Is it possible to drink mastodinone and vitamins at the same time. Are mastodinone and alcohol compatible?


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Mastodinon is a herbal medicinal product used for symptomatic treatment as part of the complex therapy of premenstrual syndrome, mastopathy, as well as infertility and menstrual disorders due to insufficiency of the corpus luteum.

Mastodinone - composition and form of release

Currently, Mastodinone is available in two dosage forms - tablets and drops for oral administration. Both tablets and Mastodinon drops contain the same active ingredients, which are extracts or other preparations medicinal herbs, such as:
  • Agnus castus (Abraham tree) - 162 mg in one tablet and 20 g in 100 ml of drops;
  • Caulophyllum thalictroides (stalk leaf) - 81 mg per tablet and 10 g per 100 ml drops;
  • Cyclamen (Cyclamen) - 81 mg per tablet and 10 g per 100 ml drops;
  • Ignatia (Chilibuha) - 81 mg per tablet and 10 g per 100 ml drops;
  • Iris (Iris) - 162 mg per tablet and 20 mg per 100 ml drops;
  • Lilium tigrinum (Lily) - 81 mg per tablet and 10 g per 100 ml drops.
Mastodinon tablets contain as auxiliary components potato starch, magnesium stearate and lactose, and drops - only ethyl alcohol 47 - 53% concentration.

Mastodinon tablets have round shape flattened cylinder and painted beige with light brown patches. Available in packs of 60 or pieces. Mastodinon drops are a homogeneous transparent solution, colored yellowish and having a specific aroma. During storage, a slight turbidity of the solution or a small amount of sediment is allowed. Drops are available in dark glass bottles of 50 or 100 ml.

Mastodinon - photo

These photographs show the appearance of packages with Mastodinon tablets and drops.

Therapeutic and pharmacological action

Mastodinone is a herbal preparation, and its pharmacological and therapeutic properties are due to the effects of medicinal herbs that make up the composition.

The main pharmacological action of Mastodinon is dopaminergic. This means that the drug enhances the production of dopamine in the structures of the brain and accelerates the work of the corresponding receptors. Under the influence of accelerating the metabolism of dopamine in the pituitary gland, the production of the hormone prolactin decreases, which, in turn, is a direct stimulator of the synthesis of various gonadotropic hormones, such as follicle-stimulating (FSH), luteinizing (LH), thyrotropic (TSH), etc. Against the background of a decrease in the production of prolactin, its excessive influence decreases and the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones that regulate the work of the female genital organs (ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes) normalizes. The final result of the pharmacological effect of Mastodinone is the normalization menstrual cycle and elimination of infertility caused by excessive secretion of prolactin and associated insufficiency of the corpus luteum.

In addition, as a result of a decrease in the production of prolactin, a favorable state occurs for the reverse development of fibrocystic mastopathy. However, the involution and disappearance of mastopathy occurs with continuous use of Mastodinon for at least 6 weeks, since the reduced level of prolactin production should be maintained precisely during such a period of time.

Indications for use

Mastodinon tablets and drops have the same indications for use, such as:
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), manifested by the following disorders - engorgement and a painful feeling of tension in the mammary glands, mental lability (mood swings, changeable emotions, etc.), constipation, migraines or headaches;
  • Fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • Menstrual disorders due to insufficiency of the corpus luteum;
  • Infertility due to insufficiency of the corpus luteum.
It should be remembered that Mastodinon drops and tablets are recommended to be used as part of complex therapy in combination with other drugs.

Mastodinon - instructions for use

General provisions of treatment with Mastodinon

Drops and tablets of Mastodinon are taken orally (orally) with a small amount of water (half a glass is enough).

If during the use of Mastodinon drops or tablets a woman becomes pregnant, then the drug should be stopped immediately. It is optimal to use during the entire course of treatment with Mastodinon various methods protection from pregnancy, and plan to conceive 1 to 3 months after discontinuation of the drug.

Since Mastodinon drops contain alcohol, they should not be used by people suffering from diseases of the liver, brain, epilepsy, or after successful alcoholism therapy.

Simultaneously with Mastodinone, you can use other drugs intended for the treatment of the same conditions. Moreover, the use of Mastodinon in combination with other drugs as part of complex treatment has a more pronounced and persistent therapeutic effect.

However, smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages does not reduce the therapeutic effect of Mastodinon drops or tablets. Therefore, theoretically, against the background of the course of treatment with Mastodinone, you can not give up bad habits if this causes too much psychological and physical discomfort.

If a woman has vague and recurring complaints for 2-3 weeks, then you should stop taking Mastodinon and consult a doctor.

Mastodinone does not change the reaction rate when used in therapeutic dosages, therefore, during the course of treatment, a woman can drive a car, work with mechanisms or engage in other activities that require attention and composure.

Mastodinone - before or after meals?

Drops and tablets Mastodinon is recommended to be taken either 15 - 30 minutes before meals, or 1 - 1.5 hours after. There are no differences between taking Mastodinon before or after meals at the indicated times, so you can choose a mode that is convenient for you.

Mastodinon drops - instructions for use

The bottle with the solution must be shaken before each use to eliminate the sediment. The presence of a small amount of sediment and turbidity in Mastodinone solution does not reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

The solution for mastopathy, PMS and fertility disorders must be taken twice a day, 30 drops for at least three months. For the period of menstrual bleeding, Mastodinon is not interrupted. Drops can be diluted in a small amount of water or washed down. However, to reduce the unpleasant bitter taste, it is recommended to dissolve the drops in water, tea, juice, fruit drink or compote. It is optimal to take drops in the morning and evening.

Symptoms stop, and the woman's condition improves on average after 6 weeks of continuous use of Mastodinon drops. If after completion of therapy the symptoms of the disease reappear, then you should consult a doctor.

Tablets Mastodinon - instructions for use

It is necessary for any indication to take one tablet twice a day for a minimum of three months. Tablets should be swallowed whole, without chewing, and washed down with a small amount of water. The course of treatment with Mastodinone should be continuous, that is, there is no need to take breaks for the period of menstruation. Usually, improvement and relief of symptoms occurs after 6 weeks of taking the drug. If after completion of therapy the symptoms reappear, then it is necessary to consult a doctor.


An overdose of Mastodinon drops and tablets has not been recorded even once during the entire period of widespread clinical use of the drug.

drug interaction

Drug interaction of Mastodinon tablets and drops is possible only with simultaneous use with dopamine receptor antagonists (for example, Ganaton, Itomed, Domelium, Domperidone, etc.), which weaken their effect.

Taking Mastodinon - what to choose: drops or tablets

If for some reason a woman wants to completely eliminate the use of alcohol or ethyl alcohol is contraindicated for her, then only Mastodinon tablets should be used. Also, tablets are preferable in the presence of any diseases of the liver, brain, epilepsy or a tendency to alcoholism. However, tablets are contraindicated in case of intolerance to milk sugar, since they contain lactose as an auxiliary component. In this case, you should choose drops.

Otherwise, there are no differences between drops and tablets, and two dosage forms have been created solely for the convenience of women. For example, if someone is uncomfortable or uncomfortable taking pills, then they can replace them with drops without losing or reducing effectiveness. Due to the individual characteristics of the organism and psychology, it is more convenient and comfortable for some women to use drops, since they are better tolerated, while for others, on the contrary, tablets. If there are no diseases or conditions that involve the use of one or another dosage form, then you can choose any one that, for subjective reasons, you like more.

Some women recommend drops because they subjectively tolerate them. better than pills. Other patients, on the contrary, prefer tablets, because they feel that they are more effective than drops. That is, you can and should choose the dosage form of Mastodinon solely for your own characteristics, guided by personal preferences and feelings.

Mastodinone during pregnancy

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, Mastodinon drops and tablets are contraindicated for use. If a woman becomes pregnant during the course of treatment with Mastodinone, then you should immediately stop taking the drug as soon as you become aware of the conception that has occurred.

Mastodinone for mastopathy

Mastodinone can only be used to treat benign fibrocystic mastopathy of any size. You can not use the drug in the presence of malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands of any stage.

For maximum effective treatment mastopathy Mastodinone can be taken in combination with other drugs without adjusting the regimen, dosage and duration of therapy.

Mastodinone is taken 30 drops or one tablet twice a day for at least three months without interruption. Improvement is usually felt after 6 weeks of using the drug. However, the reception is continued until the complete or significant involution of the formation, determined by the results of ultrasound or mammography. The drug is suitable for long-term use, so the continuous course can be continued until reaching desired result. You can also take Mastodinone in regular courses with short breaks between them. The optimal tactics is selected by the doctor together with the woman.

