Wiring diagram for a wood-burning boiler. How to install a solid fuel boiler, piping

The boiler piping is all devices and elements that are connected to a heat source, and which together form one heating system. The piping scheme for a solid fuel device consists of:

  1. Shut-off and control valves.
  2. Control and automation devices.
  3. pipelines.
  4. Heating devices (radiators, warm floors, heated towel rails).

Strapping requirements

Tying can be done according to many schemes, which must take into account the rules:

  1. Temperature of water or any other liquid, which comes out of the head unit of the system, should not exceed the normative values. This applies to the pressure under which the coolant is supplied.
  2. Temperature entering the boiler long burning coolant should not be less than 20 °C from that of the water leaving the heat exchanger. Otherwise, in the middle of the body begins.
  3. There should be automatic devices that are able to control the power of the long-burning unit and ensure a stable liquid temperature.

Best of all, such requirements are met by schemes that provide for the presence of circulation pumps.

Open system with natural circulation

Such a scheme is the simplest among all harnesses because it consists of a minimum number of elements. Thanks to this, it is completely autonomous. Flaws:

  1. It is not possible to control the temperature of the water leaving the heat exchanger.
  2. Air can enter the coolant through the open expansion tank. This accelerates the corrosion of panel and bimetallic radiators, steel pipes and a heat exchanger.

This type of harness includes:

  1. Long burning boiler.
  2. Hot water supply line.
  3. Open expansion tank.
  4. A certain number of heating radiators.
  5. Return water line.

Installation rules:

  1. The water supply pipe from the boiler must be more than 0.5 m below the heating radiators. Otherwise, the natural circulation of the coolant will be unstable.
  2. Pipes are installed inclined in the direction of water movement. To reduce the resistance to movement, it is recommended to use pipes with a larger diameter.
  3. The expansion tank must be placed in the place whose height is the greatest when compared with the height of the placement of all trim elements.
  4. Since shut-off and control valves reduce the flow area of ​​the pipes (this increases the resistance of the liquid), its number should be minimal.

Read also: Smoke exhauster for solid fuel boiler

Closed system with natural circulation

This piping of the pellet device involves the use of a closed-type membrane tank. It is better to place it on the return pipe at the lowest point. At the same time, a tank is optimal, in which more than 10% of the water used in the entire system is placed.

The composition of the scheme is presented:

  1. Heating boiler.
  2. Security group.
  3. Feed line of heated liquid.
  4. Heating radiators.
  5. membrane tank.
  6. Return water supply line.

The safety group is a separate device, which must consist of at least radiators and a safety valve. The latter is connected to the sewerage using a drain hose. Its function is to relieve excess pressure. This device may include a pressure gauge that allows you to visually assess the pressure in the system.

The first two elements of a security group can also be set individually. Often it is already included in the design of the device. The rules for installing the main piping elements are almost the same as the rules for installing the components of the above diagram.

Piping with forced circulation

It has almost the same structure as a closed system with a natural movement of the coolant. In this case, an additional element appears in the form of a circulation pump. In most cases, it is mounted on the return supply line after the membrane tank and before the inlet fitting of the heat exchanger.

Thanks to this pump, you can more flexibly control the operation of the system. It becomes possible to install shut-off and control valves on each radiator. Now water is able, under the pressure created by the circulation pump, to easily pass through narrower sections of the pipeline made of polypropylene.

The use of such a pump makes the system dependent on the power supply.

Collector system

Such a piping of a solid fuel unit includes:

  1. Solid fuel boiler.
  2. Security group.
  3. Supply line manifold.
  4. Heating radiators.
  5. Towel dryer.
  6. Underfloor heating system.
  7. Return manifold.
  8. Membrane tank.
  9. Circulation pump.

Read also: Installation of a gas boiler with an indirect heating boiler

The new elements in this system are collectors. Known as combs. They are a wide pipe with a large number of nozzles. One of them is the input, the rest are the output. A pipe with a safety group is connected to the first. Hot liquid is supplied through it, which, leaving various nozzles, is distributed among user groups: radiators, underfloor heating and a heated towel rail. The second collector collects water together and directs it through the outlet.

Hydraulic gun system

Very similar to the collector circuit. Instead of two collectors hydraulic gun is used, which is a vertical pipe with a large diameter, and which is connected to the supply and return lines. It has many fittings to which individual groups of users are connected.

Branch pipes to which radiators, underfloor heating, etc. can be connected are located at different heights of the hydraulic gun. In this case, the placement height corresponds to the water temperature. Due to this, coolant with a certain temperature can be supplied to various devices.

