How to clean aluminum cookware to a shine. The better to clean aluminum pans, proven methods

Pots made of aluminum are gradually becoming a thing of the past, but in the kitchen almost every housewife in the post-Soviet space has this item of utensils. They are not in a hurry to refuse them, because water picks up temperature faster in an aluminum pan, it is better suited for boiling milk and making milk porridges.

There are also a number of disadvantages: it is easily deformed, darkens over time, can turn black and become covered with burning, and abrasive powders cannot be applied to it. So if you have cookware made of such metal on the farm, it's time to learn how to properly care for it and learn how to clean an aluminum pan. The event is complex and helps to protect the utensils from darkening for a long time. Photos and videos of the process will help to avoid mistakes.

How to clean the outside of an aluminum pot

That food comes into contact only with inside, does not mean that the appearance of the dishes does not need to be monitored. And although the outer surface gets dirty less often, over time, blackness appears on the aluminum pan: once something boiled away, flowed along the walls, burned, and was not washed immediately, etc.

Cleaning an aluminum pot from the outside gives you more freedom than from the inside, because the list of care products is increasing. But there are also a number of strict rules and restrictions.

Important: when cleaning aluminum, do not use hard sponges, products containing alkali or chlorine, metal scrapers and abrasive powders, so as not to erase protective layer from the saucepan. Otherwise, then it can become dangerous to health.

There are several ways remove fumes, soot and blackness from outside pots:

  1. Special funds. Since we are talking about the outer surface, you can use store offers to clean kitchen aluminum. When you buy them in specialized departments, carefully follow what is written on the label: it should indicate that the product is suitable for aluminum.
  2. Salt. To remove carbon deposits from outer side pots, make a paste: pour 20 ml of water into 40 g of salt and apply the resulting mixture to the walls of the container with a soft sponge. Hold it for 10 minutes, and then rub a little.
  3. Soda. Prepare the gruel by adding a little water to the powder. Add liquid by eye and little by little until you get a mass of pasty consistency. Apply it on a sponge and in a circular motion walk over all the outer surfaces of the dish.
  4. PVA glue. For these purposes, you will need another pot larger than the one you are going to clean, and in which you will not cook food in the future. Pour 6 liters of water into this pan, add 100 ml of PVA glue and half a bar of high-quality laundry soap, grated. Place an aluminum pan filled with plain water (so that it does not float) in it and boil for about an hour. The tool perfectly removes burnt fat.
  5. Apples. This method is elementary and is suitable for cleaning an aluminum pan both outside and inside. But it will help if the pollution is insignificant. Take a slice of sour apple and rub aluminum.
  6. Ammonia. It will help get rid of old soot and soot deposits. Grind half a piece of laundry soap on a grater, dilute it in 5 liters of water, add 40 ml of ammonia. Pour the solution into a pot larger than the one you are about to clean, submerge an aluminum pot filled with water, and boil for 25 minutes. Wash well afterwards.
  7. Hydrogen peroxide. Mix it with baking soda to make a paste. Rub the paste generously on the contaminated areas and leave for an hour. Then scrub the dishes with a sponge.

Important: When using chemicals, be sure to wear rubber gloves and make sure that the room in which you are performing the procedure is ventilated.

How to clean from the inside

Much more often and much more seriously contaminated are the walls and bottom of dishes that come into contact with food. Either they overlooked and burned the food, then the scum appeared. You should not despair, because there are simple folk remedies for any trouble.

To understand how to clean an aluminum pan at home, you need to determine the nature of the contamination and use tools that are effective in a particular situation.


Due to the frequent boiling of hard water on the walls of the pan appear lime scale and scum. Deals with it best lemon acid. To whiten a pot, fill it with water and put it on the fire. As soon as it starts to boil, add 40 g citric acid and cook for 15 minutes. After that, rinse with a soft cloth.

A drink familiar to everyone since childhood is able to clean the dishes from scale - Coca Cola. Pour it over the pan, let stand for 3-4 hours, and then rinse using a soft sponge.


If food is burnt in the pan and a black layer has formed on the bottom that has not been washed off even after soaking, you can use several ways cleaning:

  1. Cope with mild soot milk serum. Pour it over the pan, leave for 24 hours, and then wash.
  2. Helps with a fresh burn laundry soap . Grind it into shavings, add about 50g to an aluminum pot of water and boil for 30 minutes.
  3. If the soot is old or too strong, use activated carbon. Crush 5 tablets and sprinkle the bottom of the pan, after moistening it. After half an hour, pour in water and leave for the same amount. Then wash. In this way, you can even get rid of burnt sugar.


