Planting lawn grass. How to plant lawn grass in order to get a good lawn? How to plant lawn grass in spring

In order to properly plant lawn grass with your own hands, you do not need any special knowledge.

It is enough just to watch the training video and read this article, so that there would be beautiful green grass in your dacha.

In the country, they usually sow a lawn that is sold in seeds, less often they buy a roll.

To do everything right, carefully read everything that is written on the package with lawn grass seeds, as a rule, all the necessary information about plant type and sowing rates.

Consider the features of the place where you plan to break the lawn. Choosing the right mixture is the first step to a beautiful landscape in your country house. The lawn loves the sun.

Not a single grass mixture can stand a permanent shadow.

In dense shade, it is better to break a flower bed or come up with another landscape solution.

However, if there is sun on the site for at least a couple of hours a day, then the situation is solved by choosing a shade-resistant mixture of lawn grass varieties. They are dominated by meadow fescue.

You need to pay attention not only to the name, but also to the composition of the seed when you buy it in the store. Mixes can include up to eight different types of herbs.

Usually this:

  • fescue,
  • ryegrass,
  • broom,
  • bluegrass.

Herbs are selected in such a way that the overall coating germinates evenly, looks harmonious and aesthetically pleasing.

Under certain conditions, a certain variety of seeds may die during sowing, but then other varieties will fill in these gaps. Properly formulated mixtures give excellent results.

Another criterion for selection is the purpose for which the lawn will be used.

There are the following types of lawn mixtures that are planted with their own hands:

  • Sports lawn. Resistant to mechanical stress, not trampled, easily restored after damage. Perfect option for sowing on playgrounds. Even the most active walks on this surface are unimportant to him. But there are also “buts” - this mixture includes a ryegrass plant, which does not tolerate cold winters very well. In the northern regions of the country, such a mixture will have to be sown at the beginning of each season;
  • Decorative lawn. A blend of herbs specially selected to give your lawn an even layer of soft emerald grass. This best option for use in the garden;
  • Parterre grass. Rarely used in cottages. This is not a grass mixture, but one type of plant, extremely sensitive to any influences. You can’t walk on it, and it’s difficult to properly care for it. Therefore, it is used exclusively for decorative purposes;
  • Moorish lawn. This type is significantly different from the usual flat green carpets and looks more like a flower bed with different colors. The average height of plants and the timing of their flowering in these mixtures are selected in such a way that the overall composition looks harmonious.

A popular type of grass cover is midget. It is taken out to a separate group and called the lawn for the lazy. Its main advantage is slow growth.

Lilliput is popular among novice gardeners.

When should lawn grass be planted?

There are no strict deadlines for sowing a lawn. Plant him in middle lane Russia is possible from May to October.

You can do this whenever it suits you, and then, as the lawn sprouts, you can sow it throughout the warm season.

In the southern regions of the country, it is better not to do this in the hottest months - from mid-June to mid-August - due to the heat, the grass may not germinate well.

On average, it takes 4-6 weeks to prepare the soil, plant and germinate seeds.

Therefore, the first stages of work - clearing and fertilizing the soil - can be started in the spring with the onset of the first warm spring days, then by the summer you will already have beautiful green shoots on the site.

Landing stages

Soil preparation and fertilization

The first stage in the creation of a future beautiful lawn is the preparation of the site, its marking and leveling. At this stage, the final design of the landscape of the site takes place.

It is impossible to redo it when a beautiful lawn is ready. Mark the boundaries of the place where the lawn grass will be sown.

If possible, do this work in the fall, then dig the site and apply fertilizer.

In this form, the earth will overwinter, and in the spring you will already proceed directly to leveling the site and sowing it with seeds.

If you didn’t manage to do this work in the fall, it’s okay, then proceed to it as soon as the earth thaws.

It is right to dig up the earth with a depth of 25-30 cm. After that, the earth must be cleaned of plant roots, stones and debris.

Removing weeds is a very important step, since it is extremely difficult to fight weeds when the midget grass has already sprung up.

How carefully you remove them from the soil will determine the appearance of your entire garden.

