Infrared heated floor under the tile. Infrared floor under tiles: installation technology

Comfort for many appears to be the ultimate dream, but it is quite simple to bring it to life. A warm floor attracts any person who idolizes comfort in the house. Such a system has huge advantages. In combination with tiles, it gives an incredible effect: you get out of the shower and touch the warm, gentle ceramic surface with your feet, instead of frantically looking for slippers.

IN modern systems floor heating to heat the floor, either the electrical resistance force of the elements (“electrical systems”) or the fluids flowing in the pipes (“hydraulic systems”) are used. All types of heating can be installed as the main building system or as localized floor heating for warmth and comfort.

A warm film floor, laid under the tiles, provides the room with the right temperature, it is economical, very easy to install and safe. Tiles are also considered a super floor covering, because they are durable, practical and do not require special care. Ceramic tiles are an efficient heat absorber with excellent thermal conductivity. The thickness of the coating does not affect the level of the floor at all, no toxins during installation are also a huge plus, and installation is very quick and quite simple.

Film based on carbon strips, which produces infrared heating, is a completely new product. The thermal conductivity of this film is much higher than that of any analogue, but the energy consumption is much less.

The system is so easy to use that sometimes it is used as a mobile system: they put it under the carpet in winter, and clean it together in summer. The film can be mounted not only on the floor, but also in any other place: on the walls and even on the ceiling.

Before deciding on the installation of a warm floor, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.


  1. Modern and high-tech heating.
  2. Providing warm and cozy stone and ceramic tile floors.
  3. It is possible to replace indoor radiators, freeing up walls and floor space for high-end finishes.
  4. Can be installed in a new building.


  1. Slow heating time compared to other forms of heating.
  2. Not all heating systems provide a complete replacement of radiators.

First things first!

The warm film floor should be carefully examined. Damage sometimes occurs during storage or transport, and sometimes during installation. Therefore, it is highly recommended to test the film with a digital ohmmeter after purchase. It is worth checking three times: after unpacking, installation and laying tiles.

Styling features

The method of laying the film under the tile differs from the technology of laying the film under the laminate and linoleum. When laying, it is important to initially decide whether the film with tiles will be laid on the existing base or a new screed will be poured, which will perfectly level the subfloor.

It should be noted that the floor on which the film is mounted should be as even as possible. Therefore, the decision depends on the characteristics of a particular space.

Often, ceramic tiles are placed on sheets of gypsum fiber or glass magnesite: polyethylene is laid on an infrared film, then carefully, without damaging the film floor, lay and fix the sheets, which will serve as the basis for ceramics or stone. Before work, “concrete contact” is applied to the laid sheets, and a gap (thermal joint) is left between the wall and the tiled masonry. The point to focus on is the poor adhesion of the adhesive to a smooth surface.

But we will consider the wet method of installing an innovative heating system. It is considered more complex, more solid and reliable. Such a floor will last for many years, but there may be problems with laying on sheets: gypsum boards are subject to the influence of accidentally ingested moisture, the fastening of the tile is sometimes fragile, and during vibrations (for example, from washing machine) there is a risk that the tile will simply crack if attached to the sheets.

No doubt, laying on sheets is much easier, but if durability is the goal, a well-done wet lay will provide it.

To work on laying the film under the tile, you need to prepare:

  • heating film;
  • connecting clips;
  • adhesive tape (based on bitumen);
  • thermostats (with temperature sensor);
  • electric wire (taking into account the maximum load);
  • thermal insulation under the heater (metal thermal insulation is prohibited);
  • polyethylene (from 0.1 mm).


Perforator, screwdriver, wire cutters, scissors, pliers, construction knife, electric tester, hammer.


  • plastic mesh for plaster (cells 6-10 mm);
  • dowel;
  • pipe (corrugation);
  • mounting box.

Mounting order

Stage 1. Work begins with drawing up a plan after careful measurements. The plan shows the location of the infrared film, which is cut into sections.

If the heating is the main one, then the calculation is made at the rate of 85% of the film heater from the floor area, if the heating is comfortable - 40%. Heating is not laid under bulky furniture; they retreat from the walls along the perimeter by 10 - 40 cm.

