Basic rules of ecological design. Eco-friendly design, eco-friendly interior design Honeycomb key holder

A.O. Glazacheva, O.E. Perfilova

Environmental Design:

design tools and criteria

global sociocultural space

An original point of view on the process of globalization is presented, which can become a catalyst for the integration of mankind in the development of a strategy for designing a social and environmentally safe planetary interaction. The article is based on understanding the phenomenon of design as a technology for designing an objective, material, spiritual and holistic environment of human existence based on the principles of "biosphere compatibility". This approach to the socio-cultural evaluation of projects for the technical development of nature is considered as a real design alternative to the current environmental crisis.


Key words: globalization, socio-natural systems, social responsibility, technical systems, eco-design, environmental education, axiological guidelines, environmental culture, environmental competence.

The increasingly complex complex of modern processes of cross-border interactions at various levels, including the intensification of contacts between cultures and social formations in modern conditions, is commonly referred to as "globalization". In the context of large-scale socio-natural changes, this phenomenon is a kind of catalyst for the process of human integration in the development of a strategy for designing a socio-ecologically safe planetary interaction. It became clear that the Cartesian model of cognition of the world, a fragmentary, partial view of the world, obtaining information without understanding the meaning is the cause of a systemic socio-ecological crisis. A civilizational “macroshift” is possible only on the basis of a change in consciousness, the correction of modern culture, the formation of ecological culture, the formation of ecological consciousness, new rationalism, and an expanded view of the world. The ultimate correspondence to the ontos (being) in all types of activities in nature, society, culture, spiritual production, education - this is the “philosophy of the common cause”, which is in demand by the modern socio-cultural and spiritual and moral development of civilization. The time has come to reunite the logic of thinking and the morality of feelings as a condition for human self-preservation by preserving the environment of life. On the basis of a profound transformation of pedagogical science and educational practice, ideas about the natural consonance of education and upbringing of a person for the realization of his essential forces and abilities are understood in a completely different way.

With regard to the system of environmental education, most researchers today consider the definition of strategic guidelines, goals, objectives, content of environmental education and upbringing in the framework of the "UNECE Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development", which was developed by the Committee on Environmental Policy of the European Economic Commission and adopted at a high-level meeting of representatives of the Ministries of Environment and Education. As a leading approach to learning, the strategy considers a competency-based approach, which is designed to empower people to live in harmony with nature and take care of social values ​​and cultural diversity. In this way,

the modern stage of social development presents new, more high requirements to a person as a professional and a citizen, as a person. According to some scientists, the XXI century. is called to become a century of human qualities (A. Peccei), a humanitarian century (Levi-Strauss K.), the beginning of an ecological era in the development of mankind (Girusov E.V., Liseev I.K.).

Approving a new algorithm for cognition, comprehension and transformation of the world - “consciousness determines being”, we come to the need for an ontological, essential understanding, reflection of the world, realizing that the essence of a person is not his bodily biological form and social organization, but the possession of a spiritualized mind. The ultimate correspondence to the ontos (existing) in nature, the world and society and man is the methodological basis on which it is possible to understand, comprehend and correct modern culture. Moral philosophy, incorporation into nature, its cycles, conformity to nature, biospheros-compatibility - these are new axiological guidelines that can help humanity adequately respond to the global challenges of our time.

The aggravation of the ecological crisis caused a critical analysis of technical forms and structures from the point of view of their impact on the environment according to the criteria of not causing harm to natural ecosystems, "inscribed" in natural ecosystems. In ecological philosophy, the above-mentioned concept of “biosphere compatibility” as an approach to the socio-cultural assessment of projects for the technical development of nature is substantiated. Increasing attention to the system "nature - man - society" has led to the emergence of a number of "boundary" areas of identification and activity: social ecology, anthropoecology, geoecology, ecological consciousness, ecological culture, ecological design.

In cultural studies, the concept of "ecological culture" is actively asserting itself. We share the opinion of Anisimov O.S., Kozlova O.N. and a number of other authors that ecological culture is a culture of a new quality, in which the essential forces of a person are realized, his spiritualized mind, harmonizing the relationship of the spirit, consciousness and being of a person. Researchers are unanimous that ecological culture is a way of self-realization of a person within a certain - ecological - framework, that it is an internal determinant of any human activity, including design.

