What tree are you according to the zodiac. Quiz: choose the tree that you like the most and find out what word can describe your character! Test what kind of tree I am according to the horoscope

Despite the fact that in psychological books and articles they constantly try to distribute people into different types, groups, categories, taking into account their habits, characteristics, behavior in different situations, in reality everything is not so. Each of us understands that people are unique, and it is impossible to find a person who is 100% like you.

In this test, we invite you to consider several trees and choose the one that you like. The result will surprise you - you will learn a word that very accurately fits your character, inner feelings, communication with loved ones and other surroundings.

Decided which of the trees seems the most attractive? Find out the truth about yourself!

1. You are the initiator

You always give yourself to your favorite business to the fullest, do the work with the best result, put your whole soul into it. But don't forget that other people can benefit from your hard work. After all, you are kind and responsible, you are not used to throwing things halfway, you are open to everything new. Therefore, you need to abandon intrigues, and express everything to the interlocutor directly in the eye, everything that you like and dislike. You effortlessly praise a person, if there is anything for it, you are always ready to lend money. It is people like you who are called real friends, ready to help in a difficult situation, regardless of the time of day. You are also amorous, and always give yourself up to feelings without a trace.

2. You are reliable

If you chose fruit tree, then your main quality is reliability. You are always entrusted with the most responsible affairs, because they know that you will do the job with high quality. Such reliability is explained, among other things, by the fact that you care about your reputation in the eyes of others. Relatives often consult with you, as nature has given you wisdom. You are a person with spiritual values, in the first place for you in any situation, close people and family. It is very important for you to come to the aid of relatives and friends in difficult times. Even giving a lot of time to work, you understand what really matters.

Find out which tree is yours

From time immemorial, people believed that trees have special magical abilities and can influence people in the most incredible way. Some trees can heal and cleanse the energy field of a person, while others, on the contrary, can be called energy vampires. Each person should know his patron tree according to the Zodiac, because in this way he will receive an excellent ally who can help restore energy flows at any time of the year.

He cares about his appearance, sometimes even excessively. Boldly draws up life plans and persistently implements them. Thrifty to the point of stinginess. Knows how to lead people. In love, he lacks imagination, but he is a caring husband and homebody

Impressive and emotional. Likes to feast. Two natures live in such a person: sleepy and sensitive. The second is full of restlessness, changeability. He has a noble character, but it is difficult to live with him, because he is capricious, demanding, hysterical. In love, he suffers a lot, but finds a quiet haven in marriage. Often considers himself fickle and intolerant

Restrained, imperturbable, self-controlled. Demanding of himself and does not tolerate other people's mistakes. Health is unstable. He is respected in the service. Inspires confidence. The nature is noble, sympathetic, although sometimes it is despotic. Has a sense of humor. Life plans wisely

Very handsome, but does not use its attractiveness. Thirsts for space, full of liveliness and strength, has an innate sense of justice. From the lack of flexibility, he often changes classes and is disappointed. However, he knows how to be prudent and does not create material troubles for himself. He attaches great importance to moral rules, from which he often leans towards puritanism. Too intractable to find mutual understanding

Worries about appearance. He leads the right way of life, is disciplined, obligatory, executive to the extreme. Dreams of glory, can inspire admiration and even delight. In love, I would like to experience something unusual, but more often they love him, and not he himself

Slimness and beauty in early youth. Over the years, he creates problems for himself. A good environment can help him. This person should carefully choose friends and be careful when changing places, since not every environment is conducive to his development.

WALNUT (21-30 April, 21-31 August, 1-2 September, 1-3.19-31 October)

The person is firm, although sometimes he is cruel to others. Shows unexpected reactions and excessive claims. Can't adapt to the environment. Enjoys authority, although not always loved. He does not rest himself and does not give rest to others

The person is viable, desperate, strong physically and morally. Does not tolerate drugs, ailments, difficulties, complaints. In love, he becomes a victim of the first languid glance, believes that this feeling is for life. Action man. The crown of his caring branches is shelter and protection for the weak

Attractive beauty severe type. Always elegant and original. Differs in dignity and restraint.