While taking Mastodinone, the unpleasant symptoms of mastopathy (pain, tightness in the chest, fluid from the nipples, etc.) should gradually decrease and disappear. If this does not happen, then you need to see a doctor. You should also consult with your doctor about resuming Mastodinon if the complaints recur after discontinuation of the drug.

Does Mastodinon help to get pregnant?

If difficulties with conception are due solely to the insufficiency of the corpus luteum (the second phase of the menstrual cycle), then Mastodinon is able to help get pregnant, since it normalizes the production of sex hormones, thereby eliminating the cause of infertility.

If the impossibility of conception, in addition to the insufficiency of the corpus luteum, is also associated with some other factors, for example, lack of ovulation, poor sperm quality, and others, then Mastodinon will not help you get pregnant.

In order to determine whether a woman has corpus luteum insufficiency, it is necessary to determine the concentration of hormones (prolactin, FSH, LH) in the blood. If the level of prolactin is elevated, then we are talking about the insufficiency of the corpus luteum, which can be eliminated by taking Mastodinon, thereby normalizing the hormonal background and creating conditions for the onset of pregnancy. In such a situation, Mastodinon will help you get pregnant, and in case of infertility caused by other reasons, the drug will be ineffective.

This means that Mastodinone helps to get pregnant only if there is a certain problem, and not in all cases. Therefore, women suffering from infertility should not take Mastodinone just like that, for reasons of "what if it helps", because despite the natural composition, the drug is very powerful, because it affects the production of hormones that regulate ovarian function, and therefore can only aggravate the situation when used not on purpose.

Mastodinone and delayed menstruation

Some women who took Mastodinon for various diseases noted the presence of a delay in menstruation and lengthening of the cycle. This situation is associated with the individual reaction of the woman's body to the drug, which is physiological and does not require any special treatment. Gynecologists believe that the delay in menstruation is not associated with taking Mastodinon, but is due solely to stress or other reasons. That is, the delay in menstruation is not a factor in the appearance of which it is necessary to stop taking the drug.

In addition, by normalizing the second phase of the menstrual cycle, Mastodinone restores a woman's fertility, which increases her chances of pregnancy. Accordingly, a woman can become pregnant, which, in turn, will cause a delay in menstruation. Moreover, based on clinical observations, it can be concluded that women often become pregnant while taking Mastodinon.

Therefore, if a woman takes Mastodinon and is sexually active without contraception, then with a delay in menstruation, you should, first of all, do a pregnancy test.

Side effects

Mastodinone in any dosage form is usually well tolerated by women and rarely causes side effects. The most common side effects of Mastodinon drops and tablets are various allergic reactions. In very rare cases, Mastodinone can provoke the appearance of the following adverse reactions:
  • Increase in body weight within 1 - 3 kg;
  • Itching exanthema;
  • Acne on the skin of the face and body;
  • Headache;
  • Transient psychomotor agitation;
  • Temporary confusion and hallucinations.
If a woman notices the appearance of psychomotor agitation, confusion or hallucinations while taking Mastodinon, then the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Contraindications for use

Mastodinon drops and tablets are contraindicated for use if a woman has the following diseases or conditions:
  • Pregnancy;
  • Period breastfeeding;
  • Hypersensitivity to any components of the drug;
  • The age of the girl is under 12;
  • Malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands;
  • Lactose intolerance due to hereditary galactose intolerance, genetic lactase deficiency or malabsorption of glucose and galactose (only for tablets, since they contain lactose as auxiliary components).

Mastodinone - analogues

Currently, there are only Mastodinone analogues on the pharmaceutical market of the CIS countries, which have similar therapeutic effects, but contain other active ingredients. There are no synonymous preparations that would contain exactly the same active substances as Mastodinone on the pharmaceutical market.

