The interior of a nursery in a country house. Decorating a child's room - how to create comfort for your baby

A wooden house is, first of all, an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to the design of a bedroom in a wooden house. Bedroom design must meet general design at home, in no case should you overload this room with furniture and household items, so as not to cause negative emotions when you are there.

Bedroom interior in a wooden house

When choosing how to design a bedroom in country cottage, it is necessary to observe several important conditions so that the interior as a result turns out to be cozy, and you want to be there.


  1. Wooden house decoration is environmentally friendly and safe for health. On the contrary, the smell of wood is very pleasant and evokes a feeling of comfort and home warmth. In addition, wood is also a noble material. Therefore, the bedroom wooden house no need to overload with furniture and close the wooden nets.
  2. Wood is characterized by the ability to absorb moisture, so it must be treated with a special varnish or painted with paint.
  3. When choosing a future bedroom interior, you need to remember that not all styles and design methods are suitable for a wooden house. It is necessary to leave naturalness in this room to the maximum, so that a connection with nature is felt, so that the body can fully relax in such an environment.

The interior of bedrooms in country houses should correspond to the general appearance of the whole house. If the house is made of wooden beams, you can use textured wood elements in the interior. No need to try to completely hide the material behind a layer of plaster - this way you will lose the natural component of your room, for which being in country houses is so valued.

Bedroom in a log house

Since the bedroom is a place of rest and sleep, its location in the house plays an important role. This must be taken care of at the very beginning when planning the interior decoration of the house.

For selection best place for the bedroom in log house you can follow the general recommendations:

  1. In a one-story house, the sleeping room should be located at the far end of the house, away from the kitchen and the corridor, so that it is possible to have a good rest without disturbing smells from the kitchen.
  2. If the house has several floors, the bedroom is best located on the second floor. So you will ensure silence and warmth in the room.
  3. If there is an attic or a spacious attic, it makes sense to place the bedroom there. Of course, an attic with a sloping roof is not the best solution for a bedroom, but many people like this option - curved walls can be turned into an interior item.

Depending on personal preferences, you can place the bedroom on any side of the world: if you like to wake up with the first rays of the sun - in the east, if you need a warmer room - in the south, for people who cannot tolerate hot weather - in the west. In a house made of timber, the only decoration of the walls in the bedroom is their painting or varnishing. With this treatment, you can save the texture of the tree and the look wooden walls. The most commonly used white paint - stain for wall decoration. Its use is absolutely safe for human health and creates the effect of lightness and airiness of the room.

In order not to make the interior of the bedroom boring and faded at all, you need to supplement it with bright pieces of furniture and accessories in bright colors.

Bedroom design in the attic of a wooden house

Often in wooden houses, bedrooms are located in the attic or attic. To do this, you need to take care of proper preparation this premises. After all, the bedroom is a place of sleep, i.e. a person will spend a lot of time there, which means that this room must be beautifully decorated, it is worth taking care of the insulation and lighting of the attic. When decorating a bedroom in an attic with a sloping roof, many do not like that part of the room is, as it were, “eaten up”.

However, when correct finish and the design of such a room, you can visually dissolve the roof in space so that it is not so conspicuous:

  1. Textile drapery is used on the ceiling, the walls are decorated in light colors, a minimum of furniture is placed to make the sleeping room spacious and airy.
  2. Used transverse wooden decorative beams, which visually brighten up the sharp corners of the roof and slightly level the ceiling. Such beams are painted in eye-catching contrasting shades, creating an original design.

To achieve comfort in the attic room, you need to follow some design rules.


  1. Choose paint. For a small room, light shades are suitable, which will visually expand the space. If you want to use bright colors, then you need to use them very carefully.
  2. Competently approach the arrangement of furniture, do not stuff the room with it.
  3. To complete the image of the bedroom, use various accessories - from curtains to pleasant little things on the shelves.

Bedroom with a sloping roof in a wooden house

Creating a bedroom in the attic of a wooden house is not at all difficult. However, how many positive moments, comfort and warmth it will give you. The sloping roof makes the interior of the bedroom unusual.

To correctly complete the image of the bedroom, it is necessary to be guided by three rules:

  • Try to make the attic lighter due to the light from the windows and the use of light colors in the design;
  • Arrange only the most necessary furniture, upholstered furniture with comfortable seats will fit well;
  • Be sure to use additional accessories - light curtains on the windows, small lamps, air blankets, soft pillows.

The right combination of bedroom style with additional accessories can transform a room even with a sloping roof and turn it into a favorite place to relax.

Bedroom-mezzanine in the interior of a wooden small house

Upper attic floor allows you to build a mezzanine bedroom of a small wooden house. This is the so-called mezzanine on the floor, i.e. in an ordinary room, a slight rise is made, where there is a place to rest and sleep.

The advantages of this use of space:

  • You can combine several zones;
  • Space saving;
  • It turns out a cozy and comfortable place;
  • You don't need to come up with a new design.

The use of such a technique in creating a bedroom is far from uncommon. However, such a bedroom looks good in small rooms, while in spacious rooms the bedroom on the mezzanine will look ridiculous.

