Making humane mousetraps with your own hands. Humane ways to catch a mouse in an apartment and a house How to catch a mouse in an apartment

With the onset of autumn, mice begin to search for warm places for wintering, sometimes overcoming quite long distances. And if in natural conditions animals feed on nuts, seeds or insect larvae, then once they enter a residential building, they become omnivorous, tasting stocks in the pantry, food leftovers in the trash can, and even such inedible things as candles or soap. When rodents enter a human home, getting rid of them can be quite problematic.

Harm from mice to humans

Mice in a relatively short time can cause serious damage to stored vegetables and fruits, spoil cereals and pasta. Pests gnaw wires, arrange nests in various places and carry dangerous infections. The diseases they cause include:

  • leptospirosis,
  • hemorrhagic fever,
  • tularemia
  • pseudotuberculosis,
  • salmonellosis,
  • helminthiasis.
  • These diseases can be transmitted:

    Pests are incredibly prolific - they can bring the first offspring as early as the eighth week after their birth, and replenish the population five to ten times each year. On average, an individual lives for about a year in natural conditions. It is surprising that rodents have not yet flooded the entire planet with such indicators. This does not happen just because the total number of mice is regulated by both natural (natural) factors and human intervention.

    How to catch a mouse

    It is easier to deal with a pest when you know what it is.

    Table: distinguishing features of mice

    An average-sized animal can easily seep into a round gap about a centimeter in diameter and jump in length in an extreme situation up to one meter.

    The fight against domestic rodents includes the use of spring mousetraps, glue traps, various kinds of repellers, poisoned baits. At the same time, people have to change tactics all the time, inventing new devices. Live traps are the most humane means of getting rid of rodents and they are quite easy to make with your own hands from improvised materials.

    Humane plastic bottle mouse trap

    To make such a trap, you will need a plastic bottle, a rope, a heavy object and bait. The rope must be tied to the neck.

    The rope must be long enough

    We put the bait in the bottle. Mice are most attracted to foods with a strong scent, but scented chemical additives will likely not work.

    It is better to use natural products as bait

    The bottle should be placed on the edge of a table or other surface. We fix the end of the rope with a heavy object.

    Homemade mouse trap installed and ready to go

    Live trap from a can with a coin

    The manufacture of this mousetrap requires an empty glass jar, coins and bait. Installation takes just a few seconds.

    A coin trap is the simplest but very effective way to catch small rodents.

    Fix the bait on the inner wall of the jar. Set up the trap as shown in the photo below.

    This live trap may require concentration to install

    Catching pests with a bucket and ruler

    You can catch a boring mouse by using a plastic bucket. To prevent the rodent from jumping out of the container, apply a little vegetable oil to the bottom and walls.

    Any sufficiently deep plastic bucket is suitable for catching mice.

    The next step is to install a ruler with a bait on the edge of the table. Here it is important to properly balance the mechanism.

    The installed ruler with the bait must support the weight of the mouse until the latter gets close to the fragrant piece

    Place the bucket exactly in the center of the bait and go about your business with peace of mind. The captured rodent will not be harmed.

    A live trap using a bucket and a ruler is installed and configured

    Mousetrap from a jar and thick paper

    To make the next trap, you need a glass jar, a sheet of thick paper, a rope, a knife and a piece of something tasty.

    Cheese, of course, will do, but the mice do not like it too much, oddly enough

    We put cheese in a container, cover it with paper and twist it with a rope in the same way as jam jars are corked.

    It is advisable to tighten the neck of the container more tightly

    Cut the paper on top with a cross with a knife. The corners should be sunk a little deeper.

    Using sharp knife, cut the paper in a cross

    Set the trap where the pests are most active. Don't forget to check it from time to time.

    Live traps should be checked more often, as a caught pest can escape with some effort.

    Another live trap from a plastic bottle

    Get an empty plastic bottle. Cut it with a knife along about a third of the total length. Be careful, plastic can slide on the surface.

    When working with a knife, be careful not to cut yourself.

    Turn the cut part over and fix it with clothespins, paper clips or, for example, hairpins.

    The process of making such a live trap will not take much time.

    It remains to put goodies in the live trap, put it in the places where mice are active and provide convenience for access.

    So that mice can get access to free cheese, we again apply the ruler

    barbed mousetrap

    To make a trap, you will need the lower part cut in half plastic bottle and a knife (or scissors).

