Shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants for summer cottages: their types and features. Choosing shade-tolerant plants for the garden and vegetable garden Flowers for shady places

Whatever the site or garden, there is always one or more corners where the sun's rays practically do not fall, whether it is the shadow of a house or large trees. But you shouldn't worry about it. The flora is very rich in species, and you can always pick up shade-loving or shade-tolerant plants for the garden that will delight in flowering and decorative leaves.

Classification of plants according to lighting requirements

Sunlight, water and good, fertile soils are the basic requirements for plants to grow successfully. But not all flowers and trees like bright sunlight, depending on this they are divided into three groups.

  1. Light-loving plants for the garden, their second name is heliophytes. They love open spaces and sunlight, but they can die in shading. This group includes the vast majority of garden flowers. From annuals: petunia, marigolds, lobelia, godetia, etc. From perennials, for example, daylily, rudbeckia, gaillardia, arabis, chistets. As well as trees: Ginnala maple, Manchurian walnut.
  2. Shade tolerant plants for the garden. This group includes species that also love sunlight, but 5-6 hours of it in the morning or afternoon is enough for them. However, flowering in this case may not be so plentiful and long. This group includes plants such as oak anemone, astilbe, alpine catchment (in the first photo), dicentra, peony, blueberry, etc.
  3. Shade plants for the garden. These species prefer to grow in secluded corners where there is almost no sun. They usually have deep green leaves. First of all, these are ferns, hostas, lilies of the valley, lungwort, foxglove, etc.

Shade tolerant conifers for the garden

Evergreen trees and shrubs always give the garden a special charm and delight the eye throughout the year. All of them have an amazing aroma that not only improves mood, but also disinfects the air. Species coniferous plants there are quite a few, they differ in size, crown shape, soil and lighting requirements. Many plants do not like bright sun, and young specimens, without exception, require some shading in the early stages of growth. The most popular among gardeners are the following varieties of shade-tolerant conifers:

  • spruce Canadian, common, prickly, Serbian and "Entelmani";
  • Siberian fir, balsamic, Canadian, one-color;
  • yew "Repandens" and Canadian (pictured);
  • tuevik drooping (Japanese);
  • echiniformis;
  • the microbiota is cross-paired.

All conifers are quite unpretentious, but some require abundant watering and shelter for the winter. Grow many decorative types slowly enough, which allows them to be used on alpine slides, in group plantings.

Choosing shade-tolerant shrubs

Shade-tolerant plants for the garden and vegetable garden of this group can be purely decorative in nature or also bring practical benefits. In addition, there are decorative leafy and flowering. Let's dwell on the most popular and common.

It should also be noted the following shade-tolerant plants for the garden, which are part of the group of shrubs and have decorative leaves: privet, boxwood, euonymus (winged and warty), Thunberg barberry.

shade tolerant trees in the garden

If you want to choose for the garden do not fruit trees, and decorative, it is worth paying attention to several types. Maple remains one of the most popular trees for landscaping. Large dissected leaves are especially beautiful in autumn, when they acquire a bright color. There are a lot of types of maple: field, holly, silver, white, sugar, Japanese. The tree forms a beautiful spreading crown and it is quite possible to plant shade-tolerant flowering plants for garden.

Very often, forest beech and hornbeam are used for landscaping; they have garden varieties and forms. They look great not only in group, but also in single plantings, and the crown is easy to trim and shape.

Fruit trees and shrubs growing in the shade

Not many fruit and berry trees and shrubs are able to grow and produce a good crop in the shade, they still need the sun. Of the species most resistant to lack of light, it is worth noting raspberries and blackberries, since their natural habitat is forest thickets and wet ravines, they tolerate partial shade well. You can also plant barberries and gooseberries, which will be the mentioned species good neighbors. The first shrub is winter-hardy, grows rapidly and gives a good harvest of berries, which have a specific sour taste. Gooseberries (pictured) are also characterized by very valuable fruits that are used to make jams and compotes.

Now it is much easier to choose shade-tolerant ones for the garden, because the varieties are constantly updated. You just need to choose a product according to your wishes. Contact the nurseries directly, as the markets often sell absolutely nothing that is stated on the package.

Herbaceous shade tolerant for the garden

If your garden mainly consists of shady corners, then this is not a reason to refuse planting flowers. Perennials include plants that overwinter in the soil for many years, while the aerial part dies off every year, and the roots remain alive. The main advantage of shade-tolerant perennial flowers lies in the decorative foliage.

From the very early spring bulbous primroses can decorate your garden. At this time, the trees have not yet spread their leaves, and the light freely penetrates into all corners of the garden. It can be early flowering tulips, crocuses, blueberries, hazel grouses, daffodils, muscari.

