We consider in detail the characteristics and choose which solid fuel boiler is better for home and summer cottages. Wood burning boilers for home heating Gas or wood burning boiler choose ome

Are you going to buy an efficient gas boiler that can provide heat in the most severe frosts? There are many factors to consider when choosing equipment for your home. What is the best option? What are the most important criteria? Owners of both private houses and apartments have to think about solving this problem.

Agree, it’s a shame to pay twice and end up with an insufficiently functional boiler that can’t heat Vacation home with the onset of cold weather. Therefore, before choosing a gas boiler in a store, you will have to weigh the pros and cons. Otherwise, you can take a far from suitable model.

We will help you determine the main criteria that dramatically affect the choice. Helpful Tips and important nuances outlined in our article. Photo materials and a selection of videos with advice from experienced experts in the field of heat supply are provided to help the homeowner.

The absence or constant interruptions of centralized heating and hot water supply are forcing the owners of cottages and city apartments to create.

Their main element is a boiler, which, by burning fuel, heats the coolant for the heating system and water for domestic needs.

The choice in favor of gas equipment is due to the cost-effectiveness of using gas as a fuel. All other options for combustible fuel are more expensive or give less heat at times.

Plus, modern heaters of this type do not require constant supervision. I connected the unit to the main pipe or cylinder, and it works smoothly as long as there is something to burn.

The use of natural gas is the optimal solution for heating a private house in terms of fuel costs and operating costs.

However, in order for the gas boiler to function properly and in optimal mode, it is necessary to choose it correctly when buying and regularly service it after connection.

There are many different in functionality and special modules within the models of this equipment. The purchase of a gas heating unit should be approached thoughtfully.

There are many criteria for choosing a gas boiler, but the main ones are:

  1. The power output by the device.
  2. Layout solution (number of circuits, body type and heat exchanger material).
  3. Place for installation.
  4. Availability of automation for safe operation.

All these questions are closely related. The lack of space for a large unit or the desire to mount a device with an aesthetic appearance in the kitchen forces you to choose a wall-mounted model of less power than the floor version. And the need for heating hot water for a washbasin and a shower makes you look for a boiler with two circuits.

When choosing a heater, you should remember the need for its repair, if the workshop for after-sales service the selected model is not nearby, it is worth looking for another option

The subtleties of choosing a boiler for heating and hot water

Modern heating equipment has a stylish appearance, filled with all sorts of sensors and can operate in several modes.

Each gas boiler has a burner inside the body and a combustion chamber with a heat exchanger, but there are also models with a circulation pump and other modules

First, the gas in the burner is ignited using an electronic system or a piezoelectric element. Then, as a result of its combustion in the furnace, water is heated by means of a heat exchanger, which is sent to the heating system circuit.

This is how classic single-loop models work. To prepare domestic hot water, you must select or connect a boiler.

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The cheapest type of heating a private house is, one of which is firewood. The calmness and comfort in the house will depend on how high-quality and suitable, exactly for your conditions, the boiler you install. Therefore, which solid fuel boiler is better for your home and according to what criteria to choose it, we will understand meticulously and thoroughly.

If you are going to buy a boiler for heating a private house, the first thing you need to know is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room. After all, the power of the unit directly depends on this. According to manufacturers, the calculation is simple: every 10 m2 of area requires the production of 1 kW of thermal energy. At total area Houses of 150 m2 have enough power of 15 kW. But everything is not so simple here.

Corrections must be made if:

  • The ceiling height is more than 3 m;
  • Quantity window openings exceeds the norm;
  • The house is not well insulated.

You also need to remember that in harsh climatic zones during the cold season, the boiler will have to be heated constantly, even at night. Therefore, it is better to choose a unit with a power reserve of 5-10 kW, which will allow you to control the intensity of combustion.

In addition to power, the following characteristics are important:

  • Performance or efficiency is an important characteristic of a heating system. This ratio is directly related to design features equipment and method of fuel combustion. For solid fuel boilers, the efficiency is quite high, it is 80-98%.
  • Operating cost. The reliability of the brand of boilers depends not only on the manufacturer, but also on the design solutions, materials used for the components and the body, the cost and availability of services, spare parts, and operating conditions.
  • The type of fuel consumed is another important characteristic. When calculating the cost of heating in a private house, the price of the selected fuel in the region (coal, pellets, firewood) and the performance of the equipment are taken into account. The more expensive the fuel is and the higher the combustion rate, the more expensive the heating of a private house or cottage becomes.


There are several classes of boiler equipment according to the principle of its operation:

Quite traditionally arranged. They consist of a combustion chamber and an ash chamber, a tank for a water jacket, a chimney. All known types of solid fuels are used - firewood, sawdust, pellets, they can also be heated with coal. They are used in heating circuits with natural air circulation. Every 5-7 hours of operation it is necessary to load the next portion of fuel. The automatic control unit regulates the air supply to control the combustion process of the fuel, depending on the value displayed on the display. temperature regime. In the best models, a draft regulator is built into the chimney, the task of which is to force cold air into the chimney in order to keep the heat inside the furnace as much as possible.

Gas generating or pyrolysis.
These boilers have two combustion chambers. Firewood is placed in the lower firebox, where, under the influence high temperature and at total absence oxygen is in the process of smoldering. Carbon dioxide enters the upper chamber, burns there, the heat exchanger heats up. It is necessary to load fuel once a day. There are models of boilers with automatic and manual draft regulator. Look at user reviews on the forums, think about what is more convenient for you.

Why are pellet boilers so popular in Europe? It is this equipment that requires minimal human presence and runs on environmentally friendly fuel. Pellets are granules made from sawdust, peat, wood and agricultural waste.

    The main advantages of pellet boilers:
  • high efficiency;
  • wide range of adjustments;
  • fuel is undemanding to storage conditions.

Among the shortcomings, we note the high cost of equipment and pellets.

Please note: if necessary, the pellet burner is covered with a sheet of iron on top and you can heat the system with coal or peat, firewood is also suitable.

Long burning.
These boilers are closest to pyrolysis boilers, but the principle of operation is slightly different. The furnace consists of two chambers, at the bottom there is smoldering and the formation of gases. In the upper chamber, the gas mixes with air and burns completely. According to the number of actions performed by gases in the flame tubes, they are divided into one-, two- and three-way. Three-way heat generators are considered the most efficient, because they select the thermal energy of flue gases as fully as possible. On one load with firewood, it works for about two days, with coal - up to five. In addition, it can be fired with coke, pellets and petroleum products. Ideal Solution for non-residential premises, cottages, garages.

In the instructions for the equipment, boiler manufacturers describe in detail which fuel will be used as the main and which is additional.

Production material: steel vs. cast iron
The main materials for the production of solid fuel boilers are cast iron and steel. Steel models have high thermal conductivity and are strong enough, while cast iron grades, with their fragility, have a long (up to 20 years) service life. When studying consumer reviews, the following summary was obtained.

Steel boilers

  • allow you to actively use automation, sensitively respond to changes in operating parameters.
  • have a high efficiency.
  • easily tolerate temperature fluctuations.
  • weak point: welds. Rusty, cracked, internally folded boilers cannot be repaired.
  • equipped with only one heat exchanger.
  • subject to corrosion.

Cast iron models

    • prefabricated structure.
    • the presence of the main and additional external heat exchange circuit.
    • threaded connections, replaceable seals.
    • are not afraid of corrosion (although with a long service life, coating

are covered with a film of “dry rust”, which, unlike steel corrosion, does not progress).

  • subjected to thermal shock. With sharp jumps in temperature, fatigue zones appear.

Criterias of choice

We figured out the basic concepts, it's time to voice additional criteria that will help evaluate the ease of use of the models you are interested in, add individuality to them.

The presence of external insulation.
It is the external thermal insulation that makes it possible to reduce heat losses during heating of the boiler room, significantly slows down the cooling time of the boiler. It also allows you to load the furnace not earlier than after 7-12 hours, there is no need for "cold" kindling.

The number of elbows in the flue system.
If the boiler is straight, its performance is equal to the efficiency of a small indoor fireplace. The more economical the heater becomes, the more parts the chimney is made up of.

Pressurization system.
The presence of such a node reduces the requirements for the number of chimney elbows. At the same time, a high-efficiency boiler copes with the process perfectly, even with a clearly weak draft.
Devices with a pressurization design require constant monitoring of the seals of the furnace doors, the presence of the most inconspicuous gap ensures that smoke enters the living quarters of the house.

Energy independence
Like the ability to work in the event of a power outage. Boilers with natural circulation coolant. However, such equipment has a low efficiency, does not monitor the combustion process, unlike units with a volatile automatic control panel.

Temperature controller.
In the absence of a thermostatic unit, the system will have to be properly looked after. In the presence of a modern temperature control device, one load of the fuel chamber at a temperature of about 0 ° C is enough for a day.

Existence of the chamber of combustion of the fulfilled gases with lining.
If we compare boilers with and without lining function, it turns out that the former burn 25-45% less fuel for the same power output.
If you install a solid fuel boiler in order to save money, then the lining function is mandatory.

Boiler equipment security system
On the Internet, there are consumer reviews about cases of folding the walls of boilers inward. This situation occurs in cases of overheating due to violations of operating conditions. Therefore, take care of your boiler and consider a security system.

Regardless of whether the boiler is fired with coal or wood, the circulation of the heat agent is forced. To prevent overheating in case of circulation disturbance, a cooling heat exchanger is installed. It is built into the boiler, or installed at the outlet.

It is impossible to install an independent cooling circuit inside cast-iron boilers, so they mount it at the outlet of the device and supply it with a thermal valve that operates when the critical temperature is reached.

Some boiler manufacturers use shut-off valves that block the fuel supply when overheating.

To feel 100% sure of the safe operation of the boiler room, install a storage tank in the heating system. It will accumulate heat, if necessary, transfer it to heating devices. Such a buffer tank will increase the efficiency of the boiler, ensure automatic maintenance of an even temperature of the coolant, and reduce fuel consumption.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not at all the excessive pressure formed in the hydraulic jacket that folds the walls of the boiler, it is just released through the blast valve. The physical ability of the metal to expand folds the walls of the boiler, while the process takes place in the easiest direction, inward. Remember - normal pressure for the boiler long burning 1.5 barrels, and the maximum allowable coolant temperature is +95°C.

3 popular models of solid fuel boilers

When choosing a solid fuel boiler, study its functionality. Now the owners of private houses are concerned about finding a universal unit. Manufacturers are expanding the capabilities of products: they offer models that run on different types of fuel, automate the process as much as possible. Consider 3 models of solid fuel boilers within the parameters described above.

1. Candle 18 firm AREMIKAS (Aremikas), Lithuania
Fuel: firewood.
A type: prolonged burning.
Material: steel.
Power: 18 kW, which is enough to heat a house with an area of ​​​​50 to 120 m2.
Chimney diameter: 160 mm, thrust - 15 Pa.

The shape is elongated cylindrical, the minimum burning time of one bookmark of firewood is 7 hours, the maximum is 34 hours. Compact, non-volatile, economical.

Review: “Experimentally determined the optimal size of logs of 10-20 cm, so that they fit comfortably in one hand. The better the wood is laid, the better it will burn. Ivan

2. Zota Mix 40 manufacturer Russia
Fuel: firewood, diesel, gas, coal, fractional coal.
A type: classic, combined.
Material: steel.
Power: maximum 40 kW.
Chimney pipe height: 8 m

The boiler is equipped with an electronic control module. The water jacket is located along the contour of the combustion chamber. The efficiency of the combustion process is ensured by a mechanical draft regulator, a thermomanometer for monitoring the temperature and pressure of the coolant.

Reviews: “I also have Zota, there are no problems with the equipment, but I had to contact the manufacturing plant ... If there are problems, call or write ... There are representations in many cities ... intelligent, responsive people” Peter.

3. Alpine Air Solidplus-4, Turkey
Type of fuel: coal, firewood.
Material: cast iron.
Combustion chamber type: open.
Power: 25.5 kW.
efficiency: 70%.

The boiler is treated on top with a special, corrosion-resistant paint. The manufacturer gives a guarantee for 3 years of uninterrupted service. Non-volatile, which allows efficient operation at low temperatures.

What consumers say: “I am the owner of a small country house with an area of ​​90 square meters. Bought Alpin a year ago. It works like a clock, without failures, both under heavy loads and not very much. I chose a cast iron boiler because it keeps heat for a long time. Happy with the purchase, good value for money." Alex.

Buying heating equipment should be after a thorough study of the technical characteristics of the device, reviews on the forums from real consumers, and an analysis of your own needs. Only a properly selected unit will help create a comfortable atmosphere at home and fill it with cozy warmth.

The work of a wood-burning boiler on gas fuel (natural gas) excites craftsmen. The combination of wood and natural gas adds to the comfort and economy of heating systems. I will say right away that the issue of transferring a wood-burning boiler to gas fuel is not disclosed in this article because of its harmfulness and danger. But, combining firewood and gas is possible and necessary. It is really comfortable and economical.

  1. Combination of two separate boilers "gas" and "firewood" in the heating system

Wood burning gas boiler

Technically (correctly and safely) it is impossible to improve a wood-burning heating unit to the state of "omnivorous" (gas and firewood). Gas is an explosive poisonous fuel, the free handling of which leads to sad consequences. You can not ignore the rules for the operation of gas equipment.

Fantasies of folk craftsmen for gas heating are limited by the word "forbidden". Legislators, manufacturers, designers and operators all play it safe on the topic of safety. Climbing over the OFFICIAL GAS "PROHIBITED" is almost impossible.

Officially, to transfer a wood-burning boiler to gas fuel, a project is required that is agreed with the relevant local control services - gas, fire, municipal, etc. Installation with subsequent commissioning of heating equipment takes place in accordance with current legislation. Per in simple terms there is a deep engineering problem.

Already at the initial stage of the transfer of a wood-burning boiler to gas fuel, the whole idea is broken down by the inconsistency in the designs of the combustion chambers and ventilation systems of wood-burning and gas heating equipment. Wood and gas fuels are in different states of aggregation, they have different specific calorific values, so they require completely different modes of ventilation of the combustion chamber and, most importantly, various sizes this same camera.

A gas boiler is a complex product. The body of the gas boiler is calculated and tested for years. Its dimensions are determined by the established norms and rules for the combustion of gas fuel. Height, width, distance of the torch to the bottom and to the roof, tightness of the combustion chamber, turbulence of gas flows, quality of ventilation, coordination of operation of automation units, etc. - all parameters are verified by the manufacturer, who is fully responsible for the safety of his offspring. There are not so many manufacturers of gas boilers.

wood boilers"rivet" all and sundry. No responsibility. If only the wood burning would warm and burn. Unlike a gas boiler, the design of a wood-burning boiler is not limited by anything, except for one thing - the desire to “squeeze” out of the wood more heat. The body of the wood boiler has additional devices that create turbulence and slow down the speed of movement of gaseous combustion products. Simply put, in a wood-burning boiler, gas flows are decelerated, in order to increase efficiency wood boiler as a whole. What, in relation to the rules for the operation of gas heating equipment - is strictly prohibited! Everything gas boilers work only on direct traction! Any devices that slow down the ventilation rate of the furnace (combustion chamber) of the gas boiler are prohibited. Any tubular heat exchangers, turbulators, dampers, additional ventilation "pockets" and so on are prohibited for gas heating equipment.

And now let's try to mentally put a gas burner into a wood-burning boiler and remember that a wood-burning boiler has a much larger combustion chamber (furnace), because it is focused on firewood. What will this give in combination with insufficiently effective ventilation? Right. Excess combustion products in the boiler body. And if we add here the presence of a loading door and other holes through which this excess of combustion products can enter a heated room (furnace), it becomes quite clear why not a single controller will give permission to operate such a monster.

P.S. There are many things that make converting a wood-burning boiler to gas extremely unprofitable. But, most importantly, this is an unjustified risk of operating a converted heating unit. At the official level, the conversion of a wood-burning boiler to gas fuel will never be encouraged. Heat engineers, officially, do not convert wood-burning boilers to gas burners. Because they know - all fiscal services (fire, gas, and utilities) - will always fight with modified and home-made gas heating equipment.

As for self-building and independent (illegal) transfer of a wood-burning boiler to gas fuel, then everyone will disown such a “kulibin” at once. A person trying to independently transfer a wood-burning boiler, stove or stove to gas heating- violates a whole bunch of laws and exposes his safety and the safety of those around him to unjustified risk.

Combined boilers "gas-firewood"

From the point of view of the development of modern technology, combined gas-firewood boilers have the right to life. Combined gas-firewood boilers existed even under the Soyuz. But, Soviet combined gas-firewood boilers have always worked on separate power supply - either gas or firewood (solid fuel). And to do both at once - this is a clear know-how. In the modern electronic world, it is not difficult to implement any technical idea. Here, only - the benefit is small. In the performance of modern amateurs, combined gas-firewood boilers are either not safe, or too expensive, or inconvenient and cumbersome to operate.

The combination of separate boilers "gas" and "firewood"

The combination of two separate boilers "gas" and "firewood" in one heating system is the best option. If the boilers are in different furnace rooms, then this is generally ideal.

Alternative Heating:

: "(link-category)"

    (related news)

Models of solid fuel heating equipment are an excellent alternative to their counterparts that run on liquid or liquefied fuel. V Lately boilers designed for long burning are in great demand. They are able to work offline for several tens of hours. When choosing the best device modifications, you should be guided by consumer reviews. The rating of equipment included in the top 5 most popular models of 2016-2017 will greatly simplify the task.

Working on solid fuel, it is a good alternative to its counterparts running on natural gas, diesel fuel or electricity. Such equipment is especially in demand in non-gasified areas or remote from regional centers, as well as where there are constant interruptions in the operation of power lines. Solid fuels are produced for both industrial and domestic use.

Varieties of solid fuel boilers

In the heating equipment market, boilers are presented in a wide range from different manufacturers. In turn, companies have several lines of their equipment, of which there are many models. This circumstance greatly complicates the choice the best option for specific working conditions. Therefore, solid fuel can be divided into several categories:

Advice. Boilers with an efficiency of 83 - 90% have an optimal ratio of the volume of the fuel chamber / burning time. At the same time, they operate at the maximum power declared by the manufacturer.

Rating of boilers by type of fuel

Solid fuel boilers are highly versatile. Models designed to work on wood or coal can be used as fuel pellets or briquettes. Based on the technical characteristics of the equipment and reviews of experts and ordinary consumers, you can rank the best models.

Stropuva S 40

A long-burning boiler that runs on wood, coal or wood briquettes takes first place in this rating. The equipment of the Lithuanian-Russian company STROPUVA has the highest efficiency equal to 95%. The impressive volume of the firebox is 320 dm. cube holds 50 kg of fuel. Depending on the mode of operation, one boot of the device ensures uninterrupted operation from 31 to 130 hours. The maximum heated area of ​​the premises is 400 sq.m. It is also designed to run on pellets or coke. Its design provides for one heating circuit, which determines its use only for the heating system. The power of the device is 40 kW, liquid temperature 85 °C, operating pressure 2 bar.

Zota Pellet 25

The boiler is designed to work on wood pellets and ranks second in the ranking. Products of a domestic manufacturer are equipped with an LCD display, which displays all the necessary information: current state, operation mode setting, errors, etc. The automation system is able to control and manage both the equipment itself and secondary devices. For example, it is able to control up to five circulation pumps of the heating system and underfloor heating. The pellet boiler has a high efficiency of 90%, its power of 25 kW is able to effectively heat a house up to 250 sq.m. One full load ensures uninterrupted operation of the equipment up to 50 hours.

Attention! Boilers operating on briquetted fuel and wood pellets are equipped with an automatic furnace loading system. This feature significantly increases the duration of burning and autonomous operation of the equipment.

Buderus Logano G221-20

The third place is occupied by a German boiler, which has high reliability and stability in its work. It does not have automatic fuel loading, and the maximum length of logs should not exceed 68 cm. High efficiency of 90% and power from 10 to 20 kW compensate for minor shortcomings. The heat exchanger made of cast iron has a high heat transfer coefficient, which ensures rapid heating of the medium to the required temperature. The device can work on wood, coal and coke.

Protherm Beaver 50 DLO

A cast-iron boiler from a Slovak manufacturer ranks fourth. He has high enough technical specifications: Efficiency - 90%, power - from 35 to 40 kW, depending on the type of fuel, liquid temperature - 90 ° C, operating pressure - 2 bar (maximum - 3 bar), heated area - up to 260 sq.m. Low level heat loss is due to the use of inorganic wool as an insulating material between the furnace and the equipment body.

Teplodar Kupper OK30

Domestic products are ranked fifth. This is due to the relatively low efficiency of 84%. Due to the high power of 39 kW, it is able to heat the liquid up to operating temperature in 20 minutes. It is able to effectively heat a house up to 300 square meters. The boiler is designed to work on wood, pellets, coal, and if necessary, it can be used as fuel. natural gas or electricity. All its advantages raise the equipment to a fairly high place.

Advice. Boiler equipped with cast iron heat exchanger, has a high degree of heat transfer and service life, which several times increases its efficiency and reliability.

Boiler rating by price

The cost of heating equipment plays one of the key roles when choosing the required model of a long-burning solid fuel boiler. Each price segment contains best models that are able to meet almost all consumer requirements:

budget class

The low cost of heating equipment does not mean low performance, reliability and lack of stable operation. In this class there are models that are perfect for summer cottages and small private houses:

standard class

The leader in this segment is the Lamborghini WBL 7 boiler. It has a high efficiency of 90%, heat and sound insulation characteristics. The power of 30 kW allows you to heat the area up to 270 square meters. Autonomy of work on one full load - 12 hours, maximum water temperature - 90 ° C.

The second place is occupied by the Czech boiler Viadrus Hercules U22D-4. Due to its efficiency of 80% and a power of 20 kW, it effectively heats a house of 180 - 200 sq.m. Possesses high heat-insulating and sound-proofing properties. Fuel consumption is 6.8 kg/h. The only negative is that it works exclusively on wood.

Alpine Air Solidplus 4 takes the third position. Easy to maintain and operate, boiler power - 26 kW, efficiency - 70%, water temperature: minimum - 30 ° C, maximum - 90 ° C, operating pressure - 3 bar. Runs on wood or charcoal.

Premium class

  • First place. Biomaster BM-15 is equipped with an ash pan auto-cleaning system, fuel chamber volume from 200 to 400 l, efficiency 95%, power 16 kW. High performance allows the boiler to be used in multi-storey buildings or hotels, industrial buildings etc.
  • Second place. Viessmann Vitoligno With a power of 30 kW and an efficiency of 90%, it can heat an area of ​​up to 399 sq.m. One download is enough for battery life up to 40 hours. The automation system ensures reliable and stable operation.
  • Third place. Candle S. A distinctive feature is the combustion of only the upper part of the fuel. One download provides up to 36 hours of operation. Efficiency 85 - 90%, power from 5 to 35 kW, depending on the model. Operating pressure– 180 kPa, coolant temperature 90 °C, fuel consumption – 0.29 kg/h.

Solid fuel boilers efficiently heat single-storey and multi-storey private houses, industrial premises: workshops, warehouses, etc., as well as various institutions: schools, kindergartens, hospitals.

How to choose a solid fuel boiler: video

Autonomous heating in many ways outperforms centralized heating. It can be turned on and off at your own discretion, adjust the temperature and significantly save on operation. The main thing is to choose the most best way heating - gas or solid fuel.

Features of gas boilers

Models running on "invisible" fuel have two indisputable advantages - they take up little space and are very affordable. They are ideal for houses and even apartments where there is no place to store firewood, briquettes or coal. Due to the closed combustion chamber and forced draft, which takes air from the street, there is no need to install the boiler in a separate room. Its small size allows you to hang the unit almost anywhere.

gas boilers have a large selection of double-circuit models. They not only heat the room, but also provide a home hot water. Such devices are very economical: no need to spend extra money, because the water is heated simultaneously with the general heating system.

Solid fuel boilers: pros and cons

As a rule, solid fuel models are chosen by owners of non-gasified houses. The most profitable are the units using wood waste- sawdust and shavings. In addition, many boilers can simultaneously “consume” different types fuel.
Of particular interest are models with an additional function of the stove. The top surface is made of cast iron. It may have removable rings. During cooking, such solid fuel boilers save electricity or gas.
It is believed that gas models are more practical, since they do not need to be constantly looked after. However, you can choose a machine equipped with a hopper and automatic loading. Ignition, fuel supply and operation circulation pump regulated without human control. Many models can be connected to a room thermostat and use it to adjust the temperature. With one load of coal, the boiler is able to work up to 24 hours.
By choosing to solid fuel boilers, you should be aware that they have one significant drawback: before installation, it is necessary to equip a special boiler room with a good hood.

Universal combined models

If you can’t decide between the two types of boilers, you can purchase a combined unit. It works well on both gas and wood or coal.
However, it should be understood that the installation of such a boiler will be expensive - at least two to three times more expensive than conventional models. But in the future, such devices are very practical in operation and allow you to save a lot.
Before choosing a specific model, it is necessary to calculate all possible costs: purchase, installation, fuel consumption. For example, gas boilers are much cheaper, but tie-in to a gas pipeline can cost a considerable amount. On the other hand, building a storage room for coal and firewood can also be problematic. Therefore, only after weighing all the pros and cons, you can provide your home with heat for many years.