When is the best time to harvest herbs for drying? Time to gather herbs

So summer has come, and hence the time to collect most of the medicinal plants. Do not forget about this, indulging in the joys of a summer holiday, because harvesting medicinal raw materials is no less important than growing tomatoes and cucumbers in the beds.

“Why prepare medicinal herbs yourself when you can buy them at a pharmacy?” - you ask. Asking such a question is the same as asking a summer resident why he devotes so much effort to growing the same carrot, because you can buy it for a penny at a market or in a store. The point here is in the special energy emanating from the harvest harvested by one's own hands. So plants collected with love and good mood will bring the greatest benefit to your health. It is even believed that some medicinal herbs for their own healing should be torn by the patient himself, only then they will have the desired effect.

But, going to search and harvest plants, remember that you are going to the temple of Nature, to its Green Pharmacy, in order to improve your health or the health of a person close to you. And for this you need to know exactly what herbs you need. You should not cut the plant "just in case" or "maybe come in handy" - this is a bad omen. Collect only what you need.

Medicinal plants will bring you real benefits if they are collected on time and in good location dry properly and store.

To do this, firstly, you need to collect only those medicinal plants that grow on clean, fertile soil away from landfills, industrial enterprises, roads and railways and, preferably, 30 kilometers from a big city. Yes, and it is better to avoid the neighborhood with collective farm fields - alas, it is now customary to treat the crop with chemicals. It is necessary to comply with this rule because plants intensively accumulate toxic substances present in the soil, atmosphere or water.

Secondly, different parts of plants need to be collected at “their” time. The aerial part of plants (flowers, leaves, grass) - at the beginning of flowering plants, fruits and berries - as they ripen, roots - usually in autumn, and bark from trees and shrubs - in spring, during the period of increased movement of juice.

Many plants have similar but toxic "twins" so it's important to only pick herbs that you know exactly how to say in the "face".

You should not go to collect herbs in rain or fog - it must be clear and dry outside.

If we talk about the time of day, then medicinal plants are best collected from 8 to 9 am or in the late afternoon, from 16 to 17 hours. Sometimes it is useful to collect plants at night, on a full moon, when the greatest amount of medicinal substances is in the above-ground parts of plants (flowers, leaves, grass) or on a new moon, when, on the contrary, all the healing power of a plant is concentrated in the underground parts (in roots, tubers, rhizomes). This is explained by the fact that during the full moon, grasses absorb more moisture, which, moving to the top of the plant, carries with it useful material. And on the new moon, moisture consumption decreases, and all useful substances rush to the roots.

Some medicinal plants, for example, lily of the valley, bitter wormwood, contain toxic substances, therefore, when collecting them, safety precautions must be observed - in no case should you touch your eyes with your hands, and at the end of the collection you should carefully shake off your clothes and wash your hands with soap and water.

Also, do not put the collected herbs in plastic bags. In them, plucked plants quickly suffocate, but in a birch bark box or a wicker basket they feel great.

We dry correctly

Properly collecting medicinal plants is not everything. Subsequent drying is no less important, because drying medicinal plants is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, for example, drying in a damp or poorly ventilated area, as well as late or premature harvesting of plants, can spoil the medicinal raw materials and turn out to be only in vain waste of time, effort and labour. So let's take a look at a few key points. proper drying.

First, it should be noted that there are several ways to dry medicinal plants: in the shade, in the sun and with artificial heating.

Drying in the shade is essential for herbs, leaves and flowers. With this method, plants are dried in the open air, under a canopy, so that ultraviolet rays do not destroy beneficial substances. Raw materials can also be dried on gauze hammocks, hanging them in the attic.

Drying in the sun is used for roots and rhizomes containing tannins and alkaloids, as well as for juicy fruits.

Drying with artificial heating is optimal for all types of plant materials, but at different temperatures for each type. For this drying method, Russian stoves or ovens are used. Herbs, leaves, flowers, roots and rhizomes are dried at a temperature of 50-60 0 C, fruits, berries and seeds - at 70-90 0 C, but herbs and fruits rich in essential oils, for example, St. John's wort, peppermint, thyme are dried slowly, at a temperature not exceeding 30 0 C, spreading out in a thick layer or tying into bundles.

