The best powder for cleaning the toilet. How to rid the toilet of limescale and urinary stone

It is believed that the cleanliness of the toilet is an indicator of the cleanliness of the hostess, her calling card.

A bad smell in the toilet, a dirty toilet bowl will spoil the prestige of even the cleanest housewife. In this regard, the question of choosing a toilet cleaner will always be relevant. It should effectively remove all kinds of pollution and kill all known microbes easily and quickly - without the hassle of the hostess.

Care for sanitary ware complex view cleaning. If it is done regularly, fresh dirt is easily removed.
In advanced cases, you will have to select best option detergent, focusing on the main types of pollution.

Initially, we classify pollution, determine the cause of the occurrence.

The most common are the following types:

  • Urinary stone occurs on the bowl of the device due to the irregular use of the flush tank and ruff.
  • Limescale - consists of mineral magnesium and calcium salts. The intensity of deposits depends on the degree of rigidity of the carrier of the plumbing system.
  • Spots of rust, yellow plaque appear due to a malfunction of the tank. It needs to be repaired to eliminate water leakage. The water of plumbing systems contains a large amount of iron, it oxidizes, leaving a rusty coating.
  • Black marks are concentrated more often in the knee of the toilet.
  • Bacteria, fungi. Their accumulation is the cause of a bad smell, they are eliminated by processing.

One of the preventive measures to protect against lime and ferruginous deposits is the installation of deep filters on the tie-in plumbing in the home. This will greatly improve the quality of the water.
Washing the toilet is an inevitable job, it does not cause much enthusiasm, so I want to spend the minimum amount of time on monotonous actions. The solution to the problem lies in right choice cleaning agent for sanitary appliances.
A reliable choice would be a fast-acting, effective, cheap remedy.

Varieties of chemicals
Currently, manufacturers offer a wide range of preparations for the care of toilet sanitary ware. They can be:

  • unified;
  • specialized;
  • preventive, preventing the formation of dirt.

The form of release may be different:

  • liquid;
  • gel;
  • powder;
  • creamy,
  • spray;
  • stickers, tablets;
  • balls, magnetic rings.

Having decided on the main type of pollution, we decide on the choice of a suitable product for cleaning sanitary appliances.
The compositions of all chemical cleaning preparations are usually identical and can perform their functions with the same quality.

Their main ingredients are:

  • surfactants - surfactants that neutralize stains;
  • acids (hydrochloric, sulfamic, ophthoric, oxalic) to eliminate iron compounds and the intensity of surfactant exposure;
  • alkalis - solvents of fat and organic matter, eliminating raids and layers of iron compounds;
  • chlorine, in order to disinfect objects, works with bad odors.

The best toilet cleaner

Our task is to find the best cleaning products in all the variety of preparations offered on the market.
The selection criterion is that they are required to quickly and efficiently clean and disinfect sanitary equipment, guaranteeing an optimal degree of cleanliness, at an affordable cost. Desirable line of smells to choose the scent you like.
At the moment, according to experts and consumers, the most popular can be considered:

Toilet gel Cillit Bang, 500 ml

It has become a leader among toilet bowl cleaners. The main active component of "Sillite" is the most aggressive inorganic hydrochloric acid. Effectively fights salt and iron deposits. 100% removal of plaque and rust. Release in plastic with a dispenser for processing hard-to-reach places. Its price is relatively high.

« toilet duck", active gel 5 in 1, 900 ml

Gel with hydrochloric acid ingredient. Slightly worse in terms of the cleaning effect of Sillit, but safer to use, has an acceptable price. S-shaped spout helps to clean under the rim of the toilet. Lid with "child protection" function.

Domestos 100%, 750 ml
Gel with chlorine-containing ingredients, lauric acid. Thick and economical. It has a strong disinfectant effect, well kills various dangerous colonies of bacteria, fungi, mold. It dissolves old rust and persistent organic dirt somewhat worse, but without much effort. Whitens the surface of the device. The disadvantages include the specific smell of bleach. According to the formula "price-quality" the first of the gels.

Comet 7 days of cleanliness for the toilet, 750 ml

Gel preparation for stone plaque and advanced rusting of sanitary appliances. Has a pungent odor. The ingredient is sulfuric acid. Produced in a plastic bottle with a spout. Removes bad odor well. It is positioned by the manufacturer as a drug of prolonged action.

"Stork Sanoks" - ultra, 750 ml

A good cleaning gel that has oxalic and sulfamic acids, surfactants in the structure. Fresh dirt is removed perfectly. The price is democratic.

Sanita - anti-rust, 500 ml

An effective inexpensive gel from a Russian manufacturer against rust spots and yellowness. Produced in plastic bottles with notches for fingers. Applied with a sprayer. Works well, purifying low-quality water. The gel formulation with acids works well to remove all compounds.

Which toilet cleaner to choose

To save time and effort, you need to choose a drug that does not need to rub pollution for a long time.
If you can afford not to pay attention to the cost of the product, then feel free to opt for concentrated gels - Cillit, "Toilet Duck", Domestos.

