Actellik waiting time after processing. Actellik insectoacaricide: instructions for use of wettable powder and concentrated emulsion, safety measures when processing plants

Actellik is a strong insecticide used to protect cultivated plants from pests. The drug is suitable for use in the garden, garden, flower beds or for indoor crops. It allows you to get rid of many types of insects, therefore it is used in agriculture Often. And in order for its action to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to know exactly the required dosage and application features.

Actellik insecticide analogs and mechanism of action

The main active ingredient of Actellik insecticide is pirimiphos-methyl. The action is intestinal-contact. The drug is introduced into the body of an insect along with food or air. After that, the pests die within 5-10 minutes, a maximum of a couple of hours later, depending on the weather, the type of insects and their age.

Actellik is used against a wide variety of pests, including the Colorado potato beetle, aphids, scale insects, mealybugs, ants, thrips, ticks different type, weevils and sawflies. In addition, the product is effective for protecting vegetable stores from insects.

Analogues of the drug Aktellik are such means as Calypso, Biotlin, Ratibor, Konfidor, Aliot, Aktar, Nurel.

It is produced in the form of a concentrated emulsion with a volume of 3-5 liters or in ampoules of 2-5 ml. It is also available in the form of a wettable powder.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

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Actellik has been known for quite a long time. The fact that it was not squeezed out by more modern drugs from the agricultural market speaks of its high efficiency. What are his positive qualities?

  • Used to kill many types of insects.
  • Suitable for use in agriculture, forestry and at home.
  • It is used to disinfect barns.
  • Has an active effect.
  • Can be used for prevention.
  • It has a long term protection of crops after processing.
  • Does not cause addiction in insects.
  • Not dangerous for crops.

And now the disadvantages.

  • Not everyone is comfortable working with ampoules.
  • Bad smell.
  • Toxicity.

Application in the garden and in the garden

When using Aktellik in a garden or vegetable garden, a working fluid is made. To do this, dilute 2 ml of the substance with 2 liters of water. Up to 2 liters of the diluted preparation is taken per 10 square meters of an open area, and up to 1 liter for greenhouses. But depending on which culture will be processed, dosages and application features may change.

  • For spraying cruciferous, celery, beets, the solution is simply sprayed from above. 1 liter is enough for 10 squares of the plot.
  • Tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants are processed at the rate of 2 liters of solution per 10 squares.
  • Potatoes from Colorado are treated with a not very concentrated agent. 1 liter is enough for 10 planting squares.
  • Raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, currant bushes and other berry crops are processed at the rate of 1.5 liters of water mixture per 10 squares of land.


After use, the effect of the drug remains in the fields for another half a month, in the garden - up to 2 weeks, and in barns and cellars (with stock protection) - 8 months.

  • Cuttings before planting, if necessary, are treated with a 0.3% Actellik solution. Processing is carried out by simple soaking, after which the cuttings should be thoroughly dried.
  • Chokeberries and grapes need careful spraying. The solution is made at the rate of 3 liters of substance per 10 m² of plantings.
  • For one fruit tree, usually up to 1.5 liters of working solution is taken.

Instructions for use Actellik for indoor plants

The proportions of the drug for indoor plants and decorative ones that grow in the same flower beds. A liter of water is taken per 2 ml of the drug. After the agent is well mixed, it is poured into a spray container and the cultures are well treated.

If spraying was carried out in a room, then after it you need to open the windows, close the door and do not visit the room for a day so that it is well ventilated.

How to use the drug

To get the maximum efficiency from Actellik, you should follow the instructions for use, which is written on the package, here are the main points:

  • After cooking working fluid, it is immediately used. It is impossible to store a diluted remedy, it loses its qualities.
  • The solution is prepared according to the instructions in compliance with the dosage.
  • Plant processing is carried out when there is no wind.
  • The best time for spraying is in the morning or evening when there is no scorching sun.
  • The time is chosen such that after processing there is no precipitation for another 4-6 hours.

It is also worth noting that Actellik can be mixed with various fungicides and insecticides that do not contain alkali or copper.

Precautionary measures

Actellik is a toxic drug, so it is important to observe safety measures when working with it.

  1. When breeding and spraying plants with this agent, it is necessary to wear a protective suit, gloves, goggles, and a respirator.
  2. The first signs of poisoning are weakness, nausea, and vomiting. In this case, it is important to go out into the fresh air, drink 5-6 tablets of activated charcoal, drink plenty of fluids. After that, vomiting is provoked and then a doctor is called.
  3. If Aktellik gets on the skin, wash it off with soap and water. If the hedgehog gets into the eyes, they are washed with plenty of water and consult a doctor for advice.
  4. For animals, the product is dangerous, so they should not come into contact with it.
  5. Do not drink, eat or smoke while working with the substance!
  6. After use, all containers in which the substance was diluted are washed, cleaned and dried. Used ampoules are thrown away, wrapped in paper.
  7. Clothes, after spraying, are washed, face, hands, hair are thoroughly washed. It is also recommended to rinse the mouth.

