Toilet silit beng. The best toilet cleaners

A snow-white toilet bowl is a guarantee of hygiene and cleanliness of the whole house. To get rid of limescale, smudges and pathogens, a toilet bowl cleaner is used. Manufacturers of such products guarantee a multi-effect, but is it really so?

Types of cleaning products

All cleaning products can be classified according to their purpose. They are divided into:

  1. Products from limescale and rust. Most often, they contain acids or other aggressive components. With their help, they effectively fight hard formations on a ceramic or faience bowl, remove brown stains. Along with this, it can often cause enamel erosion, due to which the toilet bowl turns gray over time or even becomes covered with a fine mesh of cracks;
  2. Disinfectors. They do not contribute to the removal of limescale, but they effectively clean the toilet bowl and water in the siphon from pathogens. They also contain acids, most often hydrochloric, and analogues of chlorine. They provide not only quick cleaning of bacteria, but also slow down their reproduction for a while, providing a lasting effect;
  3. Universal. These are products that remove plaque, cleanse various contaminants and help get rid of bacteria. They contain several types of acids and other active additives. Compared to specialized products, they have a lower cost, but are also inferior to them in efficiency.

Overview of popular products

For comparative analysis toilet bowl cleaners, we have prepared a list of the most popular. These are Domestos (Domestos), Cilit (Silit) and others. All these products have universal properties, so we will compare it by the effectiveness of the action.

Domestos (Domestos) - probably one of the most popular cleaning products in the CIS. The secret of success is not high efficiency, but affordable price. Instead of acids, this product uses alkaline compounds. They do an excellent job with the bacterial layer on the thicket, help to cleanse rust, but do not help with lime. In addition, when using Domestos, you need to be very careful - vapors come from the liquid that can burn the esophagus and nasopharynx.

Domestos for the toilet - different types

Cilit (Silit) is one of the most effective products on the market. It costs more than Dosmetos. Contains inorganic hydrochloric acid, with which it perfectly copes with almost any build-up on the bowl. It has a quick effect, but destroys enameled surfaces. Known for its ability to restore whiteness even to old toilets.

Comet 7 days of purity (Komet) - a gel-like substance with a characteristic acidic odor. It also contains acids (sulphuric) and active additives. It is considered more effective than Silit, because it is able to clean the bowl within a few minutes after application. The undoubted advantage is the effect of slowing down the growth of bacteria, which retains a pleasant smell in the toilet, and smudges do not form on the walls.

Dosia (Dosya) is a Russian toilet and bath cleaner. It copes well with the smell and traces of rust, but does not dissolve calcium growths well. Its price is almost two times lower than that of Domestos, but the efficiency is worse. Despite the manufacturer's assurances about long-term disinfection and lime removal, the product does not cope well with these tasks. Almost a complete analogue of Dusi - Tyron (Tyron).

Sarma is a popular tool for removing rust marks and disinfecting the toilet bowl. A notable feature of this liquid is that it does not contain chlorine. As a result, the manufacturer has achieved a pleasant aroma and safety in use. Among the disadvantages of the product is the lack of a lasting effect of cleanliness and ineffectiveness in eliminating calcium plaque. It is rather preventive measure rather than a means of getting rid of serious pollution.

For a convenient comparison, we have compiled a table where we describe the main criteria for choosing a toilet cleaner:

Name Price (at the time of writing) Active ingredients Purpose
Domestos3 dollars (1 liter)Sodium hypochlorite and surfactant.Eliminate unpleasant odors, remove contaminants from the surface of the thicket (including rust), slow down the growth of bacteria.
Cilit Plaque and rust7 dollars (1 liter)Oxalic acid, surfactant.It is used exclusively for bleaching the bowl and removing calcium accumulations. To eliminate perennial growths, a specialized composition is used - Cillit spray to remove limescale and rust.
Comet 7 days of cleanliness4 dollarsPhosphoric and formic acid.According to the manufacturer, it bleaches faience and perfectly disinfects. With the removal of bacteria - however, within a few days under experimental conditions, a decrease in the population of microorganisms was noticed.
Sarma and Dosya1 dollarAlkaline compounds.Light dirt cleaning, bleaching, rust and smudge removal, disinfection.