There are several ways to get rid of unnecessary vegetation on the site:

  • Before sowing, manually weed all the weeds several times, remove all the roots;
  • In autumn, treat the land with chemicals (herbicides) that destroy weeds. You can even do this several times at short intervals. Spare no effort in preparing for sowing the lawn, it is better to do it once with high quality than to redo it several times;
  • Some experts recommend loosening the ground with a rake before planting, and then covering the ground with a film for 2 months. During this time, all remaining weeds will perepere and die.

The next step is fertilization. In winter, only fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium should be applied. Nitrogen-containing plants are best left in the spring, as they reduce the frost resistance of the soil.

Sowing seeds

The dug up earth should be leveled with a rake. If possible, you can add additional plant-fertile soil and distribute it over a plot with a thickness of 8-10 cm.

The composition of the soil should be a peat-sand mixture with an admixture of soddy soil. This mixture is quite fertile and can be left unfertilized in the first year.

After leveling with a rake, the stage of compacting the earth with a roller follows. A hand roller is a handy tool for leveling loosened earth with your own hands.

If there is no skating rink, then an empty barrel can be used instead. The rolling technology can be viewed in the video in the article.

And now, after rolling, you can proceed directly with sowing seeds of lawn grasses. This is done manually or with a seeder. The volume of seeds per 1 sq.m. land is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

The average landing rate is 3-5 kg ​​per hundred square meters. Some experienced gardeners recommend mixing the seed with a small amount of sand so that the seeds are evenly distributed over the surface of the earth.

Others prefer to sow as is. Both of these methods bring good results. Classic technique: pour first along, and then across.

It is believed to be the simplest and convenient way spread the lawn grass mixture evenly over the surface.

And for an optimal result, the seeds are additionally embedded in the soil with a rake to a depth of 1-1.5 cm.

After that, you can use the mulching method - sprinkle the seed on top with a small layer of earth.

This will help the seeds when watering better gain and retain moisture and germinate faster. It will also protect them from birds and possible erosion by rain.

A more detailed do-it-yourself sowing technology can be viewed in the video below.

Seedling Care

The first thing to do after sowing is to water the soil well. It is important to ensure regular watering, but not to allow the formation of puddles.

At proper sowing shoots are formed in a week. If it is not yet very warm, then the seeds will take longer.

On average, a seed can lie in the ground from 7 to 21 days, depending on the temperature of the air, the ground and the type of grass.

The first haircut is usually done 3 weeks after the emergence of young shoots.

Further lawn care

The belief that the lawn is "planted and forgotten" is nothing more than a myth.

If you want your site to always have a smooth green lawn lawn, you will have to carefully monitor and properly care for it.

You need to cut it in the summer once every two weeks, fertilize it preferably once a month, and in spring and autumn you can sow seeds in those areas where the grass does not grow well.

The intensity of watering depends on the region and weather conditions, usually every two to three days. Lack of water will make your lawn uneven and pale.

The main mistakes made by inexperienced gardeners

In order to prevent annoying mistakes, when growing a lawn, a midget with their own hands, which in the future will negatively affect the quality of your landscape design, keep the following points in mind.

When cutting at a time, you need to cut no more than 1/3 of the height of the grass. Otherwise, you run the risk of injuring the growth too much.

That is why a systematic haircut is very important so that the lawn does not have time to overgrow too much.

Before winter, the lawn should be mowed, excess grass and leaves should be removed if possible.

Carefully choose which grass mixture to use so that sun-loving varieties do not end up in shaded areas. This can make it difficult to grow a nice, even lawn.

Creating a beautiful, even lawn with your own hands is a painstaking task. However, well-groomed lawn grass in the country house looks very impressive, and is the basis for any landscape design.

An excellent decoration of any site in Kazan will be a bright green lawn around the house. Lawn grass - when to plant a lawn in the country, how to do it right?

When growing a lawn from grass seeds, the desired green carpet can be obtained only after two or three years, subject to all the rules for caring for grass sprouts. Mistakes in maintenance or the wrong selection of grasses for the soil and climate conditions of a particular area can result in a lawn that is sparse, uneven, with bald patches and patches of yellowed grass.

Planning for the future lawn

Before planting grass, it is advisable to draw up a plan for the future lawn. You can draw your plot to scale and figure out where you plan to arrange a lawn, and where there will be flower beds, garden paths, paved areas and other elements of the landscape. Calculate the approximate area occupied by the lawn, you will need this value when buying grass seeds for sowing. If you get territory complex shape, think of an example total area rounded up.