One of the most important tasks of environmental education is the formation of future specialists, regardless of their professional orientation, skills, attitudes, values, motivation


Ecological culture in the context of sustainable development

to personal participation in solving environmental problems to improve the quality of the living environment. Purposeful scientific analysis of objective and subjective factors, conditions and means of building the educational process in higher educational institutions also due to the socio-cultural need to develop the abilities of students, to educate them in environmentally oriented life values ​​and humanistic attitudes. Special Role in this sense belongs to the contemporary design phenomenon and directly to the specialist designer. When understanding the phenomenon of design as the design of an objective, material, spiritual and holistic environment of human existence, its importance in designing the quality of human life increases extraordinarily. Thus, the training of designers, their professional development and environmental competence are moving to the forefront of pedagogical science and educational practice. In this regard, and against the backdrop of a growing environmental crisis, ecologists, psychologists, teachers, sociologists are jointly searching for methodological, theoretical, technological and methodological foundations for the environmental education system of future specialist designers, which should inspire hope for a real practical implementation fundamental developments in the field of innovative educational technologies.

One of the leading contradictions in design education is related to the insufficient theoretical development of the essence of design as a cultural phenomenon, the opposition of science and design. Design methodologist K. Jones, arguing that design should not be confused with either art or science, emphasizes that in searching for the optimal solution within an ideal model, an abstract image, the designer sometimes has to reformulate the problem itself. In fact, the designer implements hermeneutic methods in understanding the problem, strives to understand the meaning of the problem, and not just the embodiment of knowledge, information about the subject in the project. Summarizing, we can say: science explores what exists, design projects due, which will agree with the aphoristic statement "science is analytical, design is constructive." Design gives impetus to the creation of new forms. Therefore, it is unlikely that the opposition of design and science is productive. With all the specifics of creativity, knowledge in art, design, science, one should not forget that all this is just various languages culture, different ways reflections of nature. Design creativity is distinguished from science by the embodiment of an idea, a plan. But science, which generates ideas, implements them, implements them in the practical sphere. Sometimes the ideas of science feed design projects: advances in the philosophy of knowledge,

epistemology influenced the development of design. However, and artistic creativity, figurative, personal, subjective perception of phenomena, objects, contributed to the emergence of the need for science and education, not only analysis, but also synthesis, figurative, and not just a "knowledge" approach. It can be confidently asserted, based on the studies of the design classics K. Kantor, K.I. Christmas- |

Skysky, V. L. Glazychev and others that design cannot develop successfully and

outside the culture of its time, a culture that is becoming more and more ecological. At the same time, the design enriches modern culture. Figurative, metaphorical understanding of a phenomenon, object, thing, including not yet existing, as a preliminary to their detailed understanding, align the ratio of analysis and synthesis in the knowledge of the world.

So ecology and design are closely connected, intertwined, but at the same time a certain hierarchy is preserved, the top of which is ecological culture, understood as corresponding in its limit to ontos (existing). Non-harm to nature, living things, society, oneself, culture is a criterion of environmental friendliness. The usual "measure" of an act from the point of view of ecological culture is the dilemma: threat - compliance. The absence of a threat in the actions of an individual, a society is defined as eco-friendly (culturally compatible). From these positions, ecological culture is a universal measure of any activity - in philosophy, the principle of biosphere compatibility is substantiated as an axiological landmark of development.

So, it can be seen that the metaphorical nature of understanding is characteristic of both design art and ecological culture. However, the problem of measurement inevitably arises both when assessing a design product and the level of formation of environmental culture as the basis of environmental competence. In design, this is an assessment of experts, a customer, a consumer. To assess the development of environmental competence, a matrix of structural levels of environmental competence of a specialist has been developed. At the same time, by “environmental competence” we mean a personal phenomenon, the essence of which is the ability and readiness of a person to subjectively perceive the surrounding reality in the unity of natural and sociocultural components, while realizing responsibility for professional activities. So far, environmental competence criteria are not included in the process of training designers, as well as the ideas of cultural relevance, environmental compliance do not act as one of the components of the assessment of design activity. The “greening of design” does not happen “straight through”, through standard standards.


Ecological culture in the context of sustainable development

Ecological culture affects design indirectly: through the formation of aesthetic preferences and tastes, through the ecological consciousness of consumers and experts. A special role in this process belongs to higher professional education in the field of design, designed to ensure the formation of environmental competence of a specialist.

