Wiring in commercial bath requirements. Wiring in the bath: types of laying, safety rules and self-assembly

Any owner with private house or good country cottage area, dreams of a bath, at least small, but cozy enough. When building and equipping this structure, it should be borne in mind that it is quite unsafe and the right wire will protect against fire in the room.

Zones in the bath

The most unsafe place in the bath is the steam room. A conventional or electric furnace is placed in this room and the temperature can reach 130 degrees Celsius, and at the same time, the humidity also has a high rate of about 90%. Considering these factors, anyone can conclude that the corrosive environment will easily damage the outer shells of the wires.

The first step is to understand the zones into which the steam room in the bath or sauna is divided according to GOST R 50571.12-96. According to this document, the premises with the greatest risk of electrical wiring fire are divided into four zones, they are marked in the figure.

  • the first zone is intended only for the installation of furnaces of any type;
  • the second zone is characterized by the fact that it has no special requirements for moisture or heat resistance;
  • the third zone increases its demands, and here electrical appliances should work well at temperatures above 120 C, and the wiring should cope with heating more than 170 C;
  • if an electric oven is installed in the steam room, then only the equipment for controlling this oven or automatic shutdown sensors should be placed in the fourth zone. There should not be any other electrical appliances in this place.

The last two zones are the most dangerous, so here you need to select the most insulated and heat-resistant wires. Domestic manufacturers offer the following options:

  1. wire RKGM, PRKA, PRKS, PVKV, which has many copper wires inside, it is quite flexible and can withstand temperatures up to 180 degrees;
  2. PMTK wire can consist of one or many wires, it also bends well, but at the same time it can withstand up to 200 degrees.

Other rooms in the bath are not so dangerous and the VVGng-LS wire is suitable here. Do not forget the cross section of the cable, this value for the wires of the steam room should be at least 2.5 square meters. mm, and for other rooms - 1.5 sq. mm.

Heat-resistant cable for saunas and baths.

Let's take a closer look at the markings of heat-resistant wires and go through the characteristics, see how reliable and practical they are.

Let's start with the RKGM

This wire is covered with silicone rubber (RK) on top, which acts as an insulator, inside there are bare copper wires (GM). It also has a fiberglass winding, which is located between the insulation and the wiring itself. This winding allows the RKGM brand cable not to react to external stimuli such as high temperature (up to 180) and humidity (up to 100%).

In the event of a fire, the wire does not burn, mold is also not afraid of it. Due to its strong insulation, it withstands shock and mechanical damage well. Given all of the above, we can say with confidence that the RKGM wire is perfect for any area in the steam room of a bath or sauna.


This brand also has a coating of silicone rubber (RK), has an increased hardness (A). The letter P means "wire". Works great when the temperature rises to 1700C-1800C, and sufficiently high humidity up to 90%.

It burns poorly, but emits little smoke when ignited, does not break if multiple bends occur during installation, and is not affected by mold. Well suited for baths and saunas.

Next wire PRKS

This cable inside can consist of several cores, from two to five. Their winding different colors, but one must be blue or blue. A vein of this shade always goes to zero. If there are more than two cores in the wire, then there is grounding, which is indicated in green.

This wire (P) is insulated with silicone rubber (SR) for connection (C). Can withstand temperatures up to 2500C. With significant overheating, it does not emit toxic substances, and also does not lend itself to deformation in conditions of high humidity. This cable for the bath fits perfectly.

Next, let's get acquainted with the PVKV wire

The wire (P) is designed for winding leads (B), has two-layer silicone rubber insulation (KV). It tolerates heating of the environment even up to 200 degrees, and an increase in humidity up to 90%. Mold and mechanical influences do not affect the performance of this cable.


The mounting wire (PM), has high heat-resistant (T) characteristics, like all heat-resistant ones, it is insulated with silicone rubber.

It can be both single-core and multi-core. In the multi-core version, each core is marked with a separate color, as with the wire of the PRKS brand. Resistant to high temperatures, but does not tolerate a strong drop to -250C. The maximum humidity level has no negative effect on the wire.

The last cable that is suitable for wiring in a VVGNG-LS bath

This is a copper cable that consists of several cores. The external insulation, as well as the individual insulation of each core, is made of PVC rubber. It does not burn well, but when ignited, it emits very little smoke, which makes it possible to leave the room as soon as possible in a life-threatening situation. It works well in conditions with high humidity, but it does not withstand heating above 50. It cannot be used in the steam room, but it is perfect for other rooms in the bath.

After reviewing some representatives of heat-resistant wires, we can draw some conclusions. All of them have a silicone winding, which helps the copper wire withstand elevated temperatures external environment, high levels of air humidity, and, like RKGM, do not succumb to mold.

Electrical wiring in the bath is carried out according to special rules - in accordance with the requirements of the PUE, which are specially designed for wet rooms, like a bath. The main rules are as follows: all fittings are located in the dressing room or rest room, there are no sockets in the washing room and steam room, and the shades for the lamps are placed completely sealed - special for high humidity.

