How to make shelves for a bath with your own hands: technology for making a structure at home. Designing a shelf for a bath with your own hands The optimal width of the shelves in the sauna

Shelves are the most important elements of the bath environment. Of course, it is not worth violating the established technologies in the manufacture of such shops. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to use the steam room and washing in the future. The height of the shelves in the bath, as well as their width and length, must be selected correctly.

Varieties of shops

Shelves of several types can be installed in baths:



In the first case, the shelves are a stepped structure of 2-3 tiers. L-shaped benches occupy space near two adjacent walls. Such shelves can be either one- or 2-3-tier. The design of the compartment resembles the shelves in the train. In this case, the tiers are not installed in steps, but directly one above the other. The top shelf is foldable.

All the options for shelves in baths described above are used quite often. But the most popular type of such shops are still L-shaped. In structures of this type, one of the halves is most often assembled as a stepped bunk. The second at the same time is an ordinary bench designed for installing water tanks, basins, etc.

What should be the height of the shelf in the bath

The dimensions of the sauna benches are determined primarily by the area of ​​the steam room and washing room, as well as the height of those people who will use them in the future. There are no special standards for structures of this type. However, it is still considered that shelves with a tier height of 40-60 cm are most convenient. water procedures most comfortable.

The seat of the right shelf in the bath, among other things, is never closer than 30 cm to the floor. It will be simply uncomfortable to sit on a shelf that is too low. In addition, it will be uncomfortable to take water procedures on such a bench, since the air temperature in the bath next to the floor is usually not too high.

Also, experienced builders do not recommend placing the top shelf closer than 1 m to the ceiling. There are no strict rules in this case. If people of small stature will wash in the bath, this figure can be reduced if desired. But still optimal distance from the surface of the upper shelf to the ceiling is considered 1.1-1.2 m.

Lenght and width

What should be the height of the shelves in the bath, therefore, is understandable. In this case, one should be guided by the growth of the owners of the structure and the size of the latter. The length and width of the shelves is also usually determined by the area of ​​​​the steam room and washing room.

The width of the tiers of stepped structures can vary between 30-60 cm. The only exception is the upper shelf, on which people usually do not sit, but lie when taking water procedures in the bath. It is believed that the width of this tier should be at least 60 cm. But it is still better to increase this parameter to 90 cm. In this case, steaming in the bath will be as convenient as possible.

When choosing the width of the shelf, you should be guided, of course, first of all by comfort. In addition to this design, there should be enough free space in the steam room to accommodate the stove and people. When drafting a 6 by 6 m bath, for example, it is worthwhile to provide for the width of the upper tier of the main shelf of no more than 60 cm. Otherwise, it will most likely be crowded in the steam room in the future.

The length of the shelves in the bath can be any. However, traditionally benches in the steam room and washing room are made no shorter than 1.5 m. Tiered structures usually occupy space from one wall to another. For example, when drafting a bath 6 by 6 m, with two rooms, the length of the main shelf in the steam room is usually 3 m.

What material to choose for manufacturing

Bath shops are assembled, of course, exclusively from lumber. At the same time, wood species are selected that meet the following requirements:

    low degree of thermal conductivity;

    no resin pockets;

    aesthetic appearance.

Most often, the shelves in the baths are made of aspen. Linden and abachi can also be used for this purpose.

Advantages and disadvantages of the most popular materials

Aspen is very well suited for the manufacture of bath shelves, primarily because it does not conduct heat well. At the same time, wood of this variety, among other things, is also very inexpensive. The only drawback of aspen is that in dampness it can begin to rot from the inside. At the same time, externally, the boards will look quite high quality.

Linden is valued by lovers of baths primarily for the fact that even at very high temperatures it emits a not too intrusive and gentle pleasant aroma. Such a board for a shelf in a bath is also suitable because, like aspen, it has a low thermal conductivity. Steaming on lime boards will be comfortable in the future.

Abachi wood is the most suitable material for making shelves. Even in hot air, such boards remain cool to the touch. At the same time, after contact with the body of the Abashi, it instantly warms up to its temperature. In addition, such boards still do not change their pleasant cream color even after long-term operation in the bath.

Can pine be used

It is aspen, linden and abachi that are the most suitable materials for the manufacture of shelves in the bath. However, hardwood is still quite expensive. Therefore, many bathhouse owners are interested in whether cheap “coniferous” boards can be used to make shelves.

In principle, it is allowed to use such material for assembling benches. However, experienced attendants still advise using pine and spruce for this purpose only as a last resort.

The fact is, it can release a lot of essential resins into the air. In small quantities, such pairs are even beneficial to health. However, an "overdose" of them can cause unpredictable consequences. In large quantities, some substances emitted by coniferous wood can even be hazardous to health.

In addition, softwood boards usually have many resin pockets. In conditions elevated temperature their contents begin to melt and flow out. If the resin gets on the skin, it will be very difficult to wash it off.

Thus, it is possible to use pine or spruce for the manufacture of benches. But still it is better to spend money and purchase hardwood for this purpose. Material for the manufacture of shelves usually does not take too much. So, the purchase of aspen or linden, most likely, will not hit the owners of the bath very much.

