Which speeds up the metabolism for weight loss. How to speed up the metabolism in the body and lose weight at home

Today, one hears about metabolism at every turn, although this process is difficult to study scientifically due to its multi-level and multi-component nature. And yet, one thing is known for sure: if it slows down, then this significantly complicates a person’s life. So the question of how to speed it up is by no means an idle one.

Why is this needed?

First you need to understand why you need to speed up your metabolism at all. If your goal is solely to lose weight, you will achieve it. But this is far from the only thing worth striving for. The fact is that a slow metabolism is fraught with unpleasant consequences:

  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • , and it will be extremely difficult to lose weight;
  • pathological changes in the hormonal background;
  • the appearance of chronic fatigue and drowsiness;
  • digestive problems: constant bloating, stomach discomfort, alternating constipation with diarrhea;
  • malfunctions in the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • decreased attention, endurance, performance;
  • worsening appearance: skin rash, hair loss, stratification of nails.

Accordingly, it is necessary to speed up the metabolism not only in order to lose weight. First of all, it is the prevention of many health problems.

find out the reason

First, try to understand why it is slow for you. To do this, you will have to analyze your lifestyle and even undergo a medical examination. Only by eliminating the provoking factor, you can put your metabolism in order.

Reason 1. Age

Aging involves a slowdown in all processes in the body: from collagen synthesis, which causes the skin to become flabby and wrinkled, and ending with the production of hormones, which leads to menopause and the end reproductive period life. Every 10 years, metabolism slows down by 10%.

How to fix. After 30 years, you need to give up alcoholic parties, smoking and urgently normalize nutrition. After 40 years, it is necessary to increase physical activity and seriously engage in some kind of sport. After 50 years, you need to lead a 100% active lifestyle and regularly undergo medical examinations.

Reason 2. Lack of calories

The main factor that provokes a slow metabolism is the abuse of diets and the regular use of low-calorie, low-fat foods. The body goes into nutrient-saving mode in order to stretch them out over a longer period of time. For this, the rate of biochemical processes is significantly reduced.

How to fix. Increase your daily calorie intake, bring out an individual ratio and stick to it.

Reason 3. Genetics

There is a point of view that the metabolic rate depends on genetic characteristics, and it is inherent in a person from the very beginning. However, no scientific research has been conducted on this subject.

How to fix. Since this is just a hypothesis, it is still worth trying to speed it up with the proven methods suggested below.

Reason 4. Low physical activity

During exercise, the heart beats faster, which increases blood circulation. The tissues are saturated with oxygen, which starts all kinds of metabolic processes. In their absence, everything happens exactly the opposite.

How to fix. Start (gradually) exercising.

Reason 5. Gender differences

Women's metabolism is slower than men's. This is due to the large amount of subcutaneous fat in the former and rich muscle mass in the latter.

How to fix. Gender, of course, does not need to be changed. But it is desirable for women to build more muscle mass through regular exercise.

Reason 6. Unhealthy eating habits

Frequent snacking, chaotic meals, an unbalanced diet, habit, nightly trips to the refrigerator - all this makes the level of insulin in the blood jump several times a day. This puts the body under stress, and as a barrier, it slows down everything bio chemical reactions.

How to fix. Adhere to the principles of fractional nutrition.

Reason 7. Diseases

There are more than 50 diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

How to fix. Undergo a full medical examination and be treated if the disease is curable. If the process is irreversible, follow all medical recommendations to improve your condition.

Reason 8. Dehydration

Now they talk about this a lot and often, but not everyone has the willpower to implement this item. Without water, it is simply impossible to disperse the metabolism. Moreover, you need to drink a lot, often and regularly, so that it works as a catalyst for biochemical processes.

How to fix. Drink at least one and a half liters of pure water per day (all other drinks do not count).

Reason 9. Deficiency of minerals and vitamins

Vitamins and minerals affect the metabolic rate. Some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent. If their shortage is detected, the metabolism slows down.

How to fix. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet daily. Drink multivitamin complexes twice a year.

By eliminating the root cause, you can easily speed up the metabolism in the body. If the medical examination did not show any pathologies and you are definitely not sure of the provoking factor, use our general recommendations. Perhaps one of the suggested methods will work for you.

Normalize nutrition

No need to think that you can speed up metabolism only under the supervision of a doctor or in a hospital. This applies only to serious violations that lead to serious illness and irreversible consequences. If the problem is only in speed, then it is possible to increase it at home, and above all - with the help of proper nutrition.

Arrange mode

  1. Switch to when no more than 200 g (or a handful) is eaten for each of the 6 meals. If the break between them is more than 3 hours, the body goes into standby and saving mode, slowing down the metabolism.
  2. Not to starve. Do not fall below the bar of 1,200 kcal per day, because then the thrifty body will begin to store fat. According to studies, this reduces the metabolic rate by up to 35%.
  3. Be sure to have breakfast. At night, the metabolism slows down, and if you do not eat in the morning, the processes will remain in a slow state until you deign to eat fully.
  4. Refuse diets that involve serious distortions in the balance of BJU. The body needs all the nutrients in full, otherwise the processes inside it will stall.
  5. Alternate calories. Not everyone knows about this trick, although it works very effectively. Reduce your daily calorie intake to 1200-1500 kcal, and once a week raise the bar to 1,800 kcal. This will not allow the body to adapt to new conditions and slow down the metabolism again. At the moment of rest, he can speed it up.

Select Products

  • Protein food

Requires a large amount of energy to fully digest the protein. Burning calories increases almost 2 times. In addition, it is the main sculptor of beautiful muscle mass, and recent studies have shown that the more muscles in the body, the faster exchange substances. So include as much meat, fish, seafood and eggs in your diet as possible.

  • Cellulose

It takes a lot of time and energy to digest fiber. Throughout the entire period, while it is digested, the amount of insulin is kept at a constant level. This speeds up the metabolism by 15% and eliminates the feeling of hunger. Therefore, eat foods that are high in fiber every day: cereals, legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits.

  • Citrus

It has been scientifically proven that citrus fruits strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, keep cholesterol under control, relieve excess fluid (edema). Grapefruit deserves special attention.

