Simple diets for weight loss. Light diets

It's one thing when the weight does not fit into the norm by 3-5 kg ​​and there is time to sit on some correct and non-exhausting nutrition system. And it’s completely different when over 10 kg of extra pounds are gained, and the deadlines are running out. That's when a rigid diet comes to the rescue - effective, but difficult to tolerate. As a rule, many choose it, but not everyone reaches its logical conclusion.


Many sources indicate that it must be short-term in order for weight loss to be urgent. In fact, for example, you won’t get rid of 20 kg in 3 days or even in a week. Therefore, the duration of such techniques can be 2 weeks, or even a month. This parameter is not a criterion. And here is a list of those principles that are inherent in rigid diets:

  • poor, low-calorie diet;
  • lack of balance of JBU - bias towards proteins (most often);
  • minimum portions;
  • three meals a day without snacks or frequent meals, but not more than a handful;
  • a long list of prohibited foods and a very short list of allowed ones;
  • the goal is to lose the maximum number of kilograms in the shortest possible time;
  • very difficult to endure;
  • negative impact on mood and well-being;
  • most often it is;
  • almost any disease (except obesity) automatically becomes a contraindication.

The main feature of such power systems is undesirable consequences for health. Experts say that strict diets are dangerous with the following complications:

  • exhaustion;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • deficiency of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients;
  • gastrointestinal disorders up to bulimia;
  • exacerbation of existing chronic diseases;
  • stool problems;
  • violation of the excretory systems, kidneys, liver.

Unfortunately, avoiding side effects is almost impossible. If only to reduce the time to 3-5 days, but then there will be no significant weight loss that you are counting on. Problems do not arise in those who have remarkable health and are constantly under the supervision of doctors and nutritionists.

In order to somehow reduce the risk of health complications after strict diets, they must be observed with extreme caution. Be guided by the recommendations of experts.

  1. Before losing weight, go through a medical examination and get the permission of a doctor.
  2. During the entire hunger strike, see a doctor, nutritionist or fitness trainer.
  3. Drink as much water as possible.
  4. Keep physical activity, but from heavy physical activity refuse.
  5. Get enough sleep.
  6. It would be better if the period of weight loss falls on vacation so that performance does not suffer.
  7. As soon as the mood starts to fall, irritability will appear - learn to please yourself with pleasant little things (dating, shopping, watching your favorite TV series, etc.).
  8. Follow your well-being. If side effects begin to manifest themselves too clearly, the diet must be stopped.
  9. Do not take any medication other than a multivitamin complex.

A competent exit from the diet is very important. Make a plan for him in advance so as not to harm even more.

TOP of the best

In an effort to lose weight quickly and effectively, women are looking for what is the toughest diet of all. We have selected the TOP ten power systems, which are very difficult to withstand, but they will provide a slender figure in a minimum amount of time.

  1. Lemon.
  2. Salt-free.
  3. Model.
  4. Buckwheat.
  5. On bread and water.

From the point of view of the scarcity of the diet, the number of allowed foods and the size of portions, these are the most rigid diets for fast weight loss, which in a week will help get rid of 7-10 kg.

No expert will tell you which diet is the toughest in the world, since this parameter is very individual. For some, it’s scary to sit without salt, and someone won’t even feel its absence in food. Some will not be able to eat steamed buckwheat every day, while others will happily sit on their favorite porridge. However, many agree that a hunger strike on water alone is perhaps the most unprincipled and difficult of all.

Short review

Our review will help you navigate and choose the best option.


The bottom line: during the day you need to drink 3 glasses lemon juice, half diluted with water (for each meal). Substances contained in are burned complex carbohydrates, preventing their transformation into fats, perfectly cleanse the intestines and speed up the metabolism. It is not recommended to eat whole lemons, which can cause heartburn.


  • oranges;
  • tangerines;
  • grapefruit;
  • kiwi;
  • eggs and dairy products (help citrus break down fats).

Terms: from 3 to 7 days.

Results: up to 10 kg per week.


  • ideal, since visceral fat is absorbed first;
  • cholesterol decreases;
  • immunity increases;
  • toxins are removed.


  • very often already on the 2nd day there is heartburn or a feeling of discomfort in the stomach;
  • severe destruction of tooth enamel.

Serving sizes: 150g for breakfast, 200g for lunch and 100g for dinner.




