We make a highchair with our own hands according to the drawings, sizes and diagrams. Children's highchair for feeding babies (drawings, dimensions, diagrams) Drawing of a children's highchair for feeding

With the birth of a small child, mom and dad have more worries. And one of them is the purchase of high-quality furniture for your baby. But the main problem is that such interior items are not cheap. And a young family cannot always afford to buy a new and high-quality bed or changing table.

Quality children's furniture is quite expensive. Therefore, it is better and cheaper for parents to assemble furniture for their child with their own hands.

But children's furniture can be assembled independently.

For example, a do-it-yourself highchair can be made in just 3-4 evenings.

At the same time, 2 tasks can be solved at once: save the family budget and assemble a design that will be convenient for you and your child.

Initial stage of work

For the safety of your baby, the chair should be made with short legs.

Before collecting, remember that it must be safe for the baby. The future design must be reliable and stable. Do not make legs too high. Of course, it is more convenient to feed a child when you do not have to bend down. But from such a chair, the baby can fall.

When choosing materials, give preference to natural wood and hypoallergenic paintwork. high chair it is most reasonable to just carefully sand and stain. If you want to paint it, then opt for water-based coatings.

The wheeled design is much more convenient and mobile, but not stable enough. If you do not provide a system of stoppers, then the child can shake his "throne".

Making a highchair is not difficult at all if you prepare detailed drawing future design. An example of such a scheme is shown in Fig. one.

Be sure to indicate on the drawing all the necessary dimensions. This will help you avoid mistakes in the manufacture of blanks.

Usually they try to make furniture intended for children from natural materials. In this case, you will need:

  • timber, section 10 * 20 cm;
  • board, about 2 cm thick;
  • plywood for the bottom seat cover;
  • 1 sheet of fiberboard standard size.

It is most reasonable to choose soft varieties of wood. For the manufacture of a highchair, pine or wood of other conifers is perfect.

But experienced craftsmen especially appreciate linden. It is somewhat more expensive, but it is easy to process, and products made from it are more durable.

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Tools and workpieces

In addition to the material for assembling the body, stock up on nails, screws and dowels to assemble and fasten all the nodes. The sockets for the main fasteners must be lubricated with carpentry glue, but regular PVA is also suitable. This will ensure the reliability of the design.

Think in advance how exactly you will soften the seat. Usually, furniture foam rubber 1.5-2 cm thick is used for this. But a pillow can also be made from a clothing padding polyester by folding it several times. In addition, you will need fabric for the upholstery of the seat and materials for painting the chair. It is most reasonable to purchase materials with water-repellent impregnation. Then the chair can be easily cleaned.

To assemble such a design, you will need the following parts:

  1. Chair legs - 4 pcs. (in the above drawing, their length is 39 cm).
  2. Lower cross rails - 2 pcs. (length 34 cm).
  3. Side cross rails - 3 pcs. (length 30 cm).
  4. Front transverse rivers - 2 pcs. (length 22 cm).
  5. Back and seat (each of these parts consists of 3 elements, dimensions 30 * 25 cm).
  6. Table top (20*34 cm).
  7. Sides with rounded edges - 4 pcs.

It is wiser to prepare the tools necessary for work in advance. This will allow you not to be distracted from the assembly of the chair. You will definitely need:

  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • grinder or a special nozzle for a drill;
  • a set of sanding paper of varying degrees of graininess;
  • brushes.

After you have prepared everything you need, you can start assembling a baby highchair for feeding.

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Making a high chair

Before assembling the chair, prepare 4 well-sanded legs.

The manufacture of this design must begin with the formation of blanks for the main parts. Take a bar and cut it into pieces of the desired length. You will need the following items:

  • legs;
  • top, bottom and side cross rails;
  • front cross bars.

Sand all blanks “roughly”, removing large burrs and irregularities. Especially carefully process the joints and fasteners.

Next, make the sides of the seat. They are sawn from boards. When pre-marking, follow the direction of the wood fibers. If the parts are located perpendicular to them, then the chair will turn out to be more durable and reliable.

The top edge of the sides should be rounded. The easiest way to form such a rounding on a carpentry machine. But if you do not have such equipment, then a planer will help to cope with the task. Bevel the blanks, cut off the excess with a knife, and then sand the edges.

