Two-story house from a gas block. Building a house from aerated concrete (gas blocks) - in stages, from the foundation to the roof

new trend in construction - the use of cellular concrete blocks for the construction of low-rise buildings. These include aerated concrete and foam concrete. Particularly lively discussions are held around aerated concrete, its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Despite conflicting opinions (any building material has pros and cons), aerated concrete has proven itself well in private construction.

Cottages and houses built of aerated concrete blocks have been standing for several decades and will surely stand for at least a hundred more. Despite the fact that building a house from aerated concrete is cheaper than from brick. Inexpensive, this does not mean bad, by the way, sometimes quite the opposite. Of course, such an indicator of service life is possible only if standards and regulations are observed. And the recommended technology for building an aerated concrete house is accepted as an axiom.

But, if professionals are guided by many years of experience, then beginners who want to do the work themselves need step-by-step instruction from A to Z, from the foundation to the roof.

All processes of building a private house are regulated by such standards as:

GOST 31359-2007 "Autoclaved cellular concrete";

GOST 10884-94 "Reinforcing steel thermomechanically hardened for reinforced concrete structures";

GOST 9561-91 "Reinforced concrete multi-hollow floor slabs for buildings and structures";

SP 22.13330.2011 "Foundations of buildings and structures";

Building a house from aerated concrete blocks

To achieve a good result, even without construction experience, you need to do the work in stages, below is a step-by-step instruction, which was compiled on the basis of practical experience and feedback from the owners.

Stage 1 - Calculation of the amount of material per house

How much building material is needed, how thick the walls should be, how many blocks, glue and fittings to prepare.

Construction material:

  • the desired configuration in the estimated quantity;
  • reinforcement with a diameter of 6-8-10 mm;
  • adhesive mortars for laying aerated concrete;
  • foundation material: concrete, crushed stone, sand, rebar, piles, poles, etc. The quantity and type are determined by the type of foundation;
  • floor slabs (if necessary);
  • lumber (for the roof truss system and formwork);
  • roofing material and related materials ( waterproofing film, plywood, OSB, hardware, etc.).

Aerated concrete wall thickness - calculation

The number of blocks is affected by the thickness of the aerated concrete wall, which is determined at the design stage.

  • climatic conditions (precipitation, wind strength and direction, average annual temperature. The data is taken from the reference books of the architecture department);
  • thickness of aerated concrete block;
  • type of adhesive. When using glue for aerated concrete (ready masonry mixture) layer thickness is 2-3 mm, which reduces heat loss. When using traditional cement mortar - increases;
  • the intended type of exterior finish (the presence of cladding reduces heat loss);
  • heating power, which varies depending on the region. For example, in Moscow and the region, the capacity is 6,000. The capacity is determined through the GSOP indicator (degree-day of the heating period) and for each region is indicated in the directory (for data, contact the architecture department at the construction site). In private construction, this indicator is determined by the capacity of the house heating system indicated in the project documentation;
  • density of aerated concrete block (grade D300, 400, 500, 600), which determines its thermal conductivity. For example, with a DHW of 6,000, the heat transfer wall resistance standard is a minimum of 3.28 (m2 °C/W). Data for determination in a particular region can be obtained from SNiP 23-02-2003. Some data is given in the table.

The heat capacity index for aerated concrete grade D600 (density at normal humidity 600 kg / m3) is - 0.14 m2 °C / W.

When calculating the wall thickness, the heat transfer resistance index for the exterior finish material is taken into account. For example, for gypsum plaster it is 0.4 W / (m ° C), for cement 0.58 W / (m ° C).

To avoid confusion in dimensions, please note: heat transfer resistance (m2 °C / W), the reciprocal of the heat capacity index (W / (m ° C)).

Note. With an increase in the humidity index from 5 to 12%, the thermal conductivity index will increase to 0.21.

To simplify the calculations, you can use the table

Calculation of the number of aerated concrete blocks per house

Main consumable when building a house - gas blocks.

How to calculate how many blocks per house?

Using the formula (result for bearing walls, in pieces):

Rbl. = ((L*H - Spr) / Sbl) * k

Rbl.- the number of blocks of a given thickness;
L- wall length;
H- wall height;
Spr- area of ​​openings (windows + doors);
Sbl- block area;
k- coefficient that determines the waste of aerated concrete for trimming. For a house with a simple configuration is 5%. For more complex structures- up to 15%.

Note that the thickness of the wall is determined by the thickness of the block. That is, in this way it is possible to calculate the number of pieces of aerated concrete blocks with a masonry thickness of one block. If the walls are laid in two blocks, the resulting value should be multiplied by 2.

The calculation of the amount of aerated concrete for internal partitions is carried out in a similar way.

Calculation of reinforcement for reinforcing aerated concrete masonry

The required amount of reinforcing bar for reinforcing walls in linear meters can be calculated using the formula:

Ra \u003d 2 * L * H / 4h

Ra- reinforcement length;
L- wall length;
H- wall height;
h- height of one aerated concrete block;
4 - masonry reinforcement is performed in every fourth row;
2 - reinforcement is laid in two rows in each row of aerated concrete masonry.