Bedroom interior design in a wooden house (video)

So, there are various options for creating a bedroom in a wooden house. Depending on the desire and possibilities, you can make a royal mansion, or you can create a small cozy space that will delight you on quiet evenings, where you will be warm and comfortable away from the hustle, bustle and labor worries.

The arrangement of the nursery requires increased attention. This is a room in which the child can retire, play his favorite games, where he invites friends. Creating the interior of a children's room in a country house, it is important to take care of the attractiveness, safety, comfort and practicality of the environment.

The children's room is a special, own world of the child. As a consequence, making children's room interiors country house , it is important to think over every detail with the utmost care. It should be remembered that this room is intended for a small inhabitant. As a finish, it is recommended to use only ecological, natural materials. As fixtures, it is worth using safety glass products, choosing special furniture. High-quality interior items for children are distinguished by ergonomics, convenience, and a special shape that reduces the risk of injuries and bruises. Competent textile design will help to give comfort, warmth to the atmosphere of the room: curtains and curtains, carpets, as well as bedspreads, blankets, soft toys. Color solution should correspond to the taste, character and gender of the baby. Traditionally, rooms for girls are decorated in pink, for boys - in blue. It is not necessary to strictly adhere to the presented stereotypes; other neutral, pastel colors will also be an excellent solution: light green, beige, yellow. Catchy decorative elements will add brightness: pillows, paintings, prints on the walls, toys.

A special approach to creating design - a children's room in a country house

Insofar as children's room in a country house serves as a bedroom, living room and play area for a small owner at the same time, it is important to take care of creating a multifunctional interior. A good solution would be zoning the premises. This technique helps to allocate free space in the central part, provide the possibility of active pastime, create a feeling of spaciousness.

planning children's room design country house should take into account the age of the child. The main components of the interior of the room for newborns will be a wardrobe, a cradle or bed, a changing chest, a comfortable chair for mom. The decor of a children's room for a baby from one to three years old is complemented by a small table for creativity, a drawing board. It is recommended to allocate a sleeping area, made in calm, light colors, and a colorful, bright play area that promotes harmonious, active development.

In the decor of a children's room for a child of three to six years old, it is necessary to add a desk, a spacious closet, and a bed. An excellent solution would be special transforming furniture, the mechanisms of which allow you to increase the height and width of products with the age of the child. A useful element of the interior will be special boxes for toys located within the reach of the baby. This option provides the child with the opportunity to play independently, maintain order in the room. As decorative elements, you can use bright pictures with images of your favorite characters or drawings of the baby himself.

When creating an interior for school-age children, a teenager needs to allocate an additional learning area. A desk, a chair, adjustable in height, a table lamp, bookshelves are the fundamental furnishings of this corner. A home theater in a country house will allow you to have a pleasant and exciting time with children. The living area can be complemented by sofas, poufs, armchairs, a music center or a TV - attributes that allow the whole family to communicate in a cozy atmosphere.

As the child grows kids room interior design will vary depending on his character, taste, hobbies. As a result, it is important to think over the initial, general concept of interior design. In the future, it is possible to make changes with the help of new furniture, replacing decorative elements, while maintaining the overall appearance of the room. We will help you choose the most attractive style solution for the situation. photo of a children's room in a country house presented on the site. Original projects of talented designers will help create an amazing world close to the heart of a child.

Any parent strives to provide their offspring with a safe and comfortable life. And it's no secret that in many families the best room is allocated for the children's room - the brightest and most spacious. Parents consider it their duty to repair and furnish this room even better than others. But the competent organization of a useful, safe and functional space in a children's room is a rather complicated undertaking.

And those who do not want to turn to the services of professionals, but want to do it with their own hands, should approach the issue with all seriousness. Our ideas and color schemes in the design of children's bedrooms and subsequent repairs will help you! Where to start?

Playroom for children: choose a room

The ladder is convenient, but traumatic

Perhaps the choice of the available premises most suitable for a children's room in the house is quite daunting task. Some recommend arranging it on the first floor, in a room that is not too large in size. This is explained by the fact that the baby, who is not yet too firmly on his feet, will not be able to get injured if the parents are suddenly distracted, and he will make an attempt to study the living space outside his room, and fall off. But such a choice can cost parents extra hassle.

Parental bedrooms, in most cases, are located on the second floor of a private house (of course, if one is available). And, being located at different levels with the baby, parents should be aware that running from floor to floor, if the child needs something, is not very convenient. It is much more expedient to place a nursery in the house in close proximity to the habitat of mom and dad.

And to secure the stairs is quite simple: installing a special barrier that blocks the child's way out will make it easy to avoid the baby going up the stairs, and his subsequent injury. You can purchase a specialized device that is sold in a store, or you can use a simple heavy box or other item suitable for this role.

A bunk bed is a great solution if you have two children or are planning another child

The doors of the parent bedroom should be located near the nursery in order to provide mom and dad with quick and convenient access to the baby.