In the budget price segment, pay attention to effective, inexpensive products from Russian manufacturers - Sanoks, Sanita. They are not much inferior to the means of widely advertised brands.

The Comet gel 7 days of cleanliness with the effect of prolongation is capable of preserving the freshness and novelty of sanitary ware for a long time.
To remove old rust stains, the preparations "Sanita", "Sillit", "Domestos" can contribute.

It is always necessary to study the composition of the chemical agent, method of application, safety measures, according to the instructions on the package.

It should be remembered that a more effective drug is more toxic. Everything chemicals for cleaning the toilet require careful use, appropriate storage and indispensable protection of hands with rubber gloves.

Respiratory organs must be protected.

Folk cleaning products

Without compromising health, simple and cheap proven compositions can make cleaning safe. This is extremely important for people with skin and allergic diseases.
The most famous are the following:

  • To disinfect and wash the toilet bowl, pour a handful of soda, pour vinegar until foam forms. Leave for 20 minutes, clean with a brush, rinse.
  • Pour a bucket into the toilet hot water, we fall asleep 40 g of citric acid, leave for a couple of hours. We clean with a ruff, rinse.
  • Removes dirt from the walls of the bowl composition of hydrogen peroxide 250 ml, ammonia 1 tbsp. spoon, water 2 l Leave for 1-1.5 hours, rinse.
  • Hydrochloric acid acts radically on ingrained dirt. We process the surface, leave for 30 minutes, clean with a ruff, rinse well. Avoid contact with plastic products.
  • Dissolves persistent compounds "Whiteness". Pour out 1 liter, leave overnight. We clean with a ruff, we wash.
    In all cases, we use gloves, avoiding contact with the eyes and skin.

Preventive measures

The degree of laboriousness of cleaning the toilet bowl depends on the timeliness of the process. Regular cleaning of the bathroom will not require a titanic effort.

Some preventive measures that will help keep the toilet clean for longer are as follows:

  • Filter installation. This measure will soften, purify the water.
  • Using a brush after every trip to the toilet.
  • It is necessary to monitor the serviceability of the flush tank, avoiding leaks. This will prevent the formation of rust deposits and save water.

In addition, to maintain the freshness and cleanliness of the device, there are such preventive measures as:

  • Stickers - installed on the bowl under the rim, give foam when washed off, economical;
  • Replaceable blocks with packages of balls or liquid - are attached to the latch. Blocks guarantee a pleasant smell in the toilet;

  • Tablets - put in a flush tank;
  • Magnetic ring - also placed in the tank.

The purpose of all these preparations is to protect the surface of the sanitary device from hard-to-remove plaque by softening tap water. Plaque in this case does not stick to the walls, but is easily washed off. Disinfect water, preventing the accumulation of microorganisms. They also serve to keep the smell of freshness in the bathroom.

You can decide on the choice of the ideal toilet cleaner that is suitable for your plumbing, based on your priorities. The best criterion, I think, there will be a price-quality-smell ratio.

But this opinion is debatable, so everyone must make their own choice.

A snow-white toilet bowl is a guarantee of hygiene and cleanliness of the whole house. To get rid of limescale, smudges and pathogens, use a toilet bowl cleaner. Manufacturers of such products guarantee a multi-effect, but is it really so?

Types of cleaning products

All cleaning products can be classified according to their purpose. They are divided into:

  1. Products from limescale and rust. Most often, they contain acids or other aggressive components. With their help, they effectively fight hard formations on a ceramic or faience bowl, remove brown stains. Along with this, it can often cause enamel erosion, due to which the toilet bowl turns gray over time or even becomes covered with a fine mesh of cracks;
  2. Disinfectors. They do not contribute to the removal of limescale, but they effectively clean the toilet bowl and water in the siphon from pathogens. They also contain acids, most often hydrochloric, and analogues of chlorine. They provide not only quick cleaning of bacteria, but also slow down their reproduction for a while, providing a lasting effect;
  3. Universal. These are products that remove plaque, cleanse various contaminants and help get rid of bacteria. They contain several types of acids and other active additives. Compared to specialized products, they have a lower cost, but are also inferior to them in efficiency.

Overview of popular products

For comparative analysis toilet bowl cleaners, we have prepared a list of the most popular. These are Domestos (Domestos), Cilit (Silit) and others. All these products have universal properties, so we will compare it by the effectiveness of the action.

Domestos (Domestos) - probably one of the most popular cleaning products in the CIS. The secret of success is not high efficiency, but affordable price. Instead of acids, this product uses alkaline compounds. They do an excellent job with the bacterial layer on the thicket, help to cleanse rust, but do not help with lime. In addition, when using Domestos, you need to be very careful - vapors come from the liquid that can burn the esophagus and nasopharynx.

Domestos for the toilet - different types

Cilit (Silit) - one of the most effective means on the market. It costs more than Dosmetos. Contains inorganic hydrochloric acid, with which it perfectly copes with almost any build-up on the bowl. It has a quick effect, but destroys enameled surfaces. Known for its ability to restore whiteness even to old toilets.

