How to make car shampoo at home. A simple and powerful foam generator from a fire extinguisher

10393 10/08/2019 4 min.

Contactless car wash for many car owners is a luxury, since laying out up to 300 rubles. at the next car wash, not everyone can afford it. Buy a mini-sink, spending up to 15 thousand rubles. also not many are solved.

But it is quite possible to afford a do-it-yourself foam generator for washing from a sprayer, spending minimal funds, by making it yourself from an old sprayer and a few simple parts. Such a foaming agent will provide a constant, almost free, but fast and efficient car wash at home.

Principle of operation

The main purpose of the foam generator is formation of foam from shampoo and water, which after generation is evenly distributed over the surface.

The sprayer as a foam generator is based on mixing two foaming components under compressed air pressure and applying foam to the surface.

In practice, this is done by mixing water and detergent in a container, compressed air pushes the solution through the foam tablet to form a dense active foam.

For more information about the operation of the foam generator from the sprayer, see the video:

Necessary materials

For the efficient operation of the future foam generator, the purchase of expensive components, as well as the use of new parts and devices is not necessary. When making a device with your own hands, you will need the following parts and materials:

  • container from a garden sprayer. For this, containers from sprayers, garden, as well as the Quasar or "" models are suitable.

  • For these models, the pump or pump is dismantled;
  • pressure gauge with scale up to 10 atm;
  • nipple with one-way shut-off valve. two 0.5-inch shackles with four nuts and gaskets;
  • a valve that regulates the supply of foam;
  • metal tube and;
  • reinforced hose that can withstand pressure up to 8 atmospheres;
  • hose adapter;
  • clamps for connecting fittings with hoses;
  • foam tablet.

When selecting materials, the first thing they determine is a container that can withstand pressure up to 6 atmospheres. Intact tank garden sprayer well suited to these requirements. You can buy a foam tablet in a store or make it yourself.

The basis for the functioning of the foam generator from the Zhuk sprayer is a metal mesh, which is easy to make from a metal brush designed for washing dishes, or a tightly knitted lump of fishing line.


When manufacturing a foam generator, it must be taken into account that the container in the sprayer can withstand pressure up to 4-5 atm. When forcing air into it, it is imperative to monitor the pressure gauge reading or control the pressure with a relief valve.

The device must not be used for other purposes by pouring toxic or flammable substances into the container.

How to make a foam generator from a sprayer with your own hands? If you used to make your own for a snow blower, did it yourself, assembled it with your own hands or for a walk-behind tractor, then it will not be difficult for you to make a foam generator yourself from a sprayer.

If the necessary parts and parts are available, the foam generator is assembled in the following order:

  • in a spray bottle remove hand pump and the holes are plugged;
  • a pair of squeegees, 1.27 cm (0.5 in) in diameter, is installed in the upper part of the tank. The parts are fastened with nuts on both sides, and their tightness is achieved using gaskets;
  • a T-shaped adapter is placed on the air supply, a pressure gauge and a shut-off valve are placed on it, and a tube is attached inside, a length slightly less than the height of the tank. This is necessary in order for the air to enter from below. Due to this, the liquid foams;
  • the second drive is designed to exit the foam. A tap, a foam tablet are installed on it, and for quick connection of the hose - easy removal. A metal tube is connected to the hose, and a nozzle or sprayer is connected to it. The foam generator is ready.

To automatically adjust the pressure in the tank, it does not interfere with the installation of fittings for air injection control in the form of a valve that dumps excess atmospheres.

This will free the operator from the constant control of the pressure gauge when air is injected, and guarantee the safety of the device, eliminating the possibility of a tank explosion under pressure.

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Motoblocks are a necessary inventory for summer residents and farmers. Familiarize yourself with the advantages of the Niva walk-behind tractor.

A home snow blower is a device with relatively low power for domestic use. - that's what you need.

After checking the reliability of all connections and the tightness of the tank, water is poured into it through the neck in an amount of 2/3 of the total volume and concentrated shampoo is added according to the instructions (usually up to 2 g / l of water). The neck is securely twisted, and the outlet valve is closed.

By pump or compressor through shut-off valve blow air to the required pressure. A hose with a nozzle is directed to the surface for applying foam and slowly open the tap. The density of application can be adjusted with a nozzle or nozzle.