  • 500 grams per day of steamed buckwheat;
  • kefir;
  • unsweetened fruits;
  • vegetable salads.

Terms: any.

Results: 5 kg in 3 days, up to 10 in a week, up to 20 kg in a month.


  • poor diet
  • the taste qualities of steamed buckwheat leave much to be desired and quickly get bored.

Serving sizes: for breakfast and lunch, 200 g of steamed buckwheat. Additional dishes - for breakfast and dinner +100 gr, for lunch +150 gr.


On bread and water

Bottom line: the diet on bread and water is very tough, especially its three-day version. It's incredibly difficult to endure. On the day you need to eat 150 grams of bread and drink 2 liters of pure water.


  • sandwiches with low-fat, low-calorie filling;
  • fruits and vegetables in limited quantities (this is for a diet for a week).

There are no additional products for the three-day option.

Terms: for 3 days or for a week.

Results: 4 kg in 3 days, 6-7 in a week.


  • constant feeling of hunger and heartburn.


Having decided, by all means, to try one of the strict diets, tune in right away that this will be a very difficult period of your life. Along with kilograms, good mood and well-being will gradually go away. It is likely that health problems will begin due to the scarcity of the diet. And most importantly, such hunger strikes are very difficult to endure because of the constant feeling of hunger, so the risk of failure is maximum. This can seriously shake your confidence in yourself. Are you ready for such challenges?

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious!


When losing weight, you want to choose a diet that will help you get a quick and effective result, for such cases there is the most simple diet. It is designed for a week, the menu is made up of available products. The essence of such weight loss is that some foods can be eaten, while others are not. It is not necessary to calculate every calorie, you can lose 5 kg in a week.

Simple diets for weight loss at home

Exists different variants diets, for example, losing weight with plain water. Drink several glasses of liquid before meals. Favorite dishes are not excluded, the essence of such weight loss is that after drinking water you don’t feel like eating at all. This weight loss recipe has a different name - a diet for the lazy. Another simple way to lose weight without much difficulty is not to eat after 6:00 pm.

During the day, you can eat different foods, but as soon as the evening comes, you can’t eat anything, even low-calorie foods are prohibited. The simplest diet does not drive a person into a rigid framework, which is why it is popular. To improve the effect, you can exclude sweets, drink coffee and tea without sugar. It is important to remember that the easiest diet for the lazy should not be long, you can not abuse such a diet, optimal time diet is 7 days.


A simple diet for weight loss, which does not apply to rigid mono-diets. It is designed for a week, breakfast, lunch and dinner includes low-calorie kefir. It is recommended to include one or two new low-calorie foods daily. It can be baked or boiled potato roots, greens, dried fruits or porridge. For a day, a person losing weight at home should drink 1.5 liters of kefir, eat 100-400 g of additional low-calorie simple meals. As a result, you can lose one kilogram every day.


A simple diet for weight loss includes buckwheat and low-fat kefir. Porridge can be even for those who have stomach problems, buckwheat is considered a dietary product. Kefir will help the intestines work well, saturate the body with B vitamins, vitamin A. It is forbidden to sit on such a diet for pregnant women and during lactation. Weekly simple buckwheat diet allows you to lose 7 kg.


Light diets for quick weight loss may include animal and vegetable proteins. This diet helps to lose up to 5 kg. sample menu:

Days of the week

Second breakfast (in grams)

Lunch (in grams)

Afternoon snack (in grams)

Dinner (in grams)

Before bed (in grams)