The presented problems are still far from being solved and fully understood. However, they demonstrate the fruitful nature of the metaphorical nature of ecological culture for the study of the complex dynamic contradictory realities of the modern era of change. The verdict "competent - incompetent" can be made according to the criterion "threat - compliance" with life, biological, social, cultural life. Thus, ecological competence acquires a basic meaning in the concept of a person: it has a supra-economic, supra-ethnic, supra-subject character. This is a universal human characteristic.

So, in modern conditions of the ecologization of science, technology, culture and education, all spheres of society, it can be added with good reason - the successful work of a designer is impossible outside the ecological culture of his time. A modern design product must meet not only aesthetic and technical, but also environmental requirements. We have made an attempt to consider design in the mirror of ecology in relation to the conditions of globalization.

English word"design" is most often translated as design, modeling (other design concepts are also used - a project, a model, an idea, a drawing, a drawing). In Russia, design as an activity is most often understood in a narrow sense - as artistic design. However, in recent decades, an increasing number of specialists in the world call design (projecting) a third culture, organically uniting humanitarian, artistic and scientific and technical cultures. The third culture - design - is figuratively called "Design with a capital letter", characterizing it as the total experience of material culture and the total array of experience, skills and understanding, embodied in the art of planning, invention, creation and execution.

The sociocultural role of design is manifested in the goal-setting function, which reflects the connection between humanitarian and technical culture in shaping the image of the subject and spiritual environment. From this point of view, the boundaries of research in the field of design should be expanded from highly specialized to fundamental - socio-philosophical and cultural studies. Note that aesthetic and environmental ideals have historically

changeable, dynamic. The industrial landscape with smoking chimneys and powerful reinforced concrete buildings of plants and factories fit perfectly into the aesthetics of "conquest of nature". It did not cause ecological fears either - it was believed that the resources of nature were unlimited, the restorative forces were enormous. Everything was subordinated to the goal of achieving social well-being at the expense of industrial power. |

Today, such or a similar landscape causes a huge ecological and

concern and aesthetic rejection, rejection. In design, along with the principle of goal setting (according to K. Marx - a conscious goal), the principle of value orientations is increasingly involved. The axiological component gradually becomes the center of design activity, determines aesthetic preferences and guidelines, and participates in the formation of artistic taste. Design as one of the ways of spiritual and objective reflection and exploration of the world is forced to take into account environmental values.

With the discovery of the theory of relativity, the laws of thermodynamics, there is a rethinking of ideas about the picture of the world. The role of the cognizing subject in the cognition and reflection of reality is fundamentally changing.

In the words of J. Updike, "The world is as we imagine it to be." Let's take the liberty of asserting that in the era of globalization, design is an expression of the basic values ​​and norms of a certain culture, the core of culture, since, according to K. Kantor, each culture occupies its own special place in the "cultural field of the Earth". Fundamentally new requirements have arisen in relation to the working environment (ergonomics) and the human environment. Conformity as a requirement to take into account "human qualities" in the design technical systems is supplemented by the requirement of cultural conformity - compliance with environmental criteria for inclusion in the world based on a holistic view of it. The embodiment in design of the ideas of art, moral philosophy, ecological culture and, on this basis, the transformation of the spiritual and objective environment of the world, the design of a new holistic picture of the modern world is the high purpose of design.

Philosophers argue that a humanitarian transition is taking place from the pre-ecological era to the ecological era, humanity is taking the test for spiritualized rationality, and modern technogenic civilization - for biosphere compatibility. Thus, the ideas of a holistic perception of the world, natural conformity, cultural conformity penetrate into the real process of higher professional education, the training of specialists. Let us show this on the example of the study of environmental


Ecological culture in the context of sustainable development

preparing future designers for professional activity. With all the variety of definitions of design, the core is the design activity, which organically unites humanitarian, artistic and scientific and technical cultures. This is an activity to transform the subject and spiritual environment surrounding a person. Design education is designed to ensure the readiness of a university graduate to work on such a transformation-design of the environment that does not create a threat or minimizes the consequences of the impact of a design project on socio-natural systems. In other words, he must have environmental competence. The scale of the tasks to be solved in connection with the environmental requirements for professionalism in any field make it possible to define environmental competence as a key one. It can be formed at the global level - as an ideological level, at the general educational level - as an obligatory component of education, and at the professional level - as component any activity. The idea of ​​a holistic subject environment is rightly considered in Russia and around the world as a real design alternative to the current environmental crisis. From these positions, eco-design becomes the core, the core of the designer's nature-conforming activity, a measure of the ecological culture of design projects.