A modern bath is not only a couple of lamps, but a much more functional and complex system. Which, of course, requires high-quality power supply. Those. in addition to standard lighting in the steam room today they are already equipping:

  • Electric heater;
  • Warm electric floor;
  • Electrical temperature and humidity meters;
  • Infrared heaters;
  • Electric kettle and hair dryer;
  • Mini fridge for beer;
  • Plasma TV;
  • SPA equipment;
  • Internal lighting in the pool;
  • Water heater;
  • Washing machine;
  • Pumping station;
  • Heat gun for drying all rooms.

What is the danger of improper wiring in the bath? The fact is that steam is an excellent conductor of electricity. Therefore, sockets can only be installed in those rooms that are well protected from moisture - only there condensate will not penetrate into the socket and its conductive part. But plug sockets for a steam room are generally taboo.

The ideal option is to initially invite an intelligent, trusted specialist who will carry out all the calculations and install all the equipment himself. If this is not possible, you can figure everything out yourself, but it is important to fully study all the nuances. And then invite a specialist at least for a control screening, for which he will not charge much. The specialist needs to be given an approximate plan for placing bath sockets, switches and lamps - and what devices will be placed where. And pre-subtract the planned total capacity of all equipment that will be - so the electrician will determine the required cross-section for cables.

So, how to conduct electrical wiring in a bath - from theory to practice.

General provisions for proper electrification

So, how to make electrical wiring in the bath? Here's how: electricity is supplied to it from the main switchboard through a separate power line - and the bath has a separate circuit protective earth. Moreover, they conduct wiring in the bath in those places where it will be least noticeable - but at a distance of at least one and a half meters from batteries and pipes. And not in the corners or opposite doors and passages. And there are a few rules here:

  • The supply voltage must be carried out through the RCD and AB, as well as a step-down transformer for lighting the steam room and washing.
  • The best cable with which electrical wiring can be carried out in baths is, according to experienced bath attendants, a VVGngLS 3x2.5 brand cable. It is copper, in a special sheath that does not spread combustion.

  • Shield, general switch and junction boxes should be installed in the dressing room.
  • To run the wires through the walls in the bath, you need to drill holes right in the center of the log and insert a ½ inch steel pipe there. The wiring itself in the bath can be done in metal, corrugated flexible and special plastic pipe. This will not light up even in the event of a fire in the wiring itself - it will only melt.
  • If it is exactly wooden bath, then all wiring should be exclusively open - but preferably, not along the baseboards, but through the attic. The connection of wires needs to be made terminal - and nothing else. And in no case should they be twisted - all cables must be only solid. But it should definitely be avoided when arranging electrical wiring in the bath, so this is a rubber and vinyl sheath of wires. Corrugated wire brand H07RN-F is well suited for a bath.

Wiring diagram in the bath: the main thing is safety!

By the way, the fact that all devices and the shield should be located only in a room ideally protected from moisture is dictated not only by fire safety - in conditions of high humidity, all this quickly fails due to corrosion. And even plastic products- after all, they still have metal parts inside. But as for the modern shower cabin, which is equipped with built-in water heating, you should not worry. Due to the fact that the manufacturer initially takes care of protection, it can also be installed in the washing room.

As for the lamps, their body should be metal, and the ceiling should be made of glass. It is advisable to install them only on the walls, because. all the heat goes under the ceiling, and the temperature there is not low.

So, the transformer to which the supply voltage must be supplied must be rated for 220 volts and installed in a completely dry place. Only 12 volts can be passed through the wall to the steam room and washing room - and there cannot be any sockets there. Although officially allowed by the requirements of the PUE (for dangerous rooms, like a bathhouse) in the steam room and a voltage of 42 volts - when 36 volt light bulbs are installed.

If it is planned to have a washing machine in the bath, then it will definitely need to be installed only in a dry room - as well as making an outlet for it there. A separate wire should be made into the heating tank - this is important.

Around the bath itself, it is highly desirable to lay a ground loop, and in the shield - to install a differential machine or an RCD with a leakage of no more than 30 mA. If for some reason all this cannot be done in your steam room, then T-220/12 must be installed in the dressing room shield.

Both the RCD and the machines should end up in a waterproof box.

If you need to install sensors to the heater, then only low-voltage ones, at a distance of 1 meter from the floor - and on the wall farthest from the heater. The control panel for them must be fixed unambiguously outside the steam room. The electric heater itself, by the way, is always installed without sockets - with a direct cable to the shield that hangs outside the steam room.

Wires in the steam room and analysis of the main mistakes

And now about the most subtle - the most complex electrical wiring in the bath, namely, in the steam room. The most important rule is that it should not be closer than 0.8 m from the chimney and the heater.

In the shower and steam room, you need to install fixtures with a degree of protection of IP44 and higher. And the safest option is 12-volt halogen bulbs. But for a steam room and a furnace, it is better to take a particularly heat-resistant wire that can withstand heating up to 180˚ - brand SILFLEX Sif S = 0.25-185 sq. mm, single-core, with silicone insulation.