When should you plan to plant grass?

All warm seasons are suitable for sowing lawn grasses - from mid-April to the first frosts in October. However, the most best time September is considered to be planting - at this time the soil still retains enough summer heat, and it often rains, irrigating the ground. For seed germination, these are the main factors, it is especially important for them that the soil is warm, at least 8-10 degrees Celsius.

Another important condition that must be observed for successful germination of sprouts is that the soil should always be slightly moist until the height of the grass seedlings reaches six centimeters. Therefore, the soil in the garden should be constantly moistened, it is advisable to use a fine sprayer for this purpose.

The stability of the weather in Kazan in early autumn also speaks in favor of the September sowing. In summer, usually hot and dry periods alternate with heavy rains, which negatively affects the condition of the grass. And in the spring, as a rule, there is too little rain, so you need to spend time irrigating the future lawn cover.

When planting lawn grass in September, the sprouts have time to gain enough strength to successful care into winter. Grass grows more in autumn root system Rather than shoots, developed rhizomes allow the shoots to survive the winter, show profuse growth in the winter, and endure a dry spell the following summer.

How to prepare the soil for planting?

You can't just buy grass seeds and plant them on your property. The soil for the future lawn must be well prepared so that the seeds take root and give abundant shoots:

  • It is necessary to remove any debris from the territory of the future lawn. Some gardeners do not remove natural debris - stones, branches, fallen leaves - but bury it for a "natural ecosystem". This is a gross mistake. Debris must be removed from the site.
  • Uproot old stumps, if any. They will not decorate your future lawn, and large and coarse stump roots will prevent the lawn root system from developing.
  • Treat the area with herbicides to remove weeds.
  • Dig up the territory of the future lawn. At the same time, create a drainage layer of their rubble and apply organic fertilizers.
  • Carefully level the surface of the soil. The lawn should not have bumps and depressions, otherwise the water will be distributed unevenly, which will lead to dampness in some places and yellowing in others.
  • Compact the soil with a roller and then loosen the topsoil with a rake.

Only after all these manipulations have been completed, the soil in your area will be ready to accept grass seeds. Neglecting any of these steps can result in uneven seed germination. But immediately after completion of work, it is also impossible to sow grass. The prepared area should be left "under steam" for one to two months. It is recommended to devote this time to studying the characteristics of lawn grasses and compiling a suitable grass mixture for your site, taking into account its agrotechnical features.

Composition of grass mixture

It is very rare to see a perfectly even and bright green mono-lawn - that is, a lawn on which only one type of lawn grass grows. Much more often, for sowing on plots in Kazan, grass mixtures are used, compiled according to certain rules. When choosing varieties for planting on the site, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • Soil type and composition;
  • Average temperatures throughout the year;
  • Light level;
  • The degree of soil moisture;
  • purpose of the lawn.

Only an experienced specialist with agrotechnical education can competently analyze all the factors and make up the optimal grass mixture for a particular site in Kazan. Without professional knowledge, it is quite difficult to choose a herbal composition for planting. You may find that the final result of growing a lawn will disappoint you.

Planting seeds for the future lawn

This stage is one of the most important proper fit largely determines appearance future lawn. For landing work it is necessary to prepare:

  • Seeds of selected herbs;
  • Mineral fertilizers;
  • Tape for measuring the territory;
  • garden rake;
  • Watering can or hose with a spray nozzle;
  • Seed spreader (you can do without it).

On the day chosen for planting the lawn, the weather should be dry and calm so that the seeds are not flooded with water and are not blown away by gusts of wind. Before sowing, it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers and once again loosen the soil with a garden rake.

In some gardening magazines, you can find advice to mix grass seeds with sand when planting. However, we do not recommend doing so. You can take more sand than necessary and it will prevent the seeds from germinating.

For even seeding, you can use a special seeder, but it is theoretically possible to achieve even seeding manually. To do this, scatter half the seeds in one direction, and the other half in a direction perpendicular to it.