    The lower half of the plastic container is a live trap blank
    The step width of each element does not play a big role

    It remains to put a fragrant piece of banana into the product to lure pests, bend the cutouts inward and wish yourself a successful hunt.

    The mousetrap should be installed in places of increased activity of rodents, so the chances of success increase significantly

    Video: how to catch a mouse without harming it

    How to lure a rodent

    Contrary to popular belief, cheese is not the perfect bait for catching mice. Of course, animals will not refuse a piece of fresh product, but if they have a choice, they will prefer seeds or smoked bacon to it.

    Table: which products are suitable as bait

    To catch mice even more effectively, it's important to know what rodents don't like. Dried cheese, apples, chocolate, and dry bread crusts will most likely not work.

    You should not trap any products with the presence of preservatives, flavors or flavor enhancers in their composition.

    Where is the best place to set traps?

    Indoor rodent control with live traps includes correct installation the latter. To do this, first of all, you need to understand where mice appear, how and when they feed and move.

    Did you know that mice really like sunflower oil, smoked bacon and seeds. They are nocturnal animals with very fast metabolic processes of the body, so during the dark time of the day they can go out in search of food up to thirty times. It is very easy to notice that mice were in charge of the house, the animals always leave oblong black litter about one centimeter long.

    Mouse droppings reach a length of 0.5-1 cm

    As a rule, these animals do not travel long distances in search of food, and usually the animals leave the nest only ten to twenty meters.

    Based on this, live traps should be placed along the expected routes of movement of pests, and where they appear most often. It should be noted that mice often move closer to walls and other objects, while being quite inquisitive creatures, they can explore any object in their path.

    Mice often disturb the owners of not only private houses, but apartments in high-rise buildings. It is difficult to understand how nimble rodents get to the upper floors, but rustling at night, damaged food supplies and gnawed wires confirm that “uninvited guests” have wound up in the dwelling.

    Some owners, irritated by the activity of mice, often use inhumane methods of struggle: they prepare poisoned baits, set traps. There are others effective ways, allowing to get rid of one or more rodents. How to catch a mouse without a mousetrap? Experts give a diagram of the device of simple and inexpensive traps.

    Reasons for the appearance

    Nimble creatures most often make their way to private houses and apartments, where there is enough food in the public domain, and sanitation rules are not always observed. The combination of these factors attracts rodents.

    The main reasons for the appearance of mice:

    • crumbs on the floor, work surfaces and table;
    • storage of products in open containers, torn packaging or, in general, without it. Most rodents are attracted to cereals, seeds, cookies;
    • holes in baseboards, near sewerage and water supply pipes;
    • cluttered areas of the premises where cleaning is rarely carried out;
    • near the house there is a garbage dump or containers with food waste;
    • free water;
    • irregular removal of the trash can;
    • the remnants of cereals, flour, scattered on kitchen cabinets.

    Rodent harm

    Even one mouse can give the owners a lot of trouble. The penetration of several rodents is a real disaster.

    In addition to harm to household, a tiny mouse often provokes panic attacks, scares the household with a sudden appearance. Many people are afraid of rodents, the consequences of even a single “visit” of mice can be sad: nervous stress, increased pressure, heart attack.

    The consequences of the activity of gray pests:

    • the risk of contracting dangerous diseases (mice on paws, wool carry pathogenic microorganisms);
    • short circuit, the possibility of fire due to damaged wires;
    • damage to food, household property;
    • bad smell from excrement.

    Signs of mice in the apartment

    Quiet scratching, rustling at night in the kitchen cabinet immediately betrays the presence of voracious rodents. An attentive owner will detect the activity of gray pests: there are other signs.

    You can suspect the penetration of mice by the following results of the activity:

    • gnawed pieces of food;
    • mouse excrement on the floor, table, among food stocks;
    • unpleasant smell in areas with poor ventilation (cupboards, drawers, floor near the sink, bathroom, pantry);
    • gnawed bags (packages) with cereals, flour. Rodents damage packs of biscuits, cereal boxes;
    • holes in skirting boards.

    Some owners say that the mice climbed not only into the cabinets, the pantry, but also into the bottom of the oven. It was difficult to understand how the rodents climbed to the third floor, but when examining the area near the stove, it turned out that the mice made their way through the holes in the floor.