For the purpose of safety, many attendants organize the lighting of the steam room from below - closer to the cool floor. This is most often a spotlight that can be placed under the shelves, making the lighting design mysterious and unusual. Moreover, the wiring itself to it must be done with a special heat-resistant wire in a metal pipe.

An important point: like any equipment, bath electrics must be audited at least once every four years - this is the guarantor of safety. And for reference: aluminum wiring has a shelf life of 15 years, copper wiring - 20, and therefore after this period it must be replaced - if we are talking about an ordinary house, and in a bath it does work in a rather aggressive environment.

Another important nuance: if you hire professional electricians, it is still advisable to understand at least some intricacies of electrical wiring in the bath. After all, it is known that today there are many who pretend to be specialists, and if their favorite steam room burns down, they will not be found with fire.

This is how the electrical wiring of the bath is done with your own hands - it’s difficult, but everything is real. And having figured it out, everything can be done much better and safer than hiring a team of local "electricians" with experience.

Bath is a wonderful place where everyone can cleanse their body, relieve stress and gain strength. In the wooden room of the bath there is a stove, which turns it into a source of increased fire hazard. In addition to the stove, there is electrical wiring in the bath, which only increases the risk of fire. Often, the safety of vacationers depends on the quality of the wires and their installation.

Connecting the power cable

Before doing the wiring in the bath and steam room, you need to correctly let down power cable. This can be done underground or by air. The latter is faster and more profitable, from an economic point of view. For power cable underground you need more time and money.

Air installation method

If you have chosen the air method, then you need to take into account the strict requirements regarding heights cable location. Among them are the following:

  1. The distance from the cable to the pedestrian part should be more than 3.5 m.
  2. The cable must be located at a height of at least six meters above the carriageway.
  3. The distance between the supports on which the cable is fixed should not exceed 25 m. Otherwise, an additional support should be installed.
  4. The entrance of the power cable to the bath must be done at a height of at least 2.75 m.

At air method of summing up, use SIP 4 (self-supporting insulating wire) without a supporting cable. Watch to core cross section from aluminum was equal to sixteen square millimeters. Depending on the input you choose (two-phase or three-phase), the number lived in a cable.

The incoming cable can be fastened to outside bath buildings. Before that, you should put it in plastic box or corrugated pipe. At the place where the cable enters the building, it is installed boxing with an automatic switch located in it. This is done because the rules forbidden introduce SIP into the bathhouse.

Use a four or two-band automatic switch. This choice depends on the number of phases. SIP is brought directly to the switch, and a cable will come out of it, which will later be used for wiring in the bath building. The hole in the wall to which the cable will be connected must be reinforced with a metal tube with grounding. It is not safe to use other tubes (e.g. rubber tubes) as over time they will become brittle and lose their insulating properties.

The power cable can be brought to the bath building using a steel pipe:

  1. To prevent moisture ingress, the upper part of the pipe must be bent into a half ring.
  2. The lower end is fixed with a slight slope. It will be enough to deflect it towards the street by ten degrees.
  3. The pipe is painted and a hole is drilled in its bottom to drain the accumulated condensate.
  4. The top of the pipe is fixed with through bolts, and the rest of the pipe is fastened with clamps to the bath building.
  5. The power cable will be wired to the pins with insulators, which must be on the pipe. Choose aluminum wire for SIP cable.
  6. The wires with which the wiring will be done inside the bath must be allowed by the PUE.

Description of the underground option

This method of supply is more expensive than air. However, the line laid underground is reliably protected from damage and will last longer than the overhead line. When supplying underground, you should use the more expensive VBbShv cable (armored with copper cores). It is much stronger than SIP, due to the metal braid located between the two shells.

To lay the underground part of the cable, you need to dig a trench with a depth of at least 70 cm. The bottom of the trench is filled with ten centimeters of sand, on which the cable is laid. From above they fall asleep with sand and lay a row of bricks. They are used for more reliable cable protection.

For vertical lowering of the cable, angles and metal tubes are used. Entering the building is carried out in the same way as with an air connection.

Wiring project

The first step is to draw up an electrical diagram in the bath. If you are not one hundred percent sure of success, then entrust this matter to a professional who has experience in such work. No two baths are exactly the same, so the project for wiring and installing electrical appliances is individual for each.

Before drawing up a diagram, you need to clearly define what the connection will be (single-phase or three-phase). Most often, a single-phase network is used, but if it is planned to use powerful heating devices in the bath, then it is better to give preference to a three-phase network. Single-phase will withstand loads up to 14kW, and three-phase - up to 42kW.

At the drawing stage, it is worthwhile to think carefully and weigh all the pros and cons of the future project. It is important to clearly define the number of electrical appliances that will be connected to the network, and their name. All this will help to more accurately determine the amount of wire needed, safety devices and their parameters.