So, the following drugs are analogues of Mastodinon:

  • Gynekochel drops for oral homeopathic;
  • Gormel CH drops for oral homeopathic;
  • Indol forte Evalar capsules for oral administration;
  • Lakzenova solution for oral administration;
  • Mammolen 200 capsules for oral administration;
  • Mammoleptin capsules;
  • Mamoclam tablets;
  • Masto-gran granules for resorption;
  • Mastofemin capsules for oral administration;
  • Mastofit Evalar tablets;
  • Ovarium compositum solution for intramuscular injection homeopathic;
  • Remens homeopathic drops;
  • Remens tablets sublingual homeopathic;
  • Tazalok drops for oral administration;
  • Utrozhestan capsules for oral administration;
  • Femicaps Easy Life capsules for oral administration;
  • Epigalin capsules for oral administration.

Mastodinon - reviews

Women take Mastodinon in the vast majority of cases for two conditions - mastopathy and premenstrual syndrome with painful periods. However, since they are quite often combined, or women, taking the drug for one reason, notice its positive effect on the menstrual cycle or breast condition, it is almost impossible to separate the reviews thematically. Therefore, we will consider general reviews about Mastodinone, which are positive in about 70% of cases and negative in 30%.

Positive reviews about Mastodinone are associated with its ability to eliminate pain and tension in the chest, as well as reduce the volume of fibrocystic mastopathy. So, women noted that against the background of the use of Mastodinon, the pain in the mammary glands passed, puffiness was eliminated and, accordingly, the quality of life improved, since it became possible to walk normally, play sports, sleep in a comfortable position and generally touch the chest without expecting severe pain. . With course use (from 3 to 6 months), the volume of fibrocystic mastopathy, as a rule, decreases, less often disappears completely or does not change. After several repeated courses of taking Mastodinon, according to reviews, mastopathy completely disappears and the achieved effect remains for a long period of time.

Also, positive reviews about Mastodinone are associated with its ability to eliminate premenstrual syndrome, reduce pain during menstruation and normalize the cycle. Many women note that the drug was taken for mastopathy, but as a pleasant "side effect" it normalized the cycle and made menstruation painless and short. However, all patients note that for the appearance of the effect, Mastodinone must be taken for a long time, since the drug is homeopathic.

The advantages of Mastodinon for women include efficiency, a convenient dispenser of a bottle with drops, a natural composition, an increase in appetite, weight gain, as well as a small number of contraindications and side effects. The disadvantages of the drug, the patients consider the relatively high cost, unpleasant taste and the need for long-term use.

Negative reviews about Mastodinone were left by women for whom the drug did not help fix the problem. However, the characteristic quality of even negative reviews is their benevolence, since women indicate that Mastodinon did not help them, but for many others, drops or tablets turned out to be effective tool that solved the problem. From this fact, women conclude that Mastodinon, like any other homeopathic remedy, has an individual effect, and therefore helps someone, but not someone.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the campaign to discredit Mastodinon, during which information is disseminated that the drug is banned in Europe and the USA, because it causes the growth of fibroids and endometrial pathology, and is generally not a medicine with proven effectiveness. This information causes an emotional reaction in women, and they leave Mastodinon negative feedback, motivated by drug companies experimenting on them.

However, in reality, everything is not so simple. Indeed, from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine, all homeopathic remedies do not have clearly proven efficacy, but this does not mean that it does not exist at all. In addition, homeopathic remedies in the US and Europe are not classified as medicines, therefore they are sold in pharmacies without prescriptions, like vitamins or dietary supplements. But there is no ban on these drugs anywhere, and they are used in a variety of situations, not only for direct indications indicated in the instructions, and this is done in all countries - Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, the USA and Europe. After all, everywhere there is a group of so-called off-label prescriptions, that is, conditions in which doctors prescribe this or that drug for a reason not specified in the instructions and based on their own conclusions and assumptions, and not evidence of its effectiveness. Moreover, in many cases, a person becomes easier and his quality of life increases against the background of taking a drug with unproven effectiveness.

Many people today smoke, and among them a large number of women. Of course, while most smokers try to quit smoking, this is not easy to do. Others, despite modern scientific research, the results of which are very severe, the fact that various technological methods have been invented to help get rid of smoking, still do not try to quit smoking. Every year the number of women who smoke increases exponentially. The female body, in general, is more vulnerable to smoking than the male body.

