huge amount of insulating materials is used (especially popular with). They are made from both artificial substances and natural ingredients.

As part of the creation of insulation from artificial substances, scientists from Germany distinguished themselves separately. It was they who invented the modern foam plastic, as well as its variety - foam plastic. But many people are interested in the question, what is the difference between these materials, and which one is better.

In this article, we will give you answers to all your questions on this topic.

1 General information

So, before proceeding directly to the comparison of the process of insulation with certain materials, let's figure out what they are in general.

And the structure of the foam is very interesting. The fact is that this is a completely artificial material. It is produced from polymeric fillers that react with the gases filling them, as well as special foam formers.

Those, in turn, provoke the constant appearance of small bubbles that are saturated with gas and increase in size.

As a result, at the output we get polystyrene balls of the classic type. Everyone has seen such balls at least once in their lives. They are soft, almost weightless, do not absorb water and are used almost everywhere.

Slabs are assembled from balls with a diameter of 3-5 mm to insulate building structures. They are pressed tightly or remelted to form a material of the desired consistency.

1.1 Basic properties of foam

Styrofoam, as we have already said, is an artificial material made of polymers. And this means that he is not afraid of water, moisture, he is not afraid of corrosion or destruction from external factors.

All these factors, to be honest, very often destroy heaters of a different plan, they do not affect the foam at all.

Moreover, if we compare expanded polystyrene and mineral wool (which is still considered one of the most practical and effective heaters), we can see that polystyrene is practically in no way inferior to it.

Yes, insulation with it will be a little less reliable, because it has less density, and the thermal conductivity is slightly lower. But the difference there is so small that it will not become warmer in the house from the use of mineral wool.

It may seem to some that, in combination with an extremely low price, and the difference there is really significant, polystyrene foam is the best insulation for structures. But he has his shortcomings.

1.2 Characteristics of the foam

Consider now the main characteristics of the foam. Moreover, he does not have so many of them and they are all in the public domain.

We will not consider absolutely all indicators, but only the most important ones, in order to then make a comparison.

Main characteristics:

  • Thermal conductivity as in most - 0.04 W / m;
  • Operating temperature range - from -40 to +70 degrees;
  • Compressive density - 7-9 t / m 2;
  • Water absorption coefficient - 2.1%;
  • The term of safe working operation is 20-30 years;
  • Combustibility class - combustible;
  • The working thickness of the insulation under standard conditions is from 10 cm.

As you can see, the characteristics of this material are quite acceptable. Combined with the low price, this can be the deciding factor in your decision to buy Styrofoam.

1.3 The main properties of penoplex

There is a pretty big difference between extruded polystyrene foam and styrofoam. We have already talked about how to create them. If the foam is assembled from individual balls, then the foam is melted down, forming an extremely durable structure.

Such heaters can already be used without any fear for floor insulation. Moreover, they can be used for floor processing even without installing a full-fledged frame.

The weight from the outer layer of the floor will be evenly distributed over the slabs, and their strength will not give you the opportunity to push through the structure.

Plus, we note that improved thermal conductivity affects the working thickness of the insulation. That is, it performs its functions better and is required in smaller quantities.

Where it was necessary to use plates 8-11 cm thick to insulate the floor with foam plastic, 3-4 cm is enough to finish the floor with extruded polystyrene foam. Moreover, the base in this case will be even warmer, since the foam is almost ideally insulates the surface.

What is the fact that it is in most cases used in the far north, where the temperature drops to critical levels in winter. And even there, people rarely use plates more than 10 cm thick.

Also, the penoplex sorts out almost all the positive characteristics of the foam, only they manifest themselves better in it.

As for the negatives, we have already noted its increased strength and resistance to destruction. Burning penoplex is also much worse.

Its only drawback, which directly migrated from an ancestor, is vapor tightness. Here, foam plastic is just as bad as foam plastic.

Well, do not forget about the price. If standard-type polystyrene foam bribed people with its extremely low price, then foam plastic is in many ways even more expensive than mineral wool.

Although here it is worth understanding that its high cost is completely justified. Therefore, it will be necessary to decide what is best for you on an individual basis.

1.4 Characteristics of penoplex

As for the characteristics of penoplex, it is also necessary to consider them without fail.

Main characteristics:

  • Thermal conductivity - 0.029-0.03 W / m;
  • Operating temperature range 0 from -50 to +75 degrees Celsius;
  • Compressive density - 20-22 t / m 2;
  • Water absorption coefficient - 0.5%;
  • Flammability class - G3 as in;
  • Service life - from 50 years;
  • The working thickness of the insulation is 3-5 cm.