It is necessary to store Actellik insecticide at a temperature of + 10 ... + 30 degrees, in dark room with good ventilation, where animals cannot get through. Food products, water nearby, are completely excluded.

Actellik is a systemic insecticide-acaricide pesticide that additionally has fumigant activity to protect against a complex of pests of fruit, berry, vegetable and flower crops in protected ground and to treat warehouses when storing grain and food stocks.

Let us consider in detail its purpose, composition, dosages, processing regulations, restrictions, compatibility and safety standards.

"Aktellik" - insectoacaricide from insect pests. It was originally developed and used to disinfect warehouses and granaries from pests located in hard-to-reach places. Having shown its high efficiency (high speed of action and long period of activity), it has found wider application as a drug for pest control in horticultural farms.

The drug for a long time was not produced in small forms for personal subsidiary farms, as a result of which it gained the fame of a “secret drug”. Thereby heating to it even greater interest from gardeners.

In fact it is " ambulance» for destruction:

  • scale insects and false scale insects;
  • , as well as phylloxera, strawberry mites, worms, sawflies, arachnids, fleas, thrips and other crawling and flying insects.

Composition and formulation

Active substancepyrimiphos-methyl 500 gr./l. The drug belongs to organophosphorus insecticides (FOS).

The drug from the complex of pests "Aktellik", manufacturer

The drug was developed by the largest Swiss company Syngenta, the registrant in Russia is its official representative Syngenta LLC, Moscow, and is officially produced by Avgust, as well as a number of other companies.

Preparative form - EC (emulsion concentrate)

Produced for industrial agricultural production in 1 liter canisters. and 5l., for private household plots - in ampoules of 2 and 5 ml., or bottles of 50 and 100 ml.

Operating principle

The action of the drug refers to the systemic contact-intestinal principle of exposure to the insect

a) contact effect- the active substance works in direct contact with the integument of the body of the insect, affecting nervous system and reproductive properties. Although it has been studied that some insects have protective mechanisms that neutralize the concentration of poison - increased secretion of external glands or autotomy (separation of infected limbs from the body). Therefore, in the preparation, in addition, intestinal penetration of the poison is used.

b) Intestinal effects- acts after the poison enters the intestines of the pest. As a result, poisoning and effects on the nervous system of harmful insects occur. It is important to note that Actellik has an effect on all stages of insect development, except for the egg, that is, on all forms capable of self-feeding.

Due to the fact that the Actellik drug acts systemically (both as a contact and as an intestinal one), it has a guaranteed high end result. In addition, the drug has fumigant properties.

The preparation "Aktellik", the manufacturer is the company "August"

Application features - regulations for treatments and dosages

Use on open and protected ground

The drug "Aktellik" has found application in the protection of vegetable, fruit and berry and flower crops grown in open and protected ground.

In conditions open ground the action of the drug is limited, since it has a hazard class 1 (especially dangerous) when exposed to bees. But in conditions of protected ground (greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses), the drug "Aktellik" is widely and widely used.

The drug is applied by spraying on the vegetative parts of plants at the first signs of detection of insect pests.

The concentration of the working solution is usually used 0.1-0.15%, depending on the number of insects and the age of the plant. In epiphytotic situations, the dosage can be increased by 2-4 times.

The dosage of the drug is determined by the instructions for use:

Consumption of working liquid 5-15-l./100m2, depending on the processed culture and intensity of spraying.

It should be borne in mind that the solution of the drug "Actellik" must be applied to both sides of the leaves and to prevent excessive runoff from the leaf surface. The product is sprayed with garden pump sprayers. However, the most The best way spraying - "cold fog", for this special equipment is used.

The number of treatments is most often 2-fold and at intervals of 5-7 days.

The period of protective action when using Actellik is 1-2 weeks, then, if necessary, the treatments are repeated.

Use for processing rooms, warehouses and storage facilities

Processing of warehouses of the food industry and healthcare institutions, as well as storages of grain and other products from pests, is carried out by the preparation "Aktellik" 3-4 weeks before receipt for storage. If there is information about the presence of contamination of the premises, a 2-fold treatment is carried out. The second treatment must be carried out at least 1 week prior to storage. Before spraying the drug, I should clean the room - remove the remnants of past storage, dirt, old insects, which can be reserves for new infections.

The treatment is also carried out by spraying the working solution. Dosage - 16 ml. concentrate for 0.8-1l.

The flow rate of the working fluid is up to 30-50 ml. working solution per 1 m 2 of the cultivated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, or at the rate of 1 liter. working solution for processing 1t. grains.

Examples of the drug "Aktellik" from pests of other manufacturers

Processing of indoor plants

The drug "Aktellik" is effective for protecting indoor plants from scale insects, false scale insects, mealybugs and thrips. It is used as a therapeutic agent for the destruction of pests, and as a prophylactic. The methods and procedure for processing are set out in a separate material on the site.

Dosage 2ml./1-1.5l. water. The drug is applied by spraying / irrigation, or both sides of the leaf plate are wiped with a working solution.

The consumption of the working solution is 50-200 ml. per plant, depending on the size and type of plant.

Compatibility and analogues

There are no restrictions on the compatibility of Actellik with other insecto-acaricides.

