What vitamins to drink against hair loss. How to solve the problem of hair loss? List of the best vitamins for beautiful and thick curls

Greetings, regular readers and guests of the blog! I recently learned shocking information. It turns out that a huge number of women and men of different ages are faced with the problem of hair loss. In most cases, this is due to a lack of nutrients in the body. Vitamins from hair loss can correct this situation. About them today and will be discussed. You will learn about the causes of this problem and what drugs to take to get rid of it.

The condition and density of your curls depends on many factors. This is genetics, and lifestyle, care and so on. The reasons for falling out can be different. Sometimes it is difficult to determine which factor has become a provocative. Let's consider the main ones:

  • Unbalanced nutrition. Trace elements have a huge impact on the health of our curls. Frequent diets and dietary restrictions lead to hair breakage and hair loss. According to trichologists, this is the most common reason for the loss of strands.
  • Changes in hormonal levels due to transitional age, pregnancy, menopause. Some women experience hair loss after childbirth and breastfeeding.
  • Stress and chronic fatigue, depression.
  • Avitaminosis, especially during the off-season.
  • Side effect medicines.
  • A sharp change in temperature - the use of various styling and curling products.
  • Endocrine, autoimmune, skin diseases. In this case, the problem is more difficult to fix.
  • Sometimes some hairstyles (pigtails, dreadlocks) become the cause of hair loss.

Only a doctor can determine the real reason for the loss of strands. He will tell you which vitamins are better to drink and prescribe treatment. If you find alarming symptoms, be examined by a specialist - a trichologist.

Hair Loss Types

The rapid loss of curls or alopecia can occur in different ways. Let's look at the most common types of hair loss.

Androgenic (male type)- Usually, this type of prolapse occurs against the background of an increase in the level of male sex hormones. Curls become thinner, their growth is rapidly declining. This type of alopecia is often seen in men and can be passed down from generation to generation. However, women also experience male-pattern prolapse. In this case, the hair on the temples and crown is thinning.

Nested or focal- characterized by loss of strands on separate sections heads. There may be itching or irritation in the affected areas. This disease often occurs due to hormonal changes in the body or genetic predisposition.

Diffuse prolapse (female type)- this in most cases affects women, much less common in men. Hair begins to thin and fall out evenly over the entire surface of the head. This phenomenon can lead to endocrine diseases, not proper nutrition, strict diets, hormonal drugs, etc. In this case, taking only vitamins will be ineffective. You will need a comprehensive examination and treatment.

Telogen miasma is a fairly common form. In the process of its growth, each hair goes through several stages. At the telogen stage, new hair no longer grows, but goes into a dormant state. Then there is their thinning and loss. Hormones play an important role here.

Telogen miasma can be observed after childbirth. However, you should not worry, this is only a temporary phenomenon. Properly selected drugs will help to correct the situation. Today there are vitamin complexes even for nursing mothers. You can read more about this in the article about .

Foods to include in your diet

A balanced diet plays a very important role in the restoration of strands. The body needs complete protein and the right carbohydrates, healthy fats and vitamins. A sufficient amount of these elements will ensure the beauty and health of your curls, prevent them from falling out. Here is a list of the most useful products for you:

  • Lean meat and poultry will provide the body with the necessary amount of protein and. These are very important components for good hair growth and strengthening.
  • Fatty fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins , E and . Salmon, tuna, sardines, cod are especially useful.
  • Sunflower seeds, flax and chia - they contain a whole range of useful substances. Elements such as: zinc, potassium, selenium and lecithin are essential for the health of the strands.
  • Dairy products - they contain, which help to better absorb B vitamins. Milk and its derivatives are rich in calcium and proteins, which are also necessary for the body. On the basis of fermented milk products, you can make masks against hair loss.
  • Bananas - this fruit contains a large amount. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system and the growth of your curls. Banana is often added to vitamin hair masks.
  • Green tea. In moderation, its use helps to cleanse the body. It contains antioxidants that positively affect the condition of the hair.

I insist that proper nutrition and lifestyle are the best helpers in matters of beauty. This is not too expensive a price to pay for excellent well-being and appearance.

Foods to Avoid

If you want to have healthy and beautiful curls, you should limit the use of certain products.

Sugar. Contained not only in sweets and pastries, but also in sauces, dairy products, bread. Its excess in the body leads to hormonal disorders and inflammation. You know the consequences - hair loss.

Semi-finished products. Processed foods contain a minimum of nutrients. But they have a lot of harmful fats, cholesterol, sugar and chemical additives.

Caffeine. In reasonable quantities, it does not harm the body. However, the abuse of drinks containing caffeine (tea, coffee, cocoa) leads to dehydration and hormonal disorders.

Alcoholic drinks. Their excessive use leads to diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, various kinds of inflammation. This leads to thinning and hair loss.

What vitamin deficiency causes hair loss?

Deficiency of certain vitamins can be a major cause of hair deterioration. Review your diet to understand what you are missing. I have compiled for you such a rating of vitamins and useful elements:

  • B vitamins- and strengthen nervous system make hair strong and strong. B5 has a beneficial effect on the work of the adrenal glands.
  • Vitamin E- . Helps to restore the structure of the hair, gives them shine. A solution of tocopherol is added to shampoos, hair balms. Taking the drug aevit also gives good results and, at the same time πŸ™‚

  • Vitamin D- makes strands softer and shinier. This substance provides growth and strengthening of hair. A solution of this vitamin is easy to buy and it is inexpensive.
  • - strengthens and restores curls, prevents loss. Masks with this vitamin are very useful. You can easily find it in a pharmacy and prepare the remedy yourself.
  • Iron- the lack of this element often occurs during pregnancy, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diets. Iron deficiency is also common in teenagers. Remember that alcohol, caffeine, and sugary sodas interfere with the absorption of iron.
  • Zinc- a very important element for good growth of curls. Often with its deficiency, alopecia occurs.

What are the best vitamins to take

For additional nutrition of curls, they help well. In addition, special vitamin complexes are needed. I offer a rating of products for better hair growth.


The feature of this complex is that it is divided into 2 parts. The package contains 60 tablets, which should be taken 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. It turns out you drink for a month. Beautiful of course - daytime white tablets, in the evening - black, so as not to confuse.

Many vitamins and minerals are cut down in composition. I compare this with what. And I didn’t understand what vitamin E is in the composition of this drug -?

