Houses with large panoramic windows. Panoramic windows in a private house - advantages and disadvantages

Owners of large country apartments can afford to choose any type of glazing. When planning the appearance of his private mansion, anyone can design window openings of any shape and size, which will most organically fit into the composition.

Window sheets are the main sources of natural natural lighting, which determines the atmosphere of the home. A house with panoramic windows looks very stylish, and thanks to such openings, the external space is filled with landscapes surrounding the property.

Advantages and disadvantages of panoramic glazing

Panoramic glazing in a private house has many positive aspects, both decorative and functional:

  • picturesque pictures outside the window - it is advisable to install panoramic glass sheets when the surroundings of the house are really beautiful;
  • natural lighting, the level of which is significantly increased, so that people inside will not experience difficulties with light, which is very important for health;
  • the exterior design of the facades becomes unique, with everything else, panoramic canvases make it possible to save money on exterior finishing work;
  • the price of a dwelling, the design of which includes panoramic windows, is increasing, as well as consumer demand;
  • transparent glass sheets allow you to visually expand the space;
  • the possibilities of design and choice of style for the arrangement of houses equipped with panoramic technology are increasing, this is proved by photos of houses with panoramic windows.

However, these technologies also have disadvantages:

  • the energy losses of a dwelling with large window openings are quite large. The cost of warming such apartments increases by 30%;
  • danger for young children, as the lower border of the window is too low. To avoid damage, as a rule, a special fence is installed;
  • frequent cleaning of glass surfaces. If it is possible to wash them from the inside on their own, then for outdoor work you will have to call climbers.

Glazing technologies

There are two glazing technologies:

  • Cold - used when unheated rooms in the form of verandas, balconies and loggias are exposed to glazing. Windows can be framed or not. Frameless canvases are glasses that fit tightly to each other.
  • Warm - the design consists of plastic or wooden profiles, equipped with two- or three-chamber double-glazed windows.

However, the panoramic glass frame can also be made of aluminum or reinforced metal profile. The type of material affects the cost of the product. Also, any kit should be supplemented with ebbs, window sills, fittings, etc.

Design varieties

Windows with panoramic views design features can be standard, garden or corner. Most often, ordinary products are used. There is another group - false windows, which are large panels equipped with backlighting and beautiful images.

Panoramic canvases can be opened in different ways: the tilt-and-turn system allows you to slightly open and completely open the window, the sliding mechanism is very tight, the accordion type can only be used in houses located in very warm areas, and the lifting system is the most silent.

Decoration of the building with a panoramic window system

Developing a project country house, which is equipped with a system of large window panels, its location relative to the cardinal points must be taken into account. If the windows are located to the south or southwest, it will be possible to reduce heat loss, respectively, and heating costs will decrease.

It is also important that the house is located in picturesque surroundings. The best places for the use of glazing panoramic canvases are:

  • seaside,
  • the edge of a picturesque forest,
  • area near a waterfall or other body of water,
  • platform located at the top overlooking the metropolis.

As a rule, rooms in which a panoramic system is used are guest rooms, kitchens, bedrooms or a hall.


The main thing to pay attention to in a bedroom equipped with panoramic systems is the location of the bed, because this room requires special privacy.

Even if there is only one wall surface with panoramic glazing, it is enough for the room to be clearly visible from the street. That is why window openings must be closed with beautiful curtains and blinds.

Guest room

In the living room, special attention should be paid to the arrangement of furniture items. Near the panoramic canvas, you can install a comfortable composition of a sofa and armchairs with a small table where you can gather for a pleasant conversation, reading books or playing board games.

By placing furniture groups along the walls in the form of the letter "P", all household members and guests will have the opportunity to enjoy the views outside the window.

If possible, it is advisable to install a telescope or a piano in front of the panoramic canvas. These accessories will add elegance and sophistication to the interior.

kitchen area

When creating an example of beautiful glazing in the kitchen, you should consider the size of the room, the height of the walls and the layout. by the most suitable options panoramic systems will be the following:

  • canvases in full height - typical for spacious areas with a free layout;
  • half a meter from the floor plane - it is advisable to install such canvases on the territory of the dining area;
  • height 0.8 m from the floor surface - such a panoramic system can be installed throughout the room. Under the window canvases it is possible to install a table or soft sofas.