Not distinguished by beauty, but it can not be overlooked. Very impressionable. Likes big space and warmth. Withers in adverse conditions. It is difficult to endure the vicissitudes of fate

Reveals with close acquaintance, has a deep feeling. Will be able to resolve any issue. In love, it is distinguished by sophistication and easily finds a partner

A solid and tall man, distinguished by rare physical beauty and good health. Self-confident, determined. Gives respect. Hardworking and creative. Partners feel supported in his optimism. Demonstrates managerial talent at work

Often weak, inconspicuous. But if you get to know him closely, it is impossible not to notice his original mind. Satisfied with little, adapts to any conditions

Full of optimism. Doesn't like being alone. Prefers the environment of relatives, friends. Harsh with subordinates. Messy at work. In love impetuous and unrestrained

The person is timid and shy. Distinguished by pride and selfishness. Often cynical. Extraordinarily smart, quick-witted, with a good memory. Difficult in love: together with trust, he seeks to impose his whims and will

Modest, but it has an amazing effect on people. Personal charm and charm help to achieve a life goal. Very welcoming. Likes to move in society. In love, capricious, but honest, decent

Successful, lucky. The respect of this person is appreciated.

Naturalness in his eyes is not a virtue. He cares about style, refined manners. And he is accused of capriciousness, aggressiveness and selfishness

A person full of charm, prudence, delicacy. The character is even, calm. In love, not jealous. Recognizes the partner's right to freedom even when it hurts. Deep thinking person. loves society smart people. Brings happiness and peace into the house

Despite the fragile and graceful appearance, the person is strong and durable. Tirelessly and courageously resists the difficulties of fate. Shows artistic talent. He loves passionately and passionately, often changes partners. Sociable.

Behind the fragile appearance lies an unusually persistent nature. Sweet, charming, you can recognize her from afar by her easy gait. He loves to bring joy to loved ones, even to the detriment of himself. Somewhat egocentric.

The "pine" man is conscious of his charm. Partly selfish. Likes to surround himself with nice people. Firm and courageous to the point of insolence. Good companion.

This person is devoid of self-confidence and aplomb. Friendly and welcoming. However, he is capricious, whimsical, therefore he often remains lonely. His heart is capable of a great feeling, but he rarely achieves satisfaction in love. Artistic nature, good organizer. Knows how to be a reliable support in difficult moments of life

A person with expressive features. Without beauty, it cannot go unnoticed. Not everything and not everywhere feels good. Requires living space and warmth. In adverse conditions, it does not tolerate difficulties.

A person full of personal charm and attractiveness. All his life he loves flirting and adventure. If he finds satisfaction in marriage, he refuses dubious entertainment. Ready to give the last penny. His good intentions are often abused

Draw, please, a tree - any, except for a Christmas tree.

Material for testing: you need a sheet of A4 paper, as well as a pencil. The sheet of paper should be white, not glossy, without any rulers or cells. Use a pencil of medium softness; Do not draw with a pen or felt-tip pens.

Questions for the drawing test "Tree"