The strength of the film depends on the area on which it will be laid. The larger the area, the lower the power of the bands themselves. Of course, the calculation can be done independently, but professional advice never hurts.

The gap between the strips is about 50 mm; it is unacceptable to apply film on film. It should be understood that those places on the floor under which the film will not be laid will not be heated. Ceramics as a coating itself will distribute heat. With this in mind, the distance between the sections of the heating film can be made larger, but not so much that the floor after the installation of the film is heated unevenly.

The calculation of the power of the system is done in order to find out how many thermostats need to be installed. They check the capabilities of the power transmission system in the apartment.

Calculation: current strength = heating element power / mains voltage.

Stage 2. Next, determine the place of connection of the underfloor heating system with the electrical network of the apartment, equip the installation point of the thermostat (it can be installed in the most suitable place on the wall, you need to take into account additional equipment if there is an electrical outlet nearby).

After that, the temperature sensor is mounted. It is advisable to hide the wires in the wall, making a recess, or close it with a special box. If the system has a power of more than 2.5 kW, then an independent automatic switch must be connected.

Stage 3. A special recess is often arranged for the thermostat. Drilling such a recess causes the formation of dust, and pieces of walls can also fall off. Therefore, work must be done in advance.

Attention! After laying the film, it is impossible to carefully do such actions!

The next step: it is necessary to prepare the floor plane (clean it from water, dust, dirt, etc.), put waterproofing (in damp spaces) and thermal insulation. The film is cut and cut, laid out on the thermal insulation laid before and fixed with double-sided tape.

For the substrate, you can use a technical cork in a roll (2 mm), which is cut along the width of the infrared film.

Scotch tape is not attached around the entire perimeter, as this is prohibited. Adhesive tape is glued only in certain places.

Stage 4. The film is mounted, placing it with copper tapes down. The layout is carried out along the length, and not along the room (this is more rational, there are fewer joints). The permissible length of the warm film strips of the film must be checked with the seller.

Stage 5. Connect copper tapes and wires with contact clips according to the scheme. One half of the connector is on the inside of the film, the other half is on a copper bus (outside).

The connection of the strips of infrared heating film to the network is carried out in parallel.

Connection points and unused wires are protected with bituminous insulation.

The normal operation of the system is complete absence sparks, overheating of the connection areas of all contacts, uniform heating of the film. After laying the IR film, it is imperative to check the operation of the warm IR floor, and only after that you can continue further installation.

Stage 6. The temperature sensor can be placed both on top of the film and on the bottom, in the corrugated tube. Installation is thought out in advance, taking into account the diameter of the corrugation.

Stage 7. The film is covered with waterproofing, laid plaster mesh(a good margin is left next to the walls).

Stage 8. Between the planes of the strips of the heating system, drilling is carried out directly through the plaster mesh and the laid insulation, dowels are driven in. To increase rigidity, holes are sometimes cut out, which are sealed with tape. Then they are poured cement mortar to fasten the screed to the base of the floor plane.

After that, a thin screed is carefully produced, which is reinforced with a plastic mesh (the mesh itself is carefully attached to the floor with dowels, without touching the film strips).

Attention! Any damage to the infrared film is unacceptable. In the process of work, even one mechanical damage can disrupt the system, you must work with extreme caution!

The entire layer of the heated floor (with mesh) is recommended to be first poured with a self-leveling mortar (8 mm). It is recommended to make a cement screed (20 mm) on top, adding a plasticizer designed for these floors.

Ceramics can only be laid after the screed has hardened. A “concrete contact” is applied to the resulting “pie”. Adhesive layer on which the tiles are fixed - min. 8 mm.

Attention! In order to avoid mechanical damage to the thermal film, it is imperative to work in soft shoes, do not scratch the film with certain objects, and in no case should nails or dowels be driven into the film. Do not use any metal materials (foil, metal mesh).

After completing all the connection work, you need to check all the connection points and the insulation of all wires. Checking of all electricians is carried out by a tester. After that, the operation of the warm floor is checked by connecting for 1/3 -1/2 hours.

Installation of infrared film floor laminate floor


It is forbidden to connect the infrared floor heating system until the screed, liquid adhesive, etc. has dried and set. Usually, the connection is made about a month after laying the tiles.

