How to properly arrange cutlery on the table. Cutlery: a complete list, purpose and how to lay out

(90663) - Zhanna Abdugalimova, 01.12.2007

Each of us has many important meetings in life, on the results of which a lot depends. What to do if you decide to hold such a dinner party in your house or apartment. After all, if the guests are important and the solution of certain issues depends on them, then you want everything to be at the “top”, strictly in accordance with the canons of etiquette. And while the next dish is being prepared in the oven, we spread an elegant tablecloth on the table and proceed to arrange the cutlery so that it is no worse, and even better, than in the most expensive restaurant. You can arrange beautifully cutlery on the table just for your loved one, thus making a surprise and emphasizing the importance of this moment in your life.

Cutlery on the table should be arranged in accordance with the diagram.

1 - a plate for bread, 2 - napkin, 3 - small fork for snacks, 4 - fork for fish dishes, 5 - a large dinner fork for meat dishes, 6 - snack plate 7 - platter, 8 - a large dinner knife for meat dishes, 9 - fish knife 10 - soup spoon 11 - small knife for snacks, 12 - dessert spoon, 13 - dessert fork, 14 - a glass for strong alcoholic drinks served with a snack, 15 - a glass for dry white wine served with fish dishes, 16 - a glass for dry red wine served with meat dishes, 17 - a glass of champagne served with dessert, 18 - glass for mineral water

According to the number of guests, dummy plates are placed on the table, and eateries are placed on them. Napkins folded in a triangle, cap or otherwise, are placed on plates.

Knives are placed with the tip to the plate.

Forks are placed with the convex side down.

Cutlery is used in accordance with their location - starting with the extreme and ending with those that are next to the plate.

The knife and fork are held so that the fingers do not touch the blade or the teeth. If you stop using the appliance from time to time, then put it only on the edge of the plate, but not on the tablecloth. If you only used a fork, then the knife should rest on the right edge of the plate, where it interferes the least.

If there is a pause in the meal (but the feast is not over yet), the device is placed on the plate cross on the cross - the knife with the tip to the left, the fork with the convex part up - so that the knife handle is located like a clock hand pointing at five o'clock, and the fork handle - at seven o'clock. The crossing point should be on the teeth of the fork and a third of the knife. You can put the fork and knife with the handle on the table, and the other end on the plate. At the end of the meal, both devices are placed on a plate parallel to each other, their handles "show at five o'clock."

Glasses are served next to the plate, closer to the middle of the table, parallel to its length or an arc, starting to the left of the largest in size. Or glasses are placed in two rows so that large glasses do not cover smaller ones.

Plates with cut even slices of bread are placed in different parts of the table so that all guests can easily reach it. Bread taken from common plates is placed on bread plates, which are located to the left of the front plates.

Salt shakers and other devices for spices are arranged at the rate of one device for three to four people.

Various cold snacks on dishes and plates are evenly spaced on the table so that it is easy for guests to get them.

The main rule of upbringing, etiquette is a properly and beautifully laid table. Most people have questions about how the appliances should be laid out. Our article will help you understand everything.

The main principles of arranging dishes and appliances

V modern society there are several general rules table setting. These include the following recommendations:

  • Arrangement of devices should be convenient and expedient. This is necessary so that everything you need is nearby and the hostess does not have to go for things.
  • Each device has its location and purpose. Similarly, it is customary to put spoons and knives with a sharp edge towards the dish and on the right side, and the spoon and fork should be on the table with the concave side.
  • It is customary to place a plate of snacks opposite the chair. Behind a plate of snacks, glasses are placed near the device. The wine on the table should be opened. Fruit is not served prior to arrival.
  • Crockery and tableware should be uniform. You also need to know that napkins, both paper and fabric, must be present.
  • It is necessary that the dishes and all utensils for the festive celebration be clean and tidy. There should not be any chips or stains on it.
  • It is necessary to treat the table setting with cutlery responsibly. Usually housewives use sets, that is, sets of dishes. Mandatory utensils include a fish spatula, a cake shovel, a lemon fork, a butter knife, and lemon or sugar tongs. On the table should be a tablecloth, napkins and a towel.

What tablecloth should be on the table when receiving guests?

For a celebration, a white look of fabric is especially suitable. It can accommodate dishes of any color and all kinds of flowers. On such a table there may be roses, porcelain dishes and crystal glasses. This atmosphere is very suitable for celebrating a wedding celebration.

