What is the temperature in the maternity pool. Pool during pregnancy - moderate exercise is only useful

Natalia Garrett

Dear preschool teachers. I ask you to answer the question about your specialty. as an educator and educator. My child is an active boy, child, senior group. I go to the group in the morning, they work with children before breakfast. Notebooks and the teacher of the State Kindergarten torment all children with the malicious question "How much will it be 5-2". Why does my child need "5-2" at 5.5 years old???? Walks with the children: the teachers sit on the playground with their asses tightly stuck to the seat and all you hear is: Vasya, step back, Petya, don’t pour sand, Kirill, don’t jump. Dear educators, what about outdoor games with children? I NEVER SEEN to have outdoor games with children in kindergarten for all 3 years of visit. Why don't "educators" conduct outdoor educational games with children? Is this the norm today? A brook, and the sea worries once, etc. My teacher comes out and tells me that my child is in senior group does not complete the program in mathematics ... What kind of nonsense ??? Who came up with it? About the drawings is a separate topic ... You look at the drawings and half of the group of boys .. practically did not draw anything. I understand. that the modern kindergarten and school program is designed for barely moving comfortable children?



Good day everyone! IN Lately My daughter's restlessness is starting to annoy me. She will be 6 in August. And it seems to me that she has problems with concentration (or I just don’t understand something). As an example: we go to rhythmic gymnastics. Everyone listens to the coach, mine is in the clouds, distracted, chatting with other girls, playing ... I cursed many times, asked, maybe it’s not interesting, I’m not going to force. He says that he likes it and wants to continue, but he continues to indulge and 0 seriousness. At home, too, he does not sit still for a long time, it feels like the propeller is on his back, every second in motion.
In general, we spoiled her a little, now we are raking. She does not listen at all, we have to repeat several times what we want from her. It does, only when we impose another ban. Hysteria, promises that it will not happen again, but everything repeats. In the last week she received a complete ban on cartoons, sweets, walks after kindergarten ... How can I teach her to be more disciplined and responsible? Could it be some kind of hyperactivity?



It began with the fact that my daughter had a stubbornness. She refused to pee in the pot before her daytime sleep, and blew into the crib. The teachers complained. The problem was solved, in the kindergarten the bed is dry. Noo daughter told the teacher that I put her (daughter) in a diaper for the night. Well, the conversation turned out to be wrong. Because the girl is big 3.4 and it's time to wean otherwise she will write in bed. To wean is to wake up at night. And then the nanny complained that her daughter, having come from a walk, wrote on the sofa (an isolated case, this has not happened at our house since 2 years). And they say, this is directly related to the fact that we put on a diaper at night. I tried to wake up. My daughter is in hysterics. Roar for the whole house. But the bed is dry. So I think, how is it right? I don't mind waking up if it's for the good of the cause. But is there any benefit...


Irina Krasavina

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Swimming is good for all ages. Women during pregnancy when sports physical exercise are contraindicated, can also benefit from water procedures.

The benefits of swimming

Pregnant women in the third trimester feel "on land" overweight and clumsy. That's why swimming for pregnant women is a way to feel light and to be in a weightless state.

Water relieves tension in the body, muscles stretch more easily, fatigue disappears.

The upcoming birth is a burden on the body and its muscular system. Swimming exercises involve all the muscles in the body, thus preparing it for childbirth. The expectant mother will become strong and resilient, which will definitely help her during the birth of a child.

Immersed in water, it is very convenient to conduct training for tension and relaxation. So a woman can rehearse contractions. When the skill is brought to automatism, the body itself will know how to give birth correctly.

You can go to the pool at any stage of pregnancy. Swimming during pregnancy will only bring benefits.

It is no coincidence that many maternity hospitals provide the possibility of water births. Many believe that contractions are easier to endure in water.


Of course, there are contraindications. But they are most often associated with the state of health of women. If there is a possibility of a miscarriage and the expectant mother was prescribed bed rest, then naturally, bathing will be prohibited. In any case, this issue is resolved with the doctor, only he gives a certificate allowing him to visit the pool.


Under the guidance of an experienced instructor, a woman can do various exercises in the water. Here it is necessary to clarify that we are not talking about swims for time and speed, but about toning workouts that help strengthen the body.

A set of water exercises can be performed even for those women who cannot swim. There are cases when a girl during pregnancy. Expectant mothers are very encouraged. They overcome an important milestone, become stronger not only physically, but also mentally. After overcoming oneself, thoughts about future childbirth are more confident and positive. This confidence translates into the ability to maintain composure during the birth of the baby.