Of the benefits - as part of 40 mg of L-cystine. Approximately 18% of this amino acid is located in the structure of the keratin molecule, providing rigid peptide bonds.


This complex from the Merz company is used for correcting nails and hair. Most of all there are vitamins B1, B5 and yeast. The composition of the complex is not bad. Only in the reviews they write and its low effectiveness.

One box contains 90 capsules. Dosage 1 capsule 3 times a day. It turns out that one box is enough for only 1 month, and the duration of treatment is recommended up to 6 months. The cost of capsules for a month is 1500 - 2100 rubles. Still, for the money you can find vitamins with the best composition.

Supreme Vital Hair (from Life Time)

In addition to pharmacy complexes, I decided to look for good vitamins on iherb.com. In terms of composition, I liked these vitamins, specially designed for hair growth. There are 120 capsules in a jar. Reception - 4 pieces per day with severe loss, i.e. one jar per month. To maintain growth, 1 piece each. Enough for a long time πŸ™‚

Almost every self-respecting woman has at least read or heard about it. From all sides, manufacturers tell us that their product is the best, most effective and most popular. And how can you resist and not try?

Vitamins for hair: general

Most importantly, they act from within the body and have a fairly wide spectrum of action. This means that they help to improve not only hair, but also all vital systems of the human body.


Such assistance works effectively and immediately. Drink vitamins - look prettier in front of your eyes! However, you don't need to do this all the time. Since the substances necessary for our beauty accumulate and will stay with us for some more time.

Here women are divided into two extremes. While they eat carrots in kilograms (vitamin A), onion (a nicotinic acid), green apples (FROM) and other gifts of nature, preferring everything natural, others try not to test their stomach and buy ready-made, each of which contains everything you need in a balanced combination.

Time passes, but until now these two wonderful "armies" are arguing which is better and safer. And while no one in this beauty war didn't lose, but didn't win either.

Vitamins are a kind of internal armor against external influences. Scientists have been working on their creation since the time of the beautiful Cleopatra. And she was born already in 69 BC. For so much time, however, now it is no longer alchemists, but pharmacists who provide us with such assortment of beauty vitamins, that it's time to get lost.


If you are a supporter of a healthy diet, then carefully study the table.

vitamins What helps? What is contained? How much to eat, in grams per day?
Group B - breakage protection

- preserves the natural color of the hair


potatoes (especially young ones);

all kinds of nuts;

all legumes

from 1600 g and more
Vitamin A - strengthens roots broccoli;

fresh spinach;

bell pepper

Vitamin C – prevents

- nourishes the follicles


green apples;

sea ​​buckthorn

A nicotinic acid - slows down the appearance of gray hair,

– creates the correct water balance


onion and garlic;


Vitamin E nourishes the hair with oxygen all kinds of seeds;

fresh herbs

The complete opposite of kilograms of vegetables and herbs - ready pills. Where in one capsule - everything in the right quantities.

Remember, men and women are helped by completely different vitamins from hair loss.

Vitamins for women:

  • centrum,
  • Complivit "shine",
  • Pantovigar,
  • Duovit,
  • Vita Sharm.

Women after childbirth (that is, at the very time when they go off scale, hence the complaints of hair loss!) Are more suitable:

  • Alphabet "mother's health",
  • Elevit Prental,
  • materna,
  • Vitaspectrum,
  • Supradin.

Men can help prevent premature baldness the following drugs:

  • Duovit (especially for men),
  • Centrum "Silver"
  • ABC Spectrum,
  • Merz.


They may be individual intolerance to one or more elements that make up vitamins. For example, if your body does not accept lactose, then when you see it in the annotation, think about another remedy. Fortunately, the modern pharmacy market can now meet the requirements of even the most fastidious consumer.

ATTENTION! Vitamins can be used without a doctor's prescription.

high cost

This factor depends entirely on the brand of vitamin. That is, the more expensive, the wider the range, time and quality of the impact on the body. So, more and better healing power.

This does not mean at all that inexpensive (for example!) "Aevit" will work poorly. No. It's just that the spectrum of its influence is much narrower and weaker than the same Pantovigar. And the price difference between them is more than tangible: 1664 rubles against 28!

Do you take vitamins?

YesNot yet

Let's meet in person!

Now we present the same TOP 5 vitamins for hair loss. The rating is based on customer reviews and medical research.


Vitamins number 1. And this has been proven by millions of owners of beautiful hair!
It's poly vitamin complex with all kinds of natural additives. They are in a compartment and create such a stunning effect.

Pantovigar is not suitable for men. His strong half is discharged only as a last resort. Since their hair loss has a completely different nature, different from that of women.

What is he struggling with? With diffuse hair loss. So called intense baldness, which occurs evenly over the entire surface of the head. All people on Earth are subject to illness. And, quite rarely, even children!


  1. L-cysteine ​​- 20 mg.
  2. Vitamin B1 - 60 mg.
  3. Vitamin B5 - 60 mg.
  4. Medical yeast - 100 mg.
  5. Keratin - 20 mg.
  6. Para-aminobenzoic acid - 20 mg.

Pantovigar price varies from 900 rubles to 1300. But he has more cheap analogues.

  • Velmen (Austria),
  • Vitrum Beauty (USA),
  • Gerimaks (Austria),
  • Livolin Forte (India),
  • Perfectil,
  • Revalid.


This is also an expensive pleasure. Price from 800 rubles for 60 capsules. But it's worth it! A complex of antioxidants and vitamins of groups A, C, E - slow down aging and accelerate skin renewal. The drug works at the cellular level, which gives accurate and fast results.

What does "fast" mean in relation to hair growth? Full hair the bulb is updated in 3 - 6 months. This is just the minimum time required for the regeneration of new bulbs and the awakening of those that have long fallen asleep. Therefore, hair treatment cannot last a week, or even a month. This is a much longer process.

Biotin helps grow not only hair, but also nails.

Beta-carotene, B vitamins and L-cystine contribute to the growth and strengthening of each hair. Yeast extract has positive influence on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.


These vitamins in completely different variations and for various purposes are the most common in our pharmacies. Moreover, everyone can find Complivit affordable. Its price range from 185 to 800 rubles.

He begins to treat hair from the healing of the scalp, directly taking part in all metabolic processes of a person. And its antioxidant properties are noticeable accelerate cell regeneration.