    Humane methods of struggle with homemade traps

    How to get rid of mice in a private house without poisoned baits and traps? There are methods that some owners don't know about or consider ineffective, but these methods of breeding mice have also proven effective.

    For the manufacture of devices you will need items (bank, plastic container) and products (cheese, seeds, vegetable oil). When using simple and effective traps, gray pests remain unharmed, all that remains is to take the mice out into the yard.

    From a bottle

    How to make:

    • take a plastic bottle with a volume of one and a half or two liters, cut off the upper part with scissors (from the zone where the capacity narrows);
    • the remaining open container from the bottom to the top with inside generously lubricate with unrefined (unrefined) vegetable oil;
    • also pour oil on the bottom (layer 2-3 cm), pour raw seeds;
    • place a trap in areas where mice most often resort. Be sure to build a "ladder" from a plank or a wooden ruler, glue it with tape at the outside of the trap;
    • it is important to tilt the bottle of oil so that a mouse that has climbed up the "ladder" cannot climb up the slippery surface;
    • fix the container so that the bottle does not turn over when the mouse gets into it;
    • set the trap in the evening, get the animal in the morning and let it go. The smell of oil and seeds always attracts gray rodents.

    From the bank

    How to DIY:

    • you will need a glass jar, the volume of which is 0.7 l, a piece of cheese, the length and width of which are 1.5–2 cm, narrow scotch tape plus a coin;
    • the first stage is to wrap the cheese with tape so that the piece is firmly attached to the adhesive tape;
    • With the second end of the adhesive tape, fix the treat on the bottom. The bait is fixed correctly if, in an inverted jar, cheese on a sticky basis does not reach five centimeters to the surface of the table or floor;
    • place a container near the mouse hole or bags of grain. Be sure to tilt the jar: for this operation, a coin installed perpendicular to the floor under the edge of the neck is useful. The operation is time-consuming, but the result is worth it: the mouse will certainly fall into a trap, will not be able to move the jar until the owners arrive.

    Advice! Installing a coin is much easier if you put a fleecy rug under the jar.

    Ultrasonic repellers

    How to remove mice from a private house? For owners who want to reliably protect their home from rodent invasion, manufacturers offer several options for devices that interfere with the normal functioning of mice and rats. It is easy to pick up ultrasonic devices of different power not only to combat gray "aggressors", but also with harmful insects:, mosquitoes,.

    It is very difficult to catch a mouse without a mousetrap using modern devices, but the effect will be obvious: rodents will simply disappear from an inhospitable house. Exposure to waves of a certain length causes panic in mice, leads to a loss of orientation in space. Unpleasant "neighbors" rush around the house, cannot find food.

    In building supermarkets, electronics stores and departments for gardeners - gardeners, it is easy to find ultrasound from mice for the home different sizes, brands and prices. Which device is better?

    Experts advise to pay attention to several points:

    • a good device and mouse remedy in a private house has the function of "adjusting the frequency of ultrasound". Changing the wavelength range does not allow rodents to get used to the effect. Most models have automatic ultrasonic flow control;
    • to increase efficiency, it is advisable to buy two or three devices, install them in different parts of the premises. Reason: sound waves do not penetrate upholstered furniture, blackout curtains, you have to purchase repellers to affect all areas where rodents can get;
    • check with the seller or look at the instructions to find out if the device works at low temperatures. Some models have a certain range at which trouble-free operation of the device is possible. If the owner of a private house decides to get rid of mice in the cellar, it may turn out that the purchased repeller is not recommended for operation at low temperatures;
    • do not save when choosing a device. Often, cheap repellers from little-known manufacturers serve less than the prescribed period, often fail;
    • do not install baits in a room where a device that repels rodents is turned on. The smell of food will attract mice, the repeller will be less effective;
    • provide conditions for the correct operation of the device. Moderate humidity, suitable temperature regime, the absence of blows to the body will allow the repeller to work without failures. After a certain period of time, the device must be turned off, then restarted. Technical points are indicated in the instruction manual for a specific model.

    Important! It is strictly forbidden to use ultrasonic devices if there are decorative rodents at home: guinea pigs, hamsters. Pets also cannot stand the action of ultrasonic waves, as well as unwanted gray "neighbors".

    Popular ultrasonic rat and mouse repellers:

    • Typhoon.
    • Range.
    • Pest Reject.
    • Grad.
    • Sonar.
    • Electric cat.
    • Tornado.
    • Riddex.

