Why can't men eat? Why Men Shouldn't Eat Mint

Everything is great in moderation. This applies to both what we eat and what we drink. Much has been said about the benefits of alcohol in small doses, but there is no need to talk about the dangers of large doses of alcohol, this is a popular truth for everyone.

By the way, this applies not only to strong drinks. Weak alcoholic beverages such as beer are often mistaken for a harmless drink. But it's not. Beer is no less harmful to health than hard liquor. According to scientists, especially on men's health.

Beer contains phytoestrogen, which is released from hop cones during brewing. Specifically, it suppresses the secretion of the male hormone testosterone. As a result, the female hormone estrogen begins to take over in the body, which is not much active in the normal state, and should not prevail. There are hormonal disorders.

We offer 5 most serious reasons not to drink beer.

Cholesterol levels rise

Studies conducted at the Leicester Institute (England) showed that young people with slightly elevated estrogen had the highest cholesterol. As you know, over the years, health problems only get worse. Therefore, for guys who have stepped over the age of forty, even the smallest differences lead to huge dilemmas. Estrogen promotes the formation of "bad cholesterol", which in turn helps to develop cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks. It also interferes with the formation of "good cholesterol" which improves elasticity blood vessels and prevent heart attacks.

Suits obesity.

The beer belly does not grow at all in order to fit more into it. Again, estrogen is to blame, it promotes the deposition of fat specifically in the waist area. (For this reason, ladies get better during hormone therapy). Fat cells begin to produce an enzyme that the male hormone testosterone converts into female estrogen! These are the problems that physiology presents us with.

As a consequence - sagging muscles, not passing lethargy, difficulties with libido. The risk of becoming ill with diabetes mellitus and other diseases that are companions of obesity increases.

Inflamed prostate

With a lack of estrogen in the body, a man is at risk of prostate cancer. Yes, and its excessive amount is also not very useful for this body. In general, a clear mechanism of dependence has not yet been found, according to doctors, estrogen in an unlimited amount leads to an increase in the prostate gland and malfunction. When the gland grows, it begins to put pressure on bladder and the duct, as a result, the urge to urinate appears more often.

Grows .... bust!

Many ladies would like to be able to grow their breasts painlessly. But to the majestic chagrin, this opportunity is owned specifically by men. As a result of a hormonal disorder, a man simply has female forms. Because fat under the influence of the female hormone is deposited where this hormone tells it to.

The heart is weakening

As established by Polish researchers, there is an even relationship between the highest level of estrogen and heart failure, as a result, this leads to early death. People with similar symptoms die twice as often as others with heart disease. Also, men with high estrogen are prone to deep vein thrombosis, as a result of heart attacks. According to doctors, an extremely low level of estrogen leads to the same results.

The information is more for those who still live in cities and adhere to the usual type of food.

In this material, I would like to highlight the topic of products that should not be consumed!

These products are not just harmful, but dangerous to health!

Monosodium glutamate

Do not eat foods with the addition of E-326 (monosodium glutamate). Take the package of goods in the store and read. If monosodium glutamate is listed, don't buy it at all.
Monosodium glutamate is a flavor enhancer. Now it is added even to the most unexpected products in order to "hook" the population on them. Be careful!
It is better to use natural products: salt, sugar, pepper, etc. But glutamate in any case - just die.


No sweeteners should be eaten.

Trans fats

Oil 72.5% should not be eaten in any case. This is a trans fat - a low grade vegetable oil broken down by hydrogen.
Oil less than 82.5% does not happen. If you can’t find such oil, then it’s better to eat vegetable oil. It is better to eat two tablespoons of natural butter than a whole pack or a kilogram of trans fats.

Salted herring in plastic bags

Salted herring is stored only in oil. It is not stored in any vinegar or wine. If the herring is oil-free, then urotropin has been added to it.

Salted red caviar

The principle is the same. Red caviar is not stored for a long time. Only frozen or heavily salted. If it is sold lightly salted, it means that either urotropine or citric acid has been added to it. Something else may be added, but the output is still formaldehyde.

Known genetically engineered products

The petunia gene is implanted. A terribly poisonous substance. And insects don't eat peanuts.
-Green peas (canned)
-Corn (canned)
- Imported potatoes
-Crab sticks. (Crab essence mixed with soy)

Corn sticks and flakes with sugar

If you buy corn flakes, sticks, they should just not be sweet. Because sugar is not used in production. Sugar burns at 140 degrees. Therefore, sweeteners are used, in this case cyclomate.