Cup of kefir or milk

Rice porrige 200

Boiled beef 150

Vegetable Salad

Vegetable salad 200

Apple juice 200

Tea, coffee without sugar

Curd with fat content 0%, 100

Boiled chicken meat 150. Vegetable salad dressed olive oil

Boiled rice 100, half an apple

Tomato salad 200

Tomato juice 200

Coffee or tea, no sugar

Boiled beef 100

Boiled fish 150. Rice 100

half an apple

Fresh salad of peas, cabbage, herbs and onions 150

Apple juice 200

Coffee or tea without sugar

Boiled beef or chicken 100

Vegetable soup, a slice of black bread

Boiled meat 100. Vegetable salad

Apple juice 200

Kefir or milk, bread or cracker

Carrot salad 100

Boiled fish 150. A couple of boiled or baked potatoes

Vegetable salad with olive oil 150

Boiled lean lamb 100

Low-fat kefir or tea 100

Coffee or tea

Boiled eggs and a couple of crackers

Boiled rice 100 boiled meat 100

Apple or 2 kiwi

Rice 100 Boiled fish 100

Orange juice 200


Coffee or tea

Sausage and a piece of bread

Vegetable salad with olive oil 150. Rice 100

Pea and cabbage salad 100

Boiled chicken or lamb 200

Kefir or tea 200


In order for the figure to be beautiful and slender, and fat to disappear from the sides, you should not allow yourself to eat starchy sweet dishes that are high in carbohydrates. Do not abuse smoked meats, do not use salt when cooking, drink plenty of fluids. A simple and effective diet on vegetables will help muffle the feeling of hunger, enrich the body with vitamins. Losing weight this way is easy. For a month it takes up to 10 kg of excess excess weight.

You can’t forbid yourself to try new simple vegetable recipes, they can even replace some dishes from a weekly vegetable diet. It is important that dishes that include rice chicken breast and vegetables were not too high in calories, and the percentage of vegetables always dominated. Alternatively, you can use a simple weekly vegetable diet, which includes:

  • breakfast: any fresh fruit;
  • lunch: paella with vegetables;
  • dinner: risotto with vegetables;

A simple menu for weight loss for a week

The simplest protein or vegetable diet should include only fresh foods, plus you need to get rid of bad habits. To reset excess weight, it is important to eat right, for example, use such a simple menu for 7 days:

Days of the week


Vegetable soup

Cottage cheese casserole

Baked chicken and boiled potatoes

Omelet with vegetables

Chicken soup with vermicelli

Cauliflower casserole

fish cakes

Millet porridge

Fish casserole with buckwheat

Cheese casserole

lazy cabbage rolls

Millet porridge with cottage cheese

Rice soup with green peas and squid

Cheese casserole

Fish fillet cutlets

Cell porridge

Lean meat with roasted vegetables

Rice babka with apples

Chicken cutlets and buckwheat porridge

poached eggs

Soup with spinach and meatballs

Cake, cottage cheese with oranges

Vegetable ragout


vegetable soup

Cheese casserole

Stuffed zucchini

Video: easy diet for weight loss

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Diets for weight loss at home should not only help you get rid of extra pounds, but also improve your health, or at least not harm it. Therefore, their choice must be approached especially carefully.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with a weight loss recipe:"I threw off 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew for the night ..." Read more >>

To begin with, it should be noted that the most effective diet is not always rigid. Sometimes it happens the other way around - excessively strict diets cause serious health problems in which there is a rapid weight gain. So when choosing food, you should be guided by several rules. The menu should include only available products. They should not cause discomfort, because otherwise it is much more difficult to follow a diet. It is worth choosing only easy-to-cook dishes so as not to disturb the normal rhythm of life, not to spend too much time in the kitchen.

How to choose?

One of the most popular is the Hollywood diet. It is followed for two weeks. It is not easy to lose weight on it, because the energy value daily diet is only 600-800 kcal. In its purest form, the Hollywood diet in Russian conditions is not a cheap pleasure, since it involves foods such as oysters or pineapples. But in domestic conditions, after replacing this exotic with more affordable things, it turns out that the daily menu involves almost a cup of coffee or green tea for breakfast, two quail eggs for lunch and a vegetable coleslaw salad for dinner (you can, in addition, eat one more egg and drink a cup tea). For a long time the body will not survive such food. Yes, before you start diet food, it is better to consult a doctor. But on the other hand, such a diet will allow you to get rid of unaesthetic sides in 14 days.

The protein diet with all its variations is popular. This is the Dukan diet or the Kremlin. Any of them have a serious limitation - they are contraindicated in people who have chronic kidney disease. In its classic form, a protein diet is a good nutritional technique, but for a relatively short period of time and for those who play sports. It is suitable not only for women, but also for men who are watching their figure. Allowed products:

  • lean meats;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cheeses;
  • yogurts.

Everything is allowed with a low fat content, egg whites, soy dishes (like tofu), legumes.