Comet 7 days of purity (Komet) - a gel-like substance with a characteristic acidic odor. It also contains acids (sulphuric) and active additives. It is considered more effective than Silit, because it is able to clean the bowl within a few minutes after application. The undoubted advantage is the effect of slowing down the growth of bacteria, which retains a pleasant smell in the toilet, and smudges do not form on the walls.

Dosia (Dosya) is a Russian toilet and bath cleaner. It copes well with the smell and traces of rust, but does not dissolve calcium growths well. Its price is almost two times lower than that of Domestos, but the efficiency is worse. Despite the manufacturer's assurances about long-term disinfection and lime removal, the product does not cope well with these tasks. Almost a complete analogue of Dusi - Tyron (Tyron).

Sarma is a popular tool for removing rust marks and disinfecting the toilet bowl. A notable feature of this liquid is that it does not contain chlorine. As a result, the manufacturer has achieved a pleasant aroma and safety in use. Among the disadvantages of the product is the lack of a lasting effect of cleanliness and ineffectiveness in eliminating calcium plaque. It is rather preventive measure rather than a means of getting rid of serious pollution.

For a convenient comparison, we have compiled a table where we describe the main criteria for choosing a toilet cleaner:

Name Price (at the time of writing) Active ingredients Purpose
Domestos3 dollars (1 liter)Sodium hypochlorite and surfactant.Eliminate unpleasant odors, remove contaminants from the surface of the thicket (including rust), slow down the growth of bacteria.
Cilit Plaque and rust7 dollars (1 liter)Oxalic acid, surfactant.It is used exclusively for bleaching the bowl and removing calcium accumulations. To eliminate perennial growths, a specialized composition is used - Cillit spray to remove limescale and rust.
Comet 7 days of cleanliness4 dollarsPhosphoric and formic acid.According to the manufacturer, it bleaches faience and perfectly disinfects. With the removal of bacteria - however, within a few days under experimental conditions, a decrease in the population of microorganisms was noticed.
Sarma and Dosya1 dollarAlkaline compounds.Light dirt cleaning, bleaching, rust and smudge removal, disinfection.

Safety precautions when working with cleaning products

A large concentration of acids in the composition of cleaning products requires compliance with certain rules for their operation. Before starting the process of cleaning the toilet, you need to wear gloves and ventilate the room well.

Household gloves - a guarantee of healthy hands when cleaning the toilet

It is best to leave it to ventilate until the end of cleaning. What else you need to know when using toilet bowl cleaners:

  1. They must not be combined with other detergent products. This can cause the release of chlorine gas, which is harmful to humans;
  2. If the toilet is not ventilated, it is best to wear a mask that will protect you from the fumes;
  3. Cleaning is carried out only with gloves. Hydrochloric acid is very aggressive and can not only remove lime, but also corrode the skin on the hands;
  4. None of the listed products can wash marble, stone, wood and other natural materials. If you need to disinfect the floor, it is better to buy a special product for a specific floor;
  5. Coverings and walls in the bathroom and toilet can be washed with disinfectants, but after that they will need to be completely washed off. Otherwise, they will not only corrode the surface of the tile or other coating, but also harm the environment. Based on this, do not use such products for cleaning in bedrooms and kitchens;
  6. To ensure the safety of the toilet, it should not be treated with acid compounds more than once a week. Also, they are not recommended for use on enamel coatings.

The cleanliness of the toilet and toilet bowl is one of the main conditions for a comfortable life in any home. Few people like to ensure cleanliness in the toilet, but, unfortunately, this measure is forced, since it is there that pathogenic microbes and bacteria accumulate. Therefore, it is always necessary to clean the toilet bowl in a timely manner. Now in household chemical stores you can find a lot detergents. But choosing the best toilet cleaner is not so easy, because each contains different ingredients. chemical elements which can damage the structure of the toilet. The choice of the right cleaning agent must be approached very responsibly, and in this article we will help you deal with this problem.

The main types of pollution of toilet bowls

Before you decide on the choice of a toilet cleaner, you need to familiarize yourself with the main types of its pollution:

  • Limescale - is formed as a result of the deposition of magnesium and calcium salts in the water.
  • Rust - formed due to high humidity.
  • Surface contaminants are dust.
  • Unpleasant smell - occurs as a result of blockages or improper operation.

All these problems can be dealt with using special chemical or improvised means.

Types of cleaning products

All preparations for cleaning the toilet can be divided into several groups. Consider the main types of detergents:

  1. To clean the outer surface - remove stains and dust.
  2. Chemicals that prevent pollution.
  3. Folk methods in the fight against various types mud.
  4. Toilet odor removers.

Any of these remedies effectively deal with the problems of pollution in the toilet.

Surface cleaners

The following chemicals are often used to remove stains from the surface of a toilet bowl or urinal:

  • Acid-based cleaners - oxalic acid and toilet duck. They are the most affordable and very effective in action. Apply a small amount of the substance to a soft dry cloth, wipe cistern and all other areas with dust and dirt.
  • Abrasive preparations in the form of a powder - you should apply a little on the sponge and wipe the affected areas of the plumbing. It is not recommended to use such substances frequently, as they can damage the structure of the plumbing.
  • Alkaline substances - bleach and whiteness. They actively remove plaque and rust, and also provide good disinfection. The disadvantage of using such products is a sharp and unpleasant odor that is difficult to remove.