But it is not at all necessary that the rooms be located through the wall. They may well be separated by a pantry, bathroom or other living room. It is comfortable from all sides - if necessary, they will be able to instantly get to the child, and at the same time they can safely lead their usual adult life.

Sufficient is of great importance for the health and development of the little man. Therefore, it is best if the rooms chosen for him will face the bright, sunny side. The required amount of light is an important part of the formation of a healthy microclimate in the room, the key to the absence of chronic diseases in a child.

Room for a child: design

Racing driver style design

Well crafted design- the lion's share of success in organizing a nursery. It's pretty difficult task, and it would be better to entrust it to professionals. They will be able to develop desired project quickly and efficiently, given the input data.

If you do not want to spend money on a specialist, or if you want to do this work on their own and to your liking, you should first study the theory of upcoming events.

What do you need to know for this?

  • Color decision. Many adults are sure that the white color that prevails in the design of the premises is the most suitable in this case: it is bright, attractive, does not tire the eyes and makes the room bright. However, children's perception of the world around them is fundamentally different from that of an adult. Often what the older generation seems to be moderate and calm, the younger one seems dull and very boring.

In blue

Therefore, the snow-white color of the walls- far from the best color option for a child's room. Much better to give preference to more pleasant pastel colors. For a girl, for example, it can be pink, for boys, green or blue. Bright catchy colors are good on their own, but it is undesirable to use them for interior decoration: they are rather tiring and contribute to fatigue. Quite another thing is their gentle, soft tones.

And then what, to remake the boring surroundings? You will either have to start a new, previously unplanned repair, or aggravate relations with a capricious child. So that best option room decor is a more neutral style that is set off and decorated with bright small details.

In fact, there are many more such rules. But to list them all, perhaps, you will have to write a whole novel on the design of rooms for children. But even the listed simple rules will help you create a real dream room for your offspring.

Children's room: choose furniture

Designer furniture for a children's room

Every room in the house needs furniture. In the nursery, it should be especially comfortable and functional, so it is advisable to approach its choice seriously and responsibly.

Often, parents, either wanting to demonstrate wealth, or to amuse their pride, choose overly expensive branded furniture for the interior of a children's room.

A bed from France, a table from Italy, a wardrobe from Hungary, and other delights. The child is not able to evaluate the amount spent, and due to age features he still doesn't know how to take care of things.

Prestigious furniture in the nursery can cause frequent generational conflicts. The child wants to frolic and play, and he hears constant remarks from his parents: do not jump on the bed! Don't draw on the walls! Don't scratch the table!

Often when a child plays, it happens like this

The worries and feelings of adults are quite understandable, but try to understand the baby too. He is not interested in knowing how much money mom and dad had to spend on his room, he is interested in actively developing, and for this he must explore, create and redo.

Well, sometimes destroy. But this is a necessary stage in the natural and harmonious development of man.

Therefore, you should not climb out of your skin, trying to furnish the nursery with exclusive furniture.

It would be much more expedient to give preference to budget options for finishing materials and furniture. Children will also be able to run around the room, hide in closets and jump on the bed: but it will cost their parents much less.

Another parental mistake is the abundance of furniture in the child's room. Why does the baby need a huge bed, several wardrobes, an extra sleeping sofa? And there are many more toys...

Lighting in a small children's room with wardrobes and beds

As a result, the spacious premises of a country house are practically cluttered with furniture that the child does not need, while the size of the living space is drastically reduced.

For games, the baby is left with a tiny piece of space in the center of the room. But children simply need free space. They need to jump, run, crawl, play, but not sit in one place.

Is it possible to fully develop in the pantry, into which, against his will, his parents turned the nursery?

Therefore, it is advisable to approach the planning of a nursery room more reasonably, and be guided by common sense and expediency. Here it is desirable to have only necessary minimum, without which it is impossible to do.

Children's room in a country house: a game device

Whomever a person does not imagine himself in childhood: a pilot, a hairdresser, a doctor, an athlete, an artist and a cook.

Toddlers embody their fantasies in games, during which the nursery is sometimes seriously attacked. The room may suffer in some way, and in order to exclude this, you need to properly prepare it for mobile children's entertainment.

How to properly equip a playroom for a child?

It is desirable that it contains various sports equipment. Of course, we are not talking about expensive branded simulators and dumbbells. For children, special kits are produced that correspond to their age. You can purchase the required elements separately: a horizontal bar, a Swedish wall, a punching bag or a sports mat.

With the help of these devices, the child will be able to spend the accumulated energy and work up an enviable appetite. You can purchase materials and build sports facilities yourself. Such a design will cost parents quite a budget.

Colors mean a lot to children.

Equipping the nursery, one should reckon with the hobbies and passions of the child. Does your child love to draw? You can place a special board with crayons or markers here. The child will improve his skills, delighting parents with masterpieces and clean wallpapers.

Flooring needs special attention. game room. It will be rational to use practical inexpensive linoleum as this. Perhaps the carpet looks much richer, and the laminate is more fashionable and elegant ... But paints, gouache, and even spilled ordinary water can cause irreparable damage to them.