Design of panoramic windows

The design of panoramic windows in a private house should be given due attention, since the final look of the interior composition largely depends on this. For decorating window openings often use:

  • standard, roller or Roman blinds;
  • lightly draped curtains;
  • blinds.

In order not to spoil the main functional purpose of panoramic glazing, which is to fill the premises with natural light, it is not recommended to decorate openings with multilayer compositions. It is better to give preference to light flowing materials of light shades.

Photo of houses with panoramic windows

The spread of technological devices for artificial lighting of housing still cannot replace full-fledged daylight. Until the problem quality lighting Panoramic windows in a private house, made according to custom order. The flow of daylight transmitted by them will be sufficient to create a comfortable environment even in cloudy weather.

Frameless glazing of a country house Source

The installation of panoramic windows requires a thoughtful approach and taking into account all the features of such structures so that the installation result is durable, functional and aesthetic.

Design features of panoramic windows

Panoramic windows are a way of glazing several living spaces with floor-to-ceiling structures. Such a functional solution provides a high level of natural light, and also visually expands the space. Before choosing this method of glazing, you should familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of panoramic glazing

The obvious advantage of large windows is the free penetration of natural light in any weather. Inhabitants middle lane Russia will appreciate the ability to do without artificial light, even in cloudy weather.

Large sources of natural light give a unique design to the entire living space, panoramic glazing is often done using products of an original form, such as arched windows. Thus, the appearance of the house becomes unique.

The penetration of natural light into the interior of the room Source

Owners of houses of modest footage will take into account visual extension space due to the abundance window openings. Decorated with tulle or translucent curtains, panoramic windows change the perception of the room: even a small room takes on the appearance of a spacious room.

In our catalog, you can get acquainted with the most popular companies providing suburban construction and landscaping

home buyers with beautiful view on natural or architectural beauties will be able to enjoy them to the fullest thanks to the enlarged window openings.

Interior design when choosing a panoramic type of glazing can be bright and unusual. Curtains of the most original colors, furniture of a juicy shade with rhinestone trim - at home with big windows decorated with the most daring decorative elements.

original design raises the price of a home when it is sold. This is true for owners who consider the building as an investment.

At the same time, despite the many advantages, panoramic glazing is not suitable for every home.

Disadvantages of panoramic glazing

A significant disadvantage of installing panoramic windows is their high price. Installation of the structure, as well as subsequent maintenance and repair (if any) will cost several times higher than the care of standard-sized products.

The process of washing glazing by an industrial climber Source

The large glass surface area requires frequent maintenance. At the same time, window cleaning big size will require the involvement of specialists and industrial equipment.

The effect of "transparent walls" created by this glazing method can attract scammers, so you should take care in advance additional protection residential premises. Installation of alarms, metal shutters and surveillance cameras will require additional financial investments.

Families with kids should also take care of window protection with inside to prevent unfortunate incidents.

Regardless of the chosen configuration, the large glass surface implies heat loss. This is especially true for owners of houses located in open areas, as well as residents of the upper floors. ordinary apartments. Thus, it will be necessary to install a powerful heating system to ensure a comfortable temperature in the house.

Video description

Another tangible drawback of panoramic windows on video:

Varieties of panoramic windows

Various types of designs will allow each owner to choose the best option for themselves.

Authentic panoramic windows for a country house Source

Depending on appearance

All panoramic structures are divided into equipped with frames or frameless. In the second case, the glass will look like a single sheet, but the insulation of the room from noise and cold will be lower. The first case is more practical, but at the same time visually resembles standard double-glazed windows.

The most common form of panoramic windows - standard designs made in larger sizes.

Garden - this design is suitable for owners of small premises, as well as lovers of indoor gardening. The design protrudes beyond the plane of the wall, which allows more sunlight to pass through.

On our website you can find a list of companies specializing in glazing of country houses, among the houses presented at the exhibition Low-rise Country.

Corner modifications allow you to decorate the interior in an original way, as well as provide a flow of natural light. For example, a one-story house with panoramic windows looks more spacious than a two-story house with standard double-glazed windows.

Modern one-story house with large windows: the glazed part of the wall adds originality to the building Source

False windows - decorative element interior, consisting of a panel with a pattern or a mirror, built-in lighting and a decorative frame. As a rule, such solutions visually increase the size of the room, and also mask the unsightly view of the surroundings.

Depending on how you open

The standard design for installation is tilt-and-turn. Such products are equipped with a micro-ventilation function, due to the convenient opening of the flaps, they are easy to wash.

Parallel-sliding structures consist of two leaves, the sliding of which provides a high level of insulation.

Lift-sliding modifications provide easy ventilation, as well as high-quality insulation in the cold season.

The budget version of the previous type are accordion-folding structures. Externally original design provides low thermal insulation, therefore it is used for warm regions.

Accordion design - perfect option for houses in warm climates Source

Each of the considered types of windows has a different cost depending on the selected materials.

What are panoramic windows made of?

Most owners prefer to install glazing with frames because of the durability and practicality of this design.

Frame materials

Reinforced refractory metal frames are the most stable option for panoramic windows. Steel or aluminum structures, coated with anti-corrosion compounds and supplemented with fittings (metal tubes that give the frame strength), will serve the owners for many years. The disadvantage of such profiles is the high cost.

The budget option for metal profiles is aluminum frames treated with a protective compound. The structures are lighter and the addition of impact-resistant components extends their service life.

Wooden frames made of hardwood for panoramic glazing look more aesthetically pleasing than metal ones. It is worth noting that the environmental friendliness of wood is often leveled by intensive fire-resistant and water-repellent impregnation, while the frames are much heavier than metal ones. It is worth noting that the projects of houses with panoramic glazing, built from glued laminated timber, are usually complemented by wooden profiles.

Model house from glued laminated timber with panoramic windows Source

PVC profiles are the most affordable glazing option. Plastic profiles are resistant to moisture and are also more pleasant to the touch than metal frames.

Glazing materials

The choice of glass configuration determines the functional characteristics of the product.

Tempered glass, resistant to temperature changes and mechanical stress, is the most expensive and durable option.

A heavier and more affordable material is triplex, consisting of two glass plates glued together with a polymer film. Such glass is resistant to impacts and has a high rate of thermal insulation.

Armored glass is equipped with a film that protects the house from ultraviolet radiation. The material is suitable for owners of houses in the southern regions.

Reinforced structure protects the entrance to the house Source

Residents of the northern latitudes will appreciate energy-saving glass, the inner layer of which is treated with tin or silver oxide, which allows you to keep warm.

Owners of houses facing the sunny side are advised to pay attention to reflective and tinted glass. Such materials will protect interior items and interior decoration from burnout.

Features of installing panoramic windows

Before ordering a certain type of construction, additional costs must be calculated.

Total installation cost

Before ordering installation, it is necessary to take care of the heating system in order to prevent cooling of the room in winter period. A convenient, but very costly option is a heating system for openings. It is more common to install radiators or convectors next to window openings.

Video description

It is clear what kind of heating is required for a house with panoramic windows on the video:

Structures installed in the entire wall of the room often deprive the owners of the feeling of privacy, so care should be taken to install the cornice of the desired modification.

A panoramic window in a city apartment requires blackout curtains Source

Depending on financial capabilities, you should choose the most durable materials that do not require careful maintenance. For example, a small house with panoramic windows on steel frames is a small financial investment for the long term. Structures with PVC profiles and triplex glass – more affordable option, slightly inferior to the previous one in quality.

The choice of the design of panoramic windows

The market leader is conventional swing-out designs large sizes. The functionality of such windows makes it easy to wash them without the involvement of specialists.

Frameless glazing is suitable for owners of houses in warm climates, as well as residents of houses with powerful heating.

Lift-sliding structures are the most durable and expensive design option for panoramic windows.