A healthy scalp gives birth to healthy follicles, and those in turn give rise to a beautiful, thick, healthy hairstyle. At the same time, those hairs that exist do not fall out, are restored along the entire length, look strong and elastic.

What creates such an effect? And all thanks unique composition.

  • Calcium phosphate 2-substituted anhydrous,
  • inositol,
  • dry extract of serenoa creeping fruit,
  • vitamin C,
  • silicon dioxide amorphous,
  • zinc oxide,
  • alpha tocopherol acetate,
  • retinol palmitate,
  • manganese sulfate 1-water,
  • D-pantothenate,
  • copper citrate 2.5 aqueous,
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride,
  • biotin,
  • magnesium stearate,
  • polyvinylpyrrolidone medium molecular weight K-25.


Often the cause of sudden hair loss is zinc deficiency. Zinc is very important for our body! And it's not just about hair. In simple terms, it is this element that performs the functions of an amplifier in our body.

Zn reinforces:

  1. metabolism,
  2. biochemical reactions,
  3. cell regeneration,
  4. transmission of nerve impulses
  5. action of insulin
  6. synthesis of cortisol.

And if suddenly you have an acute shortage of zinc, then these pink-purple tablets will come to the rescue.

Zincteral cures even severe forms of alopecia areata and malignant alopecia.

This drug is still better to take prescribed or at least consulted by a doctor. So he has serious contraindications, and an overdose is especially dangerous, which can lead to bloody diarrhea and pulmonary edema.


Good old Aevit closes the top five. He slowly but surely leads us to victory over hair loss.

10 capsules - 25 rubles. He is available to everyone and everyone and is always ready to help. Did you know that Aevit is even added dropwise to flower pots? And it helps the lush bloom and rapid growth. Feel free to experiment!

At the initial stage of hair loss, you can do without powerful drugs and expensive procedures. In most cases, the problem is solved with the help of vitamins that are necessary for the normal functioning of the follicle.

What vitamins are needed

The lack of any of the 13 vitamins known to science weakens the adhesion of the follicle to the hypodermis, which over time leads to its loss. Moreover, the deficiency of some substances manifests itself almost immediately, since they are very important for the life and health of the hair follicles.

Scientists have found out which vitamins are missing if hair falls out. First of all it is:

  • riboflavin (B2);
  • pantothene (B5);
  • retinol (A);
  • pyridoxine (B6);
  • tocopherol (E);
  • coenzyme R (B7);
  • ascorbic acid (C);
  • cyanocobalamin (B12).

Just do not need to buy everything at once and drink indiscriminately. Hypervitaminosis is just as dangerous to hair health as beriberi. So be careful and learn how to handle them properly. If you take, bring the course to the end, and only then drink them to strengthen your hair.

On a note. B12 taken orally alone is almost not absorbed by the body, so if you want to stop the fallout with it, you need masks for external use.

How to apply them

Before you start using vitamins, you need to read the instructions for use. This applies not only to ingestion, but also if you use them for outdoor masks. Medicines must be handled with care.


  1. Drink in the form of tablets or capsules.
  2. Rub into the roots ampoule solutions for injection in pure form or as part of masks.
  3. Add to hair products.
  4. To prick intramuscularly, if the deficiency of some vitamin in the body is too obvious, this can only be done as directed by a doctor.
  5. Include in the diet as many foods high in vitamins that prevent hair loss.


This moment is stipulated in the instructions for the preparations. Read carefully and combine only those vitamins that can work in tandem. Their compatibility with each other concerns primarily ingestion. But for external use, you can combine any. Therefore, when you see thiamine with pyridoxine in one recipe, do not panic.

Combine and give a great effect:

  • A / E / C;
  • B9 / S.

Do not match:

  • B1 / B7 / B6;
  • B6 / B12;
  • C / all group B, except B9.

Useful advice. Pyridoxine is best used as an additive in store-bought hair care products.


Review the diet, include in the daily menu products in which the content of the vitamins you need is high - and you will soon notice an improvement.


  • yeast;
  • wheat, bran, buckwheat;
  • milk, cottage cheese;
  • seafood;
  • chicken, pork, kidneys, liver;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, red beans, sweet peppers, garlic, avocados, horseradish, spinach, White cabbage;
  • walnuts and pine nuts, peanuts, hazelnuts;
  • syrup;
  • sardine, mackerel, tuna;
  • seeds;
  • bananas, pomegranate;
  • yolk.



  • squids;
  • vegetable oil;
  • milk;
  • carrots, potatoes, white cabbage, lettuce, cucumbers, broccoli, spinach, radishes, legumes, onions;
  • oats;
  • pistachios, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts;
  • liver;
  • seeds;
  • zander;
  • viburnum, mountain ash, sea buckthorn, cherry;
  • yolk.

Knowing what vitamins are needed for hair loss and what foods they contain, it is easy to make sample menu. However, not everything we eat reaches the follicles. Therefore, you need to play it safe and go to the pharmacy on the way to the store.

Did you know that... Ascorbic acid is water-soluble and therefore the body cannot produce it on its own? So it is necessary to receive it by any means from the outside.


In a pharmacy, hair vitamins can be sold separately in the form of capsules or injections. You can buy and drink a whole complex designed specifically for this purpose.

Release form

Vitamins in ampoules are used in masks and for injections. Liquid is better to rub into the roots or include in the composition of external agents. In capsules, it is better to take it orally: if they are oily, then their contents are extracted through a puncture and used to make masks, and tablets can be crushed and used in the same way.

  1. volume top. DHC (Japan). $50.
  2. Silettum (Silettum). Deval Jaldes (France). $41.
  3. Pantovigar (Pantovigar). Merz (Germany). $29.
  4. Merz (Merz). Merz (Germany). $14.
  5. Alerana (Alerana). Vertex (Russia). $9.
  6. Doppelherz Aktiv. Queisser Pharma (Germany). $8.
  7. Complivit Radiance. Pharmstandard-Ufavita (Russia). $7.
  8. Hair expert. Evalar (Russia). $7.
  9. Pentovit. Altaivitamins (Russia). $2.
  10. Aevit. Alina Pharma (Russia). $1.