  • Apple vinegar

Ideal fat burner and metabolism booster. Suitable for dressing any salads instead of harmful mayonnaise. It can also be diluted in plain water and drunk.

  • Spices

Capsaicin is a pungent substance that irritates tissues. It lowers blood glucose, breaks down apocytes and satisfies hunger. It is found in most spices, especially in peppers of different varieties.

A few numbers: food flavored with red ground pepper accelerates metabolism by 30% and maintains an increased speed for 3 or more hours. But be careful and do not overdo it with dosages, otherwise allergies cannot be avoided.

  • Ginger

There are special organic substances that contribute to the acceleration of metabolism. These are enzymes, and one of them (zingibain) is found in large quantities in. This plant does not lose its properties even in pickled form.

  • Water

Let's consider several methods on how to disperse the metabolism with the help of water:

  1. Drink 8 glasses of pure water daily at regular intervals.
  2. Drink the amount of water per day, which is calculated by the formula: 1 kg of your weight multiplied by 30 ml.
  3. Drink cool water (not icy!) so that the body spends extra energy on heating it.

At the same time, do not harm yourself: switch to a new drinking regimen gradually. And if you feel nauseous and dizzy, reduce the amount of water consumed and consult a doctor: this may be a symptom of an internal disease.

  • Coffee

It is a natural CNS stimulant. Experts say that the uniform use of 500 ml throughout the day increases metabolism by 5% (while you can sit quietly and do nothing). In addition, with its help, training can be made more intense, because it improves endurance. However, for those who have heart problems, a lot of this drink is not allowed.

  • Green tea

Green tea has a lot of caffeine and catechins: 3 cups a day increase the metabolic rate by 4.8% and make you burn more than 5% of your fat reserves.

In addition to these products, those that contain certain substances and minerals will also help speed up metabolism:

  • omega 3 fatty acid can be found in fish (salmon, trout, tuna, pollock, salmon, sea bass, mackerel, catfish), peanuts, legumes;
  • folic acid: green vegetables, wheat bran, legumes, yeast products, citrus fruits, eggs, tomatoes;
  • chromium: buckwheat, oatmeal, cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes, legumes, corn;
  • iodine: kelp, shrimp, crabs, lobsters and other seafood;
  • calcium: dairy products, rose hips, legumes, nuts, sesame seeds.

In a word, adhere to the principles of proper nutrition - and the metabolism will gradually pick up the desired speed.

Take advantage of the diet

There is a special diet that speeds up the metabolism, which was developed by the American nutritionist Hayley Pomeroy. According to some sources, many Hollywood stars managed to try it on themselves.

Basic Rules:

  1. Arrange meals every 3 hours, even if you don’t feel like eating.
  2. Snack portion sizes are minimal.
  3. The basis of the diet is complex carbohydrates to stabilize insulin and proteins to protect muscles from splitting.
  4. After waking up, you can not delay with breakfast: the maximum break between them is half an hour.
  5. Drink 2 liters of plain water daily.
  6. From drinks, lemonade and herbal decoctions are allowed, but only 2 glasses a day of both - no more.
  7. Natural sweeteners (stevia, xylitol) are allowed.
  8. Duration - exactly one month.
  9. Discrepancies with the proposed menu are unacceptable, as it takes into account human biorhythms.
  10. Diet scheme: 3 phases - the first relieves stress, the second releases apocytes, the third actively breaks them down.
  11. Servings are measured in 250 ml cups.
  • lack of hunger;
  • delicious dishes;
  • varied menu;
  • high efficiency;
  • long-term weight loss;
  • Designed not only for weight loss, but to speed up the metabolism.
  • too strict meal schedule, which not everyone can follow;
  • does not fit ;
  • permitted products are quite expensive;
  • Not everyone is ready to give up dairy products and coffee.

Prohibited products:

  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • corn;
  • dairy products;
  • wheat;
  • sugar;
  • fruit juices;
  • dried fruits.

Phase 1

Duration: first 2 days of each week.

Purpose: to relieve stress and stress from the adrenal glands.

BJU: a minimum of fats and proteins, the basis is, natural sugars, vitamins C and B.


  • all legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • greens: celery, cumin, spinach, dill, parsley, cilantro;
  • cereals: from rice, buckwheat, oats;
  • meat: turkey, chicken breast, beef, veal, pork tenderloin without lard;
  • vegetables: any cabbage, carrots, eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkin;
  • seasonings, spices;
  • fish (low-fat varieties);
  • fruits: hard pears, grapefruit, peaches, oranges, apricots, lemon, green apples, tangerines, pineapples, pomelo;
  • egg whites.

Sports: aerobics, running.

Phase 2

Duration: the next two days of each week.

Purpose: release of lipocytes.

BJU: restriction of fats and carbohydrates, fiber (in vegetables) also comes to the fore.


  • mushrooms;
  • the greenery is the same;
  • of legumes, only beans remain;
  • from vegetables - only lemon and lime;
  • kelp;
  • meat: lamb is added to the menu of phase 1, but not very fatty;
  • vegetables: only cucumbers and cabbage remain from phase 1 + onions and green onions and peppers (chili and Bulgarian) are added;
  • decoctions of herbs;
  • spices, spices are unchanged;
  • egg whites.

Sport: power training in simulators, lifting the barbell, exercises with dumbbells.

Phase 3

Duration: last 3 days of each week.

Purpose: active burning of subcutaneous fat.

BJU: lean on useful, small amounts of proteins.


  • all legumes;
  • all fruits;
  • all greens;
  • mushrooms;
  • oily fish;
  • porridge 1 phase + barley;
  • kelp;
  • seafood;
  • meat: rabbit meat is added;
  • unrefined oils (corn is excluded);
  • vegetables of the first two phases + radishes, beets;
  • olives;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • spices, spices;
  • berries: raspberries, blackberries, cherries, cranberries;
  • eggs (totally).

Sports: only if yoga. It is advisable to make an appointment for a massage these days.

