Wallpapering secrets. Available about the process of pasting wallpaper yourself

Do-it-yourself wallpapering is within the power of everyone Wallpapering is one of the most important stages in decorating an apartment. The whole appearance of the interior ultimately depends on how correctly and neatly decorated the walls are. Putting wallpaper on the walls is not so difficult. Knowing the basic rules and nuances, this work can be done even without the help of professionals. Read on to learn how to choose and stick wallpaper so that the room looks neat, and the repair has served you for many years.

Preparing walls for wallpapering with your own hands

Half the success of wallpapering depends on proper preparation walls. This stage is important because under a thin canvas of such a finishing material, all the irregularities of the base are clearly visible.

Preparatory actions take even more time than the process of wallpapering itself. It includes two items: putty and primer walls.

Putty allows you to eliminate all the irregularities of the walls in time. Without it, the room will look dirty and untidy.

Such a seemingly simple process as a primer solves a lot of problems. The primer glues dust particles together, increasing the adhesion of the wallpaper to the wall, it also reduces the amount of adhesive used and protects the walls from the formation of fungi and mold.

Before you start gluing wallpaper, you need to remove all irregularities from the walls

We prepare the walls for sticking wallpaper with our own hands:

  1. The wall is covered with a special primer solution. Convenient

do this with a roller or a wide brush. The applied primer is left to dry for a day.

  1. Next, plaster putty is applied. With its help, all the irregularities of the walls are eliminated. It is best to start puttying the surface from the corners, pulling the composition to the middle. Here, your main tools will be a wide and narrow spatula. If you purchased dry putty, then it must be diluted with water to a state of fatty sour cream. After completing this work, the wall should be smooth and even.
  2. After the layer of gypsum putty has dried, using a wide spatula, all unevenly dried particles are removed from the wall. The surface is again treated with a primer.
  3. To make the wall beautiful, and the yellow or gray color of the rough putty does not shine through the wallpaper, a layer of finish is applied to it. It usually has a white or slightly pinkish tint. Finishing putty is diluted to a state of thin sour cream and applied in a thin layer to the wall. At this stage, the mixture must be applied especially carefully.
  4. Dried walls are polished with a special tool, which is a rigid mesh inserted into a holder. Next, the surface is primed for the last time and left to dry completely.

There may be one finish layer for wallpaper, but if you decide to paint the walls, then this amount will not be enough. These works at first glance seem quite complicated, but if you follow the sequence of actions, then you can putty the wall yourself.

Choosing the material before sticking the wallpaper itself

The market for finishing materials is constantly evolving, so at the moment there is a huge amount different types wallpaper. Each of them differs in wall mounting technology, so before choosing materials, you need to familiarize yourself with their properties.

The most common types of wallpaper:

  1. Most old view wallpapers are paper canvases. They are the cheapest, so they are still in demand. However, they do not differ good performance. Such material is only suitable for finishing dry rooms. The paper gets wet quickly, so it is easy to ruin such wallpapers when working with them. To stick paper sheets on the wall, you need to lubricate them on the reverse side with a thin layer of glue, the surface that you decorate can also be treated with an adhesive.
  2. Vinyl wallpapers are distinguished by their resistance to fungi and moisture. They look great and can be used in absolutely any room. Such wallpapers can even be washed, and due to the relief of this material, small irregularities of the walls are hidden. Vinyl can have a paper or non-woven base, in the second case they are easier and more convenient to glue.
  3. Non-woven wallpaper is made from a mixture of paper and mineral fibers. Due to this composition, they are not afraid of moisture and do not shrink after drying. To glue such wallpapers yourself, you need to lubricate only the wall with glue.
  4. Fabric wallpapers look very expensive and cost accordingly. They consist of textile fibers planted on a paper or non-woven base.
  5. Glass fiber is a modern material with a long service life. They are made from fiberglass. To stick such wallpaper, you need to smear with special glue only the surface of the wall.

Fabric wallpapers in the interior look luxurious and rich

Liquid wallpaper has a very interesting way of sticking. They are sold in dry or liquid form and are applied with a spatula in the same way as putty.

How to calculate and stick wallpaper with your own hands

Another important point in preparing for working with wallpaper is the calculation of the number of rolls. If you make such calculations incorrectly, then there may not be enough material and you will have to go to a store where the right product may not be available, then your repair will freeze for several weeks.

There are two ways to figure out the amount of wallpaper you need to furnish your room. In the first case, you need to add the length of adjacent walls, and multiply the resulting figure by two. Next, the length of the wallpaper roll is divided by the height of the room, and the resulting number is multiplied by the width of the wallpaper. Now all you have to do is divide the first result by the second. The result rounded up is the number of wallpapers you need.

In the second case, you need to divide the area of ​​the room by the area of ​​one roll of wallpaper. The first value is determined by multiplying the sum of the adjacent walls of the room by two, and then by the height. For the second size, you need to multiply the length of the roll by its width.

DIY wall sticker of paper wallpaper

First of all, it is worth clarifying that any wallpaper should not be glued overlapping, as was done before, but joint-to-butt. Only in this case, the repair will look neat and modern.

You need to start finishing the room from the door or from the window frame. And you must always go in the same direction. The fact is that the walls and corners in the room can be uneven, but windows and doors are always installed strictly at right angles.

Wallpapering technology depends on the material from which they are made. Paper wallpapers are cheaper than other types, but working with them is more difficult.

It is necessary to start wallpapering in a room from a door or window.

DIY paper wallpaper sticker:

  1. The rolls are rolled out and the edges (if any) are cut from the wallpaper.
  2. Next, the wallpaper is cut into canvases corresponding to the length of the room. In order for the finish to look neat, it is necessary to cut the wallpaper with a margin of 10-15 cm. At this stage, the selection of paintings according to the pattern also takes place.
  3. The reverse side is smeared with wallpaper glue, which, by the way, can be welded on your own, then the wallpaper is glued to the wall. If you are using dense paper wallpaper, then apply glue to the canvases in two stages.
  4. Excess glue and air bubbles are expelled from under the pasted piece of wallpaper with a dry, soft and clean cloth. Remember that thin paper wallpaper is very easy to damage or stain.
  5. Excess wallpaper is cut off or hidden under the plinth with a narrow metal spatula.

Pasting the walls with paper wallpaper is a rather long and difficult stage. Since the glue is applied directly to the wallpaper, and not to the wall, it is quite difficult to glue such wet heavy canvases. To do everything as quickly and without errors as possible, we advise you to take a second person as your assistant.

We glue vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl wallpapers are distinguished by their strength and durability. This option is less capricious in sticking than paper wallpaper, but has its own nuances.

When gluing vinyl wallpaper, it is better to remove the plinth before finishing the walls.

To stick vinyl wallpaper, you will need a special adhesive. It is very durable and able to withstand heavy webs of this material.

Vinyl wallpaper must be glued to a special glue

glue vinyl wallpapers:

  1. We cut the roll into canvases that will be 10 cm longer than the height of the wall. The allowance is needed in order to hide all the irregularities of the walls. Also at this stage it is necessary to adjust the pattern.
  2. Further, depending on what basis your vinyl wallpaper is on, the glue is applied to the wall, or to the canvas itself. The first option is preferable; non-woven wallpaper is distinguished by this gluing technology.
  3. A strip of wallpaper is applied to the wall, and excess glue and air bubbles are expelled from under it. This should be done with pressure by rolling the canvases with a clean and dry roller.
  4. Vinyl wallpapers are quite thick, so it is likely that you will need to additionally glue their edges.

Such wallpapers are glued exclusively butt-to-butt. When you stick the canvas on the corner, it is desirable that it go at least 4 cm onto the adjacent wall.

