Summer cottages - maximum comfort at minimum cost. We choose country two-room change houses with a toilet and a shower Change house with a kitchen and a bathroom

Often the purchased summer cottage is part of a field with meter-long weeds. To fight the "wild flora" you need some kind of shelter - to rest, to gain strength for a new stage of the struggle. Building a house in an open field is not the most reasonable idea, so many people think about temporary housing. If you love comfort even in field conditions, a country two-room change house with a toilet and a shower is one of the best options.


Although there are many building materials on the market, only the lightest, most practical and inexpensive are used in the construction of change houses. Country change houses are initially considered by many as a temporary option - the plans are to build a house. But the building often “grows” so firmly that it is either made into a guest house, or a summer kitchen, or used in some other way. So, even if you decide that this is only a temporary option, choose materials and sizes based on greater convenience.


Most often, change houses in our country are built of wood. They are not so cold in winter time and not so hot in summer. In wooden buildings, the required level of humidity is naturally maintained. Therefore, in wooden change houses we feel more comfortable.

The advantage of wooden cabins is their low weight. Such structures stand even on truck tires or stacked on top of each other building blocks. And they feel fine. In general, a wooden country house with a toilet and a shower is a good option.

A wooden summer house with a toilet and a shower is the most common option.

But in order for the structure to look normal, regular care is required for the wood. It is necessary to renew the protective and decorative coating. What it will be - paint, varnish, wood oil - you choose, but you need to update the coating. Frequency - once a year, once every two or three years. It depends on the type of coverage. Oils are usually updated every two or three years, paint and varnish - once a year or two. Such a need is far from encouraging. Firstly, the cost of varnish / paint, and secondly, the time to remove the old coating and apply a new one (you do not need to remove the oils, in this case the coating is simply updated).

A significant disadvantage of wood is its fire hazard. And it's hard to deal with it. Of course, before construction, the material is impregnated with flame retardants, but if it burns, then this will not save either.


Metal change houses are fireproof, but living in them is uncomfortable. First, you need a ventilation system. It is far from always possible to ventilate the change house by opening the doors and windows. Therefore, ventilation must be taken care of. It is not difficult to make it in such a small building, but this is additional trouble and expense.

In addition, with a decrease in temperature, it becomes very cold in a metal change house, and it is difficult to heat it - the metal quickly releases heat into space. But in summer it is too hot in such a building. The sun heats the surface and the stuffiness is incredible. Even if it's not hot outside. You can partially save the situation by pulling an awning, but this solution will help only partially. The sun will still warm it, albeit to a lesser extent.

Another disadvantage of such change houses for summer cottages is a large mass. You can’t put it on cinder blocks anymore - you need a more solid base that can withstand the mass of metal and the situation inside. In addition, it also needs to be painted. Because without paint, metal rusts, and because appearance is also important.

Other options

Wood and metal are far from the only materials from which you can make a country house. Instances from other materials are rarely found on sale on a crane, but you can build them with your own hands in a few days. If you have experience, it will not be difficult for you, and if you do not have experience, this will be it. A good workout that will come in handy in the future. If you are not going to build a house with your own hands, then on the site you will have to do something, then do something, or something else. Yes, and the builders will have to finish the flaws themselves. So that's a good start.

So, here's what else you can make a change house for giving:

From these materials, prefabricated structures are obtained. More comfortable will be the existence in the frame. If you plan to use the change house on a long-term basis, then this is - the best way. If the change house after the construction of the house is reclassified into a utility room, your choice is a sandwich panel.

Country two-room change house with a toilet and a shower: dimensions and layout

Most best option for garden plot or dachas - a country two-room change house with a toilet and a shower. In fact, it is already small country house ik. And in terms of functionality, and in terms of area, and in terms of ease of use. And here's the thing, if you order a house of the same area, it will cost you 25-30% more than a change house. Here are some interesting features.

Dimensions: which is more convenient

The normal width of the change house is 3-3.5 meters. With this width, the rooms are functional and comfortable. Even if the length of the change house is 6 meters, it is possible to enclose a toilet with a shower in the middle part, and arrange rooms on the sides.

