Do-it-yourself acoustic foam installation: recommendations. We make an acoustic screen for a microphone with our own hands Features of installation work

Acoustic foam rubber is considered to be the most effective material for the device of high-quality sound insulation of premises. It perfectly dampens (absorbs) sound waves and significantly improves interior acoustics. Soundproof polyurethane foam has other advantages, these are:

  • flexibility and light weight, so that the installation of panels is not difficult;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • lack of smell;
  • original appearance that does not require additional finishing.

Acoustic foam is produced in the form of rectangular panels standard size 1x2 m, with relief in the form of a pyramid, peaks, waves. Their scope is inclined, vertical and horizontal surfaces of any shape.

Installation of acoustic foam rubber: workflow

  • prepare the surface to be glued. Level and clean it of dust and debris. Walls made of laminated materials and concrete sand and prime;
  • draw up on paper a layout of foam rubber sheets and, in accordance with it, mark out the wall and ceiling. Mark cut lines on the material. Since acoustic polyurethane foam has a textured pattern, it is better to determine in advance the location of the cuts and adjust everything so that they are inconspicuous and look beautiful. Attention: glue from the middle of the ceiling or wall;
  • treat the foam with adhesive. Use an atomizer or spray gun to apply the adhesive to cover the surface of the material with a thin layer. A brush or spatula can create a thick layer when smeared and the foam will "slide" down the surface after gluing. Spot application of glue is also allowed, but with this method of fastening, the material does not fully use its sound-absorbing potential. Attention: to work with acoustic polyurethane foam, choose contact adhesives on a butadiene-styrene, neoprene basis. Means containing trichloroethane are not suitable for fixing foam rubber on the surface;
  • press the foam sheet treated with adhesive to the surface at a predetermined place. Wait for the glue to set. Fix the rest of the panels to the wall in the same way.

Shops of the company "Vinyl Tex" carry out acoustic wholesale and retail from 1 sheet. Consultation of the manager and acceptance of the order by the phone number indicated on the website page.

Recently, acoustic foam has always been on guard for silence and purity of sound. It got its name from Porolon, the main supplier of polyurethane foam during the Soviet Union. It was first made in 1929.

Today it is used in recording and editing studios, theaters, television companies, restaurants, as well as in apartments, cafes, restaurants, offices. In short, wherever it is necessary to prevent chaotic sound vibrations or noise pollution.

Beware the noise!

Noise is a set of sound waves that are able to transfer their energy to physical bodies and be reflected from them. A noise pollution- acoustic vibrations of different origin and spectrum, whose intensity and energy violate the acoustic comfort. These fluctuations can come from outside and form within premises. And internal are more dangerous than external. After all, the noise coming from the street is kept by the walls of the building and double-glazed windows. And there is almost no protection from internal noise in the room.

The only thing that can neutralize the internal noise load is soundproofing rooms with acoustic foam. It eliminates two types of noise. The first is sound vibrations that propagate between free gas molecules, the second is vibrations.

In other words, acoustic foam prevents the release of vibrational energy that can cause vibrations in solids.

Types of acoustic foam

Acoustic foam rubber is made in the form embossed and embossed soundproof panels different forms, sizes and colors. The first ones are used to combat noise and correct acoustic conditions in rooms. They not only absorb sound, but also suppress those oscillatory impulses that could not be dissipated, neutralize powerful sound waves.

Embossed acoustic panels produce with "wave" and "pyramid" profiles, which give the studio or home cinema an original look.

Second - universal- Eliminate any noise that is created by nearby roads. They improve room acoustics much less than embossed panels, so they are used for soundproofing load-bearing and non-bearing walls, complete and incomplete partitions from any materials.

Acoustic foam rubber: we use it for efficient work in the office

Offices are known to generate and spread indoor noise pollution - footsteps, banging of drawers, doors, furniture, office equipment, phone calls and conversations - even if workers try to be as quiet as possible. All this reduces productivity and makes it difficult to focus on work.

However, if you equip the room with acoustic foam rubber, you can minimize sound vibrations.

According to experts, in small office rooms it is enough to place acoustic foam panels only on the ceiling which will reduce the noise pollution by half. And if you also cover the walls (in particular, two neighboring ones), the problem will be solved fully.

Thanks to the soundproofing of the room, people hear and understand each other better. It relieves nervous system from stress that causes various disorders, including chronic fatigue syndrome.

