The boho style interior is the most interesting. Trend: boho style interior

Boho or boho chic is a design for those who want their home to be filled with life, carelessness and bold colors. Incorporating all the most relaxed and unusual, this space design option is ideal for creative natures who are not alien to the free flight of fantasy. Only here you can see a unique combination of oriental and French motifs or a luxurious antique mirror next to a colorful homespun rug. In a word, this design is designed to maximally display the inner world of the inhabitants of the house and create an ideal atmosphere for creativity.

What is boho chic style?

The name comes from the word Bohemia, an area of ​​the same name in the Czech Republic, where a large number of gypsies lived. Therefore, this style is so similar to the image of this people. It is bright, a bit disheveled, fickle, creative and as free as possible, as well as its similar trends: classic, glamour, and eco.

There are many options for interior design in this direction. For example, using ethno boho style, you can express your creative nature with the help of national elements and decor items of your favorite country. And you can reveal your inner hippie by refusing any rules. Only universal love and optimism, expressed in artsy colors, geometric patterns and hand-made products in the boho interior.

Boho style in the interior

This direction allows you to compose the entire interior from elements of radically different styles. In this case, harmony must be observed. The most important thing when designing a space is that it should reflect the character of the owner and his favorite activities as much as possible.


The interior in boho chic style does not have a specific color scheme. The most common warm earthy (brown, terracotta) and metallic colors. Precious metal and stone tones such as deep purple, fiery orange and electric blue are often seen in accessories and décor. White or acid shades will look out of place in a boho chic interior.

Boho style accessories

Each accessory should tell the story of the people living in the house. Exquisitely decorated boxes, vintage bottles, maps and porcelain from different sets - everything is limited only by your imagination. Fans of this trend travel a lot, so the room contains objects and ornaments from all over the world.

It should be mentioned that this direction in the interior tends to combine non-standard things. But this does not mean at all that this style is devoid of attractiveness and glamour. Therefore, do not be afraid to decorate the ceiling with a crystal chandelier or hang an exquisite gold-framed mirror. The only rule is that every item in the room should be in harmony with the decor.

Boho style furniture

Antique items that you can’t buy in the first store you come across most accurately convey the charm of boho. Their shapes, style and size are not given as much importance as in other directions. You can combine completely different items, while each of them must have its own history. For this, antique and vintage items are specially purchased. Victorian furniture is most suitable for this purpose: couches and sofas in rich colors with a dark color frame and carvings.

Materials and finishes

Comfort in the room is mainly created through textile accessories: voluminous curtains, sofa cushions, wide blankets, soft puffs. With their help, you can arrange several small corners for relaxation. There are no boundaries when it comes to decorating a room. Repairs can be budgetary or, conversely, using expensive natural materials.

Colorful and unusual decor

When deciding to recreate the idea of ​​​​a bohemian style, remember that it lacks any decor rules. But it is vintage and hand-made things that will fit into it most organically. Antiques can be purchased at a flea market or found by rummaging in a grandmother's chest. Perhaps some of them have their own history and will find a place in the home interior. For instance:

  • beautiful boho style paintings in vintage frames;
  • colored platbands;
  • moldings;
  • souvenirs from different countries;
  • figurines;
  • garlands of lamps;
  • posters and wall ornaments;
  • globes;
  • accessories for curtains in boho style.

Boho style kitchen

Always dreamed of a colorful set of kitchen utensils or pink curtains? The kitchen is a place where any colors can be combined. You can safely make a color accent on the countertop or kitchen cabinets. In the kitchen, let's allow chaos in the form of cans located in plain sight, conservation, multi-colored kitchen utensils, and dried herbs. Living plants in pots, as well as real herbs in flowerpots, will help decorate the kitchen. A vintage chandelier would look best here.

Living room in a variety of directions

Boho-classic strives for classic forms. Having chosen it, buy furniture with straight and strict forms. With the help of velvet, lace and tapestry in the living room, you can set the right accents.

Boho-eco is suitable for those who prefer natural materials in the house. Leather, silk and natural wood will give the living room sophistication and charm.

The hippie direction in the living room provides an opportunity to reveal inner freedom. It embodies originality and is full of handmade details.

Bedroom: relaxed and casual

The bedroom in this direction is a stronghold of comfort and a place for creativity. A bed is optional (you can get by with a mattress), but if you choose one, then get spacious bedding sets and a large colorful blanket. The lines of bedspreads and curtains falling to the floor seem to be created in order to create an atmosphere of ease and relaxation, making every day a day off. When decorating, use natural materials and do not forget about original decor: pillows, souvenirs and woven rugs. The more ornaments you can collect, the better the idea will be conveyed.

colorful nursery

Boho helps create a real fairy-tale world in the children's room. A bright and unusual nursery in this style will appeal to all children, and decor for it can be made with your own hands at your leisure. The creative atmosphere is expressed by a riot of colors: colored rugs, patchwork blankets, drawings, toys on the shelves, as well as walls on which you can draw. You can do all these design details with your child.

Many in vain are biased towards the boho-chic style, calling it chaos and a heap of things. A boho interior is an opportunity to express yourself and show your individuality. It opens up great opportunities especially for those who love small details in the interior and who like to create pleasant little things for the home with their own hands. But this is what brings comfort to our apartment.