After sowing is complete, take your garden rake again and very gently mix the soil with the seeds. Ideally, all seeds should go 2-3 mm into the soil, but in practice some of them will remain on the surface. Water your crops carefully.

If everything is done correctly, you will see the first shoots in 1-2 weeks. Throughout this time, it is necessary to water the crops every day so that the soil does not dry out. But at the same time, make sure that the water does not erode the earth.

Rules for the care of the seed lawn


A well-known English proverb says - "To get perfect lawn, you need to plant grass and take care of it for a hundred years. There is some truth in every joke, and growing a lawn from seeds is indeed a very difficult and time-consuming task, mistakes made in choosing herbs and caring for them can lead to the fact that you have to start all over again. More and more site owners are asking what to choose: lawn grass or rolled lawn, comparing them in terms of properties and operation.

If you do not want to wait a hundred years to master all the nuances and subtleties of grass lawn care by trial and error, entrust this work to the specialists of the GreenStroyService company. Experienced agricultural technicians will select crops for the grass carpet that will feel great on your site, perform work on planting grasses and caring for them.

You will receive an even green lawn grown on your site in Kazan for a minimum possible dates. And while you do not need to spend time and effort on the development of lawn art!

There is hardly anything that can emphasize the beauty of the garden and the area next to the house better than a green lawn.

According to some landscape designers, the lawn is the mirror of the garden. Indeed, a smooth and green background is an ideal surface for all landscape compositions and an idea for decorating a garden.

But it is worth preparing for difficulties, because lawn grass needs quite serious care. And yet, the main thing is to create a lawn correctly, that is, prepare the site and sow the seeds with your own hands or with the help of a special seeder.

Exists different kinds lawns that can satisfy any of your needs: from a small lawn to a sports field.

Lawn mixture is a certain composition (proportion) of herbs and cereals, which is designed to create a green lawn.

The most popular types of lawns for landing in summer cottages:

By the way! There are also shade-tolerant lawns with a high content of fescue (sheep, reed, red). However, it must be clarified that it can only be partial shade, not a single lawn grass can withstand a deep shadow. And remember that the lawn will never be very thick in such conditions.

Each component in the herbal mixture has its own function.

  • Fescue - creates cruelty, in other words, a general cover.
  • The bentgrass is a very soft grass, so to speak, an undercoat, which forms a basal sod well.
  • Ryegrass - quickly rises and is responsible for the density of the cover.
  • Bluegrass - creates a silky and emerald grass cover.
  • White clover - to give the grass a decorative effect.
  • Meadow timothy grass - not afraid of trampling, great for patching up bald spots, but does not tolerate a low haircut.

When to sow a lawn: optimal timing

Optimal timing lawn plantings vary depending on where you live and, as a result, the climatic conditions of the region, as well as the current weather.

As a rule, lawn grass can be sown throughout the warm period, that is, from April to September.

The most favorable time of the year for sowing a lawn is spring, because. grass shoots will have time to get stronger enough for winter, but there is still a chance that the seeds will sprout unevenly.

How to prepare a site for sowing a lawn

Before seeding the lawn suburban area, you need to properly and thoroughly prepare, which means that you will have to go through several stages, each of which is very important.

Video: how to sow a lawn on your site

Required Tools

In preparing the site for planting a lawn, you will definitely need the following tools:

  • shovel or walk-behind tractor (motor-cultivator);
  • rakes, construction profils;
  • flat bar;
  • a special skating rink for rolling the earth;
  • special seeder;
  • irrigation hose;
  • protective gloves.

Clearing the site of debris, weeds and other plants

After you decide on the place where you decide to sow the lawn, the first thing to do is to completely clean it of any debris (construction, household), as well as get rid of old plants, such as tree stumps and dried shrubs.

Important! If you don't clean the area well and leave wood residue in the soil, then don't be surprised if you notice toadstool mushrooms later. Cleaning the area under the lawn must be carried out very carefully.

You should also get rid of the sod layer (if you have one), for this you will need a shovel or a special device for removing the sod layer.

Further, to create or remake an old lawn from the soil, remove all weeds, i.e. the earth needs good dig up. To do this, you will need a motor cultivator (faster and lighter, but more expensive) or a shovel (longer, more difficult, but more economical).