From a strong fall

  1. B Right. Jarrow Formulas (USA). $36.2.
  2. Imedeen classic. Ferrosan, Pharmacia&Upjohn (Denmark). $30.
  3. Phytophanere. Laboratoires Phytosolba (France). $26.9
  4. Tricologic Perfectil. Vitabiotics (UK). $26.
  5. Skin, hair, nails. Solgar (USA). $21.5
  6. Oenobiol Revitalisant Capillaire (France). $21.2.
  7. Deacura (Germany). $17.6.
  8. revalidation. Teva (Hungary). $14.
  9. Zincteral. Teva Kutno (Poland). $5.1
  10. Biocomplex with A, E, F. DNC (Russia). $1.8.

Vitamin brand masks

  1. Berry kvass with sea buckthorn from the Fresh SPA series - for weakened strands. Natura Siberica (Russia). $25.
  2. Vitamin cocktail with avocado from the HairJuice line. Brelil (Italy). $11.
  3. Fruit Shake - vitamin cocktail. Tasha&Co. Russia. $9.
  4. Hair Treatment Beetroot Extracts - with beetroot extract. Lolane (Thailand). $9.
  5. Treatment Mangosteen - with mangosteen. Banna (Thailand). $4.
  6. Original Collagen - vitamin-collagen mask. Caring (Thailand). $3.
  7. Vitamin complex mask with grapefruit and passion fruit. Avon (USA). $2.
  8. Biomask with sea buckthorn. Russian concern Dr. $1.9
  9. Burdock mask with a vitamin composition that strengthens hair follicles. Mirrolla (Russia). $1.
  10. Sweet pepper - vitamin intensive firming mask. Chinese firm Tai Yan. $1.

On a note. B vitamins can not always be obtained from food and mineral-vitamin complexes. Even a balanced daily diet and diet cannot directly improve the condition of the hair, unlike external use in masks.

Special cases

In some cases, gender differences need to be taken into account.

For men

Hair loss in men indicates a lack of the following vitamins:

  • biotin;
  • retinol;
  • tocopherol;
  • thiamine.

Of the vitamin complexes, Men-C and Inneov for men "Hair Density" can be advised.

For women

In women, hair falls out most often in violation of the hormonal background, and this usually happens during menopause. To normalize the state, you need:

  • tocopherol;
  • vitamin C;
  • retinol;
  • the whole group B.

To replenish them, nursing mothers can drink the following complexes:

  1. Elevit Pronatal. Bayer (Germany). $31.
  2. Vitrum Prenatal (Vitrum Prenatal). Unipharm (USA). $24.
  3. Pregnavit (Pregnavit). Ratiopharm International (Germany). $23.
  4. "Mom's Health", Alfavit brand. Akvion (Russia). $6.

With menopause:

  1. Gemafemin - the secret of women's health. Pantoproekt (Russia). $15.5
  2. Lady's formula Menopause. ArtLife (Russia). $22.4
  3. Femicaps Easy Life. Hankintatukku Oy (Finland). $33.2.
  4. Qi-clim - for women 45+. Evalar (Russia). $6.6.
  5. Divin. Orion Pharma (Denmark). $13.1
  6. "50 Plus", Alfavit brand. Akvion (Russia). $6.
  7. Femin (Femin). Orthomol (Germany). $134.1

If a woman does not have a postpartum or menopausal condition, but her hair still falls out, the following complexes can be advised:

  1. "Cosmetic", Alphabet brand. Akvion (Russia). $6.
  2. Vita Sharm. Veropharm (Russia). $3.5.
  3. Vitrum beauty. Unipharm Inc (USA). $14.1
  4. Duovit for women. KRKA (Slovenia). $6.6.
  5. Time For Miracle by Lundenilona (Ilona Lunden). $ 71.2 (a complex of vitamins is designed for a whole annual course).
  6. wellwoman. Vitabiotics Ltd (Great Britain). $10.3

Attention! For ingestion of any vitamin complexes during pregnancy or in the postpartum period, as well as during menopause, you must first consult a doctor.


The best vitamins for hair loss are presented in a brief overview of complex preparations. It will help you choose the right tool.

Pantovigar (Pantovigar)

Release form: capsules.

  • calcium;
  • keratin;
  • medical yeast;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • para-aminobenzoic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • cystine.

Indications: non-hormonal alopecia, androgenetic alopecia in men, hair loss in women after pregnancy.

Method of application: 1 capsule 3 times a day, a course of 3-6 months.

Cost: $28 for 90 capsules.

Revalid (Revalid)

Release form: capsules.

  • B vitamins;
  • iron;
  • wheat germ;
  • medical yeast;
  • pantothene;
  • millet;
  • zinc.

Indications: weakened follicles, fragility and dryness of hair.

How to use: 3 capsules daily for 3 months.

Cost: $14 for 90 capsules.

Producer: Teva (Hungary).


Release form: tablets and capsules.

  • DL-methionine;
  • vitamin C;
  • beta carotene;
  • iron, zinc, calcium, copper;
  • medical yeast;
  • para-aminobenzoic acid;
  • millet, wheat germ;
  • thiamine, pyridoxine, biotin;
  • tocopherol;
  • cholecalceferol;
  • cystine;
  • echinacea.

Indications: non-hormonal alopecia, dermatitis, damaged hair structure, psoriasis, dry scalp.

Cost: $10 for 30 capsules.

Line of drugs:

  • regular Perfectil;
  • Perfectil Plus (extra support): blue blister with tablets and turquoise with capsules, twice the amount of vitamins compared to regular Perfectil;
  • Tricologic Perfectil, formulated specifically for hair health and growth.

Producer: Vitabiotics (Great Britain).

Merz (Merz spezial dragees)

Release form: dragee.

  • vitamin C;
  • beta carotene;
  • biotin;
  • yeast;
  • calcium, iron;
  • calciferol;
  • nicotine;
  • pyridoxine;
  • retinol;
  • riboflavin;
  • thiamine;
  • tocopherol;
  • cyanocobalamin;
  • cystine.

Indications: hair loss.

How to use: 1 tablet twice a day during breakfast and dinner for 3 months.

Cost: $13 for 60 dragees.

Producer: Merz Pharma (Germany).

Zincteral (Zincteral)

Release form: tablets.

  • zinc;
  • retinol.

Indications: strong fallout hair in men and women, alopecia areata and malignant alopecia.

Method of application: the dosage is prescribed by the doctor, based on individual indicators; most often - 1 tablet three times a day, followed by a decrease to 2 and 1 times.