The abundance of medicinal herbs and suggestions involuntarily raises a question. Is there any sense in herbs that are sold, for example, in a pharmacy or in an online store? Or maybe herbs, from which you can get the expected effect, you only need to collect yourself? In this article, we will deal with this difficult issue.

What affects the quality and medicinal properties of plants

The moon greatly affects the quality of the collected parts of plants. In this regard, the rules for the collection of medicinal plants are applied in practice.
Herbalists have their secrets and we will now reveal them to you. In a plant, the movement of juices and nutrients depends on the tidal force of the moon. The influence of the Moon on the earthly world exists, but it is not pronounced. It is almost impossible to see it. The only phenomenon that visibly demonstrates the effect of the moon's gravity is the effect of the moon on the tides. Our ancient ancestors associated them with the Moon. And they were absolutely right. The tides are so strong in some places that the water recedes hundreds of meters from the shore, exposing the bottom.
This phenomenon occurs twice a day. Moreover, ebbs and flows exist not only in the seas and oceans. All water sources are influenced by the moon. But far from the seas, this is almost imperceptible: sometimes the water rises a little, then it falls a little.
Since plants are 80-90% water, they should also be subject to lunar influence.

This mysterious lunar calendar

Long before the advent of the solar calendar, people used the lunar "analog". The lunar cycle lasts about 29.5 days and includes four phases:

new moon
Waxing Crescent
full moon
waning moon.

So, what actions become optimal for each of the phases?

On the new moon, it is better not to disturb the plants, on this first day they do not collect flowers, roots, grass, or fruits, since it is believed that at this time the plant falls into hibernation. Thus, the plants collected at this time are useless and will not bring benefits.

The period of the growing moon is considered the time of the movement of juices from the roots to the top. This is the time when you need to collect all the herbs, flowers, shoots, fruits. This period lasts approximately 13 days and the most valuable herbs are those that are collected three days before the full moon. In general, everything that is on top of the earth. Also, it is during these days that the most valuable honey is obtained, since there is plenty of moisture and juices. To do this, a cleansing pitching is done in the first week, and five days before the full moon, the bees bring fresh bribes, which they pump out separately. This the best time to collect nectar and pollen. Therefore, experienced beekeepers who know this secret leave such honey for themselves along with bee bread. (the frames closest to the left side of the hive wall on which there is a part of the bee bread brood and honey). Such honey is very useful and valuable because it has unique properties. Unfortunately, very few people know about this. And such honey is sold several times more expensive, mostly among acquaintances who understand this.

Full Moon - lasts one day and is also considered a turning point for the plant on this day, nothing is harvested. And if it is going to, then these herbs are already used more for magic and witchcraft. But this is not included in the topic of our article, we will describe it anyway another time.

The waning moon, when water returns to the root system, this period also lasts about 13 days and is very favorable for collecting roots. The most valuable and useful roots are harvested three days before the new moon.

As you can see, there is not much time to collect plants per month, and if you subtract rainy and cloudy days, then there are even fewer of them. You also need to consider the growing season of the plants you plan to harvest. The roots are usually dripped in autumn after the seeds have shed. Herbs during flowering, and fruits as they ripen. Also take into account the fact that within a radius of five kilometers there should be at least no settlements, no roads, no technological facilities, especially agricultural fields. We want the benefits of the plants, not the herbicides and pesticides that can easily be carried from the field to the plants by wind or insects. Therefore, collect raw materials in remote places, if possible, difficult to access. The farther from a person you pick a plant, the cleaner it will be, and the more benefits it will bring.

I also think everyone decides for himself that he needs someone who has enough of what is sold in a pharmacy, someone is looking for an experienced herbalist and pays a lot of money, and someone collects herbs himself. Everyone has their own level of development and consciousness, and the very goals to which a person aspires also differ. Someone wants to live longer healthy and someone needs material values, in general, to each his own. And now let's talk about the details and subtleties of this case.

What to collect?