Calculation of glue for aerated concrete

The calculation is related to the consumption of glue, which depends on the recommended joint thickness and the size of the gas block. On average, it takes 1 bag (25 kg) of glue to lay 1 cubic meter of aerated concrete blocks.

Foundation calculation

The amount of concrete, piles or other materials for the foundation is based on its type and parameters (depth, width, length).

Tools for building a house from aerated concrete

  • level, plumb, square;
  • hand saw (preferably with victorious tips, otherwise, the usual one will quickly become unusable);
  • planer, grater or grinding board;
  • mallet;
  • manual wall chaser for aerated concrete (designed for cutting grooves for reinforcement, anchors, wiring);
  • brush to remove dust after the wall chaser;
  • drills - screw and feather;
  • a container and a drill with a nozzle (mixer) for mixing the solution;
  • trowel, spatula for applying mortar or carriage for applying glue.
  • guide template (corner) will simplify the cutting of aerated concrete blocks in door or window openings, as well as slopes and when forming semicircular elements.

Simultaneously with the calculations and the purchase of material, the place for future construction is cleared - garbage removal, removal of trees, removal, if necessary, of a layer of soil, etc.

Stage 2 - Selection and pouring of the foundation

The construction of a foundation for a house made of aerated concrete blocks is a prerequisite that determines the durability of the building. Despite the lightness of cellular concrete, you should not think that any will do type of foundation.

The choice will be influenced by several factors: the region of residence (determines the depth of freezing of the soil), the condition of the soil, the level of occurrence ground water, the relief of the land plot for construction, the possibilities of the owner, etc. A more detailed overview of the types of foundation for aerated concrete will provide an opportunity to make an informed decision, taking into account economic and technical factors.

Stage 3 - Plinth and blind area

Given the hygroscopicity of aerated concrete, it is obvious that it needs protection from all sides. From the side of the foundation, the base and the blind area are called upon to play the role of a defender.

Despite the fact that the minimum height of the foundation base above the ground according to SNiP II-22-81 is considered to be 500 mm with a hard blind area (concrete, asphalt) and 300 with a soft one (), in the case of aerated concrete, it is better to increase this parameter. According to user reviews, the height of the plinth for a house made of aerated concrete should be 500-800 mm for soft and hard blind areas, respectively. At the same time, most believe that it is not worth doing at all.

It is preferable to use special glue for laying gas blocks. It has several advantages over mortar: the ability to make a thinner layer (reduce the area of ​​heat loss), simplify the mixing of glue, and make the seam visually more accurate. You can read more about this in the book by A.S. Gorshkova "Influence of masonry mortar joints on the parameters of thermal engineering uniformity of aerated concrete walls"

Separately, it must be said about how to properly apply glue to the gas block in order to avoid squeezing it out.

How to lay aerated concrete blocks

The adhesive mixture of the consistency of thick sour cream is applied to the previously moistened horizontal surface of the masonry wall of aerated concrete blocks using a spatula, trowel or carriage. Then the masonry mixture is equalized with a notched trowel, which has a width equal to the width of the block. If the gas block has a tongue-and-groove mounting system, this is enough. If the aerated concrete block is ordinary, the glue is also applied to the vertical surface of the masonry.

Next, a block is installed on the solution. It must be laid correctly, check the accuracy of the installation level. If the block has grips for hands, it is necessary to fill in the installation of the block, pour water over the joint and then fill it with the adhesive mixture. If necessary, the block can be adjusted by tapping with a rubber mallet.

Note. In summer, the masonry is protected by covering with foil. Thus, the rate of drying of the solution decreases and the uniformity of its hardening is ensured.

Blocks can be laid at a temperature not lower than -5°С (using winter glue) and not lower than 0°С (using summer glue or concrete mortar).

Note. Blocks can be corrected within 5 to 15 minutes after laying (depending on the manufacturer's recommendations); after this period, the block will only need to be knocked out and re-glued.

Do-it-yourself technology for laying aerated concrete blocks

It starts with preparing the foundation. The first row of gas blocks is laid on a waterproofing layer and checked for horizontality. That is why a cement-sand mortar is always used for laying the first row, even if the laying is on glue or foam. cement mortar less demanding on the surface and allows you to compensate for its irregularities. In this case, the surface must be cleaned of contaminants. It is not necessary to moisten the surface before starting the installation of the first row.

Note. If, during the installation of aerated concrete blocks, excess mixture protrudes from the seams, they are allowed to harden and only then removed with a spatula.

The installation of blocks begins with the corners, between which the rope is pulled - a beacon. Well, when there is a level, and if not, then the rope is a classic. It will serve as a guide for proper laying. To avoid sagging of the cord, additional intermediate beacons can be installed. Naturally, it will be difficult to provide an ideal horizontal, but the difference in height between the corners should not exceed 30 mm.

In the course of the work, there may be a need for additional blocks of aerated concrete - parts of the block. They are easy to cut hand saw or Bulgarian. Please note that sawing work is very dusty.