A sample menu for the week can be built from the following options:

  1. 1. Breakfast may include a protein omelette (scrambled), a spinach omelet, a portion of fat-free cottage cheese without sugar, but with the addition of berries or fruits, whole grain toast and green salad with boiled chicken breast.
  2. 2. For lunch, you can eat bean or lentil soup, a piece of baked meat with vegetables, turkey fillet, salad with shrimp or squid.
  3. 3. For dinner - baked fish with green beans, boiled chicken fillet with carrot and celery salad, rabbit stew with any whole grain side dish (such as couscous).

You need to drink up to 1.5 liters of water per day. And after leaving the diet, the drinking regime is preserved.

This food is suitable even for teenagers. It cannot be attributed to the number of fast diets. Such a diet will allow you to get rid of a few extra pounds even in a week. But the weight will quickly come back. Therefore, it is advisable to still observe it longer, but within reason. The protein diet is designed for at least two weeks, and if health allows, then for a month. And if you do not immediately return to old habits and the use of carbohydrates in large quantities, then you can get rid of the stomach for a long time.

Fast diets and their features

Many women want to achieve results in a week. This is possible in such a short time, but it will require great willpower, and at the same time iron health, since not every person can withstand such a regimen without consequences for the digestive tract. It is believed that the cabbage diet is very effective way weight loss, because in a week you can get rid of 5 kg. There are two versions of it - on fresh cabbage or on a special soup. Both of them are contraindicated in people with intestinal diseases, since the vegetable causes flatulence and bloating.

Simple but very effective japanese diet designed for 7-10 days, but during this time you can lose up to 8 kg. In this case, nutrition involves the use of dishes without salt. The diet includes boiled rice and various seafood. You can drink green tea or table water.

Sample menu:

Day of the week What is
  • Breakfast: coffee.
  • Dinner: tomato juice, boiled egg, coleslaw.
  • Dinner: 250 steamed fish
  • Lunch: boiled fish (250 g), coleslaw.
  • Dinner: boiled beef (100 g), kefir
  • Breakfast: rye crackers, coffee.
  • Lunch: fried zucchini.
  • Dinner: boiled beef (200 g) and egg, coleslaw
  • Breakfast: coffee.
  • Lunch: boiled egg and carrots, a piece of cheese.
  • Dinner: apple
  • Breakfast: boiled carrots.
  • Lunch: chicken breast, cabbage salad with carrots and olive oil.
  • Dinner: apple
  • Breakfast: coffee.
  • Lunch: steamed fish (200 g), a glass of tomato juice.
  • Dinner: cabbage salad, boiled egg
  • Breakfast: tea.
  • Lunch: boiled beef, fruit (1 pear).
  • Dinner: steamed fish (200 g), kefir

Brazilian diet - vegetables, seasonal fruits and vegetable soups. Moreover, without too much infringing on yourself in food, you can lose 4 kg in a week. Any soup recipe - from celery, tomatoes, sweet peppers. The main thing is that it should not be boiled in meat broth.

Buckwheat diet always remains relevant for Russian conditions. This is not surprising, since buckwheat is considered one of the most available products. The advantage of the diet is that it helps to get rid of 4 kg in a week, but you can follow it for 14 days, since the cereal contains everything the body needs. But there is one caveat: the diet in this case is not the usual porridge for many with additives. Buckwheat should not be boiled, but steamed with boiling water for 4 hours, and then eaten without butter.

Sample menu:

Day of the week What is
  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, boiled egg, tea.
  • Lunch: buckwheat soup, 150 g of baked vegetables.
  • Snack: banana.
  • Dinner: any low-fat dairy product
  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese (150 g), tea.
  • Lunch: buckwheat stew.
  • Snack: apple.
  • Dinner: buckwheat casserole
  • Breakfast: milk porridge, boiled egg, tea.
  • Lunch: buckwheat cutlets, baked vegetables.
  • Snack: baked apples.
  • Dinner: any fermented milk product
  • Breakfast: buckwheat milk soup.
  • Lunch: porridge with vegetables, boiled brisket (150 g).
  • Dinner: buckwheat casserole
  • Breakfast: porridge, bread, a small slice of cheese.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, porridge, steamed cutlets.
  • Snack: banana.
  • Dinner: kefir
  • Breakfast: cottage cheese, buckwheat pancakes.
  • Lunch: buckwheat soup, steamed vegetables.
  • Snack: any low-fat fermented milk product.
  • Dinner: buckwheat casserole
  • Breakfast: buckwheat on kefir, tea.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, black bread.
  • Snack: buckwheat casserole.
  • Dinner: kefir

The soup diet is becoming a great option for many girls, as it allows you to quickly lose weight without feeling constantly hungry. But for a long time to adhere to such a diet will not work, because it is harmful to digestion. Soups in this case are used only vegetarian, without butter or cream, legumes and potatoes. Only vegetables are allowed - celery, tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, parsnips, Jerusalem artichoke, zucchini, pumpkin, beets, etc. Salt can be added, but only in small quantities.

