Linear generator calculation and design. Linear electricity generator

For some situations, it is proposed to use effective, from the point of view of the author, methods of converting translational movements into rotational ones - in order to use them together with conventional dynamos.

Solenoid with magnet

The first linear energy converters were created at the beginning of the nineteenth century (in the works of Faraday and Lenz) and were solenoids with permanent magnets moving inside them. But these devices were used only in physical laboratories to formulate the laws of electromagnetism.

Subsequently, only generators operating from rotational movements received serious application. But now humanity "remembers the long-forgotten old." So, “eternal” or “Faraday induction flashlights” have recently been created, powered by shaking and based on a “translational generator” - this is the same solenoid, with a permanent magnet oscillating inside it, plus a rectifier system, a smoothing element and storage. (It should be noted that for the appearance of current in the solenoid, it is not necessary to push in and out the magnet inside it - it is enough, and no less effective, to bring the magnet closer and further away from the electric coil, if a core is inserted into it, preferably a ferrite one).

On the Internet you can find a description of how to make a generator that feeds bicycle headlights, working on the same principle - from the movement of a magnet inside the solenoid (shaking here is already provided not by a human hand, but by the vehicle itself - a bicycle).

Translational generators have appeared and are being designed, using the "piezoelectric effect" - the ability of some crystals to produce electric charges during deformation.

These are, for example, the well-known piezoelectric lighters. French scientists (in particular, Jean-Jacques Shellot in Grenoble is doing this) decided to substitute piezocrystalline modules under raindrops and thus receive electricity. In Israel, Innowatech is developing a way to generate electricity from the pressure of cars on the roadway - piezocrystals will be placed under the highway. And in the Netherlands, in a similar way, they plan to “collect” electricity from under the floor of the dance hall.

All of the above examples, except for the use of rain energy, relate to the "removal" of energy from the results of human activity. Here one can also suggest placing translational generators in the shock absorbers of cars and trains, as well as supplying these vehicles with enlarged copies of the above-described bicycle generators operating from shaking, and, in addition, the location of translational generators under the rails of railways.

A new way to use the wind

Let us now consider how to make better use of wind energy. Known wind power generators, in which the wind rotates the propellers, and they, in turn, are the shafts of dynamos. But propellers are not always easy to use. If used in residential areas, they require additional space and must be enclosed in nets for safety. They can spoil appearance, obscure the sun and impair visibility. Rotating generators are difficult to manufacture: good bearings and balancing of the rotating parts are required. And wind turbines placed on parked electric vehicles can be stolen or damaged.

The author proposes to use more convenient working bodies, which will be affected by the wind: shields, plates, sails, inflatable forms. And instead of the usual dynamos, there are special mounts in the form of translational generators, in which electricity will be generated from mechanical movements and pressures produced by working bodies. In such fixtures, both piezocrystals and solenoids with movable magnetic cores can be used. The currents created by these mounts will pass through rectifiers, smoothing elements and charge batteries for further use of the generated electricity. All parts of such translational generators are easy to manufacture.

Shields with similar fasteners, placed on the walls of buildings, balconies, etc., will bring only benefits instead of inconvenience: sound and heat insulation, shade. They practically do not require additional space. Billboards, canopies from the sun or rain, equipped with such mounts and "rain" piezoelectric modules, will, in addition to their main function, also generate electricity. By the same principle, you can make any fence work.

Energy-producing windows and poles

It is possible to use durable glass in the windows as "wind intakes", and place the electrically generating fixtures in the frame.

If we take the case of electric vehicles, then the mounts can be switched: in the parking lot, where vibration of the windows from the wind is permissible, electric-generating mounts will be used, and when driving, so as not to violate the aerodynamic properties of the electric vehicle, ordinary ones. Although when using piezocrystals, very little backlash can be achieved and switching is not required.

In a simpler (non-transparent version of the shields) in the parking lot, ordinary windows are lowered and shield wind generators are inserted instead, resting on the window frames with fasteners. The same can be done in the house at night, when windows should not let in light: instead of glasses or external shutters, install similar wind turbines.

A support in the form of a tripod for a lamppost or a cellular antenna will generate electricity if we, in each “leg”, dividing them across into two parts, place the above-described power-generating mount at the junction. A lantern or antenna pole can be placed in a hollow cylinder buried and reinforced with similar electric generators placed around the outer rim - this is another option.

Lanterns on poles equipped with such a “support” can work independently, without supplying power cables to them - after all, they always swing from the wind or from vibrations of the roadway. Such lanterns should be in great demand where either there are no power plants, or the area is not yet "covered" by wiring.

In addition, translational generators allow us to use also such “natural wind intakes” as trees, because their branches sway from the wind. With trees, it is better to use solenoid-type generators, and not on piezocrystals. Solenoids with magnets and springs will provide a soft "harness".

Here is one of options using branch swing. We fix one rope coming from the bobbin of an electric coil on the trunk or attach it to an “anchor” (such as a sea anchor) buried in the ground, and we fix the second, connected to a magnet, to a swinging branch. You can not fix the bobbin - leave only the connection with the branch. Then the generator will work from a shake, which will be provided to it by the swinging of the branch from the wind (the spring will not let the coil fall).

"Flying" electricity

As for the inflatable "working bodies" for translational wind power generators, many have seen advertising inflatable figures on gas stations that sway from the wind.

Such inflatable forms (they can be made in the form of balls, ellipsoids, air mattresses, etc.) can also work on environmentally friendly electricity. Their advantage is that, having “untied themselves” and driven by the wind, they do not seriously injure any of the people.

So, for example, you can use a balloon as a working fluid for a solenoid-type translational wind power generator. The magnet is attached to the ball, and the coil is “anchored”, and it is better to use elastic connections so as not to break the ball and damage the coil and electronics (rectifier, smoothing and storage systems mentioned above).

Wind energy can also be used to generate electricity on sailing ships at the places where the sails are attached (electrically generating mounts on piezocrystals are more suitable here so as not to create large movements). The generated electricity will be used to charge the battery as an additional energy opportunity in case of calm, for driving on an electric motor and for the internal needs of the vessel, for example, for lighting and refrigeration units.

Wave energy

Now let's see how to use the energy of sea and river waves. It is possible to make such progressive action generators, where not large shields or other large geometric shapes, but small plates, will serve as working bodies.

Power-generating mounts will remain the same (on solenoids or on piezocrystals), but only smaller. We will install sets of such lamellar electric generators on floating facilities at the level of their waterlines. They (generators), due to their small size, will not spoil the contour of the ship too much. Care should also be taken to waterproof the generators by placing them under a waterproof elastic shell. The waves hitting the vessel (on the plates) will generate electricity for the engine (chassis) and for the internal needs of the vessel, which will make it possible to get rid of the bulky and dangerous (turning over the craft) sail, which, moreover, is difficult to go against the wind, and polluting environment motors and generators of internal combustion.

Using the wave energy near the shore is even easier by attaching the solenoids to the pier, landing stage or other structure. Here we take more shields and mounts: in this case, streamlining will only hurt.

Raft Generator

For the same purpose (the use of wave energy), a “raft-electric generator” is intended. Here, the waves will provide the movement of the floats relative to each other, which, with the help of hinged racks, will cause the magnets to move relative to the solenoids.

Recall that magnets, solenoids, and springs make up translational generators attached to hinged racks. The battery and the electronic unit are enclosed in a common rigid casing suspended on ropes from the racks.

The system of racks, hinges and springs, without completely limiting the mutual movements of the floats, at the same time will not allow the raft to fall apart. And the relative movement of the magnets and solenoids will ensure the generation of current in the solenoid windings, which will be transmitted through wires to the electronic unit. There it will pass through a rectifier and a smoothing element, after which it will enter the raft's battery or be transferred via cables to the shore or to the ship towing the raft for its energy needs.

For a more complete use of all directions of wave action, it is possible to make a conglomerate of such rafts, placing them at an optimal angle relative to each other, or on one raft to make a complex (taking into account all possible relative movements of the floats), more complex system of racks of hinges and springs.

Using water level differences

Progressive generators are also suitable for using the energy of water level differences at rivers, waterfalls, tides and tides. They will work instead of hydro turbines. Their efficiency, according to preliminary estimates, is less, but translational generators, together with related devices, are easier to build here: after all, hydroturbine generators, due to their belonging to rotating ones, need manufacturing accuracy, balancing and good bearings.

The simplest to implement is the following scheme. The solenoid is fixed on the shore (very well to the bridge) of a river or waterfall, and a float lowered into the water is attached to the magnet. If the current is turbulent, as we observe in fast rivers and waterfalls, then the float will oscillate and transmit vibrations to the magnet, which is what is required to generate electricity. The magnet together with the float will not float away due to the fact that the magnet is fixed to the bottom of the solenoid bobbin by a spring. This scheme is very similar to the above float scheme for using wave energy.

There is another rather well-known system. From above, a continuous stream of water flows into the storage bowl, for example, from a drainage channel from a river. The bowl is filling up. When the hydrostatic pressure on the end of the tube located in this container exceeds a certain “closing threshold” (after all, there is still air in the tube), water will begin to pass through it and pour out onto the translational generator below. The water level in the bowl will drop below the curved end of the tube, and the air will again “block” it.

Due to the inflow of water from above, the tank will again be filled to the maximum level. And with it, hydrostatic pressure is able to "unlock" the tube (and so on). This ensures an intermittent drop of water on the progressive generator, which is required for generating electricity. After the “work” is completed, the water will flow down to the water collector, from where it will flow back into the river through the appropriate channel, but at a lower level.

Translational generators designed to use intermittent drops of liquid on them look like this. Solenoid type - here an inclined cuvette for collecting and draining water is rigidly attached to a magnet located inside a fixed solenoid. And the magnet itself is supported from below by a spring fixed to the bottom of the solenoid bobbin. Piezoelectric type - here the same cuvette is based on a piezoelectric crystal.

There is a device of the same purpose, but of a different type - it is a bowl that rotates (in a vertical plane) on a hinge. It has different centers of gravity in the unfilled and filled states. In the unfilled state, the bowl is in stable equilibrium: it rests on a hinge and a stand. The vertical, lowered from its center of gravity, passes through the support area. But as the bowl is filled with water, for example, from the outlet channel from the river, its center of gravity shifts. And when the vertical, lowered from the new center of gravity, goes beyond the area of ​​​​support, the bowl will begin to turn over.

As you turn over, the vertical from the center of gravity will more and more go beyond the support area. In the end, the liquid from the bowl will pour out onto the forward generator, and then into the water collector and into the channel returning to the river. The empty bowl will return to its original position of stable equilibrium, begin to fill with water again, and the cycle will repeat.

Design improvement

You can think of many more possibilities for the use of progressive electric generators, options for their design and related devices. The author hopes that these generators will occupy their "niche" in the field of generating environmentally friendly electricity.

If, for some reason, translational electric generators cannot be built and applied, or there are already conventional generators operating from rotational movements, then some translational movements that have sufficient amplitude (for example, the swinging of tree branches from the wind, the movement of a float or a balloon), can still be used, since there are mechanical transmissions that convert translational movements into rotational ones.

You can name, for example, rack and pinion gear, screw (like a children's toy - yule) and belt with a reel: we wind a strap, fishing line or cable on the reel and attach a return spring to it, for example, a spiral one. And for even greater efficiency in generating electricity in this way, it is necessary to put a gearbox as a multiplier, as in a car or a bicycle, and switch speeds (gear ratio) depending on the strength of the wind or waves for the current day or hour.

If we estimate how much of the "surface" air surface exposed to winds is not yet "used" to generate electricity, which water surface with waves and how many rivers and waterfalls are not yet "working" (this is not to mention the sun's rays and geothermal sources), we will see that clean energy has a great future.

I decided to show to the public my generator assembled on a bicycle hub from the rear wheel. I have a cottage on the river bank. Often in the summer we spend the night with children in the country and there is no electricity, and I was pushed to assemble this generator. In fact, this generator is already the second. The first one was simpler and weaker. But with the wind, the receiver worked. There is no photo of him, I have already taken it apart. The structure was not like that.

All the details of my generator can be found if desired. I took magnets from burned-out loudspeakers (bell). These bells are hung at stations and railway parks equipped with speakerphones. I needed 4 burnt speakers. I asked for burnt ones from people serving these devices. He pulled out the magnets, divided them into 16 parts with a grinder. Magnets are facing each other with one pole.

There are 4 leads on the coil, because I wound 2 wires with a diameter of 1 mm each at once. If they are paralleled, the current will increase, and connecting them in series will increase the voltage, but the current will correspondingly be less. In general, I achieve the desired voltage by experiment. The coil is wound on a piece of pipe 50 threaded. On one side, the cheek is tightened with a nut; on the other, the cheek is welded. And attached to an aluminum plate and the plate is already to the base. If necessary, you can disassemble and change the coil. Wire 1 mm cross section, how many turns did not count.

Where to adapt this generator I still think, I can make the river work.

Manufacturing costs are:

1 bicycle hub 250 rub

2. a piece of pipe with a nut 70 rubles

3. welder 50 rub.

4. wire from old transformers and a strip was given by the same welder.

The generator has magnetic sticking. It takes effort to move. 10 -12 kgf on a 70 mm sprocket. About 3.6 Nm. There is a slight vibration at low RPMs. I tried to connect a small TV, and twisted it with my hands. There was a little lack of speed for the kinescope to turn around. At 1 revolution per second, the generator produces 12 volts 0.8 amperes.

Homemade low-speed generator for wind turbines

The type of generator assembly was tested on a wind turbine with a three-blade rotor with a diameter of 2.5 m. At a wind speed of 12 m / s, the generator gave out a charging current of 30 amperes, for a 12 volt battery.

Also used; NdFeB magnets, 1.5 - 18 pieces, winding wire - AWG 16, thick plywood and epoxy resin.

The brake disc was machined on a lathe, namely, a groove was made with a width equal to the diameter of the magnet, to reduce the effect of centrifugal forces.

To maintain an equal distance between the magnets, kitchen matches were ideal (after the glue had dried, they were removed).

Next, the stator was made of plywood, with a groove for a set of iron. Of course, the generator will work without it, but not as efficiently. The presence of iron located behind the windings almost doubles the magnetic flux density.

Then 18 coils were wound and placed strictly opposite the magnets.

After that, the coils were pressed down with a press for uniform thickness, and filled with epoxy resin.

The electrical connection of the coils is in series, i.e. single phase generator.

For testing, the generator was installed on lathe, maximum speed rotation of which is only 500 revolutions per second.

Homemade permanent magnet generator

I had disk magnets 25 * 8 in the amount of 12 pieces, the same number of coils. The magnet material is NdFeB. and which one specifically (N35, N40, N45) I have no idea. The gaps between the magnets are 5 mm.

The stator diameter is 140 mm, the inner diameter is 90 mm, the height of the stator iron is 20 mm. The white under the magnets is plastic. Holes are drilled in it for magnets, and under the plastic there is galvanization, and under it is plywood.

The number of turns seems to be 50, the wire diameter is 1mm. All are connected in series: the end of one with the end of the other, the beginning of one with the beginning of the other. At first I did not think connected the beginning with the end. The voltage on the stator is 0. It’s even nice - it means the coils turned out to be the same.

The thickness of the coil is either 6 or 7 mm. You can increase up to 10. I made a gap different. There is a difference in voltage, but not very terrible. And what else is wrong with me is that a piece of roofing iron about 0.5 mm thick is placed under the magnets. It would be necessary ten times thicker, as I now understand, for a normal flow closure.

As iron for the stator, I used some kind of steel tape 2 centimeters wide. In my opinion, the one that is used when packing equipment in large wooden boxes.

You don't need to put in any effort to pull it off. The generator turned out with the following characteristics: the resistance of the windings is 1 ohm, the voltage is 1.5 volts at 1 rpm.

The weight of the entire windmill is 8 kilograms, together with the propeller, tail and swivel. The generator itself is 4 kg. The bearings in the generator are pressed directly into the plywood.

I put a two-bladed windmill on a windmill 1.5 meters in diameter, that is, at 6 ms it should start charging the battery (I tried to get a speed of about 6, the angle of rotation of the blade is very small). Not so hot what starting speed, but I thought that the wind is not uncommon.

I put it in the evening, there was no wind, but by the morning the wind appeared and it began to spin, but I didn’t see more than 7 volts from it. I didn’t manage to watch it for more than one day off, but when I arrived a week later, and then after two, I was convinced that the wind in the Moscow region is a rarity (not just 12 m / s, as some manufacturers write calculated, but in general at least some).

Because an alkaline battery of 110 A * h was charged only up to 10 volts (it was discharged to 8, or maybe completely sour from long years of standing in a discharged state). It is necessary to calculate the generator and the entire windmill for a starting speed of meter 3.

Now I brought the generator from the dacha. I will conduct more detailed experiments. Today, I have already burned a light bulb at 12 volts by connecting a drill. I connected my generator to an oscilloscope - there seems to be a sine, in my opinion, such an even one.

From my experience in building such a miniature windmill, I made several conclusions (only I can’t say anything about the power and about the propeller too, I will redo it):

  1. The generator must be calculated, and then multiplied by two :-). At least, with my calculations, the generator sold almost twice.
  2. In the manufacture of the generator, the coils must be with a hole across the entire width of the stator (or slightly more than the width of the magnets if there are two disks). This is obvious, but in order to reduce resistance, I unknowingly made the coils small.
  3. It is not necessary to stuff anything into the coils to increase the magnetic flux through them. I tried to apply metal scraps, nothing changed, but it became impossible to remove, I had to pick everything out. I filled everything with epoxy.
  4. A power limiting system is not needed in the suburbs. Maybe this is relevant near the Gulf of Finland, but we have nothing to limit. Even on, they made the first windmills without a folding tail and nothing broke. And in the mountains the wind is stronger than we have.
  5. No sliding contacts. Well, I have not seen my windmill make at least a couple of revolutions around its axis. The wind actually rarely changes its direction to the diametrically opposite one. He lowered the stranded wire to the ground and brought it to the peg. Although I did it on sliding contacts, and then I realized that this is not necessary. Even in Sapsan, on very powerful windmills, a twisting cable is hidden in the mast.
  6. Rotary assembly on bearings - down. Increase the plywood tail area to compensate for the increased friction, and that's it.

Even a light breeze turned my windmill with a small tail, although the mast was tilted from the vertical. I had bearings, and the mast was made of a poorly fixed spruce trunk.

I have not seen this on any imported self-made windmill. Extra bearings to lubricate - no fun, in my opinion. And good bearings are very expensive. Why go broke when you don't really need to?

Low-speed do-it-yourself generator on magnets

Afanasiev Yuri Homemade generator I decided to show to the public my generator assembled on a bicycle hub from the rear wheel. I have a cottage on the river bank. Often in the summer we spend the night with ...


Three-phase synchronous generator alternating current without magnetic sticking with excitation from permanent neodymium magnets, 12 pairs of poles.

A very long time ago, back in Soviet times, an article was published in the magazine “Modelist Constructor” devoted to the construction of a rotary-type windmill. Since then, I had a desire to build something similar on my suburban area, but the matter never came to real action. Everything changed with the advent of neodymium magnets. I collected a bunch of information on the Internet and this is what happened.

Generator device: Two low-carbon steel discs with glued-on magnets are rigidly connected to each other through a spacer sleeve. In the gap between the discs are fixed flat coils without cores. EMF of induction arising in the halves of the coil is opposite in direction and summed up in the total EMF of the coil. The induction emf arising in a conductor moving in a constant uniform magnetic field is determined by the formula E=B V L where: B-magnetic induction V- movement speed L- the active length of the conductor. V=π D N/60 where: D-diameter N-rotational speed. The magnetic induction in the gap between two poles is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The generator is assembled on the lower support of the wind turbine.

The scheme of a three-phase generator, for simplicity, is deployed on a plane.

On fig. 2 shows the layout of the coils when their number is twice as large, although in this case the gap between the poles also increases. The coils overlap by 1/3 of the width of the magnet. If the width of the coils is reduced by 1/6 then they will stand in one row and the gap between the poles will not change. The maximum gap between the poles is equal to the height of one magnet.


Single-phase synchronous alternator and one wave coil.

The counter-wound coil reduces the inductive reactance of the generator. The value of the counter EMF of self-induction is directly proportional to the value of the inductance of the generator coil and depends on the current in the load. The inductance of the coil is directly proportional to the linear dimensions, the square of the number of turns and depends on the winding method.

Diagram of a single-phase generator fig. 1 is flattened for simplicity.

To increase the efficiency in Fig. 2 shows a generator circuit consisting of two identical coils. To prevent the gap between the poles from increasing, the ring windings must be inserted into each other.

Single-phase synchronous generator and loop distributed coils.

WIND TURBINE (wind turbine)

Wind turbine with vertical axis of rotation and six blades.

Turbine device: It consists of a stator, six fixed blades (for shielding and forcing the incoming wind) and a rotor, six rotating blades. The force of the wind affects the rotor blades both at the turbine inlet and outlet. For the upper and lower support hubs from the car are used. Doesn't make noise, doesn't fly apart in strong winds, doesn't require orientation to the wind, doesn't require a high mast. Large wind utilization ratio, large torque, rotation starts in very light wind.


Single-phase synchronous alternator with excitation winding on the stator without brushes, 12 pairs of poles.

For a long time I thought about how to prevent overcharging the battery without using mechanical devices in the design to increase reliability. The inductor generator performs the function of dumping excess energy. A heating element is used as a load, it is possible to heat water or tiled floors.

Generator device: The generator is assembled on the top support of the wind turbine. 24 steel cores with coils are attached to a fixed low-carbon steel ring; an excitation winding is wound between the coils on the ring. Excitation is supplied to the generator through wiring diagram from the lower generator. The generator uses 3% to 5% of the generated power for excitation. Any electromagnet is a power amplifier of a current source. The generator is also an electromagnetic slip clutch reducing the load on the bearings. On each bearing, 5% of torque is lost, on the gear 7-10%. AC frequency is calculated by the formula f=p n/60 where: p-number of pairs of poles n-rotational speed. For example: f=p n/60=12 250/60=50 Hz.

The circuit of the inductor generator, for simplicity, is deployed on a plane.

On fig. 2 shows a circuit of an inductor generator using less iron, therefore, iron losses will be less. The excitation winding consists of 12 coils connected in series.


Electrical circuit diagram devices for connecting the excitation winding of the generator.

The excitation current begins to flow to the generator only when the output of the three-phase rectifier reaches 14 volts.


The magnetic motor will rotate the generator if there is no wind.

The electromagnetic field is created by an electric current i.e. directed movement of electric charges (free electrons). Physical experiments it was confirmed that the magnetic field of a permanent magnet is also created by the directed movement of electric charges (free electrons). Given the general electromagnetic laws, it is possible, by analogy with an electric motor, to create a magnetic motor to convert magnetic energy into mechanical energy of rotation. The main condition for rotary engines is the interaction of magnetic fields along circular closed trajectories. Compound magnet “Siberian Kolya” meets these requirements.


The stationary generator is a static electromagnetic power amplifier.

It has long been known that a change in the magnetic field passing through a wire will generate an electromotive force (emf) in it. The change in magnetic flux from a permanent magnet in the core of a stationary generator is created using electronic control rather than mechanical movement. The magnetic flux in the core is controlled by an oscillator. The oscillator operates in resonance mode and consumes negligible power from the power source.

The oscillations of the oscillator deviate in turn the magnetic fluxes from the permanent magnets to the left and right sides of the core made of type-setting iron or ferrite. The power of the generator increases with an increase in the oscillation frequency of the oscillator. The start is carried out by applying a short-term pulse to the generator output. It is very important that the permanent magnet does not cause the core material to go into the magnetic saturation region. Neodymium magnets have a magnetic induction in the range of 1.15-1.45 Tesla. Transformer iron has a saturation induction of 1.55-1.65 T. The iron powder core has a saturation induction of 1.5-1.6 T, and the loss is less than that of transformer iron. Cores made of magnetically soft ferrites of manganese-zinc grades have a saturation induction of 0.4-0.5 T, an air gap is required to combat saturation.

Generator circuit with magnetization reversal of the power coil core.

Scheme of a fixed generator on toroidal (ring) cores.

Three rings, eight magnets, four control coils, eight power coils.

WPP wind farm

Non-Sticking Three-Phase Synchronous AC Generator with Permanent Neodymium Excitation and Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

DIY low-speed permanent magnet generators

I live in a small town in the Kharkov region, a private house, small plot.

I myself, as the neighbor says, is a walking generator of ideas, since almost everything is in its own

au pair done do it yourself. The wind, although small, blows almost constantly, and thus tempts to use its energy.

After a few failed attempts with tractor self-excited generator the idea of ​​creating a wind generator stuck in the brain even more.

I started looking and after two months of searching on the Internet, a lot of downloaded files, reading forums and advice, I finally decided on the construction of the generator.

Was taken as a basis wind turbine design Burlak Viktor Afanasyevich with minor design changes.

The main task was to build generator from the material that is, with a minimum of costs. Therefore, anyone who tries to make such a design should proceed from the material that he has, the main desire and understand the principle of work.

For the manufacture of the rotor, I used a sheet piece of metal 20 mm thick (which was) from which, according to my drawings, the godfather carved and marked into 12 parts two disks with a diameter of 150 mm and another disk for a screw that was marked into 6 parts with a diameter of 170 mm.

I bought 24 pieces online. disk neodymium magnets 25 × 8 mm in size, which I glued to the disks (marking helped out a lot). Be careful not to stick your fingers!

Before gluing the magnets to the steel disc, mark the polarity on the magnets with a marker, this will greatly help you avoid mistakes. After placing the magnets (12 pcs. per disk and alternate polarity), half filled them epoxy resin.

Click on the picture to view in full size.

For the manufacture of the stator, I used PET-155 enamel wire with a diameter of 0.95 mm (bought at a private enterprise Harmed). I wound 12 coils of 55 turns each, the thickness of the windings turned out to be 7 mm. For winding, I made a simple collapsible frame. I did the winding of the coils on a home-made winding machine (I did it back in the days of stagnation).

Then I placed 12 coils in a pattern and fixed their position with fabric-based electrical tape. The conclusions of the coils are soldered sequentially beginning with the beginning, end with the end. I used a 1-phase switching circuit.

To make a mold for pouring coils with epoxy, I glued two rectangular blanks of 4 mm plywood. After drying, a solid 8 mm blank was obtained. Via drilling machine and fixtures (ballerina) cut a hole with a diameter of 200 mm in plywood, and cut a central disk with a diameter of 60 mm from the cut disk. He covered the pre-prepared chipboard blanks with a rectangular shape with a film and secured them with a stapler along the edges, then placed the cut-out center (covered with adhesive tape) and the cut-out blank wrapped with adhesive tape along the markings.

I filled the mold halfway with epoxy resin, put fiberglass on the bottom, then coils, fiberglass on top, added epoxy, waited a bit and squeezed it on top with a second piece of chipboard also covered with a film. After hardening, I removed the disk with coils, processed, painted, drilled holes

The hub, as well as the base of the rotary assembly, was made from a tubing drill pipe with an inner diameter of 63 mm. Sockets for 204 bearings were made and welded to the pipe. A cover with an oil-resistant rubber gasket is screwed on the back side with three bolts, a cover with an oil seal is screwed on the front side. Inside, between the bearings, through a special hole, automotive semi-synthetic oil was poured. I put a disk with neodymium magnets on the shaft, and since it was not possible to make a groove for the key, I made recesses on the shaft half the diameter of the ball with 202 bearings, i.e. 3.5 mm, and on the disks I drilled a groove of 7 mm with a drill, having previously turned the barrel and pressed it into the disk. After removing the barrel in the disk, an even, beautiful groove for the ball turned out.

Then I fixed the stator with three brass studs, inserted an intermediate ring so that the stator did not rub and put on the second disk with neodymium magnets (the magnets on the disks must have the opposite polarity, i.e. be attracted) Here, be very careful with your fingers!

Screw manufactured with sewer pipe diameter 160 mm

By the way, the screw turns out to be quite good. Therefore, the last screw was made from an aluminum pipe 1.3 m (see above)

I marked out the pipe, cut out blanks with a grinder, pulled it together with bolts at the ends and processed the package with an electric planer. Then he untwisted the package and processed each blade separately, adjusting the weight on electronic scales.

Protection against hurricane winds is made according to the classical foreign scheme, i.e. the axis of rotation is offset from the center.

I adjusted my windmill tail by sawing.

The whole structure is mounted on two 206 bearings, which are mounted on an axle with an internal hole for the cable and welded to a two-inch pipe.

The bearings fit snugly into the wind turbine housing, which allows the structure to rotate freely without any effort and backlash. The cable runs inside the mast to the diode bridge.

pictured is the original

It took a month and a half to make a windhead, not taking into account two months of searching for solutions, now we have the month of February, snow and cold seem to be all winter, so I haven’t done any main tests yet, but even at this distance from the ground, a 21 watt car bulb burned out. I'm waiting for spring, I'm preparing pipes for the mast. This winter has flown by me quickly and interestingly.

A little time has passed since I posted my windmill on the site, but spring has not really come, it’s still impossible to dig the ground to wall up the table under the mast - the ground is frozen and dirt is everywhere, so there’s time for testing on a temporary 1.5 m rack It was enough, and now in more detail.

After the first tests, the screw accidentally hooked on the pipe, it was I who tried to fix the tail so that the windmill did not leave the wind and see what the maximum power would be. As a result, the power managed to fix about 40 watts, after which the screw safely shattered into chips. Unpleasant, but probably good for the brain. After that, I decided to experiment and wound a new stator. For this I made new form for filling coils. The form was carefully lubricated with automotive lithol so that the excess would not stick. The coils are now slightly reduced in length, due to which 60 turns of 0.95 mm now fit in the sector. winding thickness 8 mm. (in the end, the stator turned out to be 9 mm), and the length of the wire remained the same.

The screw is now made with a stronger 160 mm pipe. and three-blade, blade length 800 mm.

New tests immediately showed the result, now GENA gave out up to 100 watts, a 100-watt halogen car bulb burned at full heat, and in order not to burn it out in strong gusts of wind, the bulb turned off.

Measurements on a car battery 55 Ah.

Well, it's already the middle of August, and as I promised, I'll try to finish this page.

First what I missed

The mast is one of the critical structural elements

One of the joints (a pipe of a smaller diameter goes inside a larger one)

and swivel

3-bladed screw (red sewer pipe with a diameter of 160 mm.)

To begin with, I changed several propellers and settled on a 6-blade one from an aluminum pipe with a diameter of 1.3 m. Although a propeller with PVC pipes 1.7 m

The main problem was to force the battery to be charged from the slightest rotation of the screw, and here the blocking generator came to the rescue, which even with an input voltage of 2 v gives a charge to the battery - albeit with a small current, but better than a discharge, and in normal winds all the energy on the battery enters through VD2 (see the diagram), and there is a full charge.

The design is assembled directly on the radiator by semi-hinged mounting

The charge controller also used a home-made one, the circuit is simple, blinded as always from what was at hand, the load is two turns of nichrome wire (when the battery is charged and the wind heats up to red) I put all transistors on radiators (with a margin), although VT1 and VT2 practically do not heat up, but VT3 must be installed on the radiator! (with prolonged operation of the controller, VT3 heats up decently)

photo of the finished controller

The connection diagram of the windmill to the load looks like this:

photo of the finished system unit

My load, as planned, is the light in the toilet and summer shower+ street lighting (4 LED lamp which turn on automatically through a photorelay and illuminate the yard all night, with sunrise, the photorelay is activated again, which turns off the lighting and the battery is charged. And this is on a dead battery (I took it off the car last year)

photographed safety glass(at the top of the photo sensor)

I bought a photorelay ready for a 220 V network and converted it to power from 12 V (I jumped the input capacitor and soldered a 1K resistor to the zener diode in series)


From my own experience, I advise you to start with making a small windmill, gain experience and knowledge and observe what you can get from the winds of your area, because you can spend a lot of money, make a powerful windmill, and the wind power is not enough to get the same 50 watts and your windmill will be underwater boats in the garage.

The simplest anemometer. The square side is 12 cm by 12 cm. A tennis ball is tied on a 25 cm thread.

We never think about how strong even a small breeze can be, but it’s worth looking at how fast the turbine sometimes spins and you immediately understand how powerful it is.

Wind, wind you are mighty. (photo from the yard)

Do-it-yourself wind generator with an axial generator on neodymium magnets !

(do-it-yourself wind generator, a windmill with an axial generator, a do-it-yourself windmill, a generator with neodymium magnets, a self-made windmill, a self-excited generator)

DIY low-speed permanent magnet generators

Do-it-yourself low-speed permanent magnet generators I live in a small town in the Kharkov region, a private house, a small area. I myself, as the neighbor says, is a walking generator

The field of activity (technology) to which the described invention belongs

The know-how of the development, namely, this invention of the author belongs to the field of energy production and is intended to convert the energy of a permanent magnet into mechanical energy to produce electrical energy.


Rnrnrn rnrnrn rnrnrn

A linear electric generator with permanent magnets contains a housing made of non-magnetic material, such as aluminum, inside the housing 1 permanent magnets 2 and 3 are installed, made in the form of horizontally arranged cylinders with spherical bulges on the sides and mounted on shafts 4 and 5 with the possibility of rotation from drives 6 and 7 , which are step-by-step, energyless. Guides 8 are installed in the body, made of titanium in the form of rods, the ends of which are fixed on the side walls of the body 1. On the guides 8, a slider 10, a moving permanent magnet, is installed between two rotating magnets 2 and 3. The moving slider 10 is made in the form of a rectangle, the poles of which are facing the poles of the rotating magnets 2 and 3 with the possibility of free rotation at the moment when the slider 10 comes close to one of them. The slider 10 moves along the guides from one rotating magnet to another inside the electromagnetic coil (stator winding). When reciprocating from one rotating magnet to another, an EMF arises inside the electromagnetic coil in the stator windings as a result of the action of the lines of force of the permanent magnet on the conductor. The received electric power enters the rectifier 39 and the industrial voltage is removed at the output of the rectifier 39.

A device for moving objects, mainly game elements of toys (EP 0627248, MKI 7 A 63 H 33/26, 1994) is known.

The closest in technical essence to the proposed invention is a device for moving toy objects placed inside the housing at its opposite ends, and a moving element - a permanent magnet slider installed in the middle part of the housing between permanent spherical magnets (RF Patent 212479, MKI 7 A 63 N 33/26, 1988).

Rnrnrn rnrnrn rnrnrn

The disadvantage of the known device is the inability to convert the energy of a permanent magnet into electrical energy.

The objective of the invention is to develop a linear electric generator that allows you to convert the energy of a permanent magnet into mechanical energy to produce electrical energy.

As a result of using the proposed invention, it becomes possible to convert the energy of a permanent magnet into electrical energy.

The above technical result is achieved by the fact that

A linear electric generator with permanent magnets contains a housing made of non-magnetic material, such as aluminum, inside the housing 1 permanent magnets 2 and 3 are installed, made in the form of horizontally arranged cylinders with spherical bulges on the sides and mounted on shafts 4 and 5 with the possibility of rotation from drives 6 and 7 , which are stepper, energyless DC motors. Guides 8 are installed in the body, made of titanium in the form of rods, the ends of which are fixed on the side walls of the body 1. On the guides 8, a slider 10, a moving permanent magnet, is installed between two rotating magnets 2 and 3. The moving slider 10 is made in the form of a rectangle, the poles of which are facing the poles of the rotating magnets 2 and 3 with the possibility of free rotation at the moment when the slider 10 comes close to one of them. The slider 10 moves along the guides from one rotating magnet to another inside the electromagnetic coil (stator winding). When reciprocating from one rotating magnet to another, an EMF arises inside the electromagnetic coil in the stator windings as a result of the action of the lines of force of the permanent magnet on the conductor. The received electric power enters the rectifier 39 and the industrial voltage is removed at the output of the rectifier 39.

All rotating elements of the generator are made on closed-type ball bearings, and the guides are lubricated with graphite grease during routine maintenance. Moving contacts 14 and 15 are installed on the sides of the slider 10, and fixed contacts 16, 17 and 18, 19 are installed on the inner side of the stator winding 9 to control the drive 6 and 7 of the rotating magnets 2 and 3, depending on the location of the slider 10.

In the idle state of the generator, the magnets 2 and 3 are installed in the neutral position N/S to the sides of the magnet - the slider 10, respectively, neither attractive nor repulsive forces are exerted on it, everything is at rest.

A linear electric generator with permanent magnets works as follows

The toggle switch 36 on the control panel of the generator 34 is turned on, voltage is supplied from an independent current source (battery) and to the control panel of the generator 34. Automation sends a command to the drives 6 and 7 for controlling the rotation of rotating magnets 2 and 3 and they turn magnet 2 from the neutral position N / S side S to the N side of the slider 10, forming an attractive force, and the magnet 3 turns from the neutral position N / S 3 side S to the S side of the slider 10, forming a repulsive force, under the action of these forces, the slider 10 will begin to move from the PMT (right dead center ) to LMT (left dead center). Not reaching a tenth of the entire stroke of the slider 10 to the LMT, contacts are switched on - 14 movable on the slider 10 and 17 fixed on the stator, a command is given to turn on the drive 6, which turns the magnet 2 from position S to the neutral position N / S to the N side of the slider 10 , the attractive force ceases to act, but the repulsive force of the magnet 3 continues to act, forcing the slider 10 to continue moving.

When approaching the LMT, the slider 10 comes into contact with the damper springs 13, compressing them, slowing down, approaches the LMT, at this time the movable contact 14 closes with the fixed contact 16. A command is given to turn on the drive 6, which turns the magnet 2 from the N / S position with the N side towards the N side of the slider 10, generating a repulsive force. At the same time, a command is given to the drive 7, which turns the magnet 3 from the S position with the N side to the N side of the slider 10, forming an attractive force. Under the action of two forces of repulsion and attraction, as well as the expansion of the damper springs 13, the slider 10 changes its direction and moves from the LMT to the RMT. Passing inside the stator winding 9, the slider 10 with its force lines induces an EMF into the stator windings 9. Before reaching the 10th part of the entire stroke of the slider 10 to the PMT, the movable contact 15 and the fixed contact 18 are turned on, a command is given to turn on the drive 7, which turns the magnet 3 from the position N to the neutral position N/S towards the S side of the slider 10, the attractive force ceases to act, but the repulsive force of the magnet 2 continues to act, causing the slider 10 to continue moving. When approaching the PMT, the slider 10 comes into contact with the damper springs 13, compressing them, slowing down, and approaches the PMT. At this time, the movable contact 15 closes with the fixed contact 19. A command is given to turn on the drive 7, which turns the magnet 3 from the neutral position N/S side S to the S side of the slider 10, forming a repulsive force. At the same time, a command is given to the drive 6, which turns the magnet 2 from the N position with the S side to the N side of the slider 10, forming an attractive force. Under the action of two forces of repulsion and attraction, as well as the expansion of the damper springs 13, the slider 10, changing its direction, moves from the PMT to the LMT. Passing again inside the stator winding 9, the slider 10 induces EMF with its lines of force into the stator windings 9. The voltage thus obtained is supplied to the rectifier 39, which converts the "pulsating" voltage into industrial voltage. The cycle is completed, the generator has started working and continues to work in the same sequence.


A linear electric generator containing a housing made of non-magnetic material, inside which permanent magnets rotating from drives in the form of stepper motors are installed on shafts in the form of horizontal cylinders with bulges on the sides, inside the stator winding between the said rotating permanent magnets, a permanent magnet-slider is installed with the possibility of moving between them in the form of a rectangle with bulges and moving contacts on the sides, fixed contacts are installed on the inner side of the stator winding to control the stepper motors of the drives of the indicated permanent magnets, depending on the location of the permanent magnet-slider, while the control system of the stepper motors of the drives of the rotating permanent magnets ensures the closing of the moving contacts with fixed contacts when a permanent magnet-slider approaches one dead center to transmit a signal to the control system of these permanent magnet drives, depending from the position of the permanent magnet-slider for such a rotation of the permanent magnets, so that the permanent magnet-slider rushes to another dead point, while the electromotive force induced in the stator winding enters the rectifier.

In the event of a generator shutdown, it is necessary to turn off the toggle switch 36 on the control unit 34, a command is given to the control drives 6 and 7 and they set the magnets 2 and 3 to the neutral position N / S to the sides N and S of the slider 10. The force of attraction and repulsion ceases, the slider 10 stops in the middle of its course.


A linear electric generator containing a housing made of non-magnetic material, inside which permanent magnets rotating from drives in the form of stepper motors are installed on shafts in the form of horizontal cylinders with bulges on the sides, inside the stator winding between the said rotating permanent magnets, a permanent magnet-slider is installed with the possibility of moving between them in the form of a rectangle with bulges and moving contacts on the sides, fixed contacts are installed on the inner side of the stator winding to control the stepper motors of the drives of the indicated permanent magnets, depending on the location of the permanent magnet-slider, while the control system of the stepper motors of the drives of the rotating permanent magnets ensures the closing of the moving contacts with fixed contacts when a permanent magnet-slider approaches one dead center to transmit a signal to the control system of these permanent magnet drives, depending from the position of the permanent magnet-slider for such a rotation of the permanent magnets, so that the permanent magnet-slider rushes to another dead point, while the electromotive force induced in the stator winding enters the rectifier.

Thank you so much for your contribution to the development of domestic science and technology!

The utility model relates to electrical engineering and can be used in converting the energy of the reciprocating movement of parts and mechanisms into electric current energy. Linear Electric Generator contains a cylindrical body, a frame with ring inductive coils placed inside it, generating a magnetic core with disk permanent magnets with axial magnetization and opposite arrangement of the same magnetic policies and a gap between them placed inside a thin-walled cylinder made of a diamagnet. The generating magnetic core is placed inside the frame with ring inductive coils, with the possibility of reciprocating movement along the generator axis.

The utility model relates to electrical engineering and can be used as converters of reciprocating movement of machine parts into electrical energy.

A device is known that contains a case made of soft magnetic iron, a frame made of non-magnetic material with annular inductive coils arranged on it in a row, generating a magnetic core with annular permanent magnets (see RF patent for utility model 83373, published on May 27, 2009 Bull. 15), prototype .

The disadvantage of the prototype is the low efficiency associated with the loss of energy of the magnetic flux of the annular permanent magnets, closing through the hole of the annular magnets.

The technical result is increase in efficiency transformations through the use of disk permanent magnets, which, if the magnetic fluxes of permanent magnets are equal in the proposed utility model and prototype, will lead to a reduction in the dimensions and weight of the generator.

The technical result is achieved by the fact that the linear electric generator contains a cylindrical body made of magnetically soft iron, a frame made of non-magnetic material placed inside it, with annular inductive coils located on it in a row, separated by cheeks, generating a magnetic core with at least two permanent magnets with axial magnetization. A special feature is that permanent magnets having a disk shape are placed inside a thin-walled diamagnetic cylinder with a gap relative to each other, and the opposite arrangement of magnetic fluxes of the same name, are fastened by disk magnetic field concentrators with axial tips, pressed or glued around the circumference of the walls of a thin-walled cylinder. and have the possibility of free reciprocating movement inside the frame with ring inductive coils. The relative dimensions of said constituent elements are within the following limits: the height of disk permanent magnets is (0.3÷0.4) of their diameter; the gap between the disk permanent magnets is determined by the thickness of the non-magnetic spacers, and is (0.5÷1) from the height of the disk permanent magnets; the inner diameter of the cylindrical body is greater than the diameter of the disk permanent magnets by no more than their height; the length of each of the annular inductive coils is equal to the sum of the height of the disk permanent magnets and the gap between them; the stroke length of the generating magnetic core is not more than the gap between the disk permanent magnets; the gap between the thin-walled cylinder with disk permanent magnets and the inner surface of the frame with annular inductive coils must be minimal and ensure free reciprocating movement of the generating magnetic core.

The essence of the utility model is illustrated by graphic materials which show: figure 1 - design of a linear electric generator with a view from the end of the section; figure 2 - schematically shows the visualized magnetic lines of force, closing through the magnetic core and ring inductive coils.

The linear electric generator contains a cylindrical body 1 made of soft magnetic iron, a frame 2 made of non-magnetic material placed inside it with annular inductive coils 3 located on it in a row, separated by cheeks 4, generating a magnetic core with at least two permanent magnets 5 with axial magnetization. Permanent magnets 5, having a disk shape, are placed inside a thin-walled cylinder 6 made of a diamagnet with a gap relative to each other and an opposite arrangement of the same magnetic poles, fastened by disk magnetic field concentrators 7 with axial tips 8, pressed or put on glue around the circumference of the walls of a thin-walled cylinder 6 and have the possibility of free reciprocating movement inside the frame 2 with annular inductive coils 3. The relative dimensions of the mentioned components are within the following limits: the height h of the disk permanent magnets 5 is (0.3÷0.4) of their diameters D m, h= (0.3÷0.4) D m; the gap between the disk permanent magnets 5 is determined by the thickness of the non-magnetic spacers 9, and is (0.5÷1) from the height h of the disk permanent magnets 5, =(0.5÷1)h; the inner diameter D k of the cylindrical body 1 is larger than the diameter D m of disk permanent magnets 5 by no more than half their height h, (D m +h) D k ; the length l k of each of their annular inductive coils 3 is equal to the sum of the height h of the disk permanent magnets 5, and the gap between them l k =h+; the length l x stroke of the generating magnetic core is not more than the gap between the disk permanent magnets 5, l x ; the gap between the thin-walled cylinder 6 with disk permanent magnets 5 and the inner surface of the frame 2 with annular inductive coils 3 must be minimal and ensure free reciprocating movement of the generating magnetic core.

The end walls 10 of the cylindrical body 1 are made of a diamagnet, and on them inner sides dampers 11 are located. The number of disk permanent magnets 5 determines the power of the generator. Figure 2 schematically shows the visualized magnetic lines of force 12 disk permanent magnets 5, closing on the magnetic circuit and crossing the turns of the annular inductive coils 3. When the reciprocating movement of the generating magnetic core in the annular inductive coils 3 is induced EMF.

Ring inductive coils 3 can be electrically connected in parallel-opposite or series-opposite. In the absence of holes in the disk permanent magnets 5, the energy of the magnetic field is fully used in the conversion, which leads to an increase in the efficiency of the conversion.

1. A linear electric generator containing a cylindrical body made of soft magnetic iron, a frame made of non-magnetic material placed inside it with annular inductive coils located on it in a row, separated by cheeks, generating a magnetic core with at least two permanent magnets with axial magnetization, characterized in that disk-shaped permanent magnets are placed inside a thin-walled diamagnet cylinder with a gap relative to each other and opposite magnetic poles of the same name, fastened by disk magnetic field concentrators with axial tips, pressed or glued along the circumference of the walls of the thin-walled cylinder and have the possibility of free return translational movement inside the frame with ring inductive coils.

2. The generator according to claim 1, characterized in that the relative dimensions of the said components are within the following limits: the height of the disk permanent magnets is (0.3÷0.4) of their diameter; the gap between the disk permanent magnets is determined by the thickness of the non-magnetic spacers and is (0.5÷1) of the height of the disk permanent magnets; the inner diameter of the cylindrical body is greater than the diameter of the disk permanent magnets by no more than their height; the length of each of the annular inductive coils is equal to the sum of the height of the disk permanent magnets and the gap between them; the stroke length of the generating magnetic core is not more than the gap between the disk permanent magnets; the gap between the thin-walled cylinder with disk permanent magnets and the inner surface of the frame with annular inductive coils must be minimal and ensure free reciprocating movement of the generating magnetic core.

Similar patents:

A useful model of an electric alternator relates to electrical engineering, namely to motor-generator systems, and can be used in the design and manufacture of alternating current sources, including transport.

[email protected]

Yuri Skoromets

In the internal combustion engines familiar to us, the initial link, the pistons, perform a reciprocating motion. Then this movement, with the help of a crank mechanism, is converted into rotational. In some devices, the first and last link perform the same kind of movement.

For example, in an engine-generator, there is no need to first convert the reciprocating motion into rotational, and then, in the generator, extract the rectilinear component from this rotational motion, that is, make two opposite transformations.

The modern development of electronic converting technology makes it possible to adapt the output voltage of a linear electric generator for the consumer, this makes it possible to create a device in which part of a closed electrical circuit does not perform rotational movement in a magnetic field, but reciprocates along with the connecting rod of an internal combustion engine. Diagrams explaining the principle of operation of a traditional and linear generator are shown in fig. one.

Rice. 1. Scheme of a linear and conventional electric generator.

In a conventional generator, a wire frame is used to obtain voltage, rotating in a magnetic field and driven by an external propulsion device. In the proposed generator, the wire loop moves linearly in a magnetic field. This small and unprincipled difference makes it possible to significantly simplify and reduce the cost of the mover if an internal combustion engine is used as it.

Also, in a reciprocating compressor driven by a reciprocating engine, the input and output links reciprocate, fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Scheme of a linear and conventional compressor.

Linear motor advantages

  1. Small dimensions and weight, due to the lack of a crank mechanism.
  2. High MTBF, due to the absence of a crank mechanism and due to the presence of only longitudinal loads.
  3. Low price, due to the lack of a crank mechanism.
  4. Manufacturability - for the manufacture of parts, only labor-intensive operations, turning and milling, are needed.
  5. Ability to switch to another type of fuel without stopping the engine.

    Ignition control using pressure when compressing the working mixture.

    For a conventional engine to supply electrical voltage (current) to the spark plug, two conditions must be met:

    The first condition is determined by the kinematics of the crank mechanism - the piston must be at top dead center (ignoring the ignition timing);

    The second condition is determined by the thermodynamic cycle - the pressure in the combustion chamber, before the working cycle, must correspond to the fuel used.

    It is very difficult to fulfill both conditions at the same time. When air or a working mixture is compressed, the compressible gas leaks in the combustion chamber through the piston rings, etc. The slower the compression occurs (the slower the motor shaft rotates), the higher the leakage. In this case, the pressure in the combustion chamber, before the working cycle, becomes less than optimal and the working cycle occurs under non-optimal conditions. Coefficient useful action engine drops. That is, it is possible to ensure a high efficiency of the engine only in a narrow range of speeds of rotation of the output shaft.

    Therefore, for example, the efficiency of the engine at the stand is approximately 40%, and in real conditions, on a car, under different driving modes, this value drops to 10 ... 12%.

    In a linear motor there is no crank mechanism, so the first condition does not need to be met, it does not matter where the piston is before the operating cycle, only the gas pressure in the combustion chamber before the operating cycle matters. Therefore, if the supply of electrical voltage (current) to the spark plug is controlled not by the position of the piston, but by the pressure in the combustion chamber, then the operating cycle (ignition) will always start at the optimum pressure, regardless of the engine speed, fig. 3.

    Rice. 3. Ignition control by cylinder pressure, in the "compression" cycle.

    Thus, in any operating mode of a linear motor, we will have the maximum loop area of ​​the thermodynamic Carnot cycle, respectively, and a high efficiency under different operating modes of the motor.

    Controlling the ignition with the help of pressure in the combustion chamber also makes it possible to “painlessly” switch to other types of fuel. For example, when switching from a high-octane fuel to a low-octane fuel, in a linear engine, it is only necessary to command the ignition system to supply electrical voltage (current) to the spark plug at a lower pressure. In a conventional engine, for this it would be necessary to change the geometric dimensions of the piston or cylinder.

    Ignition control by cylinder pressure can be implemented using

    piezoelectric or capacitive pressure measurement method.

    The pressure sensor is made in the form of a washer, which is placed under the cylinder head stud nut, fig. 3. The force of gas pressure in the compression chamber acts on the pressure sensor, which is located under the cylinder head nut. And information about the pressure in the compression chamber is transmitted to the ignition timing control unit. With a pressure in the chamber corresponding to the ignition pressure of a given fuel, the ignition system supplies an electrical voltage (current) to the spark plug. With a sharp increase in pressure, which corresponds to the beginning of the working cycle, the ignition system removes electrical voltage (current) from the spark plug. If there is no increase in pressure after a predetermined time, which corresponds to the absence of the start of the working cycle, the ignition system gives a control signal to start the engine. Also, the output signal of the cylinder pressure sensor is used to determine the frequency of the engine and its diagnostics (compression detection, etc.).

    The compression force is directly proportional to the pressure in the combustion chamber. After the pressure in each of the opposite cylinders is not less than the specified one (depending on the type of fuel used), the control system gives a command to ignite the combustible mixture. If it is necessary to switch to another type of fuel, the value of the set (reference) pressure changes.

    Also, the ignition timing of the combustible mixture can be adjusted automatically, as in a conventional engine. A microphone is placed on the cylinder - a knock sensor. The microphone converts the mechanical sound vibrations of the cylinder body into electrical signal. The digital filter extracts the harmonic (sine wave) corresponding to the detonation mode from this set of the sum of electrical voltage sinusoids. When a signal appears at the filter output corresponding to the appearance of detonation in the engine, the control system reduces the value of the reference signal, which corresponds to the ignition pressure of the combustible mixture. If there is no signal corresponding to detonation, the control system, after a while, increases the value of the reference signal, which corresponds to the ignition pressure of the combustible mixture, until the frequencies preceding detonation appear. Again, as pre-knock frequencies occur, the system reduces the reference, corresponding to a decrease in ignition pressure, to knock-free ignition. Thus, the ignition system adapts to the type of fuel used.

    The principle of operation of a linear motor.

    The principle of operation of a linear, as well as a conventional internal combustion engine, is based on the effect of thermal expansion of gases that occurs during the combustion of the fuel-air mixture and ensures the movement of the piston in the cylinder. The connecting rod transmits the rectilinear reciprocating motion of the piston to a linear electric generator, or a reciprocating compressor.

    Linear generator, fig. 4, consists of two piston pairs operating in antiphase, which makes it possible to balance the engine. Each pair of pistons is connected by a connecting rod. The connecting rod is suspended on linear bearings and can freely oscillate, together with the pistons, in the generator housing. The pistons are placed in the cylinders of the internal combustion engine. The cylinders are purged through the purge windows, under the action of a small overpressure created in the pre-inlet chamber. On the connecting rod is the movable part of the magnetic circuit of the generator. The excitation winding creates the magnetic flux necessary to generate electric current. With the reciprocating movement of the connecting rod, and with it the part of the magnetic circuit, the lines of magnetic induction created by the excitation winding cross the stationary power winding of the generator, inducing an electrical voltage and current in it (with a closed electrical circuit).

    Rice. 4. Linear gas generator.

    Linear compressor, fig. 5, consists of two piston pairs operating in antiphase, which makes it possible to balance the engine. Each pair of pistons is connected by a connecting rod. The connecting rod is suspended on linear bearings and can oscillate freely with the pistons in the housing. The pistons are placed in the cylinders of the internal combustion engine. The cylinders are purged through the purge windows, under the action of a small overpressure created in the pre-inlet chamber. With the reciprocating movement of the connecting rod, and with it the compressor pistons, air under pressure is supplied to the compressor receiver.

    Rice. 5. Linear compressor.

    The working cycle in the engine is carried out in two cycles.

  6. Compression stroke. The piston moves from the bottom dead center of the piston to the top dead center of the piston, blocking the purge windows first. After the piston closes the purge windows, fuel is injected in the cylinder and the combustible mixture begins to be compressed.

    2. Stroke stroke. When the piston is near top dead center, the compressed working mixture is ignited by an electric spark from a candle, as a result of which the temperature and pressure of the gases increase sharply. Under the action of thermal expansion of gases, the piston moves to the bottom dead center, while the expanding gases make useful work. At the same time, the piston creates a high pressure in the pre-pressure chamber. Under pressure, the valve closes, thus preventing air from entering the intake manifold.

    Ventilation system

    During the working stroke in the cylinder, fig. 6 working stroke, the piston under the action of pressure in the combustion chamber moves in the direction indicated by the arrow. Under the action of excess pressure in the pre-pressure chamber, the valve is closed, and here the air is compressed to ventilate the cylinder. When the piston (compression rings) reaches the purge windows, fig. 6 ventilation, the pressure in the combustion chamber drops sharply, and then the piston with the connecting rod moves by inertia, that is, the mass of the moving part of the generator plays the role of a flywheel in a conventional engine. At the same time, the purge windows open completely and the air compressed in the pre-inlet chamber, under the influence of the pressure difference (pressure in the pre-inlet chamber and atmospheric pressure), purges the cylinder. Further, during the working cycle in the opposite cylinder, a compression cycle is carried out.

    When the piston moves in the compression mode, fig. 6 compression, the purge windows are closed by the piston, liquid fuel is injected, at this moment the air in the combustion chamber is under a slight overpressure at the beginning of the compression cycle. With further compression, as soon as the pressure of the compressible combustible mixture becomes equal to the reference one (set for a given type of fuel), an electrical voltage will be applied to the spark plug electrodes, the mixture will ignite, the working cycle will begin and the process will repeat. In this case, the internal combustion engine consists of only two coaxial and oppositely placed cylinders and pistons, mechanically connected to each other.

    Rice. 6. Linear motor ventilation system.

    Fuel pump

    The fuel pump drive of a linear electric generator is a cam surface sandwiched between the pump piston roller and the pump housing roller, fig. 7. The cam surface reciprocates with the internal combustion engine connecting rod, and pushes the piston and pump rollers apart with each stroke, while the pump piston moves relative to the pump cylinder and a portion of fuel is pushed out to the fuel injection nozzle, at the beginning of the compression cycle. If it is necessary to change the amount of fuel ejected per cycle, the cam surface is rotated relative to the longitudinal axis. When the cam surface is rotated relative to the longitudinal axis, the pump piston rollers and the pump housing rollers will move apart or shift (depending on the direction of rotation) at different distances, the fuel pump piston stroke will change and the portion of the ejected fuel will change. The rotation of the reciprocating cam around its axis is carried out using a fixed shaft, which engages with the cam through a linear bearing. Thus, the cam moves back and forth, while the shaft remains stationary. When the shaft rotates around its axis, the cam surface rotates around its axis and the stroke of the fuel pump changes. Shaft for changing the portion of fuel injection, driven by a stepper motor or manually.

    Rice. 7. Fuel pump of the linear electric generator.

    The fuel pump drive of the linear compressor is also a cam surface sandwiched between the plane of the pump piston and the plane of the pump housing, fig. 8. The cam surface performs a reciprocating rotational movement together with the shaft of the synchronization gear of the internal combustion engine, and pushes the planes of the piston and pump at each stroke, while the pump piston moves relative to the pump cylinder and a portion of fuel is ejected to the fuel injection nozzle, at the beginning of the compression cycle . When operating a linear compressor, there is no need to change the amount of fuel ejected. The operation of a linear compressor is meant only in tandem with a receiver - an energy storage device that can smooth peaks of maximum load. Therefore, it is advisable to output the linear compressor engine to only two modes: the optimal load mode and the idle mode. Switching between these two modes is carried out by means of electromagnetic valves, a control system.

    Rice. 8. Linear compressor fuel pump.

    Launch system

    The starting system of a linear motor is carried out, as in a conventional motor, using an electric drive and an energy storage device. A conventional engine is started using a starter (electric drive) and a flywheel (energy storage). The linear motor is started using a linear electric compressor and a starting receiver, fig. nine.

    Rice. 9. Starting system.

    When starting, the piston of the starting compressor, when power is applied, moves progressively due to the electromagnetic field of the winding, and then returns to its original state by a spring. After the receiver is pumped up to 8 ... 12 atmospheres, the power is removed from the terminals of the starting compressor and the engine is ready to start. Starting occurs by supplying compressed air to the pre-inlet chambers of the linear motor. The air supply is carried out by means of solenoid valves, the operation of which is controlled by the control system.

    Since the control system does not have information about the position of the engine connecting rods before starting, then by supplying high air pressure to the pre-start chambers, for example, the outer cylinders, the pistons are guaranteed to move to their original state before starting the engine.

    Then high air pressure is supplied to the pre-inlet chambers of the middle cylinders, thus the cylinders are ventilated before starting.

    After that, high air pressure is supplied again to the pre-start chambers of the outer cylinders to start the engine. As soon as the work cycle begins (the pressure sensor will show a high pressure in the combustion chamber corresponding to the work cycle), the control system, using solenoid valves, will stop the air supply from the starting receiver.

    Synchronization system

    Synchronization of the operation of a connecting rod linear motor is carried out using a timing gear and a pair of gear racks, fig. 10, attached to the moving part of the magnetic circuit of the generator or compressor pistons. The toothed gear is at the same time the drive of the oil pump, with the help of which forced lubrication of the nodes of the rubbing parts of the linear motor is carried out.

    Rice. 10. Synchronization of the operation of the connecting rods of the electric generator.

    Reducing the mass of the magnetic circuit and the circuit for switching on the windings of the electric generator.

    The generator of a linear gas generator is a synchronous electric machine. In a conventional generator, the rotor rotates, and the mass of the moving part of the magnetic circuit is not critical. In a linear generator, the movable part of the magnetic circuit reciprocates together with the connecting rod of the internal combustion engine, and the high mass of the movable part of the magnetic circuit makes the operation of the generator impossible. It is necessary to find a way to reduce the mass of the moving part of the generator magnetic circuit.

    Rice. 11. Generator.

    To reduce the mass of the moving part of the magnetic circuit, it is necessary to reduce its geometric dimensions, respectively, the volume and mass will decrease, Fig. 11. But then the magnetic flux crosses only the winding in one pair of windows instead of five, this is equivalent to the magnetic flux crossing the conductor five times shorter, respectively , and the output voltage (power) will decrease by 5 times.

    To compensate for the decrease in generator voltage, it is necessary to add the number of turns in one window, so that the length of the power winding conductor becomes the same as in the original version of the generator, Fig. 11.

    But in order for a larger number of turns to lie in a window with unchanged geometric dimensions, it is necessary to reduce the cross section of the conductor.

    With a constant load and output voltage, the thermal load, for such a conductor, in this case will increase and become more than optimal (the current remained the same, and the cross section of the conductor decreased by almost 5 times). This would be the case if the window windings are connected in series, that is, when the load current flows through all the windings simultaneously, as in a conventional generator. But if only the winding of a pair of windows that the magnetic flux is currently crossing is alternately connected to the load, then this the winding in such a short period of time will not have time to overheat, since thermal processes are inertial. That is, it is necessary to alternately connect to the load only that part of the generator winding (a pair of poles) that the magnetic flux crosses, the rest of the time it should cool down. Thus, the load is always connected in series with only one winding of the generator.

    In this case, the effective value of the current flowing through the generator winding will not exceed the optimal value from the point of view of heating the conductor. Thus, it is possible to significantly, more than 10 times, reduce the mass of not only the moving part of the generator magnetic circuit, but also the mass of the fixed part of the magnetic circuit.

    The switching of the windings is carried out using electronic keys.

    As keys, for alternately connecting the generator windings to the load, semiconductor devices are used - thyristors (triacs).

    The linear generator is an expanded conventional generator, fig. eleven.

    For example, with a frequency corresponding to 3000 cycles / min and a connecting rod stroke of 6 cm, each winding will heat up for 0.00083 seconds, with a current 12 times higher than the rated current, the rest of the time - almost 0.01 seconds, this winding will be cooled. When decreasing operating frequency, the heating time will increase, but, accordingly, the current that flows through the winding and through the load will decrease.

    A triac is a switch (it can close or open an electrical circuit). Closing and opening occurs automatically. During operation, as soon as the magnetic flux begins to cross the turns of the winding, an induced electrical voltage appears at the ends of the winding, which leads to the closing of the electrical circuit (opening the triac). Then, when the magnetic flux crosses the turns of the next winding, the voltage drop across the triac electrodes leads to the opening of the electrical circuit. Thus, at any moment of time, the load is switched on all the time, in series, with only one winding of the generator.

    On fig. 12 shows an assembly drawing of a generator without a field winding.

    Most parts of linear motors are formed by a surface of revolution, that is, they have cylindrical shapes. This makes it possible to manufacture them using the cheapest and most automated turning operations.

    Rice. 12. Assembly drawing of the generator.

    Mathematical model of a linear motor

    The mathematical model of a linear generator is based on the law of conservation of energy and Newton's laws: at each moment of time, at t 0 and t 1, the forces acting on the piston must be equal. After a short period of time, under the action of the resulting force, the piston will move a certain distance. In this short section, we assume that the piston moved uniformly. The value of all forces will change according to the laws of physics and are calculated using well-known formulas

    All data is automatically entered into a table, for example in Excel. After that, t 0 is assigned the values ​​of t 1 and the cycle repeats. That is, we perform the operation of the logarithm.

    The mathematical model is a table, for example, in the Excel program, and an assembly drawing (sketch) of the generator. The sketch contains not linear dimensions, but the coordinates of the table cells in Excel. The corresponding estimated linear dimensions are entered into the table, and the program calculates and plots the piston movement graph in a virtual generator. That is, by substituting the dimensions: piston diameter, volume of the pre-inlet chamber, piston stroke to the purge windows, etc., we will get graphs of the distance traveled, speed and acceleration of the piston movement versus time. This makes it possible to virtually calculate hundreds of options and choose the best one.

    The shape of the winding wires of the generator.

    The layer of wires of one window of a linear generator, unlike a conventional generator, lies in one plane twisted in a spiral, therefore it is easier to wind the winding with wires not of a circular cross section, but of a rectangular one, that is, the winding is a copper plate twisted in a spiral. This makes it possible to increase the window filling factor, as well as to significantly increase the mechanical strength of the windings. It should be borne in mind that the speed of the connecting rod, and hence the moving part of the magnetic circuit, is not the same. This means that the lines of magnetic induction cross the winding of different windows at different speeds. To make full use of the winding wires, the number of turns of each window must correspond to the speed of the magnetic flux near this window (the speed of the connecting rod). The number of turns of the windings of each window is selected taking into account the dependence of the speed of the connecting rod on the distance traveled by the connecting rod.

    Also, for a more uniform voltage of the generated current, it is possible to wind the winding of each window with a copper plate of different thicknesses. In the area where the speed of the connecting rod is not high, winding is carried out with a plate of smaller thickness. A larger number of turns of the winding will fit in the window and, at a lower speed of the connecting rod in this section, the generator will produce a voltage commensurate with the current voltage in the more “high-speed” sections, although the generated current will be much lower.

    The use of a linear electric generator.

    The main application of the described generator is an uninterruptible power supply at small power enterprises, which allows the connected equipment to work for a long time when the mains voltage fails, or when its parameters go beyond acceptable standards.

    Electric generators can be used to provide electrical energy to industrial and household electrical equipment, in places where there are no electrical networks, and also as a power unit for a vehicle (hybrid car), in as a mobile power generator.

    For example, a generator of electrical energy in the form of a diplomat (suitcase, bag). The user takes with him to places where there are no electrical networks (construction, hiking, Vacation home, etc.) If necessary, by pressing the "start" button, the generator starts and supplies electric energy to the electrical devices connected to it: power tools, Appliances. This is a common source of electrical energy, only much cheaper and lighter than analogues.

    The use of linear motors makes it possible to create an inexpensive, easy to operate and manage, light car.

    Vehicle with linear electric generator

    A vehicle with a linear electric generator is two-seater light (250 kg) car, fig. 13.

    Fig.13. A car with a linear gas generator.

    When driving, it is not necessary to switch speeds (two pedals). Due to the fact that the generator can develop maximum power, even when “starting off” from a standstill (unlike a conventional car), the acceleration characteristics, even at low traction engine powers, are better than those of conventional cars. The effect of strengthening the steering wheel and the ABS system is achieved programmatically, since all the necessary hardware is already there (the drive to each wheel allows you to control the torque or braking moment of the wheel, for example, when you turn the steering wheel, the torque is redistributed between the right and left control wheels, and the wheels turn themselves , the driver only allows them to turn, that is, control without effort). The block layout allows you to arrange the car at the request of the consumer (you can easily replace the generator with a more powerful one in a few minutes).

    This is an ordinary car only much cheaper and lighter than its counterparts.

    Features - ease of control, low cost, quick set of speeds, power up to 12 kW, all-wheel drive (off-road vehicle).

    The vehicle with the proposed generator, due to the specific shape of the generator, has a very low center of gravity, so it will have high driving stability.

    Also, such a vehicle will have very high acceleration characteristics. The proposed vehicle can use the maximum power of the power unit over the entire speed range.

    The distributed mass of the power unit does not load the car body, so it can be made cheap, light and simple.

    The traction engine of a vehicle, in which a linear electric generator is used as a power unit, must satisfy the following conditions:

    The power windings of the engine must be connected directly, without a converter, to the generator terminals (to increase the efficiency of the electric transmission and reduce the price of the current converter);

    The speed of rotation of the output shaft of the electric motor should be regulated in a wide range, and should not depend on the frequency of the electric generator;

    The engine must have a high time between failures, that is, be reliable in operation (do not have a collector);

    The engine must be inexpensive (simple);

    The motor must have high torque at low output speed;

    The engine should have a small mass.

    The circuit for switching on the windings of such an engine is shown in fig. 14. By changing the polarity of the power supply of the rotor winding, we obtain the torque of the rotor.

    Also, by changing the magnitude and polarity of the power supply of the rotor winding, the sliding rotation of the rotor relative to the magnetic field of the stator is introduced. By controlling the supply current of the rotor winding, slip is controlled in the range from 0 ... 100%. The power supply of the rotor winding is approximately 5% of the motor power, so the current converter must be made not for the entire current of the traction motors, but only for their excitation current. The power of the current converter, for example, for an on-board electric generator of 12 kW, is only 600 W, and this power is divided into four channels (each traction motor of the wheel has its own channel), that is, the power of each converter channel is 150 W. Therefore, the low efficiency of the converter will not have a significant impact on the efficiency of the system. The converter can be built using low power, cheap semiconductor elements.

    The current from the outputs of the electric generator without any transformations is supplied to the power windings of the traction motors. Only the excitation current is converted so that it is always in antiphase with the current of the power windings. Since the excitation current is only 5 ... 6% of the total current consumed by the traction motor, the converter is needed for a power of 5 ... 6% of the total generator power, which will significantly reduce the price and weight of the converter and increase the efficiency of the system. In this case, the excitation current converter of traction motors needs to “know” the position of the motor shaft in order to supply current to the excitation windings at any time to create maximum torque. The position sensor of the output shaft of the traction motor is an absolute encoder.

    Fig.14. Scheme of switching on the windings of the traction motor.

    The use of a linear electric generator as a power unit of a vehicle allows you to create a car of a block layout. If necessary, it is possible to change large components and assemblies in a few minutes, fig. 15, and also apply a body with the best flow, since a low-power car does not have a power reserve to overcome air resistance due to the imperfection of aerodynamic shapes (due to a high drag coefficient).

    Fig.15. Possibility of block layout.

    Linear Compressor Vehicle

    The vehicle with the linear compressor is a two-seater light (200 kg) car, fig. 16. It's more simple and cheap analogue a car with a linear generator, but with a lower transmission efficiency.

    Fig.16. Car pneumatic drive.

    Fig.17. Wheel drive control.

    An incremental encoder is used as a wheel speed sensor. An incremental encoder has a pulse output, when rotated by a certain angle, a voltage pulse is generated at the output. The electronic circuit of the sensor “counts” the number of pulses per unit of time, and writes this code to the output register. When the control system “feeds” the code (address) of this sensor, the encoder electronic circuit, in serial form, outputs the code from the output register to the information conductor. The control system reads the sensor code (information about the wheel speed) and, according to a given algorithm, generates a code for controlling the stepper motor of the actuator.


    The cost of a vehicle, for most people, is 20-50 monthly earnings. People cannot afford to buy new car for 8...12 thousand dollars, and there is no car on the market in the price range of 1...2 thousand dollars. The use of a linear electric generator or compressor as the power unit of a car makes it possible to create an easy-to-operate, and inexpensive vehicle.

    Modern technologies for the production of printed circuit boards, and the range of manufactured electronic products, make it possible to make almost all electrical connections using two wires - power and information. That is, do not install the connection of each individual electrical appliance: sensors, actuators and signaling devices, and connect each device to a common power and common information wire. The control system, in turn, displays the codes (addresses) of the devices, in a serial code, on the data wire, after which it expects information about the state of the device, also in a serial code, and on the same line. Based on these signals, the control system generates control codes for actuating and signaling devices and transmits them to transfer the actuating or signaling devices to a new state (if necessary). Thus, during installation or repair, each device must be connected to two wires (these two wires are common to all on-board electrical appliances) and an electrical mass.

    To reduce the cost and, accordingly, the price of products for the consumer,

    it is necessary to simplify the installation and electrical connections of on-board devices. For example, in a traditional installation, to turn on the rear position light, it is necessary to close, using a switch, the electrical power circuit of the lighting device. The circuit consists of: a source of electrical energy, a connecting wire, a relatively powerful switch, an electrical load. Each element of the circuit, except for the power source, requires individual installation, an inexpensive mechanical switch, has a low number of “on-off” cycles. With a large number of on-board electrical appliances, the cost of installation and connecting wires increases in proportion to the number of devices, and the likelihood of error due to the human factor increases. In large-scale production, it is easier to control devices and read information from sensors in one line, rather than individually, for each device. For example, to turn on the tail light, in this case, you need to touch the touch sensor, the control circuit will generate a control code to turn on the tail light. The address of the rear position light switch-on device and the signal to turn on will be output to the data wire, after which the internal power circuit of the rear position light will be closed. That is, electrical circuits are formed in a complex way: automatically during the production of printed circuit boards (for example, when mounting boards on SMD lines), and by electrically connecting all devices with two common wires and an electrical "mass".


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