Many herbs can be harvested by hand or (if it is difficult to do it by hand) with a magic knife with a white handle or a new knife bought and used specifically for this purpose. But there are some plants that need to be harvested only with a wooden knife, for example, ginseng root is dug up only with a wooden knife so as not to spoil it.

When to collect?

Herbs are usually harvested at dawn until the dew dries on them. It mainly refers to the collection of flowers and stems. The fruits can be harvested in the morning and afternoon, but the roots are dug after sunset.

How to collect?

Imagine that you are Spirit. You live in the branches of a tree, take care of it, protect it, negotiate with other Spirits so that they help or not interfere with your tree. And now the time has come and the fruits have ripened on the tree, filled with juice and fragrance. And then comes a creature that, without asking, breaking branches, reaches for the most beautiful and ripest fruits. He throws them on the ground, takes not all, but bites, some, throws them away, and takes some with him. What will it feel like to be alone with a damaged and robbed tree? Your permission was not asked, your work was ruined, you got the remnants of the former splendor.

Many people do not even know about the retribution that awaits them when they pull out a whole bush of thyme in a clearing without asking, cut down a tree in the forest or uproot steppe tulips. Every place, every plant is watched over by the Spirit. And if something is collected or spoiled, then the Spirit will avenge it. Of course, the revenge of the Spirit will not manifest itself with lightning speed, and yet he will do everything so that the offender experiences in his life the same thing that the Spirit experienced.
Therefore, prepare in advance. Take fresh bread with you (I recommend taking bread for offerings) or good milk or coins of any denomination. Take a handkerchief or natural fabric where you put the collected grass. Take a knife (if necessary). Going to the place where the desired plant grows, break off a piece of bread and say with all due respect:

"Spirit of the Place, I (name or magic name), greet you. Please accept this gift, let me collect (such and such a plant) in order to make an amulet (for such and such a purpose)."

Mentally ask where to put the bread, and put it where your eyes fall. Next, you will need to talk with the Spirit of the plant, from whom you will ask for its part (and not a simple part, but endowed with magical powers). Go to a tree, shrub, flower or grass, break off a piece of bread and say:

“Greetings, (name of the plant), please share with me your power, which (and you need to say what this power does, i.e. call magical property, which you need (and which this plant definitely has) for example, gives protection or helps to attract love)”.

Put a piece at the roots of the plant or on its branches. Cut or pinch, tear off or dig out the part of the plant you need. Fold your chosen plant into a cloth or scarf. Take as many magical herbs as you need for your purpose. You should not take more than you need, a sense of proportion is more important than ever. When you collect right amount, thank the spirits of plants and the spirit of the place:

“Thank you Spirits (name of the herb) and the Spirit of the place. Let there be peace between us."

You turn around and walk away without looking back.

So you will collect a plant endowed with magical Power. It will be stored in the plant for a year until the next season of the specific collection of this plant. If during this time you do not use magical grass, then it is advisable to burn it or bury it with the words:

“Let the strength of (such and such) herb return to her. Let it be so and so it is!”

Ecology of consumption. The moon greatly affects the quality of the collected parts of plants. In this regard, the rules for the collection of medicinal plants are applied in practice.

The moon greatly affects the quality of the collected parts of plants. In this regard, the rules for collecting medicinal plants are applied in practice; in the first phase of the moon, it is best to collect rhizomes, roots and root crops, especially on the sixth and seventh lunar days. During this period, energy and microelements are maximally located in the underground part of plants.
The second phase of the moon is most favorable for the collection of aboveground plant organs. The energy coming from the bottom up takes out a lot of microelements. Gathering herbs is best when the moon is visible.
The third phase of the moon is similar to the first. During this period, it is also good to dry herbs: trace elements and other useful substances are better preserved. The fourth phase of the moon is similar to the second in its properties when collecting herbs.
Quarter-moon short cycles of development (phases) are conveniently modeled according to our seven-day social cycle, - allotment. So, the statements of experienced herbalists, which seem absurd at first glance, that, for example, plantain should be collected on Sunday, in fact, have a solid scientific basis, namely, knowledge of the characteristics of plant rhythms.