Video on how acoustic foam works:

Soundproofing apartments with acoustic panels

The apartment is also limited space. Work contributes to its noise pollution household appliances and the movement of people. thin walls reflect sound and transmit it, converting noise energy into vibrations of solid bodies, which causes vibrations., which can also spoil the lives of neighbors.

So in any apartment, especially where a family with small children lives, one cannot do without installing acoustic foam rubber panels.

In addition, vehicles and industrial equipment are powerful sources of sound vibrations.

If your house is located near a factory or a busy highway, you need to install in your apartment sound absorbing panels acoustic foam.

Acoustic foam rubber is an effective remedy not only against noise, but also against sound impulses that are below the limit of hearing. Speech about infrasound, which is very harmful to the body: it negatively affects the heart, kidneys and lungs, and ultrasound, which inhibits biochemical processes in tissues.

Quality sound recording

The main field of application of embossed acoustic panels is the premises where rehearsals are held and phonograms of vocalists' songs are recorded. It's about about recording studios, where acoustic foam rubber can be placed not only on the ceiling and walls, but also on specialized sound-absorbing screens.

This is due to the fact that great attention is paid to the control of acoustic parameters in such rooms: they are tuned to different frequencies.

Installing acoustic foam panels

Acoustic foam panels set exclusively indoors. In particular, their installation is carried out under floor coverings, false ceilings and inner lining walls.

Acoustic foam rubber is attached with glue or double-sided mounting tape to the base. As an option, you can make a supporting frame from light metal profiles, on which sheets of gypsum fiber are attached, which are the basis for gluing foam panels.

The thickness of the foam panels also means a lot. Today you can buy acoustic foam rubber thickness from 5 to 100 mm, which is selected in such a way as to eliminate not only noise pollution, but also to prevent the propagation of sound waves in the room in order to achieve an ideal, clear and without overlapping sound of the human voice and musical instruments.

In other words, the thickness of the acoustic foam panels depends on the intensity of the sound. That is, the stronger the sound stream, the greater should be the thickness of the acoustic foam rubber. For example, for effective protection office and residential premises located in the city, there are enough foam rubber panels with a thickness of 50–70 mm.

It should be added that acoustic foam panels are produced in the form of mounting sheets different sizes, which are called mats. Maximum Width and the length of the mats is 2000 mm.

The price of acoustic foam "Pyramid" for a mat 2 * 1 m is from 1180 rubles (30 mm) to 2500 rubles (100 mm).

Price for acoustic foam "Wave"(1m * 2m) - from 770 rubles. (25 mm) up to 1850 rubles (65 mm).

By the way, the colored acoustic foam "Volna" is produced in gray and dark gray, "Pyramid" - in brown and purple, and when made to order, you can order any color of the panels.

Another important parameter to consider when choosing acoustic foam is material density. Respectively, the smaller it is the better.

It remains to be added that the acoustic foam panels do not require any maintenance and repair, the period of their use is not limited.

The acoustic panel is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Its frequency depends on the purpose of the room.

So the ideal sound quality and the absence of noise pollution depend not only on good and expensive equipment, but also on correct finish the room where it is installed with acoustic foam rubber.

Acoustic foam rubber and its application are discussed in great detail in the following video review:

Acoustic foam

Acoustic foam is an acoustic treatment material widely used in automobiles. The open-cell material itself is capable of attenuating sound wave vibrations in air, regardless of their frequency.
Foam rubber acoustic pyramid, as it is also called, thus reduces the amplitude of the waves, turning energy into heat. From this publication you will learn what the main purpose of acoustic foam rubber is, what types it can be and what are its features.

Note. Immediately, we note that this material is universal. It can be mounted to the doors, ceiling or even entirely in the trunk of a car.


Acoustic pyramid foam rubber can be used in cars in order to improve the sound quality.
It's simple:

  • Certain surfaces are glued with this material;
  • Due to this, residual overtones in all frequencies are removed, which interfere with the perception of sounds normally.

Note. It is necessary to use acoustic foam rubber skillfully, not forgetting about the correct placement of the panels in the car.

This material can be used for various specific purposes, but main task is an:

Note. Foam rubber migrated to cars from large and small recording studios, where it is often used as a soundproofing material. In such rooms, foam rubber in the form of large panels in the form of triangles is placed on the walls.
In automobiles, in order for the material to better cope with absorption, especially low frequencies, it is also recommended to use it in large pieces, and most importantly, the material must be thick.