Self-assembly of the foam generator is quite simple, and does not require special knowledge and skills. Its production cost will be 10-15 times lower than the factory device. To do this, you need to draw up a product diagram and a consistent plan of action, as well as correctly select all the necessary materials.

When assembling the device, safety requirements must be taken into account: since the foam generator tank works under pressure, its permissible value is controlled by a pressure gauge, and all parts and connections must be operational and securely assembled.

car in some way business card its owner. That is why every self-respecting motorist should take care of appearance your iron horse. In this case, a high-quality and, importantly, safe car wash comes first.

It should be noted that today there is a fairly extensive network of professional services focused on the types of services presented. However, due to a number of circumstances, it is not always possible to use their services.

And why, when with the help of a minimum set of tools and some skill you can create a kind of touchless car wash at home. To do this, you do not need to be a scientist, but it is quite enough to have a small amount of technical knowledge and skills.

The presented article is intended to acquaint everyone with the applied methods of creating the so-called foam generator for car washing.

The principle of operation and design of the foam generator

Before implementing any technical project, you must first familiarize yourself with the design features of the product and learn the principle of its operation. This approach will greatly simplify the solution of various design problems throughout the entire process of implementing the presented project.

Consider the principle of operation of the most ordinary foam generator. There is nothing difficult in this. So, the essence of his work is as follows:

  • a special container is filled with a solution of water and detergent;
  • the container, after filling with a solution, is sealed;
  • compressed air is supplied to the sealed container until the set pressure value is reached;
  • when you press the trigger of the washing gun, compressed air squeezes out a solution with a washing reagent;
  • passing through the mesh deflector of the foaming tablet, the solution passes into a dispersed state, which contributes to the release of a large amount of foam;
  • foam is fed through the nozzle of the washing gun with the required intensity and width of the torch, directly onto the car body.

The process of operation of the foam concentrate allows you to create a clear idea of ​​the main components of this unit. Thus, we can conclude that any installation of this kind consists of integral working elements. Namely:

  • high-strength container/cylinder;
  • pressure indicator;
  • hoses;
  • fitting;
  • pressure reducing valve;
  • foam tablet.

All of these components are readily available and can be selected in a wide variety of variations. It should be noted that in addition to the presented components, necessary condition The operation of the foaming agent is the presence of a compressor for pumping air.

How to make your own car wash foam generator

If you have set yourself the idea of ​​​​creating a foam generator from improvised means, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the existing developments in this area.

Among all the existing varieties of homemade devices, those that are easy to assemble and highly efficient deserve attention.

Each of the methods presented below does not require highly professional skills and abilities from its creator. Let's get to know them in more detail.

fire extinguisher device

The key element of any blowing agent is the container itself. The most acceptable analogue of a factory tank can be an ordinary cylinder from a used fire extinguisher.

By virtue of their design features, such a tank is suitable for this project by the way. However, the matter is not limited to one fire extinguisher. If you are serious about getting things done,

You will need to get some equipment. It includes:

  • a piece of half-inch pipe;
  • rubber hose;
  • Union;
  • half inch faucet;
  • half inch quick fitting;
  • sealing tape.

The point is small - to assemble on the basis of all of the above a full-fledged foaming agent. Despite the simplicity of the presented design, for the effective implementation of this project, it is important to follow a certain sequence of actions.

So, the procedure for creating a foam concentrate based on a fire extinguisher is divided into the following steps:

  1. A neck is welded in the upper part of the fire extinguisher, which will subsequently be hermetically sealed with a lid;
  2. A half-inch threaded tube is welded to the side of the neck;
  3. A transition fitting is screwed onto the threaded part of the tube to secure the rubber hose;
  4. A hole is drilled at the base of the fire extinguisher and a piece of a half-inch threaded tube is inserted;
  5. About 10 holes with a diameter of 2-2.5 mm are drilled in a pipe segment immersed inside the fire extinguisher, while the end of the pipe must be plugged;
  6. Outside, the tube is scalded;
  7. A tap with a hose adapter screwed into it is screwed onto the outer end of the tube.

The principle of operation of such a device is that air is supplied to the fire extinguisher with a solution through the lower hose using a compressor.