At the same time, the length of the cut blocks installed at the corners should not be less than 115 mm.

After the first row is laid, it is checked by level and leveled. Laying the first row of aerated concrete blocks is the most difficult, but if done correctly, further work is simplified.

Note. After laying the first row, you need to stop working for 3-4 hours. During this time, the cement mixture will dry between the foundation / basement and the first row of aerated concrete blocks.

Stage 5 - Reinforcement of aerated concrete masonry

To increase the bearing capacity of aerated concrete walls, reinforcing materials are used.

Do I need to reinforce concrete walls?

Yes, aerated concrete walls need to be reinforced; for this, horizontal and vertical reinforcement of the masonry is performed. The reinforcement step of aerated concrete walls is 1 meter or every 4th row (if the block height is 250 mm), every third row (if the block height is 300-350 mm).

For laying reinforcement, a strobe is made in aerated concrete (slot, recess). Strobes are made using a manual wall chaser (in professional construction use an electric wall chaser or angle cutter). According to the technology, two recesses (strobes) are made with a depth and width of 2.5 cm at a distance of 5-6 cm from the outer edge of the gas block. One bar of reinforcement is enough, which will pass in the middle of the block, but it is better to play it safe.

How much to make a strobe for the reinforcement of aerated concrete

  • block thickness less than 250 mm, one rebar is enough;
  • 250-500 - two rods;
  • more than 500 - three rods.

What reinforcement to reinforce aerated concrete masonry

The reinforcement cross section should be 0.02% of the masonry area. From practice optimum diameter reinforcement 6-8 mm. Fittings A400-A500 are used.

How to reinforce aerated concrete masonry

Before laying the reinforcement, the recesses must be cleaned of dust and moistened, this will increase the adhesion of the adhesive. Then the groove must be filled with a mixture, the metal should be laid and the remains of the mixture removed.

The reinforcement is laid with an overlap of 30-40 mm. To do this, additional grooves are made to expand the main one. And the ends of the reinforcement are recessed into aerated concrete.

Aerated concrete walls with such monolithic reinforcement will not disintegrate.

A new trend in the construction of aerated concrete houses is the replacement of metal rods with galvanized reinforcing tape (perforated strip). The advantage of the strip for reinforcement is that there is no need to ditch the walls. Thus, the speed of construction increases and its dustiness decreases.

Reinforcing strip for blocks is sold in galvanized steel strips (3 and 6 m) or rolls (50 kg). Its width is from 25 to 100 mm, thickness is 4-8 mm. The cost of the strip is 70-95 rubles/kg.

The reinforcing tape is laid directly on the block and covered with a layer of adhesive with a thickness equal to the thickness of the strip.

Aerated concrete masonry of subsequent rows

It is performed with dressing of masonry seams. Ligation is the displacement of the blocks of the next row relative to the blocks of the previous one. The ideal offset value is 50%, the minimum is 80 mm.

The second and subsequent rows are also stacked from the corner. The installation of each block is checked by a level. After laying the row, the blocks are processed and the frozen excess mortar is removed

Inclined rows (for example, laying a pediment made of aerated concrete) can be done in two ways. The first is to lay out the rows, and then cut (cut) the protruding parts. The second is to file the gas block to size before laying (the method is longer, but simpler and more economical).

Bandaging aerated concrete masonry

The formation of internal walls simultaneously with the laying of load-bearing ones can be performed in three ways, the dressing knots are shown in the figure.

Method 1- ligation on the entire width of the block

Method 2- ligation deep to 150 mm of the outer wall

Method 3- (butt bonding) the construction of internal walls can be completed after the completion of the construction of load-bearing walls.

Laying of partitions and internal walls made of aerated concrete

Interior partitions are laid out in blocks 100-200 mm thick (partition aerated concrete). The thickness of the block affects the choice of the height of the partition. Using a block with a thickness of 100 mm, you can lay out a wall up to 3 m high, at 200 mm - the height will increase to 5 m. Partitions laid out without dressing with load-bearing walls are attached to the outer walls using T-shaped anchors.

Through how many rows to reinforce aerated concrete?

Reinforcement is done for every fourth row and window sill row of aerated concrete.

The execution technology is similar to the reinforcement of the first row. This frequency will increase the resistance of the house to loads. After all, metal, unlike aerated concrete, has a good indicator of resistance to variable loads.

Note. Though internal walls are not affected external factors, it is also recommended to perform reinforcement of aerated concrete blocks.

Aerated concrete lintels

Features of installing windows in a house made of aerated concrete. Installation of window blocks involves the reinforcement of the window sill row of aerated concrete blocks. Savings at this stage can end badly.

The figure shows how to make a jumper over an aerated concrete window (device diagram)

Arched, window or door openings need to be reinforced. Strengthen them metal corner unacceptable. This will create an additional cold bridge.

It will be correct to install jumpers in aerated concrete walls using U-blocks.

U-shaped gas blocks (tray) are installed in openings, and are also used as formwork for monolithic beams and monolithic lintels (which are made at the construction site). Supports are installed under the U-blocks, which are not removed until the adhesive solution has completely set. Taking into account the fact that the cavity of the jumper is filled with a mixture and reinforcement, it is recommended to leave the supports for a week until they completely solidify.