What kind of wood can not be used for shelves

For the manufacture of bath benches, lumber of most hardwoods can be used. However, some are never used in steam rooms and washing rooms. You can not make bath shelves from:

    white fir;


Boards of both these varieties, when heated, begin to smell very unpleasant. White fir will exude a sour smell in the bath, and cypress will be musty.

In most cases, the shelves in the bath are made from the same type of lumber. But to increase the comfort of using benches and at the same time reduce their final cost, wood can be combined during their assembly. For example, a very good solution would be to make the frame of the shelves from inexpensive aspen, and their upper surfaces from abachi. You can also include in the design of each tier one cedar board for smell and beauty.

wood quality

To use for the manufacture of bath shops is, of course, only good lumber. Otherwise, even with the right length, width and height, it will be inconvenient and unsafe to use the shelves in the bath.

There should not be any chips on the boards purchased for the shelves. Otherwise, the shops will turn out ugly. In addition, when using such boards, it will be possible to injure yourself in the future. Of course, only sanded wood is suitable for making shelves.

Also on the boards and beams of the benches there should be as few knots as possible. Shelves are operated in conditions that are very unfavorable in terms of humidity for wood. Knots in a board bath are likely to fall out very quickly. And the shops, again, will become ugly.

Dimensions of materials for assembly

The frame of bath shelves is usually assembled from a beam of 40 x 40 or 50 x 50 cm. It is better to use boards for the upper surfaces of benches that are not too wide. This will give scope in choosing the width of the shelves in the bath and will make the designs more aesthetic. In any case, usually for the assembly of shelves such a board is used, the width of which exceeds the thickness by no more than 4 times.

Shelf design features

So, what should be the shelves in the bath, we found out. But what is the right way to make such a design? Assembling bath shelves with your own hands is not difficult. Such structures are made according to the principle of ordinary benches on a cobbled frame. The assembly of L-shaped shelves begins with the most complex two-tier part.

In this case, the extreme supports of the frame are first assembled:

    a quadrangular frame is knocked down from a bar along the height of the upper shelf;

    install it close to the side and rear walls;

    fasten the frame with screws to the walls;

    a frame is made according to the height of the lower tier;

    also attach it to the wall next to the frame of the upper tier.

In exactly the same way, the second extreme and intermediate supports are made for multi-tiered construction. In order to give the frame rigidity, transverse jumpers are used.

When stuffing the boards on the frame, small gaps of a few millimeters are left. Such slots are necessary for the flow of water from the benches when taking water procedures. In order for the gaps to be equal in width, a piece of lath of the appropriate thickness is used as a guide.

Approximately according to the same technology, at the final stage, the second part of the L-shaped structure is assembled for the adjacent wall.

Additional elements

To make the top tier more attractive, its front vertical surface should also be sheathed with a board. Meanwhile, between separate elements gaps should be left. A couple of boards can also be stuffed on the front surface of the lower tier. However, completely closing the space between the floor and this shop, of course, is not worth it. Otherwise, under the canopy in the future it will be impossible to carry out cleaning.

How to make shops safe

Shelves are usually assembled using self-tapping screws or nails. However, such fasteners in the bath in the future, of course, will be very hot. And upon contact with the head of a self-tapping screw or a nail, a person taking water procedures can simply get burned.

In order to avoid injuries, the heads of self-tapping screws or nails, when assembling the shelves, must be sunk into the wood by 0.5 mm. You can also hammer fasteners from below, that is, where contact with them will be impossible.

How to process the shelves in the bath

Serve wood in the steam room and washing can be long enough. But in order to further extend its service life, at the final stage, the shelves must be treated with some kind of moisture-proof compound. It is impossible to use film-forming agents for lubricating benches. Otherwise, it will be possible to get burned on the shelf boards in the future.

Most often, special impregnating oils are used to process bath benches. Purchase for shelves should be the means of this variety, designed specifically for baths and saunas.

The level of comfort in the steam room largely depends on the functional characteristics of the shelf - its height, design features and material of manufacture. Convenient shelves for a bath, you can do it yourself, if you follow the basic rules.

Choosing the Right Material

For the manufacture of shelves and benches, it is recommended to use hardwood, and here's why: when it is heated, resin is not released, which can burn and stick to the skin.

It is important to choose wood that is resistant to high temperatures and moisture, in which case the shelves can last for many years. But the key criterion is the thermal conductivity of the material:

Wood with low thermal conductivity - the best choice, since such a shelf does not overheat and does not burn the skin, allowing the soaring person to lie directly on the boards without the use of a sheet.

The most popular types of wood for the manufacture of the shelf are aspen, linden and African oak abash.

Aspen is the most affordable material

In addition to the low price, aspen has certain healing properties. Traditionally, aspen is considered a tree that absorbs "negative energy".

Shelves made of aspen are quite durable and practical to use. But carefully select aspen - without internal rot.