Thermal storage system

The piping of a solid fuel heating boiler, the scheme of which includes, differs in that it can have two coolant movement circuits:

  1. The first occurs between the device and the heat accumulator.
  2. The second is formed between the heat accumulator and radiators.

The scheme is this:

  1. Boiler.
  2. Security group.
  3. Heat accumulator.
  4. Heating devices.
  5. Main circulation pump. It is included in the pipe, which departs from the heating radiators and goes to the heat accumulator.
  6. membrane tank. Located after the heat accumulator.
  7. Additional circulation pump. It is located between the membrane tank and the return pipe of the heat exchanger.

Accumulates heat in itself, at the same time giving the necessary amount of it to radiators. It always supplies a normalized amount of heat, absorbing all its excesses. As a result, the radiators do not overheat. In this mode, the coolant circulates throughout the system.

If you need to stop the supply of heated water to the radiators for a while, it begins to circulate between the boiler and the heat accumulator. When the fuel in the boiler runs out and the fire goes out, the coolant circulates only between the heat accumulator and the heating radiators.

Wiring diagram for a solid fuel boiler and a gas boiler

Very simple is the strapping, which provides parallel connection of a gas and solid fuel boiler. It is used for systems with natural circulation.

Modern solid fuel boilers are characterized by high efficiency, which allows you to save on energy. But it is very important to know how to carry out the strapping, as it can be different. To competently solve this issue, you need to focus not only on finances, but also on the house itself.

What is the correct schema?

The heating scheme of a house with a solid fuel boiler is the connection of each heating element with additional devices (which in the complex are connected to the circuit), structural wiring units and the boiler itself. Any heating system has its main components - a boiler, heating elements (batteries, heated towel rail, pipes, etc.), controllers, fuses, an expansion tank, and so on. The heating scheme is the correct circuit that connects together all the necessary components, while all the requirements and norms of state standards must be observed.

If you plan to independently deal with the heating system, then first in without fail you need to familiarize yourself with the list of basic state standards. These include:

  • documents on construction standards regarding motor ship networks;
  • state regulations on construction and basic provisions on residential buildings (2005 edition);
  • building regulations on heating and air conditioning systems for residential premises (edition 1991);
  • state standards on units that operate on the basis of solid fuel (edition 1995);
  • state standards with a description of heating devices with a capacity of 100 kW (edition 1993).

This entire list is mandatory. Firstly, this will allow you to connect in the correct sequence, which means that the entire system will work properly. Secondly, such documents allow you to make a SAFE connection.

If you are not sure that you can re-read all the literature, or simply too lazy to take such documentation in your hands, then it is better not to risk not your own, not the health of your loved ones, but immediately call specialists.

Distinctive features of solid fuel boilers

V Lately, more and more people are trying to switch to solid fuel boilers. The fact is that such devices not only differ from heat generators of other types in terms of the principle of operation. There are a number of other features that are inherent in them:

  • high rate of inertia - if the fuel flared up in the combustion chamber, then it is not possible to extinguish it instantly;
  • condensate in the firebox - such a moment occurs if a coolant enters the boiler tank, the temperature of which does not exceed 50 degrees.

And here there are quite dangerous moments.

As for the inertia, it can lead to overheating of the heater jacket. And this is fraught with consequences - boiling of the coolant. Here there is the formation of hot steam, which creates high pressure, due to which the body and the near part of the pipeline are heated. Therefore, a not very pleasant “climate” is created in the furnace - a lot of water and steam. In addition, the boiler quickly fails. You can create this problem with my own hands if the heat generator is not connected correctly. But to work in the maximum mode for solid fuel boilers is the norm. Only in this case, the device shows those efficiency indicators that are stated in its technical data sheet.

Now it is worth mentioning the condensate. He settles with inside the firebox, which leads to problems, since the semi-heated coolant at this time already begins to pass through the water jacket. In fact, such a liquid is a rather aggressive environment. Because of this, corrosion develops rapidly on the steel walls of the combustion chamber. Further, mixing with ash, the condensate becomes sticky in consistency and settles on all surfaces. It is not so easy to wash it, so experts recommend immediately installing a mixing unit that will protect the installation from such a problem.

It is also interesting that even the owners cast iron heat exchangers they cannot relax. Here the danger lies in the "temperature shock", which is dangerous for cast iron. The basis is inertia. That is, if in the house for some reason reasons will disappear electricity, then the water in the batteries will begin to cool, while in the heat exchanger itself it will begin to heat up. As soon as the pump starts to work, cold liquid will enter the hot boiler, which will lead to a sharp temperature drop. This process is called "thermal shock". Often this leads to cracks in the cast iron sections. This breakdown is not only difficult to fix, but most often requires a complete replacement of the section. And this is also not always possible. In this case, the masters are advised to install a mixing unit.