Safety precautions when working with cleaning products

A high concentration of acids in the composition of cleaning products requires compliance with certain rules their operation. Before starting the process of cleaning the toilet, you need to wear gloves and ventilate the room well.

Household gloves - a guarantee of healthy hands when cleaning the toilet

It is best to leave it to ventilate until the end of cleaning. What else you need to know when using toilet bowl cleaners:

  1. They must not be combined with other detergent products. This can cause the release of chlorine gas, which is harmful to humans;
  2. If the toilet is not ventilated, it is best to wear a mask that will protect you from the fumes;
  3. Cleaning is carried out only with gloves. Hydrochloric acid is very aggressive and can not only remove lime, but also corrode the skin on the hands;
  4. None of the listed products can wash marble, stone, wood and others. natural materials. If you need to disinfect the floor, it is better to buy a special product for a specific floor;
  5. Coverings and walls in the bathroom and toilet can be washed with disinfectants, but after that they will need to be completely washed off. Otherwise, they will not only corrode the surface of the tile or other coating, but also harm the environment. Based on this, do not use such products for cleaning in bedrooms and kitchens;
  6. To ensure the safety of the toilet, it should not be treated with acid compounds more than once a week. Also, they are not recommended for use on enamel coatings.

Cleaning the toilet is a rather difficult task, but quite doable. Toilet cleaner should not only deal well with rust, but also destroy bacteria. What types of funds exist and how to choose the most best option, read on.

The main types of pollution of toilet bowls

A toilet bowl cleaner should deal with problems such as:

  • limescale, formed as a result of the deposition of salts contained in water. To cope with plaque, the product must contain alkali;
  • rust. Acids are used to fight rust;
  • surface contamination. The best way to deal with this problem is with surfactants;
  • bacteria and odor. Disinfection can be carried out with both chlorine and other substances. So that cleaning products do not have an unpleasant odor, various perfumes are added to the composition.

Types of cleaning products

All toilet cleaners can be divided into the following types:

  • chemically active preparations for quick cleaning of the inner surface;
  • prophylactic agents that prevent the formation of pollution;
  • folk remedies that can cope with the problems that have arisen along with chemicals.


Chemical detergent can be made in the form of:

  1. gel. The main advantage of such preparations is that the agent, due to its consistency, is evenly applied to the surface. The bottle with the gel is equipped with a special curved shape in the form of a spout, which facilitates easy penetration under the rim of the toilet bowl and prevents contact with the hands of the cleaner. A prominent representative of this group is the "Toilet Duck";

  1. liquids. Compared with the gel, such a tool is less economical, since it is not able to systematically spread over the surface;

  1. powder. Powder products interact with the surface less actively and require constant rubbing. In addition, the product in the form of a powder is easily sprayed in the air and can get on the skin or in the eyes. The main disadvantage of this type is the presence of abrasive particles in the composition that can damage the surface of the toilet bowl;

  1. cream. The cream is gentle and does not damage surfaces. The composition, as a rule, includes all the necessary components. The only drawback is the need to apply the agent to the surface manually.

All types of chemicals can deal with pollution equally.


To keep the toilet clean and reduce the use of strong chemicals can be used:

  • tablets that are added to. The active substances contained in the tablets “soften” the water and prevent the formation of plaque;

  • dispenser stickers. Small devices are attached to the surface of the toilet and begin to act when the water is flushed. In addition to the cleaning effect, stickers are able to maintain a pleasant smell;

  • interchangeable blocks produced in the form of rectangles or balls. The block is fixed on the rim of the toilet bowl and is gradually washed away by the draining water. The main purpose of the blocks is to remove unpleasant odors and protect against the growth of bacteria;

  • magnetic rings installed in the tank. At a sufficiently high cost (approximately 400 rubles), the ring has a beneficial effect on the accumulated water and dissolves all impurities, so that when washed off harmful substances, causing various deposits, quickly pass into the sewer pipes.