To give a fresh look to your table, you can use a pink or greenish tablecloth with white patterns. For a delicate aroma, you can put vases with spring flowers, such as lilies of the valley or daffodils.

To create a summer mood, a yellow tablecloth with patterns of yellow or white undertones will look good on the table.

For the autumn season, an ocher or olive fabric is well suited, on which deep plates of fruit and bouquets with yellow leaves can be placed.

The choice of napkins when setting the table with cutlery

Handkerchief and lips are an integral part of the arrangement of devices. It helps keep it clean. A beautiful linen napkin will also be a decor item.

Serving professionals offer a considerable amount. But you should choose a method in which, after unwrapping, it will not be mint.

At breakfast or a dinner feast, as a rule, napkins appear folded in four, just in half or in the form of a triangle. For a gala dinner or lunch, they can be served in more complex form such as a cap or a candle.

Ready napkins should lie on plates for snacks. It is considered possible to exchange linen shawls for ordinary paper ones. There is nothing reprehensible in this.

The process of using a napkin

At the sight of a scarf for hands and lips on a snack plate, some of the guests are embarrassed and remove it to the edge of the table. This should not be done, because her calling is to help the guest during the meal.

A beautifully folded, clean, ironed napkin is a decorative item on the table. But its main purpose is not to stain the suit or Evening Dress. With the help of a napkin, they also wipe their lips and hands in the process of eating and after it.

Before you start eating, unfold the napkin and put it on your knees. Putting a napkin behind the collar or using it as a "bib" as with younger children is considered extremely indecent.

If your hands get dirty while eating, then they should be gently wiped with the near half of the handkerchief, while not lifting it from your knees.

To wipe your lips, you need to take a napkin with both hands, fold it in half, press it to your lips with point movements. Wiping your lips with a sweeping motion is the height of bad manners.

What should not be done at the table?

It is strictly forbidden to use a napkin as a handkerchief or a towel for very dirty hands. It is considered ugly behavior when a guest closely examines the tableware and, seeing a speck, tries to wipe it off with a handkerchief. Thus, the hosts will consider this act offensive, and the guest - doubting their cleanliness and tidiness.

After all the food is eaten, you do not need to fold the napkin in the same way as before, but you just need to put it on the right side of your dishes. The handkerchief should not be placed on the seat of a chair or hung on its back.

What should a snack table look like?

Plates for snacks are placed in advance. Salad bowls and gravy boats should be placed on snack dishes so that their handles are turned to the left. There should be a teaspoon in front of the salad bowl. The salad should have a tablespoon to serve. Bread is served on a special plate.

For a cold dish, it is necessary to provide a butter knife and fork. In this case, utensils such as plates and a knife for snacks, gravy boats, teaspoons, large round plates, forks are used.

Tables where there will be only cold appetizers are usually served with chinaware. Near each plate there should be a fork, a tablespoon, a knife. They should be positioned in such a way that the guest can take the device in right hand, and the fish fork to the left. The knife is located on the patty plate on the right side, looking at the blade to the left side. At this point, the utensils used will be as follows: large plates, a salad bowl, forks and knives for snacks, a fork for fish, knives for fish.

Table setting for hot snacks

Hot snacks when setting the table with cutlery are displayed in the utensils in which they are made. Food utensils are located in a snack dish, which is covered with paper napkins.

Snacks that are served in small pots are eaten with special utensils, and snacks in a pan are eaten with forks or teaspoons. Dishes with food are positioned so that its handle is on the left side of the guest, and the handle of the dessert spoon should look to the right. In this table setting, the utensils are appetizer knives and dessert spoons; the main utensils are small pots and pans.

What should be the location of the soup table?

The broth or the first in the form of a puree soup is placed in special cups that stand on small plates. The soup spoon is located on a small plate or on the right side of it. The table knife and fork serve as serving broth serving devices. Sour cream is given in a gravy boat, located on a plate, on which there is also a dessert spoon. It is located on the left side. In this case, the following utensils are used: bouillon cups, deep plates, table knives, soup spoons, dessert spoons.

What should be on the table for cold drinks?

On a plate, as a rule, there is a container with a cold drink or juice. On the right side there is a straw for guests. Ice is served in a salad bowl located on a plate. In this situation, the used utensils and tableware are glasses, cups, ice tongs, a jug.