  1. This type of pollution copes well with the usual vinegar 9%. Prepare a solution at the rate of: a glass of acid per liter of water. Pour them into a dirty pot and put on fire. As soon as the liquid boils, remove from the stove, cool and wash.
  2. Another means - soda. Dissolve it in water at the rate of a tablespoon per half liter and boil in a saucepan for 20 minutes.
  3. A simple and affordable tool - onion peel. It will be enough cleaning from about 5 medium-sized specimens. Place them in the bottom of the pot, pour in enough water to cover the skins, and boil for 30 minutes. Then rinse the dishes.
  4. There is another way to wash a burnt aluminum pan and completely remove any kind and complexity of contamination from it. This electrolysis, which is convenient for cleaning small items, such as coins, cutlery or a flask.

But if you decide to try with larger utensils, find a large clay or glass container, fill it with saline (10 g of salt per liter of water), immerse the pan and some steel object, such as an electrode, into it.

Take the power supply from the device or the charger from the gadget. The main thing is that its capacity is from 6 to 12 volts. Divide the wire into "+" and "-". Use the crocodile clip to attach the minus to the pan, and the plus to the object.

Connect the power supply to the mains and watch how the solution instantly starts to darken, which will mean one thing - the dirt is moving away from the pan.

Important: Follow the safety regulations when working with electricity! Use rubber gloves and do not touch bare wires! Do not connect the pan to the plus, otherwise you will ruin the utensils.

Aluminum pan in the dishwasher: wash or not

When there is this assistant in the household, I want to transfer all the chores to her. But manufacturers of appliances and aluminum cookware do not recommend doing this. The reason is that the dishwasher is loaded special means, which contain chemical compositions that can damage aluminium. As a result, the metal will darken.

But these prohibitions are not categorical and have reservations. So, if you choose a dishwasher detergent that does not contain alkalis and buy aluminum products covered with a special protective film, you can use appliances for washing.

To shine

Due to non-compliance with operating conditions and untimely cleaning, aluminum pans darken, grow dull and even blacken. This does not affect the functionality of the dishes and does not harm health in any way. But neat housewives want the kitchen utensils to have an attractive appearance.

You can wash aluminum to a shine, you can return the pots to their original state. This is done simply with the help of available funds available in each dwelling:

  1. Vinegar. Suitable for both six and nine percent. Take a piece of soft cloth, soak it in vinegar and rub it over the darkened pan. Then rinse and pat dry with a dry cloth.
  2. Dentifrice. Add a little water to it, knead the gruel, apply it on the darkened surfaces of the pan and leave it for 15 minutes. Then wipe off the gruel with a soft cloth, and then wash it.
  3. Eraser. A regular pencil eraser is a great tool for adding shine to aluminum. Arm yourself with an eraser and rub the darkened areas until they begin to shine.

Preventive measures: how to protect dishes from soot

The rule “prevention is better than cure” also applies to aluminum cookware. In order not to suffer and then not to wipe off the dirt and not to clean the pan from burning, follow the rules for using and caring for it.

Once this utensil is in your kitchen, prepare it for its first use:

  1. Remove factory grease: wash the dishes thoroughly with a soapy sponge.
  2. Pour sunflower oil into the pan so that it completely covers the bottom. Add a tablespoon of salt.
  3. Put on a large fire and hold for 5 minutes until you feel the characteristic smell of hot sunflower oil. Let the pot cool and wash with a sponge and dish soap.

Such calcination contributes to the fact that a coating of oxide salts of aluminum is formed on the inside of the walls. This will protect the dishes from further oxidation.

Advice: Carry out this procedure every time after the aluminum pan has been intensively cleaned from difficult dirt, because the protective layer is erased.

After such processing during operation, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not cook foods with a high acid content in an aluminum pan, because it removes the oxide film.
  2. Do not boil water without salt in it and do not boil potatoes without peel, so that scale does not form and the dishes do not darken.
  3. Avoid dropping, hitting, or squeezing the pan, as aluminum is easily deformed. Do not allow food to burn, and then you will not have to remove the blackening on the outside and the layer of burning inside the dishes.
  4. For the same reason, before washing an aluminum pan in cool water after cooking, wait for it to cool completely.
  5. Try to remove all contaminants - burns, fat, dark deposits immediately after they appear. Fresh stains are easier to clean than old stains.

All of the above methods are suitable for cleaning pans and other utensils made of aluminum alloy. Take care of your dishes. Whatever material it is made of, it requires certain care and compliance with the conditions of use. If you are not lazy and follow all the rules, clean and wash in time, old aluminum pans will last for decades. Good luck with your business!

Aluminum utensils are in every kitchen, they are practical and convenient, but over time they darken and lose their luster. And since aluminum is a delicate metal that is prone to warping and scratching, it needs to be handled with care. Therefore, every housewife should know how to clean an aluminum pan from different kind pollution without damaging it.

A quick way to clean aluminum cookware

Aluminum cookware can last for many years if used correctly. But even it is subject to darkening, burning, scale formation and grease contamination. Below are methods on how to quickly restore aluminum cookware to its original appearance.