Having reached a certain value, the compressor is turned off and the ball valve on the air supply line is closed. After that, the valve on the upper outlet opens and the foam, passing through the rubber hose, comes out.

The tube immersed inside the fire extinguisher deserves special attention in this design. Holes in this case are necessary to create conditions for effective bubbling.

The presented phenomenon, speaking the language of the layman, is associated with the mixing of the solution by means of air bubbles resulting from the passage of air through the narrow holes of the bubble tube.

It should be noted that in the process of assembling all fittings, it is necessary to ensure sealing in the places of threaded connections. To do this, you can use fum-tape or ordinary tow.

Garden sprayer device

If it was not possible to get a fire extinguisher, an ordinary garden sprayer can always replace it. It can be easily purchased at almost any garden store. In addition, you will need an ordinary kitchen sponge and an awl.

So, armed with the indicated tool, let's start making a home foam generator.

To do this, you need to perform the following simple manipulations:

  1. Remove the cover from the atomizer;
  2. Make a hole in the capillary tube in close proximity to the edge of the cap;
  3. Dismantle the spray nozzle;
  4. Remove the metal tube of the spray nozzle;
  5. Insert a piece of sponge into the tube;
  6. Assemble the spray cap.

The specified hole is used as an air channel necessary to create an emulsion solution. The sponge in this case performs the function of a dispersion sprayer.

This type of foaming agent is significantly inferior to that considered earlier. However, it is less expensive and accessible to everyone.

Plastic canister device

The list of methods is not limited to this. As an alternative replacement for a fire extinguisher and sprayer, you can easily use an ordinary plastic canister.

A minimum of effort and a little ingenuity and the coveted foam generator is ready. In this case, you can limit yourself to a list of the following components:

  • the canister itself;
  • spray gun / gun;
  • tubes;
  • jet nozzle.

Once all the details are found, we proceed to the direct assembly of the device. So, we find any tube that comes to hand and fill it with fishing line. The length of the tube should not exceed about 70-75 mm.

We screw caps on both ends of the tube. A tee should be mounted on the first plug, and a fitting on the second.

We bring hoses and taps to the tee. The hose from the tee will go into the hole made in the canister lid. One of the taps will regulate the flow of solution from the tank, and the second air supply from the compressor.

Foam generator for Karcher with Aliexpress

Currently, it is not difficult to purchase this or that thing, as they say, without leaving home. The foam generator in this case is no exception. For a fairly reasonable price, anyone can afford a fully-fledged foaming agent.

It is worth noting that most of the presented devices come from the Middle Kingdom. Therefore, it is quite advisable to order them using the well-known Aliexpress trading platform.

What chemistry to fill homemade equipment

In the case of using home-made devices, a quite reasonable question arises: which ones detergents how it is impossible by the way suitable for creating a working solution?

To date, foaming agents are presented in a wide range, so it is difficult to unequivocally state that the chemistry of a certain brand will be the most acceptable in this case.

However, you can always turn to analytical data and compile a list of manufacturers that are most popular among motorists.

Among them are the following companies:

  • Car shampoo from Karcher;
  • Patriotic liquid soap"New Dawn";
  • Shampoo-concentrate "Hi Gear";
  • Car shampoo "FliNN";
  • Car shampoo «Grass»

If you have something to add, do it in the comments below.

In difficult times of crisis, everyone is trying to save on something. Car owners are no exception in this case. After all, today the content of its "iron horse" takes a large part of the budget. And if it is unlikely that it will be possible to save money on spare parts and fuel without consequences, then it is unreasonable to constantly spend a lot of money on a professional one. Not washing the car or washing it less often is also not an option, because a dirty car is uncomfortable and even unpleasant to drive.

Everyone solves the problem with car wash in different ways. Some people wash their own houses. However, it takes a long time and is not as effective, of high quality as. And the thing is that it is used there professional equipment- foam generators, which help to wash the car as quickly and efficiently as possible. Yes and contactless car wash(using a foaming agent) practically does not harm the car's paintwork, unlike a conventional contact wash at home.

Others are thinking about buying a mini foam generator to use it exclusively for personal needs. However, the prices for it today are very bite. That is why our craftsmen began to think about how to make a foam generator for washing on their own.

What is needed for a homemade foam generator?