Before you start decorating your own home, it is advisable to get acquainted with the best examples of such interiors. They will inspire the birth of their own ideas and solutions.

Despite the apparent lightness, the interior is designed according to strict rules. Otherwise, the rooms will resemble a flea market, devoid of beauty and naturalness.

In this living room, boho style is presented almost cost-effectively, with a touch of romanticism and nostalgia for the past. For the decoration of the walls, a pleasant white color, decorated with a geometric ornament, was chosen. To draw attention to the recreation area, a white, fluffy rug is laid on top of the parquet board. The coffee table, made in the shape of a golden suitcase, is an excellent addition to the laconic forms of the sofa.

  • even if several styles are mixed in the interior at the same time, preference is given to one color palette;
  • a huge number of shades are borrowed;
  • the interior is complemented by various decorative elements, carrying information about the owner of the house;
  • preference is given ethnic and vintage designs;
  • apply only ecological safe and natural finishing materials.

For all the time of its existence, the boho style has always been unique, doomed to remain unclaimed for most Russian families. Its global difference from the usual way of life can unsettle, but even he finds more and more devoted admirers every year.

Mixing Styles

At first glance, it seems that random objects are located nearby: a designer lampshade, vintage furniture, a patchwork quilt, Egyptian figurines and more.
Unlike minimalism, the boho interior gives rise to chaos created from a variety of things, furniture, details and colors. Their the main role consists in showing the ambitions, character and interests of the tenant, putting all things on public display. In other words, a specific style of furniture and accessories cannot be attributed to boho. This is a peculiar way of combining almost all areas of design into one whole.

Standard mixtures of color palettes, materials and textures do not work, since the main principle of creating a boho interior is the brighter, the more interesting. It may contain a style:

  1. pop Art, best showing the modern rhythm of life,
  2. industrial, characterized by the raw texture of wood and other interior elements,
  3. and even loft direction, the invariable slogan of which is "a minimum of partitions, but more fresh air."

If you take a closer look, you can find similarities with the country style and many others, with the exception, perhaps, only of the high-tech direction and those similar to it.

Colors: 3 or more shades

The rules of color selection allow you to relax and fall in love bright colors in unusual combinations. Color should be pleasing to the eye. For example:

  1. instead of red, designers advise choose strawberry color,
  2. replace blue with sky blue,
  3. as an analogue of yellow, you should choose a lemon or dandelion shade.

Do not limit yourself to three shades.

Fill the territory with various bright textiles, rich carpets, panels, ornaments and paintings.

Another sample fills the room with comfort and incredible lightness. Now the designers have chosen a simpler look, with a predominance of bohemian ornaments. On a bare white wall are several unframed works. On the dark floor sent a catchy carpet round shape. An obligatory ethnic detail is also located in the upper part of the composition, but orange textiles stand out in particular.

Ornament and motifs

Boho direction is characterized by ethnic motifs, complemented by national elements, patterns and unique symbols. Decorated furniture and accessories.

Since drawings and ornaments borrowed from different peoples can be seen in a variety of ways, but curls are most common. , oriental patterns, paisley print and openwork floral motifs.

As a rule, paintings, pillows, screens, rugs, curtains and bedspreads are filled with ornaments. They perfectly emphasize the originality of the space, creating a calm and pleasant atmosphere of relaxation, where it is always a pleasure to spend time.

Choosing various elements with patterns, it is not necessary to think about how they fit together. Fancy accent bedspreads, pillows, embroidered sofa shawls, woven bedspreads, runners, blankets, curtains, pillowcases, all kinds of covers for chairs and chairs, as well as other accessories create that very amazing flavor.

Materials for finishing the room

Classic baguette boho finish:

  • is an ordinary plank floor,
  • similar wall decoration,
  • staggered tiles.

This backdrop is the perfect base for decorating with a variety of elements.

In terms of finishing, this style manages to successfully combine expensive and very cheap things.

For example, designers quite often decide to finish the floor with an expensive laminate, while ordinary whitewash is selected for the walls. Often meets herringbone parquet. The second popular option is the combination of exquisite walls with attractive decorative finishes and a simple ceiling that does not have any exquisite details. It should be noted that h then the walls are almost never finished with wallpaper, and if they are pasted over, then only to highlight any functional area.

Despite the fact that the style does not accept any rules, yet one condition must be observed. First of all, it concerns the environmental friendliness and naturalness of the materials used. Consequently, linoleum is being replaced by ceramic tiles or parquet. The completed kitchen design, with black and white tiles, is literally flooded with light and complemented by bohemian ornaments.

Of course, it is advisable for owners to refuse plastic windows. Otherwise, their design should resemble wood, and not just be functional.

The choice of materials for furniture

In the interior, there are both the most simple surfaces without the use of decorative details, as well as the presence of antiques, palace structures with monograms or fabric details. A similar chaos appears in the combination of design trends. For example, a sofa made of leather in a country style harmoniously combines with wicker stools, an old Provence chest of drawers and a table made in a strict Scandinavian style.

The main idea that lies on the design is not the slightest hint of the use of modern technology, as well as chrome-plated space parts.

