Admission campaign has begun in Sogu. Sogu Faculties and Passing Scores Sogu Admissions

For all school graduates and future applicants in Russia today, the most pressing issue is admission to a higher educational institution. To enter a university, an applicant must pass the exam, collect the required list of documents, and also meet the deadlines for their submission.

The most important question that faces any applicant is “Where to apply?”. After the student has decided on the university, he should find out how many and what documents should be submitted to the selected institution. Basically, the list of required documents for admission to any university is the same. The list of required documents is as follows:

The law establishes that applicants who have certain rights upon admission to a university provide the required list of documentation in the original or only photocopies for submission.

You need to know that the list of required documentation for admission to a university for young men whose age is 17 years and older includes a military ID. Instead, you can submit a registration certificate (certificate of a citizen who is subject to conscription for military service).

For citizens who have limited opportunities due to the state of health, a slightly different list of documents must be provided for admission to the university. The required list of documents for such applicants is as follows:

  1. conclusion issued by the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission;
  2. a certificate confirming that the applicant has a disability. Required document issued by a federal institution that conducts medical and social examinations. In order for the relatives of the incoming person to receive it, a power of attorney should be issued;
  3. a conclusion issued by a medical and social examination and indicating that the applicant has no contraindications to study at a university.

Applicants with disabilities of groups I and II for admission to the commission submit a photocopy or original certificate of disability, as well as a conclusion confirming the absence of contraindications for studying at higher educational institutions of their own free will.

When a person enters the target places, it is necessary to submit the original documentation of the education received, the target area, as well as confirmation of work with the target people, etc.

When a citizen enters the magistracy, educational institutions of the country require the following documentation:

  • a document that would certify the identity and citizenship of the incoming citizen;
  • diploma of completion of incomplete or complete higher education. You can provide a bachelor's degree avra or specialist;
  • documentation confirming the presence of certain achievements in the course of education (awards, diplomas, prizes, etc.). They should be presented at the request of the incoming person;
  • Photo. Their number is two.

To enroll in evening (part-time) or part-time education, the following documentation is required:

  • diploma certifying the completion of general education. You must provide the original and a copy;
  • the passport. You can present another document that can confirm the citizenship and identity of the incoming citizen.

For citizens who want to get a second higher education under the existing program of evening (part-time) education, the following package of documentation must be submitted:

  • diploma of the first higher education. You must provide two notarized copies;
  • a copy of the document confirming the fact of the change of surname. It should be presented only if the surname in the diploma and in the passport do not match (when entering into marriage). The copy must be certified by a notary;
  • the passport.

When submitting documentation by a foreign citizen, it must be submitted with a translation, which must be certified by a notary.

The employees of the commission who accepted the documentation from the applicant must issue him a receipt. Before the enrollment order is issued, a person can take back the previously submitted documentation within 1 day. To do this, you need to write an appropriate application.

Prospective students should be aware that university documentation can be submitted to the admissions office by registered mail and sent by mail. In addition, an electronic filing option is now available. But you need to know that the application is filled in electronically in accordance with the usual form. When using this option, keep in mind that not every institution provides this option.

When a citizen submits an incomplete list of required documentation, as well as when writing an application not in the prescribed form, admission to the institute will not be made until the existing shortcomings are corrected.

Each applicant who will enter the 1st year of any university has the right to submit a completed application to five institutions, each of which can choose three specialties.

Submission deadlines

Each person entering a higher educational institution in 2017 must know the main dates in order to have time to prepare for all the activities that are necessary for his admission:

Applicant calendar for 2017:

  1. the exam is carried out within a month from May 25 to June 26;
  2. Universities publish the admission plan for applicants on June 1;
  3. all institutes start accepting documentation from applicants from June 19;
  4. completion of acceptance of the necessary documentation from persons who submit additional entrance exams in professional and creative areas, takes place on July 6;
  5. the end of the acceptance of documentation from citizens who enter according to the results of entrance exams occurs on July 10;
  6. the end of the acceptance of documentation from citizens applying for USE results takes place July 24th. On the same day, entrance exams are completed, which are independently held at the institutes;
  7. the list of applicants is published by all educational institutions on July 27;
  8. the end of admission of incoming citizens for targeted admission without passing entrance exams occurs on July 29;
  9. the order on the enrollment of applicants is published on July 30;
  10. acceptance of originals from the received citizens ends on August 3;
  11. the order on the enrollment of citizens of the first stage is published on August 4;
  12. the deadline for accepting originals from persons who were included in the competition list ends on August 6;
  13. the order on the enrollment of citizens of the second stage is published on August 7.

Thus, from July 30 to August 3, 80% of budget places are enrolled, and from August 4 to 6, the remaining 20% ​​are added.

Document submission deadlines:

  • if it is necessary to pass entrance exams for creative specialties, admission takes place before July 5;
  • when passing intra-university additional and specialized exams - until July 10;
  • based on the results of passing the exam, admission takes place until July 25.

In the case of sending documentation by mail, this procedure should be carried out before July 10. Often, the submission deadlines do not change. Small shifts of one or two days are allowed. Therefore, in order to accurately invest within the allotted time, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the relevant information on the official website of the higher education institution you have chosen. educational institution. It is advisable not to delay the submission of documents and go to the selection committee in the first days of its work in order to be in time.

Knowing the deadlines for submission, as well as the list of required documentation, you can easily and quickly carry out all the necessary steps to process admission to a higher educational institution.

Video "Features of admission to a university in 2017"

The recording contains the comments of the Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee on changes in the admission rules and features of admission to universities in 2017 in Russia.

According to an independent rating of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation - the North Ossetian State Medical Academy (SOGMA) - one of the best educational institutions, where both Russian and foreign applicants want to study. a university with a rich history and great prospects - this is how this academy can be characterized. What faculties are here and how to enter them, we will consider in the article.

Past and present

The North Ossetian State Institute was founded in 1939 for the professional training of doctors and at that time it was still an institute. In 1942, due to hostilities, she was evacuated to Armenia (to Yerevan), but after the end of the war she was returned to Ossetia. In 1975, the then Medical Institute moved to a new building. In 1981, the Central Scientific Research Laboratory (laboratory) was opened on the basis of the institute. In 1994, the institute accepts foreign citizens to receive higher medical education. In 1995, the institute was renamed and today it is known as the North Ossetian State medical Academy.
Today the academy includes centers:

  • research,;
  • practical training;
  • accreditation.

In addition to the above centers, there are also:

  • laboratory (TsNIL);
  • Dental clinic;
  • clinical Hospital.

Today, the North Ossetian State Medical Academy trains students not only from Ossetia and the CIS countries, but also from all over the world (Tajikistan, India, Syria, Palestine, Egypt). They not only undergo theoretical and practical training, but also participate in Olympiads of both Russian and world level. Therefore, graduates of the Academy are in demand not only in Russia, but also abroad.


North Ossetian State Medical Academy offers education at 5 faculties:

  • dental;
  • pediatric;
  • medical;
  • pharmaceutical;
  • medical and preventive.

In addition to these faculties, there are correspondence nursing education, additional and postgraduate education.

How to proceed?

For admission, applicants take biology, chemistry and the Russian language.
The list of required documents and other necessary information can be obtained on the official website of the Academy in the “Applicant” section.

The address where the academy is located: Vladikavkaz, st. Pushkinskaya, 40.

You can get to SOGMA by taxi and minibus (No. 59.33). Minibuses depart from the ticket offices near the railway station. In Ossetia, the airport is located in the city of Beslan and the only way to get to Vladikavkaz from there is by taxi. If the applicant warns in advance about his arrival, then there is an opportunity to meet him.

If the applicant arrived during the day during the working hours of the academy, then he must first visit the international department, where the registration with the migration service takes place, and apply for this at the admissions office. After these procedures, he is placed in a hostel. If the future student arrived at night, then he is placed in a hostel, and he goes through the above procedures the next day.

In North Ossetia, the largest and most famous educational organization among higher educational institutions is the North Ossetian State University...

By Masterweb

04.04.2018 10:00

In North Ossetia, the largest and most famous educational organization among higher educational institutions is the North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov (SOGU). He appeared a very long time ago. History says that it was founded in 1920. Even at that time, the university occupied a significant place. He was the first in the North Caucasus. In the future, other universities began to appear, but they could not catch up with the development of the university, which in the past had the status of an institute. Today, this educational institution is a rapidly developing university, which means that the faculties of SOSU deserve the attention of applicants.

Organizational structure

North Ossetian State University is a multidisciplinary educational institution. Specialists for various spheres of life are trained by existing faculties. There are 18 of them. The departments at the university are quite diverse. This allows applicants with different interests and talents to enter SOSU.

Unfortunately, not all faculties of the North Ossetian state university are popular. In 2017, applicants showed interest in the following departments:

  • to legal;
  • economic;
  • dentistry and pharmacy;
  • historical.

Faculty of Law

Perhaps the most demanded structural unit at the North Ossetian State University is the Faculty of Law. It is in demand for the reason that people want to be educated in the field of law. The demand is also explained by the fact that the SOSU faculty is modernly equipped. There are interactive and computer classes, a courtroom where students develop their first practical skills.

A good material and technical base and a highly qualified teaching staff allow the department to produce excellent specialists. Employers know about quality training. That is why from the 4th year students are invited to law enforcement for an internship with further employment.

Faculty of Law Statistics and Programs Offered

The demand for the unit causes both anxiety and interest among applicants. They ask if it's hard to get into law school, how many people apply. Statistics provide answers to these questions. In 2017, 372 applications were received for 16 budget places of full-time education. There were slightly fewer people wishing to get a legal education at the paid department - 342 people.

And now about the programs. There is one direction at the bachelor's degree program of the Faculty of Law of SOGU - "jurisprudence". It is also offered at the magistracy, but at this stage it is possible to choose a specific program - “ criminal law and criminology”, “civil law”, “constitutional law; municipal law.

Faculty of Economics

Since 1969, the Faculty of Economics has been operating in the structure of the North Ossetian State University. From the very beginning of his activity, he trained specialists for various branches of the national economy. The education currently offered by the faculty also opens up great opportunities for graduates. With a diploma obtained at SOGU thanks to studying at the Faculty of Economics, people are employed in tax authorities, banking structures, various companies for the positions of accountants, economists, etc.

At the bachelor's degree of the structural unit, the direction "economics" is offered with the profiles "taxes and taxation", "finance and credit", "accounting and auditing". There is also a specialist at the Faculty of Economics of SOGU in the direction of "economic security". For those who want to get a master's education, there are 4 programs - "taxes and tax consulting”, “Economics and Law”, “Economics of the Firm and Industry Markets”, “Banks and Banking”.

Number of applicants choosing the Faculty of Economics

At the North Ossetian State University, the Faculty of Economics is slightly inferior to the legal structural unit in terms of the number of applications annually received by the admissions committee during the admissions campaign. In 2017, only 15 budget places were available in the "economy" for full-time education. They received applications from 324 people.

From the paid form of education at the Faculty of Economics, applicants do not refuse. Statistics show that more than 190 people chose "economy" and 109 people - "economic security".

Faculty of Dentistry and Pharmacy

It is generally accepted that workers for the healthcare sector are trained only by specialized educational organizations - medical colleges and universities. In fact, this is not always the case. North Ossetian State University also graduates such specialists, because it has a faculty of dentistry and pharmacy in its structure. It implements training in 2 specialties - "Pharmacy" and "Dentistry".

In 2017, 341 applications for the budget and 273 applications for a paid department were submitted to this faculty of SOSU. Applicants are attracted not only by the nobility of professions, but also by the power of the structural unit. The Faculty of Dentistry has modern teaching and laboratory, research classrooms, its own dental clinic, which has the status of "Innovation Center of the Dental Association of Russia".

History department

At the North Ossetian State University, one of the oldest departments is the Faculty of History. It appeared in 1920, that is, at the time when the university had just opened. At the beginning of the activity, the names of the division changed. It was both socio-economic and natural-historical. Since 1932, the faculty has been called historical.

Although history is a rather difficult subject, it is still interesting for applicants. The Faculty of History of SOSU offers the same line of study. Every year, during the admission campaign, it receives several dozen applications. In 2017, 174 people applied for “history” for the budget, and 71 people for paid places.

Other departments of the university

Other SOSU faculties are less popular among applicants. Take, for example, the physics and technology division. One of his areas of study is "pedagogical education (with two profiles)". It trains future teachers of physics and mathematics. Modern youth does not seek to replenish the teaching staff. A total of 35 applications in 2017 were received for the budget and paid department from applicants who chose this direction.

An interesting structural unit is the Faculty of Journalism. It has existed since 2002. It is a professional training center for modern media. Master classes are held here, a school for young journalists for schoolchildren has been created. However, this does not attract applicants. In 2017, a total of 49 applications were received from applicants.

Passing scores at the faculties of SOSU in 2017

Among all educational programs, we can distinguish the TOP-5 areas of training with the lowest passing scores recorded in 2017:

  • "Philology" in the profile "Ossetian language and literature" - 111;
  • "mathematics" - 116;
  • "informatics and computer technology" - 127;
  • "Physics" - 129;
  • "Pedagogical education" in the profile "primary education" (Ossetian department) - 133.

Of the specialties with high passing scores, one can single out "economics" in the profile "world economy" (246), "jurisprudence" (235), "management" (220), "economics" (211), "linguistics" (208). The Department of Psychology of SOGU is also interesting for applicants. On the program he offers, the passing score is 181.

These numbers are big. In achieving such high results, the pre-university training center of the North Ossetian State University is ready to assist applicants. This division organizes courses in the Russian language, literature, mathematics, history, biology, foreign languages etc. Specially designed programs for applicants are aimed at systematizing all information in memory, eliminating gaps. The knowledge gained in the courses allows you to eventually achieve passing scores when entering the faculties of SOSU.

The divisions of the North Ossetian State University are worthy. They are equipped in a modern way, they are famous for highly qualified teachers who pass on profound knowledge and excellent practical skills to their students every day. You can safely enter any faculty of the North Ossetian State University. Each division graduates well-trained specialists who are ready to solve practical problems and find effective solutions to work issues.

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Admission to a university is a responsible process that can be passed not only by school graduates, but also by adult citizens.

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At the very beginning of the journey, you must contact the selection committee to submit documents. Often this stage creates certain problems - applicants do not “report” some certificates and extracts, which causes problems.

Basic moments

The list of documents submitted for admission to the university is established on the basis of the following documents:

Depending on the situation and the profile of the educational institution, additional certificates and documents may be required confirming the possibility of receiving training and further employment. The list of documents should be found out at the university where admission is planned.

How many establishments can you apply to?

Since 2019, the number of institutions where you can apply for possible education has been limited.

In 2019, it is allowed to submit no more than 15 packages of documents - these are the maximum 5 universities with 3 different directions on the basis of an educational institution.

Documents for admission to the university in 2019

The list of documents in most cases is standard. Only some changes depending on the situation are noted, which will be discussed further.

How to apply?

Most school graduates distribute their documents to numerous universities by all possible ways. At the moment, this is convenient, because in most cases students are enrolled only on the basis of the USE results.

In person or with parents?

School graduates often do not reach the age of majority, but already have a passport. Therefore, underage applicants can apply for admission to the university on their own.

But the participation of parents will be required when enrolling a student in a paid course of an educational institution. In this case, one of the parents agrees to the training, which assumes the obligation to pay.

By mail

Copies of documents can be sent to universities throughout the country by Russian Post. In this situation, it is required to certify copies by a notary, which confirms their fidelity.

After enrollment, the applicant will appear at the admissions office of the university chosen for study with the original documents and deposit the necessary ones.


Today, online filing is the most convenient solution. To do this, it is enough to scan documents or take high-quality photos with a clear display of all data.

Files are sent over the Internet to emails educational institutions where the presented method of submitting documents is being considered.

What are needed?

The exact package of documents for applying for admission to a university must be found out at the educational institution itself - often the list is presented on the Internet on the official website.

For full-time department

Upon admission to the full-time department, the applicant must collect the following package of documents:

  • Statement- it is written when submitting. Often this is a ready-made form, which simply puts the signature of the applicant. Some universities require you to write a request for enrollment by hand.
  • Passport or temporary ID in the case of the main document.
  • Documents on previous education- a certificate for school graduates, a certificate of termination of study at a college with a desire to get a higher education, a diploma of graduation from a college or technical school.
  • Certificate of passing the exam- if its results are required for admission.
  • A photo- size 3x4 in the amount of 6 pieces.
  • FROM editing from a medical institution in the form 086-u- it spells out the absence infectious diseases and general health.

Sample applications for applying for admission are usually present in the lobby of the educational institution. You can write them by hand or take a ready-made form to fill out from the methodologist. Often, applicants download ready-made forms from the official websites of the university.

Medical certificates are issued in the form 086-y. In fact, it indicates the availability of the opportunity to work in the specialty received.

Application example:

Medical certificate form:

This is the main list of documents for which additional references may be required.

For the correspondence faculty

Applicants wishing to study in absentia must submit the same documents that are prescribed above. In this case, there are no significant differences due to a different form of training.

to a military university

A military university is strict with candidates, so the following documents are requested here:

  • birth certificate;
  • the passport;
  • autobiography;
  • characteristics from the place of study or current work;
  • photocopies of documents on the existing education - a certificate or diploma;
  • a psychological selection card compiled in accordance with the Guidelines for the professional selection of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • medical examination card with the conclusions of the necessary specialists;
  • 3 photos without a headdress of a distinctive size - 4.5x6 cm.

If you have special rights for admission, you must prepare photocopies of certificates.

After College

If the applicant has already graduated from college, he needs to submit a graduation diploma - it makes it possible to immediately enter the 2-3 course of a university of a similar profile to a college.

If the applicant completed only the basic part in college, which provides confirmation of complete secondary education, he should take a certificate and attach it to the standard list of documents for admission to the university.

For the second higher

With one higher education, some citizens want to improve the result and get a second one.

If the second university for training has a similar profile as the first one, a diploma will act as a document of education.

In this situation, applicants can be enrolled in the 2nd or 3rd year of an institute or university if the subjects taught have been previously studied and the corresponding certification has been passed.

If the second institute is fundamentally different from the first, you can submit a certificate.

If it is lost or missing for another reason, you can also attach a diploma of higher education received earlier to the package of documents.


Disabled people are beneficiaries who are exempted from passing the exam, so their admission will take place upon the fact of the certificate provided, they may, if necessary, have to take regular entrance exams or undergo an interview.

The mandatory documents include the above list, a certificate of disability, as well as a conclusion from the medical and social commission - it should indicate the absence of contraindications in study and subsequent work activities.


Such children can apply for admission to the university on their own.

Certificates certifying the status of an “orphan” are attached to the general package - this is an extract from the orphanage, a court decision on the deprivation of parents of parental rights.


Beneficiaries are often provided with all sorts of concessions, but low-income families cannot qualify for education at a university at a reduced rate if they enter a paid course.

The only thing such families can count on is free meals in the canteen of the university. Therefore, when enrolling, it is recommended to attach a certificate of the status of a low-income family.


Applicants who are under the guardianship of adult officials must attach relevant certificates of the existence of relevant legal relations.

Citizens of the CIS, DPR and LPR

For enrollment, residents of these states will need to collect the following package of documents:

  • passport of a citizen of his state;
  • documents on education received;
  • translation of documents on education received, certified by a notary;
  • migration card on the legal crossing of Russia;
  • photo in the amount of 6 pieces 3x4 in size;
  • university application.

After admission and the start of training, students are registered and receive a residence permit. Copies of the documents received further must be submitted to the methodologists of the department.

For a foreign citizen

Foreign citizens also have the right to study at Russian universities, so they must provide for admission:

  • passport of your state;
  • application in Russian in the form of a university;
  • documents on the education received with a translation certified by a notary;
  • a copy of the entry visa, if the border crossing was carried out on the basis of it;
  • 6 photos sized 4x6.

If a foreign citizen is of Russian nationality, he must bring certificates confirming the fact. Often in such cases, a birth certificate is provided.

To a university in another city

Admission to universities in other cities should be collected by a standard package of documents and additional certificates confirming the availability of any benefits, if any, for the applicant.

On a paid basis

All those who did not pass the course are enrolled in paid courses. passing score for budget places. The list of documents does not differ from the standard requirements.

For distance learning

Distance learning at a university requires the same standard list of documents, with the only difference that they are sent electronically, like subsequent training.

By target direction

The target area is documents that guarantee admission to universities for free places with the subsequent provision of a place for employment.

In this situation, it is necessary to submit the above documents and the referral itself from the head of the enterprise or institution in which the applicant already works.

When does the appointment start and when is the best time to go?

Application deadlines will be limited as follows:

  • Until July 7 applications will be accepted from persons who conduct admission upon additionally conducted creative tests.
  • Until July 10 documents are accepted to universities that conduct their personal tests.
  • Until July 26 information is accepted from applicants, the receipt of which is carried out on the basis of the previously passed USE.

During the submission period, you can send information in any way possible for the applicant.


In conclusion, you should consider a number of common questions regarding admission to a university.

If you changed your last name

To apply, you need to change your passport with new data. All other documents are submitted in the same form, but with a certificate of registered marriage or a certificate from the registry office on the change of personal data.

If you are a conscript

Men over the age of 17 are considered to be liable for military service. For admission, they should prepare a military ID or registration certificate confirming the presence of a delay.

What to do if there is no certificate?

The certificate is issued on the applicant's secondary education.

What to do if it is not there?

The answer to the question depends on the situation:

  • If the applicant has not finished school, he should do this and get the coveted document.
  • If an applicant after grades 8-9 went to study at a technical school or college and passed the school base there, he needs to take the appropriate certificate from the educational institution.
  • If the applicant lost the certificate or did not take it from the previous place of study- college or university - he needs to submit a diploma of completed education.

For the exact clarification, it is best to contact admission committee The university where the admission is taking place, and find out what to do in this situation.

When is a power of attorney required and what does it look like?

A power of attorney is required for third parties - parents or other official representatives - if they submit the applicant's documents without his presence, but when he comes of age.