Material selection

The most practical and durable are metal profiles with anti-corrosion coating. Aluminum structures are lightweight, while steel structures are more durable.

Frames from natural wood dense rocks are environmentally friendly and durable, but require care. In addition, the weight of the structure is quite large, so additional fasteners may be required.

Wooden panoramic windows of a lifting-sliding design Source

Market building materials also offers metal frames finished with wood. Such designs combine pleasant appearance and functionality.

An important aspect is the choice of high-quality metal fittings, which will extend the life of windows.

    Washing such windows (especially with frameless glazing) involves the services of industrial climbers, so you should first familiarize yourself with the price list. Usually, modern houses with panoramic glazing suggest calling such specialists no more than twice a year.

    Interior design of a country house by a professional designer will help emphasize the advantages of the original glazing.

    A feature of panoramic windows is the feeling of "transparent walls", which people perceive differently. For lovers of a secluded environment, it is better to think over a system of cornices in advance for densely shading windows.

Translucent curtains on the panoramic window Source

    Owners of dwellings in cold northern latitudes are advised to pay special attention to the thermal insulation properties of windows, and also prepare to install an additional heating system around window openings.

    Families with small children should include the installation of safety fences in the cost of windows to avoid danger.

    Protection of the house from intruders will be provided by metal shutters or roller shutters, as well as the installation of alarms and surveillance cameras.

Combinations of panoramic windows and interior design: photo and video

Video description

Interesting interior design solutions using panoramic windows on video:

As well as beautiful interiors houses with panoramic windows in the photo:

Modern design in a house with panoramic windows Source

A minimalist interior is an excellent addition to the panoramic windows of a country house. Source

humble dwelling with gable roof and panoramic window Source

Floor-to-ceiling windows in a country house that form a glass wall in a classic interior Source

Semicircular modification - an option for a view city apartment Source

Lounge area in the apartment, located at the exit to the balcony Source

The best option for placing such windows is private property with a patio Source

Spacious kitchen in a minimalist style: windows add elegant lightness to the interior Source

Large windows - a way to diversify the neutral interior of the kitchen-dining room Source

Frame glazing in a small kitchen Source

Sliding modifications - a good solution for a house in a warm climate Source

Classic wooden frames with panoramic glazing Source


A consistent approach to choosing the configuration, material and cost of panoramic windows will allow you to decorate Vacation home or city ​​apartment. Before ordering installation, it is recommended to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of such a design in order to select windows based on individual preferences.

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Ask an engineer a question

What is included in the Engineering Solution?

Documentation on the location and equipment of all technical premises, electrical outlets, water supply, ventilation, gas and sewerage.

What is included in the design solution?

A detailed plan and instructions for the foreman, which display all the necessary stages and technologies in the construction of the foundation, walls and roof.

What is included in the architectural solution?

Creation of a sketch and its 3D image, which displays the location and size of rooms, walls, roofs, furniture, windows and doors.

What will you get after this stage?

All technical and visual documentation. Author's supervision over the course of construction. Our architect and designer will visit the site weekly.

Do you have any questions? Ask them to the engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

What do deadlines depend on?

The terms add up depending on the chosen project and material, (houses made of logs and timber take time to shrink).

What is "house shrinkage"?

This is a natural process of volume change wooden walls and other details due to the drying of the tree.

Who will build my house?

We have our own staff of certified workers and foremen with at least 5 years of specialized work experience. Since 2015, a construction equipment fleet has been put into operation. We do not engage contractors.

Do you have any questions? Ask them to the engineer.

Ask an engineer a question

I want it like this picture. You can?

Yes! You can send us any image and we will design and build what you want.

Do you have a designer on staff?

Now the state employs 5 interior designers with a total profile experience of 74 years.

What is included in an interior design project?

Drawing up a 3D project by a designer, as well as support and implementation of all finishing works.
We will also produce and supply furniture that suits your lifestyle and taste.

Glass conducts heat well, so the side of the world, which faces a wall with large glazing, will play an important role in maintaining a comfortable temperature inside the building. It is better if it is south or southwest, so more heat and light will enter the premises. Projects of houses with large windows have their own specifics in the organization inner space. It is unlikely that you will be comfortable if your every step is visible from the street. For example, it is obvious that in the bedroom there is no need for panoramic window openings, but it will look very impressive in the dining room or living room, on the terrace or in winter garden.

Window structures of considerable size and weight are appropriate, so special attention should be paid to the strength of fixtures and mechanisms, and, in particular, to the company that will deal with glazing. Many mistakenly believe that house designs with large windows always involve the construction of impressive cottages. However, this is not true. Panoramic glazing is available even for very compact cottages.

What is better - to buy project documentation or order a project for yourself?

Most large firms will offer you more than a dozen excellent options, which include ready-made house designs with large windows. They are distinguished by courage and relevance. design solutions and adaptation to our climate. If such a building is designed by competent specialists and built by professionals, even in winter you will not feel a lack of comfort. Obviously, in this case, the choice of design and construction company is very important.

Individual projects of houses with large windows are good because they will be made with your direct participation, only for you and taking into account all your wishes. But this work should only be done by a professional. upper class. Especially when it comes to a building with such unusual design. It is best to get acquainted with other works of the company you choose, and do it live. In the end, you build housing for decades and should get the maximum coziness and comfort.

Most people dream of living in apartments or private houses, the rooms of which will be flooded with sunlight, where you can enjoy a good view from the window of the flower garden or the city at night. All this is feasible with panoramic glazing. Popular among developers in 2018, modern houses with large panoramic windows are characterized by rooms with indescribable charm and a high level of comfort.

Project plans for houses with large panoramic windows: nuances

When deciding to buy projects of houses with large panoramic windows (photos, videos, diagrams, drawings, sketches can be viewed in this section) for their turnkey implementation, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • Glass has a very high thermal conductivity due to its small thickness and thermal properties of the material, therefore, choosing copyright or standard projects houses with large panoramic windows, you need to take into account such a factor as the location of panoramic glazing relative to the cardinal points. To achieve the best comfortable conditions, it is recommended to make panoramic windows on the south or south-west side. This arrangement of windows in the cottage will increase the flow of sunlight into the room.
  • Also, when designing and building, the layout of projects of houses with large panoramic windows should be taken into account. In order to avoid the feeling of a shop window in the future, you need to choose the right height and width of the panoramic glazing, as well as its location in the room.
  • Realizing ready plans houses with large panoramic windows, special attention should be paid to the quality of the materials used in the installation of panoramic glazing, especially the fittings of such windows. Low-quality fittings at a low price may not withstand the heavy weight of the window structure and provoke the destruction of the entire structure.
  • Panoramic glazing will look original in the winter garden, living room, dining room, hall, bedroom. In this case, it is worth considering in advance the installation of blinds or curtains. Often the project of a house with large panoramic windows allows you to additionally perform panoramic glazing of a veranda or terrace and organize a winter garden there.
  • Often people are mistaken and believe that panoramic glazing is only suitable for rooms with a large area, but this is not so. Panoramic glazing can fit into almost any interior, in the case when window structures are selected in proportion to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Then even small rooms will visually appear much larger.

House with large panoramic windows: the need to take into account the climate zone

The main thing to remember is that projects of residential buildings with large windows, designed for one climatic zone, are not suitable for the application of this project in another climatic region. Only a competent thermotechnical calculation of the room during the installation of panoramic glazing will make it possible to determine a number of measures, during the implementation of which even the coldest winter will not cause a violation of comfortable conditions in the room.

It is also important to pay attention to the materials from which such window structures are made. This section of the catalog contains not only two-story, but also one-story houses with panoramic windows. Such projects of houses with large windows break the stereotypes that panoramic glazing is applicable only to multi-storey buildings.

Projects of houses with large windows: additions

If there is no project from the proposed options that fully meets the requirements of the developer, then for a separate cost, the company's specialists will develop the design of houses with large panoramic windows. There may also be houses with large panoramic windows. The addition "" allows you to get the basis for budgeting.

We hope that our architectural projects of houses with panoramic windows will allow you to make the right decision!