The easiest way to clean a pan of burnt food is to fill it with water and detergent and put it on fire.

After 10 minutes, the dirt will soften and can be easily removed with a sponge. It is quite possible to quickly lighten an aluminum pan and get rid of soot at home with improvised means. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder, salt and vinegar, rub the dirty surface with the resulting mixture and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.

Rubbing aluminum utensils to a shine with 9% vinegar will help get rid of dark spots. You can simply pour them into a saucepan and leave to soften the plaque for 2-3 hours.

Tartar has the same effect. It is dissolved in hot water, poured into a bowl and brought to a boil.

You can effectively and quickly clean the aluminum pan from scale, mixing baking soda with water to a mushy consistency and rubbing the surface with it. After that, rinse the dishes with water and ammonia.

Mustard powder will perfectly relieve stubborn fat. You just need to pour a little substance on the sponge, rub and rinse with warm water.

How to clean aluminum pans: 7 home remedies

Caring for aluminum utensils is a complex process. Many housewives cannot imagine how good it is to clean burnt aluminum dishes without hard sponges, metal scrapers and abrasive powder. But all this should be avoided, because if you overdo it with cleaning, you can damage the protective layer of the dishes, and then it will become hazardous to health.

It is also better not to resort to detergents based on alkali and chlorine - they lead to darkening and deterioration of the material. The following methods will help clean the aluminum pan from carbon deposits, grease, scale and burnt food without the use of chemicals and keep it in excellent condition for a long time.

food products

Dark spots can be removed with acid from natural products. Bunches of sorrel should be spread out on the bottom of an aluminum pan, pour water and boil for 30 minutes over low heat, covered with a lid. Yogurt, kefir and cucumber pickle have a similar effect. Leaving such a mass in the pan overnight, it will be possible to update it without much effort.

You can rub the burnt surface with half an apple, let the acid work, then rinse with a sponge with liquid soap. To clean the pan from burnt food, you need to cook 2-3 cut onions in it for half an hour. You should first clean the onion from the husk, otherwise the metal may darken.

Lemon acid

With its help, you can easily get rid of carbon deposits on aluminum utensils. You can clean the pan inside in a simple way: dilute 2 tbsp. l. citric acid in 1.2 liters of water and boil for 15-25 minutes in a dirty container. The same simple methods will help in the fight against scale on aluminum products. It is necessary to dissolve 15 g of citric acid in 1 liter of water, bring to a boil, and remove the lid and hold the pan on fire for 5-10 minutes. When the solution has cooled slightly, add 2 tbsp. l. detergent and boil again, then remove the remaining scale with a soft cloth.


To remove ingrained dirt, it is enough to pour 1.5 liters of water and 1.5 cups of vinegar into the dishes, bring to a boil, then rinse and wipe thoroughly. You can simply leave this mixture in a clean container overnight. In the morning, it remains to rinse the pan with a sponge with detergent and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia.


The pan can be cleaned of soot from the outside in this way: mix 2 tbsp. l. coarse salt and 1 tsp. water, rub the mixture on the surface with a sponge. To clean the burnt pan inside, you need to mix 900 ml of water with 2 tbsp. l. salt and boil for 20 minutes. The simplest method of removing burnt food is to fill a wet pan with salt, let it sit for 2-3 hours, and remove the dirt with a sponge. So you can get rid of burnt jam without scratching the dishes with a stiff brush.


One of the most accessible and safe means, than you can qualitatively clean the burnt pan from the outside and from the inside - this is soda. When choosing between plain and calcined, it is better to give preference to the latter. You can bleach the dishes blackened from the outside by boiling them in a deep container with the addition of 1 cup of soda and 2 tbsp. l. vinegar 9% per 5-6 liters of water. The contaminated utensils are immersed in the solution and boiled for 1 hour. It is important to choose a container in which the pot to be cleaned will be completely covered with water.

To wash an aluminum pan from burning, rubbing it with soda, slightly diluted with water, will help. This method is suitable if the dishes need to be cleaned of soot from the outside.

PVA glue

If the aluminum utensils burnt badly, bring 3 liters of water to a boil, add 1/3 grated laundry soap and 1 tbsp. l. PVA glue. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and boil for 45-55 minutes under a closed lid. After the procedure, the remaining dirt is effortlessly washed off with soapy water. This recipe is also effective for stubborn fat.

You can boil the product in a large container by diluting 1/2 cup of glue in 6 liters of water. After this procedure, all layers of dirt will soften and it will be easy to remove them even from hard-to-reach places.

Activated carbon

With burnt products, especially milk, activated carbon perfectly fights. To clean a burnt aluminum pan, crush the bottom of the pan with crushed charcoal tablets, leave for 40 minutes, then add cold water and defend for the same amount of time. After that, the container is easily cleaned with a sponge and detergent.