Cost: $4 for 25 tablets.

Producer: Teva Kutno (Poland).

Fitoval (Fitoval)

Release form: capsules.

  • biotin;
  • yeast;
  • iron, zinc, copper;
  • pantothene;
  • pyridoxine;
  • riboflavin;
  • thiamine;
  • folate;
  • cyanocobalamin;
  • cystine.


  • weakened follicles;
  • damaged structure;
  • violation of the physiological processes of their renewal and growth;
  • fragility and thinning;
  • itching and irritation of the scalp;
  • dropping out;
  • dandruff;
  • preventive care.

Method of application: 1 capsule daily 3 times a course of 3 months.

Cost: $80 for 60 capsules.

Producer: KRKA (Slovenia).

Inneov Hair Density

Release form: tablets.

  • green tea;
  • riboflavin;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • taurine;
  • zinc;
  • grape seed extract.

Indications: alopecia, increased hair loss.

Method of application: 1 tablet twice a day in a course of 3 months.

Cost: $26 for 60 tablets.

The line of preparations is represented by a universal remedy and a special development for men.

Producer: Vichy (France).

Pyridoxine (Pyridoxine)

Release form: tablets, ampoule solution for injection.

Ingredients: pyridoxine.

Indications: for the treatment of damaged, weakened hair follicles falling out of their sockets.

Method of application: 2-4 tablets daily for 2 weeks, 1 injection intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intravenously (course -10 days).

Cost: $1 for 50 tablets, $0.5 for 10 ampoules.

Manufacturer: Veropharm (Russia).

Hair Expert (Expert Hair Evalar)

Release form: tablets, shampoo, spray lotion.

  • silicon, zinc oxide;
  • brewer's yeast (source of B vitamins);
  • field horsetail;
  • taurine;
  • cystine.

Indications: loss and weakening.

How to use: 1 tablet per day for 3 months.

Cost: $7 for 60 tablets.

Producer: Evalar (Russia).

Selencin Hair Therapy (Selencinum)

Release form: tablets, masks, lotions, conditioner.

  • B vitamins;
  • silicic acid;
  • lycopodium;
  • aluminium oxide;
  • selenium;
  • potassium and sodium salts;
  • phosphorus.

How to use: 1 tablet per day, holding under the tongue until it is completely dissolved, for 2 months.

Cost: $9 for 60 tablets.

Producer: Alkoy (Russia).

Each complex has its own characteristics and specific instructions for use. It is difficult to choose the right one from such a variety. Therefore, the easiest way is to seek help from a trichologist who will prescribe a drug based on individual indicators.

Information for thought. Many people have the wrong idea about vitamin complexes: most people perceive them as harmless food supplements. In fact, they have their own lists of contraindications and side effects and they require expert advice.

homemade masks

Pharmacy vitamins are also effective as part of various homemade masks. If you use the contents of oil capsules and solutions for injections for external use, after the first procedure, the process of loss will stop.

Ampoule solutions are shaken and used immediately after opening, as they lose their useful properties when exposed to air.

The head should be clean, the hair slightly moistened. The masks are rubbed into the scalp with fingers with massage movements, it is better to distribute them along the entire length with a comb with rare teeth. Rinse with warm decoction medicinal herbs. If the product contains oils, you can use baby shampoo.

Frequency of application - 2 times a week until the loss stops completely. Break between courses - at least 1 month. Before use, each mixture should be tested for the presence of allergenic substances.


Brew 15 g of leaf tea (black or green) with 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes, strain. Mix tea with raw yolk. Add 15 ml of concentrated lemon juice and 1 ampoule of pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin solutions. Action time - half an hour. Wash off with baby shampoo.

  • With retinol and tocopherol

Heat up 30 ml of unrefined olive oil, add vitamins A and E (squeeze 4-5 capsules).

  • With cyanocobalamin

Mix 1 ampoule of cyanocobalamin with 20 g of ground red pepper. The mask is rubbed into the roots, but before that, be sure to put on gloves. Action time - 10-15 minutes.

  • With thiamine, riboflavin, tocopherol and retinol

Mix 15 g of chamomile and nettle, 10 g of lime blossom. Grind, pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour. Strain. Add thiamine, riboflavin, tocopherol and retinol (1 capsule each).

  • With pyridoxine

Heat burdock (30 ml) and almond (15 ml) oils in a water bath or in a microwave. Add an ampoule of pyridoxine.

  • With pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin

Mix chopped herbs: 30 g of burdock root and chamomile, 15 g of nettle. Pour in a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour. Strain. Add 2 yolks, 1 ampoule of B6 and B12.

  • With niacin

One of the most effective homemade masks for hair loss comes from niacin. Mix 2 ampoules with 200 ml of slightly warm kefir. Leave for 50 min.

  • With cyanocobalamin

Dilute 10 g of cinnamon in 2 ampoules of cyanocobalamin, add 50 ml of natural olive oil.

  • With retinol

Mix 2 ampoules of retinol with 500 ml of burdock root decoction. Moisten the hair with the resulting solution, without wiping, leave for half an hour, then rinse.

  • With tocopherol

Dissolve 20 g of gelatin in 50 ml of water. Shake, leave for 15 minutes. Stir again, dilute in 100 ml of chamomile infusion, add 2 ampoules of tocopherol. Keep 40 min.

  • With pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin

Mix 1 ampoule of B6 and B12, 50 ml of aloe juice, 100 ml of chamomile infusion.

Use vitamins for ingestion and as masks. If you set a goal, you can not only stop hair loss, but also achieve their impressive growth and improve appearance.

In order to get rid of alopecia or strengthen and accelerate hair growth, it is recommended to take vitamins. You can start treatment by using the drugs separately, but a more correct solution would be to use a balanced multivitamin complex. For treatment, drugs and vitamin-mineral complexes Pantovigar, Revalid, Perfectil, Vitrum, Complivit Radiance, Alerana and others are used.

Causes of Hair Loss

Many people think that alopecia is a problem that affects mainly men, but women also suffer from this ailment. Hair loss is not a pathology if no more than a hundred hairs fall out per day. This is considered a physiological norm. At home, you can go a simple test. If there is a bulb at the end of the fallen hair, then you should not wash your hair for three days, and then pull the hair at the temples and crown. If more than five hairs fell out, then you should consult a trichologist. Only a doctor can answer if there are reasons for concern or if this is a natural process.