The wiring project should include circuit breakers and residual current devices. The diagram should show the principle by which all parts of the circuit will be connected. At this stage, it is important to avoid mistakes. If this succeeds, then you will not have any problems with the wiring.

Before proceeding with the selection of electrical equipment and wires, it is important to consider that all of them will be operated in conditions of high humidity and temperature. It would be advisable to use materials and equipment with a protection class of at least IP24.

Strict requirements apply to the cable in the bath. This is especially true of wiring in the steam room and washing. For them, you should choose a wire that can withstand temperatures up to 180 degrees. Also, the wiring in the steam room must withstand high humidity.

Based on the loads on individual lines and the entire network as a whole, automatic power off devices are selected. All these parameters must be displayed in the project scheme. Each of the selected power disconnect devices must operate under certain conditions.

When choosing sockets and lighting devices, consider:

  1. Degree of safety according to GOST (IP-44/IP-65).
  2. The presence of rubber seals.
  3. Lamps must be protected from water ingress.
  4. The base of the luminaire must be made of corrosion-resistant materials.
  5. The luminaire lamp must have high-strength heat-resistant glass.
  6. Do not use fluorescent lamps.

Best for washing LED lamp. They shine well and save on electricity.

Installation: step by step instructions

After all the materials have been purchased and the project has been developed, you can proceed with the installation of electrical wiring. This work is responsible and requires increased attention.

You must follow the following step by step instructions and the rules for installing electrical wiring in the bath:

  1. Mounting is best open way. In practice, it has been proven that this is a convenient and very safe solution. The only room where you can use the hidden method is the steam room. Open wiring is easily accessible and, if necessary, can be easily repaired. For greater safety and durability, the wire is passed through corrugated pipe or plinths.
  2. In the dividing panel are mounted all safety devices. It must be well protected from moisture and made of special materials. The electrical panel is placed as close as possible to the exit, since the door has the lowest temperature and humidity. All wires that pass through the junction box must be passed through a corrugated pipe. All wire fastenings must be reliable in order to avoid heating them, the shield must be well grounded.
  3. In no case should you use sockets and switches in the steam room. It will be enough to place them in the rest room and dressing room. Each of them must have protective covers.
  4. All cables must be minimum size. It is important to correctly and reliably ground each electrical appliance used.
  5. All wires must be connected using terminals or soldering. It is worth laying the cable only in the horizontal and vertical direction, and a right angle should be maintained at the transition point.

Bath - a wonderful place for relaxation and recovery. To get the maximum pleasure from staying in it, you need not only to withstand all the nuances of construction, but also to properly conduct the wiring. Only in this case you will fully enjoy the atmosphere and recharge your batteries for several days ahead.

The wiring of electricity to the bath is carried out in strict accordance with the developed requirements for wet rooms.

Primary requirements:

  1. All furniture located in the hallway or leisure room.
  2. In the steam room there should be no sockets.
  3. For light bulbs and fixtures exclusively sealed ceiling lamps are installed.

Wiring diagram in the bath and instructions for use

wiring diagram

Before building a bath, it is necessary to consider the exact location of all electrical outlets. An important point is to consider the installation of wires in places where the cable will be in a place that does not interfere with construction and further long-term use.

There are 2 types of installation of electrical wires:

  • external;
  • interior;

If the sauna building is completely wooden, then the external installation of wires will be the most preferable.

The advantages of this method:

  1. Drops out the need to make a groove in the wall (strobe).
  2. Is always accessibility to the cable, as the installation of the wire is done using a special box.
  3. Is always you can make changes to the layout and wiring.
  4. Much increases the level of fire safety.

Internal breeding is more often applicable in brick or concrete bath structures.

The wire is laid in a ditch (strobe) and it is necessary to consider the conclusions of all connectors:

  1. Output for lamps(mainly in the middle of the ceiling, along the edges).
  2. Switch outlet.
  3. Conclusion under the electric heater.
  4. Control panel output temperature.
  5. Output for sockets, being installed outside the steam room.

The most important condition of all electrically conductive devices in the bath- This is a complete protection against moisture. Corrosion can lead to failure of all devices, even plastic elements are vulnerable to corrosion resistance as they have metal parts.

Which will be powered by 220 V must be mounted in a completely dry place. It is allowed to “conduct” 12 V through the wall of the steam room. Installation of outlets in the steam room is strictly prohibited.

In cases where the installation is planned in the bath washing machine, then its installation must be carried out in a dry place, and also install an outlet near it. Do not forget about the heating tank, which requires a separate outlet.

Along the perimeter of the territory where the bathhouse building is located, a ground loop should be mounted, the shield should be equipped with an automatic device, or a residual current device with a rated current of not more than 40 mA. As an alternative, you can install a step-down transformer Shtil T-220/12 in the shield.

If it becomes necessary to put the sensor on an electric stove (electric heater), it is recommended to install an exclusively low-voltage version, about 1 meter from the floor and as far as possible from the heater. Often, the electric furnace is connected via a cable leading from the shield through the wall to the steam room.