Tooth powder has a similar effect. To combat stagnant soot, you need to rub the pan with it, after wetting it with water to start the reaction, and leave it overnight. In the morning, the softened dirt is removed with a napkin and the dishes are rinsed with soapy water.

Top 5 household chemicals

In addition to folk methods for cleaning aluminum utensils, there are products household chemicals suitable for this metal. Old pollution of any type is easily eliminated by the following means:

  1. Solclean products. The products do not contain aggressive components and are designed for soft metals. The composition includes white clay, corundum and oleic acid, which effectively dissolve fat and burnt particles.
  2. Cleaning agent "Sanitary". An oxalic based liquid that easily removes stubborn dirt from aluminum pans. Blackness, fat and burnt food will dissolve after the first application.
  3. Shumanit Israeli brand "Bagi".
  4. "Aries Cleaner" from "Amway".
  5. "Mr. Chister" from the manufacturer "Nevskaya cosmetics".

The last three products are especially effective in cleaning aluminum frying pans and pots from carbon deposits, even old ones. The simplicity of the method lies in the fact that it is enough just to lubricate the inner and outer surfaces of the dishes with the substance, let it work for 10 minutes and rinse it under water with a sponge.

An aluminum pan is lightweight, heats up quickly and is relatively inexpensive. But aluminum is a fairly soft metal, so it is prone to corrosion and oxidation. For this reason, such products quickly become covered with soot, scratches and lose their luster. Burnt food in an aluminum pan is also common. It is not necessary to throw away the dishes that have lost their appearance, it is enough to know how to clean them at home.

  • Scrub the soot with an iron washcloth. As a result of this, the pan will be covered with unsightly scratches, into which dirt will clog.
    Use scouring powder. As in the previous case, scratches cannot be avoided.
  • Clean with concentrated acids and alkalis. Reacting with aluminum, they lead to darkening of dishes. Such substances can be part of ordinary household chemicals, so choose metal cleaners.
  • Wash aluminum utensils in the dishwasher. As a result of such washing, the protective oxide film is destroyed, which leads to darkening and deformation of the product.
  • Soda also destroys the oxide film. Therefore, use it as little as possible and between cleanings carry out the procedure for restoring (calcining) the pan, which is described at the end of the article.

How to remove burnt food

Ordinary aluminum cookware has no non-stick coating and has thin walls. Therefore, the food in it often burns, and it can be difficult to wipe off burns. What to do if the pan is burnt:

  • Pour water with dishwashing detergent into the bottom of the dish.
  • Boil for 10-20 minutes.
  • Leave for 2-3 hours.
  • Rub softened dirt with a sponge.

There are several other effective folk ways how to clean a burnt pan inside:

Salt. Prepare a concentrated saline solution and boil it until the carbon starts to come off. If the jam is burnt, cover the bottom of the container with salt for 2-3 hours, and then remove the burn with a sponge. Repeat if necessary. The rest of the jam should come off without the use of abrasives.

Citric acid. Dissolve 2 tbsp. l. powder in enough water to cover the soot. Boil for 10-15 minutes, rub with a sponge.

Vinegar. If necessary, use instead of lemons in the same way. For 1 liter of water, take a glass of 9% vinegar.

Activated carbon Helps to get rid of burnt milk and dairy products. Pour crushed tablets into the bottom of the pan and leave for half an hour. Then pour cold water and hold for another 40 minutes.

Salt, soda and ammonia. This composition helps well with fresh pollution. Pour the ingredients into the pan in equal parts, pour water above the burnt level and boil for 20 minutes with the lid closed.

And ammonia. Mix soap shavings and ammonia in equal parts, 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Fill a saucepan with the solution, boil for 15-20 minutes, rub with a sponge if necessary.

How to remove soot and darkening

Adhering particles of food, fat and dirt, when heated, form an ugly black coating (soot). Moreover, this happens especially often with aluminum utensils due to the properties of the metal. If carbon deposits are not removed in time, a thick layer will accumulate.

In addition, during the oxidation of aluminum, the surface tarnishes and darkens. The dishes will turn black even faster if you boil water without salt in it, boil potatoes in their uniforms, cook sour dishes, for example, cabbage soup, compotes.

Folk remedies will help to clear the aluminum pan from burning and soot, to lighten the walls outside and inside.

Salt, vinegar and mustard. Mix the ingredients in equal parts and rub the walls with the resulting slurry, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with water. This composition will perfectly wash off the stubborn fat.

You can clean the pan to a shine table vinegar. Apply acid to a rag and rub the stained areas. Rinse thoroughly under running water after 10 minutes.

From the soot accumulated outside, you can get rid of with salt. Apply it on a sponge, moisten with water and rub the problem areas.