It is not afraid of water and pollution, it is easy to wash and clean, and it will not be difficult to replace it. Yes, the creation of a full-fledged and useful in every sense of the children's room is a rather difficult process, requiring time and effort. But isn't your child's health, well-being, and mood worth it?

Every loving parent tries to make the life of their little children as comfortable, safe and happy as possible. It is no coincidence that the children's room in the house is often furnished and renovated better than any other. It is worth noting that this is often very, very difficult to do. Therefore, if you do not want to use the services of professional designers, you should approach this matter as seriously and responsibly as possible. Where should one start in such a situation?

Children's room from the designer

What room to allocate for a nursery

One of the most difficult choices when arranging a children's room is choosing this very room. Some experts recommend allocating a not too large room on the ground floor for a children's room. This is motivated by the fact that a small child, not very good at standing, will not be injured if the parents are distracted for a minute, and he, in search of adventure, crawls to explore the house and falls down the stairs. However, this can cause unnecessary trouble for parents.

Indeed, in most cases, the bedrooms are located on the second floor. And running from floor to floor in the middle of the night due to the fact that the child cried in a dream is not a very comfortable experience. Therefore, it will be more practical to place the child's room in close proximity to the parents' bedroom.

An example of a parent's bedroom combined with a nursery

Injuries associated with falling from the stairs can be avoided quite easily - just put a special barrier at the exit from the children's room or on the way to it. To do this, you can use a special barrier sold in children's stores, as well as an ordinary heavy box or other object, reliably blocking the way for the child and ensuring his safety.

It is desirable that parents have quick access from their bedroom to the children's room, that is, the doors should be located in close proximity. However, it is not at all necessary that the rooms are adjacent. Between them there may be a bathroom, storage room or another room. On the one hand, this will allow you to quickly get into desired room, and on the other hand, it will provide maximum freedom to parents, without interfering with their usual way of life.

Sample plan of an apartment with a children's room

Everyone knows how important sunlight is for the proper and healthy development of a child.

Therefore, it is best to allocate a room for the child, the windows of which overlook the sunny side of the house.

Good illumination of the room is a guarantee of the absence of a number of diseases and maintaining a healthy microclimate in the children's room.

Design for a children's room

Another difficult task facing parents is the properly designed design of the children's room in the house. Of course, it is best to entrust the work to specialists. They will definitely be able to develop a suitable project quickly and efficiently. But if you don’t want or can’t afford to spend a decent amount on paying for the services of professionals, it’s worth at least studying the theory of children’s room design. So, what will be useful to remember?

Of course, in reality there are many more such rules. And to talk about them all, I would have to write a whole book on the design of children's rooms. But if you remember these simple rules, they will allow you to create a dream room for your child.

Children's room furniture

Of course, if you need a cozy and comfortable children's room in a panel house, then do not forget about the furniture. And her choice should be approached very, very seriously. Often, parents (first of all, in order to amuse their pride and demonstrate their worth to their friends) buy the most expensive furniture for the children's room. Italian bed, French table, Dutch wardrobe and more.

But children are simply not able to appreciate this, because they are not used to the stereotypes of the adult world. And they will appreciate an Italian bed for a thousand euros no more than one made in the nearest workshop, worth ten thousand rubles. Therefore, scandals often brew between children and parents. During them you can hear: do not jump on the bed! Don't scratch the table! Don't stain the wallpaper!

It is quite understandable that the parents want to keep the room, the repair of which cost more than one thousand dollars, in its original form. But it is worth understanding children who want to develop, and for this they need to create (and sometimes destroy), explore, remake. Without this, the child simply will not be able to turn into an accomplished adult.

So if buying expensive furniture is a significant blow to your budget, it is better to give preference to the cheapest pieces of furniture and finishing materials.

Children will also run around the room, draw with felt-tip pens on wallpaper, break cabinet doors and much more. But it will cost you ten times less.

Another mistake parents make is trying to force the entire nursery with furniture. But how? After all, a child needs a spacious bed, two or three wardrobes for things, a bookcase, a computer desk, a desk, a few chairs and a small sofa where you can lie down during the day.

An example of a small sofa in a children's room

As a result, the entire children's room in a country house with its spacious rooms is simply littered with furniture, and only a piece of free space of one square meter remains in the middle of the room.

But kids need space! They want to run, jump, crawl, fidget and not sit in one place. How can a child develop normally in a warehouse that his parents turned into a nursery? So, try to use a reasonable layout of the nursery and get by with a minimum of furniture: small bed, one table (preferably without a computer), a couple of chairs and one closet that can easily fit both toys and clothes. But the room itself will be surprisingly spacious and perfect for a child's games.

Interiors of children's rooms in country houses

In the eyes of a child, his personal room is not just a living space, but a small world, a space for development, creativity, games, and recreation. It plays an important role in the formation and psycho-emotional development of a young personality. Such a room should be comfortable, safe, aesthetic, spacious. It is the spaciousness of the children's room in the cottage that compares favorably with apartment option. The vast area of ​​the room allows you to divide the living space into zones, making the interior multifunctional.