Attention to detail

The boho style encourages owners to remember and put on display all the most attractive and dear to the soul elements: figurines, caskets, floor lamps, books, records, favorite photos, paintings and other little things that gather dust on the mezzanine. Being the exact opposite of minimalism, boho exhibits a large number of things so harmoniously that they are no longer perceived as unnecessary things. That is why it is ideal for creative natures, showing the rich spiritual world of its owner and everything that he works with almost every day.

Designers are advised to focus on the work of other authors, as well as on their own. It is allowed to use absolutely everything: ceiling lamps, a table, a vintage sofa, needlework, own painted paintings, panels, figurines, papier mache and more. You need a special tool to harmoniously arrange a lot of graphic works in such a way that they can successfully interact with each other. However, the result of such work will cause admiration and delight.

The contrast of black cylinders on the snow-white walls, as well as the floral ornament traced in black, do not overload the decor. Complementing the antique chest of drawers and the red carpet - all this radiates a special individual character.

Features for the kitchen

To decorate the dining area, designers recommend choosing benches rather than the usual chairs, as well as installing heavy wooden tables. If the owners do not like bulky furniture, you can choose benches on small elegant steel legs. Preference should be given to ordinary tables and shelves made of wood, so modern furniture facade coatings are not suitable.

For the bedroom

If the bohemian part of the soul wants to break free, the bedroom is a great place to express yourself. You need to focus on the basic rules, and give free rein to your imagination.

  • Lighting should be soft and indirect yet shimmery and warm. It is possible to obtain a similar effect due to the placement of openwork lamps, light large balls, lampshades and other things.
  • V the role of furniture, you can use an old locker, decorated with my own hands, which radiates a bohemian mood. Bedside tables with rough doors and drawers are great for the bedroom.

The combination of dark blue, white and yellow may not be traditional, but in this unique bedroom design they match perfectly. The colors complement each other against the background of dark walls, and the floral ornament is presented as a natural and natural addition.

For the living room

The seating area is equipped with soft and comfortable furniture. A comfortable sofa, a couple of armchairs go well with a small glass table.

  1. Allowed to use furniture lined with leather, however, it should be decorated with a large number of pillows sewn in various colors and styles.
  2. At the same time, we must not forget that if the room does not have large dimensions, a large number of parts can create an overload, so the owners in such a room will not be comfortable. In that case, you should install wicker furniture. For example, rattan products.
  3. Style welcomes antique furniture and things, so the old grandmother's closet will fit into it just in time.
  4. Upholstered furniture, glass table, many pillows and a large ball on the ceiling, combined with decorative elements, simply radiate a bohemian character.

How to DIY

Boho design isn't always about rampant colors and creative mess. There is a sense of disorder due to the arrangement of the decor. The ceiling and floor are made in a single rough manner.

Getting started, first of all, you should listen to your inner worldviews. Choose only juicy shades, but as natural as possible. For example, if red and green shades dominate in the room, then you need to make a choice not for acidic and poisonous colors, but for more natural and natural herbal shades.

Attention should be paid to orange, blue, red, natural shades of yellow and grass. The boho style is characterized by a mixture of colors, opening up wide possibilities for the designer. If desired, the color game can be replaced by a change in textures, but 4 main colors must be present. If the owners do not have the desire to create an abundance of color, you can highlight the interior thanks to various shades. As an example, look at image 1. Brown floors look spectacular with a gray carpet. The interior is well complemented by pillows and a blanket, made in the appropriate manner.

V modern interior there are the most amazing things, people like them and are widely in demand among lovers of novelty, freedom of thought, fantasy. A good example is the boho style in the interior. What is boho? Its name comes from the word Boheme, that is, gypsy, bohemia.

Differences from other areas

It appeared relatively recently, but it already stands out with special features, it is by them that it is easily distinguished from other styles. When there is a boho style in the home interior, it is characterized by carelessness, originality, comfort, rich colors. Using it, you can freely change your home, add your favorite things, come up with unique details, fantasize. If we compare other options, then boho chic in the interior gives a person inner freedom, removes the canons, design principles that were established by contemporaries.

Not everyone decides to equip their living room, kitchen or bedroom with a boho style, so that the household and guests of the house like it. But if such a decision nevertheless came, it means that the owner of the house is a liberated, courageous, creative person, therefore he selects everything that suits his image. In fact, the boho-chic style in the interior is the embodiment of habits, human thoughts on the environment, the objects that fill it. There are no rules, strict lines, specific colors.

History of appearance

Based on a distant history, the word "boho" comes from "bohémiens". Many centuries ago, this was the name given to the indigenous inhabitants of Bohemia, which was located in the central part of Europe. Its main population consisted of gypsies, nomads, travelers who did not obey the laws of other nations, as they adhered to their beliefs, a free lifestyle. The people of Bohemia consisted of proud, free people who could not be subdued. The boho interior style, named after them, complies with the rules described, it is so diverse, original, authentic. Getting here, it is impossible to appreciate everything around in a few minutes, because one room can have dozens of bright details.

Why boho turned out unusual?

Everything is very simple, the Bohemians did not lead a sedentary lifestyle, but roamed around different countries, collecting rules of conduct, household items, things for each, thanks to which something heaped up turned out. For example, on wagons, the Bohemians carried embroidery, fringe from China, silk from India, furs from Siberia, horse harness from eastern countries, and linen clothes from Europe. After a while, the number of Bohemians increased, they were joined by wandering artists, circus performers, musicians, whose life resembled an uninterrupted holiday, fun, colorful colors. Moreover, the term "from bohemia" has survived today, they include people of creative professions.