Silicate glue or PVA

This old proven method will help get rid of severe burning and chronic fat. If you need to get rid of dirt inside, take 2 tbsp. l. glue and 2 tbsp. l. grated laundry soap. Dilute these ingredients in 2 liters of water. Boil for 30-40 minutes with the lid closed, after which the remaining soot can be easily removed with a sponge.

If you want to clean the outside of pots from blackness, choose a suitable large container. Pour 1 bottle of silicate glue or half a glass of PVA glue into it, 1 piece of grated laundry soap. Fill with water and put on fire. While stirring gradually, wait for the soap to dissolve and place the dishes to be cleaned in the solution. Boil for an hour, covering the container with a lid. Then remove the aluminum products and finish cleaning with a sponge.

You can get rid of dark deposits and darkening on aluminum surfaces with the help of food acids. They will not harm the metal, but will significantly lighten the dishes:

Apple. Take a sour fruit, cut it in half and wipe the darkened areas with a cut.
Lemon juice. Wipe dark spots with half a lemon, rinse with cold water.
Sorrel. Boil a bunch of sorrel in a bowl for half an hour.
Kefir, whey or yogurt. Just pour the existing product into the pan and leave overnight. You can also take cucumber pickle.

How to remove scale

Aluminum cookware is often used to boil water. To remove the scale that has formed, use the same effective home remedies.

Lemon acid. Boil water with 2 tbsp. l. lemons for 15 minutes. Remove from the stove, after cooling, rinse with a sponge.

Soda. Wipe the gruel from the soda areas with scale. When rinsing, add ammonia to the water.

Kefir, brine or whey. Pour the liquid in the house for 3 hours, then drain and rinse with running water.

Onion. It also helps to get rid of scale and soot. Peel the onion from the husk, chop and add right amount water. Boil in a saucepan for 20-30 minutes.

Dentifrice. Mix it with a teaspoon of dishwashing detergent, apply to the bottom and walls and leave for 24 hours.

Advice! Folk methods effective with a small layer of scale. If lime deposits old people will have to use household chemicals. Read the instructions carefully so as not to damage the product.

How to care for aluminum cookware

If you have purchased a new pan, it must be prepared for use. First of all, wash it with a soapy sponge to get rid of technical lubricants.

Next, you need to ignite the pan to restore the oxide film. It protects the dishes from oxidation and destruction, and also prevents the ingress of harmful impurities into food. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • Pour vegetable oil into the bottom of a dry, clean saucepan.
  • Add 1 tbsp. l. salt.
  • Heat the pan, tilting it as you go so that the oil spreads along the sides as well.
  • If a burning smell appears, remove from heat and wait for it to cool.
  • Wash with sponge and detergent.

Advice! It is advisable to do this procedure between cleanings, as protective film broken when exposed to acids and alkalis.

Also adhere to the following rules:

  • Try not to cook sour and dairy dishes in aluminum cookware.
  • Stir frequently during cooking to prevent burning. To do this, use wooden or silicone spatulas so as not to leave scratches.
  • After cooking, immediately transfer it to another container. Don't leave it in the pot, otherwise the food will spoil quickly and acquire an unpleasant metallic taste.
  • It is impossible to salt and ferment food in aluminum dishes: when salt and acid come into contact with aluminum, compounds that are harmful to health are formed.
  • Once a week, carry out preventive cleaning of soot from the outside with soda and a sponge.

Due to the rapid heating, ease of use and budgetary cost, aluminum cookware does not lose popularity among housewives. However, frequent use leads to deterioration of utensils, the appearance of blackness, soot, scale and smudges. Pans cannot be exposed to aggressive agents, so the question remains how to clean aluminum cookware without damaging the glossy surface. Metal brushes should be put aside, because through the mechanical damage that has appeared, fat and soot will penetrate even deeper. With help simple ways Easily remove even difficult dirt without the use of physical effort.

The method of cleaning an aluminum pan depends on what type of contamination you have to deal with. Elimination methods differ in their effect on the inside and outside of kitchen utensils.

Non-stick coatings are not applied to the thin walls of aluminum cookware, so housewives sometimes have incidents - food burns, plaque and dark areas form. Not here the best way removing the problem is Dishwasher, the mechanism will not be able to delicately deal with dirt, and the dishes will not return their former shine.

Ways to remove pollution:

  • Darkening with time and frequent use. A piece of soft cloth is moistened with 9% vinegar. Gently wipe the darkened areas outside and inside the dishes with a rag, trying to act gently, without using force. If there is no time to deal with pollution inside the utensils, it is enough to pour table vinegar on the bottom, leaving it for a couple of hours before cleaning. It remains to pour the product, rinse under running warm water.
  • Blackness on the bottom, plaque and greasy smudges. A universal way from all types of pollution is a mustard powder remedy. Make a paste from two large spoons of table vinegar, mustard powder and table salt. Stir the resulting substance in a deep container, apply with a sponge on the contaminated surface, leave for 20 minutes. After the allotted time, rinse the already clean pan.
  • Cleansing with Coca-Cola from any contaminants. Pour the blackened bottom with a drink for half an hour. Then drain the rest of the Coca-Cola, continue to wash the pan in the usual way using detergent.

