How to make a cappuccino at home from instant coffee. Cappuccino in a coffee machine: cooking rules

Cappuccino - the world-famous drink, consisting of coffee and milk whipped into foam, was invented in Italy. Its name in Italian means "hood". It is said to be named after the Capuchin monks who wear light brown robes with hoods and white trim.

According to the legend cappuccino was invented by these monks. They were very fond of coffee with milk and noticed that if you beat the milk, you get a beautiful airy foam, and drinking coffee with it is very pleasant. And then, already in the 17th century, the Capuchin monk Marco D "Aviano discovered a method for the production of milk foam using water vapor.
But there is no evidence that all this was exactly so in any documentary source.

There is another cute legend of cappuccino which I really like...
It says that cappuccino was invented... goats! Yes, yes, the most ordinary goats!
It has long been known that it was these animals who opened coffee to people, as they were very fond of eating its leaves, twigs and fruits, and their owners noticed that after such a "lunch" the goats were always "in high spirits."
In the evening they had to be milked, and if the goats ate coffee all day, then it is quite appropriate to assume that after that they were milked not with milk, but CAPPUCCINO!

A close relative of cappuccino - latte macchiato, differs from it in the ratio of coffee and milk in the drink and the method of preparation.

Italians usually drink cappuccino in the morning. for breakfast with a bun or cornetto(cornetto is the same croissant in the Italian style). And they do it right: this drink is not only very tasty, but also nutritious and charges with energy and good mood for the whole day!

Of course, not everyone at home has a special device, the so-called "coffee machine", for making Italian coffee and frothing milk...
But cappuccino can be prepared without this device,
only need to know a few secrets...

Сappuccino - Cappuccino secrets

Step by step recipe with photo

Classic Italian cappuccino served in a white ceramic cup. Choose a cup that will contain 3 coffee cups of liquid.
Cappuccino will consist of 1 coffee cup of strong coffee and 2 of the same cups of milk. If there is no coffee cup, then simply measure how much liquid is in your tea cup and divide by 3 parts. For example, if a cup contains 150 ml, then for cappuccino we will take 50 ml of coffee and 50 + 50 = 100 ml of milk

A must for cappuccino need good milk- fresh, whole, full fat and preferably with a short shelf life. Such milk will be better whipped into foam.
(skimmed milk can also be whipped, but there will be less foam and it is unstable, i.e. it settles faster)
Measure out 2 parts of milk and pour them into a saucepan.

Now you need make coffee.
As you know, coffee that needs to be brewed is much tastier than instant, but if there is no time, then instant coffee can also be used. Prepare it the way you like it, but the coffee must be strong enough as we will dilute it with milk. For 1 cappuccino - 1 coffee cup. Pour it into a cup hot, immediately put sugar, mix and leave. I usually cover it with something to keep warm.

Now about the most important thing - about the technique of frothing milk.

For whipping you need a regular immersion blender and a tall container or glass.
First, the milk must be heated, but in no case not to boil. Milk foam starts whipping from +35 to +60 degrees, if the milk is overheated, milk proteins are destroyed and it will not whip!

You can check the heating temperature with your fingertip, if you feel that the milk is getting hot and you can no longer dip your finger into it, you need to remove it from the heat.
Pour the heated milk into a tall container or a whisking glass and beat with a blender, moving up and down, trying not to twist the milk too much into the funnel and not form too large bubbles.
And how long does it take to beat it?
How much patience do you have. But not too long, otherwise the milk and coffee will cool down. 2 minutes will be enough.

This is how the foam turned out. In the photo, I whipped milk for 2 servings of cappuccino, it turned out 1/3 of the foam. If you whip milk for only one cup, then you can get 1/2 part. From this we conclude: it is better not to prepare several cups of cappuccino simultaneously.

Let the finished foam stand for a minute.
Pour into a cup of coffee and then milk with foam.

To test if you get a cappuccino, try sprinkling some cinnamon or cocoa powder on the foam. If it stays on the surface and doesn't sink, you've got a nice foam!

Test two: pour a little sugar on the foam (brown sugar in the photo), if you haven’t drowned - bravo! Your cappuccino is close to the original!