What kind of people will suit the interior in this style?

When someone hears the expression "boho style", the main word "bohemian" comes to mind. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess who will like this direction.

Usually this includes people whose activities are related to art, for example, actors, artists, singers. However, recently the circle of fans of this direction has expanded significantly, it is willingly chosen by creative, free individuals who value individuality, comfort, and convenience. Their main motto is freedom of choice, emancipation, maximum comfort. After all, living in such a house, it should be pleasant to be, relax, communicate with loved ones.

And the boho style will suit fans of perfectionism, minimalism, rational solutions, because it is distinguished by a large number of various elements, amazing colors, and a mass of unique details. Interior design in the boho style is more often chosen by those people who like to furnish their home with a mass of little things, these include:

  • figurines;
  • Caskets;
  • Beads;
  • Bright pillows;
  • Flowers;
  • Original lamps;
  • Embroidery;
  • Colorful curtains, a lot of other amazing things.

Who wouldn't like it?

Boho chic style in the interior will not please pedantic people who are annoyed by the mess, the piling up of the mass of details. It will also be uncomfortable in it if you like soothing colors, standard, classic furniture.

As for creative personalities from the circle of writers, musicians or actors, the boho style will bring chic to the interior, as it completely coincides with their worldview. Quite often, courageous people who value their opinion and are always ready for significant changes in their lives think about such a decision. They do not want to live in a standard apartment with ordinary interior, it's not so interesting, it's boring.

It is undesirable to choose it if a person is sloppy in life, because it is simply impossible to hide the mess behind curtains, paintings and a blanket. As a result, the design of the room will lose its uniqueness, it will look like a mess.

Some Features

What is typical for a boho style interior? There are people who do not have enough knowledge on the topic of decorating living space, they believe that this style is characterized by cluttering rooms with meaningless objects or decor items. But it's not. After all, while decorating a house with the help of designers, there is creative solution, as professionals know the sense of taste, measure. However, if you wish, you can decorate the interior in the boho style with your own hands.

Here you do not need to adhere to any norms, laws, requirements, education in the field of art, architecture is not required. It is enough to choose the most favorite items that are dear to you, and then arrange them in the room, decorating them with any colorful outfits. For example, if furniture is chosen, then bright, interesting upholstery with an ornament will do, and for a pillow perfect option- embroidery with flowers, complex patterns. The most important thing is that every detail is located in its place.

Signs of style, what to consider

To understand what this direction means, you can highlight a few of the most important points, based on them you will be able to create a real boho chic interior without having special knowledge about design. Here are the main aspects that you should pay attention to:

  1. Main stream. Despite the fact that it has an individuality, it has some similarities with other areas. Therefore, before you have to equip your bedroom, living room, kitchen on your own, you need to choose the main motive for the design of the room. After all, it can be modern, European, oriental. Thanks to this, it is possible to determine what the accent will be, what color scheme will appear in the room. After all, the filling of the room should merge into a single whole, creating a style, and not a repository for a mass of the most diverse, but meaningless things.
  2. presence of textiles. When choosing boho style design elements, you need to remember that there are quite a lot of textile items here. It can be lamps with lampshades, various items decor, any things you like are very expensive.
  3. Holiday, bright details. Choosing such an extraordinary interior, you get a holiday, bright details, rich color content.

What colors are suitable?

In the modern boho style, there are no criteria, special restrictions. Here you can choose any color that your soul likes. And it doesn’t matter whether the shades of the interior will be combined or not, the main thing is that you like the chosen tones. Listen to your heart, follow your taste, because the understanding of comfort is different for everyone. At the same time, it is important to create something of your own, unique, unusual, which others do not have. Living space should be individual, but comfortable to the eyes and body.

The only condition for the design of living space is the presence of rich, bright colors. Quite often, decorative elements of orange, red, lemon, blue, green are used for this. If you want to smooth out the saturation of colors a little, then you should try white.

Choice of colors

When choosing colors to create a unique look at home, you do not need to adhere to any rules, fashion trends, standards, since here everyone chooses his own. However, some features should be taken into account. For the arrangement of the bedroom, it is advisable to choose more calm tones, for example, a combination of beige with pink, blue with green. For the children's room choose more cheerful colors. Here, the combination of shades can be very different, the main thing is that households like them, and also be as natural and saturated as possible. The main colors of this direction are red, orange, yellow, blue, blue. But if you want to highlight a certain part of the room, then the white color will become an assistant to solve the problem, against its background, other shades become brighter, more interesting.

Suitable furniture

Boho style furniture is selected individually, but its mandatory attribute is: a sofa, bed, ottoman, armchairs. Moreover, it is not necessary that the pieces of furniture be from a common set, and also have the same upholstery color. Here may be the most different variants design, where a leather sofa fits perfectly, regular armchairs with fabric upholstery, wooden chairs, tables different colors, soft pouffe, large frameless chair. Each thing will find its application, complementing the interior.

The standard variant of boho style furniture is vintage. The most ideal solution would be old furniture, which can be found in every old woman. It is enough to restore such a thing a little, as it will become a real decoration of the room. Usually, to improve its appearance, it is enough to remove chips, cracks, and then refresh wooden details colorless varnish. Each thing should look its age, so you should not radically change it during restoration.