Step-by-step work instructions:

  1. Bath should be provided a separate power supply line leading from the main body of the shield.
  2. Calculate the main parameters of the machine.
  3. Section selection electrical cable.
  4. Choose from two main methods wire laying (underground / over the air). This choice is made taking into account all the features of the specific location of the shield, the building of the bath and other nuances.
  5. Installation of sockets and light bulbs(These current-carrying devices are not recommended to be installed in the steam room). They must be resistant to moisture.
  6. All wires it is necessary to lay at a rational distance, without leaving excessive sagging and twisting. When laying on walls, they must be tightly fixed. (Cables must not be laid over heating elements).

Wiring power calculation and cable selection

To select the correct one, it will be necessary to know the power of the wiring. There are various reference data where it is possible, depending on the cable cross-section, to determine the estimated power of all devices. For everyone electrical appliances there is a tag indicating their power consumption.

Tips for calculating power and choosing electrical cables:

  1. When if only lighting fixtures are installed in the bath among electrical appliances, the total power will be about 1-3 kW.
  2. When used in addition to lighting fixtures- electric furnaces, the total power will be correspondingly higher and will be about 6-7 kW.

When wiring is installed, its total power should be taken into account by 20-25% percent higher than the calculated power of all devices in the bathhouse.

Consider an example calculation:

  1. If the power of all devices in the bath is 6 kW, then it is recommended to calculate the wiring for 7 kW. For such values, it will be correct to choose a VVGng-LS cable having a cross section of 3x4 (4 mm 2).
  2. When choosing electrical wires for lighting, it is recommended to choose a cross section of 3x1.5 (1.5 mm 2), and for sockets, the wire size is best - 3x2.5 (2.5 mm 2).

The connection of electrical cables to the bathhouse is carried out by 2 basic methods:

  1. Underground connection (earth method)- laying is carried out electric wire underground, this procedure is considered an invoice, both in terms of the financial component and the production one. (It is necessary to dig trenches according to special rules and up to a certain level, the cable used for this method is more expensive);
  2. Mounting by air (air method)- carried out by laying the wire directly through the air, above the building of the bathhouse. It is, along with the previous one, more economical, but in turn also requires the implementation of its necessary rules and regulations.

Laying methods


It belongs to the most reliable methods, unfortunately, its choice is not always possible. First of all, it is necessary to complete all the "earth" work and make sure that the cable is laid. It is expensive, has 4 copper wires with a cross section of 10 mm 2.

The cable is equipped with a protective coating and is laid underground, thus being very durable and highly reliable. The steel protective sheath allows you to protect the electrical cable from all kinds of rodents (moles, rats, etc.). Also, the electrical wire is invulnerable to earth shrinkage.

When packing the cable, steel pipe should not be used, as condensation accumulates in it, which is fraught with the durability of the wire.

Steel pipes are applicable for vertical laying(note: mounting on a pole, on the wall). Pipes no more than 2 meters are often used.

Stages of cable laying underground:

  1. A ditch is dug to a depth of 0.7 - 1 m. Sand or loose earth is poured into it, the layer height is about 10 - 15 cm. Then the cable is again covered with a layer of sand or loose earth.
  2. For providing cable to the building, use a metal sleeve. Its purpose is to protect the wires when moving, as well as finally seat the wooden wall. All these procedures should be carried out with the greatest care and caution.
  3. Remove the protective coating from the cable right before connecting to the shield. Then it is already possible to connect the electrical wire to the machine, making protection against lightning strikes.

Air cable laying

In the event that the consumer chooses a simpler and more economical way of laying the wire through the air, then the following factors must be taken into account:

  1. If, the distance from the house to the bathhouse is 20 30 m, you need to put a support, eliminating the sagging of the cable. To "lay" the wire through the air, a special stretch is used, or insulators made of porcelain.
  2. Electrical cable b must be stretched at a specific height. Above the carriageway, its height is not lower than 6 meters from the ground level. Above the footpaths - not lower than 3.5 - 4 m. To the bathhouse itself, the cable is mounted at a height of 2.75 - 2.90 m.
  3. Often used so-called "self-supporting" insulated wire. Its duration is estimated at approximately 25 years. Such cables have a strong weather-resistant coating and special load-bearing elements that are invulnerable to overloads. The cross section of such a wire is about 16-20 m 2 and throughput no more than 63-65 A. In the case of a single-phase connection, the output power is 14 kW, and if 3-phase - 42 kW. The main disadvantage of this kind of cable is its low plasticity.
  4. SIP (self-supporting insulated wire)- designed to enter into the bath room itself. It is forbidden to introduce aluminum wires into the steam room itself, it is allowed to carry cables like NYM, NG or VVG.

Type VVG is often applicable for connecting lighting (section 3 x 1.5) and connecting sockets (3 x 2.5).

