How to become the new Spiderman. How does Spider-Man work and can superhumans appear in the future? Young crime fighters

Reading 3 min. Views 3.8k. Posted April 24, 2014

How to become a spider man

Various comics and animated series, films about people with super-strength always arouse great interest and love from numerous fans. And one of such popular and beloved heroes is Spider-Man. Now many are interested in how to become a spider-man. In this article, we will dwell on this issue in detail.

How to become Spiderman. To become a spider-man, it is not at all necessary to run around various radioactive plants, look for spiders there that will bite you. What is needed for this? How to become a spider man? First, you must have a very flashy costume and a hidden appearance. Many, first of all, remember Spider-Man precisely by his costume.

To make such a costume, you will need to take a special fabric. In the original it should be a latex suit. You can also take any synthetic fabric in red and blue. This will be the basis of the costume. White and black colors will be the sign of the spider on the back and chest.

How to become Spiderman in real life.

Of course, this is not an easy task. However, we will try to figure out how to become Spider-Man in real life. As you know, Spider-Man has always hidden his identity from everyone. Therefore, you will need to try to do everything so that as few people as possible know about what mask you are hiding under.

How to be a real spider man

To become Spider-Man, you also need to be inconspicuous and secretive. You also need to have agility and spider strength. Many people remember that the spider-man possessed heroic strength, excellent dexterity. In fact, absolutely anyone can become one. healthy man. But for this you need to play sports. To increase your strength, you can go to the gym. Dexterity can also be well developed with the help of a variety of outdoor sports games. You can also learn one of the types of hand-to-hand combat. It can be mixed types of martial arts, because they are considered more universal.

How to become a spider man? What else needs to be done for this? Of course, Spider-Man must protect defenseless people. He must also be resilient. Significant success in this matter can be achieved by skiing, running, swimming.

And do not forget that Spider-Man will also need the ability to climb walls and roofs. Of course, it will be extremely difficult to learn this. To be able to quickly, deftly move along walls and roofs, you will need to learn the basics of parkour, mountaineering. But for fast and confident movements, in principle, only the basics will not be enough for you. You will need to become a professional in parkour. You will also need to understand climbing equipment.

What else is needed? How to become a spider man? Of course, you must have intelligence, spider sense. Spiderman must have great intuition. To become a spider-man, you must have knowledge in the field of chemistry, biology, physics. In addition to all this, it is necessary to develop a general level of thinking. And remember, everything will work out if you put in a little effort.

The Marvel Universe is based on a fantasy representation. In a fantasy world, our laws of physics do not necessarily apply, so Spider-Man's abilities do not require scientific proof, although they are based on science and are an exaggerated version of the real ones. scientific facts. According to the story, Peter Parker acquired his powers through the venom of an irradiated spider. They endowed him with superhuman agility and speed, reflexes and strength, and eventually led to the development of even more impressive abilities, including night vision and a remarkable sense of smell.

The strength of polymers

The main advantage of Spider-Man, of course, was the ability to release threads of sticky and incredibly strong web. If we ignore air resistance and consider the “shot” to be strictly vertical, then we can estimate the speed of departure of the gossamer threads: v = (2gh), that is, v = (2 * 9.8 m / s2 * 100 m) = 44 m / s, or about 160 km/h. And although this is even less than the speed of a bullet, or at least sound, the energy that is required for this cannot but impress. It is hard to imagine how the body could get it without an additional artificial source.

But the strength of Spider-Man's threads is quite "scientific": spider web is one of the strongest polymers on the planet. Its tensile strength is on the order of 1000 MPa, while the carcass thread of Araneus diadematus spiders reaches 2700 MPa. Such an indicator is beyond the power of the best grades of high-carbon steel. Therefore, already a 3 mm Spider-Man cable (assuming its strength of 1000 MPa) is able to withstand a load of more than 7000 N and cope with a load weighing up to 720 kg - or with the weight of a normal person, even with strong acceleration in the fall.