    How to destroy on the site and prevent its reappearance? We have an answer!

    Useful tips on how to get rid of fruit flies in the kitchen, read the page.

    Go to the address and learn about how to deal with earth rats in the garden.

    Mice do not ask a person if he needs such "neighbors". The owners complain that it is difficult to get rid of gray pests, they try folk methods, arrange poisoned baits, suffer with mousetraps. Ultrasonic repellers and homemade traps give a good effect when removing rodents, but it is easier to prevent the inhabitants of basements and garbage dumps from entering a house or apartment.

    How to proceed:

    • prevent unsanitary conditions in the home;
    • close the trash can, take out the container with food waste in time;
    • store flour, cereals, seeds in special containers with a lid;
    • do not leave an open pack of cookies or waffles on the table;
    • close the breadbasket;
    • immediately after the meal, remove crumbs and pieces of food from the table;
    • check the condition of skirting boards, floors, door frames, timely replace worn out, cracked parts, close up holes in the floor and baseboards;
    • control the work of garbage disposal services if the house is located near the container;
    • place ultrasonic repellers in the cellar or pantry if there is a suspicion of rodent penetration.

    When gray pests appear in an apartment or a private house, it is worth remembering not only about traps and baits with pesticides, but also about more humane methods of struggle. Simple fixtures, made from improvised materials, will help to catch a nimble mouse in a house without a mousetrap. Ultrasonic repellers - another safe for humans, effective method rodent control.

    How to catch a mouse without a mousetrap without killing a rodent? Video instruction:

    Small rodents are often found at home. They are attracted by comfortable living conditions, an inexhaustible source of food. Mice make their way not only into one-story buildings, but also into apartment buildings where distributed even on high floors. If signs of the appearance of pests are found, it is necessary to immediately begin to fight them, until significant harm has been done.

    It is possible to determine that rodents have started up on the territory of the dwelling by a number of factors:

    • At night, a rustling, squeaking, scratching on the floor is heard.
    • When examining the premises, traces of vital activity can be found: excrement, food remains.
    • In rooms with low air circulation intensity, as well as inside the furniture, a specific smell is felt.
    • If skirting boards are installed along all the walls, then the mouse will gnaw through them, as it will look for a way to make a mink.
    • Wires, furniture, paper products and other items may be damaged.

    It is not difficult to catch a mouse, however, not a single method will bring results if you do not block the path of entry into the dwelling. The main reasons for the appearance of rodents:

    • Availability of water freely available for mice.
    • Food is stored on the table, food remains on the floor, in cabinets.
    • Garbage long time is in the apartment, exuding a strong smell.
    • The mouse at home appears through ventilation ducts, holes in the walls, floor, especially if there are significant leaks between the pipe risers and the ceiling.

    Methods for trapping rodents without a mousetrap

    There are many various ways, allowing to lure and catch pests. If the house does not have a mousetrap, or residents find this method inhumane, other options can be considered. Among them are homemade devices and purchase funds.

    Sold in tubes. This substance is colorless and odorless, non-drying composition allows the trap to be used for a long time. There are also ready-made devices on sale - platforms coated on top with an adhesive with similar characteristics.

    In hardware stores, there is a special glue for sale, apply the glue with gloves.

    When deciding how to catch a mouse in a house without a mousetrap, either of the two options is used, however, the main condition must be observed - to leave the bait in the center of the trap.

    The glue is applied to the cardboard in a thin layer or strips at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from each other, the bait is placed in the center.

    Use a jar (0.5 l). A product with sticky properties (butter, lard, sausage) is left at the bottom. The jar is turned upside down and set, tilting slightly. On the one hand, it must be supported with a coin. This is done so that the rodent attracted by the bait can climb inside. Then, at the slightest movement, the coin will bounce and the bank will sink. The caught animal will be able to get to the bait, but there will be no way back.

    Suitable jar with a capacity of 0.5 liters. A piece of bait (butter, sausage, bacon) is glued to the bottom near the wall.