  1. What type of wood did you get?
  2. What season?
  3. Where does the tree grow, what surrounds it?
  4. If this tree turns into a man, what will it turn into?
  • This person's gender
  • Age
  • Occupation
  • Character
  • What do you love and what do you fear?
  • If there are birds in the crown (like some animals in the house) - a sign of infantilism. If it's a nest, then maybe he's thinking about children.
  • The sun by the tree is a kind of parental eye that can turn into warmth, or can represent control.
  • When the tree is strongly raised (above the middle) - inflated self-esteem.
  • Grass. If it's low, then no big deal. If the grass is thick and covers part of the tree - the desire to mask unconsciously (either something in early childhood, or if it's like a body - ...). Grass at the base - covers the bottom of the tree. It often happens that a person hides either from himself or from others some traumatic childhood experiences that he had
  • Branches are unrealized features. The more branches, the more possibilities.
  • Young girls (or aged, but consider themselves young) often draw flowering trees
  • When they draw a lake or a river nearby - alcohol abuse. Moreover, it may not be the person himself who drinks, but his relatives (husband / wife, father / mother).
  • If a man draws female tree and it “turns” (in words, he says that he wanted an oak, but it turned out to be a birch) into a male one - this is a violation of self-identification.
  • Broken knots - some opportunities that did not materialize.
  • Barrel shading is a certain uneasiness. If it is noticeable, more disturbing
  • The height of the tree is the current age of the client.
  • There are trees that do not stand on the ground, but seem to hang in the air. It has no earth line, no roots, which means that the person who drew it does not have the feeling that he himself is standing on the ground, on his own feet. He can be insecure, dependent, infantile, psychasthenic, either materially or psychologically dependent on someone. It may be that this is situational: a person has lost his job and his tree is hanging. There is such a thing as overcompensation, for example, an insecure girl who lives in two houses and feels between two chairs, but she draws a tree with a “leg” - she is overcompensated, she compensates for her uncertainty too much: if the tree stands too much on the ground , is an attempt to create sustainability at the expense of something. If a person has weak energy, his tree will hang. If a person has a lot of energy, then his psychological defense will be not repression, but hypercompensation. For example, going to work.
  • All animals that are on the tree, as a rule, indicate infantile tendencies.
If the tree is hanging
  1. Either a young man, dependent on his parents, does not have own conditions, does not stand on its own feet, or is in limbo (divorced, changes jobs, no support).
  2. Either a person is not of this world (schizoid) - separation from reality, hovering in the clouds, not standing firmly on the ground
  • A trace of psychotrauma (100%). If there is no hollow, this does not mean that there were no injuries. They did not show up in this test.
  • There are hollows: divorce of parents, the birth of a child, moving to another place, diseases (which have consequences), separation from home, sexual abuse, or a bad sexual experience, death of relatives ...
  • If the hollow is shaded, then it may be that the injury does not already create tension, if it is strong, then it is bad.
  • If someone lives in a hollow, then the trauma is alive. If not, then there is a void.
  • The location of the hollow can determine the age of the injury.
  • Roots are our past. What we start with.
  • If there are no roots, the client is not so strongly represented in his mind, perhaps he is crowding out.
  • There are many and large roots - a person feels the role and significance of the pressure of his past, family lineage.
  • It is especially interesting when the crown does not fit - there is no idea of ​​the future. He doesn't know how to plan. (4-ka on MMPI high). Goes beyond social norms.
  • Sharp roots - aggression is possible. Testing the theory of aggression and family
  • When a person cuts off the roots of a drawing, he does not want to see and remember his parents and his childhood.
  • If there are no roots at all, we do not interpret it in any way.
  • Our body.
  • If we see a blackened trunk - a person is either really sick (somatics, for example, diabetes), or an anxiety condition, or a hypochondriac, it may be psychosomatics, there may be hormones in a teenager (19 years old) or menopause in a woman
  • It is much worse if our trunk ends in a kind of dead end (and sometimes the trunk is alarmingly blackened). Dead end sounds like "crooked back streets"
  • Thin trunk - asthenic type
  • This is the head of the tree.
  • If this is the past, then it is clear that the crown is the future. There are different variants, for example, it happens that someone's crown does not fit in the picture. This means a lack of planning. And life and everything. The second interpretation is when a person has an open perspective - that is, a lack of understanding of what will happen next. It may not be related to the scheduling situation. For example, divorce. Or a change of residence. And it happens that a person does not know how to plan, and the situation is like this.
  • If the crown is flattened, if it limits itself (presses, does not allow it to grow further).
  • If there is chaos in the foliage or in the branches, there is confusion in the head.
  • Double stroke of the crown is control

On the one hand, epileptoids (a solid trunk, roots) can be drawn, on the other hand, an oak is a symbol of masculinity. Often a symbol of a paternal figure, authority, strong man(warrior) and a man for whom this is the ideal "I", who strives to be strong powerful.

Or a woman can draw it (either a fatherly figure, or a partner is looking for a father-like figure - calm, reliable, protector, strong. She herself is a weak female position - hang on an oak tree, be protected, wrap herself around - a low 5 in MMPI). More often, a woman raised by a mother who played the role of an oak tree (there is no father, or a weak one, or loves her father to be like him, when a father brings up a daughter and it is important for her to earn her father's respect - she will study, work, make a career). When a woman "turns" into an oak, this is normal.

Why is the girl painting an oak tree? The way she talks about him, it is clear that this is to a large extent a fatherly figure. But, since it is allowed in our culture to marry people who are older and associated with the father, the presence of such an oak tree in the picture may mean that this is a search for a partner similar to dad. This is the kind of Elektra who wants to be with her father and move her mother away. But then, in this situation, she can be very feminine.

Or maybe it's different. If, for example, a father raises a girl like a boy and drags him everywhere - hunting, fishing and welcomes male hobbies, then the girl has a desire not to attract a man like a dad, but to become like a dad.

It also depends on the amount of energy: if she is energetic and ambitious, ambitious and competitive, then she will choose male professions and an environment where she will assert herself and avoid the manifestation of femininity. And then the oak that she draws will be her self-identification with her father.

This is a mother figure. We recall the fairy tale “Geese Swans”, where maternal figures go in a row (bulk breasts, maternal breasts, fruit-bearing - children, oven - mother's womb that gives birth to pies, milk shores - mother's milk). Children often draw an apple tree.