Swimming and pregnancy can bring mental comfort to a woman. The expectant mother finds herself in a team of like-minded people when she visits the pool.

diving during pregnancy

Diving brings great benefits before childbirth. Statistics on Japanese babies born show that the babies of diving moms are born incredibly healthy and physically strong. This is not surprising, because while diving, a woman holds her breath for long time. It turns out a kind breathing exercises. Such breathing exercises can be done outside the pool, but it is easier to do it in the water, besides, there is still physical activity that brings benefits.

Swimming is useful not only for a woman, but also for her baby. The upcoming birth is stressful for the baby, during the birth he will experience oxygen starvation. Therefore, breathing exercises with air retention train not only the mother, but also the baby. And if you think about it, the baby also swims, because inside the fetus it is in the aquatic environment.

How to swim better

As a recommendation, pregnant women are advised to choose crawl and breaststroke. very useful, it trains the perineal muscles, makes the leg muscles more elastic. Undesirable, because it is a very energy-intensive and “heavy” type of swimming. Also contraindicated. The reason is that the baby in this state will put pressure on the mother's circulatory system. But any of the available swimming styles gently trains the abdominal muscles.

Mom, being in the last weeks of pregnancy, is experiencing a huge load on her body. The entire musculoskeletal system and spine carry extra pounds in the stomach. Water is the most affordable way reduce load. Due to its density, which approaches the density of the human body, water helps to feel the state of weightlessness and forget about the earth's gravity.

Swimming can be done long before the conception of a child. In any case, water procedures will be beneficial. It is worth paying attention to your bad habits. If a woman smokes, overeats, drinks alcohol, then pregnancy should be a powerful incentive to say goodbye to these habits.

Where can you swim

Water procedures are possible not only in the pool, but also in natural reservoirs. For insurance, it is better to take a couple of friends with you to the company, or go swimming where there are lifeguards. Pregnant women in the last stages of pregnancy may experience leg cramps. Therefore, do not swim far and do not swim in deep places.

In addition, the water can be cold, for example, in mountain rivers. Do not go into the water if the bottom is not visible in it or everything around is overgrown with algae. Most best option: go no higher than the waist into the water. But the most perfect option is swimming in the pool sea ​​water. Salt, which is added to such water, disinfects everything around. This water contains little chlorine, which makes bathing safer for your child.

If a woman has gone through a doctor, and he has not given contraindications for swimming, you can start choosing a suitable pool. There must be a gynecologist among the pool workers, the pool must be clean, the descent into the water must be safe and convenient. If all the requirements are met, swimming will only bring benefits and joy to a woman.


Swimming benefits the body at any age. And during pregnancy, when physical activity is contraindicated for girls, they can still improve their health with the help of water procedures. During the third trimester future mom feels heaviness, feels clumsy on land. Plunging into the water, you can again feel the lightness, get rid of the unpleasant feeling of "burden". Water has the ability to relieve bodily tension, fatigue. In water and muscles stretch much easier. With its help, you can prepare for childbirth.

During childbirth, absolutely all muscles in the body of the expectant mother are tense. Classes in the pool will prepare the muscular system for the upcoming test. The girl will become more resilient and strong.

When immersed in water, it is convenient and beneficial to do exercises to relax and tense muscles. Thus, the body prepares for contractions. Over time, these manipulations will become automatic and the body will know exactly how to behave during childbirth. Various water exercises are recommended even for those girls who cannot swim.

What are the benefits of swimming during pregnancy?

Swimming has many benefits, but the most important ones are:

  1. And during pregnancy is a very serious and common problem. Swimming will help relieve tension and pain in the body, get rid of the disease itself.
  2. Uniform loads. Since when immersed in water, the load is distributed evenly on all muscle groups (abdomen, pelvis and pelvic floor), then during childbirth the body will already be well prepared for the exit of the child.

    Experts note that if a girl from the first trimester began to go to the pool, then during childbirth she will not have problems with ruptures, the process of childbirth will be easy and fast.

    Swimming also strengthens the back muscles. During pregnancy, girls often feel pain in the lower back, since it is this part of the spine that takes on the main load. In water, this tension goes away, the load is removed, the back becomes relaxed.

    Study water procedures It will also be useful for those girls who have been threatened with miscarriage due to overly tense abdominal muscles. In water, this overvoltage passes. Since it is impossible to lie on the stomach in an “interesting position”, immersion in water is a real salvation for expectant mothers. You can safely take the position with your stomach down and at the same time feel light and relaxed.

