Calculation of stairs online calculator with drawings. How to calculate stairs online

Today, the construction of a private residential building or a country mansion rarely does without two or more floors, and this layout option involves the indispensable construction of a staircase for transitions from one level to another. But before getting down to business, it is necessary to carry out the correct calculation of the stairs to the second floor. In this case, you can not do without the initial professional knowledge, the ability to handle measuring tools and the skills of drawing, multiplication and addition.

Calculation of stair structures

The main secret in the difficult process of arranging the transition from floor to floor is not so much to build as to know how to calculate the stairs. To make a correct calculation, it is not enough to be guided by the idea of ​​​​how the structure will look like, and where the owner of the building would like to see it.

Here's what to do beforehand:

  • determine the location of the flight of stairs and prepare an opening in the ceiling at the construction stage;
  • decide whether the staircase will be wooden or another material will be preferred;
  • decide whether the structure will consist of one march or the height of the ceiling and the space of the room allow you to make it two-march;
  • estimate the approximate height of the step (for reasons of how convenient it will be for all households to climb);
  • decide how many steps should be on the second and third floors;
  • make careful measurements and draw up a drawing of the future structure, taking into account the characteristics of the room and the type of stairs;
  • calculate the steps of the stairs, taking into account its variety, ceiling height, number of marches.

In order to correctly calculate the future structure and make it durable and safe, it is necessary to correctly make the measurements indicated in the figure as the main ones. Below in the diagram you see the parameters necessary to make a drawing of any interfloor staircase.

The calculation of the stairs involves not only a correctly determined number of steps, which depends on the height of these elements, taking into account the decorative coating (if it is present and reaches several centimeters). It is important to determine the depth of the tread of each step.

The correct approach to taking measurements, reliable data and a clearly drawn up scheme will allow:

  • design a staircase of any kind and considerable complexity;
  • master the standard and individual version designed for a particular room;
  • ensure the reliability of the interfloor structure;
  • give it a beautiful and aesthetic appearance, make it an organic detail in the house.

Current trends in interior design use different variants wood, vary the width of the flights of stairs, making them widened at the bottom and narrowed at the top, involving the construction of a two-flight or even a three-flight staircase.

There are many options for stairs - the choice of a specific model depends on the allocated installation site, free space and the preferences of the home owners.


Marching is the most common direct construction, which may consist of one or more spans. Made from different materials, but most often it is made of wood. It is quite simple to design and build, but requires several indispensable components.

For the manufacture of any mid-flight stairs you need:

  • load-bearing beams (these can be both stringers and bowstrings);
  • supporting pillars (their number may vary, depending on the marches and the equipment of the platform);
  • simple or winder steps (the latter are often used in turning stairs Oh);
  • additional lumber if there is an inter-march platform in the drawing;
  • balusters and handrails, if the structure will have railings.

An example of a marching staircase and its structural elements

The calculation of the mid-flight stairs for residential premises is made taking into account certain requirements:

  • The optimal width of the stairs is at least 0.8-1 m.
  • The distance from the flight of stairs to the ceiling is at least 2 m.
  • The angle of inclination of the stairs should be within 35-45 degrees.
  • The maximum number of steps in one march is 19 pcs.
  • The height of each step is 16-19 cm, the width of the tread is 22-33 cm.

You can calculate the exact parameters of the future staircase, knowing the dimensions of the room: the distance from the floor to the ceiling, including the thickness of the interfloor ceiling, the width of the opening, the area of ​​the room. You can use simple calculator, but there is also an online calculator designed specifically for this purpose on the Internet.


Designing a single-flight staircase is quite simple if you decide on the type of load-bearing beams. The design can be built on bowstrings, stringers or bolts (metal fasteners used with outside wooden stairs).


Projects of residential buildings can be variable and include the construction of a two-flight staircase with a platform or winder steps. The design of an L-shaped (angular) staircase provides for the fastening of winder steps and an indispensable corner post, which is used for support.

In the U-shaped system, a platform is often made as an intermediate link between the first and second marches - it is attached to the main wall. The platform can be increased or made smaller, the main thing is that the distance between the marches is a step (60-80 cm).

On the video: how to take measurements to calculate the U-shaped staircase.


This option is calculated for cottages of a large area and can be part of the design of the room. The construction of wood is environmentally friendly and decorative, but may require additional means of fastening to make the structure reliable.

The technical parameters depend on the individual characteristics of the project, but the calculation formula, according to accurate measurements, even for a professional engineer requires a section and a design plan, exact figures for the slope of the marches, the height and width of the steps. The diagram below shows a drawing possible option three-flight stairs.


A feature of the screw design is the location of the steps around the support post. Its diameter is the main calculated value. First, the overall diameter of the structure is determined and a top view is drawn up. The drawing shows 2 circles (stairs and the trajectory of movement along it). Then you need to calculate the number of steps, their number must be an integer, and if it turns out to be fractional, it must be increased.

To determine the height of the steps, the diameter of the circle is divided by the number obtained as a result of the first count.

Graphic calculation of a spiral staircase


With limited free space in private homes, a corner staircase is often installed - a design with a 90-degree turn. The main element of the turn can be both winder steps and a platform.

When calculating, it is necessary to rely on the following recommendations:

  • If there is a platform between marches, its length should be more than 140 cm, and the width should correspond to the width of the span.
  • If a staircase with winder steps is planned, then their width from the outer edge should be at least 40 cm, in the middle - at least 20 cm, and the width of the narrowest part - 14 cm.
  • To turn the stairs, a platform in the form of a square or three or four winder steps is required.

On the video: an example of the calculation of stairs with winder steps.

Calculation of the stairs "goose step"

This is a kind of type compact stairs, in which the steps are symmetrically located relative to the line of motion. This design is installed in the case when it is necessary to save space in the house. As a rule, the angle of inclination at the stairs " goose step"is 45-65 degrees.

A distinctive characteristic of this type of construction is the treads, the wide part of which occupies only half the length of the steps.

Calculation of the stairs on the bowstring

The calculation of the stairs on the string is made taking into account some parameters, but does not differ from the main process:

  • the distance from the floor to the ceiling is determined;
  • the formula calculates the height of the steps;
  • the width of the steps is calculated;
  • based on the width of the opening in the interfloor overlap, the length of the bowstring is calculated;
  • the width of the bowstring cannot be less than 50 cm.

Step calculation

We calculate the height of the steps based on the convenience of family members and the characteristics of the existing project, and the correctly applied formula will help determine the number of steps. You can calculate the size of the steps using the results of your own measurements of the steps: a - height and b - width (2a+b=64).

Knowing the estimated height of the stairs from the floor, it is divided by the expected similar step parameter.

The formula for calculating the safe and comfortable step of the stairs

How to determine the angle of inclination?

The angle of inclination of the stairs is an equally important indicator, which determines the ease of movement, lifting / lowering a person and the possibility of transporting large pieces of furniture. To determine the angle, the height and width of the steps, the distance from the floor to the ceiling are taken into account.

Handrail and railing options

In a wooden staircase, the parameters of the railings and railings determine the pitch of the steps and individual project designs. They can be increased for safety in the same way as the width of the riser. The most important parameters are considered to be the height of the baluster, the length and width of the railing.

According to regulatory documents, the railings of any staircase must have the following parameters:

  • height (including railings) 900-1000 mm;
  • the length of the railing is equivalent to the length of the flight of stairs;
  • the distance between the balusters is not more than 150 mm.

Detailed guide to calculating stairs (2 videos)

Different models of ladder systems (52 photos)

Independently designing a cottage or Vacation home, you will definitely have to face the problem of calculating the stairs. The task is not so difficult, but the basic techniques for cheating different types stairs should be known.

What parameters does the calculation technique depend on

To perform the calculation, you need to decide:

  • with the type of construction;
  • tilt angle;
  • the number of steps;
  • the width of the steps;
  • other design features.

First of all, you need the following parameters:

  1. Ladder height.
  2. The presence of sufficient space for a certain type of structure.
  3. The type of material used to build the stairs.
  4. Operating conditions depending on the composition of the family. If there are elderly people, then a steep climb, they simply will not overcome. This design is also dangerous for small children.
  5. Is it supposed to carry heavy furniture up the stairs? The screw design completely eliminates this possibility.

First of all, you need to decide which stairs you specifically want to see in your house, and only after that enter the data for the calculation. You will have to choose among these types:

  • screw with steps located around the rod in a spiral;
  • cross-country, where there is no intermediate platform;
  • straight line with a turn of 900 with an intermediate platform;
  • with a turn of 180° with the obligatory presence of an intermediate platform.

You should also take into account such nuances as the location of walls, partitions, doorways, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the distance between the floor of the first floor and the ceiling.

The staircase is straight, made in the style of "Modern". Its cost is within 116 tr.
Ladder in the style of "Modern" turning cost 120 t.

Calculation of stairs to the 2nd floor using an online calculator

There are many on the web online calculator ov, facilitating the task of calculating the stairs as much as possible and quickly resolving all issues.

The basis of programs for online calculators are the requirements for stair structures and the norms regulated by GOST. An example of one of the good calculators is

It works simply, just enter data such as the height, length of the opening, number, thickness of the steps, the height of their edge, the maximum width of the stringer, as well as the direction of the rise and the orientation of the first step relative to the floor of the 2nd floor to get:
staircase drawing;
the length of the upper bowstring;
angle of inclination of the structure;
the size of the step between the cuts under the steps on the bowstring;
height and depth of steps;
the height of the blubber;
recommendations for changing parameters to improve the comfort of the stairs.

Another free online calculator With its help, you can calculate the most acceptable design, get recommendations for improving its ergonomics.

To do this, you only need to select the type of stairs, enter the required overall dimensions and data on the steps, the calculator will do the rest.

A good ladder calculator It is easy to use - you just need to pay attention to the prompts and enter the parameters required by the system.

This online service allows you to perform design calculations. There is also a material calculator here.

The program will also issue a drawing of the stairs, where the main dimensions will be indicated, the marking of the upper points of the steps on the bowstring, the angles at which the steps are located relative to the bowstring, and other defining dimensions.

Formula for calculating the convenience of stairs

Sometimes online programs for calculating staircases give a verdict that a staircase made according to the dimensions you entered will be inconvenient.

You can draw such conclusions yourself by making a simple calculation based on medium length step.

Usually a person takes a step 600-660 mm long, which means that the average value is 630 mm. The convenience design parameters must conform to the following formula:
2h + S = 630±30 mm, where:

  • h - step height, fluctuating within 200-250 mm;
  • S - its depth, corresponding to 45 foot size, which is from 280 to 300 mm.

As for the most comfortable slope, it is 30-40 °.

The disadvantages of the depth of the stairs are easily removed due to the ledge.

To obtain accurate data, measure all the parameters entered into the online calculator program with one tool.

When determining the main dimensions of the steps, you can use the table compiled by specialists based on their own experience and regulatory requirements:

Symbol for the required parameters of a straight staircase made of wood

Usually in the online calculator, the parameters are indicated as follows:
Y - opening height.
X - opening width.
H - minimum stringer width
Z - step thickness.
F - step protrusion.
SP - the location of the 1st step, relative to the floor on the second floor.

Online staircase designer program

There is the Consultec Staircon program, developed in Sweden, which allows you not only to calculate the staircase to the second floor, but also create its project in 3D format. And besides:

  • By entering parameters such as the width, height of the stairs, the number of steps and turntables, you can build a very accurate drawing.
  • Select a fence.
  • Choose the material for the stairs as a whole or for its individual elements.
  • Choose a finish option.

To develop a project, it is convenient to use the Mastercam program, which allows, among other types of work, to model flights of stairs. There are many similar developments, but not all can bring to the finished result. The online constructor program allows you to select the parameters of enclosing structures

After creating the project and calculating the stairs, you can place an order on the website. The technical equipment of our production allows us to reduce the cost, reduce the time for manufacturing stairs with their consistently high quality.

  1. Avoid height differences in stairs. All of them must be exactly the same.
  2. The landing in width should be equivalent to the width of the march.
  3. A rectilinear fragment with degrees in length should not be less than 1.5 m and not exceed 3 m.
  4. The size of the steps depends on their number.
  5. The minimum width of the stairs is 0.7 m, which provides access for 1 person.
  6. The formation of the angle of inclination depends on the parameters of the steps, but it must necessarily ensure a proportional advancement of the person forward.
  7. Less space is occupied by a staircase with a large angle of inclination, but it is more difficult to climb it.
  8. Ideally, the width of the railing should be equivalent to 10 cm.
  9. The optimal height of the railing is 90 cm, and the height of the baluster is 80 cm. At the same time, if it is supposed to be installed in a groove, then this figure is slightly increased by adding the depth of the groove.
  10. The support posts in height should be equal to the corresponding size of the balusters, but if they are installed not on the steps, but on the floor, then the distance from the steps to the floor is added to this height.
  11. The length of the railing and the flight of stairs are equivalent to each other.

Competent calculation will save you from mistakes and unnecessary rework, save time and money.

The creation of a staircase is preceded by the project development stage. During the design phase, the engineer:

Of course, it is better to entrust any work to professionals. But if there is a desire to save 30-40% of the cost of the stairs, then the described work can be done independently using special software.

Online 3d calculation constructor

Everyone can develop a 3d model of the staircase of their dreams. For this, there are online services on the Internet.

They work quite simply. The user must set the following parameters:

  • type of stairs;
  • march length;
  • the width and height of the step;
  • construction material.

Additionally, you can select the color of tinting from the proposed list and decoration designs.

Similar programs can be found on the websites of ladder manufacturers. In this case, you can not only look firsthand at the staircase created on your own, but also find out how much it will cost to manufacture it from a particular manufacturer.

DIY design - calculator program

Well, if you need to design a staircase from scratch, then you need a calculator program. To date, there are programs that specialize in the design of stairs. These include StairCon, Stair Designer, Compass/ND, Consultec Stairon.

With their help, you can:

As a rule, in order to get a finished project, the following initial data is sufficient for the program:

  • type of stairs;
  • opening width and length;
  • opening height;
  • cover thickness.

Construction calculator Zhitov

The described programs, of course, will facilitate the design task and allow you to save a rather large amount, but they themselves are not cheap.

As an alternative, you can use construction calculator Zhitov, who will help you calculate a wooden, metal or reinforced concrete staircase online.

The design of a single-flight staircase begins with the fact that the program requests the following data:

  • desired step sizes;
  • dimensions of the protrusion on the steps;
  • opening dimensions;
  • the minimum width of the stringer;
  • the position of the initial step in relation to the floor level of the 2nd floor;
  • lift direction.

Based on these data, the program draws a drawing indicating the main dimensions of the structure and the angles of the steps in relation to the bowstring, with the marking of the main dimensions of the steps.

It should be noted that the design in the program is carried out taking into account ergonomic requirements. In accordance with which, the slope of the stairs should be 30-40, the height of the step - no more than 25 cm, and the depth of the step - 28-31 cm.

Well, if you want to be creative in the process of creating a staircase for your own home, then you can, armed with a calculator, pencil and paper, perform the calculation and drawing yourself.

How to correctly calculate the stairs

Screw metal

The design of a spiral staircase begins with measurements of the height of the room (H) and the size of the opening (D 1). The height of the room is measured from the level of the finished floor of the lower floor to the level of the floor of the upper floor. The size of the opening determines what diameter (D 2) the ladder can be installed.

The diameter of the stairs is taken slightly smaller than the opening. In order for the stairs to be convenient and safe, the diameter is 1500-2000 mm.

Having determined the diameter, find the step length (D 3): D 3 \u003d D 1 / 2-d, where

d is the inner diameter. It is accepted taking into account the diameter of the support column. Usually this value is 100-200 mm.

For further calculations, it is necessary to determine the angle of rotation of the stairs. If the entrance and exit from the stairs are on the same line, then the turn of the stairs is 360 0 .

At the next stage, the length of the march is determined by the formula: L \u003d 2πR, R \u003d D 2 /2. Since it is necessary to determine the length of the march along the line of ascent, and it recedes from the edge of the room by 2/3, the formula takes the form: L = 2 * 2 / 3πR.

Knowing the length of the march and choosing the depth of the tread (h 1), you can calculate the number of steps (n): n \u003d L / h 1. In this case, the optimal tread depth is 25-27 cm. If an odd number is obtained during the calculation, then it is rounded off. As a rule, the level of the upper step coincides with the floor of the upper floor, so it is not taken into account in the calculation.

If you divide the height of the room by the number of steps, then we find out its height. The height of the steps is 17-18 cm. If the height is higher, then it is necessary to increase the number of steps.

To make sure that the ladder fully complies with ergonomic standards, it is necessary to calculate the depth of the tread along the line of movement and along the outer edge. To do this, divide the length of the march by the number of steps. The resulting value of the tread depth along the line of motion should be 20-25 cm, and along the outer edge - 30-35 cm. The tread depth inside the march can be calculated or taken as 100-200 mm.

Based on these calculations, a drawing of a spiral staircase is built and the required amount of materials is calculated.

How to correctly calculate a wooden staircase to the second floor

Rotated 90 0

Before being taken into account, measure the height from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second floor and the dimensions of the opening in which the staircase will be installed.

And the width of the step (b) should be within 27-30 cm. You can check how comfortable the staircase turned out after the calculations by multiplying the height of the steps by two and adding the width. The resulting value should be in the range of 600-650 mm. Using the same formula, you can calculate the step width using the formula: b \u003d 650-a * 2

In order not to rest against the ceiling with your head while climbing the stairs, it is necessary to observe the height of the clearance within 1900-2000 mm. You can understand whether the designed structure meets this requirement by performing the following calculations:

  1. Subtract 70 cm from the length of the opening and divide by the width of the steps. The resulting number is the number of steps located above the opening.
  2. Multiply the value from the first paragraph by the height of the step.
  3. Subtract the value obtained in the second paragraph from the floor height. This number will be equal to the height of the gap.

If the number turned out to be less than the norm, you can do the following:

  • enlarge the opening;
  • reduce the number of steps, thereby increasing their height.

If it is impossible to increase the opening, and reducing the steps will lead to the fact that the slope of the stairs and the height of the steps will not correspond to the norm, it is better to design the staircase with a turn of 90 0.

This design consists of two marches located in relation to each other at an angle of 90 0 . This allows you to enter the staircase even in a room with a small area and with a small opening.

Marches can be connected to each other by a platform or winder steps. The first option is much more convenient, and the calculation in this case is not much different from the one already described. the main task- determine at what height from the floor level it is necessary to arrange an intermediate platform.

First, they consider how many steps are needed for the upper march, located between the platform and the second floor. To do this, the required clearance height (2000 mm) is divided by the accepted step height (15-18 cm). The resulting number is rounded up to integers and reduced by one (since the upper frieze step coincides with the floor level).

To find out at what height the platform will be, the height of the steps is multiplied by their number and this number is subtracted from the height of the floor.

The number of steps for the lower march is calculated in the same way. In this case, the landing in the calculation is considered a step. The width and length of the site is taken equal to the width of the stairs.

With a rotation of 180 0 and a platform - drawings

It is customary to install a two-flight staircase with a turn of 180 0 at a floor height of more than 3 m.

For convenience, the calculation is performed simultaneously with the construction of a drawing on graph paper. First, draw a staircase.

Knowing the width of the staircase, calculate the width of the march. To do this, the gap value (100 mm) is subtracted from the width of the staircase and the value is divided by two.

Well, to find out what height is assigned to each march, the height of the floor is divided by two.

Further calculation is connected with the calculation of the number of steps. To do this, again, it is enough to divide the height of the march by the height of the step.

Well, in order to determine what the length of the march will be, and to build its horizontal projection on the plan, it is necessary to multiply the number of steps by the width.

The resulting dimensions are transferred to the plan. And then draw a section of the staircase.

Having drawings in hand, it will not be difficult to break down the structure in the house.

Online 3d calculation constructor, do-it-yourself staircase design - calculator program, Zhitov, how to correctly calculate a spiral, metal, wooden staircase to the second floor with a turn of 90, 180 and a platform - formulas, drawings


Wanna build two-storey house, but are you afraid that the design and calculation of the stairs are too complicated and it is impossible to do it yourself? There are several ways to calculate design parameters. Using one of the methods to do this is simple and easy:

  • manual;
  • online programs for designing stairs;
  • engineering software.

For safe and comfortable movement on the stairs, it is necessary to correctly design and calculate the design parameters.

To install a safe and convenient design, use regulations and GOST RF.

What parameters are calculated when designing marches

For a complete calculation of the stairs, they proceed from the existing, initial dimensions and quantities that should be calculated. The initial ones include the height of the room and the height up to the 2nd floor, the width of the stairs, the height of the railing. The following are subject to calculations:

  • tilt angle;
  • height, width, thickness;
  • march length;
  • step length;
  • kosuor width;
  • number of steps;
  • number turning steps when rotated 90˚ or 180˚.

Exist different types stairs for a private house, each of them has its own calculation. Marches are distinguished by material, load-bearing element and design. Depending on the material of manufacture of stairs are:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • reinforced concrete;
  • glass.

Tilt angle

The angle of inclination should be such that it is convenient to move along the flight of stairs. Too much inclination will make the movement difficult - a person needs to raise his leg high. Too small will result in small steps. The larger the angle, the less space the structure takes up, but the more difficult it is to climb it. The optimal slope of the stairs is within 30˚ - 45˚. Marches with an angle exceeding 45˚ are installed in places where stairs are rarely used. These are folding and attached options.

To calculate the slope, you need to know the step size. The model is considered safe and comfortable if the average step of a person is equal to the sum of double the height and its width (tread).

where x is the step height,

y - tread width,

z - step width.

The step size of an adult is 60 - 64 cm, slight deviations from the indicator are allowed.

Width (depth) of the tread

Before you calculate the stairs to the second floor, you should determine the depth of the tread. This is one of the base values. The width should ensure the safe position of the foot during movement. With a small value, the leg will slide down, which is dangerous by falling, with a large value, it will fall through. In any case, walking will be uncomfortable. The optimal step size ranges from 20 to 32 cm. When designing stairs, thinness is used, which makes it possible to save material. This is the overhanging of the steps above the lower surface. For wooden stairs the overhang is no more than 3 cm, for reinforced concrete - 5 cm.

Step Height

The width of the handrails of 10 cm is considered sufficient to comfortably sit on a horizontal surface, to fix the hand well.

Stair Calculation Example

For example, the calculation of a straight staircase.

The step is calculated according to the formula:

where x is the step height,

y - tread width,

z - step width.

If the height of the step is 15 cm, the width of the tread is 28 cm, we get

2X 15 + 25 = 58 cm.

This step is close to the standard, so you can set the steps with these parameters. If you increase the length of the tread to a comfortable 30 cm, we get the optimal step - 60 cm.

The number of steps is calculated according to the formula:

where a is the span length,

in - the height of the steps,

c is the number of steps.

If the initial length of the march is 2.5 m and the height of the riser is 15 cm, we get:

Round up to 17.

As a result, we got a staircase with a march length of 2.5 m, a step height of 15 cm, a tread depth of 30 cm and 17 steps.

Stair Calculators

Calculators are called staircase design programs that allow you to independently calculate the design parameters. All programs make calculations using similar formulas. The only difference is the method of issuing the result and the interface of the site. To calculate the dimensions, enter the initial data:

  • type of stairs - straight, U-shaped, L-shaped, spiral;
  • height and length of the march;
  • the number of steps;
  • room height;
  • distance from floor to floor;
  • material (wood, metal, reinforced concrete).

Some sites contain detailed instructions how to install the program and how to use it. The consumer is offered not only calculations, but also drawings, 3D images of structures. Video of designing a wooden model at the link:

In some versions of the calculators, information is requested on the color of the material, the direction of rotation, the tread finish option. After entering the initial data, information is received on the consumption of materials, a drawing or a 3D image of the structure. Online calculator link


As well as for the calculation, a program for designing stairs can provide assistance in this matter. The project takes into account:

  • the material from which the structure will be made;
  • view - marching (straight, rotary), screw;
  • on bolts ();
  • load on the march and railings;
  • the dimensions of the room (the height of the first floor, the dimensions of the staircase on the second level, the length and width of the site).

Based on the analysis of the data, the type of construction of the flight of stairs is chosen. The best option is considered a single-flight straight staircase. It is the most convenient to operate, easy to install, safe. For clarity, make a drawing or sketch of the structure. When designing, the optimal dimensions of a safe staircase are taken into account:

  1. The minimum distance from the landing to the ceiling should not be less than 180 cm. Otherwise, the person will reach the upper level with his head.
  2. The minimum width of the stairs is 80 cm, otherwise it is difficult for 2 people to pass each other on it.
  3. The thickness of the boards should be in the range of 35 - 50 mm.
  4. For convenience, an odd number of steps are made in the march.
  5. The longer the march, the stronger the fastenings should be.
  6. The load on the span should not exceed 220 kg, for railings the limit is 100 kg.
  7. All steps, except winders, must be of the same size (width, height).
  8. The shape of the handrails should be comfortable for the hand.
  9. When designing a bolted structure, side beams are not taken into account. The march rests on fixed in the wall.
  10. For spiral staircases to the second floor, they plan the direction of movement - turning left or right.
  11. The width of the turntable should be the same as the width of the march.
  12. Choose a bearing element - a bowstring or kosuor.

The simplest design option for . They march well. The bowstring material is wood and metal. The advantages of the tree are ease of use, accessibility. When installing, you can not make risers, which saves material. Disadvantages - over time, the wood dries out, it is difficult to attach it to the floor and ceilings.

Models on stringers are more difficult to install, but they look better. The length of the straight march kosuor is calculated by the formula:

K \u003d √ (N² + D²),

where K is the length of the kosuor,

H - height,

D - the length of the stairs.

Using programs for designing and calculating stairs, you can calculate the design parameters for a private house. Regardless of the type of construction, the main operating conditions must be observed in it - safety and comfort when moving.

Stairs are special engineering structures that serve to move people between the levels of a room. And, since human safety directly depends on them, these systems require especially careful calculations in accordance with existing requirements and standards. We will talk about how to correctly calculate the number of steps in the structure and the distance between the stepped elements in the article containing detailed calculation instructions, many high-quality photos and an informative video.

The comfort and safety of the system depends on how correctly the calculations were made to determine its main dimensions.

Correct calculation is an important step in the construction of stairs

Walking up stairs requires a person to spend twice as much energy as when moving on a flat surface. That is why it is very important to make the design not only safe, but also comfortable and convenient for long-term operation. This goal can be achieved if the number of steps is calculated accurately and without errors.

Before starting construction, make a sketch of the structure on paper and make basic calculations, guided by generally accepted GOSTs and requirements

During the large-scale production of stairs at specialized enterprises, their compliance with the established state standards and safety requirements is most carefully checked. Therefore, the calculations of these systems are carried out exclusively by qualified specialists with an engineering education.

If the structure is manufactured at a specialized enterprise, its calculation is performed by professional engineers and architects

But what if you decide to make a staircase for your home or cottage yourself? Is it possible or not to make a correct calculation of the steps of the stairs, to calculate their number and basic distances on their own? If you strictly follow the instructions below and the existing GOSTs, then this is not impossible.

Even such a magnificent staircase you can make with your own hands, if you apply maximum patience and effort to this.

Estimated characteristics of stairs

Before starting the computational work to determine the number of steps and their dimensions for a ladder structure, first we will deal with the definitions that we will need to apply.

The photo clearly shows the main parameters that must be determined before proceeding with the manufacture of stairs

So, we need to calculate the following parameters:

  • step depth (tread);
  • tread height (riser);
  • step width;
  • thickness (in the presence of additional overhead elements);
  • the number of steps in the march.

Now let's take a closer look at how the calculation of the required values ​​\u200b\u200bis carried out.

The total length of the stairs is dependent on such values ​​as the height of the room, the width of the step and the height of the riser

Step calculation

The calculation of the dimensions of the steps is carried out according to a special formula, according to which the safety and convenience of the design assumes the equality of the sum of the height of the riser multiplied by two and the depth of the tread with the average step of an adult.

The calculation of the staircase structure is a rather laborious task, so if difficulties arise, you can involve professionals to solve them.

For normal straight marches

It is known that the step length of a person moving horizontally is 60 - 65 centimeters.

We get the formula:

2A + B \u003d 60 cm (65 cm), where A is the segment between the steps, B is the depth of the tread.

For a comfortable location of the entire human foot on the steps of the stairs, it is necessary that its width (depth) be in the spectrum between 20 and 32 centimeters.

Calculating the main parameters for ordinary straight marches is not difficult - it is enough to adhere to generally accepted standard values

However, when calculating the staircase structure for your home, you must also take into account the physiological characteristics of your family. For example, if there are children, elderly or disabled people in the house, then make the width of the tread wider and the height of the steps small for more comfortable movement.

When calculating the size of the steps, use the special universal formula

Tip: do not narrow the steps, as this will make the stairs less safe for movement, and it will be difficult to descend them.

If, for some reason, you cannot make a sufficiently wide step, then tread overhanging the lower surface. However, keep in mind that according to the requirements of GOST, such an overhang should not exceed:

  • 3 cm - if the step is made of wood;
  • 5 cm - if the tread is made of reinforced concrete.

When building a staircase, you can always use ready-made drawings with all necessary calculations

All of the above applies to simple ladder systems. When designing a system with winder-type steps, it should be taken into account that the depth of the closest stepped part should not be less than 10 cm, and its overhang above the surface should not exceed 5 cm.

Calculating the dimensions of treads for a conventional straight ladder system does not require special knowledge and even a beginner can do it.

For winder steps

To calculate the running products, you will have to work harder, but first you need to draw the future system on paper.

The winder stairs are pretty complex design requiring preliminary accurate calculations
When building a system with winder steps, special attention must be paid to calculating the size of the treads.

Calculation of the number of steps

After the necessary calculations have been made, indicate the values ​​\u200b\u200bfound on the finished drawing, and then, when manufacturing the stairs, clearly follow your calculations.

If all calculations for determining the main dimensions of the stairs are performed correctly, then the finished system will be comfortable, convenient and functional.

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The video below will help you get more full information on our topic.

Where to buy a finished staircase

In the event that you do not have the proper building skills for the independent construction of a staircase system in your house, or simply do not have a lot of free time to carry out these works, take advantage of the offer of our Super Staircase online store and purchase a ready-made high-quality and stylish ladder for your home.

Stylish and modern staircase model range"Elegant" will become a real decoration of your home, price finished construction only 50 390 rubles