Advice! After digging into without fail rake up all the weed grass with a rake, and then dig again and collect all the remaining weeds and their roots again.

There is one more weed control method is the use herbicides. But remember, there is no need to rush, the drugs act for a long time, about 2 weeks.

By the way! Under vegetable crops in this way, in no case should you prepare the soil, but under the lawn - completely.

Creation of drainage and embankment of fertile soil

If the area where you decide to sow the lawn can be flooded by rains, and water often stagnates on it, then you should make a double drainage layer: the bottom layer is made of coarse gravel or broken brick (15-20 centimeters), and the top layer is made of small stones or sand (10-15 centimeters).

If your land is infertile, then you should bring nutritious loose soil to the site in order to lay it in an 8-10 cm layer. And if you have heavy, loamy soil, then fertile layer it is worth increasing 2 times to 16-20 centimeters. A typical soil is perfect as such a soil. peatsandy mixture (65% peat, 35% sand) with the addition of sod land.

By the way! If you lay such a fertile layer under the lawn, then in the first season you will not even need to fertilize it.

Surface leveling

At the next stage of preparing the soil for sowing the lawn, you need to level the surface of the earth. To do this, you should use a rake and building wires.

To compact the ground and level it as much as possible, use a roller. It is the rolling of the soil that will achieve a flat surface.

As a result, you should get an absolutely smooth, so to speak, ideal surface.

Advice! Make a very slight slope towards the fence to allow rainwater to drain.

Video: preparing and leveling the lawn area

How to sow a lawn

After you have rolled the soil perfectly evenly, you can immediately sow lawn grass seeds.

How much lawn will you need

Naturally, there are standards for the sowing lawn. On average, from 3 to 5 kg of lawn grass seeds per 1 weave, depending on the composition of the grass mixture itself and on the desired density.

Rules and methods of sowing

There are not so many rules for sowing lawn grass, here are the main ones:

  • Must be clear, dry and windless weather.
  • You need to sow as evenly as possible.

The easiest way to sow a lawn is manual method when the seeds are scattered on the go with their own hands, passing along and across the site.

If you need to sow a large area, then you can sow the lawn more efficiently using special planter. Just walk her over the entire surface of the site, she herself will scatter the seeds fairly evenly.

Next, the seeds close up with a rake, or same use mulching method In other words, mulch the scattered seeds from above with a small layer of fertile soil only to lightly cover the seeds. The second method of termination is more preferable due to the fact that in this case, the moisture after irrigation will be better preserved, and the seeds will swell faster and, accordingly, germinate much more actively.

The last stage of sowing lawn seeds - abundant watering from a hose with a sprayer or a special sprinkler.

Advice! After sowing, it is desirable (but not necessary) to cover the lawn to create a greenhouse effect. However, if the area is very large, then this, of course, is quite laborious. And therefore, if the nights are warm, then this can be avoided.

Video: planting lawn grass according to all the rules

Lawn care after planting

During the first few days after planting the lawn grass, you should regularly, but rather moderately, water the sown area for its best germination.

When young grass seedlings sprout and reach a height of 2-3 centimeters, it is necessary to roll the soil again with a roller to fix their roots, because, as you know, the root system of the lawn is superficial.

Note! If after a week you notice that the lawn looks somehow not very good (sparse and grass of different heights), then there is nothing to worry about. In fact, lawn grass seeds are different, some can lie in the ground for 1 to 3 weeks, so it's worth just waiting a bit.

Further, when the grass grows to 6-8 centimeters (as a rule, it takes about 3-4 weeks), it should be cut for the first time, although some gardeners recommend mowing the lawn for the first time when the grass stand is about 12-15 centimeters high. In the end, you need to leave about 4-6 centimeters.

Advice! If after mowing you find bald spots on the lawn, then you should simply sow new grass in them.

The next mowing of the grass should be done when the lawn reaches 12-15 centimeters again. It is extremely important to have time to do this before he falls.

If before that all haircuts had to be done strictly with a lawn mower, then after the main mowing, you can start using a hand trimmer to mow hard-to-reach pieces and areas, for example, a side, a corner of a house or the edge of a flower garden.