Well, if you put a piece of sugar on the foam, and it also does not sink ...
...Maybe you have already "whipped the meringue"?

The cappuccino is ready. You can sprinkle it on top with cocoa or cinnamon (no longer for checking, but for taste) and ... enjoy a delicate creamy drink ...

Let's talk a little about Latte Art or the art of decorating cappuccino, which also first appeared in Italy and has now become very popular all over the world.
With the help of delicate milk foam, you can create various patterns and inscriptions on cappuccino and thus serve it beautifully and elegantly!

Search the internet for videos for "latte art", and you will see that professional bartenders create real miracles with cappuccino!

I always wanted to repeat something similar at home,
Let's learn how to decorate a cappuccino together!
It should be noted that the foam obtained with a blender at home is much more airy and loose than that obtained in a coffee machine. Therefore, to repeat all the tricks of Italian bartenders, alas, will not work.
Now I will open some secrets of "latte art"...

First secret is how you pour milk foam in a cup. It is best to both whisk and then pour the milk using a tall container or jug ​​or milk jug (I use a tall measuring cup) with a nose.

First, holding this container in your hand, gently mix the foam with milk in a circular motion.
If you pour the foam quickly and keep the container close to the cup, all the foam will be on top of a white cap.

If you hold the container high above the cup and pour carefully, you get a light brown surface.

If you start pouring high, and at the very end bring the container closer to the cup, we get a white spot of foam on the coffee background.

Knowing this, we pour it the way we need it and decorate it!

1. Decorate with cocoa or cinnamon.
This is the easiest way. Pour the foam into a cup, cut a hole of any shape in a sheet of thick paper (I have a heart), hold the paper close over the cup, and sprinkle with cocoa or cinnamon. It turns out the drawing...

2. To make inscriptions and patterns on the foam, you can use leftover coffee, that remain in the cup (especially if you made instant coffee). Use the stick to write or draw whatever you want on top.

These drawings are also made in the same technique.

For the same purpose, you can prepare chocolate sauce and use it for decoration in exactly the same way. To do this, grate some chocolate into a cup, put the cup in hot water to dissolve the chocolate and dilute it with water. The sauce should be liquid. You need to use it for decoration while still warm.

Let's talk about latte art...

3. Pattern "hearts"
Pour in the milk foam slowly, keeping the container away from the cup so that the surface of the cappuccino remains brown.
With the rest of the foam in the container, use a spoon to apply a few spots on the surface.
With a stick, draw a circle through all the white spots.

You can make cappuccino coffee at home with or without a coffee maker. Consider how to make cappuccino at home in the case when there is a coffee maker and when it is not.

Cappuccino without coffee maker

Brew ground coffee in a Turk, at the rate of 2 teaspoons per cup. Do not let it boil and remove it from the burner, pause for a couple of minutes and put it on fire again until foam forms. The stronger you want to make the coffee, the more times you should repeat the cycle. It is optimal when it is 2-3 times. The coffee should be as strong as espresso, so for the given amount of coffee, the volume of water should not exceed 50-60 ml. When the coffee is ready, you can begin the most important process - creating foam.

To do this, take milk with a fat content of at least 2.5% and heat it, but do not boil it. Now it needs to be beaten. You can do this with a whisk, and in a mixer, and in a blender. Beat should be about 2 minutes, until you get a homogeneous foam, without bubbles. You can pour milk into coffee immediately from the container in which you whipped it, then first unwhipped milk will pour out and only then foam. Pour evenly in the center so that the foam lies evenly, covering the entire coffee.

If it seems to you that you won’t succeed right away, pour in the liquid milk first, and only then put the foam on top separately with a spoon. Add sugar and cinnamon to taste. This completes the preparation of the cappuccino!

Cappuccino in a coffee maker

You need a coffee maker with a cappuccinatore and an espresso function. Budget models of coffee makers are usually sold complete with a mechanical panarelo or cappuccinatore. You need to prepare an espresso in a coffee maker, and lower the cappuccinatore nozzle into a glass of cold milk (the fatter the milk, the better). The cappuccinatore froths the milk with a jet of steam and turns it into foam, which is therefore spread on the finished espresso.