Sample menu for the week

Drink vitamins and minerals

There are specific minerals and vitamins that improve metabolism. They can be used for ingestion and injection, both as individual preparations and as multivitamin complexes. It is advisable to get a doctor's permission. The most active in this regard are:

  • ascorbic acid (C);
  • calcium;
  • cobalamins (B12);
  • retinol (A);
  • riboflavin (B2);
  • thiamine (B1);
  • tocopherol (E);
  • folic acid (B9);
  • chromium.

As an example, here are several multivitamin complexes designed specifically to speed up metabolism.

  • Mono Oxi is prescribed for rehabilitation after protracted illnesses, as well as during severe physical and psychological stress;
  • Vita Min accelerates all metabolic processes, recommended during diets;
  • Vita Minerals compensates for the vitamin and mineral deficiency that provoked the inhibition of metabolic processes, it is good for intensive sports;
  • Vita O2 accelerates metabolism at the molecular level;
  • Vita Zeolite cleanses from toxins, heavy metal salts.
  • Chromevital+ with chromium and vitamin C;
  • KG-Off Fat absorber with chitosan;
  • Nortia with iodine, magnesium, vitamins B1, B6, B12;
  • Sveltform+ with iodine, chromium, vitamin C.
  • Zym-Complex Enzymes + Antioxidants from Astrum;
  • Nature's Life B-50 Complex;
  • Selenium-DS by Dr. Skalny;
  • Turboslim Alpha Lipoic Acid and L-carnitine from Evalar.

However, remember that if you lie on the couch and enjoy soda with chips, even these effective dietary supplements and complexes will not help. Everything needs to be done in a single program.

Metabolism is one of the most popular and controversial concepts in modern nutrition. Some argue that it depends entirely on heredity and age and cannot be influenced in any way. Others insist that the rate of catabolism and anabolism can be regulated by diet and exercise. One way or another, but it depends on the presence excess weight and smooth functioning of internal organs. And while scientists argue, our task is to try to influence it. In particular, eat as many foods as possible that speed up the metabolism.

Impact principle

Metabolism is a series of chemical reactions for the breakdown of some substances and the formation of others, accompanied by the release or expenditure of energy. Their main participants are the very fats, proteins and carbohydrates that we absorb with food. And if you use mainly products that speed up the metabolism in the body, this will lead to certain results:

  • chemical reactions will be accelerated due to catalyst substances (this is capsaicin in spices, caffeine, vitamin C in citrus fruits, etc.);
  • anabolism and catabolism will proceed faster, ensuring the uninterrupted processing of complex compounds into simple ones - this does not allow the formation of decay products that poison the body;
  • fats are quickly converted into energy, and do not go into reserve;
  • toxins do not accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract, digestion is improving;
  • the final result is weight loss (in the presence of excess weight) or maintaining body weight at normal level and significant improvement in well-being.

At the same time, remember that this issue is still open in scientific circles, and there is no exact confirmation of this theory. However, numerous positive reviews about the same citrus fruits or seafood that help to lose weight are still a good temptation to experience it for yourself.

Before including foods that speed up metabolism in the menu, you will have to organize meals in accordance with some rules. Here they just are not a bare theory. Compilation of a balanced diet and adherence to the principles of proper nutrition unequivocally lead to weight loss, and to the normalization of metabolism, and to an improvement in well-being. Without this, everything else will not work.


  • consists mainly of carbohydrates, a small amount of proteins and fats;
  • 25% of daily calories;
  • absolutely not to be missed.
  • consists of healthy carbohydrates, fats, a small amount of proteins;
  • 35% of daily calories.
  • consists of protein, low-calorie foods;
  • 20% daily calories;
  • no later than 19.00.


Do you want products to work to speed up your metabolism? Help them: go in for sports to burn excess calories and force the body to use fat reserves - all this will constantly trigger all kinds of chemical reactions (building muscle mass, disintegrating and excreting apocytes, releasing energy). The same can be achieved by increasing physical activity: walk as much as possible on foot, giving up transportation and elevators when possible.

Find the strength to quit smoking and drinking alcohol.

It is important to understand here: it is not enough just to eat foods that speed up metabolism. Without the organization of proper nutrition and an appropriate lifestyle, they will not be able to cope with their task. Only in combination, all these factors can accelerate the metabolism so that the body begins to burn fat and maintain normal health.

Common list

A complete list of products that speed up metabolism is almost impossible to compile for the same reason: the opinions of scientists are divided on this matter. In some sources, peanut butter is listed as a fat burner, in others it is on the list. junk food. Therefore, do not treat such information as a 100% guarantee of results. Moreover, these processes are very individual. Someone loses weight on citrus fruits, and someone - on proteins. So look for "your" products in the list below.


  • kefir;
  • natural yogurt;
  • curdled milk;
  • serum;
  • hard cheeses in small quantities.
  • Carnation;
  • mustard;
  • ginger;
  • curry;
  • turmeric;
  • cinnamon;
  • Bay leaf;
  • mint;
  • pepper (any);
  • thyme;
  • sage.

Fruits and berries:

  • avocado;
  • pineapples;
  • watermelons;
  • kiwi;
  • coconuts;
  • raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, black currant, cowberry;
  • mango;
  • papaya;
  • peaches;
  • citrus fruits (fat burner and metabolism booster - vitamin C): lemon, grapefruit, orange;
  • apples.
  • leaf salad;
  • parsley;
  • celery;
  • asparagus;
  • Dill;
  • sorrel;
  • spinach.
  • legumes: beans - in the first place;
  • bell pepper
  • broccoli;
  • chard;
  • tomatoes;
  • beet;
  • capsicum (cayenne);
  • garlic.
  • salmon;
  • seafood: especially - kelp;
  • sardine;
  • mackerel;
  • tuna (canned);
  • trout.

Whole grains:

  • bulgur;
  • Brown rice;
  • quinoa;
  • couscous;
  • buckwheat;
  • oats.
  • coconut;
  • olive Extra virgin.
  • Pineapple juice;
  • green tea (it contains a lot of catechins, which are fat burners);
  • ginger tea;
  • dry red wine;
  • coffee;
  • lemon water;
  • cool water;
  • tomato juice.
  • Birch buds;
  • immortelle;
  • oregano;
  • St. John's wort;
  • mother and stepmother;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • bearberry;
  • rose hip.