The materials for the manufacture of a homemade foam generator will need the simplest. Almost every house or garage has some of them, although some will still have to be bought. The most expensive part of this device is the compressor. You will not buy a new one on the market for less than a few thousand rubles. However, there are ways to save money too. You can buy an old compressor at a parts sale. For example, with ZIL 130. Its power is quite enough for a home foam concentrate. The main thing is to make sure that it is in good condition, it doesn’t leak anywhere, because this may indicate its imminent failure. If you haven’t found anything suitable for sale, you can try looking at car dumps, where most of these trucks “rest” today. And then, if you find something worthwhile, just negotiate with the watchman and pick up the compressor for a purely symbolic price.

Another equally important element is the fluid reservoir. It can even be an ordinary plastic canister. The most important thing is that the walls of the tank can withstand a pressure of 5–6 atm.

Also, in order to make a foam generator for washing, you will need nozzles, adapters, a gun, flushing hoses and an inch tube, at least 70–80 cm long. From the tool - spanners, Bulgarian.

Assembly of the foam generator

Assembling a foam generator for washing with your own hands is quite simple. First, take the already prepared tube. For foaming, it is filled with fishing line of different sections. If there is no fishing line, then you can take an ordinary household washcloth. Next, the required size is cut out and the tube is filled with it. When using a washcloth instead of fishing line, it is very important to securely fix it so that it does not crumple in the tube under high pressure. We close the tube on both sides with threaded plugs. On one side of the pipe, a T-shaped adapter is screwed, shut-off valves. They are connected to hoses. One hose leads to the compressor, the other is inserted into the tank.

On the other side of the pipe, a fitting is fixed, from which foam will come out. Its quality and density directly depend on how long the pipe is and how well it is filled with fishing line or washcloth.

If you decide to use as a tank metal container, for example gas bottle, then welding will also be required here. You will need to weld the old holes and make new ones: one at the bottom and another one somewhere in the middle. Tubes with adapters are welded to them. The lower adapter is connected by hoses to the compressor, and the upper one leads to the spray tube. Before using in both cases, it is better to check if the container is leaking. To do this, instead of shampoo, we use water with a dye, which will indicate to us the place of the leak, if any.

The fastest way to make a foam concentrate

A home-made foam generator for washing can also be made from a conventional sprayer, which is very similar in design to a factory foam concentrate.

It is most convenient to make a foamer for washing from a sprayer. The design of such a device is very similar to factory foamers, although it has some differences. When choosing a sprayer, consider the thickness of its walls, because there will be high pressure in the foaming agent (up to 6 atm).

For this device, you will also need a compressor. Plus a foam tablet, an air nipple or tube, gaskets, a hose adapter, a check valve, a couple of half-inch adapters, and four nuts.

Take the sprayer and remove the mounting valve and fitting from it. You have a couple of through holes in your sprayer. You should also disassemble and plug the hand pump.

After that, take the adapters, twist them into the tank and tighten them with nuts. It is better to use gaskets at the same time to make the container airtight. A check valve with a fitting is screwed into one of the adapters, and a hose from the compressor must also be attached here so that air enters from below to form foam. And an adapter with a fixed foam tablet is placed in another hole. After that, a hose is attached to it. A spray gun is attached to the other end of it (you can take a regular, garden one).

Ways to upgrade

When the issue of creating a foaming agent is closed, everything is already there, it works great, you always want to use it more and as comfortably as possible. Here you can come up with many innovations. Someone attaches an additional atomizer. Others attach a pressure washer attachment instead of a tube. You can make the structure more portable by simply mounting it on a frame with wheels. And also many other things ... The main thing is to understand how the installation works, and then, based on this, decide what can be replaced or modified.

A foamer made (by one of the methods described above), of course, is hardly suitable for industrial use, but it will do just fine with the task of washing the car several times a week. Having such a foaming agent at home, you will always have an almost free, efficient and very fast car wash.

Structurally, the foam generator is very similar to a conventional sprayer, the main circuit is almost identical. But there is one caveat that the foam generator is high-pressure equipment.

The main components of this equipment are:

  • cylinder (from 25 to 100 l);
  • mixer;
  • a gun;
  • hose.

Large size equipment with high capacity balloon can be mounted on the transport cart to ensure easy movement.