If a significant amount of water gets on the floor plane, the system must not be turned on until it is completely dry.


Do-it-yourself IR floor is completely real. But if something is not clear, you can, by dividing the work into stages, invite specialists. For example, a professional electrician can connect the system, this also applies to the stages of screed production, tile laying. Having studied all sides of the issue, in the desire to save on wages, it is not worth the risk. It is better to take upon yourself the execution of precisely those works that you can do.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Film underfloor heating under the tile is easy to install and does not require the use of special tools;
  • Affordable price (such a floor costs 240-260 rubles / m²).

Weak sides:

List of required materials

Installation of a warm floor under a tile is impossible without such devices and materials:

  • Infrared floor complete set: thermal film itself, special clips, thermal insulation materials, electrical wires and other elements included in the kit;
  • We buy: thermostat and heat-sensitive sensors;
  • Foil or other heat-reflecting materials;
  • Electrically conductive tape;
  • Additional materials for the floor: fiberboard sheets, polyethylene film (placed under porcelain stoneware).

Design features and general laying rules

Infrared underfloor heating under tiles is a heating system that does not transmit infrared rays through a cement-sand screed, porcelain stoneware or tile adhesive. By the way, in nature there are only a few transparent materials through which infrared rays can pass.

Therefore, the heating of the room is carried out through the heated surface of porcelain stoneware or ceramic tiles. The infrared floor has a high conversion threshold (about 95% efficiency) electrical energy into thermal. Therefore, analogues of the infrared floor - thin and rod self-regulating mats or its modifications will also heat the room well.

Try to avoid direct damage to the thermal film (mounting is done only in soft shoes). The infrared floor is poorly combined with a metal reinforcing mesh and other materials that conduct current well. As a heat-reflecting element, experts advise using aluminum foil.

Infrared underfloor heating

Styling options

KNAUF "Superfloor" is a type of underfloor heating, which is a moisture-resistant gypsum-fiber sheets, 1500x500x10 mm in size. Sheet stacking type KNAUF carried out only on a concrete screed. Installation of flooring (ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware, linoleum, parquet, etc.) is possible immediately after the glue has dried on KNAUF Superfloor sheets.

Tip: try not to use other adhesives for mounting Superfloor sheets. Buy only original KNAUF glue.

Installation of infrared floor sheets is best done on foil or other reflective materials. So you will increase the efficiency of the heating system by 30-40%. At the second stage of installation "Superpol" KNAUF can be covered with DSP sheets ( cement particle boards), LSU (glass-magnesite sheet) and GVL (gypsum-fiber sheets). These materials are purchased from manufacturers of underfloor heating or in the building materials market.

Installation of a dry screed floor base Knauf-superpol

Attention! The film is attached to the above sheets only with glue. Do not try to attach it to LSU, DSP or GVL sheets with screws, as you can violate not only the integrity of the heating system, but also the waterproofing of the room as a whole.

Wet and dry mounting

Pouring concrete infrared floor is called wet mounting. The plane must be prepared before pouring: lay a heat-reflecting element with low shrinkage on the floor (izolon, foil-izol or rolled technical plug). The heat reflector is cut into uniform strips and laid along the width of the substrate. The reflective element is laid in increments of 15–20 cm.

As a reinforcing element, professionals advise using painting or plastic mesh, since conductive parts can cause a fire or cause serious injury to a person in the event of a short circuit. A mesh with 5x5 or 10x10 cells is attached to the primary screed on dowels.

It is better to choose the drilling places in the places where the film is cut or on the sides, so as not to touch or damage the carbon strips of the infrared floor. Note that the number of mounting holes depends on the geometry of the floor. There are always more places for fastening in square rooms than in houses with an irregular or non-standard floor shape.

For better contact with the primary screed, a perforated heating film is installed. If you can not afford to buy perforated thermal film, then feel free to use the usual one. "Striped" film is sold without technological holes, so you have to make them yourself.

First, the heat-reflecting element is installed, and then the underfloor heating system is laid on it. After that, you can proceed to the penultimate stage - pouring the screed with liquid tile adhesive, the layer of which should not exceed 5 mm.

The screed is leveled by the rule and left in this form until completely dry. With the right temperature regime and good ventilation, the drying period lasts from 5 to 10 days. Please note: porcelain stoneware is placed only on a hardened and dried screed.