A change house with a shower and a toilet is convenient - all the necessary premises are under this roof. Especially appreciate it when it rains, in early spring or in autumn. But if the length of the trailer is only 6 meters, the rooms are narrow - two meters or so.

It will be more spacious in the rooms if the length of the change house is 8 meters. In this case, the width can not be increased. Then the rooms will turn out to be about 9 squares each, which is already enough for a comfortable life. That is, a country two-room change house with a toilet and a shower should ideally have a size of 3 * 8 meters.

Optimal dimensions: based on economic feasibility

So, we have determined that minimum dimensions country two-room change house with a toilet and a shower - 3 * 6 meters, comfortable 3 * 8 meters. But there are some nuances.

Look, in a "clean" form, taking into account the thickness of the walls inside the room, it will be about 2.5-2.6 meters wide and 2.8-2.6 meters long with an eight-meter trailer length. Agree, this is not enough. Only a bed can be placed in such a room. A very narrow passage will remain between the wall and its back, which cannot be used in any way. In front of the bed (one and a half) will also remain completely small plot, into which you can squeeze a small bedside table / chest of drawers and a chair.

Change house 8 * 4 - there is enough space for a comfortable arrangement of life

So if possible, it is desirable to increase the outer width to 3.5 meters. From the point of view of operation, this is convenient, but economically unprofitable. It's not just about increasing the amount of required materials. It will increase, but not very much. The point is a large number of trimmings, which will be obtained in this case. The standard length of boards and timber is 6 meters. So the optimal size is 3 by 6 meters. But, as we found out, it is not very convenient. And with a change house length of 8 meters, pieces of 4 meters remain. So the second optimal size that a country two-room change house with a toilet and a shower should have is 8 * 4 meters. In this case, the number of cuts will be very small. So the costs won't go up too much.

If this option seems too big for you, you can go the other way - buy some of the small-sized building materials - 2 meters each or in the pieces that you need. They are available at every sawmill, and since they are sorters, they cost much less per cube. So increasing the area can also help you reduce the cost of building materials.

The minimum size of a change house with a shower and a toilet is 4*.5 m

Wide change houses have only one drawback: they can be transported only with the permission of the traffic police:

  • If the width is up to 2.55 meters, no permit is needed.
  • From 2.55 m to 3.50 m - written permission.
  • More than 3.55 meters - accompanied by a traffic police car.

This can concern you only if you are going to transport it somewhere or are going to buy it ready-made. If you will build it or order it from a company, this should not worry you.

Layout option for two-room cabins

One of the popular options for using a two-room change house for a summer residence is to make a kitchen and a dining room in one room. Moreover, they make a semi-partition, which nominally encloses the kitchen and living room. good doors and, perhaps, an insulated partition is needed where the living quarters are separated from the vestibule and the shower with the toilet. A little later it will become clear why.

Country two-room change house with a toilet and a shower 3*8 meters. According to the layout - a traditional vest. It's hard to warm it up.

If you plan to use a change house in spring or autumn, and 1-2 people will live, the best layout is if the entrance is not in the middle (the so-called undershirts), but from one of the edges, as in the photo below.

Why is this layout better? This makes it easier to heat the rooms. In spring and autumn, you can not do without heating. In a vest, you can heat only one room with one stove. Keeping doors open is not the best best idea, since the heat will leave, because the vestibule with open doors does not fulfill its purpose. So it turns out that only one of the rooms will be inhabited.

But there are more options:

  • in cold weather, use one of the rooms as a refrigerator, pantry, warehouse;
  • put two heat sources - one in each of the rooms;
  • make a portable vestibule.

The advantages of the layout above are that almost the entire change house can be heated with one stove. Only the bathroom is cold. But a small volume is easier to heat. Before taking a shower, you can briefly turn on a portable heat source that will warm the room. And if you heat water with wood-burning titanium, then it will heat the room.

Change houses with a veranda

It is very convenient if there is a clean covered area in front of the change house - a covered veranda. Here you can work or relax while it is raining, here you can put a table for eating. It's really very convenient. So it’s better to plan everything at once and make the foundation for the veranda at the same time as the house. and later, but it will cost more. The foundation will be separate, unconnected, it will be necessary to think about how to connect the roof.