Recommendation! If you want your lawn to live happily ever after, then do not take the cut grass to the compost heap, but leave it on the lawn (mulch, so to speak). She will be his the best nutrition. To do this, simply remove the grass basket from the mower and insert a stick or some other object into it so that the grass can fly out. This way you do not need any top dressing, although you can additionally water with organic infusion.

Thus, in order for the lawn at your dacha to “play” with some especially fresh emerald colors, you need to correctly determine its type, the choice of lawn grass, the timing of its planting, do not forget about preparing the site, tools, and also do not lose sight of the extremely important sowing subtleties and proper care behind the lawn.

Video: when to plant a lawn in the country and how to do it right

Planting lawn grass on the site is a simple process, which you can do with your own hands. The main thing in this business is responsibility. It is also important to choose high-quality planting material. Only if all the important conditions are met, you can get a green beautiful grass on your own lawn.

How to grow lawn grass: preparing the site in the country

First you need to prepare the site on which the lawn will be located. To do this, remove all household garbage, roots and stumps of trees and bushes from it. If this is not done, then the left wood residues will cause the appearance of toadstools.

Site preparation

Sod must also be removed from the site. For these purposes, a shovel or a special device for cutting the sod layer is suitable.

Lot leveling

In order for the lawn to have an attractive appearance, you need to take care of leveling the surface in advance. All holes and hills can be leveled using one proven method. To do this, you have to remove the soil from the bumps and place it in the recesses. To fill the hollows, you can use fertile soil taken from other parts of the garden.

Lawn leveling

When the site is still young and fertile layer is absent, then low-lying areas will have to be eliminated with the help of purchased peat soil.


Before you start planting seeds for your lawn, you need to take care of drainage. If the site is located on good location, he is not afraid of rains and melted spring water, then you can simply dig up the ground, lime and feed. In other cases, drainage is provided. It must be done along with leveling the terrain.

Lawn drainage

During the leveling process, a fertile layer of earth was removed from the surface. It must be laid on top of the drainage in two layers. In this case, the lower one should consist of coarse gravel, and the upper one of small pebbles. In the process of laying, each layer should be compacted. The type of drainage must be selected taking into account the area of ​​​​the site, the location ground water, laid communications and much more.


On the site, which is allocated for the lawn, it is necessary to carry out the processing of the soil. For these purposes, you can use a pitchfork or shovels. You need to dig to a depth of 20-25 cm. It is during this period that the soil should be fed using organic matter and sand.

Digging up a lawn area

In addition to digging, it is necessary to take care of a flat surface without lumps. If they are small, then you can break them with your own hands, using a pitchfork or rake. In the process of work, you need to get rid of weeds and stones. For processing large areas, it is worth using a motor cultivator.

Before tampering, pegs will be driven in around the entire perimeter of the site. Pull rope through them. At the same time, make sure that you get a perfectly flat and straight line. To achieve this result, it is necessary to apply the building level.

Video: how to plant and sow a lawn with your own hands

On the video how to plant lawn grass on the site:


When performing this work, it is possible to remove a void from the thickness of the earth. Then in the future, when the soil settles, unevenness will not occur. A garden roller can be used for ramming, or if one is not available, your feet will help you. It is necessary to trample down the earth in dry weather. It's worth thinking ahead

Lawn tamping

Smooth out the traces left from the shoes with a rake. During ramming, attention must be paid to the levels of the driven pegs. If the angle is distorted, a hill or valley may form.

For those who want to learn about and how to do it correctly, the information from the article will help to understand.


This point is missed by many, because here you have to spend extra time and effort. But it’s better to do everything according to the rules, since the fallowing of the site has its advantages:

  • The essence of the method is that under the influence of steam it is possible to eliminate the seeds of weeds and rhizomes of couch grass
  • If the lawn will be created by planting seeds, then this item should be skipped;
  • The duration of fallowing is 1-1.5 months, since it is necessary to regularly remove germinating weeds and carry out herbicide treatment right before the final preparation. But what kind of lawn grass that destroys weeds can be read in this

On the video sowing the site with green manure grasses:

Today, instead of fallowing, many gardeners began to use the sowing of the site with green manure herbs. This should include lupine, sweet clover, white mustard. They are sown 1.5 months before the creation of the lawn. And before sowing lawn grass, the green mass is dug up. This allows you to improve the structure of the soil and saturate it with nitrogen.