Features of the choice of furniture

A great option for boho would be artificially aged furniture, but it is not necessary to place only vintage furniture in the room. Most suitable option- one or two main items, they will be the main focus, the rest of the details will only be an addition to the interior. For example, the main focus can be on old chest of drawers, wooden chairs, a sofa, armchairs with colorful fabric upholstery, a polished wardrobe, a large wooden table round shape. Almost every, even the most extraordinary things that many people prefer to just throw away, can transform the interior. For example, it is enough to throw a bright plaid with an ornament on a soft sofa, spread out several multi-colored pillows, and everything will change dramatically. In winter, a lush fur coverlet would be appropriate, and in summer, a silk coverlet with patterns, Chinese-style patterns are possible.

On a note! If you have small apartment, then it is better to abandon lush sofas and wicker furniture, as these items clutter up the space of the room, overload its furnishings.
We decorate the floor, ceiling and walls

If we compare boho with well-known styles, then in the decoration of the ceiling, walls, floor, it is considered the most budgetary. White painted walls, parquet floors, an old grandmother's carpet, plaster moldings, modest worn chairs, a crystal chandelier perfectly coexist with its design. The main rule is that to create an interior, it is necessary to select finishes from natural materials, that is, no synthetics, especially plastics. Everything related to high-tech, namely: blinds on the windows, metal tables, linoleum, plastic elements- everything here is simply inappropriate.

Interior arrangement

  1. Floor. The most suitable flooring materials are considered to be ceramic tile, a rock, parquet board, but on extreme case- laminate. His appearance similar to a natural board in color, structure.
  2. Ceiling. Suitable for the most common finishing material, for example, stucco, whitewash, stretch fabric calm, natural shades. Sometimes bulky wooden beams or communication, they do not need to be hidden, because everything should be natural.
  3. Walls. Usually, the same tones are used for their decoration as for the general interior. For example, a solid bright shade of the wall, which is decorated with screen painting, carpets, beautiful panels with drawings from the oriental style, will be a great example. If desired, the walls are pasted over with wallpaper with an ornament that has a characteristic pattern. It is advisable to make the main focus on any of the walls, photo wallpapers are suitable for this, they also choose modern, exclusive photo printing. Such elements will decorate the interior even with the most outstanding furniture.

Lighting in the interior

When it comes to boho, there are chandeliers here, as well as any lighting fixtures. classical style, hand-made is also welcome, for example, textile lampshades, decoration with flowers from ribbons, decoration with any improvised means of bright colors. The lighting of the room should be natural, soft. The most ideal option for a room is the presence of large, spacious windows that will give the room enough sunlight.

Electric lighting should be warm, soft, so as not to hurt the eyes. For example, rice paper or fabric is often used to decorate a lamp; lampshades with an oriental accent are made from it. The height of the lighting device is different, given the interior and personal preferences. For example, the lamp is lowered directly above the dining table, or under the very ceiling, decorating with a multi-colored mesh, wire, painted glass. In order to get enough daylight inside, use light, transparent curtains.

On a note! You need to choose curtains for a boho-style interior in light colors so that the decor does not turn out to be dark, gloomy.

Use of textiles and decoration

Textile in boho is the main attribute, but its choice is approached very carefully. After all, it plays the most important role, as it is used on windows, walls, floors and even furniture.

Fabric choice

For example, curtains are sewn from textiles, special partitions for dividing room zones. And on sofas with chairs there are capes made of fabric with a unique ornament. Bean bags and pillows are also made from this fabric. Even decorating the room, they use lace napkins, tablecloths, blankets, bedspreads from a wide variety of fabrics. Very often they are decorated with fur, embroidery, ribbons, beads, rhinestones. Carpets on the floor, walls are included in the classic boho. For interior design, it is desirable to choose massive, heavy fabrics that will have rich colors. An example is brocade, velvet, tapestry, satin, silk, and the texture of the fabric, color, pattern depend only on the wishes of the owner of the house.

Choice of decor

When choosing decor elements for boho, there are no restrictions, for example, it is allowed to use:

  • Lamps, figurines;
  • Multi-colored photo frames, paintings;
  • Antique items, crafts;
  • Herbarium, fresh flowers in flowerpots, plastic bouquets;
  • Favorite items;
  • Magazines, books.

These items can be placed on window sills, shelves, chairs, or tables. They are always in sight. The most favorite things of the owner look beautiful, colorful and original, for example, if he is a traveler, then his souvenirs will adequately take place on the shelves of the room. If the hostess is engaged in needlework, then her paintings, napkins, wood crafts or jewelry will find their use.

Varieties of style

Boho in the interior is very common, despite the fact that for many people it seems chaotic, even chaotic. In addition, it has several varieties, each of them has its own rules, restrictions, here are the main ones:

  1. Ecological. The most natural, sought-after style, where there is no artificial material, including the smallest decorative elements. The main ones include: stone, wood, linen, cotton, leather, silk, ceramics. All these materials together look very stylish, expensive, elegant.
  2. Luxurious. This direction remains the most modern, because it gives households an excellent mood, joy of life, the most saturated colors, naturalness when using finishing materials.
  3. Glamorous. It speaks for itself, as it includes a lot of glamorous things, all kinds of figurines, jewelry, photographs, crafts, etc. However, all these things should not be stored in the shelves of cabinets, but are located on open shelves, tables, windows. This direction combines chic with coquetry, glamor with maximum naturalness, taste with sophistication, sophistication with beauty.
  4. Classic boho. There are strict lines here, plus heavy fabrics are used - satin, velvet, tapestry. The characteristic shades of this boho direction are gold, beige, brown, marble. To add zest, elements of ethno style are added.
  5. Boho hippie. This direction of boho style is more related to its classic version. It is just as free, bright, a little fabulous, as comfortable as possible, chic. It is impossible to imagine boho hippies without the use of bright ornaments, hookahs, aromatic lamps, extravagant decor elements or musical instruments that create a unique atmosphere of freedom, coziness and comfort.


Regardless of the direction of the boho style, each of them is a memorable, unusual, very bright design. Creating your own home design, do not be afraid to bring something new, feel free to experiment, show your individuality. After all, if you treat the matter with a soul, then the result will amaze not only you, but also your friends and relatives.

Housing "bohemian" is the choice of courageous people who are not accustomed to obey a clear framework, strict rules of life. They live their own rhythm of life, which differs from generally accepted standards. Some boho may shock or bring a smile to the face, but it will not leave anyone indifferent. This style of interior is not suitable for people who have a bad feeling for color, originality, proportions. Therefore, elderly relatives are unlikely to like this fashion trend. They are used to having a clear distinction in the apartment, calm colors, functional household items, standard, classic furniture. And it will not appeal to those who are allergic to dust, because the presence of a mass of small details in the interior is fraught with the accumulation of a large amount of dust. That is why this is the choice of young, energetic people who will be happy to clean their apartment, placing small decor items in their places.

The boho style in the interior is brightness, originality, freedom, carelessness and comfort, enclosed in the environment, household items and decor details. It was formed in early XIX centuries in France among the aristocrats, but still has not lost its popularity, as it was able to harmoniously combine the past and the present. The style got its name from French word"Boheme" - bohemia, gypsy. And it fully reflects his features.

The main features of the boho style

Luxury and comfort are the key characteristics of style
  • Variegated colors - people appreciate boho for the ability to use all kinds of colors within the same room, although designers advise choosing them with care and an eye on the origin. After all, the highlight of the style is in naturalness and naturalness. Therefore, instead of red, it is better to take the color of strawberries, instead of pink - raspberries, instead of blue - the sea or sky, and instead of yellow - lemon or dandelion.
  • Comfort - style implies an atmosphere of relaxation and creativity and sets in a positive way. Therefore, furniture, finishing materials and even decor elements for it are selected taking into account convenience and personal preferences: the sofa is soft and squat, the chairs are deep, the tables are of regular geometric shapes.
  • Freedom of expression - items that reflect a person's hobby fit into the finished interiors - straw hats, figurines made of wood or ceramics, souvenirs, paintings by unknown artists and retro posters, openwork lamps, outlandish shelves and chests of drawers, ethnic wall panels, handmade products.
  • The absence of strict rules when choosing textiles - a combination of different textures and materials is allowed: fur and cotton, cambric and tapestry or silk and velor. You can decorate the room with colorful rugs, numerous bright pillows, colored blankets and curtains, and furniture with upholstery in unusual colors. The main thing is that oriental motifs are felt in them and floral ornaments are visible.
  • Accents in the form of iconic things - boho-style accessories are not chosen by chance, but are associated with certain events in life. Memorabilia, collages put together, pieces of furniture and household items that are inherited look good, even if they are too catchy and contradictory.
  • Creative mess. The purpose of this style is to inspire and encourage unthinkable actions and deeds. Therefore, there is no place in it for cabinets that hide favorite things that remind you of exciting events in life.

Who is suitable for

The interior will be appreciated by creative people who do not accept restrictions and conventions

Boho style will be appreciated by people who do not accept restrictions and conventions. People who are not alien to creativity and artistic mess. Those who want to be inspired, create and relax in the same place. Those who prefer to live outside the framework, in their own rhythm, which often does not coincide with the generally accepted one, and enjoy it.

Boho is suitable for original personalities with a rich inner world and a desire to display it in every detail of the interior. He will never get bored with people who are tired of monotony, rigor and conciseness.

At the same time, it is not worth dwelling on it for neat and tidy people, as well as for those who have a poor sense of colors and proportions and are entirely dependent on a clear delimitation of rooms according to their functional purpose. Also, it is not suitable for allergy sufferers due to the abundance of objects and fabrics that accumulate dust.


Boho style is multifaceted and unique. It would seem that he simply combines the incongruous, which attracts others. But its main charm is in the variety of manifestations. Designers identify 5 areas of boho, each of which is beautiful in its own way.

BOHO CHIC or luxurious

Its main difference is the abundance of natural, expensive materials and things.

It provides for filling the room with things made from natural materials, without splashes of plastic or glass. Unique textures are welcome, decoration of all surfaces with textiles in iridescent, but natural colors. The purpose of such an interior is to create a good mood for everyone who contemplates it.


You need to fill the interior in this style with vintage furniture, photographs, silk pillows.