    Application of plastic bottle

    When deciding how to catch a mouse in an apartment without a mousetrap, you can consider different tools at hand. Among them is a plastic bottle. A bait is placed inside - any strong-smelling product. A rope / thread / fishing line must be tied to the neck. In this way, the bottle is suspended. It is important to provide access to rodents to the neck. A small pest will slip inside, but, of course, will not be able to get out.

    bucket trap

    There are many implementation options. Dealing with the question of how to catch a mouse without a mousetrap, you should consider the most popular of them:

    • The bait is placed at the bottom of the bucket. To provide access for rodents, it must be placed next to a tall object or a plank should be placed so that the mouse can rise from the floor to the edge of the bucket.
    • A newspaper is placed on top of the container, a cross-shaped incision is made in the center. Previously, a strong-smelling product is left at the bottom. If you try to get to the bait, the mouse will fall inside.
    • A small plastic bottle is strung on a knitting needle. This design is installed on top of the bucket in a horizontal position. Around the bottle, bait is attached along the outer walls or the surfaces are lubricated with a strong-smelling product. The bottle should rotate freely around the spoke. When the mouse tries to climb up, it will fall into the bucket.

    It is enough just to put the bait inside and substitute a plank so that the mouse can climb.

    Cat vs mice

    If rodents are wound up in the apartment, the probability of catching them in this way is low. This is due to the fact that apartment cats do not always react to rodents as prey. Sometimes they are indifferent to mice, other times they are afraid of them. Cats living in private homes make excellent mousers, as they often walk outside and meet rodents.

    Adopt a cat or cat from the neighbors. But here it is worth understanding that apartment cats, as a rule, are not mousers.

    used glass container(3 l). A bait is left at the bottom, and a stand for rodents is installed nearby (a stack of books, etc.). Having climbed up, the mouse, carried away by a strong smell, will jump for the bait. After that, she can't get out.

    Video: How to get rid of mice and rats, the best mousetraps

    Why are rodents dangerous?

    It would seem that little mice can do harm. However, their proximity brings many problems. Pests spoil things, wires, leave traces of vital activity on products. There is an unpleasant smell at home.

    If you do not fight rodents, after a while there will be more of them, since in a year the increase in the number of the family will grow by 20 mice, which, upon reaching 3 months, begin to multiply and bring a new generation of pests.


    A harmless and fragile rodent brings a lot of trouble. House mice and rats feed on food stocks, spoil them, gnaw on wallpaper, furniture, books and carry a variety of diseases. Due to their size, they can crawl through a gap that does not exceed seven millimeters. Catching mice at home requires the use of mousetraps.

    What are mouse traps

    Conventionally, all devices are distributed into several categories of mousetraps:

    • traditional - standard traps with a spring mechanism;
    • cages - also called live traps - differ in the way of catching, in which the animal is not killed;
    • electric - fully automated modern mechanisms, powered by a network or battery;
    • adhesive - the pest sticks to the trap, cannot escape;
    • homemade - devices for catching mice, made from improvised means.

    mousetrap clothespin

    The principle of operation is simple. The bait is placed in the center of the device, the device is “refueled” and placed next to the mink. This class includes modifications of standard mousetraps with spring systems. Their advantages:

    • Plastic products do not rot and do not rust, which increases the service life;
    • due to the shape of the trap, it is safe for children and pets;
    • a plate on top of the body hides the caught animal;
    • ease of operation - installation takes place in a matter of seconds in any required place.


    1. Difficulty cleaning.
    2. It is necessary to “wind up” the structure after catching one pest.
    3. To catch a large number of animals, you need several traps or one that can catch several individuals.

    Mouse trap

    This is the name of an ordinary mousetrap with a spring lever. The principle of operation is the same as that of a clothespin. A delicacy is placed in the center on a special stand and the mechanism starts. The trap must be set against the wall so that the mouse does not pick up the bait from the other side. If there are small children or pets in the house, you need to place the trap in a place inaccessible to them.


    • low price - does not exceed 300 rubles;
    • simple and understandable principle of operation;
    • suitable for installation in the garage, in the attic.


    • in a humid room, the base made of wood rots, and the metal one rusts, because of this, the life of the trap is reduced, the installation works from two to five years;
    • children and pets can get hurt while learning the mechanism;
    • a very smart rat can get the bait from the other side;
    • it is not easy to refuel the structure - it is required to apply force.


    mechanical device has the form of a bar with tunnels, it has a metal ring (loop) and a thread. A piece of food is placed at the bottom of the tunnel. A thread is placed in the center, which drives the loop. The mouse, making its way to the stern, gnaws through the thread that fixes the noose, and dies from suffocation with a noose. A block can have one or more tunnels.