The analysis allows us to conclude that modern eco-design takes into account the theoretical and methodological principle of greening all project activities, understanding the integrity of the subject and spiritual environment, natural and cultural conformity, and the idea of ​​designing an integral subject environment. A holistic view of the world, ecological culture, a holistic worldview, the ecological consciousness of the individual - the mastery of these categories by a specialist in the process of design education is a new task of pedagogy that is in demand by time high school.

The axiological meaning of ecodesign education is to form value ecological attitudes, which are based on a holistic perception of the world, recognition of the universal value of nature as the basis of life, and a responsible attitude to all manifestations of life. Hence the definition follows: the environmental competence of a designer is the ability and willingness to implement environmental values ​​and guidelines in professional activities, to design a holistic subject environment.

Of course, that the pluralism of opinions regarding the definition of the deep essence of the ecological approach to design has the right to exist - this is one of the angles of view. We, in turn, seem to

that the true origins of ecological design should be sought in the works of domestic philosophers, culturologists, researchers of nature and man - psychologists and educators. Based on the analysis of the relevant theoretical sources, we can say that the modern understanding of design should include the harmonization

human and nature, design, environmental optimization, |

reducing the contradictions between the uniqueness of man, human communities and the standard of the artificial world.

Today, there are many branches of artistic design (design): technical design (aesthetic and ergonomic design of production spaces), art design (one of the lines of development modern design, in which there are no differences between functional design, which forms the basis of professional design, and pure, high art) and environmental design, which includes various areas of art and design activities related to the development of a subject environment for a person, systems of visual communication and information, organization of life and human activities on a functional and rational basis (interior design, furniture design, graphic design, etc.). The main focus of the designer's activity is the production of a beautiful, convenient and understandable to the consumer product, "second nature", based on artistic and figurative models, functional analysis, stylization and layout, the study of mass psychology, as well as modern knowledge about culture, the environment and its protection. . Thus, the modern understanding of design includes a wide range of design disciplines covering all areas of human life, its cultural, moral and social aspects. But above all, design is the harmonization of the environment, the path to a holistic worldview, perception of the world and awareness of one's place in it (Fig. 1).

In the process of expert assessment of the current state in the field of environmental education and upbringing of future designers, it was noted that the environmental competence of a specialist in the current conditions of global environmental problems is one of the most important competencies, which is interprofessional and supraprofessional in nature, that the implementation of professional activities of a specialist of any professional orientation today should take into account the environmental aspect, for which the specialist must have such personality traits that will contribute to the implementation


Ecological culture in the context of sustainable development

professional activity from the standpoint of its environmental feasibility.

The rating of environmentally oriented values ​​showed that in the first place among future specialists are environmental and aesthetic values ​​that do not require significant volitional expenditures: enjoyment of the beauty of nature. This may be due to the fact that students are rarely involved in practical environmentally oriented activities, and is explained by other, in particular, organizational and pedagogical reasons. The results of the rating of socially productive environmentally oriented activities as a value confirmed this position: the highest indicator refers to gaming and leisure activities. A high indicator is typical for a number of universal human environmentally oriented values ​​against the background of a rather low indicator, reflecting the attitude towards environmentally oriented sciences; as well as for the ecological and humanistic value "man as an integral part of nature" and personal values ​​that characterize the environmental friendliness of a life position.

reflection of the connection between humanitarian and technical culture in shaping the image of the subject and spiritual environment


Environmental optimization

harmonization of man and nature

Formation of a holistic worldview of a person

Problem field:

Uniqueness of human society Contradictions Standardity of the artificial world

Fig.1. Ecosociocultural Phenomenon of Design

Thus, for a fundamental change in the current situation, a breakthrough is needed, which is possible only on the basis of a scientific analysis of social reality and the training of new-minded people through social and humanitarian education.

Bibliographic list

1. Glazacheva A. O. Cultural origins and development of environmental design >3 // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2008. No. 12. S. 156-162.

2. Glazacheva A.O. Axiological guidelines for the formation of environmental competence of the future designer // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Education. 2009. No. 3. S. 126-129.

3. Glazacheva A.O. Ecological design: in search of meaning // Social and Humanitarian Knowledge. 2009. No. 4. S. 327-333.