U-blocks are installed with the wide part outward. The resulting cavity is filled with reinforcement, arranging a 5-6-row reinforcement cage.

How to make an aerated concrete jumper - video

The device of expansion joints in the wall of aerated concrete

Reinforcement of aerated concrete masonry does not protect the house from cracking, metal allows you to redistribute the load. More reliable protection is the device of expansion (temperature) seams.

An expansion joint is required in the following cases:

Expansion joints must be sealed, for example, with mineral wool. From the inside (from the side of the room), they are sealed with any vapor-tight elastic material, and from the outside (from the street) they are treated with a sealant for outdoor work and a flashing is installed. Reinforcement is not made at the place where the seam is arranged. The design of the expansion joint is shown in the photo.

Note. During the construction process, unused gas blocks must be in a packed state. After the completion of the construction fragment, the aerated concrete masonry is also protected by the released film. This approach has two advantages: it will ensure uniform drying of the adhesive mixture and protect the aerated concrete from moisture in the morning or in case of unexpected rain.

Stage 6 - Interfloor ceilings in aerated concrete house

Building two-story house from aerated concrete implies a device for overlapping between floors. The information will also be useful to those who are planning a basement under a house or cottage (installation of the first floor floor will be required).

What floors are best for aerated concrete houses?

When choosing a material for overlapping, you can not limit yourself, because aerated concrete allows you to use any of those on the market. The most popular are wooden and monolithic floors, the former are practiced more often.

For you need to make an annular (along the perimeter of the building) armored belt on aerated concrete under the wooden floor beams. For the manufacture of a reinforcing belt, U-blocks are used, into which wooden beams are inserted at 200-250 mm. It is desirable that the length of the stop wooden beam equal to her height. The lumber is insulated, while its ends remain open.

Interfloor floor slabs for aerated concrete houses

A monolithic overlap does not need an armored belt.

To cover the first floor, you can use:

Aerated concrete floor slabs

The characteristic of the material depends on its purpose and is presented in the table

The dimensions of aerated concrete slabs are given in the table

The cost is from 3,000 to 10,000 rubles / piece, depending on the size and purpose.

Hollow-core reinforced concrete slabs (reinforced concrete)

The marking of reinforced concrete slabs, depending on the purpose, is shown below (GOST 9561-91).

Deciphering the marking of floor slabs: for example, "PK 49-12-8": the letters show the type of slab, the index after the letters indicates the dimensions of the slab (unit - decimeter), the number after the hyphen - the calculated vertical load (in 100 kg / cm.kv ) and reinforcement class.

The dimensions of reinforced concrete slabs are given in the table

The cost of reinforced concrete slabs is from 3,000 to 18,000 rubles / piece, depending on the size and purpose.

Stage 7 - Roof under the house of aerated concrete

The rafter system is arranged depending on the type of roof and the selected roofing material. The binding rule is mandatory. pitched roof to the gas block by means of a Mauerlat.

Stage 8 - Warm contour of aerated concrete house

A warm house contour is a general term that implies the installation of windows, as well as filling in doorways. Windows and doors are installed in prepared openings in accordance with the installation technology.

Warming of the house from aerated concrete

Based on the characteristics of aerated concrete, it can be noted that the use of heat-insulating material is optional. The high porosity of the material suggests that aerated concrete house will be warm in itself.

But, there are places in the masonry to which this rule does not apply. These include:

  • ends of floor slabs;
  • foundation;
  • roof;
  • window and door openings.

All these places are a real source of heat loss in an aerated concrete house. To exclude them, you need to use thermal insulation material. At the same time, soft insulation will allow aerated concrete to breathe, and hard insulation will require a forced ventilation device in the cottage.

Do I need to insulate a house made of aerated concrete?

It is necessary or not, it is decided taking into account the region, block thickness (D300, 375, 400) and capabilities. If traditional concrete mortar was used for laying aerated concrete blocks, insulation must be performed. Because the thickness of the seam is large, and all together, they create a significant area through which heat escapes.

Stage 9 - Exterior finishing of aerated concrete house

Exterior finishing is not a mandatory step, because aerated concrete itself can withstand the effects of moisture and other atmospheric phenomena without damage. But, in case of freezing of wet concrete, it loses its properties and can become covered with a network of unpleasant cracks. To eliminate the likelihood of such events, as well as to give the cottage a more beautiful appearance resort to facing aerated concrete walls from the outside.

Material for exterior finishing of aerated concrete house:

  • or plastic panels;
  • facing brick or a natural stone. In this case, it is necessary at the design stage to provide for an increase in the load on the foundation;
  • . This is the most popular method of finishing a house made of aerated concrete.

When choosing a material, it is important that it provides the possibility of ventilation of the walls and has such properties as frost resistance and water resistance.

Stage 10 - Interior decoration of the house from aerated concrete

It provides for interior finishing work, wall finishing, communications wiring, installation of heating appliances, etc.