    To install the circuit, thread the thread through the hole in the thread. To simplify the work, use a long needle. The wire-noose is bent and fixed with a knot. The system is suitable for catching several individuals at the same time. It is not necessary to constantly inspect the device. 1-2 checks a day are enough to avoid leaving dead bodies of pests that decompose over time and smell unpleasant.


    1. Suitable for installation anywhere (garage, office, apartment, private house, basement).
    2. Within a few days significantly reduces the population of rodents.
    3. Safe for children and pets.
    4. Affordable price- 200-250 rubles.


    Electric mousetraps look like a rectangular container. It made several small stairs to get inside the trap. The electrical device is suitable for mass capture, it is installed in places where rodents were more often seen. To attract the attention of pests, a treat is placed in the middle.

    The system works automatically - as soon as the "stranger" touches the bottom of the container, an electric discharge will destroy it.


    1. The device is safe for children and animals. If children or pets notice the device, they will definitely not touch the mechanism with their hand, paw or nose - the hole is small. When the cover is open, the circuit is de-energized.
    2. The device is designed to capture several individuals at the same time.


    1. High price. The minimum cost is 3 thousand rubles.
    2. Before installation, the autotrap must be assembled and configured - this can take up to an hour.
    3. Batteries must be charged before use.
    4. Mains-powered products do not need to be charged, but should only be installed near a power outlet.

    Adhesive devices

    There is finished goods, which, after purchase, you can simply unpack and place, putting goodies on the substrate. The sticky base tightly fixes a live mouse. Glue for catching mice can be purchased in tubes separately from the installation - price consumable a little lower.

    Cardboard, plastic or plywood is used as a platform. The size of the substrate is at least 8x8 centimeters. The scheme is ideal for placement in the garage.


    1. When placing Velcro, updating the adhesive layer, be careful not to stain yourself or the floor. The tool is difficult to wash - you need gloves and clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty.
    2. Apply glue to the base in thin strips, leaving a distance of 1 centimeter.


    1. Ease of operation.
    2. The cost is from 200 to 600 rubles.
    3. Reusable use through the purchase of tubes.


    1. Ready glue base is intended for one-time use.
    2. Velcro is not suitable for placement in rooms where there are children.
    3. For installation, you will need special clothing and gloves.

    Trap house

    To catch the pest, they use a house trap - in the form of a bent pipe with doors. The design provides a mechanism for raising and lowering the doors. The bait is placed on the side of the rear door, and the front door is fixed by the mechanism in the raised state.

    As soon as the animal gets into the middle, the system works and the animal cannot get out.


    1. A simple and effective method for catching.
    2. Safe for households.
    3. Doesn't kill the animal.
    4. Easy installation.
    5. Reusable application.


    1. Requires regular inspection for the presence of a rodent (4-5 times a day).
    2. Capturing only one individual.


    The design of the mechanical apparatus is simple: a trigger, a cover and a box. There are models on the market that differ in appearance, but the principle of operation is the same. A hook is placed inside the container. A "fuse" bait is attached to it. The animal, grabbing the goodies, starts the mechanism, the lid closes, preventing the box from leaving.


    1. Humane way to get rid of rodents.
    2. Safety for children and pets.
    3. Simple construction.
    4. The cost is from 100 to 1000 rubles, depending on the appearance.


    1. Direct contact with a rodent.
    2. It is necessary to decide where to put the captured animal.

    How to make a mousetrap at home

    If mice appear in the house, instead of a rat trap, they will do homemade designs. Methods do not require special costs, safe for households, effective in work. Catching a mouse in an apartment without a mousetrap is easy. You will need:

    • buckets;
    • boxes;
    • bottles;
    • banks.

    Plastic bottle to catch

    To catch a mouse in a bottle, no special knowledge or tools are needed. The device from the bottle eliminates contact with the caught animal. The easiest option is a gravity mousetrap from a plastic bottle. All you need is a bottle and a strong thread.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Cut off the neck.
    2. Make a hole for the rope, thread it through and fasten the other end to any weighty object.
    3. Place the product inside and place the bottle on the table so that the part with food hangs over the table.
    4. If a mouse appears inside, the bottle overturns under the weight and hangs on a rope.