Laying the infrared floor on the "Dry screed" is fundamentally different from the above installation technology on the "Wet base".

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Level the subfloor;
  • Lay the elements of the heating system according to the instructions;
  • Next, on the assembled structure are laid GVL sheets. Features of the installation of gypsum fiber: first of all, a special tape is glued along the walls. Note that before gluing the tape, the floor must be leveled with self-leveling compounds and treated with a primer. GVL boards are glued to the rough coating with glue and self-tapping screws;
  • Tiles can be laid exactly one day after the installation of GVL boards.

Video: Infrared warm floor

Today, in many bathrooms, the floor is tiled. However, its cold surface is not always pleasant. The installation of a warm floor will help to correct the situation. By installing an infrared heating system, you can enjoy your time in the bathroom and save a lot on the electricity you use for underfloor heating.

The principle of operation of film coatings

Many owners have a problem of choice, cable or infrared underfloor heating under the tile, which one can show itself better only during operation. It must be said that the opinions of experts on this issue are ambiguous. Electric cable heating requires a solid concrete screed, which significantly reduces the height of the bathroom. In addition, it is not as economical as its infrared counterpart. However, some specific points during the installation of film structures do not make them ideal option tiling under tiles.

To finally understand this issue, you should find out the features of infrared underfloor heating. These systems are made on the basis of carbon or bimetallic film. The latter variety is categorically not recommended to be used as a heating element for ceramic tiles.

All such heating designs work on the principle of infrared radiation. The coating is a film divided into sectors. Each of them contains heating elements. During thin coating mounting, terminals are connected to the copper strips. When the power supply is connected, heat radiation occurs.

It must be said that, unlike other electric heating systems, an infrared warm floor does not heat the air, but the surrounding objects, including the human body. Such radiation is absolutely harmless to the body and is completely similar to the effects of sunlight. In addition, during the operation of the floor, the air is enriched with negatively charged ions, which has a beneficial effect on the microclimate of the room and does not dry out the air, as with the operation of other electric heating models.

Characteristics of infrared heaters

The main advantage of film systems was their high efficiency of operation. Maximum energy savings can be achieved by adjusting the temperature to approximately 21 degrees Celsius. Although the highest value for which the design is designed can be about 50 degrees.

The cost of these products has a large price fork, which is their next undoubted advantage. This allows you to choose a design in accordance with your financial capabilities. In addition, you can significantly reduce the budget for repairing a bathroom by installing a heating system yourself, since laying an infrared heated floor under a tile with your own hands will cost much less than the work of professional craftsmen.

When asked what is better than a water or infrared underfloor heating, one can confidently declare the expediency of installing the second option. After all, this system becomes a full-fledged independent source of heating for housing, in contrast to water structures. It must be said that film warm floors you can replace the central heating of the apartment. In addition, this system is much easier to install than water heated floors.

The versatility of hydrocarbon infrared warm floors allows their installation under any type of floor covering, sometimes they even insulate open balconies and gazebos. In addition, sufficient waterproofing properties of such a system do not prevent their installation in bathrooms and other areas of the apartment with high humidity. Although experts still recommend laying an additional waterproofing layer in such cases.

Disadvantages of infrared systems when laying them under a tile

However, in any material, in addition to advantages, there are always disadvantages. You should know that everything beneficial features infrared radiation when laying such a warm floor under a tile will be absorbed precisely flooring and not the human body. The heating of the room will occur due to convection. A warm floor covering will give off the accumulated energy, and due to the movement of air, the walls and other items in the bathroom heat up. Because of this property, the system should not be laid under areas occupied by furniture and plumbing, as they will be very hot from the floor.

Another significant drawback will be the gradual erosion of the thin polymer heating film with tile adhesive, which can gradually disable the entire system, as well as cause a short circuit and a fire. The high adhesion properties of these coatings can be reduced by laying a drywall sheet and a small mesh fiberglass mesh between the heating structure and the ceramic cladding. However, such actions will significantly reduce the heating capacity of the system.

Warm infrared floors for tiles require laying on a completely flat surface, otherwise you can easily damage the thin film during installation. Therefore, you should prepare the rough base of the floor in advance and, if necessary, level it.