Secrets of working with foam rubber

bass traps

Note. Large pieces of acoustic foam placed in the interior of a car or other room create so-called acoustic traps or bass traps.

Bass traps work by capturing the energy of the bass that tends to cluster in the corners of rooms, in our case the corners. After that, the bass starts to deafen already.
If you use bass traps, you can get an amazing effect of reducing unnecessary reverb. The bass will get more clarity and quickness of impact, which will allow you to control low-frequency energy.

As mentioned above, there are many types of acoustic foam rubber. In cars, special foam rubber is used - automotive.

Note. Typically, automotive foam rubber is combined with carpet. Together, these two materials create excellent sound insulation and car audio rises to a completely different level.

To glue the car with these materials in a complex, you will have to do the following:

  • Disassemble the entire interior;
  • Remove all decorative trim;
  • Start sizing from the doors, as the most difficult elements of the car in terms of sound insulation.

Note. As a rule, in the process of soundproofing car doors, materials are already used, the basis of which is foam rubber. In this case, the foam rubber is on the substrate, and with front side it is covered with foil or polyethylene terephthalate film.

  • Carry out sizing and floors, also as the main parts subject to external noise and are surfaces from which the sound can change for the worse.

Note. Material based on acoustic foam rubber must be applied to a dry, fat-free surface. On top, you can glue another material, for example, polyethylene or acoustic felt.

  • Carry out the sizing of the torpedo. Over time, some parts of the panel become loose and create an unpleasant creak that interferes with normal sound perception.
    For this reason, the torpedo is disassembled, the old foam rubber is removed, and a new one is put in its place on a substrate or with a mesh. Self-adhesive tape will help hide the joints of the torpedo and the body.

An example of processing car doors with foam rubber


  • We purchase acoustic foam rubber on a self-adhesive basis;
  • We also buy an acoustic lens to increase the effect of improving the sound.

Note. As you know, an acoustic lens is able to equalize the sound output of the speakers, and in combination with foam rubber, it will be an “explosive” mixture.

  • We disassemble the door, first removing the windows;
  • We degrease the surfaces with which we will work;
  • We glue the foam rubber, then the lens.

More detailed information on how sound insulation of doors is carried out can be found in other articles and instructions on our website. In the process of doing the work with your own hands, we highly recommend watching the video, studying the photo.
As a rule, the price of acoustic foam rubber is low, but this material gives an incredible effect.

Foam rubber, known in the scientific world under the name, is a very amazing and interesting material that has firmly entered the modern life of a person. Almost all people daily deal with certain types of foam rubber, but few people know the history of the origin of this amazing material.

It all started back in 1929, when at Dunlop one of its researchers received the first samples using latex. Ten years later, foam rubber was first used to form rubber foam from isocyanates, but soon most of the natural varieties of foam rubber were replaced by styrene-butadiene rubber. At the same time, it began to be widely used for commercial purposes for the first time.

Polyurethane foam received its current name "foam rubber" thanks to a supplier company in the days of the USSR, which has the name "Porolon".

To date, most of the polyurethane market is made up of polyurethane foams.

by the most large consumers foam rubber of all kinds are:

  1. Transport. In almost all modes of transport (airplanes, cars, trains, ships, etc.), one way or another, there are elements based on foam rubber.
  2. Building. Without a huge variety of polyurethane, it is impossible to imagine any construction site today.
  3. Furniture manufacturing.

One of the common properties of foam rubber is its ability to absorb sounds. It is thanks to this property that it became possible to create rooms that have acoustic purity and protection from the effects of extraneous noise.

Acoustic foam rubber is used in the arrangement of home and professional recording studios, as well as production workshops of industrial enterprises.

Foam rubber action method

Noise is essentially the sum of sound waves in the frequency spectrum. Waves, having reached physical bodies, are absorbed or reflected from them. flat wall in the room it reflects a wave of sound, which begins to maneuver between obstacles - this is how the echo known to everyone since childhood is obtained.

Carpets or upholstered furniture reduce the energy of the sound wave by partially absorbing it and converting the effect of friction into heat. And the presence of all kinds of clusters of various objects and smooth surfaces is one of the reasons for significant sound distortion.

It was to equalize the load of noise in the rooms that sound-absorbing foam rubber was created. When examining it under a magnifying glass, you can see that the structure of the foam rubber is formed by countless polyurethane cells, inside of which there is air.