    From a glass jar

    An ordinary glass jar is placed on the edge of the coin, creating a gap. A piece of bread or other product is placed inside. As soon as the mouse crawls in, the coin falls, blocking the exit. To avoid direct contact with the rodent, it is best to place the system on cardboard or plywood.

    From a bucket and a ruler

    The trap is simple. Set up a bucket of water. Using double-sided tape or other method, fix the ruler. A slice of bread or lard is placed at the free end. Having reached the food, the rodent will fall under its own weight and drown in the water.

    If you do not want to kill the animal, it is not necessary to draw water - use an empty high bucket with a volume of 5-10 liters.

    From a flower pot

    If there is an old flower pot, use it as a rat trap. The scheme is primitive, but effective. Pots are installed according to the same principle as jars, but a coin will not work - it is better to take a small chip. The optimal gap between the floor and the flowerpot to catch the mouse is up to 8 mm. For convenience, it is better to place the trap on a piece of plywood or cardboard. So you can quickly get rid of the animal.

    best mouse bait

    When wondering how to catch a mouse, you need to decide on the bait. To attract the attention of a rodent, a delicacy is selected. This is not cheese, as is commonly believed. Although it emits a strong odor, rodents will only eat it when they are very hungry. If this happens, the mouse will not climb into the cage for cheese, but will manage available options- paper, soap, wooden thresholds.

    In nature, mice eat plant foods, cereals are considered especially tasty. Rats eat eggs and meat.

    If you want to lure a rat, use a small piece of meat or an egg, put grain for mice.

    If you do not know exactly who wound up in your house, it is better to put a slice of bread, nuts, dried apples.

    Fat is a universal means for catching, but not every product is suitable. It is important to lay fresh and soft bait. To make the lard have a pronounced aroma, heat it over an open fire. If this is not available, take a slice of bread soaked in oil (sesame works well, but sunflower will do).

    Liver products used as bait:

    • Apple;
    • pear;
    • plum;
    • peach;
    • nuts;
    • corn;
    • buckwheat or rice groats;
    • sunflower seeds.

    Important! When using a glue trap for mice at home, no additional baiting products are needed. The product is already impregnated with flavors that attract pests. For another type - a trap - seeds, flour or wheat grains are suitable.


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    How to catch a mouse without a mousetrap in a house or apartment

    Although the appearance of mice in the house cannot be considered a tragedy, it is not pleasant either. The use of poisons for destruction is considered the most effective measure. However, for some reason we do not seek to resort to this radical remedy. On the one hand, it's cruel. On the other hand, it is not always justified (there are children in the house, animals can suffer from poisonous bait). Another important aspect: an inaccessible dead mouse under the floor or ceiling guarantees the household an unforgettable “flavor” that is difficult to get rid of.

    Mousetrap in themed modern design

    Mouse and mousetrap: who will outsmart whom?

    An alternative to poisons is a mousetrap. Its effectiveness is somewhat worse than poisonous baits. At the same time, not everyone knows how to catch a mouse with a mousetrap, or rather, how to do it correctly. The lineup of these devices is wide, each device has its own characteristics. But the principle of action is the same for everyone: as soon as the mouse pulls the bait, a spring falls on it and kills the animal. appetizing piece meat or fried cracker is mounted on the trigger. Slowly, the clamp is smoothly cocked and pressed by the holder. That, in turn, is inserted under force into the hook. Trying not to shake the structure, it must be carefully put in place of the accumulation of mice or their possible appearance.

    A few points to pay attention to:

    • you should adjust such a margin for the hook so that the spring works at the slightest touch with the bait;
    • a device is installed near minks and in those places where there are traces of rodents;
    • all food supplies are removed so that the hungry mouse "went" to the bait;
    • as a bait, food familiar to rodents is used: bread, meat, lard, sausage.

    Although, in terms of humane attitude towards animals, the method is not much inferior to poisons, it has the right to exist. It is stored on the farm, however, not everyone has such a device: who would think that mice could start in an apartment or house? However, when this happens, and there is no mousetrap, you have to look for an effective replacement. In addition, the mousetrap does not guarantee an absolute result. Either the mouse will drag the bait, or the spring does not work at all. So, you should not rely on it completely.

    Attention! In addition to the usual, spring model, electric mousetraps are increasingly being used, which are much more productive.

    Catch a mouse without a mousetrap: is it real?

    There are more reliable, simple and proven methods for catching a mouse without a mousetrap.