Sample menu:

A quick and effective kefir diet is familiar to many. But it is contraindicated for people suffering from digestive problems. The diet is based on kefir: being 1-2 days old, it can cause a laxative effect, and already three days old it strengthens, due to the fact that enzymes appear in it that contribute to just such a result. But a glass of yogurt per day allows almost any diet. Even with gastric diseases it is recommended to drink it at night.

Sample menu:

Gentle food for the lazy

Many women would like to choose a diet for the lazy, that is, one in which you do not need to torture the body, look for suitable products in gourmet shops. In this case the best choice is a sparing diet based on medical recommendations. Its main feature is fractional nutrition, that is, a five-time meal, in which the entire daily diet is divided into small portions. Thanks to this, it is possible to establish nutrition in such a way that a person simply does not feel strong hunger. And since the diet is based on protein foods, this will help prevent wasting of muscle tissue, because the body only burns stored fat.

Another advantage is that weight can be lost and due to the removal of excess fluid from the body. Some experts believe that there are not enough fats and carbohydrates in the diet, so when you switch to a regular diet, the weight will quickly return. If you continue to limit yourself a little in sweets and do not eat fatty foods, then the results achieved can be maintained.

The duration of the sparing diet is seven days. On average, for a week, the result will be impressive - minus 5-7 kg, and sometimes even more.

For women, a sparing diet is also good because you don’t have to cook anything complicated:

  1. 1. You can’t eat for the first breakfast, the maximum is a cup of tea or coffee, but without sugar. You can use one toast.
  2. 2. For a second breakfast - 50 g of hard cheese.
  3. 3. For lunch - 1 egg, a serving of boiled lean meat, fresh vegetable salad.
  4. 4. For an afternoon snack - another cup of tea and either toast or a baked apple without sugar, but with a little honey.
  5. 5. For dinner - another serving of meat or fish and again a vegetable salad.

You can combine vegetables in different ways, since any are allowed, except for potatoes. Salad can be dressed with olive oil, sour cream or unsweetened yogurt. Mint decoction is recommended at night. Instead of an apple, you can eat any other fruit, the carbohydrates that are contained in them are still better than simple ones in bread and cakes.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

My weight especially bothered me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought my stomach would come down after childbirth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to deal with restructuring hormonal background and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls called "WOMAN", and that "these sizes are not sewn." Then at the age of 29, a divorce from her husband and depression ...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still very expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

When choosing a diet for themselves, each person pursues a specific goal: some want to quickly lose a couple of kilograms before an important event, the second get rid of the hated belly, and the third drastically change the weight, fixing the result once and for all. This article discusses most effective diets for weight loss that will please everyone.

Diet "Roller coaster"

Martin Catan (American psychologist) developed this nutrition system based on an incredible discovery:

A few days after the start of the diet, the body gets used to the new diet. An underestimated amount of calories becomes enough and the weight ceases to go away. This moment is called the plateau.

"Roller coaster" - by right, the most effective diet for weight loss.

So that the number on the scales brings joy long time, you must adhere to the following order:

First 3 days:

  • The calorie content of the daily diet should not cross the line of 600 kcal. The time of eating is not controlled, the main rule is not to go beyond the calorie content. With such a diet, the body loses fats and fluids.

On days 4, 5 and 6:

  • The calorie content of the diet reaches 900 kcal. This amount is quite enough for normal life, but the weight will continue to go away.

Day 7 - final.

  • The calorie content of the diet does not exceed 1200 kcal.

At the end of the seven-day “shake-up” of the body, you can switch to your favorite diet. If the weight stops decreasing again, we return to the roller coaster.

This approach will allow right amount kilogram without changing the main diet and without causing additional stress to the body.