The sun is a male "planet", so plants help to cope with specific male diseases. Plants of the Sun activate the processes in the body - increase blood pressure, increase hair growth, accelerate the maturation of abscesses. Solar plants invigorate, increase the tone of the body, strengthen the immune system. Plants of the Sun - dry, bright, flowering, round, yellow or golden in color, odorless or with a slight odor, grow in open places. The stem is hard, the leaves are hard. If the tree is tall and straight, with a lush crown. These plants are: orange, arnica, immortelle, valerian, grapes, cloves, heliotrope, red hyacinth, gentian, mustard, elecampane, angelica, St. buttercup, coltsfoot, lemon balm, almond, juniper, mint, foxglove, sea buckthorn, cucumber, dandelion, plum, mistletoe, walnut, eyebright, parsley, tansy, peony, primrose, plane tree, sunflower, wormwood, motherwort, chamomile, fragrant rue, sandalwood, pine, bearberry, poplar, succession, celandine, fennel, saffron, ash.


Elecampane - in early August, at noon, on the growing moon and on the full moon.
St. John's wort - in July, August from sunrise to noon, on the growing moon.
Ivan da Marya - before sunrise, in the second quarter of the moon.
Calendula (flowers) - at noon with a bright Sun, immediately after the new moon.
Mother and stepmother - in the morning at dawn, on the growing moon.
Melissa - in the morning on the dew, near the full moon.

Sea buckthorn - from noon to sunset on the full moon.

Dandelion (flowers) - in the morning after sunrise, on the growing moon.
Sunflower - at noon, on the new moon.

A succession - in the evening before sunset, near the full moon.


The moon gives plants multiplication. It affects the pistil, the protective covers of the plant and the fruit. Plants of the moon contain a lot of juice, they have thickened stems and leaves with a soft color and not a strong smell. Their flowers are white. According to US scientists from the University of Illinois, vegetable plants grow more intensively during the full moon and increase yields by 15-20%. Potatoes were grown in the experimental plot.
Lunar plants absorb diseases well. For example, white cabbage leaves are applied to the inflamed mammary gland. The magical plants of the Moon are the lotus and the white lake lily, the willow and all the trees inclined towards the water.
Plants of the Moon: calamus, watermelon, banana, birch, willow, seaweed, mushrooms, melon, larkspur, willow, hyssop, white cabbage, potatoes, watercress, water lily, laurel, lily of the valley, water lilies, linden, lotus, onion, juniper, carrots, sea buckthorn, cucumber, aspen, shepherd's purse, plantain, purslane, chamomile, lettuce, marsh cinquefoil, poplar, turnip, pumpkin, tricolor violet, field horsetail, white rosehip, apple tree.


Birch (bumps) - in the afternoon on the summer solstice, on the growing moon.
Cabbage, white - until noon, on the growing moon.
Lily of the valley - on the rising Sun in the morning dew, near the full moon.
Sea buckthorn - from noon to sunset, on the full moon.
Cucumber - before sunrise, on the growing moon.
Plantain (leaf) - during flowering, by evening dew, on the growing moon.
Chamomile pharmacy - in the morning by dew in sunny weather, in the first quarter of the moon.


Climbing, dry creeping shrubs, small-leaved plants and plants with variegated color, as well as all multi-component mixtures (including finely chopped salads). Mercury plants include: azalea, rosemary, birch, lingonberry, valerian, heather, bindweed, anthelmintic algae, mountaineer, peas, elecampane, sweet clover, blackberry, wild strawberry, Ivan da Marya, galangal, cauliflower, fireweed, clover, coriander, lavender, cinquefoil, creepers, marjoram, raspberry, juniper, wild carrot, coral moss, mint, birch mistletoe, hazel, fern, parsnip, shepherd's purse, parsley, wormwood, wheatgrass, chamomile, celery, knotweed, thyme, cumin, bearberry, shamrock arable, reed, dill, horsetail, hops, winter savory, succession, blueberries, mulberries, wild rose, horse sorrel, endive.