Preventive products cannot deal with the resulting pollution of the toilet, but they can prevent the occurrence of plaque and the growth of germs.

Folk remedies

A folk remedy for washing toilets is no less popular, as it allows you to save cash and deal with the resulting pollution. Among folk remedies can be distinguished:

  • acetic acid. The best tool in the opinion of the people. It is applied to the surface of the toilet and left for 15 - 20 minutes (with a high degree of pollution, you can leave it longer, even up to several hours). Then it is thoroughly washed off with water. Acid is able to destroy all types of raids;
  • baking soda. The product is used in diluted form. Soda perfectly copes with deposits and additionally cleans. The combination of the two mentioned means is extremely effective.
  • citric acid. A sachet weighing 40 gr. It must first be diluted in warm water and then applied to the surface of the toilet bowl. Lemon acid not only copes with plaque, but also has antibacterial properties;
  • white. The product must be applied to long time, best for the whole night and then rinse with plenty of water. Chlorine, which is part of whiteness, perfectly decomposes limescale and actively fights bacteria;

toilet cleaner rating

According to the results of a sociological survey, consumers have allocated the following products for cleaning the toilet:

  1. AIST Sanoks ultra. The price of the gel is 60 rubles. At a low cost, the product does an excellent job not only with cleaning the toilet, but also effectively removes bacteria.

Enough effective means also are Sanita, Sarma Gel, Sanfor Universal.

How to choose a tool, based on its composition, look at the video.

The choice of means depends entirely on the priority of the consumer. Some acquire caustic and effective drugs, others prefer less toxic substances. In any case, it is worth remembering that it is more expedient to protect the toilet bowl from excessive pollution than to fight courageously with various raids later.

Eco-Dostavka24 understands the importance of maintaining perfect purity plumbers! In order to simplify this difficult task for housewives as much as possible, we have formed a wide range of effective detergents for cleaning the toilet from the world's leading manufacturers.

Classic toilet cleaners

In the category you will find a fairly large selection of standard - gel and liquid - toilet cleaners in any price category. We recommend that you choose formulations in large volume packages - they are more economical. Don't worry, all the products we sell have a sufficient shelf life. Even if you do not use the cleaner for several months, it will not lose its properties.

Latest toilet cleaners

In addition to standard toilet bowl cleaners, in our online store you can also purchase new products that have appeared on the Russian market relatively recently:

  • toilet cleaners in the form of foam (applied under the rim of the toilet bowl and drain much more slowly than a gel, providing the maximum degree of cleaning);
  • deodorizing stones;
  • cleaning tablets that are placed in the tank.

Toilet disinfectants

The disinfectant cleaners for plumbing presented in the catalog allow you to achieve not only the visible cleanliness of the toilet, but also get rid of fungal formations, bacteria and infections that can harm your health. Easy to use, they allow you to make the bathroom and toilet safe from a sanitary point of view.

Toilet and bathroom products ECO

If your family has allergies, people with sensitive skin, young children or you care about the environment, we recommend that you purchase toilet products containing only natural ingredients, reviews of which indicate their high effectiveness. Non-toxic and safe compositions will allow you to effortlessly maintain perfect order in the bathroom.

To order the products you need, add the selected items to the "Basket" and complete the purchase.

The hygienic condition of the toilet can say a lot about the owner of the apartment. Maintaining cleanliness in the toilet is one of the time-consuming daily tasks for any housewife. It is important not only to qualitatively remove dirt, it is necessary to cope with plaque, rust and bacteria.