Important! When using all of the above tools, be sure to follow safety precautions. In addition, if the plumbing is made of artificial materials will have to do without chlorine-containing preparations.

Clog Remedies

Everyone at least once faced with the problem of blockage in the bathroom or toilet? Clearing a clog is pretty easy with the right toilet bowl cleaner on hand. The following household substances cope well with blockages:

  1. Sterile.
  2. Mister Muscle.
  3. Mole.

They work about the same, so it is very difficult to say which one is the most effective. They do a great job of removing hair clumps and other types of organic material stuck in drain pipes.

Use these toilet cleaners as follows:

  1. Pour or pour the drug into the hole. We do this very carefully so that nothing gets on the skin.
  2. Leave for a certain amount of time (usually indicated in the instructions on the package).
  3. We lower the water or make a few pushes with a plunger.

Important! Purchase a drug for blockages, taking into account what materials the sewer pipes are made of.

How to make a safe toilet cleaner?

If it is not possible to purchase a special chemical for cleaning plumbing, or you simply do not trust store-bought products, then you can make your own detergent.

To make a cleaning mixture, you will need improvised products that every person has:

  • Salt.
  • Vinegar.
  • Potato starch.
  • Flavored oil.

Let's start making a homemade cleaning product:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of salt and three spoons of salt into a bowl. potato starch. We mix everything.
  2. Add a small amount of cool water. Mix thoroughly until creamy.
  3. Place the bowl over medium heat, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens.
  4. We turn off the fire. Let the mass cool a little, add a teaspoon of vinegar and a couple of drops of oil. We mix everything again.
  5. Pour the mixture into an ice cube tray to shape. Let's dry.

Important! Such balls or cubes can be stored in the bathroom for up to three weeks. They are completely harmless and eliminate all unpleasant odors. In addition, with this homemade substance, you can wipe tiles and plumbing.

Choosing which toilet cleaner is best is not very difficult. It is enough just to understand and determine the type of pollution, and then you can already buy any suitable substance. Of course, products from household chemical stores are of high quality and reliability, but along with them there are store-bought products that are quite suitable for effectively removing dirt in the bathroom.

In the matter of removing plumbing contaminants, they are practically not inferior to special cleaning gels and powders. So what will you need:

  1. Carbonated drinks - "Sprite" and "Cola". You should pour a liter of drink into the opening of the toilet or urinal and wait about two hours. Remove the remaining dirt with a brush.
  2. Citric acid works on the same principle as drinks. We fill the plumbing with citric acid and leave it for a while. After - wash off and there is not a trace of dirt left.
  3. Acetic acid - effectively removes limescale. It is necessary to pour some acid into the urinal and then rinse it with running water.

Important! All of these products are much cheaper than special household preparations. Although the effectiveness is the same for both.

The best toilet cleaners

Based on reviews and a social survey of consumers, a rating of cleaning products for toilets and plumbing was compiled. This information will be useful to you if, nevertheless, you decide to give preference to standard household chemicals:

  • Silit Beng is a product based on hydrochloric acid. Actively copes with many types of pollution.
  • Duckling - also contains hydrochloric acid. Available in the form of powders and gels. Gel is the most effective.
  • Domestos - dissolves rust and urinary stone. The disadvantage of the product is an unpleasant odor and high aggressiveness.
  • Komet - the composition of the product includes sulfuric acid.

Before choosing one or another product, familiarize yourself with its composition, advantages and disadvantages.

Criterias of choice

In order to purchase the best toilet cleaner, you should familiarize yourself with its capabilities. A good detergent, first of all, should:

  1. Provide a disinfecting antibacterial effect.
  2. No strong unpleasant odor.
  3. Qualitatively remove dirt from the surface of plumbing.
  4. Eliminate nauseating unpleasant odors.
  5. Remove lime deposits.

If the detergent copes with all this, then we can say that you have chosen a quality and reliable product.

Safety precautions when working with cleaning products

Regardless of which detergent you use when cleaning the toilet, you should always follow these precautions:

  • Wear rubber gloves.
  • Be careful not to splash the cleaner on your skin or eyes.
  • If, nevertheless, drops of the detergent product get on the hands and mucous membranes, immediately rinse them with running water.
  • Wear a protective mask and cover the preparation with a lid so that unpleasant odors do not enter the respiratory tract.
  • Open a window to let the bad smell out.
  • Use the product following the directions on the package.


If you follow the safety precautions and use the product correctly during cleaning, you can avoid serious consequences by ensuring perfect cleanliness in the toilet.

No wonder they say that the toilet is the conscience of the hostess, because the whiteness of this porcelain object speaks of the ability of the keeper of the hearth to keep the house clean. And meanwhile, plumbing cleaning- This is the most difficult type of cleaning. After all, it is there that numerous bacterial colonies, settles plaque and rust, as well as other dirt.

In the long-term struggle for cleanliness, the housewives have identified the leaders of household chemicals for cleaning plumbing - all of them are in our rating.