Lingonberry (leaf) - before noon, in the second phase of the moon.
Lingonberries (berries) - before noon, in the first phase of the moon.
Melilot officinalis - before noon, on the growing moon.

Strawberry (leaf) - before noon, in the second phase of the moon.
Strawberries (berries) - by morning dew, on the growing moon.
Raspberry (leaf) - first half of the day, in the second phase of the moon.

Mint - at sunrise, on the growing moon.
Mistletoe birch - after sunset, on the full moon.

Chamomile pharmacy - in the morning by dew in sunny weather, in the first phase of the moon.
Bearberry - in the first half of the day, on the full moon.

Horse sorrel - after sunrise.


The planet gives plants the following features: beauty, tenderness, aroma, attractiveness and charm, affects petals and flowers. The flowers of the plants are red-purple; white with a predominance of delicate tones, pleasant to the touch and taste. Venus has a fertile power and rejects everything harmful. Under its influence, plants accumulate the necessary nutrients and vitamins. It is she who gives beauty and harmony to flowers, endows them with a wonderful smell.
Plants of Venus apricot, marshmallow, wild rosemary, birch, elderberry, valerian, cornflower, verbena, wild strawberry, Ivan da Marya, Ivan tea, viburnum, marigold, clover, nettle deaf, gooseberry, lavender, lily of the valley, levkoy, lily, burdock, lovage, raspberry, coltsfoot, bearberry, almond, rejuvenated, lemon balm, mint, pale yellow narcissus, forget-me-not, black alder, holly, peach, plantain, wheat, wheatgrass, rose, chamomile, wild mountain ash, sundew, marsh cinquefoil, skunk, licorice, cumin, bearberry, umbilical herb, yarrow, dill, beans, fennel, violet, chicory, bird cherry, blueberries, sage, dog rose, tarragon, apple trees, orchis.


Ledum - about noon, near the full moon.
Valerian (root) - near sunset, on the waning moon.

Oregano - at the end of July, after sunrise, on the growing moon.
Ivan da Marya - before sunrise, in the second phase of the moon.
Ivan tea - before noon, on the growing moon.
Clover - at sunrise, on the growing moon.
Lily of the valley - at sunrise in the morning dew, near the full moon.
Linden (color) - at noon under the scorching Sun, on the growing Moon.
Raspberries (berries) - in the morning on the dew, on the growing moon.
Melissa - in the morning on the dew, near the full moon.
Peppermint - at sunrise, on the growing moon.
Cumin - at sunset, on the growing moon.
Dill - in the morning, on the growing moon.


Jupiter, together with Venus, ensures the absorption of nutrients by plants, protects and directs their development. Under its beneficial influence is the ripening of fruits, the harvest. Jupiter plants are large-leaved, spreading, often with umbellate inflorescences and hollow trunks. Plants of the planet help to restore strength after a serious illness. They cleanse the blood and liver. Oak is especially useful - a symbol of longevity and power. Plants of Jupiter- calamus marsh, aloe, aster, marshmallow, anise, watermelon, birch, henbane, lingonberry, cornflower, cherry, wild carnation, hornbeam, yellow sweet clover, oak, angelica, dope, honeysuckle, strawberry, calendula, cabbage, chestnut, cranberry, hoof, coriander, lemon, larch, linden, burdock, leek, lovage, daisy, lemon balm, liver moss, foxglove, sea buckthorn, borage, dandelion, comfrey, nutmeg, parsnip, shepherd's purse, tansy, plane tree, plantain, wormwood common, motherwort, rhubarb, burdock, beets, red and black currants, pine, cumin, scurvy grass, yarrow, dill, fig, chicory, mulberry, rose hip, horse sorrel, eucalyptus, apple tree, ash.