Linden - the best in terms of price / quality ratio

It is ideal for making shelves and benches, and here's why:

  • This wood is easy to process, looks aesthetically pleasing, exudes a light pleasant aroma when heated, creating a microclimate that is favorable for health.
  • Even with high temperatures ah, the wood does not burn, there are no stains from sweat on it.
  • Linden shelves for a bath are quite durable - the material does not crack or rot over time, but it can darken.

Abash (African oak) - good, but expensive

It has high resistance to temperature and moisture, resistance to stress. Due to the low thermal conductivity, the abash heats up very slowly, so you can use the shelf without fear at any temperature in the steam room.

On sale you can find light and dark abasha wood. During operation, the material retains its original view if it is pre-processed. But abash oak is an expensive material, alas.

The correct dimensions of the bath shelf

Often many attendants make shelves in several tiers, because "it's beautiful" or seen from others. But two or three tiered shelves with steps came from saunas, where they sit, not lie.

In a Russian bath, such options are not suitable - they interfere with the bather. It is desirable to carry out shelves in one level.

To make comfortable seats for sitting and lying, you should focus on the following proportions:

The height of the shelf in the Russian bath

The height of the shelf should correspond to the height of the soaring. So that the steamer does not have to bend down or, on the contrary, work with his hands at an uncomfortable height, the shelves should be located at the level of the bone thumb dropped hand. On average, this is a height of 70-80 cm.

It is advisable to leave a distance of at least 110 cm between the shelf and the ceiling of the steam room, in this case you can not only lie on the shelf, but also sit comfortably.

Lenght and width

The shelf should be comfortable for lying, so the length is at least 220 cm, so as not to rest your head against the wall and your legs do not hang down. Width - about 90 cm.

Shelves and benches in the steam room are located along the walls without windows, for the entire width of the wall. The number of shelves depends on the size of the steam room. If space permits, the width of the main shelf can be made for two - these will already be wards.

If space is limited, the “compartment” option is used - the bench and shelves are adjacent to the same wall, the shelf leans back and is fixed for the convenience of sitting on the bench. If necessary, the shelves return to their original position. Another option: the lower bench is retractable, and the shelves are fixed permanently.

Important design features of the shelf

  1. It is preferable to install structures that are open from the bottom so that they are well ventilated from below, do not interfere with the ventilation of the room and make it easy to clean the floor.
  2. In order for water to drain faster from the shelf, it is performed with a slight slope.
  3. Between the floor and the vertical racks of the shelf, plastic or dense rubber linings should be mounted - this will prevent the decay of the wood of the racks and extend the life of the structure.
  4. Bath shelves should look aesthetically pleasing, have a smooth surface and rounded corners of the boards. Structural elements must be tightly adjusted to each other so that the shelves do not stagger or creak.

Methods for fastening boards

Particular attention is paid to fastening the shelf boards and other external elements - it is important to exclude the possibility of accidental contact with the metal of screws or nails while using the steam room.

There are several mounting methods:

  • The easiest and fastest way is to deeply sink the heads of self-tapping screws into the wood.
  • Self-tapping screws can be attached to the back of the structures.
  • The most time-consuming, but the most safe and environmentally friendly option is the use of oak wedges, which are hammered into pre-made holes.

If desired, a back is mounted on the wall to which the shelf is attached - usually these are three boards stuffed onto vertical racks of bars. The back allows you to comfortably sit on a shelf without fear of burning your back on the lining of the steam room. The back is made from the same material as the shelves. Between the boards should leave gaps for ventilation.

To increase comfort on the end wall, you can fill the blocks to support the legs: it is recommended that you lie on the shelf and raise your legs above your head so that they warm up faster.

The process of manufacturing a shelf with a retractable bench-lounger

This option is suitable for those who have a small steam room. The height of the steam room is 220 cm, width 180 cm, length 210 cm. This compact system of shelves fits on an area of ​​110x210x220 cm. The rest of the space is for the stove and for the steamer.

Costs For this shelf with a lounger, 16 lime boards of 210 cm each, bars for the frame, self-tapping screws, corners, impregnation for Tikkurila wood were used - all together costing about 6,000 rubles. Everything is made by hand.

The top shelf is mounted at a height of 113 cm. It is 69 cm wide and 210 cm long. The pull-out lounger is 49 cm wide and also takes up wall-to-wall space. The distance between the shelf and the lounger is 49 cm, thanks to which it is convenient to use the lounger as a footstool while sitting on the shelf.

Since the upper stationary shelf is located much higher than required by the standards, for the convenience of the soaring person, a bench of 3 boards, 36 cm wide, was additionally made. The distance between it and the shelf is 70 cm - this is quite a comfortable value.

Shelves for a steam room consist of two main elements: a supporting structure made of timber and flooring. The support is made of two bearing beams: they are installed along the width of the shelf and connected to each other by jumpers with a step of 50 cm:

One of the beams and the extreme transverse beams are attached to the corresponding walls by the entire plane, the second beam - by the ends. To fix the jumpers, grooves of the required size are made in the beams.