The web of arachnids is secreted by specialized glands in the back of the abdomen, and the same animal may have several types of glands that create webs with different properties. But in any case, chemical composition it is a special protein, very close to silk protein. Its chains are rich in glycine (the smallest of the amino acids, it provides flexibility to the polymer strands) and serine (the only amino acid in living organisms containing sulfur, which is able to form additional bonds that strengthen the shape of the protein). BUT separate sections proteins contain exceptionally high amounts of the third amino acid, alanine.

It would seem, why do we need all these details? However, it is they that create a special microstructure of spider proteins-spidroins: alanine regions form densely packed crystalline regions, and glycine regions form amorphous, elastic bonds between them. Drying in the air, the whole structure hardens and forms a thread from which the spider weaves parts of its web. The process is difficult, but still the synthesis of the web is even more difficult. Spiders use so many resources to produce spidroins that they often eat old and damaged threads themselves in order to reuse them.

alien web

Attempts to "tame" the web and get it in the laboratory, and then on an industrial scale, have not stopped for many decades. During this time, it was possible to identify and isolate the spidroin gene from spiders and transfer it to other organisms, so today it is possible to extract a protein polymer not only from specially grown silkworms or spiders, but also from E. coli bacteria, genetically modified tobacco and potato plants, and even from ... goat milk animals that carry the spider protein gene. Home technical problem in this area, in fact, the weaving of threads from this valuable resource remains.

Spiders use an extremely complex system of arachnoid glands: unlike the same milk, from nails and hair, this material needs a subtle, even jewelry synthesis process. Spidroin should be released at a strictly defined low rate and intertwined into certain moment, being in the desired stage of hardening. Therefore, the glands of some spiders are extremely complex, containing several separate reservoirs for the successive "maturation" of the web and its formation. It's hard to even imagine how Spider-Man could weave it at a speed of 150 km / h. But simply synthesizing spidroin will be quite within the power of the man of the future.

No, nothing like genes is transmitted with bites, whether it be an ordinary animal or even a radioactive spider. Even the "induced" radiation itself, which could be preserved in the bite of a spider that survived hard radiation, is unlikely to reach a serious level for us - unless its poison consisted of pure plutonium. And "mutagenic enzymes" would hardly have given Peter Parker the necessary superpowers. As far as we know, these do not exist in nature: our body, on the contrary, is constantly fighting against random mutations, and entire protein armies are constantly busy “repairing” damaged DNA. Suppressing the work of these proteins increases the level of mutations - but in this case, Peter Parker would most likely simply die from one of oncological diseases, which are fraught with random mutations.

It is hardly possible to get with a bite the genes of spidroin proteins we need. To do this, a certain piece of DNA must not only enter the body, but also avoid attack. immune system, while penetrating through the cell membrane, then the shell of the nucleus - and, finally, integrate into the active site of some chromosome. It is hard to imagine that this happened by chance - viruses have been honing this simple skill for billions of years and countless generations. Therefore, it is viruses that can give hope that someday science will turn Parker's volunteer into something like a real Spider-Man.

Energy and Nanotechnology

Indeed, in 2010, when goats were obtained that give milk with spider proteins, scientists used modified viruses to transfer genes. Unable to harm the cell, they nevertheless retained the ability to attach to it and deliver an artificial analogue of the spidroin gene inside. By the way, the polymer obtained in this way was woven into an extremely durable material, which Nexia Biotechnologies promoted under the BioSteel trademark, but the production process was never brought to an economically justified cost and scale, so today the company went bankrupt. But we digress.

DNA fragments necessary for the synthesis of spidroin were introduced into goats at the stage of unicellular embryos. Subsequently, these genes were found in all daughter cells of the formed organism, although scientists integrated them into that part of the genome that was active only in cells involved in the synthesis of mother's milk. If we want to turn Peter Parker into Spider-Man, we will have a much harder time. Firstly, the target gene must be in the chromosomes of an already adult organism, immediately in many formed cells in certain areas of the skin, and be integrated into the desired area everywhere.