Building a house from aerated concrete with your own hands - video

In conclusion, a few words about how long it takes to build a house from gas blocks and how much the construction will cost.

Terms of construction of a house from aerated concrete

The construction period consists of the duration of its individual stages:

  • foundation device - it can take from 2 weeks to a year (when pouring a strip foundation, it is recommended to wait a year for the concrete to gain strength);
  • box - construction of load-bearing walls and partitions - 2-5 weeks;
  • roofing - rafter system+ laying of roofing material - 2-6 weeks;
  • formation of a warm contour - it will take 3-4 weeks to install all windows, doors, floor arrangement and insulation;
  • exterior finishing - 3-6 weeks;
  • communications wiring - at least a month, including coordination in all instances;
  • interior decoration - to infinity.

On average, according to user reviews, the construction of a house made of aerated concrete is delayed for 5-6 months. Masters will complete this work faster, from 2 months, depending on the complexity of the project.

The duration of the work is significantly affected by the complexity of the house project, the degree of mechanization of work, the experience and number of contractors involved in the construction.

How much does it cost to build a house from aerated concrete

What is the cost of building:

  1. price of materials;
  2. purchase of a tool, rental (rent) or purchase of equipment;
  3. costs for the delivery of material and garbage disposal;
  4. work cost.

To summarize, the construction of a two-story house made of aerated concrete with your own hands with dimensions of 6 by 9 and a height of 6.5 m will cost about 680 thousand rubles (without finishing work).


Having prepared theoretically, you can safely proceed to practice - building a cottage or a house from gas blocks with your own hands.

4. Project
The layout was initially customized to meet specific requirements. The kitchen should be angular, one side should go to the entrance to the site and the area in front of the house, the second - towards the bath and the area in front of the bath. All this was done for my wife, because I see how hard it is for her to manage the house alone with her children. With this arrangement, she will be able to cook in the kitchen and observe almost the entire territory of the site so that she can let the children go for a walk. The area not covered by the view from the kitchen includes only two rear sides of the house, where the fence is 7 and 4 meters, respectively. The rest of the layout was drawn based on the location of the kitchen and the entrance to the house from the main (front) facade. Thus was born the layout of the 1st floor. I decided to make the second floor full-fledged, because I needed 3 rooms of a good size, a bathroom, and in the future there would be more than one. I didn’t make it an attic, because it’s more expensive to insulate and less volume, but I decided to do cold attic, which later can be converted into an attic 3rd floor. enough for four big house it turns out, although the usable area of ​​the first floor is just over 60 sq. m. But firstly, we plan not to stop at two children, and secondly, it was already irrational to expand the boundaries of the house to increase the area due to the location on the site. In addition, the 2nd floor will remain cold and completely unfinished for financial reasons. And prepare 60 sq. m. for living it seems to me not a very difficult thing and I hope there will be enough finances to do it before the cold weather.
Floors of the first floor: anticipating this issue, I will write the following. Since the foundation was formed from the advice of experienced people and was calculated by the designer, it was not discussed. I have a plate with the ribs up. What can be done: overlapping is enough expensive pleasure, so I decided to just fill the space between the ribs with sand to the required level. The price of the issue is 4 KAMAZ trucks of sand, 4 thousand rubles each. A screed would be needed on any floor, so I do not include it in the price. Well, more work. Let there be 20 thousand ready-made flooring for a screed with the ability to make small cavities for storing something. wooden floor I didn’t consider it, because I will do heating through underfloor heating without radiators. Yes, and the tree is more expensive, short-lived and requires care.
The design part of the project is missing, but here I used Ytong support - I used the album technical solutions and advice from the Ytong hotline and designers. All this is unusually free for the Russian layman, but knowing the German mentality, I don’t see a catch in this. I think the high cost of Ytong pays for all these services.
The result is a project that I painfully drew in with the simultaneous study of Archikad, which changed 100 times and still some points have not been determined. I must say that this has already had its effect on the construction site - I have an extra row of blocks on the 1st floor (the height of the floor is outside I got the walls - 13 blocks or 3.25 meters. I plan to make a useful floor height of 2.95 m. A thick floor will be obtained (due to additional backfilling with sand). The main internal parameters are the height to the window sill in the living quarters and the kitchen - 90 cm (with the exception of the bathroom - 140 cm and the window 80 by 100 cm), the height of the windows is 150 cm, the width of the windows is from 130 to 200 cm, depending on the layout. The height from the ceiling to the top edge of the window is 50 cm (2 blocks). I had not yet thought through ventilation and chimneys in the project, at the time of the start of construction, the need for all this dawned on me and I allocated space for two ventilation and chimney shafts and laid reinforcement in the ribs (outlets) to increase the ribs in the place where these shafts would be installed in order to it was possible to build them out of brick if necessary.
I provided communication inputs and outputs in the slab: 1 sewer, 1 backup sewer through which will be introduced plastic pipe with water and 1 plastic pipe 40 mm for the electric cable. I plan to install a septic tank on finances at the end of construction, because this is not the most important thing for entering the house. In our bathhouse there is a toilet with a shower cabin (for the bath there is a separate septic tank). The cost of a septic tank with installation is about 100 thousand rubles. I learned from us in Kubinka - the production of septic tanks Yubas - Eurobion. He considered that it was more important to let the last 100 thousand to enter the house than to have a septic tank and stay on the street.
The overlap between the 1st and 2nd floors - reinforced concrete slabs. Fast, angry and reliable. The solution is unequivocal, if you imagine that there will be 3 children's rooms above your head. All life! I think there is no room for error in terms of soundproofing. And then it will be necessary to modify the floor of the 2nd floor.
The result - the project was done by myself (with the exception of the foundation), construction is planned in the mode of maximum rational savings.