It implies a mixture of chic and coquetry. Filling the interior in this style, you need to furnish the room with vintage or luxurious furniture, retro items, expensive and fun accessories. The walls of such a room are painted in pastel colors and decorated with modern photographs or reproductions with portraits of celebrities, lamps are decorated with pendants and rhinestones, household items - with fur capes and silk pillows. Accents in bright, juicy colors are placed around the perimeter.


Maximum natural materials - the key to success in interior design

He has naturalness in everything. Therefore, facing surfaces with wood, tiles, stone or brick, pasting walls with paper wallpaper, installing simple furniture with glass, wood or metal, using cotton tablecloths, ceramic dishes, linen curtains is welcome. The main thing is not to forget about rich colors, without which the style ceases to exist, and fill the room with them in the form of decorative elements.


A typical interior that meets the tastes of boho connoisseurs

It comes down to the use of traditional and proven materials, furniture of classic shapes and neutral warm tones. In such an interior there is a place for velvet or tapestry upholstery of surfaces, silk or cotton curtains with ties, muslin or cutas, as well as carpets with patterns and screens with oriental ornaments. Fresh rich colors can only be used in textiles or small decorative elements.

Rich colors, bright ornaments, lace, fringe, baubles, crafts, aromatic lamps, figurines are the hallmarks of the boho style.

It contains all the main features of boho: rich colors, bright ornaments and patterns, as well as lace, fringe, baubles, crafts, scented lamps, figurines and even musical instruments which help to create a unique atmosphere of freedom and comfort.

Photo gallery: different rooms in boho style

The beauty of boho is that it allows you to create a unique and inimitable interior in any room. The best of that confirmation - a selection of photographs of the rooms.

Boho-style children's room combines naturalness and brightness
You can create a boho-style interior in any room, but you can make it truly bright and original in the kitchen.
Variegated colors, patterns and an abundance of textiles are a prerequisite for boho
Lots of seating and lying areas in boho style
Books piled in a heap are not a sign of disorder, but one of the key conditions for a thoughtful interior

How to recreate with your own hands

You can create a boho-style interior in any room, but it will turn out to be truly bright and original in the kitchen. This is facilitated by the limited space, piling up of furniture and an abundance of small things.

Distinctive features of the style are rich, rich colors, as well as a variety of textures. But the secret to the success of a boho interior is the ability to mix them. Ideal Solution- the choice of two or three primary colors and the use of all their shades with small splashes of a few bright accents. Neutral tones must be present - brown, beige, white or gray, as they will smooth out the riot of colors.

A game with textures within the same color is welcome, because they will help emphasize all its diversity. On the brick wall you can hang a metal industrial pipe or an oriental carpet if they help you relax and tune in the right way.

Decoration of walls, floors

It is better to make the walls in the interiors pastel, additionally decorating them with mirrors or other decorative elements.

In matters of choosing materials for decoration, the bohemian style is very democratic. Naturalness in all its manifestations is welcomed. If the budget allows, you need to lay real oak parquet, complementing it brickwork or whitewash on the walls, and if not, imitate it by creating a plank floor.

If you don’t want to mess with it, it’s better to find a laminate or tile with a similar pattern, then repeating it on the profile of plastic windows. Walls can be pasted over with paper or embossed wallpaper, painted, covered decorative plaster with a plain pattern or even tighten with a cloth.

Ceiling decoration and lighting

When creating a ceiling in a boho interior, it is allowed to limit yourself to simple whitewashing or match it to match stretch ceiling. A flat, smooth surface or variations with stucco is allowed. If a beam passes through it, it should not be removed, but rather used as an accent. If desired, individual parts of the ceiling or its entire surface can be draped with a cloth.

Lighting should be soft and natural. It is good if the room has large open windows, which will let in the sun's rays. In their absence, chandeliers and lamps with flickering, muffled and warm light are suitable. It is achieved through the use of conventional lamps covered with a translucent fabric in pastel colors or textile lampshades. Colorful shades and convenience are the main criteria for a properly furnished interior.

The boho style has plenty of seating and lying areas. But they need to be created correctly. Designers recommend doing this with:

  • upholstered furniture - leather sofas and armchairs, poufs, bean bags, tables of any geometric shapes;
  • vintage - massive whatnots, wooden sideboards, lockers in Provencal style, antique chests and even plastic chairs that will favorably emphasize the originality of the house.
  • wicker - rocking chairs made of wicker, chairs with elegant backs, rattan furniture;
  • forged - backs of chairs and legs of dining tables, flower stands, figurines;
  • any other, provided that it is decorated with upholstery of an unusual texture, fur pieces, draped blankets or scattered pillows.

When installing a vintage cabinet, it is not necessary to hide all the kitchen utensils there, because the bohemian style involves flaunting things that are pleasant to the heart. They can be placed on shelves, window sills, tables and chairs next to flowers in pots, favorite books, freshly cut bouquets, vases, figurines, posters, candlesticks, lamps, souvenirs. The use of antiques and handmade items is allowed.

Excellent in the interior of the kitchen look stands with wine bottles, mini-bars and bar counters, wide and comfortable countertops. Boho style welcomes the combination of past and present, so it is allowed to install a new refrigerator, modern dishwasher or coffee makers of the latest model, decorated with textiles or accessories.

Selection of decor: dishes, textiles

Dishes should be bright and unusual, as even boho-style kitchen utensils serve as decorative elements.