Calamus marsh - near sunset, in the third phase of the moon.
Marshmallow (root) - after sunrise, on the growing moon.
Cabbage - before noon, on the growing moon.
Cranberries - by morning or evening dew, on the growing moon.
Linden (flowers) - at noon, under the scorching Sun, on the growing Moon.
Burdock (leaf) - at the end of July before noon, on the growing moon.
Lovage (root) - at the end of August before sunrise, on the waning moon.
Digitalis - near sunset, in the third phase of the moon.
Sea buckthorn - from noon to sunset, on the full moon.
Shepherd's bag - before noon, on the growing moon.
Plantain - around noon, on the growing moon.
Chicory (root) - before sunrise, on the waning moon.
Horse sorrel - after sunrise, in the second phase of the moon.
Apple tree - from sunrise to noon, on the growing moon.


Calamus marsh, anemone, artichoke, basil, barberry, henbane, hawthorn, lingonberry, valerian, wolf's bast, buckwheat, gorse, hyssop, cactus, capers, cranberry, coriander, nettle, watercress, gooseberry, onion, buttercup, madder dyeing, mint, foxglove, sea buckthorn, sedge, fern, hot pepper, plantain, wormwood, motherwort, wheatgrass, radish, roses, marsh cinquefoil, boxwood, pine, arrowhead, blackthorn, bearberry, tomato, Chernobyl, black root, succession, thistle , garlic, celandine, wild rose, hops, horseradish, tarragon.


Calamus marsh - before sunset, in the third phase of the moon,
Lingonberry (leaf) - before the full moon, in the second phase of the moon.
Cranberries - by morning or evening dew, on the growing moon.
Sea buckthorn - from noon to sunset on the full moon.
Motherwort - around noon, on the growing moon.
Bearberry - the first half of the day, on the full moon.

Rosehip - in the morning, as the dew comes down, on the full moon.


Saturn gives plants the following characteristics; stability, endurance, long-term preservation, crystallization, thickening, affects the root. Plants sown or planted at the wrong time and forced to grow at the wrong phase of the Saturn cycle develop slowly and often die.
Plants of Saturn: calamus marsh, marshmallow, aconite, pansies, wild rosemary, henbane, immortelle, flea beetle, wrestler blue, legumes, lingonberries, valerian, cornflower, heather, hernia, sweet clover, oregano, fumes officinalis, blackberry, spruce, larkspur, galangal, cypress, cranberry, ragwort, buckthorn, flax, lichen, bear ears, juniper, moss, medlar, comfrey, aspen, nuts, ferns, ivy, plantain, parsnips, nightshade, wormwood, rye, rue, mountain ash, beets, licorice, pine, blackthorn , yew tree, thuja, yarrow. horsetail, black hellebore, bird cherry, bilberry, hellebore, sage, tarragon.
A decoction of lingonberry leaves, bear ears or blueberries has a strong diuretic effect, so it helps to lose weight. But in order not to wash out precious calcium from the body along with extra pounds, do not forget to eat cottage cheese or apricots rich in this element.


Calamus marsh - near sunset, in the third phase of the moon.
Marshmallow (root) - after sunrise, on the growing moon.
Ledum - around noon, near the full moon.
Belena - after sunset, near the full moon.
Immortelle - around noon, on the growing moon.
Valerian (leaf) - on the transition of the Sun from Cancer to Leo, in the afternoon, on the growing Moon.
Valerian (root) - near sunset, on the waning moon.
Cornflower - in the morning, on the growing moon.
Heather - in the first decade of Virgo, on the waning moon.
Blackberry - from noon to sunset, on the waning moon.
Comfrey - before sunrise, on the growing moon.
Yarrow - near sunset, on a sunny windless day, and on the last Quarter Moon.
Blueberries - in the morning dew, before the full moon.
Tarragon - before sunset, on the growing moon. published

Experienced summer residents almost never think about when to collect medicinal herbs, and for beginners, even this is a curiosity. After all, almost all plants are medicinal, and leaders stand out among them. They collect medicinal herbs away from roads and large industries, such as factories or factories. Experienced Assemblers useful herbs they know exactly which plants to collect in a certain season. Let's take a look at this issue as well.

The best time to collect medicinal herbs

Spring is the time when you can not only walk in the forest and breathe the air, but also collect medicinal plants. Under no circumstances should this period be missed.

What medicinal herbs are harvested in May

So, what gives us the forest in spring.