So, if it is necessary to re-treat after the end of the period of protective action (up to 2 weeks), the drug "Aktellik" better to use together with preparations "Vermitek" or. This technique will disrupt the development cycle of the insect and provide more effective protection cultures.

The drug "Actellik" is well compatible with biological products, due to the low level of its persistence. However, the drug is not compatible with Bordeaux liquid and preparations containing copper and its derivatives.

Persistence - the ability of pesticides to resist the degrading action of physical, chemical and biological processes in environmental objects.

As analogues of the drug, drugs can be noted, "Vermitek", "," Kamikaze ",", "Spark", "Commander", etc.

Drug safety

Hazard class of the drug for humans - class 2, for bees - class 1 (especially dangerous)

After the treatment of greenhouses, warehouses, premises or storage facilities, the admission of people is allowed only after 1-3 days, provided that the MPC of the active substance (pyrimifos-methyl) in the air of the working area is not exceeded.

The total time of work with the drug should not exceed 2 hours.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of using the drug "Aktellik" the following:

  1. The systemic nature of the drug and a wide range of drug action on a huge group of pests;
  2. High speed and effectiveness of the impact on the destruction and suppression of pests, preventing their reappearance;
  3. High persistence on inert surfaces, which allows for a long period of activity. And this is important for protecting grain and food stocks that are in long-term storage;
  4. Widespread use of "Aktellik" in greenhouses and conservatories, in granaries and at food industry and healthcare facilities;
  5. Reliable means of protection and control of pests in hard-to-reach places;
  6. The drug has a special mechanism of action, which differs from pyrethroid insecticides, because. contains pyrimiphos-methyl, belonging to the organophosphorus group.

To disadvantages can be attributed:

  1. High hazard class of the drug, which determines the necessary standards for its use;
  2. Limited operating temperature range +15…+25;
  3. Relatively high cost of the drug;
  4. Due to the popularity of Actellik, there are many replicas on the market, which cannot always guarantee quality.

The preparation "Actellik" is one of the strongest insecto-acaricides. Yes, it is effective, but at the same time it is not safe.

Therefore, you should:

  • is especially attentive to safety standards when using it;
  • be sure to use personal protective equipment;
  • it is strictly forbidden to use the drug in the flowering phase of plants;
  • buy a drug from an official manufacturer, beware of counterfeit and fakes;
  • observe the norms of the dosage of the drug and the exit time.

Manufacturer: Syngenta

Preparative form: emulsion concentrate(CE)

Active substance: pyrimiphos-methyl

A.I. concentration: 500 g/l

Chemical class of the active substance: organophosphorus compounds

Package: canister 5l

Broad Spectrum Insecticide for Crop Protection and Stock Pest Control


ACTELLIK, EC is a non-systemic organophosphorus insectoacaricide of intestinal-contact action, designed to protect crops in open and protected ground from a complex of leaf-eating and sucking pests, including ticks. Due to its fumigant properties and resistance to inert surfaces, ACTELLIK, CE is used to protect warehouses and grain stocks during storage from a complex of barn pests.


  • the widest scope of application: vegetable growing, fruit growing, field cultivation, disinsection of buildings and granaries, forestry
  • high rate of suppression of various pests, including stock pests
  • extermination of pests and prevention of their reappearance
  • duration of action (persistence) depending on the treated surface:
    • low persistence on plants, which guarantees a short waiting time between processing and harvest
    • high persistence on inert surfaces, which ensures a long period of activity, which is very important in the protection of storage stocks, warehouses and healthcare facilities from barn pests
  • mechanism of action differs from pyrethroid insecticides - contains pyrimiphos-methyl (organophosphorus group)
  • reliable pest control in hard-to-reach places

ACTELLIK, KE provides reliable protection against pests of major crops in various growing conditions

The high efficiency of the insecticide ACTELLIK, EC and its guaranteed quality of pest control is explained by different ways impact on objects:

Entry routes

  • drops of a solution of the working fluid on the outer integument of the insect
  • vapors of the drug on the outer integument of the insect

Methods of influence:

  • contact: the drug enters the body
  • intestinal: entry of the drug into the body of the pest along with food

When treating plants, the effectiveness of the insecticide ACTELLIK, EC on pests is enhanced due to the contact, fumigant action and translaminar (deep) activity of the drug.

Compatibility with other pesticides

Let's combine in tank mixes with the majority of insecticides and fungicides applied in the same terms. However, in each case, mixed preparations should be checked for compatibility.

Protective period

2-3 weeks for field and plantation crops (depending on weather conditions, terms of application, agrotechnics of the cultivated crop and type of pests); 7-14 days for vegetable and ornamental crops in protected ground; up to 8-12 months when pest control stocks.

Impact speed

The death of pests occurs in the range from several minutes to several hours (depending on climatic conditions, the type and physiological state of pests).