  3. Blood circulation in the body, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Due to changes in water pressure, lymph and blood begin to circulate much faster, blood in the veins does not stagnate. During swimming, the lungs work well, breathe deeply and evenly.

    Thanks to this, both the body of the expectant mother and the body of her baby receive the necessary dose of oxygen. In this case, the girl’s respiratory system also develops, which in the future will make it easier to endure the process of childbirth.

  4. Useful during pregnancy dive. Japanese statistics show that babies born to divers are born completely healthy and physically strong. This is dictated by the fact that during the dive, the expectant mother retains air for a long time. This breathing exercise is incredibly helpful.

    Exercises can be done outside the pool, but when immersed, the process is much easier. Gymnastics in tandem with physical activity will bring many benefits.

  5. . The immune system improved by all of the above factors. Since the temperature of the air is significantly different from the temperature of the water, exercise becomes a kind of hardening.
  6. Weight control. Classes in the pool make it possible to control weight changes during pregnancy and not gain extra pounds. Just one workout can burn over 600 kilocalories.
  7. Harmony with the unborn child. During classes, the expectant mother calms down, the body relaxes, the girl feels only positive emotions. The baby also feels all this on an equal level with her.

    Swimming will help the baby to take the correct position in the womb, which becomes an important factor in the diagnosis of placenta previa. Doctors believe that the expectant mother should swim more so that the baby turns over and takes the correct position.

  8. Benefit for the baby. During childbirth, the baby will experience oxygen starvation, which will become a great stress for him. And breathing exercises during swimming train the lungs of not only the girl, but also her unborn baby.
  9. Psychological balance. Swimming classes will allow a woman to control her body and feel self-confidence. There are many like-minded people in the pool. If you make new acquaintances, training will not be tedious and boring: there is always something to discuss with friends.

When should classes start?

If there are no contraindications, it is better to start with trips to the pool from the first weeks of the “interesting situation”. Many gynecologists recommend that their patients start classes even during pregnancy planning. The sooner training begins, the faster the body will prepare for childbirth, it will be possible to prevent the appearance of problems with varicose veins, edema and the spine, and the state of health will improve.

Stop visiting the pool when planning pregnancy and later, during the period of gestation, if a woman leads an active lifestyle and regularly plays sports, in particular swimming, there is often no urgent need. An exception to this rule can be predominantly only those cases where a woman has any categorical contraindications. And for the rest, with regard to physical activity, it is only recommended to reduce their intensity, to abandon strength exercises and muscle-focused exercises abdominals. In the pool, you should do special gymnastics, which is practiced in groups for pregnant women. Such exercises become an excellent preparation for the loads that the spinal muscles, muscles of the pelvis and abdomen undergo during pregnancy. Special health-improving gymnastic complexes of aqua aerobics are designed taking into account the state of the female body at various stages of pregnancy.

Water aerobics, swimming, diving helps to improve overall well-being and brings the whole body into increased tone. Going to the pool twice or thrice a week helps to reach the optimum and control body weight, which is a big plus when planning a child. Swimming also causes an increase in the buildup of the endometrial layer, which is another positive factor in increasing the likelihood of successful conception, due to the fact that there is an increase in blood circulation in the pelvic area.

It is necessary, however, to pay attention to the fact that in choosing a place for swimming and other exercise in water, preference should still be given to an indoor pool. Since open water bodies are often unreliable in terms of cleanliness and infectious safety. After all, it is completely inopportune if you still have to spend time and energy on healing some unexpected disease that delays such a welcome moment when a woman can feel the birth of a new life within herself.

The swimming pool when planning pregnancy, on the basis of this, requires a deliberate and comprehensively balanced approach, and prior consultation with the attending physician. Subject to all necessary conditions the chances of successful conception, safe bearing and the birth of a healthy child increase.

Contraindications to the pool during pregnancy

Contraindications to the pool during pregnancy primarily consist in the existence of a threat of spontaneous abortion. The question of whether it is appropriate to visit the pool by a particular woman “in position” should be decided during a consultation with a specialist, under whose medical supervision she is during the period of gestation.

This possibility is excluded, in particular, due to the presence of any copious discharge or, for example, with placenta previa.

A reasonable decision would be to abandon the pool for those women who have an increased uterine tone.