Having understood for yourself such potential emergency situations, you can understand with what responsibility you need to approach the heating scheme of a private house with a solid fuel boiler. If you take this issue seriously, you will be able to avoid buying unnecessary items and install everything correctly.

Connection Requirements

It has already been mentioned above that before installing the heating system, you must first study the necessary requirements and norms. The functionality of the entire system depends on this.

The efficiency of heating is directly related to whether the system is connected to a water circuit or not. When buying a solid fuel boiler, you need to carefully read the instruction manual. These documents not only explain specifications device, but also details how the unit should work. For example, the minimum outlet temperature should be 55 degrees, while the inlet temperature is 45 degrees. Otherwise, condensation will form. It is for these purposes that it is necessary to create correct scheme connecting the boiler to the system.

There are a number of other features to be aware of:

  1. When choosing a place to install the appliance, it is important to remember that it is an ideal horizontal hard surface. At the same time, it must have a strictly vertical position. Therefore, experts recommend first making a cement screed in the boiler room, the thickness of which should be at least 5 cm. Also, a backfill of the same thickness is equipped here. It is important to say here that for the installation of the expansion tank, you need to choose the highest point, for which the attic is usually chosen.
  2. The heating system must have a chimney, which is equipped with a valve. This piece is made from stainless steel. A collector is mounted at the bottom of the chimney, in which all condensate will accumulate. Since smoke with various kinds of impurities has to pass through such a pipe, over time, plaque will begin to form on the inner surface. Accordingly, it is necessary to create conditions so that the chimney can be put in order, for which windows are equipped along the entire length. It is important that they are easily accessible.

  1. If the soot removal pipe has to pass through low-heated rooms in the house, then such areas must be insulated. This will help not only to avoid the formation of additional condensate, but also significantly extend the life of the material itself.
  2. When creating a heating circuit, it is imperative to install a safety valve. This is justified by the fact that solid fuel boilers should only work with a water circuit, where there is a pressure of 2 kg / cm3, while the temperature index should not exceed 90 degrees. Therefore, the valve will become a fuse in case of any failure.

In fact, all technological nuances are always indicated in the instructions for the unit. Accordingly, before choosing a boiler piping scheme, you need to carefully study the documentation.

Types of piping schemes for a solid fuel boiler

The connection scheme to the heating system must be selected in accordance with the number of circuits of the heating element. It also takes into account the geometry and quadrature of the room where the circuit is installed, and whether there will be additional auxiliary devices. After analyzing all these points, you can start creating a drawing.

The circuit diagram may be as follows:

Open (gravity type circulation);

Closed (natural or forced circulation);

collector type.

Any type of connection scheme requires the correct organization of the circuit. It is important to observe the delta of water temperatures so that at the inlet and outlet it does not exceed 20 degrees. If this moment is missed, then there may be side effects, in particular condensate, which leads to corrosion of metal elements.

Open circuit with gravity circulation

This option is easy to perform even for a beginner. Here, water circulates in the system due to the difference in density of cold and hot liquids. According to the laws of physics, hot water begins to flow upwards (since its density is less), and then it cools down and returns to the starting point.

Despite the fact that this type of strapping is quite simple, it requires compliance with a number of requirements. Firstly, in order for water to circulate freely in the system, it is necessary to install heating equipment half a meter lower than the batteries are located in the house. Secondly, in order to minimize the manifestation of water resistance, pipes with a cross section of up to 5 cm are needed, while distribution pipes on batteries can have a value of 2.5 cm. Thirdly, locking devices and fittings directly affect the free circulation of water in the system, Therefore, there should be a minimum of such elements.

But for the sake of fairness, it is worth saying that an open system with natural circulation has a number of its advantages. Besides the fact that it is the easiest to arrange, the financial costs of it are not so great. True, the owner will not be able to constantly control temperature regime coolant at the outlet, due to which the heating of the circuit is somewhat reduced. Also, the expansion tank occasionally remains open, which means that oxygen has contact with the coolant, which gradually increases the risk of corrosion.

Summing up, it is worth saying that experts recommend this type of heating scheme only for those private houses where people live from time to time, and not on an ongoing basis, for example, for summer cottages.

Closed system with natural circulation

In this scheme, the basis is the difference in the density of hot and cold water, as in the previous version. Here the circuit has a fairly simple structure, due to which, installation is carried out quickly and its cost will not be too high. If in an open system, the safety tank remains open, then here it is completely closed. This means that oxygen does not have any contact with the coolant, thereby reducing the risk of system corrosion, and this will significantly extend the life of all devices.

This scheme has a number of main elements:

  • boiler;
  • expansion tank;
  • membrane tank;
  • security group.

It is worth saying more about the latest devices. Such a group, as the name implies, ensures safe operation. It includes a pressure gauge that controls the pressure inside the boiler, and a pressure relief valve. If any failures occur in the system, then such devices will not allow side effects to occur.

The efficiency of the system depends on the thermal insulation of the pipes for heating, that is, the more reliably they are protected by special materials, the less heat will be dissipated. But it is worth knowing that in a closed-type circuit with natural circulation there is no way to control the temperature of the coolant at the outlet (as in the previous case). This leads to a decrease in heating efficiency. That is why experts recommend additional thermal insulation of pipes in order to be able to retain heat as much as possible.

Weighing all the pros and cons, it becomes clear that such a system can be effective in a house, given all the nuances of the natural circulation of water. So, it may well be suitable for a house in which it is planned to live all year round.

Closed system with circulation pump

This type of installation is considered the most efficient and economical. In this case, the increase in the efficiency of the circuit is due to the high heat transfer of water. There is no need to use a lot of coolant, which saves electricity. The presence of a pump provides forced circulation of water, due to which it can pass through pipes of a smaller diameter than in the previous two cases. But here it is important to choose the right pump, on which the heating efficiency will depend.

It is worth paying special attention just to the pump. Thanks to it, there is a forced circulation of fluid in the system, and this, in turn, leads to an increase in heat transfer from pipes and batteries. A special sensor regulates the operation of the device. Such an element must be installed on the return pipe through which the cooled coolant comes to the boiler.

In this case, the coolant does not evaporate, since this circuit has a sealed membrane tank. The closed type of boiler piping helps to avoid the phenomenon of corrosion, so that all elements will last much longer.

If we talk about the shortcomings of the system with a pump, then first of all it is worth mentioning the dependence on electricity. That is, if for some reason the house loses light, the device will stop working, which means that until electricity appears, the rooms will be cold. Also, such a system requires not only skills in installation, but also significant financial investments for the purchase of a pump. Therefore, it is better to entrust this issue to professionals.

This heating option is great not only for houses, but also for apartments where permanent residence is expected.

Collector circuit

There is another connection scheme - a collector type. But it’s worth mentioning right away that such work is quite difficult and requires serious knowledge and skills. Since this approach has been used relatively recently, it is better not to take risks, but immediately hire specialists who will carry out such a system.

This option is highly energy efficient. This is due to the fact that each device in the heating system is connected to a common circuit through an individual collector. Such a device is a kind of coolant distributor. It is presented in the form of a pipe with a large cross section, in which there are exits to each radiator in the house.

Another advantage of this scheme is the ability to control the temperature of each battery, which is not in any of the previous harnesses. This is due to the fact that here each radiator will have an individual connection, thanks to which it is possible to independently regulate the "climate" in each room of the house. In addition, if suddenly one of the batteries breaks down, this will not affect the operation of other radiators in any way. It remains just to replace the broken element and connect it back to the entire system. Also, this piping of a solid fuel boiler allows you to save a lot, because if there are rooms in the house that do not need to be heated, then the taps are simply closed.

Collector wiring is created at the stage of building a house. The fact is that the supply and discharge pipes, which are connected to each radiator separately, must be laid under the rough floor screed. Firstly, it is more aesthetically pleasing, and secondly, it is possible to make an additional warm floor (at least part of it). And if you use a hydraulic arrow in the strapping, you can create several circuits at once, where there will be different temperature conditions.

If you think objectively, then each type of connection has its pros and cons. When you want more universal heating, you have to pay for it more money. But such a question in each case is solved individually, while not only financial possibilities are taken into account, but also the climatic conditions of the area where the house will be located.

How to choose the right boiler connection scheme?

In order for the house to be warm, it is not enough to know about what heating schemes with a solid fuel boiler are. Masters who have been creating heating systems for more than one year give the following recommendations:

  1. When creating a drawing of a heating scheme on a solid fuel boiler, you should first familiarize yourself with the types and principles of operation of such heat generators. It can be a constant or long burning heater, a pyrolysis or pellet unit, a buffer. Each of these devices has its own performance criteria, which for some can become minuses, and for others pluses.

  1. To get an ideal heat supply scheme, you need to be able to combine the operation of the boiler with the tank, since this element accumulates thermal energy. This is justified by the fact that the water heating element can change its temperature in the range from 60 to 90 degrees. There is no fixed indicator. Since solid fuel boilers are inert devices, this distinguishes them favorably from gas, diesel and electric counterparts.
  2. When choosing a heating scheme, it is necessary to objectively assess the risk of a power outage. If a power outage occurs frequently in an area, then a system with a water pump will not only not pay for itself, but can quickly fail. Therefore, it is better to choose the type of heating with natural circulation.
  3. When choosing a harness, it is worth considering in advance the safety lines between the boiler and the tank. They are located at the points of the inlet and outlet pipes so that they are as close as possible to the water heater. Also, to achieve the maximum effect, you need to try to keep the distance between the boiler and the expansion tank to a minimum. But here it is no longer possible to mount safety valves or taps.
  4. If a scheme with a pump was chosen, then it is installed on the return pipe, as close as possible to the heat generator. Thus, even if the light is turned off and the pump stops working, the water will continue to move along the circuit, that is, the minimum heat will remain. The device must be installed along the bypass. Only then will it be possible to disconnect it from the network (if necessary), and block the bypass itself with the help of cranes.

  1. There is such a thing as a bypass. These are jumpers with taps that are placed between the supply line and the return pipe. Such an arrangement contributes to the return of the "extra" hot water when the volume is changed by the thermostat.
  2. A stainless steel valve must be installed in the chimney. Since there is moisture in the smoke, albeit in small quantities, but it is she who can provoke the destruction of the inside.

Binding is a process that should be given special attention. Therefore, they design and mount it only if there is complete confidence in their abilities.

Autonomous heating allows you not to depend on the established consumption norms, the pricing policy of heat suppliers and their mood. This makes it possible to independently control the heating process and maintain the most comfortable temperature in the house, while saving resources.

And if you have a do-it-yourself piping of the heating boiler, then it will last longer, and it will “take away” less financial resources, right? But you have never been engaged in strapping, and at first glance the word itself seems incomprehensible to you?

Do not be afraid of the abundance of pipes, devices and technological stages- after reading the article, this work will be up to you. Here, strapping schemes for floor and wall types of heating equipment are considered, illustrative photos and recommendations of specialists on strapping at home are selected.

The piping of the heating boiler is a system of pipelines and equipment designed to provide radiators with coolant. Simply put, it's everything but the batteries.

The first step is the choice of a heating boiler, the performance of which must be determined in advance.

The calculation of the required power of the heating unit is influenced by many factors, these are:

  • volume of the building;
  • number of windows and total area glazing;
  • number and area of ​​doorways;
  • thermal conductivity of materials used in the construction of walls;
  • degree of insulation of load-bearing structures;
  • average annual temperature in the construction region;
  • the location of the building, i.e. which side of the world faces the main, traditionally the most glazed facade.

However, there is an average indicator that, without in-depth calculations, allows you to determine the required performance.

For middle lane as a starting point (but not a guide to action!) You can take 1 kW per 10 m² of heated area. To the design capacity of the heating boiler, it is imperative to add a margin of at least 20%.

Heat for heating buildings is obtained by processing fuel in boilers that heat the coolant

Types of heating boilers

Conventionally, heating boilers can be divided into autonomous and manual loading.

Autonomous boilers, depending on the fuel used, are:

  • liquid fuel.

The order in the list determines the cost of heating depending on the type of fuel: gas boilers will be the cheapest to operate.

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As we already found out in our previous article, this is the most important operation, on which, in fact, the efficiency of heating the house and the operation of all heating circuits depends. However, each type of boilers operating on one type of fuel has its own connection features. An exception is not a solid fuel boiler. In this article, we will analyze what strapping options are suitable for him, what to consider, and what you cannot do without. Go!

Why do you need a solid fuel boiler piping?

Connected solid fuel boiler

So, what will the owner of a TT boiler get if he connects it correctly to all systems? The benefits are many and very important:

  • In systems with natural circulation, the coolant will circulate evenly through all pipes of the system. In everything that concerns systems with forced circulation, the pump is responsible for the movement of the coolant.
  • Increasing the level of safe operation- this is especially true if the water pressure in the system increases sharply. If you do not compensate for it in any way, then the boiler, like the piping itself, can be damaged. And if at this moment there are people next to the unit, then they may also suffer.
  • Air is removed from the system- this is very important, since air jams in the pipes can lead to the fact that some part of the radiator remains cold and does not warm up. This means that the house will not evenly warm up.
  • Optimizes the performance of multiple circuits– you can set the desired temperature for radiators, underfloor heating and other heating systems.

Remember that any solid fuel boiler, unlike other types of boilers, is supplied without a circulation pump, expansion / membrane tank and other automation attributes. You will have to install them yourself.

Features of using the boiler

As we said earlier, each boiler for a certain type of fuel is an individual design with its own nuances. A solid fuel boiler needs special attention and competent piping. Why? Now we'll tell you.

  • Corrosive combustion products of coal, firewood, pellets- the process of burning wood or coal is more complicated than the combustion process natural gas. When methane burns, it produces water and carbon dioxide with some carbon monoxide. With firewood, everything is more complicated. Not only is this a long and complicated process, but also during combustion, methane, carbon monoxide and dioxide, hydrogen, formaldehyde, methyl alcohol, benzene, phenol, etc. are released. Just imagine how this whole “bouquet” affects the material of the heat generator, destroying it. That is why a well-executed strapping helps to reach the optimal operating mode, reducing the impact of these substances.
  • Tendency to form a large amount of condensate- Now we will explain what's what. What will happen, if the solid fuel boiler is connected directly to the heating system ? After loading the fuel, the boiler will start to warm up and enter the operating mode. If the boiler is connected directly, then through the heating boiler will begin to pass cold water. A large amount of moisture will appear on the inner surface of the furnace, which will come into contact with a vigorous “bouquet” of combustion products and ash. As a result, all this mixture will firmly stick to the heat exchanger.


Rust will actively destroy the walls of the combustion chamber. Even if it is made of cast iron, which is immune to corrosion, its surface is very rough, which means that the plaque will stick very firmly and for a long time. And this will significantly reduce the efficiency of the equipment.

There is one exception to this rule: the boiler can be connected directly if the system is with natural circulation. The fact is that in such systems, water will move as it heats up, which means that there will be no sudden temperature changes, and condensate will not occur.

  • inertia- Another consequence of the complex process of fuel combustion. If soon after you loaded the next batch of firewood / coal, you needed to stop the boiler, reduce the heating temperature, then you will not be able to do this soon. Namely - after the whole party burns out. A similar phenomenon will occur if the electricity is turned off, the pump stops working. The water in the pipes and the "shirt" of the boiler will immediately stop, but will continue to boil long time. This can cause rupture of pipes or the boiler itself. To avoid this, you need to install a safety group with a relief valve.

Boiler CT piping rules

  • The temperature difference in the supply and discharge pipes should be no more than 20ºС. This is a mandatory rule if you do not want condensation to begin to actively form. We have already talked about the consequences.
  • The water pressure must not exceed the set value. To control this parameter, manometers are installed.
  • Check the tightness of all connections. They affect the efficiency of the system. Paronite is suitable for the greatest compaction.
  • It is forbidden to use combustible materials for strapping. If you settled on polypropylene, then carefully monitor the quality of the goods when buying. Fakes are very common.
  • Necessarily keep coolant clean. The service life of the boiler, and the entire system as a whole, depends on this.
  • It is better to build a system with natural circulation in one-story houses of a small area.
  • When tying, consider the off-season, when you will often have to adjust the temperature of the coolant.

Heating system piping

The most popular are 2 schemes: single-pipe and two-pipe. Let's take a look at what they are.

  • Single pipe system- the most elementary option, however, not the most effective. It is a vicious circle of pipes, valves, automation, the center of which is the boiler. A pipe runs from it along the lower plinth to all rooms, connecting to all batteries and other heating devices.

Plus schemes: ease of installation, a small amount of material for the construction of the circuit.

Minus: uneven distribution of the coolant over the radiators. Batteries in the outermost rooms will warm up worse, as the last ones in the way of water movement. However, this problem is solved installing a pump or increasing the number of sections in the last radiators.

  • Two-pipe system– more effective method, since with its help the problem of uniform distribution of water over all heating devices is solved. Pipes can be located at the top (this option is preferable, because then the water can circulate for natural reasons) or at the bottom (then a pump is required).

Options for piping schemes for a solid fuel boiler

There are quite a few piping schemes for boilers, it all depends on your individual conditions: the location of the boiler, the number of rooms, heating circuits, etc. Yes, and it also depends on your material investments. Next, we will consider possible schemes, their advantages and recommendations, when and which one is better.

With natural circulation in an open system

Piping scheme for an open system with natural circulation

This is the most common scheme, its other name is gravitational.



Ease of design and construction

Inexpensive- in terms of the cost of materials and the necessary elements


non-volatile- even if the electricity is turned off, the system will not stop functioning, continuing to heat the coolant and distribute it to the radiators.

Necessarily! Installation expansion tank, which will collect excess water that has increased in volume when heated.

Learn the main thing! When connecting the boiler according to this scheme, it will be very difficult to control the operation of the entire system, that is, to control the temperature of the liquid. The fuel consumption will be very large, and you will have to constantly monitor the operation of the system.

In addition, air can enter the pipes from the expansion tank, which is also not good, since then rust forms in the boiler and pipes.

Installation rules:

  1. The height difference between the boiler and the radiators must be at least 0.5 meters. This will guarantee stable water circulation.
  2. Try to use as few stop valves as possible. It reduces the cross-section of pipes, thus impairing water circulation.
  3. During the installation of pipes, do not forget about the need for a slope in the direction of the movement of the coolant (about 5-7 mm per 1 meter). It is also better to take a larger diameter of the pipes so that the liquid flows more actively.

With natural circulation in a closed system

Closed system with natural circulation

This binding uses membrane tank, which is located on the return line. Do not forget that its volume should be 10% of the total volume of coolant in the system.

In addition to the tank, you will need to install safety valve(connects to sewer system) at the outlet of the system and the “air vent”.

They can be installed into the system separately or linked into a single node, the so-called security group.

With buffer tank

The buffer tank is a kind of node, which is a kind of "intermediary" between the boiler and the heating units. Her role can be played as heat accumulator, and hydro gun.

Why is a buffer tank needed?

  1. When the boiler is operating at low power (the air damper closes), then the remaining fuel in the combustion chamber smolders at a low oxygen content. This leads to the fact that a large amount of carbon monoxide is formed in the smoke. Therefore, it will be better if the boiler always operates at high or at least medium power, and the excess heat produced by it is transferred to the heat accumulator.
  2. Since it is necessary to regularly add fuel to the TT boiler, this is not always possible to do on time, especially if the loading is manual. Then the firewood in the firebox will gradually burn out, heat and energy will decrease, the temperature in the house will begin to gradually drop. It will take time for a new batch of fuel to ignite and go to work. A buffer tank with stored heat will also help to avoid such drops. She will be able to give it away while a new batch of fuel is being prepared.

You can see more details about the buffer capacitance circuit in this video:

One of the options for buffer capacity is heat accumulator. Below we will present a diagram in which you will see a system of 2 mixing units, a heat accumulator and a small coolant flow circuit.

Connecting a solid fuel boiler with a buffer tank

Hydrogun- another version of the buffer tank. The connection takes place according to the same principle as in the case of a heat accumulator, with the only exception that the hydraulic arrow is not a heat accumulator. It redirects the coolant flows to different heating circuits (radiators, underfloor heating, indirect heating boiler, etc.). Each circuit has its own desired temperature.

Collector scheme

Collector piping scheme

This is a kind of two-pipe system, when each heating device has its own heating circuit. Roughly speaking, collectors are small tubes, which have several outlets and only 1 inlet. They are connected to the inlet / outlet pipes of the boiler.

With this construction you will be able to control the temperature in each device very accurately. However, this is the most expensive system to implement, since you will have to spend a lot of money on the purchase of materials and valves.

With indirect water heater

Boiler piping with hydraulic arrow

1 - boiler; 2 – temperature sensor; 3 - three-way valve of the boiler circuit; 4 - membrane tank; 5 - buffer capacity; 6 - batteries; 7 - heating circuit pump; 8 - three-way valve of the heating circuit; 9 - three-way valve of the heating circuit; 9 - temperature controller, installed indoors; 10 - BKN (boiler of indirect heating); 11 - DHW circuit pump; 12 - security group.

This option is suitable for absolutely everyone, with any type of coolant circulation, both closed and open. In this case, the BKN is connected to the boiler in parallel, along with all other hot water consumption devices.

To increase work efficiency, install a valve at the BKN outlet that will shut off the water outlet if it has not yet heated up.

emergency options

Each strapping scheme must necessarily provide a circuit in case of emergencies. Its task includes:

- protection against pressure drops;

- protection against temperature rise above the permitted level;

- prevention of moisture formation.

Safety valve

Safety valve in piping

Its task is just to relieve excess pressure from the system. It is mounted at the outlet of the boiler separately or as part of a safety group.

emergency heat exchanger

Emergency heat exchanger in the solid fuel boiler connection system

His task is as responsible as possible - to prevent overheating of both the boiler and the system in general. Overheating can happen for 2 reasons:

- into the boiler loaded too much fuel received heat exceeded demand.

power outage and the pump stopped working.

For the normal operation of this circuit, it is also necessary to install a temperature sensor with a valve and a cooling unit in the water supply pipe to the boiler. As soon as the temperature of the coolant exceeds the maximum allowed, the sensor signals this and provokes the opening of the valve.

After the valve is activated, water begins to fill the cooling unit, reducing the temperature of the main coolant.

Auxiliary circuit

Auxiliary heating circuit of a solid fuel boiler

One of the options for cooling the system. Its peculiarity is that it will be necessary to connect a storage tank for the DHW circuit.

This circuit will work as follows: in normal normal mode, the pump will work, creating a certain pressure. It will prevent the auxiliary circuit from being turned on. But as soon as the electricity is turned off, the pump will stop working, the pressure will disappear, and the spare circuit will come into operation.

Bottom line: the temperature of the water in the system will drop to the desired value.

thermostatic mixer

thermostatic mixer

We will make a reservation right away that this scheme is suitable for absolutely any type of heating system.!

This mixer maintains the lowest temperature of the coolant at the inlet to the boiler so that condensation does not form on the walls of the device, which we talked about at the very beginning of the article. Thus, in a solid fuel boiler, this is one of the most necessary nodes!

The mixer is installed on the return pipe using a bypass.

If the temperature in the return pipe is low (below the set value), the thermomixer will supply hot water.

Solid fuel boiler piping: video

If you want to learn more about the piping of a solid fuel boiler, then it will be very useful and interesting for you to watch the following video:

V country houses and cottages where there is no gas pipeline nearby, heating units that run on wood and coal are often used. But the connection schemes for solid fuel boilers may differ from each other, since pyrolysis devices require the presence of electricity, and such an installation itself has some fundamental differences.

Solid fuel boilers and their connection

Some requirements for the installation of TT boilers

  • The correct operation of the heating system depends, first of all, on the system itself, since it is possible to connect it correctly or not) only if the wiring of pipes and radiators is done professionally. Indeed, in fact, a water heating device of this type has only an input and output, where the rest of the circuit crashes.
  • In order for the solid fuel boiler to work with the greatest efficiency and have the longest uninterrupted service life, the operating instructions assume a minimum outlet temperature of 55⁰C, and an inlet (return) temperature of 45⁰C. Otherwise, condensate on the cold walls of the unit will reduce its time indicators, destroying the metal. This can be avoided by using various schemes for connecting the boiler to the heating system.

  • The installation of the unit is no less important, because the boiler must stand strictly vertically, on a rigid base, and this implies a cement screed of at least 5 cm thick with a bedding (half bed) of the same thickness. An open-type expansion tank must be located above the entire heating system and for this, most often it is determined in the attic.
  • The chimney at the boiler must be equipped with a stainless steel valve, and in its lower part it is necessary to arrange a condensate collector. To be able to clean the channel from soot, small, easily accessible hatches can be made along its length. In the unheated part of the room through which the pipe for removing soot passes, you should insulate it with your own hands in order to extend the service life.

Cautionary advice: It is strictly forbidden to operate without a safety valve. The use of TT units is possible only in a water circuit with a pressure of 0.2 MPa or 2 kg / cm2, and the allowable temperature should not exceed 90⁰ C.

Connection diagrams for TT boilers

  • There are many schemes for connecting a solid fuel boiler, and all of them in one way or another are the most acceptable, and sometimes even irreplaceable. But, nevertheless, it is not at all necessary to memorize all the drawings in order to achieve the most optimal result - it is enough to know the principle of operation of solid fuel units, their advantages and disadvantages well enough.

  • To calculate the ideal heating scheme, it is necessary to combine the operation of a solid fuel unit with a thermal energy storage tank as best as possible. The fact is that working temperature of the water heating device constantly fluctuates around 60⁰C-90⁰C and it is almost impossible to keep it in a constant mode. After all, a boiler that runs on wood or coal is an inert device, unlike similar gas, electric and even diesel installations (see this article).

  • It is not always possible to install a water pump for forced circulation of the coolant, and the reasons for this can be the most banal. One of them is frequent voltage drops in the network, which are difficult to equalize with a stabilizer or even, complete absence Power lines near the house. Of course, the price of such a system will be lower due to the lack of additional equipment, but its installation will require special care to comply with the slopes.

  • Between the boiler and the tank in the heating system, safety lines on the inlet and outlet pipes, as close as possible to the water heater, will not be superfluous. Also, the connection of the boiler with the expansion tank should be made in the shortest way, where no taps or safety valves can be inserted.
  • Pay attention to the distance h in the diagram, which determines the rise of the expansion tank above the top point of the heating system. If for some reason it is not possible to raise the tank, the circulation pump must be inserted into a straight pipe. Otherwise, you will open the possibility for air to be sucked into the upper radiators.