The best plumbing cleaners

  • Most hostesses chose Cillit as the best remedy

Many people ask if there is ideal remedy, capable of relieving both plaque and from rust, and remove yellowness from white porcelain. This tool exists! Cillit really eliminates all these pollution even from old coverings. Therefore, you can safely not change the old toilet, but simply clean it with Cillit.

Flaw this tool in that it has a persistent, unpleasant smell. Even if the composition contains aromatic fragrances, they still will not kill this acidic smell. Housewives need to know can not use this remedy for enameled surfaces. Since the composition contains hydrochloric acid, which corrodes the enamel. Keep this in mind when cleaning your bathroom. But Cillit can soak stubborn dirt even for a day.

The price of this product is approx. 120 rubles for a bottle.

  • The next remedy is "Comet 7 days of cleanliness"

Many housewives have noticed that his advertising really does not lie. This tool works by itself which is already amazing. One has only to apply a thick gel on the contaminated surface and leave it in this state for 5-7 minutes. During this time Comet will eat all the dirt, streaks and rust. Thus, the hostess does not have to scrub the tiles with a brush for a long time and hard and clean the toilet with a brush.

Comet has the same disadvantage like Cillit - he smells harsh and foul. This is due to the content of caustic acids, which explain its cleansing character. It is necessary to work with such a tool only with gloves and with open windows. It also has a runny consistency. If the manufacturers had thought about a thicker composition, then Comet would have sufficed twice as much.

The price of this product is approx. 140 rubles, which is 20 rubles more expensive than Cillita with the same quality indicators.

  • The third remedy is the Toilet Duck

This is exactly what is characterized by the phrase "Cheap and cheerful." The composition of this product also includes hydrochloric acid, because Duckling effectively cleans plumbing. But, be careful - for the same reason Toilet Duck is detrimental to enamel. And he is also easy spoils the skin so be sure to wear rubber gloves when cleaning plumbing.

As for the working quality of this tool, they are quite good. Toilet Duck removes rust, yellow spots and plaque in non-started cases. But the liquid consistency makes the hostess apply the product in two layers for a perfect result. All this creates some difficulties, which, in turn, are more than covered by an economical price.
The cost of this universal remedy is about 80 rubles.

  • The fourth and most famous remedy is Domestos.

Despite his fame, the hostesses did not give him their preference and did not put forward not the first line, there is a good reason for this. After all Domestos copes worse with pollution. For example, it will not remove old rust, and limescale will succumb only after incredible efforts applied to the brush. But compared to all previous means Domestos really smells good. There are even notes of lemon, sea breeze and pine needles, and not just the sharp, corrosive smell of acids.

This remedy Suitable for light dirt on plumbing. So if you have new toilet, then Domestos will perfectly cope with periodic cleaning and prevention of pollution. In addition, this versatile tool can be used for mopping, during wet cleaning, and even d for washing refrigerators. The cost of Domestos is approx. 150 rubles.

  • Sanox is super cheap, super effective and super versatile.

Many housewives no longer think about the choice of cleaning products for plumbing, they use only Sanox. Of course, with complex pollution, like a three-year rust or a two-week lime raid, he will not cope. But for standard dirt our house Sanox is perfect. It can be used as for mopping, so for cleaning plumbing. He does not have an unpleasant odor.

From shortcomings can only be distinguished liquid consistency and fragile packaging. The reason for this is thin plastic and a quickly breaking cover. Like most previous products, Sanox should not be left on the surface of plumbing for a long time. Because he is fast eats away smooth enamel.

What is the best toilet cleaner

Today we will figure out how to choose the best toilet bowl cleaner without significant losses for the wallet.

A high-quality and effective product solves a whole range of problems:

  • limescale - alkalis will cope best with this;
  • rust - melts under the action of acids;
  • dirt - removed with surfactants;
  • an unpleasant smell, bacteria - basically, chlorine and perfume fragrances work here.

Gels for sanitary cleaning

The products of this group are characterized by a thick consistency, which ensures uniform application and a longer effect on the surface. Most often they are packaged in bottles with a curved spout that facilitates access under the rim of the toilet bowl. It is these products that are popular and in demand even among professional cleaners.

Look at the composition of the gel:

  • surfactant(surfactants) - work to destroy pollution;
  • acids- remove plaque, rust, successfully complement and enhance the effect of surfactants. Hydrochloric, orthophosphoric, formic, oxalic acids are effective;
  • alkalis- remove limescale;
  • chlorine- characterized by a disinfectant effect.

If you want to save money, it makes sense to turn to universal products for cleaning sinks and toilets with a complex action. Gels from the Toilet Duck brand are leading in this segment. If people who are prone to allergies live in the house, products with the most natural composition (eco-gels) would be a good choice.

Liquid best toilet cleaners for rust

I can say that this is a less economical option. Liquid cleaners run off the surface quickly. However, special sprays can be the way out. They are applied in the optimal dosage and are appropriate for external and internal cleaning of toilet bowls. Some formulations form a dense foam after spraying. She is on plumbing for a long time, providing maximum effect.

If we talk about the composition, lactic, citric acids, anionic surfactants will be useful components for removing lime and rust. Often, liquid cleaners are presented in the form of concentrates, which is great for bathrooms and toilets, and other plumbing fixtures. A quality product is offered by the brands Nordland, Meine Liebe.

Powders for cleaning and disinfection

Powdered products interact less actively with the surface, which requires rubbing. However, it is this form that works well for cleaning and disinfection, while remaining the most affordable.

Pay attention to such a variety as active granules (Luxus), they provide a professional result. Additionally, I can recommend the use of special tablets - they demonstrate an excellent preventive effect.

Cream for cleaning the toilet from the stone

The cream is delicate and gentle. Due to this effect, it can be used for daily processing of plumbing. Dense consistency will provide high grip on inclined and vertical surfaces.

The composition often includes pleasant perfumed fragrances, a deodorizing effect occurs that prevents the formation of new unpleasant odors. Cream - the best solution for cleaning toilet bowls from stone, lime and other stubborn dirt.

  • Ecover The brand has been known since 1992. It produces exclusively ecological household products that are safe for both people and nature. The company was the first in the world to make completely biodegradable packaging from environmentally friendly plastic. Efficiency is also not left out;
  • "Toilet Duck"- the Russian brand belongs to SC Jonson and produces an extensive range of products for the care and disinfection of bathrooms. All products successfully eliminate pollution, including in hard-to-reach places, remove limescale, rust, give a pleasant smell. At the same time, the cost of production remains extremely affordable;
  • Molecola- German trademark owned by Amada Bio. These are eco-friendly household products based on plant components. All ingredients for cleaners come from Europe and have a full package of quality certificates. There are no aggressive surfactants, phosphates, chlorine, artificial flavors;
  • Meine Liebe is a highly effective and safe household chemicals from Germany. Toilet cleaners do not contain aggressive chemicals, chlorine, phosphates. Most of them are presented in the form of economical concentrates. The manufacturer focuses on environmental friendliness and good results;
  • Nordland- The products of this brand are also of high quality. It is environmentally friendly, does not affect human health and living space. All products are manufactured in Western Europe at the best enterprises in Germany, Spain, Italy. Compliance with all EU safety and quality standards - in place;
  • FUNS The brand was launched by the Japanese company Daiichi. It is known for the production of phosphate-free detergents. To date, the products are of high quality, safe for humans and the environment;
  • Sanfor- the products of this brand are developed and manufactured in our country at the Stupinsky Chemical Plant. All cleaners are manufactured in accordance with GOST and are certified. Efficiency - at the level. We can talk about a very affordable cost;
  • Luxus Professional- the brand produces very effective and environmentally friendly household chemicals. It successfully copes with the cleaning of toilet bowls, does not contain aggressive components and harmful substances. Dirt comes off quickly and easily;
  • Nagara- This is Japanese household chemicals, which managed to gain popularity and trust of consumers around the world. The company offers consistently high quality, natural composition and is responsible for the safety of its products;
  • SARMA- This is a domestic brand owned by the Nevskaya Cosmetics company. All cleaning products are developed in our own laboratory and give excellent results. Products are in good demand and show stable performance;
  • Frosch- The German brand was one of the first to offer eco-friendly household chemicals. All products are distinguished by the most natural composition and absolutely safe packaging. At the same time, cleaning agents do not lose their effectiveness and successfully cope with their tasks.

The best cleaners for sinks and toilets

Cleaner for sinks and toilet bowls Ecover "Ocean freshness"

This drug is environmentally friendly and natural, but has a powerful effect.. It effectively returns cleanliness to plumbing and leaves behind a fresh scent. The product is presented in a convenient package, it is easy and comfortable to use. The lid is equipped with a child lock. For care, a small amount of gel is distributed along the walls of sanitary ware (toilet bowls, sinks) and left for several minutes, after which it is washed off. For heavy dirt, you can walk with a brush.

The cleaner can be recommended for allergy sufferers as it is safe to inhale. If you pay attention to the composition, there are no chlorine, other aggressive components, flavors of synthetic origin. Therefore, the gel is absolutely safe for all types of septic tanks and works great in homes with autonomous sewerage. Basically, non-ionic eco-surfactants, xanthine resins, citrates, lemon acid, there is a natural flavor "Ocean freshness". The price for a bottle of 750 ml is from 370 rubles.


  • successfully removes limescale and dirt;
  • does not contain chlorine;
  • natural composition;
  • leaves freshness;
  • reduces the risk of allergic reactions;
  • completely biodegradable;
  • optimal price-quality ratio.


  • high price.

Gel for cleaning sinks and toilet bowls "Toilet Duck Sea"

The product is not inferior to competitors in cleaning efficiency, it gives plumbing fixtures initial cleanliness, removes all types of deposits, rust. There is a strong disinfectant effect. With it, you can get rid of 99.9% of all bacteria. After cleaning, a subtle fresh fragrance remains. All the advantages are due to the strong composition - hydrochloric acid, non-ionic surfactants, surfactants, propionaldehyde work here. The cost of packaging 500 ml - from 120 rubles.

I can note that the manufacturer came up with a very convenient packaging. Thanks to the curved spout, the composition easily falls under the rim of the toilet bowl, which is important for combating the most persistent pollution. There is a child-resistant lid. In order for the gel to take effect, it is applied around the circumference under the rim. If necessary, a brush is used. If you want to clean the toilet sleeve, the composition is poured into water and left for an hour. To get a powerful disinfecting effect, it is enough to leave the gel for half an hour.


  • saves from rust, lime, smell;
  • pleasant fresh aroma;
  • disinfectant action;
  • convenient packaging with the possibility of applying the product under the rim;
  • affordable price.


  • often have to work with a brush.

Molecola Cleaner for sinks and toilet bowls "Green Juniper"

This is another eco-friendly friend of our rating. It is designed to clean toilet bowls and all other plumbing fixtures. Contains citric acid, oxalic acid, essential oils juniper and green bergamot, so the product successfully removes urinary and water stones, limescale. At the same time, it remains safe for the respiratory tract and skin. The content of anionic and amphoteric surfactants does not exceed 5%. There is also a strong bactericidal component. It is these products that should be used by people who are allergic to household chemicals.

To obtain the desired effect, the composition should be evenly distributed over the surface. Then it is better to wait a few minutes and wash it off with water. If the dirt is serious, you will have to additionally use a brush. Packaging - a convenient plastic bottle with a slanting neck. Volume - 500 ml. The cost is from 280 rubles.


  • suitable for toilets and sinks;
  • good gel formula;
  • eliminates plaque, dirt, lime;
  • gives a pleasant coniferous aroma;
  • eco-friendly composition;
  • does not cause allergies.


  • with a very old dense plaque, it is practically ineffective.

Bath and toilet cleaners

Meine Liebe Bath & Toilet Rust Cleaner

The product is intended for cleaning toilet bowls and other plumbing fixtures. It is packaged in a convenient bottle with a slanting spout. The cost starts from 178 rubles for a volume of 750 ml. Due to the high efficiency in Lately the tool broke all sales records. It is a thick gel in consistency. It is easily dosed and applied even to hard-to-reach areas, including under the toilet rim. For exposure, it is enough to leave it for a few minutes (5-10) and rinse with water.

The composition gives quite a decent result. Sinks, toilet bowls, bathtubs get almost impeccable cleanliness. After the first application, common problems such as rust, urinary stone, limescale are eliminated. Efficiency is not lost even under water. There is a powerful disinfecting effect and the complete destruction of all harmful bacteria. In addition, a hard-to-wash off residue remains on the surface. protective film, which increases the intervals between cleanings. After use There is a slight aroma of lemongrass.


  • viscous gel keeps well on the walls and under the rim;
  • active ingredients cope with rust, lime, urinary stone;
  • forms a protective film;
  • cleans even under water;
  • gives a light aroma;
  • Ideal solution for hard water areas.

No cons found.

Bath and toilet cleaner Nordland "Lemon"

Active foam is used to clean the entire bathroom. She will bring to the ideal bath, shower, taps, toilet, tiles, mirrors and glass. The fact is that there is a powerful formula at work here. The product can remove even old dirt, corrodes rust, lime, grease, soap residue, without damaging the surface. It won't leave scratches anywhere. At the end, a resistant protective film is formed that prevents the accumulation of dirt. This greatly simplifies the subsequent care. There is a disinfectant effect.

Italians produce a product with a composition that fully complies with EU standards. These are less than 5% surfactants, citric acid, fragrance, preservative and blowing agents (butane, propane). To clean the toilet, the container is shaken, tilted down with a sprayer and evenly applied to the surface with a distance of 20-25 cm. After 10-15 minutes, everything is washed off with water. If the plaque is strong, the procedure can be repeated. The price for a bottle of 500 ml is from 329 rubles.


  • the dispenser is convenient to use in hard-to-reach places;
  • forms a protective film;
  • treats materials with care;
  • leaves no residue and is easily washed off;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • biodegradability 90%.


  • difficult to apply directly under the rim;
  • high price.

Products for cleaning and disinfecting bathtubs, sinks and toilet bowls

Bath and toilet cleaner FUNS Rookie Detergent for Bath from limescale

The Japanese cleaner is packaged in a plain yellow plastic bottle. For a volume of 500 ml, the brand asks from 190 rubles. It is used to clean the toilet and other plumbing, suitable for washing walls and floors in the bathroom. The composition is based on effective surfactants and copes well with limescale.

The surface is washed to a shine, in an instant even strong and chronic pollution leave. In addition, the gel removes all unpleasant odors, leaving an orange scent instead. To get all the promised benefits, the composition is evenly applied to the surface and left to act for five minutes. Strong plaque can be rubbed with a brush or sponge. After all manipulations, the gel is washed off with water. If necessary, care can be repeated.


  • pleasant fragrance;
  • complete removal of limescale;
  • affordable cost;
  • Ideal solution for everyday cleaning.


  • too liquid consistency.

