How much meat do you need per week. How much meat do you need to eat to be healthy? How much meat should you eat

210 grams per week - that's how much meat you need to eat to reduce the risk of premature death from cardiovascular disease and cancer, recommends a joint report by British doctors and environmentalists. However, they do not report what to replace meat with, so as not to provoke early mortality from other diseases.

If people ate meat no more than two or three times a week, then only in the UK it would be possible to save 45 thousand lives a year, writes The Guardian, citing a study by doctors from Oxford University and the environmental organization Friends of the Earth. Of these, 31 thousand people could be saved from heart disease, 9 thousand - and another 5 thousand - from strokes. Switching to diet could save these people, public health expert concludes Mike Reiner based on the analysis of the diet of the British. The results of his research were included in the report of environmentalists from Friends of the Earth.

A significant reduction in meat consumption would have other positive consequences. Firstly, it would save the National Health Service more than a billion pounds, and secondly, it would prevent climate change by reducing deforestation in South America. Tropical forests are cut down there for pasture to grow animal feed and graze cows whose meat is exported to Europe, according to an extract from the Friends of the Earth report.

“People should not completely give up meat, they just need to eat it in smaller quantities, especially meat products, as they contain and,” supports the conclusions of the study, professor Steve Field from the Royal College of General Practitioners. According to him, instead of meat products, it is better to eat more vegetables and fruits.

“The figures and calculations presented in the report are additional arguments in support of our warnings regarding red meat and meat products. They convincingly prove that the consumption of meat and sausage increases the risk of developing colon cancer - the third most common type. oncological diseases", - He speaks Rachel Thompson, Deputy Director for Science at the World Cancer Research Fund. By the way, the Center's experts recommend eating no more than 500 grams of cooked red meat per week and avoiding meat products - bacon, ham and salami.

Producers strongly disagree with the report's findings. meat products who believe that most consumers are already eating less red meat than recommended by nutritionists. In addition, they remind, red meat plays an important role in a healthy and balanced diet.

“The cause of all these dangerous diseases is not the meat itself,” object other experts. According to them, the real problem is the contamination of meat during its production, from the quality of the feed, the condition of the pastures, etc., to the way the meat is prepared by the consumer. If you buy not sausage, but locally produced meat - preferably from grass-fed animals on a farm of a well-known manufacturer, then in 99% of cases you can forget about the warnings of nutritionists.

*The American writer Safran Fehr published a book in the USA entitled "Eating Animals", which caused a heated discussion in society on both sides of the ocean.* On average, a European resident eats 60 kilograms of meat per year. German nutrition expert Sven Müller answered questions on the topic. *How important is meat to humans?* Meat is an important and integral part of healthy eating person. *What is meat made of?* The most important minerals in meat are iron and zinc. The presence of iron is vital for the blood, since it is iron that is the basis for the formation of red blood cells. Iron deficiency in the body leads to fatigue, poor concentration, hair loss and anemia. Zinc increases the body's resistance, protects against rheumatism. Without zinc, the pancreas cannot produce insulin. A lack of zinc can lead to an increased predisposition of the body to various infections. Meat also contains vitamins D and B (especially pork). In addition, meat is a supplier of high quality protein. * How much meat should you eat? * You need to eat meat 2-3 times a week (from 300 to 600 grams). You can eat more, but it will not be of any benefit. The exception is people prone to gout. They should limit meat consumption. *Which meat is the healthiest?* Avoid fatty meats, as fat contains fatty acids that, in large quantities, can be harmful to health, namely increase the risk of heart attack and increase cholesterol levels. It is best for health to use lamb fillet and lamb fillet. Such dishes contain practically no fat and are saturated with numerous useful substances. I can also recommend beef fillet and pork fillet. In contrast, poultry dishes (turkey or chicken) contain fewer minerals and vitamins because they contain a large amount of water. Veal also lacks many vitamins and minerals. *What is the best way to cook meat?* Can be fried or boiled. Just be careful not to overcook the meat. In this case, carcinogenic substances are formed, which increase the risk of cancer. Are vegetarians healthier because they cut out meat? Not! With an exclusively plant-based diet, important nutrients such as iron, iodine, calcium and zinc are not supplied to the body. Vegetarians need to compensate for the lack of these substances. They should additionally eat eggs and dairy products. *How should children eat?* Children should never eat only plant foods. On the contrary, they need iron and protein from meat to grow. Children are encouraged to eat lean meat every other day. Please note: children should not eat sausages that are too fatty, such as salami! Replace it with boiled ham.

It just so happened that all people are divided into two opposite camps - those who eat meat and other animal sources of protein and those who prefer to eat food of plant origin. Most avid meat eaters cannot imagine a day without this protein product, but they have also probably heard more than once about the supposedly harmful effects of meat on our body. We suggest that you finally find out how often you need to eat meat in order to be healthy.

Meat every day is a lot or not

A lot or a little - the concepts are very relative, so let's pay attention to specific numbers. On average, an adult needs 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight. People who regularly engage in heavy physical labor or lead an active lifestyle can afford to double this amount, but no more.

It is also important to remember here that we get protein not only from meat or poultry. Other foods also need to be considered when drawing up a balanced diet. Also, keep in mind that fried meat may well contain more fat than protein, since it is fatty in itself, and even fried in oil. If you can’t imagine a meal without meat products at all, give preference to boiled or baked lean meat in the oven.

Why you need to cut down on meat

To answer this question, listen to your body. Have you ever experienced heaviness in the stomach after the next trip to a meat restaurant? Do you drink more water after eating meat? All these questions are not random.

The fact is that meat belongs to products with a high content of purines - substances that, when digested, form uric acid. In small doses, this acid is useful for the body, but its excess leads to disruption of the kidneys and provokes the development of gout. In addition, meat increases the level of the acidic environment in the body, and this, in turn, creates pathogenic microflora in the intestines.

When to eat meat

So, we decided on the required amount of meat and found out why its excessive consumption is dangerous. Let's now see when, according to nutrition experts, it is best to eat meat products. It is known that meat is digested on average for about 5 hours, so it would be more correct to use it for lunch.

In the evening, opt for fish, low-fat cheeses, or tofu. Such a dinner will turn out to be quite satisfying, but not heavy. In addition, nutritionists advise eating red meat not every day, replacing it with chicken or turkey, and treating yourself sometimes fasting days on plant foods. Such a scheme will help you change your habits and reduce meat consumption.

How much meat to eat during training

We would like to point out in particular that professional athletes and people actively exercising at least 5 times a week are not recommended to exclude meat from the diet or drastically reduce its amount. However, it makes sense to approach the planning of the daily menu more rationally.

Yes, such people can afford more high-protein foods, but it is important to use them correctly. Lunch should be about 65-70% daily allowance protein, and the rest for dinner. On training days, eat chicken, turkey or fish, but on those days when there is no serious physical activity, you can treat yourself to a juicy steak.

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There are many questions in your letters about how much meat a person needs, as well as the role and place of meat products in nutrition. Here are two letters on this subject and my answer to them ...

Hello, Doctor! My husband has been a truck driver for the ninth year. You understand, the work is inactive, sedentary. He began to swell with fat, a real belly appeared. He was shy at first, but Lately He even seemed to be proud of them. I tell him that he must get rid of such a belly so that neither son nor daughter see such an outrage. And he laughs, says: “This is not fat and not a belly, this is a bundle of nerves of a truck driver.” But jokes, jokes, and this worries me very much - he began to increase

blood pressure

He began to snore at night, which was not a year ago. I insist on it

weight loss

And he is in no way - every day requires meat. Why is there every day, every time you sit down at the table - serve him the first dish with meat, and for the second it is imperative that the pork be or, at worst, chicken or duck - he gnaws every bone as if he had returned from a hungry yesterday the edges.

Is such an addiction to meat harmful to his health?

How much meat should we consume? People still cannot decide on this issue, because competent experts are divided into two warring camps. One half believes that red meat is an indispensable source of nutrients, while the other categorically convinces opponents that it is a modern toxin. So is this product worth it? And if so, in what quantities? Let's try to figure it out.

In a dispute, as you know, truth is born. Therefore, we will consider all the pros and cons. Doctors have long established that excessive consumption of red meat can cause heart disease, intestines, and also provoke prostate cancer. However, those who exclude animal protein from their diet deprive themselves of vitamin B12, iron and iodine. Let's turn to nutritionist Sharon Natoli, director of food production in Australia, for clarification.

The specialist claims that controlled consumption lean meat included in diet food helps to maintain health. Dr. Natoli also noted that people should get their protein from a variety of sources. Undoubtedly, legumes are a good source of iron, zinc and fiber. However, compared to animal proteins, nutrients taken from plant proteins are absorbed more slowly in the body.

Meat, the benefits and harms of which are discussed in this publication, is a rich source of easily digestible iron, zinc, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids. And yet, we should not consume animal protein in gigantic portions. Even a small portion can fill the body's need for essential trace elements. Let's take a look at the gastronomic preferences of the peoples of Southeast Asia, where, as you know, there are many centenarians. In Asian countries, as well as in Mediterranean countries, the emphasis in nutrition is on seafood, and meat consumption is minimized. While Australians are among the biggest adherents of meat nutrition, consuming an average of 110 kilograms of the product annually.

In fact, the figures shown by the average Australian are almost three times higher than the norms and recommendations of nutritionists. To begin with, let's estimate how much in grams an ordinary chop should weigh, if we follow modern nutritional principles. By simple calculations, it can be determined that a meat piece lying on a plate in finished form should have a weight ranging from 65 to 100 grams. However, in any self-respecting restaurant, as well as in common cookbook recipes, a steak or chop has a significant big sizes. That is why nutritionists recommend eating meat dishes no more than three to four times a week.

At least twice a week, you need to focus on fish, which fully provides the body with useful Omega-3s. fatty acids and iodine. Let's not forget about the diet chicken breast, a staple low in fat and high in protein. Nutritionists state that poultry meat consumption in Australia has more than quadrupled since the late 1960s to the present day. And now many Australians have listened to useful advice and reduced red meat consumption to two days a week.

Scientists say that red meat and bowel cancer have a direct relationship. Only the amount of the product, not exceeding 40 grams per day, can allow a person to "sleep peacefully" without worrying about fatal consequences. In this regard, a vegetarian diet looks even more preferable, because the missing vitamins and minerals can always be obtained from dietary supplements.

As is known, in Western countries obesity has been a problem for a long time. However, if a certain amount of lean meat is included in the diet, then this component can be useful in the fight against extra pounds. Some types of low calorie diets. The verdict was unequivocal: it is much easier to satisfy the needs of the body if you include animal proteins in the diet.

Red meat can be best product for women suffering from anemia. And the scarcity of the diet leads to iron deficiency. However, the same studies show that vegetarians tend to have adequate iron levels in their blood. Fish, skinless chicken, any lean meat is much healthier than sausage, bacon, or hamburgers. Processed chemicals to extend the shelf life and obtain additional taste qualities, semi-finished meat products and sausages are allies of oncology.

So, we found out that only natural meat products bring benefits to the body and only in limited quantities. Now consider the culinary wishes of nutritionists. Experts say that steamed, grilled, baked or pan-fried meat is good. But meat fried in deep fat or baked on barbecue coals does not benefit the body. It is also necessary to choose the right manufacturer and ensure that the meat is not stuffed with antibiotics and uncertified organic additives.

It contains a lot of animal protein, which is the main structural element of all body tissues. The protein content of meat varies by species and category. Most of the protein is in beef and chicken meat (up to 20 grams), the smallest protein content is in pork (up to 14 grams). Meat is rich in phosphorus, potassium, iron and other minerals; almost all vitamins are present in it, the content of B vitamins is especially high in it.

So, the advantages of this product were announced. But it should not be included in the diet at all, guided by the principle: the more, the better. And that's why. Meat, in addition to useful nutrients, contains purine bases, and in the process of their metabolism, uric acid is formed in the body. If it accumulates a lot, the permeability of the renal capillaries may be disturbed, gout, osteochondrosis and other diseases may develop.

There are studies showing that excessive consumption of meat reduces the immune reactivity of the body, and this, in turn, leads to a decrease in its resistance to various diseases.

According to the norms of a rational balanced diet, a person needs an average of 44–45 grams of animal protein per day. At the same time, 100 grams of meat contains much less than the required norm. You can make up for the lack of animal protein at the expense of fish, cottage cheese, milk, eggs.

If you eat once a day meat dish, better during lunch, and for breakfast or dinner, fish, cottage cheese, a glass of milk, you will fully satisfy the body's need for animal protein. Moreover, without any damage to health, you can completely eliminate meat from the diet 1-2 or even 3 times a week, replacing it with fish or other protein products of animal origin.

In principle, all protein products are interchangeable. 100 grams of meat can be replaced with 175 grams of fish, 480 grams of milk, 115 grams of cottage cheese. 100 grams of fish - 60 grams of meat, 300 grams of milk, 70 grams of cottage cheese, 1.5 eggs. 100 grams of cottage cheese - 400 grams of milk, two eggs, 85 grams of meat, 150 grams of fish. One egg - 150 grams of milk, 40 grams of cottage cheese, 40 grams of meat, 60 grams of fish. 100 grams of milk - 25 grams of cottage cheese, 20 grams of meat, 35 grams of fish, two-thirds of an egg.

Experts in the field of nutrition, physiologists say that you can live without meat at all. For example, in terms of amino acid composition, an egg is even more valuable than meat, and including eggs, milk and other protein products in the diet, a person will not experience protein deficiency.
How much meat per day is recommended for whom (in grams):
Children: 1-3 years old - 75, 4-6 years old - 100, 7-10 years old - 120, 11-13 years old, boys - 140, 11-13 years old, girls - 130, 14-17 years old, boys - 150, 14-17 years old, girls - 140. Adults engaged in very hard physical labor can eat up to 220 grams of meat, and mental workers - from 120 to 140 grams. Elderly people can switch to children's norms - 110-120 grams per day, and after 75 years, 100 grams of meat is considered harmless to the body.

At the end of last year, nutritionists around the world finally agreed on a list of the most harmful products for a person. Here they are: sweet carbonated drinks were created not at all to quench thirst, but to cause it (they differ in their gigantic sugar content: there are at least five teaspoons in one glass). Potato chips, especially those made from mashed potatoes rather than whole potatoes (essentially a mixture of carbs and fat plus artificial flavors).

Sweet bars (the combination of a lot of sugar and various chemical additives provides the highest calorie content and the desire to eat them again and again). Sausages, wieners, boiled sausage, pates and other products with so-called hidden fats (in their composition, lard, visceral fat, pork skin take up to 40 percent of the weight, but they are disguised as meat, including with the help of flavorings). Fatty meats, especially fried.

Look around, listen to yourself. Is what you are used to really necessary? And try to change bad habits. After all, it makes no sense to create problems for yourself with food. Remember, as the wise Omar Khayyam said: “You are better off starving than eating anything…”.

Meat is a low-calorie, protein-rich product. It is obtained by breeding and slaughtering domesticated animals and birds. A pleasurable taste makes a person dependent on it, thanks to different ways cooking.

Is it harmful to eat muscle mass animals? How many times a week should you eat meat? Should it be completely abandoned?

The benefits of meat

The benefit of meat is the presence of a large number of useful elements in it: protein, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium and other important components. Their entry into the human body contributes to the restoration of muscle tissue, growth, strengthens enamel, and has a beneficial effect on nervous system, accelerates the movement of oxygen, keeps blood pressure normal.

Harm of meat products

The big disadvantage of this product is the presence of cholesterol and fats in it. They cause atherosclerosis, ischemic stroke or heart attack. The consumption of meat products in impressive quantities develops the following diseases: gout, cancerous tumors, obesity, diabetes and disorders associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

A complete rejection of a protein product is not the basis for a healthy state of health, so you need to switch to 2 or 3 meals a day. Accounting should include replenishing the lack of a daily norm of meat (100 grams) with fish, milk, eggs, cheese or cottage cheese. On other days, it is necessary to replace meat with buckwheat, legumes, vegetables and low-fat seafood.

What to eat with meat

Beetroot, cabbage, pumpkin or carrot side dishes contribute to a better perception of meat by the body and its accelerated breakdown. Less traumatic effect lean varieties meat:

  • beef,
  • chicken.

To prevent harmful carcinogens from entering the body, causing serious illness, the product should be stewed or eaten boiled. It retains useful vitamins, and the broth contains fewer calories than butter.

The quality of meat also affects the general condition of a person. As you know, the path of the product from the farm to the counter undergoes chemical treatment to preserve the marketable appearance. Therefore, it is advisable to buy meat from friends, proven cattle breeders. A complete diet is organized for home-fed cattle or poultry. Moreover, for regular customers, the farmer will not slaughter a sick animal for profit.

More often than several times a week, meat can only be eaten by absolutely healthy people who have regular physical exercise. For people who do not fall into this category and suffer from certain diseases, reducing the frequency of consumption of animal protein foods will clearly only benefit. Be healthy!