The official name of foam rubber is elastic polyurethane foam. It is a material with an open cell structure, thanks to which it is easily able to absorb liquids and absorb air. The wave of sound, upon reaching the average thickness of the foam rubber, is repeatedly reflected from its micropores and loses all its own energy (up to complete attenuation). For this reason, the higher the foam density and smaller size cells - the higher its sound insulation properties.

The main types of rooms for soundproofing

Consider the main rooms, the sound insulation of which is of practical importance.

Such premises include:

  1. Residential house/apartment
  2. Sound recording studio

Office- a place of high concentration of a large number of people who perform certain duties and create serious noise pollution. For example, phone calls, knocks and creaks of office furniture, noise of steps, operation of various office equipment (computers, printers, etc.). All this creates an atmosphere in which employees' productivity decreases, absent-mindedness and fatigue increase. A significant reduction in noise levels (almost twice) can be achieved by placing several foam panels on a cabinet or cabinet shelf.

Residential building, apartment is a place to relax, recuperate after a hard and difficult day at work. However, if the house is located on a busy street, and the owner has begun repairs in the apartment next door (or an ardent fan of loud music lives in the apartment on the next floor), rest becomes an unattainable dream, because it is impossible to fully relax in such conditions.

Sound-absorbing boards can help in solving this problem - they perfectly cope with the penetration of extraneous sounds into the room, not only from the outside, but from the inside. Especially acoustic insulation is useful for those who have small children - it will help maintain an atmosphere of calm and comfort.

Recording studios almost impossible to imagine without sufficient isolation from noise. Any extraneous noise and sounds adversely affect the quality of the recorded sound. For this reason, acoustic panels are installed in them not only on the walls - the ceiling is also processed.

Types of acoustic foam

In the process of designing the acoustic space of a room, one should not forget about the rules, following which will be achieved maximum effect(elimination of sound reflections, the required sound level of acoustic systems).

Acoustic foam panels can be divided into two main categories:

  • panels for absorption of low frequencies (abbreviated - LF)
  • panels that absorb medium and high frequencies (abbreviated as C / HF).

Accordingly, panels of the first type act mainly on the absorption of low frequencies and are implemented in the form bass traps and cubes. Absorbers of medium and high frequencies are represented by acoustic panels of the type "Pyramid", "Wave" etc.

bass traps

First of all, the false claim about the "outstanding abilities" of this type of panels should be dispelled, because some people believe that bass traps are capable of absorbing low frequencies. The main task of acoustic foam rubber is the elimination of reflections of the sound signal and the reduction of its "tails".

If you need to completely remove a certain frequency of sound, acoustic foam will not help. Its task is to remove the consequences of problematic frequencies in space.

Since the corners of the room accumulate low frequencies, returning to the listener with a certain delay, the main function of bass traps is to eliminate the accumulation of low energy.

Moreover, the relief of the panel does not matter. The size of the acoustic panel of this type depends on the size of the room and the planned result.

Acoustic foam panels

When choosing a panel, it should be remembered that its properties will directly depend on the weight and shape of the panel. For example, the Wave relief gives the softest sound-absorbing effect. These panels can completely cover the room.

But the Pyramid panels give the best result with a small amount and are located in certain areas of the room. Foam rubber of this type is widely used in acoustic systems - as a replacement for an ordinary synthetic winterizer, which fills the space inside speakers and subwoofers. It gives improved sound waves of medium and high frequency range.

Other acoustic panels differ mainly in the shape of the relief and certain degrees of efficiency. They perfectly cope with the problems of premises of any size - from small offices to production-level premises.

Working with acoustic foam rubber does not require special skills or abilities. It is easy to cut and, due to its low weight, can even be attached to 2-sided tape.

Soundproofing features and means to reduce unnecessary noise

There are two approaches to sound reduction: the use of anti-noise generators of the active type or increasing the distance from the source to the sound receiver using sound barriers that absorb the energy of sound waves.

Some factors of propagation and absorption of sound waves should be taken into account:

  1. Distance. The energy of sound waves scattered over a distance is reduced if acoustic foam is used - it gradually reduces the intensity of sound waves in the source, while in a normal situation, the rate of attenuation of sound waves is inversely proportional to the distance from the sound source.
  2. Damping. As a damping agent, acoustic foam is quite effective, as well as for reducing room resonance, absorption, diffusion or reflection. The absorption of sound by acoustic foam panels helps to reduce the sound level, while diffusion or reflection converts unwanted sounds into useful ones (due to their coordination).
  3. Absorption. Sound-absorbing foam materials, as mentioned above, convert the energy of sound waves into heat while reducing them. Sound absorption in certain frequency ranges is especially important in listening rooms or recording studios.