5. Savings
Nobody believes me that for 1 million rubles I can build a house and live in it. I really can’t build a house for 1 million. But more than 1.5 million, I theoretically can’t find, so this is my life task. I have to say it's real. It is realistic in the sense that you need to understand where the money goes at the construction site and where you need to save. And I found this place. These are builders and payment for their work.
I met on the forum with, whose house is located 2 km from my village in the neighboring SNT. The house is good. Also 2 full-fledged floors, size 9x9. Ytong material. In two years, he invested about 3 million in it. And he already lives in it. And about 40% of this amount went to pay for the work. Thus, in reality, the house would have cost him no more than 2 million rubles if he had built it himself. And as you probably understood, I made a naive, in your opinion, decision to build myself. I agree that this is a utopia. But it is worth thanking God, because this plan began to slowly come true. I gave 25 thousand rubles for the foundation work. At the construction site, an Uzbek is constantly working for me at a rate of 1,000 rubles a day. But the bulk of the work is done by my father-in-law, whom I have already mentioned. Apparently this house will be at the same time a monument to him, because he really builds. I work on weekdays, leave for Moscow at 7-00 and arrive at the construction site at 19-30. Those who travel far to work will understand me, I arrive pretty tired. But I am joining in building, this is a house for me and my family, who now lives in a village with a toilet on the street and a Russian stove. This mode is very exhausting. I have already lost 7 kg in a month, despite the fact that excess weight I had almost no (well, maybe a maximum of 5 kg in the upper limit of the norm). I won’t say that it’s unhealthy, because now I’m fine, but there is a slight lack of sleep, because we work to the last, until the gnat completely overcomes. In total, with such forces, it turns out to be erected under the floor of the 1st floor, taking into account the cost of work on the foundation - no more than 50 thousand rubles. I believe in a miracle! Probably my debt to my father-in-law in financial terms will be about half a million rubles, if he masters the whole house in this mode. And in moral terms, I am grateful to him for the rest of my life!
Bottom line - if you manage to build on your own, the economic plan for construction looks realistic.

A 2-storey residential building is a classic of suburban construction. An additional floor of the building allows you to save free land on the site, which is quite important given the high cost of each hundred square meters. No need to waste more money if the budget for construction is limited. This solution saves the customer from loans and mortgage agreements!
Another variant - mansard house. Such a project is simply ideal for giving, but if a cottage is being built for permanent, all-season residence, and it is designed for a family of 4-6 people, it is important to get not increased originality and practicality, but the most comfortable conditions. With an increase in the number of residents, the need for space increases significantly.
For a large family, a large house is chosen - 150-200 square meters and more, as well as 2, and sometimes 3 floors!

Choice of technology and materials

Our team of craftsmen offers a house made of aerated concrete. V modern construction, it is one of the most popular materials. The demand for it is increasing for a reason - aerated concrete has positive qualities that are ahead of concrete, brick and many other building materials!
Aerated concrete blocks are made from quartz sand, cement, lime and water, with the addition of aluminum powder to the mixture for foaming the mass.
The recipe varies depending on the requirements for obtaining certain indicators of density, strength, frost resistance, moisture permeability. In view of this, two main technologies for the production of aerated concrete blocks are used - autoclave and non-autoclave!

Advantages and characteristics of aerated concrete

  • The blocks are light in weight. The volumetric weight of the material is within 300-1200 kg/m3. At the brick volume weight from 1200 to 2000 kg/m3. Accordingly, a comparison can be made in terms of ease of loading and delivery, warehousing and transfer of material across the site. But more importantly, calculate the loads on the belt or monolithic foundation, which with the use of aerated concrete will be 2-3 times lower;
  • Blocks are technological in processing and preparation for work, direct construction. They can be cut, scraped, ditched, shaped for individual architectural elements with a special tool that allows you to work manually;
  • Aerated concrete has enviable thermal insulation performance. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material is 0.12 W / m ° C in a dry state. But when wet, the indicators change in a negative direction, as in the case of other materials. Therefore, high-quality external protection of aerated concrete is necessary!

It is also worth briefly citing other positive characteristics of gas blocks:

  • Fire resistance of the block - class A1;
  • Frost resistance of the block - F35;
  • Axial pressure - up to B2.5;
  • The material is environmentally friendly, is soundproof, does not rot!

Aerated concrete blocks are actively used for low-rise private housing construction in middle lane. It is one of the most suitable materials for harsh winter weather according to many experienced builders.
A wall of 400 mm with minimal insulation with basalt slabs is enough to significantly reduce heat loss, improving the energy efficiency of housing by 2-3 times. This is how you can build a warm house!

Construction of a two-story aerated concrete house

At the initial stage, a project of a residential building that meets the requirements of the customer is selected. It is being finalized and is undergoing additional approval. After a preliminary calculation and preparation of estimate documentation, a contract is concluded!

Site preparation and procurement of materials

  • On the private site of the customer, the marking of the building is carried out;
  • The territory is cleared of excess vegetation, temporary roads are laid, soil is excavated;
  • A storage place is being organized where building materials are imported and stored with proper safety conditions!

Foundation works

  • Laying drainage layers, insulation, damper padding, sand cushion for proper load transfer from the foundation to the ground;
  • The formwork is installed and the frame of reinforcement is mounted. Appropriate forming materials are used for the formwork structure without gaps and cracks. Thus, the maximum effective conditions for production quality foundation. The loss of cement laitance is excluded, the strength of the structure is ensured, as well as the high quality of the surfaces of the concrete monolith;
  • It is poured into the finished formwork concrete mix corresponding to the loads and other conditions of the class. Concrete is vibrated to remove air from its structure, maximum compaction;
  • Care is provided for the monolithic base after pouring the foundation - shelter, moistening or warming up, depending on the conditions!

Wall masonry

  • Production of a series of leveling masonry on the foundation, waterproofing between the base material and the plinth. Limiting capillary moisture provides the necessary conditions for long-term material service;
  • Aerated concrete is being laid, which is successively reinforced. Each reinforced row is supplied with steel reinforcement for bandaging the material, increasing the strength characteristics of wall structures, correct distribution of loads and the perception of various external factors. A strobe for laying reinforcement is formed by hand, with a special mechanical chasing cutter, the functionality of which allows you to set right size grooves. Due to this, the masonry joint does not increase, which is limited by technology;
  • To fill the strobe with embedded reinforcement, which is bent at the corners of the building and tied up at the joints, mounting glue is used. It is carefully pressed into molds filled with rebar;
  • Reinforcement of aerated concrete is made every three rows. Maintaining the laying of blocks on a special glue, while the seam is of a minimum thickness, about 3 mm!

Partitions and lintels

  • When forming window and door openings, concrete lintels are used;
  • Openings are reinforced for the possibility of installing structures;
  • Inside the aerated concrete house along the foundation grid, if it was filled strip foundation, or according to the marking of a monolithic slab, partitions are built. For this, bricks or blocks are used!

Ceilings between floors of a two-story block cottage

  • Upon completion of the first floor of the block house, the armored belt is poured - a monolithic reinforced concrete tape along the perimeter of the structure. To do this, the company's masters install the prefabricated formwork, reinforce it and pour the concrete mixture;
  • Next, monolithic ceilings are poured or ready-made reinforced concrete structures are installed;
  • Construction continues with the construction of the second floor!

Roof of a block cottage

  • After the forcing of wall and partition structures, after pouring additional armored belts and laying the mauerlat with fastening on studs, the craftsmen install rafters and reinforcements, emergency connections, mount the crate for roofing;
  • To do this, a bar, board, bar, OSB, plywood is selected. The choice of materials depends on the type of roof, roof structure, roofing materials. Metal tiles, ondulin, slate, corrugated board, soft multi-layer roofing, seam or slate roofing can be used. Specialists carefully approach the calculation of the load from the roof structure, taking into account the permissible snow loads in the region;
  • Skates, snow retainers, heating elements and drainage system, other accessories!

Exterior decoration of a new block house

In accordance with project documentation, external surfaces are insulated and additional finishes are made, which are protective and decorative!

  • For the insulation of block structures, we choose basalt insulation, which has proven itself in the best way in this area. The material with a density of 80 kg/m3 on average is installed on the walls. To do this, an adhesive composition is applied to the surface of the thermal insulation, which is carefully pressed into the structure;
  • The plates are installed on the surface according to the marking, followed by an umbrella mount to obtain a durable layer of insulation without cold bridges;
  • Insulating materials are being installed, as well as protective lining of a residential building. Facing bricks (requires preliminary calculation and preparation of the foundation), siding, wooden elements, composite materials can participate in the work. Often by the customer, to save money on facade finishing work, the possibility of economical plastering of wall planes and their further painting is used;
  • Additionally, a blind area is poured with a sealant gasket between its plane and the base!

Interior decoration

  • In the final part of the complex construction, an internal rough finish is carried out. The surface of gas blocks, due to its structure, allows you to work with any materials. The blocks perfectly hold the fasteners, and also enable strong adhesion with dry mixes, standard DSPs;
  • More often, the surface of wall planes and partitions from the block is plastered and leveled;
  • Simultaneously with this process, laying of floors is carried out - standard and dry screeds, insulation, leveling, rough flooring from a board, OSB or plywood sheet;
  • Masters perform filing ceilings, forming door arches, finalization of internal architecture, finishing of slopes;
  • At the final stage of construction and finishing, window systems, entrance and interior doors are installed!