  • Nettle. There is no more useful herbal remedy than nettle. The list of diseases for which it can be used as a medicine is impressive. In addition, many people add it to borscht and use it to wash their hair.
  • Periwinkle. Even Hollywood stars are washed with an infusion of periwinkle leaves. Celebrities are always in sight, so they have to wear makeup. The skin gets tired of it, and the periwinkle returns her youth and freshness.
  • Violet. This is a real natural antibiotic, absolutely harmless to humans. Field violet (fragrant) has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. Those who protect their throats are advised to drink violet tea.
  • Chistyak spring. The plant has been used since time immemorial to eliminate inflammatory processes in organs. respiratory system. It is important to have time to stock up on a chistyak before the end of flowering, because then it becomes poisonous.
  • Dandelion. An invaluable source of replenishment of calcium, as well as inulin. In the spring, the leaves and inflorescences are harvested and used (as well as dried, pickled and squeezed). Dandelion roots are harvested in autumn.

The source of health is not only the forest, but also the garden. It also contains valuable specimens that, if necessary, will support the tone of the body. Flowers fruit trees(apple, pear, peach, apricot, etc.) are also medicinal raw materials. Tea, brewed from flowering twigs, perfectly tones, quickly restores strength after work.

Willow is rich in salicylic acid. You need to cut the branches with young leaves and flowers, dry them in the shade, and then you can make tea from them. Such a drink relieves fever, knocks down high temperature and relieve headaches.

The leaves and roots of burdock are considered medicinal. They wash their hair with infusion from the root, and add young leaves to salads.

The lower dried leaves of bergenia are valued as a powerful antimicrobial agent. In the spring, overwintered dark leaves are cut off and dried in the shade.

V traditional medicine pine and larch are used. In the spring, you need to collect young pine buds, because this is the best antitussive. And in larch for these purposes, not only buds are plucked, but also young shoots.
Summer collection

What is useful in the summer for a home first aid kit? At this time of the year, there are many herbs and flowers that need to be collected in time. Mint, lemon balm, echinacea, chamomile, lavender, rose - all of these plants adorn the garden, and they can also be used as a sedative.

Rose petals saturate the body with iodine, rejuvenate cells and improve digestion. Tea from the buds of these flowers is rich in iron and zinc, it strengthens nails and hair, increases hemoglobin, and expands the walls of blood vessels.

Lavender can be added to olive and coconut oil. Thanks to this component, the oil acquires an incredible aroma and becomes effective tool for the prevention of dandruff. In addition, it is laid out next to bags of dried fruits to protect against food moths.

Helpful Hints for the preparation of medicinal herbs

  • Plants should be harvested when they are in full bloom. Unripe or overripe herbs are ineffective.
  • It is desirable to dry in shady places, spreading out in one layer on a canvas or parchment.
  • Well-dried grass turns to dust when rubbed with fingers. It's a sign good quality.
  • Raw materials should be stored in a dry place. If you put herbal blanks in a damp place, they will begin to rot and acquire a musty smell.
  • You can not save plants in cans and plastic bags. Best Option- jars of dark glass.
  • Since natural essential oils disappear, the shelf life of any herbs is 1 year, up to a maximum of 2 years.

It is better to prepare and store herbs separately, and when preparing (for example, a tonic herbal collection), mix them, and fill with boiling water, leave for about 4 hours.

In the garden, you can really get a lot of useful herbs- study their properties and plant them in different corners. Plant diversity improves not only our health, but also the ecological niche of the site. And over time, you yourself will decide when to collect medicinal herbs.

The healing properties of medicinal herbs depend on many factors: on the place of growth, on the time of collection, on proper drying and storage. Collect medicinal herbs away from roads, in clean fields, meadows, mountains and forests. Different parts of plants are collected in different period when they contain the maximum amount of drugs. So:

  • You need to collect flowers and herbs as soon as the first buds bloom;
  • You need to collect herbs and leaves at the beginning of flowering plants;
  • It is necessary to harvest bark and buds from trees and shrubs from March to May;
  • Harvest fruits when fully ripe;
  • You can harvest rhizomes and roots in early spring or autumn.