To support the second beam, in this case, special racks were used, based on the wall. To ensure a tight fit, the ends of the racks are sawn at the required angle. The structure is fastened with screws, two fasteners for each rack.

Thin, well-planed boards with rounded edges are stuffed onto the frame made. Between the boards, gaps 1-2 cm wide should be left to ensure a quick runoff of water and the necessary ventilation during drying.

The frame was covered with boards, leaving gaps for water to drain (there is also a bench in the photo)

It is important to use boards whose width does not exceed four times their thickness - such material dries well and is not subject to cracking during operation.

In order to save space in the project under consideration, the width of the lounger is 69 cm, but it is recommended to make shelves at least 90 cm wide, for which you will need to use 7 boards.

The principle of manufacturing a retractable lounger is the same as that of a shelf - the frame consists of two longitudinal bars with transverse struts. 5 boards were used for flooring.

Retractable device

The design of the retractable "walking" mechanism requires special attention. How to make a folding shelf so that the lower lounger slides under the upper one? Bars are mounted to the end walls of the steam room. To them, and to the sides of the lounger with inside, axles are attached, on which wooden planks are put on - levers. At the slats, the corners should be filed (at least in the upper part) so that they do not interfere with the operation of the mechanism.

The thickness of the bars fixed on the wall must correspond to the thickness of the end elements of the lounger. In order for the planks to sit tightly on the axis and move without play, wooden washers are installed.

The mechanism allows you to effortlessly push the sunbed to a strictly defined distance, which in this case is 0.8 of the lever length. The lounger rests on legs in a fully extended or fully retracted position.

Such a retractable design is most suitable for steam rooms, in which the shelves and the lounger completely occupy the wall in length.

Protective wood treatment

Before using the steam room, it is necessary to process the wood from which the shelves are made. Frequent contact with hot moist air leads to the rapid destruction of the material, deterioration of its appearance. Competent prevention will help to avoid the appearance of mold and rot.

Attention! In no case should chemical agents be used to process the shelf, including the usual drying oil and varnish. Otherwise, when the temperature in the room rises, substances that have an unpleasant pungent odor and can cause an allergic reaction will be intensively released into the air.

It is recommended to use an impregnation specially designed for bath shelves and benches. It is made on the basis of natural oils and allows you to create protective film on the outer surface wooden structures without compromising the natural properties of the wood. Such a product is odorless and does not emit harmful fumes when heated.

Cheaper and affordable option– food linseed oil which can be purchased at the grocery store. Hot oil is applied with a brush to the wood, it is recommended to rub it well.

It is advisable to process the shelves by warming up the stove in the steam room well - the oil polymerizes under the influence of high temperature. With another method of processing, cold oil is rubbed in, and then the surface is heated with a building hair dryer.

First of all, it should be noted that the shelves in the Russian bath are called differently. I have seen such accents: shelves, shelves, shelves, shelves. Personally, I prefer to say regiments.

As I wrote in my article "", most of the baths in our country are far from Russian baths, but are essentially dry-air steam rooms or saunas. Therefore, the shelves in these baths have a device far from the regiments of the Russian bath. In most baths, shelves are arranged in steps at two or three levels. The width of the shelves usually does not exceed 500-600mm. This design of the shelves is due to the fact that in saunas and dry-air steam rooms it is not customary to lie on the shelves, but it is customary to sit. In this article, I will only talk about the correct shelves in the Russian bath. And I highly do not recommend the widespread shelves in the form of steps at several levels in steam Russian baths.

In the steam room of the Russian bath, on the contrary, it is customary to lie down, and not sit. Moreover, the width of the shelves is usually selected from 850mm to 1200mm. On such wide shelves you can lie spread out, and not huddle in narrow spaces. In the Russian bath, it makes no sense to climb under the ceiling, as in saunas or dry-air steam rooms. Because the principle of soaring in Russian baths is completely different. Therefore, shelves in such baths are located on one, maximum two, levels.

What parameters should a canopy in a steam room in a Russian bath have? First of all, it should be wide from 850mm to 1200mm. This allows you to comfortably sit on it lying down. Highly recommend, don't skimp on shelf width! The length of the shelf should be at least 2 m, and preferably 2.2-2.5 m. An adult should fit freely on it lying down, without resting his feet against the wall.

The thickness of the shelf board is selected according to the principle "the thicker the better." The optimal thickness is 60-80mm. This is significantly thicker than the standard shelf boards sold around the world. And they are sold because in saunas and dry-air steam rooms the thickness of the board of the shelf does not really matter. But in the Russian bath, the thickness of the shelf is of great importance. The thicker the canopy, the more heat it can accumulate, and then gently give it to the person lying on it. There is no need to lay anything on the shelves in the steam room of the Russian bath. The shelves are always pleasantly warm, but not scalding, like everyone else. wooden surfaces in the steam rooms of the Russian bath.