Theoretically, this could the latest technology that are now passing different stages study and laboratory testing - plus some ideas that remain a matter of the more distant future. In particular, the improved CRISPR/Cas method promises precise integration of genes into the desired regions of chromosomes. It uses a special set of bacterial enzymes and RNA, which ensure that cuts are made in the DNA strand in a strictly defined place. The cell's own enzymes instantly rush to repair this artificial damage and use the first "patch" that comes along - usually a fragment of the gene that people need, which is usually introduced along with the Cas proteins.

Retroviruses can provide transport to deliver the entire set of molecules, as was done with goats. And nanotechnology will make it possible to equip the shells of viral particles with elements, for example, responsive to a magnetic field, in order to activate gene modification strictly in the right cells of an adult Peter Parker. It is more difficult to imagine how from the cells of his skin and, apparently, from sweat and sebaceous glands it would be possible to obtain arachnoid glands, arranged much more complex and working differently. But the main problem is metabolism.

Like the flight of birds, the venom of snakes, or the human brain, the web is an amazingly complex adaptation, a veritable masterpiece of evolution that has ensured the success of a vast group of animals. But the brain, and flight, and the synthesis of toxins and webs are adaptations that are extremely expensive for the body. Experiments with Australian relatives of vipers have shown that after a bite, they must increase their metabolic rate by almost 70% in order to gradually restore the supply of protein poison. By how much should a person's metabolism increase in order for him to synthesize hundreds of meters of a thick cobweb rope? How much food will he need and how high in calories should it be? It seems that all this reasoning puts an end to our dreams of a real Spider-Man.

Instead of an afterword

Even if we want to get only a person capable of synthesizing webs little by little, introducing the spidroin gene into Peter Parker will not be enough. The same remarks are valid in our case. We will have to grow spider glands in him, provide him with an enhanced metabolism, which will give him additional speed, agility and balance - and energy for the synthesis of the web. It is unlikely that this is possible within the framework of our body, and it is unlikely that such experiments will ever be carried out. But sooner or later, the power of web polymers will certainly come to our service, and we will get a new amazing material for heavy-duty and lightweight clothing, cables, for medicine and sophisticated optics. Perhaps, such products will not look as impressive as the fantastic Spider-Man, but they will certainly save lives no less.

virtual hero

The official launch of the video game "" took place on September 7th. Unlike all previous Spider-Man games, it allows you to not just defeat enemies in the form of your favorite superhero, and describes not just one episode from his superheroic life. Insomniac Games specifically created a story that will appeal to fans of Spider-Man.

Comics, and later animated series and films about people with super-strength, aroused great interest and love among fans. Spider-Man is one of the most popular superheroes. According to the story, he was an ordinary young man, but one day he was bitten by a radiation spider. After that, Peter Parker mutated, or rather, he had some super-powers. Namely, he acquired the ability to climb sheer walls, launch cobwebs, he had an increased instinct and tremendous strength. Many fans of this character are still wondering how to become a spider-man.

Not so long ago, an American schoolboy fulfilled his dream. He became Spider-Man. Yes, yes, and he has never been bitten by a spider. He only made a special device from suction cups and two vacuum cleaners, which allowed him to crawl along the walls. Therefore, everyone has the opportunity to become a spiderman.

So, in order to become a spider-man, it is not at all necessary to run around radioactive factories and look for spiders that will bite you. Let's take a closer look at each of Spider-Man's abilities and attributes.

Bright suit and hidden appearance

First of all, Spider-Man is remembered for his costume. So you can do the same for yourself. To create it, you need a special fabric. IN original version the costume was created from latex, but it is extremely difficult to find it. Therefore, you can take any synthetic fabric of the desired colors - red and blue are the basis of the suit, black and white are the spider sign on the chest and back.

In addition, Spider-Man hid his identity from everyone. Therefore, do everything so that as few people as possible know that you are hiding under the mask. How to become a spider man? You need to be secretive and inconspicuous.