In addition, the correct connection of the design contacts requires certain skills and knowledge in electrical matters. If you have never experienced such work, it is safer to entrust the installation to professionals.

Features of laying a film underfloor heating under ceramic cladding

To carry out a competent installation of an infrared warm floor with your own hands, you should follow some rules and recommendations of specialists. Laying this type of coating is somewhat different from others. electric heaters. In addition, certain nuances also appear during the finishing coating of such a system with tiles.

First you need to find out what exactly is needed during the installation process. Usually you can get by with the following list of materials:

  • underfloor heating system;
  • heat reflective backing;
  • wires for connecting the structure;
  • mounting tape dielectric;
  • drywall sheets;
  • glue for ceramic products;
  • tile.

First of all, carefully inspect the flooring. The surface must be dry and clean and free from embossing. If necessary, level the floor.

It is necessary to draw up a project for the placement of floor heating control equipment. Usually it is mounted in the wall outside the bathroom at the optimum height for operation. The wire connecting the sensors and the heating system must be passed through corrugated pipe, which should be built into the screed layer or drowned in the wall.

The next step is to lay a cork or amalgam insulating material that reflects heat. For ease of installation of the heating film, it is cut into strips of about 50 cm along the perforation line, fastening them together with adhesive tape. The length of the strips in this case should not exceed nine meters. Particular attention should be paid to the joints of the material, their good insulation will contribute to the long and trouble-free operation of the system.

The copper strip running along the entire length of the cut should be on the subfloor.

It is necessary to ensure that the ends of the coating do not overlap each other, but are laid exactly end-to-end. All laying work must be done very carefully so as not to damage the thin surface of the material. To fix the film to the floor, it is covered from above with a mounting grid and fastened with brackets. This must be done carefully, trying not to touch the electrical contacts in order to avoid damaging them.

Holes are made on the copper strip with a hole punch, onto which the terminals are subsequently fixed.

Connecting the underfloor heating to the energy supply of the apartment

First you need to fix the sensor with temperature readings and the control relay on the wall and lead the wire through the corrugated hose before the start of the film coating.

Through the terminals with the help of wires, you need to connect the strips of the warm floor together and connect them to the cable coming from the control equipment.

To do this, at the junction points, the wires are stripped of the insulating braid. Then, using pliers, they are crimped on the terminals and at the junction with the devices. After linking the systems together, all exposed areas must be carefully insulated. It is important to ensure that all cables do not cross, but are parallel to each other.

It is better to entrust the final connection to the power supply to a qualified electrician in order to avoid a short circuit and a fire in the home.

Laying tiles over underfloor heating

Before proceeding with the flooring, you should test the operation of the system. In case of any problems, they need to be identified and eliminated. If the design is workable, you can start laying tiles.

To do this, lay drywall sheets on top of the film coating. They will become a kind of buffer between the polymer surface and the alkaline tile adhesive. For reliability, they need to be fixed with self-tapping screws to the floor, trying not to touch the electrical contacts of the structure.

Then you can start laying tiles. It is important to use a comb spatula to avoid air cushions between the tiles and the underfloor heating system. But in general, ceramic products are laid in the same way as usual.

Nuances when installing infrared floor heating

To ensure a positive result with self-installation of film heating systems before laying tiles, the following rules should be observed:

  • installation of the structure is possible only if the room air temperature is positive;
  • grounding infrared systems is mandatory;
  • damage to the film during installation must be carefully insulated, but it is better to try to prevent them;
  • it is forbidden to lay heater strips longer than ten meters;
  • do not fold the material or overlap the film cuts on top of each other.

Compliance with all the above standards will help you to qualitatively insulate the floor in the bathroom, even in such an atypical way for tiling.

Despite some opinions about the unsuitability of using warm infrared floors under ceramic lining, nevertheless, there is an opportunity to install this particular heating system under the tile with high quality. All complex and lengthy installation work will be compensated for by an economical and comfortable floor in the bathroom.

Sensor equipment is best installed next to the bathroom

For self-assembly infrared heating system need to purchase some tools and materials

Infrared floor heating is much easier to lay than water

Film underfloor heating can only be laid on open areas of the floor

The shielding surface of the substrate will help to avoid heat loss during the operation of the floor

It is necessary to fix the film to the floor very carefully so as not to damage the contacts.

