Presentation let's keep the planet blue and green. Multimedia lesson "Our blue planet"

Tatyana Shcherbakova
Multimedia lesson "Our blue planet". Summary of the lesson with a presentation for older children preschool age

Lesson summary

for children of senior preschool age

« Our blue planet»

Program tasks:

1. Deepen views children about, what planet The earth is a huge sphere, most of which is covered with water. In addition to water, there are continents.

2. Lead to an understanding of the uniqueness of our planets, because only on Earth there is life.

3. Cultivate cognitive interest in the life of animals.

4. Nurture the desire to protect our planet.

Didactic material:

1. Large images of the continents, globe, blue fabric, sets animal figurines("Animals of the Forest", "Animals of Africa", "Fishes", "Birds" etc.)

2. multimedia installation, music center, CDs with recordings for listening "Voices of Nature".

Lesson progress

The teacher demonstrates images of the globe (slide number 1) and reads poem:

Great, friends

That our home is the Earth.

There is no doubt -

This is the best planet!

FROM blue high sky,

Bread ripening in the fields,

the breadth of the oceans,

The height of the passes

Noisy city life

The quiet rustle of the forests.

Herbs, animals, birds, people,

Everything that was, is and will be

All that we see around -

This is our home in space.

Paramonova Zh.

caregiver: Guys, you know that you and I live on planet earth and what is she our planet how do you imagine it?

Answers children:

I think that planet Earth…

I imagine that our planet…

May be our planet…

caregiver: planet earth is called the blue planet. And why the planet might be blue what else could be blue?

Answers children:

-blue flowers,

-blue sky,

Natasha blue dress,

- Blue eyes,

-blue water,

The sea might be blue, maybe blue,

caregiver: (slide number 2) quite right on our the planet has many rivers, lakes, seas, oceans and therefore it seems blue.

caregiver: if on the planet was only water, you and I would then become fish (slide number 3). Fortunately on our wonderful the planet has continents.

We invite the teacher children, go to the big globe, covered blue cloth. Remove the fabric and spread it on the carpet.

The teacher pays attention children on the globe, offers to show continents, land areas on it and reads poem:

Our Earth is a blue planet,

Fresh air and sun dressed.

No, you believe

Earth pigeons,

From the blue of rivers, lakes and seas.

Mountains, plains, forests and fields -

All this our planet earth.

The winds sing, playing with the clouds,

The showers are noisy...

And from end to end

You will not find more wonderful in the world

Our beautiful and kind planets!

(L. Vitalieva)

The teacher invites the children to decompose into blue fabric layouts of continents based on a physical map.

The children are doing the task.

The teacher with the children examine the continents and name them.

Musical physical education

"The sun is radiant"

(slide number 4)

caregiver: on the blue planet children have fun. But on a beautiful planet The earth is inhabited not only by people, who also inhabit forests and mountains, deserts and steppes, who swim in the seas and oceans, who fly under the clouds (slide number 5).

Answers children:

Beasts and animals live in the forests;

Serpents, camels live in the desert;

Fish, whales and dolphins swim in the seas;

Birds fly in the sky;

caregiver: Well done boys! Planet The earth is inhabited by animals, various plants grow on the continents, there are many in the oceans. different fish, and in the sky they soar, spreading their wings of a bird.

The teacher offers the children kits animal figurines.

Didactic game

"Who lives where?"

Children arrange models of animals on the continents.

caregiver: how beautiful our native land! You guys love her.

Answers children:

I like that on our planet grows a lot beautiful flowers;

And I really like animals: squirrels, hares and chanterelles;

I like that there are many seas on Earth where you can swim;

I like it when birds fly in the sky;

And I like the way the birds sing their songs;

caregiver: in order for the Earth to always remain so beautiful, clean, loved by all who live on it, it is necessary to protect it. How can we save planet earth what needs to be done for this (slide number 6).

Answers children:

What would planet remained clean; garbage must be removed;

What would planet remained beautiful it is necessary to plant flowers and trees;

Wild animals must be protected;

To planet remained beloved, all people need to live together, without war;

caregiver: I suggest once again to admire our common homeplanet Earth! (slide number 7).

Resources Used:

A presentation on the topic "Keep our planet green" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: Pedagogy. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 11 slide(s).