Follow the process carefully, holding the glass in the correct position. If you have an automatic cappuccinatore, you should lower the hose into a container of milk - this way the cappuccinatore itself will draw out the milk and mix it with steam, and then the foam will then itself enter the cup with the finished espresso.

If you don’t have a cappuccinatore in your coffee maker, you can always buy one. For example, the simplest and most inexpensive frother is similar to a mixer, it has a special whisk that provides high-quality and easy whipping. It takes up little space and does not require special care.

Thus, making cappuccino at home without a coffee maker is just as easy as with its help.

According to statistics for 2015, coffee consumption in Russia increased by almost 30%, and cappuccino turned out to be the most popular coffee drink! It is drunk by 32% of coffee lovers. Moreover, the majority consumes it in coffee houses, cafes and other places of public catering. At the same time, many, I'm sure, would like to cook cappuccino at home. Moreover, its current price in restaurants can hardly be called democratic.

But there is a completely objective problem here: it is relatively difficult to make a cappuccino at home without the appropriate, expensive equipment. It really is. But by no means impossible! Below I will try to explain in detail how to make cappuccino at home without a coffee machine:

The recipe for cappuccino in the "basic" form is extremely simple

First, a little theory. A cappuccino is a shot of espresso that has milk and milk froth added to it. The classic ratio of all components is one to three, that is, a third of coffee, a third of milk, a third of foam. Top the drink can be decorated with grated chocolate, cinnamon and other spices to taste. The canonical volume of the drink is considered to be 150-180 ml, that is, one must proceed from an espresso volume of approximately 50 ml. "Strict" coffee lovers drink cappuccino without sugar, although its addition is not forbidden. You can add sugar, in principle, at any stage of cooking.

I’ll warn you right away that making a cappuccino at home without a coffee machine will take about 10 minutes, you can get the result faster, but you shouldn’t really count on it.

What do we need to make cappuccino at home

Minimum Required: Turk, stove, hand whisk, water, coffee and milk.

Optional: coffee grinder, mixer, french press, sugar, cinnamon, cocoa and other seasonings to taste.

Turk - in principle, you can use any, preferably copper.

Plate - any.

Water is best filtered or bottled. Landmark 30-50 ml.

Coffee. We take any quality coffee beans. It can also be ground, but the aroma will be inferior. Grains, of course, should first be ground at the rate of 7-9 grams of ground material at the exit. Since we will use a cezve, the grind must be set to the finest so that the coffee is completely dissolved and reveals all the shades of taste.

Milk. It is better to use the most "protein" (protein content tends to 3%), natural pasteurized milk with a fat content of 2.5% - 3.5%.

Process step by step:

  1. We brew coffee over medium heat until a characteristic foam appears on the surface, it is also sometimes called “cream”. Do not boil!
  2. At the same time, heat the milk in a separate container. Do not boil! Ideally, it is necessary to calculate (experimentally) so that the milk heats up to about 70 degrees, that is, until the foam appears on its surface.
  3. Right while heating the milk over low heat, you need to start whipping it. With a mixer, this is easier and faster to do. If not, you can use a hand whisk. Beat until a uniform, fine foam appears. As a rule, this takes 30-40 seconds in the case of a mixer / blender (then you can start whipping a little later, after the milk has already warmed up a little) and a couple of minutes in the case of a whisk (you can start whipping almost immediately).
  4. Pour the coffee that has arrived in time into a suitable cup with thick walls (ideally porcelain and heated, but it can be “simpler”), with a capacity of 150-200 ml and pour the whipped milk on top. Decorate to taste. Yes, you can add a little rum or liquor to the drink, but this must be done before adding the milk-foam mixture. Ready!

Prompt! There is a trick to replace the whisk in step 3. The mixer does not need to be replaced, this the best way. During heating, do not beat the milk, after heating, pour it into a French press ( any will do from the neighboring, conditional "Tape" or "Auchan") and work intensively with a piston. Literally a few reciprocating movements, and the milk is whipped into a tight foam! Let's move on to step 4.