In this section of the site, the site contains useful tips on interior design, repair of children's rooms in country houses. Owners, craftsmen, designers will share their experience. they will tell you photos of the interiors of children's rooms in summer cottages, in cottages.

How to create the interior of a children's room

Arrangement of children's rooms country houses and cottages has the following features:

The room is chosen spacious (from 12 sq.m.), bright, preferably facing east or southeast. Especially spacious should be a children's room in the country for a boy.

The space is zoned into places for sleeping, playing, studying, storing things. For children of preschool age, the most spacious is the play area, and for schoolchildren - a place to study.

Children's room with a bed on a pedestal - photo

Design of a children's room with a balcony - photo

Canopy Nursery Design

Baby room design

You can see other photos of the children's room in ours.

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  • Interior design of children's Moscow. in houses

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    02. 2017
  • Marine style - children's. in houses

    Design of children's rooms - photo gallery.

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    12. 2016
  • Marine children's. in houses

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  • Children's room with a map of the world and ships. in houses

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  • Children's room in a marine style with photo wallpapers and a complex ceiling. in houses

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    12. 2016
  • Children's room in a marine style with a chest. in houses

    Interior projects of children's rooms - photo gallery.

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    12. 2016
  • Children's room with a model of an old ship in the interior. in houses

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  • Sea nursery with lifebuoys and fishing nets in the interior. in houses

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    Sea nursery with lifebuoys and fishing nets in the interior.

    12. 2016
  • Children's room in a marine style with a green carpet. in houses

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    12. 2016
  • Playroom for children with a climbing wall. in houses

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  • Playroom for children for rock climbing. in houses

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    Playroom for children for rock climbing.

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  • Climbing wall in the children's playroom. in houses

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    Climbing wall in the children's playroom.

    12. 2016
  • in houses
    "Sea nursery" with photo printing on furniture.

    12. 2016
  • Children's room for rock climbing. in houses

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    Children's room for rock climbing.

    12. 2016
  • Playroom for children with photo wallpaper in the cottage. in houses

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    Playroom for children with photo wallpaper in the cottage.

    12. 2016
  • Children's room with the name of the child in the interior. in houses

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    Children's room with the name of the child in the interior.

    12. 2016
  • White and olive children's room. in houses

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    White and olive children's room.

    12. 2016
  • Laconic interiors of children's rooms - portfolio. in houses

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    Laconic interiors of children's rooms - portfolio.

    12. 2016
  • Children's room in the attic - white and olive colors. in houses

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    Children's room in the attic - white and olive colors.

    12. 2016

  • Nurseries (in homes) - Interior design for nurseries: in homes

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  • Children's room in the attic - interior design services. in houses

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    Children's room in the attic - interior design services.

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  • Children's room in the attic. in houses

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    10. 2016
  • Nursery for girls - attic. in houses

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  • Attic design - children's for girls. in houses

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    Attic design - children's for girls.

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  • Attic design - children's for girls. in houses

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    Attic design - children's for girls.

    10. 2016
  • Mansard nursery - interior, design. Nursery in Loft style. in houses

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    Mansard nursery - interior, design. Nursery in Loft style.

    08. 2016
  • An interesting solution to the sloping ceiling in the nursery. Loft nursery interior. in houses

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  • Children's room in hi-tech and loft style - design, interior. in houses

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    08. 2016
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    08. 2016
  • Mother-of-pearl pink nursery in the attic. in houses

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    08. 2016
  • Children's room with birds - project. in houses

    interior design studio moscow

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    08. 2016
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    08. 2016
  • Sailor style in the children's room - a project. in houses "data-pinterest-text=" Sailor style in the children's room - a project. in houses" data-tweet-text=" Sailor style in the children's room - a project. in houses">

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    Sailor style in the children's room - a project.

  • Children's room in sailor style - portfolio. in houses

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    Children's room in sailor style - portfolio.

    08. 2016
  • Children's project in a marine style (cabin boy and sailors). in houses" data-pinterest-text="Nursery-style children's project (cabin boys and sailors). in houses" data-tweet-text="Nursery-style children's project (cabin boys and sailors). in houses">

The arrangement of the nursery requires increased attention. This is a room in which the child can retire, play his favorite games, where he invites friends. When creating the interior of a children's room in a country house, it is important to take care of the attractiveness, safety, comfort and practicality of the environment.

The children's room is a special, own world of the child. As a consequence, making interiors of children's rooms in a country house, it is important to think over every detail with the utmost care. It should be remembered that this room is intended for a small inhabitant. As a finish, it is recommended to use only ecological, natural materials. As fixtures, it is worth using safety glass products, choosing special furniture. High-quality interior items for children are distinguished by ergonomics, convenience, and a special shape that reduces the risk of injuries and bruises. Competent textile design will help to give comfort, warmth to the atmosphere of the room: curtains and curtains, carpets, as well as bedspreads, blankets, soft toys. The color scheme should correspond to the taste, character and gender of the baby. Traditionally, rooms for girls are decorated in pink, for boys - in blue. It is not necessary to strictly adhere to the presented stereotypes; other neutral, pastel colors will also be an excellent solution: light green, beige, yellow. Catchy decorative elements will add brightness: pillows, paintings, prints on the walls, toys.