It is undesirable to go to the pool with acute forms of sexually transmitted infections, and in addition, in the presence of any other diseases that are in the acute stage. Of the latter, as an example, one can name, in particular, the exacerbation of tuberculosis.

The disease of chronic appendicitis also classifies swimming, diving and water aerobics in the pool as unacceptable activities during pregnancy.

During the period of bearing a child, women who have any of the number of systemic blood diseases should refuse to visit the pool.

The pool is banned for uterine bleeding, eclampsia, preeclampsia in pregnant women.

The inadmissibility of physical stress during swimming and performing exercises in the water is caused by obstetric pathologies, the symptoms inherent in gestosis, and in addition, characterizing the phenomena of early or extremely pronounced toxicosis, which is accompanied by incessant vomiting.

Another contraindication is cases of habitual miscarriage that previously occurred in each previous pregnancy.

And, of course, one of the main alarms calling for the need for a future mother to abandon the pool is the occurrence of systematic pain contractions in her after a session of classes.

Contraindications to the pool during pregnancy, given all of the above, of course, there is a place to be. Nevertheless, if a woman preparing to become a mother is not sick with any of the listed diseases, and there are no occurrences of all kinds of negative phenomena, it can be confidently stated that physical activity in water will be more beneficial than harmful.

Swimming in early pregnancy

The pool in early pregnancy, according to many, is certainly a positive factor. In some special miraculous way, immediately affect the best course of pregnancy swimming and water gymnastic exercises, of course, they are incapable, but at least they have a beneficial effect on the general condition and tone of the body of a woman who is preparing to become a mother. Therefore, visiting the pool is often advised to start literally in the first weeks in order to start preparatory activities for childbirth as early as possible.

So, after it was established at the consultation with the attending physician that there are no serious obstacles to this, the path to the pool is completely free.

Often, expectant mothers may be concerned about the possibility of easily getting some kind of unpleasant disease as a result of being in a public pool. After all, a limited volume of water, into which a large number of very different people are immersed, seems to be an ideal environment for the development and reproduction of all kinds of infections and diseases. pathogenic bacteria. On this occasion, it must be said right away that such worries are mostly unfounded. Many modern pools are equipped with highly efficient powerful water purification systems, using special means in which there is no presence of chlorine.

In order to start exercising in the pool, you should definitely sign up for a special group for pregnant women under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

Swimming in the early stages of pregnancy, on the one hand, is a wonderful way for a woman to keep herself in optimal physical shape, and on the other, it appears as a positive psychological factor of great importance. In the process of communication in a group with the same expectant mothers, all the problems and anxieties that a woman has recede into the background, she acquires positive attitude and confidence that such activities are only for the benefit of her baby.

Swimming in late pregnancy

Pool on later dates pregnancy has as its main goal by no means to achieve some significant improvement in the general physical condition or to give the figure a special elegance of lines. The very essence of visiting the pool, swimming, water gymnastics exercises - water aerobics during this period is to keep yourself in physical shape with the least possible changes compared to the one that preceded conception and the beginning of intrauterine development of the fetus.

And, based on this, classes for expectant mothers do not provide for any intense loads. It is recommended to limit yourself to just walking and running in the water with high knees and accompanying it with swings of arms and legs.

An important aspect is the need to perform stretching exercises. Under the influence of warm water in the pool, the ligaments become more elastic, which is of considerable importance for the birth process. And after the successful birth of the baby in the future, this contributes to the restoration of the figure in a shorter time.

It is important to use the muscles of the inner thighs in the exercises. To this end, you can do the following. Holding hands on the handrail in the wall of the pool, while resting their feet on the wall, they raise their legs, spreading them as wide as possible. You should not rush so that the tissues have the opportunity to get used to this state. Next, you need to try to spread your legs even wider, as if sitting on a twine.

Swimming in late pregnancy, as we can see, helps to maintain the physical fitness of a woman who is soon to become a mother, and can also help prepare her body for the process of resolving childbirth.

Swimming during pregnancy in the pool

Swimming during pregnancy in the pool can be called one of the most effective methods which are able to help prepare a woman for the process of childbirth.

First of all, everything becomes easier in the water. And being in the aquatic environment, a woman in a positive emotional mood from the forthcoming joys of motherhood can fully receive only one positive from this. She is not weighed down by the weight of her own, bulky, pregnancy-altered body. For a while, she is able to feel lighter than a feather! Water in the most wonderful way helps to overcome stress, get rid of anxieties and worries.