Porous acoustic panels

Acoustic foam absorbers with open pores operate on the principle of absorbing noise in the structure of the material. They are an effective noise absorber in the C/HF range. The absorption coefficient of foam acoustic panels is impressive even at low frequencies.

Sound absorption factors of cellular acoustic foam rubber:

  1. Foam density.
  2. Cell dimension.
  3. The presence of convolutions and bends.
  4. Panel thickness.
  5. The number of pores in the material.

Resonant Type Absorbers

Panels of this type, as well as Helmholtz resonators, act by damping (reflecting) sound waves. Absorbers of this type, compared to porous ones, are especially effective for frequencies in the medium and low frequency ranges, however, they are distinguished by a high cost compared to acoustic foam rubber.

Soundproofing with foam rubber in everyday life

The influence of external noise can be easily reduced or eliminated in the domestic environment. The main focus in sound insulation in modern houses should be given to windows.

To muffle the sound, in addition to curtains, honeycomb air chambers can be used or through the use of acoustic foam rubber. Honeycomb structures with a number of cells from 1 to 3 make it possible to achieve a high degree of sound attenuation.

In addition, acoustic foam panels can be part of the ceiling or walls - to reduce the sound level from neighboring apartments. In this case, foam rubber can be installed as a separate layer on the ceiling or walls.

Soundproofing with foam rubber in commercial premises

In the same way of installing acoustic foam rubber, the effect of reducing noise in rooms with a large number of employees and office equipment (telephones, computers, etc.) is achieved. Noise reduction, as already mentioned above, contributes to an increase in the efficiency and productivity of employees. In production shops, acoustic foam gives a noticeable reduction in overall volume and sound reflections from operating equipment.

Features of installation work

When carrying out work on the installation of acoustic foam rubber, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The foam panel should not be wrinkled or deformed, as this significantly reduces its effectiveness.
  2. Attach the foam rubber to the base with glue or double-sided tape. You can read about which glue is better in the article.
  3. Foam panels are installed exclusively for indoor installation.
  4. As a rule, the panels are placed under the floor covering, inside the walls or in the false ceiling structure.

The thickness of the sold foam panels can vary from 5 to 100 mm. When choosing a thickness, you should choose panels according to the principle: “higher noise level - thicker sound insulation layer”. For houses, apartments or office premises, panels with a thickness of 50-70 mm are suitable.

Standard panels are gray or brown, however, if desired, panels can be ordered in the desired color or shade.

Approximate price of various types of acoustic foam rubber

  • Pyramid(the shape of pyramids) - the price is 600 rubles. per square meter.

  • Wave(smoother shape in the form of a wave) price 400 rubles. per square meter.

  • Aura- price 450 rubles. for a set of four squares, each 30x30 cm.

  • small bass trap- price 900 rubles. for 1 piece. Dimensions 50x30x30 cm.
  • bass trap big- price 1700 rubles. for 1 piece. Dimensions 100x30x30 cm.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning the fact that foam rubber is not demanding on operating conditions and is an almost eternal material.

Hello friends. In this article, I will tell and show you how you can make an acoustic baffle (or acoustic panel) with your own hands is very inexpensive. And for some it might even be cheap.
I personally spied on YouTube how to make such an acoustic screen, and honestly I will attach this video at the bottom of this article. I will share it with you.

What is an acoustic screen for?

A small digression: in relation to the acoustic screen, you can also use the name "acoustic panel" - the essence is the same, so in this article I will use double terminology.

In my course on high-quality voice recording on a computer, in a lesson on preparing a room for recording, I talked about such acoustic panels. If you are planning or have already tried to record your voice on a computer (maybe even purchased), then most likely you have noticed that not every room is suitable for these purposes.

If we take an ordinary room for consideration with you and try to make a recording, then in 95% when listening to the recorded recording we will hear a background echo. And if you are not a koekaker and it is really important for you to do your job with high quality, then you will look for ways to get rid of the echo when recording a voice.

By the way, in my course, I shared a couple of tricky ways on how to solve this problem very simply and easily with improvised means. But this is also not always convenient. Especially if you write not only your own voice, but also the voices of other people who come to you, then it is important to observe the aesthetic component as well.

The echo in the room appears naturally from the reflection of our voice on all sound-reflecting surfaces, of which the room is full (floor, table, walls, cabinet surface).