Pre-sowing preparation

To get the maximum similarity of the grass, it is necessary to carry out some pre-sowing activities. For 1-1.5 weeks, fertilize the land allotted for the lawn, mineral fertilizers. It will take 40-60 g per 1 m2. Top dressing should be planted in the ground with a rake to a depth of 5 cm. Then perform the final loosening.

In addition, before sowing lawn grass seeds, it is necessary to prepare the ground itself. It should be kept for 3 months for shrinkage. But due to the fact that the growing season in Russia is short, this method is more relevant for the southern regions.

Many gardeners sow seeds during the summer months. Of course, you can do this, but only then you will have to actively water the lawn. It is important that there is no standing water. All this requires much more time and effort.

lawn seeding

So, when all the preparatory activities are over, you have already bought planting material, you can safely proceed to sowing the lawn. There is a specific action plan for this:

  1. Loosen the surface of the earth with a fan rake. This will leave small grooves on it. Mix the seeds in a pack thoroughly, take them and send them to the ground. When sowing, it must be borne in mind that about 8 cm should go beyond the edge of the plot on each side.
  2. If there is no instruction on the package, then 30-60 g of planting material must be sown per 1 m2. If you sow less often, then weeds will break through the spaces formed, and ugly bald spots will also be noticeable.
  3. All seeds can be divided into 4 parts and sow each ¼ part of the plot. If you have a seeder on your farm, then sow half of the planting material along the furrows, and the rest across. Top with earth, using a fan rake. It is also worth applying

On the video how the sowing of the lawn takes place:

First watering

You can see the first seedlings in 1-3 weeks. Watering at this time should be done every 2-3 days. But this is provided that there is no rain. Irrigate the grass must be extremely careful. To do this, you can use a watering can with a small sprayer so that there are thin streams of water.

When the young bores take a height of 8-10 cm, you can proceed to the first haircut. When watering, do not use a strong pressure of water. This can wash the planting material to the surface. And here is the best pulse sprinkler for watering, and how to choose the right one. indicated in this

Creating a lawn on your site is easy. This process requires only careful preparation and subsequent minimal maintenance. It is also important to buy high-quality planting material, so here it is better to give preference to trusted manufacturers. As for the subsequent care of the lawn, this is watering and mowing. If all the actions described earlier were performed correctly, then soon you will be able to enjoy a beautiful and green lawn.

Have you decided to make your dreams of a picturesque green lawn in front of the house come true and have you even cleared the site of debris, dug up and leveled the ground? Now it's time to figure out how to plant a lawn with your own hands, or lay ready-made rolled grass - it all depends on your priorities.

Lawn types

Lawns are of several types, depending on their purpose and further use.
  • Parterre usually located in the most visible places: at the entrance to the house, along paths and around flower beds and shrubs. It is a perfectly smooth green surface. Such a lawn does not involve walking on it and requires constant care and careful maintenance. To obtain a dense low herbage, only cereals are used, which have narrow leaves and tender shoots. They sprout together and bush well, so this type of cover has a uniform surface and high density, which suppresses the spread of weeds.
  • meadow lawn looks like an elegant flowering lawn in the middle of the forest. In addition to its picturesque, it is very practical, because it incorporates perennials, and does not require special care. The mixture for its sowing consists of field grass seeds with the addition of meadow plants and flowers, including bulbs. Shearing is carried out approximately twice a year.
  • Mauritanian is a flowering field, pleasing to the eye. This green cover is very elegant and looks bright for a long time, because it includes flowering herbs, chosen in such a way that their flowering period follows each other. It almost does not need mowing, is updated once a year (grass is cut), but requires regular watering.
It is important to note that this lawn is not suitable for the front of the yard: flower beds, rock gardens and other design elements will be invisible against its background.
  • Landscape gardening- the most common type. It is resistant to trampling, as it is designed for constant walking on it. For its composition, hard, rough-looking herbs are selected. At the same time, it is easier to maintain, less prone to weeds, and hides all the mistakes that are often made in the process of self-seeding.
  • Sports-has a more complex mixture of seeds. In addition to traditional cereals, it also contains special, wear-resistant additives in its composition. Such grasses should grow quickly, have elastic shoots and well-developed rhizomes. Caring for such a lawn is more complex and requires constant attention. But the ability of such a coating to endure heavy loads allows it to be sown in places of heavy traffic - next to the gazebo, on the playground, next to the swing.

lawn grass layout

If you want to get a beautiful dense lawn in the shortest possible time so that you can immediately arrange a volleyball or playground, buy a rolled type - it is cut strips of turf, which is pre-grown on a special field for about two years. Of course, not everyone can afford the cost of finished grass in rolls - at least 50 rubles will have to be paid for one roll, and about 250 rolls will be required for a lawn of 2 acres.