Swimming implies that the pregnant woman's body during this process takes a horizontal position, which in turn reduces the load on the spine, skeletal and muscular systems. It is associated with a good level of physical activity, leads to the development of endurance and helps to strengthen the pectoral muscles. There is an assumption that the activation of blood flow in the muscles of the chest subsequently directly determines the best production of breast milk.

No less important is diving, which can accompany swimming.

Plunging headlong into the water, the expectant mother gains valuable experience of holding her breath, which will be useful during childbirth. And the little man inside her will learn to do without oxygen for a while. Indeed, with the completion of childbirth, he will not be able to receive more from his mother, since the umbilical cord connecting them will be cut off.

As practice shows, a child who has adapted to the phenomenon of such temporary hypoxia is more likely to move towards the exit in the birth canal and shows a better ability to adapt to the world around him after birth.

Swimming during pregnancy in the pool contributes to a good preparation of a woman for the birth process, both physical and psychological, and in addition plays a certain positive role in the development of the child.

Swimming pool during pregnancy

A visit to the pool during pregnancy is possible only if the expectant mother does not have any direct contraindications. Among them, the main ones are: an increased risk of spontaneous abortion or premature delivery, the presence of skin lesions, a high degree of toxicosis, etc. The next step is the choice of an institution that would meet all the necessary criteria. The pool must be clean and have safe and comfortable steps to enter the water. In addition, it is necessary that the position of a full-time gynecologist be provided among the staff of such a pool.

While in the pool, a pregnant woman is required to strictly follow certain rules security. First of all, it is necessary to learn how to evenly distribute physical activity, since excessive overwork entails a deterioration in the general well-being of a woman.

Exercise in water should be without fail accompany breathing exercises, which in combination contributes both to improving the state of health and serves as an excellent preparation for the birth process.

With regard to swimming in the pool, we note that its sports styles for a woman preparing to become a mother are categorically unacceptable. You need to swim calmly, without exorbitant efforts, and, of course, do not set yourself a benchmark in the championship in ultra-long marathon swims. You should limit yourself to short distances.

In order to avoid falls on the wet and very slippery tiles of the pool, and in order to avoid injury due to this reason, it is recommended to walk exclusively on the paths. And in order to minimize the risk of getting a fungal infection of the feet, walking barefoot is undesirable, it is necessary to wear slippers.

A visit to the pool during pregnancy requires constant monitoring by the expectant mother of her well-being. Chlorination in the pool is undoubtedly a positive factor in terms of water disinfection, however, on the other hand, bleach often provokes the development of dermatitis and all kinds of allergies on the skin. The smell of chlorine can also cause an increase in the symptoms of toxicosis, which is especially characteristic of early dates pregnancy. Because of this, so much importance is attached to the obligatory preliminary consultation with a gynecologist.

Pregnancy and swimming pool with bleach

The benefits of swimming and physical activity in the water during pregnancy are clear. This is a wonderful preventive measure against diseases of the cardiovascular system. There is also no doubt about their beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system. A set of special water aerobics exercises acts as one of the most effective preparatory measures for the birth to take place in a natural way, since as the birth approaches, it helps the child to acquire the correct position in the uterus.

However, visiting the pool by a pregnant woman is associated with a number of adverse aspects. Pregnancy and a pool of bleach is one of them, which often becomes a matter of concern and uncertainty for expectant mothers.

Chlorine - the so-called bleach - is used to destroy all kinds of pathogenic bacteria in water and prevent the spread of diseases. Chlorination of water in swimming pools has been a common disinfection practice for decades, and the negative consequences of its use have never been widespread. This, however, should by no means serve as a basis for considering this remedy completely harmless. On the contrary, the insidiousness of bleach lies precisely in the fact that its harmful effect begins to actualize only as it accumulates in the human body.

When a pregnant woman swims in water containing chlorine, bleach is absorbed by the skin, and from the mother's body it is in any case transmitted to the child in a certain amount. In the process of gradual evaporation of bleach, chlorine gas is released, and when it is inhaled (and if there is a smell of chlorine, then there is its presence in the air), both the pregnant woman and the fetus are poisoned. In small doses, this gas does not pose a significant danger, but over time, its cumulative effect can have a negative effect.

Researchers from Belgium argue that if a woman bearing a child at least once a week visits an indoor pool in which water is with bleach, the harm to the fetus can be compared with that from regular smoking for an adult's body. In addition, the opinion is voiced that from exposure to bleach, the child becomes more at risk of developing allergies and asthma. According to other experts in the field lung diseases this relationship is not clear.