    • The lid from the cake box is not thrown away, but used as a trap. Tape a bar of soap on top in the center (for weight). WITH reverse side(from the inside) the bait on the thread is fixed with the same tape. The lid rests on the surface of the table top with one side, and on the other side - on a coin or a broken ear stick (on cotton wool). Trying to pull off the bait, the rodent pulls on it, the lid slides off the stop. The mouse remains "under the hood". The glued "load" - soap - will not allow the animal to move the "cap" from its place.
    • Glue traps. Easy to use and affordable in price. They smell good and serve to detect and catch mice, other rodents and insects. Restrictions on use: only in dry rooms. Such devices are environmentally friendly, do not emit toxins, and are safe for pets. The adhesive substance does not dry out for a long time, which retains its characteristics. Such a trap can be used not only in a house or apartment. They put it in sheds, greenhouses, etc. They believe it daily, freeing it from adhering pests.
    • A self-made glue trap is made of a plastic, smooth tile base and a special glue: "Clean House" or "ALT". It is applied in a special way: first along the perimeter, then “paths” 2-3 cm wide are made, separated by free space (pieces of bait are placed on it).
    • Another way to catch a mouse using improvised means: a bucket of water (a little less than half), a piece of paper (you can use wrapping paper), tape and bait. The paper should be slightly larger than the diameter of the bucket. It is fastened with adhesive tape from above, bending the edges. In the middle, a cruciform incision is made 5x5 cm in size. A light toasted cracker is placed on the incision (so as not to fall into the bucket). A small ramp is being built along which the rodent can get to the bait (brick, book) - and the trap is ready! In an effort to get a cracker, the mouse will reach the cut and fall into the bucket.
    • You can catch a "live trophy" using a glass or plastic (not corrugated) bottle. Better than beer. It is placed at an angle, with an emphasis. And the neck is coated with peanuts from the inside, sunflower oil. There must be access to the neck so that the rodent can dive into an inclined smooth vessel. Slippery smooth walls will not allow him to get out of the bottle.

    Multifunctional plastic container

    The simplest mousetrap device from the same plastic bottle. The neck is cut off. On this cut, sharp teeth are formed with scissors, which are bent inside the bottle. Drip 2-3 drops of vegetable oil to the bottom. The bottle is placed on its side. A support is being built on both sides. An animal that has fallen into a trap will no longer be able to get out because of the “bristled” teeth.

    Mousetrap from a bottle - everything ingenious is simple

    The possibilities of plastic containers are not limited to this. All the same bottle with a volume of 1.5 liters or more with bait at the bottom is hung with a thread or twine by the neck in a place where the mouse enters freely and can crawl into the neck without going back.

    You can build a structure from plastic containers, metal rods and buckets. A two-liter or one and a half liter closed bottle is “pierced” through with a metal rod or thick steel wire. Fix the ends of the rod with adhesive tape on the rim of the bucket. As a result, the bottle should rotate freely over the "chasm", i.e. above the bucket. In the middle of the rotating cylinder, the bait is attached with the same adhesive tape. As a "pedestal" for climbing, you can use a bar, ruler, etc. Pour some water into the bucket. The mouse, having smelled the appetizing smell of the bait, will find a way to climb up to the bottle strung on the bar (along the attached bar). Once on it, the animal will involuntarily rotate the cylindrical part and fall into the water.

    Kot Kotofeich

    In nature, there is a natural irreconcilable enemy of mice and rats - a cat. Moreover, yard outbred cats usually “do not disdain” voles. Their "tribesmen" with a bloodline, as a rule, are not suitable for hunting, although there are exceptions here.

    Attention! folk omen: if a playing cat grabs its toy with its teeth, and not with its paws, it is a natural hunter.

    Even if your pet does not like to catch mice, his mere presence in the house or apartment, the smell, the marked area will be a signal for mice to bypass this house. In the end, if there is no Kotofeich of your own, borrow from your neighbors!

    Do not forget that cute mice are very smart, cunning and nimble animals, carriers of painful viruses and bacteria. They penetrate through cracks, climb walls, ceilings and under the floor. Equilibrate over telephone and lighting wires. They live in ventilation and sewer channels. Therefore, the fight against them is the price of health, comfort and safety of the home. Despite the fact that each of the above methods is effective in its own way, it is better to use several of them at the same time to achieve maximum results.