A special approach to creating design - a children's room in a country house

Insofar as children's room in a country house serves as a bedroom, living room and play area for a small owner at the same time, it is important to take care of creating a multifunctional interior. A good solution would be zoning the premises. This technique helps to allocate free space in the central part, provide the possibility of active pastime, create a feeling of spaciousness.

planning design of children's rooms of a country house should take into account the age of the child. The main components of the interior of the room for newborns will be a wardrobe, a cradle or bed, a changing chest, a comfortable chair for mom. The decor of a children's room for a baby from one to three years old is complemented by a small table for creativity, a drawing board. It is recommended to allocate a sleeping area, made in calm, light colors, and a colorful, bright play area that promotes harmonious, active development.

In the decor of a children's room for a child of three to six years old, it is necessary to add a desk, a spacious closet, and a bed. An excellent solution would be special transforming furniture, the mechanisms of which allow you to increase the height and width of products with the age of the child. A useful element of the interior will be special boxes for toys located within the reach of the baby. This option provides the child with the opportunity to play independently, maintain order in the room. As decorative elements, you can use bright pictures with images of your favorite characters or drawings of the baby himself.

When creating an interior for school-age children, a teenager needs to allocate an additional learning area. Desk, height-adjustable chair, table lamp, bookshelves are the fundamental furnishings of this corner. A home theater in a country house will allow you to have a pleasant and exciting time with children. The living area can be complemented by sofas, poufs, armchairs, a music center or a TV - attributes that allow the whole family to communicate in a cozy atmosphere.

As the child grows kids room interior design will vary depending on his character, taste, hobbies. As a result, it is important to think over the initial, general concept of interior design. In the future, it is possible to make changes with the help of new furniture, replacing decorative elements, while maintaining the overall appearance of the room. We will help you choose the most attractive style solution for the situation. photo of a children's room in a country house presented on the site. Original projects of talented designers will help create an amazing world close to the heart of a child.


Residence in the Middle East (43 photos)


A team of architects led by Olga Kushnareva-Leone designed a large-scale mansion in the Middle East in terms of volume and purpose, combining the features of a classic European chateau and an oriental palace. And she did it with extraordinary brilliance and elegance, masterfully organizing a space of 6000 square meters. m and filled with life and true beauty every inch of it.

The company's specialists joined the project long before the completion of the construction of the main house and related buildings, so it was possible not only to work thoughtfully on the interior design project, but also to make adjustments to the architectural solutions which ultimately had a positive effect on the appearance of residential premises. “Work on the interiors took three years, more than 70 people were involved in the process of designing, completing, decorating. The geography of the masters was the widest: local craftsmen worked with stone (and they worked simply filigree!), Europeans made wood products, furniture, textiles and accessories were supplied by the world's best manufacturers ... The work was unusually intense, but the result was impressive: a grand authentic interior with palace scale,” says Olga Kushnareva-Leone.


The PROEKTOR bureau team, led by architect Tatyana Levina, designed and built two-storey house that exists in perfect harmony with nature. The authors themselves called this house Sunlight because sunlight plays a leading role in the project.

Firstly, panoramic windows allow not only to blur the line between the interior and exterior, to immerse yourself in the surrounding greenery around the house, but also to fill the entire first floor with sun. On the second level in the bedroom area, high narrow windows, on the contrary, work for security and comfort. The light is soft and comfortable. Secondly, the house was built taking into account the cardinal directions. The living room is located in the northeast to meet the first rays of the sun in the morning, and the entrance group and the kitchen area are in the west to enjoy the evening sunset. Technical buildings facing south, they protect the residential volume from the scorching midday sun. The canopy on the south side on the second floor gives a deep shadow and creates a comfortable microclimate... As a result, the logic of the location of the premises is completely subordinated to the solar movement, and the premises are illuminated evenly.


Architects Elizaveta Golubtsova and Marina Biryukova (BIGO architectural group) designed a house in Barcelona for a family with three children. The architects have been working with the owners of the house - blogger Tatyana Rodionova and businessman Andrei Rodionov for a long time, they designed a house for them in the Moscow region.

“From a house near Moscow with an area of ​​500 sq. m, the family moved into a modern Spanish townhouse with an area of ​​370 sq. We were faced with the task of planning the space in such a way that the reduction in footage would not affect the life of the family and its comfort in any way, ”the authors of the project say. as a new location for permanent residence the customers chose a house in a quiet suburb of Barcelona, ​​solid, but without frills. It was built more than 10 years ago and, in order to provide the level of comfort that the family was used to, it required drastic changes. “We carried out the construction work with the help of an international team: a foreman from Russia supervised the construction, local specialists were engaged in engineering, and a Riga company made individual wood products,” the architects say. The result is an eclectic home with a relaxed vibe, Southern flair, multicultural design and European antiques.