A very important point is the height of the shelf. Many people think that it is better to make the canopy higher. But this is far from always correct and justified. The height of the shelf is measured from the surface on which the bather stands. If he stands directly on the floor of the steam room, then from the floor. If a wooden ladder is provided in the steam room, then from the surface of the ladder. I consider the correct height of the shelf to be the one that will correspond to the height from the floor or a wooden ladder to the level of the knuckles of a palm gathered into a fist with the bather's hand completely lowered. Usually it is 70-90 cm, depending on the height of the bather. Many novice lovers of the Russian bath are afraid of such a small height of the shelf from the floor. But you don't have to be afraid. Do not think that there will be no steam on such a low shelf. In the right bath, with the right bather, the steamer will catch up with steam on the steamer as much as necessary. And it's very good that the steamer is below the level of the steam cake under the ceiling. It is an indescribable pleasure when the steamer is in a soft zone with a relatively low temperature and where it is easy to breathe, and the steamer wraps him in a blanket of velvety and fluffy steam. When you need steam, you can catch up more, you can completely remove all the steam from the steaming zone. Such contrasts and different methods of working with the steam of good bathers make vaping an unforgettable experience. If the canopy is made higher than the size recommended by me, then it will be extremely difficult for the bather to soar with high quality. You will have to stretch to get all parts of the body with a broom, hold your hands high with brooms, and this contributes to the rapid fatigue of the bather and poor-quality steaming. The correct height of the shelf allows the steamer to correctly move the brooms without overloading the muscles of the arms and back and, accordingly, get less tired.

The canopy should be located so that it is comfortable for the bather to soar on it, there is free access along the entire length of the shelf and the distance from it should be at least 500mm.

Shelves are made from hardwood. The most popular tree for a regiment in the Russian bath is linden and aspen. It is impossible to make shelves from the newfangled now abash. This tree has a porous structure and practically does not heat up, which is contrary to the quality standards of the Russian bath. Also, coniferous wood is not used on the shelves because of the risk of resin release.

Many people ask what protective compounds should cover the shelves. Personally, I am against any coating of shelves in the Russian bath, especially newfangled impregnations for saunas. The tree must be alive and this is very important. Yes, the shelves darken quickly. But this is a noble color, indicating that they really use the bathhouse, and do not go there like a museum. Maximum, you can cover the shelves with hot natural linseed oil. The technology of such impregnation can be found on the Internet. This coverage needs to be updated periodically. But I personally do not see any sense in it, especially if the bath is a family one.

It is very important to keep the shelves clean. Otherwise, unpleasant odors will settle in the steam room, which will then be difficult to get rid of. If we are talking not about a public, but about a family bath, I strongly do not recommend washing the shelves with any chemical detergents. After each bath, it is enough to thoroughly wipe the shelves with a specially allocated terry towel soaked in hot water. To wash the shelves efficiently, it is necessary to press the towel firmly enough during wiping and wipe with wide sweeping movements. Attention! This procedure must be carried out after each bath! Don't be lazy. It is enough not to wash the shelves a couple of times and an unpleasant smell in the steam room is guaranteed. It is better to wash the shelves while they are still warm.

they sew how to properly make a support frame for shelves, what kind of wood to make it from, whether to make supports on the floor. I answer. The frame of the shelves can be made from any wood, you can rest on the floor, you need to design the framedo what is safer and more convenient. No universal and correct schemes there is no frame. Some make folding shelves, for ease of cleaning or saving space in the steam room. Many people ask whether it is necessary to sew up the frame of the shelves from below, thinking that this reduces the cubic capacity of the steam room and it is easier to warm it up. I am against sheathing a frame for shelves from below with a board. This makes cleaning under the shelves impossible. And if we consider that lying on the shelves we emit sweat that drips onto the floor and accumulates there, it is necessary to wash the floors under the shelves after each bath.

It is very important to follow a number of rules when designing a shelf in terms of its adjoining to the walls of the steam room. There must be a gap of 3-5 cm between the wall and the shelf board. In no case should the shelf board be adjacent to the wall closely! This contributes to the rapid decay of the wall in the area of ​​​​the junction of the shelf. Also, there must be a gap of 3-5 cm between the boards of the shelf.

The supporting frame of the shelf and the ends of the boards of the shelf itself should in no case be adjacent to the wall. If the shelf boards are 60mm or more thick, they can be fixed to the wall without any frame or floor supports. Boards of this thickness do not bend under the weight of steamers. A support bar is attached to the wall and shelf boards are already attached to it. Since the support bar cannot be fixed close to the wall, it is fixed through spacers. Spacers are usually metal washers or nuts. If a support frame is used for a shelf, then its racks and supporting surfaces are also attached to the wall through spacers. This is necessary so that the air passes freely through the structure of the shelf and the wall, and the wood of the wall at the junction of the shelf does not rot.

The shelf board is attached to the supporting surface only from below! You should not screw the self-tapping screw through the shelf board, as its head can heat up and create unpleasant sensations upon contact with the body of the steamers.