From smoking and nicotine, the skin ages faster, the risk of myocardial infarction increases, there are changes in the regulation of complex processes of a physiological type in the genital area of ​​the female body. Nicotine, when exposed to the ovaries, causes menstrual irregularities, the appearance of pain during menstruation. The woman's immunity weakens, inflammation of the genital organs often occurs, and this can cause infertility. Moreover, such violations lead to the occurrence of mastopathy, a disease of the female breast, in which the appearance of benign neoplasms is observed. The risk of developing this disease is greatest in women aged 18-50 years, while the peak incidence occurs at the age of 35 to 45 years.

Among the reasons why mastopathy appears, there are hormonal disorders, ovarian inflammation, some liver diseases and diseases thyroid gland, a large number of abortions, the absence of pregnancy until the age of thirty, various injuries, bruises, blows to the mammary glands, the constant wearing of uncomfortable bras. Emotional stress, stress, depression can also cause mastopathy. In addition, the risk of developing mastopathy is increased by such bad habits as smoking and alcohol. Smoking, despite its bad influence, is considered fashionable and common not only among the male population, but also among the female half of humanity. At the same time, nicotine contained in tobacco is a dangerous poison for a woman's body and for the health of her breasts - this has been proven by many studies.

Second hand smoke

Moreover, passive smoking, when a woman inhales smoke from lit cigarettes, is no less dangerous for her health. Scientific research proved that tobacco smoke contains many hazardous chemicals. Among the most dangerous are: Tar - a chemical substance, cancer-causing, carbon monoxide, which, when inhaled, reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood, poisons, such as hydrogen cyanide, ammonia and arsenic. The mastopathy that a woman has leads to the fact that she is at risk, as the likelihood of her developing cancer increases mammary glands.

In turn, breast cancer can be triggered by smoking. Therefore, both as a preventive measure and in the event of the appearance of a disease of mastopathy, smoking must be completely eliminated. There are studies confirming that smoking affects the occurrence of breast cancer. It is known that the toxic substances of tobacco smoke spread through the blood throughout the body, moreover, it has been proven that the breast milk of a smoking woman contains these components.

It should also be noted that smoking lowers the amount of estrogen in a woman's blood, and, as you know, estrogens are considered the leading factor in the appearance of mastopathy and breast cancer. At the same time, many women mistakenly believe that if smoking can reduce the amount of estrogen in the blood, then this remedy can be used, for example, when the level of estrogen is elevated for some reason. Smoking is by no means a cure. This misconception is a pro-smoking excuse for women who smoke.

Another misconception is that smoking is justified on the grounds that it helps a woman maintain her weight without putting on extra pounds. Thus, smoking has a powerful effect on the occurrence of any malignant neoplasms, and breast cancer is no exception. Let smoking and not a direct factor, but an indirect one - that's for sure.

Today, there are various means to help people quit smoking, it is only important to want to get rid of this habit. You can try electronic cigarettes or a nicotine patch, you can turn to specialists, doctors and, thereby, protect yourself from the disease. Proper nutrition, well-chosen bra, no chest injuries, limiting salt intake, physical exercise, as well as the rejection of alcohol and smoking are the key to the health of the female breast.

When a person is prescribed a course of treatment with any drug, then at this time there are often reasons for drinking alcohol. Holidays and celebrations accompany us constantly. Then the person asks the question of how the prescribed drug and alcohol are combined? Can it be used in small doses during the course of therapy? It all depends on the type of medicine. Consider the possibility and consequences of combining mastodinone and alcoholic beverages.

First of all, you must own complete information about the medicinal product. Mastodinone is a homeopathic remedy used in the treatment of women who suffer from menstrual irregularities and related ailments. The remedy is prescribed for premenstrual syndrome. It is available in the form of drops and tablets. For getting maximum effect in therapy, mastodinone is used for a long time with a complete refusal to drink alcohol. A positive result from taking the remedy is achieved after three months of its regular use. But a course of treatment lasting 6 months is recommended. The active components of the drug are obtained strictly from natural plant materials.

To obtain a liquid dosage form of the drug, ethanol is used. A significant amount of alcohol in a homeopathic preparation in the form of drops does not allow those patients to be treated with it, who at one time were cured of alcohol dependence. It would be more appropriate for such women to take the tablet form of the drug. It has the same therapeutic properties. The drip form of mastodinone is also prescribed with caution to patients with liver diseases.