After connecting the terminals, insulate the junction of the wires

A thin layer of tile adhesive is applied to a drywall sheet and leveled with a notched trowel.

Wiring diagram for infrared floor heating

It is necessary to cut the film strips along the perforated line, without touching the contacts

Connecting the infrared floor to the power supply is best left to professionals

Infrared long-wave radiation is absolutely safe for humans

The underfloor heating system is now widely used in the arrangement of residential premises. Such heating helps to evenly distribute the temperature and maintain a comfortable microclimate in the room. The choice of system and the technology of its installation depend on the type of flooring.

We will figure out how to make an electric underfloor heating under the tile and indicate the acceptable installation methods. In addition, we present step by step instruction on the arrangement of floor heating and describe important points connecting the system to the power supply.

With all the "pluses" of floors finished with tiles and its competitor - porcelain stoneware, they can hardly be classified as warm coatings.

The easiest way to eliminate this drawback is to install a floor system that is able to function all year round, which is especially true for apartments that depend on centralized heating.

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Heating plates are glued to the heat-reflecting layer using pieces of construction tape, the conductive tires of which “look” down

The laid floor system is covered with plastic wrap and the concrete screed is laid. To do this, a cellular plastic mesh is placed on top of the film, the size of the sections of which is 5 * 5 cm or 10 * 10 cm.

It will act as a reinforcing frame. The mesh is attached to the previously laid layers, trying not to damage the thermal film.

A concrete-cement mortar is applied on top of the laid and fixed mesh, forming a layer 5 mm thick so that it completely covers the technological holes. Leave the screed for a week and a half until completely dry.

When the screed acquires the necessary strength, proceed to the gluing stage tiles or porcelain stoneware. The cladding technology is conventional. The only thing is to “plant” the coating on the glue, which is not afraid of temperature changes.

Technology for installing cable floors under tiles

Installation of a cable underfloor heating under a tile requires a certain qualification. In addition, it is allowed to turn on such a system only one month after installation.

Drawing up a layout plan

Before proceeding with the installation of the system, it would be correct to first draw up a plan of its layout on paper on a scale. When developing a plan, the areas where furniture is placed and heavy household appliances are supposed to be installed are excluded from the total working area.

It should be understood that further rearrangement may adversely affect the performance of the floor system.

Taking into account all the nuances in the finished form, the layout plan will have outlines irregular shape a figure that is inscribed with a rectangular and square cover area.

Based total area working surface, calculate the length of the cable, taking into account the fact that the cable must cover 70-75% of the total quadrature. How well the floor system is designed will determine its effectiveness.

At the design stage, it is necessary to consider a convenient place for. In some cases, when arranging a floor system, it is necessary to lay a separate electrical wiring line of the required power.

Preparatory and energy saving works

Key condition proper styling, both the heating system and the finishing tile is a carefully leveled surface. The task of the master is to bring the base to zero, because the worse the base is prepared, the worse the final result will be.

In case of severe damage to the base, it is better to perform complete dismantling old coating, and subsequently level the finished floor concrete screed 3-5 cm thick

A set of tools that will be needed to complete the work:

  • building level;
  • tape measure and ruler for marking and control;
  • and cutting wires;
  • soldering iron with solder for tinning wires before switching;
  • building hair dryer for heating heat shrink tubes;
  • perforator and grinder with a disk for stone;
  • multimeter for control measurements of the conductivity of the circuit and its resistance;
  • megohmmeter for checking insulation resistance;
  • construction mixer and container for mixing the cement mixture;
  • roller and brushes for applying a liquid primer;
  • notched and conventional trowel for spreading the paste-like cement mixture.

To prevent a situation where the installed system will heat the ceiling of the neighbors, it is necessary to perform energy-saving work.

Having thought about repairing a bath or toilet, sometimes the question of a heated floor often arises and one of available options becomes an infrared warm floor under the tile. This type of thermal coating has its own subtleties. In this article, we will study in detail the film underfloor heating under the tile and figure out how to properly lay it under the tile.

How infrared floor works

There are two main subspecies of this thermal coating, these are carbon film and bimetallic.