Dried leaves, herbs and flowers retain their properties for up to 2 years; dry fruits can be stored up to 3 years, well-dried bark, roots and rhizomes retain healing properties up to 5 years. But subject to proper drying and storage.

When and how to collect medicinal plants? Their usefulness depends on the correct assembly of herbs. You can only collect medicinal raw materials in dry weather . Herbs collected in rain, fog or dew do not dry well and are unsuitable for storage.

Basic rules for collecting plant materials:

  1. You need to collect medicinal plants in environmentally friendly places (if possible) or from your garden.
  2. You need to collect plants in the morning, from 8 to 10 hours (if there is no dew) or in the afternoon from 16 to 18 hours (before the dew starts). Put the cut parts of plants in bags, preferably fabric ones. Do not stuff plants into bags so that they do not heat up. We do not recommend using plastic bags, as the plants heat up quickly and sweat there.
  3. Cut herbs carefully using sharp knife or secateurs. You can not uproot the plant (such careless collection has caused the disappearance of many plant species). On every bush from which you cut the grass, leave a few branches intact . This is done in order for the plant to form seeds, and on next year new offspring. This is especially important for annuals and biennials, which reproduce only by seeds. For example, common cumin and medicinal chamomile.
  4. You can dig up the roots and rhizomes in the fall, after the seeds have ripened and self-seeded, or in the spring. You can dig up the roots of only adult plants, do not touch the young. Before you start digging, collect seeds from the plant, dig up the roots, and sow the collected seeds in their place. Be sure to cover the resulting holes with earth and level them. For such a careful attitude to nature, she will thank you with healing, medicinal raw materials.
  5. If possible, try not to collect herbs from the same place every year. This will help the plants recover and multiply. This is especially important for St. John's wort, oregano, thyme.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to collect medicinal herbs near roads, near fields treated with pesticides, near factories, plants, power plants, nuclear stations, etc. Do not collect plants damaged by diseases and pests.

Where and how to dry medicinal plants? The quality of medicinal raw materials depends on proper drying - the preservation of aromatic and essential oils, tannins, vitamins, micro- and macroelements in them.

Drying rules:

  1. Dry herbs, flowers, fruits, roots and bark in a well-ventilated, shady room or under a canopy at a temperature of 30-40 ° C. The faster the raw material dries, the better it will be.
  2. Slow drying, at a temperature not exceeding 35 ° C, is needed for oregano and common thyme (thyme).
  3. There are several ways to dry herbs. Tie in bundles and hang on the ropes "head" down. Or spread on a surface (mesh, wood, plywood, fabric or paper, but not newspapers) in a thin layer, in one row. To speed up the drying process, turn the herbs 2-3 times.
  4. Make sure that moisture does not get on the plants during drying. From increased dampness and prolonged drying, the plants acquire an ugly brown color.
  5. During drying, protect herbs, flowers, leaves and fruits from direct sunlight. The sun's rays are destroying active ingredients and chlorophyll. From what plants lose their green color (petals brightness) and beneficial features. These plants are no longer usable.
  6. Roots and rhizomes can be dried in the sun (except for those that contain essential oils). If there is no sun, dry the roots in a dryer or oven at a low temperature.
  7. In attics where there are mice or pets climb, it is impossible to dry herbs. Flies or other insects are not allowed.
  8. The rustling sound of herbs testifies to the end of the drying of the raw materials, the leaves rub in the hands, the roots, and the stems easily break, making a typical crunch. Properly dried plants retain their scent and green color.
  9. It is not recommended to overdry vegetable raw materials.

Where and how to store dried medicinal herbs? Well-dried herbs should be immediately packed in vented bags, boxes or baskets, in a thin layer so that they “breathe”. Do not stuff tightly into bags, as the grass will quickly deteriorate. fragrant plants should be stored in glass jars with tight lids, kept in the dark. Store bags, bags or baskets of herbs in a well-ventilated, dry and dark room. They should not be stored near food, vegetables and fruits, especially fragrant ones.
The neighborhood of herbs with soaps, powders, cosmetics, etc. is unacceptable.