How does this homeopathic remedy work? It reduces the production of prolactin, which reduces pathological proliferative processes in the tissues of the mammary glands. Reducing the dose of the hormone is the prevention of the development of fibrocystic mastopathy.

Mastodinone can be an independent treatment or a component of complex therapy for PMS. It is prescribed for fibrocystic mastopathy, menstrual disorders, infertility associated with hormonal disorders. As a rule, treatment with this homeopathic remedy takes place without side effects. But sometimes allergic reactions are possible.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are under 12 years of age, pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual intolerance, malignant breast diseases.

The use of alcoholic beverages always levels the results of treatment, no matter what medicine is used for this. The homeopathic preparation mastodinone cannot be combined with alcohol, as it reduces the effectiveness of therapy.

In homeopathy, there is such a thing as an antidote. This is a substance that deprives a homeopathic remedy of effectiveness. Sometimes antidotes cause suppression of the original process that caused the disease. In this case, the medicine will not act on the affected organ, healing it. In homeopathy, alcohol is the antidote. With some drugs, ethanol will be an active antidote, which means a complete ban on drinking alcohol during the treatment period. For another, alcohol will be neutral. In the instructions for taking mastodinon, there is an indication that the use of alcohol during therapy is prohibited due to the negative impact on the effectiveness of the homeopathic remedy.

The second reason for such a ban is the negative effect of the drug on the liver, which increases several times with the use of alcoholic beverages. That is why the question of the use of mastodinone by women with liver diseases is decided individually.

When treating with this drug, you need to refrain from taking all types of alcohol one day before the start of treatment. The same applies to the end of the medication period. Only 24 hours after taking the last tablet or drip form of the drug, you can afford a little alcohol.

Sometimes women ask why it is impossible to drink alcohol if the composition of the liquid form of the drug already contains ethanol? The answer is simple. The medicine contains as much ethanol as necessary to purchase it medicinal properties. Additional doses can lead to general poisoning, liver disease, and other negative consequences. After all, the human body during the use of homeopathic remedies is unpredictable.

Breast health largely depends on the diet and lifestyle of a woman. WHO recommends the use of natural products and substances of plant origin, for example, Mastofit, for the prevention of cancer. According to experts, a daily intake of 150 grams of broccoli can normalize hormonal balance and prevent the growth of connective tissue inside the breast.

Not all women can eat the indicated amount of cabbage every day, so dietary supplements are recommended to maintain breast health. One of them is Mastofit from the company Evalar. The composition of the complex includes pills and cream for the bust. This is a dietary supplement, it is designed specifically for women and is intended to treat different types mastopathy and prevention of breast cancer.

Consider what Mastofit is, the instructions for use say that the product does not apply to medicinal compounds. It contains exclusively natural ingredients that complement and enhance each other's action.

Since ancient times, women have applied cabbage leaves to their breasts to reduce swelling, hardening and soreness. Now, instead of such a procedure, you can use Mastofit cream, instructions for use indicate its effectiveness in diseases of the mammary glands.

The composition of the drug Mastofit, instructions for use and reviews

The composition contains a whole complex of plant extracts: fucus, vitex, broccoli indoles. Consider the effect of each ingredient.

Broccoli extract- the main component of the drug Mastofit. It has not yet been clarified which substance - indole, sulforaphane or ascorbigen - has the greatest protective effect on the mammary gland. The secret lies in their joint effect on the female body.

Indole-3 carbinol prevents the appearance of dangerous compounds formed during the metabolism of female sex hormones. The substance has a high antitumor activity and causes the death of cells affected by metaplasia processes. Broccoli extract inhibits the spread of papillomatosis virus in the body. Indoles several times increase the activity of detoxification enzymes, have an antioxidant and rejuvenating effect.

Sulforaphane- a substance with antitumor activity. Studies have shown that it causes the death of metaplastic (altered) cells of the mammary glands, and also contributes to self-destruction. cancer cells intestines, lungs, prostate. Sulforaphane helps cleanse the body of toxins.

Askorbigen- a stable compound of vitamin C, increases the body's resistance to toxic and chemical effects. When it enters the digestive tract, ascorbigen is split into indoles and ascorbic acid.

