Glass fiber with a pattern. Glass cloth wallpaper in the interior

An example of a pitched roof - top view

The hipped roof is the most popular of all types among individual developers. The article will consider the device of a hipped roof, do-it-yourself installation features, installation truss system and other important questions. A video guide is also provided. It will help you build the roof of the house with your own hands quickly and competently.

The content of the article about the construction of a hipped roof with your own hands, videos, projects

Hip roof device

A do-it-yourself hipped roof has a simple device. About the arrangement of the roof of a private house. Main structural elements:

  • Mauerlat;
  • rafter legs;
  • runs;
  • racks;
  • struts;
  • crate;
  • roofing.

To have the basic concepts of how to make a hipped roof, consider step by step guide works.

Step 1 - Mounting the Mauerlat

The first step in the installation of a hipped roof is the installation of a Mauerlat. For this, a wooden beam with a section of 10x10, 10x15, 15x15 cm and more is used. The beam must be solid. Great importance is attached to the fastening of the timber. If the wall is stone, a reinforced concrete monolithic belt is made in the support zone of the Mauerlat. Pre-mounted in it with embedded parts in the form of studs with a thread of at least M12. It is possible to fasten the studs in the masonry with special expansion dowels. Mauerlat connections are made along the length of the overlay (not butt) with many connection points.

Waterproofing is done between the armored belt and the Mauerlat. For this, roofing material is used, it is laid in several layers.

This stage is the same as for the installation of single-pitched and double-pitched roofs. In these articles you will find additional information on this topic:

Step 2 - Laying the beds on the load-bearing partitions

An important step in the arrangement of the truss system during the construction of a hipped roof is the laying of the beds on the partitions of the supporting structure. Then we will install support racks on them. In the absence of internal partitions for the installation of racks, reinforced floor beams are installed. Boards 5x2cm are suitable for overlapping. Racks are installed on the beam. Given the increased load on this element, it is made from a bar 10x20cm.

Step 3 - Installing the support legs

Racks are attached to beds or floor beams. After alignment, they are fixed with temporary supports from boards using self-tapping screws. For fastening the racks, a corner and metal plates-linings are used.

  1. When installing the truss system of a hip hipped roof, the racks are placed in 1 row in the center of the roof directly under the ridge with a distance of more than 2 meters.
  2. When constructing a hipped roof, the racks are placed on the lines of the diagonals. They should be placed at an equal distance from the corner. The height of the racks is determined in accordance with the roof project.

Laying runs on racks. For a hip roof, this is a simple ridge run, for a hipped roof, the runs are stacked in the form of a rectangle. To fix the elements, corners and self-tapping screws are used.

Step 4 - Installing the rafters, pitched roof truss system

The rafter system of a hipped roof consists of side and diagonal rafters. To know how to make a hipped roof, you need to be able to install all the elements of the truss system.

Installation of side rafters

The side rafters are installed in the same way as compared to a gable roof. A board with a rafter width of 150 mm and a thickness of 25 mm is attached to the ridge beam near the extreme rack. The top notch is marked on the template and cut out. The rafter rests on a ridge beam. The template is applied to the ridge and the bottom gash is marked to rest on the Mauerlat. Each rafter is customized in place. We mark and cut out the rafters. We install them on the ridge run and Mauerlat. For fastening we use corners, self-tapping screws and staples. The pitch of the rafters is 50-150 cm. The fastening of the rafters to the Mauerlat is shown in the figure.

Installation of diagonal rafters

We support diagonal rafters gable roof top side on the rack and bottom on the corner of the Mauerlat. We make cuts in the boards at an angle of 45 degrees. It is not difficult to determine the length of the corner rafter, we will not tell in detail, the figure shows necessary information. The distance between the diagonal rafters is filled with sprigs. Their installation step is equal to the calculated step of the rafters. We rest the upper part on the diagonal rafter, and the lower part on the Mauerlat. A notch is made in the upper part.