Severe baldness can indicate the presence of diseases or malfunctions in the body. There are two types of alopecia:

  1. 1. Anagen alopecia. This is sudden hair loss. It can be caused by exposure to radiation, chemicals and drugs. This type of baldness is experienced by people during treatment. oncological diseases with the help of chemotherapy. Hair follicles will resume their activity after the withdrawal of chemotherapy drugs. There is no cure for this type of fallout. They begin to grow only after the cessation of exposure to harmful substances.
  2. 2. Telogen baldness. This type can have two forms - acute and chronic. In the first case, alopecia lasts about six months, and then gradually disappears. In the chronic form, the loss of curls can last more than six months and not go away for several years. Complete baldness with this type of alopecia does not occur.

Before you try to deal with the problem, you should find out the causes of its occurrence. After its elimination, the loss will also disappear.

Causes of telogen baldness:

  1. 1. Hormonal failure. This problem is faced by women after childbirth. Hair begins to fall out intensively approximately thirty days after the birth of the child. This process may take several months. Recovery occurs one year after childbirth. Also, hair loss can begin in adolescence, with menopause and in case of discontinuation of oral contraceptives.
  2. 2. Diseases. Baldness can begin when there is an infection in the body, with abundant blood loss as a result of an injury or surgery.
  3. 3. Taking antibiotics. A side effect of some antibacterial drugs is partial hair loss, which disappears with the withdrawal of the drug.
  4. 4. Chemotherapy. Medicines for the treatment of cancer adversely affect the hair follicle, causing baldness.
  5. 5. Problems with the thyroid gland. Malfunctions of the thyroid gland can weaken the hair roots and cause their subsequent loss.
  6. 6. Stress. Depressive conditions negatively affect the health of the hair follicles. After the transferred stress hair growth is restored.
  7. 7. Exposure to high or low temperatures. Frequent use of a curling iron, hair dryer, straightener or lack of headgear in winter time cause hair thinning. They split and fall out.
  8. 8. Seasonal beriberi. In the cold season, the body lacks useful elements.
  9. 9. Unbalanced diet. The use of harmful or monotonous food leads to a lack of zinc, iron, B vitamins, which affects the condition of the hair follicles.

There is focal, diffuse and androgenetic alopecia. With the first type of alopecia, baldness occurs in a certain area of ​​​​the head. It is also called alopecia areata. This type is characterized by a change in the structure of the hair that grows near the focus of baldness. With diffuse baldness, the hair evenly falls out over the entire head, becomes thinner and thinner. It is typical primarily for women. Androgenetic alopecia is a process of thinning and hair loss in men. Most often they fall out in the fronto-parietal part of the head. It occurs in men over 50 years of age. Recently, women have also begun to encounter this type of baldness, since many of them have hormonal background there are a lot of male hormones.

Dermatologists also cite poor-quality or improperly selected cosmetics as one of the causes of hair loss. Many manufacturers add ingredients such as mineral oils, animal fats, parabens, sulfates (SLS, SLES) and other ingredients to their shampoos that harm the scalp and hair follicles. Therefore, you should only choose natural remedies for hair care. Such as the Russian company Mulsan Cosmetic produces. Her shampoos contain only natural ingredients, which is confirmed by a shelf life that does not exceed 10 months. We recommend visiting the mulsan.ru website, where you can choose a cosmetic product that is ideal for you and will help preserve the beauty and health of your hair.

How to deal with the problem

Treatment of alopecia should begin with a diagnosis. The doctor will ask you to take the following tests:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • general blood analysis;
  • trichogram;
  • blood test to determine amino acid, vitamin and mineral status;
  • determination of the values ​​of sex and thyroid hormones;
  • spectral analysis of hair;
  • analysis for latent infections.

According to the results of the research, it may be necessary to consult such specialists as a general practitioner, dermatologist or endocrinologist. They can confirm or deny the presence of the disease, if necessary, prescribe treatment for baldness.

To strengthen the hair, you may need to take vitamin and mineral complexes, drugs for the treatment of anemia, sprays and shampoos that help restore local blood circulation, cosmetic procedures, head massage or folk remedies.

If hair loss is associated with a deficiency of vitamins in the body, then they will need to be taken for a certain amount of time.

Hair vitamins

Deficiency of vitamins A, B5, B6, C, E, F can cause hair loss. Most often, hair falls out with a shortage of several at once. The human body needs all 13 vitamins. However, some of them are especially important, as they support the vital activity of the hair. They are called "vitamins for hair loss." These include:

  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2). It maintains an active blood flow to the hair follicles. This will ensure the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the hair roots. From there, they will penetrate into all the cells of the hair, making it beautiful and durable. If the hair follicle is nourished, alopecia can be prevented. In addition, with a deficiency of this vitamin, increased fat content of the roots and dry ends of the hair are observed.
  • Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). It improves the nutrition of hair follicles, normalizing metabolic processes. Thus, hair loss is prevented and stopped. With a deficiency of this vitamin, slow growth and dryness of the hair shaft are observed.
  • Panthenol (vitamin B5). It penetrates the hair follicle, improves blood circulation, nourishes all hair cells, and normalizes their metabolism. Pantothenic acid strengthens the hair and roots from the inside, makes them shiny and beautiful, stops their loss. He also actively restores their normal structure. With vitamin B5 deficiency, hair grows slowly and turns gray quickly.
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6). It is a powerful metabolic stimulant. As a result of its impact, dandruff and itching disappear, and hair loss stops. With a deficiency of this vitamin, the hair becomes dull, begins to fall out quickly.
  • Biotin (vitamin H). ABOUT It maintains the optimal metabolic rate, thereby ensuring the strength and beauty of the hair. He regulates the work sebaceous glands. With its deficiency, a person's hair quickly becomes greasy, then their loss begins.
  • Folic acid. It can enhance the effect of vitamin B5. If they are taken in combination, then hair growth will accelerate significantly, and their loss will stop. This happens due to the fact that folic acid starts the process of synthesis of new cells, which actively replace the old ones. With a lack of this element, the hair begins to quickly turn gray and this happens already at an early age.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). The tone of the capillaries is normalized, the blood is actively supplied to the roots. If the capillary tone is normal, then microcirculation will improve. This will increase blood flow to the hair follicles and improve nutrition. It is as a result of proper nutrition of the hair follicles that hair loss stops. With a deficiency of vitamin C, moderate hair loss is noted.
  • Retinol (vitamin A). It maintains the normal density of the hair. Improves metabolic processes in the roots, increases elasticity. Curls become less brittle, their growth accelerates. With the use of this vitamin, the production of sebum is normalized, excess fat content and dandruff disappear. With a deficiency of this vitamin, the hair climbs and becomes dull and brittle.
  • Vitamin E. It normalizes the nutrition of the hair follicle and regulates the secretion of sebum. It nourishes the cells of the hair shaft, which are in a sluggish state and supplies the roots with oxygen. With its deficiency, baldness develops and seborrhea appears.
  • Vitamin F. Able to give hair strength, makes them resistant to negative influences. Strengthening the hair follicles, it stops their loss.