You can do even more - there is never a lot of space on the veranda

It is immediately better to consider the veranda at its full length - from edge to edge on the south or east side. Even better - make it in the form of the letter "G", covering two adjoining sides. Believe me, there is not much space. By the way, part of the veranda can be sewn up, doors can be installed and used as a pantry / dressing room. The space inside the change house is quite small, it is problematic to find a place to store things. And so you don’t spend space inside, and things / tools are available.

Part of the veranda can then be glazed and the kitchen can be moved here, making a dining room. This is exactly what happens over time. It is really convenient, and, as you settle in your summer cottage, you will gradually increase, add, and complete.

Foundation selection and site preparation

The choice of foundation, of course, depends on the type of soil and the depth of soil freezing in a particular region. But change houses - even garden and country houses - are considered temporary buildings. Let "temporarily" they stand ten and more years… Therefore, the approach here is not the same as when choosing a foundation for a house. One of the main criteria is low costs. Less is better. From this point of view, we will consider this issue.

Building blocks stacked on a prepared pillow - a simple version of the foundation for a change house

Foundation for a house

As already mentioned, change houses are even on tires and stacked on top of each other building blocks or columns of bricks. They really stand, as they have a small mass, and, due to the mobility of the frame structure, they withstand a slight skew (sometimes they can withstand a noticeable skew). But, if you do it (necessarily on an incoherent foundation), be prepared for the fact that every spring you will have to do something - it either lags behind, then rises, then falls (in relation to the house),

If you love “thoroughly and forever”, make a screw or pile foundation right away. For light construction this is the ideal stable option. It is not suitable only for quicksand or rocky soils. But on rocky ground stones will also go, but with quicksand the conversation is generally separate - there is only a stove without any options.

And this is - for lovers of a margin of safety for everyone - a pile foundation with a metal pipe piping

Now for the number of supports. A country two-room change house with a toilet and a shower 3 * 6 meters can stand on 4 supports in the corners. For longer ones - 7-8 meters - you also need supports in the middle of the long side. Total - 6 pieces. It does not make sense to put additional ones - the carrying capacity of these is more than enough.

Site preparation

This step is often forgotten or considered insignificant. In vain. The costs are not so big, but the benefits are obvious. What need to do:

Why do all this? So that a swamp does not form under the change house and plant and animal remains that are contained in the fertile layer do not begin to rot. The phenomenon is very unpleasant and, after the change house has been set up and settled in, it is difficult to eliminate. It is better to eliminate the opportunity itself than to deal with the consequences.

The second plus of installing a change house on a prepared site is less possibility that it will “lead” during spring heaving. This possibility will not bother you unless you have installed a change house on piles (screw or filler). All other "lite" options are subject to this phenomenon.

Arrangement of change house inside

Very important point- how to decorate the change house inside. I want it to be beautiful, practical and inexpensive. It’s worth saying right away what to find suitable option difficult. Some of the requirements usually have to be neglected. Here are the options:

Other options for finishing country or garden change houses are almost never used.

For workers, these are specialized change houses without living quarters inside. They are intended solely for hygienic purposes and are either unitary or combined units, complete with sanitary ware.

The number of booths will directly depend on the number of people involved in the work. The same factor will also affect the size of the metal block container used as the basis for placing bathrooms and showers with sinks for washing hands.

Comfort and compliance with the conditions for life and work construction teams pay special attention to sanitary services in the process of checking temporary housing. If these are change houses with a toilet and a shower for workers, then they must comply with established sanitary and hygienic standards. This is important and everyone who plans or is already carrying out construction work with the hiring of a work team for temporary residence at the facility should know about it.

Options for arranging bathrooms in change houses

In a change house with a bathroom, you can comfortably live during the summer season, it is convenient to use the building as a guest house on a country plot or equip it as a stationary mini-house. Mobile and compact structures do not require the allocation of large areas on the site. Moreover, it is precisely due to their mobility that it is possible to quickly connect buildings to sewerage, water and energy supply systems. The presence of bathrooms makes the change house an autonomous room for living.