A preventive measure against the appearance of pollution is washing using a special product. In a liter of warm water, dissolve 1 tablespoon of ammonia and soap chips, shake well. The mixture removes small impurities, restores shine to the dishes.

Aluminum cookware will darken over time.

Coca-Cola will help remove any dirt from the dishes.

A burnt aluminum pan cannot be cleaned with coarse brushes; you will have to use ingenuity to clean it from pollution. It is not an option to use products containing active acids that destroy the walls and bottom of the dishes.

At home, aluminum dishes are cleaned using folk remedies:

  1. Cut into halves 5 medium-sized onions. Place vegetables in a burnt saucepan, pour clean water, boil for about half an hour. The broth is drained, the bulbs are thrown away, washed further in the usual way.
  2. Burnt areas are cleaned with fine salt. Salt is mixed with water to a paste-like state, applied to problem areas. Boil kitchen utensils in a salt solution for at least half an hour. Then wash with ordinary dishwashing detergent, rinse under running warm water.
  3. If the aluminum pan is burnt, use the proven method of boiling. For dishes, you need a large tank where you can put dirty utensils. After boiling water in the tank, add washing powder or detergent at the rate of a tablespoon per liter. The pan is lowered into the bubbling solution, leaving it to boil over low heat for 20 minutes. Then the utensils are carefully removed from the liquid and placed on the countertop. The remnants of soot are quickly removed with a foam sponge. At simple method there is a significant drawback - the specific smell of washing powder remains. To combat unpleasant odors, rinse the dishes and boil again with clean water. After another rinse running water equipment is fit for use.
  4. Contaminants are removed from the inner and outer walls of the dishes. Dirty utensils are placed in a large enamel pan, poured with a liter of warm water with a dissolved bar of laundry soap and half a glass of table vinegar. The structure is closed with a lid, boiled for about half an hour. The dishes are washed with detergent, rinsed with running water.

Any soot is removed with baking soda. A layer of powder is applied to a small contamination, wiped with a foam rubber sponge. Significant soot is thickly sprinkled with soda, poured with water, sent to the fire. It is enough to boil for a quarter of an hour, pour out the solution, rinse with running water.

Salt will help to quickly get rid of soot

Scale appears on all kitchen utensils, and dealing with it is quite simple. In teapots, stewpans and pots, citric acid powder will help get rid of scale.


  1. A liter of water is poured into the pan, dissolving a large pack of citric acid.
  2. Move the container to the stove, wait for the liquid to boil. The lid should tightly cover the container.
  3. Open the lid, leaving the liquid to boil for another 8 minutes. They take it off the fire.
  4. The solution is poured out after complete cooling.
  5. Boil water a couple more times with 2 tablespoons of dishwashing detergent, wait for it to cool.
  6. Pour the pan again with clean water, boil for 10 minutes.
  7. It remains to wipe the dishes with a soft sponge.

Such manipulations are applied to mild pollution. A thick layer of scale is removed with table vinegar, which is boiled with water like the first recipe. Some housewives are confused by the specific sour smell that remains long time. To eliminate it, cover the bottom of the pan with dried citrus peels, add a little water and heat it up. A pleasant aroma will soon spread, interrupting the acetic fumes.

Scale is one of the main problems that aluminum cookware owners face.

Citric acid is excellent at removing scale

What to do if the pan has darkened, blackness inside

Dural utensils oxidize over time in air and darken. The process is considered natural, so it cannot be prevented. In order to clean aluminum pans to a shine at home, you should refer to proven methods:

  1. Remove dark deposits inside kitchen utensils a simple means- kefir. In the evening, pots are poured with liquid, and the pollution will dissolve before morning. It is impossible in this case to boil kefir, so as not to destroy the acid molecules of natural origin.
  2. If the darkening is not too old and pronounced, it remains to walk on them with a soft cloth moistened with vinegar. The dishes will immediately return the former radiance. Easier to deal with small areas blackness than to allow abundant pollution.
  3. A thick slurry of soda powder and water will help clear the darkened areas on the surface. It is enough to apply the mixture to the problem area with a sponge, rub it effortlessly and rinse with warm water.

Cream of tartar will cope even with strong blackening of utensils. Pour capacity hot water, dissolve 2 tablespoons of the product, leave to act for a quarter of an hour. Then they act according to the usual scheme - they wash the pan with clean water.

If you want to immediately remove the dirt from the pans, they resort to chemical cleaning solutions. First, study the label so as not to accidentally clean it with a product containing abrasive particles that destroy thin aluminum walls.