Textiles play a huge role in bohemian style. Therefore, it must be chosen with special care, giving preference to heavy, opaque and massive fabrics that can hide everything superfluous from unnecessary looks. Moreover, both brocade, satin, silk and other iridescent, smooth fabrics, as well as velvet, plush or jacquard, are suitable. They can be decorated with any patterns and designs from ethnic motifs to geometric shapes. correct forms, prints in the style of a Scottish cage or still life embroidered with silk. Along with the texture of fabrics, textile elements are also important:

  • pillows, bean bags, pouffes different forms and sizes that can be laid out on chairs or dumped by a slide;
  • curtains and curtains - choosing them for different windows, you can play with color, textures and fabrics or zone the room with their help;
  • decoration of horizontal surfaces and walls - bohemian-style tables are covered with tablecloths and lace, sofas - with blankets, floors - with carpets and runners that are unlike each other, walls - with tapestry, wall carpets or original lamps with textile decor.

In the details of the boho interior, you can talk about your hobbies and hobbies.

Antique gizmos are welcome - books, paintings in aged frames, photographs, candlesticks, lampshades and even African masks, if they convey the spirit and mood of the owner of the kitchen.

Dishes should be bright and unusual, as even boho-style kitchen utensils serve as decorative elements. Items made of fine Chinese porcelain, sets of assorted cups, rustic plates with a border or ethnic motifs are suitable. The main thing is that there are enough of them.

Boho style in the kitchen is lively, bright and unusual! The main thing when creating it is to remember that this is the workshop of a creative person who is not alien to gloss, extravagance and a positive outlook on the world. Then new interior will please, and life in it will be filled with bright colors.

Juicy colors and aromas of oriental spices, national prints and stylish, but deliberately casual furnishings - these are some of the main differences fashionable style Boho in the interior.

This incredible style, popular not only in clothes, but also in the interior, combines two stylistic trends: oriental trends and the bohemian world of Europe.

Boho style will allow you to bring a truly individual entourage to your home, which will be a reflection of your personality. Your interior will stand out among the gray apartments of "euro-repair".

Boho style is a very "emotional" design direction. The main pattern of the style is variegation, coordinated with comfort, evoking the summer lightness of forms, structures and materials.

Style Directions

Do you have a free spirit? Are you a bright creative person?
— Then you love boho style!

In general, there are several main sub-directions of this style:

Classic boho, is distinguished by its focus on nature and ethnic motifs. Also, this direction is characterized by a certain restraint, bordering on bright accents.

Boho hippie. This direction tends to lace, fringe, floral patterns.

Ecological boho- this direction is distinguished by the use of natural materials: paper wallpaper, wooden decor elements, glass, stone, brick. In the eco-direction, textiles made from completely natural materials, such as linen, cotton, are often used. Home vegetation is also a very appropriate attribute.

Luxurious boho. Spectral colors and intertwining them in bizarre variations. Unusual textures and bright decorative elements are preferably used. This direction is designed to give you every day the joy of contemplating your interior.

Glamorous boho characterizes the use of furniture in the old style, combined with modern accessories. The use of silk, rhinestones and other unusual elements.

It is also worth noting that in all areas of style, great preference is given to products made by hand.

In such an interior, an old turntable with records, a rug with a Mexican print, carved table from the flea market.
The uniqueness of objects in the interior should be in harmony with your personal uniqueness.
A lot of details here are not a chaotic heap of useless things and accessories, but rather a reflection of your inner peace, its diversity, originality and dissimilarity to anything else.

Boho furniture

Upholstered furniture is an essential attribute of style.

Look for large luxurious sofas with flowing lines. And for contrast, you can add a small cozy sofa with carved edges, and soft ottomans covered with velvet. You can complete the composition by adding a rare coffee table
In the spirit of boho style, you can also use bean bags, creative forged and / or.

Colors in boho interior

The color scheme of the style is very versatile. The main ones are: earthy shades, mustard, gold and silver, purple, turquoise. They will help you create unusual combinations and place the right accents.

On the other hand, there are a great many different variations with which you can achieve a non-trivial effect. Therefore, you should not get hung up on classic color combinations, because in the boho style, the main criterion that determines the choice is your taste and personal preferences.
Don't be afraid to go beyond, try and implement your own original solutions!

What materials prevail in boho?

In the style of boho, it would seem that there are no rules, but still, when decorating rooms, preference is often given natural materials, which makes it a bit similar to eco-style, country style and many others, with the exception, perhaps, of modern a la styles and the like ...

In the overall picture of the boho interior, ceramic tiles will look better and more appropriate than linoleum. And it is definitely worth abandoning the abundance of plastic and other artificial materials. Moreover, if you still prefer the installation of plastic windows, then it is better that they be stylized "under the tree" in order not only to be functional, but also to match the style.

Boho in the interior: decor

Actual in boho style will look like: an old globe, a mysterious map or an African mask. Without hesitation, decorate the rooms with accessories brought by you from distant travels, let them become a unique "highlight" of your interior!
Home plants in original pots and tubs will also become an additional decoration.

Cross your boundaries, it is the boho style that is the direction in design where there can be practically no mistakes. Most importantly, try to listen to yourself and follow the main trends, and your home will become a unique setting that reflects your personality.

Boho in the interior - photo