Presentation slides

slide 1

GOU d / s No. Passport of TREES

Birch, oak, poplar, willow, aspen, bird cherry, linden, maple, pine, spruce, cherry, mountain ash, ash, lilac, jasmine, alder, apple tree, shadberry

Let's keep our planet green

slide 2

Birch is usually up to 40 meters high, the root system is very powerful. The fruit is a flattened lenticular nut, bearing two dried columns on top and surrounded by a thin-skinned, membranous wing, the seeds are very light and therefore easily carried by the wind. Many species of birch are widespread and important forest-forming species that largely determine the appearance and species composition of deciduous forests in Europe.


Oak is well recognizable due to its fruits - acorns. Different types oak trees are common in temperate and warm countries. In Russia, only one species is significantly distributed - English oak. Acorns of oaks growing in Russia are only used to make acorn coffee. Oak bark contains a lot of tannic acid, and therefore is used for tanning leather.

slide 3

The aspen has a columnar trunk, reaching 35 m in height and 1 m in diameter. Lives up to 80-90 years. It grows very fast, but is prone to wood diseases. root system located deep underground. The fruit is a very small box; seeds are equipped with a bundle of hairs - puff. Aspen is found on the border of forest and tundra, grows in forest and forest-steppe zones. It can be found along the banks of reservoirs, in forests, along the edges.


Grows in forests and shrubs throughout Russia to the White Sea, in Western Europe, in Asia. Cultivated as an ornamental plant. Tree, or large shrub 0.6-10 m high, crown elongated, dense. White flowers are collected in long dense drooping racemes 8-12 cm long, with a strong smell, on pedicels. The fruit is a globular black drupe 8-10 mm in diameter, sweet, strongly astringent. Blooms in April-June. The fruits ripen in July-August.

slide 4

Alder is a genus of trees and shrubs of the Birch family, uniting about 30 species. Aspen fruits - single-seeded nuts, flattened and surrounded by a narrow wing - ripen by autumn, but often fall out of the cone only in the next spring. Alder species are common in temperate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, as well as in the Andes. For Russia, the following are important: sticky alder and gray alder. Alder wood is preserved under water for a long time and therefore is used for small underwater structures.


Deciduous shrub or small tree. The leaves are simple, rounded or oval, the flowers are odorless, numerous, white or cream. The fruit is an apple, bluish-black or reddish-violet, with a bluish bloom, up to 10 mm in diameter, edible, sweet, ripens in July - August in the Moscow region. There are 21 species of shadberry growing in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Easily adapting to conditions, it widely diverges around the world. Often found feral. The seeds are spread by birds.

slide 5

In nature, most species grow along river valleys and on well-moistened slopes. Poplars are demanding on the richness and aeration of the soil, they do not withstand waterlogging. The rapid growth of poplars continues up to 40-60 years, after which it slows down. Some species live up to 120-150 years, but usually plants are affected early by various fungal diseases.


Very common and very famous plants in the middle part of Russia (“willow”, “willow bush”). Most species of willows love moisture and settle in damp places. The foliage of some species of willows is dense, curly, green, while others have a rarer seedy gray-green color. Some of the willows are blooming in early spring before the leaves bloom, others - in early summer. In nature, willows reproduce by seed.

slide 6

There are about 40 types of lindens, in Russia the heart-shaped linden is common. The leaves are bare, with a bluish underside, they carry bundles of red hairs in the corners of the nerves, the inflorescences are directed upwards, contain from 5 to 11 flowers, the fruits are thin-walled, with obscure ribs. They are up to 30 m high, 120 years old, but can reach much greater old age.

The Latin name presumably comes from lat. pix - resin. The crown is conical or pyramidal. Branches whorled, horizontally spread or drooping. In the first 3-4 years does not give lateral shoots. The bark is gray, exfoliates in thin plates. The leaves are needle-shaped (needles), green, short, tetrahedral. Lives on average up to 250-300 years

Slide 7

A tree 25-40 m high and a trunk diameter of 0.5-1.2 m. The trunk is straight (curved only if the shoot is damaged, the crown is highly raised, cone-shaped, and then rounded, wide, with branches horizontally arranged in whorls. Widespread tree of Eurasia , starting in Spain and Great Britain and continuing east to the Aldan river basin


Most maple species are trees 10-40 m tall. Norway maple is widespread in Russia. Maples are valued in ornamental gardening and park building for the beauty of the crown and openwork foliage, bright autumn outfit. Maple is used to make maple syrup and sugar. Maples are important sources of pollen and nectar for bees in early spring.

Slide 8

Cherry is the most common fruit plant. A tree that shoots from its roots; the leaves are completely bare, the petioles of the leaves are without glands. The flowers are white or pink, collected in small inflorescences - umbrellas. The fruit is a juicy drupe with a spherical stone. Cherries are used fresh and processed. V.'s culture is common in many countries of the Northern Hemisphere.