Sprengel installation

The truss system of the hipped roof ends with the installation of these elements. The lower quarter of the diagonal rafters bears the greatest load. That is why sprengels are placed under them - special vertical supports. Their installation is similar to ridge racks on reinforced beams. Struts are installed under the side rafters. They rest with their lower edge against floor beams or a bed. The top edge is installed in the rafter leg at an angle of 45 degrees.

The hipped roof rafters have been installed. Now you can proceed to the next stage of installing a hipped roof with your own hands.

Step 5 - Lathing Device

The crate is necessary for high-quality roofing flooring. Today the most popular. The highest quality crate made of bars or boards. They are laid parallel to the ridge with a step of 50 cm. From the ridge to the overhang we lay a plank floor. If soft roofing materials are used, lay 1 or 2 layers of boards.

The materials used for the crate are pre-treated with antiseptics. For this, antiseptics for outdoor use are suitable. We reviewed these materials in another article.

Broken pitched roofs

This type of roof can be safely attributed to the broken ones. This option is most acceptable when building an attic. First, the installation of U-shaped structures is carried out, then the runs are installed, after which the rafter legs are installed. We will not go into details, because the features sloping roof devices we have already considered.

The roof is made by hand. It remains to watch the video - the installation of a hipped roof and roof schemes (projects).

Do-it-yourself video about installing a hipped roof

When building your own home, a lot of responsibility falls on your shoulders. You have to deal with a bunch of issues and participate in the construction process. After all reliable roof overhead will provide a comfortable life.

Difficulties always attract a person. After all, it is not in vain that they say: “We are not looking for easy ways.” This is what happens in construction. The four-pitched roof has a complex shape, giving the building a special look. This architecture attracts many. This type is especially popular in the construction country houses. On a one-story house, a good option would be to build a hipped roof.

In this article


The location on different sides of 4 slopes gives your home a solid look. Often, the slopes have a different shape: a pair of them is obtained in the form of a triangle and plays the role of a pediment, and some are shaped like a trapezoid.

Difficulties with a hipped roof during calculations and installation scare away many who wish, but if you do not doubt your abilities, then you can safely build it.

Design Benefits

A four-pitched roof with your own hands has the following advantages:

  • the absence of gables makes the roof more durable and resistant to gusts of wind. This type of roof is suitable for areas with windy weather conditions;
  • the presence of 4 slopes more effectively copes with the removal of melt and rain water, as well as snow;
  • the attic space becomes more spacious, which is ideal for the location of the attic;
  • the construction of a 4-pitched roof will cost no more than other types.


When making a hipped roof with your own hands, you can distinguish several of its subspecies:

  • hip - is a classic option. It has 2 triangular hips and 2 slopes in the shape of a trapezoid;
  • half-hip - has slightly shortened slopes. Perfectly used for the attic;
  • tent - executed in the form of a pyramid. Ideal for a square building.


Before proceeding directly to construction, it is necessary to create a roof project in order not to make mistakes in the future. How to build a roof? It will help in this case step by step instructions. Having familiarized ourselves with the design of the house, proceed to the following:

  • we calculate the angle of inclination of the slopes, based on indicators such as wind load, precipitation in your area, type roofing material. In areas with strong gusts of wind, it is advisable to make the angle of inclination less than 30 degrees, thus, the windage will decrease. In areas that are constantly flooded with precipitation, the desired roof angle is not lower than 65 degrees to prevent the accumulation of snow and water. In areas with a more or less stable climate, a roof from 40 to 50 degrees is perfect. For each type of material, the manufacturer indicates the lowest operating angle;
  • we calculate the height of the ridge using a series of simple geometry formulas.

Rafter system design

The truss system of the hipped roof forms the roof frame. It is made up of the following elements:

  • mauerlat - a beam located along the perimeter of the walls and distributing the load on them. The four-pitched roof has 4 beams. If the house is wooden, then the blocks of the upper crowns will be the Mauerlat. IN brick house a concrete belt is created over the walls, into which special studs are embedded. Then the Mauerlat is attached to them;
  • the ridge beam, or run, is above all elements. The upper part of the rafters is attached to it. At a 4-pitched roof, it is less than the length of the house;
  • rafter legs - boards that create the geometry of the slopes. Their cross section is 50 x 150 mm. A four-pitched roof uses 3 types of rafters: slanting, ordinary, outdoor. Installation of ordinary rafter legs is carried out on slopes in the form of a trapezoid. Sloping rafters are made from a more durable material, since the load on them is greater. The upper part of the slats rests on the ridge run, and the lower part rests on the angle of the Mauerlat. The hip is formed by outdoor rafters. They focus on the diagonal rafter legs and the support beam;

  • bed - a bar that lays a supporting wall located inside the building. Functionally, the bed transfers the weight and distributes it to the foundation;
  • vertical supports - racks, mounting takes place on a bed. They are a support for the middle of the rafters and run;
  • rafter leg, or brace. The angle of its installation is 45 degrees to the rafter. The emphasis is on the rack. It is used so that the rafters do not sag, to transfer part of the weight to the bearing wall;
  • sprengel is used to support the rafters. This is a vertical support, similar to a rack. Sprengel farms are used most often;
  • puff, or bolt, - bars of a horizontal position that grab the rafter pairs in the upper and lower parts;
  • filly - boards that extend the rafters and protect the walls from dampness, forming a roof overhang.

Installation procedure

A four-pitched roof begins with the installation of a Mauerlat, which we lay along the perimeter of the walls. Its cross section is 150 x 150 mm. When placing it is necessary to control its level. The beam should be located 5-7 cm from the edge of the wall. Fastening is carried out on pre-walled studs. Nuts are screwed on top. Such a beam will connect the design of the rafters and the walls of the house into a single whole.

To install racks, you need a bed and floor beams. The size of the beam of such elements is 100 x 200 mm. Installation of supports is carried out vertically with fastening with plates or a corner. When using a hip roof, the racks are placed in 1 row, and a run is attached on top. The hipped roof involves the placement of supports diagonally. Equal distances are laid off from the corner. Thus, a rectangle is obtained on which the runs are laid. We fix everything with the help of a corner.

Roof truss installation

The next step is to make rafter templates. We install side rafters on them. A thin board is suitable for blanking. We apply it to the run and mark it washed down. With the second end, which is located at the Mauerlat, we also note washed down. We make right amount rafters using a template. After choosing the mounting step, we make the installation. The step can be from 60 cm to 1 m. We make the connection with self-tapping screws.

The angle of inclination of the slope is determined by the rafters. They are arranged diagonally for additional load. Often double boards are used for them. We also make cuts according to the template. The upper part of the rafters is connected with a crossbar to give strength.

The hipped roof connects the rafters near the ridge using puffs. Installation occurs at an angle of 90 degrees. Wire clamps connect to walls.

We fasten the sprigs to the diagonal rafters. Their length can be varied, but they must be parallel to each other. Ordinary and outdoor rafters together form side slopes.

The four-pitched roof with their own hands came to an end. The last step is its insulation with basalt wool or expanded polystyrene. We lay the material between the rafters. A layer of waterproofing will protect from moisture. The crate directly depends on the type of roof material.

In this video, you can learn more about the construction and design of a four-pitched hip roof:

A four-pitched roof (hip) is one of the most popular roof structures in the field of private housing construction. The roof of the four-pitched type, in contrast to the gable roof structures, has additional triangular slopes. How to make your own hipped roof? To do this, you first need to study it design features, construction technology. After creating a roof project: calculate the required amount building material, create drawings with the exact placement of all structural elements, indicate other points.

In this article

Types of hipped roof structures

  • Hip roof is classic version hipped roof with two trapezoidal and two triangular slopes.
  • Half-hip roof structure - a hip roof, in which the slopes of a triangular shape are shortened. This option is used in the presence of an attic.
  • Hipped roof - the roof structure resembles a pyramid, all four slopes are triangular in shape. It is used to cover buildings of a square design, you can make a hipped roof for a gazebo.

Advantages of using a four-pitched (hip) roof

The construction of a four-pitched roof consists of a rectangular base, four inclined planes, slopes, two of which are trapezoidal in shape, and two are triangular, located in the area where the gables are located on the gable roof structure. Attic is installed on the slopes, dormer windows, bay windows, cuckoos. This gives the roof a special look.

The main advantages of using a hipped roof structure

  • Due to the absence of gables, such a roof is more stable, unlike gable roof before strong wind loads, therefore it is recommended for construction in regions where strong gusty winds prevail.
  • A greater number of slopes helps more effectively in terms of the removal of melt, rainwater and snow. On such structures, snow is practically not retained.
  • Under this design, you can equip a fairly spacious attic room.
  • Another important plus of a hipped roof is the affordable cost of construction due to the use of wood building material for arranging the truss system, on which you can lay roofing at any price.

Creation of a hip roof project

How to build a hipped roof with your own hands? To do this, you must first prepare a design project with drawings and detailed details of its installation. To correctly determine the optimal angle of inclination of the slopes, you need to carefully study the recommendations of the roofing manufacturer, climatic conditions. For example, for slate, the recommended slope angle can be from 15 to 60 degrees, for roll soft roof- up to 18 degrees, for tiles - 30-60 degrees.

Important! Of great importance is the amount of precipitation in winter period. With intense snowfall, it is better to make the slopes steeper so that the snow calmly rolls off the roof.

Having selected the optimal pitched angle of the roof for your region, it is necessary to calculate the height of the ridge and its other parameters. When calculating the rafter system, it is imperative to take into account the length of the rafters, the cross section wooden beam, run size, installation step.

When creating a hipped roof project, the following loads must also be taken into account:

  • the mass of the roofing material used, the coating as a whole;
  • weight of waterproofing, insulating coating;
  • the amount of annual precipitation;
  • wind, snow load;
  • arrangement on the roof of additional elements: skylights, lights, antennas, etc.

Important! Having calculated all possible loads on the roof structure, it is necessary to add some margin of safety, which will guarantee the stability of the roof in unforeseen circumstances.

Also, all purchased lumber for the construction of the truss system must first be treated with an antiseptic.

truss system

The design of a hipped roof involves the choice of a certain section of the components of the truss system. The cross section is selected depending on the calculation of the expected loads on the rafter system during the operational period. In this case, wind, snow loads, the used angle of inclination of roof slopes are necessarily taken into account.

It is imperative to provide for a margin of safety for the rafters, calculate the step, taking into account their bearing capacity. The design of the rafter system is selected in relation to the parameters of the building: it is recommended to use inclined rafters, if there are columnar supports, an internal load-bearing wall. If there is no possibility of forming such a supporting structure, then it is necessary to equip a hanging type truss system. For some types of buildings, both options for truss systems are used.

When creating a project, it is necessary not only to choose the right rafter system, but also to determine the need for additional fastening elements, for example, puffs, braces, which give the structure greater rigidity and prevent it from loosening after long-term operation, and also reduce the percentage of load on the rafters themselves.

Load calculation

Considering in detail how to make a hipped roof on your own, it is recommended to pay special attention to the calculations of possible loads on the roof structure.

Types of possible loads on the roof:

  • loads that constantly affect the roof - this is the mass of the lathing, protective materials (waterproofing, insulation), roofing material;
  • temporary (non-permanent) loads - the mass of snow accumulated on the roof in winter, wind loads, other environmental impacts;
  • additional loads are additional elements fixed on the rafters, for example, a water tank, cameras ventilation system etc. (additional elements should also be taken into account in the process of creating a project, calculating the truss system).

When designing a rafter system, two calculations are made, one of which is aimed at analyzing the strength (you need to make sure that the system is able to withstand the expected loads). Another calculation is aimed at analyzing the possible deformation of all elements of the roof.

After making all the provided calculations, drawings of the truss system of the hipped (mansard) roof are made. Detailed scheme should contain the dimensions of each component, as well as the method of their fastening.

Today, it is possible to significantly simplify the calculations for the truss system of a four-pitched roof structure using a computer program, which will also help prevent accidental errors.

The final stage in the arrangement of a hipped (mansard) roof is its insulation. For this, it is recommended to use expanded polystyrene or basalt wool. Insulating material is placed between the rafters. It is also necessary to put a layer of waterproofing to protect the roof from moisture.


A four-pitched roof is enough complex structure to build with your own hands. Therefore, before you start covering your house with roofing material on your own, you should thoroughly study the technology of erecting such a structure, consult with experts in this field. From how correctly and efficiently all stages of the construction of the roof will be carried out, the duration of its service life will depend in the future.

Roofs complex shape draw special attention to the architecture of the building. Four-pitched roofs are popular in the construction of country houses. Four slopes, located in different planes, give the dwelling a respectable look. Most often, slopes are performed different shapes: two of them are triangular and act as pediments, two have the shape of a trapezoid.

Design Benefits

Installing a four-pitched or hip roof, in addition to its aesthetic appearance, also has practical advantages:

  • in the attic, surrounded by a roof on all sides, a comfortable temperature is maintained;
  • the construction of the rafters is strong and durable;
  • high resistance to winds and precipitation;
  • the space under the roof can be used for the attic.

Types of pitched roofs

Having common ground, subspecies of such coatings are somewhat different in execution:

  • - a classic version with two triangular hips and two slopes in the shape of a trapezoid.
  • Half hip - triangular slopes have a shortened shape, this design is performed for attic equipment.
  • Tent - has the shape of a pyramid with triangular slopes. Suitable for square building.


The angle of inclination for the slopes is selected based on the recommendations of the manufacturers of the roofing material and natural features. For soft roll roofing an angle of up to 18 degrees is enough, an angle of 15–60 degrees is suitable for slate, and under it is worth laying a slope of 30 to 60 degrees.

Of great importance is the amount of precipitation in winter, if a significant amount of snow falls, then it is better to choose steep slopes, on which precipitation lingers less.

When designing a truss system, a lot needs to be taken into account: the cross section of the beam, the length of the rafters, the size of the run, the installation step of the elements. All possible loads on the roof are clarified at the design stage, these include:

  • the weight of the selected roofing;
  • annual precipitation;
  • mass of insulation and waterproofing;
  • installation on the roof of various equipment (antennas, lights, windows, etc.);

In addition to the inherent loads, the roof of the house must have a margin of safety that guarantees the stability of the structure in an unforeseen situation. For the construction of the truss system, timber and boards are used. If there is a need to strengthen the elements, the boards are doubled.

Before starting work, all lumber is treated with an antiseptic.

Sequence of work

Roof installation begins with fixing bearing base- Mauerlat. This is a bar with a section of 150 × 150 mm, which is laid along the perimeter of the walls. Its horizontal placement is controlled by the level. The beam should not be on the edge of the wall, you need to leave a distance of 5-7 cm. The Mauerlat is fastened to the studs immured in the masonry, which are tightened with nuts. This beam allows you to connect the truss system and the walls of the house into a common structure.

To install racks, beds or floor beams are required. These elements are made of bars measuring 100 × 200 mm or double boards. All supports are installed strictly vertically and attached to the bed metal corner or plate. For a hip roof, racks are installed in one line, a ridge run is attached to them. When erecting a tent-type roof, the supports are placed diagonally, equal distances are laid from the corner. As a result, they form a rectangle on which the runs fit. Fastening is carried out by corners.

The side rafters are installed after processing according to the template. A thin board is taken as a blank, applied to the run and washed down. The second end rests on the Mauerlat and a lower gash is outlined. The required number of rafters is prepared according to the template and installed with the selected fastening step, it can be from 60 cm to 1 meter. With the run and the base, the connection occurs with brackets or self-tapping screws.

Skew rafters with a ridge run form the angle of inclination of the slopes. These rafters are located diagonally and carry additional load, so double boards are used for them. The sawing of the rafters is carried out according to a template, their length takes into account an overhang of 50 cm. In the upper part, the rafters are connected by a crossbar to give strength. When constructing a hipped roof, the rafters are connected in the ridge knot with the help of puffs. The rafters are installed at an angle of 90 degrees and are necessarily connected to the walls with wire clamps.

Short rafters or rafters are attached to the diagonal rafters. They are made in different lengths, but must be parallel to each other. The rafters, together with ordinary rafters, form side slopes. For the tent model, the installation of sprigs and the fastening of racks, struts and trusses is also the final stage of construction.

To relieve the load from the diagonal rafters, sprengels are installed under them. These are vertical supports that rest on the beds. The side rafters are fixed with struts. One of the horses of the board rests on the bed, and the second is cut off at 45 degrees and attached to the rafter leg.

Sheathing and insulation

To complete the construction of the roof will allow its insulation with basalt wool or foamed polystyrene. The material is laid between the rafters. The waterproofing layer will protect the roof from moisture. The dimensions of the crate depend on the type of roofing; soft tiles look attractive on the hip type, it needs a continuous crate.

Watching a video explaining the nuances of installing rafters will help to conduct construction correctly.


See how the truss system is installed:

The roofs of private houses, having four, and not one or two slopes, are a much more serious design. It is no more difficult to assemble it than a gable one, but the four-slope roof of the truss system has more advantages. The high quality of the roof is ensured by the strength of such a system. In the photo do-it-yourself hipped roof

Features of the roof of four slopes

  1. The main advantage is the absence of tongs and gables. The unconventional design of the truss system allows the roof to endure strong winds without consequences, minimize possible damage in the places of eaves overhangs over time, and the absence of a gable is a saving on building materials and labor costs.
  2. The ends of the rafters, which intersect with each other and are mounted on the ridge beam, give the structure rigidity, prevent its deformation under the weight of precipitation, roof building materials or equipment mounted on the roof.
  3. The design and arrangement of the hip roof suggests the possibility of arranging cornice overhangs around the perimeter of the entire house, protecting the facade from atmospheric influences and temperature changes.
  4. In the scheme of architectural conformity, a hipped roof when a veranda or attic is attached to the house makes the building more resistant to unevenly distributed loads.
  5. The aesthetics of the roof has been proven by practice and time - such structures have been used since the years when people learned to build shelters for themselves, which then turned into strong and beautiful houses.

How the truss system of a hipped roof will be constructed depends on the type of blood - tent or hip. Therefore, it is worth considering in more detail these varieties, their features and device.
Photo hip roof device

hip roof

The hip-type roof (see photo above) is an assembly of two trapezoidal or triangular wooden knots. These elements are fastened together by the planes of the upper surfaces, and the edges of the triangles are overlapped by ridge slopes.

A roofing pie is mounted on the rafter frame of the hip roof, consisting of several layers: a waterproofing insulator, a heat insulator, a ventilation layer of building materials and a finishing decorative and protective coating (see video). According to the type of fastening, the hip roof system is divided into hanging and layered types. The layered scheme of the four-pitched roof truss system is more economical, easier to install and design.
Rafter system drawings

With a hip roof slope ≤ 35°, it is mandatory to install auxiliary support beams to strengthen the long span with rafters of the layered type. Additional supports protect the house from atmospheric moisture, strong winds and temperature changes.

  1. The rafters of the sloping structure - a bar mounted diagonally, one end rests against the Mauerlat, the other - is attached to the next pair. Since in expanded form the rafters have a very big sizes, then they must be securely fixed on the roof. Also, the rafters play the role of a support for the sprigs.
  2. Trapezoidal wooden assemblies for roof slopes.
  3. Narozhniki - small structures made of rafter beams of short length, fixed on rafters of a sloping type. If the width of the walls of the house is ≥ 4.5 m, then the structure is connected into a block of several elements, so that later they can be made into a single roof.
  4. Struts, crossbars and racks serve to minimize the size and use of sprockets. The use of these elements allows you to assemble the roof with little or no additional reinforcement.
  5. The beds serve as supports for racks and struts, with their lower end resting against brick supports on the inner wall end or adjusted to size with linings of wooden bars.
  6. The run is a beam laid parallel to the lower support beam. Serves to ensure the strength of the truss structure.
  7. Sprengels increase rigidity in all directions. Sprengel should have the same cross section as the rafters, and they are attached along the length of the span.

Scheme of a hipped roof

hipped roof

A tent-type roof can be built from triangular wooden structures. It will not be easy for a non-specialist to cope with the construction of such a roof, since here it is important to strictly observe all dimensions and dimensions in order to achieve complete symmetry of the hipped roof. But thanks to such a roof, your house will withstand the wind of any strength, even a hurricane. A homemade roof, the truss system of which is made in the form of a tent, perfectly protects housing from the penetration of cold and moisture even into the attic or attic space.

By design, the drawings of the hip and hip rafter systems are similar, since they consist of the same nodes and elements. The difference is only in the length of the rafters and mounting options. Hanging or layered rafters also work well in a tent structure, but it is very difficult for an amateur to fix the hanging elements on their own - the help of a professional will be required. A hip roof is often built over areas without internal ceilings, partitions and walls, and beams for supports are laid on load-bearing walls. Layered parts are cheaper and easier to manufacture, but require an internal load-bearing wall and/or concrete columns to work with.

  1. Before starting work with any wood products, they must be treated with antiseptic and flame retardant agents.
  2. Wood for any elements must be well dried in natural conditions. The moisture content of the material must be ≤ 22%.
  3. Mauerlat is made from a bar with a square section of 150 mm or a rectangular section of 150 x 100 mm.
  4. The rafters must be ≥ 50 mm long and ≥ 150 mm wide.
  5. For all products, one type of wood is used, and preferably coniferous.
  6. To make a large number of crossbars, racks and girders with one cut angle, a pre-prepared template is used.

In the hip rafter system, a support is first made in the form of a Mauerlat. Not only the strength of the structure, but also the aesthetics of the entire roof depend on its even device, so the support beams must be laid strictly horizontally. The alignment of the Mauerlat can be facilitated by pouring a small grillage (formwork) around the entire perimeter of the walls of the house. See the video below for more on this.

For fastening the grillage, reinforcing pins driven into or inserted into the wall are used. Through the holes in these rods, the Mauerlat is fastened with threaded connections to the walls and the grillage.

How to assemble and mount the hip roof system on site:

  1. Upper planes bearing walls houses must be opened before installation with waterproofing agents - mastic, bitumen, tar. A roofing material is laid on top of the waterproofing layer.
  2. The support beam, from which the Mauerlat will be assembled, is mounted on pins in the walls, attracted by nuts and washers. When installing the Mauerlat, you need to constantly check its horizontalness with a level.
  3. Next, the central support is installed - racks with a ridge will be attached to it. The support beam is laid either on the side beams of the Mauerlat, or on the surface of the internal load-bearing walls.
  4. Vertical beams are installed for the main support of the ridge. Ridge supports do not need to be fixed rigidly immediately - only after the rafter system is fully assembled. Rigidity can be given with steel corners, wooden spacers or metal studs.
  5. In order for the roof to be perfectly symmetrical, the rafters of the triangular hip structures are supported on the Mauerlat in the calculated places. Marking for each of them must be done in advance so that the beam does not fall on the mounting rod. Intermediate beams are needed to connect the ridge to the walls.
  6. Next, slanting rafters are installed, which will connect each corner of the house with the end of the ridge beam.

A distance of ≥ 50 cm is maintained between the overhang and the wall. If the site is selected in a region with strong winds, then this distance is doubled. In this way, the roof and walls are protected from precipitation, which can blow in and moisten the surface up to the foundation.

  1. Now you can attach ordinary rafters to connect the Mauerlat to the ridge. The distance between the rafters is calculated based on the overall dimensions of the roof and the length of the intermediate rafters. Some roofing building materials need to be laid on a frequently installed batten, so there are no general recommendations for maintaining distances. Ordinary rafters in the standard solution are installed in the groove after 0.4-0.5 m, and the attachment point can also be reinforced with nails or steel overhead plates.
  2. If the roof has a small angle of inclination, then the rafters need to be reinforced with trusses due to the additional snow pressure in winter.
  3. To strengthen the upper end of the sloping bars, a truss truss is mounted. It consists of two struts coming out of the same point.
  4. The last step in the construction of the truss system is the crate. The material for the frame of the crate is selected based on the roofing material. Most often, these are square slats with a section of 5 cm, and if the crate is solid, then boards or five-layer plywood can be used.