When adults draw - codependency - incomplete budding from adults and the influence can be very strong. This results in:

  1. Transfer of the script through the female line (grandmother - mother - daughter, etc.)
  2. Conflict. There may be disturbing, shaded, blackened apples.
If a woman draws - a family scenario along the female line.

Alcohol dependence - oral dependence as from mother's breast. Consumer position in life.

When men draw an apple tree. Possible situations:

  1. Men remain single and live with their mother.
  2. Marry briefly, then back to mom
  3. Completely goes to his wife, sometimes even calls his wife mommy, completely all feelings are transferred to his wife
What are the options for a male apple tree? This is an old bachelor who lives with his mother all his life. He can live with his mother all his life and never get married at all. Can marry when mother dies. Or this is a person who can quickly get married and return to his mother. And while he is married, he will compare mother and wife. There is an option when an apple young man marries and generally stops communicating with his mother. Because all the valences that attached him to his mother, he outweighed everything to his wife. In this case, he is not drawn to his own mother.

The fact is that apples are a symbol of the mother's breast. Therefore, for a child, for example, drawing an apple tree is absolutely natural and organic. Those subjects who, in adulthood, draw an apple tree, this means that they have not overcome their maternal dependence, have not budged from the maternal figure. Very often, girls who draw an apple tree adopt the maternal scenario and, in particular, the scenario of inability to build relationships and parting.

The fact that initially non-standard drawings indicate negativism and protest reactions may indicate a high four on the MMPI: that is, when a certain behavior is expected of her, she shows the opposite. It can be show off, causticity, aggressiveness. And people need not so much and not only this, but sincerity, understanding, warmth, kindness, more emphasis for the needs of another person, and not for yourself.

If the relationship with the mother is not very good, but there is still an addiction, then we can see black apples or black dots in the middle.

As for men, black apples are found in alcoholics. The point is that for alcohol addiction just characteristic of apples. Because it is infantilism and dependence. And mothers script things in such a way that children become alcoholics (certain slogans, curses, etc.). Especially if the woman's father and husband were alcoholics, she is more likely to have her son become an alcoholic too.

A predisposition to alcoholism may be greater in infantile people, with oral fixation and with conflicts with their mother not fully resolved.

Another option is that at the age of 14-15 children studied abroad. And at the very age when they were supposed to be rude to their parents and bud off, they cried into the pillow and missed their parents. It turned out that they were completely immature and continued to draw an apple tree just at a rather late age.

That is, your mother may die or you will be sent to another city and you will draw the same apple tree.


  • hypochondriacs who fear for their health.
  • Girls who follow the figure.
  • Or maybe there are boys who think about women (example: soldiers after the army).
  • Psychosthenics often draw (the tree is modest, average, not distinguished - to be like everyone else, to get lost in the mass).
  • Points on a birch - dermatitis, there may be some kind of disease, psychosomatics. Dermatitis is an intolerance to the environment, it is a reaction to the environment and to people. Dermatitis in the form of black strokes in the drawing of a tree arose as a reaction to the environment. Psoriasis is a very strong, autoaggressive reaction.
  • Birch is often chosen by those who are prone to psychosomatic fixations, due to the pictures. But in general, for our latitudes, the birch pattern is normal.
PINE - draw a schizoid personality, a more spiritual version, more ascetic.

MAPLE, CHESTNUT, MAGNOLIA (a more refined tree) - men with hysterical tendencies often draw. The tree is beautiful

BAOBAB is an epileptoid with pronounced hysteroid tendencies.

Plants in artificial pots can mean symbiotic relationships (rather with the mother) or the fact that a person has remained in development at the level of five years. This is a certain syndrome of unwillingness to be an adult. Bonsai tree - a feeling of artificiality, over-dependence on conditions and unwillingness to grow and mature.

ASPEN - happens in depressive states. The tree is unhappy. Association with autumn. Just like weeping birch, willow, low spirits

ASH - people with pronounced aesthetic inclinations. This is a narcissist.

PALMA - I'm not like everyone else. Peculiarities. Maybe demonstrative, schizoids, if there are fruits - more material and carnal. But at the same time lonely.

If a mixed tree: an oak with apples, for example, she can look for a man who treats her like a mother and women who treat her like a dad and all at the same time give her advice.

If there is no breed, he does not really feel his personality. Not very accurate self-identification. Didn't feel like a person


Spring: Maybe a young man, a way out of a crisis, a change of profession, etc.