2 Comparison of heaters and their properties

As you can see, the characteristics of these heaters are largely similar. At first glance, it becomes obvious that according to dry calculations, penoplex is still better. It has the best thermal conductivity, the working layer of insulation in it is almost 2 times smaller.

It absorbs moisture almost 4 times weaker, and to be honest, it does not absorb it at all. At the same time, its low combustibility is also a big advantage, especially when compared with the combustibility of polystyrene.

Let's not forget about the density of foam. It is about 2.5 times higher than that of ordinary polystyrene foam. In practice, if you can walk on the foam plastic, partially pushing through it, then the foam plastic is not afraid of even long-term serious loads.

It is not surprising that foam plastic is used to insulate the floor, but ordinary foam plastic is preferred not to be used in such work.

But here it is necessary to understand that in general, although the indicators of penoplex are better, they differ little in the main articles. Is it worth paying more then?

After all, if you need insulation for walls, then neither its strength nor the water absorption coefficient plays a serious role. As well as the thickness of the working layer. But the price will matter.

In all other cases, foam will suffice. It is better not to use it only for finishing facades, as this does not have the best effect on fire safety Houses.

Those who have ever dealt with construction or repair often heard various special terms. When choosing a heater, some experts recommend polystyrene foam, others - polystyrene foam, and still others say that both of these words refer to the same material. Let's try to figure out if this is so.


Styrofoam- a group of materials that are plastics that are made by foaming. In this case, the raw materials are polymers.


Styrofoam- gas-filled material, which is obtained from polystyrene. Sometimes, depending on its purpose, styrene copolymers are used for production. Both substances are used in the construction industry. At the same time, expanded polystyrene can be used as a packaging and electrical insulating material.



Despite the fact that, in fact, expanded polystyrene is one of the varieties of foam, the manufacturing process of materials is significantly different. Chemical composition they have a related one, polystyrene is mainly used as a raw material. At the same time, it is much more efficient to use expanded polystyrene as a heat-insulating material in operation, which is affected by the production technology.

Styrofoam used in construction is obtained by processing raw materials placed in a block form with water vapor. As a result, the volume of the molecules increases, and they sinter together. Naturally, as the surface grows, the granules become larger than the micropore. Over time, under the influence of precipitation and other damage caused by the environment, the connection between them weakens, which leads to the destruction of the material. The weakness of the interaction of the granules also explains the lower strength of the foam.

Expanded polystyrene is produced by extrusion. Due to this, the transformation of the polymer occurs according to other mechanisms, which also affects the structure of the material. At the beginning, the granules melt, as a result of which the raw material becomes viscous-fluid. This leads to the fact that polystyrene foam has an integral microstructure of closed cells, which are filled with gas molecules. For traditional materials, natural gas, which is highly soluble in styrene. In the production of a fire-resistant version, the granules are filled with carbon dioxide.

Expanded polystyrene consists of closed cells. In this way, maximum impermeability of substances from the environment into the material is achieved. Styrofoam as a heat insulator has such a feature as the passage of water vapor that comes from the room. After they condense and increase the moisture content of the material. This leads to the fact that the thermal insulation properties of the foam are reduced, and over time it collapses.

Due to improved technical characteristics, including the density of the material, expanded polystyrene has a higher price than other types of foam on the construction market.

Findings site

  1. Styrofoam is a group of materials, one of the varieties of which is polystyrene foam.
  2. The density of the foam is lower.
  3. Expanded polystyrene does not absorb moisture and steam from the outside.
  4. Styrofoam density 10 kg per cu. meter. The same characteristic of expanded polystyrene reaches 40 kg per cubic meter. meter.
  5. The appearance of materials varies. Expanded polystyrene is homogeneous, there are no granules inside it.
  6. Styrofoam is cheaper than polystyrene foam when purchased as a heat-insulating material.

Wall insulation has become very relevant for most people, in winter time This is the protection of the house from the cold, and in the summer - from the heat. The quality of insulation will depend on the heat-insulating material, the more efficient it is, the better it will be able to keep the heat in the room.

Currently, there is a large selection of materials for insulating the walls of the house from the outside, more and more of them appear on the construction market every year. Experts advise to insulate the walls of the house with certain materials, such as polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam. It is difficult for ordinary consumers to understand what is the difference between these two names and which one is better, because at first glance they are very similar.

Polyfoam, its characteristics and advantages

This thermal insulation material is made from polystyrene by foaming and in finished form in it 98% air, it is a classic type of insulation. Polystyrene granules are treated with dry steam and at the moment of thermal expansion they adhere to each other, resulting in micropores in the finished material. For a long time, people began to use it for thermal insulation at home, use the material to insulate walls, floors, roofs. Such protection saves not only from the cold in winter, but also serves as a kind of protection for the walls of the building.