Internal wiring in the bath: the main stages

When designing electrical wiring, the following steps should be noted:

  • shield installation;
  • breeding from the shield;
  • installation of lamps;
  • installation of sockets;
  • installation of an electronic stove;

Installation rules and cabling from the electrical panel

It is necessary to choose the right place for fastening the electrical panel, since all the electrification of the bath will be fed from it.

It is worth canceling the most important requirements:

  1. Shield should be located in a place where it will be freely accessible.
  2. Shield not allowed install in the steam room and other fire hazardous areas.
  3. Room with shield installed should have good lighting.

As a rule, the shield is installed in the hallway or leisure room. Its upper part of the body should be located at a height of at least 1.5 - 2 m from the floor.

Single-phase wiring must have at least 3 cores. According to regulatory documents, the phase conductor must be gray. It connects to the top connector of the input machine. From the lower connector of the outgoing automaton there is a movement to the upper outgoing automata.

The zero core (bluish) is located on the zero block. Protective (greenish-yellow) - on the protective.

The cores of the phases of the cables that go to the load are connected to the lower contacts of the machine.

All electrical cables must be very carefully connected to the shield, the machines are mounted, taking into account the load on the wire.

For wiring, first of all, there must be a wiring diagram in the bathhouse. Its formation should be based on the following nuances:

  1. In the presence of brick walls - the wiring will be hidden under a layer of plaster.
  2. In the presence of wooden walls , the wiring can be open and pass along the surface of the walls.
  3. All cables it is required to lay only in vertical or horizontal positions. There should be no fractures or twists.
  4. All wires should be placed in less visible or conspicuous places.
  5. Electrical sockets, switches, switch boxes it is forbidden to install in rooms with high temperature differences and different levels of humidity.
  6. Core connection must be welded or soldered.
  7. Mounting prohibited electrical wires above the oven.
  8. It is necessary use protective "zeroing".

bathroom wiring diagram

Installation and connection of fixtures

Light lamps installed in the bath rooms must have a degree of protection of the shell not lower than IP 44, as well as a power of not more than 75 W.

Ceiling lamps for light bulbs must be used mainly glass, since plastic ones are more prone to deformation. Cases are selected metal, connected to the protective core.

The most recommended installation location for luminaires in steam rooms- this is on the walls, not on the ceilings, since under the ceilings the temperature level is considered to be the highest. Steam rooms use voltage (12 V), therefore step-down transformers located outside the steam room are necessary.

Sockets are recommended to be mounted exclusively on the walls, outside the steam room. It can be a leisure room or a hallway. The height above the floor is about 90 - 100 cm. It is proposed, for the purpose of additional electrical safety, to choose models of the electrical outlet case with covers. Protection class no more than IP-44.

Norms for connecting an electric furnace

To connect the oven, you will need special wires that can withstand very high temperatures (150 - 200 ⁰С) + high power consumption (4 - 6 kW). A 3 x 2.5 mm cable can withstand this kind of load.

Mounting heat-resistant wires should be routed to a junction box installed away from the room with high temperatures, and ordinary VVG wires are suitable from the box to the shield.

Main mistakes:

  1. Wrong choice of wire type and cross section, is one of the most common mistakes. The electrical cable must be in accordance with the installed power (2kW / 1mm).
  2. Incorrect or insufficient wire insulation. Better quality are copper wires They are much more durable than aluminum ones.
  3. Wrong attitude to technical safety. Inept and careless handling of all elements of electrification.

  1. Nuances of electrification. When a bath is made of wood, sheet asbestos should be laid at the bottom of the tubes, and if the wires go through the heating structures, then from all sides relative to the cable.
  2. Passing wire through walls. One of the common ways to install wires is open wiring. For greater convenience and safety, it is recommended to use metal sleeves when passing cables through walls between rooms.
  3. electrical wiring. It is imperative that before starting the installation of branching wires and planning their connections, you should consider the wiring diagram of the bath. Cables should not be run at oblique angles, only horizontally or vertically. It is necessary to eliminate all twists and bends.
  4. Electrical wiring technique. Since wooden baths can easily catch fire, it is often recommended to carry out open installation in such baths. This installation method is more economical with the least time and maintenance costs.
  5. Installation of machines. For more convenient maintenance, it is recommended that all machines be signed so that any damage can be easily repaired. Also, it is very useful to have near the vending machines electrical circuits wiring.

All installation procedures should be entrusted to professionals, since ignorance and inability can lead to large financial costs and precious time.

Bath is a functional building with special operating conditions, which requires a reliable and safe power supply. For this reason, the wiring in the bath is laid in accordance with the basic requirements of the Electrical Installation Rules designed for wet rooms. Any violation of the established norms can have sad consequences for the owner of the building.