4. Glazacheva A.O. Axiological aspect of ecodesign // Ecological problems of the global world: Proceedings of the international conference, Moscow, October 26-27, 2009. M., 2009. P. 134-136.

5. Glazachev S.N., Perfilova O.E. Ecological competence: formation, problems, prospects: Proc. allowance. M., 2008.

6. Laszlo E. Macroshift. To the sustainability of the world the course of change. M., 2004.

7. Moiseev N.N. modern rationalism. M., 1995.

8. Perfilova O.E. Security of eco-social interaction in the context of globalization // Bulletin of the International Academy of Sciences (Russian section). 2009. Special issue. pp. 206-209.

9. Fedorov N.F. Philosophy of the common cause. M., 1982.

10. Glazacheva A. Ecodesign: Projection of the Environment // Ecology and Forests for Public Health: Proceedings of the International conference. Oslo, Norway, September 18-20, 2009. Oslo, 2009. P. 22.

11. Kofler W. Sustainability and some arguments for an additional approach for science for survival // International Conference on "Environment: Survival and Sustainability": Abstracts. Nicosia-Northern Cyprus, 2007. P. 773-774.

12. Tellness G. How can Nature and Culture promote Health? // Scandinavian Journal for Public Health. 2009. No. 37. P. 559-561.

Stone, wood and naturalness in the interior have always been and will be relevant. If we open a European magazine, we will see an abundance of such natural materials, natural colors and textures, which indicates that eco-style in the interior is now in trend.

Eco style in the interior is becoming more and more popular, especially among residents of megacities, since being among natural materials quickly relieves stress, calms and promotes the speedy recovery of strength after a working day. Eco style today is not only a healthy eco-friendly interior, it is an interior that, from an aesthetic point of view, looks stylish, beautiful and expensive.

Now there is a certain boom on and a stone in the finish. What is it connected with?

If we consider, say, the English classics, we are used to the fact that in such an interior there is a lot of wood, a lot of surfaces, details, reliefs and sometimes carvings.

IN modern world the wood in the interior has turned into a smooth, uniform surface, and decorative element is the wood grain itself. In addition to its beautiful texture, which adds interesting color accents to the interior, furniture, flooring or some wooden decor items add warmth and comfort to the interior.

Why is eco style in the interior relevant now?

In our opinion, living indoors with natural materials is better and better. You feel different. It is not enough to say that the wood in the interior of the apartment and the stone give comfort to the room. The point is that we are surrounded everywhere during the day. In a big city, we are busy and running somewhere, there are a lot of piles of metal and plastic around us (cars, telephones, subway cars). Question: why do we need all this in the place where we live?

Living room design in modern and eco styles: project

Apartments and private houses should be a place where people relax, spend their leisure time, meet friends, someone even works, and it is very important to create the right atmosphere using natural materials.

Apartment in modern and eco style: Izmailovo project

Ecodesign does not mean greenery and combinations of shades of nature. Not at all. An eco-friendly interior in our understanding is the creation of an interior in which materials, furniture and decor are made from natural materials that do not emit harmful substances for the human body and the environment. At the same time, the interior itself is absolutely modern and as functional as possible.

Natural materials, furniture and decor, which is eco-design, is expensive. It really is! Absolutely, like non-natural materials can also be expensive.

We can say with confidence that natural than the interior of non-natural materials:

After all, you can buy tiles from a European manufacturer for 3,000 rubles/m2, or you can buy natural slate for 2,300 rubles/m2. You can buy a glass Italian table for 2-3 thousand dollars, or for the same money you can bring a cut of a whole trunk of an exotic tree from Indonesia. Only the fact that you will have a table made of a solid saw cut will make your eco-interior look worth a million dollars, and you will not surprise anyone with an Italian table.

Features of eco style in the interior

It is important to correctly allocate the budget, use natural materials, furniture and decor, highlight certain natural materials in an advantageous way, and put the rest in the background so that this particular material looks expensive.

As a rule, the background in our projects is concrete walls or uniform paint surfaces, natural fabric wallpapers without unnecessary details and textures - whether it's apartment walls or smooth cabinet fronts.

Ecodesign in the interior is the use of materials such as:

  • natural wallpaper in the interior;
  • wood interior decoration;
  • natural fabrics;
  • stone finishing;
  • interior design with wood (saw cuts, solid wood furniture, etc.);
  • natural fabrics, wood, stone around which eco-interiors are built.

Turning to the design workshop, you get an eco-design apartment or house with decoration natural wood and stone, eco-design of the interior in a modern style, while correctly distributing the budget so as not to spend a lot of money on eco-style in the interior.

You can order eco-design in St. Petersburg, eco-design Moscow, or being in any other city - we can help you realize your dream project.

Sustainable design is the main theme of exhibitions, congresses and forums. Greenery is the main trend for architects, designers and decorators. We get acquainted with the main terms of eco-design.


Items made from recycled or natural materials. Gadgets running on solar panels. Anything that can be easily turned into new items or recycled later.

  1. Australian designer Brodie Neill invented Gyro table from ocean debris that is thrown onto the beaches of Cornwall, Hawaii and Tasmania, for London Design Biennale 2016. So that visitors to the exhibition can be convinced that garbage can be beautifully reused.
  2. Swedish company Traullit came up with sound-absorbing wall panels in the form of honeycombs made from recycled wood.

In the lane from English. "recycling".

Designers are seriously working on collections of furniture, accessories, clothes and shoes made from recycled plastic. Even companies of the level Adidas They produce sneakers from the garbage that washed up on the shores of the Maldives. Other responsible manufacturers are thinking about how to dispose of surpluses of their own goods: giant H&M, for example, constantly collects old clothes for recycling.

  1. swedish studio From Us With Love created for Ikea recycled plastic kitchen The filling of the facades is recycled wood, the top coating is plastic. One piece equals 25 bottles. The service life of the kitchen is 25 years.
  2. cosmetic brand store Aesop in downtown Los Angeles is completely lined with cardboard sleeves from a textile factory. Usually rolls of fabric are wound around them and thrown away as unnecessary, and the California bureau Brooks + Scarpa used them as wall panels.

- translated from English. "sustainability".

"Sustainable Project" means that the object causes a minimum of harm to the environment. A building to which dirty water is recycled and used to irrigate lawns around, a solar-powered house, waste sorting in production, reuse of office paper, savings - these are all examples of sustainability. Ideally, the object should compensate nature for everything that it took - water, energy, useful substances, or minimize its presence. Fully autonomous houses were invented in the 1970s by the Swedish architect Bengt Warne. His idea to cover an ordinary house with a greenhouse-dome was picked up and developed by a young studio tailor made. Such a house does not require a connection to the sewer and reuses water from the bathroom and kitchen to water the plants.

Eco-friendly paints, fabrics and wallpapers use less water and energy and do not use chemicals. When used, they do not emit harmful fumes, they can be recycled or disposed of without harm - i.e. they are environmentally friendly. Such eco-friendly paints are in the collections Farrow & Ball, Benjamin Moore and other companies.

Large furniture firms, for example, make sure that the wood that goes into the production of sofas and tables is renewable. A good tone for any brand is to know: how much the supplier cut down, so much he planted. In addition, Visionnaire uses vegetable fillers instead of feathers and down: hemp, cotton, cottonseed fiber, millet and flax-seed. And instead of chrome-tanned leather, she introduced natural dyes. In general, he tries not to harm the environment and people who will use brand items every day.

Text: Ekaterina Polyakova

Creation of an eco-interior.

Environmental friendliness of the interior is very important for those who live in it. This is not just beauty, but also the well-being of homeowners and visitors. In addition to the safety of the house, the health of people who are in it for a long time is very important. The main thing in designing is not only aesthetics, but also the correct use and selection of materials for furniture and decoration, so that they are not harmful to health. If the designer takes into account the health of homeowners, then he strives to create not only an aesthetic, but also an environmentally friendly interior.

Consider a few tricks to help create an eco-interior.

1. Use of plants as decoration.

Nothing can be better than placing plants in your home. Plants can help create an air filter and help remove harmful chemical substances from the premises. Apart from the health benefits, they will also add beauty and coziness to your home and give it a natural and fresh feel. If you are looking to improve indoor air quality, you can place lilies, bamboo, or gerberas in your space.

2. Let as much sunlight as possible into the rooms.

Another great way to create an eco-friendly interior is to let sunlight enter the room as much as possible during the daytime. You can do it with skylights and light shades. You can also opt for an apartment with south-facing windows when buying to get enough sunlight. Using daylight instead of electric lighting can be a big advantage for you, not only in terms of economy, but also in terms of the environment.

3. Use organic and natural materials.

This is the most effective method when creating an eco-home. Of course, it costs more, but we strongly advise you to minimize the use of plastic, chipboard and vinyl in the interior, especially in bedrooms.