On the shelves of stores you can find a huge amount of toilet care products. They are designed to facilitate and speed up the cleaning process. To effectively perform their tasks, cleaning agents must meet certain requirements. So, a quality product should:

  1. Easily cope with pollution of any nature: limescale and stone, rust, blockages.
  2. Ensure hygienic cleanliness. Chlorine in the composition disinfects well and eliminates pathogenic bacteria.
  3. If the base contains alkali and acid, such preparations should be handled with particular care. They can cause chemical burns.
  4. All products contain surfactants. Anionic and cationic are considered the most harmless. Non-ionic surfactants cope with pollution better, but in a good product they do not exceed 15%.
  5. Be hypoallergenic, do not have a strong odor.

Thanks to numerous customer reviews, we have been able to highlight the best toilet cleaners. Below is a list of them. The selection criteria were the above characteristics and opinions of consumers.

Best toilet clog cleaner

Often, with improper care of the toilet, a blockage forms. The solution to this problem does not require delay. Coping with an unpleasant situation is only possible special tool. It effectively cleans the toilet bowl and prevents re-clogging.

5 Mole

Most popular remedy
Country Russia
Average price: 50 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The tool has successfully passed the test of time. High efficiency is confirmed by the reviews of many generations of citizens who used it for its intended purpose. It remains one of the best even though the composition of water and the quality of pipelines have changed over the years. This is due to a number of its advantages: no dirty marks during use, no need to disassemble the siphon before use, high cleaning speed, low cost of the product. Available in three variations: in the form of a liquid, granules and gel.

Optimally selected Mole components quickly and effectively dissolve rust, stuck food residues, organic debris, greasy deposits. Simplicity, safety of use have made it the most popular for 40 years. To eliminate the blockage, it is enough to pour or pour the required amount into the drain, wait 2 hours and rinse abundantly hot water sewerage. Such simple manipulations will help to quickly bring the plumbing into working condition.

4 Unique TORNADO

Instant action
Country Russia
Average price: 53 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Defeats the toughest blockages with increased concentration chemical substances in composition. It copes well with fatty, limescale, organic residues, aromatizes sewage well. Ideal for cleaning metal and plastic pipes. Granules are used only in well-ventilated areas, as during their exposure an unpleasant odor is released.

According to the instructions, the product is poured into the drain, and after three minutes it is washed off with a large amount running water. It is best to leave the bathroom or kitchen while Unicum is working. The reaction is more active on complex blockages. After cleaning for a few minutes, the room should continue to be ventilated. The cleaning agent can be safely used for preventive purposes.

3 Mister Muscle

Eliminates odor and disinfects
Country Russia
Average price: 87 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Over time, any plumbing requires cleaning, as the pipes become covered with a greasy coating, food residues, hair, and so on get stuck in hard-to-reach places. deposited on the inner surface of the pipes lime stone. With all these problems, Mr. Muscle cleanser easily copes. It not only solves the problem of free draining of water, but also perfectly eliminates the unpleasant smell from the sewer. An important advantage of it is the antibacterial effect on sanitary surfaces. This is possible thanks to sodium hydroxide in the composition.

It is easy to apply. It is recommended that before pouring it into the drain, make sure that there is no water there. If it exists, then it must be removed. Leave the gel for 7 minutes and rinse vigorously with running water high temperature. A longer exposure time is required to clean stubborn dirt. Buyers in the reviews are advised to take a granular product of this brand in case of severe pollution. The maximum exposure time should not exceed that recommended by the manufacturer. Approved for preventive use.

2 Bagi Pothan

An emergency remedy for severe blockages
Country: Israel
Average price: 486 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Pothang is considered one of the the best means to eliminate blockages and one of the most expensive. The advantage is the very fast action. He is able to cope with the strongest blockages in just 5 minutes. Bugs are recommended to be used in emergency cases; for regular prevention, a more gentle remedy is needed. The product has such strong forgiving properties that worn pipes can suffer from it.

Such amazing features are not without drawbacks. Potkhan has a pungent odor that only intensifies upon contact with water. It should only be used with gloves and a mask. In the reviews, buyers recommend keeping Bugs in the house in case of emergency. No other product can tackle tough clogs better.