Since the equipment operates under high pressure, the cylinders are made of stainless steel or metal with an integral anti-corrosion coating. In some industrial modifications, a straight ruler is installed on the cylinder, which makes it possible to control the flow and timely filling.

The foam converter cannot work on its own. The norm is operating pressure for the foam generator 5 - 6 bar. For control, a pressure gauge is installed in the tank, pressure supervision is performed by the existing pressure regulator.

Purpose and principle of operation

Foam dispensers are very popular devices. They are used at technological service stations, in the fire, pharmaceutical and food industries.

The active composition of the foam contributes to excellent cleaning:

  • production equipment;
  • road transport;
  • premises after renovation;
  • pools.

The action of the foam is aimed at cleaning the surface, removing dirt, disinfection.

The main component of the device is the so-called foaming tablet. In fact, this is a grid with a small grid, closed in several layers and made of corrosion-resistant wire. It is defined in a housing mounted on a cylinder. And it is connected to the supply hose. This tablet guarantees foam delivery in the fine fraction at a high frequency.

And then the foam goes into the gun, which is applied to the plane. This manual gun is equipped with a feed regulator, which makes it possible to set the parameters of the jet.

Do-it-yourself washing unit

Considering the equipment system, it can be seen that the main component is an expandable tablet, which can be purchased separately. This means that you can make a homemade foam generator without any problems. The easiest way to make a contactless machine is to take an ordinary sprayer as a base and rework it a bit.

Thus, you need:

  • stabilizer;
  • two half-inch drills and nuts for them;
  • check valve;
  • duct;
  • foam and adapter;
  • metal tube.

It is worth considering one of simple designs foam generator, which can be made from improvised means. It is important to follow the instructions.

Work order:

  • it is necessary to disconnect the valve and the connecting hose from the sprayer;
  • insert bushings into the holes and fix them with nuts on both sides and with the help of gaskets;
  • on one of the actuators, install a pipe so that it almost reaches the bottom of the tank, a check valve and an air supply connection;
  • on the second disk adapter;
  • the pump must be depreciated as it is needed.

It remains only to connect the hose to the outlet. Thus, the product is ready. Working with the device is not as convenient as with factory equipment, but acceptable.

For washing you will need:

  • fill the container with cleaning solution 2/3;
  • connect the compressor and supply air to the cylinder (it is important to monitor the pressure and not exceed the norms);
  • after opening the spray valve, the air squeezes out the solution, passes it through the tablet, and at the exit the foam is of quite acceptable quality.

Among the disadvantages of the foam generator, one can single out the need for periodic pumping of pressure, since the controller does not have a regulator. There is also no regulation of the exhaust flow.

But the described design can always be improved by installing additional equipment to eliminate the shortcomings and improve the usability of the foam generator.

This method is even easier than the previous one. It makes it possible to collect a source of foam for cleaning from appliances with minimum expenses. You don't need much for a product. It is not difficult to make a foaming agent for washing with your own hands.

To do this, you only need:

  • set of wrenches;
  • Bulgarian;
  • pistol;
  • plastic container;
  • nozzles;
  • compressor;
  • flushing hoses.

You need to take a tube with a length of 70 cm. Both ends must be blocked with special plugs. Plugs must be put on threaded holes.

On one of the plugs of the foam generator, you need to put an adapter in the form of the letter T. On the second, fix the connection. Connect the hoses to the 2 outlets of the T-adapter. Don't forget the stopcocks.

One hose of the foam generator for washing will lead to a reservoir of liquid, and the other to the compressor. This kind of method makes it possible to make a generator at home. with my own hands at the lowest cost.

If you turn on a homemade foam generator for washing a car for the first time, you need to supply plain water with a small amount of dye. This will help determine weak sides structures, if any.

Alternative view of the tank

When assembling a foam generator with your own hands, choosing the right tank is of particular importance. Simple Ways have been shown previously. There is one more option.

Touchless car wash allows you to quickly and efficiently wash your car without damaging the paintwork. The washing effect is achieved by car shampoo applied to the car body in the form of foam using special devices.

The foam nozzle is not the most accessible part. But you can replace it with a foam generator.

Types of car wash equipment

1.High pressure foam generator. Foaming occurs in two stages: first, when connected to a high-pressure apparatus (120-190 kg / cm²), primary (active) foam is formed, and then, due to the foaming tablet, stable high-expansion foam is obtained at the output.

2. Foam generator low pressure. Connected to compressor (6-20 kg/cm²). Foam is also formed in two stages, but of worse stability and not as plentiful as when connected to an AED.

3.Sprayer. Works like a regular garden sprayer, i.e. it sprays a solution of car shampoo. Low expansion foam.

4. Dosatron. The dosing pump is connected through a filter to the water supply network. Does not require compressed air and works without electricity. A low pressure spray gun is used to apply the cleaning solution. There is practically no foam.

The device and principle of operation of the foam generator

The foam generator is a metal tank with a capacity of 20-100 liters with a filler neck at the top, a drain valve at the bottom and two fittings. The inlet fitting is connected to the compressor, and a nozzle is connected to the outlet fitting for forming and applying foam. The tank is filled two-thirds with a cleaning solution (10 ml of car shampoo per 1 liter of water) and compressed air is supplied (at least 6 bar pressure). The resulting foam enters the outlet fitting through a special filter and, passing through the nozzle nozzle (foaming agent), is applied to the car body. Pressure control is carried out using a pressure gauge, and the filling of the tank is carried out with a water measuring tube.

Advantages and disadvantages of foam generators

  • The entire washing cycle (preliminary washing off of dirt and dust, applying a layer of foam, final washing of the car, drying) takes 15-20 minutes.
  • The absence of contact with the surface of the body during the washing process eliminates the appearance of microdamages, stains and clouding of the paintwork.
  • High-quality washing in hard-to-reach places of the car body is ensured by the fluidity of the foam and the surfactants contained in it.
  • The formation of a thin protective anti-corrosion film after washing off the foam protects the paintwork.

The cost of a low pressure foam generator is measured in tens of thousands of rubles. Sprayers and dosatrons are cheaper, but the quality of washing is worse. The foam generator (foam set) is an inexpensive device, but it requires connection to a high-pressure machine, the cost of which is from 50 thousand rubles. It is easier and cheaper to make a low pressure foam generator yourself.

We make a foam generator from a garden sprayer with our own hands

For the manufacture of a home-made foam generator, an old Quasar garden sprayer with an inoperative pump or a Zhuk pump-action is suitable. Buying a new sprayer for subsequent alteration will cost 500-800 rubles.

  1. To supply compressed air, we drill a hole at the top of the sprayer body and insert a nipple with check valve. If this option does not suit you, then you can unscrew the existing overpressure relief valve from the housing and, by inserting the nipple, connect the hose from the car compressor to it. The quality of the foam depends on the pressure value - the higher the pressure created by the compressor, the better.
  2. We disassemble the spray bar. We tightly stuff the adapter tube with a fishing line or a metal washcloth for washing dishes to improve foaming at the exit.
  3. In the intake hose in its upper part, from the side of the sprayer outlet fitting, we make 5-10 punctures for better foaming.
  4. Pour water through the neck in the case with added car shampoo in a ratio of 1:50 or select the desired concentration empirically. The volume of the washing solution occupies 70% of the sprayer capacity. After turning on the compressor, we eliminate possible leaks and evaluate the quality of the foam.

Nuances in the independent manufacture of a foam generator

  • Making a foam generator with your own hands from improvised means, take into account the power of the existing compressor and the volume of the tank. The ratio of the volume of 20 liters and the pressure of 6kg / cm² will allow you to wash the car without additional topping up the solution in the tank.
  • The foam tablet device (foaming agent) determines the quality of the foam. If the stability and multiplicity of the foam are not satisfactory, then they buy a ready-made foam kit or modernize the design of a home-made foam concentrate.

What to make a foam generator

The base part of the device for creating foam is the tank on which the rest of the nodes are assembled. For the manufacture of the foam generator use:

  • Metal pipe.
  • Garden sprayer.
  • Propane tank.
  • Water heater tank.

How to make a do-it-yourself foam generator from a water heater (video)

See how an efficient foam generator works and what it takes


Knowing the device and the principle of operation of the foam generator, motorists independently manufacture washing devices. Saving money is obvious, but do not forget about common sense. Homemade foam, dried and not washed off in time, damages the paintwork of the car.