To stop alopecia or reduce its speed, you should take the listed vitamins in a daily dosage. Balanced vitamin and mineral complexes are best suited for this purpose. If for some reason there is no desire or opportunity to take them, you can start taking "important" vitamins separately. These include vitamins A, E, C, panthenol and biotin, B vitamins. Vitamins H and B5 are considered the most effective in stopping baldness.

To stop hair loss in men, "male" vitamin complexes or "female" vitamin complexes are suitable, designed to strengthen and grow hair and nails. It should be noted that the composition must contain vitamin H in a dosage of at least 20 mcg.

Women need to take vitamins that strengthen the structure of curls and improve their nutrition. The following vitamins have such properties: vitamin E; biotin, vitamin C, retinol, vitamin F and B vitamins (B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12). They can be taken individually and as part of vitamin-mineral complexes. The best combinations of vitamins that can stop alopecia are present in specialized complexes that are designed to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Hair loss remedies


The drug stops hair loss. It is used to prevent atrophy of hair follicles with the negative effects of paints, curling irons and hair dryers and excessive ultraviolet radiation. The product prevents and stops hair loss. Reviews about the drug are positive, since vitamins almost always have a visible effect. After the end of the drug, the hair becomes stronger, grows faster, the loss stops. In isolated cases, the hair may not completely stop falling out, but the amount of hair that has fallen out is reduced by a factor of three. Most often, after a course of taking vitamins (within three months), alopecia completely stops. In addition to positive reviews about the drug, there are also negative ones. The drug causes unwanted body hair growth, nausea and weight gain. These negative effects are extremely rare. Cost: from 1400 rubles.


The tool belongs to specialized complexes for stopping baldness, reduces fragility, improves hair structure. In most cases, the drug received positive reviews. Depending on the condition, one patient may need a three-month course of treatment, while others may need three weeks to cope with the problem. This is a complex preparation, which includes vitamins of group B, as well as vitamins D, A, E. The product improves the structure of the hair follicle and hair, eliminates dandruff and itching of the scalp. The advantage is the relatively low cost (300-350 rubles).


A special complex created to strengthen the skin, hair and nails. Vitamins stop hair loss and improve the appearance of hair. According to the reviews of people who used the drug, the tool stops the loss quickly enough. It has 70% positive reviews.

Perfectil is an inexpensive remedy, but the effect of taking it is like an expensive drug. The disadvantages of this tool include quite strong side effects. These include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and headache. Many patients have been forced to stop taking it due to side effects. The cost of Perfectil is about 500 rubles per pack.


Merz Special Dragee is a combined preparation containing the following components:

  • Vitamins A, C and E slow down the aging process, renew skin cells.
  • Biotin is essential for improving the structure of weak and brittle nails.
  • B vitamins, beta-carotene and L-cystine strengthen hair follicles and promote growth.
  • Cystine plays a major role in the process of hair and nail growth.
  • Vitamin E has a pronounced antioxidant effect.
  • Vitamin C reduces the permeability of the vascular walls.
  • Yeast extract ( natural source vitamins of group B, minerals and amino acids) maintains the normal condition of the skin, hair, nails and epithelium of the mucous membranes.

The price of the drug reaches 600 rubles.


Designed to prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth. Used to nourish hair follicles. The drug has two formulas: "Day" and "Night". They ensure the compatibility of the components and have their effect, taking into account the daily rhythm of the hair. Intensively nourishes hair follicles. The complex supplies the roots with substances necessary for the growth and development of hair. Reduces alopecia, improves the condition of the scalp, has a tonic effect.

Vitamins are taken daily, 1 tablet of the "Day" formula - in the morning or afternoon, 1 tablet of the "Night" formula - in the evening. Course duration - 1 month. In some cases, it is possible to repeat the course up to three times a year. According to consumer reviews, the effect will be higher if the vitamin-mineral complex is used in conjunction with other products from this series. These include shampoo, balm, serums, sprays and masks. All of them are enriched with vitamins and help to strengthen and protect curls. approximate cost- 700-1000 rubles.


To stop alopecia, the following complexes are most often used:

  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Vitrum Prenatal;
  • Vitrum Classic.

Vitrum is a balanced vitamin-mineral complex that contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids and horsetail. The tool actively improves the condition of the hair shafts, scalp and nails.

Acting from the inside, the drug restores them, makes up for the lack of vitamins during stress and diets. Horsetail is a source of silicon that promotes collagen production. It actively helps to restore the structure of not only hair, but also nails.

The active components of the drug are an integral part of the enzymatic systems that are involved in the main metabolic processes. The drug contains amino acids that are necessary for the formation of collagen and proteins. They significantly improve the condition of the skin, nail plate and hair. While taking Vitrum, metabolism is normalized, an antioxidant effect is exerted.

All three types of vitamin complexes stop the process of baldness in 2/3 of cases. Due to this, this drug can be considered quite effective in the fight against alopecia. Price - from 400 rubles.


Aevit is a combined preparation, the effect of which depends on the fat-soluble vitamins A and E included in its composition. It is produced in the form of capsules. To get rid of alopecia, the remedy is taken orally. The drug quickly stops the process of baldness in women and men within a month. Aevit is an inexpensive remedy (cost from 50 rubles), and this is its undoubted advantage. The second advantage is its high efficiency.

Complivit Radiance

Complivit Radiance improves the structure of the skin, nails and hair shaft. The tool helps to cope with baldness in a short time or reduce the amount of hair loss, especially if the problem is associated with a seasonal lack of vitamins or stress. There are few negative reviews. Unlike other drugs, Complivit has a minimum of side effects.