Electrical safety requirements

Installation of electrical wiring in the bath must be carried out in compliance with the following safety requirements:

  1. Organization of a power supply circuit from a distribution unit with an introductory machine and installation of an individual ground loop. All protective devices are installed in the electrical panel.
  2. Use of indoor wires capable of withstanding heating temperatures up to 165 degrees.
  3. The organization of wiring in the steam room of a brick and cinder block bath is carried out in a closed way. An open laying method is possible in a wooden structure.
  4. The installation scheme should provide for the mandatory use of protective electrical equipment - automatic devices and RCDs from 5 to 10 mA.
  5. The wires are connected using terminal blocks.
  6. Electrical cables require additional insulation from wooden surfaces and elements. The optimal solution is a closed cable channel or a heat-resistant route.
  7. All main electrical accessories are mounted outside the steam room and washing room. In the bath, it is allowed to use sockets, switches and dimmers with a maximum load of up to 16A in a splash-proof housing with protection class IP44.
  8. Wiring in the steam room should not pass over the heating equipment.
  9. Lighting fixtures must have a protective housing and ceramic cartridges, auxiliary metal elements require additional grounding.

The scheme of wiring electricity in the bath

You can prepare a working electrical circuit in the bath yourself, taking into account the total number and power of energy consumers, as well as the type of connection - single-phase or three-phase.

  • Connection to one phase provides for the presence of two wires to the input: phase - the supply of electricity to end consumers - appliances, equipment and electrical accessories; zero - current return. The maximum allowable power threshold is 15 kW.
  • Three-phase connection: four wires at the input - three per phase and zero. The electricity supply chain is similar to the previous scheme. The maximum allowable power is 43 kW.

As a rule, a single-phase connection is used for a standard bath, a three-phase connection is relevant if powerful electrical appliances and equipment are installed in the premises.

Schematically, it is better to determine the installation locations and the number of electrical appliances, calculate the maximum load on the wiring, select the type and number of wires, and also take into account other technical parameters.

When organizing electrical wiring in a private bath, it is important to remember that the main equipment for a bath uses a voltage in the range from 12 to 36 volts. To ensure the safe supply and distribution of electricity, it is recommended to install a step down transformer.

The finished project for the electrification of the bath should contain data on the places of installation of protective devices - difavtomatov and RCD.

The choice of wires and electrical appliances for the bath

When choosing wires for electrical wiring, the size of the section and the material of the conductive core should be taken into account.

Important! In the bath, it is allowed to install wires only with copper conductors.

Steam room and washing

For these rooms, cables or wires are designed, the insulation of which is able to withstand the maximum heating temperature of up to 200 degrees. Only heat-resistant wire with a copper core can be used here:

  • Stranded (flexible) - up to 185 degrees.
  • Single and stranded (flexible) - up to 205 degrees.
  • Imported (flexible) - up to 200 degrees.

Dressing room, dressing room, lounge

In other functional areas of the bath, the use of non-combustible power cables VVGng is allowed.

Important! For the organization of internal wiring in bath rooms, universal flat wires (PUNP) are not used, which can be the main cause of a fire hazard.

When choosing automatic devices for protection against voltage surges in the network, first of all, it is worth determining their operating power. The main machine should have maximum power; for auxiliary devices, this figure is significantly reduced.

To set the limit value of the machine for disconnecting from the network, the current strength in the circuit and in its specific section is taken into account. For example, if the current strength in the circuit section is 18A, then the maximum allowable threshold of the main machine is 20A.

No less important for the protection of electrical appliances is the residual current device (RCD). According to the PUE, the RCD threshold should be from 25 to 30 mA.

Methods for conducting electricity in the bath

In order to conduct electricity to the bath building, it is necessary to ensure its delivery from the central shield through the incoming power cable. You can lay the cable to the bath in one of two ways: underground and by air.

Underground installation method

The safest and most time-consuming way of laying power cables, which requires preliminary preparation of an earthen trench, is from the power source to the bathhouse.

For underground input, a VBBSHV cable with copper conductive conductors with a cross section of 10 to 16 square meters is used. mm. It has increased strength, safety and durability. Protection against mechanical damage and biological impact is provided by heat-resistant insulation and steel braid.

For underground cable laying polypropylene pipes resistant to corrosion and freezing, metal pipes can be used when mounting the cable on poles or wall structures with a height of not more than 180 cm.

The underground cable laying technology is as follows:

  1. Preparation of an earth trench up to 70 cm deep. Backfilling of the bottom (10 cm) with a sand layer. Cable laying and re-filling with sand.
  2. The introduction of the cable into the building through a metal inlet sleeve, which is used to protect against damage to the insulation during shrinkage of the walls of the bath.
  3. The cable is stripped of insulation before connecting to the machine in the input shield. Next, grounding and lightning protection are performed.

Important! Wave-like laying of the cable in the trench will prevent its mechanical damage as a result of soil movements or shrinkage of the building.

Air mounting method

Air mounting is more affordable and cheaper in terms of labor and financial costs, but it is also short-lived due to susceptibility to damage and deformation.

If you need to connect the wire from the house to the bath, then you need to correctly calculate the maximum allowable distance between objects. With a significant distance of buildings from each other, air laying is irrational, since the risk of cable damage increases under adverse climatic conditions.