Porridges and cereals with flavors and dyes identical to natural

This chemical substances having an odor - the taste of pear, strawberry, banana, etc. There is nothing natural here.

Lollipops, barberry

Now such a strong chemical essence is used that if you leave a slightly wet candy on the tablecloth, it will burn through the tablecloth, along with the varnish. Even plastic is destroyed. Imagine what happens to your stomach.


The current marmalade has nothing to do with what was under the USSR. It's just the wonders of the chemical industry. Deadly dangerous.


Powerful antioxidants. You will never be able to keep cherries in such original form.

Fried potatoes in fast foods and ready-made in stores

Now antioxidants are used such that the potato lasts a year and does not turn black. Everything about fast food. Shawarma, pies and even salads at McDonald's

Boiled sausages

They are from genetically modified soybeans. Sausages, sausages, boiled sausages, pâtés and other products with so-called hidden fats. In their composition, lard, visceral fat, pork skin occupy up to 40% of the weight, but they are disguised as meat, including with the help of flavoring additives.

Ham, shank, etc.

In this case, there is no question of any naturalness at all. A thin neck and a kilogram of gel are taken. During the night, in a special machine, the gel “shatters” along with a piece of the neck, and by morning a huge piece of “meat” is obtained. As such, it contains no more than 5% meat. Everything else is gel (caratinine, flavor enhancers, color enhancers). Pink color such "meat" is given by color enhancers along with special lamps. If you turn off the lamps in the window, you will see that the color is greenish.

Raw smoked sausages

As before, no one smokes. Smoke liquids are used, in which, again, formaldehyde.

Dairy products with a long shelf life (more than 2 months)

Anything stored for more than 2 weeks should not be consumed. Aseptic packaging is a packaging with an antibiotic.

Mayonnaise in plastic bags

Vinegar found in mayonnaise, although it should not be there, corrodes the walls of plastic packaging, releasing carcinogens. Only neutral products can be placed in plastic packaging.


If you were carried 10 times, then on the 11th it may not be carried. Watermelon - fertilized with such substances that it is the first candidate for poisoning.

Grapes that do not spoil

Grapes are eaten by mushrooms on the vine. It has not yet been removed from the branch, but it is already being eaten by mushrooms. Therefore, if some shoo-mouse is sold there and lies for more than 5 days, you should know that it is treated with chloroform and other serious antioxidants.

Pepper (out of season)

Absolutely genetically modified product.

Yeast bread. White bread

Eating yeast bread, you eat mushrooms. Preference should be given to rye bread. Refined white flour of the highest grades, like other refined products, confidently enters the top harmful products nutrition. "Sliced ​​loaf" is not a complete bread. This is a "bun", with all the consequences.

Purchased mushrooms, dried apricots, prunes, raisins

If you see a beautiful dried apricots or raisins - pass by. Think about what needs to be done with it in order to keep the apricot as if it were fresh from the tree. Dried apricots should be ugly and shriveled.

Ice cream

Especially in specialized establishments like Baskin Robins. Or foreign ice cream. Now it is virtually impossible to find ice cream made from milk. If you find a real ice cream made from milk somewhere, then you can safely buy it. Popsicles are naked essences, there is nothing natural in them.

Cupcakes in packages

Rolls. They do not get stale, do not deteriorate, do not dry out, nothing is done with them at all. He will lie down for a month. And in a month it will be the same.


90% chocolate is not chocolate at all (substitute dyes).
Chocolate bars are a gigantic amount of calories combined with chemical additives, genetically modified foods, colors and flavors. The combination of a large amount of sugar and various chemical additives provides the highest calorie content and the desire to eat them again and again.


In particular, men should not eat chicken at all. Because chickens are all on hormones. The chicken receives 6 female hormones, including progesterone. Therefore, if a man starts eating female hormones, his testosterone naturally drops to a level that cannot be restored later.
The ram is the only animal that will not eat any hormones. Eat meat from non-commercial lines.
Chicken is now the most commercial product!

Processed cheese

Instant coffee

Men can't at all! Categorically! There is a complete degeneration of the hormonal glands.

flavored teas

Drink natural tea in which nothing floats, there is no additional taste. All flavored teas citric acid, then with orange acid, then with some other acid. Habituation occurs instantly. We need to remove all acids from the body.

Refined deodorized vegetable oil

This oil should not be used raw in salads. You can only fry on it.