The infrared floor under the bimetallic tile is not allowed to be mounted under the tile.

Both subspecies of infrared underfloor heating under tiles work on the principle of radiation. The product is divided into equal segments of heating elements. During installation, conductive terminals are connected to the copper strips and during the power on, current flows through the segments and due to this, thermal energy is released.

It should be noted important feature, warm floors of infrared execution carry out heating of the objects located indoors, instead of air. This type of heating is absolutely safe for a living organism, therefore infrared thermal floors are allowed for sale. Also, this type of heating does not dry out the air and still charges it with negative ions, which is very useful for living organisms.

Advantages of a thermal infrared floor

Below are the main positive points use of this underfloor heating:

  • Heating elements produce a wave of up to 20 micrometers, which easily allows you to overcome the tile adhesive, the tile itself and further heat objects inside the room;
  • Using a film floor under a tile, you can reduce the usual temperature inside the room to five degrees, for example, if your usual temperature is 23 degrees, then by heating with infrared radiation you can heat the room up to 18 degrees, while maintaining comfort. And consequently, financial expenditures on energy carriers are significantly reduced;
  • Also, a thermal floor of this design creates the effect of an auxiliary convention, which significantly reduces the time required to warm up the room as a whole;
  • Weak generated electromagnetic radiation compared to other types of electric floors, which significantly reduces the impact on the body;
  • The effect of ionization of the air mass is created, which is a plus.

Cons of underfloor heating

Modern building elements, unfortunately, have not reached such a level that they do not have negative sides at all, and the installation of an infrared floor has its own negative features, and which ones we will consider below:

  • It should be taken into account the fact that furniture should not be installed above the laid film, otherwise it will warm up extremely strongly, and this can lead to negative consequences. That is why the film should be laid on open corridor-type passages and areas free of furniture;
  • When installing film underfloor heating in without fail on top of the film, a fiberglass mesh with a fine-mesh structure should be laid together with a drywall sheet. This will ensure the safety of the film and prevent a possible short circuit due to the erosion of the protective polymer film by the tile adhesive;
  • When we put a film underfloor heating under the tile, it is necessary to pay attention to the base, because. this requires its perfect alignment.
  • Also, a minor minus should be attributed high requirements to the connecting contacts carried out during installation, if a poor-quality connection is made, then this place during operation will overheat excessively and subsequently fail, and repairs without dismantling the laid tiles will be impossible.

The necessary material for the work and preparation of the base

  1. A set of thermal infrared floor, which must necessarily include regulatory and supervisory authorities.
  2. Reflective effect insulation with a minimum thickness of 4 mm.
  3. Grid dielectric mounting.
  4. Wires with sufficient cross section for proper powering of the mounted connections.
  5. Adhesive tape with double-sided adhesive coating.
  6. And the tile directly chosen by you with a sufficient amount of specialized adhesive

Before installing the infrared underfloor heating under the tiles, it is extremely important to prepare the base.
To do this, completely dismantle the previous coating. Next, we thoroughly clean and dry the base. If the base is severely damaged, then it is necessary to carry out a mandatory surface repair. Next, we select the installation site of the regulator and bring the supply line to this place. Next, we determine the zones for laying infrared floors, remembering that they cannot be placed under heavy furniture.

We carry out installation

The installation is divided into several important stages:

  1. It is necessary to lay a heat-reflecting fabric on the manufactured surface, most often in this role isolon is used, since this stage is important, you should not save on inexpensive analogs of insulation;
  2. We lay out the infrared film on pre-planned areas, do not allow the product to overlap, keep a gap between them of half a centimeter;
  3. We lay a protective film on top of the heating elements;
  4. We produce the so-called reinforcement with the help of a dielectric mounting mesh. This is fixed on the surface of the base with the help of dowel nails, they must be hammered into the gaps left between the film. Proceed with extreme caution, because the heating elements must not be damaged;
  5. Next, you can fill in a thin screed, no more than seven millimeters thick, and then lay the tiles, or use specialized tile adhesive to immediately start laying the tiles.

You can use the laid warm floors under the tiles after a week, during this period of time the glue will completely dry.

In this article, we considered such an interesting issue as the installation of an infrared film under a tiled floor, having studied this material, you can conclude how to proceed in your particular case.