Due to the main characteristics of foam, many believe that it is best suited as a heater. Among its main qualities, include the following properties.

  1. It consists of 98% air.
  2. Its thermal conductivity ranges from 0.038 to 0.050 W / m K, which is significantly lower than that of wood or brick. For example, a tree in terms of thermal conductivity exceeds polystyrene by 3 times, and a brick by 17 times.
  3. Only 2-3 cm of polystyrene can make a complete soundproofing of a building.
  4. Do not absorb moisture more than 3% of its mass and at the same time its thermal insulation properties remain unchanged.
  5. Light weight facilitates work with the material, it is easy to install, no special tools are required for cutting.
  6. It is non-toxic, odorless, does not generate dust during operation, so protective equipment is not needed during operation.
  7. Styrofoam is resistant to cement, gypsum, alkalis, water-based paints, but is afraid of acetone and benzene.
  8. In contact with an open flame, it ignites, but quickly extinguishes.
  9. The material is environmentally friendly, safe to use and dispose of, it is also widely used in the food industry and as packaging for many goods, including for children.

Styrofoam also has disadvantages, it very brittle material, which in bad weather complicates the work with it, as well as the transportation of insulation.

Despite the fact that the foam appeared a long time ago and now there are many new and modern materials, it has not lost its relevance. Attractive to many and its low price, which makes it possible to use foam in many types of construction work.

Expanded polystyrene (foam)

The extrusion method produces extruded polystyrene foam, the method causes the polymer to first melt, after which a viscous mass is formed. From solid state granules become viscous, resulting in a single liquid-phase substance with a solid and strong microstructure.

Extruded polystyrene foam looks like a mass of closed cells, inside of which there is a gas, it is much stronger than polystyrene foam. Expanded polystyrene cells are impermeable, they do not have micropores, like polystyrene foam, so water or gas cannot penetrate inside the cells. Expanded polystyrene cells look like a solid mass, air or water can only penetrate from the cut side of the side surfaces. In its whole state, the material cannot absorb moisture, steam, and more from the outside.

We often call expanded polystyrene penoplex, since the domestic brand of extruded polystyrene foam is produced with this name, in fact, they are the same insulating material. The polyspen brand is also common, it is used in various industries: agriculture, in the construction of runways, when laying oil and gas pipelines, it is used to make a heat-insulating layer in civil and industrial building structures.

From the moment of mass production, foam plastic has become widely used in construction as a high-strength heat-insulating material. It is always used for outdoor work, because for internal insulation it is not suitable, Styrofoam at high temperature can release styrene. Main Features material are:

  1. Increased compressive and flexural strength.
  2. High density foam.
  3. Doesn't crumble like styrofoam.
  4. Thermal conductivity 0.028 W/m K.
  5. It absorbs moisture no more than 3% of its mass, this indicator does not affect its thermal insulation, strength and structure.
  6. It has excellent sound insulation.
  7. Penoplex is not afraid of insects and rodents.
  8. Doesn't rot and doesn't burn well.

Styrofoam or Styrofoam, which is better

Comparing both heaters, we can say that they very similar to each other. Having carefully studied their main characteristics, we can say for sure that penoplexes have a higher degree of strength, moisture resistance and breathability. Due to its density, the insulation has the best thermal insulation qualities, but without special treatment it is more combustible than polystyrene.

Compared to foam plastic, foam loses in density, is less insulating from noise. Styrofoam retains heat better due to its friability, but this property protects against moisture worse. Styrofoam always needs to be coated with other materials so that it lasts a long time.

If we compare the price one and the other insulation, then penoplex will cost more than polystyrene foam, which means that you will have to spend more money on all construction work. When choosing foam, you need to know which brand you need to purchase, they have differences in their characteristics.

Before buying, you need to compare all the main properties of the two materials, know in advance where they will be used for insulation and make your choice correctly.

Most consumers think about the problem: polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam, which is better to use for insulation and sound insulation? Some even believe that these are exactly the same materials.

This fact is confirmed by information located on the Internet. Most likely, this happens due to the fact that they are made from polystyrene, but with a careful approach, you can see that there is still a difference.

Differences between styrofoam and expanded polystyrene

When processing polystyrene granules with dry steam, foam is obtained

The main differences between these materials are as follows:

  1. There is a big difference in the production technology of these samples. Styrofoam is produced by processing polystyrene granules with dry steam. Expanding under the influence of heat, they are firmly fastened to each other, at this time micropores are formed. Expanded polystyrene or foam this is its trade name, produced by the "extrusion" method. Polystyrene granules are melted in both cases, molecular bonds are formed, a single structure appears.
  2. There is also a difference in physical and technical characteristics as a result of their production technology. To be frank, polystyrene foam is superior to polystyrene in some respects.