Non-woven wallpaper: do-it-yourself glue

Non-woven wallpaper is considered the most durable and modern version from all classic materials for wall decoration. They are glued to the walls from the corner.

Non-woven wallpaper must be glued from the corner

How to paste over the walls with non-woven wallpaper:

  1. Wallpaper needs to be cut into strips that will be 10 cm longer than the height of the ceiling. Simultaneously with cutting, the canvas is adjusted according to the pattern and twisted into rolls with the front side inward.
  2. Glue smears the section of the wall on which the canvas will be glued. The layer of glue should be plentiful enough.
  3. Next, the wallpaper must be glued to the wall, rolling the canvas from the bottom to the top. Having aligned the canvas on the wall, excess glue and air bubbles are driven out from under it.
  4. Excess allowances from above and below are cut off with a paint knife.

Non-woven wallpaper is glued very simply, so they are preferred by most professional builders. By the way, vinyl wallpapers are also non-woven.

How to re-paste wallpaper with your own hands

Wallpaper re-gluing is needed in two cases: if the old wallpaper is worn out, or if the wallpaper was not pasted onto the wall correctly. The process of such work itself is no different from the standard wallpapering, but the preparatory stage will need to be reviewed.

Gluing wallpaper with your own hands is quite simple, the main thing is to initially prepare the walls

You can not re-paste the wallpaper on a layer of old material. In this case, canvases of even the most durable material will quickly move away from the base.

To re-paste the wallpaper, it is necessary to moisten the wall with plenty of water and remove a layer of old material. It is also desirable to remove the finishing layer of putty if possible, and apply a new layer of the same substance to the wall. Next, the surface is primed, and new canvases are glued onto it, according to the technology described above.

We glue wallpaper with our own hands (video)

Absolutely anyone can handle wallpapering with their own hands. The main thing is to follow all the stages and approach each of them responsibly.

Often you have to make repairs with limited funds, lack of time and labor. In such cases, attempts are made to save on everything. Particularly attractive is the possibility of pasting wallpaper over old ones. No need to grind the walls, spend time removing the old coating, just attach a new layer on top. But is it possible to paste wallpaper on wallpaper and still get a high-quality result?

If you consider the issue fundamentally, then yes. You can glue wallpaper on wallpaper, but with a number of restrictions:

  1. If they stick well to the wall. It is especially worth checking all the joints, the corners of the room, where waste from the wall is most often possible.
  2. With a perfectly smooth surface. Corrugated will not be able to become a homogeneous base, the adhesion area will be reduced.
  3. The wall itself must be unequivocally intact. Sometimes whole pieces of plaster stick only to old paper and, if it is soaked, both will come off under the weight.
  4. It is better to glue dark ones with a large pattern. Then the previous layer will not be visible to the outside, and bumps and roughness will more reliably hide behind the large details of the new canvas.

A number of requirements are put forward for gluing a new canvas over an old one.

In addition, you need to take into account the types of wallpaper: both those that should serve as the basis, and new ones that should lie tightly on the wall.


It is with them that you can work again boldly. In Soviet times, it was easy to find whole “puffs” of all colors. Today, these building materials have become denser, you can’t stick many layers - they will fall off. But gluing paper wallpaper is quite permissible. As a base, they smooth out roughness, fit snugly against the wall. As a second layer, they get wet well, are not heavy, stick easily and reliably, so they last a relatively long time. The only problem is to choose a pattern darker than the previous one, since a thin canvas can turn out to be translucent and let bright colors through.

Paper wallpapers are the thinnest, so they are easy to mount over old ones.

You can also glue ordinary photo wallpapers on paper wallpapers. The main thing is the absence of roughness. They become very noticeable and spoil the appearance of the premises.

Before reinforcing paper sheets on old ones, it is necessary to check if there are any bubbles, if they are moving away in some places. If found, clean it so that the moisture from the glue does not aggravate the situation and spoil the new repair.


It is absolutely impossible to glue vinyl wallpapers on vinyl ones or use them as a basis for any other types. Their surface is not only corrugated, but also oilcloth. The glue will not hold well, they will simply fall off.

If wallpaper cannot be glued to vinyl wallpaper, then vice versa is possible if the paper version acts as the basis. They will keep, but:

  1. Not for long. A heavy layer can pull off a lighter paper one, tear it. It is necessary that the base is very firmly held on the wall.
  2. In the future, the appearance of pathological microflora is possible, since the oilcloth of the second layer does not let moisture out, and the base is saturated with glue (moisture) more than putty can do.

In order for vinyl wallpaper to please you with its beauty for a long time, it is better to remove the old coating

Sticking vinyl wallpaper without removing the previous one is a possible, but risky step. Instead of gluing new vinyl wallpaper over old ones, it is better to level the walls, tear off the old canvases and apply high-quality, expensive vinyl for a long time.


How can you glue new wallpapers on old ones if a significant part of them is transparent? The bottom layer will be completely visible through the new pattern and ruin all efforts. Even opaque samples should be used only with a perfectly prepared wall - the applied patterns perfectly emphasize all the bumps, bends and roughness. Although they can stick to the paper base, since they are synthetic paper in structure, it is strongly not recommended to glue them on the old ones.

Under non-woven coatings, the walls must be carefully prepared

On non-woven fabric, all the more impossible. The surface is strongly corrugated, covered with a film, it is impossible to achieve a positive result.


Since the fiberglass itself requires subsequent plastering, it is unwise to install it on the old layer. No paper can withstand a layer of wet plaster. Vice versa - great option, but after all necessary work. Fiberglass actually represents a replacement for the reinforcing layer of plaster, simplifying alignment, strengthening, improving insulation. He will not be able to replace the wallpaper either, it will simply become the basis for painting, if covered with a high-quality primer.

Fiberglass has its own purpose in repair

There is no need to glue glass wallpaper on paper. Their main advantage is environmental friendliness, the complete absence of fungus under the top layer. Putting them on wet paper, diluting the mold means losing the important advantage of high-quality building material. In addition, do not reduce the durability of new wallpaper. After all, cullets consist of the smallest strands of glass, withstand moisture, do not scratch or tear, and are great for painting.


They are not intended to be applied over other surface coatings. The good thing is that the final putty can be carried out less carefully. They themselves perfectly perform this function, being both putty and beautiful decoration for walls.

Liquid wallpaper gives a huge scope for independent creativity

It is convenient to glue wallpaper on liquid. By their very existence, they guarantee the absence of irregularities and roughness (if right technology, of course), and the cellulose will absorb the glue and hold the new layer firmly. The main thing is to choose more dark tone, especially if color drawings were previously made. Otherwise, they will shine through.


Penoplex can be called a new generation of foam plastic, so it is impossible to lay it on an uncleaned old layer. It is recommended to lay a film under it by technology, which will lead to moisture retention in the paper coating and the appearance of fungus.

Penoplex - a self-sufficient option for wall decoration

It is possible to apply wallpaper on penoplex, but only after preparatory work has been carried out. The material is fragile, it must be reinforced with a top layer of putty. Then the usual actions are taken.

Insulations containing expanded polystyrene are best used on external walls, since a small part harmful substances is contained there.


This type of wall decoration is good for everyone. It is durable, looks great, environmentally friendly, saves heat, has fire-fighting properties and so on. Gluing cork wallpapers is a pleasure, since their bottom layer is akin to paper. Such a cork backing allows you to securely mount them on the wall, even if the bottom is old, paper.

Cork is an environmentally friendly and pleasant looking wall covering for any room.

Nothing can be applied to such a coating. With the exception of cheap, non-waxed and quickly deteriorating, cork wallpapers owe the outer layer to waxes and varnishes. Their presence guarantees durability, protecting from moisture, strengthening the soft natural substance. Naturally, sticking something on varnish or wax is unrealistic.