The easiest way to make cappuccino at home

I know from experience that the above process can stop many. Maybe not right away, but after trying a couple of times, you will later abandon this business. Yes, pleasure requires effort both for cooking and for subsequent cleaning, washing dishes. But in the morning (and this, according to the Italians, is generally the only right time for cappuccino) every minute is precious, but you have to run to work!

Generally speaking, if you really like milk and coffee treats, then the most reasonable thing to do is to buy a coffee machine. A grain machine or even a simple carob coffee maker with a manual cappuccino maker allows you to make a cappuccino in just a couple of minutes.

And if you buy a capsule coffee machine with an automatic cappuccinatore, then you can reduce all the hassle to almost nothing. One or two key presses, and a delicious delicacy with delicate airy foam is ready! And this is not an exaggeration, except that you still need to put in a capsule of coffee, which is done literally with one movement of the hand.

But do not rush to the store for the first or most affordable (and they are found even for 3,000 rubles) capsule coffee machine. Not every model allows you to get a cappuccino, "like in a coffee shop." In order not to throw money away, I strongly advise you to read this review of capsule coffee machines, everything is detailed there.

Yes, the appropriate technique costs money, but it will still be much cheaper than a cappuccino in a coffee shop, and besides, it is available at any time, practically, in your own bed.

:: You may be interested in other culinary publications.

There are many ways to make coffee. Every person prefers different types, varieties and recipes. Separately, it is worth mentioning such a drink as cappuccino. For many years, it has not lost its popularity, and the number of fans of this fragrant, sweet and tasty coffee has been steadily growing.

After all, cappuccino is not just coffee with milk. This is an incredibly gentle, tasty and invigorating Italian drink, which is simply impossible to resist.

Origin story

The origin of cappuccino goes back to the distant 16th century. It was invented by the monks of the Capuchin order. In those distant times, the Catholic Church categorically forbade the use of coffee, the drink of the devil. It was the Capuchin monks who found the way out. They began to dilute black coffee goat milk, claiming that this removes most of the sin from the drink. Cappuccino got its name from red-brown hoods on the robes of monks. After all, translated from Italian, cappuccio is a hood.

Later, the rumor about the unusual drink reached the rest of the ministers of the church. The Pope himself appreciated the delicate, divine taste of cappuccino. Once, one monk came up with the idea to whip milk into a strong foam and add it to the drink. But the whipped foam did not hold on to hot coffee. The monks tried to add whipped cream to coffee, steamed milk, but they could not get a real thick and dense foam. It happened a little later, when a simple Italian, a self-taught mechanic, guessed to make a special steam engine for frothing milk. The principle of operation of this invention completely repeats the operation of modern coffee machines.

Many are interested in how the name of this magnificent drink is spelled correctly: cappuccino or cappuccino. In Italian, this word is spelled as Cappuccino, with double P and C. In professional literature, the name cappuccino is used. You will learn how to spell the word "cappuccino" correctly.


Cappuccino - what is it and what does it consist of. Its main ingredients are coffee, milk, sugar and thick milk foam.. It is important to serve the drink in well-heated china cups or thick-walled glass goblets. In some recipes, cappuccino is prepared with egg yolk. You can add cinnamon, chocolate chips, vanilla, caramel syrup or liquor to it. There are a lot of options for preparing this wonderful coffee. Each recipe has its own zest. You can brew cappuccino in a coffee machine, or you can cook it yourself with the help of Turks.

It seems to many that there are no differences between latte and cappuccino, but this is not at all the case. You can find out how latte differs from cappuccino on this.

Benefit and harm

It is impossible to say unequivocally whether cappuccino is harmful or healthy. IN Lately Much has been said about the benefits of natural coffee. A cappuccino is doubly healthier due to its high milk content.

One flavored drink can increase low blood pressure and relieve headaches, improve digestion, dilate blood vessels. It has a mild diuretic effect, removes excess fluid from the body during edema. You can read about the effect of coffee on the vessels of the brain.

Is it possible for pregnant women to have cappuccino? A direct contraindication to the use of any coffee is pregnancy and lactation in nursing mothers.. The caffeine in the drink can cause serious harm to the baby.

Subject to low calorie diet you will also have to refuse the use of cappuccino. One cup of this coffee with sugar and milk contains more than 500 kcal. To reduce the calorie content of the drink, you can cook it with soy milk.