The division of regiments in the steam room is most often done with the letter "G". A working canopy is selected, on which they will soar. This is usually the longest shelf with the most convenient approach to it for the bather. The second canopy is usually calledheating. There, during soaring, you can place another person who will warm up while the steamer is working with another visitor steam room on the working shelf. The heating canopy can be made higher than the working one. But this is not always advisable, especially if space in the steam room does not allow. If there is enough space in the steam roomoh, then you can organize auxiliary shelves for tubs and brooms, children's, lower shelves, and so on. If the shelves are arranged in two tiers, then steps or stable benches should be provided for the convenience of climbing and descending from them.

It largely depends on the device, size and location of the shelves. In this article, we will consider the main dimensions of the shelves in the bath, made for people with a height of 160 to 185 cm. The dimensions of the shelves in the steam room of this sauna were specially selected for maximum convenience and comfort.

To begin with, consider the main types of designs and proportions of the shelves for the bath. Most often, in traditional Russian baths, located directly on the ground or having a cold, uninsulated floor, there were three levels of regiments. In modern steam baths or saunas, where the floor is well insulated and does not blow on the legs, there is no need to arrange three levels of shelves. In order to warm up well, two levels of shelves in the steam room are quite enough.

The scheme of the dimensions of the shelves in the bath
(click to open a larger version of the diagram in a new window)

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Now consider the main dimensions of the shelves for a modern steam room in a bath or sauna. In the presented example, the shelves are made of African deciduous tree abachi, which has a low density and, consequently, low heat capacity and thermal conductivity. Therefore, the abash warms up slowly. At the same time, abachi has no knots, has excellent water resistance, hardness and retains its geometric dimensions with fluctuations in temperature and humidity, which makes it an indispensable material for arranging shelves in baths and saunas. However, a serious disadvantage of abash wood is that this material can cause contact urticaria, allergic rhinitis and even asthma, especially in professional sauna builders who deal with abash wood dust. [Sources of information: Kanerva L, Tuppurainen M, Keskinen H. Contact urticaria caused by obeche wood (Triplochiton scleroxylon). contact dermatitis. 1998;38:170-171. Estlander T, Jolanki R, Kanerva L. Occupational allergic contact dermatitis eczema caused by obeche and teak dusts. contact dermatitis. 1999;41:164. & Reijula ​​K, Kujala V, Latvala J. Sauna builder’s asthma caused by obeche (Triplochiton scleroxylon) dust. Thorax. 1994;49:622-623. ]

The height of the sauna under the ceiling is 208 cm. This height is quite enough for a comfortable stay and movement in the steam room with its good heating. The length of the shelves in this sauna is 202 cm. This size of the shelves allows you to comfortably sit on the shelf while lying down. The length of the shelves can be longer - if the dimensions of the steam room in the bath or sauna allow. Please note that a gap of 3-4 mm is left between the wall sheathing of the steam room and the shelves on each side - a margin for the expansion of the tree when heated or moistened.
The height of the lower level of the shelves from the floor is 45 cm. The width of the bottom row of shelves in the sauna is 50 cm. The gap between the boards of the shelves is 5 mm (it is recommended to leave the gap size no more than 8-10 mm).
The height of the second (upper) level of the shelves is 88 cm from the floor, or 43 cm from the lower level of the steam room shelves, or 120 cm from the ceiling of the sauna or bath steam room. The width of the upper row of shelves - 70 cm allows one person to comfortably lie on the shelf.
The side shelves serve as a support for bowls, basins or for placement in the steam room in a sitting position. The width of the side shelves - 40 cm. The dimensions of the articulation platform of the L-shaped shelves in the sauna. We leave a gap of 3-4 mm between the boards of the flooring of the shelves on each side.
Approximate dimensions of the site for docking L-shaped shelves in the bath. The bevel at the junction of the shelves will be repeated on the back of the upper shelf of the sauna steam room.
Diagonal abachi plank flooring enhances the view of the sauna. The main dimensions of the back of the shelves of the upper level. The dimensions of the back of the shelves are adjusted to the height of people from 160 to 185 cm.
The distance between the mounting rails for the backs of the shelves in the steam room of the sauna or bath. To mount the backs of the shelves, a 2 cm thick Abachi rail is used.
General view of the shelves in the steam room of a sauna or bath. See how to sheathe a steam room of a sauna or bath with clapboard. Read how to make Siberian bath shelves from massive half-logs. Such shelves remain not hot for a long time, and after heating they retain pleasant heat for a long time. Special connoisseurs of the bath cover the shelves with sheets, on which they lay hay cut by the morning dew and cover it with small branches of oak and birch. The feeling of floating on such shelves is absolutely fantastic!

The owners of the bath, who decided to equip it on their own, at a certain stage of the work, think about how to make a shelf in the bath. It is one of the most important components of the interior, because the level of comfort directly depends on its functional characteristics. If you have the necessary materials at your disposal and know how to handle construction tools, then it will not be difficult for you to make a bath shelf with your own hands. To avoid common mistakes and learn about all the intricacies of the upcoming work, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules and advice of specialists in the construction of the structure.

Shelves in the bath can be made by hand

Material selection

Hardwood is best suited for assembling shelves. The reason is that products made from it do not emit resin when heated strongly. This is a very important factor, since heated resin can not only stick to the skin, but also leave a severe burn. When choosing materials, you need to take into account all the nuances, so each decision must be carefully considered. Bath - a room with a specific microclimate.