Rowan grows in abundance in the gardens and forests of the European part of Russia without any care. Mountain ash, due to its high prevalence and low quality of its fruits, belongs to the number of low-value fruit trees. Rowan is often bred as decorative tree; its fruits are used for food, and the heavy, resilient, durable wood is used for carpentry.

Slide 9

Trees with spreading crowns 2.5-15 m high. Shortened (fertile) branches, on which flower buds are laid, and elongated. The genus includes 36 species (1976). The most common: domestic apple tree, or cultivated. Many types of apple trees are grown as ornamental plants in gardens and parks, and are used in field-protective afforestation. All species are good honey plants. The wood of the apple tree is dense, strong, easy to cut and well polished; suitable for turning and joinery, small crafts.


Representatives of the genus are trees with a height of 25-35 m and a trunk diameter of up to 1 m, with an elongated ovoid, highly raised, wide-rounded crown and thick, sparse branches. The flowers are dark brown, odorless, collected in compressed, fascicular panicles on leafless twigs, wind-pollinated. It blooms in April-May before the leaves bloom, which do not interfere with pollination. The fruits ripen in September-October, but fall to the ground only in winter or early spring. Formed annually in large numbers. Due to the large amount of fats and proteins, they are used as food by birds and rodents.

Slide 10

Curly or erect shrubs with simple, trifoliate or pinnate leaves without stipules and large right flowers. The corolla of flowers is white or yellow. Jasmine is cultivated as an ornamental plant for beautiful flowers in gardens and as home plant. Jasmine flowers are also used as an aromatic addition to green tea. Jasmine white is the national flower of Pakistan where it is known as "Chambeli".


All types of lilacs are distinguished by beautiful flowers, which is why they are bred in gardens. The common lilac is especially widespread - a luxurious shrub, extremely hardy, which grows well in the open air both in the south and in the north of Europe and decorates gardens in spring with large inflorescences of its fragrant flowers. In addition to the main form with lilac flowers, varieties with white and pinkish flowers arose in the culture. They are also used for forcing in greenhouses, so that you can have fresh lilac flowers almost all winter. This species grows wild in the Balkans.

slide 11

Print pages on the printer. On the dotted line, you can fold the pages in half, fasten the stapler in the middle - the book is ready. You can cut the printed sheets along the dotted line, laminate, thread the spring - you get an excellent passport for trees.

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.
  • 1st reader

    How much beauty in our world,
    Which we often don't notice.
    That's because every day we meet
    Her long-familiar features.

    2nd reader

    We know that clouds are beautiful
    River, flowers, face of beloved mother,
    And Pushkin's flying line,
    And the fact that a person is beautiful in deeds.

    3rd reader

    But there is another beauty
    that doesn't seem pretty.
    For example, the beauty of a mole.
    - Mole? - Yes Yes!
    And industrious bees,
    Or snakes, frogs and beetles,
    Or other strange "people".
    Not in vain all the endless centuries
    She was sculpted by a wise nature.
    Look into the face of any creature
    And you will see how right she is!

    (Video "Beauty Lives Everywhere")

    1st tourist:

    Today we came for a walk.

    Fortunately, the forest is at hand!

    Bought everything:

    Food, matches, lemonade.

    2nd tourist:

    The fresh wind will excite

    Our healthy appetite!

    And packages, jars, bottles

    The forest is big, it will accommodate everything!

    Whose forest is it? Nobody!

    1st and 2nd tourists (in chorus):


    3rd tourist:

    Let's settle down soon!

    We won't be bothered here

    Burn and pour, cut and beat!

    2nd tourist:

    There is no urn! Take it to the bushes!

    We are with nature on "you"!

    1st tourist:

    We will bury banks in the ground,

    We scatter garbage to the birds,

    Let's throw all the bottles into the river

    Let the parcels float in the sea!

    2nd tourist:

    We are kings! Shut up nature!

    Everything here is ours - forest and water!

    (Tourists throw garbage)


    I forest! I am in trouble!
    Take a look, people, at me:
    I burn in the smoke of fire.
    They blow me up, dig, burn me.
    I'm not protected at all
    Bottles, jars, boxes.
    I will soon die of sadness.
    Hear my dear voice!

    I cry rain tears
    I'm suffocating, I'm not silent
    I scream with earthquakes.
    I am angry with the roll of thunder.
    I want to be clean and healthy!

    (Video about forest pollution)


    What is the noise in my forest?

    What happened, we do not understand.

    Who broke everything here?

    Scattered and not collected?

    for such behavior

    To judge you is my decision!

    3rd tourist:

    What are you, what are you, Berendey!

    We didn't know, sorry!


    Come on, my assistants, Cleanliness, Neatness and Harmony, let's teach mountain tourists how to behave in the forest.


    Children should remember and understand:

    Don't destroy bird nests!

    If you see an egg in the grass,

    Or heard the cries of chicks,

    Don't get close, don't go there

    And don't disturb the birds or the nest.


    Ants are forest orderlies;

    That's what people called them for a reason!

    To make the forest beautiful and healthy,

    Without harmful larvae and beetles, Ants are on guard day and night: They drive various bark beetles away!

    Only you, my friend, do not disturb them!

    Don't destroy the ants!

    These nurses are so necessary

    For the forests of your native country


    Moths fly in the forest

    Goats and beetles crawl...

    Mother nature gave them life.

    They all have their own business.

    You will see them on the way -

    Do not offend, but go away!

    Forest without insects, my friend,

    Lonely and empty...


    You can't throw glass in the forest,

    Bottles must not be broken;

    Sharp fragments are dangerous -

    You will cut yourself terribly about them!

    And if you suddenly fall on them -

    You can find yourself in the hospital!

    And the inhabitants of the forest

    Glasses are also not needed ...


    Flowers adorn the meadows and the forest

    But this is not only nature's beauty

    In them the bees find a healing gift,

    And butterflies drink from them sweet


    No need, friends, it's pointless to tear them,

    No need to make bouquets of them ...

    Bouquets will wither... Flowers will die...

    And there will be no more such beauty!


    It is dangerous to have fun with fire without adults -

    The fun can end badly.

    Sometimes it gets very dry in the forest,

    The bonfire will turn into a serious disaster!

    Imagine that the flame will easily flare up,

    It will start to blaze, run up to sparkle -

    It is impossible to extinguish it then ...

    Forest fires are a big problem!


    There are a lot of various mushrooms in the forest ...

    You inedible do not touch!

    Don't put them in a basket

    But don't kick your ass...

    They need forest animals:

    Chanterelles, hedgehogs, hares...

    Only people do not eat them:

    In toadstools, fly agarics - poison!

    But for the beasts of the forest all the same

    That mushroom is useful and good.

    1st tourist:

    Thank you forest dwellers. You taught us how to behave in the forest. We will always remember these rules and will follow them.

    3rd tourist:

    Guys! Let's clean up after ourselves and put the forest clearing in order.

    (Pick up and leave)

    1st reader:

    Nature is a house in which day after day
    Flowers and bread grow, children laugh around,
    And this house and laughter is one for everyone,
    There is no other home in the whole world.

    2nd reader:

    Nature is a house under snow and rain.

    In any frost and heat, it is arranged for glory.

    Keep this house we live in.

    A peaceful home has a right to this.

    Let's save the planet together

    Environmental problems


    Forests enrich the atmosphere with oxygen, which is so necessary for life, absorb carbon dioxide released by animals and humans in the process of breathing, as well as by industrial enterprises in the process of work. They play a major role in the water cycle. Trees take water from the soil, filter it, purifying it from impurities, and release it into the atmosphere, increasing the humidity of the climate. Forests influence the water cycle. Trees raise groundwater, enriching soils and keeping them from desertification and erosion - it is not for nothing that rivers instantly become shallow during deforestation.

    Destruction of the ozone layer

    Approximately twenty kilometers above the planet extends ozone layer- Earth's ultraviolet shield. Fluorinated and chlorinated hydrocarbons and halogen compounds emitted into the atmosphere destroy the layer structure. It is depleted and this leads to the formation of ozone holes. The destructive ultraviolet rays penetrating through them are dangerous for all life on Earth.

    They have a particularly negative effect on human health, their immune and gene systems, causing skin cancer and cataracts. Ultraviolet rays are dangerous for plankton - the basis of the food chain, higher vegetation, animals. As you know, everything in nature is interconnected. The destruction of the ozone layer can lead to unpredictable and irreversible consequences for all living things.

    Decline in biodiversity

    According to experts, 10-15 thousand species of organisms disappear annually. The impoverishment of the species composition of flora and fauna significantly reduces the stability of ecosystems and the biosphere as a whole, which also poses a serious danger to humanity. The less biodiversity of the planet, the worse conditions survival in it. As of 2000, 415 species of animals are listed in the Red Book of Russia. This list of animals in recent years has increased by one and a half times and does not stop growing.

    Water pollution

    Pollution of the aquatic environment has occurred throughout the history of mankind.

    The greatest danger to the hydrosphere arose in the 20th century with the emergence of large multi-million cities and the development of industry. Over the past decades, most of the world's rivers and lakes have been turned into sewers and sewage pits. The danger of water pollution is that a person largely consists of water and, in order to remain a person, he must consume exactly water, which in most cities of the planet can hardly be called drinkable.

    oil pollution

    Oil is a natural oily combustible liquid, common in the sedimentary shell of the Earth; the most important mineral. Today, oil, as an energy resource, is one of the main factors in the development of the economy. But oil production, its transportation and processing are invariably accompanied by its losses, emissions and discharges. harmful substances resulting in pollution environment.

    In terms of scale and degree of toxicity, oil pollution is a planetary danger. Oil and oil products cause poisoning, death of organisms and soil degradation.

    land degradation

    The soil is the custodian of fertility and life on Earth. It takes 100 years to form its layer 1 cm thick. But it can be lost in just one season of man's thoughtless exploitation of the earth. The phenomenon of soil erosion is becoming increasingly dangerous, because. fertile soils is becoming smaller on the planet and it is vital to preserve at least what is available at the moment, to prevent the disappearance of this only layer of the earth's lithosphere, on which plants can grow. Human with my own hands turns the surface of the Earth into a similarity to Mars, forgetting that it differs from our planet in one essential detail: there is not and cannot be life on it.

    Waste One of the problems that humanity faces is the problem of waste. At present, due to its scale, it is especially relevant. Today, humanity has accumulated so much waste that it is seriously faced with the problem of their disposal.

    More than 50 billion tons of waste from energy, industrial, agricultural production and the public sector, including more than 150 million tons from industrial enterprises, enters nature annually.

    All these wastes are a source of environmental pollution instead of being a source for the production of secondary products.

    Let's decorate the Earth together Plant gardens, plant flowers everywhere. Let's respect the Earth together And treat with tenderness, like a miracle!

    We forget that we have only one Unique, vulnerable, alive. Beautiful: even summer, even winter ... We have one, one of a kind!

    Forest, fields, seas and mountains This is the expanse of the Motherland. Where the wind blows Or the rain rages Where is the swamp with mosquitoes Or dirt under boots. Where the snow falls like a wall, Covers with gray hair. Ile autumn time, Golden forests. Everything is dear to you and me, Everything is wonderful and alive.

    Internet resources

    • Background –
    • Butterfly- -
    • Earth -
    • Chamomile -
    • Stars -
    • Dymka (seeders) -


    "Neptune planet" - Currently, 13 natural satellites are known around Neptune. The duration of a year, that is, the time of one complete revolution around the Sun, is approximately 165 Earth years. Neptune Neptune - the eighth planet from the Sun, the largest planet in the solar system, belongs to the planets - giants. Discovered September 23, 1846.

    "The unique planet" - What is the uniqueness of the planet Earth? Then water formed on Earth and air appeared. From travelers. Living beings appeared at an early stage of the development of the Earth. Now we know what the Earth is like now. The atmosphere is the air layer of the Earth. W.Anders Earth is the third planet from the Sun. What is our Earth made of?

    "Formation of planets" - Titan. catastrophic hypotheses. Planet formation. Nebula in the constellation Orion. Aluminum. Eagle Nebula. Planetary Cosmogony. The emergence of the planets. Magnesium. The problem of the origin of the planets was considered purely astronomical. Planetary nebula Helix. Conclusions of "catastrophic" hypotheses. The idea of ​​the structure of the universe, in the center of which is the Earth.

    "Planets around the sun" - A natural satellite has a very strong effect on the Earth. The planets are visible! The solar system consists of the sun, nine planets revolving around a star. the fragment is an example of the so-called "primary matter" of the solar system. What is the age of our solar system? The influence of the Moon on the Earth is undeniable.

    "Planet of knowledge textbooks" - Intellectual marathon. Work with the simplest models to describe the properties and qualities of the objects under study. " The world", 1-2 class. Features of the content of training in the EMC. Pair work. Invariant and variable parts "Russian language", Grade 1. Quantitative tasks. Training sheets.

    "Ecology of the planet" - Trophic structure of the ecosystem. biotic factors. Evolution of the biosphere. Le Chatelier-Brown principle. Rating plan. Each organism has a specific ecological niche. W. Shelford's law of tolerance. The water cycle in the biosphere. Basic concepts and definitions. The hunting-gathering stage. stage of industrial civilization.