Designers Daria Misyura and Dmitry Karpenok reconstructed a three-story house for a creative family and created a picturesque interior with a patina of time and a collection of artifacts. Customers with three children bought a 600 sq. m in one of the prestigious settlements near Moscow more than five years ago, at first calm modern interior suited them, but soon they wanted to add colors, combine different styles and eras, create housing in which everyone would feel good.

“Customers love to travel, they are impressed american interiors, as well as French classics, Provence style, - the authors of the project say. - Therefore, we proposed instead of a boring interior to make a spectacular stylization, full of quotes and references to history. Work on the project began with one room, but the owners liked the result so much that they embarked on an adventurous experiment to renovate the entire house. The difficulty lay in the fact that the reconstruction should have been carried out in the most gentle ways, while maintaining the original volumes and background finishing materials. Therefore, the authors of the project attracted a large team of restorers who, using exclusively decorative methods, worked on a complete renovation of the house.


The architects of the TaupeHOME bureau, led by Natalia Semenova, were tasked not only to decorate the interior of a house in the historic suburb of St. Petersburg, but to create a real “family nest”, convenient for a large family. The customer - a successful business woman and the head of the family - purchased a ready-made two-storey cottage area of ​​250 sq. m near Tsarskoye Selo, she planned to live there with her children and grandchildren.

The style of the interior was largely influenced by the location, proximity to the palace ensembles of the Romanov family, as well as the customer's love for elegant classic style.


The clients of decorator Yulia Voronezhskaya bought a house with a ready-made finish that didn’t quite suit them, they wanted to repaint the walls, maybe replace the floor and add a few bright touches that would give the space a personality. But it all ended with a global renovation and the creation of a dream home, where everyone will feel good and comfortable.

“Although the house was a typical renovated building, it had a lot of advantages: a large number of windows, a front entrance to the site, access to the garden from the living room, centuries-old pine trees on the site, which together worked for the image of an open and positive interior. On the other hand, there were also disadvantages: low ceiling height, not very good location of communications. These moments should have been taken into account during the reconstruction of the object in order to emphasize the merits,” says the author of the project. Along with the house, the garden has also changed, it has become more well-groomed and picturesque.


For a restaurateur from Moscow, designer Elena Uchaeva designed a villa in Cyprus. When creating interiors, she was inspired by refreshing seascapes and bright Cypriot sunsets. The modern villa is located in the resort area of ​​Coral Bay and is a two-story building with large panoramic windows and an outdoor pool with a terrace overlooking the sea.

“I was at the site only three times: the first time at the stage of a concrete empty box, the second time after the completion of the final repair, before the furniture was placed, and the third time during the final decoration and photography,” says the author of the project. The construction work was carried out by a local company, so the main difficulty was remote communication, it was not easy to adapt to the rhythm of life of the Cypriots. On the island, no one is in a hurry, does not get upset over trifles, and is not too pedantic about the quality of work and their compliance with drawings and terms of reference. Therefore, it was necessary to control the process especially carefully using photos in instant messengers in on-line mode.”


Architect Oleg Klodt and designer Anna Agapova have created an interior in which the past and the present are so closely intertwined that it creates a complete feeling of traveling through time. Customers purchased modern house on Rublevo-Uspenskoye highway, they dreamed of a real "family nest" in the spirit of European mansions, full of history and traditions.

Oleg Klod and Anna Agapova proposed to design a space of 1000 sq. m in the style of modern Flemish interiors, natural materials with a lively texture, light patina and a gray-golden color palette in the spirit of the painting of the Flemish masters became the basis for a detailed interior worked out to the smallest detail. The inspiration for creating the interior was a unique family collection of works of art - paintings of the 18th-19th centuries. and antique books. During the work on the main house, a guest house was erected on the site, which is used as a spa complex and a recreation area with caine. It is made in Alpine style and sets you up for relaxation.

Discussion (1)


Architects at D-Ideas studio, led by Yana Malygina, have reconstructed a three-story house overlooking the mountains, located near Alma-Ata, turning it into a complex, eclectic object, which they themselves called a “modern castle”. “The mistress of the house initially gravitated towards minimalism and natural materials with an honest texture, - say the authors of the project. - Used in the decoration of stone, wood, concrete, glass and metal, we proposed to supplement complex decorative elements in the spirit of the era of chivalry.

The house was built about 20 years ago and needed a complete renovation. Having retained the original proportions, lancet windows and towers, the designers significantly changed the appearance of the facade and the architecture of the building: they added two wings, increasing the usable living area, made a canopy over the entrance, and gave the building the look of a classic mansion.


For a large family, designers Dmitry and Daria Grigoriev designed a two-story country house, turning it into an ultra-modern minimalist chalet filled with natural materials and textures: living and real.

“The architecture of the house is made in a modern way in the spirit of the works of Frank Lloyd Wright - simple volumes, strict forms, large panoramic windows, a lot of air,” the authors of the project say. - However, the customers saw the interiors not so radical. They travel a lot and love the style of an alpine chalet with an abundance of wood, brutal stone, and rough plasters. We proposed to combine a traditional chalet with minimalism and rely on non-trivial natural materials: graphite, quartzite, oak with complex processing.”