Mayonnaise, ketchup, various sauces and dressings

They have a high content of dyes, flavor substitutes and GMOs in them, in addition, preservatives that protect these products from spoilage disrupt the intestinal microflora, destroying beneficial microbes in the body.

Potato chips

Potato chips, especially those made not from whole potatoes, but from mashed potatoes. It's essentially a mixture of carbs and fat, plus artificial flavors.

Products fast food

Instant foods: instant noodles, instant soups, mashed potatoes, instant juices such as Yupi and Zuko. All this is solid chemistry that harms the body.


Alcohol. Even in minimal amounts interferes with the absorption of vitamins. In addition, alcohol is very high in calories in itself. It’s probably not worth talking about the effect of alcohol on the liver and kidneys, you already know everything very well. And do not rely on the fact that a certain amount of alcohol is good. All this takes place only with a reasonable approach to its use (quite rarely and in small doses).

Sweet carbonated drinks

Sugary carbonated drinks - a mixture of sugar, chemicals and gases - to distribute throughout the body faster harmful substances. Coca-Cola, for example, is a wonderful remedy for limescale and rust. Think carefully before sending such a liquid to the stomach. In addition, carbonated sweet drinks are also harmful with a high concentration of sugar - the equivalent of four to five teaspoons diluted in a glass of water. Therefore, you should not be surprised that, quenching your thirst with such a soda, you are thirsty again after five minutes.

strawberries in winter

Absolutely useless product. There is not a single "lousy" vitamin there.

Food is becoming more expensive every day, the quality of products is deteriorating, and salaries are either falling or remain the same.
Even those who are accustomed to high-quality and more or less natural food today stand in front of shop windows for a long time, read the ingredients, put the goods back.
We also went grocery shopping yesterday. It seems that the prices are the same, but there was not enough money for everything that was planned to be bought.

You will not believe, but my whole salary was not enough. And these are products without fanaticism.
This is just what we always bought, just a little less quantity.
Okay, about the salary and responsibility, I'll write separately somehow.

And so, why do you have to give up some goods?
A friend I met in the store:
- Do you buy commercial chickens? They are also harmful. Their men not only eat, but even can not smell.
- And what, non-commercial ones are sold in our stores? I asked.
- No, i guess. I take chickens from my mother. If you want, for this money I will bring you.
- Of course I want. By the way, I will also buy pork, as it will be.

There will be pork, only somewhere at the end of October. I can bring you cottage cheese, sour cream, milk and eggs. But it will be on Sunday. So, remember, men generally should not eat store-bought chickens.. Don't you know that chickens are all raised on hormones? The chicken, when growing, receives 6 female hormones, including progesterone. (Reference! Progesterone is a steroid hormone of the corpus luteum of the ovaries and adrenal glands, produced in significant quantities by the ovaries, which is responsible for pregnancy and fat deposition).

When a man begins to eat female hormones, his testosterone naturally drops to a level that cannot be restored later.
Progesterone is present in the blood of both women and men, but in men it is produced in small quantities to perform certain functions. An increase or decrease in this hormone negatively affects men's health.
The increase leads to infertility, impaired carbohydrate metabolism, testicular atrophy.

By the way, low progesterone leads to a decrease in androgens - male sex hormones, which entails a decrease in libido and sexual functions.
The ram is the only animal whose meat is pure, but the chicken is the most commercial product!

We talked with a friend and parted, when suddenly she returned and said:
- Oh, and even men are strictly forbidden to drink instant coffee.
We never buy it.
- But I have to tell you this. From instant coffee there is a complete degeneration of the hormonal glands. It's scary actually. No less harmful different kind flavored teas. Drink the best natural tea. All flavored teas are either with citric acid, or with orange acid, or with some other acid. The body gets used to it, and acids are no less harmful than those stupid hormones.
I have a lot more to say, but that's the main thing. After all, you have so many male population at home! You must know!

Our ancestors guessed about the miraculous properties of mint for a long time. No wonder the ancient Romans put wreaths of this fragrant herb on the heads of guests, and medieval students wore the same wreaths in order to have a bright head and make it easier to perceive new information. That is, people not only used mint internally as a remedy for many diseases, but also knew about its ability to stimulate the brain. Having fallen ill, they did not think for a long time about how to recover and what to drink with a cold. They brewed mint, currant and raspberry leaves, which were dried specifically for this purpose.

Why Men Shouldn't Eat Mint

But did they guess that men should not use mint all the time because, by calming and relieving excitability, it also contributes to a decrease in sexual activity? Perhaps in those days this area was not given such close attention, otherwise what man would agree to voluntarily expose himself to the risk of ceasing to be such. And is it only men who should not use mint, or does it affect the female libido in the same way?

It is believed that mint is a female herb. The fair sex can not be afraid for their sexuality and drink mint tea, add mint leaves to salads and eat it just like that. Moreover, it is really good for health. And the statement that men can not mint is very exaggerated. It is possible, but in moderation. The fact is that with prolonged and regular use of this plant, the content of the male hormone testosterone in the body, which is responsible for sexual function, decreases. Therefore, if your husband enjoys drinking a cup of fragrant mint tea every evening, do not be surprised if one fine day, or rather night, he suddenly does not want anything. And the next one too. Of course, each person has his own susceptibility to various substances, and mint will not affect someone in any way, it will only relieve unnecessary stress. And it will be enough for someone to take a sedative collection with mint for several days in a row, and he will “calm down”. Do not be afraid, everything is not so scary: by refusing to take mint, you will recover very quickly. So if a doctor prescribes you a cure for depression, which includes this herb, and your friend with wide eyes in horror begins to dissuade you from taking it, arguing that men should not use mint, still listen to the doctor. Moreover, it is precisely in depressive and stressful conditions that mint just helps to establish a sexual life, which can be disturbed due to excessive nervousness, restlessness.

And in some cases, it is even useful for men to use mint specifically to reduce libido. For example, during a difficult wife's pregnancy or on a long business trip. Let you stay “without sweets” for a while, but protect yourself a little from random connections And possible problems health related.

Svetlana Nekrasova especially for

The content of the article:

Men and women differ not only in external indicators, but also in all other senses. Nutrition plays an important role not only for girls, who always pay much more attention to this issue. For men, it is also necessary to remember that the foods that they eat can not only harm them outwardly, but it is also likely to spoil or even worse - “completely kill” a man in them. To increase potency, as well as to increase sexual desire and desire, it is necessary not only to eat specific dishes, but, on the contrary, to exclude from your diet about ten foods that have a detrimental effect on a man's health.

For many centuries, mankind has been searching and continues to search for everything the best means, which can significantly enhance male potency. Means that affect potency and significantly increase sexual desire and pleasure are commonly called aphrodisiacs. This name has come from the time Ancient Greece, it reminded the Greeks of the name of the Goddess of love - Aphrodite. First of all, they include love dishes - products that significantly increase potency and form the basis of "erotic cooking".

The main functions of aphrodisiacs are the activation of sexual and erotic feelings, as well as drives; to some extent rejuvenation of the body as a whole; support at the highest level of sexual functions; and the last on the list, but not the last in necessity for a man - raising potency.

The most annoying thing is that the tastiest is always the most harmful to the human body. For women, this is a sweet that destroys the figure, and for men, this list is much longer, and if you want to save masculine strength, it would be better to heed our advice and limit the use of certain foods. We agree that it will not be as easy to do as it is to say, because not everyone will be able to forbid themselves to eat their favorite delicacies. After all, few men can deny themselves barbecue or beer with fish, and the list of foods forbidden for his health is much longer.

Blacklisted Products

  1. Beer takes pride of place. In this drink, not only high calorie content, but also in its composition it has phytoestrogens, which are analogues of female hormones - estrogen. Therefore, we can often observe that men who abuse beer not only get fat, but also gradually “turn into” a woman. It turns out that if you abuse this low-alcohol drink, then, as a result, you can get inhibition of the production of the male sex hormone due to the significant production of the female, thereby causing " Double punch» on the male endocrine system. There is an easy way to check how much testosterone your man has in his body, just measure his thallium. In a man with the norm of the male hormone, the waist will be no more than 94-95 cm, the wider it is, the more female hormones in his body, and over time this can lead to irreversible consequences with potency.
  2. The effect of smoking on male power. First of all, such an addiction causes vasospasm, which lasts for some time after the tightening. But if the vessels are still spasmodic, and the man is again "dragged", then this prolongs the obstruction of blood flow. As a result, you get a long spasm, which gives a serious failure in the supply of nutrients to all organs. Such a blow, in the first place, will be felt by the tissues that feed on small blood vessels.
  3. Strong alcohol. It can be safely called a poison for all human organs, and for the testicles it is generally “death”. The higher the level of alcohol in the blood of a man, the lower the amount of testosterone he has. Basically, if a man drinks, then in order to cause a hangover, but he does not think at this time that the level of testosterone in his blood decreases by 20% within 12-20 hours after the hangover. And the worst thing is that those affected by the amount of testicles drunk per mille will never fully recover.
  4. The impact of soy on "male power". The composition of soy includes phytoestrogens - analogues of the female hormone, only vegetable. It turns out that these hormones are completely opposite to testosterone, which means they are detrimental to “male power”. We can reassure you a little, if soy is used in small quantities, then it will not bring harm to either the female or male body, because it also contains a complete protein that the body needs. But if a man abuses it in his diet, then the inhibition of the production of the male sex hormone will begin.
  5. Coffee. This drink does not deserve positive comments if its effect concerns the sexual health of a man. Coffee lovers need to be most attentive to their health, because a large amount of this drink can cause great harm, especially to the adrenal glands, which are responsible for the production of the stress hormone. Accordingly, a decrease in stress hormones has a very bad effect on the male genital organs.
  6. Sodas and fizzy drinks. Such drinks contain a colossal amount of sugar, one glass of such a pop in its composition has a daily dose of sugar - 6 hours, in addition, it contains dyes, flavor enhancers and many other "nasty things" that will not bring anything good to your body. And yet, the frequent use of such drinks will certainly lead to dehydration and impair the delivery, as well as the distribution of testosterone molecules.
  7. Everyone's favorite smoked meats. The danger of these products lies in the liquid smoke, which can cause toxic damage to the testicles, namely the glands that produce 95% of testosterone in the male body.
  8. Fat meat. The main problem is not meat and directly the high content of cholesterol (animal fat) in it. We cannot say that cholesterol is harmful to the male body, since it is the main component of testosterone synthesis, it is its excess that is harmful. The fact is that the male body produces its hormone in microscopic doses, only a few milligrams per day, and it is clear that this requires very little cholesterol. As a result, you can eat meat, but try to choose not too fatty, because even lean meat contains about 30% fat. And also, in which company, and with what goodies you would not encounter, you must always and in everything be extremely careful and know when to stop.
  9. Sugar and salt. Scientists, having made many experiments, came to the unanimous conclusion that sugar and salt can be safely called "white death". If salt, due to the sodium that is in its composition, only reduces the production of testosterone, then sugar provokes the production of insulin and, as a result, insulin generally stops the production of its hormone by the male body. Also, one cannot be categorical in this matter, in reasonable doses the body simply needs both sugar and salt. We give advice: it is necessary to gradually replace crystalline sugar with honey or sweet fruits. Just because the male body feels the need not for sugar, but for glucose, on which sperm motility depends.
  10. Monosodium glutamate and its colossal amount in fast foods and chips. If you cook fried potatoes at home or that same hot dog or hamburger, then this is not very good for your body, but sometimes you can afford it. But if you eat this on the street, in a cafe, then you don’t love yourself at all, and you don’t value your health. In such establishments, they cook in rancid oil, which leads to oxidative processes, both in cells and in tissues, which significantly disrupts the work of hormones.
  11. Homemade fat milk, or cheese from it. main role quantity plays here, if you drink no more than 1 liter of milk or 200 grams of cheese per day, then this amount is quite safe for you. The fact is that milk contains bovine estrogen, the female sex hormone. Milk and cheese are very healthy for babies and their mothers, but it is better for a man not to abuse these products.
  12. The last but not least important product is baking (pies, buns, various muffins, white and soft bread, cookies). The most useful thing in wheat grains is the vitamins, minerals and fiber that is in their shell. During the processing of grain, in order to achieve a commercial appearance of flour, it goes through several stages of cleaning and completely loses its useful shell, and after that it does not bear any benefit. Not only are products made from white flour, especially 1 or higher grades, high-calorie in themselves, but sugar, baking powder, yeast, acids and other rather unhealthy ingredients are almost always added to them. As a result, we get a "time bomb" that gradually kills the "man" in you. Black or yeast-free bread does not belong to this category, they are quite safe for the male body.
Men, think about it, if you are not indifferent to your health, then do not wait for problems to arise, it is better to prevent them in advance. After all, your health and masculine strength depends only on you, on how long you intend to be full of strength and energy. To extend this period longer, you just need to get rid of bad habits, follow simple rules in nutrition and change your diet a little.

For more information on what is undesirable for men, see here: