How to insulate wooden windows for the winter with your own hands: technology and step-by-step instructions. How to insulate wooden windows for the winter: effective materials How to insulate windows in an apartment

Everyone understands that during the use of wooden windows, the material begins to dry out, as a result of which various defects appear in the form of cracks and cracks in the frames. The gaps become larger between the glass spatulas. The sashes no longer fit so tightly to the frame.

The consequences can be felt when a strong wind penetrates through all the cracks and an unpleasant noise is made. Of course, it can be like this: the room is heated so much that you have to open the windows for ventilation, so the cracks in this case are useful.

But the room can be poorly heated, so window insulation plays an important role in maintaining heat. Consider several useful methods of thermal insulation to create a unique cosiness and comfort in the house, keeping warm.

It should be noted right away that some people put their heaters right under the windows and cover them with curtains. All the heat generated goes into the cracks. You may not even feel it.

How to insulate windows for the winter with your own hands at home? What to insulate? Consider various ways window insulation.

How to insulate old windows? There are many variations of window insulation for the winter, which are old. You can use the most accessible items and tools. Some methods are temporary. Other methods will help to perfectly insulate windows for a long period of time. Let's look at the most popular ways that will help to carry out the thermal insulation of windows correctly and efficiently.

Use of newspapers and paper strips

You can insulate thanks to newspapers and paper. This method has stood the test of time. This is the cheapest option. To close up the cracks, it is necessary to use newspapers, which must first be soaked in water. Further, the resulting material should be inserted between the glass and the spatulas. It also seals other gaps.

You can first twist the newspaper into tubes, after which they must be soaked and the cracks sealed. From the upper part of the place where glass with frames and sashes with the main frame (bearing) are joined, it must be glued using paper strips. To do this, you need to bring the soap to a liquid state. Then the mixture should be applied to the strips. At the end, quickly glue them to the site.

This method is quite effective, but there is a significant drawback: everything must be torn off in the spring, during this procedure, paint is removed together with paper. Also, the remaining parts of newspapers and papers are very difficult to clean, and damage to the frame can be caused.

There will be another option. Let's take a look at it.

Application of cotton wool and fabric strips

Old windows are insulated with cotton wool and fabric. Cotton wool is an alternative to newspapers and papers. Technical wool is pushed in, fabric strips are glued from the upper part. Strips of fabric also need to be lathered like paper. Air bubbles of technical wool are a heater. Vata can be easily removed if necessary. Fabric strips can also be easily removed without damaging the window covering or frame.

This method has also been used for a long time, but unlike the previous method, it gives positive results. The main advantage is that the material can be purchased cheaply. As a replacement for fabric strips, more modern heat-insulating tapes can be used to seal windows. After their elimination, the paint coating also does not deteriorate.

Using foam and tape

Foam rubber is an excellent material, especially when it is required to carry out thermal insulation of huge gaps located in the window porches.

That is, the sashes have become so dry that they practically do not adhere to the frames. Therefore, the use of only technical wool is not enough. Therefore, foam rubber must be glued around the entire perimeter of the wings. Thanks to this product tightness during closing of windows is provided.

Foam rubber has an adhesive side, before, when it was not, this material was attached to surfaces using nails small size. This product can last approximately three years, and then the deformation process will begin. From the top it must be sealed with adhesive tape. Stick adhesive tape in the same way as paper strips. In the spring, you need to eliminate the adhesive tape, you can not touch the foam rubber.

Application of paraffin

This material is used to seal small gaps. The product needs to be straightened, they need to draw a syringe and caulk the cracks. If the gaps are large, then in this situation, you should additionally use a clothesline. It is important to push it into the slot, then it is caulked using paraffin. Such thermal insulation will last for several years.

swedish technology

Houses are insulated according to Finnish technology, and windows - according to Swedish.

At the moment, this is one of the most popular and common methods. The technology is called Swedish not because the Swedes are its inventors. The technology got such a name, since during the work the material EuroStrip is used, which really first appeared in Sweden.

This technology includes not only window insulation for the winter, but also their repair. They can be opened in winter, and the service life will increase to twenty years. How to properly insulate windows using Swedish technology? How are windows insulated for the winter using this method?

Small gaps should be sealed using sealant. Before you start mounting the windows with your own hands, you must first clean them of dust and dirt. Dry out. Sealant should be applied only at positive temperature. It is desirable to carry out the procedure at room temperature (20-25 degrees Celsius).

The nozzle located on the sealant cartridge must be carefully cut along the line that is wetted, then put on a specially designed gun. With this construction tool, sealant can be easily applied to areas that are hard to reach. The construction gun allows you to evenly distribute the composition.

If the material accidentally ends up on a surface, such as a window sill, it is easy to remove it thanks to a rag that must be moistened with gasoline. If the surface of the glass is stained with sealant, then it can be eliminated with a knife. Wait until the mixture dries and it must be picked off with a knife.

The sealing of window porches is carried out as follows: it is necessary to use a specially designed sealant, which consists of silicone rubber, which has a tubular profile. The manufacturers of this sealing product guarantee that this product easily tolerates sudden changes in air temperature and dirt.

Tubes can have a variety of diameters and structures, therefore, depending on the size of the slots, it is necessary to select a sealing product.

The seal may have different markings:

  • E. It is suitable for closing gaps whose dimensions are 2-3.5 millimeters.
  • P. The dimensions of the gaps should be 3-5 millimeters.
  • D. The dimensions of the gaps are 3-7 millimeters.

To find out the size of the gap between the frame, it is necessary to clamp a piece of plasticine between the sash and frame. Plasticine must be wrapped in cellophane.

The installation of a sealing product is a restoration that is best left to professionals. If the frames are in poor condition, the window geometry is incorrect, the wood has become dry and rotten, then a large financial outlay is necessary.

Swedish technology is used only if the windows have been treated with care all the time. Otherwise, the Swedish technology will cost you too much, it is better to insert then new PVC windows that have double glazing.

  • Absolutely all sashes should be removed from the hinges.
  • Then you need to select a groove along the perimeter of the frame, using cutters. A sealant must be inserted and glued into this groove so that the product cannot fall out during the entire time. You need to glue it tightly.
  • Next, the sash needs to be hung on the hinges again.
  • If your windows are old, then in this case it is necessary to completely replace the fittings or align the window geometry.

If the seal is properly handled, the service life will last fifteen years. During these years, you will definitely be able to save money for the purchase of new windows, you can also wooden ones that have double-glazed windows.

Application of heat-saving film

The use of heat-saving membranes is a modern way. The principle of operation of this material is that it transmits light inside the house, but infrared radiation does not come out, thanks to which the heat inside the house is preserved. The membrane has two parts.

One part has a metallic sheen, can conduct current, the second part is ordinary. During the procedure for gluing the product, you need to make sure that the film side with a metallic sheen “looks out” on the street.

It must be glued overlapping on the frames, fastening is carried out with the help of an adhesive - adhesive tape. If the gluing is carried out correctly, and most importantly, carefully, then the heat-insulating agent will not be noticeable to the eye.

This membrane can also be used for plastic windows.

Insulation of window openings

Window insulation includes insulation of window openings. This is the most important procedure. The window can be sealed with a heat-insulating film, but the gap between the frame and the slope remains and may not be noticeable.

Therefore, in order to seal or caulk this gap between these elements, mounting foam is used. This option is the most efficient and simplest. But there is a drawback. After the mounting foam dries, it is necessary to eliminate the excess material, as well as to close the product with something.

Putty, which must be made by hand, is perfect as a replacement. To prepare the mixture, you will need gypsum, chalk and plain water. The proportion should be 2:1. With the solution that you received, begin to cover the cracks. This mixture will be more inconspicuous compared to mounting foam. Closed (caulked) cracks will exclude the occurrence of drafts inside the room.

The methods discussed in this article are suitable for insulating windows with wooden elements. For thermal insulation, it is also possible to use a specially designed adhesive.

Interestingly, PVC windows may also need thermal insulation. This can happen due to incorrect usage and mounting. They may also be of poor quality. If the seal becomes unusable, then it is necessary to replace it.

Do-it-yourself window insulation is possible. But if the window geometry has been changed, the sashes have sagged or the fittings do not work well, then in this case it is recommended to seek help from specialists who will do their job efficiently and professionally. It will cost certain Money but you will be happy with the result. TO winter period you are ready!

Wooden windows are environmentally friendly structures, they create a comfortable microclimate in the room. For these qualities, many do not want to part with them. But over time, the tightness of the frame decreases and the window becomes a conductor of cold and draft.

You can solve the problem different ways. How to seal a window for the winter and insulate the gaps between the frame, frame and slopes depends on how durable the repair should be and how much time and money you are willing to spend on it. To varying degrees, both the old methods of insulation, which were used by our grandmothers, and modern ones, produced using technological materials, are effective.

We are looking for the cause of cold windows

In order for the insulation work not to be in vain, it is necessary to correctly determine weakness a window that lets in cold air. The reason may lie in different parts of the design:

  • Slopes (damaged or missing insulation);
  • Window sill (in its lower part, cracks or bridges of cold may form, which, at first glance, are invisible);
  • Glass (blowing occurs at the junction of glass to the frame, the putty that closes the joint deteriorates over several seasons and requires regular renewal);
  • Frame and sashes (shrinkage of the tree, subsidence of the sashes, movement of the soil under the house - all these circumstances lead to the formation of gaps between the frame and the window box).
Defects in a wooden window frame lead to heat loss in winter time

If a visual inspection failed to identify the cause, you can use some tricks. For example, wet your hand with water and bring it to different parts of the window. An even more sensitive way is a lit candle or a lighter. The flame reacts to any fluctuations in the air, and they will indicate the places of heat loss.

A very old window requires an integrated approach. To achieve good thermal insulation, it is necessary to eliminate all possible cold bridges.. Structures in good condition are sufficient to be insulated along the perimeter of the frame and opening sashes with any accessible way.

How to close gaps

The most common problem that owners of houses with wooden windows face is the appearance of gaps between parts of the structure. They are formed as a result of changing the geometry of the window and window opening. In some cases, it is enough to adjust the position of the valves by tightening the mounting loops. But most often the gaps have to be sealed. You can use a lot of improvised and specialized materials for this purpose.


Made from cellulose fibers good insulation. You can make it yourself from toilet paper or newspapers. To do this, crush the paper and fill it with water. When the mass softens, it is necessary to remove it and squeeze it well. To make the putty more durable, the same amount of clay and twice as much crushed chalk are added to the cellulose.

Sealing a window with paper is one of the most simple ways insulate your house for the winter

The mixture must be used immediately for its intended purpose. You can lay it inside the slots with any convenient tool, for example, a knife or a strong ruler. It is advisable to seal the closed cracks with masking tape, soapy paper or cloth.

In this way, you can insulate windows for the whole winter. But it will not be easy to remove the composition from the slots and the frame, moreover, traces will remain on the surface, which can only be removed by painting.

cotton wool

Such a way to insulate wooden windows cotton wool for the winter - perhaps the fastest and cheapest. It is necessary to tear off pieces of cotton wool and tightly lay them in the gaps in the window structure. To seal small gaps, it is recommended to use a screwdriver or a knife.

Cotton wool - the cheapest, but also the most short-lived insulation

The advantage of the method is that it is easy to remove cotton wool in the spring, while the window will not lose its appearance. Warming will be effective for one season, since from time to time and under the influence of moisture, cotton wool becomes caked and compacted, so the gaps will have to be filled annually.

Foam rubber

Insulation of old wooden windows can be done using ordinary pieces of foam rubber or special adhesive foam tape. Due to the many air chambers in the pores, this material provides good thermal insulation, but does not save from street noise.

Window insulation with foam rubber

Pieces of foam rubber can be hammered into the gap between the frame and the box, or laid along the perimeter of the working sash and closed tightly. If necessary, insulation is very easy to remove.

Laying adhesive foam tape around the perimeter of the window frame

To apply adhesive tape around the perimeter of the window, you will need to remove the frame from the box. If the gaps are large, then apply the foam tape in several layers until a snug fit is achieved. In the same way, the sashes are insulated. The disadvantage of this method is that when the tape is removed, traces of glue may remain on the frame or pieces of paint may come off..

Rubber compressor

Adhesive tape made of rubber or polyurethane can last for more than one year. And insulate the window with it very quickly. The only drawback is that you will need to spend money on purchasing a tape.

The insulation is in the form of a tube with a cavity inside - this ensures that its shape is maintained even if the sash is actively used. Sealing gaps is not required - this is also a plus.

Thermal insulation of a window using Swedish technology is a fast and reliable method of insulation, but also not cheap

Similar materials are used to insulate wooden windows using Swedish technology. But before installing the tape, recesses are made around the perimeter of the frame and sashes, into which the insulation is then inserted.

How to reduce heat loss through glass

Even double-glazed windows of metal-plastic windows are always cold in winter. Through this part of the structure, the main heat loss occurs. In the case of wooden windows, the situation is especially difficult - the glass is simply inserted into the groove and does not fit tightly.


This method of window insulation partially solves the problem of glass fitting to the frame. But it lasts for 1-2 seasons. After that, the procedure must be repeated.

Putty ensures a tight fit of the glass to the frame

Special window putty or plasticine is suitable for sealing. These materials are equally ductile and adhere well to wood and glass. Apply them with outer side windows at the joint between the glass and the frame. Before using a small piece of material, you need to knead it and evenly, slightly pressing it, cover the gap. The key disadvantage of the method is the destruction of the putty during freezing and the melting of plasticine in the sun.


The method of sealing the joint using silicone or acrylic sealant is more reliable and durable than the first. But at the same time more troublesome and expensive.

For work, it is recommended to purchase a composition of a transparent color. The sealant is applied to the seat of the glass, that is, in the groove. Therefore, the glass will have to be removed. The composition must be squeezed out with a uniform strip along the entire perimeter and immediately put the glass in place and again pass the sealant along the seam.

Sealing the joint between glass and frame with sealant

A small feature that should be remembered when choosing this method of insulation is that the sealant hardens, so it will not be possible to easily pull the glass out of the frame if necessary.


The heat-reflecting film, according to manufacturers, can reduce heat loss through glass by 30%. It sticks directly to the glass.

Heat reflective film can be glued on the glass

In order to protect windows for the winter in this way, you need to clean the surface of dirt and degrease, then cut out a piece of film with a margin of 2 cm on each side. Tear off the bottom layer and attach to the glass. Glue it over the entire area with smoothing movements. If wrinkles have formed, you can warm them up a little with a hairdryer, cut off the excess with a clerical knife.

Insulation of the window sill, drainage and slopes

If there are no gaps on the frame, and the heat from the room still escapes, the problem may be the presence of cold bridges in the space under the window sill or inside the slopes. In this case, repair and insulation of wooden windows will be required at the same time.

Mounting foam

Universal insulation for windows - polyurethane foam. It can be used for sealing gaps and mounting slopes.

To exclude heat loss from under the window sill, it is necessary to clean the old fallen off plaster, crumbling foam, caked wool or other type of insulation that has become unusable from the space under it. Then install the foam bottle in the gun and blow the insulation into the slot. It is important to remember that the composition is expanding several times. Excess foam can be easily cut off with a knife after drying.

To seal large gaps under the window sill, it is better to use mounting foam

Also, the foam is blown into the seam between the frame and the wall and along the edges of the slope, then any insulation is laid and a slope made of drywall, plastic or sandwich board is installed. Temporarily it must be fixed on the wall with masking tape. All joints must be sealed with sealant.

Polyethylene film

Insulation of windows wooden house can be done by other methods. A new and still insufficiently proven method - sealing the window opening with a completely transparent plastic film. The method is not entirely aesthetic, since it is difficult to glue the film absolutely evenly. It can only be partially leveled with a hair dryer. But, judging by the reviews, the method allows you to reduce the heat loss of the window to the level of a blank wall, which is much more effective than sealing or sealing gaps.

Sealing a window opening with a film significantly reduces heat loss, although it does not look very aesthetically pleasing

Fix the film in different ways:

  • double sided tape;
  • Furniture stapler;
  • Paint tape.

Such protection against cold is easy to install and dismantle. The same film can be used repeatedly.

Since there are many ways to insulate old wooden windows for the winter, it is best to use several at once to eliminate not only obvious problems, but also those that may arise in the cold.

It is known that the microclimate in the house is important for the health and comfortable living of all family members. In a harsh climate in most regions of our country, this is a paramount necessity. Therefore, we do our best to insulate our homes. Underfloor heating, central heating, hot water- bring long-awaited comfort to our apartments. However, it is necessary not only to deliver heat, but also to be able to keep it. By latest research up to 75% of heat loss occurs through windows. In new buildings, modern double-glazed windows are now widely used. But not all apartments today can boast of them. Therefore, the question of how to insulate wooden windows is especially relevant.

To do this, a large number of methods are used, from "grandfather" with improvised materials to modern techniques. In this article, we will consider the main ones.

Warming a wooden frame with newsprint - an old-fashioned way

This is probably the simplest and old way how to insulate wooden windows. Even our grandparents used old newspapers. They had to be soaked with water, the resulting mushy mass was placed in the slots, and specially cut paper strips were glued on top of the soap base. The cost-effectiveness of this method of warming old cracked windows is obvious. But it also has a number of significant drawbacks. Firstly, it is applicable only for small voids between glass and glazing bead. Secondly, all this “beauty” must be removed and washed out every year when warming occurs. And with the annual use of this method, especially on old window openings paint often comes off with glued paper, which creates additional functional and aesthetic inconvenience for the owners.

Window insulation with wool and fabric strips

This method is very similar to the previous one, however, it does not use old newspapers for thermal insulation, but technical wool. It also perfectly retains heat in the room, and can be used in large dry cracks. At the same time, the paper strips are replaced with fabric ones, glued on the same soap base. Cheap, cheerful, warm enough, but not durable and difficult to remove.

It is worth noting that this method still has the right to be applied. For convenience, for the sake of fabric strips, today they can be replaced with adhesive paper tape (adhesive tape).

Insulation of windows with foam rubber and adhesive tape

Sealing cracks in a wooden frame with foam rubber

Another way to insulate old wooden windows. At the same time, foam rubber acts good sealant, which is subject to any, even the largest cracks. It is relevant when significant air cavities have formed in the vestibules. This is possible when the wooden frames are so dry that they do not fit snugly against each other and window openings. On top of the insulation, you can still use paper tape to hide its use from view. This method is convenient, if necessary, foam rubber will last for several years, only the paper cover changes.

Seal cracks in windows with paraffin wax

This is what paraffin looks like

Another material that is used in the insulation of old wooden windows. You need melted paraffin and a syringe to fill it. If the gaps are large, you should first lay some additional consumable: foam rubber, clothesline, electrical wire to fill the cavity.

The disadvantage of all the methods indicated above is that with this insulation, the windows are closed once and for all, for the entire cold season. If you open them, all the tightness created is broken and you have to start over.

Insulation using tubular profiles

This is not even just a way to insulate a wooden window with your own hands, but some procedure for restoring windows. The tubular profile is a special compacted soft gasket with excellent insulating properties. It can be used both self-adhesive and in combination with silicone sealant. The second option is preferable because it creates an additional layer of protection. A huge advantage of this method is that windows can be freely opened and closed during the entire cold period without loss of tightness.

Correspondence table between the size of the gap and the seal (according to the Varnamo company)


Slot size, mm

Seal size, mm

Mounting method






3 — 5
3 — 7


With staples or glue

On fastening nails



9 x 6
15 x 6


Windows insulation according to Swedish technology

A modern and widely used method today. At the same time, in fact, the Swedes have nothing to do with it. They just came up with the material that is used.

Swedish technology, like the previous method, is somewhat wider than just warming a wooden window for the winter. This is also a way of some reconstruction of the window opening. The sashes quietly open at any time, and the whole structure will last a solid 15-20 years.

So, firstly, small gaps between the glass and the glazing bead are coated with sealant. At the same time, the processing sites must be clean and dry, and the temperature in the room should not be lower than + 5 ° С.

It should be especially noted that this method is not applicable to dilapidated, partially rotten frames. It is quite expensive, and can cost the owner of the window a "tidy sum", if the latter are not in proper condition.

3 stages of window insulation using Swedish technology

The frames are removed from the hinges, which may require the replacement of non-working fittings. A special tubular soft material is glued into the grooves and crevices. It is issued various diameters, which allows you to choose it optimally for each of the voids of the window. This work is difficult, so in most cases it is better to entrust it to professionals to achieve the best result.

Window insulation with heat-saving film

Glass insulation with heat-saving film

Another modern and convenient way insulate wooden windows. The peculiarity of this material is that it has two sides - simple and with metal coated. Due to this, it transmits the sun's rays through itself, but does not transmit infrared radiation back. This explains its heat-saving effect.

It should be noted that it is necessary to glue the film with the metallized layer outside, this is important!

The material is glued to both glass and frames. With proper execution, it will be almost invisible to the eye, and the room will immediately become much warmer.

Insulation of window openings

Often there is a need to insulate not only windows, but also the window openings themselves. They can become dilapidated due to a long period of use or be poorly insulated by builders when building a house.

Blowing out cracks in window openings, between a window and a window sill is carried out in most cases with mounting foam. It's both fast and convenient. That's just it will significantly stand out in color from the surrounding materials and it will need to be masked with additional trim.

You can also cover the gaps between the frame and the window opening with self-prepared putty. To do this, we take building gypsum, two parts and one part of chalk, dissolving everything with water. The resulting mixture will be more in harmony in color with the materials surrounding the seam and will not require additional masking.

Restoration of old frames

This method is considered one of the most expensive. It is technically complex and requires good technical training of the performer. The frames are removed at the beginning of work, in the resulting opening of the frame structure along the entire length, grooves are carefully sawn out, which are subsequently filled with heat-insulating material (for example, foam rubber or polyvinyl chloride). The places where the glass is joined to the glazing bead are treated with silicone sealant. Fixed insulated structures are lubricated with a sealing compound to prevent drafts.

Wooden window restoration video

Works on the restoration of window structures are considered the most expensive and resource-intensive, therefore, before carrying out them, all the pros and cons should be weighed. Perhaps the installation of new plastic windows with double-glazed windows will cost the owners cheaper in the end.

Summing up

All the above methods of insulation are used for wooden windows. By default, it is assumed that modern plastic windows do not require additional insulation. In practice, it often turns out to be the opposite. Often, builders leave unfilled voids around the perimeter of the window installation, which entails strong drafts even when the frame is completely closed. Also, over time, the seal may be deformed, which in this case should be replaced with a new one. If the reasons are more serious, this may require reinstalling the window completely, for example, if its geometry is violated during the initial installation.

Most of the above methods of insulating wooden windows are easy to perform and do not require additional skill, so they can be done "with your own hands", without the involvement of specialists.

In spite of modern technologies, wooden windows remain a popular element of window designs. This is primarily due to their environmental friendliness. However, their significant drawback is their weak thermal insulation properties.

But this problem is completely solvable. By insulating such a structure, you can protect the house from the entry of cold air in the winter season and thereby ensure warmth and comfort in the house.

What we insulate

Before the onset of cold weather, you should carefully examine the window for the presence of so-called cold bridges, the main ones being:

  1. Window sills. The main heat loss occurs through this zone. There may be several reasons. One of them - the installation of the structure was carried out incorrectly. Perhaps the foaming was carried out poorly. cracks large sizes can occur in buildings with a fairly long service life.
  2. Lintels above the windows - beams to strengthen the opening. This moment can be revealed only from the outside. Therefore, the insulation is made with outside walls.
  3. Slopes. There may be gaps between the frame and the wall, the appearance of which cannot be avoided even with correct installation windows.
  4. Glass. Thermal infrared radiation penetrates into the room through this element of the window. Therefore, their condition is very important. In addition, it is necessary to check the glass for cracks, chips.

If no visible errors are found, but the cold air coming from the window is still felt, it is quite simple to check exactly where the heat loss occurs.

By running your hand along the entire structure, you can easily feel the flow of cold air. You can use a lit candle - in a place where the flame fluctuates, insulation should be made.

material for insulation

Since ancient times, improvised means available in almost any home have been used to insulate windows:

  1. Tapes made from paper or old newspapers are the most popular way to insulate wooden windows. It is quite effective, but has one drawback. At the end of the cold weather, it is difficult to remove the strips from the frame, and the paint can be damaged.
  2. Strips of fabric and cotton. The cracks are clogged with cotton wool and glued on top fabric strips or special tapes. Heat losses are minimized, and removing them in the spring is quite simple without damaging the coating.
  3. Foam and tape. This method of insulation is identical to the previous one and is used when there are large gaps between the frame and the wall. Foam rubber is glued around the perimeter of the frame. Tape is applied on top. This material is more durable, but, again, peeling off the tape can damage the paint on the frame. In addition, over time, the foam rubber begins to crumble.
  4. Paraffin is used in the presence of small gaps. The advantage over other methods of insulation is that it does not need to be removed in the spring. It will serve well for several years.
  5. Plasticine or window putty. The effect of such insulation is significant. But the problem is the subsequent removal of this material from the surface of the frame.

All of the listed materials do not require any costs or special skills for their use. But they all have almost the same drawbacks - fragility, moisture permeability, the need for dismantling.

You can get rid of these problems modern materials, acting as a heater for windows. The main ones among them are:

  1. Sealants silicone, polyurethane, butyl. This material is used most often for a tighter fit of glass to the frame;
  2. are tubular gaskets coated on one side with a self-adhesive compound. They can be made from different material– PVC, polyethylene foam, rubber, polyurethane and foam rubber. But it is impossible to carry out work on warming with this material in winter, this must be done before the onset of cold weather;
  3. The heat-reflecting film perfectly keeps heat in the room in winter time. When installed correctly, it does not affect visibility through glass in any way.

In addition, in the summer it reflects the sun's rays, not allowing the room to warm up.

Rules for warming wooden windows

  1. Before insulating windows, it is necessary to inspect the entire structure for cracks, crevices, gaps, etc., and determine their dimensions. The heater is selected according to all these data.
  2. When buying a material, you must carefully read the information on the packaging. It is extremely important to check its expiration date. This is especially true for self-adhesive seals. Material that has expired very quickly will fall off the frame surface. The same goes for sealants.
  3. The sealant must be white or transparent. As for seals, it is better to choose soft types that, when pressure is removed, restore their shape.
  4. Before starting work, ventilate the room, at high humidity pasting wooden frames is quite difficult.
  5. Next, you need to clean the places that will be directly insulated. This is especially important when working with sealants and sealants. On a dusty surface, the material will not adhere to the wood.
  6. If windows in summer time open, then use fastening materials(mounting foam, silicone sealant, gypsum) at the junction of the valves is not worth it. The same applies to vents. Here you can use improvised home remedies.

Ways of warming with improvised means

At work, you may need:

  1. Thin spatula.
  2. Soft cloth.

Having prepared in this way, you can proceed directly to the warming procedure. It can be produced in different ways:

  1. Using a thin spatula or knife, plug all the cracks with cotton wool. Glue the top of the frame with paper strips 4-5 cm wide. Glue is prepared as follows: in 1 glass cold water dilute 2 tbsp. potato starch. Then gradually add 1 liter of boiling water to this mixture, stirring constantly until the mass thickens. As glue, you can use a sugar solution - 2 tbsp. for 1 glass of water. Masking tape is also used instead of strips.
  2. Rags or plain paper dipped in soapy water, let the liquid drain and dry a little. Then, with a knife or some sharp object, the gaps are filled with the prepared material. Masking tape is glued on top to prevent drafts.
  3. You can insulate windows with paraffin or wax. To do this, it must be melted and then poured into the slots with a syringe. This method is quite reliable and long-term.
  4. Often, ordinary putty intended for wooden surfaces is used to insulate windows. It can be used for painting.
  5. Another pretty simple one. It is fixed on the outside of the window around its entire perimeter. Fastening is carried out with a construction stapler. The only caveat in this case is that the film must be well stretched, otherwise it can be torn off under the influence of the wind.


The main advantage of the seal is that it does not need to be dismantled, it can last for more than one year, reliably protecting the room from the penetration of cold air through the window. It is laid around the entire perimeter of the window at the joints of the box with the frame.

Most often, seals have a self-adhesive surface on one side, with which they are attached to a wooden base. In the absence of such a surface, a special glue is used. The type of seal is selected according to the size of the slots.

First of all, the frame must be washed and dried well. Freshly painted frames can be pasted over only after two weeks.

Measurements are taken with a strip of sealant, and it is very important not to stretch it. Both ends are cut at a 45 degree angle. After removing a small piece of the protective layer, the sealant is applied to the upper edge of the frame and further, gradually removing protective layer, glued to the bottom edge.

Then the horizontal joints are glued in the same way. At the corners of the frame, it is precisely due to the angle of 45 degrees, under which the seal was cut, that the junction of the horizontal and vertical segments must be made. For greater reliability in these places, the sealant is fixed with a construction stapler.

Mounting foam

This material is used to fill large gaps between the wall and the window structure. The frames should first be strengthened with spacers, since the foam expands during application and the window structure can warp. Next, you need to sprinkle the gap with water.

Foaming is done, starting from the bottom and gradually rising up. The gap is filled with foam to 1/3 of the depth. Then it is necessary to treat the applied foam with water from a spray bottle. Apply another layer if necessary. The excess is trimmed with a sharp knife.

Some time after the foam has completely solidified, the surface must be covered with putty, paint. If the foamed surface is not treated, over time it begins to crumble under the influence of ultraviolet rays. In addition, it is susceptible to moisture.

When working with mounting foam, you must follow some rules:

  1. Gloves must be used during work.
  2. The room must be well ventilated.
  3. The air temperature should not be lower than +5 degrees.
  4. During operation, the foam bottle must be shaken periodically.
  5. Hold the balloon upside down.

Sealant insulates the place of contact between the glass and the window frame. To do this, stock up on new glazing beads and a mounting gun.

The sequence of work in this case is as follows:

  1. Old glazing beads must be carefully removed. The lower glazing beads are removed first, then the side ones, and only then the upper ones.
  2. Remove glass carefully.
  3. Clean the areas of the frame where the glass has been installed and dry.
  4. Fill these places with sealant.
  5. Replace glass.
  6. Install neatly glazing beads

Installation of heat reflective film

This material for warming wooden windows has appeared recently. It is a multilayer film 30-35 microns thick coated on one side with metal (chromium, nickel, silver or gold).

Its advantages are undeniable:

  1. The film is absolutely transparent, its presence on the glass does not distort visibility.
  2. Heat loss is kept to a minimum.
  3. Due to its reflective properties, it prevents the passage of harmful ultraviolet rays.
  4. Protects glass from damage, fogging.
  5. Easy to install.
  6. Wear resistant and durable.
  7. Serves as protection of the dwelling from electromagnetic radiation.

To install it, you need to prepare a set of tools, which include:

  1. Scissors.
  2. Plastic spatula.
  3. Stationery knife.
  4. Spray.
  5. The adhesive tape is double-sided.

In addition, you will need a clean rag, soapy water, and rubber or cotton gloves.

First of all, you need to thoroughly wash the windows and let them dry well. Then release the structure from the fittings - handles, etc. Next, the window is measured, for fixing it is necessary to leave a small allowance of about 2 cm. Cut the film with scissors according to the measurements made.

Before gluing the glass film, they are wetted with soapy water, the wooden elements of the window structure must be degreased. Then, along the perimeter, the frame is pasted over with double-sided tape, on which a film is then applied. When doing this, make sure that the metal-coated side is on the outside. With a spatula it is necessary to smooth it over the glass, removing air. From above, the edges of the film are neatly fixed with glazing beads.

Then the fittings are installed in place, the adhesive tape is removed. If there are small wrinkles, they can be removed by gently heating the film with a hair dryer. Under the influence of hot air, it will take the necessary shape.

When working with a heat-reflecting film, it is necessary to ensure that dust, dirt or water does not get on it, otherwise it will lose its properties.

  1. Insulation is usually carried out on the inside of the outer window frame. The only exceptions are lintels above the windows. They can be pasted over with building foam from the outside.
  2. It is impossible to work with sealants in winter, the most suitable time is the beginning of autumn.
  3. Material for insulation should be purchased with a margin. During operation, small flaws are possible, leading to the unsuitability of the material.
  4. In the process of home insulation, windows are given the most important role, since they can cause drafts. Therefore, this issue is resolved, as a rule, in the first place.

Despite the popularity of energy-saving structures made of metal-plastic profiles, there are still many adherents of wooden windows. Make a choice in favor wooden structures causes a number of reasons: a healthy microclimate of the room, environmentally friendly material, high decorative qualities of the product.

Positive property - ability natural material"breathe", has another side - increased heat loss inside the room. The owners of wooden windows need to take care of reliable insulation for the cold season in a timely manner.

Places on windows with poor tightness can be detected with a burning candle. On a windy day, we will carry it along the window frame, where the flame will fluctuate, there is a place for heat leakage. Such areas must be insulated from the inside and outside of the room.

To perform the work, you can invite specialists, but it will not be difficult to do it yourself with the help of improvised and special materials.

(1 way) Insulation of wooden windows with paper and fabric strips

The simplest, rather primitive, but very economical way is to insulate wooden windows with paper and paper or fabric strips.
Completing of the work:

  • we tear paper, newspapers, wallpaper into pieces, twist it into strips;
  • soak in water and fill the gaps between the window frame and sashes with a knife or ruler;
  • carefully glue strips of paper or fabric of small width (4-5 cm) along the joints, coat them with a solution laundry soap or we make a special glue (paste) from flour or starch.

Paste recipes:

  • Flour paste: take flour and water in equal proportions (1: 1), mix well until the lumps disappear and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  • Starch-based paste: 2 tbsp. dissolve the starch in water and combine it with a glass of boiling water in a thin stream, keep it on fire for a short time.

It is not easy to clean the window from this insulation, sometimes paint is removed along with the paper, and its pieces and prints of printing ink remain on the surface of the window frame.

Simple and forgotten heaters also include window putty, and even children's plasticine.

(2 way) We insulate the window with cotton wool, gluing the joints with adhesive tape or self-adhesive paper

The same "grandmother's" method, but more modified. Paper is replaced by cotton wool, instead of paper and fabric tapes - adhesive tape and self-adhesive paper, and the execution process itself is identical. In the spring, when it becomes necessary to remove the insulation, the paint will remain on the adhesive tape, but self-adhesive paper has the advantage of being removed without problems.

(3 way) Self-adhesive foam tape - a convenient and reliable insulation of a wooden window

You can buy it in any store, it is easy to work with, although the whole process takes a lot of time.

The procedure for laying an elastic, elastic material - foam tape, for insulation and insulation:

  • we measure along the perimeter the joints between the window sashes and the window frame;
  • we take into account the width of the gaps, and buy a foam tape a little thicker than necessary when measuring;
  • we clean the attachment points from dust and dirt and degrease the surface with alcohol or acetone;
  • remove the protective base and stick the insulation on the pre-planned area.

For better tightness, it is necessary to pass self-adhesive paper on top, which is better to remove in the spring, and the foam rubber can be left and used for several seasons.

(4 way) Tubular seal for a wooden window

The tubular seal does not lose its qualities for a long time, is durable, does not limit the ability to open and close the window.

Rubber seals are easy to use, especially if the gap has a different width along the entire length. When buying, pay attention that the rubber is soft, elastic.

  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) gaskets are suitable for even openings, are considered the most reliable, often stacked in two layers;
  • Rectangular polyurethane seals are suitable for openings of equal width, it is possible to glue the places of insulation in two layers.
  • Seals come with a self-adhesive base - it is convenient and easy to attach, so that there are no problems with use, you need to pay attention to the expiration date.
  • Seals are also available without self-adhesive tape, they are attached to the base using silicone sealant.

Video instruction for warming wooden windows

(5 way) Insulation of wooden windows with mounting foam

A modern insulation that hermetically closes all cracks, cracks, both from the outside and from inside windows - polyurethane foam.

Removes gaps and crevices:

  • between the frame and the slope (pay special attention from the outside);
  • under the windowsill - the place where the warm air leaks the most;
  • between the window and the beam located above it;
  • between the slope and the window sill.

Insert the end of the tube into the crack and start blowing foam by pressing on the cap. After filling all the cracks, wait until it hardens, and remove the excess with a knife. Outside the window, the foam must be plastered or painted, since polyurethane foam (the composition of the mounting foam) is exposed to the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays.

It is necessary to remember:

  • it is possible to work with polyurethane foam if the air temperature is not lower than +5° - (+30°);
  • the foam is able to expand, so the frame must be secured with struts, otherwise skew is possible;
  • we fill the gaps with mounting foam 1/3 of the width, because it, having increased in volume, will take the necessary space;
  • filling goes from bottom to top along the seam so that there is no loss of sealant.

A cheaper, but troublesome way of warming is a putty of gypsum and chalk (2: 1) with the addition of water. With this mixture, we easily close the cracks, and the surface has a nice appearance. By the way, there was a time when gypsum bandages were used to insulate windows, which were used in medicine to fix bones in case of fractures. They were moistened with water and applied to the joints and along cracks and crevices.

(6 way) Warming wooden windows with paraffin

One of the oldest and most proven methods is the use of paraffin as a sealant. Such an insulator retains its properties for several seasons.

We heat the paraffin in a metal bowl in a water bath (60-70) and draw it into a medical syringe without a needle. The gaps are filled quickly and efficiently. If the width of the voids is impressive, we will place a ribbon or clothesline in them and fill it with hot paraffin on top.

(7 way) Insulation of wooden windows with a heat-saving film

An innovation in glass insulation is a special film that allows daylight to enter the room, but does not emit infrared radiation. Such a film has two sides, which must be taken into account when sticking to glass. We glue the side with a metallic sheen to the glass, and the transparent side inside the room. When performing work, hands should be clean, and it is better to use cotton gloves so that there are no greasy spots on the surface of the film.

We cut out the sheet with a margin and overlap it so that it can be easily fixed on the window frame with double-sided tape. Such a film, if well glued, does not violate the design of the window, and it looks aesthetically pleasing and neat. In order for it to lie evenly and without wrinkles on the glass surface, we will thermally shrink with a jet of hot air using a hair dryer.

Video: Installing a heat-saving film on a window

(8 way) Warming and modernization of a wooden window

An effective way to insulate a window is its partial reconstruction and modernization. This method will keep the heat in the room and limit the passage of cold air through the window perimeter. In this case, the sashes will open freely, and the external design of the window will not be disturbed in any way. The task of this method is not only to insulate, but also to reduce the penetration of noise and sounds into the room through the window.

Hard work takes time and patience. We remove the window from the hinges and lay it on the table or on the floor. Along the entire perimeter, it is necessary to remove the glazing beads, if necessary, we replace it. We take out the glass from the frame, carefully clean the grooves on the frame for its installation, then fill the joints with sealant. We install it in its original place, and for a greater effect we pass with silicone around its entire perimeter. We put glazing beads and nail with carnations.

If you have already completed the difficult work of dismantling the frame, then make a small repair: remove the old varnish and paint and apply a new paint and varnish coating, replace the fittings, install new locking devices.

It must be remembered that work with polyurethane foam can only be carried out at positive temperatures not lower than + 5 °.

(9 way) Removing gaps in window frames

Due to various circumstances (impact of temperature difference, moisture), cracks appear on the window frames. To maintain the tightness of the structure and prevent their further expansion, we close the cracks in several ways:

  • fill with molten paraffin;
  • close up with a special putty for wood;
  • fill the gaps with sealant, you can choose the color to match the color of the frame.

If necessary, we repaint the window, while the cracks become invisible, and the frame has an attractive appearance.

(10 way) Insulation of the entire perimeter of the window frame

The whole process of warming a wooden window consists in the choice of material for the implementation of the work and the method of its installation, taking into account the characteristics of the wooden window. We insulate mainly the gap, which is located at the junction of the frame and sashes.

If guided Swedish technology, then it is necessary to make a groove inside the perimeter of the window with a special tool - a cutter and fill it with a tubular silicone sealant that will block all the smallest cracks and defects. The process is complicated, if the window is old, then it may not withstand removal and hanging, it is not cheap, it requires the work to be done by professionals.

An easier way is to place and glue the seal around the perimeter onto the transom of the window. When we close the frame, it will bend the seal, and not slide on it, it will fit tightly, closing all the cracks. Such insulation can be laid in rows in several layers. Its use must be combined with the installation of glass on a layer of sealant. The sealant laid in this way will serve for many years and it will not be necessary to remove it in the spring and mount it in the fall.