Other products:

  • bitter chocolate;
  • bone broth;
  • vegetable soups;
  • nuts;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • eggs.

The advantages of this list are that almost all food categories are present in it, there are protein products, and carbohydrate-containing, and fats. So a balanced and varied diet can be made without any difficulty.

Top best

If you need to speed up your metabolism specifically for weight loss, especially lean on those foods that are known in nutrition as active fat burners. These two processes are very closely linked, so the results should exceed all expectations. A small rating will allow you to create your own menu to combat excess weight:

  1. Grapefruit
  2. Beans
  3. Brown rice
  4. A pineapple
  5. Broccoli
  6. Milk serum

If you include them in the diet every 2 days, subject to all the recommendations given at the beginning of the article, you will get a kind of diet. She will be distinguished by a balanced diet with the correct ratio of BJU. The results will not be long in coming.

Dish recipes

Of course, you will not sit and dry chew red beans or brown rice. From such nutrition, all enthusiasm will quickly end. It is important to correctly combine the products in the recipe for a tasty, healthy, and most importantly, dietary dish. Our small selection will help solve this problem.

Laminaria salad


  • 300 g celery (stalks);
  • 50 g dried seaweed;
  • 200 g green apple;
  • 10 ml of concentrated lemon juice;
  • 15 ml natural yogurt.


  1. Put dried kelp leaves in a saucepan, pour water over, leave for 45 minutes to swell.
  2. Boil over low heat for 20 minutes.
  3. Drain in a colander, rinse under cold running water. This will remove excess salt.
  4. Chop into thin strips.
  5. Cut the apple into cubes. The main thing is not to put it on a grater in this salad, because the released juice will spoil the taste of the dish.
  6. Cut celery stalks into thin strips.
  7. Combine all ingredients in a salad bowl.
  8. Fill undiluted lemon juice and yogurt.

Note. In 100 g of this salad, there are only 22 kcal, so you can speed up your metabolism and lose weight at the same time.

bean soup


  • 150 g of red beans;
  • 2 liters of chicken broth;
  • 1 chicken breast;
  • 200 ml of tomato juice;
  • 10 ml of tomato paste;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 50 g of corn;
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • 10 g dried basil;
  • 1 onion;
  • 10 g oregano;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 10 ml of olive oil;
  • greens - at your own discretion.


  1. Soak beans overnight in cold water.
  2. Prepare clear chicken broth.
  3. Boil the chicken breast separately.
  4. Add already swollen and washed beans to the broth.
  5. Followed by diced potatoes.
  6. Fry the chopped onion olive oil to a beautiful golden hue.
  7. Add coarsely grated carrots to the onion.
  8. As soon as it becomes soft, pour the tomato paste and tomato juice into the pan. Boil.
  9. Add corn kernels, basil, oregano, finely chopped chili to the pan.
  10. Spice up.
  11. Boil 3 min.
  12. Pour the roast into the broth, boil.
  13. FROM chicken breast remove meat, remove fat and bones, cut into small pieces, put in soup.
  14. Sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving.

Note. This is also a low-calorie soup: in 100 g there are only about 40 kcal. At the same time, please note that almost all the products necessary for its preparation are included in the list of accelerating metabolism.

Rice with broccoli


  • 300 g of brown rice (the variety is of great importance, white is not suitable for this recipe!);
  • 1 onion;
  • 300 g of broccoli inflorescences;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 30 ml of olive oil;
  • coriander and red ground pepper - optional.


  1. Rinse rice under running water. Leave to soak overnight.
  2. Boil until al dente.
  3. Chop the onion, fry in oil until golden.
  4. Add grated carrots to it.
  5. Fry the broccoli florets with them for about 7 minutes.
  6. Pour the roast into a saucepan with rice, simmer covered for 15 minutes.
  7. Sprinkle with spices and chopped herbs.
  8. Serve as a side dish.

Note. This is a more high-calorie dish than the rest: 116 kcal per 100 g. But it does contain good carbs.

Knowing the lists of products that speed up the metabolism, having recipes in hand low-calorie meals prepared on their basis, you can in 2 weeks of proper nutrition and moderate physical activity and lose weight and feel better.

build muscle

You can speed up your metabolism by increasing muscle mass. If we compare the calorie consumption of 500 grams of muscle tissue and 500 grams of fat, then at first glance it will turn out to be insignificant - only 3 times (6 g and 2 g per day), but in reality it can be seen after some time. Active physical exercise, setting the muscles in motion, significantly speed up the metabolism.

Drink plenty of water

It is simply impossible to speed up the metabolism without drinking a lot of water, since the metabolism slows down even with slight dehydration, which will be imperceptible. Empirically, it was found that those who drink 8 glasses of water a day burn more calories than those who drink 2 times less water. It is best to drink a glass of water before any, even a small meal.

Take a contrast shower

A contrast shower will help not only speed up the metabolism, but also significantly tighten the skin, make it elastic. It is advisable to gradually lower the water temperature from 36 to 20 degrees. The procedure should end with a cold douche.

Drink drinks with ice

To speed up the metabolism, cold is not only in the form of external procedures. Much more calories are burned when drinking cold drinks. Add ice to cool water. However, this applies not only to water, but also to all other drinks, including coffee or tea. Just do not add sugar and cream to them.

Eat more often

The following recommendation may seem strange, but that doesn't make it any less true. In order to speed up the metabolism, you should increase the number of meals. Small meals every 3 hours will speed up the metabolism, while large breaks with large volumes will slow down the metabolic processes.

Use spices

Some spices, such as, for example, hot peppers, ginger, cinnamon, will help speed up the metabolism. Cinnamon improves digestion, thins the blood, reduces sugar and cholesterol levels. Hot pepper promotes accelerated contraction of the heart muscle, thereby improving blood circulation. The amount of energy in this case, of course, is burned much more. We can talk about the benefits of ginger for a very long time: it relieves joint and headache pain, is a natural immunomodulator, cleanses the body of toxins and speeds up metabolism.

Visit a bath or sauna

It’s strange for me to look back and see myself sad that she was invited to dinner at a cafe. Agree, it's just ridiculous. Now, if I'm hungry, I can eat at eleven o'clock in the evening - everything will be all right. How did I come to this? I'm telling.