Do not drink cappuccino while taking any medicines, be used with caution in diseases of the liver and kidneys, high intraocular and arterial pressure, with elevated level cholesterol, diabetes, thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis.

In all other cases, drinking cappuccino is not only possible, but necessary. Its benefit to healthy person obvious. After all, this drink contains a large amount of calcium, iron, pyridine, potassium, vitamin PP and magnesium.

Cappuccino coffee recipes

There are many ways to make cappuccino. In addition to the classic, there are many more interesting and delicious recipes. How to cook it right?

Classic recipe

Brew espresso from 100 ml of water and 2 teaspoons (teaspoons) of ground coffee. Bring half a glass of fat milk to a boil and, without removing from heat, beat thoroughly with a mixer until a dense thick foam forms. Add sugar to the finished coffee, pour into a cup, and carefully place the whipped milk foam on top. The drink can be served with cinnamon or chocolate chips.

This is shown more clearly in this video:

vanilla cappuccino

For 150 ml of cold water, take 2 tablespoons (tea) of coffee, brew espresso, strain and add sugar. In a separate container, bring to a boil 150 ml of heavy cream with a little vanilla. When the cream begins to boil, they are carefully whipped and placed on the finished drink.

Vanilla with egg yolk

Beat the egg yolk with two teaspoons of fine powdered sugar. Continuing to beat, add a little vanilla and 2 tbsp. spoons of milk. As soon as a high dense foam is formed, it is carefully laid out on a freshly brewed espresso.


Add a table to half a liter of water. l. finely ground coffee and brew an espresso. Pour 10 ml of caramel and vanilla syrup into preheated cups. You can also use regular caramel, melted in a water bath, and replace the vanilla syrup with a pinch of vanillin. Pour the finished coffee into a cup with syrups and carefully add frothed milk (120 ml).


First you need to make hot chocolate. To do this, 60 ml of milk is poured into a saucepan and heated well, but not boiled. 70 g of finely chopped chocolate is added to warm milk and melted. Hot chocolate is ready. Whip 80 ml of cream (30%) in a separate bowl. In a Turk, brew strong coffee (5 teaspoons per glass of water). Pour coffee into the prepared cup or glass and carefully, along the blade of a knife, pour in hot chocolate so that it does not sink to the bottom. Top with whipped cream and sprinkle with cinnamon.

With cognac

For half a glass of finished coffee, you will need 2 small pieces of white chocolate, 2 teaspoons of cognac, a little powdered sugar, a tablespoon (tablespoon) of whipped cream and a slice of dark chocolate. Melt white chocolate and carefully pour into coffee, pour cognac, cream on top and sprinkle with powder and chocolate.

How to make cappuccino at home using turkey

To make homemade cappuccino without a coffee maker, it is important to brew the coffee correctly. For this you need pure water, Turk And Bean Coffee. Moreover, it is necessary to grind the grain immediately before cooking. Pour into Turku cold water, add right amount coffee powder and put on fire. Stir continuously until a light foam rises. After that, they are removed so that the foam falls. This procedure is repeated at least 4-5 times.

Another important point is frothed milk. In this case, a blender or mixer can help. Milk should be poured into a metal bowl, put on fire and beat right on the stove, avoiding boiling.

What is the best milk for cappuccino? Do not take too fat or skimmed milk. It should be medium fat (2.5-3.2%).

How to make coffee using a coffee machine

A cappuccino machine must have special devices: a cappuccino maker and a pitcher. The required amount of milk (1/3 of the volume) is poured into the pitcher, and with the help of a cappuccinatore it is whipped into a strong foam. The coffee maker brews regular coffee, and the froth is added last.

How to froth milk for this drink

If you don't have a coffee machine at home, you can use french press. Slightly heated milk is poured into the flask and closed with a lid with a piston. Fill the French press to half the volume and, quickly moving the piston up and down, whip the milk.

You can make foam with mixer or small immersion blender. Milk is poured into a small container and put on low heat. When the milk begins to heat up, start whisking. It is important that its temperature does not exceed 70 C.