The difference in functional properties in terms of thermal conductivity

The more efficient the thermal conductivity, the thinner the material can be

What is better to use for insulation - polystyrene foam or polystyrene?

Analyzing the possibilities of the materials under consideration, one can note their differences.

The main characteristic of heaters is thermal conductivity.

With its decrease, the efficiency of the material increases, and it becomes thinner.

  • the thermal conductivity figure of polystyrene foam is 0.028 W / mk;
  • polystyrene - 0.039 W / mk.

Considering these indicators, it is clear that expanded polystyrene surpasses the characteristics of polystyrene, and not only it, but in general other existing heaters.

The following facts can confirm this:

MaterialThermal conductivity
1 Styrofoam0,039
2 mineral wool0,041
3 Reinforced concrete1,7
4 Silicate solid brick masonry0,76
5 Brickwork with holes0,5
6 Glued wooden beam0,16
7 Expanded clay concrete0,47
8 gas silicate0,5
9 foam concrete0,3
10 slag concrete0,6

By mechanical strength

Styrofoam is less brittle than Styrofoam

We must not forget that polystyrene foam is a good monolith, and the particles are soldered in the foam. This significantly affects the strength of materials.

Expanded polystyrene is resistant to fractures from 0.4 to 1 MPa, its compressive strength is 0.25-0.5 MPa, and the foam plastic has a standard within the limits of 0.07-0.2 MPa and 0.05-0.2 MPa, respectively .

It is well known that the foam, subjected to serious mechanical stress, begins to break into small balls and breaks. Expanded polystyrene can withstand substantial loads and temperature changes.

The density of extruded polystyrene foam varies from 30 to 45 kg / m3, and the density of foam plastic ranges from 15-35 kg.

The ability to absorb water

Styrofoam absorbs water better, which is a negative sign

This is one of the significant characteristics thermal insulation materials, and this property should be minimal. Gaining moisture, the insulation will lose its most important features, swell and, in addition, begin to rot and collapse.

Expanded polystyrene, which has a cellular composition, has zero moisture absorption. By immersing it for a long time and completely in water, you can see that the absorption of liquid can be up to 0.2% of its volume.

In foam plastic, which differs in composition, this feature is significantly lower. By immersing it in water for 24 hours, you can see that the material has absorbed 2% of the volume, in 30 days it will absorb 4%.

So which is better: styrofoam or polystyrene foam? All of the above once again proves the advantages of the second material in terms of hydrophobicity, especially if it is used to insulate such parts of the building as the basement, foundation and facade.

By fire resistance

Combustibility is an important component when it is necessary to insulate objects with the presence of wooden structures- attics, roofs. It should be noted that both materials are classified as groups with an increased ability to burn. For more information about the differences in materials, see this video:

The manufacturer began to add flame retardant to the foam and polystyrene foam - with its help, the heaters self-extinguish. If there is no direct contact with fire, the materials will go out in a matter of seconds.

By predisposition to shrinkage

Unlike Styrofoam, Styrofoam does not shrink.

The main disadvantage of any insulation is shrinkage. With this phenomenon, gaps occur that reduce the effectiveness of the process.

Styrofoam shrinks when heated, so it is not recommended to use it in the "warm floor" system.

If the foam is used to insulate the facade, you need to cover it with white plaster, which protects against ultraviolet rays.

Expanded polystyrene almost does not shrink during application.

By temperature range

The temperature balance allowed for working with both materials is from -50 to + 75 degrees.

If these values ​​are exceeded, the material begins to deform.

Styrofoam lights up at a temperature of 310 degrees, polystyrene foam - at 450 degrees.

By environmental friendliness

These materials contain absolutely no harmful components such as freon and phenol. After the time has elapsed, the heaters do not begin to emit harmful substances; they can be confidently used to insulate public buildings and residential buildings.

By service life

Studies have shown that foam, which is installed correctly, can last up to 50 years, keeping its shape perfectly.

If the financial capabilities of the consumer do not reach his purchase, you can use foam. It, of course, is inferior to expanded polystyrene in technical characteristics, but it will be best material from cheap heaters. For more information about the properties of expanded polystyrene, see this video:

If we take into account all of the above, then the answer to the question: polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam, which is better - the answer is quite justified: of course, extruded polystyrene foam is one step higher than polystyrene foam in all respects.