The toilet in the change house can be in the form of:
separate enclosed space
shared room (toilet and shower)

A shower in a change house can be implemented:
with water supply from a tank fixed on the roof and heated by the sun (summer version)
with connection of a boiler powered by electricity
combined option

The wastewater sewerage system can be implemented:
output to cesspool or septic tank on site
outlet to the central sewerage system

In the toilet, in addition to the toilet bowl, a sink for washing hands is installed, and places are allocated for hygiene products. For convenience, it is possible to place a mirror and other accessories. A summer change house with a bathroom does not require additional insulation, so it will be cheaper. If the use of a change house with a toilet and shower is planned all year round, including the heating season, you should take care of the appropriate insulation and heating system of the room.

Change houses summer cottages have long ceased to be used as a temporary shelter or as auxiliary structures. Today, these are buildings with a very strong frame, functional and comfortable rooms, a shower, a toilet. There are even models that have . Modern change houses have everything you need for seasonal comfortable living outside the city. That is why they are especially popular all over the world. Many of us are still wary of such construction. But in vain, because the country change house allows you to feel comfortable, performs all its functions.

The use of change houses for summer cottages

Currently, change houses for summer cottages are used for various purposes. They are used as a tool necessary for the operation. Such structures are very simple. Often they are not distinguished by sophistication and are not used for living.

Country change houses with a toilet and a shower have a completely different look and function. It's kind of suitable for temporary housing. They will be comfortable in the warm season. In such a house you can relax on the weekends or retire from the noisy city. equipped with everything you need, but do not shine with luxury. This is a great option for installing on .

Modern cabins for country residence can be:

  • metal. These buildings are durable and have a long service life. They can be mounted. Also, metal summer cottages can be welded. Their main disadvantage is the cost, which significantly exceeds analogues. Today they are rarely used. Many land owners have abandoned such trailers, because they look very unattractive;
  • wooden. These structures are less durable, but with proper processing and care, they can last for many years, bringing joy to their owners. Wooden change houses are harmoniously combined with the surrounding nature. mounted with shields or timber. Such buildings allow not only to securely place all garden tools, but also to enjoy comfort.

High-quality change houses for summer cottages with a shower and a toilet are comfortable structures that perfectly perform their functions. Buildings may be of different configurations. Very often they are supplemented with a special water tank. Wooden houses have already gained a high reputation and are increasingly replacing the old ones.

Types of wooden cabins

There are several types of wooden cabins:

  • , which are usually used to store garden tools. Such facilities can accommodate a shower, toilet, a separate room. These are reliable structures, since their basis is the frame. They install fairly quickly. The installed frame is sheathed with a special material. The frame makes the whole structure integral;
  • From a bar. The advantage of such structures is simple installation. In addition, such structures can not. They look decent and natural in any case;

Mounted household houses for summer cottages modular method. Thanks to the unique technology, they can be supplemented various elements, turning into miniature exquisite structures.

Two-room change houses - an alternative to summer house construction

  • fully functional. This house has everything you need for a comfortable life. Change houses country two-room with a toilet will allow to feel all comfort;
  • installed at any time of the year. They do not need massive foundations, just a small structure is enough, which can be done at any time of the year;
  • beautifully complement, become its decoration. mini house from natural wood ideally ;

At minimal cost, you can build a country change house. Its installation will not take much time. It is worth noting that the installation of the structure can be completed in only a few days, while brick building may drag on for years. As a rule, rooms in such structures are placed in the form of a "vest" with. But you can design a country house on your own. This will allow individual requirements to be realized. This can be done by directly contacting the manufacturers of frame modular structures.

The composition of the design of a modular house for a summer residence

Country change houses, popular all over the world, consist of complete set items that are very easy to assemble. As a result of the installation, a beautiful and cozy house is obtained. Most household houses are supplemented with the necessary insulation. This approach to construction allows you to use a country house at any time of the year. To heat in winter a mini-house, insulated modern materials will become much easier. In addition, the heat from the house will not come out well. Such in the biggest frost.