Of the perennials that will bloom all summer, we recommend ordinary peonies (for partial shade) and wild ones, aronnik, adonis, badan catchment (aquilegia), daylily, hosts. Also, do not ignore biennial flowers: digitalis, mallow, forget-me-nots.

Shade-tolerant annuals in the garden

These plants can diversify any flower bed or flower garden. The number of species and varieties cannot be enumerated. Even for a shady garden, you can easily pick up about a dozen different annual flowers. Here are just a few of the most unpretentious and common types as an example.

  • Ageratum - a low plant literally forms a carpet of blue inflorescences, flowering continues from early summer until late autumn. Prefers semi-shady places.
  • Kobeya is an annual liana, which braids the entire surface of the support with a green carpet; large bell-shaped flowers of various shades appear throughout the summer.
  • Kosmeya is a beautiful annual, actively propagating by self-sowing. It is quite high (about 1 m) and grows quickly, which allows you to fill empty places with this plant in a short time.
  • Levkoy (photo above), plants of different sizes depending on the variety with spike-shaped fragrant inflorescences.

Nemesia and mimulyus also deserve attention.

Horizontal landscaping of shady garden areas

To do this, use shade-tolerant (they are also called vines). Do not forget that if you choose perennial species, then they will need a strong support, as they are gaining a fairly large mass. This is especially true for semi-woody varieties. The most famous is either parthenocissus (pictured). Liana grows to a height of up to 15 meters, while it is undemanding to soils and does not require additional care. The only difference is that in a heavily shaded place, the leaves may be somewhat smaller in size and not as bright.

Clematis is often used for vertical gardening, but it is suitable for warm climates with mild winters. This is a rather capricious liana, prefers sunny places, although light shading is also possible. It is also worth noting such plants as kirkazon, wood pliers, princes.

Shade tolerant ampelous plants

It is difficult to imagine a gazebo, terrace or patio without beautiful flower bushes hanging their green lashes from hanging planters. Ampel shade-tolerant plants for the garden are not numerous compared to their sun-loving relatives, but they still exist. In particular, the lobelia, which blooms in many pure shades of blue and blue. In partial shade it will feel quite good, the main thing is to provide it with fertile soil and regular watering.

Much less often you can meet bakola, dichondra and strange nolina. Despite the complex and unfamiliar names, these plants are quite unpretentious and in a short time form thickets densely strewn with bright flowers.

When choosing ornamental shade-tolerant plants for your garden, don't expect them to abundant flowering, large and double inflorescences. All of them are valued primarily for decorative appearance leaves.

On any garden plot, there are places where the shadow prevails. Typically, such places are formed near high blank fences, the northern walls of the house, baths, summer cottages. You can’t plant vegetables and fruit and berry bushes there, as a rule, they need the sun to grow, but you can easily plant flowers that love shade there! Website website will be happy to tell you what flowers to plant in the shade to decorate your suburban area.

Flowers that grow in shade, even the deepest

1. Primrose

Wonderful undersized perennial primrose and its hybrids thrive in the shade. They can grow at the front edge of a flower bed, in the shade of taller, sun-loving flowers. The height of shade-loving primroses is 10 - 20 cm, of various colors. The most interesting types of primroses for growing are ear. Its flowers are terry, with a variety of rims. Primrose is difficult to grow at home from seeds, so most often old bushes are propagated by division, or new ones are acquired. This flower blooms one of the first in the garden and pleases with its flowering from April to May.

2. Lungwort

These are the flowers that love the shadow are familiar to many since childhood. It is she who grows in the shade of the forest, and if you taste the bed of the peduncle, then it will taste sweet. Hence the name of this color. The leaves of this plant have white spots, the flowers change color from pink to blue. There are varieties with whole green leaves and a variety of flower colors. Plant height 30 - 40 cm. It can grow strongly and belongs to the ground cover flowers, since the flowers can bush strongly. Divide and transplant lungwort 1 time in 3 years. Refers to spring flowering plants. Flowering time: April - May.

3. Rogersia

It looks like ornamental rhubarb and can grow in a shady and damp border. The leaves are palmate on long petioles, the flowers without petals are collected in fluffy panicles. It belongs to a perennial and propagates by dividing the bushes in spring or autumn.

These are tall flowers that love shade in the garden, grow up to 1.8 m in height, compact plants up to 1 meter. An excellent plant for decorating country fences and buildings.

Rogersia Care Tips:

  • water abundantly in drought;
  • cut at the root in autumn.

4. Smilacina

A border perennial with arcuate stems that are crowned with racemose inflorescences of tiny star-shaped flowers. fragrant flowers often replaced by red berries. This plant is for a wooded corner of the garden, which is best left undisturbed. And if you decide which flowers grow in the shade, and the forest-like shade, it is definitely smilacina, which grows quickly, forming beautiful ornamental bushes and creating a soulful landscape design site.

Flower height 60 - 90 cm. best view for growing in the garden - Smilacina racemose, forming large bushes. Flowering period from May to June.

Smilacine Care Tips:

  • shading is required;
  • in spring, the soil needs to be mulched;
  • propagated by division of bushes in spring.

5. Tiarella

Above the wintering leaves, which turn bronze or red in autumn, racemose inflorescences of small fluffy flowers rise in summer. Grows well under trees.

Perennial. Flowering time depends on the species. Tiarella Verri blooms from June to September and does not grow. Tiarella multi-leaved blooms in May - June. According to the duration of flowering, these are long-blooming flowers. Plant height is average, 30 - 50 cm. These garden flowers blooming in the shade do not tolerate direct sun and lack of moisture.

There is one feature for all flowers in the shade - all shade-loving flowers should be planted in humus-rich soil.

What flowers grow in the shade and in partial shade

As practice shows, there are few and rarely really very shady places, similar to a forest shadow, in a summer cottage. All of the above flowers love just such a deaf shadow. Most often, penumbra areas are formed in the garden, and for them we have made an additional selection of what flowers can be planted in the shade.

6. Dicentra

A beautiful border perennial and rock garden perennial with a plant height of 30 cm. Wonderful flowers - medallions hang from arcuate peduncles over pinnate foliage. These shade flowers need a sheltered place to grow: young leaves suffer from cold winds. These flowers can be planted in the shade of trees. Flowering time from May to June. Color - pink, pinkish - lilac, red.

Dicentra Care Tip:

  • The roots of the plant do not lie deep, so the soil around the stems is not loosened.

7. Hosta

Hosta is grown for its gorgeous foliage. These are ornamental garden flowers in the shade - the pride of any gardener. The foliage happens with longitudinal stripes of yellowish or white color, bluish - green. Hosta blooms in paniculate inflorescences, with numerous flowers, similar to bells, which bloom in June - August. Grows well in partial shade, under trees. Refers to border perennials.

Propagated by division of bushes and nests in spring. Plant height 50 cm.

Hosta Care Tip:

  • add organic matter before planting;
  • the soil at the hosta planting site should be well-drained;
  • protect the plant from slugs.

8. Violet

There is different types violets, also called pansies. But, if you are looking for a garden list of what flowers bloom in the shade, then you need a perennial violet. This:

  • Fragrant violet Viola odorata - 10 - 15 cm. White or blue color. Fragrant. Flowers 2 cm in diameter. Blossoms in May.
  • Violet horned Viola cornuta - 20 cm Lilac. Flowering all summer from May to September.
  • Labrador violet Viola labradorica - 10 cm. Violet - blue. Blooms in spring at the beginning of summer.
  • Violet yellow Viola lutea and two-flowered Viola biflora - 10 cm. Yellow. Blooms in May - June.

Perennial violets definitely need shade. Faded inflorescences should be removed regularly. The plant is protected from slugs. In drought, watering is necessary.

9. Phloxes

There are perennial and annual phloxes. And both species are what kind of flowers love a light shade. Bloom profusely in the second half of summer. Dwarf species of perennial phlox species are grown in rock gardens.

Phloxes bloom in inflorescences of small bell-shaped flowers, the total size of the inflorescences reaches 10 cm in diameter. Flowers with rounded or pointed petals. More popular modern cultivars such as Drummond's Phlox 'Tapestry Mixed' are more compact and more vibrantly colored than older cultivars. The height of perennial plants is 50 - 80 cm, annual phloxes reach 20 - 50 cm.

Phlox care:

  • when planting, organic fertilizers are applied to the soil;
  • in spring, the soil around the bushes is mulched;
  • if necessary, tie up the stems;
  • water moderately;
  • at the end of autumn, perennial phloxes need to be cut at the root.

10. Astilba

Feels great in light partial shade on the site. Requires fertile soil. Therefore, before planting astilba, you need to add organic matter. Spectacular paniculate inflorescences can be left on the bush until autumn. Cirrus - dissected leaves often take on a copper hue in spring. Plants need to be watered during dry periods. There is a drought-resistant species - this is Chinese astilba.

A rather tall plant - 90 cm, can grow in the background or middle ground of a flower bed. Used as a border perennial and rock garden perennial. These flowers need to be planted in the shade.

11. Snowdrop

Bulbous primrose. Small graceful flowers - messengers of spring. It blooms in early spring, one of the first in the garden, in April - May.

The snowdrop is similar to the white flower, but it has three inner "petals" with green tips, and three outer ones are pure white. Undersized flower, height about 15 - 20 cm. Loves soil rich in humus and light shade. These lovely flowers should be planted in the shade.

12. Strawberries

Shade-loving groundcover grown for flowers and berries. The characteristic trifoliate leaves can beautify a shady garden and create an atmospheric nook.

Strawberries grow quickly and can drown out weaker plants. Blossoms in May - June, at the end of June - July, delicious and fragrant berries ripen. Suitable for creating a spicy vegetable garden. Plant height 10 cm - 20 cm.

13. Catchment

Traditional watersheds have white or blue flowers with short spurs. Now varieties with long spurs, terry, as well as dwarf ones for rock gardens have been bred.

These are flowers that love shade and bloom in the shade in the first half of summer, from May to June. For long flowering, you need to remove faded flowers and water abundantly in drought. Grows well in constantly moist and shady places Oh.

Propagated by seeds that can be sown directly in open ground in spring or divide overgrown perennial bushes.

14. Daylily

Blooming in light shade, these flowers appear in mid-summer, above rosettes of strap-like leaves on long peduncles. Each flower lives only 1 day, but the communication of the flowering of the plant lasts for many weeks.

A hardy, easy plant to grow. Requires watering in drought, can grow along the banks of reservoirs and along the house. The height of the plant is 90 cm. The color of the flowers is yellow, orange, dark red. A perennial plant that reproduces by dividing bushes.

15. Ever flowering begonia and begonia species with tubers

Begonia is ever flowering, usually grown as an annual, which grows well in partial shade. The color of rounded fleshy leaves varies from pale green to chocolate brown. The size of the flowers can vary from 2 to 15 cm. Coloring from white to almost black. When planting begonias, compost is added to the beds. Planted at the end of June (not in May!) Begonia blooms, which loves shade from June to September.

16. Ivy

Almost every suburban area will not interfere with climbing plants for the north side of the house. It is here that a deep shadow is formed, little grows, and despite this, I really want to plant trees and shrubs in this particular part of the lot. There are not very many climbing plants that can be planted on the north side of the house and they will feel good there. These include the unpretentious evergreen liana - ivy. Ivy does not harm trees and buildings and can grow strongly.

Is the garden not located in a sunny area? Then you need shade-loving flowers. If you place such plants in your flower bed, you can get a beautiful and vibrant landscape. To do this, you need to know the names suitable colors, the secrets of their cultivation.

Fragrant lilies of the valley and lupins

The most common perennials for shade are lilies of the valley. These plants are low (maximum 30 cm in length), have broadly lanceolate oblong leaves that resemble the ears of a hare. The flowers look like a brush, in which there are from 6 to 20 white jugs. Lilies of the valley bestow their buds from May to June, and they also emit a sophisticated and strong aroma.

To grow shade-loving perennials in your area, you need to plant them correctly. Most often, this process is performed in the fall (end of September). It is better to place them under bushes or trees, and also choose places protected from the winds. The soil is required moist, slightly acidic or neutral. Before planting, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with humus or peat compost (10 kg per 1 m²). The placement of lilies of the valley in open ground is carried out with the help of sprouts with part of the rhizomes in even rows into grooves, and the distance between flowers is 10-12 cm. The furrow should be about 1.5 cm deep. If the soil is dry, it must be watered after planting lilies of the valley. As soon as frosts come, you need to cover the area with mulch. This will protect against freezing in the event of a snowless winter. It must be remembered that without a transplant, flowers can be kept for 5 years.

Plants take excellent care of themselves - they crowd out other representatives of the flora from the site. The only thing you need to do is water the culture in hot weather. In addition, loosening the soil and getting rid of weeds is mandatory. In case of diseases, it is required to treat the plants with fungicides.

Another shade-loving garden flowers are lupins. Buds - blue, pink, dark red, white, yellow. The plant is propagated by seeds or cuttings. It is completely undemanding to the soil, but when planting it is necessary to enrich it with peat.

Flower care in the first year of life consists in removing weeds and loosening the soil. Be sure to add soil if the root neck of the plant is suddenly exposed. Top dressing will not hurt for a flower bed with lupins mineral fertilizers. After 5-6 years, the bushes need to be removed and new ones planted, since old flowers will not give lush buds. If lupins grow in windy areas, then they must be tied up. Watering the culture is carried out moderately, otherwise it may get sick.

Saxifrage and periwinkle

Excellent shade-tolerant flowers for the garden - saxifrage. This is a common plant that can decorate any flower bed or country cottage area. They are decorated with retaining canopies and alpine slides. The culture has more than 350 species that are found throughout the world. The plant is compact, hardy and durable. Flowers are white, pink and red. The leaves are green with a silvery tint, the height of the saxifrage is 70 cm, it creates original carpets that have an attractive appearance. You can grow a plant from seeds, followed by transplanting into open soil. You need to know that the first leaves are weak, so picking is required after their number increases.

It is recommended to plant these shade-tolerant perennials in late May-early June. Saxifrage requires soil preparation with good drainage. The distance between the bushes should be 9-11 cm, so that they have room to grow. Thanks to this, you will get a solid flower carpet.

In order for the saxifrage to grow well, it is necessary to properly care for it. It is very important to carry out regular moistening, but the soil must have time to dry out. When the soil is flooded, the flowers may rot. For top dressing, you should use complex fertilizers, which can be purchased at any florist's shop. In the first year, the saxifrage will not bloom, this will happen only in the second summer.

Excellent plants for a shady garden - periwinkles. These are semi-shrubs that creep along the ground, are characterized by leathery leaves of a dark green hue. Sometimes they have a cream border or spots. The flowers are solitary, the most common are blue, but there are also white, pink and pure purple buds. The mass disclosure of culture falls in the spring, during this period periwinkles look especially attractive.

Plants are grown from seeds that are placed in the soil in spring or winter. Sometimes these perennial flowers are planted even in the summer, but in this case it is done on rainy or cloudy days. Sowing depth - 1 cm, then the grooves are covered with soil and watered. Caring for a periwinkle is quite simple. You don’t even need to remove weeds, because the plant can handle it on its own. Sometimes you can feed the culture with organic matter or mineral fertilizers. At the end of the mass flowering, it is necessary to cut the periwinkles in order to next year they had a beautiful shape.

Anemones and marigolds

If you have a shady garden, then anemones are perfect for it. These are original herbaceous plants, surprising with their colors and buds. Such a culture prefers loose fertile soil with good drainage. You can grow plants from seeds or tubers, it depends on the anemone variety. The most difficult thing in caring for plants is to maintain an optimal level of humidity, since the roots of the culture will not tolerate excess water.

To create mulch for anemones, experienced gardeners recommend using peat, fallen leaves, or special mixtures. The thickness of such a layer is about 4-5 cm. If you enrich the soil in advance, then you can not feed the plants throughout the summer season.

The most common anemone varieties are:

  1. 1. Forest. They are dense bushes, the height of which is up to 1.5 m. These perennials for the garden have buds that are located singly. Their diameter is 6-7 cm. The leaves of the plants are large, characterized by long petioles.
  2. 2. Crowned. The height of this variety of anemone is 25 cm, and the flowers reach 6 cm in diameter and can be of different shades. The leaves are collected in a rosette.
  3. 3. Japanese. The length of the bush is 40 cm. The palette is quite wide, the buds are groups of loose inflorescences.
  4. 4. Delicate. This species is undersized (maximum 20 cm). They are very reminiscent of daisies, the color is from white to purple.

Note that these shade-tolerant garden plants are used to create bouquets.

Marigolds can decorate a shaded area. They are sown in open ground, for this they make holes 2 cm deep. There should be a distance of 1.5 cm between the furrows, and after placement, the seeds must be covered with earth and watered. If the seedlings germinate very densely, then they must be evenly placed on the flower bed. Caring for marigolds is not at all difficult. The main rule is to protect the flowers from the wind. It is recommended to feed the plants once a month, and if this is done more often, the bushes will only stretch and will not open the buds. Colors are yellow, white, brown-orange, etc. There are many varieties that differ in height. For marigolds, it is very important that weeds are removed from the soil. Thanks to this, they will be able to take root well and give the owners beautiful bouquets.

As trees and shrubs grow, the shading of the territory increases. For many gardeners, areas that are in the shade are a real problem. Although, in reality, do beautiful flower bed under apple trees or planting shade-tolerant shrubs near a house or fence is quite simple. You need to choose the right plants that are suitable for these purposes.

Before choosing shade-tolerant plants for the garden, it is necessary to determine the level of illumination of the site: low-sun places and those into which light does not penetrate at all.

Pay attention to shade-tolerant plants, examples and photos of which are presented below, this will help you choose the right seedlings for planting and growing in shaded areas.

To fill in shaded spaces or make a smooth division of the site into zones from trees to herbaceous plantings, shade-tolerant shrubs are perfect.

Privet (lat. Ligústrum)

It is densely branched, unpretentious to the ground, resistant to drought, but does not tolerate frost. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully wrap the privet bush for the winter with a cloth or burlap.

Cotoneaster (lat. Cotoneaster)

It is distinguished by dense branches with foliage of a dark green hue, which turns red in autumn. Small pinkish or white flowers are not particularly decorative, unlike the black and bright red cotoneaster berries that appear by early autumn.

Mahonia holly (lat. Mahōnia aquifōlium)

Plant, shadow loving and moist soil. Mahonia will delight with green foliage all year round, and in April and May - spectacular yellow-gold flowers.

Dören (lat. Córnus)

This shrub is often empty with decorative - White Derain, due to the similarity of names. But unlike him - bears fruit, tasty and sweet and sour. Due to its resistance to frost and unpretentiousness, it is especially popular in central and northern Russia. Its foliage, which changes color depending on the season, looks great both in summer and in winter. It is also called Kizil.

Forsythia (lat. Forsythia)

Mock orange (lat. Philadelphus)

It is also called garden jasmine. Planted in a shady area, the bush grows well and blooms. Most varieties of mock orange tolerate drought and winter well, and are not particularly demanding on the soil.

Snowberry (lat.Symphoricárpos)

Great when fruiting. The fruits of the snowberry - greenish-white with a reddish blush or pearly pink, will delight the eye until late autumn.

In a place inaccessible to the sun, you can organize a beautiful flower bed using flowering shade-loving plants.

Hellebore (lat. Helléborus)

It will delight with yellow or cream flowers for two weeks of May, and the rest of the period with beautiful and bright foliage.

Forest Hyacinth (lat. Hyacínthus)

It grows well under trees, in early spring a large pedicel is covered with many small bells. When growing Forest Hyacinth, precautions must be taken, because often the plant causes skin irritation on contact.

Lily of the valley (lat. Convallaria)

He loves shade very much. Its white fragrant flowers appear in May and June. In August, the stems are covered with bright orange berries that look appetizing. The plant is considered poisonous, so young children should be monitored. Used for medical purposes.

Trillium (lat. Trillium)

Differs in dark green wide leaves. It blooms white in June, gradually changes color to pinkish, and then turns red. The plant loves the shade, but requires aeration of the soil.

Digitalis (lat. Digitalis)

It grows well in places inaccessible to light, a year after planting it produces whitish, pinkish-orange or purple flowers.

Dicentra (lat. Dicéntra)

Flowering begins in May, ends in September. Dicentra flowers crimson or bright pink.

Bruner (lat. Brunnera)

A perennial plant with blue or cream small flowers, the leaves of which are particularly decorative and have a wide variety of colors.

Each home plant also needs certain conditions under which it will develop and feel comfortable. Not all of them tolerate even light shade. Therefore, it is very important to know which flowerpots are best grown on window sills and terraces on the south side, and which ones on the north.

Soleirolia or Helksina (lat. Soleirolia soleirolii)

The plant belongs to the ground cover of the Nettle family. Perfectly suited for placement on the server side, belongs to the shade-tolerant.

Sansevieria three-lane (lat. Sansevieria trifasciata)

The most favorite type of flower growers is sansevier. Due to its unpretentiousness, the plant is widely used for landscaping office space and public places, it is shade-tolerant.

Common ivy (lat. Hedera helix)

Suitable for vertical gardening. Due to the large mass of leaves, the plant is considered one of the best for renewing the air in the house.

Philodendron climbing (lat. Philodendron hederaceum)

The most popular type used for landscaping kitchens and warm verandas in the house (called home loach). Requires abundant watering from spring to autumn (the earth should not dry out) and limited in winter (once a week is enough), unpretentious to light.

Clivia (lat. Clivia)

A herbaceous plant with beautiful flowers, grows well in fertilized, moist soil, belongs to the shade-tolerant.

Begonia (lat. Begoniaceae)

The plant prefers moderate watering (no more than a liter of settled water per week, it is best to just spray the leaves and maintain the humidity in the room). With a strong bay of water, the roots begin to rot, and the flower dies. Today there are hundreds of varieties of begonias. Flowering - prefer bright lighting, but require protection from direct sunlight. Decorative leaf - shade-loving.

Nephrolepis (lat. Nephrolépis)

From the genus ferns. It is best to grow on the western, eastern and northern windows. Is shade tolerant houseplant- will be an excellent decoration for any garden.

Adiantum (lat. Adiantum)

With hard petioles and thin leaves, it requires constant protection from the rays of the sun and stay in partial shade.

Dracaena (lat. Dracaena)

The shrub grows on the east and west side, does not like the direct light of the sun. Considered a shade tolerant plant.

Rapis (lat. Rhapis)

Prefers diffused light, but can be in direct sunlight.

Hamedorea graceful (lat. Chamaedorea elegans)

Small, slow growing palm. Requires moderate lighting or light partial shade, as well as protection from direct sunlight.


If your Orchard develops well and occupies most of the territory of the site, this is not a problem. Thanks to our catalog of plants, everyone can easily choose just such shade-loving perennials for the garden that they will like.

In every garden there is a place which, because of its shading, remains pale and dull. Such places are found under the closed crown of tall trees, along fences and walls of buildings. Sometimes it even becomes a problem, as moss begins to grow in such places. In this situation, shade-loving perennials come to the aid of the gardener. By choosing and planting them correctly, you will solve the problem with the design of the shady area for more than one year.

In relation to the illumination of the growing area, all plants, including perennials, can be conditionally divided into light-loving, shade-loving and shade-tolerant.

Light-loving plants prefer well-lit places during the day, in other conditions they can stretch out strongly and will not bloom. Shade-tolerant - they love sunny areas, but they tolerate light shading well, however, they can bloom less intensively. And shade-loving people feel good in the shade. Such plants in the sun can get burned and dry out.

In order to choose the right place for each of them, you also need to figure out what the shaded areas are.

“Shadows are places where there is less than three hours of sunlight during the day. Regardless of the time of day (morning, afternoon or evening).

- Penumbra is when the sun hits the site for more than three hours a day (most often only in the morning or evening).

- A rarefied shadow is formed under a loose crown of trees when the sun's rays penetrate between the foliage.

- Deep shade - these are places where sunlight does not penetrate almost completely or for a very short time.

In nature, for each of these places there are suitable plants. In order to choose them correctly and form a flower garden that will look decorative all season long, it is also necessary to determine the flowering time of certain shade-loving perennials.

The success of any design is a harmonious combination of its key elements, which is achieved with the right…


Although the sun is not very active in spring, but while the leaves on the trees have not yet appeared, spring primroses feel good in the shade of the branches. Snowdrop (Galanthus) and blueberry (Scilla) are forest inhabitants and therefore it is natural and comfortable for them to grow in the shade. Muscari (Muscari), daffodils (Narcissus), frost-resistant varieties of kandyka or erythronium (Erythrónium), beautiful Pushkinia (Puschkinia), tender liverwort (Hepatica), as well as “broken hearts” dicentra (Dicentra) are perfectly tolerated by a slight shading.
Suitable perennials for planting even in dense shade are lilies of the valley (Convallaria). Lily of the valley curtains look beautiful in a shady corner of the garden.


lilies of the valley

In areas where the sun appears only in the morning hours, the brunner (Brunnera) will feel ideal. For small blue flowers that form miniature clouds from inflorescences, it is also called forget-me-not. It starts flowering in May and finishes by July. But not only flowers are good brunner, after flowering it is also decorative due to large beautifully colored leaves. Brunner is indispensable for rockeries, mixborders. This plant will help flower growers in filling shady and waterlogged places.


Ayuga (survivor)

It is not for nothing that the cute ground cover plant ayuga (Ajuga) received a second name - tenacious. It can grow in almost any environment. And what is important - shade-tolerant. In a short period of time creates a dense beautiful carpet. After all, its leaves can be burgundy, green and chocolate. Ayuga blooms in May. On a low (10-15 cm) peduncle it forms a false spikelet of a dozen small blue-violet flowers. Flowering is long and therefore the carpet of tenacity acquires a bluish tint. Great for shady rock gardens. She can draw slopes and slopes.

You can see an example of the design of a spring flower garden in the proposed scheme. The upper tier of the mixborder is represented by shade-loving shrubs.

Holly mahonia (Mahōnia aquifōlium) is an evergreen shrub that blooms in spring and has a spicy aroma. It grows from 30 to 100 cm. It lends itself well to a haircut. The leathery leaves are very decorative. Reddish in spring, they turn dark green and shiny in summer, turning bronze in autumn. Shade tolerant plant.

Mahonia holly

Atlantic rhododendron

Atlantic rhododendron (Rhododendron atlanticum) is a deciduous shrub growing up to 60 cm. Winter-hardy and shade-tolerant. Leaves appear at the same time as flowers in May. The flowers are fragrant white stars with a pinkish tinge, collected in a brush. Leaves turn bright yellow in autumn.

Azalea garden (Azalia, Azalea) - very beautiful. It will not grow in full sun or heavy shade. She needs partial shade. Azalea is quite demanding in care, but when it blooms in May, the flowers cover the entire bush so that even the leaves are not visible. It looks amazingly beautiful!

Azalea garden

The middle tier was filled with plants with beautiful leaves.

Kochedyzhnik female

Female kochedyzhnik (Athyrium filix-femma) - a fern with delicate beautifully dissected foliage about a meter high. Shade plant. Frost-resistant. Unpretentious.

Badan thick-leaved (Bergénia crassifólia) is an evergreen perennial. Its dark green leaves, thick and rounded, do not die in winter. In the spring, its brownish-green ears-leaves begin to peek out from under the snow. In autumn they turn bright red. Large panicle inflorescences consist of pink flowers that bloom in May. Shade-tolerant and unpretentious in care.

Badan thick-leaved

Hosta plantain

Plantain hosta (Hosta plantaginea) - has large bright green heart-shaped leaves. The shape of the leaf and pronounced veins resemble a plantain leaf. On a high pedicel are large white star flowers that have a delicate aroma of lilies. Blooms in August. But all types of hosta are valued primarily for their large and beautiful leaves. Very shade tolerant, survives in places where other plants can die.

Hosta white-edged (Hosta albo-marginata) - a plant with very beautiful oval-pointed white-green leaves. Lilac bell-like flowers are collected in an inflorescence-brush. Blooms in July. Like other types of hosta, shade-tolerant plant.

Hosta white-rimmed

Fragrant violet

The fragrant violet (Viola odorata) is the decoration of the lower tier. This is a gentle forest guest, and therefore shade-tolerant and unpretentious. Everyone knows her miniature purple butterfly flowers with a wonderful aroma. It blooms in May, and then again at the end of summer. There are decorative varieties with large flowers of white, dark purple and reddish-purple color.


Summer is a sunny time. But even at this time of the year there are shade-loving garden flowers and shrubs. Using the example of the design of a summer-flowering shadow mixborder, let's get acquainted with such plants.

We are already familiar with thick-leaved bergenia and hosta from spring flower beds. These plants are decorative throughout the warm season, so they are often used in landscape design.

In our composition, digitalis (Digitalis), a biennial unpretentious plant, occupied a central place. She does well in both sun and shade. A high (more than one and a half meters) peduncle crowns a one-sided spike of large bells. Their coloration is very varied. It can be pink, white, yellow, purple, red, and also with a pattern in the form of blurry spots and dark dots. Blooms almost all summer. A very beautiful but poisonous plant.


The background is lush bushes of two types of hydrangeas: tree hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) and large-leaved or garden hydrangea (Hydrángea macrophýlla). This type of shrub loves a loose shade. Blooms in summer. Beautiful caps of pink, blue and white flowers cover almost the entire bush and look incredibly beautiful.

Hydrangea large-leaved (garden)

Phlox paniculata

Also, the upper tier is occupied by panicled phlox (Phlox paniculata) - a perennial with many varieties. Their coloration is very diverse, there are also two-tone ones. The height ranges from 60 cm to 1.3 m. The flowers are collected in fairly dense inflorescences of various shapes. They bloom all summer and some varieties even in autumn. Shade-tolerant and unpretentious plant, but sensitive to drought.

The middle tier, along with hostas and bergenia, is occupied by perennial shade-loving flowers - astilbe (Astilbe) and aquilegia (Aquilegia). Astilba can be called a universal plant, it can grow almost anywhere. But the ideal place for her is penumbra. Appreciated by designers for beautiful paniculate inflorescences of small flowers of various colors. Blooms in summer. (You can learn more about this elegant plant). Aquilegia is also a lover of partial shade. Gives her charm unusual shape flower with a spur. Coloring of flowers is various - both one-color and two-color. For the ability to collect water droplets in flowers, she was given a second name - a catchment area.


The lower tier is decorated with soft cuff (Alchemilla mollis), geuchera (Heuchera) and garden primrose (Primula).

Cuff is a creeping perennial with inconspicuous greenish-yellow flowers. The main advantage of this plant is rounded fan-shaped leaves, with pubescent slightly concave lobes, on which dew drops miraculously linger, giving the plant an additional charm. Practically does not suffer from the illumination of the site. Feels good everywhere.

Cuff (flowers)

Geichera is a very popular plant due to its decorative leaves and small (up to 50 cm) height. Rounded-lobed pubescent leaves are collected in a rosette. Their coloration is varied: green, red, yellow, silver-gray. Flowers, similar to bells, are collected in small loose panicles of white and reddish-pink hues. Likes shady places.


Primrose or primrose - beautiful flower, the variety of its species allows for the flowering of flower beds from spring to autumn. In our case, a primrose is presented, blooming in the summer. Primroses are mostly undersized, rounded leaves form a rosette. The flowers are collected in a group (bouquet) and have a variety of colors, both monophonic and bicolor. They do not like direct sunlight, prefer to grow in partial shade.

Primula (primrose)

You can also recall such summer shade-loving garden flowers as periwinkle (Vinca), gelenium (Helenium), bluebells (Campanula), forget-me-not (Myosotis), kupena (Polygonatum multiflorum), Rogersia (Rodgersia) and others.




In autumn, the sun gradually loses its activity, the flowering of plants is on the decline, but nevertheless, it is possible to create an attractive shady flower garden at this time. Let's turn to the diagram.

As you can see, the autumn composition does not spoil us with flowering. Now plants with beautiful leaves come to the rescue again. Among them are various varieties of hosts, namely Siebold (Hosta sieboldii), swollen (Hosta ventricosa) and wavy (Hosta undulata). The hybrid astilbe (Astilbe), which blooms in early autumn with pretty panicles, also helps us out. Blooming and black cohosh (Cimicifuga rasemosa), growing up to 2 m, pleases with flowering. Its flowers are small, white, collected in a pyramidal inflorescence, have a specific medicinal smell. The stem and leaves of this type of black cohosh are green-purple, which is also decorative. Since black cohosh is a forest plant, it grows remarkably well in the shade.

Hosta Siebold
Hosta Siebold
Hosta swollen

Hosta wavy