1 Deboucher

Better Efficiency
Country Russia
Average price: 104 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The gel is designed to eliminate blockage in the toilet. To achieve the result, it is enough to pour Deboucher and leave for 15 minutes. For heavy clogs, it will take an hour. It is noteworthy that the composition contains chlorine, although there is no particular smell. This is what attracts buyers. Of course, the product is also popular for its excellent performance. It can be used as a preventive cleaning.

The cost is quite acceptable, but the expense is uneconomical. You can consider this as a disadvantage. Also, the product is not suitable for aluminum pipes. Despite this, customers continue to actively use Deboucher and recommend it to their loved ones.

The Best Organic-Based Toilet Cleaners

It is possible to effectively clean the toilet bowl not only with the help of chemical agents. Currently, organic-based preparations are gaining more and more popularity. Their undeniable advantage is the safety of use.

5 Faberlic

Free of chlorine, phosphates and abrasives
Country Russia
Average price: 230 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The best complex acid-based cleaner for cleaning dirt on the surface of the toilet bowl and under water. Provides not only cleanliness, but also fights pathogenic bacteria inside and out. The composition does not contain elements harmful to the atmosphere and human health. With regular use, it provides easier cleansing afterwards, as it contains a dirt-repellent component. Effectively removes limestone. Plumbing stays clean and tidy longer.

The absence of chlorine, phosphates and abrasive substances in the composition allows allergy sufferers to use this remedy without fear. It, destroying microbes, deprives plumbing of an unpleasant smell. It is most convenient to work with it, as the curved shape helps to place it even in hard-to-reach places. After applying to the surface, you need to rub it with a sponge or brush. Then rinse with water. Pour over old dirt or rust, leave for 10 minutes and rinse. Strong contamination can be left in the product for 1 hour.

4 Frosch lavender urinscale

Fully biodegradable
Country: Germany
Average price: 190 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Cleaning product made in Germany with the best ecological composition. Perfectly fights against mud deposits even in the most inaccessible places. From the first application eliminates rust, urinary stone, unpleasant odor. The thick consistency provides an economical consumption of the product. The composition includes thickeners, flavors, citric acid. Lavender oil gives a pleasant aroma and a delicate purple color to the product.

It is applied to the toilet easily and evenly. Buyers note the ease of use of the product. After spreading over the surface, wait a few minutes and rinse with water. Strong dirt is removed with a brush or sponge. Due to the unique composition, the product is completely biodegradable.

3 Molecola eco-gel

Most safe remedy
Country Russia
Average price: 239 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The most environmentally friendly product for removing dirt on the surface of the toilet bowl and inside it. Has an unobtrusive aroma, easy to use. At the first application, it gives plumbing shine and cleanliness. The composition includes vegetable acids, which increases the effectiveness and safety of cleaning. Approved for use in the bathroom. Based on customer reviews, the tool is recognized as cost-effective due to its minimum flow during cleaning. Quickly eliminates urinary stone.

Molecola is recommended for people with hypersensitivity of the respiratory tract, allergy sufferers. Approved for use in children's institutions. The container is made of environmentally friendly plastic and can be recycled. It is enough to apply the product for a couple of minutes and rinse actively with plain water. For old dirt, you need to use a brush.

2 Foam Nordland

Soft cleansing
Country: Italy
Average price: 309 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Foam gently cares for plumbing, eliminating lime deposits, rust, plaque. Provides not only the purification of existing pollution, but also the prevention of possible blockages. The main advantages are: mild effect on the surface, no scratches after cleaning, a noticeable antibacterial effect, elimination of the characteristic odor, 90% biodegradation of the product.

The foam is packed in a bottle with a special dispenser. It is applied vertically to the places of contamination, left for five minutes and rubbed with a sponge without pressure. Then rinse off with running water complete cleansing. The tool can be used for prophylactic purposes. The composition is completely safe, which does not limit its use by people prone to allergies.


The best quality
Country: Belgium
Average price: 355 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The safest toilet cleaner is Ecover. It has one of the most important advantages - environmental friendliness. Compared to other preparations for cleansing, it does not contain any chemically hazardous substances for health. It's biodegradable. In a house where children live, this is a very great advantage.