4. Use energy efficient lighting.

This is very important not only for the environment, but also for users. Using compact fluorescent lamps can help save energy and electricity, as well as prevent the release of greenhouse gases and pollutants that can be harmful to your health and the environment.

5. Choose low VOC materials.

VOCs are volatile organic compounds that are harmful to health. This can be seen in paints, household products, furniture, carpets, etc. So, when you are buying things for your home, always pay attention to these items in the instructions, choose only those materials that have a low content of volatile organic compounds.

6. Use energy efficient windows.

Even your windows can help create an environmentally friendly aura in the space. Choose windows that are coated to reflect heat and have good insulation. This will keep the room warm, especially during the cold season, and can also help you save money because you won't need to use air conditioners or batteries. Windows that are energy efficient are already a good barrier to heat loss in cold weather and unwanted heat gain in summer.

7. Choose eco-friendly wall coverings.

For walls, it is necessary to choose paints that do not emit harmful substances. You can also use various wall coverings, such as eco-certified wallpapers. As a rule, these are paper or non-woven wallpapers. You can also use wood panels, cork or ceramic tiles which are environmentally friendly materials. In addition to being eco-friendly, they can look very beautiful.

8. Natural wood furniture.

Well, of course, you should use furniture that is made from organic materials. It can be made from solid wood: countertops can be made from marble or stone. . And it will be a more personal approach to the decor of your rooms.

9. Use stone or wood for floors.

In addition to your walls, floors also require eco-friendly materials. You can use stone for your floor, such as marble or modern stoneware material. You can also use wooden parquet or massive board. In addition to the eco-friendly atmosphere, these materials will add more appeal to the interior of the house.

10. Use woolen, linen, cotton and silk fabrics.

For your mattresses, pillows, carpets, bedding, upholstery, curtains and bedspreads, use natural materials that protect against dust mites. dust mites cause allergies and are harmful to health. Choose the right material to protect yourself.

The "ecological" style of design was created by mixing shapes from different styles. This is a natural beginning, the use of natural materials, the correct forms. A person in the modern technogenic world seeks to preserve nature in his own home.

Eco style in interior design gives a feeling of unity with the living force of nature. In list modern styles eco this style is one of the most popular. It uses natural fabrics and glass, clay and wood, and, of course, stone.

Eco-design in any interior prefers natural colors. These are the colors of grass and soil, stone and wood. A mandatory element of this style is a lot of colors. Can create winter Garden or decorate a separate area with flowers. You can also put an aquarium here or place birds.

Wall decoration in eco style

Eco interior design is a new trend in the design of decor, which appeared during the period of intensive development of technology. Individuals who feel responsible for nature and prefer to decorate the interior of the house in this style. It is characterized by the use of natural materials.

Wall decoration in eco style includes the use of:

  • clay;
  • an array of aged or waxed wood;
  • bamboo stalks;
  • ceramic tiles;
  • paper wallpaper;
  • stone slabs.

Ceiling in eco style

Eco design in the interior creates the most comfortable environment in the house, which has relaxation properties and distracts from the bustle of the city. When decorating the interior, it is very important to focus on the ceiling - it must fully comply with the style.

Eco-style ceiling can be decorated wood paneling or presented as a whitewashed ceiling with wooden beams. Many designers prefer the usual matte painting of pastel colors.

Eco style floor

The composition of the interior should be complemented by an eco-style floor. The main materials are wood and parquet boards, stone and ceramic slabs and cork panels.

Additional decoration should not be ignored - in eco interior design it is decorated with carpets with lush pile (bedroom, living room), and mats and mats are used for bathrooms.

The choice of furniture for an apartment in eco style

Eco interior design requires a special approach to the choice of furniture.

The main criteria that designers are guided by are:

  • natural composition of materials;
  • conciseness;
  • correct geometric shapes and smoothed corners;
  • massiveness;
  • the presence of patina, scuffs and scratches.

Very often, eco-style furniture is recycled, restored furniture that blends perfectly with the overall interior style.

Eco style lighting

Eco interior design is characterized by concise, slightly noticeable lighting: spot lighting, hidden halogen, cylindrical ceiling lamps, as well as the use of additional light sources.

Eco style lighting is original lamps which are made from natural natural materials: wood, textiles, stones and crystals. They complement the overall theme of the interior, and also go well with other styles.