One truly beautiful day, surfing the Internet, I came across a girl who works as a fitness instructor, who is also a nutrition specialist. Thanks to her, I changed my lifestyle and calmly maintain my normal weight without going crazy in the gym (unfortunately, I practically can’t do fitness, if I do it, then with great care, there is a very limited number of exercises that you can do without harm to my health, and I do them quite rarely), not for dining table. I do not limit myself in food.

So, what helped me get off "do not eat after six" and get my metabolism in order:

  • First, I started doing physical activity. Since I can’t afford strength exercises for my legs and arms, as well as cardio, I manage with exercises for the abdominal muscles and gymnastics. There is a very wonderful five-minute set of exercises for the press (video - below), thanks to which I quickly gained good abdominal muscles in just a month for three regular exercises. Now I do this complex once a week or even less often, just to keep my muscles in good shape. If you can practice strength exercises, this is a huge plus both for weight loss and for the future maintenance of normal weight, because muscles, even at rest, burn much more calories than fat;

  • I started drinking water. Many cannot force themselves to do this, they say that their body does not take so much water (you need to drink at least two liters a day). I also could not drink so much, I poured water into myself "through I do not want to." And you know what? After some time, my body got used to drinking water and at first it stopped resisting, then it began to demand more and more. I am still surprised by myself. Now I easily drink 2.5 liters a day without forcing myself - it has turned from a duty into a need. Therefore, I advise you to try not to give up if you feel that so much water “does not fit” into you, but drink, drink, drink ... Most likely, in the end you will get the same thing as me: an organism that cannot exit from home without a bottle of water, otherwise thirst will torment. To be honest, it seems to me that it is the use of such an amount of water that allows me not to get better. Another important point that those who are always on diets and non-eating after six are embarrassed to mention out loud, and which I got rid of thanks to water: when we are on a diet, the body often does not self-cleanse as it should be daily, there are constipation. This is extremely harmful to us. Therefore, I repeat, drinking water is simply necessary, especially if you are on a diet and have the above problems.

  • I eat five or six times a day. It really works for weight loss and for speeding up metabolism. There are three normal meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner, and two to three snacks. Honestly, I don’t bother with what exactly I eat, that is, I don’t cook specially dietary dishes. I cook regular meals for the whole family. We rarely eat fried or mayonnaise salads, and so we usually eat. I try not to overeat, and, as I noticed on my own, this is much more important than what exactly I eat. If I needed to lose weight now, I would never go on any diets, but simply get up from the table at the moment when I am almost full. It is this "almost" that also helps to lose weight very well, without harm to health and without diets.

There are many more ways to lose weight and maintain weight, accelerate metabolism, many different products and recipes. But I am an ordinary rather lazy girl, and for me, the simpler the better, so I have identified three points that I follow, and this is quite enough for me. I will say that I have been living this way for at least two years, during this time I began to feel much better both physically (I attribute this to drinking water) and mentally (since there is no stress "to have time to eat before six", and the weight does not jump ).

Another important point: I have never skipped breakfast in my life. I always have breakfast! This is a law that is not violated under any circumstances. It seems to me that it is a good breakfast that helps not to eat junk before dinner if you do not have the opportunity to have a normal meal. According to my observations, among my acquaintances, stomach problems overtake precisely those who often neglect breakfast. Well, when problems with the stomach begin, it is no longer up to losing weight. Therefore, take care of your health, do not ruin your metabolism with diets, minus 60 systems (which is based on the postulate "do not eat after six"), you can and should lose weight wisely, not only improving your figure, but also without ruining your health.

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There is a misconception that all fat people suffer from a slow metabolism. The rate of this process can be influenced by many factors: a person's gender, age, occupation, chronic diseases, hormonal imbalance, etc. There are universal formulas to calculate the basic level of metabolic rate, which must be used with adjustments for gender and level of physical activity.

Factors Affecting Metabolic Rate

One of the most common reasons for a slowdown in metabolism are dietary errors: the use of a large number of confectionery and fatty foods; unbalanced diets; intake of insufficient water; violation of the diet; deficiency of vitamins and minerals. In addition, a significant effect on the metabolic rate is exerted by sedentary image life, the presence of bad habits, inadequate night sleep.

How to speed up metabolism

First of all, it is necessary to reconsider eating habits and switch to fractional nutrition: eat often, but in small portions, preventing the appearance of a strong feeling of hunger. The basis of the diet should be a healthy source of protein: eggs, cottage cheese, nuts, legumes, lean meat and fish. Also, do not forget about fiber, the breakdown of which the body will have to spend a large amount of energy: bran from whole grains, cabbage, apples, broccoli, etc.

Increased fluid intake plays a beneficial role in accelerating metabolism: at least 2 liters of pure water daily, green and herbal tea without sugar, coconut milk, non-carbonated mineral water with the addition of lemon juice. It is important to remember that alcoholic beverages are high in calories, so it is recommended to avoid their consumption.

Physical activity to speed up metabolism

The greatest effect in the process of improving metabolism and natural fat burning gives the alternation of physical activity of varying intensity. The easiest way to switch to an active lifestyle is regular walking, during which the speed of movement changes: for 2-3 minutes you can walk at a leisurely pace, after which you need to move at the highest possible pace for 30-90 seconds.

In addition, good results can be achieved by starting to engage in high-intensity aerobic and strength training. Cardio can include exercise on a treadmill or exercise bike, jumping rope, running, swimming. Beginners are advised to train under the guidance of an experienced trainer, who selects the level of loads on an individual basis.

Strength training at the initial stage can be limited to work with your own weight: push-ups, squats, work on the press and other muscle groups. Exercises aimed not only at increasing muscle mass will significantly speed up metabolism and get a beautiful body shape.

Accelerating fat metabolism is the main thing we need to lose weight and get rid of cellulite. Of course, without physical exertion and dietary adjustments, it is very difficult to achieve the desired figure on the scales. The acceleration of fat metabolism is, in fact, the acceleration of metabolism.