Autumn: Where there are no leaves, when the branches are bare, when the leaves fall. More late fall associated with low mood and condition, depression. Golden autumn or early autumn- quite another matter. People with demonstrative tendencies love to brag and show off.

Winter: It just happens that a person loves winter and then it is clear from the picture itself that this is not depression. And it happens - that it is immediately clear that this is a depressive state. It is very important for a psychologist to be able to listen. And hear.

Can tell something about you, and you may be surprised at the result.

We suggest you choose the tree that, in your opinion, is most similar to a person.

Your choice may reveal some of your innate personality traits.

Read also:

Choose one of 7 trees.

Find out what your choice means right after the picture.

Personality Test

You have chosen tree number 1

You are a realist, however, you still have many exciting goals and dreams! You are an understanding person, and loved ones are not averse to hearing advice from you on different topics. In addition, people feel very comfortable when you are around. It has great inner potential. You like to try new things to see how good you are at something!

You have chosen tree number 2

You are a spontaneous, fun-loving and enthusiastic person. You perfectly understand when you need to get together and get to work. You enjoy every moment of life, but at any moment you are ready to get down to business in full readiness. People around you find you interesting, and they might even be able to hear from you. interesting story about your life and experiences!

You have chosen tree number 3

You trust your intuition and your instincts. Your inner instinct works great, and you are able to quickly make the right decisions. You believe that everyone gets what they deserve. It is also worth noting that if you are properly tuned, you can do any job.

You have chosen tree number 4

You see the world in a unique way and you have a strong and attractive personality. You have well-developed senses, as well as a very good memory. You do not like to go into details, and you also stick to what you believe in.

You have chosen tree number 5

You are an honest and balanced person, and your friends and family members like it. Your advice is very important for everyone who is part of your life. And all because you see things as they really are. In many cases, you try to give yourself 100%. You have a sharp mind and a kind heart.

You have chosen tree number 6

You are an honest person who finds it very difficult to lie when necessary. You work hard and always try to do what is right. Many do not notice this, but important people in your life see everything perfectly, especially your uniqueness and caring.

You have chosen tree number 7

You always try to see the best in people and you always find the strength to forgive those who hurt you! You are one in a million because you have deep compassion and understanding of what people think and feel.

Here are some trees:

Without hesitation, choose the tree that seems most attractive to you. Now check out.

1. You are ambitious, striving to be the best. Many consider you a difficult person, but this is not so: it is not difficult for people with you, but for you with yourself. You work hard to improve not only yourself, but also the world. But only a few people can appreciate what you do.
Also, you know how to love. And often you continue to love even when you are betrayed.

2. You are a responsible and caring person who cares a lot about the well-being of other people. You are not afraid of work, and easily take on various obligations. And you also have a spiritual, thanks to which people treat you with great confidence. And at the same time, you are a bright personality, distinguished by wit and the ability to tell everything vividly and interestingly. You are an excellent conversationalist.

3. You like to think and philosophize, which is something you usually do alone. Yes, you are an introvert, thoughtful and deep person, with a wealth of inner world. You are also a moralist who is used to doing everything right, even if others do not agree with you.

4. You are an unusual person, insightful - thanks to developed intuition, and philosophical. There is no one in you who is like you. Others often consider you an eccentric and do not understand you, and this hurts so much! By the way, you are quite emotional. You cannot imagine life without personal space and creativity. You can also see their dark and light sides in people.

5. You are very independent and like to do everything yourself, because you rely only on yourself and know how to be strong. You know what you want from life and stubbornly go towards it without fear of anything. And you expect sincerity from people, because you respect the truth.

6. You easily get along with people due to your friendliness and openness. You have a lot of friends whom you like to help - they are calm next to you. You are able to love even those who do not love you. And you always strive to be even better, more interesting and insightful.

7. You are an understanding, tactful and empathetic person, always ready to listen carefully and without judgment. And all because you are sure that every person has the right to his own life path. You are calm and balanced, so you rarely experience stress. And you know how to have fun without hurting yourself.

8. You are funny and unusual, charming and energetic, spontaneous and enthusiastic. You are in harmony with the whole world. If you are called on a trip, you are always ready to go anywhere, i.e. easy to lift. And you always behave naturally because you remain yourself. And you are also very inquisitive: if you are interested in something, you will study it inside and out.

9. Your optimism can only be envied! You are sure that this is a gift, and you are trying to take the best from her. And you are proud that you have achieved a lot in life. With loved ones, you are ready to share all the joys and sorrows, because you are sure that everything will be fine - for you the glass is always half full. After all, life is too short to waste it on a bad mood and whining.