Spider strength and agility

Spiderman possessed heroic strength and excellent dexterity. Absolutely any healthy person is capable of becoming strong and dexterous. To do this, you need to play sports. To increase strength, you can walk in gym, and dexterity is well developed by outdoor sports games. Spiderman must be able to protect the defenseless, for this you need to learn any of the types of hand-to-hand combat. Mixed martial arts are best suited - they are more versatile.

In addition, you definitely need to be hardy. Skiing, swimming and running help to achieve significant success in this like nothing else.

Ability to climb roofs and walls

This skill will be extremely difficult to learn. In order to be able to move quickly and dexterously on walls and rooftops, you need to learn the basics of parkour and mountaineering. Moreover, for fast and confident movements, the basics alone will not be enough for you. If you have seriously thought about how to become a spiderman, you need to become a professional in parkour and be well versed in climbing equipment.

Intelligence and spider sense

Every Spiderman fan knows that he had great knowledge and intuition. Therefore, if you want to become a spider-man, you will have to gnaw on the granite of science. To get as close as possible to the hero, it is important to have knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology. In addition, it is important to develop the general level of thinking. This is suitable for solving various kinds of problems.

Intuition, which was called spider sense, is extremely difficult to develop. One way is to play blindfolded tennis or badminton, boxing.

All of the tips above should help you with how to become Spiderman. Remember that everything will work out if you put in a lot of effort.

Ever since our grandparents were still small children, there was an opinion that a girl should be gentle, economic and beautiful, and a boy should be strong and courageous. Years go by, but concepts and traditions remain. Modern parents try to instill the necessary qualities in a child from a very young age with the help of fairy tales, toys and various stories about brave heroes.

Young crime fighters

Thus, the fearless Spider-Man enjoys considerable popularity among boys (and sometimes even among the young representatives of the fair sex). The hero attracts the guys by the fact that in his youth he is able to lead two absolutely non-overlapping lives: a simple student with a narrow circle of friends and a brave character with a bunch of admirers and admirers. Children are inspired by his success and think about how to become Spider-Man, well, or be at least a little like him. Many guys and their friends create real teams of superheroes, come up with costumes and ammunition, begging their parents to buy more and more new toys, thereby increasing the demand for Spiderman products.

But since, unfortunately, no one has yet succeeded in becoming a real Spider-Man (well, except, of course, Peter Parker), all this over the years remains only in pleasant childhood memories.

The kid wants to be Spiderman

If the child is really very carried away by this hero and longs to get an answer to the question of how to become a real Spider-Man, you should not build barriers or make comments about it. On the contrary, there are many benefits to be derived from it. For example, it is worth telling the boy that, before becoming Spider-Man, main character cartoon did well in school, was smart and ate all the porridge for lunch.

Everyone has the right to dream and try to fulfill their desires. It is great if parents support the baby in every possible way in all his dreams and undertakings. Very a good gift for a young fighter against evil, there will be a Spiderman costume or some of his gadgets that are used in comics or cartoons. Children love these gifts very much and will appreciate them anyway!

Superhero World Updates

Since the 1960s, we have been accustomed to seeing this hero in the usual blue-red or white-and-black suits, which he practically did not change until the 2000s. Over time, Marvel Comics decided to change the appearance of the hero, but how? To become a black Spider-Man, according to legend, the character was offered by the famous iron man Tony Stark. The new costume not only brought a fresh touch to the image, but also became high-tech armor for the superhero.

The equipment also did not stand still, in connection with this, the speed of the web attack was significantly increased along with accuracy and other important characteristics. Knowledge in the field of physics, biology and engineering helped Peter Parker create his own unique equipment to fight the villains.

Children's fun for adults

Oddly enough, not only children, but also adults believe in Spiderman's superpower, and they take it quite seriously. This is confirmed by the costumes created by Victor Maevits, an American professor. The development has been going on for more than one month, but now the whole world will know how to become Spider-Man by purchasing a suit.

In its creation, the developer relied on the basic feelings of a superhero, which help him fight evil. The character always felt if he was in danger, and Maevits was guided by this when developing. It was a brilliant idea to attach special equipment to Spiderman's clothes, which, using infrared rays, recognizes close contact with people and begins to "shrink" in a certain way on the hero's body, warning of possible danger. Also, the invention uses several modules, with their help, the “hero” has access to an almost circular view, which is displayed in special glasses.

Although the invention does not look exactly like a real suit, it helps to understand how to become Spider-Man in practice, and perhaps even surprise your friends with it. The clothes are made of ordinary fabric with the use of special cables, cords and other things. necessary equipment. In such interesting clothes, you can appear at a carnival, a costume party or use it for other purposes. But, unfortunately, the development is not yet at all popular in the CIS countries and is waiting for its time to appear on store shelves as an ordinary product.

Additional costume options

There are many in the world different options to feel like a superhero for a moment. For example, the Briton Jem Stansfield (an engineer by profession) came up with a very original way walk on the walls. To do this, he used several vacuum cleaners, fixing them in a certain way on his clothes and moving around the room no worse than the actors in the films with the help of special effects and editing. Jem said that unusual idea was born to him during the next cleaning of the house.

Children's celebrations with superhero

It often happens that parents, in order to give their child joy, invite an amateur to the holidays. He certainly knows how to become Spider-Man so that the kids have a lot of impressions. Although the “superhero” does not use any unusual skills, he will help children understand that they are also strong, dexterous and brave, and perhaps even reveal a couple of his super secrets. If your children adore Spiderman, you can safely give them such a holiday, as a result of which you will receive an invaluable children's smile.

In the game, Spider-Man flies around the city, clinging to buildings with a web. However, is this really possible? And how do movies and games solve this problem?

It must be unbearably difficult for Spider-Man to move through the air in Manhattan, because the force of gravity would have to pull him towards the skyscrapers every time he released the web, not allowing him to move forward.

Here's what actually happens to Spider-Man if he tries to hook one web onto a building and swing:

It can be assumed that the creators of Spider-Man Stan Lee and Steve Ditko did not think about this nuance, because for a comic book such a problem does not exist. However, for cinema and especially for video games, this is important, and the creators of the works as soon as they did not try to explain why Peter Parker manages to defeat physics.

Option #1 (and the most realistic)

Spiderman clings to both skyscrapers with both hands

Only with this method of movement can Spider-Man move around the city without hitting the walls every five seconds. But in movies and video games, such scenes rarely appear - not very aesthetically pleasing. One example is the 2002 Spider-Man movie, where Peter chases after the criminal who killed Uncle Ben and has to make his first flight. He released one web at first, but when he realized that he was about to hit the building, he released another one.

At the very end of the movie, Spider-Man also fired two webs once to keep his balance. In the third Spider-Man, the black spider fired once with both arms to pull himself up to buildings. In general, the list is very limited, it can be supplemented with just a couple of examples. In video games, this method is completely absent.

Option number 2. Version "A"

Spiderman clings to the air

In the final scene of the first Spider-Man film, the protagonist flies past cars on a web that is absolutely perpendicular to the ground - is the superhero hooked to the sky? Another similar mechanic is provided The game Amazing Spider-Man 2012. In it, Spider-Man does not cling to skyscrapers, but releases one long web up and sways strongly on it, which allows him to make dizzying jumps. This can only be done at the level of a skyscraper, which gives at least some drop of realism.

Option number 2. Version "B"

Spiderman clings to the air and moves in short bursts.

A variation of the first option stands aside, because there are two video games that implement this principle. In the 2002 game Spider-man The Movie, the hero moved around the city on a web in very short jerks, which increased the feeling of unrealism. The same principle is implemented in the game Lego Marvel Super Heroes, where Spider-Man is presented in the form of a Lego figure. Moreover, the main character can be caught in the air by the web and hang in this position.