Cleaning is best done with a soft kitchen sponge.

What tools will help restore shine to dishes

Even heavy soiling on aluminum utensils is dissolved without residue by a silicate-based stationery adhesive. The tool has been in demand by housewives for more than a decade, because it copes with strong soot and dirt, returns the lost shine to the dishes.

Recipes for cleaning:

  1. In a large container, a piece of laundry soap, 250 grams of soda and a bottle of silicate glue are stirred in 10 liters of water. Immerse pots with soot and soot in a container with a prepared solution. Start heating the water, bring to a boil. The duration of treatment depends on the intensity of pollution - from 15 minutes to 3 hours. It remains to wait for cooling, pull out the kitchen utensils, rinse well.
  1. The method almost repeats the previous one, only with some differences. The procedure is also carried out in a larger vessel. Place the pan in the tank, pour four liters of water, bring to a boil. 1/3 of a piece of laundry soap with 125 g of silicate glue is dissolved in the liquid. Close the lid, leave on low heat for another 50 minutes.

After boiling, leave the kitchen utensils to cool completely or take them out while still hot, placing them on a special stand. Continue cleaning aluminum pans with a foam rubber sponge with dishwashing liquid, rinse with running water.

How to get rid of heavy pollution

When cleaning aluminum pans at home, you can do without the use of household chemicals. Ordinary clerical glue will come to the rescue, which contains compounds that break down complex contaminants. Not only smoked pots, but also pans are easy to clean.

To prepare a special liquid, you will need to dissolve 0.5 kg of soda ash, a piece of laundry soap and two bottles of stationery glue in 20 liters of warm water.

Operating principle:

  1. Heat water in a large container, bringing to a boil.
  2. Cut or rub on a coarse grater a bar of 72% laundry soap.
  3. First, soap chips are introduced into the boiling water, then glue with soda ash.
  4. Open the hood to ventilate the kitchen from volatile compounds.
  5. Dirty utensils are immersed in the prepared liquid, wooden and plastic handles are first disconnected.
  6. Periodically add water during the process.
  7. The exposure time is from 2 to 5 hours.

Caring for duralumin utensils

Dural or aluminum utensils deteriorate if the operating rules are not followed. Careful use during cooking contributes to the long-term preservation of a presentable appearance of kitchen utensils:

  1. Before the first use, it is necessary to boil a weak saline solution in a saucepan.
  2. When cleaning, do not use household chlorine-containing products.
  3. Do not cook food at too high a heat to avoid the appearance of blackened areas.
  4. Use only silicone or plastic spatulas that do not cause mechanical damage to the dishes.
  5. To prevent the formation of soot, you need to stir food more often when cooking.
  6. It is contraindicated to pickle foods, cook sour or dairy dishes.
  7. Immediately after the completion of the cooking process, the dish should be poured into another dish. Prolonged contact of aluminum with food leads to a darkening of the surface, the appearance of a specific taste of food.

To clean aluminum cookware and restore the original shine, first boil a cut lemon in it, then drain the liquid. The dry surface is polished to a shine with an ordinary ink eraser. Cut the stems of rhubarb, boil in a bowl for 20 minutes. All pots and pans will shine in the hands of a skilled housewife who knows a lot about simple folk recipes.


Aluminum is a lightweight, durable metal that heats up quickly and evenly. These qualities make it suitable for the manufacture of kitchen utensils, primarily pots and pans, colanders.

However, initially shiny or even matte aluminum household items lose their attractive appearance, becoming covered with oxide, stains, hard-to-remove plaque, or burn to black.

Such dishes are unpleasant and even dangerous to use for cooking. Therefore, it is recommended to figure out how to clean aluminum utensils, rid them of soot and oxide.

Choice of remedy

The disadvantages of aluminum include the softness of the metal, its instability to abrasive influences. If you plan to keep the pots shiny longer, refrain from using wire wool and brushes, abrasive sponges, and sandpaper.

Even an application that can rid the metal of an oxidation film will affect appearance utensils - the shiny surface will become matte due to numerous micro-scratches.

Polishing with GOI paste will help restore it to perfect condition - a rag soaked in a solvent is rubbed with a piece of hard paste, and then the metal surface is polished to a mirror finish.

When choosing how to clean aluminum, you should pay attention to substances that are almost always at hand for any housewife. These include:

  • laundry soap;
  • baking soda;
  • salt;
  • table vinegar;
  • lemon juice or citric acid;
  • dairy products;
  • cream of tartar;
  • stationery glue;
  • oxalic acid, etc.

When cleaning aluminum utensils from blackness, stains and carbon deposits, use brushes with semi-rigid polymer bristles, foam rubber sponges, cotton or microfiber cloths, and rags.