Be that as it may, such a combination as pregnancy and a pool with bleach is fraught with a threat of at least dryness and irritation, allergic reactions on the skin of the expectant mother, and for a baby this can be fraught with a further tendency to allergies, the development of asthma and other diseases of the system breathing. Therefore, it is better to still opt for those pools that the water in them is purified in a different way, without the use of bleach. Fortunately, today you can find enough of them to choose the most suitable one.

The practice of swimming during pregnancy has been known since the 80s of the last century. Since then, gynecologists have strongly recommended that pregnant women go swimming and attend special classes in aqua aerobics. In this article, we will talk about the benefits of swimming during pregnancy and are there any contraindications, when should you start exercising and what precautions should you take?

Benefits of swimming during pregnancy

Swimming has a lot of advantages, it's impossible to list them all. We invite you to familiarize yourself with just a few of them.

In water, the load is distributed to all muscle groups, including the muscles of the abdomen, pelvic floor and small pelvis, which is very important, as it allows you to make childbirth easier and faster without complications. Obstetrician-gynecologists say that women in labor who went to the pool from the first weeks of pregnancy gave birth quickly, easily and without breaks.
  • It is also worth noting that swimming simultaneously strengthens the muscles of the back and relaxes them. Everyone knows how hard it is for the lower back during pregnancy. Very often, pregnant women complain of constant back pain, especially if the pregnant woman has pathological lordosis. In the water, the excessive load from the lower back is removed, and it relaxes.
  • Swimming is recommended for pregnant women who are at risk of miscarriage due to overexertion of the abdominal muscles. In water, the hypertonicity of the abdominal muscles is removed. During pregnancy, a woman only has to dream to lie on her stomach and relax. Water gives such an opportunity - you can calmly lie down on your stomach and at the same time feel how it relaxes and seems to float in the air
  • Varicose veins and edema. And varicose veins are a very common problem. Swimming allows you to get rid of these problems, or at least relieve tension and pain.
  • Circulatory, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Firstly, the pressure in the water changes, which helps the blood and lymph circulate much faster and does not allow it to stagnate. Secondly, swimming provokes deep even breathing, thanks to which all organs and tissues of mother and baby are well supplied with oxygen, and the respiratory system is also trained, this will make it easier to endure childbirth.
  • Here it is worth noting the benefits of diving. Rhythmic air retention allows you to learn how to control the breathing process during contractions, plus, air retention also trains the baby, who will have to survive hypoxia during passage through the birth canal.
  • Immunity. Of course, against the background of physical activity, improving blood circulation and training respiratory system significantly improves immunity. In addition, the water temperature is different from the air temperature, this creates a kind of hardening.
  • Weight control. Swimming during pregnancy allows you to control your weight and not gain extra pounds. Just one session allows you to burn up to 650 kcal.
  • Harmony with the baby. While swimming, the expectant mother experiences positive emotions, relaxes and calms down. All this is passed on to the baby, who, in turn, also feels good. In addition, according to obstetrician-gynecologists, swimming helps the baby to take the correct position. This is very important when - doctors recommend that a pregnant woman swim so that the baby can roll over.
  • psychological factor. Swimming allows a woman to feel much more confident, because she, in fact, controls her body, feels it and learns to control it. In addition, there is always a group of like-minded people in the pool, with whom it will be a pleasure to spend time, chat and find new acquaintances.
  • When can you start exercising?

    It is advisable to start swimming from the very first weeks of pregnancy, if there are no contraindications. Some doctors recommend starting swimming at the planning stage of pregnancy. The sooner you start swimming, the sooner you will strengthen your body, prevent back problems, swelling and varicose veins, prepare yourself for childbirth and feel great for all 9 months.

    There are only a few nuances. Firstly, during the period when the fetal egg is only attached to the uterus (first trimester), it is better to avoid heavy loads, i.e. pay attention to calm swimming and relaxation. Secondly, in the last trimester, more emphasis should be placed on breathing exercises and calm swimming.

    Contraindications for swimming during pregnancy

    Any physical activity has its contraindications and swimming is no exception. The main reasons for not swimming are:

    • risk of miscarriage;
    • copious vaginal discharge;
    • allergy to chlorine.

    In any case, a pregnant woman will be able to get into the pool only after visiting a doctor, as a certificate will be required in the pool.

    In general, if the general physical condition of the pregnant woman is good, then there should be no contraindications to swimming. But it is worth noting that this is a question of an individual nature, and you can only get an answer to it from your doctor.