For painting

Gluing wallpaper on painted ones is the same as trying to attach it to paint. They just won't stick to paint.

If you plan to paint the coating, it is worth cleaning the surface first. One tone, small patterns - all this will expressively emphasize any unevenness. An exception is if before that they decided to stick paper ones on an excellent final putty, which is very rare. Painted wallpaper will not hold up if many layers of paint are applied. Therefore, it is not worth gluing wallpaper on painted ones, as well as vice versa.

Finishing for painting - a relatively new word in design

Other cases

Ceiling materials are the most demanding. A small drawing will outline any bend, a heavy weight can fall off at any moment. Therefore, you can glue wallpaper on the ceiling only by bringing the surface into perfect condition. Naturally, tearing off the old coatings.

It is not necessary to glue photo wallpapers on old ceiling wallpapers. In the evening or in poor daylight, every joint will be visible. You can wallpaper newspapers if you are concerned about the ancient surface. They are thin, absorb moisture well and will merge reliably with the ceiling.

It is difficult to glue photo wallpapers correctly, it is better to call the master.

You can’t stick anything on washable ones, even if they are cheap and get wet from moisture themselves. All the same, they have a film on top that will not allow the glue to soak the bottom layer.

It is better to glue self-adhesive wallpapers on a flat surface without old layers, since they do not apply a lot of glue, which allows them to be stretched or soaked and slightly compressed during the drying process. Even if they put paper or vinyl on an adhesive base.

What problems may appear with the new coating

If we systematize the main ones, we get:

  1. It is not advisable to glue photo wallpapers on wallpapers due to the appearance of joints, irregularities, and roughness.
  2. If there are dark or bright patterns underneath, some of them may show through the lighter tones.
  3. It cannot be applied to old new ones if there are defects in their layer - peeling, bubbles, and so on. In such cases, it is imperative to remove old wallpaper at least in such places. If there are many defects, it is better to remove them all.
  4. Even a thin paper layer will not withstand heavy coatings. If you apply many layers of paint or paste over the old ceiling, the repair will not last long.

Fast pasting can lead to repeated work or poor-quality repairs in the future.

How to glue wallpaper over old ones

If the decision to glue wallpaper on wallpaper is still made, you must follow simple rules that will help solve some of the problems:

  1. The base must be firmly attached. There are no irregularities and areas of peeling from the wall.
  2. The bottom layer can only be paper with a flat surface. All others will be inappropriate coverage.
  3. The top pattern is darker than the bottom.
  4. Wallpaper pasting is carried out between the joints of the previous layer in order to fasten its parts.
  5. The adhesive is applied in an even layer to prevent bubbles or distortion of the glued coating.

Wallpaper glue

For high-quality and durable pasting, you need to choose an adhesive in accordance with the following criteria:

  • weight and coating material;
  • foundation features;
  • humidity level;
  • room temperature.

Exist universal adhesives, which are suitable for any kind of wallpaper, and special ones. Most materials are glued universally, only for the mixture you need to take different proportions depending on the weight of the wallpaper and absorbency. However, when choosing which glue to glue vinyl wallpaper with, it is better to take a special one, for example, Super Vinyl, which contains antifungal components.

Many manufacturers that produce wall coverings also produce adhesives that are optimally suited to them. It is correct to glue the wallpaper in this way.

Materials and tools

To paste wallpaper on old wallpaper, you do not need a lot of materials or technical means. This is the most economical option in terms of time and preparatory work. A spatula is enough to check the base web. They also close up problem areas in the plaster, if any. It's good to have some putty with you to level the walls in such places. In addition, you need:

  • wide brushes for applying glue, some coatings require a roller, then this is indicated on the package;
  • a roller that expels air and ensures the tightness of the sheets;
  • oilcloth - coating for lubrication;
  • soft cloth to remove possible excess glue at the joints;
  • tape measure for measuring walls near doors and windows, with ledges and bevels;
  • stationery knife for cutting rolls;
  • the wallpaper itself and the glue suitable for them.

Preparatory work

You can start gluing only after the walls are completely cleared of poorly adhering islands, the cracks are frayed, the putty has dried out. If there are air bubbles, you can try to remove them with a hot iron (only through gauze). In order to increase the adhesion of the base to the wall, a deep penetration primer is used, which is impregnated with the entire surface. Once dry, you can start gluing.

Sticking technology

Depending on the type of canvas, the adhesive is applied only to the wall or to the wall and the corresponding piece of wallpaper. When cutting, you need to take into account the flow of the pattern, achieving a complete match between the canvases. Cut off parts should not be thrown away - they can be used near doorways, radiators and other things.

How to glue - step by step instructions

To glue wallpaper on wallpaper, you need to distribute the canvases so that the joints fall into the middle of the old canvases. Sticking should start from the ceiling down, gradually laying the cut in its permanent place. Then, with light movements of the roller, remove air bubbles and excess glue. Wipe the latter with a soft cloth.

Ideally, you need to strengthen one canvas and wait a day to check if the bottom layer will fall off. Only after that continue work.

It should take place at a stable temperature of 15-25 degrees, without drafts, so windows and doors should be tightly closed, air conditioners should be turned off. They can only be used after the glue has dried.

Such wall decoration, despite the measures taken, will still remain less durable, in comparison with gluing on the finishing putty.

Pros and cons of the solution

You can glue wallpaper on wallpaper, but the disadvantages of fast pasting are obvious. There is a chance that repairs will have to be redone in a few years, and beautiful, modern materials may look unattractive due to bumps or the appearance of bulging parts. It also increases the risk of fungus.

In fact, the old layers are easily removed from the wall. To do this, there is a special tool - "wallpaper tiger", which easily removes the previous coating, leaving the plaster intact and intact. primed modern materials fast. Therefore, pasting wallpaper on wallpaper does not save much time. An apartment or a house requires a more attentive attitude towards them. Unless the repair in the country, which you want to finish in a day, allows you to use the accelerated development of events.

Reliability is not rushed. If there is the slightest opportunity, it is necessary to use it and make repairs in accordance with all the rules. Then smooth walls will delight for many years with an impeccable pattern.

Pasting the walls with wallpaper during the repair process is the most popular type of decoration. This is facilitated by the availability of materials and not too complicated technology. In order for the work done to really please the eye, preliminary preparation of the walls for wallpaper is necessary. This is the most difficult and time-consuming stage in the process of changing the interior of the premises of the apartment, whether it be a hall, a corridor, a toilet, etc.

The preparation of walls in a new building and a residential apartment are somewhat different from each other. In a residential apartment, work begins with the dismantling of the old type of finish: paint, whitewash, old wallpaper. After that, the walls are inspected. If necessary, the old plaster is removed and the walls are repaired.

The new building is being completed installation work installation of door and window units, electrical wiring, floor screeding, ceiling whitewashing. After this work and new apartment, and in the old one, match:

  • the surface of the walls is being prepared for plastering: notches are stuffed, primed, beacons are mounted;
  • walls are plastered with gypsum (cement-sand) mortar or dry plaster ( OSB plate, drywall, plywood);

Attention: rooms with high humidity - bathroom, kitchen and bathroom - must not be plastered with a solution containing gypsum.

  • the plaster layer is puttied (if the finishing grout is made at a high level, and the wallpaper is planned with a relief pattern, the operation can be skipped);

Important: on GKL in without fail a thin layer of putty is applied, which will subsequently allow you to remove the pasted wallpaper without destroying the drywall sheet.

  • a primer is applied to ensure adhesion of the wallpaper adhesive to the wall.

Step by step, the entire process of preparing walls for wallpaper is discussed in the articles “How to prepare walls for wallpapering” and “”.