Blanks for the back and seat are sawn from a sheet of fiberboard. To make the chair more reliable, it is more reasonable to make these elements composite. To do this, prepare 3 identical parts, which are glued together using wood glue. Then they are placed under the press until completely dry. In the future, each glued part is processed as a single element. The front corners of the seat, the upper edges and the corners of the back must be made semicircular. Rounding is done in the same way as on the side skirts.

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Assembly of parts

To fix the structure, you will need wooden dowels.

When all the blanks are processed, you can begin to assemble the structure itself. For fastenings you will need wooden dowels (thorns). They can be purchased at stores that sell products for making and repairing furniture, or you can make your own. To do this, you must first create rectangular blanks with a section of 0.8 * 2 * 5 cm, and then round the sidewalls using a carpenter's knife.

In all parts in which fasteners are provided, it is necessary to pre-drill nests for dowels. Holes should not be through. Drill the wood so that the bottom of the nest does not reach the surface by about 1 cm.

Clean all holes from dust and small chips with a damp brush and coat them thoroughly with glue. Then, using a mallet, drive the spikes into them and leave to dry completely. Some experts recommend additionally strengthening the fasteners with nails and screws. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the caps of the fasteners are recessed into the surface of the parts. Otherwise, the child may be injured by the protruding sharp edges.

The assembly of the structure begins with the attachment of the base, which consists of sides, legs of the chair and crossbeams.

Parents are always trying to make the life of the baby more comfortable, so furniture for various situations is always relevant. While your child is small, he needs a high chair for feeding, playing and creating. Of course, such a chair can also be bought in a store, but the product good quality will cost a lot of money. And besides, sometimes you really want to do something for your baby with your own hands. Let's see if it's so difficult to make a highchair with your own hands - drawings, dimensions, diagrams, you can take the standard ones on the Internet or make it yourself, given the tips from this article.

Choosing a material

Of paramount importance is the choice of material, because the health of your child directly depends on it.


Wood is the best for this. The advantages of such material are obvious:

  • The tree is easily processed.
  • The cost of individual breeds is quite affordable.
  • The product looks beautiful.
  • Wood is an environmentally friendly material.

For the manufacture of children's furniture, hardwoods such as beech, linden, birch are most often used. If you are using pine or spruce, then the wood must be deresined before starting work.

Important! When choosing wood, pay attention that there are no knots on the material. Such areas are difficult to process and subsequently the chair can quickly break.


Plywood is also very popular. It is inexpensive and easy to process. Plywood products are lightweight, which is also important for a small child. And thanks to the elasticity of the material, you can get very original carved designs.


Another material from which such things are most often made is chipboard. Flat parts are made from it: seats, backs, countertops.

Important! Its main disadvantage is fragility. It is also necessary to be scrupulous in choosing when buying, paying great attention to the environmental friendliness of the material and the availability of certificates for it.

Additional materials

In addition to the basic materials, to make a highchair you will also need Additional materials. These include:

  • Corners are often used to strengthen structures. They can be metal or plastic.
  • Parts are fastened together with glue, nails, screws.
  • Sometimes the seats and back are upholstered with foam rubber, and covered with fabric on top.
  • So that the legs do not scratch flooring, there are rubber or plastic pads.

Important! If the product is made of wood, then it is pre-treated with varnish, stain, or painted with paint.

Drawings and diagrams

Before you ask yourself how to make a highchair with your own hands, you need to understand the drawings. Ready-made can be found on construction sites or forums. Or you can develop them yourself. But before you start making, make sure that these sizes are suitable for your baby.

Important! Most the best way is to test the chair by making a model from cardboard drawings. Thus, all the flaws will come out and you can correct them without spoiling the main material.

Usually children's chairs are made according to two main schemes.

Chair for feeding

This is a product that, as a rule, folds up and comes with a table for feeding. The baby has his own regime and it is better for him to eat individually.

Important! The popular sizes of such a highchair according to many drawings and diagrams have the following meanings:

  • height - 840-900 mm;
  • height to the seat - 500 mm;
  • to the back - 700 mm;
  • back width - 455 mm;
  • armrest width - 405 mm.

regular chair

The name speaks for itself. It's just a small chair made to your baby's size that your baby needs to play and feed.

Important! Here, the dimensions depend directly on the age of the child, so be guided by the drawings of a specific suitable model.

What parts need to be made?

If you have prepared a drawing and even tested it, now you need to machine parts from the selected material. To make the chair strong, you need to make the following basic details:

  • Top, bottom, front, middle and side rails.
  • Legs.
  • Seat.

Important! If any of the parts is missing, then the chair will turn out to be unreliable, which can lead to a traumatic situation.

How to make a highchair for a child with your own hands? Remember that children's furniture, first of all, should be safe for the health of your child. So:

  • There should be no sharp corners, cracks, gaps.
  • The surface must be smooth.
  • The product itself must be durable and reliable.

Important! If you do wooden chair then carefully choose a varnish or paint for processing the material.

Making a high chair

How to make a highchair for a child with your own hands? Let's take a closer look at the whole process:

  • First you need to cut out 4 legs and 4 connecting strips. They will carry the function of the ribs.
  • Using spikes, connect the left legs. In the right places, drill holes with a drill, grease with glue and firmly plant the spike.
  • Now connect the front and back legs in the same way.
  • In those places where the legs of the chair are connected to the crossbars, it would be nice to plant metal corners for greater reliability and fix them on self-tapping screws.

Important! These two designs must be identical, otherwise the chair will be uneven and it will be uncomfortable for your baby to sit on it.

  • Fasten both halves with bars.
  • Now we need to make the back. The back should be nailed to the legs with small nails.
  • The last step is to secure the seat and your chair is ready.

plywood construction

Making a highchair with your own hands from plywood is much easier. In this case, the material will cost you less, and the processing effort will be less:

  1. Prepare drawings, determine the dimensions.
  2. Make a stool base, and then attach the rest of the details to it according to a thoughtful drawing.

Important! Cut plywood carefully as it is a brittle material. The edges must be carefully processed so that the child does not get hurt during operation. Ready product should be well crafted and tested.

How to decorate a chair?

Whatever high-quality chair you make, without proper design, your baby is unlikely to like this product. There are many ways to easily and simply decorate a highchair. The easiest option is to invite your child to color the chair together to their liking. You definitely won’t go wrong - a chair painted with your own hands will become your child’s favorite item in the children’s room.

A high chair is a necessity for parents of a toddler. It is needed primarily for feeding the child. Our experts have prepared a number of recommendations, thanks to which you can make a highchair with your own hands.

Baby chair and its features

A high chair will be needed by a child at the age when he can sit on his own, that is, from five to six months. Before this time, the baby will not need such a piece of furniture - he still does not hold his back well. And after six months, the child, sitting on it, will be able to eat, play, engage in creativity (for example, sculpt or draw). But in such cases, you will also need a table. This design is called combined.

Consider what features distinguishes a highchair from an adult chair:

  1. Convenient design for a baby, and not for an adult, due to its size.
  2. The correct design for the back of the child (since the bones of the child’s skeleton have not yet grown stronger, and the posture is in the process of formation, the back of the chair should support the correct position of the baby’s back).
  3. The highchair should be equipped with safety belts and an anatomical insert that is placed between the legs (such additional components will help the child to take a comfortable position and be able to keep him in the process of sitting), the seat and back are soft.
  4. The design of the highchair must still be sufficiently stable, even if it is equipped with wheels for movement.
  5. The materials from which highchairs for children are made should be selected only environmentally friendly, natural.
  6. It should not be bulky, because it will be inconvenient to use and will not fit into the interior of the room.

Of course, the real benefit of such a piece of furniture for the baby exists, it consists in convenience and comfort. Especially if such a chair is made by the hands of a father or grandfather.

Types of highchairs

The main feature of the highchair for the baby is its convenience. Therefore, experts have developed several types of designs for this piece of furniture.

  1. Chair of independent type. It can be both on high legs and on low ones. Its convenience lies in the fact that it can be moved to an adult dining table. The undoubted disadvantage is that it cannot be folded.
  2. Folding option. This model is the most popular, as it contains a number of functionalities in addition to the main purpose:
    • adjustable backrest and leg height;
    • convenient folding and unfolding mechanism;
    • the ability to attach wheels to move around the room.

Despite a number of advantages, its disadvantage is that the design has large dimensions due to the large distance between the legs (this is necessary for the stability of the entire structure).

  1. Chair-table (combined design). Such a design is most often made of either wood or plastic. It can be used both as an independent chair and as a "table + chair". The design mechanism allows you to lay it out, adjust the height, fold, which saves space in the room. Among the shortcomings - not all such models can be decomposed into individual elements, that is, the table cannot be detached from it.

In addition to the listed options for highchairs, there are others, but less popular, differing in their functionality - 360-degree rotation, reclining position, game elements, etc.

Drawings and diagrams for a high chair

To make a chair for a child, you need to consider various diagrams and drawings for this piece of furniture. They should correspond to the age of the baby, his height and weight.

There are two main schemes for making a high chair with your own hands:

  1. An independent chair, which is used for everyday activities of the baby (mainly for games and creative activities), its shape repeats the adult piece of furniture, but in smaller dimensions.
  2. Chair for feeding - its feature is that this option must either be equipped with a table compact dimensions, or move closer to the adult dining table.

The classic version of the second scheme is a frame of four legs, to which the seat and back are attached. But there is also an unconventional option, when a seat with a back is also attached to the solid side elements. Both options can be made from wood, although plywood and chipboard will do.

Considering both drawings, do not forget to figure out the dimensions of this piece of furniture so that the baby does not feel discomfort.

DIY highchair: its dimensions

Children's chairs, even handmade ones, must have certain dimensions. This is directly related to the growth of the baby, which grows and develops. For this, specialists have developed special GOSTs: 11015-93 and 11016-93.

Consider a summary table of parameters in accordance with the growth of the child and the size of his chair.

Baby Height (cm) Chair height (cm)
1 up to 85 18
2 85 — 100 22
3 101 — 115 26
4 116 — 130 30
5 131 — 145 34
6 146 — 160 38
7 161 — 175 42
8 from 175 46

These dimensions must be correlated with other parameters that will be needed to make a highchair for a child with your own hands. The following recommendations work for any chair height:

  1. Deepening of the seat surface - from 10 mm.
  2. The recessed surface of the seat occupies 2/3 of the back of its minimum depth.
  3. The deep part falls on a certain point (it is located at a distance of ¾ from the front edge of the seat, starting from the size of the minimum recess).
  4. Non-profiled seat with an inclination towards the back by 3 degrees.
  5. The distance from the floor to the footrest is from 0.75 of the seat height.

In this case, it should be borne in mind that the depth of the seat is measured by two parameters:

  • the front edge of the seat;
  • line of intersection of the seat with the back.

Another way to measure this parameter is to draw a vertical line, which should pass through the inflection point of the chair back.

Table dimensions for the combined version of the highchair

As already mentioned, the design of a chair for a child can be combined, that is, combined with a table. Therefore, since we are talking about chairs, it becomes necessary to consider the sizes of tables suitable for them. Consider a comparison table of these parameters:

Baby Height (cm) Chair height (cm) Table height (cm)
1 up to 85 18 34
2 85 — 100 22 40
3 101 — 115 26 46
4 116 — 130 30 52
5 131 — 145 34 58
6 146 — 160 38 64
7 161 — 175 42 70
8 from 175 46 76

These dimensions are taken from GOSTs and are suitable for self-manufacturing with your own hands.

The main details for making a highchair for a child with your own hands

Any highchair contains basic details that must match the selected drawing and dimensions. These details include:

  1. Legs (for a chair / table) - their standard number is 4 pieces, but there are design options in which there are only two side backs.
  2. Crossbars - there can be two of them (in the case of two side backs - one).
  3. Crossbars:
    • for a chair with four legs - 3 pieces;
    • for a table with four legs - 4 pieces.
  4. Seat - 1 piece.
  5. Back - 1 piece.
  6. Tabletop - 1 piece.

These parts can be made with your own hands, or you can buy ready-made kits and assemble the structure according to the scheme yourself.

Scheme of assembling a high chair for a child (do it yourself)

Schemes for assembling chairs must comply with the drawings. But the generalized version would look like this:

  1. Crossbars are attached to the legs:
    • start with the hind legs, between which the first transverse bar is attached;
    • a pair of front legs is connected using a second transverse crossbar;
    • the rear and front legs are combined with each other, for this you will need two more crossbars.
  2. The seat is fastened (such a fastening must be reliable, therefore, after fixing it with screws, these places are also lubricated with glue).
  3. The seat back is installed.

Do it yourself - ordinary or for feeding, is not such a difficult undertaking. Even if you don't have much experience with wood. Principal design is simple, there are a lot of options for the degree of complexity, the work does not require any special tools.

The main thing is to determine how much weight the product must withstand.

The choice of material for is determined by financial capabilities and skills home master. It is much easier to make a seat out of plywood, and if for some reason the blank turns out to be unusable, its duplication will not make a hole in the wallet.

  • Solid wood - beech is considered the best. Its wood is dense, of medium hardness, but it is much easier to process than oak. If the cost of the material is high, then you can use an array of birch or pine. Preference is given to species of deciduous trees.

It is recommended that pine be subjected to a procedure such as deresining before manufacturing. Wood contains quite a lot of resin, this will interfere with work, and in the future may cause resinous dirty spots to appear on the surface.

  • Plywood is a multilayer material made from veneer of deciduous and coniferous trees. Perfect for a highchair, as it is lightweight and very easy to process. With a minimum skill, a plywood chair can be made very beautiful, with slotted thread. In addition, plywood bends easily, which allows you to make the back curved.
  • Chipboard is the most budget option and the most short-lived. The strength of the material itself is quite sufficient for the loads that children's furniture is subjected to, but the ability to hold fasteners - self-tapping screws, nails, this material is low. As a rule, flat parts are made from chipboard, like a table for feeding or a seat.

The selected material must be present in the following form:

  • bars - 20 * 40 mm on average, or more - up to 50 * 50 mm;
  • boards - 25 mm thick;
  • furniture board, if the material for the seat and backrest is solid wood, or sheets of plywood and chipboard.

The product is best mounted on dowels - wooden bushings. They are inserted into the holes when connecting parts and hold them together. This is the most reliable way. But screws, nails and even metal corners can also be used.

Quite a few hardware stores offer their cutting services. wood materials by size. If you have little experience with wood, it is better to take the help of professionals.

If it is planned not only to assemble parts, but also to complete the manufacture of a wooden baby chair with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • electric jigsaw or wood saw for the manufacture of blanks;
  • screwdriver, if metal fasteners are used;
  • a grinder or sandpaper of varying degrees of graininess - all parts of the children's chair must be sanded and polished to prevent injury;
  • hammer - used to seal the joint;
  • brushes, varnish or water-based paint.

Is your child still very small? Then the following video will help dad create a high chair for him:

Drawings and diagrams

You can always use the ready-made drawing of a children's chair with your own hands, found on the construction site. The best in such cases are the sketches presented on the forums. First, they contain the maximum possible amount of information. Secondly, the questions asked on the forums and the answers received on them can clarify many of the difficulties that arose along the way.

Before proceeding with manufacturing, you need to make sure that the dimensions indicated on the drawing fit the child. If not, then the parameters must be increased proportionally, since the stability of the product depends on the correct ratio of height and width.

If it is decided to develop a chair drawing on your own, then it is recommended, after calculations, to make a test model from ordinary building cardboard. Thus, the proportions, height and stability of the model can be checked by the best method - practical.

Children's high chairs - from 0.5 to 6 years, are made according to two main schemes.

  • For feeding - a stationary or folding product, in which there is a table. There is no need to seat a one-year-old baby at a common table: her feeding regimen is completely different, and she still does not know how to eat with everyone. Individual table taking into account the height and weight of the baby - the option is much better.
  • An ordinary chair - that is, the one that is necessary for studying at the table and for playing. Its shape is similar to that of an adult chair, but execution may vary.

Traditionally, this is a frame with four legs, a seat and a backrest. However, for children, products from two sidewalls, a seat and a back would be a good option. The first model is usually made of wood, the second - of plywood and chipboard.

Drawings of chairs for children

Drawing 1 Drawing 2 Drawing 3 Drawing 4

Manufacturing process

Furniture production can be divided into 3 stages: material preparation, cutting and assembly of the product. A fourth is also possible - finishing. The sequence is the same in the manufacture of any model, but the work itself will depend on the complexity of the design and the selected material.

The following video will help you make a beautiful and bright highchair:

Preparation and production of parts

Often these stages are carried out in parallel to each other. Not always the material in the store has a sufficiently low degree of moisture - 12-16%. Therefore, it is desirable to dry the wood additionally. Also, any of the wood materials must be acclimatized. Therefore, before starting work, it is recommended to leave wood, plywood or chipboard in the room for at least a day.

Sawing bars, boards and sheet material can be made independently, or to order in the workshop at the store. standard drawing high chair includes the following items:

  • legs for table and chair - 4 pcs. for each part of the product. The bars are cut to size with an electric jigsaw and must be processed with sandpaper;
  • upper and lower crossbars - 2 pcs. also made from bars;
  • crossbars - 3 pcs. for a chair and 4 for a table. The bars are sawn on a workbench or on a table, holding in a vise. A miter box is used to cut 90 degree corners;
  • rounding - 4 pcs., cut out of the board. In this case, the wood fibers must be perpendicular to the bending angle. Otherwise, the part breaks easily due to internal stress;
  • the table top and seat are cut from a sheet of plywood, wood or chipboard to size.

If the chair is made entirely of plywood or chipboard, then all the details - the sidewalls, the partition connecting them, the seat and back are first drawn on the sheet, and then cut out with a jigsaw.

How to make a children's chair from chipboard will tell the following video:

Product assembly

The best option is a dowel connection. The latter are easy to make yourself from the board. The bushings are rectangular in shape, their edges are sanded.

  • Holes are made under the dowels in the details of the product: first, with a drill of a smaller diameter - up to 6 mm, then with a chisel they are expanded to 8 mm.
  • Parts are attached to the glue - carpentry, PVA and so on. Before the final connection, it is advisable to carry out the installation without glue to make sure that the dowels and holes are at the right level and the angles are respected.
  • For the most durable fastening, they proceed as follows: they put the parts on the dowel, tap with a hammer to fit the elements as tightly as possible, and then fix them in the clamp for a day. The manufacture of the chair will take more time, but its reliability will be much higher.

All parts according to the drawing are connected to dowels by the described method. If we are talking about a plywood chair, then its elements are cut out with spikes and grooves, and connected in the same way - with glue.

Bright children's homemade chair

Chair finishing

  • The easiest way is to open with water-based acrylic varnish. The color and gloss level of the lacquer can be customized.
  • Can be dyed acrylic paint water based. Although not as stable as oil composition but completely safe.

On the seat, and sometimes on the back, a soft insert is made of foam rubber and a cloth cover. It is better to choose a fabric that is well washed, as it will become dirty quickly.

It all started with the fact that I had a daughter :) Now she is 1.3 years old and she has already learned how to deftly sit down on her dad's knees and read a book. Each child, like an adult, should have his own chair. Searches in children's stores were unsuccessful, the chairs are all plastic and large or with a hole for the pot. We needed a normal high chair for a very small girl.

Here it is a chair, made by hand in a couple of evenings, not a work of art, but very comfortable and my daughter checked it out!

There were no original drawings, everything was done by eye.

In the photo, my daughter is already sitting on a new chair :)

The high chair is made of 8 mm plywood. The parts are glued with PVA glue, several screws and the whole structure is covered with a colorless varnish in one layer. The weight of the chair is 715 grams, the child calmly drags it around the apartment.

The height from the floor to the seat is 180 mm, the size of the seat cover is 240x190 mm, the height of the chair from the floor to the upper edge of the back is 360 mm, the dimensions of the back are 235x115 mm.

A test version of the chair was made from cardboard in three minutes. It was made in order to get approximate sizes and understand how comfortable it will be for the child. It was not very successful to seat the baby on this chair, but in size it turned out to be just right!

To make the second part of the chair, I just circled the first one with a pencil and also cut it out with a jigsaw.

By the way, I must say about the connection of parts. Initially, I planned to do everything without screws and nails, and since I did everything impromptu, there were some mistakes. The photo below shows that the parts have spikes, one spike is missing on the detail on the right, I forgot to draw it and sawed it off :)

Later, I also sawed off the spike on the part on the left, so the back had to be fixed with screws.

Below in the photo is a detail of the back and a detail that is under the seat, it does not allow the chair to swing. This part also had to have spikes, which I also forgot about :)

After all the details of the chair are cut out, everything needs to be cleaned with sandpaper, I spent a lot of time on this so that not a single bracket! After that, we glue everything with PVA glue or twist it with screws, if suddenly, like me, you forget to make spikes :) And finally, we cover the product with a layer of varnish or, as it is fashionable now, we do decoupage. I would like to paint the chair with bright colored paints, but for now I left the pure color of the wood.

Update: I cut several of these chairs on the CNC, so I had to transfer the drawings to AutoCAD.

Alice: "But I'll still sit in my father's chair!":)

Send pictures of your chairs and happy smiles of kids, email address on the page