Important! Wood must be suitable for use in conditions of high temperature and humidity.

It is necessary to choose wood that does not contain resin

Shelves in the bath are best made from wood with low thermal conductivity. It will not get very hot, so it will be comfortable to sit on the shelf. Popular types of wood used for the construction of the regiment.

  1. Aspen. This is an affordable material that has many healing properties. Folk healers believe that aspen absorbs negative energy and gives a person positive emotions. Concerning specifications, then shelves made of such material are considered one of the most practical and durable. When buying, you need to make sure that there are no internal rot in the selected boards.
  2. Linden. Experts believe that this wood is the best in terms of price-quality ratio. Its main advantages include low thermal conductivity, practicality, aesthetics and affordable price. It is quite easy to work with, so even beginners can handle it. In addition, when heated, the shelves will exude a light woody aroma, thanks to which bath procedures will bring even more pleasure. Linden products are easy to care for, as they do not absorb sweat. Over time, the shelf may darken, but this will not affect it in any way. performance characteristics.
  3. African oak (known as abash). The material has many advantages: it is famous for its high moisture and heat resistance, practicality, and the ability to withstand heavy loads. African oak products heat up rather slowly, so even at a very high temperature in a steam room it will be comfortable to lie on a shelf. There are light and dark abasha wood on the market, so you can choose the material that is most suitable for the interior of your bath. Perhaps the only drawback of African oak is its high cost.

Types of wood for the manufacture of shelves in the bath

Bath shelf size: correct calculation

Before you make shelves in the bath with your own hands, you should make a lot of calculations. It is necessary to determine the number of tiers. V Lately more and more owners of steam rooms are making two- and three-tier shelves. Single-tier shelves are traditional for Russian baths. Multi-level benches are rather typical for saunas, where people do not lie, but sit. Next, you should decide on the size of the structure.

  1. Height. This parameter is selected in such a way that it is easy for the steamer to work with his hands and does not have to bend too much. Experts recommend placing the shelves at the level of the fold of the thumb of the lowered hand. The height of the product ranges from 70 to 90 cm. Many people like to take bath procedures while sitting, so it should be comfortable to lie and sit in the steam room. Between the shelf and the ceiling, a distance of 110 to 150 cm should be observed.
  2. Lenght and width. A bath is a place where a person wants to relax as much as possible, so the length should allow him to lie down to his full height. On average, the length of a standard shelf is 220 cm, and the width is 90-100 cm. Traditionally, the product is placed along the walls, and their number largely depends on the size of the steam room. If you are the owner of a large bath, you can double the width of the shelf so that 2 people can sit on it at once. Before you make more shelves in the bath, make sure that it will not take up too much space and interfere with the bather. In small rooms, the option of placing a "compartment" is often found. In this case, a bench with a shelf is attached to one of the walls, if necessary, the shelves are folded back and fixed on the bench. It can be easily returned to its original position. Often there is an option when a stationary shelf is combined with a mobile bench.

The dimensions of the shelves are selected depending on the position and number of steamed

Design features

Carry out assembly and installation of the product, which will be constantly in the conditions high humidity sometimes it's not easy. Therefore, you should read the information on how to properly make the shelves in the bath and install them:

  1. It is desirable to construct the structure in such a way that it is open from below. This is necessary for practical reasons: the shelves will be well ventilated and dry quickly, and it will be much easier for you to clean and clean the floor.
  2. It is better to mount the shelves at a slight slope so that the water does not stagnate on it and rather drain.
  3. The installation of rubber or plastic linings will help prevent the occurrence of fungus and rot on wood. They are mounted between the floor and vertical supports, which significantly extend the life of the entire structure.
  4. Aesthetic appearance in the design of the steam room also plays an important role. The surface of the shelf should be smooth, and the corners of the boards should be rounded. Make sure that the parts of the structure fit snugly against each other, otherwise the product will stagger and creak.
  5. Before you make a frame for the bath shelves, make sure that the width of the boards chosen for its manufacture is 4 times its thickness. If this condition is met, then the wood will dry out quickly, and you will not have to fight the fungus.

In the steam room, you need to process the wood well so that splinters do not form, and it is also better to avoid sharp corners

The methods of attaching the boards, with which you can make shelves in the bath, also deserve mandatory consideration.

Very important! avoid skin contact with metal elements structures during the operation of the steam room, otherwise you can get burns on the body.

In order for the shelves to dry, it is better to leave empty space under them.

The following mounting methods are common:

  • deep screwing of self-tapping screws into wood;
  • placement of self-tapping screws on the back of the product;
  • the use of special oak wedges in the work, driven into pre-prepared holes.