  • recent

The person of the column "Architect of the Month" is Tatyana Bozhovskaya, founder and head of her own bureau "Tatiana Bozhovskaya's Exclusive Interior Studio", one of the most authoritative architectural and interior bureaus in Russia. About work, favorite interiors, designers, trends in the changing interior and architecture market - in an interview with the ArchReview portal.

Showcases - a combination of colors through incredible architecture, layout and interior design

The correct design of a children's playroom is indicated by an important and difficult task. There are several different components that you need to pay special attention to in order to create the perfect place for a child to develop.

Obviously, every parent wants to design a magical environment so that little ones can proudly call the nursery the best in the world. However, in reality, it is not easy to come up with a plan of action alone.

Security worthwhile along with creating the right mix between activity area and soft chairs, is a problem in itself. In this post, our team on the site will help you deal with the main issues that arise in the process of work.

Modern trends lean towards minimalism with clean, crisp, defined design lines. Harmoniously combining a beautiful theme with a smart storage solution, the perfect nursery is a space that both adults and kids will appreciate. And here is the most important game room - an inspiration zone that combines extravagance, practicality and convenience. Good luck!

Designed slide and climbing wall

Creating enough space under the living room window with elegant decor

Charming forest theme

Modern theater under the stairs

Theater is a great and compact solution

Open design makes adult supervision much easier

Bright and lively children's, sporty, colorful look

Adorable little fan brings out the color scheme

Flat, modern look

Creative themes and vibrant colors

The leisure room is much more than just a place where the kids spend a few hours a day while you go about your business. This is the space that allows them to use all their energy, creativity and imagination.

If you ever spend a little time with them, you will quickly understand why this little corner is so important to their full development. This is the only place in the city houses where they are allowed to be themselves without any interference! Make sure this space is fabulous and accommodating to create as much as possible.

An indoor wigwam will bring a lot more fun than a regular project.

Nautical theme in red and blue colors

original entry

There are a variety of themes you can choose from. They can range from a cool nautical take to a Disney Princess theme that a girl will love. Regardless of the theme, make sure there is enough light throughout the day. Combine bright hues with chic geometric patterns for a fun and playful vibe.

elegant furniture

Dare to bring together a spectrum of colors, Serena & Lily

A chalkboard on the surface of the walls provides a chance for your children to express their creativity.

Wall paintings give a special character

Design find inspired by nature

Sofa Iconic Togo - the perfect addition

Maskros pendant lamp and strong colors inspire

Maximum storage and shelf space

Storage space is the most important aspect. If you are careless about providing enough space to hide everything so that there is no clutter and mountains of toys, then you are in big trouble.

Always add the perfect shelf with plenty of space. Modern bookshelves are made in a large assortment. Fill them with colorful containers or even woven fabric baskets that are both elegant and effective. Ukraine has developed benches with compartments for hidden content or stylish stairs hidden in the corner.

built by custom order the bench offers plenty of room for toys to hide

Stylish savings and decent layout

Wicker baskets are a great way to add the space you need

Make sure that every piece of furniture is reliable and safe. Do not hang anything dangerous and do not place the baskets high, it is better on the floor, in theory, here they will not turn over. game items, which develop memory, are a fun way to teach accuracy.

Closed cabinets allow you to turn a room into extra guest space or a bedroom when needed at some point in the future.

Carpet tiles and ladder shelf - a note of sophistication

The cool lighting used is in harmony with the shades

Colorful wallpaper is a great feature

Soft shades of pink and green colors go well together.

Refurbish an unused corner of your home

Combinations of spaces and zones

Planning should ideally start with placement. This aspect is much more significant if your children are still young. One great idea is a home gym that allows you to keep an eye on your little ones as they have fun.

Open structures and floor plans are becoming much more popular as they are safe and easy to implement. You can use multi-colored carpets, carpet tiles and a special ceiling to delimit areas, which creates a sense of specialness compared to the rest of the house.

Gym and open design- training without worrying about the little ones

V unusual place, by Barnes Vanze Architects

Metallic leather puffs add silver sequins

If you're contemplating an exclusive recreation unit, take advantage of the height of the walls by placing climbing equipment, or a series of ladders that are child-safe.

Creating a variety of activity spaces and using the space under the stairs for a stylish theater is also great fun. If your house or apartment is too small, then you can combine the design of the nursery with the bedroom in an ergonomic way.

Simple and stylish, by FLO Design Studio

Smart units for savings and a ladder that leads to a cool shelter

The climbing wall is a great simulator

Open design makes it easy to keep an eye on kids

The most important component of the entire layout is your children's ideas. Talk to them before you start. Include the colors, themes and pieces of furniture they most want by adding their own safety and style solutions. After all, the gaming hall is, first of all, their territory!

Neutral colors allow you to quickly transform the space into a bedroom

With lots of pink, by Alexandra Lauren Wright

With soft chairs beautiful girls, Bianca B

Always add enough soft surfaces, Two Ellie

The attic is a great solution with a fabulous round window and pretty decor.