Fucus- This is a brown seaweed, is a valuable source of vitamins, polysaccharides, amino acids and polyphenols. Fucus extract contains a large amount of bioavailable iodine, as well as other mineral components - zinc, selenium, molybdenum, iron, manganese, calcium. The complex of active elements affects the synthesis of sex hormones, thereby reducing the risk of developing hormone-dependent breast tumors. Reception of fucus contributes to the normalization of the monthly cycle, neutralizes unpleasant symptoms during menopause. Algae has absorbable properties and does not have a harmful effect on the body, like concentrated iodine preparations.

vitex- berries of the Abraham tree, the plant is widespread in Italy and Greece. Vitex extract normalizes the connection between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries. Studies have shown that berries reduce the level of the hormone prolactin, the main culprit for engorgement and swelling of the mammary glands before menstruation. Prolactin plays a leading role in the formation of signs of mastopathy. The use of Evalar products helps to restore the ratio of hormones in the body. The advantage of the plant is that the flowers, berries and leaves do not contain phytohormones and do not have a direct effect on the endocrine system. Vitex extract acts slowly and gently.

Mastofit contains non-synthetic substances, it contains "live", natural indoles of cruciferous plants.

Indications for use

Pathologies in which Mastofit is effective:

  • Swelling, heaviness, swelling of the mammary glands;
  • Diffuse and nodular mastopathy;
  • Endometriosis - pathological growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity;
  • severe premenstrual syndrome;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • Diseases associated with estrogen imbalance.

On the ground: Mastofit does not apply to medicinal compounds. This remedy is used in the complex therapy of breast diseases, but a single dose of the remedy will not relieve the symptoms of mastopathy.

Maastofit tablets: instruction

The drug is available in the form of light green tablets containing 200 mg and 500 mg of active ingredients. Tablets are packed in cells of 60-100 pieces each. The composition of the capsule includes 200 mg of the drug, the package contains 60 capsules.

The drug is stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees, the tablets retain their properties for 2 years.

Important! The effectiveness of treatment is enhanced by the simultaneous use of cream and tablets.


  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.

Since the product is completely natural, overdose is almost impossible. The biggest trouble that can happen is individual intolerance to pills, which manifests itself in the form of skin rashes.

Mastofit cream: instruction

By appearance the cream is a gel of thick consistency with a tart odor, has a light yellow tint. Packaged in tubes of 50 ml.

How to use: apply to clean breast skin with soft rubbing movements twice a day. The procedure is carried out until completely absorbed in the morning and evening. Experts advise combining the use of the cream with taking 1-2 tablets of Mastofit, the reviews of oncologists speak of the effectiveness of their joint use. The cream delivers indoles directly to the affected area, and the tablets normalize the hormonal background of a woman.

Let's see what women themselves and specialists involved in the health of the mammary glands think about the complex.

Mastofit cream: consumer reviews

Irina, St. Petersburg: I have been using Mastofit for several years. Earlier, a mammologist prescribed me American tablets with broccoli extract. But they were very expensive, and the salary in those days was low. I decided to try the products of the company "Evalar", which I do not regret a bit. Mastofit really helps, only there is one caveat - you need to drink in a course. It is also inconvenient that the cream has to be used daily, and it leaves marks on clothes. The chest softens by the end of the second month. IN Lately I noticed that this period is not enough for me. Therefore, I switched to a 3-month course, at the same time I rub the cream and drink pills. I also want to say that I have not recovered a bit over the years, since the remedy is non-hormonal.

Julia, Saratov: For a long time I did not pay attention to chest pain before menstruation. Once I felt a seal in myself and went to see a doctor. He palpated my gland, sent me for an ultrasound scan and some tests. After that, he issued a verdict: mastopathy. Has appointed or nominated not strong preparations in the form of Mastofit, a cream and tablets. Within a month, my health improved, the pain disappeared. I liked the cream also because after using it, the breasts became more elastic. She also began to eat more broccoli. I did a second ultrasound six months later - the bump did not increase, it remained the same size.

They also have negative reviews. Some women note the unpleasant smell of the cream, others talk about its inefficiency. Some lost their mind after taking the pills monthly cycle. If there was no improvement after using Mastofit, one intake of dietary supplements was not enough.