Very often, household cottages for summer cottages with a bathroom and a toilet are complemented by a beautiful, but at the same time. In this place at home it is very cozy to have breakfast, dinner, meet guests. Tea drinking on the veranda of a country change house fills with a special atmosphere and energy on long time. Two-room summer cottages with a veranda allow you to breathe fresh air even in the heaviest rain, because they are equipped with a roof.

The complete set of modular summer cottages includes windows, doors, floor, roof, that is, for little money you can buy a ready-made house, only disassembled.

Wooden houses are supplemented with a toilet, and. The modern layout allows you to place the bathroom in such a way that you can get into it without leaving the main building. Shower and toilet are equipped. Change houses country two-room with a shower completely correspond to modern requirements.

There are many photos of summer houses on the Internet. You can choose not only the dimensions, but also the shape, materials that are used during installation. Also in the photo you can see how it is more advantageous to place a mini-house on your site.

Do-it-yourself installation of household country houses

If you decide to independently build a change house for a summer residence, then you need to start by drawing up a drawing. You need to create a project, observing all technical requirements. Further, if the sketch is ready, you can proceed with the installation work. The first thing to do is to mount the foundation. When building a light house, it will be enough fragile column foundation. After installing the foundation, you can proceed with the installation of the frame. Experts recommend building a frame from wooden beam. This will make the whole structure strong and durable.

At self-assembly It is worth remembering about the processing of wood with special solutions. The funds will help to save the material for a long time.

At the very beginning of the design work, it is necessary to consider whether it will be used country house in winter. If such an application is necessary, then it is worth thinking about the system of insulation of the structure, it.

Inexpensive summer cottages - the best solution

Experts recommend, before deciding on the independent construction of a change house for country use, to ask if it is not easier to use the services of professionals. It turns out that high-quality modular houses are inexpensive. Their prices are very reasonable. Such mini-houses are available for everyone. In addition, they are fully equipped, equipped with all the elements. You can buy a ready-made two-room change house for a summer residence with a toilet and a shower for little money up to 30,000 rubles.

The complete absence of a foundation, ease of installation, the use of natural natural materials- pluses when choosing a purchased summer house

Although the country change house is mounted quickly and simply, but still this kind of work should be entrusted to professionals. Company employees:

  • will help you choose the best option for the structure so that it meets your desires;
  • will provide full information about technical specifications structures;
  • tell you how to take care of wooden structure so that it pleases for a long time, without losing its characteristics and appearance;
  • deliver the purchased house to the destination;
  • will carry out the installation. Such work will not take much time, because a professional approach to business allows you to mount a country house in just a few days;
  • perform all work on a turnkey basis. You will not have to finish anything, and you can safely enjoy a pleasant pastime in the country.

The most profitable acquisition are houses from manufacturers. Direct deliveries allow you to significantly save money, get warranty.

Inexpensive country change houses are popular all over the world. They are also in demand with us, because at a low cost you can get a comfortable house for seasonal living.

Change houses country two-room with a toilet and a shower from the manufacturer: high quality, reasonable prices

When choosing a change house for giving, preference should be given to quality products. Only such products can serve for a long time. It is most profitable to give preference to mini-houses from the manufacturer. They adhere to production technology and produce only high-quality products. Companies specializing in the production of modular homes are working to improve their products. They value their reputation. Each household premise for a summer residence passes due control. The cost of such household two-room houses pleasantly surprises.

function rooms, beautiful interior bring comfort and satisfaction. The appearance of the house will fit perfectly into, fill it with special meaning. for country use for a long time will delight with its appearance.

When purchasing a summer cottage for building a house, most of our compatriots decide to build a temporary home. Country two-room cabins with a toilet and shower very successfully replace a full-fledged garden house, where you can have a good and comfortable rest, spend the weekend with your family, enjoying life away from the bustle of the metropolis. The rules for choosing and installing a country change house will be discussed in this publication.

whim or necessity

In fairness, it should be noted that the community of summer residents was divided into two camps. Some prove the necessity and economic feasibility of installation on a light construction site. The second argue that change houses are an extra waste of resources that can be directed to the improvement of the site. So, do you need a change house on the site?