What should be the table for hot drinks?

Coffee or cocoa is offered in special cups, sugar in a sugar bowl, milk in a milk jug. Jam is served in a bowl, located on a plate, on which lies a dessert spoon.

In a cezve with an elongated handle, it is located on the right side of the plate along with a dessert spoon. On the left side can be a glass of cool water.

On the right side of the guest, as a rule, there is cream in a bowl. Glasses are usually served in a glass. Here it should be on a plate, on which lie a small spoon and straws. The cutlery and utensils used for this table are bowls, milk jug, glasses, teaspoons.

How should the tea table be set?

In the case when tea is served in cups or glasses with saucers, there should be a teapot with tea leaves and a larger teapot with hot boiled water on the table, sugar in pieces in a bowl with tweezers. The handle of the glass should be on the left side, and on the saucer the teaspoon should be handled on the right side. Jam from berries or fruits, linden or flower honey, jam are usually on the left side of the guest.

The lemon is served in a bowl or in a tray with a two-pronged dessert fork designed to lay it out. A vase with lemon is placed on the right side of the guest. A jug of milk is placed on a plate, usually on the right side.

As a result of all that has been said, when serving this, there are such devices and utensils as tea cups with saucers, glasses, a small teapot for tea leaves, large sizes kettle for boiling water, jug, bowl, dessert spoon.

The holiday begins with a feast! And no one will argue with that. We have long been accustomed to immediately recalling food, drinks and desserts when we talk about the past holiday.

If some kind of celebration is being prepared, they also first of all think about holiday table, various dishes. But the decoration of the table, the arrangement of dishes also play a huge role!

Beautiful table setting can completely transform the holiday, bring the event to a completely different level. At the same time, it is not supposed to arrange dishes, lay out forks and spoons in a random order. It is important to know a number of nuances.

Over the years, people have already managed to develop peculiar “formulas”, the observance of which ensures comfort at the festive table for everyone. Serving is a real art. Remember the basic nuances so that your table is really elegant. A few interesting ideas for decorating a festive table will always come in handy.

Basic rules for serving a festive table

We immediately note a few nuances. These rules are universal for any table setting, regardless of the occasion for the holiday. It is important to pay attention to the choice of serving items. They should reflect the thematic focus of the feast, fit into the interior and design of the room as harmoniously as possible.

Dishes, napkins, plates and cutlery should be selected according to color, shape and materials, design, so that all items create a single ensemble together. It is advisable not to allow dissonance. It is necessary to take into account the color of textiles: tablecloths, napkins.

It is worth remembering that the setting of the festive table is needed not only to create a pleasant atmosphere, a special festive mood, but also to ensure comfort. It should be convenient for each guest to use dishes, cutlery, napkins. For this, the placement of all objects is thought out, the optimal distances between them.

There is also traditional sequence in which the festive table is usually served.

Vases with flowers will be a worthy decoration of any festive table. Even at business lunches and official receptions, they are indispensable elements of table decoration.

Remember that cutlery and glassware need to be more than just clean. On a properly served holiday table, these items are sure to shine. To do this, they are first washed, then thoroughly dried, after which they are polished to a shine with napkins.

Plates for serving a festive table

Please note: the plates themselves can be real works of art, true table decorations. Sometimes it is they who determine the thematic focus of the feast. Therefore, approach the choice of plates and sets thoughtfully. For a solemn event, you can purchase dishes separately.

Of course, it is important to remember how arrange the plates correctly during table setting.

  • Smooth the tablecloth again, make sure that there are no wrinkles or litter on it. Start spreading. There should be plates in front of each guest. You can not put them on the very edge of the table. The approximate distance from the plate to the edge is usually two centimeters. Professional waiters instantly determine the desired distance from the edge of the table by placing the middle and index fingers between it and the plate.
  • When the occasion is solemn, it is worth using the so-called "double plates". You first put a small dinner plate, and already install a snack bar on it. Since the plate should not slide, a napkin should be laid between the dishes.
  • There are also special pie plates, which are located to the left of the main ones. The distance from the pie plate to the diner should be 5-12 cm.
  • If the feast is especially solemn, all the edges of the plates are placed on the same line, clearly. So line up small and patty plates.

The centers of all plates must be placed in one line.