Mastofit cream: reviews of oncologists

Mastofit is suitable for the correction of mild to moderate mastopathy. The tool helps to improve the condition, reduce swelling and soreness of the mammary glands, but does not completely eliminate dysfunction. This drug does not belong to the category medicines. It can be used after a detailed examination by a gynecologist, mammologist or endocrinologist. You should also undergo an ultrasound of the mammary glands and pelvic organs, take tests for hormones. Before using it, you should definitely find out the opinion of the doctor, because he is responsible for the treatment.

According to oncologists, the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the complex are: hormonal background women, age of the patient, expressed degree of the process. You should not rely solely on Mastofit, hormone therapy may be needed to treat the disease.

Mastopathy is a serious disease; against its background, the risk of developing malignant breast diseases increases several times. It is better to think about prevention in advance, using available means. Will benefit women healthy eating with the inclusion in the menu of fresh fruits and vegetables, green tea, clean water. Quitting smoking, alcohol, carbonated drinks and canned food is the basis of disease prevention. Mastofit will be of great help with the initial symptoms of the disease.

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary glands, when in one or both breasts, formations of a benign type develop, the size and density of which can be different, often painful. The main symptoms of mastopathy include pain in the mammary gland, the appearance of areas of seals in the breast tissue, the lymph nodes in the axillary region increase, the volume of the mammary gland also increases, discharge from the nipples appears, and nodes form.

As for the causes of mastopathy, the reasons may be different. One of the most common causes is excessive alcohol intake. Of course, a healthy lifestyle, in general, is very important. You need to eat right, the amount of fat should be reduced and the amount of fiber should be increased, you need to limit salt intake, avoid stress, choose and wear good bras. Shouldn't get carried away hormonal contraceptives, be sure to conduct regular breast self-examinations and do not drink or smoke. Alcoholic drinks have a very negative impact on human health in general, so their use should be reduced as much as possible, if you can drink it, then in moderation.

Almost all scientists of the world who deal with the problems of mastopathy, conducting research, prove the negative effect of alcohol on the chest. However, the risk is much lower if the dose is no more than two servings per day. In such a matter as drinking alcohol, it is important to choose something in between and never get involved in alcohol. In the USA and Australia, studies were conducted that revealed an interesting trend - women who drink alcohol, who at the same time took folic acid every day, replenishing the body with the appropriate norm, had a completely small risk of breast disease. Therefore, sometimes drinking a couple of glasses of red wine, it is better to use folic acid every day, for example, in the form of special tablets.

However, it is better to design your daily diet so that it contains a good portion of a natural source. folic acid: broccoli, lettuce, spinach, orange juice and peas. Other American scientists in the course of studies have proven that alcohol consumption significantly affects the risk of developing mastopathy in girls and women. The study was conducted between 1996 and 2007, and about 7,000 girls from fifty states of the country took part in it. Women were asked questions about how much they drink alcohol, as well as questions about the diagnosis of mastopathy or other diseases of the mammary glands. It turned out that the development of mastopathy directly depends on the volume of alcohol consumption. For example, women who drank alcohol during the week were five and a half times more likely to have breast disease than those who drank only once a week. Drinking alcohol up to five times a week greatly increases the risk of mastopathy.

As you know, mastopathy can lead to cancer, so it is important to note that alcohol not only affects the development of mastopathy, but can also contribute to cancer. If it seems to someone that the effect of alcohol intake on breast cancer is not significant, then this is an erroneous opinion. There is a connection between them, and this connection is real and quite close. The head of the European Institute of Oncology reports that any alcohol increases the risk of mastopathy and breast cancer. It should be noted that beer, considered by most people to be a harmless drink, is also real threat for women's health. At the same time, previous studies were also aimed at establishing a link between alcoholic beverages and breast diseases, but it was not possible to establish the degree of risk of the onset of the disease from the type of alcoholic beverage consumed by a woman.

but modern research proved that any alcoholic beverages, of any strength, that are regularly consumed by women, significantly increase the risk of mastopathy and cancer, compared with women who completely refused to drink alcohol. How exactly alcohol affects the female breast, causing mastopathy, is not yet known for certain. To a greater extent, scientists are inclined to believe that when consuming alcoholic beverages of any strength, the level of female sex hormones in a woman's body increases sharply, which negatively affects the health of her breasts. Today, this reason is considered one of the main ones in this matter. Thus, every woman should take into account that the refusal to drink alcohol is important point in the prevention of mastopathy.