Initially, such temporary buildings very successfully replace:

  • warehouse for storage of building materials and tools;
  • a study to manage the process of turning the “hotbed of wildlife” into a comfortable place to live;
  • accommodation for builders.

After the construction of a capital building, a dwelling from a change house can be used as a guest house, utility block, workshop or a spacious summer kitchen. Lots of options.

What else can be done from a change house in the country? Yes, anything, because these are two full-fledged rooms with a sanitary unit. For example, use one room as a bedroom, and make a spacious kitchen out of the second. Another popular option: use one room for relaxation, the second as a pantry for storing garden tools.

If you wish, you can not engage in capital construction at all, but install a standard summer two-room change house with a shower and toilet on the site. Then gradually supplement the building with new modules, combining them into a single structure. The undoubted advantage of such construction is the possibility of installing individual trailers in several tiers, which significantly saves space on the site. The appearance, layout and functionality of the building will depend only on financial investments, the owner's imagination and building codes.

Materials and equipment

A residential change house with a shower and a toilet can be made of metal and wood. Each of the materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider them in more detail.

Metal constructions

Metal change houses are very durable, mobile, fireproof, have high strength. The frame is assembled from profiled pipes, a channel or a corner. For sheathing, galvanized corrugated board or metal tile is used. The shape of the roof is flat or shed.

Everything metal elements structures are treated with an anti-corrosion compound. Polyurethane foam is used as an insulating layer in metal trailers. Windows - wood or metal-plastic.

The main disadvantages of metal trailers:

  1. They do not have a ventilation system.
  2. On soft soils, foundations are required.

According to reviews, it is very uncomfortable to live in metal two-room summer cottages with a shower and a toilet: it is hot in summer and cold in winter. Already at -15 ° C, it is very problematic to heat such housing.

Wooden trailers

Timber is one of the most popular materials for the construction of temporary buildings. Wooden change houses have good strength, low weight, excellent appearance. In wooden buildings, air exchange and the most comfortable level of humidity are naturally maintained.

Main advantages:

  1. Affordable cost, due to the average quality of lumber.
  2. Environmental friendliness.
  3. Wooden country houses from change houses are very easy to redevelop.

Disadvantages of wooden trailers:

  • fire hazard;
  • do not tolerate movement;
  • without proper treatment, wood can be damaged by fungus and insects.

The frame is assembled from a bar or board 100 x 50 mm. External cladding - moisture resistant OSB boards. Sheets can be used for interior cladding: chipboard, fiberboard, drywall. Mineral wool insulation, 50 mm thick, is used as a heat-insulating layer. Roof: gable, shed or flat.


Eurocabinets country two-room gather from a sandwich panels. The main advantage of this building material is the possibility of application in wide temperature ranges. Sandwich panels have a three-layer structure: metal carcass, outer casing made of profiled steel sheet with polymer coating, inner lining from OSB boards. To create comfortable temperature indicators inside the room, the structure of the panel is filled with insulation.

The collapsible modular design of eurocabins facilitates transportation by any mode of transport.

Dimensions and execution

Standard dimensions of a change house made of metal: 6 x 2.4 m. Such dimensions are due to the dimensions of the loading platform for moving the building to the facility.

Depending on the purpose, manufacturers offer two-room trailers of the following sizes:

  1. 2.3 x 5.8 m. This is the most budget option. The design, which is most often used as a bedroom and storage room for garden tools.
  2. 7 x 2.4 and 8 x 2.4 m. These are the most optimal dimensions of a change house for year-round use: photos with layout options will help you choose the most convenient design that takes into account the wishes of all family members.

Metal trailer with two rooms, shower and toilet 6 x 2.4 m.

Country two-room change house with a toilet and a shower.

Layout of a winter change house with a stove, toilet and shower.
The size of wooden temporary buildings can vary depending on the needs and capabilities of the owners. Economy option - "vest" with dimensions of 6 x 2.3 m.

Dimensions and layout of the classic "vest" with the dimensions of the premises.

Foundation for a two-room change house with a shower and a toilet

Before you make a country house out of a change house, you need to resolve the issue of arranging the foundation, in other words, the foundation. In the classic version, the trailer is a lightweight structure that does not require the creation of complex belt type.

For the construction of a country house from a trailer, you can use lightweight base options:

  1. ZhB blocks FBS, FBP, FBV.
  2. Supporting elements made of cinder block.
  3. Railway sleepers.
  4. Car tires.

To exclude seasonal ground movements, the selected material is installed on a gravel or sand cushion.

Some owners of temporary buildings install them on brick posts. This can only be done on non-rocky soils.

A more expensive option for a base for a country house from a change house - which is suitable for all soils except rocky ones. The number of supports is calculated based on the bearing capacity of the structure. The depth of the bookmark is below the freezing point. For trailers with dimensions of 6 x 2.4, 4 supports located at the corners of the structure are required. For buildings longer than 6 m, it is necessary to provide two more supports in the center.

Do-it-yourself trailer house

Works on self-construction a country house from a change house is carried out in several stages.

Selecting a location for installation

If you plan to build a stationary structure, then install the trailer in the most convenient place for you. If you plan to move the structure, carry out installation work near the entrance to the site.

Foundation construction

Delete fertile layer earth and carefully tamp the resulting "pit". A roofing material, polyethylene film or geotextile is laid on the bottom and walls, on top of which a “sand cushion” is poured and compacted. The required number of cinder blocks treated with a waterproofing compound is installed along the perimeter and in the center.

Installing the trailer on the foundation

If desired, a veranda or porch can be attached to this design by installing them on supports. If necessary, carry out work on the interior and exterior of the building.

For finishing works The following materials are used indoors:

  • waterproof plywood;
  • OSB or chipboard boards (in the budget version - fiberboard sheets);
  • drywall;
  • lining.

For the exterior decoration of the house, the scheme for creating a “ventilated facade” with siding on the frame is most often used. More simple options: lining, edged board with different section shapes.

The last stage of the construction of the house is the arrangement of the change house inside: a photo with examples is presented below.
Classic trailer with bathroom, kitchen and bedroom.

Option for arranging the interior of the euro-cabin house 6 x 2.4 m.

Storage room.

Convenient country house from a block container.

Do-it-yourself warm country change house - video

Separately, it is worth noting the comfort that a temporary country house can provide. After all, for whatever purpose you use a suburban area - for growing tomatoes or for barbecue with friends - you want there to be a place where you can not only hide from the rain or the scorching sun, but also cook food, take a shower, spend the night without inconvenience.

It is possible to carry out electricity and water supply to the summer cottage, equip it with a modern bathroom with a shower and toilet, make a kitchen where there will be a sink, a stove, and a refrigerator. Actually, you can equip a change house with any household appliances, which is necessary, from the heater and washing machine to TV or computer. If you wish, you can buy a change house with a veranda, where you can have a nice family tea party on a pleasantly warm summer evening. And if you intend to spend time outside the city not only in the warm season, but also in winter, the best solution would be an insulated structure: it will not allow you to freeze even in severe frost.

A wooden house is a great solution for giving or suburban area, he not only perfectly solves the temporary problem of living in the country, but can also become a permanent suburban home. In many areas of change houses, country houses take root so much that the owners simply don’t want to build big house. Why waste money and time when a small, reliable building provides everything you need for a comfortable existence?

But even if you decide to start building a house on the site, the change house will be very useful: while construction is underway, you can store building materials and necessary equipment in it. In addition, builders can spend the night in a change house, and thanks to this they will be able to build a house faster, because they will not have to spend time returning home after work and then getting back to your site. Well, after the house is built on your site, the change house can be used as a utility room, store summer equipment in it, or even convert it into a bathhouse.

If you need country change houses, it is better to purchase them directly from the manufacturer, this will additionally save on the commission charged by resellers. Construction of high-quality and comfortable country houses our company is engaged in Moscow and the Moscow region. We produce "turnkey change houses": we will provide not only the construction of the structure, but also its delivery and installation right on your site. Our consultants will help you choose a ready-made change house that meets your needs, or you can order it according to an individual project.