If tips on how to clean a burnt pot or pan at home do not help to cope with the task, you can try using special tools for cleaning porcelain and glass. Or resort to such means as “Chister”, “Bugs Shumanit”, “Oven Cleaner”, etc. Use special equipment, acting according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Brand new aluminum utensils shine attractively, but after some time of regular use it becomes dull, covered with unaesthetic stains. Usually, housewives use the same usual composition for washing aluminum dishes as for pots and pans made of other materials, primarily stainless steel.

But this is the wrong approach. Conventional dishwashing detergents are able to clean the aluminum surface from ordinary contaminants, but they will not save you from oxidation, they will not be able to fully protect against the gradual formation of plaque, which, under regular exposure high temperatures over time it turns into soot.

Therefore, as needed, including if the food is accidentally burnt during cooking, you should use effective methods cleaning aluminum cookware using home or special products.

Methods for cleaning aluminum from stains, oxide

Option 1. Sour liquid. Plaque, dark spots can be removed by pouring kefir or sour milk, cucumber pickle, Coca-Cola on the bottom of the dish and leaving it for 10-12 hours.

The sides of the pan can be wrapped with rags soaked in the appropriate composition, and moistened several times with it, preventing drying out. After soaking, the utensils are washed under a stream of cool water and dirt is wiped off with a soft cloth.

Option 2. Sour apples. Sliced ​​apples wipe the surface of aluminum dishes if it has darkened over time. After waiting about an hour, you can repeat the procedure. Then the dishes are washed and wiped with a rag or soft sponge.

Option 3. How to clean aluminum to a shine with table salt. If the pan has turned black, it is placed in a solution of table salt at room temperature for half an hour or an hour.

To prepare the solution, warm water and salt are used in a 1: 1 ratio, it is important to wait until complete dissolution. After soaking with a sponge, clean the surface to a shine, then rinse with cool water.

Option 4. Wine stone. This classic way, which has been resorted to since the days when aluminum utensils had just begun to enter everyday life. Tartar is formed at the bottom of containers in which wine is stored for a long time.

This precipitate is collected and dissolved in hot water. After the solution has cooled, a soft rag or napkin is well moistened in it, after which an aluminum object with traces of darkening and oxide is treated.

To rub the dishes to a mirror shine, a thick slurry is prepared from cream of tartar and water. Polishing will take a lot of time and require some effort.

Then the utensils are washed in cool water and wiped dry with a soft cloth. Cleansing with cream of tartar is considered more gentle compared to using citric acid or vinegar, exposure to high temperatures during boiling.

Option 5. Soda. Sodium bicarbonate is poured into a small bowl or other suitable container, a little water is added until a slurry is formed. The resulting composition is applied to the darkened surface of the pan and rubbed with a soft cloth. Rinse the dishes well after polishing.

Option 6. Soap solution + polishing. Laundry soap shavings are dissolved in hot water, utensils are soaked in it. Then washed and polished with a sponge using a mixture of ammonia (5 grams) and borax (15 grams).

Carbon cleaning methods

The accumulated soot from the outside of the pan or the remnants of food on the bottom, which burned down and tightly stuck to the metal surface, cannot be removed using the methods described above. Consider potent cleaning methods.

Option 1. Soda + glue. Pots or pans made of aluminum, on the walls of which soot has formed, are soaked for 3-4 hours in a solution prepared from baking soda, stationery glue and water.

Ten liters are poured into a container of suitable size. hot water, then dissolve in it one hundred grams of soda and silicate glue. The utensils soaked in the cooled solution are cleaned with a sponge to a shine and rinsed thoroughly in clean water.

Option 2. Table vinegar. If you do not have special tools at your disposal that can effectively clean a burnt aluminum pan, use ordinary table or apple cider vinegar (6 or 9%), it is also allowed to dilute the essence in a ratio of 1 part to 10 parts of water.

Vinegar should be poured into a pan or pan, at the bottom of which food is burnt. The dishes are placed on the stove and turn on strong heat. Bring the liquid to a boil, remove the pan or pan from the heat and allow it to cool completely.

When the temperature of the liquid reaches room temperature, the remains of burnt food are washed with a sponge. Then the dishes are washed well under running water.

Vinegar can also be used to clean aluminum utensils from dark stains, oxide. It is enough to moisten a rag with the composition and carefully treat the aluminum surfaces.

When using vinegar, remember to protect your hands with rubber gloves. If the boiling option is selected, open a window for ventilation, turn on the hood so that the pungent smell does not spread throughout the apartment.


Knowing how to clean an aluminum pan or pan, you can easily figure out how to clean other products made of this metal that are on the farm, for example, moldings on kitchen furniture.

But it is important to know that the choice of cleaners for anodized aluminum, which has an attractive yellow-golden color, is limited - you can only use laundry soap and a mixture of ammonia and borax for polishing.