Application technology

The cleanliness of the tank, main pipelines and tips, as well as the serviceability of the entire sprayer, are checked before the start of protective work. Then the amount and uniformity of water supply through the tips are determined and compared with the calculated data on the flow rate of the working fluid per 1 ha. Spraying is carried out in the morning or evening hours in calm weather, preventing the drug from drifting to neighboring crops. Due to the unique combination of a wide spectrum of activity, fast degradation on the leaf surface, as well as contact and fumigant activity, ACTELLIC, CE is widely used in field crops, in gardens, as well as in protected ground conditions on many agricultural crops.

Apply the drug at the first appearance of pests or when their number reaches the economic threshold of harmfulness (depending on the type of pest). The volume of the working solution should be sufficient to completely cover the entire leaf surface of the culture. Do not allow the working solution to run off the treated sheet surface. Apply ACTELLIC, EC at the minimum application rate when treating young plants and low pest numbers and increase the application rate on well-leafed adult plants when treating older larvae and adults. Use the highest possible consumption rates in epiphytotic situations and adverse weather conditions.

Features of application on vegetable crops ah sheltered ground

Due to the unique combination of a wide spectrum of activity, rapid degradation on the leaf surface, as well as contact and fumigant activity, ACTELLIC, CE is widely used in protected ground conditions on many crops.

Apply the drug at the first appearance of pests or when their number reaches the economic threshold of harmfulness (depending on the type of pest). The volume of the working solution should be sufficient to completely cover the entire leaf surface of the culture. Do not allow the working solution to run off the treated sheet surface.

Use ACTELLIC, EC at the lowest application rates when treating young plants and low pest numbers and increase the application rate on well-leafed plants. Use maximum application rates in epiphytotic situations.

For high-quality spraying, use a sprayer with a fine-drop or mist-forming spray that provides uniform coverage and wetting of the leaf surface of plants. The flow rate of the working fluid is 500-1500 l/ha, depending on the type of sprayer and the crop being treated, the concentration of the working solution is 0.1-0.15%. Warm and humid conditions enhance the fumigant effect of the drug and, as a result, its effectiveness. The period of protective action for vegetable and ornamental crops of protected ground is 7-14 days.

For successful pest control, 2-fold treatment with an interval of 5-7 days is recommended. Subsequent treatments are recommended to be carried out with insecticides VERTIMEK, KE or AKTARA, VDG. Such a spraying schedule will disrupt the development cycle of the pest and provide complete plant protection.

Due to the low persistence of ACTELLIC, EC on plants, it can be used in combination with biological pest control agents, for example, with encarsia (Encarsia formosa).

Protection of grain stocks during storage

Action spectrum: ACTELLIK, CE is effective against various pests of grain stocks - weevils, caryopses, moths, moths, mites:

Prior to the application of an insecticide, storage areas, silos, storage equipment or vehicles should be thoroughly cleaned to remove dirt, dust, grain debris and insects from crevices and other hiding places that may serve as reservoirs of infection.

Pre-loading disinsection of warehouses

Processing should be carried out 3-4 weeks before the grain of the new crop is stored. If there is evidence that in the previous year there were cases of pest infestation in the warehouse, it is necessary to re-treat about one week before loading the grain of the new crop. Treatment is carried out either with a backpack sprayer or other suitable equipment (motor sprayers). The consumption rate of the working solution should be sufficient for complete wetting of the treated surface.

Treat all surfaces including floors, walls and ceilings. Pay special attention to the treatment of cracks, butt surfaces, ventilation hatches and other places where insects can hide or their eggs can be preserved. Handle also loading and unloading, transport and other storage equipment. If cases of infection of stocks have been previously noted, it is also recommended to treat the outer walls of the building and the surrounding area. To control pests in hard-to-reach places, as well as flying insects, after the treatment described above, it is possible to carry out a "volumetric" treatment of warehouses using fogging equipment.

Grain processing at elevators

In cases where grain (food, seed, fodder) is stored in silos of elevators and needs long-term protection against pests, the insecticide ACTELLIK, CE is used at a consumption rate of 16 ml (dissolved in 0.75-1 l of water) per 1 ton of grain. Spraying is carried out on a conveyor belt when grain is fed into a silo or an elevator bunker. At the same time, there is no need for additional mixing of the grain mass for applying insecticide to each grain, because. the fumigation properties of the insecticide make it possible to control pests throughout the heap or silo. At a given rate of consumption of the working solution, the moisture content of the grain increases slightly (by no more than 0.1%), as a result of which additional ventilation is not required.

There are two ways to use ACTELLIK, EC to protect grain from barn pests during storage: treatment of the entire volume of grain mass and surface treatment of grain mass.

  • Processing of the entire volume of the grain mass (elevators): spraying is carried out on a conveyor belt before the grain enters the silo of the elevator. In order to ensure uniform processing of the entire grain mass, calibrate the spraying equipment for the recommended consumption rate of the preparation and working solution in accordance with the grain feed rate along the conveyor belt.
  • Surface or layer-by-layer processing of grain mass (granaries in farms): prevents infection of grain by migratory pests, and due to the fumigant properties of the drug, the entire volume of grain mass will be protected. Adjust the spraying equipment (knapsack sprayer) to the specified consumption rate of the drug and working solution (fine spray). Spray only the surface of the embankment in layers (the height of each layer is 40-50 cm)

Processing of grain in the bin (principle of "sandwich")

Small amounts of grain in farms (when stored in a bin of 20-30 tons or more) can be reliably protected from pests by layer-by-layer processing of the surface of the embankment when laying the grain for storage. In this case, the insecticide ACTELLIK, KE is used at a consumption rate of 16 ml (dissolved in 0.5-1 l of water) per 1 ton of grain. Grain processing is carried out using a knapsack sprayer. The thickness of the grain layer during layer-by-layer processing should be within 0.3-0.5 m. After filling the bin, the surface of the embankment is leveled and treated with the ACTELLIK insecticide, KE. Protective action insecticide continues for 6-8 months. Before harvesting, it is required to thoroughly mix the grain so that the residual amounts of the drug do not exceed the MRL.

Processing of unloaded storage areas

Before using ACTELLIK, EC, clean the premises, paying special attention to hard-to-reach places, cracks and crevices where pests can hide. Collect dust, debris, grain residues and empty containers and destroy in a specially designated place. Spraying of walls, floors and equipment, empty silos and grain storage compartments should be carried out twice: immediately after unloading old stocks and immediately before laying grain for a new crop. Ventilate storage areas before loading grain into processed storage areas.

Thoroughly rinse the sprayer and spraying equipment after finishing work with the preparation.

The procedure for preparing the working fluid

Fill 1/2 of the sprayer tank clean water, Turn on the agitator, add the calculated and measured amount of the drug and continue filling the sprayer tank while stirring. Continue mixing during processing to ensure uniformity of the working mixture. When using ACTELLIC, EC in a tank mix with other pesticides, add the preparations to the water in the sprayer tank in the following order: *SP > VDG > SC > ACTELLIC, EC dissolve in the sprayer tank first). Each subsequent component is added after the complete dissolution of the previous one. The tank mix working solution must be used on the day of preparation. Do not store the working solution of ACTELLIC, EC for more than 48 hours in the sprayer tank.


When using the drug in strict accordance with the recommendations developed by the company, there is no risk of phytotoxicity. Processing of seed material during storage does not reduce seed germination and does not affect the subsequent development of plants.

Possibility of resistance

Absent subject to strict adherence to the recommendations developed by the company. To prevent the emergence of resistance, it is recommended to alternate the use of insecticides from different chemical groups that differ in their mechanism of action.

Storage of the drug

Store the preparation in a dry warehouse for pesticides in the temperature range from -5°С to +35°С.

Shelf life

3 years from the date of manufacture.

Regulations for the use of insectoacaricide Aktellik, EC

culture Consumption rate, l, kg/ha Harmful object Method, processing time, application features Waiting period (multiplicity of treatments) Release dates for manual (fur.) works
Wheat 1 Thrips, aphids 25(1) -(3)
1,2 Bed bug harmful turtle 20(2) 7(3)
3-5 Greenhouse whitefly, mining fly, mites, aphids, thrips, mosquitoes 3(2) 2(-)
0,3-1,5 Spraying during the growing season 20(2) 7(3)
strawberries 0,6 Pest complex
Raspberries Moths, moths, sawflies, leafworms, gall midges, aphids, beetles
Currant, gooseberry 1,5
Grapes (mother liquors of rootstock varieties) 3 leaf phylloxera
Rowan chokeberry 0,6-0,8 Cherry slimy sawfly 30(2)
Sea buckthorn sea ​​buckthorn fly 30(1)
Perennial herbs (seed crops) 1-1,5 Weevils, pachypods, bugs, aphids, thrips, moths, meadow moth 20(2) -(3)
urban green spaces 0,5-1,5 Pest complex 20(4) 7(3)
2,4-3,6 3(4) 2(-)
Cranberry large-fruited 0,3-0,6 Scoop-gamma 48(1) 7(3)
Black currant - Pest complex Immersion of green cuttings for 2 minutes in a 0.3% solution -(1) -(-)
Champignons (substrate) 0.5 ml/m2 Mushroom mosquitoes and flies Spraying the substrate 25(2) 2(-)
Plantain large 0,6 Pest complex Spraying during the growing season of plantations when harvesting on a leaf 45(1) 7(3)
Spraying during the growing season of plantations when harvesting for juice 30(1)
Rose hip 0,6-0,8 Spraying before and after flowering 40(2)
Motherwort five-lobed 0,6 Spraying seed plantations -(2)
Jaundice spreading -(1)
Alpine kopeechnik 0,8 Nodule weevils, fleas Spraying seedlings on plantations of the 1st year of vegetation
goat's rue
hardwood 1-1,5 Gypsy moth, green oak leafworm, winter moth and other leaf-eating pests Spraying. Allowed grazing and haymaking after 15 days, picking mushrooms - 4, berries - 14 days -(-)
Pine 0,3-0,5 Pine silkworm
Saxaul 2 Turquoise blotch Spraying. Allowed grazing and haymaking after 15 days -(2)
Unloaded warehouses and equipment of grain processing and food enterprises 0.4 ml/m2 stock pests Spraying. Consumption - up to 50 ml/m2. Admission of people and loading of warehouses 1 day after processing -(-)
Territory of grain processing enterprises and granaries in farms 0.8 ml/m2 Spraying. Consumption - 200 ml/m2
Grain food, seed, fodder 0,016 stock pests Spraying. Consumption - up to 500 ml/t of grain. The use of grain for food and fodder purposes with the content of residues of the drug not higher than the MRL -(-) -(-)
Cucumber, protected ground tomato 40 ml/10 l water (L) Greenhouse whitefly, mining moth, mites, aphids, thrips, mosquitoes Spraying during the growing season. Consumption - up to 2 l/10 m2 3(2) 2(-)
Cucumber, open ground tomato 30 ml/10 l water (L) Greenhouse whitefly, mites, aphids, thrips Spraying during the growing season. Consumption - up to 1 l / 10 m2 20(2) 7(3)
Strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries 15 ml/10 l water (L) Pest complex Spraying during the growing season. Consumption - 1.5 l / 10 m2
Rowan chokeberry 10 ml/10 l water (L) Cherry slimy sawfly, green aphid, rowan codling moth 30(2)
Ornamental outdoor crops 15 ml/10 l water (L) Pest complex Spraying during the growing season. Consumption - 1 l / 10 m2 20(4)
Protected ground ornamental crops 20 ml / 10 l water (L) Spraying during the growing season. Consumption - 2 l / 10 m2 3(4) 2(-)
Black currant Immersion of green cuttings for 2 minutes in a 0.3% working solution -(1) -(-)
Irga 15 ml/10 l water (L) Irg moth Spraying during the growing season 25(2) 7(3)
Hawthorn fruit sawflies
Honeysuckle sawflies

Registrant: Syngenta Limited

Registration number: 01-0070-0497-1

Registration end date: 31.12.2013

Hazard class for mammals: 2

Hazard class for bees: 1

There are restrictions on the use in the sanitary zone around fishery reservoirs

Along with the preparation ACTELLIK, in the Group of Companies "TK9" you can wholesale insecticides and other plant protection products; full list with prices is presented in the "Plant Protection" section.

With the coming of spring and then before late autumn gardeners and gardeners act according to a well-established scheme: soil preparation, planting, plant care. And, of course, the search and use of drugs that will help strengthen immune system crops, drive pests away from the site.

Fans of flower beds in the apartment are constantly haunted by this problem. The drug Actellik helps to solve the issue of insects quickly, productively for everyone who asks them. The instructions indicate that it helps on all types of soil.

Principle of action and composition

Actellik is a remedy that belongs to organophosphorus compounds. The active substance is pirimifos-methyl. Sold in the form of an emulsion with a concentration of 50%. Release form - ampoules. Suggested volume: 2 ml, 5 ml.

For large areas, an ampoule emulsion will not be useful due to the small amount. Therefore, manufacturers offer to buy the product in canisters. In this case, the volume will be up to 5 liters.

  • ants and the Colorado potato beetle;
  • mealy worm and barn pests. Such as weevil or moth;
  • insects that damage the green part of the plant: nutcrackers, goldfish, whiteflies, leafworms, weevils, sawflies;
  • aphids, penny-slobber, scale insects;
  • flat-boats and mites of all kinds;
  • thrips, horntails, barbels, bark beetles.

Interesting fact! Actellik is intended to eliminate pests that have appeared on land plot. But it showed its benefits as a prophylactic, for disinfection. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for premises in medical and other institutions.

The instructions for the drug indicate: Actellik is a non-systemic insecticide-acaricide. The principle of action refers more to intestinal-contact agents.

The ability to penetrate the body of pests at a high level, which allows you to eliminate an insect that lives in a hard-to-reach place. This is not only the back side of the leaf, but also the basal location.

The active component enters the body of insects not only through the food system after eating the green part, but also through the respiratory tract. This prevents damage to the plant.

  • strong immunity (aphid, Colorado potato beetle and ticks);
  • the initial stage of development (cocoon, egg, pupa);
  • resistance to insecticides, the time of destruction can increase up to 2-5 hours.

The duration of the action may be affected by the weather. At the same time, Aktellik remains active even after a long rain. Able to survive on inert surfaces: walls, wood and metal. This fact is indicated in the instructions.

After treatment with the drug, worry about a repeated “attack” by winged “intruders” for:

  • 14-21 days indoor flowers;
  • up to 1 month agricultural crops;
  • in a processed barn, the granary's protective properties are preserved for up to a year.

Use efficiency for plants

The developers of Actellik offer gardeners to provide effective protection against pests. Insect control is allowed on all types and types of soil. Suitable for 90% of crops (decorative, vegetable, horticultural).

It is considered a drug designed to achieve a quick effect, which allows you to save the plant for a long period of time at any stage of development without damage.

Aktellik's instruction indicates the advantages and disadvantages of the remedy. There are recommendations on all forms of release: in ampoules and canisters. The nuances of use relate only to working with liquid in a residential environment. Reasons: high toxicity of the drug - hazard class 2.

Actellik is rightly called a universal liquid. Has a wide spectrum of action. Processing can be carried out not only in the garden or garden. Work is allowed in flower beds, barns, granaries.

Toxic solution destroys pests quickly and effectively thanks to a unique component. Eliminates flyers, creeping insects.

Combination with other fungicides and insecticides is possible. When using Aktellik for indoor plants, you will need to follow safety rules.

Solution preparation

Breeding Actellik is simple and accessible to every beginner. It is necessary to carefully open the ampoule with the substance. Add to settled water and stir. Things are a little more complicated with liquid from canisters.

Treatment should be carried out in the early morning or evening after sunset. Since the product is a hazard class 2, all events take place in calm weather. Spraying or watering is allowed 6-8 hours before the expected rain.

But it is better to do all activities in dry weather. Permissible temperature: from 15 degrees Celsius. The maximum is 25 degrees. The number of treatments by Aktellik per season is a maximum of two.

Consumption rate

Actellik insecticide is used to kill insects that interfere with plant development. The consumption of the working solution depends not only on the number of pests on the crop, but also on the type of plant, insect: tables 1, 2, 3 (appendix).

Actellik is a unique, effective and easy-to-use product that must comply with the recommendations prescribed in the instructions for use. Compliance with consumption rates, application rules and their multiplicity should not be violated. Otherwise, instead of a positive effect, problems will arise.

Actellik is not addictive. Strengthening of action occurs at temperature increase. Therefore, in the conditions of an apartment, greenhouses, carefully monitor temperature regime. When used outdoors, it is advisable to view the expected temperature for 7-10 days.

Processing of vegetable crops

Aktellik's solution for all vegetable crops is prepared according to the proposed scheme in the instructions. Prepare a working solution after calculating the quadrature of the treated area. The method of processing, temperature is taken into account.

In open ground and greenhouses, the consumption rate differs insignificantly: protected ground - 1 l = 10 sq.m. The gap between events can be at least a week. Before harvesting the fruits (at least 3 weeks in advance), the second, last spraying is carried out.

Processing of berry plants

Grapes, melon, watermelon are sprayed with Actellik with a more concentrated substance than other berry crops: 700 ml + 1 ampoule. Always use only fresh working solution.

Color processing

For ornamental plants, Actellik is used according to a clear pattern. Compliance with the rules of the instructions is required. The calculation is done according to square meters: 1 sq. m = 1 liter of the mixture. Per year allowable number of treatments: 1-2 times per year. Although flowers at home are susceptible to attack all year round.

It is necessary to carry out prophylaxis or therapy with Actellik carefully, in a separate room (preferably on the balcony). Reason: increased toxicity to living beings (humans, animals). After working with the substance, the room is ventilated, preventing the penetration of fumes and smell into the living room.

For orchids and bulbous plants in the open field, the consumption of the working solution increases: by 1 sq. m. takes 2 liters of the mixture.

Analogues and joint use with other substances

There are analogues of Aktellik. The drugs are similar to the original in terms of effectiveness. The duration is the same. Similar substances include:

  • Kleschevit and Kamekaze;
  • Biotlin and Nurel;
  • Ratibor and Confidor.

Can be replaced by Aktara, Aliot, ATO-beetle, Calypso. When using, carefully study the instructions for use, properties and the possibility of combining with fungicides, protective equipment.

Actellik is allowed to be combined with other protective substances. The only condition: the compatible pesticide, fungicide must not have an alkaline base. To be completely sure of the safety of the resulting mixture, a test is made with a small amount.

Drug toxicity and precautions

Hazard class Aktellik second level. Which indicates the high toxicity of the drug to living beings. V without fail the following precautions are observed:

  1. Spraying should be carried out no closer than 2 km from beehives with bees and reservoirs.
  2. Do not use containers designed for food.
  3. It is obligatory to wear a protective suit during processing. The presence of glasses, gloves and other means of protection for hairline, mucous membranes is mandatory.
  4. The respirator must be worn already during the preparation of the working substance.
  5. If work is carried out indoors: after preparing or spraying, leave the room immediately. Ventilate.
  6. Wash hands and face after work.

If the solution / product is used incorrectly, symptoms of intoxication may appear. In this case, you need to immediately go to the hospital for help.

How to store and expiration date

Instructions for use indicate the terms of use from the date of manufacture: a maximum of 3 years in a tightly closed container, package. Storage should be in a cool place. The maximum room temperature should not reach 25 degrees Celsius.

The working solution is used immediately after preparation. Not subject to storage. The rest is disposed of.

Experienced owners reveal the secrets of using Actellik for the destruction of pests in open and closed ground. There are nuances of processing domestic plants. Knowing the rules for using a popular insecticide will allow you to more effectively deal with spider mite, beetles, aphids, caterpillars, thrips, other pests.

Composition and action

Helpful information:

  • Actellik is a universal remedy. Broad-spectrum insecticide effectively destroys pests in greenhouses, gardens, orchards, suitable for spraying with a toxic solution of indoor plants, for controlling barn insects;
  • the active ingredient of the universal remedy is pyrimiphos methyl. The active component negatively affects flying and crawling insects;
  • concentrated product is compatible with many drugs. Effective mixtures and solutions based on Actellik protect plants from attack by most pests;
  • contact-intestinal insecticide acts both on the digestive system of dangerous beetles, mites, caterpillars, and on nervous regulation. For the death of insects, contact with areas where a toxic preparation is sprayed is necessary;
  • a potent agent belongs to the second class of toxicity, according to accumulation in soil and water - to the third class of danger. Do not pour the remains of the concentrate and working solution into a river or lake: the composition is detrimental to fish and aquatic organisms. Actellik insecticide is dangerous for bees, pollinating insects, birds.

Release form

Actellik is a concentrated emulsion (c.e.). Oily liquid of light yellow color is in ampoules and canisters. For spraying plants, the owners prepare a working solution: they mix a certain amount of insecticide with water. For the processing of fruit, vegetable crops, flowers, the manufacturer offers the optimal concentration of the solution.

One of the advantages of a popular insecticide is convenient packaging. The manufacturer offers several types of packaging for large farms, small greenhouses and summer cottages, for processing indoor flowers.

On sale are:

  • ampoules of 2 and 5 ml of the drug;
  • wettable powder;
  • canisters with 1-5 liters of concentrate.

Pros and cons

General purpose insecticide effective remedy with a wide spectrum of action. Most owners believe that the composition is in many ways superior to drugs of similar action.



  • high toxicity of the product, it is important to be careful when processing plants, be sure to use protective agents. Neglect of precautionary measures often causes intoxication of the body;
  • pungent odor after treatment.

Warning! It is important to remember: the organophosphorus agent Actellik based on pirimiphos methyl is a potent drug with high toxicity. Do not exceed the rate of concentrate per liter of liquid in order to avoid negative reactions.

What pests is Actellik used against?

Insecticide Aktellik destroys the following pests:

  • mealybugs;
  • stem and leaf-eating insects, beetles: bark beetles, moths, horntails, leafworms, sawflies,;
  • different types of mites: spider mites, pocket mites, felt mites, gall mites, flat mites;
  • sucking and piercing-sucking types of insects: thrips, scale insects, aphids, pennits-slobbers;
  • garden storm -;
  • black and .

Application from pests in the garden and vegetable garden

Before processing shrubs and fruit trees it is important to figure out how to properly prepare a working solution, to clarify the consumption rate for one tree or bush. For spraying in the garden, a standard concentration agent is prepared: for 2 liters of water - 1 ampoule (2 ml) of the drug. If there are more beetles and caterpillars than usual, it is allowed to prepare a strong remedy: 1 ampoule of insecticide per liter of liquid.

Consumption rates of the working solution:

  • beet. Actellik destroys weevils, dead eaters, per 10 sq. m - 1 l of solution;
  • peaches. It will take from two to five liters of working solution to combat false scales and scale insects;
  • potato. To destroy the Colorado potato beetle, spraying at the rate of one and a half liters of solution per hundred square meters will help. Processing is carried out twice per season;
  • cabbage, carrots. Pests: moths, fleas, leaf beetles, whites. A liter of solution per 10 sq. m beds;
  • chokeberry. The pest is a cherry sawfly, a one-time spraying of the product is carried out;
  • planting strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, currant bushes. Pests: leafworms, mites, scale insects, moths, moths, different kinds Zhukov. For 10 sq. m planting enough 1.5 liters of working solution;
  • eggplants, cucumbers, tomatoes, flower crops, ornamental plants. Pests: greenhouse whitefly, mites, thrips, mining fly, mosquitoes, aphids. For open ground, the consumption rate is 2 liters of diluted product per 10 sq. m., indoors - 1 l.

Use from pests in the apartment

How to proceed:


  • the best option is to spray the working solution on the flowers so that no one is at home in the next day or two;
  • the drug destroys pests that feed on the juices and greens of indoor flowers. The contact-intestinal type of insecticide destroys,;
  • after dilution of the concentrate standard scheme moisten the greens, moisten the entire surface of the plant, be sure to process the underside of the leaves and stems;
  • experienced flower growers prepare a mixture of Actellik and other insecticides. If in doubt, it is better to abandon the combined composition: an insecticide based on pyrimiphos methyl is an effective remedy;
  • spraying of orchids is carried out twice, the interval between procedures is a week. For the destruction of pests burrowing into the ground, feeding on the juices of the roots, watering is carried out with a working solution;
  • for maximum effect, cover the flowers after processing with a plastic or polyethylene cap, stand for a day or two in a ventilated room where people rarely go. If it is impossible to put the plants on the balcony, then it is advisable to stay with relatives for a couple of days until the insecticide vapors are well weathered.

What are the premises, what are the events for? We have an answer!

On the use of ultrasound from cockroaches, as well as how to choose an effective device, read the page.

Go to the address and learn about how to deal with food moths in the kitchen.


The price of a concentrated emulsion depends on the volume:

  • ampoules of 2 and 5 ml - on average, 30-50 rubles;
  • canister (1 l) - the average price is 3500 rubles;
  • canister with a capacity of 5 liters - 9500 rubles.