Effective diets for fast weight loss

Along with the safest express diets that allow you to quickly prepare your figure for an important event, there are those that should not be abused. But occasionally you can still resort to their help.

Kefir diet: lose weight in 72 hours

The main product present in the kefir diet throughout is kefir. Weight goes away thanks to a strict diet with an interval of 2 hours.

Sample menu for kefir diet:

  1. Start every day with a cup of weak green tea. And no sugar!
  2. After 2 hours, you can enjoy grated carrots, slightly flavored with olive oil.
  3. After another 2 hours - an apple and 1 glass of fat-free yogurt.
  4. For lunch, 100-150 g of boiled beef, chicken or turkey is suitable. Poultry meat is skinned!
  5. One unsweetened apple.
  6. Prunes.
  7. For dinner, a glass of kefir is provided.

Diet of top models

One of the most dangerous and difficult diets, since only one boiled egg and 400 grams of low-fat cottage cheese per day are allowed.

The diet of top models helps to get rid of 5 kilograms in just 3 days. But you can not stick to a diet longer than the allotted time and carry out more than 1 procedure per month.

Fresh juice diet

Another very effective, but very difficult express diet, which can be resorted to only in the most extreme situation.

Within 3 days it is allowed to drink only freshly squeezed citrus juices: orange, grapefruit, lemon. Plenty of clean water is also recommended.

Advantages: in a few days you can lose up to 4 kg! Disadvantage: such a diet is very difficult to maintain.

Important!!! Resorting to the help of express diets, do not forget about their harm to the body. In order for emergency weight loss to bring only benefits, it is important to adhere toa few golden rules and understand the physiological principle of such diets.

Effective diets for weight loss by body type

Every woman has her own body type. There are several types of shapes: pear, hourglass, apple, triangle and rectangle. Sometimes it is the physical characteristics of the body that create a lot of problems with the selection of an effective diet.

So, the type of figure "apple" is characterized by the deposition of fat in the sides and abdomen, people with the "pear" type suffer from voluminous hips, and the "rectangles" have no waist. How to lose weight in a problem area?

How to beat a bulging belly

The most effective diet for losing weight on the abdomen and sides is a fasting diet. It is often used after childbirth, as women tend to acquire an apple-shaped figure after having children.

Curious! The most notable owner of the "apple" figure type is the singer Eva Polna.

Girls with an "apple" figure are especially prone to fullness in the abdomen, have slender legs and graceful shoulders. To get rid of the stomach and unwanted sides, they need: proper nutrition, permanent physical exercise, healthy lifestyle.

It is necessary to start getting rid of fat in the problem area by cleaning the body. Green tea and ginger root do an excellent job with this task.

Then add to your diet:

  • fiber (legumes, bran and root crops);
  • fruit;
  • nuts;
  • fish.

You will have to exclude from the diet:

  • fried foods;
  • animal fats;
  • smoked meat;
  • White bread;
  • bananas;
  • canned vegetables.

How to get rid of thigh fat

A diet designed for people with a pear body type includes the following foods:

  • cottage cheese and any dairy products;
  • rice, preferably dark;
  • greenery;
  • tomatoes;
  • sea ​​fish.


  • potatoes and any starchy foods;
  • drinks with gases;
  • pasta;
  • animal fats.

Curious! Jennifer has a pear body type Lopez.

Diet for acquiring feminine curves

Women who do not have bends in the waist (rectangle type of figure) need to build a diet on the following products:

  • protein products;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • lean meat;
  • green tea.

You will have to exclude:

  • sweets, muffins;
  • alcohol;
  • potato.

Hourglass figure: rational weight loss

For women with a "sand" figure, a uniform distribution of weight and fat is characteristic. Therefore, the diet for them is selected more sparing.

The diet should include:

  • protein (any meat and eggs);
  • green vegetables (asparagus);
  • freshly squeezed juices.

It is necessary to exclude:

  • sweets;
  • dried fruits;
  • bananas.

The most effective weekly diets

Among all the diets, the most relevant are diets for a week. This is a fairly quick weight loss, accompanied by a sparing diet and causing minimal harm to the body.

Diet for a week - an effective diet based on a gradual or drastic reduction daily allowance calories and a sudden change in the usual diet.

Among the most popular weekly diets are the following:

Buckwheat diet - minus 1.5 kg per day

An important principle of this is based on the method of cooking buckwheat. It is allowed to steam, usually at night.

  1. You need to eat with a protein diet every 3 hours.
  2. Breakfast a quarter of an hour after waking up.
  3. Dinner is allowed 2 hours before bedtime.
  4. To improve the effect, it is important to exercise.

Lose weight at home! Success Secrets

It is not so difficult to independently compose a competent diet for weight loss, without resorting to the help of specialists.

It is necessary to adhere to the basic rules on which any diet is built:

  • The golden rule of diets is a complete rejection of fried foods, as well as simple carbohydrates, represented by bakery and bakery products, sugar.
  • The next rule is to reduce the total caloric content of the daily diet. However, without consulting a specialist, it is recommended to reduce calories gradually so as not to cause significant harm to the body.
  • And we must not forget that continuing the diet for more than 2 weeks in a row can adversely affect health. Weight loss will stop due to the body getting used to the new diet.

No less important is the competent selection of combined products:

Effective weight loss diets at home:

  • One of the most effective home diets is protein-carbohydrate bringing minimal stress to the body. It lasts no more than 3 days, and with its help you can lose more than 5 kilograms.
  • No less effective effect on excess weight and fasting days which are especially popular after the holidays. They are used not only to burn "holiday" fat, but also to quickly restore the digestive system after an excessive load.

Protein menu of fasting days:

  • half a kilogram of low-fat cottage cheese per day;
  • 500 g of boiled white meat without salt for lunch;
  • for dinner, 2 boiled eggs and no more than 100 g of low-fat cheese are allowed;
  • kefir is allowed from drinks.

Carbohydrate menu of fasting days:

  • for breakfast, use 200 g of bran;
  • 1 kg of boiled potatoes for the whole day;
  • Divide 150 g of boiled rice into 3 parts and consume: in the morning with cinnamon, for lunch with an apple, for dinner with carrots;
  • kefir is allowed from drinks.


There is a huge variety of effective diets. For burning fat, the most effective diet is the one that is most suitable for gastronomic preferences and does not cause discomfort. The diet should be given easily and bring only joy and satisfaction.

And for a long-term fixation of the result, the diet should become a part of your life and the basis of a healthy diet.

The basic principle of the easiest and most effective diet for weight loss is no fats, fast carbohydrates, no sweets, starchy foods, alcohol, no fruits and cereals.

Lean meats, fish, game, vegetables, and unsweetened beverages can be consumed in virtually unlimited quantities.

The main advantage of protein diets is that you will never go hungry, the restrictions will not affect substances vital for the body, you do not risk getting anemia, feeling weak and dizzy due to malnutrition.

The main disadvantage is that this diet "beats" the kidneys, so it is categorically not suitable for everyone who does not have them in perfect condition. And even absolutely healthy people while following a protein diet, it is recommended to drink more water so that the body does not oversaturate with protein. In addition, it is necessary to make up for the lack of vitamins that you normally get from fruits.


An example of a protein diet: alternating a protein and protein-vegetable day

Protein day:

  • For breakfast - a protein omelet with herbs and salmon.
  • For the second breakfast - low-fat yogurt.
  • For lunch - boiled meat or chicken
  • For lunch - boiled shrimp
  • For dinner - salmon or lamb steak
  • Before going to bed - kefir

Protein and vegetable day:

  • For breakfast - squash fritters or scrambled eggs with green onions, tomatoes and bell pepper
  • For the second breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese with herbs
  • Lunch: tuna salad with vegetables
  • Lunch: vegetable salad
  • For dinner: grilled meat with stewed cabbage

2. Separate nutrition according to Shelton

Carbohydrates need an alkaline environment to break down proteins, while proteins need an acidic environment. Accordingly, they need to be eaten in different time! This principle formed the basis of a popular diet, which is especially appreciated by those who like to eat often and plentifully. After all, there are no restrictions, the main thing is to group the products!

The only thing Shelton suggests giving up is milk.

Otherwise, you can independently form a diet using the food compatibility table. One of the easiest diets for fast weight loss!

3. Aromatic Diet

Aromatherapist Alan Hirsch noticed that some smells stimulate the appetite, and some reduce it.

His recommendations for the easiest diet for weight loss are simple: before eating and every time you feel hungry, you need to inhale essential oils mint, lavender or rose, or sniff an apple or banana.