How to normalize metabolism. Here are some simple tips for you:

  • accustom yourself to eat 4-5 times a day - the body will stop storing calories in reserve (in fat);

  • love to move - fat is burned not only during physical activity, but also about an hour after the end of the "training";

  • do a massage - it stimulates the breakdown of fat deposits and improves blood circulation;

  • sauna and bath - your friends - help open pores and increase cellular activity, increase circulation in cells;

  • try to drink more clean water - without it, a normal metabolism is impossible;

  • sleep enough time;

  • try to be outdoors more;

  • fall in love essential oils- many of them help to speed up the metabolism, they can be used for massage or just inhale aromas;

  • think positively - stress contributes to the accumulation of fat; learn to relax.

What is needed for proper metabolism

Normal fat metabolism and, of course, metabolism in general, require certain conditions. Remember all diets - they always contain a large amount of protein. The fact is that our body spends more energy on the assimilation of protein than it receives. However, too much protein is also harmful to the body. Everything needs a measure.

Carbohydrates in combination with fiber are absorbed by the body very slowly and for quite a long time maintain a fairly high level of insulin in the blood. Accordingly, we do not experience hunger. It is this combination that is optimal for breakfast. Try to eat more plant foods. Many fruits and vegetables contain enzymes that speed up the metabolism and aid in fat burning.

An important component of nutrition is polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular, omega-3. They regulate the level of the hormone stucco in the blood. Namely, he is responsible for the rate of fat burning and "makes a decision": burn fat or accumulate.

B vitamins are taken Active participation in metabolism and accelerate metabolism at the cellular level. Folic acid is also very important - it not only normalizes metabolism, but also strengthens the immune system, helps cleanse the body.

For metabolism in general, and fat metabolism in particular, many macronutrients and microelements are responsible in our body. To normalize metabolism, first of all, you need to put your diet in order and learn how to relax and, of course, do not forget about sports.

Metabolism is the exchange of substances in our body. It slows down with age. Therefore, a person becomes less energetic, additional vitamins and minerals are required, and excess weight appears. There are several simple ways hinder this process. How to improve metabolism?

  • Breakfast is the basis of the day. It helps to accelerate the metabolism to the desired speed in order to remain energetic and mobile all day. So try not to skip this meal. If you wake up without a feeling of hunger, do exercises, do the necessary water procedures, drink a glass of water with a slice of lemon. And then start breakfast. By this time, hunger will definitely make itself felt. In addition, food should make you happy. So choose your favorite dish for the morning. And do not forget about its benefits: it should contain proteins, fiber and complex carbohydrates necessary for energy production.
  • Experts say that a great alternative to morning coffee is green tea. It contains caffeine and catechems, which speed up the body's metabolism. This magical drink helps to quickly cheer up and stimulates the brain. True, there is an opinion that green tea is contraindicated for people with hypotension. Therefore, you must first consult with a therapist.
  • Movement is life. That's what they said in ancient times. And this statement is directly related to metabolism. Daily walks and physical activity will help speed it up. In the morning, you can devote 10 minutes to invigorating exercises, and in the afternoon or evening, take a pleasant promenade in the fresh air. This advice is especially relevant for office workers and people with a sedentary lifestyle. Strength training can also be added to the load schedule. It is not necessary to visit gym. Can be dispensed with simple exercises(squats, jumps, push-ups), dumbbells and climbing stairs, steep roads, etc.
  • Another way to speed up your metabolism is to reduce your sugar intake. The fact is that magnesium is necessary for the absorption of sugar. The more sweets you consume, the more magnesium you need. As a result of this process, the metabolic rate and energy levels decrease. Avoiding or significantly reducing your sugar intake is essential if you want to shed those extra pounds.
  • Another prerequisite for maintaining a good metabolism is good sleep. It restores strength, maintains productivity, strengthens the body. For a really good sleep, try to go to bed no later than midnight, ventilate the room or even leave the window open and sleep for at least 6 hours.

Tip 20: What you need to know about metabolism. How to speed up metabolism

For example, in a woman weighing 65 kg, the basic metabolism will be:

  • 65 x 22 = 1430 kcal

That is how many calories a woman weighing 65 kg will use up per day if she just lies and does nothing.

Simple Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

1. Drink green tea. It has long been known and even confirmed by scientific research that regular consumption of green tea (4-6 cups a day) helps to speed up metabolism and stabilize weight.

2. Always have breakfast. classic advice nutritionists - never skip breakfast, which activates the metabolism. Perfect option breakfast - a combination of proteins and complex carbohydrates, such food gives energy and a long feeling of satiety.

3. Eat often and in small portions. Eating regularly at regular intervals helps boost your metabolism and help you lose weight.

4. Do fitness. After aerobic physical activity such as walking, running, swimming and cycling, the metabolism increases for the next 1-2 hours. But power training can bring up to 5-6 hours of increased metabolism. However, it is best to accelerate the metabolism of supersets - training with minimal interruptions.

5. Eat proteins. It is believed that losing weight should include protein in every meal, especially dinner. The fact is that the body cannot fully absorb all the calories from protein foods, so you will reduce the calorie intake without reducing the amount of food. The use of protein not only helps to increase metabolism, but can also serve as a prevention of cellulite.

6. Drink plenty of water. Drinking 1.5 liters of pure drinking water per day helps not only to "disperse" the metabolism, but also to improve digestion.

7. Use spices. It turns out that some spices perfectly activate the metabolism - you can add them to food or prepare drinks with them. These spices include ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, chili, fennel.

Metabolism drink

  • 150 ml melon juice
  • 150 ml cucumber juice
  • piece of grated ginger root

Mix freshly squeezed juices (pre-peel the cucumber) with ginger, you can add a spoonful of honey to taste. Drink chilled.

  • It used to be that strict diets slowed down the metabolism. Modern research has proven that this statement is only partly true. Short-term dietary restrictions (several days), on the contrary, speed up the metabolism by 10-15%.
  • Usually, the more weight, the stronger the metabolism. However, some people somehow manage to consume huge amounts of food and remain thin - this is most often characteristic of men and adolescents.
  • Unfortunately, with age, the metabolism gradually slows down, while eating habits remain the same - hence the weight gain. Therefore, in order to always stay in shape, you need to lead an active lifestyle and eat moderately.

Despite the fact that there are no negative calorie foods, no matter what they say, we still have foods that can speed up the metabolism. And if you combine such nutrition with regular workouts, quality sleep and walks in the fresh air, then those extra pounds will go away even faster.

Ready to try? Below are eight products at once that “start” the metabolism, and which, most likely, are already in your kitchen.

Egg white

“Egg whites are rich in amino acids that naturally boost metabolism,” nutritionist David Groth tells Health.com. But do not give up the yolks: studies have shown that they do not pose a danger in the sense of "bad", but they saturate the body with vitamin D, which we especially lack in the absence of the sun.

Lean meat

Lean meat is rich in iron. But in order to understand why this is important, it is helpful to know that iron deficiency in the body can seriously slow down the metabolism. So for progressive weight loss, nutritionists recommend eating 3-4 servings of iron-rich foods per day (take note of chicken and grains).


"Even if you're only slightly dehydrated, your metabolism may already be slowing down," Scott Isaacs, MD, tells Health.com. Tip: drink cool water. This causes the body to use more calories to keep her warm.



A study published in Physiology & Behavior found that the average metabolic rate of people who regularly drink black coffee without sugar is about 16% higher than those who refuse coffee or drink decaffeinated coffee. A cup of espresso? Why not.

Green tea

Green tea is known to contain catechins. Namely, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a type of catechin that promotes increased fat burning. And it must be used if you want to get rid of extra pounds.


Research conducted by the Nutrition Institute at the University of Tennessee suggests that calcium intake can help our bodies process fat more efficiently. So add dairy and other calcium-rich foods to your diet and wait for the result.


About 20% of women are iron deficient, and that's bad news for your waistline. The fact is that with a lack of iron, our body loses the ability to effectively burn calories. On the other hand, the solution to the problem is quite simple: just one cup of lentils will provide you with 35% daily requirement gland.

16/11/2015 00:55

People who are overweight often hide behind the phrase "I have a slow metabolism." But a slow metabolism is not always a problem of excess weight.

Sometimes a person misinterprets the meaning of the word metabolism. We constantly come across this term, but we know practically nothing about it. It's time to correct this information defect!

What factors affect the metabolic rate?

Metabolism is the process of converting nutrients that enter the body along with food into energy (calories).

The intensity of this transformation depends on such factors:

  1. Heredity- if in your family relatives suffered from a slow metabolism and overweight, then you will most likely also be susceptible to this phenomenon.
  2. Diet- accelerated metabolism directly depends on nutrition. Below we describe in detail what this means.
  3. diet- Incorrectly selected foods can cause a slow metabolism.
  4. Physical exercise- physical activity normalizes metabolism in the body.
  5. Dream- 7-8 hours of sleep daily is enough for the body to assimilate useful substances and flawless functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. mental health- nervous stress increases the risk of failure in the metabolic process.
  7. chronic diseases- metabolic disorders, galactosemia, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, phenylketonuria, as well as diabetes disrupt the digestive tract and metabolism.

Is it possible to speed up metabolism in just 1 month with the help of nutrition and sports?

The metabolic process primarily depends on nutrition and physical activity. With the help of sports, you increase muscle mass and burn fat. The more you build muscle, the faster you burn fat. The more fat mass you lose, the faster you will lose weight and, accordingly, speed up your metabolism.

Even moderate exercise for 20-30 minutes a day, such as running or walking, can provide an efficient metabolism.

If you want to speed up your metabolism through sports, then you should understand that fat accumulation is processed only when there is enough oxygen in the body. If there is not enough oxygen, then the processing of glucose will occur with the formation of lactic acid. Excess of this substance can lead to rapid fatigue.

The acceleration of the metabolic process also depends on the intensity of physical activity - the higher the activity of the activity, the more oxygen you consume, and also burn calories more intensively.

On a note! Aerobic exercise will not build muscle, but it will speed up your metabolism for several hours after your workout. high intensity exercise provides a longer rise in metabolism than passive physical activity.

A special diet and proper diet can activate the metabolic process in a short time.

Take your rules:

  1. Drink more water. This product is involved in all biochemical processes of the body, so water also affects the metabolic rate. And remember that coffee, tea and carbonated drinks not only do not fill the body with water, but can also lead to dehydration. After a cup of one of these drinks, the body loses more water than you drank. Moderate your intake of these drinks and drink plenty of clean water.
  2. Eat fractionally (5-6 times a day). It is easier and faster for the body to digest a small amount of food than a lot of food at one time.
  3. Always have breakfast. Never miss morning reception food, because it starts the process of assimilation of food and metabolism. With a good breakfast, your body works like clockwork.
  4. There are citrus fruits. Lemons, tangerines, oranges, grapefruits are sources of citric acid, and they play a crucial role in the body's energy cycle, which is the crossroads center of metabolic pathways.
  5. Eat foods containing omega-3s. Omega-3 acids normalize the level of the hormone leptin in the body, which affects the rate of processing of fat mass. A sufficient amount of these acids will increase the fat burning process.
  6. Do not follow very strict diets. Yes, such nutrition can help you lose weight, but along with the pounds, muscle mass will also go away, and this loss will slow down your metabolism.

Products to speed up metabolism

Products that contribute to the intensive processing of substances in the body:

  • Water. We have already mentioned this product. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to speed up your metabolism.
  • Spicy pepper. This product contains the substance capsaicin, which speeds up the metabolism. Regular consumption of hot peppers along with other foods starts the metabolism and increases the rate of food processing by 25%.
  • Dairy products with a low percentage of fat. They are loaded with calcium and vitamin D, which help build muscle to keep your metabolism going.
  • Some types of oily fish (trout, mackerel, sardines, salmon)- the same one fish fat, also known as omega-3, the best "fuel" for burning calories and speeding up metabolism.
  • Almond. Nuts contain a lot of natural protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids and other useful substances. They give a feeling of fullness, so they can be consumed as a snack.
  • Natural ground coffee. A cup of natural coffee speeds up metabolism by 8-10%. But do not get carried away with this drink - as you already know, it removes water from the body.
  • Cabbage (cauliflower, white cabbage, broccoli). There is a lot in cabbage, which helps cleanse the intestines and speed up metabolism.
  • Oatmeal. Sutra porridge gives energy for the whole day. It contains a large amount of fiber and starts the metabolism.
  • Spinach. Contains B vitamins, as well as dietary fiber, which contribute to its rapid digestion.
  • Ginger. It contains useful fatty acids that stimulate the metabolic rate.
  • Lemon. Cleanses the digestive system and speeds up its work.
  • Soups. They quickly saturate the body, protecting us from overeating. The feeling of hunger disappears for several hours.

What foods slow down metabolism?

Metabolism is slowed down:

  • Refined and simple carbohydrates- these are bakery and pasta, soda, sweets. Due to the consumption of carbohydrates, sugar is quickly absorbed and metabolism deteriorates. These foods contain empty calories and, if consumed in excess, contribute to weight gain.
  • Trans fats- butter, mayonnaise, fast food, canned food, semi-finished products. These products are poorly digested by the body, slow down the metabolism and increase the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Pesticides- found in some vegetables and fruits from the store. Pesticides slow down the rate at which the body burns fat and may be the cause of weight gain. It is impossible to determine "by eye" in the store how products with pesticides and which are not. Therefore, before use, thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits, but rather remove the skin - it is in it that a large amount of harmful chemicals are retained.

Also, the following foods should be excluded from the daily diet:

  • White bread, rich and puff pastry.
  • Strong broths, milk soups with pasta, rice or semolina, potato soups, cereals with pasta, bean first courses.
  • Fatty meats and fish, fatty sausages and sausages, smoked meats, canned meat and fish.
  • Fat cottage cheese, cream, salty cheese.
  • Meat and cooking fats.
  • Rice, semolina, pasta.
  • Salted and pickled vegetables.
  • Grapes, bananas.
  • Raisins, figs, dates.
  • Sugar, sweets, jam, honey, ice cream, jelly.
  • fatty and spicy sauces, mayonnaise, mustard, horseradish, spices and spices.
  • Grape and other sweet juices, cocoa, chocolate, sweet kvass, alcohol.

All of these products slow down metabolism to some extent and turn into fat folds on your body.

Pros and cons of the mode

Nutritionists claim that the metabolism slows down due to strict diets. Restriction on the use of many foods slows down activity thyroid gland, which is responsible for burning body fat.

A person who constantly exhausts himself with hunger strikes either loses or gains weight. And in order to lose weight without returning to your previous weight, you need to restore the normal functioning of the digestive tract and stabilize the metabolic process.

The indisputable advantages of a diet that improves metabolism include:

  • The ability not to test your body with hunger strikes.
  • High efficiency of weight loss.
  • Diet variety.

Nutritionists have not identified serious disadvantages in the nutritional methodology for accelerating metabolism.

Who can and who can not follow a diet to speed up metabolism?

The metabolic stimulation diet has contraindications, like any other diet.

Such nutrition cannot be observed by people suffering from diseases of the internal organs or in the event of the appearance of tumors in the body. An accelerated metabolism can cause the transformation of tumors into malignant ones, as well as aggravate oncological diseases. Before starting such a diet, it is better to consult a specialist.

How to combine sports and diet to speed up metabolism?

It is very easy to combine physical activity and a diet to speed up metabolism. Products in the diet are aimed at increasing muscle mass, replenishing the missing vitamins and minerals in the body. But on their own, they cannot make up for the muscle-building function. But physical activity in addition to proper nutrition will allow you to build muscle mass, burn excess fat and speed up the body's metabolism.

If you are not a fan of active physical activity, then choose for yourself more relaxed options, such as yoga, shaping or swimming. They are also effective, and stimulate the metabolic process, like running or aerobics.

Menu for 7 days


Breakfast. Two scrambled eggs, a cup of coffee without sugar.
Dinner. Vegetable soup with 1 tsp. low-fat sour cream, 1/4 cup stewed beans 1 slice of rye bread.
afternoon tea. 1 orange.
Dinner. boiled meat with stewed cabbage, compote from fresh apples sugarless.


Breakfast. Cottage cheese casserole with apples, green tea without sugar.
Dinner. Chicken fillet, baked with hot spices, arugula and celery, tomato and asparagus salad.
afternoon tea. A glass of low-fat yogurt.
Dinner. .


Breakfast. Rye bread toast with salmon.
Dinner. Vegetable puree soup, turkey fillet marinated in citrus juice, garnished with carrots, broccoli and orange slices.
afternoon tea. 2 apples.
Dinner. Cabbage rolls stuffed with vegetables.


Breakfast. A glass of low-fat kefir, a slice of rye bread, green tea.
Dinner., Vegetable Salad Of Celery, Peppers And Tomatoes.
afternoon tea. Half a chicken egg, fresh cabbage and carrot salad.
Dinner. Baked potato with tuna.


Breakfast. Muesli with an apple, a cup of coffee without sugar.
Dinner. Vegetable stew with boiled beef, broccoli and red pepper salad.
afternoon tea. A glass of low-fat yogurt.
Dinner. Ragout of vegetables.


Breakfast. Egg omelet with vegetables, green tea.
Dinner. Baked salmon fillet with arugula and spinach.
afternoon tea. A handful of almonds.
Dinner. Broccoli baked with soft goat cheese.


Breakfast. Cottage cheese casserole with apples, a cup of coffee without sugar.
Dinner. Chicken soup with vegetables, spinach puree.
afternoon tea. Toast with slightly salted salmon.
Dinner. Meat boiled or stewed with green peas.

The most effective exercises to speed up metabolism

  1. Squats. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down, keeping your back straight. Get up. Repeat 20 times.
  2. Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down with your palms on the floor. Raise your heels at the same time. Get up quickly. Repeat 15-20 times.
  3. Take a lying position. Bend your right knee, pulling it towards your chest. Return to starting position. Repeat the same with the left knee. Repeat 12 times for each leg.
  4. Jumping. Stand up straight, straighten your shoulders. Jump in place, pulling your knees to your chest one by one. Repeat 25 times for each leg.