Produced in bottles of 750 ml. Due to the quality action and helium texture, the product is very economical. It has a pleasant smell (reminiscent of an ordinary air freshener). Consumer reviews are only positive. It is noted that Ecover does not cause allergies. You can use it without gloves. With a bang, removes stone, rusty streaks, limescale. Acts quickly and efficiently. Recommended for purchase.

The best tool for cleaning the toilet from rust, limescale and pathogenic bacteria

From the water on the toilet, rusty streaks and stone, limescale are formed. During operation, a huge number of harmful microorganisms accumulate. The impeccable condition of the toilet depends not only on quality care, but also on the cleaning agent. The category demonstrates the best preparations that can cope with the main household pollution of toilet bowls.

5 Domestos

Good disinfectant
Country: USA
Average price: 186 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

One of the best consumers consider Domestos gel . It has a high concentration, so it is very economically consumed. Consistency provides the tool with the ability to work under water. Compared to similar drugs, Domestos acts more slowly. But the effect is flawless. The composition contains hydrochloric acid, which fights rust and stubborn dirt.

Chlorides have good disinfectant properties, remove bacteria and mold. The reviews note the affordable price, low consumption and high performance. Pleased with the presence of a protective cover. The downside is the pungent smell. All in all, Domestos is positioned as one of the best household toilet bowl cleaning products.

4 Toilet duck

The convenience of use
Country Russia
Average price: 167 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The toilet duck is recognized as one of the the best drugs to clean the toilet. It actively fights against the formation of stone and limescale, copes well with rusty streaks. Eliminates unpleasant odors and germs. A convenient curved spout allows you to clean dirt in hard-to-reach places.

Consumers note the quality properties of the product, a convenient dispenser, and an acceptable cost. Unlike similar products, toilet duck does not have a pungent odor. Although the composition contains chlorine derivatives and hydrochloric acid. Of the minuses, you can highlight the fast consumption. Buyers say that using the tool is comfortable. The cleaning process does not take much time, does not require effort. On sale, the gel is in great demand.

3 Comets

prolonged action
Country: USA
Average price: 169 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The tool is able to keep the toilet bowl clean for a week. Thanks to protective film, which remains after its application, the surface is protected from deep penetration of dirt and microbes. The active substance is sulfuric acid. It contributes to the effectiveness of the drug.

The gel qualitatively cleans any kind of dirt, including water stone, plaque, rust. It's cheap, it's economical. Consumers speak of Comet on the positive side, of the shortcomings noting only the unpleasant smell of bleach. I like the cap with child protection and the duration of action. After cleaning, the toilet acquires its original shine and freshness. According to the hostesses, Comet is an indispensable household helper.


The best ratio of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 77 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Gel Sanita has earned a place in our ranking due to its high efficiency in the fight against rust. This is one of the best preparations that can quickly and effortlessly cope with even old rusty drips. He manages to remove the water stone not so quickly, he has to rub it.

Sanita refers to budget funds. Its main advantage is low cost. In the reviews, buyers note good quality characteristics, no strong smell. The gel is easily washed off, leaves no marks and streaks. However, it is consumed uneconomically, has an inconvenient dispenser and a liquid consistency. Sanita is in demand for excellent rust removal and a “penny” price.

1 Cilli Bang

Better limescale removal
Country: UK
Average price: 162 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Cillit is a gel product. Perfectly removes all types of dirt. The manufacturer has developed special formulas for each type domestic problems. One composition actively fights plaque, stains and rust. The other gives shine and whitens. Contains concentrated hydrochloric acid. It ensures the effectiveness of the product. It is recommended to use Cillit with caution.

The curved spout allows you to remove dirt from hard-to-reach places, for example, from under the toilet rim. Buyers also like the cost-effectiveness of the product, a convenient bottle. Of the shortcomings, only the absence of a protective valve can be distinguished. Otherwise, there are positive reviews about the product. Cillit Bang makes cleaning really easy and fast.