Sanfor toilet gel Sanfor Special Black from mold

The drug was developed by the Stupino chemical plant. This is an innovative gel formula based on citric acid and surfactants., with the highest impact efficiency of the entire Sanfor product line. According to the actual characteristics, it is not inferior to popular imported analogues. In Sanfor toilet gel, the composition flawlessly removes limescale and blocks its further formation. You can count on the effective removal of rusty streaks, grease, mold.

The formula is pretty thick. The drug is evenly applied to the surface and does not drip, which works for higher efficiency. The manufacturer allows it to be used to treat animal toilets, as a powerful antimicrobial effect is realized. Packing is tight plastic bottle black color with beveled spout and protective cap. Volume - 750 ml. The cost is from 76 rubles.


  • effective for cleaning toilet bowls and other sanitary ware;
  • eliminates unpleasant odors, rust, mold, plaque;
  • very affordable price;
  • antibacterial and antimicrobial effect.


  • The gel has an intense pungent odor.

Cleaner and disinfectant Luxus Professional "Active granules"

Granules from Luxus are a high-quality preparation that successfully copes with the disinfection and cleaning of ceramic and faience toilet bowls. I can say that the product copes with cleaning thoroughly, but at the same time it does not contain chlorine. He knows how to remove strong dirt, including on old toilets, removes urinary stone, rust, lime and all other deposits.

The peculiarity of active granules is that they are effective even under water. This will help to qualitatively process the toilet sleeve. There is a disinfecting effect and protection against the accumulation of subsequent contaminants. With regular use, the time to care for plumbing is reduced. After cleaning, an unobtrusive, but pleasant and fresh aroma remains.

The product is packaged in a plastic tube with a protective cap. The granules are distributed in a thin layer along the wet walls of the toilet bowl. For uniform application, the product is spread with a brush. After 5-10 minutes, everything is washed off with water. If the contamination is difficult, the action time is increased and the granules are rubbed with a brush. The price for 600 g is from 383 rubles.


  • removes absolutely everything: rust, water stone, grease, dirt, old deposits;
  • works even under water;
  • disinfection;
  • gives a protective film;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • does not require time and effort.


  • granules easily absorb moisture and deteriorate from it. Packaging must be carefully monitored.

The best toilet stone cleaners

Nagara stone toilet cleaner

japanese cleaner helps to remove all impurities, including limescale. It is characterized by disinfectant and antimicrobial action. The composition does not include chlorine, but powerful organic acids, sodium dichloroisocyanurate, adipic acid and carbonic salts work. This is a good and safe "set" of components for living conditions.

The product is quite effective in practice. It helps to achieve cleanliness even in hard-to-reach places. Tablets without a trace remove dirt, lime, heavy plaque, stone deposits. The scheme of application is simple: one tablet is added to the toilet and left overnight (at least 5-10 hours). When the time is up, the surfaces are brushed. Packaging - box, 5 tablets (individual packaging) of 4.5 g each. Price - from 145 rubles.


  • easy application;
  • removes all deposits and dirt even on old plumbing;
  • safe composition;
  • disinfection;
  • affordable cost.


  • long-term action;
  • does not give any refreshing smell.

SARMA anti-rust stone cleaner for toilet bowls

The product from Neva Cosmetics is presented in the form of a thick gel. The tool is able to cope with limescale, rust, urinary stone. In addition, Sarma removes germs and bacteria, leaving a pleasant smell. Disinfectant and antibacterial properties are confirmed by the Research Institute of Disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor. At the same time, there is no chlorine among the components.

The manufacturer successfully provided for the packaging - a dense plastic bottle with a spout. The gel spreads easily over the surface, including under the rim and remains there for the entire period of action. After application, the active components begin to work. These are oxalic acid - an organic substance and benzalkonium chloride - an effective disinfectant. As a result, you can get a pleasant aroma, the absence of germs, shine and purity. Price - from 76 rubles.


  • high efficiency without chlorine;
  • does not require effort when cleaning;
  • fights with all problems - rust, dirt, lime, stone, unpleasant smell;
  • removes germs and bacteria;
  • affordable cost.

No cons found.

Frosch lavender urinscale toilet stone cleaner

The Germans offer excellent product with the most environmentally friendly composition, which does not contain chlorine and other harmful ingredients. Less than 5% anionic surfactants, lavender oil, flavoring additives, thickeners, citric acid work here. This is a translucent gel of pale purple color. The drug is thick, evenly distributed along the walls of the toilet bowl, penetrates into hard-to-reach places. You can count on cost savings.

The product shows high efficiency. It successfully fights lime and other deposits, including under the toilet rim. After the first application, removal of all deposits is observed, urinary stone, dirt. Thanks to the lavender fragrance, it leaves a pleasant fragrance after use. The scheme of application is quite simple: the gel is applied to the walls and rim of the toilet bowl and left for several minutes. If necessary, complex dirt is rubbed with a brush. Packaging - a transparent plastic bottle with a beveled neck and a protective cap. Volume - 750 ml. The cost is from 135 rubles.


  • pleasant lavender scent
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • high efficiency;
  • economical consumption;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • completely biodegradable.

There are no cons.

An overview of popular toilet cleaners is shown in the video: