Crossbreeding animals and people are real experiments. Can people interbreed? Tomato with a flounder gene and insulin from pigs

According to an outstanding Belgian scientist, President of the International Society of Cryptozoologists Bernard Euvelmans, in the Siberian camps of the Gulag, experiments were carried out on the artificial insemination of Altai women with the sperm of male gorillas, specially obtained in Rwanda and Burundi. The resulting viable offspring, which had a huge physical force worked in the salt mines.

Bernard Euvelmans, in his book “The Riddle of the Frozen Man,” reports a friend (who can be trusted) that in 1952-1953, “she met a Russian doctor who had escaped from the Siberian camps at a friend’s house. Eskulap said that he was arrested for failing to comply with the order to impregnate Mongolian women with gorilla sperm. The experiments were carried out in the hospital administration of the Gulag. The Russians received a race of ape-men 1.8 m tall, covered with wool. They work in the salt mines, have Herculean strength, and work almost without rest. They grow faster than humans, and therefore quickly become fit for work. Their only drawback is their inability to reproduce. But researchers are successfully working in this direction.”

But this is not a sensation. Back in 1927, an article appeared in the émigré newspaper Russkoye Vremya about the experiments of a certain Soviet professor Ivanov in crossing a man with a monkey.

At that time, this incredible message only entertained readers and nothing more.

However, the funds of the State Archives of the Russian Federation contain a unique document compiled by Professor I.I. Ivanov. This is a draft resolution of the commission established on May 19, 1929 under the scientific department of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.

The document says:

“Joining the decision of the Physics and Mathematics Department of the All-Union Academy of Sciences of September 30, 1925 regarding the great scientific significance of the planned prof. I. I. Ivanov experiments on interspecific hybridization on anthropoids, the commission believes that:

1) experiments on interspecific hybridization on anthropoids should be continued by prof. Ivanov in the Sukhumi monkey nursery, both between individual species of monkeys, and between monkeys and humans;

2) the experiments must be furnished with all the necessary precautions and proceed in conditions of strict isolation of women, excluding the possibility of natural insemination;

3) experiments should be carried out on the largest possible number of women ... "

African temperament didn't work

Either there were not enough monkeys in the Sukhumi Reserve, or Soviet women were “not so” brought up, but the innovative professor had problems with experienced “insemination”. And this despite the fact that the mentioned high commission approved his undertaking. What to do? The answer arose in the head of the researcher by itself: to go to Africa. It's full of monkeys and the women are more temperamental...

It's decided. I. I. Ivanov approached the government with the idea and received financial support. In the difficult years of general collectivization, the state allocated him almost 30 thousand dollars for an expedition to Guinea.

In Africa, the experimenter dreamed, it would be possible to inseminate aboriginal females with the sperm of male chimpanzees without difficulty. But for some reason, local ladies also refused the role of surrogate mothers. The natives, even for big money, did not agree to “cross” with monkeys, which stopped scientific progress.

Having failed a second time, Professor Ivanov did not lose heart. He agreed with the doctor to conduct similar experiments in a local hospital. The governor did not seem to object to the experiments, but stated that they could only be carried out with the consent of the women.

And again, a complete failure: the dark-skinned representatives of the fair sex flatly refused to conceive and bear bastards. However, the stubborn researcher did not give up: “I attach great importance sending pygmies from Rabon, since the above problems should not arise with them ... ”- I.I. Ivanov wrote in his report.

Whether the energetic scientist crossed monkeys and pygmies is unknown. Traces of his activities in Africa were lost. The consequences of the experiments in the Sukhum Reserve also remained unknown. Either they were discontinued due to lack of results, or, conversely, because of these very results, they were strictly classified.

Something About Rumors

In 1929, the expedition of Professor V. Vvedensky to the Himalayas witnessed the birth of a female Bigfoot. The baby was "adopted" by one of the researchers. The boy grew up healthy. However, he was extremely unattractive in appearance - round-shouldered, low-browed, very hairy. The time has come, and he was given to primary school. He studied poorly, and after a while he left its walls and got a job as a loader.

The boy had great physical strength. In fairness, it should be noted that he had to go to the laborers not of his own free will, but because in 1938 his adoptive father, as an "enemy of the people", was sent to a concentration camp, where he died. The son of the "snow woman" died at a young age of an unknown cause. Scientific notes compiled about him by an educator are allegedly kept in the Academy of Sciences under the heading "secret" ...

In the 1960s in the Caucasus, the famous scientist Boris. Porshnev heard from the old-timers a story about the fate of the captured and tamed "snow woman" Zana. She lived for many years with the local landowner Edgi Genabu, possessed remarkable strength, performed hard work and ... gave birth to children. Apparently, these were the offspring of her owner, because Zana was buried in the village of Tkhina, Ochamchira district, at the family cemetery of the landowner in late XIX century.

In 1964, the scientist met with the two grandchildren of this woman, who had incredible strength and worked in the mines in Tkvarcheli. They had darkish skin and a softened Negroid appearance. One of the descendants named Shalikua could hold a chair with a seated person in his teeth and dance at the same time!

If it has already turned out to be possible for a modern man and a “wild” (one might say, primitive) to interbreed, then why not allow the appearance of a hybrid of man and ape?

Khvit, son of Zana. On the right photo is another of her sons or grandsons.

Other descendants of Zana: 1 - daughter Natalya; 2, 3, 4 - grandchildren - Raisa, Shaliko, Tatyana (children of Khvit); 5 - great-grandson Robert (son of Raisa).

In 1998, British surgeons implanted a three-week-old fetus from a woman who died in a car accident into the uterus of a female chimpanzee. At the seventh month of pregnancy, the surrogate mother had C-section. The baby was placed in a pressure chamber, where he developed normally. And this is not the first attempt by scientists to transplant a human embryo into an animal.

It is not far from here to the crossing of species. It is known that the New York biologist Stuart Newman has already created and is trying to patent the technology for the production of beastmen, which he calls chimeras. A scientist claims to have found a way to combine human and animal genes...


In addition, in 1968 it became known that for more than a year and a half a specially equipped van of a certain Frank Hansen traveled around America. At cattle fairs, an enterprising Yankee (a former military pilot) showed his exhibit to the curious for $ 1.75.

In the middle of the motorized cart stood a metal box (like a coffin) with a four-layer glass lid. Inside, in a layer of ice, lay the body of a large man, overgrown with dark brown hair. A special refrigeration device maintained the required temperature.

Yeti Hansen

Upon learning of this, the already mentioned Bernard Avrlmans, together with his friend, the famous American explorer, zoologist writer Ivan Sanderson, rushed to Minnesota, where Frank Hansen lived.

For three days, scientists examined the corpse of an unknown creature, soldered into ice: they examined, sketched, shone through a flashlight, measured with a goniometer, photographed, recorded. They wanted to X-ray the “exhibit” and even unfreeze it for further study. But Hansen, having learned who they were, did not allow this, referring to the prohibition of the real owner of the "frozen".

Scientists separately described the "exhibit" in order to preserve information about it for science. Here is a "portrait" of the phenomenon. The body is massive. Its weight is about 115 kg. The body does not narrow at the waist, but only at the hips. The width of the chest is large in relation to the length of the body. The ratio of the length of the arms and legs, apparently, corresponds to human proportions ... But the sizes and proportions of the hands differ sharply from the human norm ... The neck is unusually short. The lower jaw is massive, wide and without a chin protrusion.

The slit of the mouth is wider than that of a human, but there are almost no lips ... Rough yellow nails of a human type. The genital organs of the human, not the monkey type, are not large. The anatomical details of the structure of the knees and feet reliably prove that this creature is upright. Separate details indicate that it went to inside feet, and not on the outside, as monkeys do. This exactly matches the footprint of a Quaternary ape-man found in Hungary, as well as the footprints of living paleoanthropes (fossil people) in the Tien Shan and the Caucasus.

Ends in the water

After learning about the enormous value of his unusual exhibit, Hansen claimed through Saga magazine that he himself killed this monster in Minnesota with an 8-millimeter Mauser gun while hunting for a fallow deer. Later, he changed his testimony and stated that the interview with him could not be used against him (as a charge of murder), since he gave information without oath and completely free of charge.

He promised to give the exhibit for scientific research if the authorities amnesty those people who violated the federal law on the importation of goods of this kind into the country and handed over the monster to him. Otherwise, he threatened to drown the ape-man in the ocean...

And he drowned, replacing the corpse with a dummy. Obviously, he learned about the impending confiscation of the "contraband cargo." According to information leaked to the press, the "frozen" was delivered through Hong Kong either from Siberia or from Kamchatka.

Thus, it is possible that Hansen's "exhibit" was the result of the monstrous experiments carried out in the Siberian camps of the Gulag. So, maybe the "Bigfoot", found on the territory of our country, is also a Gulag hybrid? ..

"Snow" child

In the early 1990s, reports appeared in the US press about the birth of a Bigfoot child by American Katya Martin.

In 1987, a young woman was climbing in the Rainer Mountains and met a 2-meter Bigfoot there. They spent several days together, and then on April 28, 1988, Katya had a son, whose head and neck were completely covered with dark curly hair.

Doctors conducted research and found that the genetic basis of the boy is only partially human.

- The son is strong and hairy - like his father, and from me he has artistic and mathematical abilities. I am very proud of him,” said the mother of an unusual child. He knows that his father is Bigfoot.

Katya herself went several times to the same mountains with the hope of meeting the father of her child...

There is a hypothesis that Bigfoot (at least in a number of habitats) is neither a relic hominoid that has survived to this day, nor has it fallen into modern world along the corridors of time by an ape-like ancestor, not by an alien from outer space, but there is a product of secret genetic experiments on crossing a human and a monkey ...

Fix-idea of ​​the famous professor

Human-monkey crossing experiments were actually carried out in the 20th century and may still be carried out today. The most interesting thing is that the priority in these ambiguous, to put it mildly, from the point of view of ethics and morality, experiments turned out to be our country, and all this is due to the research of Professor Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov. This scientist at the beginning of the twentieth century was considered a world-renowned authority in the field of breeding and crossing various animals.

Back at the end of the 19th century, Ilya Ivanovich decided to devote his life to a completely new problem for science, and in a few years he achieved outstanding results. His works on artificial insemination and crossbreeding of mammals have been translated into many languages ​​of the world and still have not lost their significance. In 1901, the scientist created the world's first center for artificial insemination of trotters, in which they tried to cross horses with zebras. And already after the revolution, in the early 20s, according to the methods of Professor Ivanov and with his direct participation, it was possible to breed a musk ox. This unique animal combined the unpretentiousness in food and the endurance of one parent with the incredible strength of the other. Hybrids of other animals also appeared - deer bull, derivatives of a white mouse with a guinea pig, a hare and a rabbit, a hare and a cat ...

However, in not a single encyclopedia, which briefly talks about the scientific achievements of the scientist, you will find a mention of research, which for Ilya Ivanovich became the main business of his life. The world famous scientist was literally obsessed with the idea of ​​crossing a man with a monkey ...

Bolsheviks give green light to experiments

With this idea, Ivanov aroused the keenest interest among foreign scientists, speaking at scientific symposiums, his Western colleagues gasped and gasped, but were afraid to even touch such a topic with one finger. Public opinion in the West, such blasphemous experiments on God's creatures were extremely negatively perceived, and even more so the creation of various monsters based on humans.

Perhaps because of this, Ilya Ivanovich did not emigrate to the West, he was well aware that such experiments would simply be banned there. But the new Soviet government really liked to destroy the foundations of Western morality, the scientist could only interest the Bolshevik bosses in his research. And Ivanov succeeded!

The energy and assertiveness of the scientist are simply amazing. To persuade him to allocate considerable funds in times of devastation, while not hiding that he intends to conduct experiments not in the USSR, but in Africa! Yes, yes, it was in Africa, because Ivanov believed that not only great apes live there in unlimited numbers, but also natives, whom the scientist intended to “make happy” with the seminal fluid of gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans.

His memorandum to Lunacharsky, People's Commissar of Education, contains not only a request to allocate money for research, but also contains a certain element of blackmail - do not give money, the Soviet Union will outstrip the Western powers in this area. In his report, Ivanov wrote:

“The method of artificial insemination makes it possible to get closer to the question of the origin of man. At present, only money is lacking to set up these experiments. I assume that the Soviet government could, in the interests of science, meet halfway and issue a significant part of this amount. It would be a shame if this work took place without the participation of the USSR.

On May 27, 1925, the professor also sent a memorandum to the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR A.I. Rykov:

“My work with the method of artificial insemination of mammals led me to the idea: to experiment with crossing by artificial insemination between different species of great apes, as well as between the latter and man. These experiments can provide extremely important facts for clarifying the question of the origin of man. Getting hybrids between different anthropoid species is more than likely. The birth of a hybrid form between a human and an anthropoid is less likely, but its possibility is far from excluded. My attempts in pre-revolutionary times to establish work in this direction were not successful. On the one hand, religious prejudices interfered, on the other hand, the organization of these experiments required an exceptional environment and significant funds ... "

Well, how could the Bolsheviks refuse the professor, because they not only spit on religious prejudices, but also denied religion itself! True, at first Ivanov was still tormented by his fellow scientists who had survived in the whirlwind of the revolution. The Glavnauka consultant, in his response to the scientific concept of the alleged research of the professor, directly wrote that the intraspecific differences of great apes would not allow to get offspring when crossing, moreover, artificial insemination between a monkey and a person would not give any results. Moreover, in his review, the expert did not fail to notice the legal uncertainty of such experiments and possible criminal prosecutions by the French administration of Guinea.

Ivanov responded to this review by attracting Academician Otto Schmidt to his side. The authoritative commission created under his auspices not only recognized the importance of the professor's ideas, but also noted their role in the fight against idealism.

The Bolshevik leadership gave in and allocated money. As for the negative review of the expert, they were treated with caution at the top, and then they completely ignored it: they thought maybe it was written by a pest who wanted to screw up a case so important for the revolutionary worldview ...

African misadventures

Inspired, Ilya Ivanovich, with his son and colleagues, went to Guinea in 1926, where the leadership of the Pasteur Institute allowed him to work in his research laboratory. However, what seemed easy in the Land of the Soviets turned into an intractable problem on African soil - Ivanov could not get the monkeys needed for experiments ... There were no adult chimpanzees in the nursery of the laboratory, but there were more than thirty cubs. Of course, fertilizing them did not make sense ...

Adult chimpanzees frolic in the jungle, but the natives were afraid to catch them. The monkeys had steel muscles, impressive teeth and were extremely aggressive. The only thing that local hunters dared to do was to shoot an adult for the sake of meat and skin.

After a short visit to Paris, Ivanov returned to Guinea with his son. It was impossible for the professor to retreat, he decided to take up catching adult chimpanzees on his own with his son. The local hunters, whom he took as his assistants, turned out to be cowardly. “At the most critical moment,” Ilya Ivanovich complained, “the blacks scatter in panic, leaving me and my son to find a way out.” As a result of such anti-heroic behavior of the Africans, during another attempt to catch the monkeys, the professor's son ended up in the hospital ... The local "brave men" were also unlucky: one of them died, two were severely maimed.

I had to greatly increase the premiums for the capture of adult chimpanzees. Having found out about this, the most experienced and desperate hunters came from distant places, and it was they who got several adults for the scientist.

Black beauties did not want a baby from a monkey ...

From Africa, Ivanov wrote to Moscow acquaintances: “The work is in full swing. It turns out not all of what was planned, but there is no time to lose heart ... It is necessary not only to increase the number of experiments on artificial insemination of chimpanzees and gorillas with human sperm, but also to conduct experiments on backcrossing. I think that women who want to undergo experience are incomparably easier to find in Europe than in Africa "...

Yes, the professor had an embarrassment with African women: black beauties did not want to get pregnant from a monkey for any money. Perhaps Ivanov was going to impregnate local ladies without revealing to them the essence of the experiment, but the local authorities opposed such a formulation of the issue. “The governor,” wrote the professor, “without whose knowledge the experiments could not be carried out in the hospital, declared that he did not object in principle, provided that the experiments were carried out with the consent of the patients. This condition made the setting up of these experiments, mostly already established, extremely difficult. That is why I attach great importance to sending pygmies from Gabon, since there should be no such difficulties with them.

Why Ivanov thought that everything would go smoothly with the pygmies, one can only guess. Maybe he thought that in terms of their development, growth and other parameters, they are closest to monkeys? Here it smacks of a kind of racism ... However, the pygmies were never sent to him. Ilya Ivanovich was satisfied with the fact that in the winter of 1927 he fertilized all the female monkeys he got with human seed. Who at the same time acted as a sperm donor, history is silent.

The hybrid man loves sex and is promiscuous

In the summer of 1927 it was time to return home. Ivanov first took 13 fertilized monkeys to Marseilles, two monkeys did not survive this segment of the journey. In France, the scientist wanted to temporarily attach his pupils to the Pasteur Institute, his heart was fooling around, there was a delay on the way. Alas, the People's Commissariat of Health refused to pay for the "accommodation" of monkeys at the institute. As a result, the animals were in a very extreme conditions and slowly parted with life in Marseilles, while Ivanov treated his heart in Paris. Later, the primates were sent to Sukhumi, but three months later, the monkeys obtained with such difficulty died. At autopsy, pregnancy in females was not found.

In general, Professor Ivanov's African "business trip" could be considered unsuccessful, if not a failure, which the officials did. Surprisingly, the scientist himself held a completely different opinion! Maybe there is some secret here? In one of his letters, Ivanov wrote:

“The hybrid man, who corresponds to the anthropoids, grows faster from birth than the ordinary one, gains incredible strength by the age of three or four, is much less sensitive to pain, is illegible in food, prefers sexual pleasures of all amusements. Its most important advantage over living beings, including humans, is ease of management and impeccable obedience. The possibilities of use are endless - from working in wet faces to soldiering."

What is it - the professor's assumptions or did he observe a real hybrid in Africa? After all, male gorillas sometimes kidnap African women and use them instead of their females, so to speak, for their intended purpose ... Did Ivanov manage to find the fruit of such "exotic love"?

It would seem that after the failure of the African expedition, Ilya Ivanovich could well have been slapped as a pest for the useless waste of people's money, but the professor is allowed to continue working and even open the Sukhumi monkey house for this purpose. The works of the scientist are classified, but a number of publications about them nevertheless leaked into the Soviet press.

Revolutionary enthusiasm on the altar of science

An interesting document was found in the archives. An excerpt from it was cited in one of his publications by journalist Maxim Yablokov. Let's get to know him.

“In response to publications in newspapers, some comrades (men and women) turned to the state monkey with a request to use them in experiments indicating the evolutionary origin of man. They offered themselves for experiments with monkeys, not demanding payment, but solely for the sake of science and enlightenment of fellow citizens prone to religious ignorance ... But because of the great power of monkeys, it is necessary to allow people to them with great care. A few days ago, one of the women entered the outbuilding where the chimpanzees lived, and one grabbed her, trying to strangle her. It was possible to free her only with the help of several men who came to the rescue in time.”

An attempt to publish at least something in scientific journals of the USSR turned out to be fruitless, then Ilya Ivanovich tried to transfer his notes to foreign colleagues at the Pasteur Institute. The professor, apparently, did not believe that such an act was a crime, but the OGPU thought otherwise ... According to some sources, Ivanov and several other leading employees of the nursery were arrested and shot in 1932 for treason, according to others, the professor was arrested in 1931 and given he was five years in the camps, a year later he died in Kazakhstan. One thing is known for sure - in 1932, Professor Ivanov died.

People or animals?

There is no documented evidence that experiments on crossing monkeys with humans were continued in the USSR, although this cannot be completely ruled out. But there is no reason to believe that such experiments were not carried out later in other countries. In 1952, the French writer Vercors wrote the book People or Animals?, which dealt with the moral and ethical side of such experiments. I dare to offer you small fragments from this extremely curious work.

“... The corpse was quite tiny. And it is understandable, therefore, that Dr. Higgins, who over his many years of practice has seen so many different corpses - both large and small - looking at this one, at first was not even surprised at all. He leaned over the cradle only for a moment, and then, straightening up, looked at Douglas, and his face assumed, if I may say so, a professional expression. There was an eloquent silence for several minutes, then the doctor's thick mustache moved, and he said:

I'm afraid you called me too late...

"You don't quite understand me," Doug replied. “I gave him a large dose of strychnine.

The doctor backed away, knocked over a chair, tried to catch it, and could not keep back a rather stupid exclamation:

But this is murder!

... The inspector turned out to be a very kind, well-mannered and shy fair-haired young man. He interrogated Douglas gently and even respectfully. After asking him a few questions to identify the perpetrator, he asked:

- Are you the father of the child?

Is the child's mother here too?

“No… She was taken back to the zoo yesterday… You see, his mother is not actually a woman. This is a female of the species Paranthropos Erectus.

The doctor and the inspector stood silent for a minute, staring blankly at Doug.

After a moment's hesitation, the doctor approached the cradle with a determined step, threw back the blanket from the little body, and unfolded the swaddling clothes.

— Damn it! All he could say was...

Once more carefully examining the child, he turned his full astonishment to his father.

It's still a monkey. She has four arms,” he said with obvious relief.

I will leave these fragments without comment, I think everything is clear here anyway. After World War II, which swept through people's lives like a fiery whirlwind, the Western public was no longer up to protests against experiments with some monkeys, even though these studies looked immoral. Moral standards were shaken in those years, and this circumstance did not fail to take advantage of scientists obsessed with the idea of ​​​​creating new, unseen on earth, "superbeings". Without a doubt, the military also showed close interest in these works. It is known that experiments on obtaining a hybrid of a man with a monkey were carried out in the USA. However, this is a topic for a separate discussion.

Not so long ago, Chinese researchers announced that they succeeded. Many felt that human cloning was not far off - this provoked a new wave of discussions that raised ethical issues. Many are inclined to believe that before starting such experiments, it is necessary to make serious changes to existing legislation.

However, there are several references in history to rather controversial experiments involving humans and monkeys. One of them was allegedly carried out in the 1920s in the United States - the researchers claim that then they managed to cross a monkey with a man, getting a "chimpanzee". It was told by Gordon G. Gallup, an evolutionary psychologist who conducted experiments with monkeys. He claimed that he was told about the experiment by a former professor at the university where the experiment was conducted.

According to him, during the experiment, a female chimpanzee was artificially inseminated with human sperm: after that, a pregnancy occurred, which ended with the birth of viable offspring. His birth provoked many ethical discussions, as a result of which, after a few days or weeks, the "chimpanzee" was euthanized. Who exactly was the professor who told this story to Gallup is unknown, but the researcher claims that he has no reason not to trust that scientist.

Could this be true?

Judging by some inaccuracies, this whole story is nothing more than a myth. For example, the Yerkes National Primate Research Center, where this story allegedly took place, was founded only in 1930, therefore, no experiments could be carried out there before.

Gallup himself spoke about this case more than once, but in some cases he called it simply rumors circulating in the scientific community, while in another he referred to a “familiar professor” as a source who could be trusted. In general, there is not a single documentary source confirming that such a hybrid creature was actually obtained.

However, attempts to carry out such hybridization were indeed made in China and the Soviet Union. Ilya Ivanov artificially inseminated a female chimpanzee with human sperm, but pregnancy did not occur - this happened at about the same time when the American experiment could be carried out. In the 1960s, similar studies were started in China - they quickly stopped due to the fact that it was not possible to achieve pregnancy.

Who is Oliver?

Chimpanzee Oliver. Photo: Wikipedia.

And, finally, speaking of such crossings, one cannot fail to mention Oliver, a chimpanzee brought from Africa to the USA. Oliver preferred to walk on two legs, and his peculiar appearance and baldness gave him more resemblance to humans than to other apes. This, as well as a number of other features, was the reason to believe that Oliver is the result of a successful experiment to create human-monkey hybrids.

In 1996, Oliver's DNA samples were studied - it turned out that in his cells there are 48 chromosomes, like in other members of his species. Its external features: the structure of the skull, baldness and other characteristics also turned out to be quite common among other chimpanzees. A complete sequencing of Oliver's genome could not be performed. After the chimpanzee died in 2012, the nursery where he lived in recent years refused to provide any samples.

In general, today all the stories about the existence of human-monkey hybrids scientific facts are not confirmed and stand on a par with cases and communication with aliens.

Hybrids, chimeras, genetic mutants. Everything is possible nowadays! As you know, chimerism is the presence of genetically heterogeneous cells in one organism. In nature, this happens when, while in the womb, one of the fetuses absorbs the genetic material of another fetus. A newborn baby may have problems with immune system, duplication of blood vessels is observed, one side of the body may differ in color from the other or be female, while the other is male, etc. True, chimeras are obtained within the same species. More interesting is the case with hybrids. Here in nature genetics interbreed different forms animals and plants.

But man decided to go beyond nature and cross his kind with animals. For a long time, scientists have been learning how to create hybrid embryos in their laboratories. All this is done in order to find methods of treatment for a wide range of diseases. Of course, opponents of immoral experiments will consider hybridization disgusting, but the suffering of people with incurable diseases is no less terrible. In some cases, this kind of experimentation with nature can go too far. It's worth thinking about here. But such is human nature that curiosity and the mania of playing God can overcome the fear of the possible negative consequences of such activities.

  1. Hybrids in the UK. In 2008, British scientists received the legal right to cross people and animals. For safety reasons, such experiments were allowed to be carried out only by those researchers who received a license for this. The experiments were carried out with the aim of creating stem cells that can help people in the fight against incurable diseases. Scientists managed to grow 155 embryos, which were human hybrids with different types animals. For many understandable reasons, the research was discontinued and their funding stopped. But the law has not been repealed, which means that scientists still have a chance to restore their research if they find sponsors.
  2. Chimpanzee Oliver. Oliver was born in the Congo in the 1970s. Throughout his life, he preferred the company of chimpanzees to communicate with people. He died in 2012 at a monkey shelter in Texas at the age of 55. Before that, Oliver had to live with circus performers, with artists, with pharmacologists. Oliver liked to walk on his hind legs and do housework. He simply did not understand the language of the chimpanzee. Yes, and in appearance it was very unusual for a monkey of its kind. He walked only straight, like a man, he had no hair on his chest and head. The ears were similar to those of humans, the eyes were lighter, and the lower jaw was heavier than is the case with monkeys. Could he be an ape-human hybrid? Unfortunately no. This was proven by geneticists at the University of Chicago, and confirmed by researchers from the University of Texas. Oliver is thought to have belonged to a species of upright chimpanzee that appeared before Oliver and elsewhere.
  3. Ilya Ivanov. Rumors about experiments in the USSR to create a hybrid of a man and a monkey were officially disclosed after its collapse. According to secret documents, in 1927, Dr. Ilya Ivanov, a well-known specialist in the field of veterinary biology of reproduction, went to Africa on a secret mission. He was always interested in the question of the crossing of man and chimpanzee. While in Africa, he described two attempts to artificially inseminate a female monkey with human sperm. He returned to the USSR with an orangutan named Tarzan in the hope of continuing his experiments. At one time, he even found two women - volunteers who agreed to endure hybrid children. But it didn't come to that. The orangutan died, and the scientist was sent to camps.
  4. Hybrids of man and pig. Recently, the world was shocked by the news that a human-pig hybrid had been created. Researchers injected one of three types of human stem cells into pig embryos to see which ones could survive. In the course of work, cells were formed in the pig embryo, which are the precursors of various types of tissues, in particular the heart, liver and nervous system. Pig embryos with these cells developed normally. Later, they were introduced into the uterus of pigs, allowing the hybrids to develop for the first 3-4 weeks, and then they were destroyed. In total, 186 viable embryos were obtained out of 1400 taken initially.
  5. Human ear on the back of a rat. Scientists managed to grow in the laboratory flexible, almost like a real human ear on the back of a rodent. To do this, they took the living tissues of cows and sheep and grew from them on a titanium frame living tissue, which has a shape corresponding to the organ of hearing. It was then implanted into an immune-suppressed rat so that the organ could grow unhindered. Through this study, scientists have learned that enough cells can be grown in animals to grow a human organ.

Genome analysis
human and chimpanzee shows: they differ by only one and a half percent.
Where does this similarity come from? Are we really close relatives?

After that
how humans and chimpanzees went their separate ways up the evolutionary ladder, they
continued to have intimate relationships for another 4 million years, says Dr.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology David Reich. - Moreover, they had
common descendants!

sensational conclusion the researcher and his colleagues made by studying the genes of our
ancestors. It turned out that the born cubs did not form separate species, So
as they were not able to give offspring from each other. But to give birth as from people,
so hybrids could come from chimpanzees. And the skull of one of them is "age" about 7
million years was found a few years ago in Africa. Archaeologists named it Tumai.

Tumai humanoid traits suggests that the separation of man and
chimpanzee species was long and included episodes of hybridization between
nascent species, another participant confirms Reich's statement
research - Nick Patterson.


"incest" humanity paid the price, - the doctor of medical sciences believes,
Head of the Department of the Center for Genetic Research Anton Kryukov. - Many
scientists believe, although they prefer not to talk about it, that cancer and AIDS are
it dire consequences"love" between humans and monkeys.

American scientists from the University of Alabama were able to finally
confirm that the primary source of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV),
cause of AIDS were chimpanzees living on the banks of the Sanaga River in Cameroon
(West Africa). The first person known to have contracted HIV
was a resident of Kinshasa - the capital of the Congo, located next to Cameroon. His blood
saved for medical research in 1959 - decades before
how scientists learned about AIDS.

The official story is that the immunodeficiency pioneer was bitten by a female chimpanzee.
He became infected himself and passed the virus on to his wife, who passed it on to her children. Eventually
the infection came to the city, where it spread. And according to the unofficial version,
weighed down by mass rumors, an African became infected after sexual contact with

relations with shaggy brothers and sisters in mind, common at dawn
evolution could do modern people highly vulnerable to genetic
diseases, - continues Anton Petrovich. - And probably spoiled us a lot
genes. For example, a study showed: X-chromosome (women have two, and men
one) - the youngest part of the genome - changed during those same four
million years of "incest" and hybridization. As a result, both humans and chimpanzees
accumulated an equal number of unfavorable mutations - 140 thousand each in some
sections of DNA. They have made our species more susceptible to diseases, in
based on genetic causes. And the worst of them is cancer.


Not yet
understanding the consequences of bestiality, scientists themselves tried to cross people and monkeys.
It is known that in 1926 Stalin supported a secret plan to create in
laboratories of creatures with incredible strength and underdeveloped brains,
insensitive to pain, hardy and unpretentious in food. It was assumed that
will be able to grow a "living war machine", and at the same time a "workhorse", which
without great expense could be exploited in coal mines, in
construction in Siberia and the Arctic regions. The issue was also considered
using creatures born in the laboratory as a source of organs.

entrusted to the famous scientist Ilya Ivanov, who by that time had
great experience in crossbreeding various kinds animals. At the experimental station
"Askania-Nova" in the Crimea "Soviet Frankenstein" bred zebroids, deer bulls,
oryx, half-breed bison. He crossed a white mouse with a guinea pig,
hare-hare with a rabbit, received rat-mouse offspring. But all these are not
the hybrids that exist in nature were only a prelude to the realization
crazy idea to get offspring from a man and a monkey.


scientist Ivanov, the details of which Russian historians revealed 80 years later,
also received the approval of the Pasteur Institute in Paris. The French lost to Moscow
mine Research Center in Kindia, New Guinea, where
work on artificial insemination and experiments with animal cells.

who knew nothing about genetic differences, tried to impregnate females
chimps and gorillas with human sperm. Conversely, African women
monkey sperm. Before you make an injection, test subjects - and
females and women were euthanized. And the offspring seemed to be ... appearing.

That's what
Ilya Ivanovich himself wrote to his Moscow friends (in the 1930s they all disappeared
no trace): "Hybrid" human "that corresponds to anthropoids, from birth
grows faster than usual, by the age of three or four it is gaining incredible strength,
much less sensitive to pain, promiscuous, of all amusements
prefers sexual pleasures. Its most important advantage over the living
creatures, including "man", - ease of management and impeccable
obedience. The possibilities of use are endless - from working in wet faces to
soldier's service." Although it is possible that the scientist stated only ideas.

In 1929
It was decided to create a nursery for monkeys in the USSR itself. It was opened in Sukhumi,
in Georgia. Pregnant chimpanzees were supposedly sent there from Africa and have already
born babies. But on the way they died of an unknown disease, which
her symptoms resembled ... the current AIDS.

suspected of sabotage. In December 1930 he was arrested and given five years
camps. And on March 20, 1932, the professor died at unknown
circumstances. The obituary was signed by the great Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov.

They say that the arrest and death of Ivanov was preceded by a rather strange
case, says Dr. Kryukov. - One of the
employees, releasing the remaining hybrids. After that there were
curious stories. Old people from Georgia and Abkhazia said that even in the mountains
after the Second World War it was possible to meet "wild people, similar to
big monkeys." Maybe they were hybrids that escaped from the nursery,
living their lives in freedom?

Chimeras from
test tubes

Ivanov's research was, of course, extreme, says Dr.
Kryukov. - Only the development of genetics made it possible to conduct such experiments
more delicately - in test tubes. First attempt at creating a hybrid between humans
and animals occurred in 1996 when Massachusetts geneticist Jose Sibelli,
running a cotton swab over his mouth, he extracted DNA molecules and placed them in a cow
an egg from which all DNA has previously been removed. Experiment, as reported
Sibelli at a meeting of the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, devoted to the problems
cloning, he aborted a week later.

scientists agreed that if the fetus were allowed to develop normally and
to be born, he would look like a man, but some characteristics
cells would likely change slightly. He would have cows
the energy elements of cells are mitochondria, since their genetic
material is contained just in the shell of the egg.

Pig on 5

About trying
Sibelli, for example, the scientific world learned only two years later, when
the biotech firm Advanced Cell Technology that funded it
tried to get a patent for an invention.

Thanks to
the patent office became aware of the independently undertaken
biotech firms - American and Australian - trying to connect
a man with a pig. As stated in patent applications by the scientists themselves, they have grown
human-pig embryo to 32 cells before being destroyed. If it
left to develop, he would be 95 percent human. But what would
This man, of course, no one knows.

Scientists are not
for the sake of sports interest, they are trying to breed these hybrids, - sums up the doctor
Kryukov. - If you transplant 5 - 6 human genes into an animal, then its organs
can be used for human transplantation and they will not be rejected
organism. In general, today the goal of such experiments is not to breed chimeras, but
search for new ways to treat diseases.

continue in the Congo?

At the beginning
This year, one interesting message went unnoticed on the news feeds. V
Republic of the Congo, very large ape-like creatures were discovered, not
similar neither to gorillas nor to chimpanzees. While scientists have only a few
photographs, as is usual in such cases, fuzzy video footage and witness
indications. From all this it follows: the discovered creatures are distinguished by a fair amount
tall (about five centimeters taller than the average gorilla), they have more
flat snouts than most other primates, and their behavior is also
different from the behavior of other higher apes. In particular, they move
upright and on two legs, often sleeping in large ground nests (at that time
how chimpanzees usually perch in trees to avoid becoming prey
predatory animals). In addition, while unknown creatures have a strange habit
to greet the rising and setting of the moon with loud jubilant cries, without fear - in
unlike chimpanzees - attract lions and hyenas.

According to
Georgia State University professor Dwayne Rambeau, this is either really
a new species, or a new subspecies, or - what is most interesting - some kind of hybrid. Scientists
found out that their mothers are female chimpanzees. Who are the fathers? Is it really in
wilds of Africa, sexual experiments are still going on between people and
animals? Or are these creatures the descendants of those hybrids bred by Ivanov and
run away from him?