If there were no devices at hand, then it is quite possible to use the usual whisk. But such frothing of milk is a long and laborious process.

We considered all possible cappuccino milk frothers and frothers in the publication.

Need detailed instructions on using a geyser coffee maker? Our material, which discusses the principle of operation, how to brew coffee and use a geyser coffee maker, will come in handy:

How to draw on cappuccino

You don't have to be a barista to decorate your drink. The simplest and most beautiful drawings can be made using a stencil, the slots of which are sprinkled with cinnamon. You can draw on coffee with thick cream, which is poured in a thin stream onto the milk foam. Often toothpicks and thick syrup or hot chocolate are used for such drawing.

Read our detailed article on given art- latte art at the link.

With the help of the following video, which presents various techniques and examples of drawings, you will understand how to draw on a cappuccino:

Learning how to make a real cappuccino is easy. It is important to strictly observe the proportions of the drink. Each component(coffee, milk and foam) should take up 1/3 of the volume of a coffee cup.

The perfect cappuccino is a drink with a dense foam. If a little sugar is poured onto such a foam, then it should remain on the surface as long as possible.

Nothing lifts your mood like a cup of fragrant, sweet and invigorating cappuccino.

Cappuccino coffee is a popular national Italian drink that is widely known throughout the world. A properly prepared drink is very tasty and tender, and in Italian “cappuccino” means “coffee with milk”, whipped into a lush and thick foam, that is, like coffee with a cap. It is the notorious foam that distinguishes cappuccino from all other types of coffee and makes its taste unique. Let's find out with you how to make cappuccino at home and surprise all your friends with your unusual abilities.

Classic cappuccino coffee recipe


  • ground coffee - 2 teaspoons;
  • granulated sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • grated chocolate - to taste.


How to make cappuccino at home? We take a cup, pour a little ground coffee, add sugar to taste and mix everything well. Next, pour boiling water over the sugar mixture and proceed to the most important thing: preparing milk foam for coffee. How to froth milk for a cappuccino? To do this, heat the milk until it starts to boil, and then carefully pour it into a blender and whisk until a thick and fluffy foam appears. Gently transfer the foam to the previously prepared coffee with a tablespoon. Grate the chocolate in advance on a coarse grater and sprinkle milk foam on top of it. That's all, the preparation of cappuccino coffee is finished, and you can start drinking it, getting real pleasure from the taste and aroma of this drink.

homemade cinnamon cappuccino recipe


  • ground coffee - 2 teaspoons;
  • cream - 50 ml;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • cinnamon - to taste.


How to make cappuccino? So, let's look at another way to make cappuccino with you. To begin with, we brew coffee: pour it into a cezve, fill it with boiled water and put it on a low fire. As soon as the coffee foam begins to rise, immediately remove the cezve from the heat and wait a few minutes until everything settles again. Then again put the coffee on low heat and repeat this procedure several times. The main thing is to prevent coffee from boiling, otherwise it will deteriorate, become very bitter and you will not be able to get a real homemade cappuccino.

We turn to whipping milk foam, it is not at all difficult to do this, but it will take some experience and skill. Most importantly, remember that only full-fat milk or cream with a fat content of at least 10% is whipped well. So, pour milk or cream into a saucepan, put on low heat and wait, about 15 seconds, for it to warm up a little. Then we take a mixer, or a blender, and begin to beat gradually and slowly. We carefully monitor the appearance of large bubbles on the surface of the foam, and after they disappear, we stop whipping so as not to miss the moment the milk is ready. The next, no less important step in making cappuccino is to combine coffee with foam: pour the previously brewed coffee into a cup, then very carefully, using a tablespoon, put milk foam on top. Well, almost everything, there is just a little bit left - to beautifully decorate the prepared coffee. To decorate, sprinkle a little sugar on top of the foam and sprinkle everything cinnamon.

We have discussed with you several options on how to make cappuccino at home and enjoy its divine aroma and fabulous taste. Of course, if you have a special coffee machine at home, then the process of making cappuccino will be much simpler and become a common thing for you, like just drinking tea for breakfast!

And to continue to improve in the art of making coffee, our recipes and will help you.

Happy coffee drinking!