Arrange the plates correctly. Be sure to consider that there will be vases, salad bowls, and cutlery on the table. Each guest should feel comfortable, be able to move quietly without touching the neighbors on the table.

Cutlery for serving a festive table

Now it's time to learn how to properly place cutlery for a festive table setting. In ordinary life, we are accustomed to reducing the number of forks and spoons to a minimum, putting cutlery in random order. But for festive serving, this approach should be avoided. Remember all the nuances.

It is not necessary to lay out all the devices in a row. If the menu contains only snacks, you will not need cutlery. They are needed only for the second hot dishes.

All appliances should be perpendicular to the edge of the table, parallel to each other.

When dessert cutlery is required, they should be laid out in front of the plate. First a knife, then a fork and a spoon. The fork handle turns to the left, while the spoon and knife handles turn to the right.

Glassware plays a huge role on every table. Wine glasses and glasses decorate the table, become eye-catching decor details. At the same time, their practical function is also important. For example, the comfort of guests can largely depend on the shape of the glasses. Of some models, it is inconvenient to drink, some do not lie well in the palm of your hand.

Learn how to properly arrange glassware.

  • You can arrange glassware in the center, to the right of the plates. If the glass is placed in the center, it should be behind the plate. When you want to put the glass on the right, it should be placed in the place where the end of the first knife intersects with the top edge of the plate. This glass is poured mineral water, juice.
  • For fruit drink, kvass, you need to put a mug. The handle is turned to the right.
  • A glass, a glass for alcoholic beverages is placed to the right of the main glass. When the assortment of drinks is large, the glass should be placed on the left, and all glassware for alcohol should be placed to the right of the plate.
  • More than three items in one row should not be placed. This already creates discomfort, looks ugly.

The distance between glasses, glasses should be approximately one centimeter.

Glasses, glasses, wine glasses for table setting

The capacity and type of glassware depends on what kind of drink will be in it.

In accordance with the rules of etiquette, it is customary to allocate a separate glass for each drink.

For vodka, an ordinary glass is placed, for fortified wine - Madeira. A separate glass is required for dry white wine. Champagne is poured into wine glasses, the capacity of which is 180-210 ml. If red dry wine is served, it should be accompanied by a special Rhine wine glass. Juices, water are poured into a glass, the capacity of which can be 250-350 ml.

It is great if all the glasses, wine glasses will be in harmony with each other.

Napkins also occupy a prominent place in the table setting. They are able to give the whole table a special look, create a thematic design. Interestingly, folding napkins is a whole science. You can create peacocks, water lilies, candles and ties from them.

It is important to select napkins by color, size, so that they are in harmony with the tablecloth, dishes, interior of the room in which the solemn event is held. Then the feast will be magnificent. It is believed that when setting the table, it is necessary to use cloth napkins.

It is good when they are in harmony with the tablecloth in color and texture. Sometimes they immediately purchase sets that include textiles for serving. However, the original design solutions are also in demand. For example, napkins and tablecloths contrast. But with dishes, vases or plates, napkins should still be combined.

Napkins are used clean, starched. Usually a napkin is placed on a plate, you can put it on the right.

Cloth napkins are not customary to wipe your mouth. These accessories perform a decorative function, sometimes they are placed on your knees.

For hygienic purposes, use paper.

Festive table setting ideas

Tables are served differently. Any festive table can be given an extraordinary, memorable look, make the decor themed.

Table setting deserves special attention. for a romantic dinner. A woman will be able to capture the imagination of her beloved if she creates such a small miracle on the table. It is better to avoid too bright tones, stick to a few primary colors.

For example, red plates, napkins, flowers and candles of the same shade will be in perfect harmony with red glasses. A decorative heart, golden cutlery, white plates and transparent wine glasses, a snow-white flower vase fit perfectly into this serving.

The table setting looks very original in nautical style. It is suitable for lunch with family friends, New Year's breakfasts. A decorative light tree in a blue vase is placed in the center of the table, the surface of the table is decorated with a delicate blue cloth.

Transparent glasses are in perfect harmony with white plates and glass vases for dessert, light napkins. On the plates are small plates of bright turquoise color in the form of shells.

The festive table for the New Year is also decorated in an original way. If friends decide have a bite before New Year's Eve , you can limit yourself to the arrangement of basic appliances, white plates and transparent glasses. The main decoration will be gifts in translucent fabric, placed on napkins in plates, and a festive composition of red candles and artificial pine needles.

The New Year's table is successfully decorated, when shades of brown, beige and green contrast in the serving. Bright Christmas balls in a white plate can become a real table decoration. Napkins are sometimes placed in the form of purses. So accessories become symbols of prosperity in the coming year.

, even very modest, also conquers with harmony. Plates can be put directly on the table when it is so beautiful, made of natural wood. The red fabric in the center becomes a bright detail, balls lie on it, Christmas trees stand. The elegant rustic style captivates at first sight.

You can come up with your own ways of serving the festive table. Consider all the nuances, remember the rules. Then any solemn feast will be fine.

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The New Year holidays are approaching, and with them - it's time for noisy fun feasts. To make the celebrations memorable for a long time, it is important to think through everything to the last detail, including the correct table setting.

Smart layout

How to make a table setting according to all the canons? Just a few elementary rules will help create a cozy, relaxing environment. For a festive dinner, the table is set with a clean and immaculately ironed tablecloth, preferably white. Table setting rules for etiquette oblige each guest to put a large serving plate that acts as a stand. Plates with appetizers, soups and hot dishes are placed in it. For a solemn type of table setting, a pie plate for bakery products is indispensable, which is placed to the left of the serving plate. A knife is placed on top of the plate if various fillings and butter are provided. Sometimes you can see a cup of warm water and mint leaves nearby to wet your fingers. A full classic table setting involves the presence of cutlery and, selected in accordance with the dishes and drinks from the menu. For an original table setting, you can even place a basket of fresh flowers in the center.

Ladies and gentlemen set

The rules for the arrangement of cutlery are not as complicated as they are thought to be. Traditionally, they are laid out along the edges of the serving plate: knives on the right, forks on the left. If dessert is promised on the menu, the soup spoon is placed over the serving plate. If there is no dessert, the spoon is moved to the first knife. At the same time, a simple rule for serving cutlery applies: the most extreme are intended for dishes served first, then the cutlery is taken in order of priority. According to existing rules, the set of cutlery includes a small snack fork and knife, served with cold and some hot snacks. Cutlery is larger for the first and second courses. Fish utensils are easy to recognize by a fork with 3-4 prongs and a hole for bones, as well as a knife in the form of a spatula. Etiquette cutlery also includes a dessert set consisting of a knife, fork and spoon.

Table arsenal

Skillfully handling lobsters and oysters is an undeniable talent. But do not forget that etiquette is also provided for ordinary dishes. Rules for the use of cutlery in relation to soups are simple. If they contain meatballs, pasta or large vegetables, they should be carefully broken with a spoon. If the soup is served in a cup, the broth should be drunk intelligently. Chicken is allowed to be eaten with hands only in the family circle. At a dinner party, you will have to wield a fork and knife.

Meat dishes like chops or escalope are eaten with them, cut into pieces. According to the rules of etiquette, cutlery for schnitzel, goulash and chopped cutlets is a fork and no knife. Garnish, vegetables, pasta, scrambled eggs and puddings will also do without it. But sandwiches, pies and pies require both a fork and a knife. Separate cutlery and rules exist for caviar, pate and mustard. They are collected with a small spoon and spread on a slice of bread.

Secret signs

The rules for using cutlery in a restaurant imply some nuances. If you have paused but are about to return to your meal, cutlery etiquette recommends placing the fork and knife with the handles on the table and the tips on the plate, slightly turned away from you. If you need to leave the table, but you haven't finished your meal yet, cross the cutlery on the plate so that the tines of the fork are pointing to the left and the blade of the knife is pointing to the right. The rules of etiquette for cutlery after eating say that they should be placed parallel to each other. Imagine that the plate is a clock face and place them on the number 5 or 7. If you have just finished your soup, leave the spoon in the plate. By the way, the rules of cutlery etiquette solve the dilemma of which way to tilt the plate with the remnants of soup - away from you or towards you. Let the last drops of soup remain in the bowl, you won't offend anyone.

keep forever

Knowing how to store cutlery in the kitchen is just as important. Standard trays or trendy organizers with sections are equally practical. In any case, always separate knives, forks and spoons. Especially keep clean silver cutlery separately. After use, wash them in a hot soda solution (50 g of soda per 1 liter of water) and wipe well with a velvety cloth. From excess moisture silver plate fades. A slurry of ammonia, tooth powder, soda and water in equal proportions will help restore its former shine.