We offer you to choose one of the proposed projects of houses from blocks, to communicate with the representatives of the company in advance, and to receive ready-made project documents, cost calculation. In the near future we will be ready to start work, and we will hand over new house strictly within the stipulated time!

In this section of our catalog, you can see various projects of aerated concrete houses with two floors, which our builders are ready to build for you in a short time and with a five-year guarantee.

Aerated concrete blocks make it possible to build inexpensive houses with two floors in the shortest possible time. That is why such material is popular in suburban construction. In the catalog you will see finished projects two-storey houses In addition, we have the opportunity to develop individual projects, as well as the conclusion of a turnkey contract.

Features and advantages of aerated concrete country houses

  1. A house made of this material is suitable for year-round use, as well as for living in the summer. Aerated concrete walls maintain a comfortable microclimate, and also provide full sound insulation.
  2. In the manufacture of blocks, natural environmentally friendly materials are used, so such houses are safe for health.
  3. Technological specifics of the construction of a two-story house based on modern solutions makes it possible to carry out construction work quickly and at an affordable cost, and the ease of processing aerated concrete allows you to realize any design and architectural ideas.

Aerated concrete is modern material, which is characterized by high strength characteristics and wear resistance, the ability to retain heat and relatively low weight. That is why buildings made of aerated concrete can be called universal (you can live in them all year round or use as seasonal country houses, utility rooms are also made from buildings).

Cottages made of this material combine a number of advantages:

  • Possibility to place houses on small land plots, while the internal area of ​​\u200b\u200bbuildings can have impressive dimensions. Our projects involve functional zoning of premises.
  • Possibility to supplement the house with outbuildings (for example, a sauna or a garage room).
  • Wide opportunities in the field of architecture and finishing works.

On our site you will find projects of two-story houses various dimensions, With different options interior layout and a wide selection finishing materials. Search desired project can be carried out using photographs of house samples, as well as using a convenient filter.

Why is it worth ordering the design and construction of a house in IC "Housing Technologies"?

  1. a wide selection of projects of houses with two floors of aerated concrete and affordable cost;
  2. when ordering construction work, you can get any project you want, completely free of charge;
  3. we regularly hold promotions and offer discounts, in addition, there are convenient ways payment for services.

This section contains projects of aerated concrete houses for every taste: country projects of aerated concrete houses, projects of large aerated concrete houses with a garage, aerated concrete houses, the projects of which include cozy balconies, terraces, recreation areas.

Aerated concrete houses (photos, diagrams, drawings, draft designs and videos of which can be viewed in this section) are gaining more and more popularity in 2018.

The most important quality of aerated concrete is its low thermal conductivity. Just imagine, the material is three times warmer than brick, twice as warm as ceramic blocks, and eight times as warm as concrete! Gas blocks are also lighter than ceramic counterparts, so turnkey implementation times are somewhat shorter. This quality of theirs allows, under special conditions, by making the foundation lighter, to reduce the estimate of the developer's costs. The composition of the material exclusively from natural components allows us to talk about the high environmental cleanliness of private cottages built from aerated concrete. We are happy to tell you more about what aerated concrete is, what their individual characteristics are and what you should know about before using this masonry material.

Aerated concrete house plans: raw materials used

For the manufacture of aerated concrete, natural ingredients are used: cement in small quantities, a silica component (quartz sand), water and lime.

A homogeneous dough is formed as a result of mixing these components. The porization of the mixture occurs due to the reaction of lime with aluminum paste. During the reaction, many pores appear, which are distributed evenly throughout the volume of the stone. For many, the safety of aluminum for life will be important. It is best confirmed by the fact that aluminum is used to produce dishes, food packaging, etc.

Aerated concrete house project plans: block production technology

Autoclaving is the main process in the production of gas block. As a result of autoclaving, the formed gas blocks are subjected to long-term (12 hours) treatment with dry saturated steam. This steam has a temperature of 190ºС and is supplied under a pressure of 12 kg/cm2, which increases the strength properties of the material. The degree of shrinkage is reduced, the probability of concrete cracking is minimized.

After autoclaving, aerated concrete obtains uniformity in composition and properties throughout its volume. That is why residential buildings built using this material are distinguished by a high degree of reliability. The layout of aerated concrete house projects can be done in a variety of ways.

Ready-made projects of houses from a gas block: an advantage in geometry accuracy

Another advantage of gas blocks is their precise geometry. It is this quality that makes it possible to replace traditional mortars with thin-seam adhesive mortars with a thickness not exceeding 1-3 mm, which also makes it possible to reduce the cost of construction. In addition, thanks to such masonry, less heat leaves the house, because the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmasonry joints that act as cold bridges is significantly reduced. Your private house from aerated concrete will become much warmer using this new masonry technology.

We hope that the many projects in our catalog will allow you to choose and buy an aerated concrete house project, which will undoubtedly become the realization of your dreams! The layout of aerated concrete houses can be developed in accordance with the wishes of the client. original design aerated concrete houses are also carried out by specialists at an affordable price.