Self-tapping screws must be placed on the inside of the shelves so that the iron elements do not burn when heated

To provide bath visitors with maximum comfort, equip the shelves with an additional backrest. To do this, several polished boards are attached to the wall, to which the shelf adjoins, stuffing them on vertical supports made of bars. Boards should be placed at a distance of 5-10 cm so that moisture does not stagnate between them. The back is made from the same wood as the shelves. It allows you to comfortably sit on a shelf and lean against the wall without fear of getting burned. On the end wall, special foot supports are often stuffed. Experienced bath attendants advise lying on the shelves and raising your legs slightly above your head. So they warm up faster.

For convenience, in the steam room on the wall, pads are installed under the back.

Ways of arranging shelves

There are many schemes for the arrangement of regiments. Your choice should be based on the size of the steam room, the presence of windows and other features of the room. Before you make shelves in the bath, it is recommended to study the various drawings and layouts of interior items in the steam room, and then choose the most suitable one from all the options. As a rule, shelves have:

  1. as a single linear construction along one of the walls in one or more tiers.
  2. The L-shaped design along the adjacent walls of the steam room will help you make the most of the usable area. There are a great many options for how to make corner shelves in the bath, among which you can find the right one.
  3. Several individual shelves along each wall. Often, low and high linear benches are installed along a long wall, and shelves are mounted along an adjacent wall at an average height.

So you can see the mistakes made in time and eliminate them at the planning stage. In addition, for the purchase necessary materials accurate measurements and calculations are required.

Two-tier bath shelves

The main thing is to follow the instructions, carefully following each of its points. A tutorial video will help you make a shelf for a bath.

  1. Rack installation. The supports on which the bath bench is laid give the structure reliability and strength. To make a row of beds, you will need an average of 4-6 racks. Their length should be equal to 1-1.15 m. Depending on the length of the shelf, the cross section can be 50 by 100 mm or 100 by 100 mm. To connect the racks, rectangular bars are used, on which carrier rails and boards for the shelf are also installed. To mount the racks to the wall, use the elongated dowel-screws. A small gap (10 cm) must be left between the wall and the rack adjacent to it to improve ventilation and prevent wood decay.
  2. Installation of the supporting structure. It must withstand not only the weight of the boards, but also the mass of people who will rest on the bench. Experts recommend using a guide beam with a section of 50x120 mm or 50x100 mm. For laying the top row, a load-bearing bar with a section of 50x50 mm is used. It is mounted perpendicular to the top surface of the shelf. The distance between the bars depends on the thickness of the top boards and can vary from 50 to 60 cm. The thinner the boards used, the more often the bearing bars should be placed. This will prevent the boards from sagging under the weight of people lying on them.
  3. Upper bed. For it, you will need well-polished and carefully planed boards, the thickness of which is 3-6 cm, and the width is 10-24 cm. They are laid on load-bearing bars every 2 cm, which ensures the unhindered passage of hot air through the structure. The method of fastening the boards depends on personal preference, but boards located along the length of the bed look much more beautiful than those installed across the sunbed. In addition, this placement option allows you to significantly save materials and somewhat facilitate the work. Options for how to make a shelf and equip a bath are shown in the photo.
  4. Installation of the lower shelf. For convenience, the lower bench should be placed at a distance of 30-70 cm from the floor. Often it acts as a step. In this case, it is made in the form of a mobile bench, which can be easily removed while the steam room is being cleaned. To create a stationary lower shelf, 4 guide beams with a section of 50x100 mm should be attached to the previously installed racks of the upper shelf at a distance of 40 cm from the floor. Of these, it is necessary to lay out a rectangle, which will be the frame for the lower bench. It is attached to the support posts with nails at least 12 cm long or special self-tapping screws. Also, 4 wooden racks (with a section of 5x10 cm or 10x10 cm) are also fastened with self-tapping screws. Every 50 cm, carrier rails with a section of 5x5 cm should be installed. Then it remains only to fix the planks of the lower shelf on them using special wooden wedges. Boards should be even and smooth, and sharp corners should be rounded off. You must take all necessary measures to ensure that the operation of the steam room is as safe as possible for you and your loved ones. Making shelves in the bath with your own hands is not so difficult, see for yourself by watching the video tutorial.
  5. Regiment handling. As soon as the installation of bath shelves is completed, they should be treated with protective equipment. It is no secret that prolonged exposure to moisture and high temperatures has a negative effect on wood. To protect the boards from rotting and extend the life of the lounger, use specially designed solutions. When choosing the right tool, pay attention to its composition. The impregnation must contain exclusively environmentally friendly substances, otherwise, under the influence of high temperatures, the wood will emit harmful fumes. When processing bath furniture, linseed oil and a wax solution consisting of purified turpentine and beeswax have long been used. They perfectly protect the wood from mold and prevent the formation of fungus. Funds are applied in 2-3 layers. You can also purchase professional woodworking products at hardware stores. Be sure to consult with the seller and check whether the selected impregnation is suitable for covering bath furniture.

Stages of manufacturing simple bunk shelves in the bath

The instruction is universal, so it is also suitable for those who are wondering how to make a corner shelf in the bath. The only difference is that the shelves will be mounted not on one, but on both adjacent walls, neatly joining in the corner. If you want to provide structures with greater strength and reliability, then it should be supplemented with an angular support post.