Selection and preparation of glue

The quality of wall decoration with tapestries is primarily affected by the type of wallpaper glue. Right choice composition allows you to glue the walls without bubbles and air pockets, with invisible joints, uncontaminated canvases.

When choosing an adhesive composition, it is necessary to take into account the type of wallpaper base. Yes, for paper wallpaper suitable CMC glue firms "Metilan", "Moment", etc. For vinyl wallpaper produced special types of glue, as indicated on the packaging. non-woven can be glued with a special adhesive mass for interlining.

About the types of glue, methods of their preparation and application, as well as compliance different types wallpaper can be read in the material "".

The choice of wallpaper depending on the room

A huge range of wallpapers allows you to choose them for the type of wall, and for a specific room in the apartment. For example, for a concrete base of walls, smooth and without flaws, smooth wallpapers are suitable. Volumetric (embossed) are suitable for all types of wall material. They mask small bulges and depressions well, hide slightly parted seams.

In the rooms south side buildings it is best to use cool colors: gray, blue or green. By the way, they visually increase the rooms in Khrushchev, with their small dimensions - area and ceiling height.

From the north side it is necessary to choose tapestries of warm colors (beige color with variations) or golden color. In the hallway and corridor dark washable wallpapers in rich shades are suitable. Living room looks great in both light and dark colors. Here, the main idea in choosing trellises is to maintain the overall style of the interior.

In the bedroom should be calm semitones. The harsh color is annoying and keeps you awake. Photo wallpapers with views of nature look good here and functionally fulfill their role.

Wallpapering technology

Many apartment owners, when replacing tapestries on their own, believe that they know how to glue wallpaper correctly. Indeed, they can stick simple single-layer paper wallpapers on the wall without any problems. However, when working with other types and types of wallpaper, questions begin to arise. So how to glue the wallpaper yourself?

wall cladding technology modern wallpaper is not complicated and consists of several interrelated steps. It can be presented step by step as follows:

  1. the required number of wallpapers is calculated;
  2. buy wallpaper and glue;
  3. prepare the necessary tools and fixtures;
  4. the place for gluing the first sheet of tapestries is selected;
  5. the scheme is determined according to which the wallpaper should be glued;
  6. cutting sheets of wallpaper;
  7. adhesive mass is being prepared;
  8. tapestries are glued to the wall.

Materials and tools

For continuous and quality work You will need materials and a set of tools with fixtures.

Materials. For pasting the walls you need to buy:

  • wallpaper (non-woven, photo and glass, paper, vinyl, etc.);
  • wallpaper glue (preferably specialized).

Tools and fixtures. You can stick wallpaper with a minimum set of tools. But in order for the work to be done quickly and beautifully, you must have at hand:

  • ladder;
  • plastic bucket - 2 pcs. (for glue and clean water);
  • cuvette (bath) for glue;
  • roller 250 mm wide and paint brush(brush for wallpaper edges and corners) for applying the adhesive mass;
  • metal spatula for cutting wallpaper on the wall;
  • plastic wallpaper spatula (wallpaper brush) for leveling thin wallpaper or tapestries with a three-dimensional (embossed) pattern;
  • plumb or laser level to find the vertical;
  • ruler with a pencil for drawing a vertical starting line;
  • construction knife (scissors) with replaceable blades for cutting wallpaper to length;
  • roulette;
  • rubber roller for pressing the wallpaper to the wall;
  • rubber roller, narrow, cone-shaped, for smoothing seams (joints);
  • foam pad for adhesive removal front side wallpaper;
  • napkin (towel) for hands;
  • screwdriver for removing sockets and switches;
  • insulating tape for working with electrical wires.

Buying wallpaper

Going to the store for wallpaper, you must strictly observe two conditions:

  • buy the required number of tubes;
  • buy tubes of the same shade.

Material Quantity Calculation

1. The height of the wall surface to be glued is measured (it may not coincide with the height of the ceiling due to the non-removable plinth and baguette). Then the length of the roll (10 m) is divided by the result of the measurement, resulting in the number of full trellis panels in one roll.

After that, the length of all walls is measured, the results of the measurements are added up - the value of the perimeter in meters is obtained. The resulting number is divided by the width of the wallpaper tube (0.53 m, 1.06 m) and the number of sheets in it. The measurements taken can be written by the formula:

T = P/L x H/K, where

  • T is the number of wallpaper tubes, in pcs.
  • P is the length of the perimeter of the walls, in m.
  • L is the width of the wallpaper tube (0.53 m or 1.06 m).
  • H is the height of the pasted wall surface (the length of the pasted wallpaper sheet).
  • K - the length of the wallpaper roll (10 m, 15 m and 25 m).

Attention: professional finishers advise not to take into account windows and doors when calculating the amount of wallpaper purchased.

The result obtained must be rounded up and add 1-2 tubes of wallpaper to match the color, for an unforeseen marriage and a reserve (repair of trellis sheets damaged on the wall).

2. The length of the perimeter of the walls is measured, after which the required number of wallpapers is taken from the finished table below.

Attention! If the height of the pattern (rapport) is more than 0.6 cm, it is necessary to add 1 more roll of wallpaper for every 6 tubes to all calculations.

It already takes into account all the nuances of calculating the required number of wallpapers, but without taking into account the fit of the picture.

wallpaper requirements

In the production of wallpaper, machines are filled with paint for a certain batch. When refilling, the tone may be disturbed. At the same time, at the point of sale, the difference in shade may not be seen, but on the wall it will be clearly visible.

Therefore, you need to buy tapestries of the same production batch, one production date and one article number. You can see this data on the insert (label) that wraps each tube of wallpaper, which is clearly visible in the photo. Practice shows that not everyone knows this, and many ignore it. The result is clearly visible on the walls - the different tonality of the tapestries is conspicuous.

Buying glue

The adhesive mass is bought according to the type of wallpaper purchased. The number of packs (tanks) of wallpaper adhesive is easy to determine - the packaging indicates the consumption in rolls with a length of 10 m and a width of 0.53 m.

If the wallpaper has a different size, the flow rate is adjusted. The number of packages is the result of dividing the total number of trellises purchased by the amount of consumption (in rolls).

Where to start gluing

All the recommendations for choosing a place to start decorating walls with trellises state that it doesn’t matter where to start gluing wallpaper in a room - you can start from any place you like: a door, a window, a corner, or even from the middle of the wall (the main thing here is that the first canvas should be glued strictly vertically). However, this advice is not entirely correct. Paper wallpapers, especially single-layer (simplex), should be glued from the window, while in different directions - so the seams are not visible.

Determination of the pasting scheme

Depending on the type of wallpaper, experts offer two pasting schemes. How to glue paper wallpaper is shown in the diagram. Here, work starts from the window and is carried out in different directions.

For other types of tapestries, both the option shown in the diagram and work in a circle are applicable when the beginning and end meet. In this case, work can start from:

  • windows (following many years of tradition);
  • doors - the box serves as a guide (replaces the vertical line);
  • angle - in this case, with the help of a plumb line, a vertical is drawn from which work will be carried out;
  • a vertical line drawn on the wall in any arbitrarily chosen place.

Step-by-step instruction

You can wallpaper the walls yourself, without involving professionals. To do this, you must act strictly in accordance with the instructions.

  • Using a plumb line, a vertical line is drawn on the wall with a pencil, from which work will begin.
  • The height of the wall to be glued is measured and the first sheet of wallpaper is cut to size. Experts advise for non-professionals to make an allowance of 10 cm, although those who have even minimal experience with trellises cut them immediately to size.
  • The remaining panels are cut, combining the pattern on the floor, and not on the wall, as some authors of works on this topic recommend. Tapestries without a pattern are simply cut to size.
  • Diluted glue according to the instructions printed on the package.
  • The adhesive mass is applied to the wallpaper canvas (on the wall in the case of non-woven wallpaper) with a roller or a special brush. The edges are smeared with a brush. First, the first (any) half (slightly more than half) is smeared and folded in half. The fold should not be fixed. Then the second half is spread and also folded in half ( correct method the fold is shown in fig. below).

Folded wallpaper is kept in this state until the end of the impregnation process - the approximate time is given in the table below.

  • The upper half of the sheet of wallpaper is opened and glued to the wall (the lower part remains folded all this time). It is necessary to navigate not along the ceiling, but along the drawn vertical (if the upper half is glued correctly, then the second one will easily follow the drawn line).

Attention: if the wallpaper was cut with an overlap, a margin of 4-6 cm is left at the top of the wall.

The wallpaper is smoothed with a wallpaper roller (plastic spatula) from top to bottom, from the center to the edges (see photo).

  • The second half of the panel is opened and also glued to the wall.
  • The overlaps from above and below are cut with a knife using a metal spatula.
  • The second and subsequent sheets are glued in the same way, according to the accepted scheme.

How to make seams invisible

In the process of work, it is important to ensure that the joint remains invisible. Errors occur for 3 reasons:

  • the consistency of the glue is incorrectly selected (more liquid than required), as a result of which the edge of the wallpaper bubbles (lags behind) in some places;
  • wallpapers by their nature, under the influence of moisture of the adhesive mass, stretch, and when dried, they shrink, forming a visible butt seam;
  • a mistake was made when aligning the wallpaper - the sheets were overlapped.

The problem is solved by rolling the joint with a special narrow wallpaper roller. If an error is detected after the trellises have dried, the visible seam is painted over with a special corrective paint.

Places where pasting is overlapped with a metal ruler and a construction knife are cut in the middle 10 hours after the end of work (the wallpaper has shrunk, and the glue has not dried completely and allows you to remove both the lower and upper pieces of the cut trellises).

How to glue wallpaper in the corners

Here are some secrets that allow you to complete the work quickly and efficiently.

  • It is impossible to glue a whole sheet at the corner due to a possible violation of its geometry, as a result of which the vertical line disappears at the second part of the wallpaper.
  • Wallpaper in the corners is always cut off. On the second wall, it is necessary to leave 2-3 cm. The next canvas is overlapped on the left strip. Then, with a knife with removable blades, using a metal ruler, a continuous cut is made in the middle of the seam. Strips of wallpaper from the bottom and top are removed, and the seam is rolled with a narrow roller. If desired, you can even choose a picture.
  • External corners are glued using a similar technology.

How to glue at windows and doors

The greatest inconvenience when pasting walls with wallpaper occurs when meeting with obstacles. You can avoid trouble if you follow the technology of gluing tapestries near doors and windows. You can glue the tapestries near the doorway according to the following algorithm:

  1. wallpaper is glued to the wall over the doorway;
  2. the pasted sheet is docked with the previous one;
  3. wallpaper is tightly pressed against the wall with a roller;
  4. scissors make a diagonal cut of the wallpaper to the upper corner of the door trim;
  5. wallpaper is tightly rolled to the side and top trim;
  6. a strongly protruding part of the wallpaper is cut with scissors;
  7. with a metal spatula, the left strip of wallpaper is wound under the casing.

Attention: if the platbands sit tightly on the wall and it is impossible to get wallpaper under them, trimming is done with a knife using a metal spatula.

Gluing near the window is much easier - the wallpaper is glued to the wall using conventional technology. After they are completely dry, the unnecessary part of the tapestries is cut off along the edge of the window with a knife.


At what temperature to glue the wallpaper

Many recommendations indicate that it is necessary to glue the wallpaper at a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C. However, this temperature regime can only be reached in summer. Winter, when you need to heat up, does not allow you to work in such conditions (in most Russian cities in winter, the temperature in the apartment is 18-20 ° C).

So at what temperature can wallpaper be pasted over walls? Manufacturers of tapestries and glue have taken this into account and recommend finishing work at a temperature of 10-25 ° C. Therefore, in unheated rooms (dacha, veranda), glue wallpaper in winter period Not recommended.

When can I open windows after pasting

Impatient apartment owners try to quickly get rid of the smell of glue and wallpaper. But open windows are drafts. And in drafts, the glue dries quickly and unevenly, as a result of which the adhesive mass does not have time to create the necessary adhesion to the wall. The result is that the seams diverge or the wallpaper sheets peel off.

When can windows be opened? You can open the windows after the glued wallpaper has completely dried - after 1-3 days(the time for complete drying is indicated, as a rule, in the instructions printed on the package with glue). For insurance, it is better to add one day to the specified time.

What to do if the wallpaper bubbles

In practice, there is often a situation, even among professional finishers, when minor violations of technology lead to the appearance of bubbles and air cavities on the surface of glued walls. This is not aesthetically pleasing, and a potential place for the appearance of mold and fungus. How to get rid of bubbles on wallpaper?

Depending on the size of the lagging area, you can advise:

First, re-glue the canvas with very large air cavities. All attempts to fix the problem without tearing the wallpaper off the wall will be noticeable.

Secondly, with medium pockets, it is also better to re-glue plain tapestries (the trace of the cut will be very clearly visible). Wallpaper with a pattern is cut with a construction knife in the middle of the resulting cavity. The edges are carefully, with the help of a spatula, pulled away from the wall and an adhesive mass is delivered to the resulting space with a brush. In this case, it is not necessary to coat the entire dry surface.

You can disperse the glue with a dry cloth with a tightly compressed cut seam. Allow 5-10 minutes to soak the base of the trellis with glue, and then roll the lagging place with a wallpaper roller to remove excess mass and air mites. In this case, it should be remembered that the paper wallpaper from the glue is stretched, and after drying, it decreases in size. Therefore, the edges of the cut must be overlapped. For vinyl and non-woven wallpaper - end-to-end.

Thirdly, small bubbles are eliminated with a syringe. The needle must be taken under the density of the glue - the thicker it is, the thicker the needle. The bubble is pierced in a circle, from the edges to the center, at an angle of about 30 degrees with respect to the wall.

Such a scheme of punctures allows you to cover the entire lagging surface of the wallpaper, as well as release excess adhesive mass through the punctures when smoothing the problem area. If large folds form, they must be smoothed out. Small wrinkles after the glue dries will disappear by themselves.

What to do if the wallpaper is translucent

The problem of translucent wallpapers after they have completely dried is solved in the only way - by reworking the work done. Therefore, at the preparatory stage, you should try to avoid this headache:

  • prime the walls with a special primer (in last resort, whitewash with water-based paint);
  • buy thick trellises;
  • check medium and thin wallpaper for translucence - attach a piece of sheet to a bright spot and evaluate the degree of density.

How long does wallpaper dry

No one will give a definite answer to this question. There are a lot of factors here. And the type of wallpaper, and the applied adhesive mass, and temperature regime rooms, and air humidity, etc. The maximum run-up is from 12 to 72 hours.

Duplex and non-woven paper wallpapers dry the longest - up to 3 days. Non-woven wallpaper on a different basis (not paper) needs about a day to dry completely, vinyl - about 48 hours.

You can determine the degree of drying of the pasted wall with the palm of your hand - pressing it against the wallpaper. If you feel warm - the wall is completely dry, there is a chill - you still have to wait. In passing, we note that it is strictly forbidden to accelerate the drying process with heating devices.

How to glue meter wallpaper alone

The technique of sticking meter-long wallpaper alone does not have any special techniques that differ from the above instructions for pasting wallpaper.

Good quality work can be achieved if you use the advice of specialists with extensive experience.

  1. Before starting work, the room where the work is planned is ventilated, and then tightly closed for a day.
  2. It is better to dismantle the plinth - it can be easily removed (gluing the trellises will become faster and easier). In order not to look for dowel holes under the wallpaper later, self-tapping screws are screwed back into them.
  3. It is better to cover the floor with cardboard or newsprint, but not with plastic wrap (on the film, glue easily gets under the wallpaper when smearing the edges of the sheet, as a result of which it stains them).
  4. Use a ladder. The table and the goats often leave marks on the pasted-over walls while moving to another place. In addition, it is more difficult for them to start the bottom of the wallpaper.
  5. Use specialized wallpaper glue - the universal adhesive mass holds tapestries worse on the wall.
  6. Do not join the tapestries in the corners - glue with an overlap (1-2 cm), and then cut with a knife, forming a seam.
  7. Wipe (wash) your hands regularly.
  8. Do not correct the uneven cut of the wallpaper on the top and bottom of the walls. At the bottom, errors can be hidden with a plinth, at the top with a frieze or baguette.

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The condition of the walls of a living room has a strong influence on its visual perception. Therefore, each owner tries to give them an aesthetic appearance, to create a decent comfort in their home. There are quite a few construction methods for solving this issue.

One of them - the method of sticking wallpaper on the walls of a room with your own hands when performing an apartment renovation is shared with the readers of the site by an experienced builder Dmitry Chernov.

His advice will help you understand the secrets of this method and master them in full, including the steps:

  • choice of wallpaper and glue;
  • selection of working tools and materials;
  • wall surface preparation;
  • wallpaper processing with glue and their direct sticker on the surface building structure.

Wallpaper selection rules

It is optimal to select a wall covering not only by color and pattern, but also taking into account:

  • the material of its manufacture;
  • roll dimensions;
  • indoor operating conditions.

Coating material

Sale offers a wide variety of wallpaper coverings:

  • paper, as the most common and cheapest. They are made: one layer - simplex or two - duplex;
  • vinyl or acrylic coverings with a paper or non-woven backing of semi-synthetic, paper-like or non-woven materials. They are treated with polyvinyl chloride - vinyl or synthetic fabric - acrylic;
  • natural materials from:
    • fabrics: silk, linen, cotton;
    • wood processing products: cork, veneer;
    • as well as plant materials: straw, jute, bamboo or reed.

The basis for all coatings, as a rule, is paper.

Main dimensions of wallpaper rolls

Typical dimensions are shown in the table. They are useful for calculating the area covered.

However, rolls of other sizes may be encountered in practice. Pay attention to this question.

Compatibility with walls and operating conditions

When choosing wallpaper, first of all, you need to pay attention to the conditions for their further operation, which depend on a number of factors:

  • air humidity in the room;
  • placements on the inner or end surface of the wall;
  • wall covering condition.

Wallpaper compatibility table

How to choose glue

Adhesive mixtures are selected after the final selection of wallpaper.

Lightweight paper blanks are able to hold any adhesive composition well, and for all others grades have been developed that can hold even heavy blanks.

For vinyl, acrylic and natural materials of elite samples, manufacturers indicate the recommended adhesive compositions.

Preparation of tools and workplace

Before direct sticker, you need to prepare:

  • the space in which the work will be performed;
  • tools and materials for cutting and stickers.

The workplace and tools must meet

An ordinary table or a flat section of the floor a little longer than the height of the wall will allow you to work with a roll. You can also use a flat sheet of fiberboard or chipboard.

Of the tools you will need: a tape measure, a metal ruler with a length of 55 cm or more, a paper cutter, a brush or roller, a container for glue, a plastic wallpaper spatula or rags, a plumb line, a pencil.

The floor surface must be cleaned from dirt and dust. Even small grains of debris can damage front surface decorative material. The coating of the workplace should be periodically wiped with a damp cloth from adhesive residue and kept as dry as possible.

Rules for preparing the wall surface

In most apartment renovations, the walls are already coated with old wallpaper or paint. They should be cleaned up.

Paint Removal Method

The painted surface must be treated with emery cloth to create a rough surface that is well saturated with glue. Then it is washed with a soapy solution for degreasing and rinsed with clean water.

Method for removing glued coatings

Old wallpaper material must be removed from the wall. This can be done by treatment with a liquid for removing glued paper or ordinary warm water.

With a brush or sponge, liquid is applied to the place where the wall is covered and left for 10–20 minutes.

This time is usually sufficient for it to be absorbed into the base material and to be shed from the wall surface.

Then, with a spatula, the paper is separated from the wall, making movements from top to bottom with it. Work should be done carefully so as not to damage the surface of the building coating on which the sticker will be applied.

If the impregnation of the base material was done with high quality, then almost everything should come off the wallpaper. It is not necessary to scrape hard with a spatula to completely clean the surface. This procedure will not only damage the wall putty, but will also take a lot of time. The remaining unremoved pieces of paper should be re-treated with liquid, wait for time and remove.

This method of "wet - wait - tore off" is well suited for paper bases. But with vinyl or acrylic coatings you have to tinker a little. Their top layer is practically impervious to water.

To remove such wallpaper, you must first remove the top layer. In principle, it is removed easily: just grab the coating material by the corner and pull it down. And then process the rest of the liquid to remove the lower base.

Rules for the preliminary preparation of the wall

In most cases, after removing the old wallpaper, the places of chips and cracks on the wall are revealed. They should be cleaned and puttied. When the putty dries, it is treated with sandpaper for the final

If there are sockets, switches and baseboards on the wall surface, then it is advisable to dismantle their covers, and it is imperative that the bare ends of the electrical wiring be securely insulated for

A completely cleaned wall surface must be treated with a layer of a special primer or a weak solution of the selected adhesive with the consistency indicated on the package. He will create protective film coating that provides good adhesion of the material.

Wallpaper sticker technology

Start point selection

Every House master when repairing an apartment with his own hands, he must determine where to start gluing. The answer to this question depends on the way the blanks are joined along the edges:

  1. butt;
  2. overlap method - overlapping sheets on top of each other.

Now the first method of coating is usually used. It allows you to start gluing from almost anywhere and work consistently.

The second method has often been used in the past. To do this, a control strip passed on each side of the wallpaper roll. To make the overlaps invisible, the sheets were glued from the window so that the light emanating from it hides the connecting seams, and does not emphasize them.

  • the most complex node, where there are vertical interference in the form of heating pipes and various suspended structures;
  • or from the most prominent (large) angle.

Roll marking

First, it follows on the wall near the place of the selected corner, removing its distance less than 2 ÷ 3 cm of the width of the wallpaper. For example, if the roll has a size of 53 cm, then you need to measure 50 or 51.

On it with a tape measure measure the required height of the wall from floor to ceiling. Then the roll is unrolled at the prepared workplace and the measurement of the tape measure is transferred to it, creating a margin of 5 cm.

From the obtained point on the workpiece, a line is drawn perpendicular to the side. It is convenient to draw it with a construction square or simply fold the roll in half, aligning its edges. According to this marking, the workpiece is cut off with scissors or a sharp mounting knife along the ruler or fold.

The marking of the next roll blank depends on the pattern on the wallpaper. If it does not require precise joining, then several strips can be cut at once, applying the cut blank as a template.

When it is necessary to combine the pattern, the wallpaper consumption will be increased. To mark a new workpiece, you will need:

  • lay out the cut canvas-template face up;
  • expand the roll and dock the pattern on it and the prepared workpiece;
  • mark the desired length according to the template and cut it off the roll from the bottom and top.

If you take into account the location of the pattern on several rolls, then you can reduce the length of unused segments, save material. Each blank should be numbered on the reverse side or cut off before impregnating the previous one. This eliminates the possibility of their erroneous sticking to the wall in an arbitrary way.

Rules for applying glue to wallpaper

The adhesive mass must be prepared according to the factory instructions in compliance with the technology and time delay for the mixture to mature. Only in this case it will work effectively.

The strip prepared and cut off from the roll is laid out on the desktop face down, and the wrong side is treated with glue using a roller or brush. After impregnation, it is folded in half using the accordion method, applying two edges to the middle. The layers are slightly pressed, but do not put pressure on the fold. In this position, the strip is left for 5÷15 minutes, necessary for the absorption of glue into the pores of the paper and good impregnation of its structure.

If you use colored adhesive compositions, it will be easier to visually assess the uniformity of its distribution over the surface of the wallpaper material, which will reduce the likelihood of creating non-glued places.

All wallpapers with a paper base swell from moisture, increasing their size. So that this process does not have a different effect on the quality of the sticker, the same time of impregnation with glue should be observed.

The procedure for placing wallpaper on the wall

Consider the example of a modern way of sticking blanks end-to-end. It is convenient for him to arrange them sequentially in a circle, using, for example, a clockwise direction.

Take the prepared strip soaked with glue by the upper edge and apply it to the upper part of the line near the ceiling so that the side of the workpiece is strictly adjacent to the drawn vertical line on the wall.

The wallpaper is pressed with a dry rag or a rubber spatula, creating a slight pressure on the glue using the herringbone method. With movements from top to bottom and from the center to the edge, they rub the surface of the base, achieving its snug fit to the wall and removing the air cushion.

If swelling with air bubbles has formed on the surface of the workpiece to be glued, then they must be pierced with a thin needle in the center and excess air or glue should be released in a circular motion from edge to center. This must be done because the resulting cavity will not allow the wallpaper to adhere securely to the wall.

After sticking the first strip, proceed to the second and then, moving clockwise, glue each subsequent blank to the opposite corner of the wall.

The joints between the stripes are carefully smoothed so that they are less noticeable.

When gluing wallpaper over sockets and switches with a cutter, small holes are made in them, which serve as marks for the locations of electrical switching devices.

On the next wall, the entire stage of the sticker is repeated from the moment of marking the vertical line near the adjacent corner to the width of the roll. The first strip is glued along it, and the rest are sequentially distributed to the opposite corner.

Features of wallpaper stickers on the corners of the walls

The strips of blanks on the inner and outer corners are glued so that one edge of the blank goes onto the adjacent wall, and the next strip is glued with a slight overlap of up to 2–3 cm.

Features of wallpaper stickers near window openings

At the side surface of the window, a strip of wallpaper is measured, which will need to be glued. An incision is made on it at the place of the protrusion of the window sill and slopes. The workpiece is impregnated with glue in the usual way and pressed against the wall.

Measurements are also taken above and below the window opening, and strips are cut off and glued to the wall along them.

Features of wallpaper stickers near radiators

The wall plane behind the radiators has difficult access and limited space. Wallpaper is usually not completely glued to it. They are placed only on the edges.

To do this, it is enough to cut off an extra piece from the workpiece, bring it over the edge of the battery and press it with a spatula.

Important reminder: when finished working with glue, pour its residue into a hermetically sealed container, for example, plastic bottle with lid. They will soon be required for gluing defective places.

How to dry pasted wallpaper

To ensure reliable adhesion of the wallpaper to the wall, it is necessary to withstand the drying technology of the adhesive composition. It must harden simultaneously on the building structure and inside the fibers of the impregnated paper.

To do this, it is necessary to ensure stable conditions of temperature and humidity:

  • close all windows and doors in the room to prevent drafts;
  • turn off heating devices to prevent temperature drops;
  • limit access of people to the premises.

Final sticker work

Normal drying of the adhesive usually lasts 18÷24 hours, and when high humidity it increases up to two days. This period is important to withstand and only after its completion is it allowed to cut off excess pieces. Do not cut wallpaper that is in a semi-moist state. Their wet structure is very fragile. It will not allow you to smoothly remove unnecessary parts.

Excess pieces are cut off with a cutter, and a straight spatula with a blade length of 20 cm or more is used as a guide.

A layer of glue is re-applied to the lagging edges with a small brush and the surfaces to be glued are pressed tightly.

Sometimes in hard-to-reach places or on a curved surface, you have to glue the wallpaper in an overlapping way. Their appearance can be improved in the following way:

  • a metal ruler is applied in the middle of the gluing;
  • both layers are cut with a cutter;
  • remove cut pieces on both sides;
  • re-lubricate the surface with glue and smooth the joint with a soft rag.

Closing covers on sockets and switches

On the wallpaper, they find the marks made, indicating the places for the covers of sockets and switches. Probe under finishing material the contour of the housing of the switching device and cut out an extra piece of the workpiece along it.

After that, it remains only to remove the previously installed insulation layer, and screw the protective decorative cover to the front panel.

In conclusion, we recommend watching the video by Andrey KMV-stroy “How to glue non-woven wallpaper”. For general development, see the questions to him and his answers right below the video.

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It is rare that an apartment renovation is complete without wallpapering. This universal type of decorative coating is suitable for any interior, it is loved for its ease of installation and perfect look.

Wallpaper - a coating that is found in every second modern apartment

With your own hands - the task is not difficult, especially if you have all necessary tools. Experienced people get by with a brush and roller, but other devices may come in handy for a beginner:

  • paint bath and roller for applying glue. It is better to choose a roller with a pile middle length, and the dimensions of the bath must correspond to the roller. You can replace it with a wide brush with a comfortable handle. In addition, keep a small brush handy for gluing seams;
  • rubber roller for smoothing streaks on the wall and removing air bubbles on thin wallpaper. For thick ones, instead of a roller, you can use;
  • a roller with a roller for pressing the web in the inner corners;
  • container for dilution of glue: it is better to use a large pot or bucket with a lid. Airtight dishes will allow you to keep ready-to-use glue for several days;
  • drill or construction mixer for mixing glue. If we are talking about a small amount of work, you can do it manually;
  • pencil, long ruler, tape measure and scissors for marking and cutting canvases. For cutting, you can use a construction knife - the edges are smoother;
  • a plumb line or building level for marking the vertical line from which you will glue the wallpaper;
  • a sponge to remove excess glue and a dry rag for cleaning up debris.

In addition, in fact, the wallpaper itself, you need to prepare the glue. The composition is selected in accordance with the type of coating. You can buy glue at the store and dilute it according to the instructions.

Note! Instructions for the preparation of glue is placed on the package. It indicates the proportions of water and powder, the consumption of glue for square meter surfaces and application specifics.

The preparatory stage before sticking wallpaper on the wall with your own hands

Do not rush to immediately start wallpapering. It is not enough just to purchase tools and materials, you still need to spend preparatory work. Examine the condition of the walls, remove the old coating and carefully prime the surface.

How to remove the old coating from the walls

If previously the walls were already decorated with wallpaper, they must be removed. In most cases, the material is easily torn off, but if you have pieces or whole strips that cannot be torn off, you will have to use special tools. Compositions for removing old wallpaper can be bought at the store, but it is cheaper and easier to make such a mixture yourself. The recipe is simple: add dishwashing detergent and a little wallpaper paste to warm water. Using a sponge, the agent is applied to the wallpaper and left for half an hour until the coating softens.

If the old wallpaper is very thick or has a corrugated surface, you need to cut it with a knife before wetting it so that the moisture penetrates deeper. It is more difficult if the wall covering is paint that you definitely need to remove. A simple water emulsion is easy to remove with the same soapy composition and spatula. But oil or alkyd enamel will have to be cleaned with a drill with a nozzle - a brush or sandpaper manually.

How to level walls and sand the surface

Preparation for pasting continues with the process of leveling the walls. Old wallpaper could fall off along with pieces of plaster, this often happens. We'll have to re-plaster these areas. Sometimes the surface after removing the paint becomes uneven, with potholes and other defects.

Expert point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

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“Any alignment of the walls is accompanied by the formation of a large amount of debris and dust. Remember to use a respirator to protect your respiratory tract and close the doors to other rooms."

Wall primer

Do not neglect the primer of the walls. If you skip this stage of preparation, you risk getting an extremely unpleasant result - the wallpaper will simply peel off. In addition, the primer will even out the color of the wall, and the gray concrete will not show through under a thin coating. The primer mixture will fill the voids in the porous surface, you spend less glue.

For walls made of, concrete and wood, a universal acrylic primer is used. It is easy to apply, diluted with plain water and dries fairly quickly.

For your information! Unscrupulous sellers can offer you, instead of acrylic primer, a solution of PVA glue. Be careful, outwardly the compositions are very similar, but the glue has a specific smell.

For walls made of wood, plywood or alkyd primer can be used. It dries for a long time - almost a day, but provides excellent adhesion even for heavy wallpaper. Metal walls are treated with a glyptal primer similar to enamel. Only she guarantees you quality coating. The same primer can be used for plastic. This coating will dry overnight. Another option for a mixture for metal is perchlorovinyl primer, but it is not recommended for use in residential areas due to its high toxicity.

How to glue wallpaper - basic techniques

After you have prepared the walls well before the main stage of work, you need to solve several important questions: where to start gluing, how to properly cut the wallpaper and paste it in difficult and hard-to-reach places.

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interesting solutions for the living room, bedroom, children's room, kitchen and corridor. The basic rules for selecting canvases and recommendations from designers - read in our review.

Where to start gluing wallpaper and how to fit the pattern

Wise with their own experience, older relatives will tell you that you need to glue the wallpaper from the window. Indeed, the old paper panels were glued just like that for one simple reason: the joints were overlapped, and so that in natural light the seams were not conspicuous, they had to be directed away from the window. Modern manufacturers offer panels that are glued end-to-end. Such seams are less noticeable, but they require a perfectly even base. So the question of where to start work becomes less relevant: start from any side on which it is convenient for you to draw a vertical, and glue in a circle.

Pay attention to several important nuances:

  • how the wallpaper will look in the opening between the windows. It is not always good if a seam is placed in a narrow opening;
  • where the furniture will be. If you plan to put and do not place wallpaper behind it in order to save money, you need to decide on a starting point;
  • if you plan to place it on one of the walls, you need to evenly measure the location of the picture and continue pasting from this place.

The first canvas is the most difficult task. It is important to place it strictly vertically so that the slightest skew does not spoil all the work later.

Expert point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

Technical director of the repair and construction company "ILASSTROY"

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“If you use a plumb line, rub the rope with chalk or paint. Fasten the top end of the plumb line and pull the bottom lightly - the paint will remain on the wall and mark the desired line.

Most often, rooms in apartments have imperfect corners. Therefore, it is better to mark the vertical on each wall. Wallpapering technology requires pattern fitting. Fashionable finishes are distinguished by complex ornaments and bright images. You should be aware that on the wallpaper packaging, manufacturers indicate the offset distance to fit the pattern. But in practice, it is easier to do the adjustment manually, visually combining the pattern. And this should be done not only at the stage of cutting the canvases, but also in the process of gluing them.

Video: wallpapering with a large pattern

Glue on the wallpaper or on the wall - how to apply it correctly

The answer to this question depends on what type of wallpaper you have chosen for your renovation. If you have paper wallpapers at your disposal, the glue is applied directly to the canvas. For reliable gluing of thick vinyl or non-woven coatings, the adhesive composition is applied to both the wallpaper and the wall. Non-woven wallpaper can be glued without applying the composition to the canvas, limited only to the processing of the wall.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners of a room

Most often in the process of work you have to deal with internal corners. Here you should make sure that the strip covers the corner and a few centimeters behind it. Even if the canvases are glued end-to-end, you need to overlap in the corners. Only in this way will you get an even angle. Use a level or plumb line as a guide. So that the overlap is not noticeable on thick wallpaper, after gluing, cut both layers along the ruler sharp knife, and while the wallpaper is not dry, remove the excess stripes from one side and the other. If necessary, add glue with a small brush.

You will also have to tinker with the outer corners. They are rarely perfectly even, so here you also need to use an overlap of 3 centimeters. After the first canvas has been glued, you need to cut it off, leaving a thin edge at the corner. The second strip is aligned vertically on the other wall and fixed so that there is a minimal overlap on the first panel. How to glue wallpaper in the corners in a short video course.

How to glue wallpaper near windows, doors and behind the battery

So, you glue the wallpaper with your own hands, and you have reached. Feel free to fasten the new canvas so that an entrance to the window is formed. If you need to seal the slopes, make two horizontal cuts and bend the panel. If it does not reach the frame, you will have to make another cut, it is advisable to join it at the corner (see the technology for gluing external corners described above).

is a serious obstacle. You can’t place wallpaper behind them, so you have to cut them off. This must be done so that it is not noticeable that there is a bare wall behind the battery. To do this, leave a part of the canvas so that it goes 10 centimeters onto the radiator, and then tuck it behind the device, pressing and smoothing it with a spatula. How to glue the wallpaper yourself behind the battery in the video.

How to make seams invisible

Why can the seams between panels remain visible? There are several reasons for this effect:

  • defective coloring of the edge of the wallpaper. A minimum strip of tenths of a millimeter without paint can cause the seams to be visible;
  • an error in gluing the canvas - a skew in one direction leads to minimal overlap or a gap;
  • loose adhesion of the material to the base, part of the strip may lag behind due to an air bubble.

It happens that you noticed the marriage too late, what to do? There are several ways to mask the seam so that it becomes invisible. If you get an unplanned overlap, you just need to cut through both canvases as you would when working with internal corners, and remove excess strips.

Important! In order for the edges of the wallpaper to adhere tightly to the base, additionally coat them with glue and roll them with a rubber roller.

Notice the uneven coloring of the edge? It is best to return such wallpapers to the store, this is a defective product. If for some reason this is not possible, for example, you bought the material in another city, then try cutting off the unpainted edge. This is difficult, and new joint problems will inevitably arise. It is best to do this during the gluing process, specifically overlapping and cutting off the edge already on the wall. As an alternative to this method - the use of a suitable color paint. It is better to take the color half a tone darker.

How to stick wallpaper of different types

A wide range of wallpapers in modern stores includes products not only for every taste, but also for every budget. You can limit yourself to buying cheap paper-based wallpaper or purchase more expensive non-woven or vinyl options. Is there a difference in sticking different types of wallpaper?

How to glue paper wallpaper

Paper is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly coating. Experts advise when gluing paper finishes to apply glue to the panels. Keep in mind: the paper absorbs the glue quickly, so you have to work very fast, otherwise the strip will get wet and tear when glued.

Do not be alarmed if, even after careful leveling, irregularities appear on the surface after a few minutes - after drying, the canvases will “pull up” and be even again.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper

For vinyl wallpaper, you definitely need to purchase a special glue. This material is thick, and should only be placed end-to-end. On the packaging of vinyl wallpaper, they usually write what glue should be applied to: on the panel or on the wall. Unlike paper, vinyl strips should soak with glue within 10-15 minutes. The video below gives recommendations on how to glue vinyl wallpaper with your own hands:
