Watch Christian Movies Online! Christian films for families.

As you know, religion rarely willingly accepts innovations, but it was able to take its place in the cinema quite quickly.

You can spend a good time with your family by watching a film on Christian themes - about love, about the church, about life, about monks and monasteries, about priests - a good spiritual film, modern or filmed many years ago.

Where to look for an Orthodox video on the Internet

Movies can be watched for free online or downloaded to your computer.

  1. - TV channel "My Joy";
  2. - Soyuz TV channel;
  3. - VKontakte group "Orthodox video and audio";
  4. - Sretenie TV channel.

Christian films for families

For viewing by the whole family, in which there are both small children and adults, you need to choose good and sincere comedies and melodramas.

List of the best Orthodox family films:


The film plunges into the times of the Great Patriotic War, or rather in the events and changes of the church of that time.

The plot is tied to the mission of priests from the Baltic States - the restoration of the church in the former occupied by the Germans lands.

"Little Life"(2008)

Pilipko is a boy who does not know about the death of his mother in the hungry years and went in search of her. The monks who saved him from starvation instilled faith in his soul. Since then, he has not parted with her all his life.

Having learned about the serious illness of an unknown girl, young Pilipko decides to save her. To do this, he prays to St. Panteleimon and draws his icon.

"Father Matthew"(2014-2017)

The series tells about the life of a priest in a quiet small town. Only at first glance, life here seems calm.

In fact, the town hides many secrets and mysteries, the solution of which falls to Fr. Matthew.

"Boris I"(1984)

Historical film about the life of Boris in 863, about his politics, battles.

The main emphasis is on the unification of the state with the help of Christianity, when the ruler decides to baptize all the inhabitants of the country, as well as the education of the Slavs.


A short film in which in half an hour you can see the entire history of the creation of the planet. The film, which shows the most beautiful scenes, is awarded.

"Battle of Kosovo"(1989)

The event of history, which took place on June 15, 1389, can be seen in a colorful presentation in the film.

The battle is experienced as a celebration of the martyrs, but not as a loss.

"Oath Record"(1983)

The film shows the long and difficult path of uniting peoples and politicians that took place in 1983. The transition of Georgia under the rule of Russia is seen as the end of events.


The two parts of the film are united by the icon of St. George. The first passage tells about the fate of the Georgian woman Lali, about her family and the reason for coming to Moscow.

"Stefan the Great - 1475"(1975)

Stephen the Great refuses Mehmed II to recognize the patronage of the Ottoman Empire. Knowing that this stops Mehmed's plans to conquer Europe, Stefan prepares an army and inspires people, instills faith in their souls.


A TV story based on the book by Lydia Charskaya, which tells about the fate of an orphan girl who later becomes an aristocrat, leading an Orthodox lifestyle.

The following films are not Orthodox, but also on Christian themes:

"Miracles from Heaven"(2016)

Everything was perfect for the Beam family until the middle daughter got sick deadly disease. Now they do not see happiness in a huge house and ordinary things.

Their child is literally dying before their eyes, but they are not ready to put up with it and decide to turn to Christ for help. The film is based on real events, and at the end they show the main character.

"Per school board» (2011)

The main character of the film is a young mother and teacher Stacy. Seeing the level of education of homeless children, she decides to drop everything and teach at a special school.

Having discarded all doubts and fears, the girl successfully teaches children and instills faith in their souls.

"The Boy in the Striped Pajamas"(2008)

The action takes place during the Second World War. Bruno is an eight-year-old German boy who does not even suspect what military events look like. Because of papa new job family moves to new house near the concentration camp.

There Bruno meets a Jew of his age. New friend tells the boy the truth, and he runs away from home. The boy understands that only faith makes people live.

"What if?"(2010)

Ben's whole life is business. He has no family or other hobbies.

The man preferred a career to love and faith, and now Christ decides to show him what Ben's life would look like if he dedicated his life to faith.

"Road to God" (2016)

A biopic about a boy living in Chicago during the Al Capino era. His hometown turns into a piggy bank of fear.

To console his fear and endure his father's attacks, the boy decides to join a gang. However, after a few years, he realizes that he cannot live like this and turns to God.

"More Than Dreams"(2007)

Movie based on real events tells stories former Muslims. All of them have some problems: alcoholism, lack of faith, dislike of relatives, etc. But after meeting Christ, five ordinary people see the joy of life and follow God's advice.

Documentaries - about faith, the church and the saints of God

Really good documentaries there is a lot about God, about the life of monks in monasteries, about churches and elders, so it’s worth looking for them.

"Russian righteous"(2012) from the TV company "Sretenie"

A cycle of films, consisting of 8 parts, which shows life path Saints. The heroes of the stories were the princes of Russia, the holy martyr John Vostorgov, Patriarch Tikhon Belavin, the saints - Alexander Nevsky, Daniel of Moscow, Innocent of China, Abbess Taisia ​​Leushinskaya, etc., as well as ordinary people trying to adhere to Orthodox traditions.

"Road to the Temple" from the TV company "My Joy"

Guidelines for use in Sunday Schools. The topics of the films correspond to the lessons: God, the World visible and invisible, Personality, Family, Church, Prayer, etc.

"Law of God"

Spiritual and educational video lessons that will acquaint adults and children with the basics of religion: prayers, icons, Christian symbols and tell about the life of the Saints.

"Way of the Cross"

The history of our country is connected with the formation of Orthodoxy. The Church unites nationalities, characters, families, it preserves the integrity of the state.

"School of Repentance"

A series of programs aimed at studying the church from the inside. 8 programs will tell about the thoughts, conversations and deeds of church teachers and fathers. The collection of conversations “Passion - Diseases of the Soul” conveys the conversation of the priests about fornication, anger, despondency, etc. The collection “Secrets of Christianity. About Holy Communion” will tell you what the duty of a Christian is and how often you need to take communion.

From the conversations "Difficulties in preparing for confession" you can learn everything about sins and their atonement. The talks “On the Path to Salvation” are based on the works of the Holy Fathers and Doctors of the Church. Many different topics of the programs will definitely make you think.

Orthodox films for children

Orthodox cartoons and children's films have a clear advantage over the usual ones. They promise a kind and good end, which in our time is worth a lot.

List of the best children's Orthodox films:


Malanya is ridiculed because of her very kind and compliant nature. Living in a merchant settlement, the girl never thinks about her own benefit, so her life passes in poverty. However, Malanya proves that the main thing in life is friendship and help.

"Childhood Themes"(1990)

Theme Kartashov is a young high school student who grows up in a noble family, without denying himself anything. His childhood is unhurried and joyful. However, something distinguishes him from the backyard childhood.

"Stories of the Saints" from the TV company "My Joy"

A series of cartoons that describe the life of the saints not only in detail, but also understandable for children:

"Kupelka" for children from Soyuz TV company

One of the most interesting and informative programs for children, which will tell about faith and its importance, as well as instill love for the church. The duration of one episode is about 10 minutes. The clergyman tells various fairy tale stories, attracting the attention of children with colorful pictures.

"The Extraordinary Journey of the Seraphim" (2015)

A cartoon about Sima Sunday, who lost her parents at the beginning of the war. V orphanage she secretly carries a pectoral cross with her.

One day, Serafima and her friend Rita go to a mysterious closet under the stairs, where the girl learns the truth about her parents.

List of non-Orthodox films with a Christian plot:


A film about the most cheerful girl in the world - Polianna. She knows how to find the positive in any situation and turn life into a game.

After the arrival of the girl, the town is literally teeming with positive and acquaintances. A children's spiritual fairy tale teaches us to believe, rejoice and thank.

"The Chronicles of Narnia"(2005)

A movie loved by children for a long time. However, an important detail must be taken into account.

Christ in the film is depicted as a lion, since in the Bible Christ is called the Lion of the tribe of Judah.

"The life of a zucchini"(2016)

Zucchini is not a vegetable at all, but a boy. His mother dies and he ends up in an orphanage. Being in complete confusion, Zucchini gets used to life in a shelter for children.

He falls in love for the first time, makes new friends, is disappointed, but continues to trust people and love the world with the help of faith.

"Angel Next Door"(2012)

Olivia is a little girl who dreams of a family with two parents. Doing homework"My impossible Christmas wish", she realizes that all her wishes come true.

Olivia suspects her neighbor of this, but, having recognized her stronger, she draws other conclusions.


The plot and genre of Orthodox films can be varied. Anyone can find something for themselves, taking into account their interests.


Plot: The events of the film begin in 1973 in Birmingham, Alabama. The main characters are Tony Nathan, a gifted high school football player, as well as other black students at Woodlawn School. When racist riots erupt in the city, football coach Tandy Gerelds does his best to quell tensions between his players, who have different color skin. But tangible progress in smoothing out the conflict can only be made by Tandy when he allows an outsider named Hank to speak to the team. Hank tries to unite them through faith in God...

Genre: Drama, Inspirational, Sports

under the mask

Plot: Very often, adults are disappointed in the work of their lives. Most often this happens when the work ceases to bring the necessary pleasure. Or a person simply starts asking himself questions and tries to find very important answers to various questions. Retiring from business, a person tries to find new life, but sometimes it happens that the work itself finds a person.

The best mercenary of the British East India Company, William Reynolds, is deceived by his employer and accused of many crimes, now he is forced to hide. William hides in a small village disguised as a priest, hoping to one day get revenge. The past life begins to step on its heels, and now the hero is forced to somehow win the trust and help of his beloved Charlotte, whom he has been lying to all this time. At the same time, he is trying to stop a cunning plan that could have a devastating effect on the birth of a new nation.

Genre: Drama, Inspirational, Apologetics and Faith

You believe?

Plot: When a local pastor wavers in faith, a street preacher reminds him that true faith always requires action. His response ignites a faith-based journey that powerfully impacts everyone he touches in a way that only God could orchestrate.

Twelve different souls, all moving in different directions, each with their own story. When their lives unexpectedly intersect, each discovers that there is power in the cross of Christ, even if some don't believe it.

God is not dead 2

Plot: Devout Christian high school teacher Grace Wesley asks a question in class about faith, students text their parents about what happened, drawing the ire of Principal Kinney. She chastises Grace, saying that the teacher's faith has clouded her mind. Grace subsequently appeared before the school's board, who inform her that legal action will be taken against her because she violated the principle of separation of church and state. Grace's case draws the attention of Tom Endler, a charismatic protector who is willing to help her despite the fact that he himself is a non-believer. Grace concludes, "I would rather stand with God and judge the world than stand with the world and be judged by God."

Genre: Drama

I'm not ashamed

Plot: The film tells the story of the tragic events that took place in 1999 at Columbine High School, when 13 students were brutally murdered during a massacre. Rachel Joy Scott was the first victim of child murderers. Based on the true story of the inspiring and powerful journal entries by Rachel Joy Scott, the first student killed at Columbine High School, the film helps us understand that when we put our lives in God's hands, we can change the world.

Genre: Biography, Drama, Faith

amazing love

Plot: When a conflict breaks out during a youth group trip, a pastor shares the story of the Old Testament prophet Hosea. Great story with memories ancient history. "Amazing Love" is a modern rendition of a biblical story that the whole family will love.

Genre: Drama, Inspirational, Faith

To the wall

Plot: As the Vietnam War rages on, two young fathers report duty: a man of great faith and a dubious cynic. A quarter century later, their sons, Wayne and John Paul, meet as strangers. Guided by handwritten letters from the battlefield, they embark on an unforgettable journey to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

Genre: Drama, Inspirational, Patriotic

23.03.2017 06:21

We have an unusual selection for you - films for family viewing - Christian. The list of the best includes the most beautiful paintings on the topic.

1. "Andrey Rublev" 1966

Russia at the beginning of the 15th century. The country is torn apart by princely civil strife. Tartar raids, famine and pestilence haunt the people... In this tragic era, a great painter appears in Russia, whose life and work is dedicated to the film. Information about him is scarce and fragmentary. Only a few creations of the brilliant master have come down to us. The authors of the film sought to recreate the spiritual world of Andrei Rublev

2. "The Seventh Seal" 1957

V mid-XIV century, the knight Antonius Block and his squire return after ten years of crusades to their native Sweden. Blok is tired of life, and does not see anything around him for which it would be worth continuing to eke out his existence. But first he wants to make sure that God exists...

3. "Pop" 2009

The Pskov Orthodox mission is one of the least studied pages in the history of the Great Patriotic War. From August 1941 to February 1944 missionary priests from the Baltics revived church life in the territories of northwestern Russia occupied by the Germans. After these areas were occupied by Soviet troops, the participants in the Pskov mission were sent to camps.

4. "Miracle" 2009

The film is based on real events that took place in Samara in 1956 and are known as "Zoya's Standing". During the holiday, the girl, without waiting for her betrothed, removes the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from the wall and starts dancing with it, but suddenly freezes in place. This standing continues for many months. Residents of a provincial town are frightened by this extraordinary event, which is overgrown with rumors and speculation. To try to understand the situation, a journalist from the capital's newspaper is sent there ...

5. Ben-Hur 1959

The film begins in Palestine in the year 26 from the birth of Christ. Two friends, the Jew Ben Hur and the Roman Messala, meet after a long separation as adults and realize that friendship is no longer possible...

6. "Island" 2006

Second World War. The barge, on which Anatoly and his senior comrade Tikhon are transporting coal, is captured by a German patrol ship. Begging for mercy from the Germans, Anatoly commits a betrayal - he shoots Tikhon. The Germans leave the coward on a mined barge, but thanks to the help of monks living in a monastery on the island, he manages to survive. Years pass. Elder Anatoly is revered for his righteous life and truly miraculous help that he provides to people who have come here. However, the terrible sin of murder, committed by him during the war, haunts him. Feeling the approach of his death, Anatoly is preparing for death and does not yet know that he will soon be forgiven...

7. “Priest-san. Confessions of a Samurai" 2015

The main character is Takuro Nakamura, in baptism, Father Nikolai is a priest of the Japanese Orthodox Church, in the past professional sportsman, and in the present - the brother of the head of one of the influential yakuza clans. Once he could not get past the violence and defended an ordinary girl, entering into a fight with people from a group hostile to his brother. Yakuza clan war is inevitable. Having become a hostage of criminal "showdowns", the priest is in mortal danger and he is sent to serve in the Russian village of Glubokoe, torn apart by internal conflicts. This place is extremely interesting to Andrei Nelyubin for land fraud, and he is ready to do anything to make the inhabitants leave their native lands. Father Nikolai unites the villagers around the dilapidated church. Restoring the temple, they revived the peace among themselves and accepted the challenge. A completely different war has begun ...

8. "Francis" 1989

Screen version of the story about St. Francis of Assisi. His biography at one time was also considered scandalous and struck the entire Christian world. The son of wealthy parents, Francis (in the Italian interpretation of Francesco) abandoned his wealth and parents and went into the desert, killing the flesh and praying... Why?..

9. "The Gospel of Matthew" 1964

In a semi-documentary manner, using non-professional actors in black and white, the life of Jesus Christ is told. The script is based on the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus in the image of Pasolini seems angry, he seems to be in a hurry, quickly and clearly pronouncing the canonical text, as if realizing that he has little time.

10. Passion of the Christ 2004

An attempt to recreate in detail the last twelve hours of the life of Jesus Christ.

11. "The Last Temptation of Christ" 1988

Jesus Christ is a carpenter from Judea. He earns a living by cutting crosses on which the representatives of the Roman authorities crucify criminals. Jesus is visited by voices and visions - he guesses that he is chosen, but he cannot understand what his destiny is and by whom he is chosen: God or the devil. Judas, a friend of Jesus, passionately condemns him for collaborating with the authorities and even beats Jesus. Trying to understand and comprehend himself, Jesus leaves to wander with Judas. He has to go through the difficult path of the Messiah.

12. "A Man for All Seasons" 1966

The events, historically authentically reproduced on the screen, take place in England of the 16th century, during the reign of King Henry VIII. The plot is based on the conflict between the king and Lord Chancellor Thomas More, a great humanist, statesman an eminent jurist and philosopher.

13. "Mission" 1986

A river flowing through dense jungle carries a tortured Jesuit priest tied to a crudely hammered cross. The crucifix rushes through the rocky rapids and in one moment, full of horror and bewitching beauty, falls down from a 70-meter height and disappears into a roaring waterfall. This scene opens one of the most spectacular films in the history of cinema, about a man with a sword and a man in a hood teaming up to protect an Indian tribe from the colonial empires of the 18th century ...

14. "Word" 1955

The film is a gallery of different attitudes towards the same God, a reflection on religion and its necessity in our lives, where the doctor believes more in miracles than the pastor.

15. "Monk and the demon" 2016

Fantastic story first half of XIX century. A new resident, Ivan Semyonovich, appears in the men's monastery. But together with the monk, dark forces penetrate the monastery, which materialize in the face of the Legion (as he introduced himself to Ivan). The Legion chose Ivan as the object of their diabolical work, tempting him in every possible way in order to lead him astray from his chosen path of serving God. But the stronger the temptation, the stronger the spiritual strength of Ivan.

16. "It's a Wonderful Life" 1946

George Bailey, owner of a credit company in the fictional American town of Bedford Falls, honest, sympathetic, loving husband and the father, depressed by the hardships that have fallen on him and is thinking about suicide. Obviously, a person who refuses the greatest gift of God - life - needs the help of a guardian angel. And Heaven sends him to the rescue of Clarence, the only free at that time Angel of the Second Class, pleasant, kind, but inexperienced, who has not even earned wings yet. If he does his job well and can talk George out of mortal sin, he will get wings. And he had almost no time left ... Clarence finds the only correct solution - to show George a world in which he does not exist.

17. "Tsar" 2009

1565. Dark times. The reign of Ivan the Terrible. Russia was torn to pieces by famine and the Livonian war. In everything, the ruler sees treason and betrayal. His faithful servants, guardsmen, flooded the country with blood. In everyone they are ready to see the sovereign's enemy. The main law for them is the king. The only one who went against the tsar's will and the villainy of the oprichniks was Metropolitan Philip, a faithful childhood friend of Ivan the Terrible. He lifted up his voice and sacrificed himself. This confrontation will tell about what Russia was capable of both in the fall and in the greatness of the spirit.

18. Calvary 2013

Father James, a Catholic priest in a small provincial town, listens to a penance where a parishioner informs him that he has been sexually abused for years by a now deceased clergyman. A parishioner shares with James his thoughts that no one will pay attention to the death of a bad priest, while the murder of a good one can make society think. With these words, he gives the holy father a week to put things in order, after which James will be killed. However, instead of starting to prepare for death or contacting the police, during the allotted time, the priest goes about his usual daily activities, trying to change the lives of his parishioners for the better.

Russian title: Do you believe? (2015)
Original Title: Do You Believe?
Genre: drama
Released: USA
Director: John Gunn
Cast: DNA, Sean Austin, Brian Bosworth, Valerie Dominguez, Delroy Lindo, Andrea Logan White, Lee Majors, Liam Matthews, Ted McGinley, Tracy Melchior, Makenzie Moss, Alexa PenaVega, Madison Pettis, Cybill Shepherd

Duration: 120 min.

Shocked by the strength of a street preacher's faith, a Catholic pastor remembers that true faith requires action and embarks on a journey that will touch everyone he meets along the way.

2. A Matter of Faith (2014)

Russian title: A Question of Faith (2014)
Título original: A Matter of Faith
Genre: Drama
Released: USA
Director: Rich Christiano
Cast: Jordan Trovillion Jay Pickett Harry Anderson Chandler Macocha Clarence Gilyard Jr. Barrett Carnahan Justin Michael Brandt Stephanie Shemanski Sarab Kamoo Scott Alan Smith

Duration: 89 min.
Translation: Dubbed
A Christian, Rachel Whitaker (Jordan Trovillion) goes to college in her first year, and in her freshman year, college begins to influence her through a popular biology professor (Harry Anderson) who teaches that evolution is the answer to the origins of life. When Rachel's father Stephen Whitaker (Jay Pickett) believes something is wrong with his daughter, he begins to look into the situation and what he discovers takes him by surprise. Her mother is very concerned that her daughter has begun to move away from her Christian faith, parents are starting to take action to keep their daughter's faith in God!

The film has a cheerful student atmosphere, is filled with the problems of relations between guys and girls, contains youth jokes, but not to the detriment of the main idea.

3 Heaven is real (2014) / Heaven Is for Real

Russian title: Heaven is real (2014)
Título original: Heaven Is for Real
Genre: drama
Released: USA
Director: Randall Wallace
Cast: Greg Kinnear, Kelly Reilly, Thomas Haden Church, Connor Coram, Lane Stiles, Margo Martindale, Jacob Vargas, Tanya Romero

Duration: 100 min.

The protagonist changes his worldview after his 4-year-old son wakes up from a coma and claims to have been in heaven. As proof, he cites facts from the life of their family that he simply could not know.

4 God's Not Dead (2014)

Russian title: God is not dead (2014)
Original Title: God's Not Dead
Genre: drama
Released: USA
Director: Harold Cronk
Cast: Kevin Sorbo, Shane Harper, David E.R. White, Dean Cain, Michael Tate, Jody Davis, Jeff Frankenstein, Duncan Phillips, Willie Robertson, Corey Robertson

Duration: 95 min.

The eternal clash of religion and atheism. This time, the battlefield for the defense of their ideals will be the classroom, where Professor Radisson will meet in a serious battle with his student, who believes in God with all his heart.

5 Deep in the Heart (2012) / Deep in the Heart

Russian title: Deep in the Heart (2012)
Título original: Deep in the Heart
Genre: drama
Released: USA
Director: Christopher Kane
Cast: John Gries, Elaine Hendrix, Val Kilmer, Regan Wallace, James Haven, Donnie Boas, Katherine Willis, Tara Hazlewood, D.B. Sweeney, Bo Smith

Duration: 113 min.
Translation: Professional polyphonic
The film is based on the true story of Dick Wallreiss. After several years alcohol addiction, and as a result of the loss of family, work and hopes for the future, the main character of the film comes to the realization that the measure of success is a strong family and the love of children. With the help of his sons, he builds a successful business and becomes a college patron through the 4H and FFA scholarship programs for students ...

6 Road of Hope (2012) / Abel's Field

Russian title: Road of Hope (2012)
original name: Abel's Field
Genre: drama
Released: USA
Director: Gordy Hokstad
Cast: Kevin Sorbo, Samuel Davis, Richard Dillard, Nicole Elliott, Elizabeth Duff, Cathy Duff, Devin Bonnet, Joey Gibson, Trent Moore, Will Buchanan

Duration: 104 min.
Translation: Professional (dubbed)
In the life of high school student Seth, everything goes on as usual - he studies, relaxes with friends, falls in love. But in an instant, everything changes dramatically - the mother dies, and the father leaves the children to their fate. Seth is left alone with two little sisters. The guy has a hard time: instead of walking - two jobs, study, household chores.

One day, as punishment for a fight, he is sent to work on the school football field. Set's mentor is the lawnmower Abel. At first, their relationship does not add up, but soon Abel becomes the only support and protection for the orphans.

7 Saving God (2008)

Russian title: Salvation by God (2008)
original name: Saving God
Genre: drama, crime
Released: Canada
Director: Duane Crichton
Cast: Ving Rhames, Dean McDermott, Ricardo Chavira, Duane Murphy, Janelle Williams, Kate Todd, K.K. Collins, Richard Leacock

Duration: 100 min.
Translation: Professional (two-voiced)
Armstrong Kane served 15 years for manslaughter. Shortly before his release, Armstrong changes and finds God. Now, at large, he serves as a pastor in a small church, in the same one where his father once served. While the former prisoner is trying to repair the church building and restore the life of the community, which he abandoned many years ago, he meets Norris, a young man on an unrighteous path.

Christian films are a great alternative to modern films. They show a person how to live in harmony with himself and God, what should be the way of life of a respectable Christian. In addition, you will be able to understand how the world and all its inhabitants were created. For those who still doubt the truth, we advise you to watch any of the films posted on the pages of our site. Here you will find a lot of interesting and informative, plunge into interesting and unusual world where love, understanding and happiness reign. Note that all videos tell about events that actually took place long before our existence. Just the truth, just the facts. We don't cheat. Each of the tapes is designed to acquaint the user with the laws of God's existence and its correspondence to today's lifestyle. You will understand how important it is to honor the Lord and follow his word. Help yourself and you will immediately see the changes that have taken place in your life. Happiness, kindness, care, attention, like-minded friends and people who will always understand you and help you in any situation will appear in it. Biblical motives and truths, one after another, are described and echoed in videos that tell about love and friendship, fear and hatred, truth and lies. They tell and show how the angel and the devil influence a person, and what consequences our actions can have not only on our own destiny, but also on the lives of those around us. After all, a person is responsible not only for his words and actions, but also tries to help his neighbors to believe in the Creator and his good intentions. Watching films for Christians, you can understand how to help and build, how to contribute and do good. Coming to the rescue of others, you, in fact, free yourself, first of all, from the shackles of guilt and doubt. Be more resolute and try to do everything according to your conscience, being in harmony with your soul and heart. Each of us wants to be happy, and many, from not understanding how to achieve this state, begin to look for the truth not at all where it is. It is very easy to get confused and lost. From here come many vices of modern humanity - drug addiction, alcoholism, food addiction and much more. It is important to find yourself in time and understand how wrong and changeable the concept of the good is. He who knows God and his words looks at things and feelings in a completely different way. Attachments and dependencies go away forever, leaving a person only light and peace. Allow yourself to know the true meaning of existence and turn your life towards goodness and the great good of the Lord. To live like a Christian is to draw love, understanding and forgiveness from the bottomless source of the word and commandments of our Creator. This is what is told in the films that you will find on the pages of the resource. They will help you understand love, hate, grief, joy and other emotions that we experience daily. So should they be? Do we need all of them, or can we get away from a good half? On our official Internet portal you can watch videos both online and download. We emphasize that each of the films is offered in good quality, with expedient sounding and correct dubbing. All files are at your disposal and access to them is completely free. Each of the presented films will help you re-evaluate the values ​​that you hold in your hands today. Time after time, getting acquainted with our videos, you will study and heed the word of God, which will surely lead you to complete peace and tranquility. Relax and turn on one of your favorite movies and you will understand what a joy it is to enjoy an interesting plot while learning something new and unknown. Of course, some are quite skeptical about such a video library, considering it intrusive. This is completely untrue! Only those users who have never met the production of this direction think so. No one is forcing you or inclining you to anything. You, on a voluntary basis, can watch some of the recordings and see if you need it. However, we guarantee that you will not be able to deny yourself the pleasure of looking at the proposed materials again. Humans are made to be happy. If you don’t feel like one, ask yourself the question: “Am I doing everything right? Am I going the same way?" After watching our films, you will finally determine the main life values ​​for yourself and will be able to correctly prioritize. Watch online Christian films and you will help yourself by gaining harmony and understanding, forgetting about irritation and disappointment. Our site was created specifically so that you can help yourself and your loved ones by placing light, love and creation in your hearts forever.