LED strip for lighting ceilings: we make the backlight under the ceiling with an LED strip with our own hands. Ceiling lighting with LED strip: placement and design options Ceiling lighting options

Do-it-yourself LED ceiling lighting is, generally speaking, not a new thing. Radio amateurs began experimenting with lighting design based on LEDs (LED, Light Emission Diod) back in the 70s, as soon as LEDs appeared on the market. The obstacle to its wide distribution was, first of all, the imperfection of the diodes themselves - a limited color range and a "sharp" spectrum. Too bright light from the first LEDs hurt the eyes.

Today, LEDs produce light in all colors of the rainbow with a smooth, "soft" spectrum. On sale there are special assemblies of LEDs for lighting design - LED strips, power supplies for them and controllers that allow you to smoothly adjust the color and brightness of the radiation. Now a person who is not versed in technology can do it. There are countless options, so let's consider the most popular and technically the most complex: suspended and stretch ceiling lighting. Everything else will be easier to do.

Types of LED backlight

Suspended ceiling can be illuminated in four ways:

  1. Contour diffused backlight- the LEDs are located on the shelf (bottom row in the figure) and shine upwards. The backlight forms a continuous light strip.
  2. Directional backlight- LEDs are mounted on a slope and shine along the ceiling. Diverging rays are visible on the main (base) ceiling.
  3. Spot lighting("starry sky"). LEDs shine from the ceiling straight down. It is more difficult to make such a backlight; you can’t get by with tape, and some (however, elementary) technical knowledge is needed.
  4. Figured illumination. LEDs are placed in small ceiling lamps. For the device of such a backlight, in addition to technical knowledge, the skills of a home master are also needed.

Tape ceiling lighting

Contour and directional ceiling lighting led strip- the simplest way of lighting design and at the same time a wide field for creative imagination. Its technical details come down to the choice of tape, power source and some subtleties of installation. We’ll talk about installation below, but for now we’ll consider how to choose the right technique.

Choosing an LED strip

  • Tape color. Here the choice is unequivocal - a full-color RGB tape with a controller. The price of the ribbon itself is the same as the single color ribbon, and the controller is cheaper than the ribbons of complementary colors. The question is, why then generally monochrome ribbons? For special illumination over a large area, when the price of equipment matters: shop windows, trees, large halls.
  • Emitter density. The density of emitters on the tape can be 30, 60 and 120 per meter. For contour lighting, it, of course, should be larger - 60 or 120. But for directional lighting, it is better to take a tape with a density of 30 or 60. slope - 30 and 60. then you need 4 power supplies with controllers, but such an installation will give a wide range of lighting effects: after all, the tapes can be turned on and adjusted together. You can get a double color border, intermittent rays, etc.

  • Tape power. LED strips are designated by the letters SMD and four digits, for example SMD 3028. The first two digits indicate the power consumed by the tape. The SMD 6035 tape will be more powerful than the above. Also, the power of one meter of the tape is indicated in its passport. For contour illumination, 8 W / m is sufficient; for directional - 5 W / m. It is better to put 7 and 12-14 watt tapes on the shelf, and 5 and 7 watts on the slope. This will make it possible to get by with cheaper, without dimming, controllers and simplify color adjustments.
  • Total backlight power. This parameter is calculated from the length of the light strip. We measure with a tape measure, consider how many meters of tape are required, and multiply by the power of a meter of tape.
  • We select the power source and controller according to the power required to illuminate the corresponding light strip. Of course, the supply voltage must also be suitable. LED strips are produced with an operating voltage of 5, 12 and 24 V. The IP should give the same amount, and the controller should also be designed for such a voltage.

Installation of contour and directional lighting

How to mount tapes in a plasterboard ceiling is clear from the picture. We give just a few tips:

  1. LED strips are mounted with Velcro; adhesive layer applied with reverse side tape and covered with a protective film. Before mounting the tape, select a corner that is suitable in size for the PVC shelf and slope, and fix it in the niche with small self-tapping screws. Velcro sticks tightly to PVC, but it can peel off from drywall over time. If a stretch ceiling is illuminated, a PVC corner is required: after all, for the smallest repair of the backlight, it will have to be removed.
  2. Carefully solder the wires to the tapes. Their plastic base and the LEDs themselves are afraid of overheating. It is better to use flux paste for soldering, POS-61 solder or similar, with a melting point not higher than 160 degrees, and solder with “one poke”. If you do not have much experience in soldering small parts, it is better to invite a master for soldering.
  3. Do not connect more than 3 m of tape together. The conductive paths in the bulk of the plastic base may not be able to handle the high current. Connect 3 m sections to the controller with separate wires
  4. For self-wiring, exactly observe the polarity and purpose of the wires: + from the IP - to + the controller; respectively and -. From the +V, R, G, and B controller to the appropriate tape terminals.
  5. Cut and trim LED strips ONLY along the cut lines marked by the manufacturer. The exception is the last section, but you need to cut with sharp scissors or side cutters in one motion exactly in the middle between the diodes.

wiring diagram for LED strips to power supply and controller

As you can see, do-it-yourself hidden ceiling lighting is quite simple and already allows you to get a great aesthetic effect. You can strengthen it, especially since you have already gained experience, by using other types of illumination.

Video: installation of LED strip on the ceiling in the "housing issue"

Illumination "starry sky"

Components and element base

The tape is no longer suitable for the "starry sky", separate LEDs are needed. First of all: do not try to turn on a lot of LEDs directly into the 220 V network. Uninformed people sometimes argue: yeah, in a flashlight 3 diodes glow from 6 V; this means that 100 diodes can be turned on at 220 V after rectification.

It is impossible, it will end in an accident and literally burnt money. In batteries, the internal resistance increases with increasing current, and the current through the diodes is limited. The internal resistance of the power supply network is almost zero. The quenching resistor does not help: the LEDs do not hold a reverse voltage of 220 V (310 after rectification), they will immediately break through, and a short circuit will turn out - a short circuit with all its consequences.

Therefore, for the "starry sky" you need the same power supply as for the tape, but at 5 V. The power of the power supply is calculated based on the number of LEDs: 10 W per 100 LEDs. Extra wattage won't hurt. Simply, since 20 diodes are enough for the "starry sky", the simplest and cheapest IP is suitable. It is also advisable to purchase a breaker controller for 4-8 diode sections. Then the stars will blink like real ones.

When soldering individual LEDs, observe the polarity: the plus terminal of the diode is longer and marked with a key, and be careful - the terminals break quite easily. Also, do not forget to put on each output an insulating tube - “cambric”, otherwise, after installation, you will not have trouble with short circuits.

Installation of the "starry sky"

The easiest way is to provide a stretch ceiling with “starry sky” lighting: the LEDs are simply glued to the base ceiling with drops of construction silicone. It remains only to correct them so that they do not shine very sideways, and enjoy the spectacle of the starry sky.

If the ceiling is plasterboard, you will have to cut an additional plate exactly under the ceiling niche, drill holes in it according to the number of diodes, close with front side translucent plate, mount the electrical part and install the entire structure in the ceiling niche. It is not a matter of minutes, and requires a certain skill. But, if the plate is finely corrugated, then the “stars” will give prickly rays, like real ones. If, in addition, an image of a real starry sky with nebulae, galaxies, etc. is pasted onto the cover plate, and holes for the diodes are drilled in accordance with the position of real stars, and the brightness of the glow is selected using quenching resistors, the effect will be amazing.

Video: starry sky ceiling - review and installation

Figured illumination

For curly lighting in the false ceiling, they are drilled with a feather or circular drill - a “ballerina”, a centrifuge, holes for small shades, into which LEDs are placed. A typical solution is one pointing down in the center, and 4-6, giving rays along the ceiling. But, of course, the choice of a specific solution is entirely a matter of taste of the master and his household.

About colors and blinking

Important: Ceiling lighting has a serious psychedelic effect. First of all, about blinking - you can not use the frequencies of 0.5 Hz (once every two seconds), 2 Hz (twice per second) and 7 Hz (seven times per second). They coincide with the theta and alpha rhythms of the brain and can, especially under red light, even cause an epileptic seizure.

It is absolutely unacceptable to quickly and sharply flash with the help of simple interrupters, for example, from an emergency flashlight. It is necessary to use a special controller, when connected to which the diodes will flare up and go out smoothly. And with any, even the slightest deterioration in well-being during or after observing the flashing backlight, the flashing must be turned off. Especially - if noise is heard in the head, spots appear before the eyes, dizziness.

Ceiling lighting with LED strip - original design decision, allowing you to give the ceiling area a uniqueness. In order for this ceiling design technique to be stylish and appropriate, it is necessary to study the intricacies of its placement and the most beneficial design techniques.


The LED strip is a functional lighting device with a mass of diode lamps. The design consists of a base with an adhesive surface and protective film. Some varieties are attached to the ceiling with plastic brackets. At the very base are auxiliary components, a contact pad and LEDs. In order for the illumination to be uniform, the light sources are placed at the same distance from each other.

This material is quite flexible, the tape is sold in reels that exclude the formation of creases, and has cut lines. It is an auxiliary backlight, although the power of this lighting device often allows you to replace the central lighting. The power consumption of 1 m of tape is from 4.8 to 25 watts.

At the same time, the number of LEDs per 1 m can be from 30 to 240 pieces. Its uniqueness lies in its economy: a 10-meter length cut is less than a conventional incandescent lamp in terms of energy consumption.

Resistors eliminate the possibility of a voltage surge, they limit the flow of current. The width of the tape can reach 5 cm. The size of the LEDs is also different, so some varieties shine brighter than others. If it is necessary to increase the intensity of the ceiling illumination, sometimes an additional row of diodes is soldered to the tape.

By tightness, LED strips are divided into three types:

  • not having tightness (for ordinary rooms);
  • with an average degree of protection against moisture (for rooms with high humidity);
  • in silicone, resistant to water (for the bathroom).

On the modern market such products are presented in the form of classic white ribbons, RGB varieties and plain backlighting.


LED lighting in the form of a tape is convenient and of high quality.

It is a sought-after ceiling design tool for several reasons:

  • is an impeccable method of updating the interior composition of the interior of any room;
  • sets a unique atmosphere for any room;
  • differs in an even and soft directional glow without flicker and noise;
  • attached directly to the ceiling;
  • significantly saves energy consumption;
  • has an attractive design;

  • durable - has a service life of about 10 years;
  • has a choice color shade for interior composition;
  • due to flexibility allows to take any form;
  • harmless, does not emit toxic substances into the air during operation;
  • fireproof;
  • does not affect TV and communication signals (does not cause interference).

Such a ribbon can be a decoration for any room in the home.

You can decorate the ceiling with it:

  • living room;
  • children's;
  • hallway;
  • corridor;
  • bathroom;
  • bay area;

  • kitchens;
  • working office;
  • home library;
  • glazed loggia;
  • balcony;
  • storerooms.

Tape LED backlighting is affordable. It is easy to install, you can install it yourself, without involving specialists from outside.


Criterias of choice

Tape lighting on LEDs has a lot of varieties. Before buying, determine the type of lighting.

If this tape will perform the function of general lighting, all lighting fixtures are removed from the ceiling. Then, several tapes of greater power are fixed on the ceiling, placing them around the perimeter, as well as behind the stretch ceiling film (a costly method). To accentuate the contours, this self-adhesive backlight is fixed along the perimeter of the niches, creating diffused light and a visual effect of increasing space.

If you need to select a curly ledge, you can partially repeat its shape, which is especially important for suspended structures. At the same time, the flexibility of the tape does not limit the curvature of the line.

If it is planned to repeat the illumination of the ceiling, for example, by highlighting the shape of a mirror or facing a kitchen apron, varieties acquire the same glow. In order to choose the right LED strip and not get confused in the wide range of the presented range, you need to decide on the type of fastening, the shade of the glow, the power of the light sources and their number. The design idea, on which the final effect of light transmission depends, also matters.

Therefore, when buying, you should pay attention even to the substrate: it is undesirable that it catches the eye. It is purchased to match the color of the main background of the ceiling. It can be more than just white. On the market for such products, you can find options with a brown, gray and even transparent base.

Glow hue

Ribbons are not just divided into plain and colored. In the first case, these are light bulbs that burn exclusively in one shade (for example, white, blue, yellow, orange, green). In addition, these varieties can emit infrared and ultraviolet light. The second is a tape with built-in light bulbs that can glow different color sequentially or simultaneously. Different possibilities of tapes affect the price: options with a light switching mode are more expensive.

Power and placement density

If the main backlight requirement is the brightness of the light flux, it is necessary to purchase a product with a smaller gap between the diodes. At the same time, electricity consumption will be greater than that of varieties with sparse light bulbs. If the lighting in the design of the ceiling will only have a decorative function, it is enough to buy an LED for the design of the ceiling zone - a system with the number of LEDs per 1 m of about 30-60 pieces. For the main illumination, a ribbon with a number of bulbs of 120-240 pieces per 1 m of length is suitable.

At the same time, the nuance is important: the more spacious the room, the greater should be the width of the tape. A narrow version on a high ceiling of a large area will be lost. It is better to decorate the ceiling area with a wide variety with 2 rows of LEDs.

We study the fee

In fact, everything is simple here: the abbreviation SMD indicated on the tape stands for "surface mount device." Next to the letters are 4 numbers: this is the length and width of one LED. Of the options presented, the most relevant choice is the parameters 3020 (3 x 2 mm), 3528 (3.5 x 2.8 mm), 5050 (5 x 5 mm). The larger the diodes and the density of their placement, the brighter they shine. Each type of tape has a different capacity. For example, SMD 3528 with 60 diodes per 1 m consumes 4.8 W, if there are 120 light sources, the power is 9.6 W. If there are 240, the consumption is 19.6 watts.


The footage of the tape depends on the perimeter of the pasted ceiling plane. Since LEDs differ in the intensity of their glow, they are not bought at random: if the space is small, an excess of light will hit the eyes. Simply put, a total of 11W will replace a 100W incandescent light bulb.

To select the level of light, measure the required footage of the illuminated area using a tape measure. After that, the resulting figure is multiplied by the power of 1 m of tape. This value will allow you to decide on the purchase of a power supply or controller, if you plan to purchase a ribbon with multi-colored light bulbs to decorate the ceiling.

As a rule, the footage of the tape for lighting the ceiling is 5 meters, although today such a product can be bought in a shorter length.

Protection class

Each type of tape with LEDs is designed to decorate the ceiling different types premises.

Returning to the topic of notation, it is worth considering the marks:

  • IP 20 - a label indicating the possibility of using LED strip in dry-type rooms (living rooms, children's rooms, offices, corridors).
  • IP 65 - an indicator indicating that the board can withstand contact with moisture, it can be used in "wet" areas (places where leaks are possible from neighbors above).
  • IP 68 - category with insulation.

When buying, it is worth considering that varieties with a silicone layer are not suitable for decorating the ceiling, as they hide the intensity of the light flux, force the substrate to heat up, which provokes heating of the surface of the ceiling finish.


Installing LED lighting with your own hands is easy. However, before installation, it is worth considering the fact that the tapes dissipate part of the energy in the form of heat. Therefore, before fixing and connecting the backlight, in some rooms it is necessary to consider insulation. For higher power diodes, this may be an aluminum substrate. If the backlight power is low, the lamp is needed as decorative lighting, it is not necessary to make insulation.

In plinth

This method is convenient in that the backlight can be mounted on the ceiling after the installation of the ceiling covering. The main task is to buy an attractive skirting board, while it is important to consider that it is not thin. This can cause the backlight to lose its expressiveness. At the beginning of work, a plinth is attached to the ceiling using reliable glue (for example, liquid nails), leaving a channel about 8-10 cm from the ceiling. To make the eaves even, you can mark up using a level.

After setting and drying of the glue, proceed to the installation of the tape. To do this, the surface of the plinth is cleaned, the adhesive layer is removed from the back of the backlight, and it is mounted on the ceiling or the back of the plinth in the gap left. If the installation of self-adhesive tape seems unreliable, you can stick it in several places with silicone glue or double-sided tape. It remains to connect the power supply, and for the multi-colored RGB varieties, the box, taking into account the polarity. After checking the voltage in the system, you can connect the tape to a 220V power supply.

In plasterboard cornice

You can hide the backlight in a drywall box during the installation of the ceiling. At the time of the construction of the system, an open or closed niche is performed for laying the built-in strip lighting. The design of the box is made according to the markup, connecting load-bearing profiles with CD-elements to the walls, forming a niche. In this case, whatever the system is (single-level, two-level or multi-level), it is necessary to mount it with a gap of 10 cm in order to ensure the passage of light from the LEDs.

Drywall sheets are placed on the frame, leaving a niche for tape lighting. The perimeter of the box is closed with a side (cornice), which will later hide the fastening of the tape. The seams are masked, primed and painted, then self-adhesive backlighting is mounted directly on the drywall. The fixation is carried out in such a way that the light of the LEDs is directed from the bottom up. After observing the polarity, the system must be connected to current conductors.


Decorating the ceiling with LED strip is varied. It depends on creativity, design features of the ceiling, the presence of protrusions, patterns and type of fixtures. The light tape can be located along the perimeter of the ceiling, be an element of decoration of multi-level structures. There are many options for its location, in each case it creates an individual effect.

Particularly interesting is the illumination of the ceiling with LED strip, participating in the accentuation of the protrusions of the structures. For example, second level lighting with a combination of tape and a central lamp will be beautiful. At the same time, they try to choose the backlight in such a way that its shade coincides in temperature with the central light.

Ribbon hidden in a niche suspended structure, will emphasize the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling, due to which it is possible to zone the room. For example, in this way it is possible to allocate a dining area in a living room combined with a dining room. The same technique can advantageously accentuate the guest area, creating a special atmosphere in it due to the color shade.

The illumination of curly lines of a certain part of the ceiling composition looks beautiful. It can be a monochromatic coating or a stretch ceiling design with photo printing. The use of a diode tape along the perimeter of the picture gives the image volume and a special effect. Lighting small prints changes their perception, it is a tool to add to the interior the right mood. Such lighting makes the ceiling visually wider and lighter, even if the structure consists of several levels.

The texture of the ceiling is also important. For example, LED strip lighting is reflected in a glossy canvas, visually adding light to the space, which is especially important for rooms with north-facing windows and spaces with small window openings. The direction of the diodes upwards creates a soft light, fastening to the side of the niche provides a directional flow and the effect of a "floating ceiling".

Installing the tape between the coating material and the base creates the illusion of a glow from the inside. A difficult technique is to create designer lighting using a tape inside a stretch ceiling. Often, for such systems, additional threads are used with a glow source at the ends of the fibers.

To make the backlight as correct as possible, the cuts must be fixed with a connector or a soldering iron. In this case, it is impossible to influence the material for more than 10 seconds. In single-color varieties, it is necessary to connect the contacts "+" and "-".

In RGB-type boards, the contacts are combined based on color and marking, where:

  • R stands for red;
  • G - green;
  • B - blue;
  • 4 pin = 12 or 24 V.

Ceiling lighting miraculously transforms any room. Properly selected lamps and skillfully mounted ceiling lighting in the apartment create comfort and help save the family budget. In the modern wealth of chandeliers, consumers can not always navigate on their own. This article will help you choose the most successful ceiling lamps.

Installation of lighting in an apartment begins with drawings and calculations, with determining the location of lighting points, lamps and switches. After the plan of the ceiling with lighting is drawn up, you should proceed with the installation of wires for the lamps.

The typical cross-section of the cable is 1.5 millimeters square, constituting a maximum load of 4 kilowatts. Of course, it is unlikely that the lighting in the house will reach this parameter, because in such a situation it is necessary to use 40 100 W bulbs at the same time. However, you should never promise, perhaps Jupiters will be installed for professional video filming at home.

When you don’t want to give extra for the wire cash, you can calculate what section the cable will need in each case. If the lighting zone consists of three lamps with 60 W bulbs, then the total power of the lamps will reach 180 W. It needs to be divided by 220. Now let's look at what the result can tell us.

If the number turned out to be less than 10, then a cable with a cross section of 0.75 millimeters square can be installed to the lamps from the box. If less than 15, the cross section should have a size of 1 millimeter square, and more than 17 - up to 2.5 millimeters square. In our case, it turned out 0.8 - which means less than one. To use a single-core or multi-core cable is a personal matter for each person.

Standard block diagram

It is better to put separate boxes on ceiling lights so that there is less confusion and looks neater. In the apartment, the wires are entered under the floor, and in the house it appears next to the door. The cable runs from it to the shield. Near the shield there will be the first box, the task of which is to transmit current to other boxes and distribute the node for lighting the hallway and kitchen.

Structural lighting diagram: entry and wiring usually runs under the ceiling

The second box is located above the entrance to a large room in the corridor, from which a chandelier works in the hall and transmits voltage to the bathrooms. The third box is needed for the maintenance of the bathroom, pantry and small corridor, as well as to broadcast voltage to the remaining rooms. There is a fourth box in the nursery, serving the switch and supplying power to the bedroom. The box in the bedroom is only needed to service the light switch and the chandelier. The remaining toilet and bathroom are fed from the sixth box.

Rules for installing switches

Switches of any type are always placed on the phase wire. Only one cable is connected to the switch, which opens and closes inside the switch. From the outside it may seem that there are two wires. However, the phase conductor forms a loop that rises or falls towards the switch. The loop is cut at the top, and the ends are connected to the contacts of a dimmer or switch.

If you install a dimmer as a switch, then you should look at its power. If the designation 300 W is made on the device, then it is designed for a chandelier, which consists of five light bulbs, each 60 W. There are dimmers with a power of 1000 watts for home use. With the help of such a dimmer, the level of lighting can be changed in several rooms at once. The dimmer is installed in the same way as a simple switch, only on the contacts of the dimmer there is an inscription which wire to connect to which contact.

Choice of lighting fixtures

Each luminaire consists of a light bulb of an electrical nature and fittings, which is necessary for the conclusion of the light bulb, its connection and lighting. What kind of lighting to do for stretch ceilings - a photo selection of fixtures will help you figure it out!

Luminaires, the fittings of which are fixed directly to the ceiling itself, are called ceiling luminaires. Such devices are used to create a general ceiling lighting design in a room. Ceiling light sources are suspended, surface and built-in.

Ceiling multi-lamp chandelier is traditionally located in the center of the room, evenly distributes the flow of light throughout the room

Pendant lights are placed at a certain distance from the ceiling. They are best suited for high rooms. These include suspensions, multi-lamp chandeliers, lampshades and other devices.
Surface light sources are directly fixed to the ceiling. They include different kind ceiling lamps, which are compact in size. They are especially good for small spaces like a hallway or a bathroom.

A surface ceiling lamp is most often installed in small rooms that do not require bright lighting.

Lighting of suspended ceilings and stretch fabrics is traditionally performed using built-in lights. They can be installed anywhere in the room to create the most spectacular lighting in your home.

The popularity of spots is also growing - metal structures with halogen lamps, capable of turning to the sides. The spot is easy to mount and the ability to direct the light flux at will.

Spot with halogen lamps attracts stylish design and the ability to easily change the direction of the light flux

Spotlights are gaining popularity, which can be installed in cornices, stretch ceilings and inside furniture. Largely spot lighting ceilings is used to focus on local illumination of the surface. In our time, to single out one type of lamp that would be considered more popular than the rest, because they all have their own advantages that make them attractive to citizens.

Installation of fixtures: technology

After the installation of the false ceiling lighting is done, and the switches and dimmers are installed, you can attach the fixtures to the surface. To fasten spotlights, you need to cut a round hole in drywall using a crown with a changing web diameter, after which the light bulb is simply inserted inside. In this case, the spring legs must be held with your fingers, pressing them to the body.

Installation of a spotlight in the ceiling is carried out after laying the entire spectrum of electrics

When the light bulb enters a sufficient depth into the canvas, the paws will press the lamp into place. First you need to connect the cable to the contacts. The most commonly used spotlights in everyday life are marked R80, R63, R50 and R39. The numbers indicate the size of the bulbs corresponding to the diameter of the hole in millimeters.

You can change your home beyond recognition by shifting accents in space. An effective solution is the lighting of a plasterboard ceiling with LED backlighting, which is distinguished by a “dimming” effect to set the brightness depending on the mood of the residents and the time of day. If the LED strip needs to be cut, then it is worth remembering that the cut is performed in specially designated places. If done incorrectly, it will be quite difficult to solder the tape back. To achieve uniform ceiling lighting, you need to fix the LED strip well to the ceiling.

Installation of the LED strip can be easily performed by an absolutely inexperienced performer.

An ordinary chandelier is fixed in two ways: hung on a hook or screwed with screws or dowel-nails. On the plate, which is located inside the decorative bowl, which closes the junction, there are holes. If the chandelier is placed on a hook, then special dowels should be used that have a hook instead of a regular screw. When you need to install a massive chandelier, they use a metal anchor that has a diameter of close to 8–10 millimeters and can withstand a load of up to 80 kilograms.

Rules for arranging lighting

Lighting of the apartment is local, general and combined. By combining different types of luminaires, you can create zones with soft or intense uniform lighting. To verify this, enter in the search engine " stretch ceiling lighting" and analyze the proposed options.

Most often, room lighting is a combination of several options.

In nurseries and bedrooms, it is recommended to install lamps with a stream of light directed upwards to create soft lighting throughout the room. With general lighting, you need to evenly illuminate the entire room with the help of the most powerful and energy-intensive lamps suspended in the center of the ceiling. In ceiling lamps of general light, you can use one lamp with a high power - up to 200 W or several, which have a total power of up to 300 W. As a rule, multi-lamp fixtures have two categories of lamps that are switched on autonomously.

Ceiling lighting in the kitchen requires the creation of several groups, depending on how the ceiling design is executed. Usually this is the area above the table, above the work surface and lighting the central part of the kitchen. Lighting devices are also customarily built into cabinet furniture.

Multifunctional lighting in the kitchen ensures the supply of light and separates working area from lunch

The hallway or corridor usually has a small area, so the lighting here should not hurt the eyes and be excessively bright, but you should not create twilight either. best use LED lightening ceiling and wall-mounted fixtures. If a decision is made to use a lamp in one copy, then it must emit light well.

In the living room, local and general lighting is created to make changes to the interior using the light mode. For the reception area, general lighting is used with the help of chandeliers, ceiling lamps and hanging lamps. Since the living room is known as a multifunctional room, its functional areas require local light with spotlights.

Thus, not so long ago it was believed that ceiling lighting could only be provided with a chandelier and a wall lamp. However, thanks to new technologies, other solutions have emerged. In the future, it will be possible that diffused light will almost completely replace sconces and ceiling lights.

Lighting is an important part of any interior. Today there is a great variety of chandeliers, lamps, floor lamps and sconces, with which you can refresh and complete many environments. One of the most common and frequently encountered are ceiling lights. Let's talk about them in more detail.


There are several types of ceiling lighting.

  • Today, overhead linear ceiling lighting is very popular. Luminaires with similar designs are simple continuous lines. They can be used as both primary and secondary lighting. With the help of such details, you can make a very interesting composition, since linear lighting fixtures can intersect with each other at any angle. Particularly interesting are the light compositions that pass from the ceiling to the wall.
  • For a multi-level ceiling, it is necessary to correctly select beautiful lighting. For example, for a stylish two-level ceiling, you can purchase a chandelier that matches the style, spotlights, special directional lighting bulbs, as well as economical LED or neon strips. Two-level ceiling covering with large lamps it will look organic only in spacious rooms.
  • Ceiling spotlights can be used for interior lighting. Such lighting fixtures are more powerful. Most often they can be found in museums, exhibitions, gyms, shopping centers, etc. The most popular are LED specimens. They are distinguished by their economy and bright light.

  • Today, one of the most common are built-in spotlights. As a rule, they have compact dimensions. They can be installed in both hard and stretch ceilings. The main advantages of such lighting are its affordable cost and discreet design. Such specimens are used to decorate any room, whether it is a cozy living room or a small bathroom ceiling.
  • Suspended ceiling chandeliers look harmonious in many interiors. They can have a variety of shapes and sizes. The choice of these lighting fixtures largely depends on the layout of the room and the height of the ceiling. For example, for a room with low ceilings, you should not choose a chandelier that is too bulky. Visually, it will reduce the already modest space. Luxurious chandelier large sizes can be hung in a spacious room. With the help of such a detail, you can complete the interior.
  • The most malleable are flexible lamps. These include bright neon tubes of different lengths, duralight cords and LED strips. Such elements can be installed under a stretch ceiling, between different levels of the ceiling and drywall constructions, as well as along ceiling plinths. Installation of these lighting fixtures can be done by hand. This will not take much time and effort. It is worth noting the durability of flexible systems. They do not consume a lot of electricity and do not require maintenance.
  • Not so long ago, track lighting designs began to be used to decorate home interiors. Initially, they were complemented by shopping centers and office spaces, but today they are often found in home environments. Such structures consist of a system of lamps attached to a busbar - a rail no more than 3 m long. The rails are fastened in a certain combination using various connecting parts different forms.

  • The most popular are L-shaped, straight, cruciform and rectangular designs. They are attached directly to the ceiling and go down with the help of special cables. Several different lighting fixtures can be located on one base at once.
  • Modern design have track lights on the rods. Such options are used to decorate any room: from the kitchen to the bedroom. They are available in different shapes and sizes. Most often, these options are made of metal and are ceiling holders. various sizes with plafonds attached to them. Such lighting looks organic in modern interiors. Classical ensembles with such lamps should not be supplemented.


The following types of lamps are suitable for indoor lighting:

  • ordinary incandescent lamps;
  • economical LED light bulbs;
  • flexible lighting systems;
  • neon lamps. Such devices are most often used for background lighting;
  • fluorescent lamps;
  • Spotlights;
  • halogen lamps. If there is hidden lighting in the ceiling, then it can be combined with both spot and halogen lamps.

Unusual lighting options

With the help of high-quality and beautiful ceiling lighting, you can transform the interior of the room and give it a special chic.

  • Neon ceiling lighting looks very interesting and original. Light tubes can be installed in both open and closed niches. If you have chosen an open neon backlight, then the lighting in the room will be distributed evenly and smoothly. If the ceiling is equipped with neon lighting in a closed niche, then you can form a non-trivial flowing glow that will effectively emphasize the contours of the existing structure. With the help of such lighting, you can create a truly exclusive and fashionable image of the room.

  • The plasterboard lighting on the ceiling looks unusual and attractive. This material is flexible. It is easily processed and lends itself to any finish. On the ceiling, you can make a variety of plasterboard figures: from large three-dimensional squares or rectangles to angular details and abstract patterns. As a rule, such interesting designs are decorated with flexible lighting systems of different tones.
  • Perhaps the most interesting way to transform the interior is a glass ceiling with lighting. Such structures consist of a reliable and dense frame and glasses connected to each other with a special film. Lamps or LED strips are installed in the inner niches of such an original ceiling. Glasses in such designs can be both transparent and multi-colored. It all depends on the taste preferences of the owners.

How to arrange?

Ceiling lights can be located in the central part of the room, along the perimeter, in different corners, etc. However, before choosing a place to install lighting fixtures, you need to know about the requirements for their location.

  • The smallest distance from the edge of the wall to the spotlights on the ceiling should be 20 cm.
  • If you have chosen a pendant chandelier, then it should be hung in the central part of the ceiling. In a studio apartment, a similar lamp can be installed in the center of one of the functional areas.
  • If there is a stretch ceiling in the room, then the distance between the lamps and the seams of the PVC film must be at least 15 cm.
  • In case you plan to resort to a symmetrical arrangement of ceiling lights, you should take care that all fixtures are at the same distance from each other and from the walls.

Currently, there are several basic options for designing indoor lighting.

Lighting and interior solutions

The design of lighting fixtures should match the interior of the room.

  • For popular and modern direction The loft is characterized by laconic and uncomplicated forms. Lamps made in this way do not have additional decorations and decorative elements. Aged lamps are suitable for such an interior. For loft-style ensembles, you should choose ceiling lighting made of plastic, glass or metal.
  • High-tech and minimalist ceiling lights should have the most simple and clear lines. They can be made from inexpensive industrial materials and have a discreet appearance. Also in these modern settings, a luminous ceiling can be used as the main lighting.

  • Today, such an airy style as Provence is at the peak of popularity. In such interiors, ceilings complemented by beams look harmonious. You can complete such environments with beautiful and elegant lamps with light shades of medium size.
  • Art Nouveau room lighting should have correct forms and cunning, bold and original configurations. In such interiors, devices in which elegant forged metal or non-standard lampshades are present will look harmonious.
  • Large chandeliers with wrought iron and glass compositions organically look in classical ensembles. They can be elegant and luxurious forms. However, such lighting fixtures are not suitable for low ceilings.


How to choose?

The choice of high-quality and suitable ceiling lighting largely depends on the height and type of ceiling. So, in a room with low ceiling hanging chandeliers with too long bases will not look. A room with a large area can be supplemented with massive and large chandeliers, in which there are more than 3 lamps. In addition, the design of the appliances should match the interior of the room. Choose high-quality and reliable lighting from well-known manufacturers. It is recommended to refer to models made of environmentally friendly and durable materials. Such varieties will serve you for a very long time and will not lose their attractive appearance. appearance even after many years.


Before buying, be sure to check all fixtures and components of the lamp. They must be in perfect condition: hold firmly and not creak.

Modern ceiling design ideas

In a studio apartment with white walls and a floor finished with milky laminate, a plasterboard ceiling with a round insert of glossy black film in the center will look spectacular. Simple recessed lamps should be placed around the dark insert, and a hinged metal chandelier with round shades should be hung in the center. Such an ensemble will be organically combined with the kitchen and living area.

In the attic most often there are sloping ceilings. They can be supplemented with both built-in and pendant chandeliers of small sizes. For example, against the background of a white ceiling and accent brick wall a vintage-style ceiling lamp will look harmonious. Complement such a room with a rattan chair, as well as a light table and chairs.

Ceiling lighting in a living room contributes to the creation of comfort. The design decision on interior design can be ambiguous, the main thing is that the apartment should be light. In this article, you will learn what kind of ceiling lighting is, how to place lighting fixtures, and also about the elementary rules for their construction.

Advantages and disadvantages of a luminous ceiling

Having started repairs in the apartment, do not ignore the ceiling. After all, this is the space for your imagination to fly. The ceiling structure can be decorated by installing a lighting system in it in an original way, thereby transforming the interior of the room as a whole.

Ceiling space lighting covers the following benefits:

  • used spotlights are economical;
  • design solution is diverse;
  • no need to pre-treat the surface before installation;
  • the device of lighting fixtures is allowed on any form;
  • creating an optical increase in the space of the room;
  • the ability to reconfigure devices, depending on the degree of luminescence;
  • stretch ceiling with built-in lamps is operated for a long time;
  • easy cleaning and comfort.

Ceiling lighting can be very original

The disadvantages include:

  • light sources should be at least 10 cm below the ceiling level, therefore, in an apartment with a small wall height, their device is not recommended;
  • ceiling lighting does not change after ceiling installation;
  • at self installation lighting fixtures can be difficult;
  • during work, technology must be observed so that there are no defects.

It is always better to entrust the installation of lighting fixtures to specialists.

Types of ceiling lighting

Lighting is not only the creation of warmth and comfort in the room, but also a design decision. Ceiling lighting can be done using various types devices. Before choosing one or another type of fixtures, you need to determine which of them are best suited for your ceiling.


Suspended ceiling is a structure, the installation of which is carried out at a considerable distance from the concrete base. Therefore, this type of ceiling is only suitable for large rooms with a high ceiling level. However, there are advantages here. So, in suspended ceilings it is possible to install a variety of lighting fixtures, there is plenty to choose from.

To illuminate the false ceiling, it is advisable to use the following lighting fixtures:

  • Spotlights;
  • LED strips and panels;
  • flat chandeliers;
  • suspended built-in lamps;
  • fiber optic light sources.

Designers note that the backlight in false ceiling will be original when using several fixtures of different types.


If a large number of different lamps can be used for a suspended ceiling, then things are much more complicated with a stretch fabric. The fact is that the PVC film, which is stretched under the base, does not have super strength and heat resistance. From this we can conclude that it is simply impossible to hang a heavy chandelier directly on this canvas - the film will immediately tear. Also, it is impossible to install fixtures with conventional incandescent lamps, otherwise there is a risk of melting the film area next to the device.

For equipment stretch fabric It is allowed to use such electric lighting devices as:

  • LED spotlights (recessed);
  • suspended and specially designed for this type of ceiling chandeliers;
  • LED strips and fluorescent fixtures.

Spotlights are most often used in stretch ceilings.

Concrete or wooden

Lighting a wooden or concrete ceiling can be done using different types of fixtures. There are no restrictions here. In such bases, devices are mounted on a hook, anchor or dowel, which are securely fixed in the ceiling. You can hang even the heaviest chandelier and not worry.

The lighting system for a concrete base can be equipped using chandeliers with conventional incandescent bulbs. Both pendant and ceiling-mounted lamps are suitable. The LED strip around the perimeter of the ceiling will also look good.

For wooden bases both chandeliers and built-in devices, such as spotlights, are suitable. However, they are impractical to use, since the process of installation work becomes more complicated.

Luminous stretch ceiling as the main solution

Often, professional designers equip general lighting in a stretch ceiling. It looks very impressive, it seems as if the ceiling is weightless. With the help of a stretch fabric and competent lighting, you can create the effect of the night sky, and if a pure white pvc film is used, then there will be a bright glow of the entire ceiling space.

Simple and unusual at the same time

There are some nuances in the stretch ceiling and its lighting:

  • Using a PVC sheet with 50% transparency, which is practically no different from a transparent film.
  • To make a luminous ceiling, install an LED strip or spotlights in the space between the concrete base and the stretch fabric itself.
  • There are several varieties of tape: it is available both in white and in other colors.

The amazing glow of the starry sky right above your head

On the video: LED ceiling lighting.

Types of fixtures for lighting the ceiling

Modern lighting today is diverse and the consumer market offers a lot of lighting options. These are not only ordinary chandeliers and spotlights, but also lighting made by track systems, flexible designs. When choosing lighting, you should pay attention to the characterizing parameters of the room, for example, the height and area indicators, as well as its purpose.


Chandeliers are the most commonly used type of fixture for lighting a room. They are divided into:

  • Suspended. Direct the light beam straight down. Usually such a suspension is made on a cord, chain or other material.

  • Ceiling. These devices shine upwards, evenly distributing the light flux. They come in different shapes (round, square, rectangular), and are attached directly to the ceiling with a plank.

  • Classic. The device of these devices is the most common, many lamps are used, and the main structural elements made of metal, glass, fabric or crystal. Hanging on a hook in the ceiling.

Ceiling lighting includes the use of spotlights. The number of this type of lamp is set by calculation, based on the power indicator of the devices. Spot lighting can act as both primary and secondary.

The division of spotlights is made according to:

  • installation method - built-in, suspended or overhead;
  • type of lamps - halogen, LED, fluorescent, incandescent lamps;
  • execution - can be both rotary and non-rotary.

Track systems

These are original lamps fixed on rails - the so-called busbar. The design can have several locations, depending on the design. Fixing on the ceiling is carried out on special cables and is adjustable to different heights.

It is worth noting that the voltage indicator of light sources can be either 12V or 220 V. The latter are distinguished by simple installation and safe operation.

Flexible luminaires

This is another type of lighting that is most often used as an additional one. Such lamps can be used in any part of the interior, due to their flexibility they can be installed in the ceiling structure of any shape, and also have a soft glow.

Glowing effect is created:

  • duralight cords;
  • LED strips;
  • neon tubes.

It is easy to fix them on a stretch ceiling, use them to decorate a plasterboard ceiling. With a competent approach, the fixed tape serves for quite a long time and the structure does not need to be specially maintained. It is still worth making the main lighting, even when using this version of lighting devices.

Ceiling Lighting Ideas for Different Rooms

To date, there are many ways to decorate the ceiling with the help of light. When choosing, you should take into account the purpose of the room, and what characteristics the lighting fixtures have.


  • With a low ceiling, the placement of lamps is recommended with a given light direction on the walls and upwards in order to increase the volume of the room.
  • If the ceiling level is below average, then the effects of the original lighting are achieved using halogen fixtures.
  • To expand the space, you should build in and mount the lamps so that the light hits the walls.
  • If the ceiling level is high, then you can install several hanging lighting fixtures, so the light will fall on the floor.


The main or general lighting necessary for this room is used, additional - local in the form of spotlights, wall sconces. The first type is usually used to illuminate the entire area, and the second at the place of preparation or meal.