Caring for everyday cutlery is even easier. The usual ones will suffice. Treat stubborn dirt lemon juice and rub with a woolen cloth with toothpowder. Corrosive odors will go away if you rub the appliances with vegetable oil or vinegar. And to make spoons, knives and forks sparkle like new, dip them for a few seconds in potato broth, then wipe dry.

As you can see, there is nothing wrong with the rules for using cutlery. Having mastered them without difficulty, you will look like a true aristocrat even at a royal dinner party.

Table setting is a sign of good manners and hospitality of the hostess, so it is very important that the set table abounds not only with delicious and steaming dishes, but also with beautiful elements, correctly laid out knives and forks.

This fascinating, and certainly creative activity will be discussed in this article. Here you will find recommendations for the correct layout of cutlery, as well as a photo of serving in different styles and colors.

Since ancient times, eating was not just an everyday activity. Gathering with a company at a large table, a seemingly simple dinner became something of a holiday.

At the table, they did not just eat food prepared in advance, people talked, shared news and their thoughts. As a result, such a concept as table setting was born.

The correct and beautiful arrangement of cutlery and dishes gave the festive table a special look, and with the advent of the first rules of table etiquette, proper table setting has become an integral part of any feast.

Moreover, in normal home conditions, it's not even about etiquette. In fact, it’s just nice when order and a special atmosphere reign on the table.

But let's get down to the basic rules that will help you decorate the holiday table.

What you need to know about table setting

First of all, make sure that all utensils and cutlery are clean. To do this, first, without exception, all devices should be wiped with a warm and damp towel, and then polished dry with a dry one. Make sure there are no water stains on cutlery and crockery.

The tablecloth must be carefully ironed. Its edges should hang from the table by 25-30 centimeters, so that the corners hide the table legs a little. Many housewives, in fear for the tablecloth, cover it with oilcloth on top, however, according to the rules of table setting and etiquette, this is unacceptable if you receive guests.

The number of cutlery on the table at each plate in different situations may be different. It all depends on the dishes that will be served during the meal.

Well, the last "golden" rule - the location and type of devices for each guest should be completely the same.

Proper table setting

Take a look at the following image:

The photo shows a classic table setting according to European etiquette. In the picture, as an example, all types of cutlery are laid out. Of course, you most likely won’t need the whole “set”, so looking at this picture, you can place the appliances in the same way, but leaving only the necessary on the table (depending on the dishes).

For example, for an ordinary classic Russian dinner, it is enough to leave a pie plate for bread and butter, a spoon for the first course, a fork for the main course, a table knife, a decorative and soup plate, a glass of water. In each case, something may change, for example, if there is a dessert on the dinner menu, it is worth adding the appropriate appliances to the table.

Types of napkins and their location

Napkins are one of the most important accessories on the festive table. There are two main types of napkins - fabric and paper. Cloth napkins (large in size) are usually designed to be placed on the guest's lap (to prevent food from getting on clothes).

Paper napkins are usually used directly for eating, and they should be located in the center of the table, so that they are accessible to everyone. If the table is large, place the napkins in several places so that everyone at the table has direct access to them.

By the way, napkins can be placed on the table both in an ordinary napkin holder, and making original figures from them. Below in the figure, you can see the four most common variants of napkin figurines. As you can see in the photo, a beautiful table setting largely depends on appearance napkins and their colors.

By the way, if the feast does not involve a first course, then a beautifully folded napkin should be placed on the plate of each guest, but remember that in this case all napkins should be the same, and in the center of the table there must be a supply of them at the rate of 2-3 napkins per guest .

Table setting - photo with examples

Above in the photo, you saw classic version table setting, however, it is absolutely not necessary to strictly follow these rules if more than interesting ideas. You can decorate the table perfectly different ways, the main thing is that the main appliances are located in the right places, and the rest is at the discretion of the hostess.

Separately, we celebrate such a holiday as New Year. Everyone's favorite feasts can be not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Let's take a look at a few more good options on the picture:

As you can see in these photos, table setting is quite an individual and creative activity. And although the rules are the same everywhere, it is worth trying to “play” with the colors of napkins, dishes and tablecloths. Sometimes this gives an amazing effect.