It is also important to observe the regulated cable laying height: above the road - at a height of up to 6 meters, above the paths for pedestrians - up to 3.5 meters, on the site - up to 2.75 meters.

If the distance between the buildings does not exceed 21 meters, then the cable is entered by air according to the scheme:

  1. Entrance holes are made in the walls in accordance with the diameter of the cable. Plastic or metal adapters are mounted in the holes to protect the cable from damage.
  2. Brackets are installed near the holes for fixing the insulators.
  3. A metal cable is stretched between the insulators.
  4. A cable is fixed to the cable with plastic clamps, after which it is inserted into the holes and connected in the shield to the introductory machine.

All cable entry points through the walls are carefully sealed, and the space in the adapters is filled with foam or mineral wool. The metal cable should have a slight amount of slack to ensure that the cable is securely fixed.

The best option for air laying - insulated self-supporting heat-resistant wire (SIP).

Step-by-step instructions for installing internal wiring

Wiring in the bath and steam room will be powered from the input switchboard. The main thing in this matter is to comply with the installation technology and requirements in accordance with the PUE.

Internal wiring

To properly wire indoor wiring, use general scheme bath electrification.

When wiring the cable, the following requirements must be observed:

  1. From the shield, the cable is led in a single piece.
  2. On the wooden surfaces wiring is laid in an open way, the so-called. retro wiring. As insulation, the use of plastic and metal pipes is prohibited.
  3. On brick and cinder block surfaces, wiring is carried out in a hidden way with the application of a plaster layer.
  4. The wires are fixed in horizontal and vertical lines, without bending or twisting.
  5. Wires must not be placed opposite entrance doors, heating equipment and electrical appliances.
  6. To connect the conductive cores, a welding or soldering connection is used.

Connecting electrical accessories

Sauna and bath - buildings with special temperature conditions, therefore, sockets and switches are optimally located in the dressing room, rest room and locker room at a height of up to 95 cm from the floor level.

The use of electrical accessories and mounting boxes in wet rooms is prohibited. This is due to the fact that over time, excess moisture condenses on the surface of the device and can cause a short circuit.

Features of mounting the switchboard and calculations of workloads

All electrics in the bath are conducted from the input shield. When deciding on the place of its installation, it is necessary to adhere to some rules:

  • Availability of free access to the switchboard.
  • Ensuring sufficient lighting and regular ventilation in the room with a shield.
  • Equipment of the shield with an introductory circuit breaker, RCD and outgoing circuit breakers for each energy consumer.

To calculate the power of the introductory machine, it is necessary to take into account the maximum load that is created by electrical appliances, equipment and lighting devices installed in the bath. The total power of consumers is divided by the voltage indicator.

For example, the total power was 4000 VA, the mains voltage was 220V. The power of the input machine: 4000/220 \u003d 18.18 A. For maximum protection, you should choose a device with a small power reserve, for example, 20 A. The power for each outgoing machine is calculated in a similar way.

The choice of lighting equipment for the bath

To organize a safe and practical, it is recommended to use reliable lighting fixtures with an IP44 protection class.

High demands are placed on the lamps installed in the steam room and washing room. These are premises with special operating conditions, which are characterized by high humidity and temperature fluctuations. The best option for them is a waterproof lamp for wall mounting.

A good option for a steam room is fiber optic lighting equipment that is resistant to negative influences and provides soft diffused light.

Since lining is the main material for wall cladding, it is recommended to use special built-in lamps that can be easily sewn into a wooden surface.

Important! According to the regulations, the body of the lamps can be metal, and the ceiling can be glass. Equipment with a plastic base is susceptible to overheating and deformation, therefore it is not suitable for a bath.

In other rooms of the bath, you can use halogen bulbs or LED lamps.

Features of connecting an electric furnace

The connection of the electric furnace is carried out using three-phase machine and starter on a magnetic basis. The circuit breaker provides protection against short circuits and power surges in the network, the starter - automatic control of the heating circuit.

You will also need heat-resistant cables of the PVKV, PMTK, PRKS, RKGM brands with copper conductors with a cross section of 3 × 2.5 mm, capable of withstanding loads up to 4 kW.

Used to connect the cable mounting box, installed in the neutral zone, with subsequent entry into the switchboard. Thus, the electric oven is not connected to a conventional outlet, but directly to the shield.

If the operating power of the furnace is less than 4 kW, then it is enough to organize a single-phase connection.

Common mistakes when organizing wiring

Often, novice masters make gross mistakes when electrifying a bath, which are associated with a violation of technical requirements or incorrect calculations.

Common Mistakes:

  • Incorrect choice of the type of electrical wire and its incorrectly calculated cross section.
  • Wrong choice of protective equipment - automatic machines and RCDs.
  • Poor insulation of wires in fire hazardous areas.
  • Violation of safety rules when laying electrical wiring.

The electrification of a bath is a complex and responsible process that requires a competent choice of consumables, compliance with the technology and installation scheme, and the correct commissioning of the system. This is the key to a safe and comfortable stay in the bath throughout the entire period of operation.