Those who prefer to be patient, while saving a significant amount, will have to learn how to properly sow lawn grass on their own. There is nothing particularly difficult in this, you just need to follow the basic rules.

Video about lawn grass, when to plant it in the country, how to do it right

Before planting grass, it is advisable to draw a diagram of how you imagine the future cover: are you going to leave trees on it, arrange flower beds or grow separate groups of flowers? The placement of landscape design elements must be planned in advance so that later there are no difficulties with.

When thinking about how to sow grass, taking into account flower beds and paths, keep in mind that the minimum distance between the sown grass and the curb should be about one meter - this will make it easier for you to mow the grass with a lawn mower.

Under single trees or shrubs, it is better to plant not a lawn grass mixture, but unpretentious ground cover plants; clover will look good. Another option is to sprinkle tree trunks with wood chips or decorative chips, it will turn out neat and attractive.

The minimum distance between the sown grass and the curb should be about one meter

When is the best time to sow in the country

You can sow the grass any time from early April to mid-October, provided that during periods of dry weather, the seeds must be kept constantly moist until the grass reaches 6 cm. Always water with a fine spray. A strong jet of water will wash away the soil and wash away the seeds. It is also worth noting that the soil should be warm enough. For germination, a temperature of at least 8-10 degrees is required. by the most the best period experts consider September for sowing the lawn. There are several arguments in favor of the September sowing.
  • First, any weed seeds present in the seed will be allowed to germinate and can be removed,
  • Secondly, our summers can have hot and dry periods, and if your new lawn is sown in the spring, constant watering will be necessary to start seed growth and prevent young shoots from drying out or burning.
  • Thirdly, after summer the soil is warm, and autumn rains moisten it well. This will allow the shoots to gain strength before the onset of winter, and the number of weeds will be minimal. Then, in late fall, a good root system will develop, not top growth, and your lawn will be in top-notch condition the following spring and summer, ready to handle hot, dry weather.

Lawn preparation and grass selection

To get a perfectly flat green lawn, as in the pictures, you need to carefully understand how to plant the lawn correctly, and try not to miss a single step.

Some gardeners believe that The best way sowing is to mix seeds with sand. However, due to inexperience, you can take more sand than required, so it is not recommended to use such a trick at first. You can achieve uniform sowing with a special seeder or you can do without it by sowing the lawn with your own hands, first along, and then across. Approximate consumption of seeds: about 30-40 g per square meter

How do you sow lawn grass seeds?

  1. Scatter the measured seeds. Half of the seeds should be scattered in one direction and the other half perpendicular to that. Make sure the seeds are distributed as evenly as possible for the best results.
  2. Carefully mix the soil with the seeds with a rake. Ideally, the seeds should be covered with 2-3 mm of soil, although some of this may be on the surface. Water using a watering can with a nozzle or a hose with a water sprayer. Grass will appear in 1-2 weeks. If you have a large area of ​​lawn litter, consider using a seed spreader.

Lawn seeding video

Gently sow the sown seeds into the ground with a rake (you can sprinkle a 1.5 cm mulch layer of peat mixture on top) and walk along the lawn with a roller, pressing the seeds into the ground. Water the crops from the sprinkler, and then for a week, carry out daily watering with a small droplet irrigation so that the water does not wash away the unestablished shoots and does not wash away the ground.
On how to properly prepare the soil and how to sow lawn grass, the video in the tab will give you a visual representation. With proper soil preparation and proper seeding, the grass will sprout together in about a week. Where seedlings have not appeared, it will be possible to carry out overseeding.

How to properly care for your lawn

The article was updated on 01/30/2018