The drug is a valuable source of vitamins and minerals. Recommended for use in avitaminosis. Effective for problems with hair, nails or skin associated with a lack of nutrients. The composition of the medicine includes 13 vitamins and 10 minerals, as well as coenzyme Q10, which has a rejuvenating effect.

Additionally, the preparation includes plant extracts with anti-inflammatory action. It is necessary to drink vitamins three times a day, since each tablet contains only compatible vitamins and minerals. This method allows you to achieve maximum absorption of substances. The drug is suitable for maintaining the health of curly hair. The price in the pharmacy is about 500 rubles.

Vita Sharm

Vita Sharm is a vitamin complex for women. It is used for hair, nails and skin care. The composition of the drug includes vitamins of group B and vitamin A, and a small amount of calcium pantothenate. Vita Charm improves blood supply to the skin, restores its firmness and elasticity, protects the skin from the damaging effects of UV radiation. Helps maintain the normal condition of hair and nails. Vita Sharm has an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effect, slows down the aging process. Vit Sharm appoint:

  • to improve the structure of nails, scalp and curls;
  • to strengthen hair follicles and nails;
  • to prevent disorders that occur in the skin due to vitamin deficiency;
  • with skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, ichthyosis, hyperkeratosis).

During the reception of the complex, there is an active assimilation of vitamins, their deficiency in the body is replenished. The blood supply to the hair follicles and scalp improves, they are filled with useful substances. Vita Sharm regulates the metabolism of fats, increases the absorption of microelements.

Retinol restores the hair shaft and bulb, protects hair from fading.


One more effective drug, most often it is prescribed for various neuralgia. A nice bonus from taking it is accelerated growth hair and nails. This is due to the composition of the drug. It includes three vitamins: B1, B6 and B12 in therapeutic dosages. If alopecia is associated precisely with a lack of these vitamins, then the problem can be solved in a short time. The course of admission is one month. The result will be visible already at the end of the reception and will last about a year.

The drug is available in ampoules for injection and in the form of tablets. Vitamins should be injected once a day for thirty days. Then you should stop taking at least three months. The disadvantage of the drug is its high price. The price has gone up a lot lately. In some pharmacies, it reaches 900 rubles. The course will require 2 packs.

This drug can be replaced without losing the desired effect. Instead, it is advised to take Kombilipen, Milgamma and Pentovit. The first two drugs are available in the form of tablets and injections, the latter - only in tablet form. The price is much lower, but the effect is the same.

Inneov Hair Density

The drug is available as a food supplement. Made in France. It is used as a treatment for seasonal hair loss and prevention of this problem by strengthening the hair follicles. Curls become thicker, a healthy shine appears. The cost can be more than 1500 rubles.


Hair has always been considered an adornment of a woman. In our age of chemical dyes and reagents, you rarely see a truly luxurious head of hair. Hair loss is not only a problem for men, but sometimes also for women. Often, in the first place, it is the loss of hair that signals the state of a woman's health.

Trichologists say that a person loses up to a hundred hairs a day and this is considered the norm. But if, when combing and styling, on the pillow after sleep, you find a much larger amount, then it's time to sound the alarm.

Vitamins against hair loss in women

Hair needs, first of all, vitamins A, E, C, B, minerals iron and selenium.

Vitamin C cabbage, potatoes, citrus fruits, black currants, strawberries are rich.

B vitaminscontained in cereals, black rye bread, eggs, nuts.

To make up for the deficitvitamin Aeat carrots, pumpkin, butter, green pea, cauliflower, broccoli, peaches, apricots, fish, corn, horseradish.

source vitamin Evegetable oils appear. Sunflower, olive, linseed, preferably unrefined, as well as nuts and seeds.

Of the mineral trace elements, an important role is played byiron.With iron deficiency, brittleness, dryness and hair loss are observed. To replenish iron, it is recommended to use beef liver, sea fish, green apples, buckwheat porridge, Pine nuts.

Seleniumaffects the maintenance of a healthy state of horny surfaces. A lot of selenium is found in garlic, oatmeal and buckwheat, porcini mushrooms and champignons.

To stop the loss, a woman needs to change her diet, add herbs, garlic, eat sauerkraut, carrots, nuts, horseradish.

You also need to use pharmacy vitamins. Among the good inexpensive vitamins for hair loss in a pharmacy, you can buy vitamins A and E in oil, ascorbic acid, Selenium-active, Ferritin.

Do vitamins help hair? from falling out?

According to most people who are faced with such a problem, yes, they help.

In the top of the best vitamins for hair loss for women for several years are complexes such as:

πŸ’Š Pantovigar- contains keratin, L-cysteine, B vitamins.
It is prescribed for diffuse alopecia.
Requires course admission 1-2 months.
The price in pharmacies is 1500 rubles.

πŸ’Š Inneov- revives the bulbs, in the composition green tea, grape seeds, zinc and taurine.
A course of up to six months is required, the treatment is long, but effective.
The price is 1400 rubles.

πŸ’Š Vitrum Beauty Complex. Active ingredients in the composition actively participate in the processes of collagen formation in the body, which contribute to the improvement of the condition of hair, skin and nails.
The price in pharmacies is 1200 rubles.

πŸ’Š Perfectil- in 1 month improves the appearance, promotes active growth, contains 25 substances, is made on the basis of shark cartilage (marine collagen).
The price in pharmacies is 600 rubles.

πŸ’Š Alerana- quickly stops the fallout, a Russian drug worth 500 rubles.
Shampoo and serum enriched with useful substances are also produced.

πŸ’Š Fitoval- improves blood circulation and nutrition of the roots, effectively fights hair loss.
The price is 400 rubles.

πŸ’Š Revalid- normalizes metabolic processes in the body, as a result, the hair is strengthened and their growth is enhanced.
The price is 350 rubles.

πŸ’Š Vitasharm- improves microcirculation, normalizes metabolic processes in the scalp.
Price 250 rubles

πŸ’Š Complex Compliment Radiance, Compliment Selenium, Compliment Iron- an inexpensive preparation of 11 vitamins and 8 minerals at a relatively low price of 250 rubles.

You are presented with the best vitamins for hair loss in women. When taken, not only the condition of the curls improves, but also the tone of the body as a whole.