By the way, in the course of writing the article, I remembered that I had previously raised this topic in, which I had to build on hastily at work. If interested, take a look. There, of course, also perfect option, but by 75 percent I managed to cut off the echo.

Recording studios solve this problem with acoustic foam, which is sheathed on the walls of the studio, sometimes the ceiling.

But for us (mere mortals), this method in most cases will not work for at least two reasons:

  1. Decorating a room with acoustic foam rubber will cost us a fairly tidy sum
  2. and not every room can be safely put under this business.

Actually, an acoustic panel was invented to solve our problem. They are installed behind the microphone and try to protect it as much as possible from echoes.

Here are some sample photos of acoustic panels:

These acoustic screens have their pluses and minuses.

  • Aesthetic component (they look neat and beautiful)
  • Functionality - they do their job well.
  • Cost (they cost a lot)
  • Transportation (not in every city you can buy them)

Here we understand that it would be nice to have such an acoustic panel, but how would you assemble it yourself? Yes or no?

But I definitely somehow thought about it and even made my own acoustic screen. Itself. But, to be honest, I got carried away.

This method has its undeniable advantages, but there are also disadvantages - I will not hide it. If I had known about them earlier, I would have avoided some troubles.

Therefore, I better warn you about them in advance!

But I will tell you about everything in detail below. So, my version of making an acoustic panel with my own hands.

We make an acoustic screen for a microphone with our own hands

And I decided to make a super budget acoustic panel, i.e. with the most minimum investment means for the purity of the experiment.

So, to make a homemade acoustic screen, we need:

  1. The material for the base can be, for example, plywood, but I had the remains of PVC panels, and I took them:

2. Piano loops by the number of connections:

3. Foam rubber 4 or 5 cm (preferably 5).

But I disheveled the backrest from the ottoman (I plan to change it anyway, so why regret it?). My cats, however, did not quite understand me. :)

4. Knife with a thin replaceable blade. I warn you: immediately buy a couple more packs of replacement blades - they get dull very quickly on foam rubber.

5. Door seal (but you can do without it):

6. Black color for water-based paints- Take a few. 4 was enough for me, and then for half the idea.

7. Glue - I took Moment Crystal.

So, I made a frame from PVC panels in accordance with my idea:

And along the edges of each constituent parts covered with brown tape.

My cat helped me, I couldn't do it alone.

Now we cut the squares obliquely (from corner to corner) so that we get two triangles from each square:

Well, I also additionally cut off the resulting triangles along the edges, so that it would be more convenient to attach them to each other, well, so that the base of the sound-reflecting foam rubber surface was higher:

I warn you right away, if you choose the same method for yourself with cutting foam rubber, you will have to cut for a long time and a lot, changing far from one blade!

After that, we take a color scheme for water-based paints (not everyone can paint over foam rubber, and we can’t clog our pores either). I had this one:

We breed the color scheme one to one, i.e. 1 jar of color for 1 liter of water. If you add more water, then the color will end up not being saturated, but a dirty gray.

In general, we impregnate pieces of foam rubber with black aqueous solution and lay out to dry. Don't forget to buy thick latex gloves! Washing off the color afterwards is quite difficult.

Glue the seal on top, but you can do without this step.

And with Moment glue we glue the dyed and dried foam rubber to the base, more precisely foam rubber triangles, putting them tightly one to one:

Thus, we paste over all parts of the base and connect them to each other with piano hinges ... Although it is possible in the reverse order.

I planned to make a rather impressive acoustic screen in this way, but, to be honest, I only had the patience to do this:

Well, friends, this is how, it would seem easy, we made an acoustic screen for recording voice on a computer.

But this method of making a screen has both its pros and cons. Pros:

  1. It cost us little
  2. Functionally, it is no worse than the purchased one - it copes with its task.

But he has his drawbacks, and I'll tell you about them! Minuses:

Well, by the way, here is the result of my work:

My conclusions: if I had to make an acoustic screen again, then I would still spend money on buying acoustic foam rubber: in the end, paint is not taken, and we save a lot of time. With his help, I would not make a screen for a month, but only one or two evenings.

So think about it before you start self-manufacturing acoustic screen with your own hands!

Oh yeah, and here is the promised video, from where I ripped off the idea:

How long did it take a person to do this?

Well, I have everything. Write if something is not clear in the comments below. I wish you success!

Your Victoria Senokosova

For today I have everything. Develop, create and may success overtake you!