Before installing lighting fixtures, you need to make sure where the bed will be located, the laying of the wire depends on it. The main lighting is recommended to be done in the center of the room, you can use an ordinary chandelier, and hang a night lamp with a halogen lamp on the wall by the bed.

Living room

The main lighting element can be a chandelier located in the center of the room, but it is important to take into account the parameters of the area and the height of the ceiling. If the room is large, then the overall chandelier will look original. If the living room is small, then the ceiling can be decorated with built-in lights for visual expansion space.


The ideal solution would be matte or transparent shades. If the ceiling level is very high, then you can hang a chandelier, and if it is low, then it is enough to fix the lamps to the walls. It is worth noting that the selected colored glass materials will not be the best option, as the light flow will be distorted.


There is not enough space on this site, so you can use:

  • small table lamp;
  • ceiling light source;
  • wall sconce location.

Usually, for lighting on a balcony or loggia, the choice is given in favor of devices intended for the street.

Learn more about spot lighting

Spot lighting built into a suspended or suspended ceiling has become popular today. The types of lamps used are practical and are used for a long time. Point light is scattered evenly over the entire area, which provides normal illumination.

Key Features

On a suspended or stretch ceiling placed spotlights illuminate small plot. The scattering angle does not exceed 30 0 . Therefore, these devices should be placed close to each other. The streams of light are in the shape of a cone, which means that they must intersect at the same level, which is above all objects and furniture.

Pros and cons

Advantages of spotlights:

  • can be used to highlight certain places;
  • have low power consumption;
  • can be installed anywhere;
  • are small in size;
  • emit a fairly bright light;
  • possibility of execution in different colors.

There are also disadvantages:

  • design complexity;
  • use of additional power supplies;
  • should not be used for low ceilings;
  • overheating may leave defects on the false ceiling.

Fixture placement

Spotlights can be placed in different ways, it all depends on the functionality of the room and the design idea. But most often choose the following options for placing lamps:

  • parallel to each other;

  • along the perimeter of the ceiling;

  • in the form of an arc;

  • circle or square;

  • cross;

  • in a checkerboard pattern.

How to calculate the number of fixtures

To calculate the number of spotlights, it is necessary to measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling. So, with a lamp power of 35 W, 1.5 m 2 can be illuminated (20 W illuminates 1 m 2). With the additional creation of lighting, for example, a chandelier, the number of spotlights decreases.

Lighting standards are presented in Lux per 1m²

It should be noted that there are types of spotlights equipped with swivel mechanism or with a lamp inside, this allows you to increase the angle of dispersion. Based on this, you can purchase a smaller number of fixtures.

Minimum distance

When choosing spotlights, consider the following:

  • from the walls to the fixtures, a distance of at least 20 cm must be maintained;
  • between the devices themselves must be left at least 30 cm;
  • the distance from the seam of the PVC film should also be more than 20 cm;
  • one lamp will illuminate a plot of 1.5 m 2.

These requirements must be met so that overheating does not occur, and, accordingly, the integrity of the material is not violated (in the case of a stretch ceiling, PVC films).

Spot lighting in different rooms

Spot lighting is used perfectly in any room, not only in the living room, bedroom, but also in the hallway, bathroom, bathroom and corridor. This is the best solution if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment is small. But here it is worth considering that spotlights should be installed in a stretch or suspended ceiling structure, but it is not suitable for any room.

Before installing such lamps, it is necessary to make markings on a film or sheet of drywall, taking into account:

  • ceiling area;
  • purpose of the room;
  • overall design;
  • the number of available chandeliers and sconces.


The light should be saturated with bright tones, but not to such an extent that the light hurts the eye. The best option is to create diffused light. Spotlights can be arranged in numerous beams, and a chandelier can be placed in the center.


For any owner, light in the kitchen is a must. It is necessary to maintain the distance between the lighting devices, as well as calculate their power. When choosing an additional light source, the number of main fixtures must be reduced.

Living room

One of the solutions in the design of the living room is the use of combined lighting. Spotlights are evenly spaced relative to the main light source or around the perimeter, here you need to take into account the possibility of power control.


So that the light is not conspicuous, it is recommended to place spotlights on the steps of the ceiling or along its perimeter. It is better to install the number of lamps less than it turned out in the calculations. It is recommended to use a dimmer to control the lighting.


Lighting is created by point light sources over the workplace of children, for example, where they draw or do other creative work. In addition, using spotlights of different powers and light, you can create an imitation of a fairy tale for children.


To illuminate this room, no more than two spotlights are sufficient, since the area usually does not exceed 5 m 2. Everything is determined by calculation. Under any circumstances, it should be borne in mind that the hermetic design of lighting devices and ideal solution will use halogen lamps.

Options for stretch ceilings

This type of ceiling is equipped with lamps of several varieties. A distinctive feature is only the depth of installation of current-carrying parts. The use of mortise lighting fixtures is most relevant, and a ring is fixed around the lamps to prevent tearing of the film.

Above ceiling level

Light fixtures installed above the ceiling level create a glow effect from within. It looks great, but there are a number of disadvantages:

  • the area is not fully illuminated;
  • possible strong heating of the lamps;
  • the need for LED lamps.

At ceiling level

Recessed spotlights are installed directly into the ceiling structure itself. Illumination of space is carried out, depending on the idea. But the light scattering coefficient is quite high. It is impossible to install lamps with a power of more than 35 W, and a transformer must be installed.

Below level and overhead

The main distinguishing characteristics of such lighting is a large percentage of light scattering. This category includes spotlights, which are also built into a suspended or suspended structure, but the lighting element extends beyond the ceiling. They can have glass shades, hanging decorative elements.

For the installation of overhead fixtures, a special base is used, which allows the use of lamps different indicators power.

Other options

With the help of fiber optic spotlights, you can create an imitation of the starry sky. Two-level stretch ceilings with additional lighting are quite original in their solution. It is worth considering that when choosing lamps of the minion type, one element is installed based on 2 m 2.

Unusual ideas for placing fixtures

To create a new lighting project, you can be guided by creative ideas.